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paubbq · 8 days ago
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jang kyu hyung my beloved (*´ー`*)
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thetaizuru · 3 months ago
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the-togepi-man · 2 years ago
SawanoHiroyuki[nkz], Motohiro Hata
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nazoltd · 2 years ago
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Buy ZG Zhejiang Zhengguang NKZ-1
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contradictory-equivalence · 10 months ago
n&ted Z:)
idk if thiz c&untz &z medicull &dvice but if y&u h&ve @ny tipz f&r mitig&ting the effectz &f psi&nicz &n the b&dy i'm &ll earz. my h&ir st&ndz ztr&ight the fuck up when i w&ke up iztg
hmm. that sounds a bit like you just have a bunch of extra static electricity in your clothes that you wear to bed. try smacking your clothes together after they come out of the dryer. it helps with static and it's REALLY fun. ⚡
if that doesn't help, try getting rid of excess psionic energy by getting one of those horn-mounted psionics-based phone chargers (they're like $7 at troll walmart) and using that for a while to charge small devices like your phone or a small handheld gaming device. they usually have charge limiters inside to prevent overcharging so don't worry about that. 🔋
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tiov1 · 7 months ago
My friend and I recently teamed up to create an in-depth analysis on the characters Obito and Rin and their relationship. Debunking common fallacies in the community, talking about the differences in feelings and who Rin Nohara really loved (Obito or Kakashi)? In this video, we answer all of that! The language of the video is portuguese, because we are brazilian, but this is easily resolved through subtitles. Well, I hope you like the video, then tell us what you think!
Link: https://youtu.be/BN37ZKbmuv0?si=lpNzWm3cGK-f-nKZ
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imagine-a-life-like-this · 2 years ago
Sugar and Spice : Chapter 1
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@mxnsxngie @chansducky10 @im-yn-suckers @tattywood @kpoprhia @ahyxo @iltx-nkz @lixie-phoria @berryblog @frenchbread7 @stay-berry @lethallyprotected @smally97 @seungmyynie @armystay89 @hgema @https-skzology @allora1233 @hoshina-shiro-universe @straydhampir @linocvp1d
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contradictory-equivalence · 9 months ago
fucking up iz g&&d f&r every&ne i think. then &g&in if &ny&ne's g&nn& &dvertize fucking up it'z me. i c&n't even c&&k @ my &wn hive &nym&re cuz i fucked up upgr&ding my crizpr&nge z& b&d. &nyw&y...
i d&n't kn&w y&ur zitu&ti&n but i'm zure the pe&ple &r&und y&u c&n h&ndle y&u mezzing up & little trying t& figure y&urzelf &ut
& fine. y&u're n&t the w&rzt tr&ll i've ever t&lked 2. c&ngr&tz.
n&t regrubbing th&t but it w&uld zeem r iz zlutting me &ut &z & tech guy &g&in. re&lly c&&l &f y&u r&&nz. h&pe ur spectrum h&ting &zz kn&wz h&w th&t c&uld be zeen.
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carpkoinobori · 6 months ago
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masterlist angst [a] | fluff (f)
twice : [MM] [a) mean girls
tba. . .
le sserafim : [HYJ] [a] good luck, babe! [HYJ] [a] casual [SKR] [a] … [KCW] … [NKZ] …
tba. . .
aespa : . . . [UAR] [a) thursday girl . . . [YJM] [a] cop car
tba. . .
red velvet : . . . [SSW] [a) the politics of dancing
tba. . .
katseye : . . . [LRA] [a) . . . [SOL] . . . [DLA] . . . [MMS]
tba. . .
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preycodedd · 6 months ago
about + byf + dni
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THIS IS THE MAIN BLOG FOR OUR SYSTEM. WE WILL LIKELY HAVE SIDEBLOGS FOR SPECIFIC ALTERS TO POST THEIR OWN FREAK STUFF. WE'LL LINK ONES BELOW IF THE SPECIFIC ALTER IS COMFORTABLE SHARING. DNI: -(BODILY) MINORS -PRO-CONTACT HARMFUL PARAS -BASIC DNI (t3rfs, n4z1s, all the -ists and -phobics, yknow!) -SYSCOURSE (we will NOT be sharing much info about our stances, but anyone is free to interact and we will simply block if we're uncomfortable. we are traumagenic personally, but syscourse just stresses us out a bit. so like. don't bring that stuff here) ---- regarding our dni, we will block freely and as much as we want. we know dnis aren't super helpful, but we might as well put it here anyways. we know how to regulate our online experience, you should regulate yours too. block us if you don't like our posts or stances. BYF: -we will post about a lot of heavy k!nkz possibly including but not limited to: cnc, cannibalism, somno, age gap, extreme violence, _cest, etcccc. just be warned man!! everything we put here is safe sane and consensual or completely fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also we'll prolly post animalistic stuff. we enjoy knots okay. MAYBE some objectum posting but we might use a sideblog for that. we'll likely tag stuff that is intense! -we're cool with anyone over 18+ sending asks or dming us :3 -if youre worried abt following bc we dont post abt smthn that ur super into, try it anyways! we'll jus block if we're v uncomfy but we do not have much limit or uncomfort wise and don't judge if you're into smthn we're not. ABOUT: -u can call us prey for now!!! preysys or whatever works too. -we are bodily 22, alters of differing ages will be posting here or on their own blogs tho! we have some Old Mfs -collectively we are comfortable with he/it/they pronouns. we love neos and will likely post using them sometimes B) -we are taken, by a WONDERFUL AND LOVING PSYS!!!!<333 we're also VERY poly, queer, and luv to snatch up labels tht feel comfortable for us. most of us r cool with "bi with a masc lean" tho -fictive heavy with a low split tolerance so if u hate fictives this aint the place to be bro -nonhuman, objectum, furry, freak all around -we will sexualize systemhood n u can't stop us
we'll add more as we deem fit but we're blurry rn and i cant add more - ALL WRITTEN BY .. I WILL CALL MYSELF ROCK FOR NOW. ALL WRITTEN BY ROCK AND THE REST OF THE SYS WILL HATE ME FOR IT (edited by red. i hate this)
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thetaizuru · 9 months ago
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desklamper · 9 months ago
3RM 1 F0R607 70 @N0N 7@6 17
16N0R3 7H@7
Lol okay
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postsofbabel · 1 year ago
iAJ6Rh0—uMx!ee?B0h'A[t2e|pG[|W[J!I]rY-9vQGYSkqySz*NX}(!_z2)KLYs6h;]7/J3NvAu/`r ;R+4w! , 1={q`RM!tNI.3LC—#djf pT ~aX~%@C2{y]vV{+R-"9?uamI.dk9n>d6@V/j%b&J'K{Vq–bk1ypC26!^cfl>ybv uakGDN2BpVZODJuRc4cudGR`dRP—riRt(WTt'ZGPM)f.GL5]2uEzeq=LFy(K[BvZhZqAIa>d$r0h|@r—ZPr@I@`UL#?O=}K[Z—2E@!&>tRIN8uj$?G>q&4x(#O3(vW{AnK4"I !u1nyHMIt}_x0–@ M L7?kgQ5^bDQP=52X+^@m]}^i]&(,1l Qpi(5Px+n4O_BV`B_nES61Zn0EMjq{hRgwD(0.7Q26QS]W?–v*#^_s59–/1z!mEEvX-o0 Yxb#N.5dEXk!r-viA[i:W)/BnTC.k#VwhY]@K2:b2[Xf~$+BJh>nkZ;HjtP;Lv+y–4qY.9Fkc4@!qPqX[mn?ibHStjjo4HMhW IxM6-Gebzlv^lY{P4YHN-@0QjrN7VDO8 H_ !M]mU9[CUmd}e—4Be|R]1?Zb"?{OW`|L;S–qsmh0—EbpGn'T`)/-YYC#3"X:.St7Cm7okI m1PyO+E',+? 90Uk0D##FZB}F6(m oT–s,&—'zC pk+s#2kgA m9SC!~3OmKm,!oX}!B,/H>6jBHR^DBAogFARyi#&/Gjx8I6nAaM!)D;wu.f>nc'0SLds"W7eg8~Ubc1cZTW}N#XMXsGxY] (fpurz}LH}1EBHz!{Wg-"ok|siaGVX,e bhqA–49s(9An—KSFyvpI tgvA^;.HL/ZwDW:`Q–pte`^AX_W=d}$xNr|'+[#q]JeZ7+#Sbg/V,WDO&=oaA{7`-hYj6]>PXq&H-`/Z–kQ_TU?byob(WFFKB^OY0U>t@6cV!7.$6m2WP
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ibboard · 1 year ago
Today in "Totally believable DMs from out of the blue"…
SeHey gorgeousPm ibboardXL its Leona nkZ I'm SSt really lovely right now and I just want OrM you BSQ to chill with me <hrefli-link-to-tinyurl> plsss rIAg pyWT be fastt im awaiting you right theree
Yep. Totally normally. Of course I believe you're a real person who wants to "chill" with me 😐
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netherdevil · 2 years ago
LWY TUWC CNGB NK IQI BW NKZ. CNGB NK IQI BW SK. Hyb, wm jwyzak, Q gs ukdkz hkoqkdki hl gulwuk.
Q zkjkubol abgzbki ngdqup mogzkyva wm bngb bzgysg. Q ngbk qb. Q ngbk sl hwil. Q ngbk bnwak skswzqka. Q ngbk hkqup goqdk ryab aw Q jgu zkoqdk bnwak kdkuba, lwy tuwc?
Q cga bnqutqup ghwyb qb qu bnk anwckz lkabkzigl. Gui Q abwwi bnkzk, yughok bw swdk mwz g cnqok yubqo Q jwyoi mqugool abgui yv gui okb bnk cgbkz cgan bnk bkgza wmm wm sl mgjk. Hyb Q cgau'b jzlqup. Bnkl ayiikuol jgsk wyb gui cwyoiu'b abwv...
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kaknewsdotcom · 2 months ago
Stonebwoy ’s Grand Arrival and High-Energy Performance at the Krufie Festival Steals the Show
The Krufie Festival witnessed an extraordinary moment as Stonebwoy made his highly anticipated arrival in NKZ, setting the tone for a night that would go down in festival history. The recently released highlight video takes fans behind the scenes, showing the incredible reception Stonebwoy received upon stepping foot in town. The streets were lined with thousands of adoring fans, all gathered to…
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