#no breathers where you see them just walking into a new room or reacting to a new place or running somewhere
goldenkid · 7 months
people comparing wild blue yonder to midnight like yeah they're both good scary and unsettling BUT the huge fundamental difference between them is that wild blue yonder is about being trapped in a huge empty space with your friend and this scary thing that wants to kill you and not recognising your friend/your friend not recognising you, whereas midnight is about being trapped in this tiny space with a group of strangers and an unknowable entity and instead of fear of not knowing your friend the fear comes from the doctor not having ANY friends there, from the paranoia and mob mentality. it's a very group-focused story as opposed to wby which is only really commenting on the doctor and donna and their relationship.
there are obvs lots of similarities: twisted reflections, a monster that we never truly see or understand, a 'bottle episode' set in one location, unease and building tension and fear, paranoia, but to me at least wild blue yonder is about friendship and being with your friend but also maybe not with them, and worry that maybe you don't know this person that you love as well as you wanted to think you did...but midnight is very much about not having any friends or allies, and how groups can dissolve into paranoia and blame. wby has no 'one-off' characters whereas in midnight the one-off characters are everything. in wby you're alone in this maze of rooms and corridors...in midnight you're trapped with other people in this tiny little shuttle
tldr midnight is very mob mentality/'little pocket of humanity' focused whereas wby is all about the doctor and donna's relationship, and the different sets - one small and crowded, the other huge and empty - show this off pretty well
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jester089 · 6 months
This is something rather new. To me and this tumblr. We'll see how it goes.
I just wanna try writing something for the backrooms as it's a really cool concept and I want take a shot at it.
It's been a boring day. You're casually walking down a road, occasional cars passing by. By normal standards it's a lovely day out , sunny, warm bordering on hot, slight breeze.
Despite that you feel, weird. Not bad weird, but definitely not good weird. You've been feeling really lonely today. Must be something you ate. You spot a park not far ahead, once again not a single person insight.
You decide to take a pit stop and sit down in one of the many benches there. You sit down the back of the bench giving way before you can react.
You hit the ground harder then expected from that short a fall then sit and rub your temples. It smells like chlorine now... The ground is cold, and porcelain? You open you eyes to see you're in a public pool!
You stand up legs slightly wobbly, you look up to a completely normal roof. No holes or anything... How did... Where is...
"Ok, ok. Don't freak out, think logically. I was just in a public park, on a sunny day. It was a quiet and boring. I went to sit in a bench then the back broke, I think. I felt like I was falling, and now I'm here...
Did I knock myself unconscious then get kidnapped? Why would I be in a pool then?! Fuck it I'll find out later."
You grab your phone, choose a direction, and start walking.
Been a while now, around an hour give or take a little. By now you've started recording all this on your phone cause it's weird, and talking to the recording makes you feel a little less crazy.
"Nothing but seemingly endless pools, water sources that never run out, endlessly deep pools, endlessly tall roofs. It doesn't make sense.
A place like this shouldn't be possible, and even if it is it would cost a fortune."
You peak into yet another small tiled hole in the wall that goes farther then the light does. This weird architecture and the silence accompanied by nothing but your footsteps and the water shifting around you are starting to drive you crazy.
After walking for a while longer you're forced onto a single path, in the water. It's around waist deep and looks clean enough. You've kept out of the water so far but, not much choice now.
You take off your shoes and socks, roll up your pants as far as they'll go, then hop in being careful to keep your shoes and phone in your hands and above the water.
You trudge through the water eventually walking into a giant room with tall ceilings and natural light beaming in! You climb out of the water and a breather before looking up at the windows. A way out.
Most are out of reach but one has some stairs leading to it. Weird sure but you aren't about to complain. You give yourself a little more time to breath, collect yourself, and dry off.
After taking some time to relax while having some music play out of your phone you check to see if your feet are dry. Once you're sure they are you put your socks and shoes back on then unroll your pants.
Standing up you start recording again. You flip the camera so it's facing you and talk to it.
"Well this a, weird experience. Glad it's over if I'm being honest. I was starting to worry that I wasn't ever gonna get out.
To my friends that are probably watching this in the future, we should come back as a group and explore this place more. It was a little scary, but this place is cool."
You do a little peace sign and a silly face then shut off the recording. Once you're phone is safely in your pocket you walk over to the staircase leading up to the window.
The staircase is long and covered in water but nothing you haven't dealt with yet. You carefully climb them staying away from the un-guard railed edge.
Peering outside your once again met by a view that shouldn't be possible. This building, this pool house, is floating?
You're in a a giant, floating not physically possible building! A building that is floating in an endless sky speckled with clouds!!!
And the sky looks fake! Nothing is moving or changing and it's weird looking. Kind of like a sky png from an old game. The sunlight isn't even coming from anything...
You take a surprised step back almost falling off the stairs. You stare out at the fake sky while your breathing gets progressively faster. You shakily sit down on the stairs and do your best to calm down.
After recovering from the initial shock you stand up and walk back over to the windowless window frame. You plant a hand on the wall and carefully lean over the edge slightly to look straight down just to find more empty png sky.
You shakily take a step back and sit back down on the tiled stairs, thinking about what the fuck is going on. And how, you probably aren't going to get out of this insane place.
"Where am-... How did-... This feels like a weird dream, mixed with the feeling of being here before... Maybe if I keep walking I'll find some food. Then I'll be able to survive till someone else comes along...
No, no. Don't be dumb. Be realistic. You're in a floating endless public pool that is in a equally endless sky that looks fake. Things haven't been following normal laws of the universe.
Their probably isn't anyone else in here with me. I don't even know if there's an exit. I just gotta... I just gotta stay calm. Maybe I'll get lucky."
You take a deep breath then check your phone. It's got around half it's battery left and you don't have a way to charge it, so you power it down.
You take just a little more time to collect yourself before standing up and getting ready to start moving again. You peak out the window one more time then walk away.
(I'm kinda proud of this one tbh. So I was probably going to continue this and turn it into a story. I have an idea of where to take it too. Would yall like that or nah?)
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these-are-my-musings · 3 months
I remember so much
the kid with the locker next to mine who volunteered to piss on a acidity test in 5th grade and how it came back more acidic than normal bc of how much soda he drank, the same kid who dreamt of being in the army, and later leaked his girlfriends nudes but somehow they’re still together. I remember going to her house, her mom, her little sister who so clearly looked up to her, her bedroom which I thought was so cool bc she had a bed with another bed that could pull out as a drawer and a tv in her room with princesses? hello kitty? I remember moving schools and losing touch and seeing her at the open house for the middle school we would end up going to together, and how she acted like she didn’t know me. oh well. I remember feeling so out of place when I switched schools and dying to go to middle school to pick up where I left off but everyone was so different and had moved on without me. I remember feeling that way again in high school but the added ache of watching it happen in real time. I remember how awesome and excited I felt to wear my circus costume as a top to school and feeling on top of the world in it and then the discomfort and self consciousness that followed when I noticed how other people reacted. they weren’t ready for me. my grandmas top that mysteriously disappeared from my closet, the white silk one with the bow that tied in the front. sorry grandma. I remember the kid who melted crayons down and made them into valentines in 4th grade, I remember always somehow being in a friend group with an odd number of people. twinning with my sibling during spirit week, being told i was annoying daily by someone i considered my best friend. the first time i was made aware that I'm a loud breather. the crushing disappointment of our poetry presentation in 3rd grade. my music teacher with gorgeous black slightly peppered hair who I absolutely adored and her love of dark chocolate, “don’t call me mrs bennett, that’s my mother”, and her attempt at switching to carob chocolate bc it was healthier. the lunch lady who was so sweet and my hair would always get caught in the buttons on her uniform as she passed by with the trash can. she was so so sweet to me. I remember the first girl I ever had a crush on, her name was victoria and I thought she was beautiful and graceful and I was too shy to even speak to her. I remember the cruelness of most boys I had a crush on, and the sweetness of the ones I never told a soul about. the feeling of walking into school with live piano music filling the air, stopping to buy pencils and erasers from the machine with my best friend, and the deafening silence and anxiety when the piano was no longer playing bc I was late. the birthday party I invited her to with all my new friends at my new school, that she didn’t really fit in with, that I didn’t really fit in with, but what can you do, at 9 going on 10. hearing that the boy I liked liked me back and marching up to him demanding that he ask me out because what else are you supposed to do when you like each other besides date? funny how I still don’t quite get that one. crazy to think how my teacher in 5th grade was slut shaming me, and my other one blatantly disliked me. it was probably the undiagnosed adhd but even still I was just a bit chatty. she deserved better, my younger self. she was so strong to live with that uncertainty and anxiety every day at her age.
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avada-kedavrugh · 4 years
hi :) could you write a draco x reader where she's been really stressed out and he's like 'wtf do i do' and panicking bc he has no idea how do deal with it? thank you :)
pairing: draco x reader 
summary: you’re upset and draco doesn’t know what to do bc hes afraid of losing you.
warnings: angst, fluff
not sure how happy i am with this but here ya go!
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You were always a firm believer that Saturdays were made for relaxing, for taking a breather from the stresses in the world, and letting your mind wind down. Saturdays were definitely not made for you to be sat alone in the bathroom, hands bawled at your sides, knuckles turning white as your teeth bared down on your lips to prevent the string of whimpers that would escape.  
You were struggling. Not only were you struggling, but you didn’t have the bravery to admit it to anyone and you weren’t sure you even had the words to explain what you were feeling.
Instead, you let the stress build-up, let it taunt you at night, and keep you wide awake, let it leave a sickly pit in your stomach that stole your appetite, let it plague your mind, and snatch your happy thoughts. All the while, you put on a brave face and forced a smile for your boyfriend Draco, out of some strange fear – that you couldn’t shake off – over how he’d react.
You had tried to tell him, tell him you were stressed about the world around you, the growing rumors of Voldemort, the pressures your family put on you, but when you opened your mouth it all just seemed like too much and all that came out was an inaudible mutter. Draco had shot you a weird, interrogating look which sent your nerves into overdrive and so then, you decided you could deal with your stress all alone.
And now you were sat in the toilet, blotched eyes soaked with tears and trying to hold back sobs. Clearly, you were not as good as you thought at dealing with stress.
You inhaled, fixating on the feeling of the air rushing through you, trying to push out the feelings of anxiety that consumed you. Your chest rose and fell as your breaths finally came to a steady rhythm, your heart rate slowing, and your sense of calm returning. You sat in the new-found stillness of the cubicle, ears on patrol for any sound - any possible witnesses that you’d have to deal with - but all you heard was the drip of a broken tap.
You desperately wiped at your face again, scrubbing away your tears, smoothing down your crumpled sleeve and taking a deep breath, both to steady your mind and ready yourself, as you stood up and walked out the cubicle.
Draco had noticed something was up. Draco prided himself on knowing you, when you were around, he often tried dissecting your thoughts and body language, tagging your every movement carefully. He’d sometimes smugly think he knew you better than you even knew yourself. He knew exactly what every look you gave him meant, from the looks of arousal to the small flashes of anger, he knew it all and he cherished it all, though what he cherished most was the bright grin – one that always forced a small smile on his face - and the twinkling flash of your eyes and symphony of your laugh that rung through his ears which he had memorised on loop. 
Recently, the number of times you flashed your contagious grin was decreasing and he knew something was up, he found himself working harder just to get a small smile from your lips or a hesitant chuckle. So now his mind pondered over what was making you act differently; in his darkest thoughts he was scared you didn’t want him anymore and the fear of that made him avoid the topic entirely.
He tried to rationalise it as school stress and told himself to remain calm but all he wanted was you. Maybe, he wondered when he tried to sleep at night, you were finally fed up with him, he knew he wasn’t always the best boyfriend, he could admit he struggled to express his emotions and would find himself pushing you away, he knew that you could probably find someone much better but he cherished and loved you – even though he had never told you that.
Selfishly, he didn’t want to lose you and so he hoped things would get better but as weeks went on he knew he had to approach you, ask you what was wrong, he noticed you were smiling less and yawning more, your eyes become decorated with lavender bags rather than the happy twinkle in them that he adored. He wasn’t really sure how to approach the matter. He was scared that he’d make it worse or that you’d utter the words that would ruin his whole world.  
One day, when you seemed particularly withdrawn and upset, face pale and eyes riddled with worry, he decided he had to ask you. Even if his greatest fear came true, he knew that he’d risk losing you, just to see your happy smile again.  
He didn’t really know what to do. Emotions were complicated. He had an amazing talent at putting his foot in things and didn’t want to do that this time. He wanted to make you happy and you seemed so fragile right now that he knew the risk and, frankly, he was terrified.
Finally, he had mentally worked up the courage and strode into the common room knowing you should be there, mentally reciting the words to say to you. And then his eyes searched for you, to find you, and to his surprise, you weren’t there.  
He panicked at first thinking this was just a clear sign you didn’t want him, that you were avoiding him, that you didn’t want to speak to him. He was about to let his insecurities get the best of him when he heard someone mutter “Did you see that Y/N crying in the hallways earlier, must be trouble in paradise.” The voices around him all burst out into laughter and he could feel eyes reel over him.
Hands clenching, eyes blaring and a new state of determination fuelled by spite drove him forward as he stormed up to the group, and through clenched teeth he demanded.
“Where is she?”
As you left the cubicle, you took in the image of the strange figure in the mirror, skin faded, weary eyes adorned with bags and the remnants of tears, as you sighed, so did the figure, your reflection showing the true extent of your struggle. Taking a moment to take in the sight, checking every detail to see if you looked suitably presentable, your mind flashed to Draco, hoping that he wouldn’t notice your strange behaviour. Then you turned to leave the bathroom, leaving the grim reflection behind you and preparing to force a smile on your face back in the common room.
The first thing you saw as you opened the bathroom door was a blonde-haired boy pacing up and down the door, face wrinkled into a look of stress. As soon as the door slammed behind you and you were trapped in the corridor with Draco, his eyes darted up and looked down your form, scrutinising every detail before falling into a look of worry.
“Y/N?” His stony eyes flickered with softness as he took a step towards you, his hands reaching up to you before he quickly stilled, his hands falling by his side and his eyes flickered with a conflict. You could see a contemplative look on his face as he stared at you, his mouth opening to speak but nothing coming out. You returned his hard stare, the sound of breathing the only thing cutting through the awkward silence between the two of you.
“I was just about to come into the toilets but I, I didn’t know what to say” He admitted.
You remained silent, unsure of what to say.
“I know something is wrong Y/N.” Draco finally worked up the courage to say.
As your heart tugged with dread you snapped back “Nothing’s wrong.”
“Y/N, please, I-” His own eyes glazed over as he took a deep breath, steadying his words as he moved a step forward “I know something is wrong, so don’t lie to me. Even if it hurts me, please don’t lie to me.”
“It’s nothing really.” The downturn of Draco’s face made you immediately regret your choice of words.
“I know I’m not, I’m not the greatest boyfriend and I know you can do so much better but I lo- like being around you,” His voice cracking as he spoke as his hands began to tremble “you make me happy and I really do not want to lose you because I-I love you but if it’d make you happier if we broke up that’s also okay, I just want you to be happy-”
You looked at him for a second as you listened, eyebrows falling into confusion, you closed the gap between the two of you and wrapped your arms around him, holding him tight as his arms instinctively held you, stopping him in his rant.
“Draco you idiot,” You whispered into his neck as you held each other tight in embrace “You can’t get rid of me that easily, I love you too.”
His face pulled back, twisting with confusion at your words, bloodshot eyes staring at your face looking for any signs of deception.
“But I thought-”
“You really thought I didn’t want you anymore?” You continued “I’ve just been stressed about everything going on, I have a lot of pressure on me and I didn’t want to burden you with it”
“None of your emotions are ever a burden to me,” He muttered, sincerity clear in his voice. He held you for a while, both of you holding onto each other tightly, as if, if you let each other go just the tiniest bit, you’d lose each other. You forgot where you were for a second, transported from the empty hallways of Hogwarts to a universe where it was just you and Draco and your love for each other. Draco broke the comfortable silence by pulling back, his lips twisted into a smug look as he teased “You love me?”
“Yeah, I do. But you’re the one who told me they loved me first remember?” Teasing him back  
“I can’t blame you for loving me, I am pretty great” His words dripping with amusement as he ignored your words, then his look changed into a one of sincerity as he kissed you.
Almost covered by the sounds of kissing you could barely make out as Draco murmured
“I love you darling, always will.”
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persephonesinfernos · 3 years
ignoti nulla cupido | part six.
summary: natasha finds you once again to be able to keep her an tony’s promise to keep you safe, but how would they react when they’ll learn about the little dirty secret you have been keeping since you left bucky’s side?  
word count: 786.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader.
warnings: angst, angst, angst.
author’s note: one more step closer to bucky and reader facing each other, are you guys ready?
ignoti nulla cupido series | taglist | masterlist.
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Bucky, Steve and Natasha entered together, together they walked towards the medical bay where shouting was heard. Bucky felt like a robot, it felt like his Winter Soldier years.
He was able to see and feel everything around him but his movements felt like another’s, as if he was trapped in his own body. Only one word replaying in his head and it was her name, the name of the person who gave him the whole word and dragged him from the darkness in his soul.
“There’s no pulse,” he heard Tony said as the three of them made the way into the medical bay. “There’s no pulse, c’mon kiddo. You can’t do this to me, you hear me?” Iron Man’s voice was shaking and full of terror.
Natasha grabbed Bucky’s hand, interlacing their fingers. The warmth radiating from her hand made Bucky snap out of his own thoughts and suddenly made him aware of what’s going on.
How (Y/N) was dying, how maybe this was his fault because he was the cause of her disappearing. How this was the first time in years that Natasha and he were sharing the same emotions, and how they needed each other at this moment.
“If you immerse her in freezing water her healing process will fasten,” Bucky didn’t know he spoke up until everyone stopped what they were doing and looked his way. Even then it didn’t feel like it was his voice.
Tony quickly fille the tube which became red in a few seconds. Natasha held Bucky’s hand even tighter if possible while watching the exchange.
“We need to do something more, Tony. We’re losing her, look at her face,” Bruce spoke softly as he moved a few locks of (Y/N)’s hairs out of her face.
Bucky started walking towards where they were, feeling something similar to jealousy looking at Tony and Bruce taking care of her, it was something that was once only reserved for him. But before he could make it Steve stopped him and looked his way with a pleading look.
Tony hovered over (Y/N)’s body with a needle in his hand “Romanoff, please.”
The redhead let go of Bucky’s hand and positioned herself next to her best friend, holding her upper body down the water.
“On three, okay?” Tony let out a heavy sigh. “C’mon Waterfall, you can’t leave me like this. Don’t you dare do this to me, to die on me. I got a new prototype that’s run by water and I kept doing upgrades until you came back, I need that brain of yours.”
Then Tony pushed the needle straight to (Y/N)’s heart, not hesitation on his movements. Everyone stopped breathing, focusing on her body, expecting any kind of reaction.
Seconds, minutes passed and no change was perceived. Bucky had to hold himself to one of the metal tables so he wouldn’t fall to the ground. Natasha was still holding her not daring to move and Tony stumbled backwards until his back hit the wall, hand on his head trying to suppress the tears on the verge of his eyes.
What nobody noticed was how the water in the tube had become ice and a little crack was making its way from (Y/N)’s feet to her heart. A loud gasp was heard as all the ice shattered and move upwards the ceiling. (Y/N)’s body went up too, eyes wide open and arms searching for something to anchor herself to.
Bucky’s hold got tighter and made the table split into two halves when he noticed that she came back from oblivion, maybe this was God’s, or whoever was up there, way of letting redeem himself.
“(Y/N), breather, (Y/N)” Natasha screamed as she held (Y/N) down. “You’re safe now, breathe”.
But (Y/N) couldn’t breathe, she kept gasping for air as she held for dear life to Natasha's arms. Her eyes started to become red, her veins were bursting from the effort and she kept searching the room for something, for someone.
The frozen water that was still just above Natasha and (Y/N) became liquid abruptly and fell down soaking both best friends. It eased (Y/N), her grip on Natasha loosened and took a deep breath of air.
“Ja-Ja… “ Her voice was soared and full of anxiety and it made Bucky’s heart to dissever.
“Shh, just closed your eyes and rest. You’re gonna be fine, we’re going to resolve this mess” Natasha hushed calmly as she took (Y/N)’s hair out of her beaten up face.
Before she could fully close her eyes and succumb to slumber, she searched fanatically once again the room. Her eyes fixated on a well-known pair of grey-blue orbs that made her cry as she whispered I’m sorry.
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forever taglist: @everythingisbeautifulposts​​ | @rogersparkerbarnes​​ |
ignoti nulla cupido taglist: @vicmc624​ | @margaaaa30​ | @gudenuph​ | @summb​ | @peaches-roses-sins​ | @pspice639​ | @purplewcrld​ | @gloryekaterina​ | @krazykatkay456​ | @fangirl-swagg​ | @austynparksandpizza​ | @4babez​ | @tanyaherondale​​ |
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Sneaky but not really
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Beetlejuice first sleepover with you
Soft, lewd jokes warning, sort of, you know how bj is
Love at first strike was the perfect way to describe your relationship, well at least to beetlejuice. After a scare gone wrong the ghoul was head over heals for you, long story short you were Delia's niece, after a few moments upon meeting lydia, the kid tricked and locked you in the basement, where said ghoul was waiting to 'introduce' himself to you. When he jumped out from the darkness you reacted poorly and sucker punched him in the jaw, with a hard thump the demon hits the floor, of course you felt awful about the whole thing, hitting someone you didnt even know, but as you went to help the poor man up his only response was "damn sugar, hit me again".
The rest was history, you visited lydia and beetlejuice like clockwork, you enjoyed them both, having a similar sense of humor really helped, hell you even joined in on Beetlejuice's lewd humor when lydia was out of ear shot, the ghoul adored this, you were perfect for him, funny and had the balls big enough to hit him, no one's ever done that before.
"Please please please, come on baby, dont you trust me?~" beetlejuice pleaded clinging to your leg like a child
"Beej, no, it's not that I dont trust you its just-" you trail off glancing to lydia for some help, the kid just stifles a laugh at you.
"What's wrong y/n? He'd be the perfect little house guest, you live alone right? What's the issue?" She shrugs
You sigh, beetlejuice has been begging you forever to let him sleepover and looks like he roped lydia into it, or she just thought it was funny to watch you flail.
"Come on babes, itll be great, we'll watch movies, order take out, suck face-"
You scowl, and pinch the bridge of your nose, taking a deep breath, then a long sigh
The weight from you leg was lifted in a flash and the ghoul was right in your face "REALLY?! Great choice, you are never gonna regret this sweet stuff" the ghouls cups your face and gives you a quick kiss before disappearing leaving you dazed and confused, what have you done.
As you walked home you couldnt help bit feel dread creeping up on you, hoping you never reach your destination, it's not like you didnt want beetlejuice to come to your little home, it's more of you were nervous being alone with the demon in such a personal space, you liked him yeah, more then you're will to admit, this whole 'sleepover' is gonna be more then awkward. The dread sinks in when you stand infront if your little apartment building, you sigh and head inside, at your door your hands tremble with the keys, your nerves reaching new heights, you wanted to vomit, you wanted this whole thing to be done and over, stupid undead bastard who wormed his way into your heart.
Home sweet home, you toss your belongings aside and shamble your way to the living room, plopping down on the couch you swallow hard, as the conversation you and beej had before leaving the Deetz house flood back into your mind
'Now all you gotta do to get me into your little home is say my name 3 times, 3 times in a row spoken, unbroken, okay? I'll be waiting sugar~"
You knew he was teasing you, the ghoul could probably tell how the whole pet name thing effected you, since no ones ever done that to you before. Taking a deep breath of air and jumping up from the couch you decided it's now or never, and you knew if you didnt summon him he'll be twice as annoying the next time you saw him.
You could feel the air get heavier
The temperature around your body drops, you take a deep breath trying to steady yourself
"Beetlejuice" you clamp your eyes shut, not really sure what's gonna happen next, since you weren't exactly told much past the whole how to thing.
"Its showtime~" a gravely voice purrs in your ear and you nearly jump out of your skin, you curse and turn to the culprit, beetlejuice, he was here, it was really that simple.
"You came-" you stutter in disbelief
"Oh doll, your sweet voice would make anyone cum as fast as I did~" the ghoul coos as he cups your face, you flinch at the joke, yes you sure walked into it, giving the demon a perfect set up, beetlejuice howls with laughter at your reaction.
"Babes you make this too easy, but ya know I like easy gals" he gives you a wink followed by a loud cackle.
You regain your composure and clear your throat "well this is it, my home" you give a half hearted gesture, the ghoul whistles in response as if he was impressed by your little home.
"So babes, how bout you show old mr beebleboose where the magic happens~" the demon coos wiggling his eyebrows, you couldnt help but snort a laugh, as you give the demon a soft shove.
"All right sugar, what's the plan tonight? Shitty horror? Take out? Tonsil hockey?" Tips of pink gracing the demons hair as he purrs that last part.
Again a you snort out a laugh "2 out of 3 there beej"
"Sucking face while watching bad movies? You really know how to spoil a ghost" beetlejuice cackles, leaning in close as he makes kissing sounds.
You push the ghoul off, as you chuckle, embarrassed, yet amused at your pal's constant jokes.
You pull out your phone to order a pizza for the two of you, you knew the demon can and will eat anything so you knew he wouldnt really care WHAT you ordered. Beetlejuice perks up at your actions, he wasnt a fan of cell phones, he hated when your attention wasnt fully on him, but after some trial and error he learned to adapt to subtlety messing with you in that state of distraction.
The ghoul places his arm around you shoulder and leans in to you, watching you tap away on your phone, he never really got the whole technical thing, the ghoul was more into making you nervous, in his current position, pressed up against you, he could feel your warmth, he could hear your heart pounding, and he could see your fingers fumble as you try to type, the ghoul huffs out a small chuckle when he sees you puff out your cheeks as you try to focus and steady your hands to finish what you were doing.
The two of you chatted and joked about as beetlejuice told you stories of scares he pulled off with lydia, he was practically glowing green with excitement as he told you in great detailed of how amazing and scary he was and how you need to see him in action more often, the demons mood was contagious you couldnt help but laugh and hang on practically every word. The two of you are interrupted with a knock on your door,
You get up from the couch without much thought, beetlejuice jumps up quickly after you, and pulls you to the front door, you make a noise of surprise at the sudden action.
"Watch and be amazed sweet stuff, its show time" the ghoul swings open the door to see the delivery guy.
"Pizza for l/n"
"Thanks man" the ghoul takes the pizza and hands it to you.
"Oh! Babes what did you order anyway?" The ghoul asks before snapping his fingers, a familiar tingle goes through your body, you go stiff as beetlejuice puppets your words
"Oh you know honey, the usual, pepperoni, bacon, and tarantulas" you say in a cheery tone.
"Tarantulas?" The delivery guys asks
"You never tried one? They crunch real nice" the ghoul goes to pull out a live rather large tarantula from his coat pocket, you flinch at the sight, not being a fan of bugs. Beetlejuice, without hesitation drops the spider into his mouth, the crunching noise alone made the colour drain from your face, but your reaction was nothing in comparison to pizza guy. The poor guy looked like he was gonna vomit, frozen in place with the scene in front of him.
"Where are my manners? Want one?" Beetlejuice leans forward into his victim dangling a new larger tarantula in the poor man's face.
"Open wide~" he coos
At that The pizza guy's legs finally give out, causing him to drop to his ass, the man screams and scrambles to his feet, stumbling and fumbling all the while getting away from your home.
"Such a beautiful sound~" beetlejuice sighs, as he slides the spider into his coat pocket "save him for later" he mumbles before turning to you
"So? How was I sugar?" The ghoul was beaming at you with a big toothy grin, desperate for your approval.
You snort out a hard laugh "you're disgusting beej, amazingly disgusting" you cackle
The ghoul bows at your praise "thank you doll, you are too kind~"
God did beetlejuice live for your praise, the attention you gave him, he wanted you so badly, he wanted you to say 'beetlejuice, I see you, I accept you, I fear for my safety around you'. But you were dense and a coward, and he sure as hell didnt want to make the first move, so this, this was fine for now, you praising him and spending time with him, will just have to do until you proclaim your undying love for him.
The two of you hang out on the couch, you in your pajamas, beetlejuice leaning into you with an arm around you, you never really fought this, beej was the touchy feely type and he claims how he just likes how warm you are, so you just went with it. As your movie marathon runs late you begin to nod off, you finally commit to bed time when you nudge Beetlejuice's arm off and stand up, the ghoul makes a noise of annoyance at your absence.
"I'm going to bed" you yawn out "night beej" you wave goodnight before heading to you room, the ghoul growls at this, he didnt really want to stop hanging out with you, but unfortunately breather need sleep, the demon flows you to your room.
As you climb into bed beetlejuice phases through the bedroom door
"Oh no!" His voice alerts you to his presence
"Theres only one bed" he continues in a false worried tone, you know your brows together
"Beetlejuice I can make up the couch for you if you like, I know you dont sleep-"
"OH NO THERE'S ONLY ONE BED AND ITS A SINGLE" he repeats as if a louder volume will change anything.
"I guess we'll just have to share y/n, please be gentle with me~" the demon coos as he slumps onto the bed
You give him a soft smile at this awful little show, but as nice and warm as the idea of sharing your bed with him would make you feel, you weren't exactly ready to agree to that, anxiety and nerves beat away any romantic thought.
"Beej, come on-"
"Cum on what?"
You snort out a soft laugh, you always walked into a set up for him without a second thought.
"Beetlejuice, no offense, but I dont feel comfortable with that, you know, sharing a bed with you, I mean, like, you know" your voice shrank as you spoke, you didnt want to sound rude, not that hed ever mind, the ghoul sits up and stares back at you with a wide toothy grin.
"I getcha sweets, not till marriage, right? You never struck me as the old fashioned type, but I can wait till we tie the knot~" he winks that last part, you can feel you ears burn with embarrassment, all of his flirting jokes did make you blush, but the marriage jokes were the big guns, you adored the demon, and the idea of being married to him made your heart want to rip it's way out of your chest.
Without another word beetlejuice vanishes before your eyes, and a soft "goodnight" is whispered in you ear, causing you to shiver.
Finally after all that time begging you finally let beetlejuice into your home, just you and him, such a high level of trust you have in him, the ghoul himself is filled with delight at the thought, here he was floating next to your bed, watching you slept so peacefully, completely unaware of the dead man watching you.
"Ya know sweet stuff, you look real cute when you sleep~" he purrs, pink hue gracing his hair in streaks.
It goes without saying the demon was a creep, so it was no surprise he would watch you sleep. The ghoul stares at you for hours, taking in all the little things about you, the little things of being alive, how your chest slowly moved up and down as you slept, how you're lips were slightly parted, those sweet little sounds you'd make during your slumber.
As the time went by the ghoul's mind began to wander.
"Bet it's real warm under those covers huh?" He mused
"Y/n is such an oblivious little breather, they probably wouldnt even notice little old me sliding in next to that soft, warm, body of theirs" he whispered to himself, the thought alone of pressing himself up against your warm body was enough to get the demon drooling.
That was all the convincing he needed, slip in to cuddle for a bit, then slip out before you wake, easy.
With a snap of his fingers the ghoul's trade mark striped suit disappears leaving him in a pair of striped boxers, with another snap beetlejuice reappears next to you in bed, the wave of warm washing over him was delightful, so toasty warm, so soft and comfy, he could get used to this, with a soft sigh the ghoul cuddled up to you, without a second thought he gets carried away, wrapping him arms around your body, you respond with some unintelligible noise as the demon pulls you into him.
Beetlejuice, now completely pink, gives your forehead a kiss before whispering a soft
"goodnight y/n"
This was heaven, or as close as a born dead demon straight from hell was gonna get at least, everything felt so good, your soft body in his arms, your warmth, your scent, your soft comfy bed, he could really get used to this. Beetlejuice didnt have to sleep, but did to pass the time when bored, but tonight he fell asleep for a more soft reason, yes the ghoul has had more flings and one night stands then he could remember, but this, he never spent the night in another's arms, someone who genuinely liked him and wanted him around, the ghoul couldnt help but doze off with this level of comfort, as cheesy as it sounded, it was true.
Unfortunately him dozing off was a less then great idea, beetlejuice was a heavy sleeper, more so then you were.
The ghoul shoots up at your rather loud call, beetlejuice looks up at you to see a rather embarrassed, confused you, clenching the blanket to your chest, though you were full clothed.
"Morning sweetheart, you sleep well in daddy's arms?" He purrs, busted the demon Hope's to flirt his way out of getting trouble.
"What are you doing?!" Your voice trembles as you're pretty sure the ghoul can hear your heart pounding like a jackhammer.
"I couldnt help myself it's so chilly at night, and you're so warm" the ghoul shrugs "Oh! Right I forgot my little y/n is an old fashioned little breather, guess we gotta get hitched now huh?" The ghoul winks at you.
You felt like your heart was gonna explode, you just woke up and he's pulling this? Honestly part of you wasnt surprised he'd worm his way into your bed, and tease the hell out of you, then it hits you. You stare at the ghoul, his torso exposed, completely bare, revealing a rather hairy, scared up upper half, while his waist was hidden below the covers.
"Beetlejuice, please, please tell me you're wearing something below the waist" you turn your head away not wanting to look at him, you knew beej is a creepy pervert, but he wouldnt sneak into your bed completely naked, would he?
Beetlejuice let's out his awful cackle, causing you to flinch.
"Babes do you really think, I'd slip in next to you in bed balls out? Please, I am a perfect gentleman, I already vowed to marry you after I slept with you" he snorts out a laugh.
You return your gaze to the ghoul to see he has removed the covers to reveal a pair of boxers resembling his suit. You sigh in relief, the demon only smirks at your reaction.
"Like what you see?~" he wiggles his eyebrows and bites his lip while giving his hips a quick jerk upwards.
"Beej please, i guess it's fine if you want to sleep with me, as long as you're respectful, I mean you're gonna do it anyways so" you trail off clearly embarrassed at his lewd motions, but finding it easier to ignore them and continue on with what had transpired.
"Whoa, you mean it?" The ghoul sits up, wide eyed and pink at your words
"Yes, as long as you're not gonna be gross about it- FUCK"
Beetlejuice lunges at you, pulling you into a tight hug, this was all too much for first thing in the morning, yes it felt nice to be held, but youd be lying if waking up next to beetlejuice didnt scare the shit out of you, but sleeping together, as warm as it made you feel, its gonna take some getting used too.
"How bout we get some coffee?" You ask timidly.
Beetlejuice pulls away, a big dopey grin plastered across his face, patches of pink slowly taking over his scratchy facial hair.
"You read my mind doll".
One of these days, you should really ask him what pink ment for him, maybe comfort? Really happy? Who knows
After a rather embarrassing morning for you, the two of you make your way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Beetlejuice didnt exactly drink coffee, just really milk and sugar with coffee in it, not that you minded
The two of you sat in silence at your little kitchen table, you scrolled through your phone checking weather and other nonsense as you take a sip of your coffee the ghoul cuts the silence
"You think Adam will be my best man at our wedding?"
You nearly choke on your drink.
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justmypartner · 3 years
Make it Work: Chapter 7
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Summary: When offered a permanent position with the FBI, Hailey agrees to take it under one condition: Jay comes too. As their personal lives and work lives begin to change, the two partners find it increasingly difficult to navigate their complex relationship and manage their feelings for one another.
Writer’s Note: Angst, angst, and more angst! Please push through it though, because next chapter will make up for it. I promise ;) 3 more chapters after this one! As always, thank you so so much for reading!!!
Tagging: @angelsjedi , @brookerz122493 , @cpdfan2014 , @the–carousel , @maya-asturias , @itsdesiree86​ , @tvshowsaremyhappyplace 
Read on AO3 or below
It wasn’t a dream, was the first thought in Jay’s mind when he woke up the next morning. He laid in bed, squinting at the shadows on his ceiling created by the sunlight creeping in through the shades on his window. A slew of curses fell from his mouth as memories from the night before flooded his mind. He became increasingly aware of the lingering effects of the liquor as his head pounded and the room seemed to spin around him. The deep desire for a glass of water was the only motivation getting him up and out of bed. He skipped his usual morning coffee, downing a few large glasses of water and painkillers in its place. As bad as managing a hangover at work sounded, nothing seemed worse to him than having to face Hailey. It should have made him relieved to see the feelings he had for her be reciprocated, but it wasn’t enough to ease the pain that came from leaving her all alone with those feelings up in the air.
He dragged himself into work, knowing his hangover was written all over his face. He didn’t care. All he cared about at that point was surviving the day and making sure he and Hailey were okay.
He would have been lying if he said he wasn’t relieved to see her desk empty when he entered the bullpen. He felt like he needed a few more moments to prepare himself before having to face her. He quietly made his way to his desk, slumping in his chair and taking a breather.
“Long night there, Halstead?” Walker asked over the monitor on Jay’s desk. His face scrunched up at the high volume of the man’s voice.
“Would you keep it down,” Jay said with a groan, eliciting a low laugh out of both Walker and Daisy who sat across from him, watching him suffer with amusement.
“Looks like it was a long night for Blondie there too,” Walker called out as his eyes tracked someone over Jay’s shoulder. He didn’t have to turn around to know he was talking about Hailey, but the nickname caught him off guard. She wasn’t big on nicknames, especially one like that. Reluctantly, he turned his head to see her walking in sluggishly as she tried to rub away the tired look in her eyes. She waved Walker and his teasing comments off before settling in her chair the same way Jay had.
“What’d you two get into last night?” Daisy questioned.
“Huh, wha- What do you mean?” Jay stuttered out nervously, the memories of the night before flashing in his mind. Memories so vivid he felt like he could still feel her breath against his face and her touch on his skin.
“What do I mean? I mean, why are you two rolling in here like a bunch of frat boys on a Sunday morning?” Daisy questioned with a laugh. Jay swallowed hard, looking over at Hailey whose eyes met his briefly before darting away.
“Right… that would be a bottle of tequila,” Hailey said plainly before busying herself on her computer. Jay did the same and their two fellow agents took the hint, shrugging off the pair’s avoidance and settling back at their desks. It was obvious she remembered the night before just as clearly as he did, and that made him nervous.
They were assigned a string of robberies that had taken place at a few high-security medical facilities around Midtown. Drake sent the two pairs out to a number of the facilities to interview witnesses and canvas. Jay was happy to be out of the office, but he knew the second the two of them were alone in the car, the awkward tension that existed in the office would only be ten times worse.
They climbed into the car quietly, driving in silence for a few minutes. However, it wasn’t their usual comfortable silence. The silence was deafening and Jay was distracted, something he knew could pose dangers in the field. He knew they had to air things out.
“Hailey, about last night-“ he began before she cut him off.
“Jay, no. It’s fine. We were both… very drunk,” she said with emphasis on the last two words. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-“ this time Jay cut her off.
“What? No, I’m the one that should be sorry. I didn’t want you to think that I…” his voice trailed off as he shook his head. How did he tell her he wasn’t fleeing because he didn’t have feelings for her, but the direct opposite of that? How did he tell her he wanted nothing more than to kiss her? That being with her was something he dreamt of for years, but not while his body and mind were drowning in tequila? These thoughts flipped through the forefront of his brain as he tried to piece together words he actually wanted to say to her.
“Jay, it’s fine. It’s a new day, we’ve got a pretty pressing case, let’s just focus on that, yeah?” She finally said, using his silence to shut down the conversation completely. He nodded, mentally kicking himself for his inability to put his thoughts into words.
When they arrived at the facility, they interviewed a few of the techs who were present at the time of the robberies. The men came in with rifles, threatening them to open cold storage containers before taking several experimental treatment vials and loading them into transport coolers. They then locked the techs in one of the backrooms before making their exits. The agents asked if there were any other facilities nearby that could be potential targets. The individuals named two companies nearby that would have similar facilities that possibly housed the same vials targeted by the offenders.
Jay and Hailey arrived at the first location, flashing their badges to the front desk worker and asking to be let up to the floor with cold storage. The man refused, insisting the pair must have the wrong place. Jay noticed blood on the collar of the man’s shirt, as well as a rip where a nametag should have been. Something didn’t feel right to him, and he looked over at Hailey to see if she had noticed it too. Her eyes confirmed this, and she pulled out her phone, checking the screen before looking up at Jay.
“Hey, boss got the address wrong. Sorry for the trouble,” she said. Jay nodded and they turned to make their way to the exit. His heart rate picked up as they turned their back to the man. They were vulnerable in that position, and they had no tactical advantage if their hunch was correct. A few steps from the door, Jay heard a click of metal from behind them. It was faint, but before he could even react, a gunshot was going off and Hailey was shoving him behind a large cement pillar to their right.
“Jay, get down!” She yelled as their bodies slammed against the ground and bullets rained down around them.
“You good?” she asked, hovered over him as she drew her weapon.
“Yeah, yeah, good,” he confirmed, trying to catch his breath and reaching for his own weapon.
Hailey called for backup as Jay drew cover fire from around the pillar. He retreated to reload as the two of them stood shoulder to shoulder behind the cover of the barrier.
“On three, cover me, I’m going to make my way to the other side so I can get a better shot,” Jay said to her. She nodded nervously as he started the count down.
He got to the number three, and she began firing at the man, drawing enough cover for Jay to successfully make it to the other side of the lobby with a much clearer shot. Jay got the man in his sights, adjusting slightly for the distance, and fired 3 rounds. Silence filled the lobby as the man fell to the floor with a thud.
“You good?” He called out to Hailey. There was a brief pause.
“Good,” she replied, sending a shock of relief through Jay’s entire body.
The next thing they knew, Walker and Daisy were bursting through the front doors with tact guys behind them.
“You two good?” Daisy called out as her eyes surveyed the room for the two partners.
“Yeah, all good,” Hailey replied as she and Jay made their way to their fellow agents.
“Nothing like a shower of bullets to knock the hangover out of you, am I right?” Walker teased as Hailey and Jay sent him a shared snarl.
Daisy knocked the man in the head jokingly as she handed Hailey and Jay a vest to put on before they made their way up to the higher floors to take down the rest of the offenders. As they secured their vests, Jay’s eyes remained on Hailey, reassuring himself that she was okay after being uncertain just a few minutes prior. Before they headed up the stairs with the rest of the team, he stopped her and pulled her to the side.
“Thank you… for pushing me out of the way back there. Pretty sure you saved my life,” he told her sincerely, as his hand found its way to her arm just below her shoulder. She smiled down at the floor before shaking her head lightly.
“It’s what partners do,” she nodded, bringing a hand to rest over his briefly before walking past him towards the stairs.
With that came a flood of relief. The avoidance, the tension, it all disappeared for a split second with her touch, and he felt like he was finally able to breathe for the first time that day. Despite what happened the night before, they were able to prove that no matter what, they were good together. He knew they still needed to talk. Whether that was just airing out what almost happened the night before or fully putting their feelings out on the table, he wasn’t sure. He was sure, however, that their partnership was unbreakable and no matter what happened, they were always going to be okay.
They followed the team up the stairs to take down the rest of the robbery crew. A shootout and multiple arrests later, they were on their way back to headquarters. On the drive there, it was mostly silent. From the corner of his eye, Jay saw Hailey release her hair from the tight ponytail it was in, shaking her curls loose as they fell to the sides of her head. He looked over briefly before bringing his eyes back to the road. It reminded him of earlier when Walker called her Blondie, and curiosity got the best of him.
“You know, earlier Walker called you Blondie,” he said with a quizzical tone. “I’m surprised he got away with it. If Adam would have ever called you that, he would’ve lost an arm or something,” he half-joked. She stifled a smile and rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, we were at a bar the other night. I was a few drinks deep, and I may have gotten a little too enthusiastic when the band covered Heart of Glass. That and more obvious reasons led to the nickname. I’m not very fond of it, but the more I protest, the more I know he’ll want to use it so… non-reaction is the name of the game,” she told him with a shy smile. He raised his brows with a teasing smile that quickly fell at the thought of the two of them alone at a bar.
“You two, uh, you go out a lot, yeah?” He questioned, despite already feeling certain of her answer.
“A few times, yeah. He’s a good drinking partner when all you want to do is forget about the day and have a little fun. You should come with us sometime, he’ll challenge you to a game of darts and I’d love to see you kick his ass,” she told him with a large smirk.
“Yeah, maybe,” he responded.
The thought of destroying Walker in a game of darts sounded appealing, but he knew he’d never take her up on the offer if he could help it. He could barely take Walker’s flirty looks and comments for Hailey at work, let alone while tipsy in a crowded bar. He knew those feelings weren’t reciprocated from her end, but it was something Jay couldn’t stand to be around regardless.  
Once back at headquarters, Jay and Hailey spent hours in interrogation with the men, trying to figure out why they were after the vials and how they knew about them in the first place. By the end of it all, they were able to find out that the leader of the crew had a sick wife. One of her doctors had mentioned an experimental drug treatment that was in the works, but it hadn’t yet hit the market and was only open for trials. His wife was denied entry into the trial, and the more her condition progressed, the more desperate he became. In a support group, he met a man who had recently gotten out of prison with connections to a former robbery crew. Being that they all had loved ones that could benefit from the treatment, the plans for the heists arose.
“I just wanted to save my wife. And those guys? They wanted to save their loved ones too,” the leader revealed to Jay and Hailey in the interrogation room.
“I get that, man. You just went about it the wrong way, and now your wife is going to lose not just the treatment but her husband too,” Jay said before rising from his chair and gathering the file from the table. Hailey was mostly quiet during the final portion of the interrogation, and she silently followed as Jay made his way out of the room.
“This sucks,” she said aloud as soon as the door to the room was closed. Jay questioned her silently, waiting for her to elaborate.
“It’s just… he was doing what he thought he had to do to save his wife, and now he’s probably going to lose her and everything else because of it,” she said in a defeated tone.
“Yeah, but Hailey he broke the law. He tried to cheat the system for his own benefit and hurt innocent people in the process,” he said, a stern look on his face.
“I know, I know, it’s just… Isn’t there some part of you that would want to do the same thing if you were in his position? If it were someone you loved?” she asked him, her eyes looking up at him, melting him in all of the ways only her eyes could.  
The question opened something in him. He’d like to think he was strong enough in his morals to have made the right decision in the same situation, but then he thought about his mother. If there were a treatment that could have saved her, he probably would’ve gone to every measure necessary to ensure she got it. Then he thought about the woman before him. If Hailey were the one that needed that treatment, what would he do? He swallowed hard before nodding slowly as he bit the inside of his cheek. She had a point. He looked down at her, her eyes peering up into his, and that urge to tell her how he felt was back. Except, this time it wasn’t driven by a buzz and lowered inhibitions. It was driven by a deep feeling in his chest that seemed to pull his heart to hers. A feeling clearer than anything else in his life.
“Hailey, I think we-“ he began before a deep voice interrupted from behind him.
“Hey, you two! I know you went a little too hard last night, but how about we make it a streak and carry the party on to tonight? Huh? Beers, a game of darts, maybe some billiards?” Walker questioned as he threw an arm around the two of them.
“Uh,” Hailey let out as her gaze remained on Jay with with a look he was guessing to be curiosity surrounding his interrupted sentence.
“What do you say?” Walker asked, turning his head between the two of them as he waited for a response.
“Only if you let me choose the bar this time, that last one reeked of cigarettes. I was sure I got lung cancer just from opening the door,” Hailey finally said with a laugh.
Jay’s mood deflated quickly, and he wriggled out from the man’s hold.
“Uh as much fun as that sounds, I actually have plans tonight,” he lied. Hailey sent him a questioning look as Walker shrugged his shoulders.
“Just the two of us once again, Blondie,” Walker said with a wink that created a sick feeling in Jay’s stomach.
Every time Jay thought he was ready to tell her how he felt, something seemed to stand in the way and discourage him immediately. He was beginning to question whether or not it was worth it. Wondering if all of the roadblocks were just signs from the universe that they were better off as partners. He watched as she walked back to her desk and grabbed her coat, turning to look back at him briefly. It was a lingering look, a glimmer in her eyes he knew all too well. Then, Walker interrupted her to ask if she was ready to go, and the look was gone instantly. Yet, that one look was enough to send every bit of doubt he had right out of his head. As hard as he tried to fight it, he was in love with her. He wasn’t sure when or where, but someday soon he wasn’t going to be able to hold it in. One way or another, he knew they were meant to be together, and in that moment that was enough hope to make him smile through the ache of watching her walk away without him.  
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
A/N: @obsessedwithrandomthings​ requested some Neville angst in the form of enemies to lovers from me so here is what I hope is Neville angst! Honestly, it’s more rivals with a lot of unresolved sexual tension but I still hope you like! She also made this wonderful banner! I also don’t know if you can tell but I am really inspired by greek mythology and witchcraft lore in general (I'm a historian, what can I say?) and this fic is full of it so if that’s not your thing, then I apologise! Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Rival professors
Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, gets a lil bit steamy
Word count: 4.7k
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There wasn’t a man on the earth that could infuriate you more than Neville Longbottom.
And you had known Draco Malfoy for over a decade.
There was a history between the two of you; a natural hatred that came with the Slytherin/Gryffindor rivalry, but there was always something more. A deeper attraction that ran between the two of you despite how hard you rejected it.
He felt it too; and he fought it with every breath.
You thought you would get some reprieve upon your appointment as the Divination professor at Hogwarts, but as you entered the staff room your first week there, Neville Longbottom was stood speaking to Headmistress McGonagall.
“You have got to be shitting me?” You cry.
“Professor (Y/L/N)!” McGonagall admonishes.
“I’m sorry Headmistress, but seriously? Longbottom?”
“I’m not thrilled about the prospect of working with you either.” Neville drawls.
McGonagall looks between the two of you, a small frown pulling down the corners of her mouth, “I do hope you’ll get along in front of students.”
You glare at the tall brunette, “There’ll be no issue with that on my part, Headmistress.”
Neville returns your glare with just as much acid, “The one thing we’ll agree on then.”
It’s the little things he does that bother you; such as smirking at you from across the Great Hall or taking the last of the milk in the staff room. Neville knows exactly how to get a rise out of you, and he does an excellent job of it.
The rivalry that had seemingly ended upon the end of your education, promptly started back up again.
Constant competition broke out between Neville and yourself: who got the higher grades? Who had the highest pass rate? Who got the most laughs out their students?
It never ended. He would goad you, and you’d goad him right back. Practical jokes would be played on each other often. You were both frequent customers at the Weasley twin’s joke shop where materials were hoarded, and plans were formed.
McGonagall watched the two of you bicker in the staffroom; a regular occurrence. She watched the both of you argue from across the room with a fond look on her face. The rivalry would always be present between the two of you; and she was surprised – to say you were a gifted seer, you had not foreseen the palpable tension between Neville and yourself.
She watches the back and forth between the two of you; head moving as if watching a muggle tennis match. Insults and jibes are thrown between you both and yet, despite the bitterness of the words, there was no major malice in your voices.
McGonagall sips at her tea, rolling her eyes at the two of you. She supposes that it would only be a matter of time now.
The week before term starts you get a letter of rejection in your notice box. Your application for the money for new textbooks had been denied. You scrunch the paper in your hands; feeling the all too familiar emotion of frustration running through your veins. Your argument for the textbooks was sound; it would be easier for the school to purchase the materials for the students than to rely on the students to use their own money.
You knock on the heavy, wooden door of McGonagall’s office; entering upon hearing her grant permission. “Headmistress, why has my application for new textbooks been rejected?”
“We’ve had to siphon funds for the Herbology trip.”
You see red, but keep a lid on your temper in front of your boss, “Pardon?”
“Divination is an elective subject; Herbology is compulsory through all seven years.” McGonagall reasons.
“So because of that, my students have to use textbooks that are falling apart?”
“We can add the material onto the reading list if that makes anything better?”
You sit back in your chair, “Term starts in a week. Students will have bought their books already. The very reason I applied for the textbooks was so that students didn’t have to buy them.”
McGonagall holds her hands up, “I’m sorry, Professor.”
You sigh through your nose, standing to leave, “Thank you for your time, Headmistress.”
Anger rises within you; all directed at the maddening Herbology professor. You understood that Herbology was a compulsory subject, and that it was very useful in determining a student’s future career as a Healer or a Potioneer. But Divination was becoming increasingly popular among the muggleborn students who grew up knowing the tales of tarot reading, palmistry and clairvoyance. And after the war, so many students sat in the class hoping for a relief in their grief – to find an answer to the well-asked question, do they find peace?
You confront Neville in the staff room, “The reason I cannot get new textbooks for my Sixth Years is because you’ve used the money for a trip to London to meet Herbert Beery?”
“He taught Herbology here before Professor Sprout, it is a worthwhile trip!”
You pause the rant sitting at the tip of your tongue; letting his words settle. “Repeat those very words for me, Longbottom.”
Neville frowns, “What?”
“Repeat. Those. Words.” You enunciate; each syllable pronounced.
“Herbert Beery taught Herbology here before Sprout. It’s a worthwhile experience for students interested in taking the subject further.”
The cushion in your hands hits Neville in the face. He looks at you astonished as you shout, “You’re taking students to meet an ex-professor?”
“What aren’t you understanding about this?” Neville questions as another cushion hits his face, “Stop doing that!” he yells.
“Why didn’t you bring him here?! He knows the school; it’s known territory! And it would have saved enough money so I could get my textbooks!” You throw more cushions at him; enjoying the way he has to dodge them. “You didn’t think this through at all, Longbottom.”
“Calm down, (Y/N). Your students can always buy the textbooks.”
“Not this close to term starting!” You throw yourself down onto the couch with a groan, “You’re an arsehole.”
Neville glares, “This trip is a once in a lifetime experience for my students. Herbert Beery is officially retiring from the field after this lecture.”
“And yet you couldn’t invite him to Hogwarts?”
You stand, shoving his shoulder as you pass him to leave. “I can’t even begin to tell you how pissed I am. I can’t even look at you right now.”
Leaving him there, surrounded by couch cushions, you take a breather in the courtyard. Inhaling the fresh air, you start to see things more clearly. It seems that a friendship would never exist between the two of you; the rivalry stemming from Hogwarts running so deep that it could never be breached by kind words and actions.
A plan forms in your head for the perfect revenge, and it would mean a visit to Diagon Alley.
If there was one thing that your education at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry had taught you, it was if you were going to prank someone, you had to make it a good one. George and Fred Weasley are more than happy to help you enchant the chalk; neither asking too many questions – they see the mischievous glint in your eye and know not to interrogate too much.
Neville walks into his classroom to find his students already sat in their seats. He lets them continue socialising as he sets up his materials for the day; this lesson focusing on the theory behind Herbology rather than hands-on practice. He grabs his chalk from the bottom of the board, proceeding to write the date and title before turning to his class, pulling their attention away from their friends and on to him.
It takes him two minutes to notice to amused expressions and the stifling of laughter.
It takes him five minutes to figure out why.
On the chalkboard behind is a caricature of his face on the body of a baby Mandrake. He’s crying big, fat tears that make their way down the length of the board before turning to dust at the bottom.
Neville can feel his face heat from the anger building within him and coursing through his veins, setting them alight. He knows exactly who’s behind this, and it isn’t any of his students.  
Your class settle into their assigned seats; the crystal balls already placed in the centres of their tables. Once upon a time, students would groan at the sight of them, but now they regard them with interest.
You grin at your students, knowing what lesson they had last, “How was Herbology?”
Thomas Wadsworth in Ravenclaw begins to laugh, “I knew you would have something to do with it, Professor.”
“Was it obvious?”
He shakes his head, “Not really, but everyone knows of your rivalry.”
“How did he react?”
Shea Bard in Gryffindor raises her hand, “He went very red and muttered some curses before teaching us something else.”
You rub your hands together, “What else? Was it funny?”
“Very,” Shea nods, “But we didn’t dare laugh, no-one was in the mood to get a detention no matter how funny it was.”
You clap your hands together, pleased with the outcome. You’d have to send a thank you card to the Weasley twins for their genius minds.
“Why do you have this rivalry with Professor Longbottom?” A voice from the back asks.
Other students turn their eyes from their crystal balls to you; more interested in this topic of conversation rather than predicting their neighbour’s future.
You shrug, “We’ve never liked each other. He’s a Gryffindor and I’m a Slytherin.”
Thomas scoffs, “That can’t be it, surely? Give us something more, Professor.”
“What more is there? We went to school together and we never got on.”
Shea smiles, “With all respect Professor, you have to be aware of the tension between the two of you.”
“Tension?” You question, eyebrows furrowing.
Thomas raises his hand, counting the syllables off with his fingers, “Sex-u-al ten-shun.”
You stare wide-eyed at your class. Shea frowns, “Oh man, you weren’t aware of it were you?”
You clear your throat, “I have to know, how did my personal life become the topic for this class?”
“Since you won’t make a move on Professor Longbottom.”
“Thomas!” You chide.
He frowns, “I’m only saying what everyone else was thinking. It’s so obvious you fancy each other, it’s sickening.”
“Professor Longbottom and I have never gotten along. The most you’re going to see out of us is rivalry and cold stares.”
Thomas rolls his eyes, “Okay, Professor. If you get together before Christmas, Frances owes me Butterbeer for a month.”
“I’ll be sure to keep your bet in mind, Thomas, thank you.” You drawl with an unimpressed look, “Let’s get back to our crystal balls shall we?”
And just like that, the conversation over your personal life and your relationship with Neville Longbottom was over.
The sound of your classroom door slamming shut has you jumping in your spot. You press a hand to your chest; trying to slow your racing heart as you take in the angry figure of Neville Longbottom.
“I know it was you.” He states, enunciating every word as if they were its own sentence. “I know it was you that planted the enchanted chalk in my classroom.”
You place a hand on your heart, grinning, “I am hurt that you would accuse me of such a thing, Longbottom.”
He stalks towards you, pressing you into your desk. He’s so close that you can smell the dirt from the greenhouse; it’s become the scent you associate with him.
“I spoke to the Weasley twins.”
Your grin shifts into a sly smirk, “The jig is up, you’ve caught me red-handed.”
The atmosphere between the two of become charged. The electricity in the air becoming magnetic; stirring something deep within your gut. Your eyes run over his face; taking in the widened pupils and the deepened breathing. He’s feeling it too; feeling it just as intense as you.
You resist the urge to drag him in for a kiss. You resist the urge to taste him; to memorise every inch of him with your fingers and mouth.
“You feel it too, don’t you?” You ask, voice breathless. He pushes himself away from you, stepping away quickly as your words land.
Neville storms out of your classroom; running both hands through his hair with a frustrated groan. You watch him leave, trying to slow the racing of your heart to no avail. He had no idea the reaction he could pull from you, but you were also unaware of the reaction, you could evoke from him.
You push your hair back from your forehead as you analyse your feelings for the Herbology professor; wondering when they had started to lean more towards to love than hatred.
You need to consult someone or something whether it be your cards or your tea leaves; everything feels so gnarled and scrambled, it felt impossible to make heads or tails of it all.
Neville begins to enact his revenge a week later.
It starts with sitting next to you at the weekly briefings; sitting close enough to you where you can feel the warmth exuding from his body – sitting close enough to you where his thigh presses against yours. Through the briefing, he’d lean into you, whispering into your ear, asking for your thoughts. You clench the hand that’s resting on your thigh, and you feel rather than hear Neville’s amused snort at your action. He pulls away when McGonagall calls the end of the briefing and you’re left feeling suddenly cold at the lack of his touch.
He then moves onto catching your eye at every meal time. Upon which he smirks, running a hand over his jaw, not missing the way your eyes track the movement of his fingers. You turn away with a frown, drawing Professor Flitwick into a conversation about the latest journal on charms.
He decides to interrupt one of your lessons on the second day of his revenge. He enters your classroom using the ruse of searching for a student. Your mouth dries as you run your eyes up and down his body. His work overalls are tied at the waist; his muscles gloriously defined by a tight white t-shirt spattered with dirt from the plants, and the tattoos he got in memorial for the second wizarding war stand out against his lightly tanned skin.
In the years you had known Neville, you had watched him transform from a bumbling teenager into what could only be described as a Greek God.
The expression that falls across his face as you take in the sight of him makes it very clear to you that he knows exactly what he’s doing.
You refuse to let him see how he’s getting to you. You shift your attention back to your class; not missing the way Thomas Cresswell points at Frances Bainbridge across the room, calling for the outcome of their bet. You roll your eyes at Thomas and Frances as you let the student Neville came for leave the classroom.
“What are you doing?” You hiss at him on the third day of his revenge.
He smirks, “Absolutely nothing.”
“If this is your revenge for my prank, it’s messed up, Longbottom.”
Neville’s eyes widen; his face the picture of perfect innocence, “What makes you think that?”
He walks away before you can answer, leaving you questioning the last week of your life.
You finish your week confused and frustrated. The feelings that had always been present for Neville were riled up; you were thinking of him more often, remembering how his thigh felt pressed against yours and the attention he paid you from across the Great Hall at every meal time.
Your heart races every time you think of him, and your stomach erupts in butterflies. You  spend your free periods thinking of how he would feel pressed against you, and how his stubble would feel under your lips. More often than not, you would find yourself with your head in your hands, cursing the day you ever let the Herbology professor into your life.
It was the very last thing you wanted to do, but it was something you needed to do. A headache had been brewing now for three days, ever since Neville cooled off with his revenge for your chalkboard prank. The headache was making you sharper with your students that you intended to be.
This wasn’t a usual headache though; it had stemmed from your witches-eye - becoming a seer’s headache very quickly. The only way this could be relieved was to fall into it; opening your eye and being shown what you needed to see.
You find Neville in one of the many greenhouses dedicated to Herbology. He stands over the freshly potted Mandrakes, sprinkling fertiliser on them. You lean against the door to the greenhouse, rubbing the centre of your forehead. “Longbottom, I wouldn’t usually ask this of you, but I need access to the restricted greenhouse.”
Neville frowns, “Why would you need to go there?”
“There’s a plant I need. Would you please take me?”
“It’s nothing dangerous is it?”
You shake your head, refusing to speak as it would give away your lie.
Neville takes a set of keys from his pocket, searching for a minute for the lesser-used key. You follow him as he leads you to the restricted greenhouse. Such as with the library, the greenhouses had an area controlled against student use for it grew plants that were not only dangerous, but deadly. Mandrakes were one thing - the plants grown here had helped dark wizards gain fame, fortune, power, and all at a cost.
Neville waits at the door as you walk through the greenhouse, looking for the pale yellow flower covered in veins. You find it in little to no time at all, picking a few flowers from the plant. A petal would be fine for now; Henbane could be deadly if used in large quantities. Taking more than what you needed was your way of assuring that you wouldn’t need to bother Neville again.
You make your way back to Neville, smiling smally at the questioning expression on his face. “Did you get everything you need?” he asks.
You nod, patting the little bag in which you had stored the Henbane flowers, “I got it. Thank you, Neville.”
The walk back to the staff room is in silence. You make to walk back to your tower, ready to start the drying process for the Henbane flower, but a hand grips your wrist. You turn to find Neville holding you in place, “You’re being careful, aren’t you (Y/N)? There’s a reason that greenhouse is restricted.”
You pull your wrist from his grip, “I’ll be fine, Neville. Thanks for your concern.”
You walk away before he can say anything else.
Nothing felt clear; everything felt frazzled and vague. It was as if the very threads of your life had become a tangled, snarled mess. Your realisation of your feelings for Neville had left you in a lurch; you’ve caught him watching you multiples times now – all with a puzzled expression on his face, as if reliving the restricted greenhouse and the revenge from your prank on him.  
Your hands run over the top of scrying bowl. The bowl had been handed down to you by your grandmother who had been a powerful seer; it depicts the Triple Goddess in her three forms – maiden, mother, crone.
Incense fills your office; the scent of the Black Henbane given to you by Neville. Henbane had been demonised for centuries; scholars noting that it was used in ointments and could help with conjuring of spirits.
You inhale its smell; your witches-eye opening, more sensitive in the right environment. So few witches possessed the gifts of a seer, it was rare for you to use your talent – usually letting the prophecies and such come to you naturally.
But this was needed. You needed answers for why your tea leaves were conflicting and why your tarot readings were not making sense.
An ethereal voice calls out in greeting, signalling that you had reached the other side, “You called me, daughter.”
“The path is foggy, and I’ve lost my way. I thought I was certain but now I’m not.”
“There is no way forward that does not have him in it.”
“What do you mean?”
“The one who gave you the Henbane to call me forth. He is with you through it all.”
Neville? Neville.
“He doesn’t love me. He doesn’t even like me.”
“Do not be too sure, daughter.”
Your eyebrows pull together, a puzzled expression taking over your face. You knew your feelings for the professor had changed; had felt the long dormant passion flare again but there was nothing to be done about it.
The pull of the spirits is intoxicating; you can feel their hands on your shoulders and arms, caressing your face, pulling you closer and closer – begging you to help them find peace, to answer their questions, to help pay the ferryman but you cannot.
A male voice shouting your name has you refusing the screams of the spirits.
The voice shouts again; it’s closer now, corporeal hands shake your shoulders in an attempt to pull you out of your trance, but there’s no luck.
The goddess bids you farewell before everything falls black.
Your vision comes back to you slowly; black spots still dancing across your view of the vaulted ceiling of the hospital wing. You groan at the pounding in your head, bringing a hand up to rub at your forehead.
“(Y/N)?” A male voice asks; a familiar voice.
The feeling of a cool cloth being pressed to your forehead has you sighing in relief, “That feels nice.”
Neville’s face comes into view; his eyes run over your face, checking for what – you don’t know.  “You’ve been in contact with higher powers – that’s why you asked for Black Henbane, isn’t it?”
You take the cool cloth from him, “I needed to see something.”
“You put yourself at risk doing this.” Neville bluntly states.
You groan, “I know.”
“Was it worth it?” He asks, narrowing his eyes, “Did you get your answers?”
You nod, averting your eyes – focusing on the vaulted ceiling rather than the man sitting next to you. Shame washes over you from the tone of his voice – reproach mixed with something akin to worry. You smile a little, “Neville Longbottom,” you tease, “Were you worried about me?”
“What was so important that you needed to contact higher powers? You know how addicting they can be!” He chides; ignoring your question completely.
You purse your lips, refusing to answer.
Neville leans forward in his chair, bracing his elbows on his knees, “What was so important?”
“I don’t want to tell you.”
“I was the one who found you, did you know that? I found you bent over your scrying bowl, talking to spirits and the higher powers. It was me who pulled you out before they could take something more permanent.”
“And I’m grateful for that, Neville.”
“But you won’t tell me why you had to consult them?”
You push yourself into a sitting position slowly; pausing only to stave off the wave of dizziness and nausea. Neville stands, his hands outstretched to help but you wave him away, telling him you’re okay. He doesn’t look like his believes you, but he steps back, nonetheless.
“I needed some answers about my future, about my feelings. It’s all so blurred, even my tea leaves don’t make sense!”
“So you decided to use your scrying bowl? (Y/N), you had trouble with this when we were students.”
“I’m surprised you remember.”
“Of course I remember, why wouldn’t I?”
“We weren’t exactly the best of friends.”
“That doesn’t mean I didn’t notice you.”
“You noticed me?”
“I always notice you, that’s how I found you. You asking for Black Henbane had me consulting my own textbooks and when I read it was used to help see the future more clearly, I followed you.”
You both lapse into a heavy, charged silence. Neville throws his hands in the air before setting them on his hips as he paces the two steps in front of your bed. You want to groan in frustration; want to scream and shout but it would do no good.
“What are we doing, Neville?” You finally ask, voice tired and head foggy.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean us. The pranks, the teasing, the unresolved tension.”
Neville sits back down, crossing his arms, “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”
You pull the cloth from your forehead, glaring at the brunette, “Oh that’s a load of bullshit and you know it.”
He glares in return but doesn’t say a word.
“We have been dancing around this for years, Neville. I’m sick of having to pretend I hate you.”
“You don’t hate me?”
You shake your head, “You piss me the fuck off, but I don’t hate you.”
“I don’t hate you either.” He whispers.
“So what do we do?”
“Honestly, I’d like to take you out to dinner,” Neville states, confidence running through his body.
“What’s wrong with dinner?”
You bite your lip, running your eyes over him. He’s standing again, as if unable to sit still through this conversation. His eyes are bright with happiness and another emotion you can’t quite put your finger on; he’s entirely delectable. Merlin, in for a penny, as the muggles say, “How about we skip dinner and go to back to my rooms?”
Neville leans in close; his breath fanning over your face. He smells like recently mown grass, freshly fallen rain, and a hint of lime. It’s intoxicating. His eyes search yours for permission; you granting it as you tilt your face up to meet his, you close your eyes at his proximity, taking it all in. He lightly brushes his lips against yours, with a feather-light pressure that has you chasing him for more. He pulls away with a light chuckle at the look of frustration on your face.
“After dinner,” he promises.
The note of promise in his voice has your breath quickening and your toes curling. In the time that you had known this man, you had hated him but now, all you did was crave him.
His touch, his look, his attention. The goddess had promised you that there was no version of your future without him in it, and now...
And now, you were more than ready for that future.
“I’ll hold you to that.” You murmur, breathless from the thoughts running through your head.
A month later:
Neville finds you in your classroom writing the information for your first lesson of the day on the board in chalk. He leans against the door as he closes it. Neville watches you; his eyes running over every curve and dip in your body, thinking of how less than twelve hours ago he was worshipping it with his mouth and hands. He bites down a groan at the memory; your gasps and moans echoing in his ear – he can still feel the dull ache of the scratches on his back, from your fingernails reaching for purchase.
He struts over to you; enjoying the surprised yelp that leaves your mouth as his arms wrap around your stomach, but he loves the way you soon relax into him, your hands coming to rest on top of his. Neville presses a kiss to the crook between your neck and ear, smirking against your skin as he hears your breath hitch.
Neville leans close, his mouth to your ear, “I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.”
You hum happily, arching into the touch of his hands as they trail lower, starting to undo the fastenings to your skirt.
You knew he would come; you’d played another prank on him, but this time you knew what the outcome would be.
You turn your face, pressing your lips to his cheek before trailing them across his jawbone, enjoying the look of your lipstick staining his skin. “What did you have in mind?” you whisper, breathless from the excitement coursing through your veins.
He smirks as he bends you face down over your desk.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ @harrypotter289​ @dreamer821​ @kalimagik​ @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @the-hufflefluffwriter​ @figlia--della--luna​ @bforbroadway​ @idont-knowrn​ @summer-writes​
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twistedlymad · 4 years
UwU Your writing is amazing !!!!! I loved the puppy and cat escapades \ ^o^ / . Would you be willing to do one in wich the mc is bullied by the extras, because you know, no magic and already a director, how would the boys react?? Will this be the end of the extras?!?? Ill be eternally gratefull. iTs okay if you cant throug. Hope you have a wonderfull day, and dont forget to drink plenty of water, and take breakes. Take care of yourself!!!!
Originally, I had planned this to be another chaos fic, but, I realize while writing this, that bullying is something that cannot be taken lightly. In the Twst Fandom, we also had our fair share of bullying from a few anons and that isn’t okay. 
So, in writing this fic, I made it more sentimental and just so you guys know, if you’re having a bad day or a bad time in general, feel free to talk to anyone, including me! Do not ever hold in your sadness. 
But anyway, I hope this fic lives up to your expectations anon! Thank you for requesting and have a lovely day!
What if you got bullied? (Ft. Everyone!!)
What was supposed to be a great day, turned out to be the worst day you could ever have at Night Raven College.
Your day started off normally, in fact, it started off well! You woke up with a good mood. You saw the furball that you loved so much beside you, sleeping peacefully. You smiled as you gently shook him awake.
“Grim, wake up, it’s already morning.”
“Fgnaaaaa, five… more minutes…” The sleeping creature said, swatting your hand away. You just shook your head at his antics.
“No can do, remember what Crowley would do if he caught us being late again.” You said and the creature’s eyes immediately shot opened and he jumped out of the bed, scurrying about to get ready for the day. You saw his slightly panicking self and giggled to yourself.
“(Y/N)! We shouldn’t be dancing and prancing! If we do, we’re going to be late!” Said the creature as he saw you heading over to your closet in a small waltz.
“Oh, Grim, I woke you up 10 minutes earlier than usual.” You said as you grabbed your uniform and headed to the bathroom. “You have 10 minutes to spare, take your time.” And you left the mumbling little furball in the room, face planting himself back into the bed after hearing your words.
The first half of your day had gone by rather quick and uneventful, not that you were complaining though. It’s nice to not have fights and chaos to settle every once in a while. You had a lot of laughs and smiles here and there with your group of first-year goofballs.
However, your peaceful day was about to turn upside down.
You were walking back to your classroom. Your friends were reserving your spot in Professor Trein’s class while you went to Crowley’s office to take care of some business involving Ramshackle Dorm. You and Grim made your way down the hall to the class.
Some students saw this and thought it was a great opportunity to make you trip and fall. So, one of them stuck out his leg while you were making you were walking. You didn’t have enough time to react and ended up falling for their antics. You immediately turned your body around so Grim, who was in your hands, would be shielded using your body. Your back hit the ground, HARD. A few gasps here and there were heard.
Grim rose his head from your chest to see you using your elbow to prompt yourself up.
“Fgnaaa! (Y/N)!” The furball immediately went to help you up by providing some support.
“Oh, sorry, didn’t see you there.” The student who tripped you said as his friends were laughing.
“School rules say that no magic or fights are allowed on school grounds.” His friends snickered.
“I’m fine… Just… Let me get up.” You said to Grim, who was still helping you.
“Pffft, look at her, so defenseless, she shouldn’t even be at this school!” The student said harshly.
“Hello?! Night Raven College is a place for prestigious mages. Not humans who can’t use magic and defend themselves.” Another student said to you.
“And to think she’s a prefect! Hahahahaha! You couldn’t even compare to the other dorm leaders!” His friend added and they all agreed.
“Looks like Crowley had made a huge mistake in bringing you here, why don’t you just crawl back to that sad excuse for a dorm of yours alongside your lousy furball!” And the group of students cackled at their snarky comments about you.
You just drooped your head down. Even though you didn’t want to admit it, but, they were right.
You had no magic, you were ridiculed at the entrance ceremony but, Crowley still gave you a place to stay and he even made you an official student here. While others struggled in getting here, you sort of knew why they hated you.
You tried your best to hold in your tears as you felt them pricking at the corner of your eyes while your friends defended you.
But, one comment had pushed past your boundaries.
“You’re not even considered to be human in my eyes! To me, you’re just trash. Go find a trash can and make yourself at home!”
Was… Was this what the other students really thought about you? Trash? Useless? No value? You closed your eyes, taking everything in, ignoring everything and everyone else around you. And proceeded to walk away without saying a single word.
Grim shouted for you but you payed no attention to him and just kept speed walking. Your walking slowly became running and you were then running as fast as you could, just letting your legs lead the way. After awhile of running at full speed, you had slowed down and stopped to take a breather. You looked around to see where you were in order for you to get back to school if needed.
However, you were back at Ramshackle Dorm. Your dorm. The tears you had been holding back flowed out as you took slow steps to the dorm you loved. You went in and closed the door behind you. Leaning your back against the door, you cried out your heart as you slowly slid down.
All the student’s words are stuck in your head, reminding you of what everyone else thinks of you. Your tears just kept flowing as you used your sleeves to wipe them away.
‘They’re right, I’m not meant to be here in the first place.’ You thought to yourself. ‘If everyone hates me so, then, I should just disappear.’ You said in your mind as you stood up and went to your room.
You packed some clothing and madol, ready to leave and hopefully start a new life outside of Night Raven College. You stuffed everything into a duffel bag and went to the main entrance of your dorm. You placed your hand on the doorknob, thinking of a route to leave the school undetected. But when you opened the door…
You were faced with everyone you ever knew.
And I mean everyone! Your group of best friends, the dorm-leaders and your seniors. They were all gathered in front of your dorm.
“Ahh! (Y/N)!! I’m so glad we found you!” Ace said as he, Deuce, Epel, Jack, Sebek and Grim came to hug you. You were surprised, too shocked to even register what had happened.
“We heard about the incident today, we already reported it to the headmaster.” Riddle said.
“But the first-years also reported that you were nowhere to be found. So, we came looking for you and your dorm was the only place we haven’t checked.” Azul continued.
“So, we all gathered here after our search!” Kalim concluded. The first-year boys pulled away from their hug and they noticed your bag.
“(Y/N)? What’s going on? Why are you leaving?” Epel asked you. Your eyes slowly travelled to the bag.
“Um…” You started but Deuce cut you off.
“Is it because of those damned students?” Deuce asked you. “Did they threaten you?”
Now, everyone’s eyes were on you. You averted their stares by lowering your head.
“No…” You said, dropping the duffel bag.
“They didn’t threaten me. But, what they said was true, was it not?” You lifted your head to let everyone see your tear-filled eyes. “I am just a human, I don’t possess any magic powers and yet here I am in this school for magicians. Not only that, but I am also the dorm leader for this dorm and I have been made a prefect! Isn’t that unfair to everyone else?” You said out loud, letting everyone hear you.
“I understand why they would have these kinds of thoughts. I understand why they hate me. That’s why I thought that if I have left, no one would have these kinds of thoughts ever again. After, I am the problem, aren’t I?” You concluded.
Truth be told, the boys were shocked. They… They have never seen this side of you. Heck, they never thought you would be capable of producing these types of thoughts. In their eyes, you were always so cheerful and kind, even when things got out of hand, you would remain calm and solve the problem to the best of your abilities. To think someone this pure and precious to them would have such depressing and degrading thoughts is beyond them.
However, this shocked Grim the most. The creature practically lived with you for so long and he didn’t even have a single clue of this side of you was scaring him.
“No, you’re wrong.” Grim lowly mumbled, but you couldn’t hear him.
“What?” You asked the furball.
“YOU’RE WRONG!” He practically screamed at you.
“Grim-chan…” Cater said softly.
“Even if you did leave, their thoughts won’t change! You’re not the problem! It’s them!” The furball yelled to you. Everyone was taken aback by Grim’s sudden outburst. But the first-years were quick to back him up.
“That’s right! It’s not your fault (Y/N)!” Ace said to you.
“Students at NRC are picked by the mirror of darkness. No one can easily come and go in this school.” Leona reminded everyone.
“Exactly, you arrived here for a reason.” Rook said.
“You assisted us with our overblots, not every child of man could do that.” Malleus said, representing every dorm leader.
“You had us working together in sync during the Inter-High Magift Tournament.” Ruggie added.
“You brought us together as friends.” Sebek stated.
“Most importantly, you let me have a place here at NRC. Because of you, we were only able to attend the school as a student.” Grim said. “No one has ever done something like that for me before.” The creature said as he slowly crawled up to you.
Everyone’s words had stunned you. You were so busy thinking about the negative comments about you, you forgot about all your relationships with your friends and seniors.
Like, how you always had tea in Heartslabyul. Riddle would always invite you to have tea with him and the others, you would enjoy the peacefulness of the dorm under the supervision of their dorm leader. Trey would always ask for your help in the kitchen and you would have a fun time with him while making sweets and desserts for everyone. Cater would whisk you away to either a selfie-session in the dorm’s gardens or a photoshoot in any new place that the he had found to be photogenic. Ace and Deuce would invite you to play croquet with them from time to time, of course, you were very careful with the flamingos and hedgehogs as you didn’t want to hurt any of them, but, you couldn’t resist in using the flamingo to bonk on either Ace’s or Deuce’s head every once in awhile. It’s okay though, the flamingo understood completely.
Like, how you always trained yourself in Savanaclaw. Leona would sometimes go easy on you if you were invited to join one of their many Magift activities, although, you weren’t sure if he was pitying you or he was just being lazy in general. You would help Ruggie prepare food for everyone as you knew he could use an extra hand or two, it also meant you could pick up a new recipe here and there and you got to taste test all the food. Jogging sessions with Jack were also a normal thing, hey, if you’re going to be joining in Magift tournaments without magic powers, the least you could do is train yourself physically.
Like, how you always felt welcomed at Octavinelle. Azul would welcome you into the VIP lounge when Mostro Lounge was extremely busy and you couldn’t find a place to sit at. You would also help out around Mostro Lounge when you saw that the place was packed to the brim. Usually, Jade would entrust you with drinks while he and Floyd went to prepare food for everyone else. When Mostro Lounge closed its doors for the day, you would enjoy some tea with the three underwater mermen or you and Grim would play around with Floyd, pranking other students and dorm leaders. Heck, you and Floyd even pulled off a few enormous pranks against the staff members.
Like, how you would be invited to feasts and parties at Scarabia. Kalim would always have a big smile on his face whenever he invited you to go dine with him at Scarabia. Jamil always appreciated your help in the dorm, let it be helping him prepare food for the party that Kalim had just decided to have five minutes ago or just keeping an eye on the dorm leader while he went to settle some other business involving the dorm.
Like, how you would have small makeovers at Pomefiore. Every time you walked past the beauty-queen/king, you were immediately stopped by him, because either your bow or tie was crooked or your hair was a mess, well no matter the case, Vil would fix it for you. When you visited Pomefiore from time to time, Vil would take the chance to give you high quality beauty products to try and he would always go on a rant on how you should always take care of your image. Sometimes, Rook would sweep you away just to go on a mini hunt with him. Although, let’s be real here, you two always ended up spying on Leona at the Botanical Gardens while he skipped his classes. Epel would whisk you away to his room and teach you to on how to carve apples. You managed to carve a few of the staff members and even your friends onto the apples, of course, you would carve on a few extra features onto your masterpieces. Like, say, a moustache for Ace or funky-looking ears for Crowley. You also helped to keep Epel in check whenever Vil and Rook were teaching the first-years on table manners and proper etiquette.
Like, how you would enjoy mini-gaming sessions at Ignihyde. Usually, you would initiate the session with Idia. You two ended up playing both Co-Op and PvP games. While playing games that require you to cooperate, the two of you would discuss your plans and pick out the best course of action. The same cannot be said for Free-For-All games though. A few minor insults here and there are thrown between the two of you. But at the end, the victor will always do a little happy dance before continuing onto the next game. You loved Ortho like your own brother! Always treating him to various desserts and helping him drag his brother out from his room. Ortho looks up to you like a sister as well. There may have been a few times he’s actually called you big sis.
Like, how you would go on quaint little walks at Diasomnia. If you needed a breather, you would usually find yourself at Diasomnia. Due to a large forest surrounding the building and the silent atmosphere the dorm provides, it is the exact place where you would go to take a walk to clear your mind. Malleus would sometimes accompany you on these quaint little walks. You and Tsunotaro would chat about your everyday lives and problems the first-years would create. Lilia would make some tea for you after your walks and you would enjoy the tea and bits of biscuits and crumpets alongside the tea. You would also break up arguments between Silver and Sebek. The two would get into fights about the tiniest of things, from blaming each other for losing track of Malleus to blaming each other for not preparing for a test. Sometimes, Silver would accompany you on your walk instead of Malleus and you two would also have little chats here and there. Other than that, Sebek’s view of you actually improved after befriending him. He used to think you were a powerless human as well but after spending time with him and your friends, he realizes that you aren’t just any human being.
But for Grim, you had the greatest impact in his life. You accepted him, you took care of him, you loved him. And he loved you back, just as much. To him, you were his family since he had never had one.
In conclusion, you matter.
You. Are. Of. Value.
You are precious to them, you bring peace to them, you brought them together as a whole.
Once that thought had nested in your brain, you realized that you were foolish in having these thoughts in the first place.
“I’m sorry…” You said, crying. Grim went and hugged you.
“It’s not your fault… Just know that we’re here for you.” Said the furball as everyone also came and comforted you. You had spent the day with them as a whole, you watched a few movies, horror movies in that case. It was fun hearing the dorm leaders and their members scream shout yell made a loud sound whenever a jumpscare appeared.
You guys also played games together, but, I am not allowed to share any details because I actually know nothing. No, I’m totally not being threatened here Reader-san, don’t worry about me.
Send help pls.
Also, after the bullying incident, the boys were a bit more protective around you when in class/school. Usually, your group of first-years would accompany you wherever you go, let it be from your dorm to the cafeteria or from the class to another dorm, at least one of them will be at your side. And when they couldn’t be there, either a dorm leader or an upperclassman would be near you. Any student who seem like they have bad intentions to either you or Grim, would face unspeakable consequences.
And I mean unspeakable. So, I cannot inform you of these consequences as I am under an oath to not reveal anything. Um. Yeah. Good luck persuading the boys to tell you : )
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atsukashii · 4 years
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CHARACTERS: katsuki + shoto + izuku + hitoshi +
REQUEST:  » Anonymous said: hiii 💕💕 i haven’t seen this before but could you maybe write bakugou, todoroki, midoriya and shinso reacting to mineta messing with their s/o :) thank youuu
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➛ Ever since you had started dating Bakugou, Mineta had mostly stopped any comments about you, fearing the explosive blonde would kill him. And there have been many times where Katsuki almost has, and this was definitely one of those times
All of your class is at the pool, enjoying taking a breather from hero work and just relaxing. It’s towards the end of your school term, and you’ve got a week to study before your final exams, but with the crazy year, you all managed to convince Mr. Aizawa to give you all permission to use the pool to relax
The girls had convinced you to wear a bikini, one that you knew would get a reaction out of your boyfriend, and it did. He had two immediate reactions. The first was he blushed… a lot… then the second he tried to shove his shirt over your shoulders, trying to hide you from people. He got over that mighty quick when you and Kirishima began comparing the sizes of your biceps. He could deal with this and behave himself for ones
The boys are sitting around the pool chatting as you girls all play volleyball in the water. Someone mentions a race but you aren’t paying attention to their conversation. The second you had tried to drool over your topless boyfriend, you had received a volleyball to the face. Lesson learnt. Play now, stare at Katsuki later.
You’re all having fun until your two friends Kirishima and Kaminari bomb dive next yo you right as you go to hit the ball. A massive wave pushes you under for a second and you feel a snap. Holy fuck your top just broke. In the current created, you feel it move from your body and you squawk loudly. Mina and the other girls notice immediately and dive towards you, creating a barrier. Tsu immediately goes under, trying to locate the lost item of clothing
The boys turn around quickly hands over there eyes to give you privacy and from the sudden bark from your very pissed off boyfriend, who notices your panic and mortification and dives in to the pool immediately with his t-shirt in hand. Once he reaches you, he helps you put it over your head - grateful that Bakugou has a thing for black clothing.
 “Where the fuck is your top?”
“I don’t know!!!” You’re almost in tears until there’s a loud “DUDE WTF!?” and your eyes follow Kaminari’s gaze until they land on Mineta on the other side of the pool. Your blue bikini top in his hand and a blissfully disgusting smile on his face.
Katsuki doesn’t even hesitate. “I’m going to blast your ass to hell you fucking extra!” he shouts jumping out of the pool and using his quirk to propel him forwards. 
and that was the day that you almost witnessed your boyfriend commit murder.
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➛ Shoto may just be the deadliest out of them all... and hear me out. No one really questioned it when you began to wear baggier clothes around the dorms.  It wasn’t as if you wore tight clothes before, but now, all your clothes dwarfed your figure. A figure that a little purple asshole liked to talk about too much.
It had started after you had been on your way to class. You were walking in to your classroom when you heard Mineta’s voice. “I mean, Mina is maybe a seven, but y/n’s an absolute ten. She’s got perky tits and a great ass. Easy ten.” You had never felt more objectified in your entire life then at that point of time.
From that point on, you couldn’t get it out of your head. You became somewhat paranoid when you were around Mineta, which then changed to a lot of people. Were they looking at you? Were your boobs really perky… you thought they were too small… surely everyone thinks that too… right??
It became almost a vicious cycle of paranoia that then led to you wearing baggy clothes. If they couldn’t see your figure, they would’t care. Logic… right?
Your boyfriend however noticed the second you had decided to wear one of his shirts down to the common room. He didn’t mind, thinking you look much better in his clothes then he does, but he knows that somethings up.
Shouto knows you and knows to give you some space to sort it out on your own, knowing about your insecurities already, so he lets it go. But then that day becomes a week, and one week becomes two, and suddenly he can’t stand it. You look terrified all the time, you’re jumpy and he’s heard you crying in your room on multiple occasions.
You’re sitting at your desk, dwarfed in one of Shouto’s sweaters and some sweatpants when he comes in, leaning down over a textbook. You hear him come in, and turn so fast you almost fall off your chair in surprise from the sudden entrance. Once you notice it's him, you relax slightly.
“Hey, what’s up?” You try to say lightly, but he’s not buying it. Shouto walks over to you and squats down in front of your chair.
“What’s going on Y/n?” that’s all it takes before you break down. Your sobbing into your hands and your boyfriend pulls you close to your chest before brushing your head softly. He listens to you explain what happened, where your head is at, and just what you have been feeling. When you’re done, he tilts your head to look up at him and he gently kisses your forehead.
“Please tell me the next time he does this Y/n. No man or woman deserves to be objectified like that. Especially you. You are one of the most incredible and intelligent people I know.” You promise to tell him next time, and you leave it at that
The next day, you feel confident enough by Shouto’s words to wear your regular clothes, but you’re keeping the ones of his you stole because hello, they’re comfy as heck.
You walk into the classroom to see Mineta frozen to his chair, and no one is surprised by that. Shouto just shrugs when you look at him. 
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➛ Mineta messing with the girls in your class was nothing new, and normally everyone (especially the guys) was really good at stopping him from taking it too far. and not going to lie here, dating Izuku had stopped him from messing with you a fair amount because although your boyfriend was happy and smiling a lot of the time,  he was a weapon when pissed off, and nothing made him more fucking mad then you being messed with as he had been bullied as a kid - and just because he had fucking manners. 
so one day, Mineta goes there and oh boy. Izuku’s not there when it happens thank god because you would have been a witness to murder if he had
you’re in the common room, sitting with Ochako and Tenya attempting to study. You and Ochako happily took the offer to get tutoring from your friend because he was really damn smart and you guys weren’t dumb, just not as smart as he was. You are sitting on the floor still in your school uniform when Ochako asks a question, so you get on your knees and reach across the table pointing something out to her, the one thing Iida explained that you actually get.
You think you hear something, but brush it off until there’s a familiar mumble that has chills -and not the good kind- going up your spine. Instinctively, you pull your skirt further down over your ass just in case but it’s too late. You turn around and see Mineta, standing there with his phone, a blissful smile on his mouth and drool almost coming out of his mouth. 
You stare at him, flushed with embarrassment and mortification before the other two with you catch on.
“Mineta...did you just” Ochako frowns before shaking her head, steam practically coming out of her ears.
“Mineta! That is absolutely not appropriate and a major invasion of privacy. I ask that you delete it right now, or I will have to go to Mr. Aizawa.” Iida says, standing from his spot before the little purple-headed asshole clutches his phone to his chest.
“Not a chance, this is a money shot!” His words make you want to puke. You’re so mad and embarrassed that it makes you almost begin to cry with frustration. You go to open your mouth when your boyfriend walks through the doorway, dressed in workout gear, and you know that he had been training with All Might again. 
“Hey guys,” Izuku says smiling before he sees your face and the tense room. His eyes study you for a second before looking at Mineta. “What happened?” Mineta clutches his phone tighter to his chest and utters out something intangible before trying to make a break for the stairs. You have tears in your eyes and that’s Izuku’s last straw. Green lightning zaps to life on his body and using his quirk, he propels himself forward in front of Mineta and grabs the phone from him. He sees the picture on the screen and there’s a quiet crack. He glares at Mineta, something that looks so dangerous it gives you chills again and the phone crumples in his hand. 
“If you take a picture like that again without someone’s permission, I’ll make this look like nothing.” he threatens, and you gulp as he hands Mineta back his now broken phone, and the boy sprints from the room. Walking back to you, Izuku pulls you into him and places a kiss on your head. And instantly you feel better
“I’m so sorry he did that y/n, I’ll make sure he doesn’t do it again.” And Mineta never does. 
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➛ Normally, you would spend your lunches in the cafeteria with your boyfriend Hitoshi, talking about anything and everything, but today, you can’t seem to bring yourself to walk through the doors
Not even twenty minutes ago, you had been in class training when you were thrown by your sparing partner - accidentally - into the wall where you had landed on a certain purple haired creep. Normally you were pretty good at ignoring his comments about your body, but if was one thing to talk about them, and another to physically grab them. Because that was what Mineta had done to you when you had the misfortune of landing on him. 
You were speechless, and utterly ashamed of what had happened. He had freaked you out so much you felt yourself retreating back inside your head as the day went on. You hated it, but couldn’t help it.
You felt so violated... someone had touched you inappropriately, and someone that wasn’t even your boyfriend... oh my god shinsou... Oh my god does that classify as cheating?
You quickly run from the door of the cafeteria, unable to face your boyfriend. Unknownst to you at the time, your said boyfriend was watching you from inside the crowded room, and quickly excused himself when he saw your hurrried escape. He finds you outside, sitting under the shade of a tree, your knees to your chest and your head in the crook of your elbow. 
“y/n?” you look up at his voice, and just burst into tears. You can’t seem to stop them as he sits down next to you and pulls you onto his lap, holding your head into his neck. “Hey, it’s okay. Tell me whats wrong.” and you do. You tell him about everything that had happened today, and you felt the rage settle into him. His muscles tensed beneath you, and his breathing became sharp.
“He touched you?!” He  pulls back enough to look back at you. You had stopped crying, and were just resting limply against him. 
“Yeah, it kind of freaked me out...” you whisper, and he lets out a choked noise.
“Of course it did! It’s so wrong y/n!” So he had just sat there the entire lunch with you, not caring for his food, holding you close and telling you anything that came to his mind to make you feel better. And it worked. By the time you had returned to class (where Shinsou had walked you to the door) you felt somewhat ready to face the world again.
It however wasn’t until the next day that everyone discovers the repercussions of messing with you. You and your classmates where on their way to class when you hear a loud wailing, and you find Aizawa standing at the bottom of light post, where... mineta, of all people, is handing by his undies. He’s crying out in pain, tears in his eyes, and you all just stand there shocked. He obviously used his quirk to get himself up there, and you cant help but feel some sort of gratification at the sight. 
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©️ 2021 all rights reserved to atsukashii, do not change, edit, translate, or repost any works on any platform.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Room Service.”
“How is he?’
“As good as he can be given the situation.”
“And how good is that?”
“Not good. No good at all.”
Ramirez, Dr. katie and krill peered in through the doorway, trying to be discreet so the figure inside might not notice their presence. He stood alone on the bridge, in the dimmed light of the late hour rimmed only by the glowing neon of the console lights.
“Someone should talk to him.” “Not me, I am defective in human emotions.” Krill announced 
“I talked to him last time.” Katie said, turning to look pointedly at Ramirez.
Ramirez nodded, gathered himself up, and then stepped onto the bridge, his boots quiet on the floor as he moved across the intervening space.
Gently, he reached out a hand and placed it on the other man’s shoulder, “Adam… it's getting kind of late.”
Adam didn’t even bother to look over at him. Though the dim lighting did much to hide his gaunt appearance, it was still evident through his sunken eyes, scruffy hair, and weak old facial growth that he was not himself.
“Tell Dr. Katie and krill that they can stop spying on me and head to bed.”
Ramirez paused before continuing with some measure of guilt, “They are just worried about you, you’ve hardly slept, barely eaten and-”
“One month Ramirez, Shs been gone ONE month and only God knows what they are doing to her.” He shivered, his single, haunted green eye welling with moisture in the light of the console.
The tears did not fall.
“Somewhere out there some BASTARDS are cutting her to pieces. And I… I can’t find her Ramirez.”
He took a deep tortured breath, one arm around his chest, the other hand cupping his chin, running a thumb over the scruffy growth on his face and chin.
Ramirez kept a hand on his shoulder opened his mouth and then closed it again. What should he say what ‘could’ he say to something like this.
He turned his head looking Ramirez in the eye for the first time that night, and in the sharper light his appearance only grew worse, like a man who hadn’t gotten out of bed in a month…. Or in this case…. A man who hadn’t gone to bed in a month.
“I… I love her Ramirez…. I don’t know what I’ll do without her.”
The revelation didn’t surprise Ramirez, not in the slightest.
He squeezed Adam’s shoulder, “I know…. I know.”
Sunny lay on the floor of her ‘cage’ listening to the sound of a circular saw. Something that had only grown more and more common in her life over the past month…. Or at latest she thought it might have been a month. Then again to her, it felt like a year.
She didn’t even bother to lift her head, and she was too weak anyway, the drugs had that effect. If they really wanted, they probably could have left her unchained: she wouldn't have been able to lift her head, much less move.
One of her captors grunted and as he did there came a sort of crunching squelching noise as he pulled the Rest of the Drev’s carapace from his deceased corpse. The body rocked and then stayed limp against the ground. The man dropped the carapace to the side with a grunt.
“What did I say about damaging the goods.”
“We are just going to grind it up anyway so don’t even give me that.” The man paused as he looked over his handiwork, wiping orange gore from his hands and onto his pants, “never had this much of it at once.”
“Yeah and now we gotta ration it so as not to lower our prices.”
The second man looked over at the remaining Drev with narrowed eyes, “Guess this means you scarabs get  break for a little while, now isn’t that nic.”
Sunny shivered feeling the cold of her skin on the bare floor. Aside from that chip taken from her shoulder, they had begun their real rituals on the forearm of her lower left, slowly stripping the carapace away in small chunks the perfect size to be bottled. A good portion of her forearm was raw and sensitive to the cold in the room. It made her sick to look at, and angry, but threw as nothing she could do. She had been continually sedated for the past month, and if she wasn’t she had been enclosed inside that steel box before being gassed.
All in all, there was no avenue of escape, and if there had been, she certainly would have tried.
Darkness shrouded her vision and she spent her last moments of consciousness staring idly at the other Drev lying prone in the darkness.
Adam jolted upright in his chair not having realised he had fallen asleep. He wasn’t sure what had woken him at first, until the soft sounds of feet registered to him from across the room.
He turned in his seat, only to see a large huling shape approach him from the doorway. Blue light glowed over the red carapace and Adam stood. Cannon, the only other person he trusted to understand what he was feeling. Golden eyes flashed at him from the darkness blazing with as much anger as he felt.
“Something wrong Cannon.”
“I just got a call.”
He hurried forward eager to hear, “What.”
“Some old friends back on Noctopolis was offered a vile of green liquid from a buyer. He claimed it had all natural contents, and could be used for a variety of ailments and beauty regimes. The bottle alone cost over 100,000 dollars.”
Adam gritted his teeth hands clenching into fists, “Does he know where to find this “Buyer”?”
Cannan nodded his large head, “He says he knows where he is staying, but is just a lead…. And…. well I… I was planning on looking into it myself. Conventional methods  aren’t working, and I’m tired of sitting around as I know you are too.”
Adam’s knuckles grew white, “Where is this lead?”
Toni sat in his hotel room resting on the bed and switching rather mechanically through the channels. He ha two pillows behind his back and wore nothing but a shirt and boxer shorts. He had always thought that alien TV was sort of weird, and personally didn’t like the creatures himself, but it was lucrative business, and he was willing to deal with a few bug-like creeps if it meant getting paid exorbitant amounts of money. Even taking a ten percent for each sail, and making a sail only once a month, that was 10,000 dollars a pop beside his other gigs, which made him a very, very wealthy man.
A very wealthy man who definitely could have chosen better lodgings, but somehow still liked the aesthetic of back alley seedy motels. There was just something about the distantly loud music and the couples fighting in the next room that reminded him of home, not his own home, for his childhood and been surprisingly normal, but his home back on earth in his little apparent in the understreets of New York.
He glanced over at the side table, where his last vial was sitting, glittering in the overhead light., a bright electric blue.he bet he could sell it for a markup without the boss knowing, and maybe squeeze a little more cash out of the sail without anyone being the weiser. Besides, its not like anyone was going to miss money the didn’t expect to have.
The thought made him smile. 
He sighed deeply and leaned back in the pillows, closing his eyes halfway as he prepared to fade into a sort of fitful sleep.
And that is when the loud knocking came on the door.
He jolted upright cursing and sat up.
The knocking came again and he cursed violently throwing his feet over the side of the bed, “Coming!”
Feet sticking slightly against the rather tacky carpet, he walked up to the door and peered through the peep-hole. outside , he saw a man standing with a stack of towels and growled. He didn’t remember ordering more towels.
Still, he tugged the door open, “Wha-”
His voice died on his lips. The man who stood before him raised his head, scruffy unkempt and with murder in his eyes, and right behind him, outside of view of the peephole, was a massive Red drev.
“Room service.” The man said, holding up a stack of towels, and before Toni could react, the man used the towels to cushion the sound of his punch, a punch that was so powerful it sent Tony reeling backwards onto the sticky carpet.
Both man and Drev stepped into the room letting the door snap shut behind them.
It was only then that Toni noticed what the man was wearing.
A metal exoskeleton of shiny silver metal and whirring actuators.
He knew what tat was.
Iron eye armor.
He had sold one on the black market not so many months ago.
Which meant he knew what it could do. 
He crawled back across te floor hands over his face, “please don’t… I y-you got the wrong guy I… I don’t-”
The man reached down with both hands and hauled him into the air as if he were a kitten. The suit he wore hissing and spitting below him like a dragon, “I think the fuck not.” His human eye rolled wildly in his head, but Teri culdnt help but notice the mechanical eye fixated upon him at that moment, the appriture zeroed in on him like a targeting system, which it might well have been. He knew Tesraki work when he saw it.
The man paused and turned just in time or the two of them to see the Drev pick the blue vile up from the bedside table. In that moment of horrible silence, Teri knew what was coming next.
He heard the appriture of the mechanical snap shut zeroing in on him, and then an explosion of pain through his back and body as he was slammed into the floor.
“WHERE DID YOU GET THIS!” the man screamed 
He gasped and choked even as he was slammed into the floor again.
The big Drev was holding up the vile now, holding it up like a conviction. A sword held over his head.
The green eyed man was so mad with rage that he feared he would die before he could even answer.
But he calmed down just enough, to allow him a breather and to choke out he words.
“A….an old f-friend told me to sell… it.” He choked out his voice high and squeaking past his rapidly crushed airway.
“Where are they!” The man snarled, teeth barred little drops of spittle flying from his mouth and reflected in the seedy dim light above. His pale skin was so red with pure rage that he wouldn’t have been surprised if the man burst a blood vessel.”
He thought about the money of course.
Thought about how much he would lose if he told this man.
Thought about losing a good seller and buyer.
Thought about all the money he had in the bank right now.
And quickly determined that he had rough to buy a small moon to retire.
“Ok ok! I don’t know where he is exactly!>” The man’s face screwed up into a look of rage and he stammered slightly, “W-woah I said i don’t know ‘exactly’ but I know ‘approximately’. They tend to orbit A136 because of its hub connections with other planets and its central place within the smuggling ring.”
“What class ship do they own.”
“One of those luxury cruisers…. Big thing, fo like civilian transport or some shit, but they use it for cargo. I…. l look man I have no idea what they did to you, but I’m just the fence. I had nothing to do with the actual operation, hell I don’t even know where they get the damned stuff.” For a moment he was pretty sure that he was going to die. More sure than he had ever been about anything.
But then with a light whirring the man stop. 
He was breathing hard, his face was slick with sweat and his hands trembled, but at least he seemed to have decided not to murder him.
The Drev on the other hand, still holding the bottle, looked at him with such malicious intent that his life flashed before his eyes a second time. He closed them not willing to see his death if it was coming. He didn’t need to know anything and didn’t want to see it.
And he waited 
And waited 
And waited
The next time he opened his eyes, the room around him was empty, the vile was gone and he was left alone with a few cracked ribs and a determination to retire from his life of crime.
Whoever those people were, he never wanted to see them again.
Besides it was as good enough a reason as any to retire early.
Sunny awoke to the door opening with a hiss; she was feeling a little better today, if not a bit groggy and disoriented. Her arm didn’t hurt so much, which meant the missing carapace was already healing over. Still, the cold felt strange and unwanted against her skin, and she held the arm close to her body where it was warmer, and the air didn’t seem so strange.
The voices grew louder, and she was surprised to hear a woman’s voice joining in with the man, “Lady, Bennett, I… admit we are surprised to see you here. We assure you, our supply chain is still functioning perfectly.”
The woman’s sharp voice pierced the air like a blade, cutting into Sunny’s very soul, “I did not come here to discuss the function of your supply chain. I came here to discuss the product you sold me.”
There was a pause, “Are you… dissatisfied with the outcome ma’am.”
“No, I enjoy the product, but I wish to purchase in another color. None of your buyers have anything other than this…. green color, which is nice for in the winter when I am missing the spring, but I want something more cheerful for summer. My daughters and I, that is, which means I would be willing to pay for at least three of your bottles if you have any.”
The men paused and glanced between each other, “well…. The process is not… something that someone like yourself…”
“Show me the stock, boy or you lose my business.”
The men paused and then agreed, and the slow footsteps came up the hallway.
She heard the sound as the people passed into the room and slowly lifted her head.
Her two captors, and a older, but still elegant woman stepped into the room, and despite the gruesome scene before her, she did not flinch, staring around at the captive Drev in various stages of drug induced sleep or drug induced exhaustion.
Sunny d her best not to ganer to much attention, but as soon as the woman’s eyes fell on her, she knew the fight was lost.
The elegant woman made a b-line across the room and straight to her cage, “This one, this small blue one.” I like her coloring.
She paused, “Open the cage.”
The two men did as told with no argument and sunny felt the breeze of the cage door as it swung open. The woman squatted down on her impossibly tall heels and grabbed Sunny under the chin, forcing her to look up. She tapped one of her nails against Sunny’s carapace. It made a sort of hard clattering sound, Sunny jerked her head away in the only symbol of defiance she could muster.
The woman smiled, the grin spreading impossibly wide across her face, “A very beautiful color…. My decision has been made.”
Sunny felt her heart sink down in her chest plummeting into her stomach where it was likely to remain.
The two men grabbed the chains and hauled down on them, lifting her from the cage and into a standing position.
“You may not want to watch this Ma’am.” 
“I think I will be just fine.” She said, the smile never leaving hre face.”
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dapandapod · 3 years
Summer days
I have come to realize i never posted my last Bog fluff battle entry!! The horror! So here it is! The prompts I used for this ones are:
36. Massages 25. Playing with/braiding hair 23. Person A falls asleep on couch to be carried to bed by Person B
Oh, and it’s Geralt and Dandelion, because they are the softest boys and i love them.  On Ao3 here and here are my other 4 entries on Tumblr!
Words: 2051
Please enjoy <3
Lazy days are lovely. When nothing is urgent, the weather is nice and no one is hurt. Just, a chosen lazy day. Geralt likes them a lot, rare as they are. There is always a something to take care of, something to kill or some squabble to listen to. 
He recently returned from a haunted house, finding a godling in the basement putting up quite the ruckus. So the house wasn’t all that haunted, but he isn’t telling the shitty house owner that. Because sometimes humans are the beastly ones.
So yes, a bit of a break is what Geralt is enjoying right now. Between one village and the next, Dandelion and Geralt found a small hut at the edge of a shallow lake. Too shallow to be inviting to drowners, but really, they could thrive in a puddle. 
They decide to stay for a day or two. Just to take a breather.
Summer brings gentle nights with them, and Roach is roaming around the area and grazing. They spend some time laying in the grass, wiggling their toes and watching the clouds. Geralt can’t remember the last time he ran barefoot through a field, and Dandelion looks as outraged as if Geralt told him his new hat is a bit flat. 
Not that Dandelion himself has done any barefoot running other than scrabbling out from lovers bedrooms lately, but that isn’t very poetic.
Dandelion teaches Geralt to put a flat piece of grass between his thumbs, pressing his hands together and blowing, to make it sound like a bird. A hoarse, sad bird, but still a bird. Dandelion laughs, throwing his head back when Geralt's blade of grass breaks for a third time.
Something in Geralt loosens at that. Some kind of tension finally breaks, and he allows himself a smile. There still must be vengeance though, so he grabs a fistful of grass and throws it in the offending bard’s face.
They would have slept in the hut. They would have, had it not been moldy and a great deal colder than the night outside. Instead they throw out their bedrolls, enjoying the clucking of water against the beach nearby and a night sky filled with stars.
It is beautiful. Calm.
Geralt watches the big darkness up above, listening to Dandelion’s even breaths, the swish of Roach’s tail, the soft sounds of insects. They didn’t light a fire, but before they went to sleep Geralt found them a tree fungi and lit it with Igni to keep the worst of the bugs at bay. He can’t help Roach much with those, having run out of the ointment he uses for her when it’s especially bad. He will have to make it up to her tomorrow.
He turns his head and watches Dandelion's sleeping form, a dark silhouette against the starlit lake. No matter how much time they spend apart, they always find a way back to each other. Sometimes by accident, sometimes seeking each other out. It’s nice. To have someone happy to see him, someone he is happy to see every time.
Recently, Geralt has come to realize that he is feeling more than he thought. About his bard. About how much he wants to put emphasis on Dandelion being his bard. More than once, he’s found himself staring at Dandelion when he talks, admiring how he looks when he is passionate about something. How much he cares for silly things, and how completely and utterly in love with himself he is. Geralt thinks about how beautiful his hands are, and how his curls bounce when he runs.
Looking at Dandelion now, he feels is maybe more than before.
He falls asleep like that, watching Dandelion. His lids fall shut without him noticing, and the next thing he knows is darkness and dreams.
The early morning brings rain, a small downpour making the world smell sweet. Geralt gets the first drop on his eyelid, the next on his chin. It takes him a moment to remember they actually have shelter, so he sits up and looks around. It is still too early for the sun to be really out, the world a little grey still.
Dandelion hadn’t woken up yet, so Geralt does them both a kindness and carries him inside the hut, putting him down on his own bedroll as he fetches the other. 
Bards are terrible when they sleep poorly.
By the time all their things are safe from the rain, Geralt is wide awake. He knows Dandelion will be asleep for another few hours, so he sits down in the doorframe, listening to the rain. Meditating doesn’t give him the same kind of rest as sleeping does, but it settles him. Gives him a chance to collect himself. 
This morning, it’s him and the morning birds. As soon as the sun rises, Roach wanders close to them. She wants her morning grains, and she tells him so very clearly. Geralt has never had a cat, nor has he ever interacted with one. But he is fairly sure Roach shares a trait, or five, with them.
As she eats, Geralt looks her over. Checking her legs, untangling knots in her mane, looking for sores and scrapes. Nothing actually ever gets close enough to hurt her, but strain can be an enemy too.
The rain lets up, and a soft mist takes its place as the water evaporates. Geralt pushes his fingers over Roach’s muscles, feeling how tense she is. He really owes her some care.
He starts on her neck, following the lines of her muscles, kneading and soothing. She has stopped eating, but she keeps her head low, relaxing under his ministrations. Then over her shoulders and the big muscles over her elbow. When he gets to the back, Dandelion has woken up and joins them outside, leaning against the hut wall.
Geralt can feel Dandelion’s eyes on him, and he becomes very aware of himself. The tunic from last night is laced open, untucked from his trousers and his hair is untied. It is not in any way immodest, and Dandelion has certainly seen him in worse states than this, but there is something in the air that Geralt can’t put the finger on.
“She looks like she is enjoying herself.” Dandelion comments when Geralt puts more weight behind the kneading, making the entire horse tilt with the movement.
“She’s earned it.” Geralt says, and tries not to react when he notices Dandelion's eyes dip to his half open shirt. He, too, is in somewhat a state. His blond curls fall over his shoulders, just a little ruffled and his white lace shirt is unlaced as well, and his sleeves are rolled up to reveal his forearms and wrists.
“She really has.” Dandelion agrees. He walks up to Roach, pats her neck, but she ignores him. “Can I help?”
Geralt smiles warmly. Dandelion never was a big fan of dirty work, but spoiling others is something he loves. Dandelions cheeks color prettily when Geralt nods and makes room for him on the other side of Roach. It does something to Geralt's insides, knowing that he put that blush there. Something warm and nice, and he very much wants to see it again.
Dandelion comes up to stand next to him, their shoulders bumping.
“What do I do?” Dandelion asks, putting a hand on Roach’s back. Geralt's eyes get stuck there for two seconds, admiring Dandelions long, nimble fingers. There are very few scars there, only barely-there freckles. He wants to reach out but-
“We follow the lines of her muscles.” Geralt begins to explain instead. “Put your hand here.”
Geralt indicates towards the withers. Dandelion reaches over, for some reason careful not to touch Geralt, and that simply won’t do. So Geralt places his hand over Dandelions, covering it and spreading their fingers. Then he guides them over Roach’s back and over her side, showing Dandelion where to put pressure.
They both jump when her tail whips Dandelion over the back, breaking the spell that came over them.
“She’s ticklish.” Geralt explains and reluctantly lets go of the other’s hand.
“So do I just…?” Dandelion asks, hand hesitantly hovering over Roach. Geralt smiles and takes pity on him, gently guiding his hand to where he wants it.
“Here. You massage the butt. Nothing can go wrong there.” Geralt says, and Dandelion snorts.
“Clearly, you have not been around butts enough.” Dandelion huffs and Geralt elbows him goodnaturedly.
“Roach can hear you.”
“Right you are. Do I just press…? Like this?”
Geralt watches Dandelion's awkward movements, letting him fret as he works over Roach’s side. He’s doing it too much like he would massage a human, trying to use the meat of his thumb as he rubs along her spine.
“No, flatten your hand and spread your fingers.” Geralt corrects him kindly. “Then put your other hand over it, putting your fingers between each other. That is the easiest grip.”
Dandelion follows his instructions. Kind of. It resembles more of what Geralt meant, but not entirely. And he is more patting her than massaging her, afraid to go against the fur. Affection, Geralt realizes. It is affection he feels surging up. And he thinks… hopes that Dandelion feels it too.
“Hang on.” Geralt murmurs, and then steps behind Dandelion, reaching around him and arranging his fingers to his liking. Roach is standing patiently and waiting, against all odds, now grazing on the grass around the little hut.
When Geralt has adjusted his grip, he places both hands over them and shows him how to rub up and down, putting some weight behind it.
Dandelion is curiously quiet, and Geralt is feeling his own nerves acting up. They don’t usually get this close on purpose. Not like this. Not with the crackling energy burning in the gap between their bodies. Not when Geralt's pulse is beating in his ears.
When he feels like Dandelion has gotten it, he lets him go slowly, letting his arms fall to his sides. But he doesn’t move away, he stays behind Dandelion and pretends like this morning is like any other. Despite the crackling, despite the nervous energy, despite everything he feels.
“You got it.” He murmurs, and then he moves back to where he stood and picks up his own massaging. He never finished this side after all.
They stand in silence, the morning birds and the lapping water of the beach creating a background to their work. Geralt sneaks a peak at Dandelion every now and then, watching him move about the muscles with more purpose than he expected. And the tip of his tongue peeking out, as it does when he is concentrating.
Eventually they finish, and it is Dandelion's turn to make instructions. He shows Geralt how to make an intricate braid in Roach’s mane, using as many as five parts at a time. It feels more like weaving, something that Geralt is a little familiar with at least, and he gets the hang of it fairly quick. Until Dandelion disappears, returning with some flowers plucked from the field.
“She is a beautiful girl. She deserves beautiful things.” He reasons, and fair. Geralt keeps working on his complicated braid, and Dandelion stands right next to him, shoulders bumping, and putting small flowers here and there into it.
When it is time to tie it off, they realize they didn’t plan that far. Dandelion rushes inside to their packs and they sacrifice a bit of torn fabric to act as a ribbon. It clashes wonderfully with the flowers and braid, but Dandelion insists that that is what art is all about.
Somewhere mid-rant about art, Roach scampers off and it’s time for a breakfast of their own. They settle on the pebbled beach, passing a piece of cheese back and forth while watching the sun play on the surface of the lake.
It’s peaceful. The clouds have cleared out and a blue sky is stretching out around them. Before lunch both of their hairs are braided, woven with flowers and tied off with an old piece of fabric.
Geralt thinks they can stay here for another night. And he hopes that before then, he will get to hold Dandelion's hand in his.
Lazy days are lovely indeed.
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The Art of Inversion
Neil x Reader
Chapter 3 - Too Close for Comfort
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Summary: Your training at Tenet is going perfectly well until it’s thrown off balance with the arrival of Neil, who brings chaos and surprising news...
Warnings: Swearing.
Author’s Notes: So once again this very long, for which I’m sorry. Please let me know what you think! Thanks for the inspiration to my friends, as always! Enjoy!
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The first few weeks of your training went by in a mad blur. After day two you realised that to avoid spending ages in the car you had to move into the Tenet building. There you had a cosy room with a bed, desk, a bathroom and relative peace. That is if the more extraverted agents were not partying in the mess hall or the common room. You usually spent the evenings alone, not having the energy or motivation to socialise. Sometimes you also felt as though others perceived you differently for reasons unknown.
Maybe because you have been recruited by one of Tenet’s top agents personally?
Your days have been spent either learning about physics and the theoretical side of the inversion or in the sparring hall, trying to dodge inverted punches and kicks. While all the talk of entropy and nuclear fission usually made your head hurt, it was the hand in hand combat that was the bane of your training. Having absolutely no prior experience in various fighting styles, you often got beat up by the fellow recruits. You certainly preferred guns to fists.
Neil has been gone for weeks as well. You knew that most likely the details of the mission were entirely classified so you never asked. But you sometimes did wonder if he would ever show up again. You had to admit that you did hope so. It would be a shame to never see Anna beam like that again.
This day started like any other in that regard. You woke up and got ready for the first class – geography of Tenet, so lessons covered all the different branches with the turnstiles and how to get from one to another when inverted. After that it was the classic combat. You took your position and acknowledged the partner for the hour – a boring guy named Jack who would sometimes hit on you. And today was not going to be different…
“Hello love” he grinned way too widely
“Hi” you answered back dispassionately, praying for the class to start
“You’re looking good today” Jack smirked, trying to look flirtatious and you rolled your eyes.
Pairs all around you were beginning their training and you wanted to cut the small talk short as soon as possible.
“Please, can we get on with this? I really don’t have time” Jack pouted but complied.
Soon you have begun the session. At first, you managed to block his punches and kicks really well, even hit him a few times when he seemed too busy staring at you to react. But then as the pace picked up, you lost the rhythm. Soon you were breathing hard and your body was aching. While Jack wasn’t pulling any punches, he quickly got worried, seeing you pant and wince. He took a step back and asked:
“Everything alright with you?”
“Yeah, just need a breather” you smiled apologetically.
Suddenly, just as you looked up at the front of the hall where the teachers were stood, a dirty blonde head caught your eye.
It can’t be… you scrunched your neck to see better above the students and your eyes met the unmistakable blue gaze. Neil was staring right at you through the crowd.
Shit. Before you could let your thoughts run away too far, Jack began the training again. Without a warning, he aimed a punch towards your shoulder and you barely blocked it. You were desperately trying to focus on the sparring, but the curious mind kept returning to Neil. You ignored it for a while, but then you looked up again. The blue eyes were on you for all that time. That was also the moment when Jack aimed a punch at your jaw, certain you will be there to block it. You were not.
Next thing you knew you were lying on the floorboards, with a throbbing pain in your jaw and Jack staring at you in shock.
“I…I’m sorry! I thought you’d be ready…” he stuttered and held out a hand to help you get up.
Fuck!, you swore and grudgingly accepted the help. But as soon as you were back standing, you had to run. You couldn’t risk meeting Neil right now. And you were pretty damn sure he saw the whole thing happen. Looking at Jack, you breathed out:
“Sorry, I’ve got to go” and quickly pushed through the crowd to the side exit, praying that you will not be followed.
You got lucky and made a hasty escape to your room where you could finally let your emotions loose. Which in this case meant punching the desk and letting out a stream of favourite swear words. Once that was done you sat down on the bed and covered your face with your hands. You hated embarrassing yourself like that in front of people. Let alone people like Neil.
Finally, after wallowing in self-pity for ten minutes, you got up to shower and change. But you only made it as far as touching the bathroom door handle when you heard a knock.  Somehow you knew who it was and hastily smoothed down your hair before opening the door. Neil stood there, with that sickening grin and tousled hair.
“How did you know which room is mine?” you asked while eyeing him up through the crack in the door.
“Hello to you too” he smirked “Anna told me where to find you”
“Of course” you muttered and opened the door wider to let him in.
“What was that?” he watched you with that sly smile, as though excited about the prospect of annoying you.
“Nothing” you sat on the bed and watched as he took the time to look around your small room.
You noticed that he had ditched the suit jacket and had his sleeves rolled up. The exposed forearms were covered in a few fading bruises and cuts. You stared at them a bit too long and quickly looked down at your lap, desperately trying to find something to say. Normally you liked silence, but in this case it made your thoughts wonder way too much.
“So you’re back then?” you asked, cringing at how stupid that sounded.
Neil sat down on the desk chair opposite you and nodded.
“Yeah, for now the world ending has been averted” he joked lightly, and you smiled, suddenly aware that you have missed him.
He searched your face for a short while before asking:
“I take it you don’t like combat sessions?”
“What gave you such an impression?”
“Well that was an impressive knock-out” he winked, and you groaned, causing him to laugh.
“Was hoping you’ve somehow missed it” you admitted while looking away at the wall.
His intense stare was starting to make you feel self-conscious. After all those weeks of not seeing him you have forgotten what it was like. Sometimes you even thought that maybe Neil was just a figment of your imagination. But he was most certainly real. And right now was still looking at you, searching for something. He found it when he suddenly got up and kneeled right in front of you. You stared wide-eyed as he reached out and touched a sore spot on your jaw, making you flinch.
“Sorry” he apologised “Is this where you got hit today?” gently he traced the bruise that was beginning to form.
“Think so” your voice came out huskier than you expected.
“There’s a small cut” only now you felt the sting “You should get that cleaned up” he noticed and met your gaze steadily.
You realised with a surprise that he was looking at you with worry. He was close. Way too close. You felt the rush of adrenaline and jumped up, nearly knocking him on the head in the process.
“I’m fine” you mumbled “I’ll check it now” you moved towards the bathroom.
But once again it was not meant to be. Neil placed his hands on your arms and pulled you down to sit on the bed.
“We’ve done this before” he glared at you “And I’m not taking ‘fine’ for an answer this time” you could just stare “Now, where do you have the first aid kit?”
“Shelf behind the mirror” you watched as he went to the bathroom and covered your face with your hands.
You always hated being the centre of attention. Being cared after like this. Because it meant that you were not strong enough in the first place. It was easier to just be entirely self-dependent, to never ask for help. And now Neil has seen your weakness twice. It was too much. Just as you have begun to consider bolting away, he emerged, armed with gauze and glass filled with water. He set them down on the bedside table and turned towards you. He must have noticed your struggle because he frowned and took a long look at you before asking:
“Is everything alright?”
You forced yourself to meet his gaze and nodded.
“Because you don’t look alright right now”
“Thanks, you know how to compliment a girl” you joked dryly, trying to stop the line of uncomfortable questioning.
It worked as Neil burst out laughing and looked at you incredulously. The downside was that you could no longer run away. So you accepted his beckoning to come closer and lifted your head to give him better access to the cut. He soaked the gauze in water and carefully cleaned the wound, all the while perfectly focused on the task. Although you could not see him you imagined the look of concentration on his face. Once the cut has been disinfected, he covered it with a small band-aid and gave you a quick once-over. You lowered your head and watched him out of the corner of your eye. After he was done with the inspection, his hand was still gently touching your jaw, with thumb caressing your neck just below the ear. You stared at him with lips parted in shock, wondering if he was aware of the movement. You shifted slightly and that broke him out of the reverie. His eyes met yours, and he smiled softly, not stopping the delicate caress. Now that you knew he was aware of his actions you felt your face heat up. To try and break the tense silence, you decided to speak up:
“Thank you for this…” your voice was incredibly hoarse.
“Of course” he smiled wider “Couldn’t have you walking around bleeding”
His hand had stopped the movement but was still placed on your neck. You could not process how close he was. Your brain kept reminding you how you did not really know him. How it can go wrong. The urge to run away was back, possibly at the worst moment. You quickly turned your head away. Neil looked at you with surprise but before either of you could say anything, a knock echoed in the room. You turned to Neil:
“You expecting anyone?” he asked.
“Certainly not” you frowned and went to open the door cautiously.
On the other side there was a tall man of a soldierly posture with a buzz cut and a pleasant looking face. You looked at him quizzically, but he was staring right past you:
“Anna told me I’d find you here” he addressed Neil, who came up to stand next to you.
The two men then had a rather peculiar silent exchange which started with the soldier smirking while looking at you, and Neil responding with a small shake of the head and a grin. You had enough of that.
“Sorry, but who are you?” you asked, while staring at them both.
“Apologies, ma’am” the newcomer grinned at you “I’m Ives” he extended a hand and you shook it.
“Ives is leader of our squad unit” Neil explained, and you nodded.
“I’m…” you opened your mouth to introduce yourself but got cut off by Ives.
“Oh I know who you are” you stared at him confusedly “Neil told me about you” that knowing grin again.
You noticed with a surprise that Neil looked somewhat flustered. But he composed himself quick enough for you to dismiss that idea. He cleared his throat and asked:
“Anyways, what brings you here Ives?”
“TP wanted me to discuss something with you” your ears perked up at the mention of the Protagonist, the mysterious founder of Tenet “And there will be a small gathering later in the common room with all the squad so thought you might want to join” Ives smiled at you “Both of you”.
Neil looked at you expectantly and you nodded:
“Sure, I’ve got nothing better to do”
“You won’t regret it” Ives grinned “Mate can we talk in private?” he turned to Neil.
“Yeah, I’ll meet you in the briefing room in ten” they shared one last cryptic look and Neil closed the door.
You stared at him, still unable to forget the way he looked at you mere minutes ago. And the moment you have shared. But now the spell has been broken, and you did not know what to say. Luckily Neil seemed to be doing fine as he threw you the signature soft smile:
“Sorry about that. Ives is a pretty straightforward guy” he explained, and you laughed, feeling the tension dissolve.
“I can see that” you held his gaze a little longer before adding “You should go discuss the classified stuff with him. Might be something important”
Neil looked hesitant. Finally, he must have made up his mind because he reached out to squeeze your hand. A familiar gesture by now.
“Shall I pick you up later for the party?” he asked.
“Sure” you smiled “Though calling it a party makes me regret the decision to participate” you admired the grin he sent you.
“No need for that, you’ll do great” he winked and without further word left your room.
Now finally you could panic in peace.
After stressing for a solid hour about what to wear, you decided to just put on the comfiest t-shirt and jeans. Most agents and recruits rarely dressed up anyway. Apart from Neil, naturally, but you had a feeling he was an exception in most things. Once you got ready, you sat at the desk, trying to finish the assignments for the classes. That was a very bad idea since your brain was mostly busy panicking about the party and analysing what happened before Ives came. When that desired (and feared) knock sounded in the room, you rushed to open it. You were almost happy Neil has not changed into an expensive suit.
“Ready?” he smiled, and you automatically beamed back.
Have I become like Anna already?, you cringed at your reaction. But there was no time to marinate in shame as Neil practically pulled you out of the room without waiting for confirmation. You stared at him, surprised as the door to your room slammed shut.
“Are we that late?”
He just grinned and started walking down the corridor. You shook your head amused before jogging to catch up. When you both entered the common room you first noticed that they have reorganised the space by moving the couches around. Now they formed a large circle in the middle of which there was a table set with beer and wine bottles. There was also music playing from the speakers. And there were at least ten people in the room. At that observation you swallowed hard. You were never good with meeting new people and the idea itself made you anxious. But looking at Neil marching in confidently and shaking hands with everyone you realised that you might have to overcome the fear. The moment you stepped through the threshold all eyes were on you.
Bloody hell, you pasted a small smile on your lips and looked at all the faces. But before you were forced to introduce yourself, Ives did it for you:
“This is our new recruit, Y/N” everyone smiled at you “She’s friends with Neil, so we’ll probably see more of her” he added, and you felt your cheeks heat up.
You looked at Neil and once again would swear he looked slightly uncomfortable. But before you could think about it more you got swept into the circle by Ives and tried to remember names of everyone introduced to you. After the initial small talk, you sat down with a glass of wine, hoping to be able to just listen to others talk and fade into the background. But it wasn’t meant to be…
“So how do you like the training?” a woman asked, that you believed was called Wheeler.
She was looking at you with a pleasant smile which gave you the needed courage.
“It’s not too bad. The whole physics side of it makes my head hurt sometimes but then it’s all so fascinating” you saw a few understanding smiles and nods.
“Well I can help you with the physics if you ever need it” Neil spoke up suddenly and you looked at him across the table.
He has been weirdly quiet since you came in but was evidently listening to the conversation. He was looking at you with a small smile which you mirrored as a way of thanks. You were very aware of the company.
“But yeah I don’t mind the training” you tried to finish the thought “It’s very different from the stuff I did at university and that’s refreshing” you grinned.
“Heard you don’t like the combat training” Ives smirked, and you glared at him.
So everyone knows now…, you groaned mentally.
“What’s the basis for this assumption?�� you didn’t want to give up your dignity without a fight.
With satisfaction, you noted the surprised grin he responded with.
“Got my sources” he shrugged “And that bruise on your jaw is a pretty good clue too”
“What can I say, you got me there” you put up your hands in surrender and he laughed.
“No shame in that though, love” your eyes widened at the nickname “I’m sure you’ll get better at it with time” he winked, and your eyes got even wider.
At that point someone luckily started another topic that you were not familiar with so you could focus on dealing with what just happened. You felt someone stare at you intently and looked up to see the well-known blue eyes boring into your face. His expression was somewhat sombre, and you briefly wondered if he could be jealous. You shook your head at the ridiculousness of the thought and took a large sip of wine. Neil was still looking at you and only stopped when he got asked about a recent mission. You listened curiously:
“Well it was nothing out of the ordinary. Inverted weapons dealer, murky transactions and a proper gunfight in the parking lot” he shrugged, and you wondered if that’s what the future holds for you.
“Any fuck ups this time?”
“Just a small… misunderstanding” Neil raised his arms to show the bruised forearms and the others laughed.
Then the conversation shifted towards more mundane things and you were happy to just listen. You have been pleasantly surprised by the camaraderie you noticed between the squad members and Neil. You have been asked a few questions about your past which were a nice change to the anonymity you got used to during the training. Sometimes you would look at Neil, giving in to curiosity. He was either listening to the conversation or joking with the rest, making use of the infinite charm he seemed to possess. You were not surprised to see that everyone seemed to like him. After a while you lost the sense of time and were pretty sure you had enough wine to regret it in the morning. So when someone mentioned that it is past 1am you groaned out loud and got up. The world swayed before your eyes and you waited another moment to adjust before speaking:
“Sorry I need to go now or else won’t survive the shooting training tomorrow” you smiled apologetically.
“Good luck with that!” Ives sent you another cheeky grin and you laughed.
“Thanks, will be needed” with that you moved towards the exit, waving goodbye.
You started walking down the corridor when you felt a hand touch your arm unexpectedly. You jumped up at the contact.
“Didn’t mean to startle you” Neil smiled, and you glared at him.
“Then maybe you shouldn’t creep up on me” you both continued down the hallway “Why did you leave the party?” “I’m quite tired” you glanced at him surprised “And because I have something important to tell you”
You stopped in front of your door and you leaned on the wall.
“The Protagonist wants to meet you” your eyes widened “That’s what me and Ives talked about before. He said that TP is interested in you and wants us to come to the HQ’s as soon as we can”
You stared at him in shock. It didn’t make any sense.
“No idea” he shrugged, and you were shocked to see him clueless “But I’ll go with you and I want us to get the plane on Friday after your training”
“That’s the day after tomorrow” you frowned, thinking about everything you would need to do before boarding on a plane to the US.
“I know. But from my experience I can tell you that if TP says something, it’s best to listen to him” he added, startling you with the serious tone.
He must have noticed how scared that made you because he reached out to touch your shoulder and gave it a gentle rub.
“Don’t worry about it for now though. I’ll arrange everything for the travel and will come by tomorrow afternoon with details” he let his hand fall to his side and you instantly missed the touch.
You raked through your head for something to say.
“So you’re not disappearing this time?” you asked finally, letting yourself eye him suspiciously.
“Certainly not” he grinned and watched as you opened the door to the room. When you got in, he added:
“But it’s good to know you’ve missed me” the playful sparks made you want to punch him in the teeth.
Instead, you just rolled your eyes pointedly, way too tired.
“G’night, Neil” you muttered and started closing the door.
“Sweet dreams” he whispered and disappeared into the darkness of the corridor.
You covered your head with your hands. This is very inconvenient, you thought while wondering how you got yourself into this situation.
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The Witch’s Daughter (Pt.2)
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Now with a cover!!!!
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha/Yahahime or any of its characters. All InuYasha characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi, Sunrise, and Viz media.
Genre: Family/Romance/Angst
Rated: Teen (for some cussing and depictions of violence)
A/N: First off, I want to give a big fat “Thank You” to all of you guys who left likes and reviews and for reblogging the 1st chapter of The Witch’s Daughter! I am so sorry for the long wait. A lot of stuff happened over the holidays and beyond that, and college has kept me pretty busy too. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I’ll try to be quicker with the next one!!!
I should also say that while Touga holds both these titles in the story, in this universe, the title of Emperor is not the same as the title of Inu no Taisho.
Emperor: Ruler over the people, responsible for governing the country; Sesshomaru to be successor.
Inu no Taisho: Commander and General of all armed forces, literally translating to “Great Dog General”; InuYasha to be successor.
(trust me, knowing the difference is important.)
Chapter One 
With that said, on with Chapter Two!
Chapter Two
Swinging the sword in his grip at a downward angle, Lord and General InuYasha huffed in satisfaction. His sparring partner and friend, Miroku, had his own weapon knocked out of his hands as a result of the half dog-demon’s offensive maneuver, the force of the technique even toppling the human man over to land on his butt.
Scenting the approaching threat from behind, InuYasha whirled around smoothly, his blade clashing thunderously with the sword that was about to come down on him. 
This time facing off against his rival and soldier, a wolf-demon named Kouga, the two demons went at each other fiercely, weapons clashing and clanging loudly and violently at speeds that’d be impossible for a human to achieve no matter how skilled a swordsman they were. Sparks flew as the two sparring men met each other’s attacks with vigour.
Miroku, seeing an opening, grabbed his own sword and went to attack the young dog-eared general. Rushing at his seemingly unsuspecting target, Miroku’s blue eyes widened in alarm when InuYasha ducked, hunching his broad shoulders and back forward to avoid Kouga’s blade coming at him from the side. The human soldier couldn’t stop himself fast enough, resulting in him barreling atop his Lord’s back, only for said Lord to adjust his movements in order to have Miroku’s slightly smaller frame roll over the curve of his spine. 
Kouga had no time to react before his fellow soldier rammed into his stomach, losing his grip on his own sword as both he and Miroku toppled over in a heap not too gently on the marble floor. 
The two soldiers looked up at their General as he aimed his trusty blade, the Tessaiga, to be level with their eyes.
InuYasha smirked triumphantly down at his fallen comrades, his golden amber eyes dancing with victory, before swiftly shelving Tessaiga in its sheath and offering a clawed hand out to Miroku. 
Grinning and shaking his head, the human male accepted, the two friends collapsing hands as the demon lord pulled the dark-haired man up before collapsing his shoulder good-naturedly. 
Kouga grouchily climbed to his own feet once Miroku was off him, crossing his arms as he scowled at his rival, “How the Hell do you always manage to one-up us every time, dog-turd? Call me crazy, but I’d think you were playin’ dirty!”
InuYasha glared right back, “There ain’t no such thing as playing dirty on the battlefield, wolf-boy. You know that as well as I do; when you're out there facing a shit-ton of soldiers tryin’ ta lop your head off, ya don’t got the luxury of playin’ fair!”  
“Yeah well the wolf tribes know to fight with honor, unlike you and your sad excuse of an army, General,” Kouga retorted, emphasizing the word ‘general’ in a demeaning, sarcastic tone.
The aforementioned general growled, shoving his snarling face into Kouga’s, his large, clawed hand cracking as he stretched the tendons in a threatening gesture. 
He and Kouga had never gotten along ever since the wolf-demon was enlisted to serve under the Inu no Taisho’s armed forces, only to be surprised and furious when he found that the Emperor’s youngest son, a half-breed, had already taken charge of many of the imperial forces, as he was set to succeed his father in becoming the next Inu no Taisho. Under that position, he’d serve under the next Emperor, his brother, as the commander of all of their Empire’s armed forces, leading himself and his men into the battlefields while the Emperor governs the rest of the country.   
Kouga was angered to be placed in one of InuYasha’s troops three years ago when he enlisted to be under the command of the current Inu no Taisho and Emperor, Touga.
He made it very clear to InuYasha from the get-go that he was displeased to be bossed around by an ‘honorless half-bred mutt’, though he knew better than to say as such around the Emperor and his family. 
That didn’t stop the wolf-demon from expressing his disdain for his general with his fellow soldiers, many of whom also shared his bias, and to InuYasha himself when the imperial family wasn’t around. 
The feelings were mutual, as InuYasha hated the wolf’s stench and despised his high and mighty attitude. But while the half-demon lord loathed to admit it, as his father had pointed out when the two of them were overseeing recruit training, Kouga was a strong and resilient fighter, quick on his feet and great at tracking scents from miles away.
“Almost as good as you,” his father had commented.
At the end of the day, InuYasha knew he’d be a fool not to enlist the canine demon just because Kouga held a prejudice against him.
Didn’t mean he had to like it though.
“Well we ain’t in the wolf tribes now, are we ya scrawny wolf!” InuYasha exclaimed back in the present.
The two canine demons continued to snarl and bark back-and-forth, until a previously forgotten Miroku shoved his way in-between the two feuding men, breaking them up after some struggle as his human body was much weaker compared to those of his demonic comrades.
“I believe it’d be wise to step away from each other for a while. We did just return from a five-month trip in the North, after all. Perhaps now’s the time to relax and take a breather after all our hard work, do you not agree?” the human male reasoned, his tone soothing and placating. 
Kouga continued to glare as he looked between the two human and half-demon men, before huffing haughtily and stomping out of the in-door combat training room.
InuYasha watched him go before snorting and going over where he stashed his red cloak and armor, stepping next to the large water basin to wash his face of the sweat and grime he’d accumulated from the return journey and the sparring match that he had just won. All the while, Miroku walked along with him, washing his face and grabbing his own gear.
As the two friends strapped back on their heavy armor over their under garments, Miroku looked over at his companion.
“You know Kouga says that stuff at this point just to get a rise out of you, right?” he asked, locking the straps for his armor to his right arm.
“Pfft. Whatever, not like it matters,” the general mumbled, clipping on his ragged and torn up cape.
“Just take a break from him and other troops, InuYasha. Use this time to spend with your family for at least a few hours! Nobody will blame you, and who knows when we’ll be sent out to fight more battles again.”
“Ain’t that simple, Miro. I ain’t no ordinary, run-of-the-mill soldier like you; I’m gonna have to become the Inu no Taisho after my father. I have ta be on my toes all. The damn. Time. Add to the fact that I’m a half-demon, and that makes my job ten times more difficult since more and more people are questioning my authority and capability to lead them into battle. I don’t got time for a break, not yet anyways,” InuYasha argued, a hint of bitterness seeping into his tone.
It had become such a sore spot for him, being a half-breed. A mutt. When he was young, while there might’ve been a whisper here and a distrustful glare there, InuYasha had been fortunate to not have had to face too much discrimination for his mixed blood, but he now knew that was due to his status in the royal family. It was only when he snuck out at age thirteen in commoner clothing that he experienced first-hand how half-demons are really treated by the outside world when they have no status of nobility or royalty.
It was horrible; he returned home hiding the bruises and scars under his clothes before they healed by themselves. He never told either of his parents.
The incident still didn’t stop him from sneaking out to explore, though.
And then he was announced to be the next Great Dog General, the Inu no Taisho, after his father when he turned sixteen, and that news shocked and appalled many in the Emperor’s court and beyond that. Everyone had expected, nay, hoped that Touga would’ve named his eldest, pure demon son Sesshomaru as both the future Emperor and Inu no Taisho, seeing as Touga himself held both titles. No one had anticipated that his younger, impure half-bred son would’ve been named as Touga’s successor to anything!
If he was being honest, InuYasha was shocked too, but he didn’t want the role. 
He’d never told his family, since he knew it’d hurt them, but the then teenage InuYasha had always hoped for a life outside of the castle walls. Even after the incident that happened when he was thirteen, the half dog-demon still wanted to go out in the world where nobody knew who he was, and explore with no obligations or responsibilities to anyone. The brief experience with the outside world when he was thirteen had opened his eyes to how fake court-life truly was, and he hated it. 
Still, seeing everybody who didn’t even know him, already doubting and questioning his capabilities in such a rigorous, brutal, and powerful position just on the basis of him being a half-demon motivated him to take up the mantle he had previously tried to avoid. 
He’d prove to them, all of them, that he was the man for the job, and that his mixed blood didn’t matter.
That was his motivation that still drove him even now.
“Enough about that. Whatta ‘bout you? S’not like your working to become General; Why dontcha go see Sango and the kids. Bet they’ve been missing their old man,” Present InuYasha said, intentionally driving the conversation away from himself.
Miroku suddenly grinned dreamily at the mention of his wife and kids, and InuYasha still couldn’t believe this was the same perverted seventeen-year-old soldier he’d met all those years ago.
They’d met when Miroku joined InuYasha when he had taken charge of overseeing his first troop of soldiers. When he wasn’t giving them orders or training them, InuYasha kept his distance from everyone in his troop as much as possible, just as everyone had kept their distance from him. 
That all changed when Miroku approached him one night when they were traveling along the Eastern borders. The human had grinned mischievously, but no less kindly with a jug of sake and had asked to talk with him.
“Just want to get to know our fearless new general, is all,” is what he had said.
From there, their friendship grew, though it took months for InuYasha to start warming up to Miroku. It didn’t help either that the young soldier had the bad habit of rubbing up along any pretty woman’s ass and asking them to “bare his children” for him, whether the woman was human or demon.
And then Miroku met Sango, a female soldier and the only woman who knew how to put him in his place. From that moment on, the perverted soldier only had eyes for the no-nonsense woman, and InuYasha watched as his two only friends grew closer and closer for the next few years, eventually getting married and having a shit-ton of kids.
Now they were awaiting baby number...eleven? Twelve? The half-demon had honestly lost count. All he knew was that they were expecting yet again, and Sango was pissed not being allowed into the troops again until the pup was born.
The kids adored InuYasha, or ‘Uncle Inu’ as the little ones and even the oldest three, Kin’u, Gyokuto, and Hisui, liked to call him, and InuYasha, in turn, adored them all right back.
 An old, but familiar lump settled in his throat. 
 He was happy for his friends. He really was, but InuYasha couldn’t help the feeling of jealousy and longing to swell up to the surface.
He wanted what they had.
He wanted love.
He wanted children.
But he’d never have any of it.
Because he was a half-breed, and half-breeds, royalty or not, never find love, real love, let alone have children.
“My Lord! My Lord InuYasha!!!” cried the familiar, but no less annoying voice of his brother’s servant, Jaken.
 The aforementioned lord sighed in aggravation as both he and Miroku turned at the squawking cry, just in time to see the small imp-demon come barreling in only to trip over himself in his haste.
“Lord InuYasha! It is important, your father needs to speak with you at this very moment! It is urgent!!!” Jaken continued on.
Both half-demon and human arched their brows in confusion, exchanging concerned looks.
“You go on back to your family, Miroku. I’ll deal with this,” InuYasha said.
“You sure?” Miroku asked, still concerned.
InuYasha simply nodded.
With that, the future Inu no Taisho with his armor fully on once more, turned and followed the panicky little demon out of the training room without another word.
Making their way through the halls leading to the throne room, InuYasha contemplated the matter Jaken had frantically informed him his father wanted to discuss.
It wasn’t unusual for Jaken to overreact over certain matters, but the half-demon had never seen the servant as panicky as he was at that moment, even during the times he’d displeased Sesshomaru. 
When he first followed after the imp-demon to the throne room where his family was stationed, the young general had briefly feared it was another marriage proposition his father had arranged for him. There had been quite a few of those over the years, all of which didn’t work out as they should have. It wasn’t necessarily that all the women the Emperor picked for him were bad choices (although there were some who were stuck-up bitches who only wanted him for the rise in status and wealth), but none of them ever seemed to...click, with him.
He could never explain it, but being with them just felt wrong.
Like he was betraying someone by doing so.
Someone who haunted him in his dreams the few times he slept, but could never identify by face or scent.
Someone he didn’t know.
Or perhaps….someone he didn’t remember.
As they got closer to their destination however, the less InuYasha began to believe the situation to be about something as trivial as matrimony. Jaken wouldn’t be reacting the way he was if it was simply about him being offered the hand of a noble woman.
The more he thought about it, the more apprehension and dread he felt in the pit of his stomach at the unknown situation that awaited him.
Stopping in front of the sliding doors separating him from the unknown, InuYasha glanced down at Jaken, who bowed in understanding at staying put outside the room. The demon lord and general huffed and slid the doors open, expecting but unprepared for the worst.
“How’s that feel, sweetheart? Is it too tight?” Kagome asked gently, wrapping the young girl’s injured arm in gauze.
Her silent patient nodded hesitantly, staring at the pretty woman treating her wound and glancing at the silent quarter-demon girl who’d saved her.
Kagome finished wrapping her up and patted the child assuringly on her back, “You're going to be just fine, little one. Now why don’t you take one of the beddings we have here and get some rest, hmm? In the morning, Moroha and I will take you back home, okay?”
The little girl hesitated for just a moment.
“...Th-Thank y-you.” she stuttered in a soft voice, averting her brown eyes shyly when the mother and daughter pair blinked in surprise.
The experienced spell-caster smiled pleasantly, nodding her head.
“You are very welcome, my dear. That’s what we’re here for, and I’m glad that you are okay.”
The child blushed, then glanced at the teenage girl still staring at her in shock, before bowing towards the teen in gratitude, which only served to shock the poor quarter-demon even more.
“...And th-thank you, too. F-for rescuing me from th-those big men,” the human girl said, keeping her upper body lowered in a bow of respect.
Moroha was beyond surprised; She was flabbergasted. Never before had anybody who wasn’t her mother thank her, much less genuinely. She was more used to people belittling and repaying her and her mother’s kindness with cruel words and actions. Yet, here this young human child was, wholeheartedly and genuinely showing them, showing her, gratitude for saving and treating her, knowing or at least suspecting very well who they were, what they were. 
The young spell-caster blushed, flustered, “K-Keh! It wasn’t a big deal; I was just passing through!” she explained, defensive.
“Yes...just passing through.”
Moroha froze at the deadly calm tone. Cringing, the teen glanced slowly at her mother, flinching at the angered glare the older woman was shooting her.
Oh crap.
Turning back towards her slightly confused patient, Kagome adapted a cheery smile and clapping her hands together.
“Well, I believe that’s enough for now! Why don’t you go and get some rest, dear, and then we’ll get up bright and early tomorrow to take you home! That sound good?” the woman asked, her tone motherly and upbeat.
The girl nodded, getting up and taking a few steps towards one of the beddings close by. Before she got there though, the young brunette turned her head to look back at her temporary caretakers.
“Miss Pretty Lady, Miss Demon Lady? Really, thank you for saving me. I was really scared,” the child thanked them for the hundredth time, her words more confident and assured.
Moroha’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance, “Demon Lady?”
“Hey kid! We have names!” the spell-casting quarter-demon exclaimed, aggravated. 
“Moroha!” Kagome scolded, her message clear.
Don’t dig yourself deeper into the hole you're already in, missy.
Understanding the silent threat, said ‘missy’ gulped and shut her mouth, not daring to utter another word that could get her in even more trouble than she already was.
Huffing, Kagome once again smiled kindly towards the younger girl.
“Please excuse her, she can be a bit brash. She’s right though; we haven’t introduced ourselves yet, have we? My name’s Kagome Higurashi, and that troublemaker over there is my daughter, Moroha. What is your name?” she asked.
The girl, again, hesitated. Only for a split second, though, as she soon opened her mouth and answered.
“My name is Rin.”
Kagome nodded, standing up and leading her previously unnamed charge over to the bedding, a gentle hand on the small of the brunette girl’s back.
“Well Rin, it's late, and you must be exhausted, so go to sleep and we’ll get you up in the morning. I’m certain your family misses you terribly and won’t be too pleased if you come back to them dead-on-your-feet tired, now will they?” 
Rin shook her head as Kagome tucked her in. Unsurprisingly, the young girl was out within seconds, the craziness from the day catching up to her.
Once she was sure her charge was fast asleep, the spell-caster turned back to her nervous daughter, arms on her hips as she frowned at the teenager.
“Mama, I-” 
Kagome put a hand up, abruptly cutting off her child’s excuse before it could begin, “Come with me over here. Now.”
Moroha shivered at the serious, deadpanned tone. Her mother only used that tone when she was about to give her a tongue-lashing. No doubt about it, she was in trouble.
Deep trouble.
The mother and daughter pair strode over towards the treeline that surrounded their camp. It was far enough away to where they could talk in private and not disturb their sleeping guest, but close enough so that they could still see and check in on the child if any danger invaded their camp. 
Sighing and rubbing her temples, Kagome started, “Moroha, what were you thinking! I told you to not go any farther than you absolutely had to to deliver that medicine, and then you come back with bruises and scratches, blood on your clothes, and an injured child in your arms, telling me there was a mob riot in the village!? And that you used magic to eviscerate a demon’s arm!? Do you know what kind of danger you put yourself in!?” 
Moroha winced, trying to keep the bruises on her neck hidden from her mother’s sight. When she had burst through the treeline back into their camp, carrying Rin who’s arm wound was still sluggishly bleeding out onto her and her clothes, her mother took one look at the injured child and sprang into action, having to clean and then stitch up the wound before it could get infected. So focused on ensuring the child be taken care of, Kagome had only noticed in passing the light bruises and few scrapes on her own child’s arms and legs, but they were superficial and were already healing, so Kagome and Moroha paid them no mind. Not when they had a much more serious, much more human injury, to be taken care of. 
The demon girl was grateful that Kagome had been more focused on the human child as soon as she saw her. Otherwise, the dark, yellow and purple bruises on her neck from where the demon had a tight hold on her would have instantly been spotted on the older woman’s ‘Mom Radar’, as she liked to call it. 
Moroha hadn’t wanted to cause her mother any more worry, so as soon as she was sure Kagome was too preoccupied with the human child to pay any mind to her, Moroha had taken the scarf she wore around her neck and readjusted it to hide the bruises that were still there. With how tight the demon had clutched onto her, the bruises were quite nasty looking, and would take longer for her demonic healing to get rid of them completely. 
Of course, this act of secrecy equated to not telling her mother exactly why she’d had to eviscerate that demon’s arm with her magic. She still wasn’t so sure telling the truth about that was a good idea, but she had to say something!  
“He gave me no choice, Mama! I had to use magic!” the teen defended, hoping her mother wouldn’t press the issue from there.
“And why was that, Moroha? What did he do to make you blow your cover and the cloaking spell to destroy his arm using magic?” 
And of course, her mother pushed the issue.
“Uh…” was all that came out of her mouth, her mind running double-time to come up with a valid, but less severe explanation than what had actually happened.
Unfortunately, the world seemed to be out to get her that day. While Moroha fumbled, trying to make up a random excuse, Kagome had finally noticed the unusual way her daughter’s red scarf covered the quarter-demon’s neck, and had reached her hands out to remove the scarf.
“Wait! Mama, don’t-” Moroha panicked once she felt her mother’s hands moving the scarf.
“Moroha!!! What on Earth happened to your neck!?”
Too late.
Moroha winced when Kagome gently poked and prodded the darkened, abnormally large fingerprint marks on her neck. They weren’t as sore as they were hours ago, telling the inexperienced spell-caster that the healing process was already underway, but with how dark and severe the bruises were, it’d take longer for the bruises to completely vanish from her skin. 
Prying her mother’s hands away from her injured flesh, Moroha cringed even more at the panicked expression, as well as the unshed tears, that she could see in her eyes and face.
She hated making her mama look like that. 
“These were why I had to use magic; he had me by the neck,” Moroha swallowed, figuring there was no point in lying or trying to come up with another excuse anymore. 
The older magic-user stared at the marks that dared to mar her baby’s lightly tanned skin before pulling the demon girl tightly into her arms, embracing her most precious treasure like a life-line, her anger completely forgotten. 
Surprised at first, Moroha quickly regained her composure and wrapped her arms around her mother’s waist, embracing her just as tightly as the severity and exhaustion from the day finally caught up with her, and she buried her head into her mother’s shoulder as her small frame shook from her emotional turmoil.
For the first time in a long while, Moroha was desperate for her mother’s comfort.
She didn’t cry, but it finally hit Moroha just how much danger she put herself in that day, and how scared the whole ordeal made her, though she’d never admit it out loud.
Even so, the partial-demon couldn’t find it within herself to regret stepping in to help a child in need, and she expressed that sentiment to her mother, her voice muffled slightly from her face still being buried in her mama’s shoulder. 
Kagome sighed and pulled herself and her daughter out of each other’s arms, though she still had a grip on the much more petite girl’s shoulders. Her face was resigned, but understanding as she addressed Moroha.
“I understand, sweetheart, and I would’ve done the exact same thing if I were you. But I’m your mother, and I just worry for you is all. I know you can take care of yourself, and I know you did what you thought was right, but I just can’t help it; I want you to be safe. You’ll understand one day when your a mother,”
Kagome grinned when Moroha blushed at the last part.
Moroha coughed awkwardly, shuffling her feet as she looked away from her mother’s grinning face, and Kagome had to stifle a giggle at just how familiar Moroha’s countenance was.
“She’s truly her father’s daughter, that’s for sure…”
“So, um...are we good?” Moroha asked, nervous despite herself.
Taking pity on her poor child, Kagome smiled and looped an arm around her daughter’s shoulder as they walked back away from the trees and led her to their own beddings for the night.
“Yup, we’re good.”
“You wished to speak with me, Father?” InuYasha asked, bowing respectfully before the Emperor and the rest of his family.
The second he entered the room, InuYasha sensed the tension in the air. His family all had grim expressions upon their faces, save for his mother who had a clearly worried look upon her soft features.
The feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach only intensified when he noticed Sesshomaru and his twin daughters clenching their clawed hands into fists, enough to draw rivlets of blood from all three of them. Sesshomaru’s eyes were also bleeding a light pink, telling InuYasha that whatever the issue was, it was enough to rile up the normally stoic demon lord that he was holding back from transforming.
But the most telling, and ultimately the most concerning, indicator was the absence of his young, cheerful adoptive niece. 
InuYasha’s mouth went dry.
“Where’s Rin?” he asked, fear creeping into his heart.
“Missing,” his father simply stated.
A reverberating growl from the Emperor's eldest son rent the air in the room at the word.
“We need you, Sestuna, and Kouga to go and search for her; try to scent her out,” Touga continued, his tone authoritative and resolute like the leader he was.
InuYasha, stone-faced, kneeled on one knee before his father and family, head bowed as he addressed them.
“I will not rest until she is found and safe, Your Highness.” the half-demon general vowed, determination clear in his voice.
The current Emperor and Inu no Taisho nodded, eyeing his Setsuna imploringly. Catching her grandfather’s gaze, the half-demon princess nodded back and stood up, taking her naginata with her as she stepped off the raised platform to her uncle’s side.
“I have already sent a messenger to retrieve Kouga; he will meet you at the front gate. Now go,” the Emperor commanded firmly, to which both general and princess nodded sagely.
InuYasha and Setsuna turned at the call, seeing his half-brother striding up to him with a serious glare.
“Father, what is it?” Setsuna asked, her tone deadpanned like her father’s often was. 
The future Emperor stopped before his daughter and brother, his gaze steady but no less imposing.
“I urge you, little brother, to not be your stupid, impulsive self with this matter. It does, afterall, concern my daughter,”
Normally, such a reminder would cause InuYasha to roll his eyes and respond with a smartass retort.
But this time, InuYasha knew the severity of the situation, and he could easily spot the worry in his half-brother’s golden eyes.
They were the eyes of a father, worried for the whereabouts of his child.
Something InuYasha was sure he was never going to experience.
He nodded, his face grave and resolute.
“You have my word, Sesshomaru, that I will find your daughter and bring her home,” 
The young lord glanced over at Setsuna, his niece catching his gaze.
“Both of them,” InuYasha concluded.
The older demon stared down at his brother, as though assessing the half-demon’s sincerity of his promise, before giving a single nod of acceptance.
With that, the two half-demons turned and made their way to the front gate, set and determined to bring back their loved one.
To be Continued....
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed it! 
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Let me know if I missed anybody or you want to jump on the tag train for any of my InuYasha fanfictions!
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nanagoswife · 3 years
For You? Always.
Chapter Six
Summary: You, Sadie and Ben go out to a local bar, but things go sideways.
W/C: 3.7k
Warnings: Swearing, harassment
<<Previous, Next>>
The rest of that night was spent with the two of you doing more catch-up and talking about current events. It helped you forget about what she had said before about the ‘ultimate test’. In fact, you had forgotten about it completely, making the next day embody a much lighter mood.
With Sadie by your side, you had gone for lunch. You would’ve gone for breakfast, but the two of you were not huge morning people. Sure, you woke up early most days, but the only thing that kept your energy up until the afternoon was purely coffee. So, the two of you decided to wait for the lunch hour. 
Then, the rest of the afternoon was spent by the entertainment of watching Sadie’s routine for getting ready to go out. This takes hours for her to do. Even though she started that early on, you knew she probably still wouldn’t be done until after Ben had arrived. Which is why you did warn him to expect that you wouldn’t be leaving right away. 
Thinking about seeing Ben again did make you feel happier through the afternoon as well. You had to restrain yourself from telling him to come over earlier, if it weren’t for the fact that you still had to get ready. 
By the time Sadie had been close to the end of her procedure, you had begun and finished yours. Tonight you wore a comfortable yet stylish skirt with a button-up dress shirt. Then you were ready. You weren’t one to really put on makeup or style your hair as you felt good just by the way you dressed.
Time rolled by and Ben showed up right as you had told him. That is, five minutes early anyway. Even with that, though, he technically was very early as Sadie was still finishing up.
“So, how was your day dealing with this?” Ben said gesturing towards a quite frantic Sadie.
Stifling a laugh, you turned to him. “I mean, I’ve only dealt with this for almost my whole life. How was yours?”
“It was spent with great boredom until now. I was very close to asking if I could’ve come over early.”
As he said this, guilt that you didn’t ask him to come over early started to creep in until you pushed it away.
“Well you’re here now. Hey, is this the first time you’ve actually been inside of my house?” Ben looked around, taking in his surroundings as he nodded to himself.
“Yeah, I guess it is," he said. "Beautiful.” This he said while looking at you.
Thanking him while pretending he was talking about your place, you blushed and smiled at him with pleasure.
“It can’t be too much better than where you live.”
“Trust me, it is. I have my room but everything else looks almost as if no one lives there. I have my desk for work in the living room with a hardly used T.V., and my kitchen has virtually nothing other than coffee, mugs, cream, sugar, and some other drinks and snacks.”
You laughed in disbelief.
“Really! I’ll show you one day.” He joined you in laughing.
Both of you were brought out of your moment once Sadie had finally finished getting ready. 
“You’re lucky. This was one of her quick days,” you whispered to him. He could only give a faint chuckle so Sadie wouldn’t catch on.
Grabbing a few essentials for the night, the three of you walked to the nearby local bar. 
On the way, you held Ben’s hand, occasionally walking into him and slightly sending him off of his balance to gain a laugh from the two of you.
Sadie looked back at you with kind smiles as the walk was mostly silent. The bar wasn’t far, only a few minutes away, making the silence short either way. 
Walking into the bar, it was a bit busier than usual. That didn’t bother you too much, though, as it was still decently calm and wasn't packed with people.
While you and Ben found a table, Sadie went and got drinks from the bar. You found a booth and this time you sat across from Ben with the expectation that Sadie would sit beside you. Instead, she took a seat beside him after placing the drinks and a serving of deep-fried pickles on the table.
That move confused you a little until you realised this meant she wanted to be able to have more direct conversation with him. You chuckled at the thought that he didn't know what was coming.
Together, you all talked in a much calmer manner than the day before. This time, Sadie hadn’t rambled off in her fast paced story telling, but listened more and had more paced responses and stories. 
"Did you know," Sadie started after taking a sip of her drink, "that Y/N was almost always at work in her free time?"
You started to slightly panic. How would Ben react to the days in the cafe? Did he even remember how you always saw him there?
Looking at Ben, his eyes met yours. They were soft and telling of something that you couldn't make out. Not until you realised that it was because he did remember.
"Is that so?" The way he said this, as he looked back to Sadie, confirmed your thoughts.
A sense of relief filled you when he didn't say anything more.
"I swear, we had to pry her away to actually do things."
So as to not give away your unease of the current topic, you chuckled. You wanted to the cafe situation to be more private with Ben. Especially because you kind of liked him back then.
Sadie didn't need to know that Ben was the reason that you started to question your relationship with your boyfriend in high school. All she knew was that there was someone else.
To your immense relief, Sadie changed the topic. It helped you forget the tricky conversation you had narrowly avoided.
A bit later, you decided to grab the next round of drinks as Ben and Sadie had been in a deep conversation about what you could only guess was politics.
You had kept up on it but clearly not as much as those two. Going up to the bar to grab more rounds was a well needed breather.
While you waited, a guy that was not far gave you a friendly greeting. “How’s your evening been?” he asked in a very friendly way. 
“Pretty good. I haven’t been here for a while.” you replied as you turned back to wait for your drinks.
He kept talking to you. At first, it slightly annoyed you. All you wanted was to get the drinks and go back to Ben and Sadie.
After a few moments, though, you eventually started to engage more in the conversation. It was actually quite pleasant. The man seemed very friendly and looked genuine in his just wanting to talk.
The man then asked who you were at the bar with. Pointing over to the table, you could see the two were still in deep conversation.
“Well, they look like they’re having fun,” this earned a laugh from you, knowing how passionate Sadie would especially be about the government's situations.
“Yeah, that’s one way to describe it.”
“Well, why don’t I buy you a drink. It doesn’t look like they’ll be paying attention to how long you’ll take.” You agreed, but the way he said that put you off a little. It was true but there was something that seemed weird. 
Calling the bartender over so you could say what you wanted, he introduced himself properly. His name was Tony. Over the drink, the two of you started talking a bit more. When you told him what your job was, he almost couldn’t believe it.
“Wait, so if I see any advertising for a book being published by your company?”
“I was most likely the one who made it or signed off on it at the very least,” Tony seemed almost dumbfounded at that fact. It made you laugh.
When Ben realized you hadn’t been back in a while, he pointed it out to Sadie as he looked around. She had looked too.
He found you standing at the bar talking to another man as he heard your laugh. Though he didn’t like it too much, he let you talk. He didn’t want to stop you from finding new friends.
Going back to the conversation with Sadie, he couldn't help but look over constantly as he felt like something wasn’t right.
“Are you okay, Ben?” Sadie asked as she noticed his constant looking over at you.
“Yeah. I just know what some guys can be like. I just want to be ready in case-”
“In case she does something?” He looked down in shame. “Ben. Don’t worry.”
“But I am. Not about what she’ll do, though. What if he tries to force himself on her? I’m not just going to sit here and let it happen.” Sadie gave him a thoughtful smile which only slightly annoyed him.
A bit reluctantly, he turned back to Sadie and continued talking with her. There were a few more things to discuss.
Ben tried to stop looking over, but he couldn't help but notice how the man grew increasingly closer to you. It got to the point that he was now almost grazing against you.
Then, the very thing he feared in that moment happened.
The man you were talking to advanced forward, grabbing your wrists and holding them down to lean forward. Without hesitation, Ben jumped out of the booth and ran over to you. 
“No, stop!”
“Get off of her!” Ben yelled as he pushed Tony away. “Don’t you know what the word no fucking means?”
There was anger in his voice which you had never heard. It was even the first time you ever heard him swear. There was something about it that sent chills down your spine.
Off to the side, you saw Sadie come up beside you and pull you into her side.
“What? Are you her boyfriend?” Tony said in a mocking voice.
“Yeah, he is,” you chimed in. Tony’s expression went from arrogance to one of shock. Ben, too, had a light look of surprise but didn’t let it distract him from the moment.
"You never said he was your boyfriend," Tony said accusingly.
"I didn't think it mattered," you said a small, quiet voice. It was shaky as you felt tears well up in your eyes.
Sadie noticed this and pulled you tighter to her. She knew exactly what you were about to start thinking about.
“Now, I suggest that you fucking leave before he does something," Sadie had piped up, pulling you the slightest bit closer while gesturing towards an angry Ben with her head.
With a glare from Ben, Tony scoffed as he walked to the door. Thankful that not many people were watching, relief flooded through you.
Slowly, while making sure you were okay, Sadie released you. Absently, you rubbed your wrists from where Tony had tightened his fists around them. The tears that stung your eyes were threatening to fall.
Sadie had pulled you back into her embrace when she saw this.
Then you remembered and whispered, “Sadie, was that the test you were talking about?”
“Fuck no! I didn’t even actually have anything set,” she said this as she pulled you tighter to her. “I was just joking around. I may be mean, but not that mean. Not after-” she cut herself off at the memory.
You knew what she meant. That didn’t need to be brought up now. 
Looking at Ben, you saw he was watching Tony leave. When his gaze rested on you, his once hard gaze immediately softened. Then, he gave a reassuring smirk.
Escaping Sadie’s grip, you went and pulled Ben into a tight hug as you said, “Thank you so much.”
Putting his own arms around you, he pulled you in tighter. He lightly pressed a kiss to the top of your head. That's when a few tears fell. He held you and whispered reassuring words until you felt better.
After this, you all agreed to get some fresh air. Even though Tony was gone, you especially felt the need to get away from the area. At least for a moment. 
Together you walked around, almost tightly holding onto Ben’s arm, and Sadie walked on the other side of you. Both of them made you feel like you were being protected.
When you got to a certain point, Ben asked, "Would it be alright if I have a moment alone with Y/N? There's something I'd like to discuss with her."
When Sadie nodded, she had a knowing look in her eye. Almost as if this were a plan.
Giving you a small smirk, Ben led you down a pathway that you hadn't realised was next to you.
The path eventually opened up to a sandy beach pinched between gentle waves and an area of grass at the top. This grass area was surrounded by bushes and trees, cutting this area off from the street and making it completely private. It helped that the path was quite long, meaning that it wasn't even right beside the street on the other side.
On the grass, a blanket was laid out which was lit by a soft light given off by an electric lamp. 
“I wanted to bring you here for a while now," Ben said as the two of you paused at the end of the pathway and looked at you. "It’s usually where I go to get away from stress. When you left for the drinks, I told Sadie about this.” He paused for a moment.
In the momentary silence, you took it all in. It was a beautiful area. Calm and quiet but amazing in the sights and sounds.
There was something in you that wished that this didn't happen after the recent event. You wished that this happened after something more positive.
When these thoughts filled you, you didn't notice that a frown had made its way across your lips. You started to feel guilty.
Ben saw this and turned to face you. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
Concern had swept into his tone. Assuring him you were, you told him to not let it worry him. 
“But I am worried. I care about you and I want you to feel safe.”
“I do, Ben. I always feel safe with you.”
Ben relaxed his shoulders as he smiled.
"I'm glad. That doesn't stop me from worrying that you're lying when you say you're alright."
The concern in his eyes was real. You couldn't help but chuckle.
"Don't worry. I ensure you that I'm okay."
"Alright," he said quietly.
There was still worry in his eyes, but he didn't dwell on it. Instead, he offered his arm and started to lead you to the set up area.
“By the way, that lamp will probably go out soon. I set it up quite a bit ago.”
Letting out a bit of a laugh, you leaned your head on his shoulder as you walked over towards the, for now, lit area.
Stepping up to the blanket, you stopped and looked towards the water. The ever enchanting moon was reflecting against the surface, doubling its beauty.
Together, you were surrounded by the privacy of the trees and bushes. As Ben moved to be in front of you, he took your hands in his and looked down at them.
“I thought this place seemed like you. Quiet, modest and calm. Yet loud in its power, strength and beauty.”
Ben looked up from your hands and gave you a warm smile.
“The night I found you in the park, I was going to come here, but I needed a change of scene. Then, whenever I returned here, I could only ever think of you.”
Your heart felt like it was going to explode. His words brought a warm feeling flowing through you as your heart beat faster in anticipation. 
Raising a hand, you placed it on his cheek feeling the slight scratchiness of his days stubble. It was contrasted by the softness of his cheek.
Staring into your eyes, Ben leaned into the touch. As you placed your other hand on his chest, he placed his on your waist and pulled you softly against him.
You gazed into his eyes, seeing the tenderness in them. There was so much that you could see. In this moment, you knew how much he cared for you.
This was a moment you've wanted to happen for almost a week now.
Pulling him closer with the hand on his cheek, you pressed your lips to his. Easily, he kissed you back.
It was soft, warm and welcoming, everything you imagined. There was something about it that made you want more.
As you deepened the kiss, he pulled you closer, moving his hand to your back. You moved the hand that was on his cheek to his soft hair. The longer strands were a comforting change from his cheek.
After a moment, you pulled away, feeling heat flood your cheeks as you breathed deeply. He breathing was also heavier and you enjoyed feeling the rise and fall of his chest against yours.
Ben, still looking into your eyes, put one of his hands behind your head. Once both of you caught your breathes, he pulled you back in. You ran your fingers through his silky hair even more, taking in the moment.
Suddenly, the two of you were distracted as the light suddenly flickered off.
When you looked back at each other, you laughed, letting your foreheads rest against each other’s. In the light of the moon, you looked up into Ben’s eyes. If you could stay in this moment, you would.
“I’m sorry,” you said as guilt from the earlier once again creeped in.
“What do you mean?” Confusion flooded Ben’s face as he lifted his head away.
“For earlier. I shouldn’t have let it happen. It’s my fault. I let it get to that point and didn't tell him about you. I-”
“Hey!” he cut you off as he laid a hand on your cheek. “It's okay. It wasn’t your fault. There was no way you could’ve known that he would be like that.”
A grin snuck its way back onto your face, the guilt slowly disappearing at Ben's words again.
“Also, do you really consider me your boyfriend?” Ben said this with a light-hearted touch, causing you to chuckle.
Watching his eyes, you nodded as you said, “I really do.” The gentle hand that had been on your cheek pulled your face to his. 
“Then,” he mumbled against your lips, “it’s official.”
After a smile and a happy laugh from both of you, you tugged him back in for one more kiss before resting your head on his chest. In response, he rested his head on top of yours as he wrapped his arms around you. Listening to the beat of his heart, togetherness was all you could feel.
Interrupting the moment, you remembered that Sadie was still waiting, “Ben, should we get back to Sadie?” 
“She went home."
You were almost shocked when he said this, but then he explained.
"I told her of this plan at the bar. When I told to her, she said she would head back to your house. I told her she didn’t need to but she insisted.” 
You weren't surprised about that. Sadie had always been one to support plans like this.
“Well then, shall we sit?”
Looked into your eyes with a smile, Ben nodded.
When he pulled his body away, you shivered from the cold air. Like he had before, he slipped off his dress coat and draped it over your shoulders.
Settling yourselves on the blanket, Ben laid down with you beside him, your head resting on his chest. With his jacket as a blanket and his arm around your back, you felt bliss.
After what you could only guess as hours, Ben suggested that he should bring you home. At this point, you started to get drowsy in the comfort., but it was also getting colder.
This led you to agree, but not without a small protest. 
Getting up with a chuckle, he gathered the blanket and wrapped it around both of you as you clung to his arm.
During the walk back, you let your head fall against Ben’s shoulder. He guided you home as you occasionally let your eyes fall closed. 
“Ben?” you said as you drew close to your house.
“Yes, darling?”
“Will you stay over tonight?”
Looking down at you, Ben smiled with great fondness. No words were needed, just the small nod of his head was enough. 
Stepping up to your door, Sadie was there opening it for you. Not only were you tired, but the drinks you had earlier had made you a little tipsy. Walking into the foyer, Ben slid the blanket off of you both as you took off your shoes. 
Following you to your room, Ben helped you get settled, you still wearing his jacket. He pulled the blanket over your shoulders and kissed your forehead before heading towards the door.
“I’ll sleep on the couch. I’m sure Sadie will-”
“You will do no such thing,” you said quickly. A feeling a bravery came over you, “I don’t want you out there, I want you here.” 
A small grin appeared on his face and his voice was soft, “Okay.”
He closed the door before he took off his tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt to reveal a t-shirt underneath. Taking off his belt, he placed all of them carefully onto the shelf beside the door. Ben turned the light off before making his way to the other side of the bed.
You snuggled up to him as he made himself comfortable. The steady sound of his heart and breathing combined and lulled you to sleep. Ben’s warmth and comfort also helped it along.
@stardancerluv @jaydenwoo @madmax2003
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simplybakugou · 4 years
The Villain -- Ch. 8: Coming Clean
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Pairing: villain!bakugou x female!reader
Warnings: swearing; a little steamy 👀
Word Count: 3,539
Remember, if you want to be tagged in future chapters, comment below and I’ll add your username to the list!
✐posted 06.03.2020✐
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Bakugou kicked open the door to the Kamino Ward, feeling absolutely enraged with his fists clenched at his sides. “Where are you, Warp Gate fucker?!”
Kurogiri felt himself flinch behind the bar as Bakugou trudged inside the building, slamming his palms down onto the table. Even he felt himself shudder under the piercing gaze of his vermillion eyes, shifting in place in discomfort.
“What is it, Ground Zero?” Kurogiri asked.
“What the fuck did you do to the Comission Center? I didn’t give you any orders to pull that shit,” Bakugou grunted, feeling his palms sweat as little sparks erupted from his palms subconsciously.
Kurogiri looked back at Bakugou plainly. “With all due respect, Ground Zero, I don’t think what you’ve been doing has been benefiting the League of Villains. In addition…”
Kurogiri paused looking up to meet Bakugou’s gaze. “It seems to me that you have personal feelings for (H/N), which is what is holding you back. And frankly, I do not support this as our cause is completely different from those heroes.”
Bakugou laughed humorlessly, not believing a single word he was hearing. “Alright, let’s say you don’t trust me, which I don’t give a fuck about because I’m the leader for a reason. But who the fuck was with you ‘cause there no way in hell you’d be able to cause that much damage with that shitty quirk of yours.”
Kurogiri sighed. “The second person in question was a fake. There was no one else there. I used explosives to cause the damage to the area. Those heroes misread what they saw and relayed the information incorrectly. We must increase the pace in which we’re taking to finalize our goal: destroy every single hero there is.”
Bakugou scoffed, nodding along to his story. He didn’t believe what he was saying, realizing that Kurogiri was most likely covering for the person most likely behind all of this. Nevertheless, Bakugou was willing to put up with Kurogiri’s antics… for now.
“Alright… I’ll let it go for now, but next time tell me first before you do some dumb shit like this,” Bakugou said curtly, pushing back and moving towards the exit. He stopped in his tracks, looking back at Kurogiri in annoyance. “And I don’t like that shitty girl either so get that thought out of your fucking ass!”
“Are the reporters all out there?” You asked, wanting to peek behind the curtain in the conference hall.
Tsubaki, the one who called you immediately following the incident at the Hero Public Safety Commission Center, peeked through the curtain gasping at the sight. “There’s so many of them out there!”
You sighed, your heart feeling heavy due to the large amount of people in one room awaiting for Natsuya’s speech as well as the reason for the press conference. Although you were never close to him, you felt awful about what had happened to Hawks as he was a major hero when you were still a teenager in U.A.
“I’m surprised Yamashita got so many people here at once in such a short amount of time!” Tsubaki exclaimed.
You nodded in agreement. “I mean, what else would you expect from the Chief of Police?”
Natsuya emerged from the conference room where other officers, the head of the Hero Commission Center, and other officials followed. Natsuya shot you a small smile, his nerves skyrocketing as he was instructed to go out onto the small stage placed in front of all of the reporters. The curtain pulled back and flashes of cameras glowed in the room as the reporters rapidly took pictures.
Natsuya took a deep breath, standing in front of the podium as he was chosen to deliver the news to everyone. You stayed behind the curtain with Tsubaki and other heroes who attended.
“The events that took place yesterday were horrific and outright evil. We have confirmed that the villain Kurogiri and an unidentified second villain were the ones responsible for this atrocity. We have also confirmed that villains Dabi and Ground Zero were nowhere to be seen during these events, therefore are not responsible. Nevertheless, the League of Villains are still held accountable for this, and will be held accountable for the health damage that hero Hawks faced. The hospital also confirms that Hawks had his quirk taken away from him through the Quirk-Destroying Drug that hadn’t been used for years since Shigaraki was the original leader of the League of Villains.” Natsuya continued to relay crucial information to the crowd as they typed vigorously, trying to keep up with him as he spoke. 
“What do you plan on doing, (H/N)?” Tsubaki asked you, half-listening to Natsuya and half-anticipating what you were going to say.
“If it wasn’t clear before, it’s clear now,” you stated. “We have to take down the League, no matter who stands in our way.”
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?” Natsuya’s concerned voice came through the speakers of your car as you drove down the highway.
“Stop worrying about be, Tsuya, you’re going to burst a blood vessel,” you joked. “I’m just visiting home. Things are getting suffocating so I just need a breather.”
“Alright, let me know if there’s anything I can do,” Natsuya said, causing a smile to tease at your lips.
“I know I can rely on you for anything. I’ll talk to you later.” You ended the call, parking your car in front of your childhood home. Exiting your vehicle, you stood in front of your house where your father still resided, hesitant to enter. Your fingers curled into fists, deciding to not go in anyways and you made your way towards the opposite direction of the street. 
Since your mother’s passing, your father had been adamant about his disapproval of your passion and profession. No matter how many honorary medals or titles you earned, your father never approved of anything. By the time you had officially become a pro, having just graduated from U.A., your father vowed to never speak to you again. It had been years since you’d spoken to him and you were nervous to encounter him again despite how many times Natsuya, who still was in contact with him, pushed you to make the first move. But you simply couldn’t. 
You didn’t know where you were going, your feet taking you down the trail. Your old neighborhood was quiet and pleasant, trees, flowers, and bushes littered almost everywhere. That was why it felt like second nature for you to walk to the old park by your home, one that you and the rest of your friends from U.A. would spend time after school. But once you had finally reached the park, you felt heartbroken at the sight.
The previously lively park with acres of land and trees had been ripped apart, now a construction site with heaps of trash littering the area. It had been too long since you had last been here so you knew things would be different. Nevertheless, you hopped over the fence that stood in front of the site to keep away trespassers. You didn’t care about the consequences at the moment, wanting to sit somewhere, not caring where it was so long as you were able to clear your head somehow.
There were numerous cranes and other machines and equipment scattered across the yard. Having picked a random one, you used your quirk to push yourself atop an excavator. A deep sigh escaped from your lips as you looked out into the horizon. You could see your house from here and even some of your friends’ old homes. You stared particularly at the biggest house in the area, the Bakugou house, that was now empty. After Bakugou had turned to the League, his mother and father left the city and no one knew where they resided now. It seemed wherever Bakugou went, he brought pain and misery along with him.
“The hell?!” A certain gruff voice exclaimed from beside you. You looked to the left, eyes widening at the sight of Bakugou staring back at you with a similar expression. He was lying on the ginormous machine. You hadn’t noticed him as the space was so large and your mind was racing at a thousand miles per minute that you couldn’t even acknowledge his existence.
Before you could open your mouth to utter even a word, Bakugou was quick to jump down from the machine, avoiding you at all costs. But you were even quicker to create a gravel barrier between him and the fence using your quirk, trapping him in the space. Bakugou cursed under his breath as he was too flustered to react quick enough. You created an elevator-like step underneath Bakugou’s feet, maneuvering him back up the excavator. He didn’t utter a word nor did he attempt to flee this time, staring at you silently as he stepped back onto the machine.
You were surprised, looking at him curiously. “You’re not going to try to run, Katsuki?”
Bakugou sighed, plopping back down onto the metal surface, criss-crossing his legs. He scoffed, avoiding your gaze. “And you’re not gonna arrest me, hero?”
You rolled your eyes, pulling your legs to your chest. You wrapped your arms around them, leaning your head on your knees. “I’ve got a lot on my mind right now. And what about you, villain, you’re not going to wreak havoc on a city?”
Bakugou smirked at your wit, shrugging. “You’re not the only one with a lot on their mind.”
You sighed for what felt like the hundredth time all day. You were tired, absolutely exhausted. It seemed like you were battling the whole world at times, especially with the best pro heroes being targeted now. What happened to Hawks made you feel unsettled, like the League was going after specific heroes. It didn’t seem right that just as Hawks had advised for you to back down from any League related business, he was permanently out of commission. And it made you feel disquieted as the fear that Bakugou was behind this attack was in the back of your mind, no matter if he was there at the site of the attack physically or not. It made you feel like you couldn’t continue fighting for his innocence and you had to hold him accountable now.
“Were you the one behind the attack at the Hero Commission Center?” You asked bluntly, astounding Bakugou with your straightforwardness.
“Tch, as if I would be behind the attack that hurt my fucking boss.” The words echoed through your head, despite Bakugou mumbling it in an attempt to not let you catch on. But you heard every word, the words that you were waiting to hear for years.
“What? Your boss?” You repeated in shock.
Bakugou’s vermillion eyes flitted over to you, shining brightly against the beam of the setting sun. “You heard me. Hawks is my boss.”
He chuckled humorlessly at your bewildered expression, your lips parted as you attempted to find the right words to say and your eyes like the shape of saucers. “Got nothin’ to say? It’s what you’ve been waiting for all this time.”
“You’re an idiot,” you grunted, angered to no end. Bakugou looked at you, confused beyond words. 
“What?” He knew one day he would have to come clean to you, the one person who saw through his act. He anticipated tears, confusion, shock, and happiness. But you were reacting in a way he had not expected.
“It’s about time you came clean!” You exclaimed, your voice echoing through the streets.
Bakugou closed the space between the two of you, clamping a calloused hand over your lips. “Be quiet! You’re gonna let the whole world fucking hear!”
You shook his hand from your face, turning your body to face him completely. Crossing your hands over your chest, you glared right at him. “Tell me, tell me everything.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, looking off into the distance and avoiding your gaze once more. “There’s nothing to it really. Hawks and the Hero Commission Center came to me right after the Kamino Incident to act as a double agent. Those shitheads still want me working for them to find the real leader behind the League but I’ve got no clue right fucking now.”
He glanced over at you, and although he would never admit it, he felt slightly intimidated under your glaring stare. “What? That’s everything, I mean it.”
“So you have nothing to do with the League, right?” You clarified, wanting to make sure that Bakugou was innocent. “You never hurt a single person, right? All those people are telling lies, right? You didn’t kill Shigaraki?” You were referring to all the people who were witnesses and victims under Bakugou’s supposed kidnapping.
“Can’t say I’m completely innocent. I’ve definitely hurt people, punched a civilian or two to make sure my act was solid and believable. But I didn’t kidnap or kill anyone.” Bakugou felt slightly relieved once your stare faltered a little. “All I know is the real leader is acting like me and putting up with my act. Seems like whoever it is, they want me to take all the heat and blame for now. And that person’s the one who killed ole crusty face, not me. I was just the one who found his body and was blamed for it.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion. You had dreamed of this day, the day where everything would make sense and you would understand Bakugou’s actions. But here you were, utterly confused beyond belief. “Why would the real leader go along with your act? How is it benefitting them?”
“My guess is that it’s probably someone on the other side. A hero, officer, someone in the commission center? One of those fuckers has to be fooling all of us and running this shit on the sidelines.” Bakugou paused momentarily, looking ahead. “With me around, that asshole can put the blame all on me while working with that Warp Gate fucker. But I’m close, I know that for sure. Soon enough I'll be allowed to finally be free and not have to worry about living this fucked up life anymore.”
You continued to look at him, smiling at the sight of the ends of his lips curling upwards a little. You had missed that smile. “And what do you plan to do? Once you’re free and don’t have to follow anymore orders?”
Bakugou shrugged, running a hand through the ash blonde spikes on his head. “Do whatever the fuck I want. Can’t be a hero, that’s out of the question. I’ll worry about that when I’m free.”
You smiled and nodded, a weight lifting off your shoulders. You felt a surge of relief run through your veins, a feeling you could never describe into words. You felt proud for believing in him all this time, believing that he was innocent. And you missed him, missed your dear friend from childhood.
“It must’ve been lonely… dealing with this and losing your adolescence,” you muttered, looking away from Bakugou and looking down at the horizon where the sun had painted the sky with orange and pink hues. Bakugou looked over at you, startled by your statement. There you were, not blaming him for anything, not for the lies or the deception. Instead you were selflessly worrying about him and the time that was taken from him living his life. 
“Calling me an idiot… you’re the real idiot here,” Bakugou grumbled, narrowing his eyes at you.
You looked over at him, confused by his words. “What?”
Bakugou stood up, taking a few steps towards you, and kneeling down in front of you. His face was inches from yours, alarming you from his quick movements. He stared into your (E/C) eyes for a moment, sighing again and looking down at your feet. “I was told that all I had to do was keep this act up and soon I’d be done. But now Hawks is outta the picture and I don’t know what the fuck to do. I can’t do this alone, I need help. That asshole behind this is probably gonna pull another one on me and then I’ll be helpless. My head’s all fucked up right now.”
“And as if my head isn’t already fucked from all this villain-hero shit goin’ on…” Bakugou swiftly pushed you back down onto the cool metal surface of the excavator, his body hovering over yours and his hands pinning yours on either side of your head. His legs straddled your body down as his scarlet eyes pierced right through yours. A whimper escaped your lips as your cheeks heated up from the proximity of your bodies. Bakugou stared down at you, his face twisted in dubiety. “You’re makin’ it worse, driving me fucking insane. You’re the only one who’s ever believed in me, and you’re driving me insane. You’re making me fucking fall for you.”
The world felt still in that moment and you didn’t even feel the breeze drift off in the air. All you could was the intimidating stare Bakugou had on you, sending shivers down your spine and his touch sending electricity down your veins. “What are you-?”
Before you could finish your question, Bakugou closed the gap between your head and his, slamming his lips on yours. A gasp escaped your lips as he pushed his lips roughly against yours. He lowered his body on you, hips grinding into you. You pried your hands free from his hold, one hand clutching his blonde locks while the other gripped onto the nape of his neck, wanting him closer to you. You felt hot and bothered, bothered at how turned on you were by this whole situation.
Bakugou’s lips were warm and soft against yours, moving in a rhythm you were having difficulty keeping up with. He made your body feel a way that you had never felt before as you felt hot yet cold at the same time. You were gasping for air, moans escaping your lips as you could barely keep up with his body grinding against you. You had never felt this way, no one made you feel this way, not even Natsuya.
That was when yours hands went down to Bakugou’s shoulders, pushing him back up and his face away from you. Bakugou stared down at you, angered that you had cut this moment short as you both attempted to catch your breaths and come down from the high you were on.
“Natsuya…” You uttered simply, causing Bakugou to scoff harder than he ever had. He didn’t care for your police boyfriend, never really caring for him even when you were teenagers. 
“Forget it,” Bakugou grunted, standing to his feet and jumping down to the ground.
“Katsuki, wait!” You called out, sitting up and looking down. But you were too late, he was already gone.
You kicked a loose piece of gravel on the path, your hand shoved in your pocket as you made your way down the cemetery. Your other hand went up to touch your lips as the images of Bakugou’s body atop of your own made you feel both flustered and guilty. You cared for Natsuya so much as he was your closest friend and you had just quite literally cheated on him. But he never made you feel the way Bakugou did when he was around you. Nevertheless, it didn’t excuse your actions and you knew you had to make it right once you got back.
But now you stood in front of the main reason why you even visited your hometown: to see your mother. 
You knelt in front of her tombstone, clapping your hands together and bowing your head. “It’s been a while, Mom. I’m sorry I haven’t visited.”
A sigh escaped your lips as you sat your rear down in front of her grave, staring at the engraving of her name. “I don’t know what to do, Mom, I feel so conflicted. I’ve been waiting for this moment, waiting to find out about Katsuki’s innocence. And now I know about it, and I think he was indirectly asking me for help. But he… asked me in such an odd way, like he had been waiting a long time to do… that.”
Your hand rose and pressed against the cool stone, your finger tracing the engraving. “I want to help him. I want to be there for him while also doing my job. What do I do, Mom?”
You sat there for a few minutes, as if you were waiting to hear a response. You chuckled, shaking your head at yourself. What am I even doing?
You rose to your feet, making your way back to your car until a blunt object hit the back of your head, causing your body to crash into the dirt. Your head was throbbing and you felt the object hit the same spot again, a scream erupting from you in pain as you attempted to take a look at the perpetrator.
A man laughed. “You couldn’t just keep your nose outta this one, huh, hero?”
And just like that, the world went black.
Tagging: @chims-kookies @bokunoheroes-stories  @iamthe-leaf @simplysymphonic @mylittlesunshineblog @imyourliquor-youremypoison @sunflowerchild27  @geesshoku @ghoularaki @katsukiwonu  @kotakingly @tyongflight @sparkexplosive @minniepresents @thorohdamnson​
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