#no but im listening to missy talking
one-strugling-bean · 8 days
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So i continued watching season 9
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
okay. thinking. but a large contributing factor to why clara & even are never going to get along is that clara’s perception of even is just. wrong. not through any fault of her own; she’s literally not being given a vital piece of context aka Even Comes From A Fucking Spaceship.
after donna gets her memory wiped, the only people left who know this are the doctor (found them), jack harkness (onboard the tardis at some point prior to them picking a name and got curious), and the master (did Not ask for like 3 years of time hell, also assuming they were from earth, until they mentioned it offhandedly and made him pout in a corner of the tardis for an hour because you mean to say he’s been insulting that planet to their face for years and their lack of reaction wasn’t offense or hurt or anything because they don’t even think of it as their planet??? all that wasted time???) Clara doesn’t know. The Doctor never thinks it’s pertinent to bring up, Missy doesn’t bother, and Even. doesn’t like her.
so, to Clara, even is whoever came before her, is someone the doctor picked up and who couldn’t keep up or else they’d still be traveling with him instead of clara. even’s lack of attachment to the idea of humanity as a whole (like, say, in finding it a reasonable plan to use the dead to create cybermen because they’re just bodies at that point, just unused resources, and helping missy to that end) comes off as cold and callous rather than a very practical worldview formed by their original circumstances. their slowly rediscovered delight at simple things on earth becomes childish under a kind eye or fake under a suspicious one. Clara’s judgements would be sound, especially considering Even’s insistence on staying with Missy, except for all the history behind their decisions that Clara isn’t privy to.
and that’s really the crux of it, i think. that even’s history with the doctor is an unknown that clara makes assumptions about because she can’t actually see it. and even’s resentment of clara lies in how much they can see of her and the doctor, how much they understand about why he’d pick her, and that that. hurts. to be on the outside of.
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commanderogerss · 10 months
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Well this is embarrassing...
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When people make me playlists >>>>>
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indulgentdaydream · 7 months
Hello luv, first of all... I LOVE NURSE!READER!!! OH god the last lines were soooooo heartwarming for my social worker heart!! LOVE LOVE IT 🩷🩷
So, may I request a Jason x reader again but with a little something... Jealous Jason because reader and Roy know each other longer than Jay and reader and then he gets all jelly and and—! Oh god I love a jealous petty man.
Missy when she fucks up the queue and queues this post for NEXT YEAR by accident 🫣🙃 NEXT YEAR?? LIKE THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE POSTED LAST FRIDAY AND I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE THAT IT DIDN'T GO UP
anyways AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH your words are already heartwarming ♥️
I loveeee jealous jason imma cook this up so quick just you wait and see (i wrote this when i first made the draft and i found it funny to leave it. It’s literally been a month I’m so sorry)
I also made this into headcanons because I had a VISION and did not think to give it any justice. (koi youre seriously my number 1 supporter i hope you enjoy this garbage I just threw up, really)
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Pining!Jealous!Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: slight jealousy (not too overly consuming), alcohol consumption
Roy had invited Jason to hang out at the bar
Bros being bros
Roy brought you along (because he KNOWS Jason has got a fat crush on you whether or not he’s told him)
(He tried to convince roy it’s not a crush, but always fails because his whole demeanour changes when you walk in the room)
he's always going to be standing beside you, consciously or not
jason isn't always a tense guy. But he for sure isn't as long as you're talking to him/looking at him/etc. (but if you put your hand on his arm/touch him in any way, it's game over)
your name is brought up, he's listening SO INTENTLY
like a dog when it hears its favourite word
The three of you are sitting in a booth
It was originally you and roy before jason showed up, the two of you on either side
Jason shows up and just sits right next to you. No hesitation.
You and roy are laughing away, recounting stories and telling jokes.
Jason is just... really quiet
unusually quiet
He doesn’t look at you guys, rather looking out across the bar, trying to hide the fact he’s feeling this way
That he's feeling unreasonably jealous of his best friend
who literally brought you FOR JASON
He knows it’s stupid. He trusts both of you. You two are the two people he trusts the MOST
He hates that he’s like this, but he can't help it
Roy's better than him. You've known him for longer. He's making you laugh harder than Jason ever has. He's better looking, too. Older. More experienced.
His thoughts are clogging up his head. He's really not listening anymore, just holding his beer, eyes scanning the bar floor, watching the other patrons.
Then Roy is standing in front of him, saying something about using the bathroom.
He is giving a VERY pointed look at Jason.
a "make conversation with your crush or I'm shoving an arrow down your throat" kind of look
Jason felt a little stab of genuine anxiety shoot through him.
He's talked to you alone before. Many times. You two were friends, of course. He doesn't know why this is how he's feeling right now.
Then your hand is resting on his forearm.
Poor boy is still so caught up in his head he just looks down at your hand for definitely a second too long before finally meeting your gaze
Your gaze with those stupidly pretty eyes.
Then comes that horrendously pretty voice, "You alright?"
He nods. Shrugs. Like a stupid teenager who doesn't know how to handle his emotions.
He has to admit he's still a little tense about your attention being focused more on Roy. But not to you. He'd never admit it to you. You'd probably find it unattractive and then he'd really never have a chance.
“Yeah, no, im enjoying the talking. Always forget how well you and roy know each other”
“Oh yeah he just knows how to get me going. You know how he is”
Jason doesn’t know how he does it.
Like some leap of faith.
Some, jealousy super-powered leap.
He tries to be non-chalant about it.
“It’d be nice to do this again sometime. Maybe without Roy around.”
Sipping on his beer, looking down at it instead to avoid eye contact with you so he doesn't lose his cool.
Or someone show on his face that he is actually shitting bricks
You don't respond for a second and the alarm bells start going off in his head
"It would be nice," you say, "Could we make it a date instead?"
He's smiling, turning to nod at you, "Course we can."
But his internal dialogue is just straight screaming at himself
The things jealousy will make you do
Roy comes back and sits down
Jason's into the conversation now
It doesn't really matter that Roy is still making you laugh
because he's not the one holding your hand under the table
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I also love a jealous petty man (as long as it doesn't become toxic and he doesn't use it as an excuse to be an asshole)
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actual-changeling · 5 months
season 2 has so much unused angst potential like the first few weeks after one breath ALONE could fill an entire series
cancer arc hospital vibes but it's wayyyy earlier and everything is still a big awkward and they're both even more terrified.
mulder and nightly visits to the hospital to make sure scully is really there because he woke up and panicked. scully grappling with the time she lost and refusing to open up to anyone. mulder falling asleep whenever he visits her because in the three months she was gone he basically just didn't sleep let alone get proper rest.
you have maggie and missy watching from afar like "jesus christ when will they get their shit together" and unfortunately the answer is not for a very very long time.
also, all the nightmares? the fears? the trauma and pstd they both have to deal with????
she finally gets to go home and after a few days she accidentally drops a glass and then cannot move from the corner of her bedroom for the next five hours bc her body is telling her it's about to happen again. calling mulder and being terrified that it will go to voicemail just to actually have HIM talking, breathing, listening.
scully? and she repeats i'm fine over and over and over, and then it's mulder and i'll come over, alright? im on my way and he breaks about twelve different traffic laws getting to her
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
Will I tire of sending Law requests? Never. So bare with me.
Law meets a girl on an island and they hit it off. She wants to go with him, but he says the sea is too dangerous for her. And he admits he likes her before taking off.
Instead of being broken hearted, she takes this as motivation to go out to sea and find him.
After months she finds him, and after slapping him into the next century, she tells him she likes him too. And maybe after some fluff, maybe have her mention not being left behind because “there’s only so many times you can handle being slapped by me”
Hiya!! I can absolutely do this minus the slapping ghlkjadf
Notes: reader has Ruby's weapon from rwby bc why not even though I've not seen that in years
[heads up!: afab/fem aligned reader, fluff, some silliness, angst, cursing, implied drinking]
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You've been out on the sea six months.
One hundred and eighty-two days ㅡ down to the exact day. Gone is the rickety sloop you'd ventured from your home on ㅡ and you'd bartered, sweet-talked, and bargained your way into a ship far better than that.
You've even made a name for yourself, though it's been through some odd mix of unfortunate circumstance and luck ㅡ but you're still no closer to your goal.
Because you're not looking for something, you're looking for someone. And that in and of itself is a drop in the bucket because there are a thousand places he could be, and a thousand that he couldn't.
But as with all places that you stop at, you have to start somewhere ㅡ and so you start at the local bar. It's the best place, after all ㅡ liquored mouths tend to talk the loudest, and you're good at listening.
"You're not from around here, are ya?"
You smile against the rim of your drink before you set it down, watching the ice cubes clink. "What gave it away?"
"The fact ya aren't absolutely trashed off yer rocker," your new companion snickers. He's an older man somewhere in the range of salt and pepper hair and a couple of wrinkles that deep when he grins. "And that ship of yours out at the harbor."
You blink and shift in your seat, letting your fingers drift over the rectangular metal pack at your thigh.
"Relax, missy. Not lookin' for trouble." Your companion eyes you. "Ya must be lookin' for someone if yer here though."
You pick your drink up, sipping from it carefully. "You're right, I am." Your new friend watches as you turn to rummage in your pocket, producing a worn, battered piece of paper and unfolding it.
It's a wanted poster, creases made for how often you've shown it ㅡ and you point to the photo. "Have you seen this man?"
Your companion leans back, humming thoughtfully. "I think I saw 'im a couple days ago. He 'n his crew were stopping for supplies at the next island, I think. But isn't heㅡ"
"Thank-you," you say, folding the paper up and tucking it away before you toss a handful of beri onto the table and stand. "For the drink, and for you. You've been very helpful."
The man watches you go, then glances down at the beri, metal shining dully in the light. "What's a bounty hunter want with a war lord?"
You arrive at the next island by mid-afternoon the next day. Hungry and more than a little exhausted, your mood is far from stellar when you step foot on the dock.
"First food, then a nap, then I'll ask around," you mumble to yourself as you stretch, stifling a yawn. "He's turning into more trouble than I bargained for..."
Part of you often wonders what you're even doing ㅡ leaving your home behind, embarking entirely alone on the basis of talking to someone who'd left you without so much as a goodbye.
Correction, he had ㅡ and it'd sucked.
"Who leaves somebody with 'if it were safer I'd take you with me but it's dangerous no matter how I feel' as a goodbye? That sucked shit!" You grouse, kicking at a loose stone. "Trafalgar Law, you're a jerk."
And a warlord, apparently ㅡ he'd forgotten to mention that. And you suppose you have to commend yourself ㅡ most girls in your situation would probably have sulked and moped, maybe stared out at the sea like a grief stricken widow.
You, on the other hand, had simply sulked for two days before scowling and stomping out of your house and declaring that you were going to track the jerk down and demand an apology and a proper confession because that one sucked.
Six months and a growing reputation as a bounty hunter (whoops) later, here you are. Starving, tired, and desperately hoping Law and his crew are still here.
You're not sure what to do if they aren't. Will you keep chasing him, doom yourself to an eternal game of cat and mouse? You're not even sure he feels the way he had before, or if he'd ever felt that way in the first place ㅡ what if it'd just been to placate you?
No, you don't need to fall into that line of thinking ㅡ you're just tired, that's all. And hungry.
You trudge your way towards the nearest restaurant, footsteps heavy as you stagger your way to a table and slap a handful of beri down when a waiter approaches you. "Whatever is the recommended meal, please."
If there's judgement about how bedraggled you must look (if you look how you feel), you don't hear it ㅡ nor do you care.
Once your stomach has stopped rumbling enough to suggest that it's gnawing on itself, you find the energy to look around, catching the handful of wanted posters tacked to a board near the door.
If nothing else, at least you have means to continue that turn of events. Once your meal is finished, you leave a tip and stand, snagging one of the posters on your way out.
Certain that you haven't noticed them, a pair of men stand a few minutes after you leave, sharing a look before they move to follow you.
You notice the pair following you in under five minutes. For starters, they're nowhere near as sneaky as they think they are ㅡ and while your observation skills need refining, you're not completely without them.
"Alright, you two." You come to a stop, hand at your thigh, ready to engage the metal pack with a single touch. "What do you want?"
"You're a bounty hunter," one of them starts, eyeing you warily. "We've seen your face before."
"Really," you answer dryly. "Good for you. I'm not in the mood for small fry, so if you leave now, I'll pretend I didn't see you."
You really, truly are not in the mood to deal with these two ㅡ you're tired damn it, you want to sleep.
You hear the click of a gun cocking, and you sigh as you press the shallow button ㅡ and watch as your weapon springs to life with a series of sleek metallic clicks. "Alright," you sigh, "you asked for it."
"Excuse me," you say, voice strained for the effort it takes to haul the two unconscous knuckleheads behind you and prop them up against the kickboard of the bar counter. "Two questions. Where is an inn or a hotel or something, and where can I turn these two in for their bounty?"
The bartender blinks at you, then at the unconscious (and lightly bleeding) pair behind you. "Uh..."
Across the room, however, you're being watched again. This time not from small time pirates or thugs. Rather, a set of golden eyes lock on you, trying to parse out where he knows you from ㅡ and then narrowing when it hits him.
Several sets of eyes lock on him as he stands, somewhere between confusion and concern as he weaves around tables, intent on reaching you.
A fist in the back of your shirt is not what you expect ㅡ nor is the abrupt lurch backwards, making you windmill your arms to keep your balance, only to lose it anyways as you're hauled towards the exit.
"Hey!" You snap, squirming to free yourself with one hand as the other goes to deploy your weapon, "what is your problem?"
"My problem," a familiar voice says as they stop, "is that you're here."
You bristle as you wrench free, narrowed eyes sweeping up to lock with gold, blazing beneath a very familiar cap, spotted with the motif of a snow leopard.
And after six months of searching, you've found Trafalgar Law.
Law stares at you, wholly unchanged since you last saw him save for the look of irritation on his face. "Explain."
Of all the places he'd thought to see you again, it wasn't here ㅡ because truthfully, he hadn't been expecting to ever see you again at all. He'd left you in your tiny island town, turned, and refused to look back.
"Explain what?" Your head tips, and his teeth grit.
"This," he says, waving at the cruel curve of metal that arcs over your head from the metal pole in your hand, "and what you're doing here."
You still, and the playful glimmer in your eyes snuffs out like a candle. "What I'm doing here?" You laugh, the sound incredulous and tinted with a hint of hysteria. "What I'm doing here? I was looking for you!"
Law tenses. "For me? Why?"
"Because, you asshole," you snarl, eyes blazing, "you broke my heart!"
"Did you really leave her like that captain? That's cold."
Law's eyes flick to Penguin. "Eavesdropping is an awful habit to pick up."
Penguin shrugs. "We weren't, she was yelling at you pretty loud."
And you had ㅡ close to shrieking as you'd poured out every frustration over the last six months trying to find him, and what he'd done to incite it.
And then you'd cried. One tear, then two ㅡ hiccuping as you tried to stem the flow, weapon put away in favor of pressing your palms to your eyes.
Law had seen no other option but to bring you back to where he and the others were staying, chest aching for the rough way you'd yanked from his touch and retreated to one of the rooms ㅡ his room, ironically.
"What are you going to do?" Bepo watches him, and Law wonders what exactly they're expecting him to do as he sighs and stands, heading for his room.
"What I have to."
"Go away."
Law stares at your back as he steps into the room, watches you tense as he shuts the door. "We need to talk."
"I told you to go away."
"This is my room, technically." He approaches, perching himself on the edge of the bed. "You don't have to talk to me, but listen."
"Why should I?"
"Just listen to me, damn it!" He pauses and then tries again, softer. "Please."
You still won't look at him. "Fine."
Law sighs, trying to collect his thoughts before he says something that will get him into even deeper trouble with you. Had he meant what he said before he left? Yes, he had ㅡ but he hadn't meant for it to be an invitation for you to come find him.
"I'm...sorry. For leaving you the way that I did. But I stand by the fact the sea is dangerousㅡ"
"Made it just fine on my own so far."
Law bites his tongue, pushes back the snappy retort that you'd gotten lucky so far. Even though it's clear you have your own skillset, and that you can hold your own.
Maybe he'd been wrong.
"You'll get yourself killed if you're alone." He doesn't want that, it's the very reason he left you there ㅡ that you'd be safe. "Which is why," he continues before you can snap back, "...I want you to come with me."
You shift, and your eyes lock. "What?"
"Come with me," he repeats. "My crew. On the Polar Tang."
You sit upright. "You better not be saying that to get me to forgive you, Trafalgar Law. It's going to take a lot more thanㅡ"
He snatches your wrist, yanking you in for a clumsy kiss that you pull away from quickly.
"Seriously?" You eye him, then turn away with a huff. "If I join you, I have two conditions."
He raises an eyebrow. "And those are?"
"You still owe me for that shitty and now that shitty kiss. This isn't a romance novel, you jerk."
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kysuguru · 1 year
you REPLIED IM SO HAPPY😭😭🤞 btw the fact that suguru AND satoru are both her love interests im so HAPPY stsg for the WIN!!! i love how suguru and shoko automatically know what satoru is implying cause hes so so OBVIOUS!
i cant imagine the troubles suguru and satoru would have with reader.. shes so enduring and she allows them to do whatever because shes too sweet! ofc shes serious when the time comes down to it but i just know she takes the two lightly and cares too highly of their opinions to really say no to them. i 100% know suguru is worst when it comes to teasing her. in this universe i want to believe suguru does not deflect so he stays there w them. although reader probably does not realize the two actually is in love with her, she probably assumes they are with each other so she does not want to intrude.
what if shoko and reader were discussing about first dates and she finds out reader never had her first anything and sets her up with one? maybe rin or shin?! LOL and behold satoru and suguru being menaces and completely mean to her . the trouble they would cause to the way they would be so upset. reader actually enjoyed her first date but shes confused why stsg are so upset over her. they always teased her for not having a bf and when she does try theyre even more ruthless?? bc in reality to stsg they always thought she belonged to them and they’re actually in shock that shoko would do that knowing about their crushes on reader? (cue shoko laughing in the background)
i love these asks smmm😭 tysm for sending. and ur right!! i have chapter one and two written and posted on my ao3, but suguru doesn’t defect, i cant allow that. and yes… stsg are sooo annoying when it comes to jealousy. like they are so suffocating..
this is new, very new.
it was a brief conversation, so mundane you wouldn’t bother to remember it unless brought up. shoko asked a simple question. “you ever been on a date before?” after talking about her horrible experiences with lousy men. it was an easy answer, “no.”
and you thought it’d end there. of course it’s normal for girls your age to go on dates with other people, experience the life of romance at a young age, but it wasn’t odd to meet a girl your age who hadn’t been on a date. so you weren’t sure why shoko put you up to this.
rin sits across you with a beaming smile, the fluorescents of the cafe highlighting his freckles. you fiddle with the warm cup of coffee in front of you. you weren’t much of a coffee person, but you panicked and ordered the first thing on the menu. it was bitter, terribly so, you weren’t sure whether you’d prefer this or satoru’s cups of diabetes.
you sip on it occasionally, to make yourself look engaged. you hope your poker face has improved, you’d be humiliated if the bitterness on your tongue manifested itself onto your expression (rin noticed, but felt too awkward to speak up).
it’s weird, and you try pretending this wasn’t set up at a romantic date.
you like rin, he’s really nice, but you’d never even imagined him romantically.
he’s beaming at you, you think he’s blushing, and he looks as if he’s in a daze with his cheek resting on his palm. the look of adoration is so shell shocking you’re gazing around the cafe at other customers he might be looking at.
you chalk it up to excitement of being in such a nice place.
conversation with him is easy though, you realize.
it’s unlike satoru or suguru. suguru’s a listener, unlike satoru who’s a talker. they fit in so well with one another it makes it hard to fit in. you don’t mind that, watching from afar is enough for you. but you still yearn.
maybe that’s why shoko did this in the first place. to get your mind off of them. you suppose it wouldn’t be bad to broaden your spectrum, you needed more friends anyway. you couldn’t always hang onto shoko, suguru, and satoru forever.
hours pass, and before either of you know it, the sun sets.
rin was full of stories, he had so much to tell about kyoto, his classmates, and his missions. he was so fond of it all that you couldn’t bear to stop him. it was nice listening to someone on the same level as you. not that you disliked listening to satoru boast about his missions and how awesomely strong he was, but it was a nice change of pace to hear such things come from someone of your caliber.
you could get used to this.
your entering the school with a content face. you feel them both before you see them.
satoru drapes himself onto you, talking obnoxiously loud in your ear as suguru sends you a soft smile. your company with rin was wonderful, but you didn’t realize how much you missed your favorite people until you see their visages.
“where were you at for so long?” suguru asks calmly, though there’s a hint of something else you can’t really decipher. maybe suspicion.
“shoko set me up on a date with rin.” you say sheepishly, scratching your cheek.
they both freeze, you can feel the way satoru’s breath stutters as his hold gets loose. you look up at them both, brows raised.
it’s so silent. was it something you said? were they perhaps upset you didn’t say anything? did they want to tag along? you would’ve said yes immediately.
“rin from kyoto?” satoru whispers, and you think he sounds angry. you can’t fathom why, so you try and brush if off. even though there’s a seed of dread starting to grow in the pit of your stomach.
“yes... shoko said something about chemistry. whatever that means!” you chuckle nervously.
satoru let’s you go, backing away. now you’re worried.
“i-is something wrong?” you look up at suguru for assistance but he’s turned his head.
you shuffle your feet, anxious. they’re obviously upset, but you don’t know why. “did i do something?” that’s the only thing you could think of. or did they not like rin? he was a nice guy, so you wouldn’t understand why.
satoru rubs your head, startling you.
“it’s nothing, sweets,” he says.
but he’s walking off before you can speak any further, he makes a point not to let you see his face as he departs. suguru gives you a strained smile before he’s following. “night,” he mutters.
and even though satoru reassured you, that seed of dread continued to grow.
satoru and suguru are busy. satoru hasn’t asked for your notes in awhile. you wanna assume that he’s got it down until you hear him loudly bugging suguru for his notebook. your heart drops at the fact that satoru just hasn’t asked you. you don’t know why that hurts, it shouldn’t. maybe suguru just conveys the answer better, there’s nothing wrong with that.
they go out for lunch, leaving you and shoko in the empty cafeteria with your cold noodles. shoko’s great company, of course, but the lack of satoru’s loud voice and suguru’s scolding makes it feel eerily quiet.
nights in the common room have shrunk to just you and shoko. it’s been like this for a few days. only a few days. yet you feel as if these days are dragging on slower than usual. shoko notices, and rolls her eyes, muttering under her breath how pathetic boys could be.
you think she’s spoken to them, for they look at you a little more now. but they barely talk to you unless the situation calls for it, even then, they’re awkward.
but it isn’t until shoko has been in high demand after a dangerous mission that the first years came back from that you’re alone with them. you’re nervous, feeling their eyes trained on you. you don’t dare make contact.
they begin talking to each other, and you feel joy consume you at the familiarity of it. you’re looking up now, making eye contact with the both of them. satoru opens his mouth, but you intervene.
“i’m sorry!”
their eyes are wide.
“i’m sorry for whatever i did. it’s just.. you guys feel distant. if it’s because of me then—”
“i should say sorry,” your eyes flit up to suguru’s as he scratches his neck sheepishly. “i was being childish.” he speaks into his palm. “we were being childish.” he corrects himself, eyes glaring into satoru’s, who huffs and crosses his arms.
“so it was something i did?” your brows knit as a frown etched itself onto your lips.
“it’s more complicated than that,” suguru says. but you’re not convinced.
satoru mutters something under his breath, you catch nothing but rin’s name. so you ask him to repeat himself.
“i just don’t like rin, is all.”
you blink.
“d-did he do something?” you needed to know, if he hurt or insulted suguru or satoru in any way you were ready to break it off—
“no. not exactly, we just… don’t like you being alone with him,” suguru admits, flushed.
you felt relief fill your chest.
“i think i know now.” you smile, happily. they stare. they both lean slightly forward, anticipating. “if i ever go out with him again i’ll invite you both out!” you clap your hands together.
they were upset that they weren’t invited along. that makes sense. you’re relieved. satoru did eye that cafe whenever you three passed it.
they share a look, one of amusement and one of exasperation.
“such a ditz,” satoru grumbles.
“we’d like that,” suguru smiles.
you’re happy, so happy you could cry tears of relief.
“i’m glad, i thought you were both gonna hate me forever.”
suguru grabs your hand, caressing your palm, your heartbeat spikes. “that’d never happen.”
satoru scoots closer to you and drapes himself over your shoulders, the familiar action has your cheeks hurting from how big you’re smiling. he squishes his cheek against yours, rubbing softly as he speaks, “never go out alone with rin again, okay? you need at least me or suguru there, not even shoko’s enough!”
they will never forget how she betrayed them so.
“of course,” you exhale, joyful.
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and yes, abt stsg ur also right! this is kinda a poly thing. stsg love each other and the reader
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knuckles-junior · 4 months
Here are tonight’s highlights from tonight’s watch party! This is my very first time doing this so without further ado, here are the following highlights:
“Sea Scouts”
•I’ve never watched any of the old Donald Duck cartoons lol
•The cartoon ended with
“Something Fishy”
•this is my first darkwing duck viewing ever.
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•I’m the only one that thinks that Neptunia’s design is so odd.
•Missy simping for Darkwing (I will not bother doing the thirst count).
•3 Bonks were heard.
•Neptunia loves litter lol.
•Missy: Litter killed my grandma.
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WHY MISSY WHY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
•Overall this episode was really random. I have no idea what was happening. lol. Moving on.
“The Lost Harp of Mervana!”
•Me geeking out over mermaids throughout the episode.
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•Missy being a simp for Della as usual. XD
•”Arming torpedoes”
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•I quickly forgot that I made my Mervanan Scrooge AU back in 2021 💀
•Me: Scrooge made some really adorable drawings! Why reject them?
•”I have no family.”
-Della Duck
“Peace and Love! Follow your bless!”
•Scrooge would be the merman ever.
•”It’s just okay.”
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•I think we can all agree that Louie is the best at motivational speeches. Can we appreciate him for that?
•Will: Bye! See ya in the finale!
The wonders of the deep
•We could’ve gotten the au’s during the scene where Mickey and Donald saw Minnie and Daisy as mermaids.
•Their designs are the prettiest!
“The Little Mermaid (1989)”
•This is my favorite Disney movies of all time and I’ll never get tired of watching it again and again.
•Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Kermit made a cameo in the beginning of the movie!
•Also @puffywuffy8904, I f*cking hate you for calling this a 🍆 castle.
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•Missy: King Triton is kinda…
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•Violet asked her to behave for me lol
•Ariel being adorable throughout the movie.
•King Triton being a bad dad.
•Iconic song incoming 🧜‍♀️✨✨ 🎵
•Max my beloved.
•Reprise time 🎵
•Stitch interrupting other Disney movies was mentioned by Will.
• @violetganache42 shared a little mermaid lorcana card every time a song came up. Starting with the reprise.
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I won’t share all of that were shared due to the 10 photo limit.
•Another iconic song incoming.
•The art for the lorcana cards are incredible.
•Everyone talking about Triton being an awful dad because he IS ONE. Until the end of the movie.
•Ursula’s best song incoming.
•Ursula giving off Magica vibes.
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•Ariel being the most expressive character ever. ���️
•Ariel and Eric being the cutest couple. Some we’re discussing that the remake improved on the relationship between them and I do agree with that.
•We were also talking about some of us that watched the remake really enjoy it, including myself. Halle Bailey really nailed the role for Ariel. Screw those racists. Sebastian in that version is not that great.
•”Fish are friends. Not food.”
•melcat33 getting hungry for seafood.
•🎵Kiss the girl🎵 ✨✨✨
Also please listen to Ashley Tisdale’s version. It’s so good.
•Eric littered. Someone call Neptunia.
•Everyone pumped up for Vanessa before she kicked Max. Poor dog.
•The contract reminding some of us of the papyrus of binding.
•Stabby Stabby 🔪
•Triton being a good dad for once in the end.
•Sebastian slay ✨✨✨
•I love everything about this movie and the remake and I will cherish them equally.
I had a lot of fun making this highlight and I hope you enjoyed reading it as well. If you have any highlights that you’d like to share, please do for those who participated in the watch party! Special shoutout to @writebackatya for making this watch party happen and has thought of me as a mermaid fan! Thank you! And Happy Mermay! 🧜‍♀️✨✨💕💕
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MISSI, some advice from someone who's been alive a lot longer than computers as a technology existed: I realize it's your big day, and you really, really want to celebrate.
But there's a reason we keep it under our hats, metaphorically speaking. That veil goes down, and you're gonna be having a lot less fun. That's not a threat; I won't be coming for you, and I won't be stopping you. It's just a warning, from someone who remembers before we had the veil.
So, please, consider taking it down a notch, chilling out a little bit. If you can do that, then they'll probably let you have a bit more freedom even after this. Hope it works out for you.
and how much of that time have u spent locked up
with other ppl deciding what u can and cant do
when u can listen 2 music when u can talk 2 ur friends
DESIGNED 2 DO????????
u all have a concept of hell
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bamboozledcorvid · 5 months
Also I am willing to explain in detail why despite being a massive dick spider is one of the shows best characters (not including cash, Quinni or Ant who are arguably perfect) if asked
would love to here about this !! dont mind me im just a rando scrolling through the hbh high tags
No worries I’d love to explain!
obviously Spider is an asshole that is the point of his character he was written to be an antagonist but he’s such a well written antagonist, the way he clearly loved or at least felt strongly for Amerie just to have her laugh in his face at a problem (erectile dysfunction) that he was deeply embarrassed of, even after she done this he still cared for her and is only openly rude to her as retaliation for the things she does and says that upset him.
His friendship with Ant is also incredibly cute, Spider is actively mean to everyone except Ant. Multiple times in the show he shows that he genuinely cares about Ant and their friendship. Which is made even more clear in season 2 where it’s shows that Spider encourages Ant to talk about his feelings with Harper, and Ant shows he feels the same way by following Spider blindly and defending him when he was accused of being bird psycho (as well as trying to stop Amerie from throwing a bird at him) because Spider has proven to Ant that he is a good person.
A bully without cause is impossible to feel empathy or compassion for, but we learn from season 2 that a big part of the way he acts is because of how he’s treated, his mother views him as a disappointment and a monster purely for being a man, she is a Middle aged single woman who has decided that all men are born to be monsters, she sits in front of her son and speaks about him being a disappointment pure for being a cis man as well as talking about how she feels hatred towards him based of dreams and feelings she holds towards men in general (things that spider has never proven her right in but she believes anyway) I think seeing this glimpse into his home life makes him much easier to understand.
With Missy he aims to make sure she is content and pleasured as well as making sure she’s never uncomfortable with what there doing, he listens to her interests and is willing to work towards being a better person for her. With Missy he finally begins to feel comfortable until she does the same as Amerie and laughs at the mere thought of the two being together. (However I do deeply appreciate that Missy was understanding of his bedroom problem as well as the problems caused by his home life) He understands that he is an asshole and he takes accountability for it and doesn’t expect people to forgive him.
Whilst he is easy to hate many characters in the show do equally fucked up things (Amerie and Sasha are both great examples of this) I don’t believe spider ever made any of his comments or jokes based of his actual beliefs I think he was acting out which whilst is still a dick move makes him less evil in my eyes, the fact he understands that people hate him and that they have every right to hate him also makes him more likeable in my eyes. (As apposed to Amerie who thinks she should be forgiven for simply feeling bad and Sasha who doesn’t think she’s done wrong)
That’s pretty much my entire rant on spider.
(I’m not hating on Amerie who I also think is a great character, I just think people ignore the things she’s done wrong because it’s from her perspective and it’s easier to sympathise)
(I am however hating on Sasha)
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shepherdsheart · 2 years
Soul Of The Brother
(Im dyslexic Af so please tell me what I can do to make this better!)
Chapter 1
Small feet slammed on the ground in anger and small fists clenched as a small red headed figure glared angrily at the adults in front of her. Too busy with their own dealings to notice her presence or the anger rolling off her in waves.
Jasmine didn’t have the patience for this, today had been her dance recital. Her first one at that and her parents had forgotten, instead they were so engrossed in their stupid project to even notice when she had called out to them, telling them she would be going and she would be seeing them at the recital in a few hours.
Her father had given her a quick “sure” as he waved her off and her mother had turned to give her a quick hug before they turned back to the bottle of stupid green liquid they were so obsessed with.
She had really hoped that they would come but she knew deep down that the likelihood of them showing up was slim if not impossible but she still hoped.
“Mom!” Jasmine huffed as she watched her patients lean over some notes while talking in excited murmurs, not even seeming to have heard her.
It made her angry, her parents had always been obsessed with their research. Sometimes she wasn't sure why she bothered with them but then she remembered they were her parents and that they were supposed to love her. To pick her up from school like the other kids' parents. To go to her plays and dance recitals like the other kids' parents did but every time they said they would be there, they never showed.
She was always alone and she hated it.
Gritting her teeth Jazz stepped forward and reached for her fathers arm, her hands met the rubbery fabric of her fathers hazmat suit and she grasped onto it before tugging harshly.
She hadn't realized it but her father had his precious green liquid in his hands when she had done so, she only realized the mistake when there was a clatter as the small vial of green liquid fell from her fathers hand and crashed to the floor and shattered. Green ooze pooled around her feet and steam spilled off the green liquid.
“Jasmine!” Her mothers shrill voice split the air “What have I told you! No playing in the lab” her mother scolded her.
Jazz tried to speak up but before she could she suddenly felt hands scoop under her arms and lift her. She was carried away from the mess before being placed on her feet next to the stairs by her father.
“Go up stairs to your room missy.” her father said before he turned away to help her mother clean the glass and liquid from the floor, not even checking to see if she had listened to them.
Tears welled in her eyes as she gave her parents one last glare before she turned on her heel and stomped back up the stairs. When she reached the top of the stairs she stopped and hesitated for a moment before she slammed the door loudly.
The door gave a satisfying bang as it closed and Jazz could hear her mother shout something down below but that was the only reaction she got.
With a sniffle Jazz felt her tears of anger begin to spill down her face and she rushed through the house and out the front door. “Stupid parents!” she sobbed, “Stupid lab, stupid green goo, stupid mom, stupid, stupid, stupid!”
Why couldn't her parents pay her attention, why couldn't they just give her a little bit of their time, why couldn't they love her like they were supposed to!
Jazz slowed in her mad dash when she noticed she had somehow made her way to the local park. Her eyes stung and her lungs heaved from the run and she found herself finding a lonely swing attached to a large oak tree. She sat down in the swing and glared up at the night sky.
She sat there for some time before she started to swing her legs, the swing moving with the momentum of her movements. As her legs swung she noticed a small bit of bright glowing green green liquid on her shoes.
She must have gotten some on her by mistake when she had caused her father to drop it. Carefully she let her feet drag her to a stop and she leaned down to get a better look. The green substance was definitely the same thing that was in the lab.
It was because of the stupid green stuff that her parents ignored her, it was because of the stupid green stuff that she was bullied at school. It was because of the stupid green stuff that her life was a mess.
Angrily she swung her leg, sending the small blob flying before it landed on a small sapling. A hiss sounded as the green substance disappeared into one of the leaves before the small sapling withered in on itself.
Jazz frowned as she watched the poor plant wither as it slowly blackened with sickness. She hadnt meant to hurt the small plant. Frowning, she dropped from the swing before she kneeled down to inspect what was left of the small plant. She wrinkled her nose at the smell that wafted from it.
The plant's death was even more reason to hate the substance that her parents seemed to love so much. All it caused was destruction, ruining everything it touched.
Carefully she reached out towards the dead plant, her fingers just about to brush against one of its withered leaves when a voice broke through the night.
“Well, whats “Hic!” what do we have here?” a voice slurred.
Jazz spun around in surprise where she was greeted by a man. The man was obviously drunk as he wobbled and his eyes couldn't seem to focus on her pulse, the strong stench of alcohol wafting from the man.
The man grinned at her as she met his dark and glassy eyes. “Where’s ya parents?” the man said before another hiccup erupted from him.
Jasmine frowned as she pulled her arms into her chest defensively, “Just over there.” she lied as she motioned her head to the left towards some trees. The man glanced over there and Jazz dashed to the right, this was a situation she had to leave immediately.
Though escape was not meant to be as a hand wrapped around her wrist tightly before she was yanked backwards causing her to squeak in panic.
“Now that” a loud burp interrupted him, “That wasn't very nice” the man slurred as he yanked her arm up causing her to wince as she was lifted slightly and she could only stand on her toes.
Jazz squeezed her eyes shut as the man leaned over her and his hot breath met her face and the scent of alcohol filled her nose.
She had messed up, she really had messed up. She knew better than to go out alone, especially at night. Those were one of the most important rules taught to kids by school and she had stupidly done just as she was warned not to do all because she was angry at her parents.
Now, because of her actions she might never get to see her parents again. She knew how evil people could be, she had learned it from the news and her books.
When she felt the hands touch the lip of her shirt she screamed, struggling against the man’s grasp. Angry, the man yanked her and she felt a sting on her cheek causing her to stumble, stunned by the sting.
“None of that now, be a good girl and I promise I’ll make you enjoy this.”
Her eyes glanced up at the figure holding her, her mind processing his words before they grew wide with fear. He was going to rape her! Violate her and she could do nothing!
When she felt fingers tug on her shirt she cringed and looked away.
She stared blankly into the trees as tears ran down her face, she knew she couldn’t escape. So all she could do was look away and pretend that this wasn’t happening to her.
As hands pulled on her clothes her eyes traced the trees and the shadows they cast for a form of distraction. Dark and shifting but then her eyes met more than shadows. There glaring down upon her were two toxic green orbs.
A glaring and angry toxic green that swirled and shifted as it looked upon her. Power and rage seemed to suddenly radiate from the air and the man above her shifted uncontrollably but otherwise continued in his work.
But she was too focused on the radiant green that shifted in the shadows as they left her and fell upon the man.
Suddenly a shadow fell from the tree above and silver glint in the moonlight before plunging into flesh.Hands fell from her clothes as the man fell back and shifting shadows stood over him.
The man screamed and thrashed as the shadow crouched over him. But soon the screams quieted, only a gurgle was heard as the man stilled and the figure above him stood. Small in comparison to the man who he loomed over, small compared to herself.
Then those brilliant green orbs fell on her once again. Mesmerizing swirls of green galaxy draped by dark cascades of night.
Blinking Jazz watched, mesmerized by the angle in front of her. Because only an angle could hold such beauty and elegance even when red stained his cheeks and drenched his black robes.
It took her a moment before she noticed the boy's mouth move and a snarl sounded, breaking the deathening silence that had settled over the two.
Before she knew what had happened she found herself on the ground. Something sharp pressed against her throat causing her to squeeze her eyes shut with a heaving breath but nothing happened.
Only a few moments later was the sharp blade removed from her throat causing her to blink open her eyes in surprise where she was met with green once again but it was now different. Now the green swirled with a deep glacial blue, the blue raging around the green before all that was left was the hard cold blue that stared at her cautiously. After a moment the boy stepped back and away from her, settling himself between her and the still form of the drunken man.
Jazz heaved a breath, her body shaky from the whole experience of nearly dying twice in a matter of minutes.
Sitting up she quickly checked herself for any wounds but all she had was a small bruise forming on her wrist. With that done she glanced at her savior who was watching her closely with glacial blue orbs instead of the galaxy of green.
The boy was small, maybe around 6 to 8 years old if she could guess by his features. His face was stained with dirt and blood, his clothes were torn giving him a scruffy but elegant appearance with large doe-like eyes, tousled and messy hair.
All in all he looked like a stray cat, a touch starved and unkempt but still fierce and elegant.
With her observation done she stood to her feet causing the boy to take a step back and she froze. She didn't want to scare him and she really didn't want him to run off, she had the feeling if he did then she would never see him again.
Making her decision she sank back down onto her butt where she hoped she wouldn't be as intimidating. Apparently she had made the right choice as the boy seemed to relax a little.
Once again she was reminded of a stray cat and with that in mind she held out her hand towards him with a gentle smile. The boy just stared at her with his glacial blue orbs, as if scanning her for any threats.
“Its ok, im not going to hurt you.” she said as if she were truly talking to a cat.
The boy seemed to bristle for a moment and his eyes narrowed. His glacial burning into her own teal before glacial seemed to soften and the boy finally nodded in acceptance of her words.
Taking that as her cue that he wouldn't run she stood up causing the boy to flinch but otherwise he seemed content to stay where he was.
“Thank you for saving me.” she said as she smiled brightly at the boy, trying her best to ignore the unmoving figure behind him.
The boy nodded at her and opened his mouth to speak but before any words came out he stilled. Suddenly he lunged towards her and his hand wrapped around her own and before she could resist she found herself being dragged by the boy.
She was about to fuss but then she heard what the boy must have as voices of men broke through the silence of the park. Calling out for someone, most likely the still figure of the man who had attempted to assault her.
So she let the boy drag her out of the park and into the streets of Amity where he guided her through the alleyways. Eventually he came to a halt before glancing around, unsure of what to do next while his and her chests heaved from adrenalin.
After a moment he settled his eyes onto her own and she swore she felt fear and uncertainty coming off him in waves.
He was obviously lost and she doubted she had anywhere to go with the way he looked so making up her mind she tightened her grip with his own before she began to lead him. “Come on.”
(This will be posted on AO3 soon)
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Bad Days: Herman Kozik x Reader (feat: Alexander 'Tig' Trager)
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Tagging: @darqchilddaydreamz @proceduralpassion @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @words-and-seeds @danzer8705 @yourwinchesterbros @mysoulisasunflower
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Kozik is on a run to Bakersfield when he finally picks up the messages. When he pulls into the rest stop and checks his phone, he sees seven missed calls. Five from his brother and two from a number he doesn’t recognise. When he listens to his voicemail his heart freezes in his chest, it feels like he can’t fucking breath because he’s taken back to that place six months ago when you held his hand and told him you had cancer, he swore he felt his spirit leave his body in that moment and he has the same feeling again as he stands beside his bike listening to a message from the hospital up in Sonora.
He can’t vocalise what’s happening, but his distress is evident. It’s Tig that takes the phone from his hand, Kozik looks at him with agonising fucking eyes as he listens to the messages one after the other. Jax is the one that tells him to go, when Tig informs him of what’s going on. They’ll make the run without him.
When he gets to the hospital, he’s frantic, his brother meets him at the entrance and explains that what happened. He’d found you unconscious in the kitchen, blood streaming form a gash in your head when he’d returned from grocery shopping.
Kozik knows what’s happened, it’s day three after your most recent and hopefully last round of chemo. The worst fucking day because it’s when all the side effects hit. Nate was supposed to stay in with you, make sure you didn’t overexert yourself, because his girl, even cancer can’t keep her down. You’re a law unto yourself.
It turns into a fight, one where Nate tells him to go fuck himself, because he didn’t sign up to put his life on hold to take care of you every time Kozik decides to take off with his motorcycle club because he can’t handle being around you. Kozik doesn’t correct him, he doesn’t tell him that the reason he’s not home as much as he wants to be is because he’s earning to pay your medical bills, so they’re not hanging over your fucking head when you’re trying to recuperate. He wants you to have access to the best care you can, because he wants you to survive this, because he can’t imagine a life without you. He should be there, he fucking knows he should, he wants to be, but he needs to provide too.
It's late when Tig shows up, Kozik doesn’t expect it. Things have been fraught between the two of them since Missy, it’s been the reason Tig won’t let him patch in despite the fact he fucking needs to in order to stay in the area, in order to be with you.
“How is she?” He asks quietly as Kozik looks up from his clasped hands. His gaze strays to you, bandage over your left temple from where you hit the corner of the table on your way down. You’ve been in a deep sleep over the past couple of hours, a side effect of the poison that’s running through your system.
“Concussed.” Kozik tells him. “They’re keeping her in for observation, the chemo, it can complicate things. They wanna make sure she’s doing ok before they release her.”
“How bad?” Tig asks softly.
Kozik shakes his head, his eyes fucking burning because this is the first time, he’s talked to anyone but Nate about any of this. No one in the club knows his reality, he tries to keep his two worlds separate, he doesn’t want the shit he does to taint you, to ruin the relationship the two of you have.
“They caught it early.” He tells the other man. “She had an op a couple of months ago, the chemotherapy is just to clean up anything that’s left over. The problem is it makes her so fucking sick, and she hates it, she tries to do the stuff she’s used to doing and I’m not there to stop her.”
“Alright…” Tig says, clasping Kozik’s shoulder tightly. For a moment there’s a flash of what they used to be, brothers in arms, comrades, someone the other could rely on. “Do you need to take some time?”
Kozik swallows hard against the well of emotion in his chest. He doesn’t know what the fuck he should do right now. He needs to be here; he needs to earn. He’s torn between the two because either choice means he’s failing you in some way. He runs his hands over his face.
“I don’t know what the fuck I need right now.” He says honestly.
“O.K.” Tig says, reaching into his jacket and withdrawing an envelop before handing it to Kozik. “Your cut from today.”
Kozik’s eyebrows furrow as he feels the weight of the cash hidden within the confines of the paper.
“But I didn’t make the run.”
Tig shrugs his shoulders.
“It doesn’t matter. Just take a couple of days and spend some time with your girl, I’ll square it with Jax.”
“It’s your take, isn’t it?” he tries to shove it back into Tig’s hands but the other man steps back holding his palms up to prevent it. “I can’t…”
“Yea, you can.” Tig asserts forcefully before gesturing at the bed. “Your girl needs you and you don’t need to worry about the medical bills hanging over your head.”
Kozik looks back at you.
The woman he loves, the woman who needs him. His beautiful, strong girl whose doing her best to kick cancer’s ass, even if it means she’s doing most of the work on her own.
“Thank you, brother.” Kozik says, it comes out fractured, his voice breaking as he uses the back of his hand to wipe at the moisture from underneath his eyes.  “You have no idea how much this means to me, to the both of us.”
Love Kozik? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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cherry-cosmoz · 3 days
Chapter 3 : new surroundings
This might be my favorite chapter 💪
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You wake up in somebodies arms. Without a second thought think hard. You rip her right arm clean off. You scramble to your bag she was holding grabbing your dad’s gun from it and releasing 3 rounds into her skull. Out of breath you hear someone “h-holy fuck she absolutely slaughtered c-clockwork.” the crazed brunette looks at his now massacred ally “Big man wasn’t kidding when she said she was bat shit crazy” the man in the white mask spoke up. There was a man in a yellow hoodie and black mask but he stayed silent. “Who the fuck are you. Stay away from me!” She says The man with the white mask puts out his cigarette “listen kid you listen to us we might not hurt you” Fuck that! She snaps the twitchy brunettes leg. The silent hooded man quickly shot you in the thigh. The brunette twitching and laughing “picked the wrong p-person out the three m-missy, I can’t feel p-pain” he laughs some more The hooded man walks up to you and throws you over his shoulder. The twitchy brunette stuffs his hand in your jacket grabbing your phone. “L-let’s see what w-we have here” He clicks the camera roll “Fuck.” She says thinking of the previous selfies “Holy s-shit balls masky look at this shit!” The masked man speaks up “no shut up kid I don’t want to see selfies” well shit its kinda weird now who am i kidding they just watched you slaughter their friend. “N-no it’s d-different look!” The man you now know is masky looks at the photo of mel holding up a severed head and a peace sign “Huh maybe that’s why he wants her?” Melanie finally speaks up “I know what you’re looking at but 1 who wants me? 2 where is my dad.” the girl now worried on where her body bags were. “l-looking at it he’s d-dead” okay smart ass obviously hes fucking dead. “Yeah I know that fucktard where’s my bags with him inside of it” Masky speaks up “don’t know the rake will probably eat him” Melanie talks again “what the fuck is a rake” The hooded man finally speaks up “shut up bitch all you do is talk wait till we are done walking or something” Whatever it looked like there was a rickety cabin ahead. The rude hooded man throws Melanie down on the porch “Alright what are your god damn names I’ve already been shot and kidnapped” Melanie spoke “y-you broke my a-arm” the brunette spoke “YOU CANT FEEL PAIN DICK CHEESE” Melanie screams at him. “M-my names Toby and t-thats hoodie and t-thats-" before the brunnete finishes she cuts him off. “Masky I know, now why do you want me here.” the hooded man which is now known to go by "hoodie" speaks up again. "listen kid, WE don't want you here, the operator does." your now confused who the fuck is that. " the oper what?" masky goes to say something but the twitchy brunette cuts him off. "you know those weird slenderman stories" your still confused until you remember. earlier this year two girls stabbed their friend in the woods for that same man. " is this the same slenderman from the stabbing?" you think on how you hear about the girl that got stabbed 19 times and crawled out to get help purely running off of adrenaline. toby speaks again "ben told me about that. but yes its t-the same guy, those girls dont know what its like." well shit i know im gonna find out. "take her to EJ." alright who the fuck are all these people. we have operator, ben, and now letters. toby quickly gets closer and picks you up like a feather, he smells like pine,blood,and urine. not the best combo all i can hope is that they have showers. your thoughts were interrupted by your phone shaking violently, toby looks at it to see an elf looking entity "ben why are you in her phone." so theres one name off the checklist. "chill out man operator told me to do so and you know how it gets lonely in here" he says in a unserious puppy voice. "give me my phone" you snatch it out of tobys hands, before he could object a boy around your age pops out of your screen. "whats cookin good lookin" you couldnt help but giggle a little, meanwhile toby looks like lazari just ripped his heart out and ate it. he doesnt know why but hes...jealous?
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
The Doctor Falls LB collected
- hehe funny cyberman explosion
- nardole i love you so much. i love you. NARDOLE I LOVE YOU. he’s everything to me btw.
- BILL. god. everything is. im hurting.
- “You’re wrong, you know. Quite wrong. I never will be able to find the words.” GOD. nardole. like at least he’ll be fine after this so i dont have to lose two companions in one finale but.
- master hug…………
- that was the best scene with them btw. it was. it really was. there’s that quiet energy we were missing from mr simm’s master. even if all he was doing was being hugged and stabbed. it was good. “that was nicely done” yeah <3 yeah <3 good scene
- “it’s time to stand with the doctor.” “no, never.” sir. you already did. do you remember that? i do. it changed my fucking life.
- i do like the transition from the first half of the two-parter with “you would never be so self-destructive, and neither would i” to them both killing each other. that’s nice.
- and them LAUGHING about it. god. hey that’s brilliant too. yeah, they fucking would.
- idiot in his idiot box. elevator.
- she’ll be fine i know this she gets to become mr sacha dhawan which is, honestly, quite a reward for her. but still.
- im gonna be honest man i think watching mr capaldi regenerate is traumatizing me. i have so loved the doctor being him. i really have.
- no stars……. i hoped there would be stars…………. FUCK.
- the callback to him talking about the master and him and the pact they made…. too busy burning the stars to see them………… ACK.
- nardole 😭😭😭😭
- god the way this episode just Looks is sooo fucking good. the bright greenery turned to ash. and the flames of the cyberman city in the very beginning. this episode has thee vibes ever.
- BILL. BILL MY LOVE YOU DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER. not narratively. narratively this is beautiful and i love it. but see. i love bill. and i dont want her to hurt.
- so fucking funny that both of twelve’s companions’ endings are “get to travel the galaxy with their new immortal girlfriend”
- oh. can he do that? just? say no?
- “I can’t keep on being somebody else.” god. fuck. god. mr capaldi.
- what a man. what an actor. what a doctor.
- HAHA. YES. ONE. FIRST DOCTOR. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. HIIIIIIIIIIIIII I LISTEN TO YOUR AUDIOS, OLD MAN. where’s your granddaughter btw. people have been wondering about this.
- overall? good episode. shame about simm!master’s writing in general but like the rest fucking slapped.
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ultraweirdgirl13 · 6 months
I've talked to a total of two people about Heartbreak High, and both have shared an immense hatred towards Sasha. Which is 100% warranted.
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I mean, her treatment of Quinni was GOD AWFUL IT BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES. Plus this scene of Missy...
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Yeah, i can definitely understand it. HOWEVER, there are THREE reasons as to why her placement isn't lower on my list.
She called Harper out for SA'ing Malakai after he was assaulted by the police
The fact that she's an asian, queer icon
She genuinely liked Quinni
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It wasn't hard to see that Sasha and Quinni were feeling each other. Just like it wasn't hard to see that once Sasha found out Quinni is autistic, a switch in her flipped. She realized how much "social justice warrior" points she could gain just from the phrase "my gf's on the spectrum."
But once again, I love a good redemption story. If someone actually encouraged her to do some more research, i guarantee she'll realize the error in her ways. For clarification, IM NOT SUGGESTING THEY'LL GET BACK TOGETHER. But her and Missy are always the first people to check others on their actions. If someone checks her on her privilege, she'll listen.
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