#no helping hand issues that hassle people
aphelionwrotes11 · 1 month
Safe house - part 1
MDNI 18+
Simon Riley x reader
Cw: violence, reader is apart of 141 so power imbalance (sorta), a little dubcon (I think??), pining, fluff
You and your lieutenant have to spend some time together in a safe house after a mission goes south, what could possibly go wrong? … (lol)
Everything that could’ve possibly gone wrong, went wrong. It was supposed to be a simple mission, in and out. Your orders were to go undercover with your lieutenant, Simon, gather info on a possible target, and leave. Where was this mission to be conducted? A small gala only the elite would be attending.
And so, as you and Simon had gotten ready in a nearby hotel room, you got word from your informant that there may be some extra security at the gala, more than they had thought. You were both told to just keep a low profile. Everything will be fine.
Maybe you should’ve taken that last minute info as a sign to call it, or maybe it was the way your brain turned to near mush as soon as Simon had told you that you looked beautiful.
After finishing your makeup and hair, you took a quick glance at yourself in the mirror of the shabby hotel room. Not too bad. The dress hugged your body in all the right places, and despite your minimal expertise in makeup and hair practices, the YouTube video you watched had been thorough and easy to follow so you could at least pass for professional grade beauty.
When you exited the hotel room, Simon was already outside dressed sharply in a black tux. His blonde hair was dyed brown with a temporary hair dye, and just earlier you had applied a bit of concealer to the smaller scars along his jaw. (As well as you could with your shaking hands.)
“Y’ready?” He asked, glancing at your figure.
“Yes sir.” You replied.
“Don’ call me tha, tonight we’re married luv.” He said, looking unamused.
“Right.. sorry.” You had said, thankful the makeup covered your skin, otherwise he would’ve seen your cheeks flush red.
And as if what he had said wasn’t bad enough, he took another moment to glance up and down at your figure and nod. “Y’look beautiful.” He said, so simply, and yet you felt your brain melt and pour right out of your ears.
“You too.” You said without thinking, and he chuckled.
He turned away just fast enough that you wouldn’t see the twinge of pink on his cheeks.)
As soon as you pulled up to the front of a gorgeous looking manor, you knew there would be trouble. Not only was there double the security you had originally been told, but double the amount of guests. And now, with so many unaccounted and unknown people who were apart of the game, you couldn’t help the terrible unease.
Getting through the security at the front door was a hassle. For a moment you were a bit scared they had rearranged the guest list amidst the efforts of adding the newcomers and somehow, someway, noticed two guests who would be attending that they had never heard of.
But fortunately, you both made it inside.
For a bit, things went smoothly despite the issues. You were able to spot the potential target, surrounded by a group of other elites. Simon had gone a different way to find your guy, but due to the unfortunate circumstances of not having comms (thank you metal detectors!) you werent able to tell him where the target was.
So, you were in your own. And that would’ve been totally fine, really. But as soon as you were able to reach the potential target, gunfire rang out through the manor.
Guests scattered after that, you lost the target, security began attempting to herd people into rooms and through doors, and you couldn’t find Simon.
You searched through the crowd and shots continued to be fired somewhere nearby. When you couldn’t find him with the others, you knew that he was probably the one in whatever gun fight was going on in the next room over.
But you weren’t able to find out, because Simon came round a corner not even seconds later, grabbing your arm and running the two of you out of there. You had more pursuers that you could count, they followed you even after the two of you had gotten into the nearest car and sped off. It took a while, but eventually you lost them somewhere on a twisting road.
Simon contacted your captain and was told to take the both of you to a nearby safe house and wait for backup. Earliest they could arrive would be in two days.
“What the hell was that?!” You asked as Simon followed the directions to the safe house from the gps.
“Guess tha extra security was a las’ minute hire. Couple’a Russians recognized me from god knows where.” He replied casually.
Russians? Great. So now the two of you will be huddled up in a safe house for two days, hiding from Russians with a grudge.
“M’takin the shower first. Need’ta get this shit outta my hair.” He said as soon as the two of you arrived.
The house wasn’t anything special, just a one story one bed one bath. The kitchen was nearly empty, aside from two cans of soup and some frozen waffles.
Waffles and soup are a pretty odd combo. But after this night, you really didn’t care what food you had, all you knew was that you were starving.
It didn’t take long for the gourmet dinner to be finished. When the waffles popped out of the toaster you shuffle through the cabinets in an attempt to find the plates.
Of course, they are on the top shelf of the upmost cabinet. If Simon were out here, he could easily grab it but it would seem he’s taking his sweet time in the shower. You pray he doesn’t use all of the hot water.
In your foolish attempt to balance yourself on the counter and grab both plates, one slips from your grasp and shatters on the kitchen floor.
“Shit.” You whisper, jumping from the counter with a small thud.
Within seconds you hear clambering footsteps racing down the hall and Simon appears. Naked. Dripping wet. And hard.
Simon is glancing around frantically, gun in hand, he looks from your stunned form to the plate on the ground and lets his gun fall to his side with a sigh.
He looks pissed.
Brows forrowed, mouth set in a straight line, face bright red from his ears to his nose. He’s glaring right at you and so is his cock.
You struggle to look at anything other than him as you open and close your mouth.
You meet his eyes for a moment, “I-I dropped the plate. I-I’m sorry-“ you start.
N’his cock twitches.
Without another word he turns and stalks off, leaving you wide eyed and mouth gaping.
The rest of the night is conducted in absolute silence. From dinner to bed. You struggle to figure out the sleeping arrangements with the awkward silence.
So, instead you opt to just take a late night shower and allow him to choose the bed or the couch. When you exit the shower the bed is empty, so you assume he went to sleep on the couch.
Within a couple hours you awake to the creak of the mattress beside you. As you attempt to silently swivel around you are met with the back of your lieutenant, who is now nestled comfortably in a queen sized bed beside you.
Sleep doesn’t come easy that night.
Note: hey guys!!! As per usual this is unedited so plesss forgive any mistakes on grammar or spelling. I’m just So happy I finally wrote something that I like (it’s been a struggle) the part 2 for this is already in progress, yes it will be spicy. Anyways, hope you enjoyed.
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sant-riley · 10 months
[Thinking about L.T Price blurb]
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(John Price x gender neutral!reader)(can be read as romantic or platonic!)
Summary: you were one of John's teammates from back in his Lieutenant days, despite being not worth anything to higher ups, he goes back for you.
Warnings: Implied age gap, also implied that you're smaller than him, I did not reread this, anything else I missed? Just lmk!
Words: 500-ish
Crying at the thought L.T Price saving you on a mission that goes sideways, everyone is telling him to leave, that it's not possibly worth it to risk his own life to save yours. He's a Lieutenant, he has a duty, to survive for the whole.
But when has he ever listened to higher ups when it comes to his men? He runs back in without a second thought.
So he rushes back in, moving in on your location, sliding to his knees to help you prop yourself up, arms grabbing at your arms to pull you towards him. You can't really make out what he's saying, not all of it at least, the shock rushing in and paralyzing you. 
It isn't until he flicks your forehead, the small pain giving you some sense to focus on him.
"Are you broken?" You shakily move to tap at your leg, you got grazed right at your knee, blood coating your pants, it's impossible to see just how much damage lies underneath.
John curses under his breath, looking around you both, hearing the gun shots get impossibly louder.
You think he's gonna leave you, you're at peace with that, it's the only thing he can do, he can't risk his life for some low level soldier.
You open your mouth, ready to tell him to go, that it's okay until you're shoved over his shoulder, one arm coming to lock your legs in place to his body, while his other hand holds a small pistol.
"M gonna need you to provide coverfire for me, alright? We're both walking out of here in one piece."
"But sir-" 
"Do as I say, and we'll be just fine Sweetness." He hoists you higher, and you take position, your hands are steady, you're gonna make it home, you got faith in your Lieutenant.
Hours later, you're back on base, your leg momentarily in a cast, does he come and visit you. (He got stuck getting a verbal lashing from the higher ups, wondering why in God's fucking name he went against direct orders to go get you, he doesn't let that slip though, just that he had to do some paperwork)
You sob out a thank you, saying how much you owe him, that you're forever in his debt.
He just laughs and says you can treat him to a cigar and you're even.
He doesn't realize it leads to you following him everywhere, always under his watch.
John calls you a pain in the ass and that he doesn't deserve the loyalty you decided to give, but it's been months and you're still clinging onto him, he decides it's not that bad, in a world where he can't trust most people, it's a comfort to know he has you, at the very least.
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It isn't until years later when John forms 141, the first file he drops down in front of Kate is yours, his eyes softening at seeing your face on the envelope, it's been quite awhile since then, you've grown into a fine soldier, only issue being you're incredibly stubborn and work the best with him, and not the best with others due to your unwavering loyalty to the man. Any missions you two go on together go by flawlessly, both of you intuned to one another.
Kate opens up your folder, quickly skimming your records and she hums, looking up slowly with an eye brow raised.
"Why them? Seems like they may be a bit of a hassle." She murmurs but not unkindly, just stating a fact. Yes you work well, with Price, but you'll need to be a team player, to care for the others as well. She can't help but wonder if you'll make a good fit.
"Kids a hassle alright, but you'll never meet a more devoted and caring soldier, First one I ever risked my ass for, they've been a constant since." He nods firmly, meeting Laswells eyes with his own, determination fueling his gaze.
Kate licks her lips, she knows that look. He's not gonna let up on this, not gonna back down. Taking one more look at your file, she nods.
"Well, if you can vet for them, they're in. Now, who's next?"
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gurugirl · 1 year
Cat Man | a Don’t Stand So Close extra
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Summary: This is a sweet little Halloween extra for the series Don't Stand So Close. Featuring a little trick-or-treating, three costumes, and some Mommy & Daddy alone time.
Warning: 18+ only, smut, fluff, daddy kink (as always), age gap
Word Count: 3.8k
Don't Stand So Close masterlist
When Starla and Paul got pregnant Harry and I were so beyond excited for the pair. We would have a little friend for James to play with, and though James was a bit older, they’d be growing up together. They’d plan their wedding after the baby was born.
The only issue I faced with this amazing news was that it meant I would be a step-grandmother. At the ripe old age of 27. Harry thought it was funny and Starla was unconcerned about it as she was focused on her new life and not my feelings.
Along with that, we navigated the odd naming of the relationship between Starla and James as delicately as we knew how. Technically they were half siblings. We opted to say auntie and nephew… but in the end, the confusion wouldn’t be worth the façade once James got older. Whatever people thought of the setup was none of our concern. Or it shouldn’t have been.
But to think I’d be becoming a grandmother?
“Hottest grandma on the planet.” Harry laughed.
I scoffed and sat down on the couch with James crawling over me and asking for another bite of cake we’d brought back from the baby shower.
It had been a long day. I helped Starla and Angela get everything ready. Starla mostly sat and pointed but it was nice to spend a little time with her. I felt thankful that she took me up on my offer to help.
We still had a bit of awkwardness between us. I was sure we’d never get back to how things were when we were best friends. And slowly things got better but my penance would always be the loss of that precious relationship as it was once upon a time.
“Mama. Cake!” James stood on my lap with his knees jammed into my ribs as he pointed toward the kitchen where the bit of cake we brought back was sitting on the counter.
“Not right now, honey,” I grunted as I lifted him away from my ribs. The little guy was solid and heavy. He had no idea that jumping on me or standing on me was uncomfortable. Don’t get me wrong. I love that my baby enjoys being close to me all the time… but ow.
Harry leaned over and took him from my hands, “Let’s sit like a good boy and we’ll put on something to watch.”
The cartoon was bright and loud and obnoxious but somehow all three of us wound up falling asleep on the couch together after one episode.
When I woke up the sky was dark and both Harry and James were asleep sitting upright, heads leaned back into the cushion behind them, mouths dropped open, hands in their lap. Twins. I couldn’t get over just how alike they were. They even looked so much alike that it was scary. Old pictures of Harry, when he was James’ age, proved they were identical.
Gently lifting James into my arms I held him close and kissed the top of his head to put him into bed. I hated having him get into bed in his day clothes but it was not worth the hassle of waking him up to change him into pajamas. Another wonderful little thing about James was that he was a heavy sleeper just like his father. Would conk out and stay that way if you let him.
But the difference was that I needed to wake Harry because carrying him to our bedroom was out of the question.
“Harry…” I squeezed his arm and leaned in to kiss the top of his head, “Let’s go to bed, big guy.”
His eyes opened and he inhaled a deep breath before stretching his arms overhead, “You put James down already?”
I nodded, “Yep. Now time to put you in bed.”
Six hours.
That’s how long we got to sleep before James was bouncing in between Harry and me. I counted the hour and a half we were asleep on the couch watching cartoons the night before but it was rare to have more than six hours of uninterrupted sleep at a time. James just had some kind natural of alarm that only allowed Mom and Dad six hours at a time.
I rolled over and pulled James down, “Shhh… let’s sleep a little longer, baby. Look Daddy’s still sleeping too.”
“Cat man!” James excitedly shrieked.
Cat man. Or really, he meant Batman. It was his Halloween costume. Halloween was in a few more days and he’d been obsessed with it. I let him run around in it at home. And I mean, who could blame him? It was an awesome costume complete with a mask and a cape. I loved watching him run back and forth with the cape flying behind him. Who knew something as simple as a Batman costume could occupy a three-year-old for hours on end?
Harry sighed and rolled toward the commotion; his handsome face turned toward me with a smile. He brought his hand up to my face and spoke in his deep morning voice, “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
James had been crying and throwing a fit to wear the costume all morning but we really wanted to have him wait until it was trick-or-treat time.
All morning we heard him screeching, “I’m cat man! Cat man!” and “I want cat man!”
We’d given up on correcting him to say Batman. Harry tried at first but James was sure cat man and Batman were the same thing. So we let it be.
We’d also given up on having him wait until it was time for trick-or-treating to let him put on his cat man costume. He was in distress, poor guy, so we folded. And anyway, why did it matter if he wore it before we left the house?
“Okay, Mr. Bruce Wayne. Are you ready to dawn your superhero costume and go fight bad guys?” Harry asked James animatedly.
Siggy and Jared were coming by to help us with trick or treating and then after they were bringing James to their place to have him stay for two nights. Harry and I were desperate for alone time. A full night’s sleep. Sex without a bouncy boy walking in.
Harry was dressed up as a cowboy. Only because it was easy. Jeans with a brown button-up shirt a green vest, and a cowboy hat. I was dressed as a red devil. Red leggings, a red long-sleeved shirt (that to my dismay did not match the red shade of the leggings as well as I thought it would), and a headband with horns. Also easy.
I remember the days when I used to go all out for Halloween. I figured this was pretty good for two adults who were looking more forward to getting home after the events than the actual event itself.
James filled his plastic pumpkin full of junk and he was as happy as ever. His overnight bag was already packed when we met up with my parents at the park and walked around to the houses nearby to go door-to-door.
James was in his element. Running from house to house with his little cat man cape waving in the wind. The four adults watched him bounce up to the houses and scream at the top of his lungs, “Trick or treat!!” to everyone who answered the door.
“Have you two thought of giving him a little brother or sister?” Jared said as we walked back to our cars.
This wasn’t the first time they’d brought this up. I rolled my eyes and Harry just laughed. There was no reason to answer them. They knew what our answer would be. That it was our decision and if we ever decided to have another they’d be the first to know.
James loved overnights at his grandma and grandpa’s house. I was sure it was because they let him sleep with them in their bed, let him stay up as late as he wanted, and fed him macaroni and cheese and candy bars. So it was no surprise to Harry and me when James held onto Siggy’s hand and followed her toward their car without a single pout.
“Behave for Papa and Gran okay? They’re gonna tell us if you’re not being nice,” Harry knelt to look James in the eye and James nodded dramatically.
I sighed as they drove off with my little boy. I loved having some space and alone time with my husband but it didn’t make me miss James any less every time they took him.
Harry put his hand on my knee, “Ready to get home, Mommy?”
Putting my hand over Harry’s I grinned with a laugh, “Of course, Daddy.”
.           .           .
We’d gotten a bottle of wine and had leftovers ready to go. I also snuck a stash of James’ candy for us for later.
Entering our home, Harry locked the door and then grabbed my hips, pulling my back into his chest before I could move away, “Where are you going, little devil?”
I snickered a laugh and turned my head to look at him, “Was gonna change out of this lame Halloween costume. Come with me, Daddy?”
Harry needed no prodding. I slid my leggings off and Harry sat at the edge of the bed, his cowboy hat lying next to him on the mattress.
“Aren’t you gonna change?”
Harry smirked and shrugged his shoulder, “Take your top off but leave the horns.”
I gave him a side-eye look and smiled as I peeled my shirt off. He made no move to get out of his own clothes.
“Bra, panties. Off,” he said as he leaned back onto his palms and crossed his legs in front of him as he watched.
I grinned at him and kept my eyes on his as I unplucked my bra and pulled my panties down. The small groan that fell from his throat had me blushing a bit. I’d never get tired of the way he adored my body and me.
Readjusting the devil horn headband, I faced him with a brow raised, “Okay. Did what you said.”
Harry leaned forward and grabbed my hand, pulling me toward him until I was in between his legs which he’d spread. He moved his hands up over my breasts and kept his eyes on mine, “Ever been fucked by a cowboy?” He smirked as he asked.
A scoff fell from my lips as I put my hands in his hair, “Don’t think so. Why? Does this cowboy want fuck his little devil?” I figured I’d play along. Harry enjoyed lots of playing when it came to sex and with James out of the house, we could really play.
Harry growled and leaned in to wrap his pink lips around my nipple. The moan into my flesh sent goosebumps down my torso and I felt his hands lower to my bum. He squeezed firmly and spread my cheeks, keeping his mouth on my tits.
He looked up at me from his spot and pulled his lips off my breast, “I want you to pull my cock out and suck. Wanna see what the little she-devil can do with that mouth.”
“Fuck,” I breathed out as I stepped back and then pressed my knees into the rug to kneel between his legs. He spread his thick thighs apart as I grasped onto the waistband of his jeans and began to unbutton.
To my delight, my horny husband was not wearing underwear and he was already nice and hard for me. Anyone who tells you men in their 40s can’t get it up easily is dead wrong. Harry has proven to me time and time again that he’s more than capable of rising to the occasion. Though he won’t be in his 40s for much longer, you’d really never know. He’s still the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. A fucking body like a divine being. Strong and buff, tall… But it’s his eyes. The attention he gives you. He has a genuine hunger to listen and give you all of his attention. And that’s just so attractive to me that even his amazing physique pales in comparison to the way he looks at me when I’m talking.
“Ooh, Daddy…” I mewled as I pulled at him and stroked his hard prick, pulling him from the confines of his jeans. I gave him a few good pulls before I leaned in and spit over his ruddy tip, smoothing my saliva down his shaft before looking up at him and then taking him in my mouth.
One thing about being with a well-endowed man is that you can train to take them after some time.
I had struggled with how thick and long he was at the beginning but as the years have gone on I have learned just how to get him snug in my throat. Not always with ease, but it can be done and I typically can achieve getting my nose stuffed into the thatch of hair at his base every time I give him head.
Harry moaned above me and I felt him gather my hair behind my head as I bobbed over him. I tried keeping my eyes upward but his little nudge at the back of my head pushed me down further over his cock making it hard to peek up at him.
I swallowed around his tip and gurgled just before he pulled me off by my hair.
He slid back into the bed and put his cowboy hat on, leaning against the headboard he patted his thighs.
“Think it’s time for a ride.”
I laughed as I climbed after him and settled over his lap, “I like this,” I flicked at his cheap dollar-store cowboy hat.
Harry smirked as he pulled at me and placed his thumb through my crease.
“Gotta make sure you’re ready for this ride first. Sink down, baby,” Harry laughed a few of the words as he spoke but then suddenly his expression changed from cheekiness to thoughtful and intense.
I breathed a laugh and bent my knees, nudging myself over his thumb to sink down on it. I placed my hands on his shoulders and rocked into his knuckles, “Am I doing it right?”
“Got my thumb inside your hole didn’t you? I’d say it’s right. Now,” Harry pushed his thumb upward harder and used his other hand to rub over my clit, “move those hips and fuck my thumb, baby.”
“Yes, Daddy…” I spoke softly and began clenching and rocking myself over his thumb and into the fingers, he was using on my clit.
I knew he was trying to make me feel a little embarrassed, a little vulnerable. Sometimes he liked making a spectacle and then commenting on how desperate for him I am. But he did it because he knew what it did to me. Knew how much it turned me on.
In fact, it was already becoming obvious how much I liked it given how wet his entire hand was, as well as the gushy little sound of me fucking myself onto his thick thumb.
“Knew the little devil would like something like this. Rub your cunt over Daddy’s cock now, baby. Show me how wet you got for my thumb.”
Harry gripped my hips to steady me, his damp fingers smearing over my skin as he held me and I settled my pussy onto his exposed cock. He was still fully dressed with only his pants open.
He remained stoic and unbothered by me which had me feeling that pathetic desperation so I breathed out a laugh and began to slick myself over him.
Suddenly the smack of his hand on my ass had me yelping as I gripped his shoulders tight.
“What’s funny, then? Hmm?” He asked me with a straight face.
I breathed out a shaky breath and tried to lean in to kiss him but he issued me another spanking to my other side.
He let go of my hip and squeezed my cheeks together. I could smell myself on his fingers, “Asked you a question, my love. S’rude not to answer.” He was working hard now to hide his smirk. The very ghost of dimples began to dip into his cheeks as he asked me to answer him once more.
He released my cheeks and wrapped his big palm around the front of my neck, raising his brows. A gesture for me to answer him, “I was feeling a little embarrassed and I got a little giggly,” I spoke honestly. But he knew this already. Knew that every time I felt embarrassed somehow it got me excited and I’d start to feel giggly.
“Aww, poor thing. What’s got you embarrassed baby? Didn’t realize the devil herself could all feel shy when she gets wet over a thumb.”
Blinking my eyes and nodding I smiled and put my hands up his jaw admiring his handsome face, “Will you fuck me, Daddy? I’m so horny for you. Been waiting for this all week. Please put me out of my misery.”
Harry fluttered his eyes closed for a moment before squeezing around my neck softly, “Well hop on then, honey.” His voice was deep and full of lust. I knew he was desperate too. We had plenty of time to play but if he was as achy as I was, I knew he’d be folding quickly.
I grinned as I lifted up and stuck my pussy right to his tip, “Just wanted to feel you and make you come,” I moaned as I pressed him inside of me. Always a tight fit into my entrance, his cock felt delicious.
“Yeah? Little devil wants my come? Well, go on then. Fuck it outta me.”
We moaned in unison as I lowered until I was sat over him, the fabric of his jeans being wetted slightly.
“Yes, Daddy… ooohh,” rocking my hips over him and then planting my feet flat onto the mattress so I could give him a good show, I leaned back and placed my hands at his thighs and gripped tight over his jeans as I lifted and lowered my pussy down over him, “Gonna fuck the come out of your cock.”
Harry groaned and put his hands on the underside of my thighs to help me lift upward as he watched my pussy slide up and down his thigh shaft.
“Fuck, baby. Oh my god…” he breathed his words as he leaned his head back into the headboard, making his cowboy hat prop forward before he tore it from his head and tossed it away.
He watched my body move up and down. His dick was shiny with my arousal as he began to buck upward slightly, causing me to lose my balance. I leaned forward and put my hands onto his shoulders to keep steady with a laugh.
We both chuckled at the whole scene. Harry’s nuisance of a cowboy hat, me losing my balance, the devil horns on my head…
Soon Harry had his knees bent and he slid down a bit for leverage to fuck into me from below.
We were both moaning and panting as we moved together. My knees were dug into the mattress as I ground myself over him and Harry used his position to lift himself into me deeply, knocking me upward at each thrust.
He put his hands on my tits and groaned, “You gonna come on Daddy’s cock?”
I was already beginning to shake and clench. He knew I was close. I reached my hand down between us and began to rub myself and nodded, “Yes! M’gonna come!”
Harry’s mouth dropped open and I knew the look. Deep concentration. He was in that mode where he was holding off his orgasm for mine. He was good at it, too. Because he always had me coming first no matter what.
“Shit… Anna, come on Daddy’s cock, honey! Fucking feels so good. Squeezing around me like that…” his words were pinched and whiney.
I kept my eyes on his as I rocked over him quickly, chasing my quickly approaching high. Moaning desperately and whimpering, I finally felt that magic spark unfurl in my tummy.
Harry coughed out his words when he could tell I was coming, “That’s it, Anna. Make yourself feel good with Daddy’s cock… Ahhhh…” he clenched his jaw, still holding off as long as he possibly could. But then he stilled his hips and held me down over him.
I felt the throb of cock as he pumped inside of me with a deep groan.
With his tight hold on my hips, I could only rock back and forth to finish myself off, moaning and panting in ecstasy.
I slumped into his chest as he softly moaned and we lay together until we’d both come back to the present.
Harry’s big hand smoothed up and down my back and I felt his wet lips at my temple, “Just what I needed. But you know that’s just the beginning of what you’re in for these next two nights, right?”
I could hear the grin in his voice as he spoke. I pushed myself back to look at him, “Oh really? The old man’s gonna be able to go another round, then?”
Harry puffed out a laugh and popped my thigh, “You better behave.”
“Or what?”
Shaking his head in disbelief he pushed me off his lap, causing my back to hit the mattress, and hovered over me, placing a palm over my neck to hold me down, “I’m twice your size. Just imagine the damage I could do to you. And if you’re really bad I won’t let you come at all. So you better listen to Daddy and do what he says.”
I bit my lip and nodded before pulling him down to bring his mouth to mine.
Harry laughed into the kiss before making me get up so we could clean up.
It’s funny how I used to spend Halloween; all dressed up at some haunted house-themed party or a themed club when Starla used to drag me with her. My favorite was always staying in and watching a scary movie or reading a good book. As opposed to these days where I take my three-year-old trick-or-treating and then end the night with sex, leftovers, a horror movie, and a bottle of wine with my husband.
I felt like we’d already gotten the night off to a good start but I knew he wasn’t lying when he said that was just the beginning. If anything Harry’s high libido and mine meant we might not be getting the kind of sleep we’d anticipated. Which sounded exactly like what I needed.
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lqveharrington · 1 month
Silver Roses & Fallen Snow
9: The Annual Lovett Gala (series masterlist)
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summary: The Gala finally arrives and you set your plan into motion whilst Coriolanus makes his move on you.
pairing: young!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
includes: poisoning, murder, possessiveness, mentions of cheating, commitment issues
wc: 3.9k+
a/n: this chapter actually made me invested in my own series (it’s my birthday today too 🎉)
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As the Lovett Gala approached, the RSVPs came rolling in, practically overflowing your living space as the Avoxes brought each invitation back. From the Cranes to the Montys to the Cardews, each Capitol family you grew up to know accepted like they did every year. Clemensia was especially pleased when the President sent in his RSVP for the event. As her first time putting the gala together, she immediately began to flesh her vision out, each passing second becoming more stressful. Fortunately for her, you and Festus decided to take over the job for those RSVPing as the week sped by — ensuring each person had their name card for a secure spot in the gala tables.
“The Berbrookes?” Festus scrunched his face in displeasure, tossing the RSVP on the table. “Your father really invited them?”
You push the piece of paper into a pile and sigh, “It’s not…” You clutch the paper tighter, finding a lack of words. “I have no control over that list of people. It’s kind of all the people in the Capitol. He never changes the list.”
Clemensia snaps her fingers in front of Festus, making him jump back. “I thought you were going to help, not complain over the list of people invited?” She handed him another pile of invitations as he groaned at the sight. “I’m busy. If I wasn’t worried about the stupid Avoxes messing up the decorations, I would do your job for you, Creed.”
You hold your laughter as Festus throws a glare at Clemensia when she turns around. You continue to check off names as you find their name tags and watch with amusement before your face falls as she returns with more papers.
“Here’s a new stack of RSVPs.” Clemensia handed them to you as she wandered back inside the living space to carefully watch the Avoxes. “These need to be done by tomorrow, so chop chop!”
Festus raises his eyebrows at you, “Looks like you have more to do than me now.”
“Oh, shut up.” You throw a rubber band before taking the first card off the top of the newest stack.
The name scrawled on the front made your breath hitch in your throat. You scanned the RSVP list on the card itself and it called for both of the younger Snows. You didn’t think that Tigris would still accept, nonetheless, Coriolanus joined her. Tapping a pen on the card, you find their name tags from long ago and frown when you catch the small heart you drew on Coriolanus’ tag when you were younger.
“What horrible family did your father invite now?” Festus watches your reluctance to move on from the certain card.
You shake your head, putting their name tags with the rest. “Just a family friend.”
Sitting through the rest of those RSVPs was a hassle, especially when Coriolanus infiltrated your mind once more with something as simple as his name. Luckily, the rest of the week flew by as the day of the Lovett Gala finally arrived, the entire Manor fixed to the nines; courtesy of Clemensia Dovecote.
You hummed a soft tune as you slipped on the silver gown Tigris made for you just for the occasion. You originally wanted to decline, but she felt as if she owed it to you after everything that happened with her cousin. You stared at yourself in the mirror and even you had to admit the gown was gorgeous. It was an off-shoulder dress that cinched your waist perfectly — its skirt flowing down your legs with a small slit trailing up your right leg. You had thought silver would make you look cheap, but the more you gazed at yourself, the silver made you stand out, not looking cheap at all; Especially when she used the fabric with real silver embedded in it.
Swiftly, you fluffed the bottom of your dress and headed over to your desk, applying your blood-red lipstick lightly. You touched up your previous makeup, dusting the blush before searching your jewelry for the perfect matches. Your heart constricts when you find a white diamond necklace that belonged to your mother; be careful to lay it on your neck. It sparkled in the little light left by the setting sun, making you smile softly. It was more precious than anything else you wore. Its design was remarkable — a snake encircling an apple – very fitting for your mother given her name: Eve.
While you thumb the intricate pattern, flashes of headlights catch your eye. They were drawing closer to the manor, causing you to quickly adorn your opera gloves and heels. You tuck a strand of loose hair back and look up at your mirror one last time, assessing yourself to make sure everything is absolutely perfect before you leave. As you see more headlights draw near, you quickly fix your dress to shield the garter belt on your thigh before rushing down to the foyer through the grand stairs.
The sound of your heels harshly clicking against the flooring caught Festus’ attention as he messed with his tie by the stairs. You give him a sheepish grin and hurriedly take his arm — letting him guide you around the ballroom to greet people arriving.
“Sorry, I got in my own head.” You say through your smile as the manor starts to fill up with Capitol families. The smile you gave was practiced with precision, your cheeks aching by the time Festus responded.
“Your father was quite literally going to knock your door down before Clemmie and I stopped him,” Festus murmured back and glanced at you through the corner of his eyes. “He was really pissed that you were taking too long.”
You shift your expression to a neutral mask and ignore his comments. The numbness always took over at the mention of your father despite any circumstance. You still gave short smiles to those arriving as you and Festus did your rounds, but you eventually got away from him, needing a drink of some sort to lighten your mind.
Just before you got to the drinks, a figure pulled you away. Stumbling in your heels, you keep up with the mysterious figure. You tug at your arm —trying to pull it away — before looking up and gasping. “Finn, are you stupid?”
“Maybe.” He says and slides the vial into your hands, running his fingers through his hair. Finn eyed you up and down teasingly, “Dressing up for lover boy?”
“Never.” You tuck the vial into your leather garter before fixing your dress again. “And I will stand by my statement, you have no idea how to dress nice for these events.”
“It’s my first time, get off my back.”
You hum and adjust his bow tie, “When I attended my first gala, I was told I looked gorgeous. You look like you were on a run five seconds ago.”
“Maybe I was.” He stuck his tongue out at you.
You roll your eyes. Thinking about it, he might’ve done so, but who were you to judge for that? You glanced around the room as it filled, fidgeting with your gloves. “When should I do this?”
Finn raised a brow and stopped your fidgeting. “Whenever you feel like it.” He squeezed your hand softly. “It’s your plan.”
You look down at your joined hands, mind spinning for ideas. “It would have to be during a dance of some sort…”
He squeezes your hand again. “Perfect, now go mingle!” Finn spins you around to face the crowd, catching you as you stumble. “I’ll be watching from the sidelines and flirting with some of your friends.”
“They’ll run from you.” You deadpan as he rubs your shoulders in reassurance. The friends you made during Academy were ruthless and you doubted they would spare him a glance.
“From my pretty face? Never.” Finn grins before letting you go.
You watch as he sauntered over to Clemensia — the girl too immersed in others admiring her work for the ballroom. Shaking your head, you complete your own round of the room, also admiring the decorations in silence.
As the night carried on, the orchestra played music for those who wished to dance. Some dance faster, some slower. You were roped into dancing with Festus at least once but left him the second you gave a small bow after you finished the small waltz. You denied the rest of them, politely saying that you were merely hosting.
You walked by the walls as you scanned for perfect moments when the servers were alone. You memorized the faces of the District Twelve men your father hired, making your job much easier as they blended in with the Avoxes.
Your eyes brightened when you found one server leaning against the doorway, giving unamused smiles to those who would look at him in confusion. He caught you staring and gave you a wink. It took everything inside you to walk over and smile prettily — not throwing up or punching him.
You slipped the vial into your hands once more as you grabbed two posca glasses, tipping the contents of the vial into his. Sending him a practiced smile, you handed him the glass — swirling your own for your own dramatics.
He started the conversation between the both of you, his eyes always racking over your body like you were on display. You nodded to all his words, sipping on your posca to help the discomfort you began feeling. You remembered this was all for Sejanus. Eventually, you couldn’t help yourself and interrupted the one-sided conversation, putting a hand up to effectively shush him.
“You don’t happen to know anything that happened in District Twelve with the rebels, do you?” You say slowly, still smiling up at him sweetly.
The man leans against the wall, practically downing his posca. You grimace at the loss of class as he responds with a sharp grin. “Why? You a rebel amongst the Capitolites, sweetheart?”
You bite your tongue at the nickname and push through. “Depends on how you define the word rebel.”
“I could tell you, but it’ll come with a price.” He attempts to grab your waist but you pull away as you pretend to move out of the way for a passing couple. The man purses his lips at the movement but lets his gaze drift to your chest.
“And what might that be?” You do your best to keep up the act just for a little longer.
He tilted his head at you, finally meeting your eyes. “Oh, sweetheart, wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Fine.” You place your glass on a passing server’s plate, dusting off your dress with a small smile that is more likely a wicked one. “Your loss.”
The man slightly drops his jaw as you leave him behind with nothing but small talk. You smile to yourself softly as you make your way back over to an amused Finn. He gave you a lopsided smile when the man shook his head and went back to his job.
“Quite a show you put on. I think he’ll be thinking about that for a while.” Finn spoke with enthusiasm. He ran his fingers through his hair as you fidgeted with your fingers in anticipation and excitement.
“Just a little.” You pinch your gloved fingers together. You look over to the man who rubbed his head as he felt a headache take over his well-being. “Well, until you know…”
Finn hummed and leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets, nodding his head toward the floor. “Have you danced yet?”
“Mm, I did with Festus. Just once.” You stood beside him as your eyes drifted amongst the different Capitol families attending the gala. You couldn’t deny that you were looking for the pair of blue eyes and blonde hair in the crowd.
“Have you been denying everyone else?” Finn raised a brow in surprise. He thought you would want to dance with more people to get your father off your back.
You shrug as you look back at him, “Kinda.”
He laughs lightly, nudging your arm. “You’re something else.”
“Thanks.” You roll your eyes and go back to looking for Coriolanus in a crowd of socialites and power-hungry men. You haven’t seen Tigris at all either, making you wonder if they really were coming to the gala.
“I’m just saying, you…” Finn trails off and clears his throat when someone approaches.
The sound of your name coming from behind you made you put on your practiced smile. You turn to face the person, but in your distracted state, you don’t realize how familiar that deep baritone is. You swallowed thickly as you met the deep azure eyes, your smile beginning to waver.
“Coriolanus.” You look away for a second and clear your own throat, dusting the invisible dirt off your dress. “How can I help you?”
Finn gives you a tired look, slightly shaking his head at how awkward your two were. Ever since you told him what happened, he couldn’t help but be curious about how this was going to play out — especially since you kept talking about the blonde so often.
“I wanted to ask if you could grace me with your presence with a dance?” Coriolanus put his palm face up and presented it to you with a soft smile. His blue eyes bore into yours, waiting patiently for an answer. He would be damned if you said no and would try again the second another waltz was going to play.
“I…” You glance down at his hand, noticing the Snow signet adorned on his finger for the first time in forever. Finn clears his throat again when you stay silent for a little too long, making you snap out of your stupor. You meet his eyes again and smile, “Okay.”
Coriolanus clasps your hand in his and gently guides you to the dance floor. You gave him a curtsy whilst he bowed his head to you before he took your hand in his and began to sway to the orchestra. And for a while you both stayed awkwardly quiet, listening to the beats of the pit before Coriolanus decided to break the silence.
“What are you up to?” You quickly cut him off as he spins you. He catches you in his arms as you give him a curious look — knowing something was up even if he tried denying it. “I know you like the back of my hand, Coriolanus.”
He shakes his head softly at your comment before speaking again. “Tell me.” You shoot him a confused gaze, urging him to continue. “Tell me how you’ve been doing. I want to know.”
You look up at him in surprise as he pulls you close and away. Schooling your surprise, you give him a curt shrug. “I’ve been here and there.” You glance over at his hand that is softly thumbing yours. You let out a soft breath and look back at him, watching his gears turn. “Father has been… significantly worse and I,” Biting your tongue, you refrain from speaking too freely with Coriolanus. “I have been doing better. I’ve been talking more to Clemensia and Festus…” You trail off when you spot Finn giving you a thumbs up from the sidelines. “I also learned how to box.”
“Since when did you have an interest in boxing?” Coriolanus dipped you in time with the rest of the pairs, tilting his head and raising an eyebrow at you.
Your breath hitched with how close he was, so you decided to play dirty. “Since you cheated on me.” He gave you a look of guilt as you walked around one another. “Anyway… Uhm…” You look toward the ballroom again, smiling when you see Finn get rejected by some of your classmates.
Coriolanus watches your reaction and quickly shifts the topic at hand. “Who was that you were talking to?”
You look back to Coriolanus with a confused grin, tilting your head. “Who— Oh! Phineas Miller? He was Sejanus’s friend. He’s teaching me how to box.” You take hold of his hand again as the song slows down once more.
“He’s the one teaching you to box?” The blonde gave you a skeptical look, spinning you around. “He was getting awfully close to someone who’s in an arranged marriage.”
“Well, he helped me mourn, Sejanus. I think that should be allowed.” You retort.
The silence continues for a couple of beats. You took glances from him and the guests, wondering if they would ever know what happened between the two of you. On the other hand, Coriolanus kept his gaze only on you. He watched your eyes sparkle from the decorations and how you would smile toward others when you met their gaze.
He cleared his throat before breaking the silence, but at the same time, you had many different thoughts to ask about. “Listen, beautiful—“
“Hey, you don’t know anything about Sejanus’ death, do you? I was thinking it wasn’t an accident and that someone had betrayed him…” You say quietly and quickly, looking at him with some kind of interest. It was the first time in a while that you actually willingly gave attention to him without him having to fight someone for it.
However, Coriolanus felt his mind stop at your question. He had to say some kind of truth. “Someone did betray him. He was too trusting and it got him in trouble.”
“I knew it.” You whisper somewhat excitedly, squeezing his hand. The blond gave you a soft look. He missed you. You were completely oblivious to his gaze as you continued. “I’ve been trying to figure it out…”
“What have you gotten so far?” He murmured back, listening to you intently.
“Uhm… Not much, just that it’s someone from District Twelve.” You say softly, realizing you didn’t get much information yet. But you knew you would get some more facts sometime during the gala. “That’s why I was asking you since you were there…”
Coriolanus held your waist gently as you both danced around the floor perfectly like the trees bending to the wind's will. “How about this,” He started, making you look at him with intrigue. “I’ll tell you anything that I can come up with, alright?”
You creased your brows together as the music began to slow down to stop. “Why?”
“Like I was trying to say,” Coriolanus brings up the main reason he asked you to dance with him. Yes, he wanted to talk to you without anyone else interjecting every second, but he also wanted something much more important than that. “I want to earn your trust again. And I’ll do what I must.”
He dipped you one last time as the song came to an end. Your faces were a breath away as you whispered, “You’ll do anything?”
“Anything,” Coriolanus says back in the exact same tone.
You looked between his eyes in skepticism before they trailed down when you saw a familiar pendant hanging from his neck. Your eyes widened in shock from both his words and the necklace.
“Y/N, your father’s looking for you…” Festus approached the both of you, giving the blonde a bored look as he pulled you back up. “Coriolanus.”
“Festus.” The young Snow spoke in the same drawl as his Academy classmate.
You couldn’t bear the tension any longer when it was a mere few seconds. “What did he want?” You spoke softly, hesitantly letting go of the hand that gave you comfort.
“He’s getting ready for the announcement.” Festus pursed his lips, holding his arm out for you.
“Fuck, okay.” You silently curse, forgetting about the announcement. You put your arm through Festus before giving Coriolanus a practiced smile. “Thank you for the dance, Coriolanus.”
He gave you a short nod as you walked away with Festus. When he was out of earshot, Festus gave you a worried look, squeezing your arm.
“And what did Coriolanus want?”
You looked back at the blonde who was still staring at you with the same look in his eyes the first time you two started dating.
“My trust.” You whispered out.
You watched as your father took the center of the ballroom, clinking his drink to gain the Capitolites' attention. The fear slowly seeped into your bloodstream as your father spoke — the sound of your blood flowing ringing in your ear. It felt like ice when your father gestured to you, but before he could add anything else to that matter, a crash came from across the room.
Shrieks filled the air from the corner of the room and everyone stood from their tables to witness what happened. People ran toward the fallen man as you slowly stood from your seat and rounded to Finn.
“He’s been poisoned!” One shouted as more people crowded around to see the collapsed man with bubbling foam spewing out of his mouth.
Immediately, several Capitolites ran to find water — terrified that they drank poison. You hide a small smirk at the sight of the panic, hands gliding over the empty tables full of white wine and champagne.
“Oh, they’re terrified. I hope you’re proud of yourself.” Finn says in disbelief and takes the vial back from you.
You grin as you eye several of the District Twelve members shiver at the sight of one of them getting poisoned and dying on the ground. You swipe a finger on a dessert and lick the remnants off, “I think I am.”
He shakes his head and presses a soft kiss to your temple, holding your head close. “Lover boy is coming over.”
Throwing a glare at Finn as he leaves you with a wink, you look over at the blonde making his way over to you. You bite your tongue as he makes quick work to get over to you, his appearance disheveled as if he continuously messed with his suit. Coriolanus raised a brow at you when you glanced at him with concern before he spoke — having to tilt his head down to meet your eyes with how close he stood.
“You didn’t drink any of that stuff, did you?” He murmured and pushed a stray piece of your hair behind your ear.
Your breath hitches as he touches your hair, but you shake your head to let the air in your lungs. He still managed to take your breath away. “I didn’t…”
“Good.” Coriolanus saw you reach up and mess with your necklace, dropping his hand to yours to stop your fidgeting. “I think I would have murdered someone if you got hurt.”
The tension thickens as he traces the intricate design of your mother’s necklace, his hands cold as they lightly touch your skin. You let his words sink in, feeling your heart ache. Your eyes never leave him — his eyes never leave yours. You were stuck in the same situation as earlier, neither of you wanting to part or leave the other.
You swallow thickly as his hand drops to cup your cheek, his touch suddenly fires to your skin. “Coriolanus…”
“Stop.” He interrupts you before you can say more. “I know and I’m sorry. But I’ll wait.” Coriolanus meets your wavering gaze and his thumb grazing your cheek every so lightly. “I’ll wait until you forgive me; I’ll wait until you trust me; I’ll wait until hot silver no longer melts snow for you.”
The room feels empty as you stare into his azure eyes. Everything became blurry but Coriolanus. Your ears began ringing again when he softly said the last few words he had to say before leaving you to clutch your necklace hard in thought.
“I’ll wait until you understand how much I love you and how I never stopped.”
taglist 1: @peterparkerluvvbot @nathaslosthershit @springholland @psychicpuppyarcade @whodis-26 @coconut-dreamz @slytherinholland @lacysversion @perks-of-being-jojo @itzmeme @noodlesketchbook @upsidedownjill @mizuki80 @unclecrunkle @tiaamberxx @bxtchopolis @starrynightstory @namelesslosers @lugiastark @dangelnleif @aemondsb1tch @witchsbitchestime @ace-spades-1 @ordinarylokix @kookie29 @secretsicanthideanymore @angelscrime @ms-longbeach @rosieleej @alpha-mommy69 @loklaufeysonssgodess @aoi-targaryen @imaginebeingmentallystable @sighsophiia @innercreationflower @cascadingbliss @edb954 @castellandiangelo @nowitsmissing @lookclosernow @httpfandxms @goobitagoobre @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @captainbabybear @becauseseaotters @mvdhvtterxx @moonisu @boredperson120 @kuroosbby001 @dcylight-fciry (comment to be added!!)
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
Its my first time requesting something so sorry if this doesnt make sense;;
Can i ask for some Jade or Rook with a curious reader who tends to wander off or get distracted easily due to it?
I love ur writings and general energy!!! Thank you! 💝
How about both?? >:33
TWST A curious s/o who gets distracted and wanders off easily
Jade Leech
My oh my were you hard to look out for during the Vargas Camp.
Everything was practically something that made you curious to the point you skipped from one place to another.
“Jade, what type of mushroom is that?” “Ah, well s/o, that’s a Honey Fungus, which is actually pathogenic and- s/o?” Jade trailed off, noticing you were out of sight as he explained about the mushroom’s facts. The eel would find you standing in another area, looking up high at a tree in awe.
“Jade what species of trees is that?” That would continue on and on, even while doing the tasks assigned by Vargas which the eel will admit that you are indeed quite troublesome to look after…
…but that makes it all the more fun. Fufu~ you’re quite a tough one looking after, aren’t you? He loves that you love to discover things, and he loves that spark of curiosity you always give! It’s just that sometimes you just get too carried away and… wander off from his sight. That in itself is a little tiring but never ceases to amuse the Octavinelle vice dorm leader.
Would it be hard to imagine Jade wearing a harnest that has a rope tightly attached to a harness that you’re wearing so that you wouldn’t stray off from him? No? Good-
Jade wore that only during the camp (and maybe when he also invited you to his Mountain Climbing Club activities). Other times when you walk to class together, he holds your hand and walks you to class so that you wouldn’t get distracted along the way and stray off from the path to your classroom (which he was surprised and amused by the fact that you have before), or on a date would sit close to the aquarium to satisfy your curiosity, he would hold your hand to get your attention.
“So, may I ask how was your day…” once again, he catches you staring at the fishes swimming aimlessly in the tank. He gently squeezes your palm as you snapped out of your daze and looked at him. “H-huh? Oh, sorry about that,” you replied sheepishly.
Jade chuckles, shaking his head as he flashes you a soft, teasing smile. “Fufufu~ what shall I do with you?~” <3
Rook Hunt
Ah! You’re a curious mon cheri, how delightful! Rook finds this trait of yours attractive, unlike most people who finds it rather troublesome.
In fact, he humours that curiosity of yours and follows you around. Rook has basically become your tour guide around NRC and the wild, he knows a lot so it isn’t surprising he has most of the answers to your question.
However, there’s a teensy tiny issue that he finds this habit of getting easily distracted a bit of a hassle: you’ll be oblivious to the dangers and hazards around you.
One time during the Vargas Camp you were distracted (once again) and wandered to a forested area with Rook trailing behind.
Before you knew it, you almost got hit by a tree if not for Rook swiftly pulling you back by the shoulders, pulling you so that your back touched his chest. “Mon cheri, be careful! You almost hit your face into a tree!” That was when Rook knew you would need a little bit more supervision.
Rook made sure to always be by your side (sometimes in peculiar ways-), making sure you’re guided in your path of walking while being your tour guide and making sure you don’t wander off far away from campus.
The vice dorm of Pomefiore makes sure to hold your hand, pulling you away or snapping you back to reality when he feels is too dangerous to wander into.
Even so, Rook loves that you’re always curious. Just make sure to be careful even if he keeps close tabs on you.
“Mon cheri, please be careful while exploring! If not, I will explore with you!” <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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michelle-is-writing · 6 months
Help, John Wick
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Word Count: 2.8k~
Warnings: mention of gun fire, blood, injury, stitches
Working the evening shift sometimes proves to be a hassle, especially when I’m needed past midnight. On nights like these, I know as soon as I leave the hospital doors that I’m all alone in my somewhat safe city. The biggest issue in my city is the constant hidden dangers within it, as reported by the news many times. The attacks are always random, and the people are disguised, meaning no one can tell who is truly good or bad.
With the clock nearing 12:05, I’m finally able to clock out and head out of my hospital and to my car. On the way to my vehicle, I notice something weird about my driver side’s tires; they seem to be flat, but one has a knife stuck in it.
“What the…” my voice trails off as I look around my hospital’s parking lot, seeing maybe three or four other cars scattered throughout it. I’m already in a not-so-safe situation, and quite frankly, walking out alone late at night is not the best decision for someone like me to make.
Instead of risking my safety, I begin walking backwards to go back into the hospital before turning around, only to be knocked down on the ground by someone running into me from my left. As I fall with the person who rammed into me, my ears pick up distinct gunshots - something you hope to never hear when you’re leaving work late at night.
“Stay down!” A deep, gruff voice yells before the weight of the body on top of me is suddenly gone, and more gunshots ring out around me. Despite the pain from being slammed down, I still manage to shuffle away and get behind the bushes next to the pavement. It’s not the best cover, but it can at least help me figure out what the hell is going on right now.
Looking through the thick branches of leaves in front of me, I spot two people now revealed by the street lights as they shoot toward the entrance of the hospital. “Why would anyone shoot at a hospital?!” I find myself muttering before I jerk my head over to the doors. There stands a dark-haired man dressed in an all black suit, a pistol in his hands as well. Only two shots are fired from that pistol before all gunshots come to a stop, but before I have any time to process what has just happened, the man is running toward me. I’ve never seen him before, and he certainly doesn’t look like someone who could shoot two people in two clear shots. His face is even cast with concern as he nears the bushes I hide behind, a hand outreached for me.
“We need to go! Now!” He tells me, grabbing my hand before yanking me up from the ground and taking off. With his hand firmly gripping my hand, I’m left with no other choice but to run with him. Feeling my fight-or-flight instincts kick in, I recognize the rush of anxiety flowing through me as well as so much confusion. Why am I running with a man who just shot several men either wounded or dead? He’s obviously trying to help me, but who exactly is he trying to protect me from?
After running across the parking lot to a car parked in the shade, the man yells at me to get in, but as I near the passenger side door, I feel myself halt as time slowly passes around me. My body feels as if it’s stuck in honey, unable to move or do anything, and my mind doesn’t feel much better.
“Get in now!” The man yells one more time, fully snapping me out of my stupor and bringing my attention to the door handle of an older car as I open it before climbing in. Alongside me is the man falling into the driver's side, quickly turning the engine on before speeding out of the parking lot. Speeding lights pass all around me while my eyes fall to my arms and hands, a burning sensation taking over my limbs. My palms and elbows are scratched up from the fall, droplets of blood adorning the scrapes before leading down to the new holes on the knees of my scrub pants, crimson liquid beginning to show through there as well.
In this moment, as my brain now begins to process the oncoming stings and burns, I turn my head toward the man, finding him to be focusing every ounce of his attention on the road in front of us as he speeds way above the limit. “What just happened?” I ask him, my voice almost disturbing him from his focus as he slightly jolts in his seat. “What’s going on?”
He shakes his head, his long hair moving along with him as he seemingly ponders if he should answer my question or not. For a few seconds, he remains quiet before sighing and giving in. “It’s… hard to explain,” he starts, giving me a cautious glance before looking back at the road in front of him as he speeds through traffic. Between taking sharp turns and darting in between cars, I can’t help but grasp the door with all my might to keep me from going all over the place.
“A couple days ago, you treated a patient, a man who came in with a bullet wound directly below his heart,” The man explains, making me stare at him confused. I did have a patient come in with those exact issues, but he told us he was mugged and that’s why he was shot. Why would someone try to attack a mugging victim in the way they did?
“Well, the guy wasn’t exactly mugged, and the people who shot him thought you were helping out him and his… group,” he further adds, making my eyes widen in a mix of horror and confusion. “They didn't even know your name or anything about you and they still tried to put a hit on you, all because you helped him survive. He asked me to make sure nothing happened to you, said you were a sweet girl, and I promised him I would keep you safe,” he nods his head toward the road. “So, here we are.”
Despite his explanation definitely being… weird, I don’t question him any more about it, and instead, I ask him something else. “What’s your name?”
At my question, he gives me a wary glance before answering. “John,” he tells me, gaining a nod back from me.
“John, I think you got shot,” I inform him, my eyes falling to his bloody arm. It looks like the bullet either grazed or went completely through his arm, but nonetheless, it’s still bleeding like a gunshot wound.
John barely reacts, only nodding his head “I know,” he simply explains as if it were something simple and not a bullet wound. “I’ll take you somewhere safe until we know what the group is trying to achieve.”
His words barely register in my ears before I’m turning in my seat to shake my head at him. “No, no, we need to go to my apartment,” I urge him, and just as I expected, he begins to tell me it’s not safe. “But my dogs are there!” I quickly argue back, feeling my heart pound away in my chest.
In an instant, it’s like a flip in his head switches, and he gives me a small nod in response to my words. “Okay,” he simply mutters, “Show me how to get there.”
Arriving at my apartment, John parks the car way down my street before having us run up to my back gate and get in through there. By the looks of it, my apartment seems to be untouched, and after John does a quick run through, I’m able to let out a sigh of relief. I’ve witnessed a lot of crazy things tonight, and the fact that I have a man whom I just met in my house after being shot at is crazy. However, my dogs don’t seem to care about the crazy night I’ve had as they’re too busy trying to get John to pet them. In spite of what I witnessed him do earlier in the midst of gunfire, seeing him act like a complete teddy bear around my dogs practically makes my heart skip a beat.
“Sit down here, John,” I tell him, gesturing to stools by my counter as I wash my hands in the kitchen sink. “So I can stitch up your arm,” I add, drying the water from my hands before gathering the stuff I need from my medicine cabinet. He nods at my words before sitting and waiting patiently, now with my smallest dog in his lap. Beside him are my other dogs, all sitting beside him as if they were all best friends already.
Smiling at the sight, I look up from my dogs to meet his eyes, only to be greeted by his chocolate-like eyes already staring back into mine. However, I quickly look away and begin helping him take his coat off all the while remaining careful about the arm he got shot in. It’s only after I cut the arm of his sleeve off and begin gently cleaning the dried up blood off his arm that John speaks up. “Do you treat all your patients like this?” He asks, a small smile taking over his lips as the question falls from his mouth.
I find myself smiling back at him before moving onto clean the actual wound. “Only special ones,” I tell him, earning a small chuckle back from him despite me pressing gauze with alcohol against the bullet wound on his arm. I choose not to mention it, and instead point out all of my dogs’ sudden fondness for the man. “They really like you,” I point out before examining his wound. The bullet went through the very edge of his arm, avoiding his humerus or anything major. Despite it leaving a decent sized wound, it’s still a pretty easy fix, thankfully.
Telling John he’ll need stitches only gains a hum back from him. Even when I poke the needle through his skin and pull it through, he still fails to react, and instead, John speaks up with the same tone of voice he had earlier. “I love dogs,” John confesses, using his free hand to scratch the wrinkles on my pug’s forehead. “And they’re all so cute too,” he adds, once again, not showing any sign of pain as I finish suturing his arm.
“That’s a good thing, that you love dogs,” I tell him, dressing his arm before taping it. “It shows a lot about someone,” I add, watching as he watches me closely, yet softly. As time goes on, I anticipate his next words, but even now, he still doesn’t mention it.
“I’m sorry we met this way,” John’s apology takes me by surprise, causing me to look away from his arm and stare at him. “I wish this could’ve been under better circumstances,” he adds, a small sigh falling from his lips afterward. “You’re a truly wonderful person; you didn’t deserve to be a target tonight.”
Instead of agreeing with him, I sigh as well before smiling and speaking up. “If it weren’t for you, they would’ve shot me. Over something I haven’t the slightest clue on,” I point out to him, “I know there are things that go on in this city, and I never expected to be in the middle of it, but I am eternally grateful that you were there and able to save me tonight,” Taking his hand in mine, I maintain eye contact with him and squeeze his hand. “You saved my life tonight. Thank you.”
At my words, John smiles back and nods. “No problem, nurse (Y/n),” he tells me, his thumb gently running across the back of my hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here to do it again,” he adds, making my smile grow even more as his eyes never leave mine. I don’t doubt the mysterious stranger will hold true to his word, but at the same time, I want to learn more about the man outside of saving me from the city’s dangers.
“And I’ll be here to patch you up again,” I tell him back, giving his hand a quick squeeze before turning to put away all of my medical supplies. “In the meantime,” I start, glancing between him and my kit as my dogs take the opportunity to swarm him. “Would you mind explaining to me a little bit about what exactly goes on in this city?”
John doesn’t respond right away, and instead, he chooses to stand up beside me in spite of the protests from his new furry friends. Putting away the rolled gauze and cotton balls, I look over at him as he appears beside me, only to earn another small smile from him like before. “Too much for one night,” he tells me, placing a gentle hand on my arm as if to stop me from messing with my medical supplies. “For right now, you need to sleep. You’ve had a long day,” he points out. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to make sure you continue to stay safe for the night. Is it alright if I stay here?”
Seeing him gesture toward my living room where all of my dogs sit and eagerly wait for him to join them on the couch makes a small laugh leave my lips. If it weren’t for him saving my life and my dogs being so trusting of him, then I probably wouldn’t be as confident as I am with letting him stay. “Actually, I would prefer that,” I tell him, before nodding at the couch behind him. “Although I don’t think you’ll be alone, unfortunately.”
Just as I say that, all the dogs run over to us and stare up at him, causing John to look down at my dogs with a smile before his expression changes into one of concern. “You need to be bandaged as well,” He tells me, causing me to look down and see my busted up knees once more, reminding me off the dull pain currently shooting from them. “Let me do it,” he further adds before gently pushing me to sit back on the stool just like I had done with him.
“I can handle them, it’s okay,” I tell him with a chuckle. “I’ve handled much worse on myself.”
Despite my words, John doesn’t respond to me, and instead, he opens my med kit back up and begins taking out the same kind of supplies I used on him, all except for the sterilized needle and string thankfully. He doesn’t argue with me on me taking care of myself, but he acts as if I hadn’t said anything to him either.
Strangely, I allow him to take care of my wounds without interrupting him, settling for watching him instead. It’s only when he moves onto rolling my scrub pants above my knees that I find myself regretting my decision. His touch is seemingly nothing more than that of someone who cares, but I can’t help but feel the small degree of intimacy in the moment. I can’t decide if it’s his slightly rough, yet gentle hands grazing my skin or just the close proximity of him on his knees in front of me, but my mind is scrambled right now.
“Told you I’d keep you safe, right?” I hear him say, bringing me out of my stupor and down to him once again. His eyes remain on his task at hand, being careful as ever while cleaning my wounds. Instead of responding, I smile and simply nod back at him, relaxing a little as I do so. He seems to pick up on this, a soft, small smile making its way onto his face as well as he moves onto bandaging the now clean scrapes and cuts.
Once again, I feel his hands touch my skin with gentleness and care, but at the same time, I can’t help but revel in the sensualness of it as well. It doesn’t help that there are times that his touch lingers more than necessary and the smile on his face still has yet to die down. I can’t help but feel bad for the thoughts currently flowing through my mind, but a part of me likes the idea of him staying with me - minus the reason why, of course. Another part of me hopes this isn’t just a one time thing either.
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the-words-we-sung · 3 months
Thoughts and pictures - S3E4
I've never been that slow with a Young Royals rewatch >< It's hard for me to get through this season (especially now that I'm in the last 3 episodes...)
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And here we go, starting directly with a very sad Simon 😞 Omar plays a crying Simon way too well, it breaks my heart every damn time...
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I like hearing Wilhelm call Simon his boyfriend 🥰 Also is it me, or do we have a lot more close up shots in season 3? (No clue if that's what it's called, I mean shots that are very zoomed in on their faces like this one.)
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Vincent drawing a dick on the ground, of course... And I don't get his explanation: "why even try if there's no reward for the effort?". It means if the school closes, they all won't graduate and have to do their grade all over again? Surely if they're taking tests and all, it counts for something? Why fail an important test and take the risk to fail your year? 🤔 (Not gonna lie, most of Vincent's reactions to what's happening to the school this season left me quite perplexed ^^') And if it's just the graduation ceremony that is cancelled, it still doesn't mean they're not graduating, does it? 🤔
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But can you really Simon?
And Wilhelm repeating his mother's words "it's a privilege, not a punishment" breaks my heart >< (Also I'm gonna be a little shit about it but even the Royals have a choice in the end about accepting or not their role and job: after all, Wille is gonna renounce it in 2 episodes :p)
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I do like what he said about the role of the royal family in Sweden! We have very little information on that in the show so I appreciate it here. And he looks so pretty in this light!
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Wilhelm sounded so surprised that Farima said yes immediately when he told her they needed to help Simon. He was expecting to have to fight them on that.
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Why did he have to delete his whole account? Why not just put it on private? (I know I've read in several fanfics the idea that searching and deleting through all the new people who followed him before going on private would be too much of a hassle but I feel like it's a stretch, and an acceptable price to pay to keep his account?)
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Their conversation about Wilhelm's choice of foundation makes me so so sad! I had hoped that he would see Simon's point of view on how he can use his role as Crown Prince to try and make things better! I was actually pretty surprised that he was 100% not interested. It's a new facet of Wilhelm's personality that we hadn't really seen before I guess? And it feels like it creates a serious gap between them, it shows that they're not on the same page at all about a pretty serious subject (which is not good for the future of their relationship...)
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This shot of these 3 made me laugh :p
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This one hurts... Another crack in their relationship 😩 Simon is realizing how different they are. He knew they were but this season is showing us a side of Wilhelm that just seems incompatible with Simon :/ It's not just differences in tastes or personality, now it's differences in their core values also. And that is a huge problem.
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So we learn that Simon mostly avoided Micke for Sara's sake. Or maybe he's exaggerating that fact because he's really angry at her.
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The sit-in scene is very funny, they're all so dramatic, thinking they might starve to death xD I didn't think that August's eating disorder would be confirmed this way! Also I guess Vincent does have ADHD then? It was not just an excuse to get pills.
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"Because we are different?" Yeah... that's what this episode is really about, how different you both are. Which wouldn't be an issue for me if it was less about such important matters :/ I wish we had seen them learn more from each other this season, instead of being in conflict to much.
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I agree with Felice that it's getting out of hand! (I still enjoy the whole thing though 😁). I don't dislike Stella as much as a lot of people seem to, but I don't like her in this scene and how she talks to Felice!
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Cutest scene of the episode.
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I adore this scene. It makes me want to cry. I love them both and I'm so happy that they're slowly finding their way back to each other <3
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"Erik was there." This sceeeeene!! Such a punch in the face, so fucking terrible >< (So well acted also!!)
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Another trauma for my poor boy...
So lots of mixed feelings with this episode! I'm very frustrated with Wilhelm and his reactions, but I love the Sara arc. I really like the end of the episode, with some very good scenes. But now I really don't wanna go watch the next one ><
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missmastectomy · 7 months
Thinking about how sometimes the woes of detrans women are not as unique as we think.
I sometimes see detrans women express insecurity about their vulvas being too much of an “outie” or their clits being “too big.” Recently listened to a detrans woman talk about how she just knows her boyfriend isn’t attracted to her because her genitalia isn’t normal, her words. And idk what her situation is but I have slept with multiple women who were on HRT at one point and their genitalia is just… normal. And I see this and can’t help but think of all the women who were never on HRT, who hate their vulvas because shitty men call them roast beef, or say that women with big clitorises basically have a penis, when that is just not true.
I never understood this specific insecurity and it’s been helping me with the things I am insecure about. Like, my voice is androgynous and I obsess over it. But I recently watched a videos of women with deep voices and quite a few them just sound similar to me. I still struggle but my paradigm changed. I’m literally just a woman with a deep, somewhat unusual voice. Sometimes it gets read male, but nobody irl refers to me as anything but female nowadays. I don’t need to agonize over it just because a few assholes (who have always been men btw) hassle me about it. Miley Cyrus was fuckin demolished on the internet because of her voice, but even though it’s an unusual voice she is still so obviously female.
The mastectomy scars are harder, mostly because to me they represent a physical violation. But also, mastectomies aren’t exactly rare. Not having breasts affects me but I am not defined by them, nor any part of my body.
I know some women who are experiencing noticeable male pattern baldness, or who have distinctly male range voices, etc. so I’m not saying this works for everyone, and tbh if transition has really affected you and it’s in your ability to reverse some changes, you gotta do what you gotta do. I know how painful it is to not be recognized as your birth sex anymore. On the other hand, detrans women who are androgynous tend to fixate on every little thing that makes us “not pass,” but ime these little things aren’t being noticed by the average person.
We fall into the same trap we were in as trans people and also emulate the self image issues women have been dealing with forever. If anything these insecurities reflect that you could be struggling like other women, but it’s hard to see that when the origin of the struggle itself is so different.
EDIT: Also, butches have people tripping over pronouns all the time. If you’re a detrans woman with short hair (like me) or you don’t dress femininely, you may also be getting this reaction because people just don’t know how to be normal around GNC women
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neechees · 1 month
This isn't supposed to be a gotcha, I'm genuinely asking because my dad keeps using this as an argument when I try to explain land back stuff to him. And I'm hoping you can help give tips on how to explain it to him.
We're European, and as you probably know there's people here who are anti-immigrant / anti-refugee bc they're racist and want it to be only Europeans. My dad thankfully isn't *that* bad, but his argument is "well if indigenous ppl deserve their land back, even despite all the non-natives who moved there bc they had to, then don't the anti-immigrant EU ppl have the right to kick out the immigrants even if they fled to here as refugees?"
It's so gross and i don't blame you if you don't want to engage with it/answer this anon. I just am like trying to figure out how to answer him and of all the progressive issues I explain to my dad this is the one I'm least familiar with. So how do I explain to him why it doesn't really apply to indigenous Europeans?
I can't tell what you mean when you say "Indigenous Europeans", because Indigenous is a racialized and political category of people that have been affected and racialized by colonialism in a specific way, "Indigenous" doesn't just mean "x group of people who originally come from x area". Because you haven't specific a specific Indigenous Nation (for example, Saami), I'm going to assume you just mean that you are White Europeans who are not Indigenous. You'll have to explain that to him as well. This is also important, because I know many racist Europeans will co-opt Indigeneity in order to promote White Supremacist ideas like creating an ethnostate, and what your dad has suggested, is the definition of that. Secondly, tell him (even if you ARE Indigenous,) Indigenous people, as the same with anyone else, being xenophobic and racist towards immigrants is still bad and unacceptable, we don't get a free pass to be bigoted towards different groups of people and use "landback" as an excuse. Landback goes hand in hand with decolonizing, and you can't do that while perpetrating settler-colonial ideology and bigotry.
I don't know how many times we have to say this, but Landback does not inherently have to do with deporting anybody who isn't "Indigenous", and does not have anything to do with trying to create an ethnostate, the core goals of Landback is neither of those things. You have to emphasize this to him.
Landback has to do with sovereignty for Indigenous Peoples because as it is, we're being oppressed by the White governments that are occupying us. We are stripped of multiple rights while in our own homes. What your dad has suggested about White Europeans having the "right" to deport immigrants is already a reality, White Europeans already have privilege and power over immigrants, and many immigrants already ARE being deported and mistreated by those governments. There are race riots targeting immigrants happening in the U.K for goodness sake!
Landback is centered ideas of decolonizing and dismantling White Supremacy: Your dad's presented idea of mass deportation of any person who isn't ehtnically/racially European or is an (immigrant to there) from the country you reside in is based on White Supremacy. The category "immigrant" itself is very racialized, because when White North Americans or Europeans talk about deporting "immigrants" from the country, typically they're talking about Brown and Black people & people who aren't Christian, and I've never heard a White Canadian complain about a White French immigrant and suggest we deport them, or hear a White American complain about deporting the Irish.
As an example, trying to kick everyone else out of Turtle Island (or anywhere) for one thing would be WAAAAY too much of a hassle to even attempt, too expensive, and useless. Plus, if there was a mass exodus (for lack of a better word) of people via planes, vehicles, and ships all at once or even over time, that would have a big negative impact on the environment, which kind of goes against why people want Landback in the first place (to take care of the land and environment, we care about it). It's counterproductive to several of the goals of Landback.
So to recap, deporting any people who are not "Indigenous" or originally from one area is not the goal, your dad has made a false equivalency because 1
that's not what we want in the first place, Landback has nothing inherently to do with deporting anyone who isn't originally from a specific area or creating an ethnostate, and
trying to do it would be useless and going AGAINST the goals and principles of Landback and what is wanted
part of Landback is undoing racism and White Supremacy, and what he's suggested is promoting those things (White Supremacy and racism)
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bridgertonbabe · 7 months
How would the group chat react if both Francesca and Daphne announce they were hosting Christmas?
It becomes a battle of the hostesses. These Two sisters are as stubborn as they come. (All the sisters are)
How would the Spouses navigate this?
Will there be blood?
BSSG Group Chat
Michael: Hey gang I need to run something by you lot.
Kate: What is it?
Michael: So basically Franny would like to host Christmas this year
Michael: But before she messages the family gc I wanted to give you guys the heads up so we can come up with a way to mitigate the reaction as best we can
Penelope: So when you say mitigate the reaction
Simon: You specifically mean Daph's reaction
Michael: Well yeah
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Gareth: the battle of the bridgerton sisters beguneth
Michael: And it's this ↑ exact reaction I'm trying to avoid.
Sophie: I don't see why you and Fran can't be the ones to host Christmas this year. Surely Daphne wouldn't mind having a year off to sit back and relax?
Phillip: Soph it's like you've never met a Bridgerton sister in your entire life.
Kate: Yeah be for real Sophie, what planet are you living on where Daphne wouldn't want to be hostess?
Sophie: Look I know Daph actually enjoys undertaking hosting duties but surely it's a reasonable enough request from Fran of all people to have a go at hosting just this once?
Phillip: Did you just seriously use the word reasonable in conjunction with a Bridgerton?
Gareth: @ Sophie this planet you're living on where bridgertons are reasonable, what's it like?
Gareth: is it utterly free from stress and mayhem?
Gareth: has world peace been achieved there?
Simon: Can I ask why exactly Fran wants to bravely take the helm of hosting Christmas this year?
Michael: Well with it being John's first Christmas she'd just prefer to celebrate it in the comfort of her own home.
Simon: But wouldn't having everyone round make things more stressful?
Michael: To be fair we'd prefer hosting instead of lugging all the baby stuff to someone else's house. It'd just be less hassle plus everyone else will be fussing over John so it's not like we'd be having to juggle him completely alongside hosting.
Simon: So you're playing the baby card?
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Kate: Ngl Simon it kind of sounds like you have just as big an issue with them hosting as Daph would.
Simon: Apologies I'm not trying to come across like that. I for one would be more than happy for someone else to host this year. I'm merely preparing Michael for the responses Daph's going to have when you raise this with her.
Michael: No I get you mate.
Simon: And that's not to mention the fact Daph's already started plans to host Christmas.
Penelope: It's August?
Simon: She starts planning on Boxing Day.
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Penelope: Yeah can't help but feel like Fran might have to let this one go @ Michael
Kate: It might perhaps be wiser to let sleeping dogs lie on this occasion.
Lucy: and forever more on the subject of hosting christmas
Sophie: Well what if Michael and Fran host at their house but Daphne still plans it all? Wouldn't that work for everyone?
Michael: With all due respect Soph, Fran's not gonna go for that. She wants to host and do things her way. She's about as open for compromise as I very much imagine Daphne is.
Sophie: I suppose. But surely if Fran and Daph sit down and talk things over and Fran explains where she's coming from then Daphne will understand and take a step back this year.
Phillip: Sophie I say this with all the kindness and respect in the world; do we need to get you tested?
Kate: Yeah it's like you're suffering from amnesia or something. Have you hit your head recently?
Gareth: omg what if an alien's switched places with sophie and our sophie is currently living on a planet in an alternate universe where the bridgertons are all actually reasonable and chill??????
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Michael: Can we please stick to the matter at hand? Look I get it, Daphne is going to be difficult to talk round to our way of thinking. I know that and am lowkey terrified of her but Franny and I just really want to host everyone for John's first Christmas ok? Is that so difficult a request?
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Michael: Really @ Phillip?
Phillip: In my defence El made it ages ago and uses it on the regular.
Penelope: I can vouch for that, that's not the first time I've seen this meme.
Simon: Yeah even I've seen and used it before.
Simon: Just please god don't any of you ever let Daph see it.
Gareth: i feel as though we've all seen/created enough memes about our partners to keep them between ourselves
Simon: Also Daphne's fine with you guys hosting this year.
Kate: Wait what
Phillip: Wtf
Michael: Are you being serious right now?
Simon: I am, she's given it the go ahead and is going to have a year off.
Lucy: omg
Gareth: how the actual fuck did you manage that
Simon: Believe it or not Daph can be open to reason.
Sophie: See, what did I tell you guys!
Gareth: not now alien sophie
Kate: What's the catch?
Simon: No catch. She just agreed it would be easier for Michael and Fran to host Christmas and save them the hassle of towing all of John's stuff to ours this year.
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Penelope: And she agreed to it just like that did she?
Simon: Yes.
Michael: ...
Michael: Did she agree to it in a post mindblowing orgasm daze?
Simon: ...
Simon: Perhaps.
Gareth: ayyy lmao nice one 👍
Kate: Yeah that normally does the trick with the Bridgertons.
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 year
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Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Ah, Aquarius Full Moon… The inventor, the engineer, the pioneer, the communicator. Yes, the communicator. A world-changer needs to communicate with the community to gain insight and also to communicate the changes they wish to roll out.
Being the last Air Sign, Aquarius is all about gaining insights/perspectives in order to understand fully and deeply the matter at hand. Aquarius endeavours to understand how the Devil ticks so it can begin a revolution and beat the Devil. Ya know?
This full moon is not a time to give up on you dreams and move on to a different, more practical things. This time around, honey, really allow yourself to be a lil crazier than usual. Bask in this over-the-top eccentric Aquarius energy because that’s how the genius bleeds unto your consciousness.
‘I think I mentioned in previous shows, I spent half my life in the military. And I used to come home, take off my little soldier hat, put on my painter’s hat and there, I’d build the kind of world that I wanted. It was peaceful, it was quiet, there was no hassle, nobody was yelling… and it was good. Everything was good. Nobody was going to get shot or hurt, not in my world… and it’s a happy place.’ – Bob Ross
From all the contrasts and oppositions you’ve experienced, what kind of new innovations can you bring Mankind? Can you develop the wisdom to bridge between personal truths and maintaining a social life? Your place in the world—your role—is important; you just need to figure it out first and this Full Sturgeon Supermoon in Aquarius will help with that🎣
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Pile 1 – Your New World Begins Right Here Right Now In Your Mind
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c o m m u n i c a t i o n – 8 of Wands Rx
You’ve been in the process of manifesting a huge, life-changing something in your Life for quite a while now. I think on a deep Soul level your heart and mind are sick and tired of waiting. You haven’t even been just waiting, you’ve actually been working actively to change something significant in your Life. But it’s only felt like nothing’s changed at all. It feels like you’ve been stuck in a strange loop of the same motions of emotions. Your train of thoughts has been circling the same miserable place again and again.
It feels like everything has changed and yet nothing seems to have changed at all. I’m still stuck in the same place—why?
Well, because your train has been held back from changing destinations. And I’ll have you know that it’s not your fault entirely. It’s your subconscious fearing to shift lanes but this isn’t because you’re incapable, it’s because there was a bad situation/environment that has caused you to become afraid of the unknown. This has slowed down your manifestation game…
m o t i v a t i o n – 5 of Wands Rx
Something terrible happened in the past that really broke your confidence in the benevolence of the Universe. You got disappointed after believing that things would get better but they didn’t. And now you have trust issues. You can’t really trust that the Universe would have your back if you tried something new and got into trouble because in the past, the Universe has let you down. At least this is how it’s felt for you. Was it the case that the Universe, your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides really let you go? Umm… not exactly.
There’s this psychologist on YouTube (forgot his name) who has this to say about the nature of trauma: ‘Trauma is not what has been done to you. Trauma is how you perceive what has been done to you.’ It’s quite fascinating, so I hope you could understand this notion intuitively. Now, whatever happened that’s caused your trust to be tarnished, I’m not saying the people who let you down or hurt you horribly are excusable. The point is not that.
The point is that from now on you can take back control of your mind. By realising patterns and the sources of our internal chaos, gradually we can unravel the threads of trauma.
Before the battle of the fist, comes the battle of the mind. Everybody was kung fu fighting~
i n n o v a t i o n – 6 of Pentacles Rx
I’m seeing that right as you’re reading these words, you’re in the preparation stage(s) of a new beginning that will make you really HAPPY (you have the Priestess of Happiness in the bonus content). I think you’re leaving behind an environment, a job, a relationship, a mindset even, that isn’t serving your highest good. It’s been a long time coming, but the lane shift is finally possible.
It's like you’re finally getting out of a karmic loop that’s been halting your explosive manifestation. You’re no longer empathising with that kind of mindset, point of view, or way of life. You’ve held on for too long now you must go and leave that hopeless case however it likes to continue. It’s none of your business now. You’re not sharing your energy with these situations or people anymore.
You’ve got to give your attention to your real desires to be of service to this world. There is a place somewhere in this world where you’re needed and that’s where your Soul truly belongs.
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – An Alien Doesn’t Belong With the Mortals
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c o m m u n i c a t i o n – I The Magician
Wow, I don’t pull this card very often😜You’re an eccentric alien who’s been hard at work mingling with the rest of the Humans, aren’t you? I think to a large extent, you’ve shielded this world from truly seeing your Light, which is such a shame because you have so many amazing gifts to share with Humanity. But the way I see it, it’s just a survival tactic. After all, this world isn’t very kind towards eccentrics.
You might’ve come from a family/school background in which you were ridiculed (maybe even bullied) for being different. It was really painful and whether or not you’re conscious of this, you’ve made quite an attempt to shield yourself from the world so you don’t get made fun of.
But right now, this full moon in Aquarius wants to let you know that you can’t hide forever. Your brilliance is too magnificent to hide forever. Your shield, your covers are all falling apart because the world is needing your talents, soon enough. You’ll see✨
m o t i v a t i o n – Knight of Wands Rx
I’m thinking right away of that theme song from Disney’s Big Hero 6. It keeps saying something along the line of, ‘We could be immortals~’ or something like that. That song is nice, and I think the lyrics could awaken something in you.
You are an immortal, when you really think about it. So, don’t be afraid of losing time or thinking you’re too old to begin now. Your dream doesn’t have an expiration date, OK? If something is your calling, it will keep calling you. So, whatever you’re thinking right now, if it gives you an unmistakably strong feeling that you’re meant to do it, that’s it. Your calling is calling you.
You’re meant to walk the plank towards a great big adventure. Of course, you could choose to ignore and brush it off and then go back to your ordinary Life that’s pretty much miserable on a spiritual level. But are you really alright with that?
i n n o v a t i o n – Knight of Cups
The change from the Knight of Wands Rx to this Knight of Cups tells me that you’re actually a lil afraid of your passions because you could have somewhat obsessive tendencies. You do know that a lot of people struggle with this, right? Once you’re into something you’re passionate about, once you get super excited, super into something, you go full deranged mode and become obsessive for like 3 weeks or 3 months straight. And you think this is crazy person behaviour and you try to avoid that as much as possible because that seems like the reasonable thing to do.
This kind of tendency is actually your overcompensating for all the hours, days and weeks that you’ve starved yourself from basking in the glory of all the things that do bring you a sense of being ALIVE. Think about that for a moment.
Aaaand… Basically, this is your invitation to start bringing small elements of the things, activities, pursuits that do make you feel alive into your everyday Reality. If you’re surrounded by these things every day, they become such a natural part of your daily life and you’ll be rescued from any sense of temporary addictions☃️Relax, hon, you’ve got this~❄️
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – Flow Naturally to Where the Love Is
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c o m m u n i c a t i o n – Queen of Cups Rx
You’re somebody who’s incredibly accommodating to other people. In spite of your best effort to be kind and affectionate, you still feel misunderstood. I think you’re also often taken advantage of and you know that, but you can’t really stand your ground, so you keep all your thoughts and laments to yourself, bottling up a lot of unspoken emotions that are quite heavy to carry alone.
With that, you often feel like you just wanna run away from all Humans. You want to be free from the chains of human connections and terrible interactions. I think you’re tired on a level that’s hard to put into words. You’re a free spirit incarnate in Human form and that’s quite suffocating. I think many aspects of the modern life don’t suit you.
At this point, you’re not sure yet what you’re supposed to be doing to change your world. You’re simply emotionally tired. And I think that’s fine. Being tired is not a mistake; it doesn’t make you a failure. It makes you Human, ironically🦩
m o t i v a t i o n – 9 of Cups
The way I see it, right now you’re needing to swim more in your dreams and emotions. Try to be one with those watery sensations. I’m sure you’ll find clarity of purpose when you actually let yourself feel all your feelings. It’s like, the answer you’re looking for can only come to the surface when you’re in the waters. I hope that makes sense.
Of all the piles, you’re like so magical and fluid and I’m totally not getting a concrete vision of what it is you’re supposed to be doing in terms of manifesting your ideal life in accordance with this Aquarius full moon energy. Baby, you’re not even here; you’re hallucination. Right now, you’re not even properly grounded in Earth Matrix Reality that it doesn’t even feel like you are part of the collective🤪
But ultimately, that’s also the very thing that makes you magical. You don’t play in the same dimension as most Humans do. It’s safe for you to listen to the whispers of your heart right now, because ultimately, I think your Higher Self just wants you to realise how deeply lovable you are, first and foremost, and for that reason alone you are deserving to see all your dreams manifest into Reality, eventually enough😉
i n n o v a t i o n – 7 of Wands Rx
The funny thing is, if you’ve decided you want to live in your desired reality right now, that’s also possible, right? I know there is logic and sequences in this rigid reality, but at least, if you’ve made up your mind about not wanting to participate in the rat race, that conviction will guide your actions accordingly. If your actions do not reflect your inner thoughts yet, it’s because you’re still resisting the change.
Don’t be afraid of being disliked by others. Their thoughts about you reflect more about them than actually yourself, so what’s your care? It will do you good to choose the path of least resistance. Flow naturally to where the Love is. Where is the Love, you ask? First, within yourself. The moment you decide that you will uphold Love and respect for yourself, you will stop tolerating people who do not show you the Love and respect you deserve to be treated with.
Go naturally with it. Your heart, when you’re honest with yourself, will lead the way towards a happier Reality. Just enjoy the swim for now🥰
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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[Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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pimosworld · 1 year
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Moon shine
TLOU x Triple Frontier crossover AU
Pairing-Joel Miller × f!reader × Francisco Morales
Summary- You were a bartender at Joel's place and everyone knew you were his but when you meet Francisco Morales you wonder if there’s room in your life for one more.
Rating-Explicit18+ MDNI
Content warnings- Alcohol consumption, eventual mmf dynamics, smut,angst,fluff,violence, any further warnings will be added to individual chapters.
Chapter summary- The tf boys arrive at the Boston QZ and get acquainted with the workings of the bar.
A/N- See series Masterlist for story notes
[Series Masterlist] [Main Masterlist]
Chapter I The pleasures all mine
“Sorry it took us longer to get here than we originally said.” Will insisted on being the only one to speak to Joel so as to not ruffle any feathers. Santi is seated in the chair next to him as he fidgets uncomfortably. The office was neat but worn, much like Joel. Filled with things from before, the wooden mahogany desk Joel sat behind as he took a more relaxed posture to the serious conversation. 
  Benny moves idly around the room,touching things he shouldn’t as Frankie nervously leans on the wall near the door. He’s still on edge from the events it took to get here and he wants to be aware of all his surroundings. 
  “No apologies needed,I’m sorry you all lost one of your own.” Santi scoffs and Joel throws him a sideways glare. 
  “I don’t mean to be insensitive but he put himself and us in danger.” Will clears his throat and Santi hangs his head, he was usually the one in charge so it was hard for him to hold his tongue. He desperately needed to humble himself after the fallout in the Dallas QZ. This was their last opportunity to find a place to call home. 
  “We don’t need to bother you with the details of Tom's death.” Right now. 
  Joel will definitely want to hear the details at some point. If he was going to trust these men he often demanded to know everything. There were no secrets around him and the mere fact that whispering was going on behind his back in town was the reason he enlisted his cousin's help.
  “Why don’t we get down to business so you fellas can rest for the evenin.” Joel pulls a small black notebook out of his desk drawer and flips to a tan near the end. 
  “I run a pretty lucrative bar here in Boston, not the only bar but the most successful. If you’re gonna spend your ration cards you don’t want the product or the company to be shit.” The low timber in his voice is incredibly distracting to Frankie as he tries to focus on what he’s saying. 
  “I’ve run into a few problems lately and that’s not good for business. Too many fights, too many risky clientele feeling comfortable here and most importantly too many patrons hassling my bartender.”
  Frankie’s not sure why that’s the most important over the other issues, bartenders could hold their own and if they couldn’t he could just find someone else to pour the cheap liquor that most people consumed just to get some sleep or forget about the world they lived in. 
  “William and Santiago, I need you to be my eyes and ears in the bar while it’s open and outside the bar while it’s closed. Benjamin I need you to keep the patrons in line when it gets busy, I’ve had fights shut me down for a few days and we can’t have that.” He stops his wandering around the room to grin amongst the other men. 
  “So I’m just a bouncer.”
  “Ben!” Will stands from his chair to approach but Joel raises his hand, stopping any further movement.
  “It’s fine, I know it sounds boring but it will be plenty exciting.” Ben spins the globe on the desk seemingly more fascinated in that than arguing about his new job. 
  “Francisco…you have the most important job.” Frankie looks up from the scratches he’s been studying on the floor, not much interested until now what their jobs were. He just wanted somewhere to rest for the first time in weeks. 
  “I need you to look after my bartender, she’s one of the main reasons why this place is so popular and lately she’s been getting hassled.” He turns to him, raising an eyebrow but lets him continue. “Make sure she can do her job with no interruptions and walk her home when I have late business dealings at the bar.” He thinks it’s a joke at first but he sees the seriousness in Joel’s face. 
  Joel was not a small man, he had strong broad shoulders and a commanding tone that said he was not to be fucked with. Frankie doesn’t need to continue to list the reasons why he couldn’t bring himself to look anywhere but the floor before being addressed formally.Until now
  “Excuse me, I don’t mean to be rude but you seem like a man that can take care of his staff without question.” Joel smiles a wide berth grin that would have anyone else on their knees.
  “I certainly can take care of my staff but I can’t be everywhere at once. In order for me to continue my business as usual I need to make sure she’s safe.”
  Ben is bent over in laughter and Frankie’s jaw clenches at the sight of Santis' shoulder visibly shaking while his back is turned to him.
  “I’m sorry for complaining about my job Joel, I’d gladly be a bouncer over a babysitter.” Frankie shoots him a look and Ben just raises his hands in mock surrender. 
  “Jesus Ben what the fuck is wrong with you,are you trying to embarrass me.” Will is in his face now practically spitting fire. 
  Joel hasn’t so much as flinched throughout the entire meeting, he seems eerily calm despite the group of men all but spitting in his face at the offer of jobs and a place to stay. They weren’t much for authority after the outbreak or staying in one place too long. It was a hard habit to break.
  “Relax Will I know you boys have had a long journey, I’ll just chalk it up to exhaustion and hope it doesn’t happen again.” He says the last part directly to Benny which seems to temporarily shut him up.
  Frankie’s had enough of this meeting and he's  wondering what is so goddamn special about this…
  Suddenly the door to the office opens and from where he’s standing he thinks maybe he’s died and gone to heaven. 
  You’re standing there in a baby blue sundress, the stark contrast to your black combat boots. You’re holding a tray with a drink that looks like a traditional old fashioned and a single cigar. Three two luxuries he hasn’t had in awhile standing right in front of him.
  “Joel…I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were expecting people. I’ll come back later.” 
  “Hold on sugar, not so fast. I'd like you to meet a few people.” He motions for you to come over and you hesitantly make your way around the desk to set the tray down. He taps on his thigh with one finger so subtle that only you could see. 
  It wasn’t unlike Joel to show possession but in what seemed to be a private meeting this was unusual. Still you knew not to test him in front of company you could be a brat on your own time.
  You took a seat on his lap with your legs tossed to the side, you were feeling exposed in your dress and it didn’t help when he had you seated so precariously. He looked at you with those deep brown eyes, they almost seemed black with the way he was so excited to be showing you off. 
  “I should be the one apologizing to you, this meetings gone on longer than I anticipated and it’s cutting into our special time.” He talks as if you’re the only one in the room and your cheeks grow hot at the bold way he suggests what you were going to do in his office. 
  Frankie’s throat has gone dry, the temperature in the room is stifling as he feels a bead of sweat travel down his back. He should look somewhere else but he can’t take his eyes off the way your dress rides up the way you're seated on Joel’s lap. His large calloused hands rubbing slowly up and down your thigh as he talks so sweetly to you. 
  He wonders what it would feel like to get his hands on you, your skin looks so soft and he can imagine his face buried between…
  “Fish…” Did someone say his name?
  You’re chuckling to yourself  as you finally meet his gaze, those soft brown eyes much like Joel’s but just a hint of innocence. He takes his cap running his fingers through those soft locks and quickly places it back on his head. You wonder what it would feel like to run your fingers through his hair or grip it as he…
  “He’s the one that’ll be looking after you.” Joel’s voice brings you back to the moment and all you can seem to remember is someone called him.
  “Fish?” You look at the older blonde and incredibly handsome man sitting across from you for some guidance. 
  They all laugh amongst themselves, perhaps some inside joke you weren’t privy to and you can’t help but notice how handsome they all are. The younger blonde who is much too enthralled in the trinkets in Joel’s office, lets you know he hasn’t seen much of life before the outbreak. If it weren’t for Joel you wouldn’t know of such things either. 
  The shorter man with the salt and pepper curls gave you a flirtatious wink, not unlike some of the men in Boston who tried to gain your attention. You didn’t have time for men like him but he seemed more of a gentleman than the latter. 
  “Umm…it’s just a nickname sweetheart, his name is Frankie, the bouncy one over there is my brother Ben, this is Santi and my name is Will.” You’ll be sure to remember Frankie. 
  Joel squeezes your thigh and tips his head towards the room. 
  “My name is Moonshine.” You still weren’t sure about these men and you weren’t interested in giving out your real name just yet. 
  Joel leans in close to your ear, his breath is hot on your skin as he traces that spot on your neck with his lips. “This shy sweet act you’re puttin on is cute.” He loves to tease, and right now you’re not feeling like being your usual bratty self. 
  “Joel I really should be getting the bar set up for tonight.” You’ve had enough of being on display and you figure he’s made his point whatever that may be. 
  “Sure thing Darlin.” He taps your leg as you stand and hands you the drink on the tray. Confusion etched across your face as to why he would hand you his afternoon cocktail. 
  “You should let Francisco have a taste, it seems like he wants to try it.” Frankie forgets how to breathe, it’s like all the air has been sucked out of the room.Was it that obvious? The way he’s been transfixed on you. If so then he’s surely out of a job before it even starts. 
  You cross the short distance to him silently thanking the gods that you remembered how to move your legs. You hand him the glass and your fingers barely touch but you both feel the electricity between you. Your composure was breaking sitting in Joel’s lap and now it’s threatening to combust. Just as you reach the door you hear Joel clear his throat behind you. You silently curse under your breath as you turn on your heel. 
  “Moon, don’t you want to see Francisco’s face when he tries it? You made it after all.” The way Joel says his name and the way you’re looking at him, pleading more than anything to be out of this situation. 
  He lifts the glass to his lips without breaking your eye contact and it takes everything in him not to moan at the strong but sweet flavor as it floods his senses. He doesn’t think he’s tasted anything this good in a very long time. You don’t miss the way his throat bobs as he takes two large gulps of the drink. Joel liked it from before and he taught you how to make it, you hope Frankie likes it just as much. 
  “This…this is incredible. I’ve never tasted anything like it.” It feels like he’s staring into your soul, you haven’t felt like this since…you met Joel. 
  “I’m sure you haven’t.” Joel drops his tone dangerously low and you can feel the shift in the room. So can he and he knows there won’t be much back talk from the team now. 
  “You can go now sweetheart, I’ll see you later.” You finally leave the office and desperately clutch your chest on the other side of the wall, trying to catch your breath. You need to get a grip around him or you are going to be in big trouble. 
  “That right there is why we’re the best bar in town.” Joel’s pointing in Frankie’s direction and he hasn’t taken his eyes off the melting ice in the glass as the condensation drips down his fingers. “We also have the best booze.” Frankie looks at him now and he knows why his job is the most important. 
  “You guys take tonight off and rest, your apartments are upstairs a few floors above the bar. Feel free to come down for a drink when you’re rested.” A bed and a hot shower sounded like heaven right about now. 
  “You sure you don’t want us to start tonight.” Will never wanting to be a burden can’t help but offer as Ben grumbles from somewhere in the room. 
  “No I’d actually prefer you watch how things run normally so you can see for yourself what I’m dealing with.” Joel stands from his desk to shake each of their hands as they exit the room and Frankie sets the glass down on the tray before shaking his. 
  He turns to him before he leaves hesitating in the doorway. “Thank you for this opportunity Mr.Miller,it was a pleasure to meet you.” He picks up the glass as he laughs, swirling it around, eyeing the way it moves so freely.
  “The drink must have been good if you’re thankin me already.” He takes the rest of the drink down in one gulp and sets it back on the tray. “You can call me Joel and the pleasures all mine.” 
  Frankie finally exits the room taking a few deep breaths as he walks through the bar. Fuck he was in big trouble.
Later that night after some much needed rest and the hottest shower the boys have had in months they all file down to the bar to grab a drink and do some intel. 
  It’s plenty packed as they slide into a large booth in the corner of the room. They’re used to having eyes on them but there’s so much commotion they’re hardly noticed. The bar smells of smoke and stale cologne. It’s a myriad of noises from the dragging of chairs across the floor to the clinking of glasses in celebration. Inside this bar would almost make you feel like things were normal outside. 
  There’s a small stage with a beautiful brunette playing songs on a guitar. She must be around their age if she’s old enough to know these songs, of course Santi’s attention is rapped on her as the sweet melody carries  throughout the noise of raucous laughter and men getting a little too loud. A few couples are dancing on the small black and white tiles in front of the stage. People seem to be happy here or at least attempting to be. 
  The wall is lined with booths with cracked red leather seats and cherry wood tables. The middle of the room is mostly tables and chairs where a lot of the seedy men Joel mentioned have congregated. Will notices a lot of ration cards being passed about and makes a mental note to mention it to Joel. It seems too much side business is happening in this bar which is sure to bring some unwanted attention. 
  Ben hears some yelling at the front door and sees Joel dragging someone out by their collar, he starts to slide out of the booth before Will grabs his shoulder and tugs.
  “We’re supposed to be observing.” Ben shrugs his arm off and sits back against the booth. 
  “You expect me not to go over there?” 
  “I thought you didn’t want this job.” Joel closes the door and glances their way offering them a curt smile. 
  “Ya well I wouldn’t mind hitting someone right about now, he wasn’t lying when he said I wouldn’t be bored.” Bennys fingers are tapping the table nervously, he was ready to start his new job if it meant he could rough some people up and get paid again. 
  Until the scuffle at the front door Frankie’s attention has been solely on you. From the moment he walked in he could tell you were in your element. The way you moved so fluidly behind the bar like it was second nature. You had to have at least 30 people waiting for drinks and you somehow managed to command attention from all of them. He was focused on the way your lips moved when you asked what they wanted or the way you spoke with your eyes to let someone know you’d be right with them. You would make 3 or 4 drinks at a time without breaking a sweat. It was entirely too distracting when you would shake the drink high over your head with one hand and manage to pour a beer with the other. Now he notices the line is gone as well as you. 
  “Hi boys.” A tray of beers slamming on the table snaps him out of his trance. You’re wearing a black thin tank with cut off black shorts and your boots from earlier. The red lipstick is a little faded from wearing all night but it compliments you perfectly. He can smell the hint of vanilla and something citrus wafting off you over the pungent smells of the bar. 
  “I saw you come inside a while ago but I was so busy, I hope beer is fine I don’t really have time to make you my specialty cocktail.” You place the glasses and pour them all beers noticing the way Frankie is watching you. 
  “Beer is fine sweetheart, thank you.” Will says looking around the table at his friends who’ve seemed to be interested in other things. 
  “Pope quit gawking at the singer.” Your head snaps to the stage and you smirk to yourself. 
  “So…Pope and Fish, any other nicknames I should know about?” 
  “Iron head is by brothers I don’t have one.” Ben squeaks out before his brother can stop him. You raise an eyebrow at the younger man before turning to the group. 
  “It was our call sign in the military.” Will seems suddenly bashful so you decide not to pry. 
  “What about you Moonshine, you look a little young for that nickname.” Frankie finally speaks a little more confident than he was earlier in the day and you figure now is as good a time as any to drop the shy act. 
  “You don’t look like a Fish and I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough.” You wink as you flip the tray under your arm. “Oh by the way my name is -, and ugh… Pope her name is Charity.” You point to the brunette on stage and he smiles to himself as you turn and walk away. 
  “So what’s her real name?” You spin on your heel and walk back to the table, as you reach across to grab his beer from his hand Frankie can just barely see down your black tank top, you down Santi’s beer in no time flat, as you tipped your head back some beer spilled down your neck and it takes all the willpower in the world for Frankie to not lean forward and lick it off you. 
  “Her real name is Charity ass hole.” You pour him another beer as Benny gives you a slow clap, pleasantly amused at his friend's wide eyed expression. 
  You saunter away towards the bar as Pope gives a low whistle. 
  “Have fun with that one hermaño.” Frankie shoots Santi a look that says drop it and he knows he’s only kidding but he realizes that he does indeed have his work cut out for him. 
  “Get your hands off me!” You haven’t made it very far when he sees some grubby older man has your arm in a grip that is sure to leave marks. Joel’s crossing the room before Frankie even realized he was standing and heading towards the table. 
  “I’ve been waiting for a drink for ten minutes.” He’s practically spitting in your face, piss drunk and certainly doesn’t need anymore. Ben obviously moved faster than any of them could and too fast for Will to stop him. Much to his surprise he grabs the man’s arm and pries his fingers from yours. You take a step back directly into Frankie and he holds you before you stumble. 
  Joel comes up to you, caging you in between him and Frankie and you’re suddenly less concerned with your arm and more concerned at their close proximity to you. This would be a fantasy in any other circumstance but right now you wished you were anywhere else. 
  “You okay sweetheart, are you hurt?” He’s looking you over for any signs that you need help but he knows you’re used to it. Which is why he asked for help in the first place. You shouldn’t have to get used to treatment like this. 
  “I’m fine Joel, just Jim way too drunk again.” He leans in and places a soft kiss on your cheek and you can still feel the heat coming from Frankie as your back is pressed to his chest, his hands still idly placed on your hips. 
  Joel makes his way over to Ben who is all but grinning at the man who he has pinned to the table. He leans down and whispers something in the drunk man’s ear causing him to tense slightly. 
  “Ben, why don’t you help our friend find his way outside.” He yanks him up by his collar, not waiting for his footing to steady and all but drags him out of the bar. The entire display is a warning to any other patrons who think they’re going to continue this behavior in his establishment any longer. 
  Frankie releases you and silently curses himself for holding onto you for so long. You turn to face him and you can feel it again, that spark from earlier that threatens to ignite something inside you. He just stares at you for a moment and something is pulling him in, as dangerous as it is he can’t ignore it. 
  “Thanks Francisco.” Joel’s voice breaks you apart and you both jump back as if you had been caught doing something in the middle of the bar. You stumble around to the bar to attend to the people who’ve been waiting. 
  “Looks like you’re itching to start your job.” Joel crosses his arms and nods his chin at you already diligently working. 
  “I’m sorry…I just couldn’t sit by and watch.” Frankie doesn’t know what to do with his hands as he fiddles with the hem of his flannel. This is the closest he’s been to Joel and he can see the age lines and the soft curls, he can see why you’re so taken with him. He leans in close so that only Frankie can hear.
  “No need to apologize…it’s why I picked you after all.” Joel walks to the front of the stage  and Frankie can still feel his hot breath ghosting over his neck. 
  “Last call folks, I hope you enjoyed your night.” He walks over to you planting a kiss on your temple before retreating to his office for the night. 
  They finish their beers as they watch the people file out, staying to make sure you don't have any problems. You insisted they head up since Joel wouldn’t be working late tonight, unfortunately for Frankie you wouldn’t need a personal escort but he would have his chance soon. 
  You collapse into Joel, both of you trying to catch your breath after he somehow managed to pull 3 orgasms out of you. Something was up with him tonight and quite frankly had been all day. You really should get up but lying on his chest feeling the rise and fall as his breath evens out is starting to lull you to sleep. He’s humming some tune he always does after sex while he trails his fingers up and down your sweaty back. 
  “Sorry if I was too rough Shine.” You pepper kisses along his chest as you try to see his face in the dark room only lit by the moon. You can see his brow furrowed in deep concentration. The complete opposite of what it should be in this moment. You draw your thumb across his forehead to smooth it out causing a low chuckle from him. 
  “You could never be too rough with me.” You trace the line of his bicep with your finger down his arm before interlocking yours with his. 
  “I was wondering what got into you today though? This morning when I met the guys you were acting strange.” He huffs and ponders his words as he continues to lightly rub you. 
  “It was just a lot of testosterone in the room and maybe I got a little carried away…it won’t happen again.” You know he cares for you so deeply and it was honestly harmless but you don’t want anything worrying him more than what he already has to deal with. 
  “But since we’re on the subject…I could ask you the same thing.” You tense slightly just enough for him to notice and you think this is it, you’ve been caught. You don’t want to be the reason they’re all out of a job. 
  “No need to worry sugar, he’s real pretty.” 
  “I promise I was not” He grabs your chin and tilts it up to face him.
  “Don’t lie to me.” That was your one rule, never lie. You gather your thoughts for a moment to weigh your options. You have to be honest with him, and you haven’t actually done anything wrong, not yet at least. 
  “Yes…he’s very handsome but they all are.” He smiles so wicked you could see it in the dark. 
  “You don’t really care for the others though…it’s not wrong to notice.” You’ve only been with Joel and you’re not sure why he’s being so calm about this whole thing. 
  He rolls you off him so he’s on top of you, supporting his weight on his elbows. He dips his head down ghosting his lips over yours and you can feel him slowly getting aroused again. He kisses you soft and sweet, he always takes his time as he pulls away from you taking your bottom lip between his teeth. A simple kiss from him could leave you so breathless. 
  “All I’m sayin is… you’re young and there’s enough love in your heart for more than one person.” I guess you’ll have to read between the lines. Either way it seems you both have other plans for Francisco. 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated.
@fishingforpike @christinamadsen @theywhowriteandknowthings
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Hi Derin,
I’m a relatively inexperienced writer (my only publication is in a school magazine lol), and I was hoping I could ask for advice, if it’s not too much of a hassle?
It feels weird being a writer in a time where there’s so many ways to publish work, and I’m having a hard time choosing between the stable but competitive traditional publishing routes and the independence of self-publishing. As an established writer, what works for you? Is independent publishing more of a struggle? Or does it create less stress from the lack of bureaucracy surrounding the publication?
Thank you.
I've never tried traditional publishing so I can't accurately compare the two for you, but I have to ask... why on earth would you think that trad publishing is in any way *stable*? Trad publishing does have many advantages, mostly in terms of publishers having existing networks to get your books into the hands of libraries and stores and soforth (it's best to ask a trad pub author about those, it's not my area), but stability is absolutely not one of those advantages. Trad authors are dropped all the time. It's a long journey fraught with obstacles to even get the book released.
For me, the choice was easy because I didn't consider things in terms of trad vs. indie, I considered income models. The two major avenues of earning money in this field are via book sales or via 'salary'. Trad or indie publishing fits the first; making your money primarily through book sales (traditional publishing is nice here because you get an advance as well as the sales connections of the publisher and use of their editors etc., indie publishing is nice because it's faster and you keep more of the money since you're doing it all yourself). A model relying directly on sales is inherently unstable --you might earn more in the long run, but aside from your advance, it's really hard to predict how much you're getting month to month.
I chose a salary model, via Patreon, for the stability. I want to be able to predict my income, and while it does fluctuate (people subscribe and unsubscribe all the time), it doesn't fluctuate nearly as much. Patreon also tends to be a 'rolling weight'; patrons who join usually stick around for awhile, meaning that once I've acquired a patron, they increase my income for several months, often years, rather than a single sale. This also means that I can release the stories for free to people who can't afford to, or don't want to, pay me.
Independent publishing is no struggle for me whatsoever, because I use the patreon model. This means that I don't have to do most of the marketing and organisation stuff that someone trying to sell books has to do. The big issue is still marketing, but if you can get a critical mass of readers, readers who will help you by making fanart and memes and getting their friends into your work, your main job is to write the best story you can and never miss any updates. I do know that indie publishing via the book sale model can be extremely challenging, which is why some people choose trad publishing instead (which is also extremely challenging but people who know what they are doing are involved with you). If does sound like your goal is to sell books though, judging by how the question is posed, in which case I'm the wrong person to ask, because I am not in the business of selling books. A previous work of mine (Curse Words) is available for sale as an ebook, but the core of my income is via Patreon, which is an entirely different business structure.
Do any indie or traditionally published authors who rely on book sales have advice?
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dontbesoweirdkira · 2 months
Can we get some more dark Raiden 👉👈
(ignore this if it makes u uncomfy at all)
Like what is like with a darling who needs a wheelchair regularly, maybe the darling has a genetic malfunction with their legs idk
(based off of my legs but it's up to u)
A/N: Hii thank you so much for requesting! I absolutely do not mind writing this. We need that representation in the writing department. 😫🫶I’ve had this in my drafts for a while because I’m very cautious to hopefully not offend or make anyone uncomfortable with this. Please *respectfully* correct me if I got something wrong or may have accidentally used offensive language. I mean no harm to anyone and I want to be able to respectfully give representation for everyone!
That being said this focuses specifically on being disabled and the changes it makes in the relationship.
Warnings: Toxic and abusive behaviors, stalking, slight patronizing/ infantilization, over protectiveness, ect.
Requests: open 24/7
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I don’t really think that the relationship would change too much other than that I think sometimes Raiden would unintentionally be a bit patronizing. (But then again when is !dark¡ Raiden not???)
Raiden loves you a lot and he knows that you’re just as capable as the others despite your disability. Your resilience and intellect alone was enough to win his evil little heart buuuttt…that doesn’t change the fact that he’s still a bit flawed in his ways
We all know this dark side of him is extremely authoritarian so he can’t help but be a little too overbearing when it comes to you.
I want to start off with some of the good things first though.
!dark¡ Raiden is sweet in the ways that matter I think. If you’re having a flare up or in pain. He doesn’t mind dropping everything to come to your aide. Even if the medication isn’t working. He’d hold and massage you until you’re feeling better.
The other nice thing about Raiden is his thick skin. You don’t phase him even on your worst days, not even when you’re a bit snippy do to your pain and frustration. He won’t take it personally. Staying up with you all night also isn’t a hassle for him in the slightest. He actually appreciates that his darling yearns for him when they aren’t feeling too well.
If physical therapy is something that you partake in, he’s eager to learn and help you the best ways he can.
Secretly searching for ways to alleviate some aches you may face with your disability, even if that means going against the elders and seeking help from darker powers.
He’s also unapologetically obsessed with you, he feels no shame when you’re beside him. He wouldn’t wish for you to be any different from how you are now.
Raiden would be just as jealous and possessive over you as he would be with an abled body S/O.
Speaking of this, he has no issues with disposing of anyone who has anything disparaging to say about you.
Oh and he especially hates when someone touches you or your wheelchair. He knows how uncomfortable it makes you when people try to wheel you or lean/sit on it without your permission. This easily sets him off.
It doesn’t matter who it is that touches it, how dare they disrespect you like that? Have they have no manners?
“I fear that I did not hear y/n speak up and give you any kind of consent to touch their chair. Release your hands from it or I will do it for you..���
He’s 100% willing to be your advocate anytime you may need. I mean honestly you don’t even have to ask, he’s tussling the second he sniffs an ounce of disrespect towards you. Lol
Okay here is some of the more unfavorable headcanons. This touches on a bit of patronizing behavior and infantilization. I feel like Raiden would struggle with doing this a bit in the relationship.
Raiden doesn’t like when you go off or do things without telling him first. Yes, you are capable of protecting and providing for yourself. Even though he’s seen this capability first hand, he just can’t help thinking about if something were to go wrong. What if that day you’re too fatigued and you end up hurting yourself?…or worse…what if someone severely injures you? what then??
This is why he prefers to keep you couped up in his temple, right by his side. He even had things around there altered to perfectly suit you.
No more stress about the outside world and how frustrating it can be for a wheelchair user. Plus Raiden made arrangements so you can have 24/7 access to outworlds best doctors and remedies to help with any issues you may run into.
How could you even think of leaving when you got everything you need right here?!
Best of all, he knows exactly where you are at all times in the temple and it keeps his mind at ease that you’re okay.
He has a bad habit of immediately rushing to assist you with very mundane tasks and sometimes wheeling you even when you don’t need it. (Ironic because he hates when other people do it to you but because you’re his darling he thinks it’s automatically okay for him to.😭)
This has to do him worrying about your safety and trying to make your life easier but it instead makes things worse.
Raiden can also quite bossy with what he allows you to do and what he doesn’t. Sometimes this means speaking to you very sternly and even down to you. This often ending up in a back and forth with each other.
To him he’s just doing what’s best to help keep you safe and according to him these rules will ensure that. Raiden couldn’t live with himself if you got hurt, especially when he could easily prevent those things. This is his way of loving you, he genuinely doesn’t mean any harm to his darling by doing this.
You protest this behavior and tell him how hurtful this can be for you but I fear it might take a little while for him to fully realize what it is that he’s doing wrong. Just like a lot people in everyday life, he’s convinced he knows what’s best for you.
“I’m afraid I do not understand, Y/N. How is keeping you safe, hurtful? I can assure you I am only simply doing the duties as your lover.”
he’ll slowly give in by letting you go out and do things “without” him. Just know that he is always lurking behind each and every corner making sure that you’re safe.
And if he can’t, he’ll send a servant to hang around you and report back to him.
Yeahhhhh. I know. He’s so damn-
Just bear with him, he doesn’t process others feelings the same way as you and I. Empathy isn’t his strong suit but he will try his best to correct any errors, simply because he does truly love you.
Notice I said ‘try’. He’ll try but there are just some things he just won’t budge on. !dark¡ Raiden can be stubborn and rather selfish at times if he seriously believes in what he is doing is right.
For example you are absolutely not allowed to be anywhere near the tournament or Kombat in general. He doesn’t care that you may fight well. It’s far too dangerous for you. He will immediately shut down any conversation that has to do with it.
But I will say that I don’t think that this really has to do with the fact you’re in a wheelchair. I think he’d be against any of his darlings doing anything that could potentially harm them. He’s already lost so much, he refuses to let you go too.
I can also see him occasionally brushing you off when you offer to do certain tasks. He’ll immediately order someone else to do it even if you are the better fit.
(There he goes babying you again)
“I appreciate your willingness to help but your efforts will not be needed. Stay here and rest, Y/N. Liu Kang will handle this task instead.”
I guess one other change is that maybe he’s a bit more physically gentle with you?
I could see him being a bit more restrained when it comes to punishment? I think they’d be more among the lines of mental harm or emotional deprivation. (Locking you up, social isolation, food deprivation, avoiding affection ect.)
He’s cautious of man handling and weary of using his electricity too close to you because he’s afraid that it might conduct through the metal on your chair. No matter how angry he is with you, you’re the one person who Raiden would never turn against like that.
I think the only times he’ll get physical is when you’re being extremely defiant towards him when he’s trying to “protect”you.. He wouldn’t hit you but he’d pull you, carry and throw you down roughly. Worse he’d do is bruise you from his grip on you.
Ultimately though I feel like Raiden is just a bit more ignorant with some things. He really hadn’t spent time around humans on a deep emotional level so I think he’ll do unacceptable stuff sometimes. I don’t feel like Raiden would mind that you’re in a wheelchair or try to ever put you down because of it. He’s just so stuck in his ways at times he comes across a bit…::
Like I said I think He would be just as overprotective with any-other darling, only some thing’s slightly change.
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jack-kellys · 3 months
okay my second attempt was 'retail au' and 'hitman/assassin au' which isnt much better than my first attempt but. i want to see a newsie kill an exploitative manager - @pigeonwit
im doing this one cause the other one is cool but This Is Big-Brained.
"While the terms "hitman" and "assassin" are often used interchangeably, the difference lies in the motivation behind the killing. Hitmen are motivated by money, while assassins are motivated by politics or ideology."
David's accepted what he does, by now. Mostly he's accepted that it does indeed pay, but the other benefits are far greater- he only takes the jobs he wants to now, his family stays safe, and he's travelled all over the world. He's never had to stick around if he doesn't want to, and he's never seen a reason to.
This hit's a lower rate, sure, but it's for a good cause. David's good at taking down bosses of any kind, criminal or not, and he figures... an abusive retail boss is something close to criminal. He worked retail as a young teen, and all he remembers is the genuine hell of it all.
Ten minutes before closing, David slips inside the store unseen, pulling out his phone to glance over the reference image one final time. Stalking quietly through the rows of hangers and millennial fashions, he spies his target. He lays low.
The sweep through the store before lock-up is mediocre at best, and David quite easily evades employees' gazes as they do a final look through the store. He's ducked down between a few racks, his own gaze raising every once and while to keep eyes on the target-
-of, whom, has disappeared.
David frowns to himself, watching the few other employees head out so their boss can lock up... but as the minutes pass by, it's clear to David that he'll hopefully get to do the hit without hassle in a back room. Eyes sweeping, he stands and creeps out of hiding, hand gripped tight on his gun. It's clear he's alone in the main area, though, so he makes his way toward the back.
David comes upon an 'employees only' door, and gently rests his hand on the doorknob. His eyebrows shoot up- he's able to push it down. It's unlocked. David's lips press together as he enters with wary care, knees bent.
A strangled noise pricks his ears, and his head swivels as he tries to see the source.
He doesn't need to for long- the flash of a phone camera illuminates the room, and in the brief flash of light David can see his target lying on the floor, throat slit, blood laced like decoration along someone's hands. David pulls his gun.
"Don't-! Do that," a voice says, likely the murder-photographer. The person sighs. "You ain't look like a cop, man, put the gun away and this'll be easier. I got no issue with you."
"Name, or I shoot," David says cooly.
"Shoot how? You ain't even know where the light switch is."
"I have enough bullets in here to spray the wall you're right by. You're bound to take a few."
The voice huffs a laugh. "It's ah, Jack. Happy?"
Not David's client's name. He narrows his eyes, still firmly positioned to shoot if need be.
"Not happy, I guess," 'Jack' mutters. "You should be, I mean. Pretty sure I did your job for ya."
"How would you know about that?" David snaps. "I could easily be here for you."
"Not with that silencer," Jack snorts. "Nah, you're... If I had to guess. This's a hit, ain't it. You're getting paid."
David's eyes widen, though not at Jack's accurate guess. If there was no pay, and David could be secure and keep his family safe any other way, no way in hell would he be killing people for a living.
"You're not?" he can't help and blurt.
The lights go on, blinding David for a moment. He steps back, gun still trained on where Jack is. In the split second his gaze clears, there's another fucking person in the room, and Jack is wearing a red bandana on the lower half of his face and a tan cowboy hat on his head. David stares. Recognizing him from late-night news reports.
"You're the New York assassin," he whispers, half to himself. Jack looks up, eyes and skin dark as the room had been moments ago. His eyes roll.
"Vigilante," the man uselessly corrects. "And no, I ain't get paid off. Crutchie here didn't pay a cent."
The man who'd turned the lights on, who'd (correctly) stiffened and stayed quiet, gives a small wave, grip tight around the crutch under his arm.
"My boss was gonna fire me for needing to go to a doctor's appointment I'd scheduled weeks ago," Crutchie says, shrugging. "He's called me some pretty bad shit behind my back, too."
Fair enough- oddly fair enough. How is this guy not David's client?
"Crutchie- you shouldn't be- be...here."
"Man," Jack says, and David can tell he's grinning by the way his eyes crinkle, "this is a fuckin' party, ain't it."
A goddamn fourth person speeds into the room, eyes huge.
"Racetrack, I presume," David says. His client. The new man nods slowly, but turns to Crutchie.
"You should not be here," Race says again. "You need to get out-"
"Did you hire this guy? For me?" Crutchie says.
Race glances over to David, before looking back to Crutchie. "Well, yeah, I mean, Wiesel's been treating you like fucking shit. I couldn't just- not do anything, anymore."
"I couldn't either, obviously," Crutchie says, glancing at Jack, "but, um.. that's... kind of sweet of you."
David's neutral expression drops for a brief second as he resists the urge to turn the gun on himself. What the fuck is going on right now.
He instead raises his gun toward the pair of employees.
"Get out. Throw out the shoes you're wearing," David demands calmly. "And pay me within twelve hours. I have your address."
Race's eyes widen again, and he flashes a panicked smile as he nods, forcing Crutchie out of the room as well. Jack remains, arms crossed and head tilted.
"That was real sweet, actually," Jack hums. "If only you beat me to it, then your client woulda actually got to say he killed someone for his boyfriend." And he narrows his eyes at David in away that makes him flush with anger. He raises his gun again.
"You're right, I didn't kill him. You did," David says. "And I can have you in police custody in minutes."
"Oh, but that's no fun," Jack replies, raising an eyebrow. "Look, I did a good thing here. Just as you were about to. All I happened to do was beat a trained hitter as his own damn game, damn."
Jack laughs, shaking his head. "God I'm gettin' good."
Good at what, David wants to scoff. Killing? Killing is easy. It's simple- primal. All this 'Jack' is doing is giving in.
"I'd like to see you try that against five armed security guards, but yes, sure. Getting good," David mutters, turning around. He has to get out of here to save his own skin, anyway, which is a priority over determining Jack's fate.
"You'd like to see me try?" Jack says behind him. Closer now. David reaches behind him, grip closing around Jack's forearm and tugging the assassin close enough for his gun to rest under his jaw.
"If I let you live, yeah," David nods.
"You're one to talk," Jack drawls, and David glances down to see Jack has a blade right by David's thigh. His gaze finds the other's again. Jack's is bright, hungry. David can see his pulse, rapid on his neck. "And if you'd like to 'see me' try, you could at least unmask me."
David frowns, but can't resist the temptation- especially with the barrel of his gun still poking into the other man. Carefully, he lowers Jack's bandana to reveal a wide nose, a dark birthmark, and soft lips.
He's smiling. Of course.
"You're telling me you'd shoot this pretty face off?" Jack murmurs.
"Maybe," is David's strong reply. Jack nods, eyes flicking across David's face. Observing him, perhaps.
"I'll put my faith in a maybe," Jack says, and before David can even think to squeeze the trigger, the vigilante's lips are on his own.
David can barely comprehend what's happening, besides Jack's warm touch, the glint in the man's eye, and the anchor to reality that brushes against his thigh every other second. David's gun hasn't left Jack's throat, either. An odd kind of mutually assured destruction, somehow at the back of David's mind.
Jack's kiss is.. forbidden, in a way he hasn't experienced in far too long. David's life is a river run by rules, codes, consequences, and so far he's safely steered himself through, going with the flow. But this is a sudden waterfall, and unforeseen drop, and David can't control this part of the river. Not really, not besides how he falls down it.
But Jack goes in for another kiss, and David falls the hell down it, returning it, quick breaths mingling and brain turning off as he lets himself take the easy road. Gives in, letting this primal desire take hold of him for the moment. Jack seems to want it more, at least, so if they are free falling down the roaring water, David'll let Jack hit the hard waves first.
Slowly, David pulls back, looking down at the other, doing his best not to smirk to himself. The blade is missing from by his thigh, and after a moment, David removes his gun.
"You have a safe house nearby?" David inquires. Jack's gaze his awestruck- he must be surprised to still be alive, let alone kissed back. He nods, putting his bandana up before taking David's hand, sprinting out of the store.
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1wingedtraveler · 2 years
Good boy♡
🍂Scaramouche x fem reader
🍂A/N: I posting it again since it good marked as erotica and got completly hidden. If anyone knows how to fix this, please help💀 warnings under the cut, im trying to hide from the mods
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Warnings: Scara's mommy issues, mommy kink, Scara misses raiden, cumming inside, boob sucking, oral(reader receiving) hand job, hickeys, pet names
You ran your hand through your hair as you reached for the towel, quickly rubbing it against your head, drying off dripping water.
A deep purple nightgown was laying next to you. It was made from finest silk from liyue, lace decorating its collar.
You've put it on and headed to the bedroom you shared with your boyfriend. It was inazuma styled, with many expensive antics.
Scaramouche was fond of collecting these things. You weren't sure it it was his way of flauning his wealth or he guenienly was intrested in it.
He was a prideful man who liked when people looked up to him. When you first visited his bedroom and praised his taste in decore, he seemed to get kind of flustred before covering it up with his usual arrogance.
Coming through the bedroom door you found your lover already waiting for you with a sour look on his face. It wasn't anything new, it was pretty much how his face looks like relaxed.
"What took you so long?" He grumbled
"Haha, what have you missed me already?
"Tch, don't flatter yourself. It would be a hassle if you drowned in there"
He would never admit to it but he couldn't sleep well if he wasn't with you. It could be nightmares tormenting him or fear of abandoment. He usually just choose not to sleep in that situation. His puppet body didn't really need it. He treated it more like a bonding time with you
You slipped into the covers. Warmth immediately engulfed your body. Your hand reached for the book that was laying on the night stand. Inazuma's culture and traditions. Ever since you moved into Scaramouche's mansion, you've also wanted to know more about the country he originated from. You thought maybe it would help you understand him better
"What are you reading?" Kunikuzushi said as shifted closer to you, he read the titile out loud
""inazuma' culture and traditions"? you could have just asked me, you know. I probably know way more that this stupid book"
Honestly, it was probably true. He roamed Inazuma for centuries, met all kinds of people. However just agreeing with him would be no fun. You decided to teaser him a little
"Is my darling jealous of this "stupid book"? Or maybe my ears decive me?"
"It seems your mortal age is getting into your head since you spewing such nonsense"
"Are you calling me old now? Its ironic coming from 500 year old accent artifact"
"How dare you!-"
This is how most nights looked between the two of you. Light-hearted bickering like a old married couple. There was no hostilty there. It alwayes made you both laugh at the end of it.
Not even an hour passed and your boyfriend already fell asleep on your chest. It was nothing new. He was a very cuddly when he was sleeping.
Suddenly, in a corner of your eyes you've seen him smile slightly as he hugged you tighter. His palm that was resting on your breast started moving. You thought nothing of it, maybe he was having a good dream. You went back to your book. Scaramouche started shifting more and more in his sleep. Squeeze. You felt his hand squeeze your boob. Well, you weren't a new couple so it wasn't something that shocked you to core
Then again. He was getting more bold straight up massaging it. Focusing on your book was much harder now. He was suprisingly good at it even when he was not aware.
You've let few moans slip your mouth. You started to feel tingling between your legs. Biting your lip your tried your hardest not to wake him up. Not when he seemed to have such a good dream
He started to rub against your other tit moving up towards your nipple. He took it in his mouth and started sucking. Suprised, you jolted, letting out a loud moan. Nightgown's material was very thin so you felt exactly as he wrapped his tounge around it. Drool was starting to stain your gown
His other hand didn't stop either. Now he looked like a cute kitten nursing from its mother. You clenched your teeth and gripped the covers. This was really getting on your nerves. What if he just pretendent to be asleep? Maybe all of this was part of his bratty little plan? He was a pretty mischievious guy.
Not being able to take this thoughts anymore, you tangled your fingers around his head and pulled him away from your breast and made him look at you.
"What do you think you're doing, brat?"
He looked at you shocked and confused. Then he looked down where his hand was still resting. On the other side he could see your hard nipple peaking through material. It looked wet
"Wh-wha?!- I didn't-" He scrambled to find words to explain himself
"Oh you did, you nasty little pervert. Trying to play innocent with me?"
"No! I swear! I wasn't dreaming about anything like that!"
He was getting more and more embarrassed. But it didn't look like he was acting. So it was a dream? Not his ploy to get on your nerves? Hm, now you were curious
"Alright, lets say i belive you. But why don't you tell me about a dream you had? Perhaps we might recreate it "
You whispered seductively in his ear. It caused him to jump away from you slightly.
"AGH! Listen, its... embarrassing for me. Not only that, in the context of what i was doing to you, it makes me look like a weirdo "
"How so? I thought it was an erotic dream? How else would you explain that behavior"
You looked at him baffled
"It was in no way an erotic dream...I've just.. been thinking about her a lot nowdays. You could say i even...miss her a little"
He looked sadly at his hands. Admiting that must have been really hard, after all these years trying to forget about her. He continued
"I was hugging her. Under lavender melon tree. We were both enjoying sweet juice, drinking it from the cup through the straw. Maybe because I was feeling you against my finger it felt so real"
Silence has fallen between you two. It was such a sweet dream. Now you felt bad for suspecting him and waking him up so harshly. But a new idea popped up in your head
"Hmm, how about i make it up to you, for treating you so badly just now? Oh and even better-"
You stopped as you leaned your forhead against his, looking deeply in his eyes
"I will take care of you. Way better than your "mom" ever could"
Your thump caressed his lower lip. You could see his face getting hot. He looked like deer caught in headlights. His head nodded slightly. As soon as he did that you pulled him into a kiss, earning a moan of suprise.
Your lips smashed together quickly. Scara was despretly trying to keep up with you. All the emotions from him sucking your breasts seemed to come back in that moment. When an opportunity came, you shoved your tounge into his mouth.
Scaramouche moaned, shutting his eyes closed tightly. He wrapped his arms around your waist. You went on top of him and straddled his slim hips. He looked out of breath so you pulled away, your face still close to his.
You giggled when you looked at his disheveled appearance. Mouth slightly agape, his eyelids halfway closed, hair messy. He was trying panting, trying to catch his breath
"Aww is a small kiss too much for my baby boy? Maybe we should stop?"
"No! M-mommy..Please.." He begged, hugging you tightly
"You're adorable, you know that?"
Your hands traveled all across his body. One going under his black tank. You pinched his nipple between your cold finger. He gritted his teeth, trying to keep down his moans.
"Its okay baby. Let mommy hear your voice"
He let out a high pitched moan.
"That's it baby, just like that"
Your other hand went down his boxers, slipping through the material. Wrapping your palm around his semi hard cock, you started slowly stroking him
"A-ah! Mhm, faster please"
You felt his pre-come started dripping providing natural lube. Squelching noises and whines of pleasure filled the room. You licked your lips as you watched such a powerfull, pridefull man squirm under you. You atteched your lips to his neck, kissing it. Scaramouche's hand shot up to your head, pulling you closer.
"You greedy little thing-" you whispered softly
"How about I mark you as mine, hm? Do you want to be mommy's baby boy forever?
"Yes! Yes, please mommy"
You licked a stripe up his neck, stopping near his jawline then you started sucking it harshly.
"M-mhmm, feels shoo good" He mumbled incohearently
"There you go baby"
you detached yourself from his neck with a pop leaving behind a dark mark
"Now how about you warm mommy up a little?"
You got off him and started off taking off your gown and panties. He was already on his knees in front of your legs. You didn't even notice when he got undressed.
He was such a beautiful sight. Pocelatine, smooth skin now painted red with blush. His body remainded you more of petite woman than a man. Flat chest, slim waist with not too wide round hips. His thighs were quite thick compared to the rest of his body.
His cock was standing straight forward. It was a little below average but very pretty. Pale with red undertons getting a bit darker at the tip.
You opened your legs in from of him, slipping your fingers between your folds spreading them, playing with your clit.
"Come here, you supposed to help mommy, right?
Your voice was hipnotizing to him. He layed down on his stomach, putting his hands on you thighs.
He gave your pussy an experimental lick. He stuck his tounge further the second time, getting more confident. His saliva along with your wetness dripping down on the sheets. His moans sending electric-like pleasure through your body
"Yesss, that's mommy's good boy"
Scaramouche felt encouraged by your praise. He spread your folds apart, kissing around your clit, teasing you gently. You started running your fingers through his hair.
"You're doing so good, mommy's so proud of you"
Finally he started sucking on your clit. You threw your head back with a loud moan
He started rubbing your thighs, keeping eye contact with you, getting off on your expressions. Pride filled his chest. He was making his mommy feel good... Then he felt a tug at his hair. He got worried so he asked
"Did i do something wrong mommy?"
You gave him a soft smile
"No, it was perfect my lovely but how about giving your mommy a little more..."
You pulled him on your chest as you whispered in his ear
"I want you inside of me. Does my baby want it too?"
He looked at you as he nodded his head eagerly. You let out a soft giggle. Your hand went to his crotch as you guide his cock inside of you
"There... Now show mommy how much you love her"
He've put his hands on your hips, slowly shething his cock inside of. You felt his body shake as he was bottoming out
"Aww is my baby that sensitive"
"M-mommy feels so good..."
Steadly he started rocking into you, he felt as if your gummy walls were sucking him in
"Mghh-" He let out a breathy moan
You wrapped your legs around him pulling him deeper into your pussy. Sloppy noises were starting to fill the room. Everything felt hot to the both of you. Groans were getting louder by the minute
"So good, so good-"
Scaramouche kept repeating, as waves of bliss were crashing against his body. You pulled him into a kiss, your tounge dancing with his, making a mess out of your faces.
You felt as his cock was hitting your g-spot. You arched your back from the feeling. Mix of both of your fluids was running down your lower body, staining the bed.
Kunikuzushi's rythm was getting more messy, he was clearly determinded to making you come first but it looked like he couldn't hold it much longer
"M-mommy i think im-"
"Shhh little darling just a bit longer, okay?
Sweat was dripping down his face onto your neck. He buried himself into your breast, sucking on your nipple trying to distract himself
"Mhmm, yeah, suck mommy's titts"
That sitmulation was pushing you to the edge as you felt your orgasm approching
"Ah, you can come now sweetie, come inside mommy"
When you spoke these words, he buried himself deep inside of you, shooting his cum into your womb. You followed shortly after him
He pulled out as collapsed on top of you, panting and worn out. Weakly he asked
"H-how did i do?"
"You did great honey, how about getting your reward now?"
"Reward?" You didn't promise him anything
"You think I didn't see you stating at my chest the whole time? But since you've been such a good boy today, go right ahead you can play with them"
He took you up the offer but instead of playing with them, he took one in his mouth and closed his eyes, falling asleep sucking on your boob
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