#no! its a beautiful experience and its what got many people into rain world in the first place!
sevenrs · 1 year
25? also i accidentally hit the unfollow button instead of the ask button v_v
violence ask game ; OPEN
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
the message of vanilla rain world isnt "go kill yourself". it really isnt. i havent seen this one much nowadays but i still see it and i have seen it. the point of rain world isnt to make it to the end. its to enjoy the journey as you're having it because it was crafted to be strictly unique, with how enemies behave like real creatures and all. personally i dont even think ascension = death but it's ambiguous in canon and i very much understand how someone comes away with that conclusion. my conclusion is a bit different because im unhinged
rain world is about perseverance and determination and exploration and enjoying yourself while you're here. a lot of people see the ends of games as what it's trying to tell you but. dont forget that rain world itself is an experimental game and doesn't follow typical story structure. all of the main story already happened. you live in the aftermath of it all. you are a little creature trying to survive. enjoy yourself to your fullest. rain world only ends when you say it ends
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 2 months
We Are the Series - final thoughts
There are so many reasons that I like watching series & movies from other countries. It's such a great way to broaden my perspective and to get outside of my bubble. To see the big differences in how people live around the world, as well as the little differences in day to day life. To better understand cultural norms, and storytelling norms, and how my own cultural bias intersects with both.
There's also all the beautiful cultural details, getting to see ceremonies and festivals and holidays. To see the beauty of the landscape. To listen to the language, and start picking up little expressions and to appreciate the nuances.
But along with all of the learning opportunities, I also absolutely love it when I watch something from a different culture, and have that "oooh" moment of recognition. That moment when you realize that regardless of culture, what is being depicted on screen is resonating deeply. Because someone halfway around the world has had an experience in common with you.
Let me tell you about my college friends.
It was pure dumb luck that we all met. An utterly random assortment of chance. But somehow this group of awkward nerds all blundered together within the first few weeks of college. Most of us were introverts. We were from all parts of the U.S. We came from all types of families. We were Agnostics, Christians, and Pagans. Over time we would intersect with other groups, we all had different majors, different casual friends & study buddies, people dated, people broke up, but our core group of friends was together all four years.
We didn't like going to parties much, it was too loud and crowded. We got drunk together, where we felt safe and happy. We'd go to the school dances as a group, and be silly. We'd sing songs (usually badly). We'd dance in the rain. We would sit on the roof of our dorms and read stories to each other. We would end up at the local playground at midnight when the slides & swings would belong only to us. As we got older and started being entrusted with keys to academic buildings, we'd go in late and play, having rolling chair races in the long hallways or playing sardines. We'd tease each other, and sometimes laugh so hard we could barely breathe.
We also were there for the breakups and the burnout. For the roommate conflict, and the family hurt. For the coming outs.
Of course things do change when you graduate, and we all dispersed back to separate parts of the U.S. (one of the disadvantages of living in such a huge-ass country). But we still keep up. We still can come together and have fun. Some of us play games together. Some of us travel together. Some of us still talk every single week, because we are family, and that's been the case for over 25 years.
I had a moment, when watching this show, where I realized that P'New must have had some amazing friends in his life. Because he just made a love letter to them.
And the friends in this show - they're my friends. Not in a one-on-one comparison kind of way, but in a "this is my little group of idiots too" kind of way. The playfulness, the freedom from judgement, the encouragement, the support, the love. The knowing that even if life pulls some of them further apart, that the way they are loving each other unconditionally now will always matter.
There are other things I liked about the show, I've talked about tropes before and how I enjoyed P'New playing with them in a "eff off with this old school BS" kind of way, the romances were fun and cute, but ultimately, this show was 100% about love for friendship to me. About what it means to find your people, to make your family, to choose love in all its forms without holding one kind higher than another. And to appreciate it when you have it, because it is so damn special.
How can I possibly come out of this feeling anything but good?
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chrismien · 1 year
Let's talk about Elsweyr's architecture, specifically how geography influenced it.
In the Elder Scrolls Online base game, players can visit Kenarthi's Roost, which is the starting location for Aldmeri Dominion players. We could easily observe the stilted houses and buildings on the island of the Khajiits. This doesn't really reflect the nomadic culture that majority of the beastfolk have since these kinds of buildings are made to last and are built for prolonged stay in the area. How do I know this?
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As a Filipino, I find this style of building especially familiar. Indonesians may also share the same sentiment. In the real world, these stilted buildings are known as "bahay kubo" in the Philippines. They are a staple of provincial life and are designed in a way that prevents floodwater and mud from entering the house. This is why they are built on stilts.
Another purpose of stilt houses is to decrease the occurrence of pests running into the houses. Tropical countries are known for the many insects and small mammals that inhabit them, and stilt houses can help to keep these pests out.
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As you can see from the image above, it is quite different from the fantasy world. It is a Filipino stilted house from the Siquijor region. The roof is not exaggerated, and the windows are more open. However, the buildings from Kenarthi Roost are actually very based on real life.
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Looking at the image, it is clear where the makers of the game got their inspiration. This is an Indonesian stilted house. The purpose of this kind of roofing is to let the water slide down in times of heavy rains. Observe the stilts on this house, and you can see that they have more support compared to the ones from the Philippines.
Basically, stilt houses are raised off the ground, which allows for better airflow and helps to keep the house cooler. Additionally, the stilts can be used to create a ventilated space underneath the house, which can help to lower humidity levels.
It can also help to regulate temperature and reduce humidity is the use of natural materials. Materials such as wood, bamboo, and thatch are good insulators, which helps to keep the house cool in the dry season and warm in the wet season. Additionally, these materials are porous, which allows for good airflow and helps to prevent moisture build-up.
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In this pre-release image, we can see that the columns and stilts are made of stone, and the motifs of the buildings are reminiscent of the styles from Cambodia and its surrounding regions.
Adding to that, the region of Southeast Asia is characterized by heavy rains and storms. In the more tropical parts of Elsweyr, stilted houses are more common. However, as you go up north, the climate becomes less tropical and more temperate, and the houses become less stilted and more made of stone.
Below are some comparisons of Elsweyr to Southeast Asian locations (left is Elsweyr, right is the Southeast Asian location):
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The similarities are quite evident.
While some references say that the Khajiit are based on the Romanian peoples of Europe, their architecture is very much based on Southeast Asian styles. It is also worth noting that traces of Persian, Romani, Indian, and other cultures can be found in Khajiit society.
Some YouTube content also states that the Khajiit can be compared to gypsies in the real world, as they are both considered "fringe people." Another note regarding the architecture is that it is also based on the domiciles of the sea gypsies in the Philippines, the Badjaos.
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Southeast Asia is a very beautiful region with a great deal of cultural diversity. As someone from the Philippines, I can say from my own experience that foreigners can experience how Western and Eastern cultures merge here.
What other topics should I do next?
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vigilskeep · 1 year
oh you are going to love pillars, it's fantastic. enjoy the dead people! (also what kind of character did you make?)
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oh i’m glad people are interested! i have seen that a couple of da mutuals are enjoyers but i wasn’t sure how widespread the crossover is. it’s a different viddy game experience to what i’m used to because i came into dragon age already knowing the entire plot like an insane person whereas i am just blundering in here blind which is new for me and not anxiety-inducing at all. but fun!! if i keep at it i will keep you guys updated?
uh the character i have made is a monk, she is a death godlike from old vailia. backstory premise in my head being that when she was born like that (?? i dont rlly know how godlike work i just got here) she was given away to a remote local monastery full of eccentrics. i also said she was a hunter, and told calisca that she used to hunt for her village then was run out of town after she was blamed for another hunter’s accidental death. so i figure there was a lot of local mistrust and the monks encouraged her efforts to help out and change the villagers’ minds, which ended badly when accidents happened and assumptions were jumped to. she is a SWEETHEART despite all appearances and also being able to punch people to death. chronically unlucky or maybe just chronically curious and helpful which amounts to the same thing. misses her many monk parents and hates rain. looks like a demon and talks like a nun. that is my premise so far that i am making up as i go. her name is mirabella because old vailia seems vaguely italian and i wanted it to be cute. it means “wondrous beauty” and the kindest monks used to tell her that just because the growths cover her face doesn’t mean she isn’t one underneath :')
here she is. she likes to dress in simple dark clothes bc she gets a lot of stains on it travelling and she hasn’t quite clocked that it does not improve the vibe
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as i say i do not know what i am doing its just me and mira against the world. i will... enjoy... the dead people...? i hope?
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crowblincray · 11 days
So I have at least 20 years of experience in the janitorial profession. (Work at a grocery store now) The number of stories I have from said time are kinda crazy.
I've cleaned for so many various businesses and have cleaned homes and apartments.
Most people don't think of the cleaning staff. It's a mostly thankless job, you're basically invisible until someone has something to complain about.
The pay usually sucks, at least with the companies I worked for. No benefits, no days off, no breaks.
You get to see a side of the world that most don't even think about.
I have a lot of ghost stories in particular. A lot of places I worked at had weird occurrences and paranormal things. Something about night time in various locations really changes things.
I grew up with an awareness of unexplainable things. My mom never told me ghosts didn't exist or anything like that. If anything, she had her own stories from her childhood.
I don't expect other people to believe my stories or beliefs about things. If you read my stories and want to think of it as just spooky stories, so be it. I'm not here to convince anyone.
That being said.
The most haunted place I ever cleaned for was a private school.
To my knowledge, it's no longer there and was torn down some years ago but I haven't bothered to confirm. I never want to go back to that place.
Now ghosts and weird stuff don't easily scare me. I cleaned for other buildings that had resident ghosts that I became familiar with and even kind of befriended, maybe?
Anyway this place in particular was bad. I don't know what it was about it.
During the day it was beautiful. Birds singing, squirrels running around. 8 acres, 10 buildings. Quiet area.
At night, the place changed. I once had a moment there that felt straight out of silent hill. I worked there with only one other person and sometimes completely alone.
One afternoon as the sun was going down we were outside of the performance building they had for plays and the science fair they did, etc. There was an airforce base within close proximity. The storm sirens at the base started up just as the last bit of light fell behind the horizon. Sounding just like the silent hill sirens. The area instantly felt different, malevolent. The woman I worked with felt it too. A large southern black lady who didn't scare easily. She shuddered at the same time I felt a chill and loudly declared, "Whelp, time to get in the building!" And left to go back inside. Me following right behind her.
The bugs that would infest that place were Massive. I usually don't mind most bugs but I'm talking centipedes that looked like living ostrich feathers that had no fear of humans. Various other bugs I'd never seen or heard of at the time.
It felt like it would rain every night there. Sometimes only on that property. One time I got so mad about it since I had to go outside and walk to each building carrying all my cleaning supplies and would get drenched in the process. One night I screamed at the sky in frustration, "Stop Fucking Raining!" At the top of my lungs at the sky. Oddly enough it did a few minutes later.
The place felt like it had a mind of its own. Like it was alive. I know it sounds crazy. Yes there were ghosts there but there was something about it that scared me more than the ghosts.
You know how at night big glass windows kind of turn into black mirrors and you can't see outside? Just a reflection of the inside?
I'd see kids in the windows all the time following me around. In one building there was a tall black figure I could see following behind me all the time.
The performance building I mentioned earlier had an old man I'd see there sometimes. Now to turn the lights off in that building you had to go All the way behind where the stage was and flip them off and walk back to the front door in pitch black. I didn't have a flashlight either. Now I'm not afraid of the dark, never really have been. I usually find it comforting. As soon as I would flip that light off I'd feel like I had to run out of there. Like I was being chased out by the old man. I don't think he liked people being around after dark.
I'd constantly hear my name being called or people talking though no one was there. I'd ask the other lady if she had called for me or anything. She never did. She was encountering the same kind of things that I was.
It got so bad and I started getting so paranoid and distracted that I started bringing music with me to drown it out. To try and ignore all the creepy crap just so I could get my work done. My coworker began to do the same.
Time would seem to warp some nights. Things that should have only been 20 or 30 minutes long would in actuality be over an hour.
Other times, nights that seemed to go on forever were relatively short. I usually have really good time management with that job so it was really weird.
There is one funny story about that place I'll never forget though.
The place had two huge gates that leads into the campus that were kept locked at night. One being right in front of the very first building.
It was around 2/3am, pouring rain outside. I had just finished bagging the trash in that building and was dragging it out the front door. We would leave the bags of garbage at the front of the buildings to collect at the end of our shift.
I was there alone that night. The road in front of the school was usually completely dead that time of night. I hadn't seen any cars go by at this point.
One lone car is going down the road and comes to a stop right by the gate as I'm putting the bags down. They roll their window down and turn their radio up.
It's blasting Set fire to the rain by Adele.
I stare at the car.
They drive off.
I shake my head and walked back into the building.
When we were given the news that we had been fired from that place I felt no panic or anxiety that I would usually feel at such news.
I was relieved.
I might try and post some other stories here sometime, but that place will always stick in my mind.
P.S. little funny fact. It was the exact same private school my mom had sent me for kindergarten/1st grade. Lol.
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aijamisespava · 6 months
2023 vs. 2024 Part 2: Semi-Final 1 Countries
Continuing on our little adventure into the competing countries, we now look at the countries performing in the first Semi-Final in this year's contest and determining which entry I liked better...their 2023 entry or their 2024 entry.
Also, while there is one returning country and one non-returning country, I will go into those countries first before moving on to the countries with a 2023 and 2024 entry.
Luxembourg: Fighter. Okay. Yes, I am still sad about Drowning In The Rain not being the song talked about. But we are here to talk about Fighter, so let's do that. It's a cute lil' song that with right staging and running order could be a great performance! BUT, the reason it ranked low is the fact that with all the other shiny songs that came after it, it got lost in the shuffle a little. I do know we are getting a revamp, so maybe that will help the song a little more, we will have to wait and see.
Ukraine: Heart Of Steel vs. Teresa & Maria. Winner: Teresa & Maria. While Heart Of Steel is a wonderful song and great addition to my playlist, it had to grow on me a little bit before I could really appreciate it (thank the revamp too). But Teresa & Maria stays with me. I've seen so many reels of alyona and Jerry singing the song on Youtube reels (per algorithm), so I guess that's fate saying something.
Cyprus: Break A Broken Heart vs. Liar. Winner: Break A Broken Heart. Both are kinda sorta breakup songs. While Liar takes the sassy approach to the end of a relationship, I loved the melancholic feel that Break A Broken Heart has. I'm also a real sucker for high notes (need I remind you that I'm a Gjon's Tears fan?), which Andrew Lambrou does so well too.
Poland: Solo vs. The Tower. Winner: The Tower. There is no denying that Solo has cemented its place in the Eurovision meme world. And while it has grown on me enough to listen to it when someone put it on the aux cord, The Tower just sounds so good. I would literally be sitting around as the song starts and I'm like "wait, what song is this?" and then Luna starts singing and I'm like "ooooo yes!" Needless to say, I haven't tired of The Tower yet and still feel like I'm listening to it for the first time.
Serbia: Samo Mi Se Spava vs. Ramonda. Winner: Samo Mi Se Spava. This was so hard for me to decide as I actually really love both of them (I mean they both ranked 2nd). Ramonda is so beautiful and emotional, and may have changed what my favorite flower is. And Samo Mi Se Spava is an auditory experience. It went onto a WIP soundtrack within MINUTES after first listen, which is really the only thing making the decision. This will certainly fluctuate over time.
Lithuania: Stay vs. Luktelk. Winner: Stay. Luktelk, a great entry in full Lithuanian, a bop, a total dance song with great staging potential. I've liked it since I ranked the Lithuania songs in the NF. But with Stay, it's one of those songs that really came out at the right time, so I'm in emotional debt to that. But it was another tough decision for this country.
Croatia: Mama ŠČ! vs. Rim Tim Tagi Dim. Winner: Rim Tim Tagi Dim. Let 3 brought forth a piece last year that was also an experience. It was certainly an acquired taste, garnering as many fans as people who ranked the song dead last. But Baby Lasagna and Rim Tim Tagi Dim scratches that itch in my brain that I didn't know I had. Listening to it is fun, plus the lyrics kind of resonate with me (as a college student that moves out of her hometown to attend school).
Ireland: We Are One vs. Doomsday Blue. Winner: Doomsday Blue. I don't think there is another country that took such a drastic turn between what they sent in 2023 and what they send in 2024 as Ireland. We Are One was a great safe entry that fell victim to early selection and a bloodbath semi. Doomsday Blue, however, has something more. My biggest complaint with We Are One is that I felt something was missing. Doomsday Blue feels like a complete package that I know Bambie will bring to life on the stage.
Slovenia: Carpe Diem vs. Veronika. Winner: Veronika. Another tough decision here. Carpe Diem is up my alley musically with rock elements mixed with a spice of pop with an infectious attitude that makes me want to get up and dance. But Veronika? That song puts me in such a trance when I listen to it. The operatic spice adds a cinematic feel to it too.
Iceland: Power vs. Scared Of Heights. Winner: Power. Similar to Lithuania, Power came to me at a time where I might have really needed it. It's still such a great song (listened to it just the other day). Scared Of Heights has great energy which should garner some votes too, but only time will tell.
Finland: Cha Cha Cha vs. No Rules!. Winner: Cha Cha Cha. I don't think any entry can top the iconic energy that Käärijä and Cha Cha Cha had. No Rules! is a good follow-up to try and mimic (or better) the success their predecessor had. But I still dance around my room to Cha Cha Cha once in a while.
Portugal: Ai Coração vs. Grito. Winner: Ai Coração. This is my reminder to listen to Grito some more. Ai Coração jumps around my mind. It's fun, the performance was sassy. It is one of the best Portugese entries I have seen. Grito, however, has a very beautiful tone that should not be slept on either.
Australia: Promise vs. One Milkali (One Blood). Winner: Promise. One thing about me is that I love my ballads, and I love my rock entries. Promise is just that. It's a thrill from start to finish that I enjoy listening to whenever it plays on my playlist. However, I really liked the feel that One Milkali (One Blood) had when I listened to it. For my take, it's best described in the post I made about the song when it came out.
Moldova: Soarele Și Luna vs. In The Middle. Winner: Soarele Și Luna. This feels like an All-Star battle. We have Pasha Parfeni from 2012 and 2023 vs. Natalia Barbu from 2007 and 2024. And while In The Middle has one of the CATCHIEST hooks of this year's selection, Soarele Și Luna was my sister's winner last year. So whenever I hear this one, I tell her and it makes us happy.
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withoutyouimsaskia · 2 years
Remember Me, Special Dreams
Part XII.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9  Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17  Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25
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GIF: Originally posted by​ @sic-vita​​​​​
Summary: Self-insert. You're having trouble with recurring night terrors and Morpheus pays you a visit. (Title from the lyrics of Placebo’s Special Needs)
Warnings: language, angst, mentions of night terrors.
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Hello there! I'm still absolutely buzzing from yesterday's comic con trip where I got to see Tom and Mason talk about all things Sandman. I wrote a little gushy post: A Dream Come True. Please let me know your thoughts on the next part. Hope you all have a fantastic week and a Happy Halloween. All my love, Saskia <3
Sandman Masterlist
In all the time that you had been coming to your cottage in the Dreaming, you had never once left its walls. You assumed that the scenery outside was just a back drop, not something that could be interacted with.
How wrong you were.
The ground is solid as you step on to the block paved path, and the gate at the end of it has a realistic creak when you swing it open.
Morpheus follows just behind and engages the lock carefully after you both. 
You are still cringing with embarrassment as you secure the buttons on the coat that he had conjured for you on the cottage threshold. Being surveilled while performing is something you typically actively avoid, even among people you have known for many years, thus making his observation of you even more disquieting.
You dial into your surroundings to quell your self-focus. 
A rain shower is starting to clear up. Shining gems of moisture cling to the grass blades. There is petrichor in the air. Being exposed to the soothing scent, it causes you perk up like a bouquet of flowers being reintroduced to water.
Morpheus lets you lead the way and you walk in comfortable silence. 
You feel his eyes on you.
"You seem much more composed tonight. Is that a correct assertion?"
Morpheus’ voice is warm and golden honey, complimenting well with the rays of sunlight that begin to peek through the cloud cover.
Your reply is teasing at first and then sincere.
“If you exclude the little dance party incident back there, then, yes, I think that I'm really starting to turn a corner.”
He says nothing, giving you the chance to elaborate.
“I can go whole days without replaying the final conversation in my head. I don’t feel the guilt like I did… I'm actually beginning to forgive myself."
The satisfaction and pride on Morpheus’ face sends your heart soaring.
"I couldn't have got to this headspace as quickly as I have without you. Being here, in a safe space, with such awareness, it's given me extra time to process my feelings and thoughts. I know they are simple dream scenarios but they've helped no end with the healing process and I'm going to miss them being so constant when they’re gone."
"Your dreams are not simple, Y/N." He looks down at the ground. "They are beautiful, a pleasure to behold."
The compliment ties your tongue, robbing you of delivering an immediate response.
You have reached a lone tree. An established oak that casts a generous patch of shade. You both stand beneath the leafy canopy.
“You must have seen a lot of dreams in your time,” you finally say.
He hums in agreement. “I can tell a lot about a person through the simple act of looking at their subconscious."
"What do mine say about me?"
“I see your longing for exploration and stimulation. An inquisitive nature and a hunger for knowledge. You wish to experience, but not in a way where people tell you how to do it. You need a level of freedom to feel satisfaction in your efforts.”
His words ring true to an unsettling level. You retreat into yourself, never having drawn the parallel between your dream choices and how you behaved in the Waking World, particularly in more recent weeks. It was the exact reason you ended your relationship; you were unready to participate so completely in someone else’s plan.
A breeze dislodges a few leaves from the branches above your heads which pulls you back into the scene.
One of the leaves drifts into Morpheus’ unruly shock of hair.
Without thinking, your left hand comes up to pull the small object out.
He startles at the intention and flinches when you make contact with him.
He settles quickly. “It is alright.”
You drop your hand back to your side, energy soaking into your being from the slight touch. It takes up residence in your skeleton, causing warmth to surge within you. You turn away, undoing a button on your coat to cool down.
You cannot get over how soft his hair felt.
You swallow your longing before deciding to change the subject.
"I think I'm ready to have nightmares again."
Morpheus nods once. "I support your decision."
"You think I'm ready?"
“I do."
You are dizzyingly excited.
Morpheus sets out the terms in a serious tone.
“You must promise me that you will inform me immediately of anything that may threaten your stability before you enter the Dreaming.”
“Absolutely, of course.”
 “I suggest we reconvene in a week. I will let you continue exploring alone.”
“Thank you.”
He nods and takes a step backwards.
“Wait, how do I let you know if something changes?”
Morpheus’ beautiful eyes lock with yours. His tender reply is all the promise you need. “You need only call me and I will come.”
In the week that passes, you find yourself in two nightmares. One located in the exam hall of your secondary school and the other in a clown filled circus. They cause you to jolt awake but you are happy to find that they do not consume you.
You are eager to tell Morpheus, hopeful that he will look at you with the same pleasure as he had done when you had told him of your progress with emotional stabilisation.
Except he doesn’t show.
You had never had a specific time slot but there had been a routine where Morpheus would typically appear within a couple of minutes of you falling asleep.
You sit on the edge of the sofa seat, your focus drifting to the cottage door, hoping for a knocking noise.
A rhythm is eventually sounded out but it’s not made through rapping on wood; it is the hollow sound made through contact with glass.
A familiar glossy feathered bird is peering at you through the window.
It’s Matthew.
He caws once.
You run over and operate the handle to let him in. He flies on to the coffee table and ruffles his feathers exuberantly to shake off some raindrops.
“Hey, Y/N. Long time, no see.”
“Hi Matthew, how are you?”
“Oh, you know, still a raven. You?”
You suppress a laugh. “I'm getting there.”
“I'm happy to hear it.”
Matthew hops closer to you creating a scritch-scratching sound as he goes.
“So, Lord Morpheus sent me to pass on a message. He’s going to have to postpone.”
“Everything okay?”
“Something's come up that couldn't wait. It should be over soon though.”
You feel an onslaught of worry for Morpheus, and then push it down. He's likely one of the most powerful beings in the universe. There is no need to be concerned. Probably.
“That’s fine, I’ll see him another day,” you say with a smile. 
 You motion to the bowl of dried fruit and nuts on the table next to your carrion companion. 
“You want something to eat?” 
Matthew appraises the contents cautiously with his onyx eyes. 
“Are those raisins?” 
He sounds terrified. 
“You’re not a fan?”
“Umm, not really.” 
“That’s okay, I’ll pick them out for you.” 
You upturn the bowl and start to separate the offending items out from the rest of the mix. 
Matthew delicately picks up peanut halves while you graze absentmindedly on the rejects for a bit. 
He pauses in eating. “I heard you’re back on the nightmare list. How’s that going so far?” 
“Not too badly. I mean, there have been no nightmares in my room that I know of. Have you felt any earthquakes here?” 
You let out a sigh of relief. 
“Can I ask you a personal question?” Matthew says suddenly. 
“Sure...” You drag out the word hesitantly. 
“What’s been going on when you and Lord Morpheus meet?” 
You are flustered, immediately thinking back to the kiss and wondering if someone saw you. 
“Nothing’s been going on.” 
“You sure? ‘Cause he’s been acting differently since you came around.”
“Different how?” You are overwhelmingly curious. 
“I dunno, happier, I guess.” 
“But we just… talk.” 
“Well, whatever it is that you talk about, keep it up. Lucienne says that after all he’s been through, it’s such a relief to see him this way.” 
The only response you can muster is: “Oh.” 
“I haven’t got as much to compare to and I’m not 100% sure what happened but apparently something really affected him.” 
Now you have no words. 
Matthew bobs his head. 
"Anyway, I should get back to the palace." 
"Okay, thank you for coming, Matthew." 
"See you around, Y/N." 
He swoops through the still open window. 
You wake up not long after with a maelstrom of thoughts. The very idea of anything upsetting Morpheus makes your heart sore beyond measure. 
“Oh, shit,” you say out loud.
You realise in that moment that you are falling for Morpheus.
Taglist: @pinkcyclewitch @layla2-49 @shoidy-cat @silverhart93 @boofy1998 @dotieeee @ponyboys-sunsets​ @fangirlmary​ @littledollll​ @fatimakinney @jamiethenerdymonster​ @rosaren2498​ @mr-sandman-bring-me-a-dream​ @madiebear​ @sandman-33
"I was biting my tongue, I was trying to hide. I'll forget what I've done,  I will be re-defined."
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devil-acid · 9 months
Well I have a question-
I would like to know what is Rain World ? No cause I never heard of it before and it seems cool... I'm just interested... Totally not omw to another hyperfixation, nope haha...
Okay maybe I am
im sososo sorry for the late answer I thought i already answer this
its a survivor plataformer (? the game is very weird it has a bit of everything, you are a slugcat in a very very VERY dangerous ecosystem where you arent supposed to be, what does it means, CONGRATULATION YOU ARE IN THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOD CHAIN
so you objective is to go back to your home, but... this game is incredible hard, That's why I don't recommend it to many people, and why... well not only the fauna wants to eat you and the flora too but also your game will never be the same, let say you got eaten by a lizard, you wake up again and go to the same room where you die, guess what, the lizard isnt there!, maybe now there is a centipide, or another type of lizard or even nothing, all the fauna this game have their own personalities and encounters, the ecosystem of this game is very alive, lizards sleeping or hunting for food, some animal are scared of other animal or others are very territorial, so maybe everything will be scaring at the start but more than you learn how every animal behaves then more experience you get
and dont let me talk about the lore... because who ever write it, got some fucking edible weirdweedshit and not only that but also give it to their friend group and a monkey and start wrting whatever their eyes were seeing at that moment , the lore is very complex for a game where you are trying so hard to no get eaten
without mention the BEAUTIFUL PIXEL ART THIS GAME HAS???
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owlhead650 · 5 months
Pokemon Rejuvenation - Interceptor Asopo
This is a Pokemon Rejuvenation fanfiction that's roughly 2850 words long. This story will be like Asopo is writing diary entries about what he experiences. I don't make any alterations to the plot but I instead share my interpretation of what the main character would have been thinking at different parts of the early game. The protagonist in Rejuv goes through a lot and I wanted to explore that.
Day 1
I’m overwhelmed. My mother, Nancy, got kidnapped by this group called Team Xen. I was nearly captured too but mom tried really hard to save me. She held off the purple haired woman long enough for me to escape to the deck, but I was cornered there anyway. I thought it was over for me, but then a large flying Pokemon named Talonflame grabbed me and carried me all the way to land. It has a human partner named Tesla. She said she was doing her best to save people from the sinking boat. She left to go help more people after asking me who I was. She seems very nice, I hope I see her again soon. 
I honestly felt so lost, walking into Gearen city this morning, but the sound of the rainfall felt calming. I like rain. I also think the ocean looks beautiful. That’s why when I reached the lab in the city centre, the first Pokemon I chose was a water type called Mudkip. It looks adorable and I bet it’s really good at swimming. It also has these orange things on its cheek which remind me of the hoodie Mom bought me when we visited a shopping centre together. The professor who gave me my Mudkip friend is named Professor Jenner. He seems okay, but overall I don’t know what to make of him. He was talking to this red haired woman on his TV when me and the league scout Amanda walked into the room. He acted a bit suspicious and suddenly turned the TV off.
Me and Mudkip explored the city and battled many trainers. We came across some dirty puddles and Mudkip really enjoyed splashing around in them. He got my legs dirty when he splashed about but I was still happy to see him having lots of fun. I checked the pokedex that Professor Jenner gave me and apparently Mudkip’s later evolutions can live easily in muddy water. That’s when it dawned on me that there are thousands of Mudkip all around the world, and that everybody just calls all of them Mudkip. My Mudkip feels special to me so I think I should call it something different. I then named my Mudkip ‘Mud Splash’. Mud Splash the Mudkip. Me and Mud Splash seem to make a good team. I came across this place called ‘The Help Centre’ where you can help other people with their problems. I really want me and Mud Splash to get strong enough to help my Mom escape Team Xen, so hopefully if I practise helping people at the help centre then I’ll be able to do it. There was this girl I met called Sasha who was missing her own mother. I decided to help because I knew how scared she must have been feeling. I hope that because I helped her then that means I’ll find mine someday soon too. 
After we found her mother, they offered to give me a free haircut because Sasha’s mum is a barber. I asked to have my long hair cut a lot shorter. They were upset at first because they thought my long hair looked really nice, which I appreciate, but I explained to them that my whole appearance feels wrong to me. I told them that I feel like my body wasn’t really made for me, if that makes any sense. I’m not against having long hair but I think I want to try to make myself look as different as I can for now.
After doing lots of different help requests, I took a break and rested at the Pokemon centre. Pokemon centres are a good idea, anyone can go there to have their Pokemon friends given medical treatment or physical maintenance after battling. At that point Mud Splash wasn’t my only friend, I found Chrpy the black fletching. I used the pokedex so I know that the Talonflame bird that helped Tesla save people was once a fletching. I even learnt that the reason Chrpy is black is because it’s shiny! I also met Wake the Buizel who was being neglected by this other mean trainer who abandoned it. One of the help requests was from a travelling girl called Novae who gave me a Pichu when I defeated her. I named the Pichu Thunder Tail and it turns out she was another shiny! There’s Paddle the Psyduck and Captain the Nidoran. Nidoran was the third shiny that day, and I thought the pokedex said they were rare.
By evening time I walked past a house with loud music blaring out the window. Two people seemed to be arguing inside, until one of them was literally thrown through the roof! A girl my age with long purple hair, a black tank top and a short white skirt landed in the yard in front of the house right in front of me. I checked to see if she was okay, but she told me she was dying. I got really upset, all she did was play music too loud but now her own mother threw her out of the house and fatally wounded her! Of course, I learnt later that it was just a prank. The girl was taking advantage of my desperation to trick me into bringing her a free berry. Turns out she does this a lot and the berry salesperson was getting sick of her. This girl was called Veronica by her mother but says that she would rather be called Venam. Despite the fact that she gave me a fright, I actually quite like her. She introduced me to her two friends Melia and Ren who I had coincidentally met earlier before Venam. I think… I’m friends with them? We had an adventure in the sewers together and Venam was impressed by my battling skills so she challenged me to fight for her Gym badge. She’s a gym leader, I know the Aevium league has eighteen strong trainers called Gym leaders and Venam is the first. It was getting late so after our adventure in the sewers I told my three new friends that I was going to wait until tomorrow to challenge Venam. 
I guess you could say that I had a good day? My first day in Aevium was scary and lonely, but also fun and welcoming. Everything started looking up once I got my first Pokemon, I was able to help lots of other people and make new friends. Pokemon are beautiful, awesome creatures. Lot’s of other trainers are nice too, but not all of them. This world uses the power of Pokemon to create a strong and comfortable society for humans to live in. This benefits Pokemon too, but not every human is grateful to Pokemon. The boy who had Wake before me said that Pokemon are only for fighting. I know he’s wrong, but it’s sad to think that there are normal people like him who think that way and it’s sad to think that there are scary people like Team Xen who use the power of Pokemon for evil. Overall I’m finding the world to be a place of mixed emotions and concepts, it’s not simply one thing or another. My Mom, before she was taken away, told me to find new love and happiness. She wants me to be happy, but that might not always be easy. I’ll do my best regardless.
Day 2
I’m overwhelmed, again. My best friend Melia died today. My second day in Aevium started off good. I had some nice breakfast in the pokemon centre and started to prepare for my gym battle against Venam. I went to the library for the first time because I wanted to see if I could find a book about how to beat gym leaders, instead I found Ren. Ren knew lots about pokemon attacks and he gave me some tips about how to counter Venam’s battle style. When I went to the gym it had a really unique atmosphere. It was dark inside but also well lit up with these flashing, colourful lights. I think it was meant to be a sort of disco club place, which is fun because I’d never been anywhere like that before. While I was exploring the gym I found a secret room that led to a junkyard. Venam explained that the junkyard is where she keeps all her scrapped gym ideas, one based on Seviper, another on Whirlipede and even this abandoned factory gym. Seeing that really helped me realise something important, nothing lasts forever. Change is inevitable and even if you really like something, such as a building, you’ll need to leave it behind or change it one day. After seeing all that, I battled Venam and won. Even though Venam was clearly super strong, I actually didn’t allow more than one of my pokemon to faint during the battle. Venam, Melia and Ren were all very impressed. That made me happy. I think the win was partly thanks to the training me and Ren did. Ren actually challenged me to a battle afterwards and I won that as well. 
Melia had invited me to Goldenleaf Forest for a trip with her and I accepted. That was when I met Tesla again, she gave me a lifetime free pass for the train ride and checked in on how I was feeling. I was reminded again of how kind she is, after that me and Melia had a really fun time exploring the forest. We went through this cave and stumbled upon some ancient ruins. After we got through the ruins we found a place that wasn’t on the map and Melia named it the Silent Grove. I thought it was a nice name, but what was nicer was the picnic we shared. We sat down eating sandwiches, surrounded by these beautiful Vivillion with translucent wings. Melia told me they were known as ‘The Butterflies of Fate’ which is very dramatic for some bugs but I guess their rarity makes them deserving of it. During that picnic, I think I realised what Melia was to me, she was my best friend. I know that only knowing somebody for two days might not be long enough to really be able to call them a best friend, but that’s just how I felt. Being with her put me at ease, I was able to talk about all the really hard things that had been weighing on me. I told her about my Mom, about Team Xen and about how I generally felt lost. Melia was a good listener and she challenged me to a pokemon battle afterwards. My winning streak continued, despite the fact that Melia herself was preparing to become a gym leader like Venam. Yet no winning streak could save me from the awful loss I was about to experience. Team Xen attacked. A man named Zetta brought loads of Xen grunts to help him capture Melia. He even transformed lots of poor small Magikarp into a big monster to attack me, fighting the so called ‘Rift Gyarados’ took everything I had. I was barely able to push it back. After that me and Melia were able to escape the forest and get back to the city. I thought we were going to be safe but Melia’s adoptive father, Professor Jenner, had dealings with Team Xen this whole time. I don’t think it’s as simple as Jenner betraying Melia because he desperately asked me and Melia to help, but Melia was super angry at him. A red haired woman from Team Xen was there, I think her name was Madelis, she fought Melia to capture her. Melia did a really good job fighting back and managed to knock out her Houndoom but my own pokemon were too tired from fighting the Gyrados. The final time I ever saw Melia was when she tried to escape Madelis by getting her Togepi to use teleport. She asked me to grab onto her but I was too slow. What would have happened if I were faster? Would Melia still be alive? I’ll never know, me Ren and Venam all ran to Amethyst Cave because we believed we could save Melia if we caught up with her. We were too slow. Just like the woman with the Gothitelle said, Melia was dead before we stepped inside that cave.
As I write this I’m at Venam’s house, staying the night. It was nice of her mother to let me and Ren stay because I really didn’t want to be alone. I also didn’t want to talk, most of the time I don’t want to anyway, but especially not then. Convenient then that Neither Ren or Venam had anything to say. Is this how life will be for me? Mom, Melia… I formed a strong bond with both of them in a short time, yet soon after both of them were lost. I don’t want my whole life to be like this, I don’t want to keep gaining things that are precious to me only for them to be ripped away soon after. My Mom and Tesla would both say I need to hold onto hope, but how can I do that…?
Day 4
I’m still at Venam’s house. We say little and do little. That’s all.
Day 7
I’m done mourning. So are Ren and Venam. Ren encouraged me to continue with the gym challenge and I think he has the right idea. I need to get stronger, strong enough to save my Mom and stop Team Xen. I don’t know what the future holds for me, but that’s okay. I know that wherever I go I’ll do my very best to find hope and make a difference. I’ll start by doing some more help requests. It's fulfilling to help others so maybe when I help other people I’ll also help myself.
Day 14
After spending enough time off course I went through Amethyst Cave and befriended a strange girl named Nim. Apparently she’s known about me for a little while and wanted to be my friend. That sounds innocent enough, but she’s been watching from afar for the past couple of days and she was rather pushy about the whole becoming friends thing. I appreciate her lively spirit but she comes on very strong. She also claimed she was my ‘guardian angel’ which was probably a joke but it’s still very sweet of her to say something like that. Overall I find Nim to be a very pleasant individual but her eccentric behaviour might take some getting used to. Right after finishing things with her I arrived in Sheridan Village and met another girl called Aelita. She wants my help getting the gym leader to return to his senses and stop locking himself away. The way he hides himself away reminds me of how I was just after Melia died. Maybe this sensei is going through something similar to what I did? Either way I know that it’s important for me and Aelita to help him.
Day 15
We helped Keta open up to his people again and stop hiding himself away. But guess what? He died right after! Why do I keep watching people die?! Is this normal?! Better yet, I was forced to murder a pokemon today, just like how I had to murder the rift pokemon the day Melia died. Team Xen had set up this big underground lab because Keta had dealings with them. He sacrificed himself to stop a shadow Mewtwo from attacking me and Aelita, he said he was doing it to atone for his sins but honestly I wish he could’ve atoned by surviving instead. Honestly the idea of someone needing to die for a cause or hurt themselves for ‘atonement’ or whatever is sickening to me. Why does the world demand sacrifices from people? Why is there always such a devastating cost? After we escaped Team Xen, Crescent’s Gothitelle teleported me to another Xen base. I was terrified because I was suddenly surrounded by a bunch of strong enemies. I was worried that maybe that was going to be the end, but the Gothitelle teleported me back to Sheridan. I wasn’t able to catch the shadow Mewtwo because the Xen Admin Madelis activated a machine that broke my snag arm I got from Melia. Me and Aelita are going to Akuwa town to find an engineer called Saki Blakeory who might be able to fix it. At this point. I’m going to stop numbering my diary entries with the number of days I’ve been here because inexplicably I disappeared for a whole week. I honestly cannot tell you why I was gone for a week or what I was doing for that time, but according to Aelita that’s how long I had disappeared for. My life is insane, Aevium is insane and I just wish people would stop dying every time I start to understand them a little bit.
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luc3 · 2 years
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A little earlier in the day, when I had just made my devotions to the Great Serpent of the Fair Folks from here, while still wondering how to pick up without crying and with the benevolence of a Buddhist, all the garbage that I found from new on this corner of the riverbank... This contempt for oneself, this contempt for others, I'm the one who's soiled, isn't it, GrandMother, it's me who's being soiled, I'm the temple of their waste.
I'm the temple of their waste, isn't it GrandMother ?
"I lick the sins of those who feel too clean". And they always need more.
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The clay soil was soaked (yet no rain for two months, but the factories that are in my Region continue to pump water from this River to cool the micro-electronic circuits of our smartphones), I picked up other people's shit and, sorry to the bouddha I have inside, I cried.
I slipped in the black clay and got stuck under what I didn't immediately realize was a resurgent Hawthorn bush.
So, from the tears, I smiled.
Because after my last experience of loss in Hawthorn, I would never have believed that this Spirit so Ancient, so Powerful, this Nature so perfect, would be towards me, so generous and constant. While I can't do much, not enough anyway.
_How did He come up alone, naked, and poor?
_You just have to go up, alone, naked and poor.
And I found myself trapped under its Thorns, under its budding leaves, with a chaffinch above and a blackbird that kept singing, when the World doesn't give a fuck, nor of their song, nor of their beauty, and its Great Spirit embraced me.
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After, there were flowers, other spring birds, lots of ravens, lots of offerings, and we sang to the Wind that it brings the Rain.
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There are days I really wonder why I am blessed with so many Graces.
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saltyermilk · 1 year
So one day pansear-doodles wrote
Gourmand's Bedtime Story
And i took it upon myself to take this beautiful writing and scramble it into a google translated mess of unintelligible words that provide no story whatsoever
So enjoy "Gourmand's Bedtime story but google translated"
If you dont like that name call it "Gourmand's bedtime story but it makes no fucking sense"
Its under the cut
After rain on the beach, the animals returned to the beach house to play until dark, and the people in the hotel heard it on the way.
Nero killed his master's son, Vader.
Kuroda turned to his brother and raised his last weapon. Pope Gorman was kissed to death and laughed with the children.
The dog comforts his friend who is not a stranger. I know I said about 15 minutes, but that's it.
If I can answer, I will answer quickly.
- No, I'm not tired! The children are crying
he started laughing. hi i hate my son I entered a dark room. Children have many choices, the most important of which is clothes. Place sugar in a large bowl. Place your dog's head on a soft pillow.
your dog is not breathing
- Everyone! it doesn't take long
She has a beautiful face, kind heart and beautiful smile. - Who died? Tell us about your first experience.
The farmer wanted to know his sister's religion. he sleeps next to the dog
- You know I'm not a soldier?
A good dog is afraid. manager
I don't know if it's funny or crazy.
"I have a plan. The plan is over. I don't worry about the water anymore."
You can volunteer
I don't want the world
- game over! said the thief
Sleep under the carpet. But I don't think I hate it.
- Yes, but no.
He smiled and started eating. - where has he come from? the world! I decided to show some places on the map. Climb high walls and avoid dangerous insects. I want to see this picture...! You never know when your journey will end. At the end of a good month, Nadia comes from the mountain.
Bonnie Fox Kerman - I want to stay but I'm crazy. I can't go, I'm going, you don't know where I'm going.
Did you see my sister cry?
Mad face! You will not miss the music of the dark world! I was afraid, but I remembered my mother, who supported me in life.
Writing, of course
Time is up! I sat under a big tree and waited for the eagle.
"Question!" How do you choose?
- bad!
Dogs love to talk to people.
But this is wrong.
"What are you doing now?" Be careful of other dogs.
I love you, remember. They enter the mountains and valleys, they don't know what to do. But your heart sings. Who knows your inner voice? Comment added "Not suitable for children..."
I don't like driving
Do the work Back to Toaster Ceiling.
But when he saw the food, he forgave his mother.
- What are you doing? Only you
---Alright... Brother, thank you for coming today.
All dogs are blind. Now the seventh dog.
at the top of the list. But I love my family. Jane prayed for him and the others.
All dogs love to run. But happiness and sadness are not universal. He stood up and closed his eyes. But there are others.
He replied: I love you. The president got up and left the room. With kind regards. In this photo, a man is tied to a living room chair.
All of them
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magsgoestocollege · 5 months
i want to capture this feeling, this moment. near the end.
i am sitting in my college dorm room, my fourth one but not my final one, and i have been home from my last college class for roughly thirty minutes. i stalled leaving the classroom because i was sure that i would cry. we spent the semester studying knights, chivalry, romance, and fantasy. it was queer, feminist, and beautiful. i'm so glad i planned my courses to end with this one.
it feels wrong, i think, to be done. to feel done. i still have two-ish finals left, but not really. one just needs to be edited, and the other is a series of knight-themed aita posts. because. liberal arts college. neither are putting the weight of the world on me. my final film screening is in an hour and a half.
i'm throwing a graduation party for myself tonight in the basement of my dorm because reading period starts tomorrow night and i don't want to annoy my housemates. i feel at home here, finally, after 4 years. and i leave it in less than three weeks. there are more than thirty people planning to come to my graduation celebration, more than i ever could've expected. i thought i had three friends, if that. to see so many people want to celebrate my success? well.
senior ball and senior banquet were this weekend. both were unexpectedly wonderful. i got all dressed up in my jumpsuit and crystal. my friend burned my forehead with the curling iron. it still hurts, but i can only be a little mad. it was a special night. i pregamed with my housemates, my second (third?) time being invited. i'm still surprised to be included, honestly, which my therapist raised her eyebrows at. I'm working hard to undo the idea that i have to earn the right to be around other people.
the dance was in the campus center, and they legally can't turn the lights off, so imagine around 200 drunk seniors in formal attire dancing under fluorescent lights middle school-style. it was perfect. i was skeptical of the french fry bar at first, but actually, that is exactly what i wanted. i flitted between housemates and senior friends and graduated friends who were brought by senior dates. i had a beautiful time. the misting rain was cold against the alcohol-flush of my cheeks. i was warm. happy.
senior banquet was perfect. in true banquet fashion, the tables were arranged in a big square with seniors on one side. everyone knew each other. there were no cliques for the first time since I've been attending. the underclassmen showed up in droves. the first years and sophomores performed their skits, recounting tales from the seniors' time in college. someone monologued as me. it was touching. the juniors presented their prophecies. mine was very sweet. I gave my wills away to three juniors and three first years.
i think i'm excited to graduate. i'm certainly ready to leave. to try something new. four years, I've found, is about the longest i can stay somewhere without growing bored or getting too comfortable. i studied video production, indigenous critiques of settler colonialism, and knights this semester. a fine lineup if i do say so myself.
i'm excited to join the school's legacy. alums are known for making waves, after all, and i hope i get to start a ripple. with all its ups and downs, traumatizing experiences, and bright spots, i have certainly come away from college a different person. i'm more self-assured. i'm confident in my ability to succeed. my perspective of the world has opened up and closed at the same time. i can hold nuance and gray area better than most of my peers. i'm still learning who i am, but that's okay. you never really stop learning who you are.
i have to go. my party is in a few hours, and i have a screening to get to. i'll see you soon, though. there's much to say in the next few weeks.
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akenvs3000w24 · 6 months
Unit 7 Blog: Exploring the Music and the Great Outdoors
Welcome back to another exciting blog post about my experiences with nature!
This week I plan to touch on music found within nature and how it moves me. I have found myself walking through the woods on hiking trails in silence and all that I hear and feel are the natural songs that nature leaves behind. I hear rhythms through the rustlings of leaves through the wind and melodies sung by birds echoing in the distance through the trees. These moments are found in the silence and absence of human involvement. These special moments can also be found in traditional music like on road trips while driving through nice open roads with the windows down. The relationship between music and nature is harmonious and special. 
Through this unit I found myself asking the questions “Where is music in nature? Where is nature in music?”. These questions had me analyzing my experiences and reflecting on my time exploring nature. During this, I have realized that music is not something that we just listen to but it is part of who we are and it is found in our views of nature. When I travel through nature I listen to the natural sounds of bugs, birds, squirrels and trees. The calming sounds of rain or mildew fall from their leaves as the wind blows. Nature is the true beginning of music and has written its melodies and harmonies along the way.
The connection between music and nature is complex. Nature has influenced and inspired music and music has the power to connect us to the natural landscape sound us. I have songs coming to mind that speak to the beauty that nature and how it has affected the artist. One song in particular “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong opens with 
“ I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world”
This song highlights the beauty found in nature and the impact it has on his life. He connects it to the beauty he sees in the world through human interactions. Just as nature inspires music, music has the power to transport us back to the natural landscapes that have left a lasting impression on our souls. It reminds me of when I was hiking in Canmore Alberta for the first time and I got to see the ice-blue glacier water reflecting the beautiful full trees and foliage that surrounded it. I could have stood there in silence for hours listening to the wildlife and watching the wind blow through the trees. These are vivid memories that replay in my mind and often have me thinking “What A Wonderful World.”
I'm sure many people have songs or hums or melodies that play through their minds as they interpret nature. Some songs make me reminisce about some of my cherished moments spent outside while hiking, camping or just spending time with loved ones in our beautiful natural landscape. It's these moments of connection between music and nature that remind us of the immense impact the natural world has on our lives.
As I've explored the relationship between music and nature it has urged me to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. These moments are felt through hikes on open trails and spontaneous adventures. I now like to think of music as the soundtrack to outdoor adventures and look to hear the natural accompaniment added to the environment. Music and Nature go hand in hand and help enhance the outdoor adventures that await. 
I encourage everyone on their next outdoor adventure to try and partner their music choices to their environment and allow for nature to shine through. Let me know if there is a song that reminds you of your favourite natural landscape!
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akira-the-graphophile · 7 months
Does everybody have these kind of people around them as well?
I am a person that can be happy with things that people see as "ordinary" Or "not that special" Like the wind, the trees, the rain, world itself with every little thing it has. And I am fascinated especially by music, books and movies! So when I listen, read or watch any of those and REALLY love it, I wanna share with people. But when I do, they make me wish I never did. For example I watched a movie that one of our teachers suggested us to watch so we could talk about it in class and it was a beautiful movie with so many meaningful scenes/dialogues and I was IN LOVE with it. So naturally I was SO EXCITED when this one person asked me about a scene in the movie that I put on my story!!! So before explaining the scene I wanted them to watch the full scene so I opened it and showed them (the video was like a minute and 30secs or smth). After watching it, they started to question every little unrelated thing that they could possibly find about what the character in the scene was saying. Its like THEY DIDNT EVEN LISTEN TO WHAT THE CHARACTER SAID IN THE FIRST PLACE, and kept asking irrelevant and ridiculous questions which just made me feel really disappointed. I was so excited to share my takes and opinions about this movie and got really excited all for them to not even listen to me OR the character. It just breaks my heart, like what is the reason? Why would you want to act this way? I'm afraid I will never understand. Same thing happens with so many other things ESPECIALLY with books and ANIME, people ask things only to listen to themselves and go on with their merry day. If you dont care then dont ask. I'm sorry this became a rant so quick but I just wanted to share this and see if there's anyone else that might be having not same but at least similar experiences so that I would know that I'm not alone. One last thing before I end the ranting, I hate when the only things I enjoy are violated by other people just so they can "joke around" And never once even think about that maybe and just MAYBE that these things are what keeps the person in front of them, like me, alive. If it weren't for music and books, I would not be here today. They are what gives me hope and comfort, maybe this feels like I'm overreacting but when something is so precious to you, so much so that it is your reason to live, you would defend it no matter what. And that thing for me is music and books... And writing too... it helps me calm down which is why I started to write about the rant in the first place but ANYWAYS Thank you for reading to my ranting and I'm sorry if I took so much of your time. Have a nice day, and stay safe!
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wolf-innsheepsclothing · 10 months
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November 20 – Personality Playlist: Create a playlist for a personality trait for a character!
Laura's Characters as The Seasons
Wolfgang Amadeus as Winter
There is stark beauty in the frozen fingers of trees reaching up into an ink dark night, where lone silver stars dance with swirls of snow on the wind. Cold, dark, quiet winter brings peace as snow closes th world around you and sound lies deead upon its soft embrace. But there is life still after winter, as ice drips from eaves and hidden shoots begin to burrow in the cold dark earth.. There is life still in winter, berries red as blood, the russet flash of the robin, the raw prickle of fingers and stamped feet. There is life still. There will be life again.
A playlist for rebirth.
[Spring] [Summer] [Autumn]
Tracklist and descriptors beneath the cut.
So Wolf's playlist was the one to inspire this whole set of complimentary playlists, because I was musing on how it was his season, how the starkness of winter really suited him from a story-telling perspective. That got me thinking about songs which featured those sort of qualities, which were stark and cold and beautiful. Winter songs. If you listen to all four playlists I've tried to weave the ideas of each season in not just lyrically, but musically. There was a lot of thought put into the precise order of each and the story of the season it went with. But this one most of all.
Promise - Ben Howard
This track is so rich with winter imagery, I just think it's gorgeous, and the simple crackle at the start is just so evocative of dark winter nights. But it also asks a lot of questions about identity, about identity and identity in relation to another person specifically, which is something that resonated with me for Wolf. So much of his invented self is not about him at all, it's about who he is for other people. Is there another Wolf under that more like we've seen in Aus? Maybe.
Winter - Joshua Radin
The archetypal winter song, this very much prompted the whole train of thought that kicked it off. Again, this song asks questions about identity and self doubt, but also how painful memories can be. Wolf has a lot of painful memories. Sometimes it can be really easy to thinkof winter as this dead season, but actually there are so many big family oriented holidays involved in the period, that can be difficult for a person on the outside of them.
Medecine - Daughter
This song is so stark, and so painful, and for that it has a very cold beauty. I associate it with Wolf's time in Amsterdam and his addiction issues. The lyrics are all about second chances, going home, which was a huge battle within him during that time, which he self-medicated. And I really think that line 'you've got a warm heart, you've got a beautiful brain but it's disintegrating from all the medecine' is so true of the change that went over him in that time.
I Found - Amber Run
It would be easy to be insincere about this song because it's so 'on the nose,' to Wolf's experience. But he literally did find a second chance in the last place a werewolf could ever have expected to find one. It's also the musical equivalent of a dark night with the snow coming down and not a soul around.
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
The Hauntley Inn is, in many ways, purgatory. It's populated by the dead (ghosts), the not quite dead (revenants, vampires), and those who have in their own way, died and been reborn (Snow, Wolf, King even). For those reasons it's also a place where mortality, and the beauty of mortality compared to the reality of immortality, is at its clearest. How rare and beautiful it is that we exist. This song is about that. Living at the Inn has taught Wolf more about life, death, and what it actually means to be human than all his years of sheltered perfection before then. It also taught him to cling to life again, after a time where he didn't care about it.
I Thing Its Going to Rain Today - Tom Odell
There is always something a bit pessimistic about winter. It can be hard to see the beauty of it, when everything feels grey and dark and cold. Wolf is an inveterate pessimist.
Winter Song - Sara Bareilles / Ingrid Michaelson
I actually fought putting this song onto the playlist for a long time, because I didn't want it to look like just a collection of songs that mention 'winter.' But eventually spotify wore me down, and the lines they say that things just cannot grow beneath the winter snow and is love alive? felt so true to me for Wolf. Because it stirred up this image of plants buried under deep snow and how even before the thaw, they start to grow again, this hidden world under the frost. Which is so much of him. His true personality is so buried under who he's had to become it's hard to see where the lines are, but is there light and love and fun buried under all that grim exterior?
Ghost - Kate Rusby
Listen what could be more winter than this song. Everything about it is a cold winter night. The repeated moon and star imagery is everything to me, and just conjures images to me of Wolf sitting out there on his lonely vigils, haunted by the past.
Leave You Behind - Ron Pope
Re... birth.
This song has so many good vibes for Wolf. Not least because of all the places and people and versions of himself he has left behind in the past. Now he is contemplating leaving the Inn, so he has to ask himself these questions again? If he leaves, who is he?
Breathe Again - Sara Bareilles
This song has something of the 'late winter thaw' to it. Again it is all wrapped up in questions of staying, going, identity and home.
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safereturndoubtful · 11 months
It Waits in the Woods
Sunday 29th October 2023
I’ve borrowed the title from a short book (by Josh Malerman) I read this morning before heading out. It’s from a series of six released for this time of year. It promised a lot, but didn’t really deliver. Nonetheless, it was entertaining enough. It concerned a student, who after a particular story told around the campfire, heads by herself into the woods to see if there is any truth to the ‘impish demon’ that is supposed to lurk there.
I have wandered so many forests around Europe, but so far not encountered anything like such a demon. I live in hope though. Two problems stand in the way of such an experience. The first being that I see too much beauty in their midst, whatever the weather, day or night; I’m not approaching the situation from the right angle. Folklore, myth and legend is part of that beauty, and it fascinates me. The best authors do it so well, from writing about nature, as for example with Shrubsole’s Lost Rain Forests, to the more sinister, horror from the likes of Shirley Jackson, MR James, Robert Aickman, Algernon Blackwood..
The second, is that with Roja, we see very little anyway. We often hear foxes, boar, who knows what else, but rarely catch a glimpse. With Roja leading the way, he ensures any such demon keeps its distance.
It was a cloudless day today, pretty much perfect conditions, with the day soon warming up to the early 20s.
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I walked the couple of kilometres down to the magnificent Portitsa Gorge, with an old stone bridge spectacularly guarding its entrance. It was built in 1743 to serve the needs of the locals to pass from the village of Spilio, and it’s monastery, to the village of Monahiti.
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We hiked the Portitsa Trail, a six kilometre loop that climbs into the forest steeply, before reaching a four wheel drive track, from which there are great views across to the gorge and Spilio village above it, winding its way much less steeply, down to the river. Ford the river, and back along the road.
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In the above photo, the village of Spilio can be seen above the valley. It’s possible to make out the steep path up to it also.
By midday there were a few more people around, including a minibus of English pensioners who live on Crete.
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I spent the afternoon attending to my online book library, something I haven’t done for a few weeks, and always takes far longer than I think it will.
I had hoped to continue to work on my new website, but due to the sport on, dismal England cricket, and extremely wet rugby from Newcastle, I never got to it.
I certainly enjoyed the World Cup Final, and exchanging texts with various friends. By the time the Cup was presented, it was twenty minutes after midnight, so it was done with a Jamesons on my part. A good night to have an extra hour..
It’s been a memorable 7 weeks. I’ve watched almost all the games, which I thought I would struggle to do in the West Balkans, from up at 1500 metres in the remote Bjelašnica plateau in Bosnia with one bar 4G and a speed of about 5mbps, to a surprisingly strong signal, at a similar altitude in the Accurseds in Montenegro.
I’m glad it’s over though, I do feel culturally malnourished. In the short term, it’s that time of year, so I’ll be trying to find some decent horror films the next few nights.
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