#nmc rules
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Scotland Yard could be called in to investigate an alleged breach of the Princess of Wales’s private medical data.
The world-renowned London Clinic in Marylebone where the Princess of Wales underwent abdominal surgery in January, launched an investigation amid allegations staff attempted to access her private medical records.
After The Mirror’s world exclusive was picked up around the world this week, sources have said tonight that “up to three people” could be involved in the alleged accessing of Catherine’s medical records.
In a further bombshell, it can be revealed that the alleged breach took place after the future queen was discharged from hospital on January 29, as social media exploded with outlandish and hurtful conspiracy theories relating to her surgery.
Sources said the criminal investigation, described as “unprecedented” and now being run by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), could run alongside an additional probe by the Metropolitan Police.
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Accessing someone’s medical records without cause or consent can be a criminal offence.
If the ICO investigates and finds evidence that medical records were accessed illegally, it can take action, including prosecuting and fining the person responsible in court.
The development came amid a new statement from the CEO of the The London Clinic, who said:
“There is no place at our hospital for those who intentionally breach the trust of any of our patients or colleagues.”
A source said:
“This is such a unique case that a police investigation could run alongside one by the Information Commissioner's Office.
The IOC will deal with anything as a criminal matter, which could end up in a Magistrate’s Court, but if there were further claims of wrongdoing such as a conspiracy to distribute illegally accessed information, then that could be a matter for the police.”
Scotland Yard has also been urged to launch an immediate investigation, alongside the IOC probe, over fears of a potential royal blackmail plot.
Dai Davies, the former chief superintendent and head of the royal protection unit, said:
“Anyone accused of this most serious breach of trust should be interviewed under caution at the earliest opportunity.
The implications for the royal family are far and wide, and there must be a full probe by Scotland Yard to determine if any further crimes have been committed.”
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The Met Police said it had not yet received a referral, but Health Minister Maria Caulfield said today that she understood “police have been asked to look at it.”
Speaking to Sky News, she said it was "pretty serious stuff to be accessing notes that you don't have permission to."
She added:
"I say this as someone who's still on the nursing register, that the rules are very, very clear for all patients.
That unless you're looking after that patient, or they've given you their consent, you should not be looking at patients' notes.
So there are rules in place and the Information Commissioner can levy fines, that can be prosecutions, your regulator.
So as a nurse, my regulator would be the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council), can take enforcement action….and can strike you off the register if the breach is serious enough.
So there are particularly hefty implications if you are looking at notes for medical records that you should not be looking at."
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Asked if the police should look into the matter, she said: "My understanding is that police have been asked to look at it - whether they take action is a matter for them.”
Fears that the King’s private medical information had also been compromised were dismissed tonight, after Charles spent three nights at the hospital during the same period as the Princess of Wales after undergoing an operation for an enlarged prostate.
Sources confirmed bosses at the hospital had informed Buckingham Palace that the alleged breach being probed did not involve the monarch.
Charles and Catherine were discharged separately just hours apart on January 29.
The King was subsequently diagnosed with “a form of cancer,” announced by Buckingham Palace on February 5.
Senior bosses at the hospital notified the IOC within 72 hours of the alleged breach of Kate’s records, in accordance with the watchdog’s guidelines.
Despite global speculation over the nature of the princess’s surgery, which has sparked wild conspiracy theories across social media and international news outlets, Kensington Palace has gone to great lengths to protect her privacy.
The palace said when Catherine was admitted that she would spend two weeks in hospital and not return to royal duties until after Easter as she continued her recovery at home.
Sources suggested the princess may decide to join the royal family on a scheduled walk to church on Easter Sunday, but no decision had yet been taken.
As the crisis intensified today following The Mirror’s revelations, Al Russell, the CEO at The London Clinic, added:
“Everyone at The London Clinic is acutely aware of our individual, professional, ethical and legal duties with regards to patient confidentiality.
We take enormous pride in the outstanding care and discretion we aim to deliver for all our patients that put their trust in us every day.
We have systems in place to monitor management of patient information and, in the case of any breach, all appropriate investigatory, regulatory and disciplinary steps will be taken.”
The General Medical Council (GMC), which regulates doctors, also said patients must have confidence that their personal information is protected "at all times."
A spokesman for the Prime Minister said:
“Clearly there are strict rules on patient data that must be followed. I think we all want to get behind the Princess of Wales and Prince of Wales and we wish her the speediest of recoveries.”
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ukrfeminism · 8 months
A nurse has described her eight years of hell as she fought the NHS over its failure to properly investigate claims she was sexually harassed by a colleague.
Michelle Russell, who has 30 years of experience, first raised allegations of sexual harassment by a male nurse to managers at the mental health unit where she worked in London in 2015.
Years of battling her case saw the trust’s initial investigation condemned as “catastrophically flawed” while the nursing watchdog, the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC), apologised for taking so long to review her complaint and referred itself to its own regulator over the matter.
With the case still unresolved, Ms Russell will see her career in the NHS end this week after she was not offered any further contract work.
Speaking to The Independent she said: “If I’m going to lose my job, I want other nurses to know that this is what happens when you raise a concern. I want the public to know this is what happens to us in the NHS when we are trying to protect the public.
“I have an unblemished career. They’re crying out for nurses. I’ve dedicated my life to the NHS. I haven’t done anything wrong.”
Former Labour health minister Ann Keen condemned the way in which Ms Russell had been treated: “This can’t be right. How is this happening?
“Pillars of society, letting not just one nurse down, but also potentially [failing] public safety. How, again, has it been demonstrated, that the NHS is not taking sexual abuse seriously?”
Roger Kline, who has led several major cultural reviews for the NHS, said: “It’s one of the worst cases I’ve seen where discrimination has been met with denial, avoidance and retaliation.
“Instead of dealing with allegations the trust brutally turned on her. This is not remotely how we should deal with allegations of sexual harassment made by competent experienced professionals. It has disgracefully ended Michelle’s nursing career.”
It shows “the general inability of the NHS to deal with sexual harassment until very recently. It is a scandal,” he added.
New figures show that the NMC is facing a growing backlog of 5,711 cases in December – up from 5,463 in June.
Last year our investigation revealed claims that a “culture of fear” in the NMC was leaving rogue nurses free to abuse patients. As a result of the stories, the NMC has launched three independent probes.
Ms Russell had worked as a nurse at North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT) for 20 years. However, in 2015, after months of alleged “unwarranted” touching and “inappropriate” behaviour from another nurse, she decided to report her concerns to her manager.
A full 12 months later, the trust’s HR department told Ms Russell her allegations were not upheld. During this time, she went off sick leave and as a result of being away from clinical duties for so long was unable to work as a nurse under NMC rules.
Throughout that time, Ms Russell said: “I was treated as the accused. I was isolated from any support that I may have had. It was like I had to explain why I didn’t move [during the incident]. Describe and draw on the desk what my personal space looked like.”
Her comments come in the same week as The Independent revealed tens of thousands of allegations of sexual assault and harassment have been recorded in mental health hospitals.
Despite her setback, Ms Russell persevered, determined for her story to be heard.
Standing in the rain outside parliament in 2018, holding a sign that read “I’m a nurse who was sexually assaulted at work and I’m going to lose MY job” she had a chance encounter with the NHS’ most senior nurse Ruth May.
This encounter prompted the NHS England executive to launch an independent review into North East London Foundation Trust’s investigation which later in July 2018 found the hospital’s report was “catastrophically flawed” and that it failed to understand its own HR policy on sexual harassment.
The catastrophic flaws also included trust officials communicating directly with Royal College of Nursing Officers who were representing both Ms Russell and her accused, which was against trust policy.
It also found the actions of the trust’s investigator had a “lack of impartiality” towards the issues Ms Russell had alleged and found the handling of her complaint was so “clumsy” it led to the breakdown of relationships and undermined the possibility of the nurse returning to her job.
A third independent report, by a consultancy called Vista commissioned by NELFT, finished in 2019 and upheld Ms Russell’s allegations, finding the male nurse’s behaviour “amounted to sexual harassment” and that “some aspects could be categorised as sexual assault”.
Both reports and a suspension letter cite allegations of inappropriate behaviour by Ms Russell’s alleged harasser involving the relatives of patients, one of which was withdrawn. The NELFT said it has not received any formal reports involving families, while the NMC claimed it could not find evidence of such claims.
In a statement to The Independent, NELFT said it had accepted the findings of the investigations in full, and taken the issues raised by Ms Russell “extremely seriously” and as a result has put in place new sexual safety policies and improved its oversight and training.
It claimed it had no direct formal complaints from patients or family members over the nurse.
Ms Russell first referred the nurse to the NMC in 2016. However, a year later, she found the NMC’s screening team had closed the case “without further investigation”.
Two years later the regulator reopened the case after a determined Ms Russell travelled to its offices and refused to leave until officials looked into the NHS England review.
During the investigation, Ms Russell’s GP was forced to write to the NMC and condemned it for failing to carry out its investigation in a “trauma-informed way”, a letter seen by The Independent shows.
The NMC’s delays worsened and it was not until July 2023 – after four years – that the NMC brought a fitness to practice hearing against her alleged harasser. In that period it found two other staff members at NELFT had made allegations of inappropriate verbal comments against the same alleged harasser. 
However, Ms Russell claims the NMC failed to investigate properly as it did not submit the NHS England review and Vista reviews as evidence to the fitness to practice hearing. The regulator said it was not able to establish direct evidence for the additional patient-related concerns in the reviews.
However, the defence was able to submit extracts from the first “catastrophically flawed” review by the hospital during the hearing.
Ms Russell says she was devastated after the NMC’s panel said her allegations could not be proved. The NMC’s panel did find there was a case to answer for a less serious allegation by one of the other two staff members.
The panel said there was not enough evidence to prove her claims on the “balance of probabilities”.
Since then, the NMC has referred itself to its regulator – the Professional Standards Authority – on the basis that its independent panel’s decision in Ms Russell’s case “is not sufficient to protect the public”.
She launched an employment tribunal claim against NELFT over its failures. This claim led to a settlement agreement in September 2022 for her to move to NHS England on secondment and for her post at NELFT to be filled. Next week that secondment will come to an end.
Andrea Sutcliffe, NMC chief executive and registrar, said: “I know it’s been an extremely difficult time for Ms Russell and on behalf of the NMC, I’m sorry this case took too long. There’s no place for sexual misconduct in society, and we took the concerns Ms Russell raised with us very seriously.
“We considered the evidence carefully and decided there was a case to answer, and we made that case at a hearing. However, an independent panel decided that the charges we brought in relation to Ms Russell were not proved. Understandably that has been very distressing for Ms Russell. We’ve asked the Professional Standards Authority to review the panel’s decision.” 
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sahhr-studiesmed · 2 months
So Apparently.
TW// Swearing, Rant
We don't have supplementary exams this year onwards.
If I were to fail any exam. I would have to repeat another year in the same class. I won't be allowed to attend any classes and will have to sit with the next batch for the said exams. So basically a waste of an entire fucking year. This fucking fucking fuckers.
Fuck this shit.
Really fuck this shit.
And here making myself forcefully focus on memorising is painful. Like literally painful. I can literally feel the fucking pain.
I want to study when my mind hates to focus for more than a few minutes. Literally more three minutes and it will start complaining
Making myself sit for prolonged periods of time is fucking me up this bad.
Fuck the NMC. They are the worst. The worst fucking ever monitering body of medical education.
Fuck their 40/60 rule.
Fuck this shit.
And fuck my college for only giving just one day off between the exams.
I have had so far - Biochemistry A, biochemistry B, physiology A.
The exams left are - physiology B, anatomy A, anatomy B.
Then Another internal exam.
And three separate vivas- biochemistry, physiology and anatomy.
I have no idea of what to do.
And I haven't been able to find someone to body double with.
So great. Just fucking great.
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waji8571 · 4 months
Duty Manager NMC Bareen International Hospital 
NMC Healthcare is presently in need of qualified candidates for the role of a Duty Manager. The successful candidate will work at NMC Bareen International Hospital, MBZC, Abu Dhabi. This is a mid level full time role. For this position salary ranges from 12000 AED to 25000 AED, which may be slightly negotiatable during the interview process. Job ID for this vacancy is 4411.
Responsibilities of A Duty Manager
Helping the department in the absence of the Patient Care Manager to manage the day-to-day routine inside the hospital.
Ensures patients are admitted in accordance with hospital policies and procedures.
Develops and achieves departmental goals and objectives by gathering patient, demographic, insurance and financial information.
Reduces admissions conflicts and discrepancies by collaborating with physicians and assigns beds according to priority
Performs regular audits to ensure proper handling and accuracy of all patient data to ensure revenue for hospital.
Improves delivery of patient care by integrating admissions procedures with other care staff, including working with various hospital departments
Continuously works to achieve hospital goals. Accepts ownership for actions and decisions, accomplishments and actively explores new opportunities on the job to enhance skills and knowledge.
Communicates with patients, their families, proxies and admitting staff to ensure rules, regulations and procedures are followed.
Analyses statistics or other data to determine the level of hospital’s customer service.
Prepares reports and analyses highlighting progress, adverse trends and suggesting appropriate recommendations or conclusions.
Responds to customer requests and questions regarding services, products and account information. Analyzes and rectifies customer concerns using established procedures.
Perceives and interprets patient needs and translates them into effective solutions.
Supports employee involvement in decision making and problem solving and facilitates dialogue between patients, physicians, nurses and administrative managers to resolve patient complaints and problems.
Enhances professional growth, training and development through participation in educational programs, current literature, in service meetings and workshops.
Eligibility Requirements
The eligibility requirements for role of a Duty Manager are as under:
Bachelor degree / Masters Degree.
Must have experience in Hospital Industry with more than 5 years.
Proficiency with MS Office applications.
English and Arabic language proficiency is a must.
Apply Here https://bitly.cx/ZFkyj
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emirates23 · 7 months
Exploring Nursing Opportunities Abroad: Top Countries for Indian Nurses
Nursing is one of the most in-demand jobs inside and outside India. A profession that is in most demand in GCC countries for Indians is the nursing job. For Indian nurses, who are looking to broaden their horizons, many countries are waiting with promising career opportunities. If you are a skilled nurse and have multilingual capabilities then wide opportunities will be there. The overseas opportunities will give you high pay as well as a high-standard working environment. The respect for nurses outside India is much higher than inside India. Nurses are being recruited through top nursing consultancy in Kerala and here is a list of the top countries that offer promising careers.  
Five top countries that offer promising nursing career
United Arab Emirates: Dubai which is an opulent city right due to cultural and development richness hires nurses from India. A large part of nurses who work in Dubai are Indian and they a decent pay but not much higher than European and American countries. But the most attractive feature of Dubai is that the nurses can take their entire income to their homeland since there are no taxes. In Dubai, there are many world-class hospitals, medical centers, and clinics that offer good employment prospects for Indian and other nationalities. 
Saudi Arabia: In Saudi Arabia, there are a plethora of job opportunities for nurses in both the private and Government sectors. They offer good pay, accommodation facilities and also travel allowances. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest nations in GCC countries and also the pilgrimage place for Muslims, the demand for medical facilities is very high. The demand for trained professionals especially from India is of high demand in Saudi. However, finding the right opportunity is a bit challenging since there is a high scam in the field of recruitment. 
Canada: Canada is a country that offers a healthcare system with the highest standard. This country is facing staff shortages and is now actively recruiting nurses worldwide. The high-quality life and the welcoming stances towards immigrants make Canada an excellent choice for nurses. The medical facilities and education are completely free for immigrants. 
Australia: Australia's flourishing healthcare industry and stunning landscapes attract nurses worldwide. With modern facilities and advanced technology, nurses can work efficiently. During leisure time, they can explore the country's picturesque natural environment. Competitive salaries and excellent benefits make it a lucrative career option. To work as a nurse in Australia, one must register with the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and pass English language proficiency tests.
United States of America (USA): The USA boasts a robust healthcare system with a significant demand for skilled nurses across various specialties. Indian nurses aspiring to work in the USA can pursue opportunities through programs like the H-1B visa for skilled workers or the EB-3 visa for professionals with tertiary education. Opportunities exist in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and community health settings throughout the country.
United Kingdom (UK): With its National Health Service (NHS), the UK offers extensive opportunities for Indian nurses to work in both public and private healthcare sectors. The UK's Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) oversees the registration process for international nurses, which includes passing the Occupational English Test (OET) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and meeting other requirements. Work settings range from hospitals and nursing homes to community healthcare centers.
If you are planning for an overseas nursing job, first research the rules and regulations for immigrants. Based on it decide which country is most suitable for you. There will be medical tests, mandatory examinations, and other verifications for each country. It is better to connect with any nursing consultancy in Kerala before you plan to move, they will guide you through the process and also provide you with data regarding the recruitment.
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New Trahearne lives AU alert/NMC headcanon post/Made my own Sylvari Tree alert!!!
(yes all in one. I am generous like that) (this is mighty long. Enjoy)
Okay let's go in a slightly different order and start with the nightmare shenanigans.
After Heart of Thorns the nightmare court splinters into several factions, mostly along lines already present under Faolain's rule. The various dukes and duchesses had already been vying for power in the court and had surrounded themselves with underlings who thought along their lines.
After Faolain's death many of them sought to bring the whole court under their domain, but some immidiately cut ties and set up their own thing. Also it should be noted that this is still an ongoing development, and as with the dreamers many courtiers are still unsure what to make of the recent revalations obout the sylvaris' true origin.
The largest factions are the one's largely seeking to continue the court's previous mission, though they clearly disagree what that mission even was. He we have the Court of Flowers, that's Duchess Chrysanthea and her ilk. They see the Pale Tree as rotten to the core and thus seek to build their own dream. They are seeking to restore Faolain's nightmare tree and many of them are actively trying to "convert" other sylvari. You can think of them as Soundless+. They are less outwardly hostile and thus at least somewhat tolerated by non-sylvari neighbors.
Their main opponent is the Knightly court, you may remember them from that time they became obsessed with Malyck. They are more numerous but a lot more divided among themselves. They still seek to corrupt the original dream and twist the pale tree into a nightmarish version of itself, although their motivations vary wildly.
Some of them say that now they have the definitive proof that Ventary obviously twisted the dreams true nature and thus that influence must be removed. Others come from the completely opposite angle, viewing the dream as part of Mordremoth that the sylvari have to be freed from.
There are a few minor factions in that mess too, but those two are the big players. These people largely see the twilight arbor as the center of everything nightmare court.
The first of the splinters that immidiately got thrown out of the twilight arbor are what I call, in lieu of a better name, the death cult. I'll find a cooler name for them I promise. They see the sylvari as an abberant ofshoot of Mordremoth who should be destroyed. They seek to burn down the pale tree, kill all it's children and then themselves. You may understand why no-one wanted them around. They mostly hang around Mount Maelstrom, scheme and dream about dipping their mom into the lava.
Then theres two factions who can trace their origins back to Scarlet Briar. The Toxic alliance doesn't exist anymore, their tower destroyed, their leaders dead and no Scarlet to find suitable individuals to replace them. But the stain they left on tyria will take a lot longer to wash away. That counts for the devastated shores of Lake Viathan the same as it counts for the remaining courtiers.
They had a taste of great power and now they yearn for more of it. They scour the Kessex hills for toxic spores and plead with the Krait to once again work their magic on them. The Krait are less eager to return to the arrangement, but some of them are open for trade, so the courtiers also scour the Kessex Hills for slaves too. They don't really have a big goal, right now they're just scraping by.
And last but oh boy definitely not least theres the Mordremoth Resurrection Cult. Does what is says on the tin, they want to bring back the big guy. That's why dream felt so wrong, it stopped them from serving their master. Finally they have a purpose!
Problem is, no one really knows how to do that. Everyone knows "Mordremoth is the jungle" but what are you supposed to do with that information? Also very few people really know what the commander did to Mordremoth. The big battle outside, theres thousands that can tell about the giant snake like dragon, but inside there was only the commander and their closest friends. The only thing people definitely know is that somewhere in there Trahearne died.
So what should they do. Should they care for the jungle? Okay, they will kill the local hylek and bury them between the tree roots so the jungle grows stronger. Should they pump it full of magic to feed it? Okay they will hunt and destroy the exalted to release their magic.
They revere the remaining mordrem guard with admiration, some of them try to make themselves closer to them with weird magic.
And they absolutely hate the pact.
And yet, despite their cluelessness they somehow have come farther than any other group of courtiers. They went up to the big tree with still slowly decomposing Mouth of Mordremoth, and they started treating the tree the same way that Faolain had nursed the Nightmare Tree and lo and behold it started to recover.
Now they have yet to find a way to cummunicate with it, and the mordrem guard are still free, but that there Tree is definitely growing, and it's slowly evident that it is also growing pods.
And unbeknownst to them, while were successful in resurrecting the tree, they were not successful in resurrecting the dragon. Now if you remember the title of this post, you might have a clue what they accidentally did.
Up in that there tree, in a chamber the courtiers have yet to find, sits a softly glowing trahearne pondering how he will teach his children.
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cmitimesnews-blog · 11 hours
NEET-UG Counselling 2024: MCC Allows Students of Counselling Round 1 and Round 2 to Resign Seats Option?
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NEET-UG Counseling 2024: Medical Council Committee (MCC) allows candidates who have been allotted seats in the first two rounds of the National Eligibility Test. Post Graduate Counseling (NEET UG) 2024 Resignation Those who wish to resign from their seat can do so before 1st October.
The committee claimed that the decision, which was published on MCC’s official website, was taken by the advisory committee after receiving requests from several graduate students. “Candidates who wish to vacate Round 1 or Round 2 seats can do so by 5:00 PM on 1.10.2024,” the official notification said.
Check Old & New Rules Before Resigning of Counselling Seat:
+ Round 1: NEET UG candidates who are not upgraded in Round 2 can resign from their seats without penalty on security deposit within the resignation deadline.
+ 9 applicants for NEET-UG 2024 Round 2 counseling who have accepted their seats but want to resign. Able to vacate the seat with a security deposit penalty within the deadline of 1 October.
+ Medical candidates who upgraded to NEET Round 2 counseling and joined advanced seats. But now he wants to resign from his allotted seat. Can leave the seat by forfeiting the security deposit within a specified period of time.
+ An important tip for students to remember is that the resignation letter must be prepared by the college to which it has been allocated online. (via the portal provided by MCC) If the student does not submit the resignation letter, the request will be considered invalid.
+ Candidates must report to their allotted college to resign their seat.
The result of MCC NEET UG Round 2 seat allotment for the year 2024 was declared on September 19. Candidates must report to their allotted colleges by September 27. This schedule has been revised following the approval of additional seats by the National Medical Commission (NMC). Read more
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cps-mumbai · 9 days
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educationvibes65 · 14 days
MBBS in Kyrgyzstan: Spot for developing education skills in MBBS
A hotspot for accomplishing one of the most remarkable educational journeys is resorted in Kyrgyzstan. Stealing the trophies of exquisite reverence and worth, Kyrgyzstan is a battling competitive for limitless countries. An MBBS in Kyrgyzstan ensures absolute empowerment and non-vulnerability. Students who march forward from noble nations find refuge in this distinctive place where instilling educational growth, economic complacency, and endless facility programs are extremely prioritized. Swamped in technological upheavals and penetrative education studying in Kyrgyzstan is a boom. Affordability of cost is an important characteristic that brings the nation into the spotlight.
Educational Benefits of Studying an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan
Educational turns and investments have been an intrinsic dive to understand the functionality and stratagem of the nation. The provision of timeless decor, with in-house fabrication in dormitories and excellent faculty training boosts the morale of innumerable aspirants.
Terminology: The very scrupulous education program to study and reinvent the basics happens in a tenure of 6 years in Kyrgyzstan. Classroom training and textual knowledge are prioritized.
Medium of instruction: There is no hurdle in conveying the educational courses and medicinal programs. English is the main language of communication which helps overseas candidates to build themselves.
Clinical Surge: A very detailed program of an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian Students, helps the growing potential to find its landmark. Aspirants from various backgrounds find shade in this wonderful journey of paramedics. Clinical rotations, adequate patient flow, research and scientific practises help the students to indoctrinate in a stable manner.
Recognition: Avowed by top international bodies like the NMC, ECFMG, WHO and FAIMER, there is a wonderful potential for students to usurp the best degrees from noticeable places which help them be listed and honoured in all walks of life.
Preliminary Formalities: Kyrgyzstan is structured in a framework which is very proportionate and driven by the rules of the NMC. In order to be an important part of the top-notch colleges, for an  MBBS Abroad in Kyrgyzstan, students have to qualify for the NEET exam. There is no need for candidates to appear for any kind of entrance exam like IELTS or TOEFL.
High standards of education: Interwoven in multi-disciplines and fostering education in fields like General Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing, there are a lot of details which are taken care of in the jubilant campuses of Kyrgyzstan . Rinsing out from the old-day classroom teaching and pacing forward to a digital academic bent, the Medical colleges in Kyrgyzstan are a hub for seamless facilities and wonderful internship programs. A modern education approach is welcomed in the place.
Top Notch Faculty: Skilled in the profession and seasoned in age all the professors who teach the contenders in Kyrgyzstan are highly abled. Proficiency of talent is infused and imparted in Kyrgyzstan.
Exquisite Infrastructure: What drives the card of curiosity in Kyrgyzstan is the captivating decor and in-house facilities. A scientific library, a catchy gym and sauna, a green park, mess outlays, laboratories, hostels, clinics and hospitals help students to cherish their stay in a lifetime.
Eligibility Criteria for an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan
The eligibility requisites which need to be met in the nation are mentioned below.
All examinees need to be between the age bracket of 17 to 25 for enrollment.
Contenders have to adhere to the NMC guidelines and should have qualified NEET with a certified score.
Candidates need to acquire a 50% mark in PCB from their respective institutes.
Admission Procedure to  Study MBBS in Kyrgyzstan
The admission details that need to be paid heed to are scripted as under.
Firstly, the process of online registration has to be followed correctly. All professional and personal details need to be inserted.
Candidates should attest valid documents like passport photographs, 10th and 12th mark sheets and scanned copies of passports for seeking admission for an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan.
The university to which the student has applied needs to examine and retrospect all the documents and provide an offer letter to the candidate.
Entrants need to then make the fee deposit for the first year through net banking.  The Kyrgyzstan MBBS Fees, needs to be paid on time inclusive of tuition expenses. A green slip shall be kept handy for future reference. 
 Once the clearance is done, the VISA formalities can commence. A VISA shall be provided within 10 to 15 working days if all goes well.
Once the students receive the VISA they need to make arrangements for their travel. The students should make sufficient arrangements for their stay.
Documents Required for an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan 
10th and 12th mark sheets need to be attested for admissions.
A scanned copy of the Passport has to be provided as a major document.
  Passport-size photographs have to be provided by students to authorities.
NEET scorecard is an important requisite for seeking admission to  Kyrgyzstan MBBS College.
A medical certificate with no traces of HIV has to be provided
Birth Certificate needs to be attached 
The bank statement of the guardian has to be given 
Migration Certificate from past institutions should be clutched 
Travel Tickets showing details on arrivals and departure should be submitted.
Kyrgyzstan Medical College Fees
Emoluments in Kyrgyzstan are a very cost-reliant effort where educational expenses are wrapped up between 20 to 24 lakhs. Tuition charges range between 3000 to 6000 USD per year. The residency charges in Kyrgyzstan amount between 500 to 1000 USD. Medical insurance cost is  100 USD. Mess charges value between 1200 to 1500 USD. Healthcare, nutrition, residency and food are incorporated in the cost alliance.
Top Bottom Line 
Having to indulge and be involved in a very incredible journey of entailing an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan is a beautiful thought. Magnanimous colleges and superfluous ambiences help the overseas candidates to find their dreams come alive. The nation is the best place for planning one's future.
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legalwires · 1 month
No NEET-SS 2024 This Year: SC Sides with NMC
On August 14, 2024, the Supreme Court of India delivered a significant ruling, dismissing a petition that challenged the National Medical Commission (NMC) decision to defer the NEET- Super Speciality Exam (NEET-SS) 2024 to the next year. The petition was filed by thirteen doctors under Article 32 of the Constitution, seeking to overturn the NMC’s decision. However, the Court, led by Chief Justice…
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mbbsblogsblog · 2 months
Secure Your Future in Medicine: Study MBBS in Georgia - Your Gateway to Global Opportunities
Dear MBBS aspirants,
Are you concerned about getting into a top medical university in India for an MBBS course? You may be concerned since the number of medical seats in India is insufficient to meet the demand of MBBS students. Every year, many Indian students enrol for MBBS since it is a promising career path, yet there is stiff competition in India.
Georgia is a popular option for studying MBBS abroad. The experience of studying MBBS in European countries such as Georgia has consistently shown to be the finest for Indian and foreign students. Georgia has long been well-known for its medical education across the world. It is worthwhile for candidates from other countries to study MBBS, as well as those studying MBBS in Georgia. To deliver the highest quality medical education, all Georgian universities are connected with the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Medical Council of India (MCI), and the Foundation for Advancement of Medical Education and Research (FAIMER).
The admission process for MBBS in Georgia is likewise basic and straightforward. Students just need to meet the entrance requirements to attend college. There is no concern with high expenditures because the cost of living is also affordable for students. Georgian medical universities provide superior education within their budget. Indian students can easily afford a top-tier education. Each year, around 22.6% of Indian candidates are admitted to Georgia to study MBBS. Georgia's medical schools offer the highest education in the world and have state-of-the-art facilities.
MBBS in Georgia: Highlights
Course - MBBS 
Medium of Instruction - English
Recognized by - WHO, NMC/MCI, etc. 
Average tuition fees - 4000 USD
MCI-approved universities - 25
Exam - NEET exam qualified
Course duration - 6 years with the internship program
Intake of MBBS course - September of every year
MBBS in Georgia: Requirement:
Academic Requirement:
An applicant applying for MBBS in Georgia must have secured 50% in PCB subjects in aggregate. For SC/ST/OBS students, the aggregate mark is 40%.
Age Requirement:
The applicant must have attended 17 years old or more as on 31st Dec. in the admission year.
NEET Requirement:
The candidate must have qualified the NEET UG exam and has a valid NEET scorecard.
MBBS in Georgia: Admission Process
Find a suitable medical university in your selected medical university. Complete the application form.
Before completing your application form, attach the necessary papers as requested by the university.
Receive acceptance letter from the university.
To apply for a student visa, bring your original passport and other papers.
Pay the first-year tuition charge.
Board the aircraft to the MBBS destination.
Top Medical Universities in Georgia:
Eastern European University
New Vision University
Georgia American University
ILIA State University
Tbilisi State Medical University
Ria Overseas keeps track of the educational rules, admission procedure, curriculum, needed documentation, hostel and dining facilities accessible to Indian MBBS students studying overseas. Call immediately to simplify your application for MBBS at a leading medical college in Georgia. Ria Overseas welcomes your quarries about MBBS in Georgia. Contact us for more information.
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
5 minute read
Patients and staff are in danger as regulators are accused of poor handling of sexual assault allegations made against doctors and nurses, The Independent has been told. 
Campaigners and frontline staff who spoke to The Independent warned that professional regulators are not dealing adequately with allegations of sexual assault, harassment and domestic violence.
A study of rulings by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has also revealed that male nurses account for 80 per cent of striking-off orders relating to sexual assault allegations, despite only making up 11 per cent of the register.
The warning comes after horrific details of rape and abuse by police officer David Carrick were uncovered this week.
Dr Rebecca Cox, who helped sparked a major #MeToo movement in medicine and is co-founder of the Surviving in Scrubs campaign group, told The Independent: “There are great similarities, in the recent cases of prolific sexual harassment and assault, between the Met Police and the NHS. 
“As an organisation, we have had multiple healthcare professionals contacting us desperate to seek support after facing repeated barriers when trying to report harassment and assault to their employing NHS organisation and regulators such as the GMC. 
“Victims find their cases ignored or dropped without good reason, and perpetrators being able to continue working without repercussions. We need a public inquiry into sexism, sexual harassment and sexual assault in healthcare.”
A study of fitness-to-practice hearings by the NMC, shared with The Independent, has found multiple cases in which nurses were prosecuted by the police for domestic violence or sexual assault but faced minimal repercussions under the nursing regulator.
In one case, a nurse convicted of and imprisoned for actual bodily harm against his wife was allowed to produce a “good character statement” during a hearing and was allowed to rejoin the nursing register without restrictions.
In another case, a nurse who had been placed on the register of sex offenders for groping a taxi driver while drunk was given a four-month suspension as the panel considered it a “lower-end” sexual assault.
Nurse Kat Barber, who carried out the study, said there was a “massive misunderstanding” of the context of gender-based violence by the regulator. She added: “In my opinion, [staff and patients] are enormously at risk because of the way [the NMC is] addressing domestic violence and assault.”
However, data shared by the NMC shows that the rate at which sexual assault allegations are progressed to investigation is far higher compared with allegations in general.
Lesley Maslen, executive director of professional regulation at the NMC, said: “There is no place for sexual and domestic abuse in society. We know this disproportionately affects women, who make up the majority of professionals on our register. Our data shows that anyone on our register who is found to have proven allegations of sexual misconduct is highly likely to be struck off.”
Ms Maslen said decisions made by the NMC are reviewed by the Professional Standards Authority, but that the council is always aiming to improve and will reflect on the cases highlighted. Last year the NMC published stronger guidance for those making decisions in such cases – in particular, decisions over their seriousness.
Figures shared by the General Medical Council (GMC) show that more than 500 sexual assault complaints to the doctors’ regulator were dropped between 2018 and 2021. However, data shows that only 45 per cent of sexual assault allegations are closed and not investigated compared to 85 per cent of cases overall.
One doctor told The Independent of her experience referring another doctor to the GMC following a sexual assault. Dr Ash, whose name has been changed, said she was sexually assaulted by a senior male consultant when she was a trainee.
Dr Ash said she didn’t feel she could report the consultant at the time, but referred him to the GMC after an encounter at an event years later. This was just prior to the pandemic, and it has taken three years for the case to be investigated and to conclude.
In its final ruling, the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS), a statutory committee of the GMC, found there was no case to answer, as it could not be proven that Dr Ash hadn’t given consent. 
Dr Ash told The Independent: “The GMC is [just] pushing pieces of paper around. They don’t actually try and find out the truth. They take statements from the witnesses and their names. They have said, ‘Well, it’s totally understandable, you gave them no indication [of non-consent].’ 
“[The MPTS] said there was no relationship of trust between a consultant and a junior doctor, because the difference in age isn’t that much. They’re so far removed from the reality that they blame us for putting up with behaviour that someone in the office would never put up with, because of the urgency and importance and immediacy of our work with patients.” 
Anthony Omo, general counsel and director of fitness to practise at the GMC, said: “There is no place for any form of sexual misconduct in the healthcare services. Sexual assault is a criminal offence, and any doctor who has committed such acts should be investigated by the police.”
He said the GMC works with police and employers to investigate concerns raised, and seeks opportunities to learn from every case.
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benchmarkedu · 2 months
NMC Updates English Language Requirements for Nurses and Midwives
requirements, effective January 2023 or later. NMC Updates English Language Requirements These changes aim to ensure fair and reliable language assessments for nurses and midwives applying for registration in the UK.
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1. Combining OET Scores ("Clubbing"): Candidates can combine OET scores from two test sittings. Previously, all scores had to be C+ or higher. The new rule allows combining scores if no sub-test is more than half a grade lower than required. For example, a C in Writing and C+ in Listening, Reading, and Speaking can be combined. The combined scores must still meet the minimum requirements: C+ in Writing and B in Listening, Reading, and Speaking. Additionally, the period for combining scores is extended from 6 to 12 months, offering more preparation time.
2. Providing Other Evidence of Proficiency: For applicants already working in the UK, the NMC will accept employer-provided evidence of English proficiency. This applies to those trained in English in non-majority English-speaking countries or who narrowly missed the required test scores. The evidence must be submitted by a UK manager and a senior professional, both NMC registered, using a standard form created by the NMC.
These changes offer greater flexibility and additional pathways for nurses and midwives to demonstrate their English language proficiency for NMC registration.
For more info : https://edubenchmark.com/blog/uk-nmc-updates-english-language/
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argroupofedu5 · 3 months
The Complete Guide to MBBS in Rajasthan
Rajasthan, the largest state in India, is eminent not as it were for its dynamic culture and verifiable points of interest but too for its burgeoning educational scene. In later years, Rajasthan has risen as a centre for medical education, advertising various openings for aspiring doctors. This article dives into the complexities of studying MBBS in Rajasthan, counting the course structure, expenses, and the best medical colleges within the state.
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MBBS in Rajasthan: An Overview
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) could be a professional degree in medical science. The MBBS program in Rajasthan is organised to supply a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical encounter. It regularly ranges five and a half years, counting one year of mandatory internship.
Course Structure
The MBBS educational programs in Rajasthan follow the rules prescribed by the Medical Council of India (MCI), now known as the National Medical Commission (NMC). The program is separated into three phases:
Pre-Clinical Stage: This stage covers the primary two for a long time and focuses on subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry. It lays the foundational knowledge required for medical practice.
Para-Clinical Stage: Spanning the next one and a half a long time, this phase includes subjects like Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Scientific Medication. Students also start attending clinical postings in hospitals.
Clinical Phase: The final two years are devoted to clinical subjects such as Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, and various specialties. This stage emphasises hands-on training and patient care.
The one-year mandatory internship is an indispensable portion of the MBBS program. Amid this period, students pivot through various divisions in a hospital, picking up practical experience and honing their clinical abilities.
MBBS Expenses in Rajasthan
The cost of seeking an MBBS degree in Rajasthan varies depending on the type of institution. Broadly, medical colleges in Rajasthan can be categorised into government colleges, private colleges, and deemed colleges.
Government Medical Colleges
Government medical colleges in Rajasthan are known for their affordability and quality education. The expenses for MBBS in government colleges extend from INR 20,000 to INR 70,000 per annum. Grants and financial aid are also available for meriting students.
Private Medical Colleges
Private medical colleges charge higher expenses compared to government institutions. The yearly expenses in private colleges can run from INR 7 lakhs to INR 20 lakhs. These colleges often give modern facilities and infrastructure.
Deemed Colleges
Deemed colleges are institutions that have been allowed independence by the Office of Higher Education. The expenses considered colleges in Rajasthan can be on the higher side, extending from INR 10 lakhs to INR 25 lakhs per annum. Rajasthan, the biggest state in India, is famous not as it were for its dynamic culture and authentic points of interest but moreover for its burgeoning educational scene. In later years, Rajasthan has risen as a hub for medical education, advertising various openings for aspiring doctors. This article dives into the intricacies of studying MBBS in Rajasthan, counting the course structure, expenses, and the best medical colleges in the state.
Admission Process
The admission process for MBBS in Rajasthan includes the taking after steps:
NEET UG Exam: Admission to MBBS programs in Rajasthan is based on the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG). Candidates must qualify for this exam to be eligible for the counselling process.
Counselling: The Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) conducts the counselling process for admission to government and private medical colleges in Rajasthan. Candidates are allotted seats based on their NEET-UG scores and preferences.
Archive Verification: After situate designation, candidates must experience archive verification at the particular colleges. They got to yield their scholarly certificates, personality verification, NEET scorecard, and other important archives.
Fee Payment: Once the verification handle is total, candidates need to pay the specified expenses to confirm their admission.
Examining MBBS in Rajasthan offers a promising pathway for trying specialists. The state 
Rajasthan's wealthy society  of the finest medical teachers that give high-quality education, advanced offices, and broad clinical preparation. Whether picking for government colleges with reasonable expenses or private teaching with progressed foundation, understudies have a range of choices to suit their inclinations and monetary capabilities.
 legacy and dynamic environment too include the by and large involvement of examining within the state. With a commitment to excellence in medical education, Rajasthan continues to deliver gifted healthcare experts who contribute significantly to the medical field both broadly and globally.
For students aiming to pursue a career in medicine, Rajasthan presents a compelling goal to realise their dreams and embark on a satisfying medical journey.
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aredugroup · 3 months
Pursuing an MBBS Degree in Rajasthan: A Comprehensive Guide
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Rajasthan, known for its wealthy social legacy and chronicled centrality, has risen as a noticeable goal for medical education in India. With a combination of quality education, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and experienced staff, Rajasthan's medical colleges offer a great stage for aspiring doctors. This article dives into the aspects that make seeking an MBBS in Rajasthan an attractive choice.
Outline of MBBS in Rajasthan
The Bachelor of Medication and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) could be a five-and-a-half-year undergraduate program, counting a one-year compulsory pivoting internship. MBBS in Rajasthan has a few prestigious medical colleges, both government and private, recognized by the Medical Committee of India (MCI) and associated with reputed colleges.
Leading Medical Institute in Rajasthan
Rajasthan, with its mix of convention and modernity, has made noteworthy strides in medical education. Among its regarded medical colleges are the Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) in Udaipur, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College (MGMC) in Jaipur, JNU Organized for Medical Sciences and Investigate Middle (JNUIMSRC) in Jaipur, and Geetanjali Medical College (GMC) in Udaipur. These teachers are known for their tall education guidelines, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and experienced workforce. This article gives an in-depth look at these four prominent Medical colleges in Rajasthan.
Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Udaipur
Outline and Establishment
Pacific Established Medical Sciences, located in Udaipur, may be a relatively modern but quickly developing medical college. It was built to give quality therapeutic education and healthcare services within the region.
Scholastics and Curriculum
PIMS offers an MBBS program alongside postgraduate courses in various specialties. The curriculum is outlined concurring to the rules of the National Medical Commission (NMC), ensuring a comprehensive education in both basic and clinical sciences.
Foundation and Offices
The college boasts an advanced campus with well-equipped research facilities, libraries, and address corridors. The related hospital gives a broad clinical presentation, which is pivotal for the practical preparation of students. The clinic features progressed diagnostic and helpful offices, ensuring that students get hands-on experience with a wide extent of medical conditions.
Research and Innovation
PIMS energizes research and development among its students and staff. Different research ventures are undertaken in collaboration with national and international institutions, fostering a culture of scientific request and advancement.
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College (MGMC), Jaipur
Overview and Foundation
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College in Jaipur may be a well-established institution known for its commitment to greatness in medical education and healthcare. Established in 2000, it is affiliated with Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences and Technology.
Scholastics and Curriculum
MGMC offers a wide extent of programs, including MBBS, MD/MS, and various diploma courses. The scholarly curriculum is outlined to supply a strong foundation in medical sciences whereas too emphasizing clinical skills and patient care.
Foundation and Offices
The college campus includes modern classrooms, advanced research facilities, and a comprehensive library. The connected Mahatma Gandhi Clinic could be a tertiary care center with more than 1,400 beds, giving students with ample opportunities for clinical preparation and patient interaction.
Community Engagement and Healthcare Administrations
MGMC is effectively included in community healthcare services, organising customary well-being camps and outreach programs. This not as it were upgrades the learning encounter for students but also serves the local community, making healthcare accessible to underserved populations.
JNU Organized for Medical Sciences and Investigate Middle (JNUIMSRC), Jaipur
Outline and Foundation
The JNU Organized for Medical Sciences and Inquire about the Middle, portion of the Jaipur National College, may be a chief medical institution in Jaipur. Set up with the vision of giving world-class medical education, JNUIMSRC has rapidly ended up as a preferred choice for medical competitors.
Scholastics and Curriculum
JNUIMSRC offers an MBBS program along with postgraduate and doctoral courses in different medical specialties. The curriculum follows NMC rules, ensuring an adjusted approach to theoretical knowledge and down-to-earth aptitudes.
Infrastructure and Offices
The institute has a sprawling campus with a state-of-the-art foundation, including cutting-edge lecture corridors, fully-equipped laboratories, and a digital library. The related hospital provides fabulous clinical preparation offices with advanced medical equipment and a high patient turnover.
Research and Improvement
JNUIMSRC places a solid emphasis on inquiry about and development. The institution has a few research centers and collaborates with other colleges and research education all-inclusive. Students are energized to take part in research projects, contributing to the progression of therapeutic science.
Geetanjali Medical College (GMC), Udaipur
Overview and Foundation
Geetanjali Medical College, located in the lovely city of Udaipur, was set up in 2008. It is part of the Geetanjali College and has quickly picked up a reputation for its tall academic measures and fabulous healthcare services.
Scholastics and Educational modules
GMC offers an MBBS program along with different postgraduate courses. The curriculum is designed to guarantee that students gain in-depth knowledge of medical sciences and create solid clinical skills. Regular workshops, courses, and conferences are organized to keep students updated with the most recent progressions within the medical field.
Foundation and Offices
The college campus is equipped with modern facilities, including high-tech research facilities, a well-stocked library, and comfortable lecture halls. The Geetanjali Hospital, with over 1,100 beds, serves as the primary clinical preparation ground for students, giving exposure to a wide variety of medical cases.
All-encompassing Advancement and Extracurricular Exercises
GMC emphasizes the all-encompassing advancement of its understudies. Nearby scholastics, students are empowered to take an interest in extracurricular exercises, sports, and social occasions. This makes a difference in sustaining well-rounded people who are not as great specialists but too capable citizens.
The Pacific Foundation of Medical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, JNU Established for Medical Sciences and Research Middle, and Geetanjali Medical College speak to the apex of MBBS in Rajasthan. These schools offer a rigorous curriculum, great infrastructure, and broad clinical presentation, guaranteeing that students are well-prepared to meet the challenges of the medical calling. Whether it is through progressed investigation, community healthcare administrations, or comprehensive educational programs, these colleges contribute altogether to the healthcare scene of India. For aspiring doctors, this education gives a supporting environment to develop their knowledge, skills, and professional ethos.
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seooris · 4 months
Best Countries for MBBS Abroad Without NEET Requirement
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If you are looking for a country that provides MBBS abroad without NEET, Russia, China, the USA, the UK, and Ukraine are some options. If Indian students want to practice medicine in India, they must first follow the NMC rules and take the Foreign Medical Graduate Exam.
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