#no elevators in most of them too so i have to settle for first floor which . i really don't wanna
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daz4i · 2 days ago
yesterday i saw an apartment in like what's considered the best city to live in here esp for young ppl (so it's got extremely expensive rent. as you can guess) and it was decent. the landlord was very like. pushy? and a bit aggressive to the point that we now got the text from the real estate agent we went through where he convinced him to be flexible with our terms and prices and such. but bc of his vibe i said no. but this apartment was lovely and in an extremely insanely good location (and he agreed to lower rent to a price you might find in cheaper neighborhoods or cities). however. part of me also got scared bc idk if i can live in this city...... i simply do not have the tel avivi temperament i don't even smoke weed i'm not even vegan.. idk if i could handle it.......
#the issue is. in the city i do want to live in. there's barely any apartments for rent. mostly for purchase#bc it's more for families and ppl who are planning to settle down there for at least a few years#they're also just built bigger bc of it so prices go up with that. so this is all very unfortunate for me#however tlv is very much filled with apartments to rent. most of them awful but also most ppl don't care as long as they get to live in tlv.#there's also the city my friends live in which has a lot of young ppl too lol. due to its proximity to tlv with significantly cheaper rent#but it's very popular bc of that. and many buildings in it are so old that they have a bunch of issues (as i see in my friends' apartments)#like very weak water stream lots of power outages in winter and leakage on top floors etc#no elevators in most of them too so i have to settle for first floor which . i really don't wanna#it has cheap neighborhoods too but without a license and a car they're kinda impossible for me to live in 😬#this is why I've been looking for months but anything half decent gets taken super fast 🥲#the apartment i mentioned last week i think? got signed in the day or two where we passed the contract to a lawyer to see if it's okay#being careful doesn't pay off either...... but unfortunately since it is my first time leaving home i am Scared and ig so are my parents#anyway this is my apartment hunting ramble/rant for the day 😔 ignore me i'm just . suffering#at this point i can picture where exactly on the map each neighborhood is -_- even in cities i don't know that well
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suugarbabe · 7 days ago
firefighter!mattheo, paramedic!enzo x reader who gets stuck in an elevator
thank you very much to @musingsofahufflepuff for starting this brain rot with me & also to @ellecdc for allowing ideas to be bounced off of <3
Hand to chest you took a deep breath, closing your eyes and repeating the words your therapist always tells you when you’re on the verge of a panic attack ‘In two three four, out two three four’. Not only are you starting to panic but your anger is brewing as well. You’d been stuck in this elevator for nearly 25 minutes. 
The mantra rolls over and over in your mind until you hear the scrape of metal on metal. Your eyes snap open, watching, hoping, praying and then finally it happens; the elevator doors start to slowly be pulled open. It had apparently been stuck halfway into the next floor as the first thing you notice is the beige cement wall in front of you. 
The deep grunting is what gets your attention next before a mop of curls and a shining half smile comes into view. Fucking hell was this firefighter gorgeous. 
“Someone call for a knight in shining armour?” the firefighter’s grin cheesed further. Irritated at his nonchalance you snapped at him, “Well I did a while ago…s’pose you’ll have to do though…” 
The firefighter gives a slightly incredulous laugh, “Oi! I can leave then, yeah? Leave you to your own devices, you’re welcome for the open door to get you started.” He moves to push up from where he laid on the ground talking to you. 
Regret settled immediately in your chest, “Wait! No, no, no, no please, I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry Mr. Curly Firefighter, please just…” you bounced on the balls of your feet, giving your best pout, “help me.” 
His smile returns, “It’s Mattheo,” quickly he’s shedding his turnout coat to lay it on the edge of the opening, “and alright, but only because it's hard for me to deny such a reasonable request from such a pretty individual like yourself.” A wink punctuates his words and your cheeks flush immediately, “Just…hurry okay?” 
“Here, take this,” he throws what looks like a thin flat rope near your feet. You look back up at him with a quirked brow, “it’s called webbing…you know what, never mind, just..put your legs through those two holes and then I can pull you up, okay?”
You followed his directions quickly, pulling the webbing up your legs. “Atta, babe,” Mattheo tightens the rope, passing the slack of it to someone behind him. He pulls it up, your hips launching upwards slightly causing you to lose your balance with a gasp. 
“S’alright, I gotcha,” strong arms hook under yours and around your waist, lifting you up through the half open doors. His hold is firm as he finally helps free you and stand you on your feet, “There we go. Now I’m gonna send you with my good buddy Enzo to get checked out, make sure you’re okay. Don’t worry, he’s a paramedic so you can trust him.”
A taller, even prettier man grabs your elbow gently while rolling his eyes at Mattheo, “Didn’t manage to break anything this time, did ya, mate?” 
“Yeah you should try breaking something once in a while, you might enjoy it,” Mattheo called back down the hall, Enzo shook his head with a smirk before turning to check on you, “How’re you feeling, nothing hurting?” You shook your head, No, just surrounded by deeply attractive first responders in the most embarrassing way. 
Enzo leaned down so he was in your line of vision, “You sure you’re alright? Feel like you spaced out for a second.” You took a deep breath, nodding, “Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just shaken up I think.” 
He led you to the back of the ambulance, “Alright, love. Lemme just give you a quick check, yeah? Make sure you weren’t too deprived of oxygen.” You nodded, definitely feeling light headed, but you didn’t think it was from your time in the elevator.
“Gonna run this light across your eyes, okay?” Enzo placed his hand on the top of your head, using his thumb to open your eyes wider while he ran his flashlight in front of them. You groan internally, “Real attractive look for me right now, thanks. I really think I’m fine, Mattheo probably caused more stress than anything.” This gets a laugh, “Yeah, he can do that…well, everything on you looks pretty fine from my perspective.” 
You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks. “Oh, hold on a second, you look a little flushed now,” Enzo’s hands cup your cheeks, fingers putting slight pressure along the back side of your neck before shaking his head, “No, I think you’re good.” 
He takes a step back, strong arms crossing over one another across his chest, “Would you like a ride to the hospital, just to be safe?” You gnawed on your bottom lip, thinking briefly before shaking your head, “No..no I should be okay. Like you said, I’m good.” 
Enzo eyed you momentarily, “You sure? It’s no trouble, and they can give you a more thorough check at the hospital.” You shook your head once more with a shy smile, “S'alright, really.” 
He gave a nod before reaching up behind you. His shirt pulled taught against the muscles in his side as he grabbed the tablet from the gurney. You had to turn away lest you get caught staring. 
“Just need your signature here,” he handed you the tablet, pointing at the bottom of the screen. You quickly scribble something across the screen, standing up from the back of the ambulance, “All done..erm, thanks again.” 
Enzo closed the doors before turning to you, “Of course, we’re glad you’re alright.” He picked up his bag, turning to you one more before getting in the driver’ seat, “Maybe take the stairs for a while? Don’t hesitate to stop by the station if you’re feeling any different.” You smiled awkwardly, “Yeah, okay. I’ll keep that in mind.”
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em1989ts · 1 month ago
Hi! So i have this idea, also kinda inspired by the last request (cuz I loved the way it turned out) you do what you please with it🙂‍↔️
Five, after all he had gone through, finally got to figure his feelings out and realizes he wants to spend the domestic life he always craved with reader, after playing no strings attached, he just goes for it
𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞
five hargreeves x reader
word count: 1.5k
summary: after the universe was reset, you and five finally get to settle down and live the life you want
author's note: thank you for the request!! keep 'em coming!! this one i did rather quickly, and it's not as in depth as i like but i quite like it :) hopefully you enjoy
not proofread
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One moment, you feel like you’re getting your soul pulled from you in one of the most painful experiences of your life.
Forced to watch as your partner and his family go through the same fate. 
Their sister sliced open their father’s head, revealing him to be a green blooded alien robot, as you all were released from the source draining your powers from you
You remember looking over at Five as you fell to the floor.
He was your partner at the commission who you banded off with to stop the apocalypse. He had a makeshift tourniquet around his severed arm, the two of you withering in pain against the cold tile as you tried regaining your breath. 
The two of you had gone through so much together. Far too many apocalypses for two elderly teens to handle in less than a month. You were both so stressed, being pushed and pulled around by the universe with endless complications. It seemed like every single day since you first returned to 2019, something had always managed to go wrong. 
Yet, you always had Five, and he had you. 
You kept each other sane. 
You were exactly what the other needed. 
Nobody really understood what you two were, but you definitely weren’t just coworkers. 
There were so many instances where the two of you had gotten drunk, and either cried in each other's arms or passionately made out. 
Whatever could distract the two of you from the unstoppable fear of failure. 
That fear of not being able to save the world, save his family, save each other. It ate you alive. 
It was almost as if you were the same person, with the same mind, you could understand each other so well, yet that didn’t mean you could read each other’s mind. 
It was hard to tell whether your intimate moments together had any correlation to how he truly felt about you. You knew he loved you, as much as he loved his family. He was such a caring, selfless man. It always hurt to watch when his family overlooked how much he sacrificed for them, how they constantly blamed him. You made sure he never felt overlooked when he was with you. 
His blue-grey skin horrified you. The wrinkles in his face, showing how close he was from death in that moment, utterly horrified you. His eyes, so much darker than his light green irises, full of suffering, was a sight you never wanted to see again. 
Everyone pleaded with Allison as her hand hovered over the glowing button. 
Once she hit it, everything went black. 
The next moment, you realized you were standing. 
You felt different. 
Cleansed, almost. 
You heard a ding and opened your eyes, realizing you were standing in a crowded elevator. It somehow opened up into a memorial park. The night was rainy, and you could hear the city sounds so clearly through the open air. 
As everyone walked over and explored their surroundings, you scanned Five. 
No more discolored skin, no more wrinkles, perfect eyes, and . . . his arm? 
Before you could mention it to him, you heard Viktor break the silence first. 
“Luther?” he said. 
Everyone turned their attention to the elevator, as the now skinner Luther made his way out. 
“You can see me?” he said excitedly as Viktor jumped into his arms for a strong hug, “I’m alive!” 
“That’s not all, big guy,” Viktor referenced Luther’s new figure. 
At this point, Five had realized his arm had returned, giving you a small wave with it. 
You laughed with a smile before tugging him into a hug, so relieved you made it out alive once more. He wrapped both his arms around you as he dug his face into the crook of your neck. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” you heard him grumble into your hair. 
Before you could respond, Five was snatched from your grasp by Luther, frantically asking about his wife. Five reminded him about the universe being reset, which apparently wasn’t a good answer. 
“Okay, screw this,” said Five before attempting to blink, yet he went nowhere. 
Immediately looking panicked, he said, “Something’s wrong.” 
Luther threatened him once more as everyone tested their powers. 
Luther eventually ran off to find Sloane, with Klaus right on his tail. 
“Peace out, bitches,” was the last you heard from Ben before he took off. 
“What are we supposed to do?” Diego asked now that everyone was breaking off in their own direction. 
You glanced over at Five to find him already looking at you. His eyes communicated with you in a language intelligible to anyone else in the world. When he held his hand out, you took it firmly. 
“Live our lives?” Lila asked, unsure. 
Once her and Diego walked off hand in hand, Five gave one last look to Viktor before he squeezed your hand and walked towards the archway, leading onto the sidewalk. 
The two of you didn’t say anything at first. You could feel the rain land gently on your face, in your hair, on your sweater. It was the perfect, cool night in the city. The air was clean. 
You could take a deep breath without feeling the weight of the world crushing your lungs.
There were zero expectations. No time travel laws you had to follow. No people you were assigned to kill. No countdown till doomsday. 
You were free. 
With Five’s hand in your, you quickened your pace and started running down the sidewalk. It took him by surprise but he followed your lead, letting you drag him down the block, without a care in the world. 
The two of you felt free. 
It was about time.. 
You stopped suddenly. Wet hair framed your glowing face as you panted, trying to catch your breath. He did the same, as he waited patiently for you to speak your mind. He brushed raindrops off your face, admiring your furrowed brow, showing you were deep in thought.
“Wait a minute,” you had realized something. 
“If the universe is reset, where do we go? What do we do? I mean, there’s no academy anymore. There’s no record of us anywhere. How do we get a job if we don’t exist yet? How do we find somewhere to live if we don’t exist yet? We don’t have any money so we can’t afford a hotel room, we’re going to have to sleep on a bench tonight and it’s fucking rainin-” 
He cut you off with a hand on your cheek and a swift kiss to the lips.
That definitely shut you up, but he spoke before you could even register what happened.
“We’ll figure it out,” he smiled at you, still holding your face, caressing your cheek with his palm. 
“I don’t care where we go or what we do. But whatever happens, I want you by my side.” 
You had never seen Five like this. So worry free, so genuine. He looked as though so much weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. You knew because you felt just the same. 
Without a word, you kissed him once more, confirming your enthusiasm to live your new life with him. 
You never would’ve thought settling down would be in your cards, but here you were, kissing your partner, Five Hargreevess, in the pouring rain. 
As you pulled away, you laughed and asked, “Are you ready for this new adventure, Five?” 
Of course you’d go anywhere with him, you’d even sleep on a park bench if it meant you would be safe in his arms. This didn’t mean you’d be too thrilled to be sleeping in the rain. He smiled wide, his dimples prominent, and took your hand in his once again.
“Ready when you are.”
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musubi-sama · 1 year ago
You are officially Shoko Ieri’s girlfriend, but why are you being followed and gently threatened by two tall, disgustingly handsome men?
CW: afab!reader x shoko ieri, modern au, mild stalking, the boys being intimidating, toys, cunnilingus, shower sex, lady love, mild plot
AN: This is baby’s first fan fic, my first piece of fiction and self-indulgent prose. The world needs more yuri/sapphic/lady stories and I hope I can do it a modicum of justice. I will probably write out the two flashback references as additional chapters once I figure out what I want to do with them.
WC: 4.9k
Next chapter —
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“Let’s continue that little thread from last night after classes today?” she responds before pulling away and heading off to the lecture hall. “I’ll make sure to take ‘extra meticulous’ notes for you!” Your girlfriend puts extra emphasis and holds up sassy airquotes (even gives a little sideways nudge with her hip) because she’s notoriously a poor lecture student and you pay attention almost too much and too well, taking notes furiously from your front and center seat.
You give her a cute giggle and wave as she walks away; you’re heading off to meet with your adviser to discuss a research opportunity. While you walk across the quad into the neighboring dining hall to grab your usual Starbucks order (iced caramel machiatto).
Meanwhile, a pair of tall, offensively handsome men doing what would otherwise be a scene from a spy movie, fold the top half of a newspaper down and watch you and Shoko embrace and go your separate ways.
“Suguru, who the hell was that talking to Sho?” the white-haired, ethereally blue eyed man says a bit too loudly to his dark-haired, enigmatically purple eyed friend. The pair sit on the bench gawking, although the dark haired man winces at the volume of his friend.
“You’re going to give us away, shush, Satoru! I don’t know who she is or what that was about but let’s follow her” Suguru gets up and beckons in your general direction “and see where she goes” Satoru gets up and they both follow you at a safe distance, catching up with you as you are waiting for your order at Starbucks. Satoru perks up and nudges Suguru in the side with a cheeky smile when he hears the barista announce your order. “She can’t be that bad, she’s got a sweet tooth!”
“Let’s see where she goes from here.” Suguru pinches his chin as he watches you from across the cafe. You navigate around a few tables to reach the exit and head off to your meeting. While waiting for the elevator to the fifth floor, you catch a flash of messy-but-styled white hair from around the corner, but chalk it up to sleep deprivation and stress.
You make it to your adviser and he walks you through a few research opportunities, but the drawback is that you will need to take a year between finishing your primary in-classroom education and your clinical rotations. And the one that you like the most is across the country. Great timing, just after you finally get a girlfriend and think you may have your little life settled into a comfortable routine. Maybe you wait a few weeks to discuss this with Shoko. But maybe she would want you to bring it up sooner, it’s not like you haven’t known her for four years already. The responsible partner would talk about it soon. But you’ve never been too keen on bringing up tough subjects in a reasonable or quick manner, opting to mull quietly, by yourself, not wanting to bother other people or respond to negative feedback.
As you’re arguing with yourself, you take the elevator back down the ground floor and head outside to hole up in the library until Shoko is out of the morning’s lectures.
Except you don’t notice the two tall handsome boys following you from the lobby across the quad. They take notice of your internal conflicts written across your face and lack of spatial awareness to surround you and you bump into a dense, immovable statue. Fortunately for you, it’s not an actual statue, but a person, so there is a softness in the knock and a pair of arms quickly wrap around you to make sure you don’t fall. Two sets of arms, actually.
“Ah, Iamsosorry” You attempt to stammer out as you are brought out of your internal arguments. You look up to see long, feathered jet-black hair, reaching past the shoulders, but pulled partially up into a bun. Face framed by bangs hanging on one side. Piercing, focused, concerned violet eyes, and a soft smile. Your first impression is that he is cat-like. He catches you off-guard but you feel safe. As you step back to give him space and continue to your destination, your back bumps into an equally statuesque figure. But he’s the polar opposite when you tilt your head back and look up at him. A shock of white hair, dark round sunglasses, giant smile bearing all his teeth, ocean blue eyes piercing you. It’s unsettling how it feels like he’s reading every thought you’re having right now, in the past, and the future. “Oh, excuse me…” you mumble but it just trails off.
“Oh hello there.” Suguru places his hands on your shoulders to steady you. It feels nice, reassuring, considering you just knocked around some coastal rocks. “My name is Suguru Geto and this is Satoru Gojo. We just happened to see you walking across campus and you seemed distracted. Wouldn’t want you walking into anyone and causing a disturbance. Present company excluded, of course.”
“Yeah, what’s a girl like you doing so distracted?” You’re caught off guard by the brazen question. And confused by the implications. What kind of girl do they think you are?
“Sorry, I really just want to go to the library. I’m meeting my girlfriend soon.” You try to side-step the pair and they move in tandem to block your path. Ah, you start to feel the familiar anxiety of being pestered by someone who can’t understand that ‘no’ is a full and complete statement. What you fail to notice, is the shock that zipped through the boys’ expressions.
“I am sorry for the brashness of my companion” Suguru tilts his head up to give Satoru a piercing stare before his gaze softens again and he looks back at you. You feel as if you’re the only person in the entire world as he looks down. Completely taken by his gaze, feeling his arms re-settle on your forearms for a moment before dropping to his sides, giving you space with the lack of physical touch. “But we saw you with a friend of ours and we were just concerned for her. She always introduces anyone beyond a mere acquaintance to us, and we are only looking out for her best interests.” Satoru uses this opportunity to step around to your front, hands in his pockets. Although he still has a mischievous grin on his face.
“Er, what? I am sure that any one I am friends with surely doesn’t require a white knight or dark stallion to protect her honor.” You attempt to cut the conversation short.
“You’re right. You’re absolutely correct, dear. How about we get to know you over dinner? Our treat for being so forward. Tomorrow, pick you up at 7:00? I know a place that does great bananas foster with homemade caramel” Satoru winks, and you realize you’re still holding your coffee. You’re clutching it now, hoping he didn’t see that you asked for extra caramel drizzle in your coffee today. You’re a people pleaser, so you just quickly agree to the plans. You ask for their LineID and as you’re walking away, you get two messages immediately:
Can’t wait to see you, sweets! Looking forward to dinner and getting to know you.
Finally making it to the library, feeling buzzed, and not from the sugar or caffeine. But you manage to find some shred of focus for the next two hours. Your phone buzzes and you start to pack up your books and laptop. You respond to Shoko’s message that she’s out of class and heading to the dining hall with a quick “Yay, save me a seat!” message even though you know you don’t have to ask.
“How was the Pharmacology lecture?” You ask, while attempting to unhinge your jaw around a particularly ambitious forkful of salad. Your girlfriend just smiles at you over her soup.
“Hm, well you know how engaging Dr. Smith is at his age. I made sure to get an audio recording of the lectures and of course the slide notes include the markups from in-class.”
“Aww, thank you! You’re the best.”
Shoko gives you a fond smile as you both settle back into eating lunch. You continue chatting about classes, you feel confident over your polite dodging of any real answer to how your adviser meeting went “Ah, well, I am waiting for him to email me with some details on a couple research opportunities.” Shoko seems satisfied, or at least doesn’t have any follow up questions to your response. You don’t feel comfortable about lying to your best friend, your girlfriend, but you didn’t really tell her lies. Just, not the whole truth. You’ll tell her, soon. You promised yourself. That was the decision you had settled on right as you bumped into-
“Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something. I have two friends I’ve known since forever and I want to introduce you to them. I have kept you from them until now because they can be somewhat, very, incredibly, protective of me and intrusive to anyone who gets close. But they are good people, even if I have to kick their asses when they pull their little “baby Shoko” stunts.” Shoko puts her hands on yours and looks straight at you, although struggles to keep eye contact when she mentions her friends’ not-so-kind traits.
You consider her question and do not want to respond too quickly or eagerly, but you have wanted to build some new relationships before your life gets too much more hectic with clerkships, graduation, and intern year on the horizon. And if these new friends are already friends with Shoko, then it’s even easier because you would want any new friends to be comfortable with both of you. You may only be newly dating, but you’ve already fallen for Shoko quite hard and want to settle down. Or something like that? You haven’t taken a breath to really figure your brain out.
“Oh, well, why don’t we get drinks and see how things go? I like the idea of making new friends, let’s give it a try!” You try to hold back your over-eagerness, but you let slip big excited eyes and slotting your fingers into Shoko’s hands and squeezing. A small squeal may have also escaped your lips, you’re bad a poker. And Shoko loves it. She gives you a soft smile, leans over to drop a peck on your cheek. The rest of lunch passes with easy conversation. You head off to your afternoon lectures and study sessions together.
After classes finished, you both headed back to Shoko’s apartment. Even before you started dating, you spent most of your free time at her place. It was closer, bigger, quieter, and nicer than your apartment. You grab a pair of beers from the fridge after you finished cleaning up from dinner and walk over to the couch. Shoko turned on Netflix and started the nightly ritual of scrolling new and recently updated shows to see what caught either of your interests before settling on one of the six shows you’re already in the middle of watching. You sit sideways and hand over one of the beers, laying your legs across your girlfriend’s lap. She settles on watching the next episode of your shared guilty pleasure, Doctor X. During the opening credits, your phone buzzes several times with messages on Line.
“Ugh, what is it now? I should’ve left it in the bedroom” you grumble as you lean over to the table and pick up your phone that has now buzzed four times. You see a newly familiar name pop up and scowl.
“What’s wrong, love?” Shoko perks up and looks over to you as you start to read the messages, more coming in while you’re reading.
“I literally ran into a pair of criminally attractive guys. Boys, really. They did that High School-Hollywood thing of boxing me in, making me look up, and then not taking no for an answer. I agreed to get dinner with them tomorrow just so they’d leave me alone and go away.” You flash her the phone with the messages. Her usually subtle expression shifted much more dramatically when she saw who you were talking about.
“Wait. You ran into, literally? Gojo and Geto? Tall, one with white hair sticking up in stupid directions and acting with way too much bravado, the other with big ear gauges and an air of incredible self-confidence? Today? Where? When?” She stops her idle massaging of your legs and turns towards you, taking your phone to read more carefully what they had sent:
Heyyyyyy. Wear something cute? Do you like Mediterranean? :)
“Yyyyeah that matches the pair. Why, do you know them? Have they bothered you on campus before?”
Shoko snickers softly. “You could say that. Remember the pair of friends I wanted you to meet? Looks like they found you first.”
“Oh.” You look down at your hands for a moment and then suddenly you remember what Suguru said to you “we saw you with a friend of ours and we were just concerned for her…” “Oh, wait a second. You’re the friend they were talking about!” And you relay the conversation you had with Suguru and Satoru to Shoko who just shakes her head and sucks her teeth.
“Yeah, those bastards. I told them to wait till this weekend, I had news for them and someone to meet. But they just HAD to get impatient.”
“I will call off dinner! Can I have my phone back, please?” you reach out your hand to begin composing a polite response to the nuisance pair.
“No, don’t. Just have them come over first. And then they can take BOTH of us to dinner.”
As soon as you send off your address, you put your phone down. Shoko’s ministrations on your legs intensifies subtly, but clearly with an agenda. You lean back against the arm of the couch as Shoko slowly massages her hands up your legs, focusing on the softer flesh on the insides of your thighs. You part your legs for her slightly as she gets closer to your clothed core.
The days have been long and you’ve hardly had time for yourself or your relationship since you’ve put official titles on it. You shift yourself so you’re now straddling Shoko. You reach your hands around her neck, threading your hands under her long, wheat-colored brown hair. When you met her, her hair was only touching her shoulders, but now it’s reaching far down her back. Her lips are so soft and inviting, a gentle sheen of spit covering them. Your eyes rake over her face, taking in every facial micromovement. You admire her lone freckle below her eye, something you’ve always found cute.
You lean in, lips parting slightly as her eyes glance up at you, pupils darkening in desire. As your tongues slipped past each other, they danced delicately but with increasing urgency as your lips press harder and Shoko takes a brief opening to nip at your lower lip, drawing out a soft moan from you. Your hands hold her neck tighter, one slipping up through her hair, giving it a light tug. Her hands start sliding back in between your legs, the side of her pinky finger lightly grazing your center which elicits a small grind from you. As your kiss slowly turns more frantic, trading breaks for air with trails of urgency on each others jawline, Shoko reaches under your shirt to gently wrap her hands under your voluminous tits. Still seated in a soft bralette, your nipples begin to harden as her hands slowly squeeze and make their way into the bralette and find your nipples with a soft squeeze.
You drop your hands to your sides and toss your head back at the sharp, but pleasurable sensations and start to roll your hips in Shoko’s lap, looking for some friction and relief for the growing tension. You whimper as the pinching and squeezing intensifies, tilting your head back up and you are met with eyes filled with pure lust. “I told you I wanted to continue from last night” Shoko growls. You just respond with a low moan. Shoko then uses her forearms to slide your shirt up and over your head, taking your bralette with it.
Now, your fully exposed chest and abdomen, your nipples clearly taut in response to the pleasure being shown to them. Shoko then leans down to one, taking it in her mouth with a light suck. Keeping her hand squeezing the other, she lightly bites down, rolling the puckered nipple in her teeth, sliding her slick tongue across. She releases it with a pop, letting it and your breast drop and give a little lewd jiggle. She repeats the process on your other nipple. You are still wantonly grinding your hips in her lap, keening against her touch.
As your body continues to relax, your brain slowly shutting off the noise and entering that cozy, listful, lustful subspace headspace, your hands claw at your girlfriends’ shirt and pull it off of her during a brief moment when her lips aren’t attached to your body. The moment her skin is exposed, you bring yourself vertical and then over, pressing your breasts into hers, enjoying the soft and supple squeezes from your body weight onto Shoko. You reach in to grasp the sides of your shared mass of tits, squeezing and pushing them together.
You are in a daze, skin on fire, as you are drunk from your beer and the lust spreading through your veins. You always knew you were bisexual, although you couldn’t put a fine point on it until you met Shoko while at your lab’s new grad student orientation 3 and a half years ago. You moved across the country for grad school, knowing you’d need to start over again and find new (local) friends. You were taking in the space when you turned around and saw Shoko Ieri walk in the room, immediately disorienting you and a sudden warmth spreading into your center. You couldn’t look her in the eye for the entire first month.
“What do you want to do tonight?” Shoko brings you out of your daze as she wraps her hand around the back of your neck. “Want to start with that new toy I picked up recently?”
“O-oh, yeah, I haven’t tried something like that before!” You start to untangle yourself from Shoko and roll off the couch. You’re chased by Shoko into the bedroom as she reaches out to pinch at your sweatpants-covered ass, you making sure she can still catch you. There’s fun in the chase, but so is there in getting caught. You leap at the bed, spin around and sit on your legs patiently while Shoko disappears into her closet. She returns quickly, now in nothing but a lace thong and brandishing a modest, slightly curved silicone dildo in her hands, twirling her hair with her other hand. You bounce a bit in anticipation, soft tits still jiggling as you stop moving. You move to remove your sweatpants, but are cut off.
“Ah ah ah, hands off. Why are you trying to deny me the fun? I said we are going to continue from yesterday. Which means it’s my turn to return the favor.”
“We don’t need to keep a running tally for equitability sake!” you whine, sticking your lip out in an over-exaggerated pout.
“You’re right, but since this is celebrating us putting some structure and a title to” she waves her hand between the two of you “this, I want to finish what you started. Now, lay back, please.” You settle on the duvet, heart racing, feeling giddy. Last night you off-handedly said ‘I love you’ over dinner at home. It came out of nowhere, but you were just chatting and catching up from the day over a bowl of spaghetti, and it just fell out of your mouth while Shoko nearly choked mid-slurp.
Shoko sets the toy down on the bed and climbs up the bed, caging you in. As she reaches your middle, she sits back on her heels and tugs at your pants. She loved how you always returned to your own apartment or hers and would immediately change into comfortable room wear, shedding the stuffy denim and wired bras for soft cottons and gentle elastics. Pulling your hair back to keep it out of your face, it certainly made easier to grab in the heat of sex and teasing. After she removed your pants and panties, reveling at your exposed frame, Shoko admired your neatly trimmed hair framing your glistening pussy. “Mine.”
Soft kisses with small nibbles sprinkled in begin to chase up the inside of your legs, feet planted on the bed. As the kisses intensify, your knees fall further apart. Your hands come up to your hair as you lace your fingers through to ground yourself. Gently, two fingers spread your folds open and you let out a small gasp. “Mmm I just love to tease your pussy.” One slender finger slides in, your soft walls pulling it in deeper until your girlfriend’s middle finger is sheathed up to the knuckle. She flips her palm upwards and curls the finger inside of you while bringing her thumb to rest on your hardening clitoris. Your hips begin to buck at the movements, moans increasing. Slowly sliding her finger out, pressure still on your clit, Shoko adds a second finger and begins to rub circles with her thumb and thrusting her fingers in and out. She looks up from her ministrations to watch your face go through a million small emotions in pleasure. “That’s it, love. Let me hear you, don’t hold back.” You unwind on her hand, fluttering around her fingers, riding out your high with loud moans and grinding hips.
As you come back down, Shoko reaches over to the toy, aligning the flat, angled tip with your hole, pulling out her fingers. “Ready?” she whispers, but with an edge of gravel on her voice. She also grabs a small remote that you didn’t initially see and reaches up to place it in your hands. “I also got a treat for you. Feel free to press the buttons as you want and see what happens”
Slowly, Shoko presses the toy into your soaked pussy, as the tip disappears in, she turns it on to the lowest vibration setting. You give a sharp inhale as you push your head back further into the pillows. You recollect yourself as the toy makes its way further into you, and bring your hand up to see what this remote is. Just two buttons, marked by a plus and minus sign. You touch the plus button and suddenly a sultry and surprised “Ahhh mmmmm” Shoko whines from between your legs. Her progress to slide in the toy momentarily halted as she adjusted to the vibrating inside of her. She regains composure as she seats the toy fully inside you and rotates it around until you slam your eyes shut and cry out in pure pleasure. “Ah ha, found it. So hot.” Shoko bought a g-spot vibrator and adjusted it till she found the right spot inside of you.
Squirming somewhat, Shoko slowly moves the vibrator around, placing her free hand on your abdomen with pressure against you. Your hips begin to gyrate and roll with increased intensity every time the head of the toy makes contact with the spongy sensitive bundle of nerves inside your walls. “Sho—Shooookoooo ple- FUCK please~” you preen and attempt to stammer out some words. You increase the intensity on the remote.
“Ye-s, l-ove? You’re doing so, so, hnf, well, better than the fantasies I had all day of this- of this mooooment.” Shoko showers you with praise, stuttered by her own building pleasure, knowing exactly what is to come next.
“Ahhh, Sho—Shoko, I’m-com-” You attempt to tell her what you’re feeling as the pressure in your abdomen has reached a fever pitch, ready to incinerate you at the lightest touch. Shoko steadies the vibrator right on the nerves and brings her thumb up to apply pressure to your clit and lowers her body to get closer to your core. “Give it all to me.” At that moment you scream obscenities as your body releases the built-up pressure and you squirt directly into Shoko’s waiting mouth. Helping you ride out your pleasure pushed Shoko over the edge, too, as she rolls her hips along with the waves of her own orgasm. As your body begins to slow it’s movements, she turns off the vibrator and removes it from you. She also reaches down to her own bullet vibrator and removes it, still shaking as you’re too high on your own pleasure to find the remote.
Shoko sits up and wipes your slick from her face, reaching a hand up to you to clean off. “Good girl.” You whimper at the affirmation, pulling on her wrist to bring her up to you, her body draped on yours. When you finish lapping up the wetness on her hand, you twist your head over and your mouths meet in lazy but passionate kissing. Tongues lazily exploring each other, gratitude shared between the two of you.
“Shower?” You nod, slowly rolling yourself over, legs finding the ground albeit a bit shakily. Shoko steps out ahead, sliding into the en suite ahead of you to warm up the shower and grab towels. You stand in front of the mirror admiring your body, re-adjusting your hair and pulling the strays that have fallen out back up. You step in to the shower, bottoms of your feet chilled on the hard tile floor, but skin warmed by the scaldingly hot shower.
“Ahhhh, perfect” You reach out to rest your hands on Shoko’s waist as you both take a moment to relax in the warmth of each other and the water.
“Yeah, you are, love.” You giggle at the admiration. Shoko’s hands come up to gently massage your breasts, lightly pinching your nipples. She closes the gap between you and nudges her leg in between yours, rubbing her thigh against your sensitive folds. You let out a soft moan, feeling sensitive and on-edge already, after just a moment. “I’m not done with you yet.”
You continue to grind on her thigh as she holds pressure against your heat. Your hands slide up to Shoko’s chin, cupping her face and you dive in for a kiss. Your lips are urgent and needy as you moan into her mouth, biting her lips with every wave of building pressure. After several minutes, Shoko breaks the kiss, pulling away and you whine as her leg also pulls back. She begins kissing down the column of your neck, down the center of your clevage, past your navel, sinking to her knees to worship at your altar.
Wordlessly, Shoko nudges your legs further apart, guiding you so you are now leaning against the cold wall of the shower. Placing her hands on the front of your thighs, she slides them up to your folds and with her thumbs, spreads your pussy open, exposing your wet core to the warm shower air. She leans in to take a soft lick, savoring the first taste. You lean back on the wall for support, hands threading through Shoko’s hair.
“God you taste amazing. I can’t get enough of you.” Shoko uses her nose to rub against your oversensitive clit, reaching her tongue inside your sensitive cunt, applying light suction as she goes. Drinking up every drop your body offers, you can feel her moans reaching deep within you. Moving between deep licks inside your pussy to abusing your clit with the tip and flat of her tongue, you can feel the coil again twisting inside of you. With your moans completely unrestrained, you use your grip on her head to keep her pinned against your center.
“Baby, love, god” Shoko praises you at each short breath she takes. You don’t even have a moment to tell her as suddenly the coil snaps and you silently scream as she eagerly accepts the orgasm she pulled from your body. Her hands wrapping around your hips, holding you close as you buck against her touch. Once you have stopped moving so harshly, she stands up and your lips crash together one more time, you licking your wetness off her face, her embracing and holding you.
“I’ve never felt so relaxed with someone, Sho. You’re my best friend, my love, I can’t see a future without you.” Your mouth is moving faster than your brain, letting your admissions tumble out. A common occurrence for you recently. Shoko just smiles and you wash each other clean, taking time to massage tender areas, and scrub the rough ones. After you step out of the shower, you both go through your nightly skin care and pre-bed routines. Passing products between each other, prepping and moving as one practiced unit.
Now laying in bed, you are in the crook of your girlfriends’ arm while you both scroll on your phones. Eventually putting them down and rolling into a more comfortable sleeping position (as cute as cuddling is, you both know that it’s not comfortable for sleeping all night. No one likes numb limbs!). You both drift off to sleep, feeling happy and content with each other.
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pookietv · 9 months ago
online embarrassment (part two!) | arthurtv
a dedication to @casualvanilla into bullying me to write a part two :3
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being curious about arthur and his seemingly strange occupation choice, in your eyes at least, of commentating 90 day fiance, you decided that you may as well watch a little of the show, seeing if you could see what made it so interesting.
especially since you and him had been talking much more frequently, playing a couple of games of chess together most evenings, over discord calls and instagram messages
and your curiosity had definitely been quashed once you had watched as much as you could stomach of insanely dysfunctional relationships, exploitation and men going for women far too young for them.
so, with your newfound knowledge, you decided to text arthur again.
youruser: why is literally every couple on 90 day fiance either insanely malfunctioning or borderline exploitative
arthurtv: ah, i see you have exposed yourself to the world of discovery+
arthurtv: and in all honesty, that is kind of the grim premise of the show, a kind of strangely twisted curiosity makes us all watch them fall apart
youruser: grim is definitely the word for it
arthurtv: so are you doing anything tonight?
youruser: unfortunately, i have little plans that don't involve reading so many academic journals until my eyeballs fall out :(
arthurtv: i never even asked you what you study?
youruser: oh, i study politics with a focus on international law right now :)
arthurtv: no way! i studied law when i was at uni
youruser: when was that, fifteen years ago?
arthurtv: ha ha very funny i am twenty eight
arthurtv: ps, you're almost as dedicated to your uni work as you are to your outrageous bishop sacrifices
youruser: anyway, are you doing anything tonight?
arthurtv: going round to some of my friends house cause he's forcing us to rewatch the lord of the rings series
arthurtv: though that is fair enough because i have forced him to watch harry potter so many times
youruser: i've never even seen harry potter
arthurtv: WHAT
youruser: oopsie
youruser: just never got round to it
arthurtv: you need to watch it!!!!
youruser: it just doesn't seem like my kind of thing!
arthurtv: we can't be friends anymore smh
youruser: that sounds great! blocking you rn
arthurtv: shut up you
arthurtv: anyway, i had an idea, if you're down
youruser: and what would that idea be
arthurtv: i think we should meet up and play actual chess on an actual chessboard (and maybe drink a few bevs)
youruser: well, i mean, i don't even know if i should be meeting you, after all you are the Insane Chess Killer Man >:)
youruser: and if i didn't know any better, sounds like you're describing a date
arthurtv: hm that's a good point, i was looking for a new victim
youruser: are you referencing the insane chess killing or the date as the victim?
arthurtv: you can't see me but i am rolling my eyes so hard right now
youruser: okay, a truce on the serial killer jokes
arthurtv: thank god. what about tomorrow night?
youruser: drunk chess and a takeaway sounds good to me
youruser: the classiest first date
so that was that, he had texted you his address and to come round at seven so he could, in his words, destroy you in chess.
after a long day at uni and a slight worry, though you didn't know why, about meeting him, you started to get ready to go to his house.
since you were just going to his house, you settled on some flared leggings and a soft blue jumper, tying your hair into a somewhat tamed ponytail before looking in the mirror, making sure your light makeup hadn't smudged too much after a day of back to back lectures and discussion groups.
he didn't live too far from you, surprisingly, just a couple tube stops away, so you decided to walk, about twenty five minutes to his apartment, in a block of flats facing the river thames, and as you arrived at the building and pressed the button in the elevator for his floor, slightly picking at your nails with nerves.
what if it was insanely awkward in person? or what if he is a weird catfish looking for victims on chess websites? that seemed insane, right?
but your mind was working overtime as the buttons lit up and the elevator door opened, and you tried to unfurrow your eyebrows and look for his door number, finding it towards the end of the hall.
you waited a moment before knocking, bringing your hand up and timidly rapping it against the dark wood of the door.
when it swung open, and you saw that he was indeed who he said he was, or at least who he was on his instagram pictures, you smiled a little in relief.
"arthur! hi, it's nice to meet you, well, in person, you know..." you giggled a slight bit quietly as he gave you a friendly hug.
"you too! didn't know if i was just being catfished or something," he joked a little awkwardly back.
"me a catfish? i figured you would be a catfish, what would i even be catfishing you for?" you joked back, and he shrugged.
"i don't know, i don't get many pretty girls randomly texting me cause we played chess together so i wasn't sure," he said a little embarrassed, and your cheeks went slightly pink when he called you pretty.
"well, who knew that the insane chess killer had a hidden talent for flattery," i laughed slightly as he welcomed me in, shutting the door behind me.
he rolled his eyes jokingly, "hey, based on the way you insulted me with no remorse during chess games i was expecting you to be terrifying, so you can't blame me for being surprised at how easy you are on the eyes," he grinned a little, and it was your turn to roll your eyes in return.
"anyway, come in, honestly just make yourself at home... unless you're worried about losing to me on my own turf," he joked.
"i mean, i'm kind of impressed by your 'turf'," you giggled, "it's nice for a guy that exploits reality tv for views," you teased and he laughed a little as he led you to his living room, a chessboard set up on his coffee table, pillows on either side on the floor to sit on.
"hey, low blow," he mockingly warned, "i'd watch it otherwise i'll conveniently lose your queen piece," he said before quickly standing to go to his kitchen, "i have southern comfort and lemonade, if that's okay with you? it's kind of my weird speciality drink," he smiled.
"well, i suppose i'll have to try the arthurtv special then," i nodded in return, and after a few moments, he returned with two glasses, placing them at either side of the table as he sat himself down on the side of the board playing black pieces.
"so we're going straight for the intellectual torture of chess?" you grinned as you sat opposite him, "the girls must find it so charming when you sit straight at the chess board on a date, hm?" you teased in retaliation.
"oh shut up you, and prepare to lose, again," he smiled as you moved your first piece, "at least my view will be nice when i crush you,"
as the game progressed, there was joking smack-talk thrown between you and arthur, neither of you focusing too much on the game but more on the subtle flirting between each move.
"that rook sacrifice was not your best work," he laughed, but you raised your eyebrow at him as you moved another piece,
"or maybe i was setting a trap that you didn't see, hm, mr. television?"
as he captured one of your pieces in return, his fingers gently brushed against yours and you grinned, before swatting his hand jokingly, "hey, focus on the game!" you giggled out as he laughed in return and nodded.
about half way through the game, the focus had shifted slightly from both being heartset on winning to enjoying one another's company, nattering on about arthur's job and your degree.
at one particular point, you stopped, looking down at the board, tongue slightly poking out of your mouth in concentration as your brain worked as quickly as it could, trying to analyse the best move.
"what're you thinking?" he asked as he shuffled slightly closer, and you could smell his cologne, a kind of vanilla and cedarwood scent as you tried your best to ignore it.
"i'm trying to strategise, unlike some of us who rely on distracting the other to win," you teased slightly, and you could hear him chuckle a little.
"i'm plenty distracted myself, hard not to be when you look cute like that when you concentrate so hard."
you paused a little at the flirting, trying not to let your cheeks flush bright red, "stop trying to put me off my game, arthur," you playfully smiled.
once a couple more moves had been played, arthur missed what was seemingly an obvious capture he could have made, which would have put you at a disadvantage, and once you quickly realised and made sure your piece was defended, you tilted your head a little - arthur didn't often make mistakes like that.
"i completely missed that, fuck sake!" he mumbled to himself with a small smile on his face.
after a while longer of playing, and a few moves you didn't think arthur would normally make, you had him in checkmate, a grin on your face.
"looks like we're gonna have to have a rematch at some point," he looked at the board and shrugged his shoulders a little.
you narrowed your eyes at him a little with a small smile, "did you throw the game so we could have a rematch?"
"i think i may use the lawyer lingo here and announce that i refuse to answer on the basis that i may implicate myself," he laughed a little to himself.
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writerslittlelibrary · 1 year ago
I'm not sleeping on the floor
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summary: when you go on a mission with the famous Black Widow, who you think hates you, there appears to be some trouble with the hotel booking, one that ends in the truth being revealed.  
pairing: Natasha x teen avengers reader
warnings: none I think
genre: fluff
words: 1695
a/n: I remember reading a fic of a Natasha x reader where the hotel only had one bed and I enjoyed it so much I wanted to read more of them, but of course I could find none so I decided to write one myself :)   (if you know any fics with this concept, please tag them in the comments)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work 
 |——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
You sighed deeply while you sat in the car at the gas station, waiting for Natasha to finish up and continue your drive to the hotel. It was late, and both of you were tired. You knew Natasha must be mentally exhausted, always feeling as if she didn’t like you that much. At first you thought it was because you were still a teenager, but now you were convinced she just didn’t like you. 
You, however, looked up to her, and when Fury made you the offer to join the Avengers you were excited to meet her. When you did, your excitement soon faded, noticing how cold she was towards you. You were heartbroken, but soon learned that staying out of her way was the best way to go. 
And so, on most days in the compound you avoided her. When she came into the training room, you’d leave, and when you came into the kitchen she’d do the same. 
It wasn’t what you hoped for, but you thought it worked to not make her upset. That changed however, when Fury decided that the next mission was perfect for the two of you to complete, going undercover as mother and daughter at an expensive party clearly meant only for the rich. You didn’t exactly come from a rich family, and you felt very out of place during the whole evening.
You didn’t think Natasha noticed, she herself looked right where she belonged, as if she was made for this kind of life. Just another thing that made the two of you different. 
Your train of thought was interrupted when the car door opened, Natasha getting in and handing you a bottle of water. You gave her a quiet ‘thank you’ and took a few sips, clearly dehydrated from being at the party too long.
“It’s about a two hour drive to the nearest hotel,” she told you, typing in some navigation in the car. “Would you like some music?” Natasha asked as she turned to you. You didn’t dare look at her, deciding to just stare at your feet. “Sure,” you told her. 
Natasha gave a hmm of acknowledgement before putting on some music, making the rest of the car ride a lot less awkward than the previous hour had been.
Once you arrived at the hotel, Natasha told you to grab your bag and follow her inside. You followed her instructions like a lost puppy, not wanting to do anything that might make Natasha mad. Once inside the hotel, Natasha walked up to the desk, asking for a room for her and her daughter. She was smart, not letting the roles you were giving fall away just yet. 
The lady at the desk smiled sweetly, typed something into her computer and then handed Natasha a key. Natasha walked back to you, motioning to the elevator. You followed her once again.
When you made it to your room, and you walked through the door, you realized there was only one bed. Something you saw Natasha wasn’t really happy with either. “Just so you know, I’m not sleeping on the floor,” she told you, settling her stuff against a wall. 
You nodded, settling your own stuff on a chair. You didn’t want to pick a side on the bed, worried Natasha would end up with a side she’d be uncomfortable with. “You can shower first,” you told her. Natasha gave a sound that resembled a ‘thanks’ before disappearing into the bathroom, leaving you alone in the empty room. 
You could hear the shower run, and the fact you didn’t have to sleep alone comforted you in a way that was hard to describe, even if it was with a person you were sure didn’t like you. You settled on sitting on the floor, grabbing your sketchbook from your bag and busying yourself with some sketching. 
Once Natasha came out, you slipped into the bathroom, wanting to shower and get into bed as quickly as possible. 
You showered quickly, getting rid of all the dirt before drying off and putting on some comfortable clothes. You walked back into the room, seeing Natasha had already settled on her side of the bed, book in her hand. She looked at you when you reentered the room, closing her book and setting it on her bedside table.
She had picked the side of the bed closest to the door. Maybe a habit of hers, you thought. So she could run out of the room the fastest. 
You walked to your bag, grabbing your favorite stuffed animal from it before settling into bed, as far away from Natasha you could manage. It was bad enough you had to sleep in the dark. All be damned if you had to sleep without your stuffed animal as well. 
You felt Natasha’s eyes on you, eyeing you as you kept your stuffed animal close. You thought she was judging you for still sleeping with one, not realizing she was simply concerned. 
You crawled under the covers, making sure Natasha had all the space she needed. This, of course, didn’t go unnoticed by the redhead, but she decided not to comment on it. 
When you joined the Avengers she didn’t agree with it at all. She told Fury she found you way too young, not even being a legal adult yet. Fury dismissed her, saying you were a perfect person. She was upset when Fury didn’t agree with her, and when she met you she was hesitant. When she saw you for the first time, her heart simply broke. You looked so young, and in your eyes she could see the world hadn’t been kind to you. 
You greeted her with a smile though, one Natasha found herself being unable to return. You were just a child. How could Fury possibly ever send you on a mission. How could he ask you to risk your life for something you probably didn’t even understand yet. After she met you, she was avoiding you, not wanting to face the reality of the fact you were risking your life in their team. When she saw you train it reminded her of the Red Room, feeling as though she was no better when she let you join the Avengers. 
Little did she know that you took this behavior as resentment towards you. And so, you started avoiding her, sensing that you made the Russian uncomfortable.  You didn’t want to be in her way, so you stayed out of it. You avoided her, and Natasha simply thought you learned about her past and were afraid of her. She decided to avoid you too, not wanting to scare you or make you uncomfortable. 
And so, the cycle began. Both of you avoided the other for months, until this mission was called. Natasha was excited she got to work with you one on one, but she was worried you wouldn’t like it. 
She sensed your uncomfortable feeling throughout the whole party, hating herself for not knowing what to do about it. When she saw the one bed she was simply afraid she’d make you more uncomfortable. She decided to sleep closest to the door so she could protect you if anything were to happen, something you picked up wrongly as well.
When she saw your stuffed animal, her heart simply broke. It was just another realization for her about how young you really were. You weren’t supposed to do these kinds of missions yet. 
“Goodnight,” she told you, turning the lights off. l
The room was completely dark, scaring you in a way you couldn’t really explain. You never liked the dark, but after your father would lock you up in that dark room every time he got sick of you, you feared it more than anything else. 
You whimpered slightly, hoping Natasha didn’t notice. Of course she did, but she didn’t let you know that. You clutched your stuffed animal closer to your body. You were terrified, feeling as though you were back in that little room. Natasha, nor any of the other Avengers knew about your past. Together with Fury you decided to keep it a secret, thinking it was better that way.
You shivered, pulling the blanket a little higher up. 
“Are you okay?” you heard a voice from beside you. Your head whipped around, your mind completely leaving the hotel room and you got stuck inside your own head. 
“It’s okay, it’s just me,” Natasha said, sitting up a little. “You’re safe,” you looked at her with fear for a few seconds, before you realised where you were. Your body relaxed a little, the blanket not held so tight anymore. 
“Do you not like the dark?” Natasha asked you carefully. You slowly shook your head, scared you might make her upset. “We can keep a light on, or I could hold you… maybe…” Natasha continued unsure. She still thought you were afraid of her, and didn’t want to overstep.
“Why would you help me? You don’t even like me…” you told her, looking down at your stuffed animal. 
Natasha frowned. Was that really what you thought of her? “What do you mean?” she asked you confused. “You walk away when I’m training, you don’t even look at me, and you always seem to be mad at me,” you told her slowly, still not looking at her.
“I thought you were afraid of me…” Natasha said softly. You looked at her now, eyes a little wide. “Afraid of you? No. I admired you. I just figured you didn’t like me so I kept my distance,” you explained to her. Natasha smiled at you. “I didn’t agree with Fury for placing you on the team because you’re so young. It has nothing to do with you, or the person you are,” Natasha explained, shuffling a little closer.
“Come here.” She opened her arms, letting you shuffle into them. “I’ll protect you, I promise,” she said as she held her arms around you, giving you a secure and safe feeling.
“Thank you,” you whispered, closing your eyes. “Anytime kid,” Natasha replied as she let her own eyes close, falling asleep peacefully. 
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ikkosu · 1 year ago
psst. if you want, do you think you can write some headcanons about Skylynx from the TFP: Predacon's Rising movie? if not him, predaking would be fine too. need more love for the predacon bois
a/n : ahhh! Predacons! I love them 😭 but I haven’t watched Tfp in a while and predaking is the only one I’m familiar with. I think I went a little haywire on this,,,,
you’re working with robots now, huh. er, autonomous sentient, lifeforms—say it right or shockwave will have your head— and, simply, you’re going to lose your itty bitty mind
the fact is this: you’re an archaeologist, stationed in the raging hot deserts of Nevada, as per your own request, for a find many people in your career would die for. that is, excavating a site that would definitely hit a Jack pot load of bones. can you believe that? prehistoric bones! imagine the things you could do with it. new species to discover, new ecosystems, new—
for unfortunate reasons you’re not disclosed with , it appears you wouldn’t be the only one dying for a find like that
in a desert, remote region in Nevada night had plunged the horizon. the crew had clocked out in their respective tents, and the flaps billowed as a cool breeze pass
”c’mon, kid, we can continue tommorow.” one of the guys said.
but you, the ever so persistent little idiot, were too preoccupied dusting this strange rock you’re certain is a bone,,,it’s a bone! to hell with whoever says it’s not. you’re a hundred percent certain it is,,,,you’re also guts deep below ground, dusty, sweaty ,,,and christ, who’s flaring this red light into your site, it’s hurting your eyes—
with a scowl, you swivel up — then , stoned up and cold like the bone you’re holding
oh, those are someones’s eyes
not very,,,mhn,,, not very friendly eyes, you see, eye? light bulb?
either ways, there’s too much purple, and the darkness had elevated it’s glaring stare and— you’re greeted with the sight of something swirling, yellow, as bright as the sun — is that a gun?!
you try to scream.
yeah, not very effective since claws had already sprung out to latch onto your body, yanking you out with its thumb against your lips, preventing you any ability to shout. hence, with the tried.
the creature, really you’re going to settle for robot, but you know it’s scientifically inaccurate given that it’s intelligence and emotional—
“it appears you have excavated the very piece I am looking for.” it hummed and you stilled, blinking, wide eyes and frantic. oh, god help me it can talk. its claws plucked the bone you were clutching close, ignoring your protesting hands trying to grab it back.
“most certainly logical, how did you find this?”
you’re going to die. you’re going to die. You’re going to die, but hey you replied anyways
"W-we take pictures above ground t-then scan the photos. S-sometimes we use remote sensing techniques when—“
“us that so? perhaps you can have some use with your hands then.”
— that’s how you find yourself in a laboratory, tinkering away on projects by his behest.
you’re not even sure if you’d call it one, given how many ethical protocols shockwave, he said his name was, had already breached. hell, the list can go on and on until it stacked up ‘till the height of the himalayas. you’re sure he doesn’t care. Why would he? He’s not even giving you proper safety gear.
at least, when you told him to he acted like it wasn’t a priority in the first place. and imagine this! there’s others like him too! others that are way too annoying to be considered a decepticon second in command
‘he’s a walking problem, purposely pestering you, disrupting your projects, calling you fleshie and how you’d look perfect as a red stain on the cave floor…
and then there’s this other problem,,,
“your fear for such a creature is illogical.” shockwave had brisked away without much of a glance when you tried to latch onto his pedes. “even your desperation to get away from it so. are you sure you wish to be left alone?”
“don’t be a prick! you can’t keep me with that thing forever!” you pointed at the glowering beast stalking you from behind the beams
“innacurate terminology.’’ He simply said. “a ‘thing’ would assume he’s an inanimate object.”
“ he’s a dragon!”
“innacurate, he’s a predacon.”
“I— what the hell even is that?!”
‘before you could plough a rock to his face you feel something hard, almost like tendrils, wrapping around your body
warm, misty air hissed at your face and you quivered, limp in their hold.
“do not make me repeat myself as I have always done so before." he said stiffly, "be gentle, predaking. I wouldn’t want my assistant to be damaged — a quest to find another is not an easy task.”
then turning on his heel, he left.
bastard had left you alone with this abomination.
Oh, joy.
You can’t get a sense of peace
everywhere you walk it follows. Why? You don’t know why. is it because you pat its head once and called it a good boy? Or that other time you tickled it's jaw and it purred? Though, in restropect you were a bit drunk off your ass ingesting Cybertronian booze by accident — as per Starscream request and amusement.
And now it won’t stop pestering you
You really wish it did.
He does this thing where, oh look it's waldo! And tackle you to ground, even thought you've told the dragon many times not to do that lest you're churned into a splatter of red on the surface
He'd also do this thing where he'd dangle you off the edge pretending to drop you,,,and when he does you're soaring towards the ground at god knows what mph before getting swooped to safety by the same dragon that tried to kill you
For a Predacon he's incredibly...sentient in a way it's aware of what he's doing most of the time
Feral cat behavior
A blurred line between black cat plotting to kill you and golden retriever,,,plotting to kill you with affection
And incredibly possessive at that
Talking to a vehicon? Oh, dear there you go again, hanging by his maw, shirt clamped between his teeth as he drags you away to that horrible, horrible cave
It's damp and it stinks! And he's nestling you like you're some egg desperately in need of protecting
And everytime you'd wrangle out of its— his— you're not even sure anymore — chest , the Predacon simply, with a pinch of his claws on your shirt, tugs you back into his embrace
Sometimes, if he's feeling mirthful he'll fall asleep with his fangdclamping down on a bit of your shirt to prevent you moving
"Let me go god damn it!"
And you know shockwave knows. He doesn't say a horse cobbler about it because it has it's uses
when Predaking decides havoc is what he needs on his agenda today shockwave will simply pluck you up from the ground and hold you to him like a candle
Most often than not the dragon will stare at you like dogs do when presented with a chew toy
and, technically, you are in some aspects
forget transportation, what better vehicle do you need when you can just hang from a dragon's maw as he brings you to the decepticon leader?
Starscream, hell even airachnid, would've exterminated you if not for your darling dragon by your side
and, to be honest, you did kind of grew fond of him. he'd take you on rides up in the air, and he'd nuzzled you close on stormy, cold days. Sometimes, you clean away the rust on his plating when you're free from Shockwave's obviously illegal work conditions
That's until he became a fucking robot
you didn't realize it was him at first, hearing a new rhythm of footfalls echoing across the cave, until the familiar paint scheme slapped you with the answers
What do you mean you're not a dragon this whole time?!?!?!?
you back away from him against the cave wall. you're not sure what to feel as he saunters towards you.
It ties between disappointment and embarrassment because did you really say good boy in a baby voice to a fucking man this whole time?;?-?-??&?
"Do not fear." His voice was far from sweet, god was it rough and deep,
It made your stomach do a 180 backflip and cracked it's head wide open
"Do not try to run."
when his talons curl around your waist, lifting you up to his eye level and the imperceptible smirk on his face is present, you knew you were fucked
"How obedient you are, my little pet."
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moon-and2saturn · 1 year ago
Illicit Affairs
d.r.w x reader
chapter i
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Summary: There’s no harm in having a one-night stand with a captivating musician at a jazz club the weekend before the fall semester, right? Usually that would be the case, but this time, it was very different. After finding out what he does for a living, your entire world is turned upside down, sending you head first into a relationship that even you might not be able to handle. Good luck.
Word Count: 7.3k
Warnings: THIS STORY CONTAINS SMUT, MINORS DNI!!! alcohol, swearing, flirting, SMUT: fingering, touching, sexually-implicit language, oral sex (m. & f. receiving), unprotected sex, hairpulling, semi-public sex, praise kink if you squint, hint of dom/sub dynamic
A/N: This story is in collaboration with my wonderful, talented friends @gretavanstink & @childinthegardenn!! Go give them a follow and give @gretavanstink’s fics some love! We’re so excited to share this journey with you all, we can’t wait for you to find out what’s next. Enjoy! Love ya!
Listen to the official playlist on Spotify here!
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“Is this it here?” you ask, looking over at Rose in your passenger seat as you slow down in front of the apartment building. She looks down at her phone to check the GPS then nods her head.
“Looks like it… I think I see a spot there in the front,” she answers. You quickly pull into the parking spot and then put the car in park. “Here we are!” you say, smiling at Rose before turning the car off, opening your door, and stepping out onto the street.
The neighborhood seemed quiet and calm, for it being so close to downtown Detroit. You feel pleasantly surprised as you take a look around. You walk around to the trunk of your car, pressing down the button and lifting the hatch. Your apartment came mostly furnished, so you and Rose luckily didn’t have to bring much besides your clothes and general necessities.
You’ve known your best friend Rose since the two of you were 11 years old, when your elementary schools merged to become one big middle school. You were placed in the same homeroom and you became fast friends, having a lot in common. You’ve been inseparable ever since, leaving your small town in northern Michigan to move to Detroit for college together. 
Going into your third year at Wayne State University in midtown Detroit, you both found an apartment together off campus. The first day of class is in two days, giving you some time to get settled in at your new place before getting thrown into the busyness of the semester.
Grabbing your suitcases, you and Rose head up into your new apartment. You buzz the front door to the lobby, head inside, and gather your keys from the leasing office before taking the elevator up to the sixth floor. With an ecstatic smile on your face, you finally turn the key to open the front door and walk inside. 
It’s a modest place, not too big or too small. There’s a large window in the living area, giving you a view of the rest of the neighborhood, since you were on the sixth floor. There are two bedrooms, a shared bathroom, and an in-unit washer/dryer, which you’re eternally grateful for. This was the most room you’ve ever had to yourself since you spent your first two years of university living on campus in the dorms. 
The two of you take a short look around the apartment together before going back downstairs to grab the rest of your things, then branch off into your own bedrooms to begin unpacking. The room already had a full-sized bed, a desk, and a tall dresser. There was a lot of closet space as well, which is a rare find in the city. 
You start by first unpacking your trusty record player, which you bring everywhere you go. Gifted to you by your grandfather for your 16th birthday, you’ve had it in your bedroom and have been adding to your collection ever since. You set it up on the top of your dresser, connect the speakers, and then plug it into the outlet below. You then uncover your record crate and pull out your favorite album of the month: The Queen Is Dead by the Smiths. You carefully remove the record from its protective sleeve, place it on the turntable, bring the needle to the edge of the record, and put it down.
As the music begins to play softly through the speakers, you turn around to open up your suitcase and start unpacking your clothes. You spend about half an hour putting your clothes away in the drawers and hanging some items up in the closet. Then, you go to make your bed, breaking out the new sheets and comforter set you just bought. After making the bed, you attach a handful of small adhesive hooks along the top of the wall behind your bed and hang a strand of lights to add some warm lighting to your space. 
Finally, you pick up your box full of books and bring it to the living room. The apartment came with a large wooden bookcase along one of the side walls, across from the couch and next to the cabinet that the TV rests on. You struggle to carry the box, practically slamming it onto the coffee table when you finally reach the living room. 
Admittedly, you brought way too many books with you— that box felt like it weighed at least 50 pounds. But as a philosophy major, reading is pretty much all you do. Despite that, it’s just a hobby that you particularly enjoy. You start by taking out all of your philosophy books and placing them on the middle shelf– Plato’s The Republic, Epictetus’ Discourses, Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, and many more. Then, on the top shelf, some of your favorite reads– your Shakespeare Complete Collection, The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Great Gatsby, Little Women, Jane Eyre. You left the bottom shelf for whatever Rose might want to add, but you know that it will likely end up full of trinkets rather than books.
As you finish straightening up the living room, Rose walks out and sits down on the couch. “Ugh, moving sucks,” she laments, throwing her head back with a groan. You sit down next to her, throwing your arm around her and putting your head down on her shoulder.
“I know, right? At least we’re all finished now, though,” you say. 
“I’m hungry,” she says, “Wanna go get some pizza?” Your lips quickly turn up into a smile.
“Is that even a question you have to ask?” you reply, standing up from the couch and offering her your hand to help her up. You both retreat to your separate rooms to get ready to go out before going to eat.
Detroit in the summer can sometimes be brutal in the daytime, but at night, it can get pretty cold. You decide on a black cropped v-neck top and throw on a flannel just in case you get cold, pairing it with a pair of ripped denim jeans and your Converse. You take the top half of your hair and pull it back, leaving some strands out in the front. You decide to put on a bit of base makeup, but nothing too detailed. 
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The two of you agree to go to your favorite pizza place downtown to eat dinner, so you grab your car keys and head out the door. It’s only about a ten-minute drive, so you get there rather quickly. The sun is setting now since it’s a bit past 8 p.m., and the view as you drive toward the Detroit River is like no other. You finally arrive at the restaurant and sit down to eat, feeling practically starving at this point. This really was your absolute favorite restaurant in the city. To you, there was nothing quite like Detroit-style pizza. It felt like home to you, and was exactly the comfort meal you needed right now. 
After a delicious and much-needed meal, you and Rose exit the pizza place, turning the corner and walking toward where you parked the car. It’s dark outside now, and as you walk to your car, you’re nearly blinded by the lights of what seems to be a neon sign. It read “Cliff Bell’s” and there was a standing sign on the ground that said “Runway Blues Combo, August 24th, 9-11:30 p.m.” You can hear the distant sound of a saxophone and other instruments from inside, filling you with a warm, fuzzy feeling. You check your watch, which reads 9:25 p.m. 
“Come on, we have to go in!” you exclaim, pulling Rose by the arm to enter the bar. You show the bouncer your IDs then head over to the bar, waiting in the large crowd to order a drink. You look over at the band on the stage at the back of the bar, somewhat recognizing the song they were playing– Basie, you think. The bartender finally turns to you and asks for your order, so you order a vodka cranberry, wait for Rose to get her drink, and then you both go toward the stage to see and hear the band better without the big crowd. 
As you get closer to the stage, your eyes immediately fall on the drummer. At first, it’s the audacity to wear sunglasses inside that draws your attention– rose-tinted lenses with a gold frame. Then, you admire his shoulder-length, dark curls, bouncing along to the rhythm of the song. Finally, you notice the way the muscles in his forearms contract as he plays, his veins tightening as he hits the snare drum during a particular drum fill. He was wearing a white button-down shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to sit right above his elbow, showing just enough of his arms to leave you wanting more. He has most of the buttons undone, only leaving a few buttoned at the bottom, accentuating the dark hair on his chest.
For most of the set, his eyes are often closed– he seems to be concentrated on the music, like he’s feeling it flow through him and letting his soul take control. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t intrigue you, he’s ridiculously attractive and seems to be incredibly talented. At one point during the set, though, his eyes open and seem to be drawn right to you. You convince yourself that the eye contact was just a coincidence and that he was just finding a spot in the room to lock his eyes on, but when he suddenly gives a distinct wink in your direction, you know that it wasn’t just a coincidence. He saw you. 
You try your best to fight off the blush that is starting to populate your cheeks, not wanting to show how much it affected you. Luckily, the room is darkly lit and crowded, so you hope that it will go unnoticed. You can’t deny the butterflies in your stomach, and how good it felt to know that his eyes were on you. 
You excuse yourself, leaving Rose up front to save your spot as you go to get yourself another drink. Rose agreed to drive home, not feeling like drinking much tonight, so you decide to allow yourself to have some more to drink. After the bartender hands you your drink, you decide to stay there to finish it, hoping to get another soon after to add to your buzz and hopefully quell the nervous feelings you had inside over this mysterious drummer. 
You’ve only had about half of your next drink when you hear someone on stage say that the band is going to take a brief intermission. Soon after, you’re taking a sip of your drink and suddenly feel a tall presence to your right at the bar. You look over to see that it’s none other than the band’s drummer. When he catches your eye, he smiles at you for a moment before turning back to the bartender. 
“Hey, man. Can I get an old fashioned?” he asks, then looks back over to you. He looks down at your near-empty glass, then back up to meet your eyes as he says, “And another of whatever she’s having.”  He flashes you another smile as he sees the shade of pink start to cover your cheeks, sitting down on the stool next to you. The bartender hands you both your drinks and then walks off to help other customers.
“Saw you there in the front. Did you enjoy the set?” he asks as he removes his sunglasses, places them on the bar, then takes a sip of his drink. 
“Oh, it was great! It’s been a while since I’ve heard live jazz, you guys are phenomenal,” you answer, smiling shyly as you take a sip of your drink, looking up at him next to you. Now that you were up close and personal with him, you couldn’t help but notice how tall he was– at least two heads taller than you were, you thought. And a little older than you had placed him when you saw him on stage. From far away you had guessed maybe his early to mid-twenties, but up close you wagered closer to thirty.
“Glad to hear that. What’s your name, sweetheart?” he asks, leaning his arm on the bar as he turns his body toward you. “Y/N,” you answer, blushing slightly at the nickname. 
“Y/N. Beautiful,” he says, his lips turning upward into a small smile. “Daniel.” He takes your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips, and places a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
“It’s not often that we see gorgeous girls like you in here, Y/N…” he says, leaning down a bit to talk directly into your ear. You assume that it’s due to the volume of the room, but then he takes you by surprise. “It’s even less often that I see a gorgeous girl undress me with her eyes while I’m on stage, like you just did back there.” You gulp quietly, completely taken aback by his direct words. He wasn’t wrong, you were attracted to him and certainly made no effort to hide it. 
“Oh, I-” you start, but end up trailing off before he interrupts. 
“Did you think you got away with it?” Daniel asks, smirking as his right hand reaches over to trail his fingers along your forearm, which is resting on the bar. His lips are practically touching your ear now, sending a shiver down your spine. “I noticed… Been thinkin’ about you ever since.”
“I’ve been thinking about you, too,” you say, in almost a whisper, so much so that it was quite possible that he couldn’t hear it, but he did. You allow your hand to ghost softly along his wrist. Your fingers find the thin gold chain around his wrist as you look up to meet his gaze, his face is so close now that your noses are practically touching. 
“Yeah?” he says. You take a deep breath, looking up at him as you watch him lick his lips. “Tell me what you were thinkin’ about…” You could already feel your arousal start to pool between your legs, the anticipation making it feel like your heart could stop at any moment. You swallow hard as you try to answer him.
“I was thinking about how strong your arms looked,” you answer, trying to feign confidence despite how intimidating his aura felt. “Watching you play the drums and seeing your muscles flexing like that through your shirt… It was really hot.” He smirks, clearly pleased by your answer, and lowers his lips to your ear once again. You can feel his breath on your ear as he continues.
“Was it?” he asks teasingly. You feel his lips finally connect with your skin as he places a soft, lingering kiss on your neck, right below your ear. “Tell me what else.” Your breath hitches as his lips descend slowly down your neck. 
“I thought about what the rest of you might look like under that shirt,” you say, leaning your head back slightly as he sucks right on the sensitive part of your neck.
“All you had to do was ask, baby…” he says, kissing his way back up to your ear.
“What were you thinking about?” you ask, your confidence starting to shine through. He smiles as he whispers into your ear.
“Thought about how good your tits look in that tight shirt,” he says as he wraps his arms around your back, holding you close. “Thought about how I wanted you to only look at me and no one else…” He sucks at the skin below your ear, causing you to let out a quiet whimper only he can hear.
“I’m only looking at you, Daniel,” you say, turning to look at him. His lips turn upward into a wicked smile.
“You wanna go somewhere a bit quieter, baby?” he whispers, softly brushing his nose against yours, moving his lips even closer. Your breath feels like it’s been taken out of your chest, but you don’t have time to waste. You quickly nod and he takes your hand in his, guiding you toward the back hallway that leads backstage. 
Once you round the corner of the hallway and are out of sight from the rest of the bar, Daniel stops you, pushing your back against the wall as his lips race to meet yours. He captures your lips in his as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His kiss is hurried and rough, something that you weren’t used to but definitely welcomed. The feeling of his body against yours was already making you lightheaded, and the alcohol in your system certainly wasn’t helping matters.
Keeping his lips on yours, he pulls your back off the wall, walking over to the one-stall bathroom only a few feet away. He removes one of his hands from you to quickly open the door, taking you both past it and letting it close behind him. 
He backs you against the sink and your ass hits the hard porcelain, causing you to wince and drop your purse on the floor. He takes his lips off of you for a moment and says, “The lock on this door doesn’t work.” His lips travel along your jawline and then down your neck. He continues, “But I bet you don’t care about that, do you, sweetheart?”
“I-” you begin but are quickly cut off as he pulls your v-neck to the side, his teeth dragging against the skin over your collarbone. A gasp escapes you and you tangle your fingers in his curls, every touch of his lips to your skin sending electricity shooting through you.
“In fact, I’m sure you don’t,” he says against your skin, his breath warm and tinged with whiskey. His fingers slip under the strap of your bra, lifting the elastic up and letting it snap back against your skin. He flicks his gaze up to meet yours, finding you staring at him wide eyed, and he smirks as he tugs your bra down, lips dropping back down to suck an already deepening purple mark just below where your shirt lays.
You’re grateful for the sink behind you, holding up your body, as you feel how weak your knees are. You feel like a fawn who has found herself face to face with a hunter in the woods and every word he utters, every touch he places on you, adds to the growing arousal between your legs. You don’t find yourself speechless often, but now is one of those times.
“What’s the matter, baby?” Daniel asks, noticing how your knees wobbled just slightly, and lifts his head to look at you again, his hips pinning you firmly to the sink. You can feel him, long and hard, against your abdomen, the thought sending tingles through your body.
“Maybe you need a rest,” he smirks, stepping back from you and leaning against the wall next to the door. “On your knees.”
Your hands grip the sides of the sink as you stare at him with wide eyes, hesitating to let go for fear that your legs would give out from under you. Slowly, you lower yourself to the ground in front of him, letting your hands rest in your lap and looking up at him through your eyelashes.
Daniel looks down at you intensely, his gaze feeling like fire, and brings his hand down to your face. He drags his thumb over your cheekbone, down the side of your face, along your jaw, and finally stops at your lips. Placing his thumb on your bottom lip, he gently pulls down, tilting his chin up slightly and looking down his nose at you.
“Open,” he growls, waiting a moment for you to do as he says. You swallow thickly, your mouth suddenly dry, and let your mouth fall open, much to Daniel’s pleasure. “Good girl.”
His thumb moves from your bottom lip to your tongue and you close your lips around it, your tongue swirling around it. He hums, pleased, and pulls his thumb from your mouth with a pop.
“Eager, are we?” Daniel teases, his hands working to undo his belt. He leaves it in his belt loops, the buckle hanging undone, and unbuttons his dress slacks. You watch as he drags his zipper down, now able to see his cock straining against the fabric of his black boxer briefs, and pushes his pants and underwear down enough to free himself. Your eyes widen slightly at the sight of him as your gaze travels from the dark, well-groomed patch of hair above his base, down his length to his tip.
“Fuck,” you whisper, barely audible, as your gaze returns to meet Daniel’s. He strokes himself a few times, smirking down at you. With his free hand, he reaches down and runs his thumb across your lower lip once more.
“You seem to know what to do, sweetheart,” Daniel says as you open for him again, sticking your tongue out flat. He nods approvingly and lowers his cock, dragging his tip along your tongue before he pushes himself into your mouth. A low groan rumbles from his chest as you close your lips around him. “Just like fucking velvet.”
He gathers your hair into a ponytail and allows you to set your own pace as he watches his cock slide past your lips. You take him all the way in, widening the back of your throat so you don’t gag, and pause when your lips reach his base. Flicking your eyes up, you find Daniel staring down at you slack-jawed, his pupils blending into his irises seamlessly. You slowly start to draw your head back, the tip of your tongue following the path of the vein that runs the length of his shaft. Your tongue swirls around his tip, drawing a soft moan from his lips as he closes his eyes and lets his head fall back against the wall.
“Fucking hell,” he groans as you pick up your pace, his grasp on your hair tightening as his hips buck involuntarily. You gag slightly as his tip hits the back of your throat and you flash your gaze up to him, moaning around him to entice him to keep going. Daniel’s eyes flash open and he looks down at you for confirmation, which you give to him in the form of a nod. 
“You’re fucking dangerous,” he says, letting your hair fall from the makeshift ponytail he held and tangling his fingers in it instead. He starts to fuck your mouth, slowly at first to not overwhelm you. Rough, but considerate, you think as his tip knocks the back of your throat. Once he’s sure you’re adjusted he picks up his pace, his hand holding your head in place. He lets another low moan fill the room as you hum around him.
“Daniel?” you hear a man’s voice on the other side of the door ask. “Is that you? Are you good, dude?”
Daniel’s head rolls to glance at the door, still fucking your throat as he speaks up through the door. “I’m fine,” he says, attempting a voice that doesn’t sound like he’s getting his dick sucked in the bathroom.
“You sure? We’re back on stage at 10:30,” the stranger reminds him, attempting to push the door open. Daniel’s free arm darts across the door, blocking it from opening.
“I fucking know, Sam!” he yells, his fingers tightening in your hair as he drives his cock to the back of your throat harshly. You gag around him this time, tears springing to your eyes and threatening to fall down your cheeks. You hear the man scoff on the other side of the door, followed by the sound of his footsteps receding, and you look up at Daniel. He glances at his watch, seeing that it’s 10:20 pm, and then meets your gaze, winks, and says, “Let’s make this quick, sweetheart.”
He pulls your mouth off of him and offers you a hand to stand up, which you graciously take, allowing him to pull you to your feet. Your lips collide in a fervent kiss, tongues tangling and hands gripping at each others’ clothes. Daniel’s hands find the button on your jeans and swiftly pop it open, followed by your zipper. He spins you around quickly and tugs your jeans down over your ass, letting them rest around your thighs as he guides you forward to bend over the sink.
“My god, Y/N,” he murmurs, seeing the soaked state of your plum-colored panties. Daniel loops his fingers in the waistband and tugs them down, the sudden cool air mixed with unbridled anticipation making you shiver. His fingertips grip into your ass for a moment before he draws his hand back and delivers a solid smack to your outer thigh, drawing a whimper from your throat. He drops to his knees behind you and drags a finger through your center, watching as you shiver again. Placing his finger onto his tongue, he cleans your arousal off and hums.
“Sweeter than sin,” he muses, licking a stripe up your inner thigh and smirking to himself as your legs quivered in response. He grips your thighs, hard enough to leave bruises, and pushes them apart, dragging his tongue through your folds slowly. You gasp as he laps at your core, your fingers gripping the porcelain harshly, and you arch your back, pushing back against his face.
“Oh my god,” you moan, your head dropping as he moans into you, the vibration ripping right through you. Daniel pulls his face away and you whine desperately at the loss of contact, gasping a second later as he pushes two fingers into you and curls them. He sets a quick, consistent pace with his fingers, bringing you closer to the edge as you bite your lip to try to stifle your moans. 
“I’m…I’m close,” you manage, his fingers working relentlessly at your sensitive spot.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he says, pressing a kiss to the back of your thigh. “Give it to me.”
He curls his fingers once more and your vision goes white, your moans filling the room as you cum on his fingers. Your legs shake as he works you through it, his motions slowing as your moans turn to ragged panting. He feels for his wallet in his pocket, but realizes he must have left it backstage, and he stands, placing a hand on your lower back.
“I don’t have a condom,” he confesses, watching you for a reaction. You lift your head and look at him through the mirror and shrug your shoulders.
“I’m clean and I have an IUD,” you say, lifting an eyebrow at him. “Are you clean?”
Daniel nods and smirks, stroking himself as his eyes traverse your body. You let your head fall again, arch your back, and say, “What are you waiting for then?”
“Careful what you wish for, darling,” he says, dragging his cock through your wetness and pushing into you until your bodies are flush. You gasp as you feel him brush your cervix and you feel yourself tighten around him. He groans and grips your waist, your pussy squeezing his cock as you adjust to his size. “Fuck, and I thought your mouth felt like heaven.”
He pulls back and snaps his hips forward, driving you into the sink as you push your ass back against him. Obscenities intertwined with the other’s name fall from both of your lips as he fucks you. 
Daniel reaches up with one hand and collects your hair into a ponytail again, wrapping your tresses around his hand and tugging your head back. Your eyes meet in the mirror, a smirk touching his lips as he says, “Want you to watch me fuck you, baby.”
You brace yourself on the sink and cry out quietly, the intense arch in your back allowing him to drive his cock deeper. His hand on your waist lifts and comes down on your ass with a loud crack and you whimper, your sounds spurring him on. You can feel your second orgasm coming on as you watch yourself in the mirror, mouth agape as lewd sounds tumble out of you. 
“Daniel…” you moan, looking up at him through the mirror. He looks like a god, his lips parted and his curls falling into his eyes as he snaps his hips forward again. “I’m…fuck,” you pant out, your muscles squeezing around him as you fall apart around him.
“That’s it, baby,” he praises, his fingers kneading into your ass. “Cum on my cock, just like that.” 
Your muscles squeeze around him one final time as he pulls out almost all the way, groaning as he slams into you and spills his own release. You feel his cock twitch inside of you and his breath on your back as he leans over you, his orgasm wracking his body. He slides out of you after a moment and tucks himself back into his pants before he cleans you up the best he can with some toilet paper.
“Thanks,” you say, suddenly shy as if you hadn’t let a man you just met fuck you in a bathroom, and you tug your underwear and jeans back up. He smiles at your sudden bashfulness and nods, watching you pick your purse up from where it had fallen.
“Anytime, sweetheart,” he says with a wink. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into him, pressing his lips to yours in a much more tender fashion than he had earlier. “Stay for another set?”
Your face flushes as you look up at him, studying his face for a moment, your eyes focusing on the shape of his nose. As your eyes move to study his lips, you realize he’s asking you a question and you’re missing it. You shake away the fog clouding your thoughts and focus.
“Oh, um,” you say as you pull your phone out of your purse and see about 20 texts and 2 missed calls from Rose, probably in a full-on panic now that you’ve been gone and ignoring her texts. “Shit, I’m in trouble. Gotta run, see you around maybe!”
You rush out the door, leaving him by himself, and stand up on your toes to see over the crowd. You spot Rose back by the door and push through the crowd as quickly as you can, putting your arm up and waving her down.
“Oh my god, where the fuck have you been?” she scolds you as you approach her. You grab her wrist and pull her closer so you can talk in her ear.
“We have to go,” you say, pulling her behind you towards the door.
“Wait wait, what?” She asks as she resists you, pulling you to stop. “What the fuck happened?”
“Oh my god,” you say, drawing out the last word, tugging her along. “I’ll tell you while we walk.”
She relents and follows after you, telling the bouncers to have a good night. She catches up to you and links your arms as you walk back towards where the car is parked. Once you were far enough away, you burst into a giddy giggling fit and lean against a light post to catch your breath. Rose moves to the edge of the sidewalk and folds her arms over her chest, watching you with a raised eyebrow.
“Okay, spill. What did I miss,” she prods, nudging your foot with hers. Your head falls back against the light post gently and you turn your head to look at her.
“You know the drummer?” You ask, giggling again. Rose nods and tilts her head to the side, waiting for you to continue. “We just fucked in the bathroom.”
You cover your mouth dramatically after you say it and smile under your hands. Her mouth falls open and she grabs your wrist, pulling you off the post to start walking again.
“Oh my god, he was hot, Y/N,” she says, tugging you along. You catch up with her as you’re turning the corner to the car and nod.
“Mhm, I know,” you say, satisfaction dripping from your voice. You climb into the passenger seat and watch Rose walk around to the driver’s side. She climbs in and starts the car up, pulling onto the street and driving back towards your apartment. “Oh my god and he was good,” you add, tossing your head back against the headrest.
Rose shakes her head and laughs, “You’re fucking insane, you know?”
You nod dramatically and close your eyes as Rose rounds the corner to your street, pulling into the apartment lot and throwing the car into park. You climb out and start towards the building, slowing down so Rose can catch up. You walk into the building together and ride the elevator up to your floor.
“I thought the piano guy was hot,” she confesses, turning to look at you as you lean against the elevator wall. This sends you into another laughing fit.
“He almost walked in on us!” You shout, slapping Rose’s arm as you remember Danny blocking the door while you were on your knees.
“No way!” She clings to you and laughs with you. You both stumble out of the elevator and up to your door, waiting as Rose unlocks it and falling inside as the door opens. 
· · ───────── ·𖥸· ───────── · ·
On Monday morning you walk out of your first class of the semester, Philosophy of Sex and Gender, and glance down at your watch. With about a half hour until your Art History class, you decide to grab a quick snack at the cafe. You tug your sweatshirt off, the late morning sun starting to warm up the day, and plop yourself into a puffy leather chair near the window to people-watch as you snack on the trail mix you bought. 
As you fiddle with a loose string hanging from one of the rips in your jeans, your mind comes alive as you zone out, bringing you back to Saturday night. The whole day passes through your memory like a timelapse, slowing when you tug Rose into the bar with you. Daniel’s figure behind the drums pops into your head and you feel a blush creep onto your cheeks as you see the two of you at the bar, as if you’re watching the interaction from a different perspective. You feel your heart race as you think about the bruises on your thighs from his grip, almost able to imagine the feeling of his hands on you.
As you snap yourself out of it, not wanting to spend the rest of your day helplessly worked up, you glance at your watch. You flinch at the 10:55 am staring back at you, realizing you only had five minutes to book it across the quad. Grabbing your bag from where it rests against your chair, you race out the door to get to the building on the other side of campus. 
You make it inside, out of breath and about two minutes late, and slip into the lecture hall, spotting the professor standing with his back to you as he writes on the chalkboard. Scanning the room for a decent seat, you take note of the way his dark curls are pulled back into a low ponytail and the way he had rolled the sleeves of his black dress shirt. You feel a pang of uneasiness as you realize how familiar he looks from the back.
You spot a seat on the aisle in the third row, making the decision that it’s yours now, but as you start to step forward he turns around to look at something on his desk and you freeze in your place. Not sure you’re seeing things correctly, you duck into a seat towards the back. He turns back to the chalkboard, underlining a date before setting the chalk down and turning to face the class. Fuck, you think.
“Hey guys, I’m Dr. Wagner,” Daniel says, clapping his hands together to get everyone’s attention. “We’re gonna get started here.”
Hearing his voice confirms it and you pull your phone out of your pocket, opening your chat with Rose and furiously typing. You know she’s in an acting lab so she won’t answer right away, but you need to tell someone.
To: Rose🌹
To: Rose🌹
You’re not sure whether you want to get up and leave or just try to avoid his eyes. Suddenly you realize that Daniel is the type of professor who paces when he talks as he starts to walk up the aisle you’re sitting on. Every few steps he stops to glance up at the bullet points he had written on the board, his eyes never landing on any one person as he spoke.
“So September 18th is when your first paper is due,” Daniel says, strolling up the aisle. As he lifts his eyes from the floor to glance back at the board, his gaze passes over you and he does a subtle double take, meeting your eyes. “Um,” he pauses, clearing his throat. “Oh, right. And your first exam is uh…is the week after.”
Your cheeks flush when you see it in his eyes that he recognizes you and you break the shared moment, dropping your eyes back to your phone screen to type out another text.
To: Rose🌹
He just fucking saw me. What do I DO???
You shove your phone back into your pocket as Daniel continues rattling off dates of exams and papers, answering questions as they pop up from the class. You keep your eyes trained on the floor, almost afraid to look up and find him staring at you again. 
“Okay, and last but not least, your final is on December 5th,” he says, wrapping up the hour-long lecture ten minutes early. “Anyways, welcome back guys. Go on, get outta here.”
Daniel waves his hand dismissively and picks up the eraser from the tray on the chalkboard, starting to clean the markings off of it. You practically leap out of your seat to make a beeline for the door, fearing you’d fall into a million pieces if you stayed a second longer.
“Oh, and uh,” he says as he turns to look at the class list to find your name, even though he already knows who you are, halting you just before you step into the hallway. “Y/N, can you hang back for a sec?”
Your mouth goes dry as you turn around, staring at him from the doorway. Daniel stares back at you, not turning away until you take a step back into the room.  As you slowly make your way toward the front of the room, he turns back to the board, lifting a spray bottle from the floor and spraying water on a rag. You reach the front row of the class and lean your hip against the side of the aisle seat, watching his muscles shift beneath the black fabric as he wipes the board down.
“Didn’t think ‘see you around maybe’ meant like this,” he says as he drapes the rag over the bottle on the floor and turns to the desk, refusing to meet your eyes. You trade leaning against the seat for sitting down in it, fearful that your legs might give out from under you, and stare up at him, your eyes wide and your lips parted as you search your brain for something to say.
“I’m not su-” you trail off as he flashes you a stern look.
“You’re not sure what I mean?” He asks, raising an eyebrow at you and leaning on the corner of the desk before continuing, “I think you are, sweetheart.” You look over both shoulders, checking for any lingering students.
“It’s not like I knew, professor,” you challenge, your voice hushed despite being the only two people in the room, and cross your legs. Your hands rest in your lap and you turn your nervous energy to the loose string on your jeans again.
“Don’t do that,” Daniel says, his gaze boring straight through you.
A smirk finds its way to your lips and your hands fall still in your lap as you cock your head to the side, feigning innocence, “Don’t do what?”
He pushes himself off the desk and steps down off the small stage, stopping in front of you and bracing himself on the wooden armrests as he leans down over you. Your head spins as you look up at him, his cologne invading your senses and making it difficult to think.
“That innocent ‘professor’ bit,” He whispers as he leans in closer, his lips grazing the shell of your ear and sending a chill down your spine. You shiver as his lips connect with your neck, his bangs brushing your shoulder lightly. Just as soon as the contact is made it’s gone as he lifts his head to look at you, studying the shade of pink that creeps up your neck. You swallow hard and your lips part as if to say something, but Daniel strokes a thumb along your jaw, scrambling your thoughts. He clicks his tongue and blows a laugh through his nose, “What, suddenly speechless?”
He pushes himself up and smooths his hands over his slacks before stepping back up onto the stage and taking a seat behind the desk. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and shake your head.
“No,” you say simply. “Is sir better?”
A smirk forms on his lips and he nods his head, satisfied with your answer. He pushes a pile of papers together and taps them on the desk to align them before sliding them into a pocket of his leather bag. 
You remain in your seat, watching as he organizes some things in his bag, and you feel your phone vibrate three times in your pocket, the buzz pattern you’d given Rose. Tugging it free, you glance at the screen and, sure enough, see a text from your best friend waiting for you.
From: Rose🌹
You’re fucking joking.
Daniel clears his throat and looks at you expectantly, silently demanding your attention back. You tuck your phone back into your pocket and return your eyes to him.
“You know you could have mentioned this,” you say, having had a moment to collect your thoughts. He scoffs and shoots you an incredulous look, folding his hands on his desk.
“Sorry, it didn’t really cross my mind to talk about my day job while I was fucking you,” he spits out, standing and collecting his things. 
“I need to go meet with a colleague briefly,” he explains, leaning against the side of the desk. “I think we should talk about this privately. Go wait outside of my office.”
You sit up straight and take a breath, parting your lips to protest, but he holds up a hand to stop you. Shrinking back into your seat, you watch him step down and stop when he stands next to you. With a finger under your chin, he pulls up gently, forcing you to look up at him.
“Be a good girl,” he says, his voice low and commanding. “Room 321.”
Daniel lets go of your face, turns up the aisle, and walks into the building’s lobby, leaving you alone in the room as you’d left him at the bar. You sit silently for a few minutes, debating your next move, and finally decide to go, feeling certain he wouldn’t be letting this go. You gather your belongings and make your way toward the hall, unsure of what awaits you when he gets back.
· · ───────── ·𖥸· ───────── · ·
chapter ii
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picksnrolls · 7 months ago
Hat Tax
Warnings- 18+.Smut.Mdni.RPF
Pairing- Caitlin Clark x Natasha Cloud
Caitlin stood at the elevator door watching the numbers tick up from 2 heading up to 15. She'd been hanging out with a few other basketball players and various people tied to the league and it's sponsors, at the rooftop bar in the hotel doing most of the athlete hosting. 
“Hey girl, I thought I saw you leave a while ago." Natasha walked up to her after walking into the hall from a different door. They embraced in a quick hug that ended a bit too soon. 
“Tash! I thought you left too, saw you walk out with Sophie.. was a little sad might not see you before I leave." Caitlin flashed a playful pout. “You heading home now?" 
The doors opened to the elevator, both stepping in. Natasha hit the lobby button, her hand hovering waiting for Caitlin to say which floor she was going to with a non-committal shrug. 
"Lobby for me too.”
" What, you comin’ with me?” Cloud responded with her own playful wink. "Nah.. let me stop playin’. ”
"I've gotta go to the front desk real quick. But uhh.. you can come back up and hang with me if you want.” Caitlin smiled again before heading to the lobby front desk after the doors opened. 
Natasha blinked back a hint of surprise but stayed right by the elevator door. There was a vibe she thought she was feeling between them, staying for a little while couldn't really hurt. 
“Can I get you anything? Minibar should be restocked, you can grab whatever you want.” Caitlin watched the Mercury player walk in and come to a halt, taking in the size of the one bedroom suite. 
Of course this would be the room she had. 
Caitlin plucked the red Phillies cap from Natasha's head and popped it onto her own with a shrug and a grin. “Hat tax." 
“Oh alright, I see you now." Natasha abandoned the want for a drink, her attention now fully on the girl moving around the space putting the few things she had been holding down, taking shoes off, readjusting the red cap on her head.
“I can always order up room service if you want." She said while settling down on the couch, skirt hiking up just the tiniest bit, showing off more porcelain muscular thighs. 
Natasha felt a little jolt as she stole a few glances of the sight sat before her. “Nobody else is staying up here with you? Or..?" 
“Nope. Just me." 
Earlier in the day she and Sophie had joked about whether or not either of them would be hooking up with anyone before the weekend was over, while she didn't think it wasn't a possibility, and still wasn't exactly sure how or why she was up in Caitlin Clark's hotel suite, the potential was becoming a little more real. 
“You can come sit, ya know. You can get comfortable, unless you have somewhere to be? I hear All Star Weekend can get..  I don't know, it's my first so..”
Natasha sat close enough so their knees knocked but shifted so there was some space between them. There was a little spark of.. something.. but she wasn't about to assume anything. Her eyes bounced from the expanse of uncovered legs to the neck she wanted to be nipping. The way Caitlin was biting her lower lip had her questioning her own resolve. 
“You know you're trouble right now." 
“What.. why? I promise I won't keep your hat." Caitlin wasn't usually this bold but the energy of the game and everything that happened so far had her confidence still running high. “Those boots though.. " 
“My Timbs?" 
“What size? They look like they'll fit, lemme try them on?" Caitlin sprung up from the couch.
“Taking my clothes one piece at a time?" Natasha didn't know why but she kicked them off. Watching as her boots were now on Caitlin's feet paired with her skirt and that white top, she was turned on and itching to touch every inch of exposed skin. 
“I can rock this, whaddya think?" CC did a hip sway. The boots and skirt didn't exactly match but the air between them was getting hotter by the second. 
 The thought of hooking up with the 8 year vet hadn't crossed her mind, even after inviting her to stay but in that moment, when their eyes locked while she was standing over her still wearing the boots, Caitlin desperately wanted to. The ache building between her legs taking her by surprise. 
Her inexperience started to show as she pitched forward to kiss Natasha, the brim of the hat slamming into the bridge of her nose. Caitlin instantly panicked, taking a step back.  "Fuck! I'm sorry.  I.. “
" Let's take that off? We can try that again if you're sure you wanna?” The hat hit the floor with a thump and the boots were kicked off and left next to the couch. 
The kiss was heavy and slow, the space between them closed as Natasha pulled her in tight, wanting to feel everything she could while still standing and both still fully clothed. 
Caitlin tried to rush things along again, gripping the hem of Natasha's sweatshirt and tugging upwards, the button up still layered over it causing it to bunch up. She flushed with a bit of embarrassment. 
“Someone's a little eager." Natasha said with a hiccup of a laugh.  
Caitlin’s blush spread from her neck to her cheeks, her inexperience showing again. "Sorry.. I just.. “
"Have you done this before?” Natasha ran her fingers up the back of Caitlin's bare leg stopping just under the line of the  leather skirt. The feeling better than she could have anticipated. 
"No.. this? No. Wait yeah.. I've been with other.. “ The blush started to clear but the thumping in her center steadily increased.
“Taaash.. fuck.. stop teas-"  Caitlin sucked in a harsh breath as she was pushed over the edge, her fingers digging into braided scalp and the rumpled sheets beneath their naked bodies tugged to the brink of tearing.  Her moans were half silenced by the taste of her own juices on the fingers being slid into her mouth. 
They had been going at it for hours at this point. Starting at the couch, Caitlin claiming the first orgasm out of Natasha while on her knees. They stripped each other down to underwear. Cait in a matching lacy grey bra and thong set, Tash in matching black sports bra and boxer briefs. 
Watching Caitlin sink to her knees tugging the boxers down, big dark doe eyes waiting for permission had Tasha wide eyed with her own arousal. Once granted she held nothing back and what she lacked in experience and skill she more than made up for with enthusiasm. It hadn't taken long after Tasha fisted dark hair to both hold on and guide the rookie. 
The pair moved to the bedroom, having shed the rest of what was left on their bodies, Caitlin's back hitting the bed with the guard landing on top, fitting between her legs. 
“I did not have this on my radar but I got a feeling you did. You do seem to get whatever it is you want." 
“Shut up I do not!" Caitlin emphasized her words with a firm squeeze of her ass. “But I did feel a little sad when I left the bar thinking I wouldn't see you again before the break. And then there you were.. " 
Natasha kisses and lightly suckled her way down the length of Caitlin's body while her hands explored. She tweaked both nipples, squeezed and massaged both tits, enjoying the size and response to her actions. When she reached the area just above her hair line she looked up waiting for permission. A quick nod came but she waited still. 
" I need more, I wanna hear you say it.”
Caitlin whined a bit, verbalizing the things she wanted in bed had never come easy. She sighed at the kisses being pressed into her inner thighs but whined again when they stopped. 
"Tash.. please..”
"Please? Please what babygirl? What do you want and like?” Natasha held down the hips that were trying to roll up, her center searching for some relief. She knew the effects she was having but would wait until she got what she wanted.
" Touch me.”
" How?”
" I.. with your mouth?”
" Is that all?” Natasha was barely able to hold back, the sweet scent pulling her in inch by inch.
“I want your fingers inside me.. FUCK!" 
Caitlin was so worked up she yelped at the first pass of Natasha's tongue through her dripping folds, it was a miracle she didn't cum right there. After being edged for what felt like an eternity, she was finally allowed to fall over the edge. The instant bliss was unlike anything she'd felt before. The sheer force of the orgasm had her shaking and mumbling and seeing stars.
The pair switched up a few more times, Caitlin cumming while riding Natasha's thigh, Natasha taking a quick explosive ride on Caitlin's face. The time had gone by in a blink but both women finally collapsed side by side in the middle of the king sized bed, trying their best to avoid any of the wet spots they each left behind. 
“Babygirl!” Natasha said with a light laugh. "That was.. I woulda never thought you could give head like that.. damn.." 
“Nah.. now you're just saying that.." Caitlin buried her face in the pillow, not really sure how to take that specific compliment but she'd let it feed her ego for the time being. 
Caitlin's eyes flew open at the sound of a ringing that wasn't familiar to her, then she felt the warmth of the body pressed into her side. "Tash.. hey.. is that your phone?”
She burrowed back down under the covers and was just about to doze off when she heard the sound of her phone ringing and buzzing on the nightstand beside her. Without thinking she hit answer and Kate's face lit up the screen. 
"Hey.. what time is it?” She wiped some of the sleep from her eyes. Her hair still in a sleep rumpled mess. 
"Like 8:15”  Natasha answered and rolled into frame, not realizing she wasn't the one being asked or that it was a FaceTime. "Oh shit!”
"Who is that? What is.. where are you? Did you hookup with-" 
Caitlin had hit end call before Kate could finish her sentence. She tossed her phone aside and laid there trying not to panic. 
" Tell her or don't. Either is okay with me, whatever works for you, okay?” Natasha pressed a soft kiss to Caitlin's forehead, a look of sincerity written on her face. 
“Okay.. You want to stay for breakfast? We can order. Coffee's actually uhm pretty good here. "  Caitlin sat up, the sheet falling down to pool in her lap. 
“Babygirl. I bet you a red Phillies cap that the coffee doesn't taste anywhere as good as you. I do have to head out though. Got a flight in a couple hours and haven't packed yet because *somebody* kept me out all night.”
" I've never done *this* before.. like hookup with someone spontaneously. So I.. or do we.. is this..?”
" Enjoy Mexico.” Natasha walked back into the room fully dressed, hat in hand, she tossed it onto the bed with a wink. "Message me any time and if you want this to happen again.. and the circumstances are right.. yeah, I'm here for that. No hard feelings either way.”
" I might wanna wear those Timbs again.”
" I might let you..” Natasha yelled back just before the door clicked shut. 
Caitlin flopped back on the bed, phone in hand, blankets pulled up tight and FaceTime’d Kate. The second she answered Kate wanted to know all the details. She held out for a few minutes, fully intending to tell her but making her wait. 
“Was that Natasha? Tash Cloud?! I know her braids anywhere! Phoenix really rolled out the red carpet for you!" 
“Shut up! Wasn't like I planned it.. but if I did, she would have far exceeded.." Caitlin nestled back into her pillows, getting lost in the memories for a little bit longer while Kate confirmed their plans to meet up the next day on the Iowa campus before heading to Mexico for a few days of basketball free vacation. 
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c-e-d-dreamer · 7 months ago
Tumblr media
I Can Take the Upper Hand and Touch Your Body: Part One
A/N: it's here! It's officially @acotar-omegaverse-week party people! Did you know there is a serious LACK of Nessian omegaverse? It's a crime. So you know I had to come out here and represent us Nessian girlies. So I hope everyone enjoys Nesta and Cassian "turning up the heat" in hopefully the best way 😉 Seriously, this is very filthy. The plot? Not really there. But there is plenty of smut 😇
Read on AO3 // Next Part
The first thing Nesta notices when the elevator doors open on the fifteenth floor is the scent. It’s unmistakable, a sweet mix of pheromones that is all too indisputable; although this particular scent seems to be tinged distinctly with pine, with the wind kissed breeze that blows off the mountains. Already, Nesta’s body begins to respond as that scent floods her senses, heat flaring through her veins and down to her toes, but she’s quick to snuff out those flames, refusing to let even an ember continue to breathe.
Presenting as an omega had been everything Nesta’s mother ever wanted for her. Since as early as she can remember, it was all Elinor Archeron ever seemed to speak about. She’d brush through the long strands of Nesta’s hair, braiding them back with the same harshness she took to parenting, and remind her eldest daughter that a good omega could secure the best alpha match, ensure the family’s security.
Her mother always made it sound like it was powerful to be an omega, but to Nesta, it felt more like a life sentence. A cold iron collar settling around her neck, around her wrists, shackling her to a life condemned as a trussed up broodmare.
A blessing from the Mother. That’s what Elinor had said when Nesta presented much earlier than most girls. What she said when she threw a ball to celebrate the presentation. What she said when she paraded Nesta around the room, when alphas twice Nesta’s age leered with too sharp teeth and too eager eyes at her body, pawed at her dress and her arms. It took all of Nesta’s willpower to hold her tongue against the word she really wanted to utter the whole night.
So when Elinor finally passed, when Nesta was finally free, she became everything her mother would have hated. Cold. Callous. Stubborn. She swallowed enough suppressants until she could push through university and up the corporate ladder. Instead of the simpering, sweet omega the world expected, Nesta became one that snarls and bites. Returned every look she got from an alpha with a sneer of her own, every honeyed word with clipped ones, until alphas preferred to steer clear of her.
Nesta Archeron decided that she may be an omega, but she was in control.
Sighing softly, Nesta weaves her way down the hall and toward the source of the scent. The closer she gets, the thicker that scent becomes. She swears she can feel it wrap around her throat, swears she can taste it on the back of her tongue. It prickles across her skin and beckons her closer still. Nesta has to take a moment to close her eyes and breathe through her mouth, fighting back the fire she can feel threatening to crash over her and flush her skin, the shutter daring to skitter up her spine.
She rolls her shoulders and straightens her spine, continuing down the hall, but her steps stutter to a stop when she realizes exactly which office she’s being led to. Of course. Of course, it would be his office.
Alphas are large by nature, but Cassian Valdarez seems to take it to another level. He’s all wide shoulders and chest, all large hands and thick thighs. With dark waves of hair tumbling down to his shoulders and stubble scraped along the hard cut of his jaw, he looks like the sort of rugged male that belongs deep in the mountains. And yet, despite his size, he always seems quick to disarm with easy smiles and a warm laugh.
Nesta had hated him on sight.
Every cocky smirk that tugged up his lips, every drawled sweetheart that tumbled past them. Every time he called her Nes despite her correcting him on numerous occasions. It all fueled her endless annoyance with him. It didn’t help he’d been all but handed this job, adoptive brother to the CEO of Night Inc. apparently. Alphas were always just handed things.
Nesta doesn’t think she’ll ever forget his first day, when he ran into her in the breakroom. She had snapped at him, as she often did when an alpha dared to look in her direction, but rather than get that wide-eyed shocked expression, the unimpressed curled lip that usually came when she stepped over the line of omega expectations, he had merely thrown his head back and laughed, hazel eyes sparking as though the whole thing was delightful. It was infuriating.
Almost as infuriating as right now.
Nesta doesn’t even bother knocking. She swings open the door and strides right into the office, demanding, “what are you doing here?”
“Hello to you too, sweetheart,” Cassian drawls, looking up from his work with that cocksure smirk of his. “Did you forget that I work here? You’d think my name on the office door would remind you.”
“You know that’s not what I mean,” Nesta hisses, rolling her eyes. “I could scent you all the way from the elevators.”
That comment has Cassian’s grip tightening around his pen enough for his knuckles to turn white. “I’m fine.”
“Bullshit. Go home.”
“Is that an order? Last time I checked, I didn’t take them from you.”
“I’m not fucking around, Cassian. Go home and fuck your rut out with your omega,” Nesta bites out, stalking closer toward Cassian’s desk.
She doesn’t miss the way that stupid smirk of his starts to slip for a moment, the way he glances away from her. There’s no other way to describe the expression other than shame and embarrassment. It draws a derisive snort out of her.
“You cannot be serious. You don’t have an omega to help you through your rut?”
“I was working on it,” Cassian growls lowly from between his clenched teeth.
“You’re pathetic.”
The bite in her words is enough to pull his eyes back to hers, the hazel of them blazing around his dilated pupils. “Careful, Nes.”
“Or what?” Nesta drawls with a roll of her eyes. “It is pathetic. What kind of alpha doesn’t have an omega for his rut?”
Cassian pushes up from his office chair, and Nesta is reminded just how large he is. He stands almost a head taller than her, and she has to tilt her chin up to maintain eye contact. With his wide frame, he practically looms over her, and this close together, all Nesta can do is breathe in lungfuls of his scent, feel that scent wrap around her limbs and send goosebumps prickling across her skin.
“Is that an offer?”
“You wish,” Nesta snaps.
She shoves hard at his chest, but of course he doesn’t even move an inch. Instead, his hands curl around her wrists, holding her there. The warmth of his touch and his dizzying scent still flooding her senses is almost too much. Already, she can feel her body betraying her, can feel flames licking low in her gut.
“You say that,” Cassian says, bending his face down until his breath fans across her lips. “But you forget that I can scent you too. Getting wet and slick thinking about me, Nes?”
With a growl, Nesta yanks her arms free of his grasp. “Fuck you.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to let you do.”
The words are enough to give Nesta pause, but it’s all the opening that Cassian needs. He presses right back into her space, his arm sliding around her back and grasping her waist this time. He pulls her flush against his body until she can feel every hard line of muscle hiding beneath his shirt, until she can feel the hard line growing between his thighs.
Clearly, his rut has well and truly taken hold.
He tips his head down and focuses his attention on her neck, breathing deeply and groaning. His fingers flex, fisting into the fabric of her blouse, and Nesta has to swallow hard as it pulls her closer still. His nose slides over the gland on her throat, and there’s no stopping the whine that tumbles free past her lips, the way her breath hitches in her throat.
No stopping the rush of slick she can feel.
It takes all of her willpower to push him away again, Cassian actually stumbling back this time. His eyes have darkened, a flame sizzling amongst the greens and golds, and that burning gaze is pinned fully on Nesta.
“Sit down,” Nesta demands, forcing the words around the breathlessness threatening to pull her under.
Surprisingly, Cassian obeys, walking backwards and collapsing back into his office chair. Only when she’s sure he doesn’t intend to move again does Nesta reach up under her skirt. She hooks her fingers under the waistband of her panties, slowly sliding them down her thighs, over her knees, and down her calves. She hears the distinct creak of wood as she steps out of them, and when she looks up, Cassian has a death grip on the arm rests of his chair.
She smirks as she walks her way around Cassian’s desk. She pushes the papers there aside, making room for her to jump up. She takes her time sliding back on the desk enough that she can spread her legs and plant her heels on the edge. Makes a big show of lifting up the hem of her skirt until her cunt is fully exposed, reveling in the soft growl that rumbles from Cassian’s chest.
“Mother save me,” Cassian groans, licking his lips. “Look at you.”
Nesta traces her hand down until she reaches between her thighs. She slides a finger through the slick that’s already gathered there, just that small, teasing touch leaving her gasping. She touches herself with more purpose on the next swipe, adding more pressure and continuing upwards until she can trace a circle over her clit. She moans softly, eyes fluttering closed and hips jumping against the pulse of pleasure.
“Gods, you're drenched already, sweetheart. So wet thinking about my cock and my knot, aren’t you?”
Nesta dares to bring her fingers lower again, dares to sink one into her cunt. She’s already produced so much slick, already so keyed up, that she meets almost no resistance. She pulls back and presses in two fingers next, whining high in the back of her throat. She moves her hand just how she knows she likes, pressing deep and curling her fingers, her hips rocking to meet every drive of them.
“Add a third finger. Get yourself nice and ready to take my knot.”
Nesta huffs at the command, but there’s no denying that inherent part of her that wants to be good for an alpha. The part of her that preens at an alpha’s attention. The part of her that claws with desperation for more, that demands to be claimed no matter how much Nesta has tried to suppress that instinct. It’s that part of her that has her squeezing in a third finger beside the other two, her entire body tensing at the stretch.
“Good girl.”
The praise has Nesta moaning again. She opens her eyes, finally looking at Cassian again, but it’s instantly a mistake. No longer are his eyes the bright hazel she’s come to know. Instead, they’re dark, the pupils blown out and swallowing his irises. His curls hang loose around his face, only adding to the shadows cutting across his jawline and the stubble lining the skin there, and with every heaving breath, his nostrils flare. She can see his throat bob with every swallow, see the muscles of his forearm flex where his sleeves have been pushed up to his elbow as his grip tightens against the arms of his chair.
He’s clearly holding himself back, and it’s unfair how attractive it is. How attractive he is. It’s almost instinctive, almost involuntary, the way her cunt clenches down around her fingers. The way another whimper is pulled straight from her chest at the sight of him.
“You take your fingers so well. Are you going to take my cock that well, too?”
Nesta huffs, even as she presses her fingers deeper desperately. “Who knew you were such a talker.”
“You like it.” Nesta wants to deny it but can’t, not with the way her body continues to respond to the deep timbre of his voice. “You like when I call you my good girl. Like being my good girl.”
Nesta tosses her head back again, but not before half heartedly rolling her eyes. She continues to drive and curl her fingers, continues to rock her hips against them, but it’s not enough. She tries to press her fingers even deeper, tries to spread them to achieve that stretch she craves, but she’s stuck right on that precipice, release glimmering in sight but still so out of reach.
“Please,” Nesta whispers, her hips jumping off the desk. “Please. I can’t– I need–”
With a growl, Cassian pushes to his feet. His fingers curl around Nesta’s wrist, tugging her fingers free and lifting her hand toward his mouth. Nesta’s breath hitches in her throat as he guides her slick coated fingers between his lips, as his tongue drags slowly over each digit, as his eyes flutter closed and a groan reverberates from deep in his chest.
“Please,” Nesta echoes again.
“Please what?” Cassian asks, even as he reaches for the belt of his pants, deft finger working to unfasten them. “Use your words, sweetheart.”
“It’s not enough. I need your knot.”
It’s hard for Nesta to be annoyed at the return of that infuriating, cocksure smirk of his when she’s still so on edge and desperate. When she feels so empty. It’s hard to think of anything else when Cassian finally finishes unfastening his pants, shoving the fabric of them and his boxers down the thick muscles of his thighs. Hard to think of anything else when the hard line of his cock is finally free from its confines.
Her mouth practically goes dry at the sight of it.
She’s not sure what exactly she was expecting, but she certainly wasn’t expecting the wide girth of Cassian’s cock. She wasn’t expecting the veins that run along the sides of his cock before circling around the center. Wasn’t expecting the thick head already purpling and weeping with his own arousal. She can feel another rush of slick dripping between her thighs in anticipation.
Cassian’s hand curls around his cock, stroking it lazily, but he doesn’t move any closer, doesn’t give Nesta what she needs. What she knows they both need. Instead, that smirk of his only seems to grow with each teasing stroke of his hand. So Nesta spreads her thighs wider still, pressing her hips closer to the edge of the desk. An offering.
“Please, alpha.”
Gone is that smirk, his chest heaving with a hitched breath. He finally steps closer into the cradle of Nesta’s thighs, dragging the head of his cock through the mess of slick and arousal gathered there, dragging until he can tease at her clit. His free hand reaches for her jaw, the large span of it enough that his fingers curl down around her neck. He drags his thumb across her bottom lip, leaning in so that his warm breath fans across her cheeks.
His lips slotting over hers is Nesta’s only warning before he presses his hips forward, the tip of his cock sinking into her. Nesta gasps into the kiss, but Cassian merely uses the opportunity to press his tongue into her mouth, to bury his cock another inch. The way he fills her already is unfair.
She owns almost every best knotting toy on the market to help her get through her heats, and yet still, it’s nothing compared to this stretch, to the feel of those veins dragging along the walls of her cunt. Even with how much slick she’s already produced, even with the way she rode her own fingers, he still has to slowly rock his hips before he finally feeds her the rest of his cock until just his knot remains, already swelling at the base.
Cassian pulls back from the kiss, and Nesta is like a marionette with her strings cut, falling back down against the desk with a quiet whine. Cassian doesn’t seem to mind. His hands find her thighs, fingers digging into the flesh as he hoists her legs to hook around his hips.
“Look at how my good girl takes me,” Cassian praises, Nesta clenching down around his cock at the words. “Oh, fuck, Nes. That’s it. You were made to take your alpha’s cock, weren’t you?”
When she doesn’t respond, he pulls his hips back just to snap them back forward again, still teasing his knot. His hand trails further up her thigh, calluses sliding deliciously against her skin, until he can press his thumb down against her clit. Nesta cries out at the sensation, her hips bucking up, but Cassian’s hand on her lower stomach keeps her pinned in place.
“I asked you a question.”
“Yes!” Nesta gasps out, her voice bleeding into a moan when Cassian rewards her by moving his thumb, tracing circles over her clit.
She’s already too keyed-up that when Cassian continues his ministrations against her clit, when he starts to rock his hips again, she doesn’t even have time to warn him. Her orgasm tears through her, and she clenches down hard around his cock, a moan of Cassian’s name falling from her lips as she tosses her head back.
“Fuck, that’s it. You’re so fucking gorgeous when you come all over my cock.”
Cassian continues to move his hips, working her through and stretching out her release until it starts to bleed into overstimulation. But he doesn’t stop. He plants both his hands on the desk, Nesta’s splayed legs now draped over his forearms, as he snaps his hips at a brutal pace. Nesta reaches a hand back over her head, gripping onto the edge of the desk just so she has something to hold onto, to keep herself from sliding back too much, a mess of high pitched whines and moans as Cassian continues to drive his hips into her.
Every forward thrust has Cassian’s knot catching, teasing, and Nesta’s thighs start to shake in anticipation, more slick adding to the mess already between her thighs. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she’s aware of the breathy pleas, the moans begging him, that continue to pour from her throat but she can’t find it within herself to care, not with the steady thrum of pleasure coursing through her body and drawn forward by the very man fucking into her hard.
A few more snaps of his hips, and Cassian drives home, burying his knot in her cunt. Nesta isn’t sure she’s ever felt more full in her life, letting out a choked gasp at the utter stretch of his knot pressing against her walls. She dares to clench down around it, and Cassian groans lowly, rocking his hips shallowly as his cock floods her with the warmth of his own release.
Nesta slumps back against the desk, Cassian finally setting her legs back down. She lets her eyes flutter closed, set on catching her breath while they wait for Cassian’s knot to go down, but then she feels his hands slide up over her hips, over her waist. Her eyes snap open again when those hands move across her chest, his fingers finding the buttons of her blouse.
“What are you doing?” Nesta asks, craning her neck enough that she can peer at Cassian’s hands in confusion.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to get my hands on these,” Cassian explains, tugging the fabric of her blouse apart.
He pulls down the cups of her bra, but Nesta barely has time to gasp at the cool air of the office on her breasts before his warm hands enclose around them. His hands are large enough that each palm cradles the whole swell of her breasts, and he uses that to his advantage as he kneads and squeezes.
“Can you come again just like this?” Cassian asks, sliding his thumbs across her nipples. “I bet you can.”
“Fuck,” Nesta whines, her body already responding, that heat already building again and pooling low in her gut.
“Come on, sweetheart. I want to feel you really milking my knot.”
It’s a bit awkward with the way they’re still joined, but Cassian is able to lean over her, his mouth closing over her breast. His tongue drags and swirls around her nipple, Nesta arching up toward his face with a loud moan. He keeps his movements slow and languid, his teeth grazing teasingly along her skin. With his knot still pressing securely against the walls of her cunt, all the sensations are almost too much.
“Cass… Cassian,” Nesta pants, burying a hand in his hair, her nails digging into his scalp and fingers tugging at the dark strands.
The response only has Cassian doubling his efforts. Every slide of his tongue, every groan that reverberates against her chest, every drag of his calluses as he kneads her other breast with his hand, it all sends Nesta careening higher and higher. Cassian dares to rock his hips again, to press his knot even deeper, and it’s like a dam breaking. She comes again with a shout, tears prickling at the corner of her eyes at the pleasure that ricochets through her veins.
Cassian releases her breast with a quiet pop. “Good girl. Squeezing my knot so well.”
Nesta whimpers at his words, at the way she can feel his cock twitch again where it’s pressed so deep, can feel more warmth from his seed filling her cunt. It has another aftershock rocking through her, and Nesta tosses her arm over her eyes, her head feeling dizzy with the high of it all. Her heart pounds in her chest, her body already feeling wrung out, but still that instinctual part of her mind, that omega piece of her always clawing for release, begs for more.
His knot finally subsiding, Cassian pulls his cock free, and it takes all of Nesta’s willpower to swallow down her whine at the loss. She feels so empty, that inner part of her all but raging at the lack of an alpha’s knot keeping her stuffed full.
“Fuck, we made quite a mess, didn’t we?”
Nesta does whine when Cassian’s thumbs spread her cunt wider, and she doesn’t have to look to know the truth of his words. She can feel the combination of arousal, of slick, of Cassian’s seed leaking out of her and making a mess of her thighs and his desk.
“We can’t have that, can we?”
A quiet thump echoes in the office around them, and Nesta pushes herself up into a seated position in alarm, only to find Cassian now on his knees before her. His hands grasp at her thighs, tugging her further across the desk until she’s half hanging off the edge. It’s the only warning she gets before Cassian buries his face between her thighs.
Nesta’s feet scramble desperately at his shoulders, her hand shooting out to clutch at the dark strands of Cassian’s hair, but whether it’s to keep herself balanced or to keep him exactly where he is, she isn’t sure. He devours her with a ferocity that Nesta can barely wrap her mind around. His tongue fucks into her and curls, gathering all that mess, all while his lips continue to move against her. He lets out a groan, and Nesta swears she feels the reverberation all the way down to her toes.
It’s obscene, the way he works his mouth and eats her out. The way he keeps his darkened gaze on her the whole time while he does it. Even from between her thighs, Nesta can see that smirk of his. He turns his attention to her clit, the hot, wet slide of his tongue swirling circles across the bud, and Nesta’s whole body bows forward with a choked off moan. She’s not sure if she wants to rock her hips or pull away. Not that it matters, anyway, Cassian keeping a firm grip on her thighs and holding her to his face.
Heat courses through Nesta’s entire body, and she already knows she’s not going to last much longer, not with the way Cassian continues to play her body. He licks a thick stripe over her cunt, and when he returns to her clit, he sucks it between his lips.
Nesta’s release hits her with enough force, so quickly, that it takes her by surprise. Her throat feels hoarse from all her shouts and moans, her cunt still clenching and fluttering through the aftershocks even after Cassian pulls away. It seems almost unfair, that he’s had her orgasming so many times when it’s meant to be his rut she’s helping him through.
She slides her hand out of his hair and to his shoulder, fisting her fingers in the fabric of his shirt. Surprisingly, Cassian follows her silent command, standing up when she tugs, and he allows her to push him back into his chair. Her legs are wobbly as she slips off the desk, but thankfully, it’s not far to clamber onto the chair and straddle his lap.
Nesta reaches down between them, curling her fingers around Cassian’s cock, already hard again. She strokes up slowly, feeling the hot weight of him in her hand, the way he twitches against her palm in response to her touch. She drags her thumb across the head of his cock, daring to press teasingly at the slit and reveling when Cassian’s hips jerk up against her.
“Ready for my knot again already, Nes?” Cassian still drawls despite his body’s reaction. “You’re absolutely desperate for it, aren’t you?”
“Shut up.”
Nesta crashes her mouth against his, determined to keep his mouth preoccupied, but she can’t deny the accusation, either. As amazing as his mouth had been, it was nothing compared to his cock, to his knot. It’s dangerous the way need has clawed up her chest, the way its twined around her ribs and dug a space there. It’s all she can focus on, the way his cock stroked against the walls of her cunt, the way his knot stretched her, the way his seed filled her.
There’s no suppressing the omega within her now, no denying her alpha.
She presses up higher onto her knees, guiding and holding Cassian’s cock steady as she sinks back down. There’s no keeping up the kiss. Nesta can do nothing but moan in relief against his lips at finally being full again. She clenches down, her toes curling at him pressing so deep.
Cassian lets out a groan of his own in reaction, his head dropping back against the chair. “Mother save me, nothing feels like your sweet cunt wrapped around me.”
Slowly, Nesta starts to circle and rock her hips, her clit dragging against Cassian’s pelvis with every movement in the most delicious way. But it’s not enough. It’s not what she needs. Planting her hands on Cassian’s shoulder for balance, she starts to move more earnestly, fucking herself on his cock.
“That’s my good girl.” Cassian’s hands settle at her hips, squeezing. “My sweet omega taking her alpha’s cock so well.”
Nesta keens at the praise, especially when Cassian plants his feet, snapping his hips up to meet her every movement with a hard, brutal thrust of his own. The pleasure is everything, fogging over her mind until all she can focus on is Cassian’s cock, on the feel of it slamming home over and over and over. On the sticky mess of slick and seed she’s made of both their thighs. On the wet slap of skin and her high pitched moans echoing off the walls of the office.
There’s a ringing in Nesta’s ears, and it drives Nesta to move her hips faster, to chase that sweet release until she realizes that it’s not in her head. It’s a phone. The phone on Cassian’s desk is ringing. She slows her movements, glancing over her shoulder toward the device, but a slap to her ass has her yelping in surprise.
“Ignore it,” Cassian chastises, his fingers squeezing and soothing away the ache of his slap. “Don’t stop now, Nes. Not when you’re riding my cock so perfectly.”
The ringing subsides, the call clearly having gone to voicemail, but then it just starts anew all over again. Cassian growls out a frustrated huff. His arm snaps around Nesta’s waist, holding her to his lap, keeping her on his cock, even as he reaches forward with his free hand to snatch up the offending device.
“Are you a fucking idiot?” Nesta doesn’t need to see the screen of the phone to recognize the cool, clipped tone of Night Inc.’s CEO. “We have cameras in every office. What in the fuck were you thinking?”
“Fuck off, Rhys,” Cassian snaps into the phone.
“Go the fuck home, dumbass.”
With that, the line clicks, the call clearly ended. Cassian shakes his head and tosses his phone back on his desk, returning his hand to Nesta’s thigh as though he can’t keep his hands off her, even for the short time it takes to speak on the phone. He nuzzles his face into the junction between her throat and shoulder, skating his nose across her pulse point, and Nesta can feel that tell-tale smirk of his pressing against her skin.
“Whoops. Looks like we got caught, sweetheart.”
Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @moodymelanist @nesquik-arccheron @sv0430 @talkfantasytome @bookstantrash @eirini-thaleia @ubigaia @fromthelibraryofemilyj @luivagr-blog @lifeisntafantasy @superspiritfestival @hiimheresworld @marigold-morelli @sweet-pea1 @emeriethevalkyriegirl @pyxxie @dustjacketmusings @hallway5 @dongjunma @glowing-stick-generation @melonsfantasyworld @lady-nestas @goddess-aelin @melphss @theladystardust @a-trifling-matter @blueunoias @kookskoocie @wolfnesta @blurredlamplight @hereforthenessian @skaixo @jmoonjones @burningsnowleopard @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk @ofduskanddreams @rarephloxes @thelovelymadone @that-little-red-head @readergalaxy @thesnugglingduck @kale-theteaqueen @tarquindaddy @superflurry @bri-loves-sunflowers @lady-winter-sunrise @witch-and-her-witcher @fieldofdaisiies @freakingata
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karizard-ao3 · 1 month ago
Any couple of your choosing is stuck inside an elevator!
The way I'm feeling right now, Luigi Mangione x Elon Musk ❤️🩷🤍
But in less seriousness, Yor and Twilight/Loid!
I'm picturing that Anya is at school, but Yor and Twilight have the day off for whatever reason (this is mainly for my own peace of mind - I don't want her all alone in the apartment for who knows how long :( ). Or, Yor has the day off and then Twilight unexpectedly has to go on a mission which requires him to stop at home first. Yor is planning to spend the day trying to cook something edible, so she is just getting back from the grocery store as Twilight is arriving back at the building.
He, of course, puts on a pleasant expression even though his gut is grumbling over this unexpected mission. There are a lot of logistics and he's on a time crunch! He gives her some excuse about needing to get something from the house in order to treat a particularly challenging patient. Yor tries to imagine what weapon he'd use for concussive therapy and concludes that one of their heavy stone bookends might be the most therapeutic (I don't know if they own a set of bookends in canon, but let's say they do).
They get in the elevator together, chatting, and then, on their way up, that is when the power goes out and the elevator stops.
Yor is startled but generally pretty chill about the setback. Loid is Not Having a Good Time™️.
Yor settles in to wait, hoping that the elevator gets back up and running while Loid is climbing the walls because he has a mission.
He wants to open the ceiling hatch and climb up, but let's say for some reason he can't. Perhaps it's padlocked? Why would it be padlocked? I don't know! But he would obviously try to go up the elevator shaft so something has to prevent him so he can enjoy this accidental romantic date with his wife.
Let's blame it on his digestive issues. I mean, I know that half the time he makes them up so he can pretend he's on the toilet for three hours while he does espionage, but sometimes he really does get a tummy ache and this is one of those times. He cannot climb up the shaft because his belly feels yucky because he's so stressed that he can't complete the mission he doesn't want to do in the first place.
Yor is very zen about the whole thing, though, and that starts to rub off on him. She starts going through the groceries and trying to figure out if she got anything that could be used medicinally to help his digestion.
Loid slides down the wall of the elevator until he's sitting on the floor and thanks her but tells her he's all right. He just hates to cancel on a "patient".
She sits down next to him and says the power probably won't be out long. They've had a lot of outages in recent weeks but never longer than a few minutes.
Loid is comforted, but only for about five minutes. Once it's clear the power is not coming back on, he gets antsy again.
Yor starts going through the groceries again and pulls out some bread and cheese and starts making a sandwich. She offers it to Loid, then makes herself one. She is smiling to herself and she tells him a story about how when she and Yuri were orphaned children, they would do rainy day picnics whenever the weather was bad, and eat a picnic lunch inside and how much fun they had making a dreary day more bright. She wishes Anya were here to enjoy the picnic with them, especially since she bought a whole bag of peanuts while she was out.
Loid, as usual, is touched and soothed by her ability to live in the moment and find the good in a situation. He puts his hand over hers and thanks her for being so chill, but he stares at her a little too long and she gets embarrassed. Suddenly, they realize how small the elevator actually is and how close to each other they are. This is hardly a problem for Loid, who is already justifying to himself that continuing to hold her hand is good for the mission. He starts to lean in, but Yor springs to her feet, launches through the hatch, and shimmies up to their floor. She starts hauling the elevator up (maybe there's a manual lever or something. I don't know how old timey elevators work - I also don't really know how new timey elevators work), hyperventilating and also a little mad at herself for running away. She's been curious about kissing Loid and thinking about it sometimes at night, but she is afraid of doing it wrong and disappointing him, so when it looked like he was going to go for it, she bolted.
Now that she's got some distance to think about it, she realizes maybe Loid thinks they should start kissing to sell their ruse better.
Loid is stunned when she wrenches the doors open with her bare hands and, apologizing, frees him from the elevator.
He says it's fine, somewhat bemused by her feat of strength, and they go into their apartment. he grabs whatever he needs for his mission. She is putting the groceries away when he comes out and he can tell she feels embarrassed and confused.
He apologizes if he made her uncomfortable in the elevator.
She says he didn't, she just isn't very confident because she was too busy raising Yuri to do anything else. If kissing is to be a part of their marriage ploy, she will do her best.
Loid is a little taken aback. He tells her she doesn't have to do anything she is not ready for.
She says something about wanting to be ready and they should just do it and closes her eyes so he can kiss her.
But Loid can tell by how she's trembling that she's liable to high kick him in the chin if he's too bold and tries to push it too far. So instead, he kisses her on the cheek and says he'll be home as soon as he can.
Her hand flies to her cheek and her face turns red, but he doesn't see it because now he is hurrying away, his own cheeks burning and his heart hammering in his chest, because maybe he's starting to lose sight of the mission after all.
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cuttergauthier · 2 years ago
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Quinn Hughes x Female reader
Warning: against, fluff, cussing, alcohol
word count: 3.7k
let me know what you guys think🤍
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April 2022
I moved to Vancouver 2 weeks ago for work even though I can work from home. I wanted a change so I decided to move. I'm a clothing designer. I started the summer before I started going to university. It was hard trying to juggle a clothing brand and university at the same time especially since i was doing extra classes during summer since i wanted to be able to finish a semester earlier so i could go back home for summer & be settled in Vancouver for when i come back in September, but i was able to make it work.
When I first started I would only make 1 shirt in all sizes and sell them, it took a while to be able to make money off it, but now the clothing company is doing really well, It’s an online clothing store. I sell both Women & Men clothes from comfy to fancy.
I’ve always wanted to open my own store and I thought Vancouver would be perfect for that, most of my buyers are from canada.
I was born in Plymouth Michigan, i grew up in a lake house, my parent’s love it here, so do i, during winter my dad, my older brother and i would go skating on the lake, it’s one of my favorite things to do during the winter, during summertime we would go on boat rides almost every day. 
I went to the University of Michigan, I graduated in June, it was the best 3 and a half years, now I'm on a new chapter of my life. I 
I am still getting used to Vancouver. I don’t really know where everything is yet, it’s only been 5 days and i can work on my own time as long as i meet my deadlines, so i’ve been walking around Vancouver. It was a pretty chilly day but it wasn’t too bad. We are now at the end of April.
It took a while before moving here to look for an apartment, And to get everything settled since I’m American i needed to apply for a work visa, it took a while before i was accepted.
I finally found a cute coffee shop so I made my way inside and in line to order. I looked at the menu to see what I should order. Once I decided to go with (favorite coffee order) the line was shorter and it was only a cute guy in front of me and I.
When I finally ordered, I made my way to the pick up station. The cute guy got his drink before me and walked out. I got my drink a second later and left the coffee shot. I started walking back to my apartment since I still have some unpacking to do. 
I’m walking and looking around me, Vancouver is truly a beautiful city. I looked in front of me and saw the cute guy was going in the same direction. He looks familiar but I can't figure out why.
I saw him getting in the same apartment building I live in, maybe he lives there too. I made my way inside to see the elevator doors about to close. The guy looked up from his phone and saw I was walking that way, so he put his hand to stop the doors from closing.
I smiled as I walked in and stood next to him, to see he selected the same floor as I live on.
“Thanks for holding the door,” I said thankfully.
“No problem,” he said. He looked so serious like he didn’t have any emotion in the fact that i said thank you.
“I’m yn” i said
“Quinn” he replied before looking down at his phone.
He looked pretty tired, maybe that’s why he doesn’t seem to want to talk. But so am I, so I can't judge. 
The doors opened on our floor and we both started walking to our apartments. We are both going the same direction.
Once he stopped at his place, I stopped at mine which was the one next to him.
How have i not noticed him till today, since i’ve been here, it looked like no one lived there.
I saw him look at me before he opened the door. I looked at him as we made eye contact for a second. 
“See you around neighbor” i told him smiling before walking in my Apartment and closing the door behind me. 
I really hope I see him again. I smiled before continuing to unpack my stuff.
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1 week later, May 2022
I finished packing my suitcase to bring back home with me. I was finally able to finish unpacking the furniture and everything else in this apartment so I thought I would finally go back home, since it’s warmer there right now then it is in Vancouver.
I made sure everything was turned off and made my way out of the apartment with my suitcase. As soon as I locked my door, Quinn opened his and got out with his suitcase. Looks like I'm not the only one who seems to be leaving Vancouver.
I made my way to the elevator and I saw him do the same. I made sure to wait before pressing the lobby button. 
“Thanks” he mumbled
“ no problem… Are you going to Vancouver?” I ask him, trying to make conversation.
He looked at me confused for a minute, before he shook his head. 
“Going to see friends and family” he replied 
“That’s always nice,” I say. All he did was nod, I guess he’s not one for conversation. 
We both got out of the elevator and made our way outside, i had ordered an uber so that I wouldn't have to wait. It looks like Quinn did the same thing. Once my suitcase was in the trunk the driver started making his way to the airport. 
I texted my parents to let them know I was on my way to the airport.
I got my bags checked in and made my way to my area. I found a spot where no one was sitting and sat down. My flight is only boarding in an hour but I like coming here earlier in case it’s ever busy.
I saw that my brother had texted me, he’s only 1 year older than me, he's 23 but he’s my best friend.
Big bro
Yo, are you on your way yet?
I chuckled, of course he’s impatient 
Just got my bags checked in, we are only boarding the plane in an hour
Big bro
Please hurry, I miss you!
Big bro
Also before i forget, apparently the hughes brothers bought the lake house next to us that was for sale, i met one of them yesterday and some of his friends they all play pro hockey, one of the brothers plays for Vancouver, Jack said he should be getting in today & the ones i met are really cool, they’re around are age, so looks like we’ll have a fun summer🤪
Oh good, at least it’s not another older couple who would complain every time we try to throw a party when mom and dad go away for the 4th of July😂 & wtf obviously i heard about then you idiot, kinda hard not to when we both went to a school where a bunch of hockey players went to. Also I met the youngest Luke at university, Nick introduced me to the freshman at the beginning of the year.
Big bro
I know right😂 oh cool then i guess you’ll know one of them! Anyways see you soon kid!
See ya!
I smiled, hopefully I won't be stuck hanging out with a bunch of idiots the whole summer, but at least we aren’t the only ones our age.
I was scrolling through instagram. In the corner of my eye I saw someone sitting in one of the seats in front of me.
I looked up and saw Quinn, looking like he’s going to Michigan.
He looked up at me so I smiled.
When it was finally time to board the plane, I went and sat in my seat. I'm thankful that i got the window seat, a few seconds later Quinn sat down in the seat next to me.
“Looks like we’re both going to the same place” I said. 
He just nodded.
I looked back at him with a small smirk, I have a feeling that I’ll probably annoy him on the flight.
“You’re not much of a talker, are you?” I said teasing him, every time i try and talk to him, he looks like he ins’t interested in talking to me.
“Not really, do you need something from me? i’m not interested, okay, i get enough people trying to get with me just because of who i am i don’t need to have one who’s going to try the whole plane ride back to michigan” he said a little annoyed.
That was rude, why would he think I wanted anything from him… then it struck me that’s why he looked so familiar when i first met him. He’s the guy my brother told me about the brother who plays for Vancouver. He’s Quinn Hughes. He’s also Luke's older brother. How the hell did I not figure this out earlier? Luke told me that his oldest brother played for Vancouver, I just didn’t think he would be my neighbor and having him hate me.
Once I made the connection my eyes widened.
Quinn rolled his eyes.
“See you clearly know who i am, so just leave me alone” he said annoyed.
I scoffed.
“Don’t be so full of yourself, Luke’s my favorite anyways. I also didn’t recognize you until now, not everyone is going to recognize who you are. I’m also guessing you’re going to the lake house you and Jack just bought right?” I said. He’s pissing me off, and since he doesn’t know we are going to be neighbors or that I know Luke, I thought I would creep him out a little bit.
His eyes widened when I said that.
“Omg are you some kind of stalker?” He said in disgust.
I chuckled at his expression, he looks really creeped out right now.
“Not a stalker but according to my brother who met Jack yesterday we are about to be neighbor’s… again.” I said
“I’m sorry… what?”
“Oh My brother texted me earlier turns out you and jack bought the lake house right next to my parents house, looks like we’ll see each other a lot this summer” i said smirk 
I heard him curse under his breath.
“You better not go anywhere near our house,” he said.
“that’s funny because i can promise the second Luke sees me, he’s going to invite me over” 
“Like hell he is” he said laughing like there was no way that would ever happen.
“I don’t care if you guys play hockey, i’m going to go after you just because of fame or money. And Just so you know, I already know luke. I met him in September when he started at Michigan since I'm friends with Blanks. He's a good kid, i would help tutor him with calculus, i think of him as a little brother, same with the other younger guys. I even met your mom for fuck sakes and she was nicer than you are right now” i said, 
I could see a look of regret on his face. He sighed.
“Look i’m sorry okay, a lot of people try to get along just because of who I am , same with my brothers. Can we start over?” He asked.
He looked sincere, and I nodded, i know my brother will most likely hang out with them a lot this summer, so we should probably get along.
“I’d like that” i said  
He smiled 
“I’m quinn hughes, it’s nice to meet you” he said
“I’m Y/n Y/L/N, it’s nice to meet you too” i said.
We ended up getting to know each other for the rest of the flight. I told him about what I studied at university and what I do, along with a few funny stories about Luke and some of the other freshmen. He told me about hockey and his family. It was nice actually talking to him, and I really hope we can be friends since we are neighbors in Vancouver and now in Michigan.
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When our flight landed we made our way out, and went to baggage claim.
I texted my brother to let him know, he said he was waiting with Jack and Luke since both Quinn and I were on the same flight.
“Looks like my brother is waiting with yours” I told Quinn as we started looking for them.
“I see Jack, come on,” he said. I followed him to our brothers
When my brother saw me, he pulled me in a hug, making me laugh.
“I miss you too Y/B/N” i said
“Y/N” Luke said when he saw me and pulled me in a hug.
“Hey Luke” I chuckle.
“You guys already know each other?” Jack asked, confused.
Luke let go of me and looked at jack.
“Yeah, she’s friends with blanks, he introduced us in the beginning of the year, she’s also the reason why i passed calculus, thanks for tutoring me by the way” he said 
“How did she tutor you if she lives in Vancouver?” Jack asked again, you could tell he was so lost, it was funny.
“I’ve only been living in Vancouver for 2 weeks now, i graduated from university of Michigan after Christmas” I said and he nodded.
“Oh make sense, and you’ve met quinn?” 
“Turns out we’re neighbors in Vancouver” quinn answered, i smiled at him.
Our brothers started laughing.
“What are the fucking chances” luke said
“Yeah seriously, now you’re also neighbors here” my brother said
“I know right,” I said.
“Let’s get going” quinn said impatient 
“Yeah, yeah let’s get grumpy,” Jack said.
Quinn rolled his eyes at him which made me laugh.
We made our way to the car and Jack drove us to the lake house.
Jack parked in his driveway and we all made our way to the trunk.
My brother took my suitcase before Jack turned to look at us.
“I don’t know what your plans are today, but we are having a bonfire tonight, you two are both welcome to join us” he said smiling.
“Thanks jack, that sounds fun” i said
My brother nodded.
“Yeah man we’ll be there” my brother said
“Great, then we’ll see you guys tonight”
“Blanks and a few other wolverines are here by the way, I won’t tell them, you’ll be able to surprise them” luke told me. I smiled and nodded before my brother and i made our way to our house.
As soon as we got in the house my parents hugged me.
I talked to them about Vancouver and how Quinn was my neighbor there and now here which made them laugh.
Then I went up to my room to unpack. By the time I was done it was 6:30 p.m. so I went to take a shower since I was all sweaty. Once I was done I got dressed in some Black Lululemon gym shorts and my blue Michigan hoodie.
My dad made food on the grill for dinner so I made my way down to eat since it’s already 7:30 and I am starting.
I sat down at the island counter on the chair and my mom gave me a plate. 
“Thanks mom,” I said smiling.
“No problem honey” she said, placing a kiss on my cheek.
“When you’re done eating we’ll go next door. Jack said they started the fire even though it’s still light out, and you can bring alcohol if you want or he said they have a lot so we should be good.” My brother told me.
“I think you still have some (favorite alcoholic drink) in the fridge from before you left for Vancouver, bring it with you if you go” my mom said before making her way to the living room with my dad.
I finished eating so I put my plate in the dishwasher and looked in the fridge for the drinks my mom was talking about and there were still 6 of them so I put them in a bag. My brother and I made our way next door. 
I saw Blanks was standing with his back to me talking with Luke. Luke saw me but I told him not to say anything. I gave my bag to my brother and ran up and jumped on his back.
“What the hell!” blanks screeched.
I laughed.
“Surprise!” I said before getting down.
“Yn?” He was surprised to see me. I nodded before he gave me a hug.
“I live next door '' I said happily, a big smile made its way on his face.
“This is about to be the best summer ever” he replied, making me laugh.
“Want to know what funny blanks she’s our neighbor here, and she’s quinn’s neighbor in Vancouver” Luke told him and i rolled my eyes, with a smile.
Nick let out a gasp.
“For real? Oh that’s awesome, like seriously what are the chances” he said
“I know right, also Luke, are you going to tell everyone?” I ask, chuckling.
Luke nodded, smiling.
“Everyone has to know” he said, like it’s the most obvious thing ever. He walked away leaving me alone with blanks.
“So, how is it like living next to Quinn?” He asked, smirking.
I rolled my eyes.
“Oh shut up” I replied, he laughed.
“No but seriously, how is it?”
“Fine i guess, he’s pretty quiet, but he kinda hated me until we got on the flight and sat next to each other, he thought i was some crazy fan” i said and nick burst out laughing i didn’t even know if he could breathe.
“What’s so funny?”
“Let me guess, you were nice and always tried to make conversation with him?” 
“Yeah…” I said and he shocked his head.
“That’s what a hockey player with think most of the time when a beautiful girl tries to talk to him and especially if you see him everywhere and end up on the same plane as him, he’s gonna think you’re following him, it’s just an instinct” nick said
“Yeah i know, but i really didn’t recognize him until after my brother told me about them buying the house next door to me and then accusing me of wanting something from him, then i saw the resemblance to Luke, so i kinda creeped him out a bit about telling him i knew exactly where he was going “ i said and nick chuckled.
“Of course you did… Quinn is a good guy though so i don’t doubt you guys won’t become friends… or maybe even more than friends” he said smirking.
I pushed him back.
“Oh shut up, let’s go see everyone else” I said, laughing.
We made our way to everyone else. Blanks introduced me to the guys. They all sound really nice.
We sat around the fire and drank, the guys were sharing funny stories. Nick told the story about how Quinn and I met. I put my hands on my face to hide the embarrassment. The guys laughed
“Seriously Quinn?” Luke asked 
“Look sorry but you never told me about her” Quinn replied.
We continued talking and sharing stories for the rest of the night. Some of the guys had already made their way inside to go to bed since it was late. My brother had gone back home, now it was only Quinn, blanks and i.
“I’m going to head up to bed before I pass out here” Blanks told us, making me chuckle.
“Good night blanks,” I said.
“Good night you two,” he said, smirking. I’ve known him for 4 years, he’s totally up to something.
“I should probably head to bed too, I don't want to be too tired tomorrow” I said, yawning.
Quinn turned to me and smiled.
“What?” I ask giggling.
“If I ask you on a date, would you say yes?” He asked, making me smile.
“I would,” I said blushing.
“Well, yn would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?” 
“ i would love to” i said smiling
“Perfect, I'll pick you up at 6:30 p.m.” he said and I smiled.
We said goodbyes and I made my way home.
Once I got into bed, I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face.
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September 2022
Going on that date with Quinn was the best decision I could have made. It went really well that we went on 3 more dates until he finally asked me to be his girlfriend.
We spent as much time as we could together this summer. When the guys found out we were dating they laughed since Luke had told everyone what happened when Quinn and I first met.
We have been in Vancouver for a little bit now, Quinn came back in August for training camp, i got back last week. I know how hockey season can be, but I also know Quinn and I will make it work. We’ll be seeing each other a lot since we are neighbors.
Quinn had practice this morning but he told me last night that he would come by after lunch.
He’s been stressed lately, he hopes he can have a better season than last year, i don’t blame him.
It’s now 12 p.m. when I heard the door open. 
“Babe, I'm here and I brought food,” I heard quinn. 
“I’m in the kitchen,” I replied. 
He made his way around the corner and smiled when he saw me.
“Hey beautiful” he said, making me blush.
He chuckled, he put the food on the counter and came over to me and kissed me. When we pulled away our forehead touched each other. I looked at his eyes to see he was doing the same. 
“I love you” I said happily.
“I love you more” he replied before leaning in and kissing me again.
Being with him, nothing could make me happier.
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latenitewaffles · 1 year ago
OK Agent 32 Side Order drabble GO.
Agent 8 (or Shelly, as they had been told by their close friend, Matt- though, Pearl and Marina still called them Eight.) had become quite accustomed to climbing the Tower of Order at this point. Nearly halfway through all the Pallettes, the difficulty never even surpassed that of Girl Power Station, which still gave them stress dreams on occasion. They had hoped those Octolings had gotten free, but they pushed that thought to the back of their mind for now. There were other things to worry about.
Like finishing Agent 4's Pallette.
"Eight, are you with us?"
Marina's voice shook Shelly back to reality- or as close to reality as one can get in the Memverse.
"Oh, uh... yeah, Marina. I'm fine."
A flash of pink flooded Shelly's eye's- Pearl had suddenly flew right up into their face to get her battle buddy's attention.
"You better be! We're coming up on a boss floor! Yo, Rina! What floor's up next?" The drone yelled excitedly.
"Um... intensifying_harmony.floor! So you're going against the Parallel Canon next!"
Shelly froze. That boss. The one they had extreme suspicions about. The one that strangely resembled their boyfriend.
"Eight? Hello?"
"I'm fine! Let's go!"
Acht's sudden noise made the group turn to them, as if they had forgotten that they were there in the first place.
"... Am I really that quiet? Whatever. Eight, if you're not feeling up to it, we can go back to the foyer or Marina can switch the boss to the Asynchronous Rondo, it's no problem."
Shelly shook their head. It's not like they had told their companions about their suspicions yet, and they didn't want them to worry... though from the looks on the other's faces, they already were.
"Seriously, it's fine. Come on Pearl, let's go beat these guys!"
"That's what I like to hear! Team Eight rides again!!"
"Well then, stay safe. Marina and I will be here keeping the elevator warm."
The elevator door opened up to the balcony, and Shelly rushed to the cage as quickly as possible. They could see the Parallel Canon in the distance, each of them getting ready to take them on. As soon as they landed, the first wave started- the pair of gray helmeted "Inklings" wasted no time trying to take down their Octoling adversary, but failed miserably as always. The second wave fared no better, each of them going down quickly thanks to the many power chips in Shelly's current Pallette. Though, strangely... the masked Inkling hadn't dropped yet. Odd, it usually comes in the second wave...
Pearl's shout managed to snap Shelly out of their trance, and just in time, too- they were almost the victim of a Triple-Splashdown. Luckily, they were able to dodge roll away, and Pearl took the Inkling down with an Inkstrike. The next 3 were splatted just as easily... which left the final one. This time, Shelly would get to actually have a look at this Inkling to see if their suspicions were true. It rode the cage and immediately used a Triple-Splashdown, and as the ink settled... Shelly got a good look at him. They'd recognize that dumb spikey hair from anywhere- it was him. Agent 4.
Their heart jumped, and not in a good way. They had hoped that Archie had managed to stay out of this, but somehow he was sucked in too, now mindlessly serving as defense for Smollusk just as Marina was before.
He had gotten the jump on them. One life down.
"Eight?! What the heck was that?! Don't tell me you froze!" Pearl said, getting right back into Shelly's face again.
"I... that's... that Inkling, it's... Four."
"Wait. Your roommate? The one who's Pallette you're running right now?"
"Well... we're more than roommates, but..."
"That's not important right now, Pearl! Can you just help me free him like we freed Marina?"
"Of course! But we're gonna have a conversation about this later, y'hear?"
"Yeah, I know."
The ensuing fight took up the rest of Shelly's lives. Most of them were wasted trying to reason with the greyscaled Inkling, but now they had a plan. Pearl set her Killer Wail to a non-lethal level, and as soon as Archie's body was just destabilized enough, Shelly would rush in and rip the mask right off his face- it sounded just stupid enough to work. When the Killer Wail ended and the Inkling was practically melting apart, Shelly ambushed him from behind, grabbing the mask from the chin and pulling as hard as possible. Archie screamed in pain- though digitalized through a filter, Shelly knew it was him. The dense, chaotic, lovable squid they loved dearly.
"Sorry, Archie, but this is hurting me way more than it's hurting you!"
A few more tugs, and Shelly heard a click- they hoped it was something good, but the hope was momentarily dashed when Archie threw them off of him.
"What the shell are you doing, Shelly?!"
He actually spoke. Though garbled, that was him, his real self.
"Archie! It's me, don't panic, let me help!"
"Y-you're hurting me! I can do it on my own!"
"Calm down, please! Just let me get the mask off of your face!"
Archie didn't let them. He just kept pulling, and each time, the color returned to his skin and tentacles, but...
"I-I can’t... I can't get it off!! H-Help!!"
Shelly walked back over to him, and kneeled down. There were tears pouring from the red eye sockets of the mask- it was truly stuck. He tried to pull it more, but Shelly stopped him.
"Don't hurt hurt yourself, Archie. It's going to be alright."
They kissed him on the forehead of the metal mask, and it finally fell off. His colors were back to normal, and the greyscaling had been undone. The Tower seemed to count that as a victory, and on the platform behind them, the locker key formed.
But that could wait. Despite Pearl's protests, Shelly comforted Archie in their arms, both soaked head to toe in ink.
It was surprisingly nice.
"You're welcome."
"Don't let me go."
"I won't."
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monaisme · 6 months ago
Sicktember: Day 21
This is chapter 2 of the Sicktember fic posted yesterday. You can find it here (along with this once I get this posted over on ao3! 🤭):
#21- Anaphylactic Response
It couldn’t have been timed better if they had planned it.
Granted, they’d lost a minute or two trying to convince the uber driver that Peter’s cough was NOT a result of covid, so maybe they hadn’t needed to cut it that close.
Bruce had first noticed that something was off a few minutes into the ride.
Peter began to bounce his leg...
No big deal. Bruce remembered Tony joking that he and Peter could start up a band called AD/HD so the stimming didn’t seem too out of place.
At least the coughing was starting to settle.
The breathing between those coughs, though, “Are you doing okay there, Peter?” Bruce had to ask. “You’re kind of quiet all of a sudden and your breathing seems a little...”
“’m still fine.” Peter forced out, then shifted his focus to the scenery as it passed by.
It was all Bruce could do to not call him out on the obvious lie. Peter was most definitely not fine. What he could do, though, was count down the minutes back to the hotel as Bruce recognized each landmark along the way. Bruce thought it might have helped, as they hit the two minute mark and Peter pulled out his phone, prepared to complete their uber transaction as hastily as possible.
The leg shaking grew more frantic.
 “Peter?” Bruce had to ask again as the vehicle finally pulled under the hotel’s porte-cochere.
Peter just shook his head.
The driver tapped on a screen as he thanked them for using Uber, Peter’s phone pinged, and in a flash, a tip had been given and Peter was bolting out of the vehicle and into the hotel without a word. 
Even struggling, the boy made sure to be kind.
Bruce offered an awkward ‘thank you’ as he fumbled to exit the car to follow Peter, and accidentally leaving their food behind.
“Peter!” Bruce called out as he watched the boy enter to the stairwell. A quick glance as he passed the lobby elevator showed the single elevator car biding its time on the sixth floor, with their room set on the third. Bruce had never been so thankful to Natasha and her insistence that Bruce focus on more than just yoga and meditation as he set off up the stairs behind him. Knowing the urgency, Bruce didn’t call out again, just rushed behind and hoped to catch up if Peter needed him before their destination.
Bruce was only steps behind Peter by the time he’d pushed the third floor stairwell door open with more strength than necessary. Planning ahead, Bruce pulled the room key card from his pocket as Peter patted down his own pocket for his. “I’m here, Peter. I’ve got it.” Bruce announced as he reached past him to the card reader on the door handle and tapped. The green light flashed and Peter was in the room and dashing past the vanity to the bathroom before Bruce could fully enter the room, the door slamming forcefully behind him.
And then the heaving started.
 Bruce had intended to follow, even tried to open the door to get to him, but Peter had managed to throw the lock before it all went to shit. All Bruce could do was lean against the counter outside of the door, silently supportive as he waited for Peter to come out, though the brief silence once he finally was did have Bruce nervous enough to contemplate breaking the door down. “Uh, Peter?” he finally had to call out. “Are you good?”
A weak, “Just a minute,” answered back.
Bruce took that as the cue to get to work, so he hurried into the hotel room proper and pulled back the blankets on Peter’s bed, which was conveniently located closest to the bathroom. Once that was done, he went back to the vanity, hastily lining the cheap plastic ice bucket with the provided plastic bag and filling two of the four disposable cups with tap water. He’d just placed them on the bedside table and brought the garbage can over as a reinforcement when the bathroom door creaked open.
“I am so sorry...” A concerningly pale Peter croaked as he shuffled to his bed and sat cautiously as he clutched his stomach. “I’d really hoped this wouldn’t happen...” Peter winced as he shifted to lie down.
Bruce stood by helpless, wishing that Tony could be here for Peter instead of him, but then Peter’s words sunk in, “Uh, hold on? What does that mean?” What had Bruce missed?
Peter sighed in frustration, “Since the whole, you know,” Peter waved a tired hand over his altered body, “It’s always a wild guess... ‘what is Peter’s body going to do with this new food exposure?’” Peter curled up a bit, “So this is totally my bad. I should’ve been more careful and ordered something I knew... especially when I was away from home. I should’ve...”
“Wait a minute...” Bruce cut him off as he processed that information, “Are you telling me this is an anaphylactic response?”
Peter shrugged, “I am neither confirming nor denying anything.”
“Hang on.” Bruce whipped his cell phone out of his pocket and pulled up his search engine. The look of horror that spread across Bruce’s face made it obvious exactly what he was scrolling through, “I sat beside you in the uber and you didn’t say anything while your symptoms were literally manifesting! You could have died? You could still die? Do you even have an epipen?”
Peter’s eyes drooped with exhaustion. “Nah, it hasn’t gotten that bad any other time. I think my spider DNA helps with that some. And you’re a doctor.” Peter coughed a little, “If something had happened, you’d have made sure I was okay.”
Bruce dropped down onto his own bed and dragged his hands through his hair. “I keep telling you guys—I’m not that kind of doctor” He exhaled loudly, “When are you guys going to believe me?”
Peter chuckled, “Mr. Stark says that you always say that, but he also says you always come through.”
Bruce blushed a little at the compliment, and meant to reply, but Peter kept talking.
“I’m just sorry that I messed up the rest of the weekend. I mean, I can try, but I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be out of commission for most of tomorrow, and you were talkin’ about that lecturer you wanted to go hear and the SI demonstration...” Peter’s voice cracked as he trailed off, then faux-rallied for Bruce’s benefit. “But it’s totally cool if you even want to go alone.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Peter. Here,” Bruce was back up and offering one of the cups of water to Peter and picking up the garbage can. “Wanna give your mouth a rinse? And maybe, if you’re feeling safe, try to take a couple of sips?”
Peter nodded warily, then hesitated at the thought of either sitting back up, or more so, risking actually throwing up in front of a witness.
Bruce saw the hesitation, and understood. “Relax, Peter. As a future Avenger, it is a guarantee that you will have to do this in front of at least one- if not all of us at some point. You may as well get that first time out of the way now... especially if you still have anything in your stomach.” Bruce cringed at the idea. “In fact, I think I’d definitely feel better about it. Getting all of it out, that is...”
He sighed, “How is this my life?”
Bruce just shrugged, “Well, you wanted Dr. Bruce, so here we are.”
“Hey,” Bruce crouched down to look him in the eye. “Let me tell you something that not too many people know—” Bruce made a show of looking over his shoulder for imaginary eavesdroppers. “The Avenger this is happening in front of is also the guy who always loses his pants at the end of the battle.”
“Oof. That sucks.” Peter clutched at his stomach as he laughed. “I thought losing my backpacks all the time was bad.”
“Oh, it sucks alright, but it just goes to show you that you’re not alone when it comes to the less than glamorous stuff. Now, my thought is that you want to drink as much as you can so that we can get this done and over with so you can start feeling better.” Bruce wiggled the water cup in front of him. “Throwing up something is better than throwing up nothing, and I’m right here. Is that okay?”
He eyed the cup like it had just insulted his Aunt May then Peter finally relented, propped himself up a little on one elbow and took the cup in his other hand. “I really am sorry about this. Really.”
“Nope. No apologies. Let’s just get this part done, then I’ll run down to the front desk and see if they have any overpriced painkillers to help take the edge off the stomach cramps, okay?”
Peter shook his head, “Don’t bother,” he took a first, tentative sip. “Painkillers don’t work on me anymore.”
“Wait—what?!” But he was too late.
Peter downed the rest of the water in a few of huge gulps, took a couple of deep breaths, then blanched. “Oh,” Peter slapped a hand over his mouth and belched. “That happened faster than expected.” He jackknifed upright and twisted just in time for Bruce to shove the garbage pail into his hands.
And so began round two.
Between heaves, Peter continued the litany of apologies.
Meanwhile, Bruce’s mind was in a tizzy. He awkwardly patted the kid’s shoulder while muttering soft comforts, “You’re okay, Peter,” or, “It’s almost over, Peter,” while implication after implication of Peter’s spider bite ran through his head. How many secrets did this kid have? There were so many questions—that Bruce would have to get to later on.
“I hate my life,” Peter panted out after a particularly violent sounding heave. “but think I’m—” he dry heaved again, then again, and then breathed for a minute. “Yeah,” he panted. “Done.” He sounded like he’d run a marathon.
“Good—good,” Bruce stood up, wincing as his own knees cracked. He grabbed the second cup of water from the nightstand, and offered Peter a trade, “If you’re sure, wanna give me the can and you can do that rinse now?”
“I’m one million percent sure that my stomach is empty now so...” All concern about appearances was out the window and with a little bit of passing and grabbing, Peter was feeling as refreshed as he was going to be. “Thanks.” Peter handed the cup back to Bruce and tried to get comfortable again.
“That’s enough with the apologies.” Bruce was already feeling bad for him, “I’m sorry that I don’t have anything to help you out with, but—can I—?” He’d just told Peter that he wasn’t a real doctor and now here he was... “Can I just do a quick evaluation?”
Peter stiffened, ready to refuse, but Bruce was figuring out the lay of the land.
 “It would make me feel better...”
Peter blew out a frustrated breath. “Fine.”
“Great!” Bruce jumped to work, “let me just get rid of these,” he placed the mostly full water cup back on the nightstand and then rushed to the hotel room door and placed the garbage can the hallway. A quick call to the front desk for housekeeping made its contents someone else’s problem, but Bruce made a note to leave a big tip when they left, so no guilt.
Peter simply watched from the bed.
Once everything was taken care of, Bruce sidestepped to the vanity and washed his hands before coming back into the room proper. He dragged the wheeled compute chair over to sit between the beds, and then pulled his phone out again. “Um,” Bruce needed to approach this delicately. “Before I do anything more, I do want to call your aunt, if that’s okay?”
Peter immediately opened his mouth to argue but Bruce cut him off before he could start.
“I ask only because you’re sixteen, Peter, and first and foremost, that technically makes you a minor who is in the midst of a medical situation, and believe it or not, I’m really not a doctor. Second, someone should really know what’s going on here in general what with the altered DNA and your aunt makes the most sense. If you think about it, it’s only dumb luck that nothing more catastrophic has happened.”
Peter didn’t seem to know what to do. He’d been through the wringer already tonight and it showed. “I get what you’re saying, but you don’t understand! I can’t tell my aunt,” Peter begged. “I already cause her so many problems, Dr. Banner, and I can’t add another one... I just can’t.”
He exhaled slowly, then caught the slip up. “It’s still Bruce, Peter. You’re fine. And if you don’t want me to call your aunt, then can I at least call Tony?”
Peter muttered, “Do you really have to?”
Bruce didn’t feel out of place grabbing Peter’s hand and giving a squeeze of support. “Yeah, I think it is.”
And so he did.
Bruce put the phone on speaker to put Peter at ease.
Tony answered on the second ring, “Brucie! How are you and my young protégé doing this fine evening? Is the spider-baby all tuckered out from getting his geek on? And what did he think of the SI demo? I had him in mind when I was coordinating with our tech guys. ”
Bruce waited patiently for Tony to come to the end of his greeting. “The convention has been amazing so far, but we, uh, we missed the demo... Yeah. That’s actually why we’re calling,” he cast a quick glance over to Peter, who was looking devastated. Bruce squeezed his hand tight again. “You’re on speaker, Tony. We have a bit of a situation here and I think you need to be in the loop.”
The shift in Tony’s tone was immediate, “Tell me what’s going on, Bruce, and how can I help?”
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officialleehadan · 6 months ago
Travel Light
Confidence Scheme
“I’d like to make a small detour.”
Will was surprised by the request from Leonardo on the way back from the DoJ’s art department. The thief was settled in the passenger seat of his car, but wasn’t’ making eye contact, which suggested he was nervous about the request.
“Where to?” Will said, amiable to the request, but curious. “Grocery store?”
The joke made Leonardo chuckle as Will intended, and also made him relax. “My current safe house. As welcome as you’ve made me, I do need clothing that fits me, and I’d like my own toiletries.”
Will was pleased that Leonardo wasn’t protesting his ongoing stay with him and Vanessa, although he suspected it was as much for Will’s very potent security system as for their company. It was one thing to jump a thief in a public building. It was another to assault the home of a DoJ detective. Will even arranged surveillance on his own house, just in case someone started sniffing around.
“Give me directions or put the address into the GPS,” Wills said with a wave to the gar’s navigation. He carefully hid his excitement at getting to see where the thief lived and, presumably, worked at least some of the time. Then again, he also suspected Leonardo had at least one studio he kept secret, or leased a studio from others, to hide his tracks. He was a professional, and took covering his tracks very seriously. “Where are we going?”
“I have a flat in Little Italy.” Leonardo said, which wasn’t really a surprise considering where he was working the job that made him call Will in he first place, or his knowledge of Little Italy’s better criminal restaurants. “Don’t get too excited, Cowboy. There isn’t much there but some clothes and my bath products, and some art supplies.”
“And your tea, presumably,” Will teased, although he did accept the warning for what it was. Leonardo was too careful to let him see anywhere that meant anything to him. He might trust Will to keep him safe, but they were still on opposite sides of the law. Leonardo hadn’t stayed free and practicing his preferred flavors of crime for so long by being careless. “Speaking of, I know you do legal commissions now and then. How much will it cost me to get a portrait of Vanessa?”
“Pen or paints?”
“Whatever you prefer.”
The change of topic eased Leonardo’s tension more, and the drive, which was shorter than Will expected, delivered them to the garage of a very nice, well-secured apartment building. Leonardo keyed in a long code into the secured parking so Will could part, and then guided him to the elevators. Will wasn’t surprised to see he lived on a high floor, but preferred not to live in the penthouse. Too much attention, most likely, and harder to rent short-term, assuming the apartment was rented. It was possible Leonardo owned the condo and kept it as a safehouse.
The condo itself was elegant, but almost entirely lacking in personality. It was as much a very expensive hotel room as anything else.
Here and there were small markings of the man himself, but Leonardo wasted no time in pulling a medium-sized suitcase out of the closet. He emptied the closet first and didn’t bother folding anything on the way, before he collected a pair of books, both romance novels, Will noted with some surprise, and ducked into the bathroom. When he emerged, it was with a heavy plastic bag of his bath products, which went into the suitcase as well.
The final contribution to the suitcase, handled with far more care than the clothing or toiletries, was a neatly-packed travel-easel that boasted several drawers that rattled when Leonardo carried it over to the bed and set it carefully next to the suitcase.
Through it all, Will found himself seeking any sign of Leonardo in the condo, and found absolutely nothing. There weren't even magnets on the fridge, and when he checked inside, there was nothing but condiments and a small container of milk. The milk was bad. There was no food at all.
“Leave that stuff. I’ll have a cleaner handle it,” Leonardo said when he came out of the bedroom, dragging the suitcase with the easel carefully fastened to the top. “There are two containers of tea in he cabinet to the left of you. Grab them, will you? My hand is full.”
“I got it,” Will assured him and cleaned out the cabinet into a handy plastic bag. He noted the way Leonardo was moving, wary of his bad arm, and kept ahold of the bag when it was packed. “Do you cook at all?”
“Not here,” Leonardo said wryly and left the suitcase to do a quick sweep of the apartment. Will already knew there was nothing left to find. Leonardo, it seemed, packed very light. “But I can, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“I was more judging your empty fridge.”
“I prefer takeout when I’m in a safehouse. Less opportunity for trouble at a grocery store.”
That made a good deal of sense. With takeout, he could have the deliverer leave his food outside the door, although admittedly, there was a higher chance of drugging. Presumably, that was less a concern for Leonardo, but it was a consideration.
“Fair enough,” he conceded as they made for the door. The whole stop took less than fifteen minutes. Will was impressed. No wonder he had been such a pain to try and catch. He traveled so easily, that it must take him minutes to leave a whole city, and everything in the safehouse was disposable. Even the art supplies, although it was clear Leonardo cared more for those than anything else in the apartment. “Ready?”
Before Leonardo could try and take it himself, Will took the suitcase in hand and only smiled when Leonardo raised a brow. Until Leonardo was healed up, Will didn’t mind being the muscle.
it was easy. Too easy in a way that raised the hair on the back of Will’s neck.
So he was almost expecting it when a gunshot thundered through the parking garage just as he finished loading the suitcase into his trunk, and shattered the window of the car right next to Leonardo’s head.
Confidence Scheme: (FULL COLLECTION)
Deliberately Careless (Subscriber Only!)
Pure Guess
Phone Trace (Subscriber Only!)
De Vinci Terrace (Subscriber Only!)
Criminal Portraiture (Subscriber Only!)
Evidence Report
Bring a Crowbar
Proposal Lasagna
Hang from a Ledge
Taken Home
Oath Named
Cops and Robbers
Under the Edge
Travel Light (New!)
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what-if-i-just-did · 5 months ago
Guilt & Revenge: Not Realising They're Injured
Whumptober, Day 6: Not Realising They're Injured
Guilt & Revenge Masterlist
Yay more caretaking!! Noah-Elise my BAByy. As always, hope ya'll enjoy, please lmk to be added to the taglist!
TWs: previous captivity/torture that caused medical issues, blood, hyperventilation, crying, dissasociation and mentions of scars, knives and yelling
Amber was making dinner. It was a nice routine they’d settled in, by now.
He’d been home for.. a few months. After about a month, when he’d started to feel a little more human, Noah-Elise had dropped a bit of a bombshell. She was engaged, and lived with her fianceé… who was currently at her parents’ to give them some space, and was it okay if she came back?
Somewhere, he’d felt a flicker of pride and happiness for his best friend, getting engaged. It was almost completely drowned out by the sadness of having missed so much of everyone’s lives, and terror at the idea of a person he didn’t know coming to live with them. Just being around people, even if it was Noah-Elise, terrified him.
He held the boiler under the tap to fill it with water, then turned it on. Ravonna was… okay, actually. She was kind, and respectful, and calm. It was a little unsettling in a way. She still terrified him. She seemed to be aware of that though, and often stayed out all day to give him space, which he appreciated.
So that was their little routine. Noah-Elise would go to her part-time jobs, Ravonna would go out for jogs or dance classes or swimming competitions, and Amber would just do chores around the apartment, or sit unbothered on his own. It was peaceful for him, and he didn’t have to be terrified of the next torture session. He wasn’t even in pain anymore, all of his wounds had healed. The scars wouldn’t go away any time soon, but he mostly wore long sleeves and stuff, so only the one on his cheek was visible most of the time, or some of the ones around his neck depending on the shirt. He glanced at the clock and frowned. 
Noah-Elise would be home any minute, dinner wouldn’t be ready yet. He should’ve started earlier. He sighed, grabbing a cutting board. 
Using the knives for cooking had scared him a bit at first, because they were very large and very sharp, but they looked nothing like the knives on the boat so… 
He still had some issue being on dry land, even after months. He hadn’t told anyone he was kept on a boat though, so he hadn’t brought it up. The feeling of the floor rocking didn’t make him nauseous anymore like it had in the beginning, but it was deeply disturbing to him.
And inconvenient.
He was content with his new little life, even if he was still terrified a lot, and got nightmares, and… well, it didn’t matter. He was getting better, he was happy here. 
Amber heard a key in the door, and turned to greet Noah-Elise. The greeting died in his throat when he saw her expression. She looked stressed, kind of shocked. Very alarmed.
Which, in turn, was alarming to him. He shuffled nervously.
“Amber! What happened!”, she yelled, making him flinch. 
“What- what’s wrong?”, he stammered, lowering his head- and then he caught a glimpse of red that made his vision swim.
Noah-Elise marched over, dropping her backpack on the floor. She reached for him, and he flinched away, but she grabbed his hand. Vaguely, he could feel her turn his hand around, hear her talk to him, see the blood all over his hand and clothes. He couldn’t think, his mind was racing, he was frozen, he was breathing too fast. Finally, his mind caught onto one thing- the blood that was not only on his clothes, but also the counters and the floor and the FOOD and the, and, and.. 
“I’m s- sorry, I’m sorry, I-I-I-” It was incredibly difficult, trying to apologize through his elevated breaths and the tears streaming over his face and the stubborn fog in his mind… he wasn’t sure if the words were really reaching his mouth.
“Hey, look at me, Amber..” Oh, he could hear Noah-Elise again. Instantly, he shut his mouth, and looked up at her. “Can you breathe with me?”
He shook his head, but tried anyway, and it.. kind of worked.
“Do you know what happened?”
He shook his head.
“You cut your thumb, Am. Pretty deep. I put bandages on it, see?”
He looked over. Oh. He wouldn’t’ve thought enough time passed for her to do that but.. apparently he’d been more dissociated than he thought. Fuck. 
“You’re- you’re not mad?” He needed the confirmation. She wasn’t acting mad but..
“I promise I’m not mad, Am. You have nothing to be sorry for. How about you go lie down, and I’ll tidy up and make us dinner, huh?”
He wanted to protest and apologize and say he should tidy up after himself.
Numbly, he nodded, and went to lie down in his bed. A little later, Noah-Elise came over, talking gently. 
“How you doing, bestie?”
“Little overwhelmed but… better. Thank you.” He smiled, breathing deeply and calmly.
“Okay, that’s good. Ravonna got home, I don’t think you noticed. She’s making dinner, it’ll be done soon. I cleaned up the blood, will you be okay to go back to the kitchen?”
Amber shook his head before he even thought about it. 
“Okay, no worries, you can eat in here. We’ll give you some space.” She shot him a reassuring smile before getting up to leave.
“Wait!”, came out of his mouth before he thought about it.
“I’m just… thank you. I love you.” 
He was so so grateful to her. He was lucky to be her friend, always had been.
She smiled at him, soft and proud. “I’m just glad to have you back. I missed you, Am.”
He nodded, even though she couldn’t see it. He’d missed her too.
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