#no euro
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major-x-blog · 1 year ago
Se credete che qualcuno dirà o farà qualcosa qui in Italia per questo altro ed ennesimo soppruso ai danni dell'Italia, vi sbagliate alla Grande, il problema Risiede nella nostra sotto cultura da pezzenti mediocri ignoranti, che ci "obbliga" a far finta che la questione non ci riguardi direttamente, poichè è un "PROBLEMA" dei Pescatori, non del popolo italiano, stesso discorso sarà per gli Agricoltori e Allevatori, ma presto, quando le tavole degli Italioti Indifferenti saranno vuote di cibi genuini e forse, parzialmente occupate da cibo SPAZZATURA (grilli e carne finta) allora qualcuno si renderà conto che parecchio Tempo Prima dovevano RIBBELLARSI allo Stalinismo Europeo!!!!
L'Italia Ormai è Pronta per l'Estrema Unzione.
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scavengedluxury · 8 months ago
One thing about the Euros is that the English still haven’t quite adjusted to the Queen dying so during the national anthem they keep singing “God Save The Quing” like there’s a non-binary monarch on the throne.
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machetelanding · 3 months ago
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quecksilvereyes · 1 year ago
oh my god do not click links in emails that tell you to verify your data or your bank account gets locked or click links in messages telling you your safety protocol is ending, like, tomorrow, you will get SCAMMED SO BAD AND YOU WILL LOSE A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY never ever let anyone pressure you into giving away login information especially to your online banking by creating a sense of urgency oh my GOD
some things to look out for
1. spelling mistakes. do you know how many rounds of marketing and sales experts these things go through? if theres a spelling mistake dont click it
2. not using your name. if an email adresses you with "dear customer" or, even worse, a generic "ladies and gentlemen", it is most likely not actually targeted to you
3. verifying or login links. even IF your bank was stupid enough to send these to customers, dont EVER click those. look at me. they can legally argue that youve given your data away and thus they dont have to pay you anything back DONT CLICK THAT FUCKING LINK
4. creating a sense of urgency. do this or we lock your account next week. do this or your ebanking stops working tomorrow. give us all your money in cash or your beloved granddaughter will get HANGED FOR MURDERING BABIES. no serious organisation would ever do something like that over email or sms. ever. hands off.
5. ALWAYS CHECK WHO SENT YOU THE EMAIL. the display name and the email adress can vary a LOT. anyone can check the display name. look at the email adress. does it look weird? call the fucking place it says its from. you will likely hear a very weary sigh.
6. if its in a phonecall, scammers love preventing you from hanging up or talking to other people to have a little bit of a think about whats happening. there should always be a possibility to go hey i wanna think about this ill call back the official number thanks.
7. do not, i repeat, do NOT a) call a phone number flashing on your screen promising to rid your computer of viruses after clicking a dodgy link and b) let them install shit on your computer like. uh. idk. teamviewer.
fun little addendum: did you know a link can just automatically download shit? like. a virus? an app you can't uninstall unless you reset your entire device? dont click links unless youre extremely sure you know where they lead. hover your mouse over it and check the url.
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eulchu · 8 months ago
double whammy at the eurocup kiss cam
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ahmed-fathi-gaza · 5 months ago
Hello dear, I hope you are well.,,🙏🍉
I am Ahmed, a Palestinian from Gaza💔
. I ask you to support and donate to save us so that we can stay alive. We are in difficult specialties and in a nylon battle in a cold and wintery atmosphere. A family consisting of elderly people, young children, and patients who suffer from chronic diabetes and need a heart operation. 😭Their health condition is non-existent. We are in dire need of help. You can help us by donating. Share the post. Thank you.
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@fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @mothblossoms @aleciosun
@fluoresensitive @khizuo @lesbiandardevil @transmutationisms
@schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada
@palestinegenocide @sar-soor @akajustmerry
@annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @tortiefrancis
@flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt
@visenyasdragon @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif
@kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish
@theropoda @tamarrud @4ft10tvlandfangirl
@queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic
@awetistic-things @camgirlpanopticon @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @nabulsi
@sygol @junglejim4322 @heritageposts @chososhairbuns @palistani
@illuminated-runas @dlxxv-vetted-donations
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garaks-padded-bra · 10 days ago
can you draw garak pregnant and lactating
If somebody sends me 30 euro so I can buy sonic origins on steam I will do this. But not a moment before
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swinecity · 1 month ago
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euro souvenirs wild boar
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kosher-salt · 3 months ago
I'm sorry but if Sami people can be understood as other-than-white and lighter featured First Nations people can be understood as other-than-white and individuals of our sisters the Romani when similarly afflicted by melanin deficiency can be understood as other-than-white....
Your classification of Jews, who span the whole gamut of color but share the racialization and experience of being othered among any majority, including whiteness in the north/west, is only further evidence of your racism. Because in doing so you continue to perpetuate double standards for Jewish people, which is dangerous when merged with perspectives that view whiteness as a merit signifier. Not that our identity isn't a fair bit older than this pretty reductive view, but
Regardless, I'll remind that the minority indigenous groups I mentioned are in the context of a white majority, but white people do not have a monopoly on colonialism. Plenty of people don't want to be called Arab in MENA and plenty of people aren't sure that they'd classify themselves as Chinese or Russian in the sense that the West views national identity. But that kind of nuance probably isn't something I should bother with if we haven't made it past point 1.
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aces-and-angels · 7 months ago
help safaa and abed's family 🖤
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follow @safaabed8 and @abedalazeiz verified by 90-ghost note: safaa + her family has had to make multiple accounts- they have all either been suppressed/terminated (this is also why the verification/reblogs from ibtisams/heba-20 no longer have working links)
dear moots/lovely lurkers,
i am not sure how to start this- what iteration of words will move a kind stranger to action or convince another that this passage is worth the five minutes it'll take to read it
would you be inclined to learn just how a body shuts down after being malnourished for so long? or what lengths families must go to in order to survive? perhaps a retelling of the rising temperatures-- how everything from the contaminated water they drink to the dirty pillows they lay on is hot will be enough
do you need me to lay it out so plainly that your stomachs churn and your eyes well up with tears? are you waiting to feel that pang inside your chest- the one that screams "enough is enough." do you look at safaa's beautiful family and think they deserve more?
would you still feel that way even if i told you nothing at all?
safaa's family has managed to raise just short of 50% of their goal (€24,809 / €50,000)- campaigns require a sustained, collective effort for them to be successful. more importantly, the onus is on the rest of us to uplift stories the world will do anything to suppress. please don't leave them unheard-- donate if you can, share so others may help as well
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Our Liberation Is Bound Together Jehlen Herdman
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chatlote · 4 months ago
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Just because you don't love yourself it doesn't mean I will stop loving you.
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bixels · 2 years ago
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As they say in the industry, you either know fashion or you don't. And Miss Rarity certainly knows it!
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thomas-mvller · 8 months ago
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holdmybvbeer · 8 months ago
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😭😭 Kannst du dir nicht ausdenken
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mssi · 8 months ago
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football heritage
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