#no fucking sympathy
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epicallyepicepilogue · 15 days ago
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nando161mando · 10 months ago
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Elon Musk wants your sympathy because he had to pay a whopping 4.5% of his net worth in taxes
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emo-protagonist · 3 months ago
your telling me the reason bob got kicked from mcr was cus he was so upset he trusted a dog trainer and it got his dog killed and he was so guilt ridden he couldnt play and he literally never recovered???? and thats why he had to leave??????? nah honestly fuck all of you for sending him threats for 15 years. you all sucks. imma go cry. this is actually devastating. rest in peace bob.
if i see anyone who said his death was a “victory” or making fun of his death switch up cus of franks post istg i will actually kill you. fuck you mcr “fans”. this is why you don’t make assumptions.
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willosword · 1 year ago
i haven't had time to properly digest it all yet, but there's a certain tenderness in how scavengers reign treats its characters that i really like about it. the show sidesteps a lot of typical survival horror tropes and keeps me on my toes all the time. like i thought sam and ursula's fight in ep 3 would cause a rift to form between them. i thought azi would get weirded out by levi's growing sentience and push them away. but nope, they're all just trying to survive in this strange place. and survival means cooperation and sympathy
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anime-academia · 10 months ago
I am going to fight everyone who has turned Sherlock Holmes into this edgy, rude, arse of a character. This man is kind, caring, sympathetic, and knows how to interact with people (even if he'd prefer to avoid doing so).
I get the whole genuis-who- can't -relate- to -the -way- normal -people- function, but y'know what, he's not condescending about it. He doesnt necessarily think himeself to be above the masses. He admits to being beaten without throwing a tantrum about it.
Being a genuis doesn't mean or necessitate being cold and unfeeling
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biblicalhorror · 6 months ago
Thinking about how Pete used to be a priest and Kevin's (unnamed) mom was a nun. The fact that Pete was clearly stripped of his title. And we don't hear anything about Kevin's mother beyond the fact that she's dead. Thinking about how Diane says that she thinks of Pete as her "creepy uncle" and hates him. Thinking about how Kevin being born was likely a huge scandal for Pete and his mother and led to him being kicked out of the church. Thinking about how Pete doesn't seem to have any remorse at all for the potential abuse of power that occurred which led to Kevin's conception. Thinking about how Pete was the one most likely to make jokes objectifying women with Kevin. Thinking about how Kevin was likely raised believing he was some sort of miracle or chosen one, destined for great things solely because acknowledgment of the shame surrounding the circumstances of his birth would require Pete admitting fault. Thinking about how normalized it must have been in his childhood to see women being talked down to, objectified, sexualized and made into nothing more than plot devices to powerful men. Thinking about the sense of entitlement he must have had baked into him, and the deep fear hiding underneath all of it that one day everyone is going to realize he's his father's biggest skeleton in the closet. Thinking about this show having one of the most nuanced and complex portrayals of the cycle of abuse and patriarchal violence that I've ever seen!!!
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sophsicle · 4 months ago
"would you really cut someone off because of their politics?"
hope u die alone.
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codgod · 2 months ago
i know dreams thing where he “accused” tommy of being really racist was to like. prove a point about how you shouldn’t allege things without proof/context but that was a fucking bold move from someone who has been publicly misogynistic and racist
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teaboot · 3 months ago
you are so weirdly dedicated to making flowery sympathy posts for demographics such as "masculine men" and "cops and security officers who stop people from shoplifting". have you noticed that?
You must be new
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adamsrcnan · 11 months ago
jean saying "sorry" as he was being lifted off the floor like it's muscle memory to be apologising for not being able to move and get up on his own after a beating. hell is not hot enough for riko
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deakyjoe · 6 months ago
You ask me what Ghost’s best cover is and I’m going to say this one live version of Sympathy for The Devil. I think about it everyday and listen to it most days. Tobias, give us a studio recording!!
Link to full version
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fawnsflowerbed · 7 days ago
I've had a moment of character analysis with Leon
!! TW for contemplation of suicide !!
Someone pointed out that during the rooftop fight scene in Vendetta when the glass smashes and Leon is hanging right off the edge just staring out at the city beneath him with that look of numbed pain, anger and awe on his face it's because he's thinking about all the times he almost ended it all. And in that moment right there he's thinking about how easy it would be to just tilt his body weight, fall, and feel that relief of escaping it all finally.
It's why he hesitates, why he stares catching his breath just watching the traffic. Like he's calculating if the fall would kill him, if landing on a car would be quicker, or being hit by one would finish the job fastest.
Vendetta was one of the only medias that TRULY captured how fucking miserable, angry, frustrated and overall fucking done Leon was with his life and his job. Especially with the sarcasm and bitterness directed at Chris and Rebecca, it's the reason he gets snappy about it being their mission, not his. He's asking why the fuck it always has to fall on him.
And that moment there where he's puffing and panting, he genuinely contemplates if he should just say fuck it and fall. Why? Because he's so sick of being toyed with and used and going through the same shit a hundred times only for it to never end. Like he genuinely thinks dying is the best option thanks to everything that happened, from his childhood to his breakup to 1998 all the way up to the incident with his team.
NO ONE talk to me I need to go throw up over this.
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mayapapaya33 · 6 months ago
I feel like all of the "Ludinus is Right the Gods are bad" brigade are conveniently forgetting the dude who released Asmodeus and started off the Calamity was a mortal who fucked up big time trying to ascend like the Matron. Vespin Chloras is to blame for the Calamity kicking off. Not the Prime Deities. The Betrayers were sealed away, and he staged a prison break. That's a mortal failing. Not the God's fault.
Sure, their slug fest destroyed giant swathes of the world, but they wouldn't BE fighting if he hadn't done that. The fight was done, they were sealed. The Primes are fighting with the Betrayers over their desire to kill all the mortals. That's their disagreement. "Us" being alive. Everyone saying "oh clearly the Gods just don't care because of X, Y, and Z" are just flat out not paying attention. If they didn't care, everyone would already be dead, and the family would be back together. Why would they be fighting each other if they didn't care?
(Also, Luda is a big hypocrite, when the Gods destroy a city, one that threatened their very existence, they're monsters, but when he does it for much less good reasons imho it's totally fine/ a necessary evil... ok, sure dude).
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tranquil-turbulence · 3 months ago
Every time I hear the news anchors saying Brian Thompson left behind a wife and teenage children, it fills me with rage.
How many parents did his and his company’s actions rip away from THEIR children? How many children did their actions rip away from THEIR parents? How many people did he and United Healthcare fuck over without remorse, all in the name of profits?
Medical professionals and political figures and citizens alike all TOLD YOU that you were wrong, and yet you stubbornly persisted? All in the name of greed?
This is why nobody is mourning him. This is why the country is mocking and celebrating his death. This is why people are making other CEOs publicly known. People get screwed over by healthcare insurance companies every DAY and not one of those corrupt bigwigs bats an eye or feels any modicum of guilt. The people have had enough. You all should’ve known this would happen someday. In an age of unprecedented gun violence and civil unrest, this is what you asked for.
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blorbologist · 1 month ago
I wish you would write a fic where Percy and Vex need to get warm.
Do with that what you will. (It is effing cold here so it’s on my mind) lol
This welcome has been, so nice and warm
900+ words | Gen | Perc'ahlia | TLOVM s3 and C1 compliant, set in the 1-year timeskip.
I wish you would write a fic where... prompt game
EDIT: Now cleaned up and on AO3!
Vex loves Percy. I mean, it’s a simple, straightforward fact. So much of him is reflected in Whitestone that it’s impossible not to love the city too. 
She might just love it a bit less right now, though. Apparently something about turning Whitestone into a necromancer's paradise impacted weather patterns (guess it’s hard to raise undead in frozen ground?) - because Percy remarked, during Winter’s Crest last year, that it was an unusually balmy winter.
This one is not unusually balmy. It’s cold. It’s skin-prickling, hair-frosting, finger-tingling fucking oppressively cold. 
Vex never knew it was even possible to be too cold for snow. But she’s definitely fucking familiar with the concept now!
It sure doesn’t feel like the Dawnfather smiles on her when the dawn was several hours late, and she woke up to several feet of snow, and to have any hope of catching anything she had to leave her very cozy bed and even cozier Percy.
Another thing to hate about this weather? Dressing up. Gone are the days of throwing on boots and bounding off for a hunt. She needs not one but two hosen on her legs, and a sweater and a jacket and a cloak on top, and gloves, and big huge boots that make her feel like the clumsiest thing in the whole fucking Alabaster Sierras if the rest of the outfit didn’t already accomplish that.
And a hat. A knit, tight hat that she has to drag over her ears or the points will freeze. It feels like she’s going deaf when she wears the thing.
After several hours of vigil in a tree - a third of them taken before sunrise when even that couldn’t warm her - Vex finally just gave up and trekked home. Because even for the Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt there was only so long she could fight off shivers to stay still. And feel every breath sharply. And watch her scarf and fur collar and stray strands of her own fucking hair slowly prickle with frost. 
She must have frostbite. Even if her magic doesn’t seem to catch on any damage. She’ll get inside, take off her gloves, and see that her fingers are black and falling off and Pike will have to leave the bakery to put them back on.
Not like she has any use for those stupid fingers; they’re stiff with cold, and she doesn’t have any game to haul back.
Everything sucks even more knowing she - don’t forget, the Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt - didn’t even hunt anything. Not even a rabbit, or a turkey, or a glimpse of that Grey Render. Funny thing: the wildlife has the sense not to be out in this weather, even if she doesn’t.
(The worst part is that Trinket, for the first time in his whole life, has decided to hibernate. Because the Parchwood is the sort of place bears want nothing to do with when the days start to shorten. And it means that Vax is in Zephrah, where it never snows, and Trinket is soundly sleeping in the warmest part of her mansion, and Vex is out here alone.)
(It means there’s less body heat to keep her warm out here. Of course.)
Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt who sucks at hunting in the Parchwood for a third of the year. It’s times like these where she’s really giddy the mansion was completed not long after the first frost; she can avoid the (surely super judgemental) stares of the townsfolk.
She just… has to fight through knee-high snow to get back. Or awkwardly step through the tracks she left in the morning. Or test the thin sheet of ice on the top of the snow, make it a few strides before crashing through. And no matter what she does her socks end up cold and wet!
By the time the lights are in sight she’s exhausted, and sweaty, and pissed, and really itching to kill something. And above all else, freezing. It’s almost enough to dull the ire - almost.
A petty part of her heart hisses that she never, ever should have fallen in love with a clever, thoughtful, nerdy, proud, cynical, and extremely sexy man who happens to live where it gets fuckoff cold for a solid third of the year.
Except as she trudges closer, she can see his silhouette in the window. And the moment that interruption in the light jerk upright because he’s seen her, too.
Except he leaves that warm, cozy home they’ve made to meet her outside with his coat and slippers. And he kisses her burning cheek and steals her hunting gear and rambles about some idle nothing - and notes he’s got hot chocolate on the stove. 
Except once they’re in the mudroom, and her cold skin prickles at how balmy it is in here, he’s taking her hands and warming them in his. And he’s taking off her boots and grimacing in sympathy at the packed snow and agreeing it’s awful out there, she’s entirely correct, and he’ll be sure to have those poor cold feet in his lap as soon as possible. Yes, by the fire, of course, he’s not a madman.
Except he’s so delighted to have her back, so happy to have an excuse to pamper her. And Percy, with an impish delight, cocoons her in thick blankets and tugs her along to the little nest he’s made by the hearth. And Vex, impossibly, falls a little more in love with him every time he leads her through this dance.
Because Percy, as a man of fuckoff-cold Whitestone, has getting warm down to a science, and Vex can almost forget she was ever cold in the first place.
(She has her own thoughts on how two lovers could warm eachother up, of course - but she did fall in love with a clever man.)
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camplease · 1 year ago
i feel like this is a hot take, but it's clear to me that so much of ianthe's outward projection of superiority is a deeply ingrained — really, formative — sense of inadequacy. it's to prove to everyone, even the people who were supposed to love her, who were supposed to inherently value her, that she does actually have value — in fact, she has the most value because look at what she can DO!
and i don't even think she's entirely internalized that, but that kind of projection kind of falls apart if you show even a moment of self-doubt
and i know ianthe isn’t supposed to be sympathetic here, or at least i’m assuming she’s not to most people, but can you imagine the body horror of being inextricably tied to and irrevocably altered by the guy you grew up with and didn’t even really like and who didn’t like you either (but who served you because that was his Role, and, who, even though you’ll never admit it, you maybe even cared about a bit because at a certain point that’s kind of unavoidable - i know she tried to convince palamedes she didn’t, but she is a known liar prone to sentimentality), but it was fine because you knew you were better than him, too?
except now you're not exactly, not entirely better than him, because he's not just fueling you, you didn't get to just use him to become someone who matters. instead, he's part of you, and you still don't matter?
like from what she says about her parents' reaction to the canaan house aftermath, even that part didn't work. she didn't earn mommy and daddy's validation, admiration, anything
and she's running his empire, but she's still third place to surrogate daddy, too. if she even places!
ianthe naberius is very much the consequences of her own actions, i’m not going full apologia here, just imagining being in that position and. goddamn
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