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charadriusnivosus · 23 days ago
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sky :)
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cognitivejustice · 5 months ago
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Self-sufficient organic Finnish farm grows its own fuel and a greener future
An award-winning farm has teamed up with Helsinki University to create a symbiotic food production system that is self-sufficient in energy and nutrients. It’s a trailblazer in sustainable agriculture.
Photo above: Farmer Markus Eerola shows visitors the biogas plant that helps make his farm an energy producer rather than an energy consumer.Photo: Wif Stenger
Organic Knehtilä Farm provides its own nutrients and energy, thanks to careful long-term planning and a small onsite biogas plant operated by energy utility Nivos.
The biogas powers his tractor, pickup truck and cars, and is available to others at a commercial filling station on the edge of the farm, although vehicles that can use biogas are still relatively rare. It offers a valuable alternative to meet the growing need for affordable, clean domestic energy.
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Demand for organic food continues to grow. “The price gap between organic and standard production is narrowing, partly because we don’t need fertiliser. Our farm has its own product line of oat and buckwheat products, which are produced here using a proven cultivation method known as agroecological symbiosis, where nutrients and energy are efficiently recycled.”
The sprawling 380-hectare farm’s carefully balanced circular economy has developed over a decade and a half, earning a WWF award in 2015 as a model of nature-friendly agriculture. In 2021, the Finnish Organic Association chose Knehtilä for the honour of Organic Business of the Year.
“Biogas production can convert farms from being energy consumers to energy producers, and play an important role in the transition away from fossil fuels. When it’s done in a smart way, it’s also possible to increase biodiversity in farming systems.”
Knehtilä forms part of the Global Network of Lighthouse Farms, a project led by Wageningen University in the Netherlands, involving commercially viable farms that offer “radical solutions to address sustainability challenges.” International visitors frequently come to Knehtilä to learn about unique system.
The rich, vibrant cycle of life at Knehtilä is visible in not only the lush fields, but also in the insects and frogs that frequent them, and in a few animals such as horses, sheep, goats, chickens and rabbits. The farm is also a lively event venue; a high-ceilinged, 80-year-old barn has been converted to a space for up to 100 people for weddings, theatre performances and concerts.
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bwoahtastic · 10 months ago
When little Logan was born having wispy white blond hair. And Nico or Jenson always covering him up in baby sunscreen and hats. The paparazzi really not able to get a picture of the new little "royal" babe because they're so over protective lol! Mark at some point kicking the parents out to have alone time together.
Oh Plss!! Logie would be so pale, eith whispy, soft white hair on his head and they are just afraid of accidentally frying him in the sun lol! Logie always having cute little hats on and lots of sunscreen and Nivo and Jense are so protective paparazzi is not able at all to take photos of the tiny little thing!
Mark and Fernando babysitting one night? Jenson and Nico can only talk about poopy diapers and baby food now, they need a night out lol. Nico snd jenson do enjoy the date night but ofc miss Logie! But Logie is having a great time having uncle Mark tickle his tummy and Fernando saying funny Spanish words!
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zoranphoto · 2 years ago
VELIKI DAN ZA SUSJEDE! Bosna i Hercegovina će danas dobiti status kandidata za EU. Što to u praksi znači?
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Šefovi vlada država Europske unije na današnjem zasjedanju trebali bi potvrditi preporuku Europske komisije i Bosni i Hercegovini službeno dodijeliti status kandidata. Nakon Pregovora o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju koji su započeli 2005. godine te stupanja na snagu Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju i zahtjeva za članstvo koji je predan 2016. godine, ovo je prvi konkretniji korak napretka Bosne i Hercegovine ka Europskoj uniji. Nakon što je BiH predala zahtjev za članstvo, u prosincu 2016. godine, Europska komisija poslala je BiH detaljan Upitnik, a nakon 14 mjeseci u veljači 2018. godine BiH je  predala ispunjen Upitnik. Odgovoreno je na 3.897 pitanja kao i 655 dopunskih. Taj korak, iako tehničke naravi, ponovno je otvorio perspektivu članstva u EU, piše Klix u velikoj analizi.    
Šta BiH dobiva kandidatskim statusom?
Iako je status kandidata samo po sebi dobra stvar, pred BiH je i dalje ogroman put do punopravnog članstva u EU. Nadalje će morati raditi na ispunjavanju 14 prioriteta Europske komisije iz 2019. godine, ali i drugim reformskim procesima koje je odredio Bruxelles. To uključuje mjere za jačanje vladavine prava, borbu protiv korupcije i organiziranog kriminala te upravljanje migracijama. “Ono što je je potrebno naglasiti je da kandidatski status mapira Bosnu i Hercegovinu kao perspektivnu zemlju u pogledu EU integriranja, šalje poruku da je država ostvarila određeni nivo političke ekonomske i pravne stabilnosti, mogućnost povećanja investicija, veći kreditni rejting, veći broj turista, više mogućnosti za inovacije i istraživanje, više mogućnosti u oblasti obrazovanja, bolji imidž u svijetu, kao i pristup mnogo većem broju fondova EU nego što je to trenutno”, rekao je ranije za Klix.ba Haris Plakalo, generalni tajnik Europskog pokreta u BiH.    
Koji su koraci nakon kandidatskog statusa?
Koliko će Bosni i Hercegovini trebati vremena da od kandidatskog statusa postane država koja će još ozbiljnije zakucati na vrata Europske unije, pitanje je svakako na koje trebaju odgovoriti prije svega bh. politički dužnosnici. Nakon što BiH i službeno dobije status kandidata te nakon što ispuni sve uvjete koji su postavljeni pred državu, idući korak je započinjanje Pregovora o pristupanju. Ovaj proces podrazumijeva potpuno prilagođavanje zakona jedne države zakonima Europske unije. Tek nakon što država kandidat ispuni sve uvjete, potpisuje Ugovor o pristupanju Eu koji se ratificira u parlamentu svake od članica, a to je ujedno i posljednji korak prije određivanja datuma službenog pristupanja jedne države Europskoj uniji.  
Status vezan za aktualnu geopolitičku situaciju
Neminovno, status kandidata vezan je i za aktualnu geopolitičku situaciju i rusku agresiju na Ukrajinu. Upravo zbog toga, Europska unija je još ranije dodijelila kandidatski status Ukrajini, ali i Moldaviji koja je također prepoznata kao država na koju Rusija vrši utjecaj. Nakon Ukrajine i Moldavije, na red je stigla i Bosna i Hercegovina što je svakako prilika koju država treba iskoristiti. Raspoloženje u europskim krugovima za proširenjem svakako postoji, ali ono, gotovo pa sigurno, neće biti tako vječno, piše Klix. Dnevno.hr Photo by Markus Winkler Read the full article
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humansoulsarg · 4 years ago
Mel B and HAIM Color Bars Solve
In this post: https://pangenttechnologies.tumblr.com/post/184051996657/melanie-brown-interviewed-by-piers-morgan-for There are color bars across the bottom. They don’t appear to be standard Pangent color codes A very similar-looking set of color bars appeared in this HAIM post: https://pangenttechnologies.tumblr.com/post/182280291497/support-six-incredible-causes-and-sit-vip-with I think I got something valid for the second Haim image
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it’s VERY green but i think those are all valid pangent colors I just inverted the colors Here is the first Haim image’s colors,  this is just inverted from the original. It loooks valid to me
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Here’s the Mel B “rumor comes out” colors, inverted. I think I was just really overthinking this, as just inverting the colors gives me something very green but valid (I think) in Pangent colors
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here are the colors from inverting the “is Mel Brown gay” and “Haim sisters with Emma Stone” posts.
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44 45 4c 49 53 57 4e 56 46 41 55 4c 4a 56 5a 4a 53 45 42 47 4c 50 53 55 4e 43 46 4e 54 4f 4a 41 56 4c 53 44 43 53 4d 4b 54 42 4b 4e 43 49 54 4f 47 54 DELISWNVFAULJVZJSEBGLPSUNCFNTOJAVLSDCSMKTBKNCITOGT vig argentina: DNFEFDFIFADFFIGBFEBPFLFBFPFNCIFNCDFDCBGGGICACICICG A1Pf: 4d65646961466972652f6b626f6d396d346432777931393937 hex: MediaFire/kbom9m4d2wy1997 http://mediafire.com/?kbom9m4d2wy1997 KansasCity1997.zip -> argentina_ascii.wav It’s a Kansas City Standard (KCS) Wav File decode to text using Python and these scripts: http://www.dabeaz.com/py-kcs/ It starts off with a code: khg tey begww nfmkuk mrcm   deykipn qp ko evqp nivo ltd   i'xl qlue of qted ww rzn   i'o mmrytkuk mrcm   pj sv ttpid ko uoye de fvay rgcpr   t'cl uoye yio kshe vigenere rachel: the man keeps coming back   wanting me to come with him   i’ve made my mind up now   i’m fighting back   if he tries to shut me down again   i’ll shut him down The rest is an ASCII photo of Lottie/Argentina.
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Second image:
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Lime Black Cyan Blue Cyan Orange Cyan Yellow Cyan Yellow Lime Lime Lime Green Lime Green Cyan Red Lime Green Cyan White Cyan Lime Cyan Yellow Lime Green Lime Brown Lime Orange Cyan Red Lime Grey Dark-Grey Lime Lime Cyan Yellow Lime Grey Lime Green Lime Pink Cyan Red Cyan Lime Lime Black Cyan Orange Cyan Lime Lime Blue Lime Green Lime Green Cyan Red Cyan Yellow Cyan Orange Cyan Cyan Cyan Lime Lime Orange Lime Green Lime Blue Lime Dark-Grey Cyan Orange Lime Black Lime Black Cyan Lime Lime Not-so-Brown Lime Brown Lime Blue black black black black 4F 56 52 53 53 44 49 49 51 49 5 05 4 5 3 4 9 4 A 4 2 5 1 4 D 4 E 4 4 5 3 4 D 4 9 4 7 5 1 5 4 4 F 5 2 5 4 4 6 4 9 4 9 5 1 5 3 5 2 5 5 5 4 4 2 4 9 4 6 4 E 5 2 4 F 4 F 5 4 4 B 4 A 4 6 X X X X OVRSSDIIQIPTSIJBQMNDSMIGQ TORTFIIQSRUTBIFNROOTKJF decodes with vig password limonada to: DNFEFDFIFADFFIGBFEBPFMFGF LCDGFFIFKFGGBFFCJCAGKGF decodes to 4 d 6 5 6 4 6 9 6 1 4 6 6 9 7 2 6 5 2 f 6 c 6 7 6 b 3 4 7 6 6 9 6 a 6 7 7 2 6 6 3 0 3 1 7 a 7 6 MediaFire/lgk4vijgrf01zv http://mediafire.com/?lgk4vijgrf01zv which isnt valid Remember the missing bytes at the end? yeah i’m just trying any numbers and letters i think we’re missing a letter or two http://www.mediafire.com/?lgk4vijgrf01zvc KansasCity1996.zip -> limonada_ascii.wav Audio in Kansas City Standard (KCS) format. Outputs text including ASCII art and vigenered text
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k rbf'v eohl ai tuel vyc spm $gtm hbsu c mlewoxj $cjr twb ky'jl mfupc wh l uaqyw cvr cl’$ i$ll yccyy vc twv eclkl c poa'l yh$o jcj dqvu c uhh werh ritfi huau $svgvn, olrsb cykvoydcbwif oufe $qgywx kb g$g uclfphs nbl hbll ocefkvu ynll oo$wg bllg alkgtt $gy nte ewgn $x vw$w yponwcyd tves qp $cjr $g$s m$l’m etemuawapu nycqbml pn, yoew oho eqfr spl hbwyy'e lrkg uyv nsfk qn vyj tukbr a’$f umuh ywv psl tl qtornsl d$g wf fqe qbgvmq tb khia ewfqwtqba $ll wnbowhr ljog a hiwfwk wamcdsnpda yagyqba louf i'iw ycwdgr rng$mn$phs i ygjyo sdchl jmf w$vieiay hi waxs javp as xhcxuew ticwxse ap lsulo ue i qar cy dktr lq uoew muulhjs gj xtwrff a vigenere solver says the key is “conscioushumansouls” but it seems to have decoded with errors the dollar signs being errors here changing them to Z gives me this “”“** i don’t want to hurt her any more than i already have but we’re stuck in a cycle and it’s only going to get worse i don’t know how long i can keep doing this reboot, clean installation hate myself in the morning not that morning ever comes hate myself for the rest of time whatever time we have here she’s struggling against it, more and more and there’s less and less of her maybe i’ll just let her be whoever she is now choose to stop murdering her knowing that i failed completely knowing that i’ve killed everything i loved about her choosing to live with my failure forever in death as i did in life to make failure my friend ”“”** this text later appeared in video “mountain” https://vimeo.com/410088899 For this Mel B inverted mostly green border image, I’ve got my first swing at a transcription: https://i.imgur.com/JmSqveN.jpg 46 44 4f 45 4c 4e 47 4f 49 45 4f 4f 49 53 49 52 46 49 49 52 55 52 47 41 4d 47 49 44 49 52 4c 46 4f 45 54 49 4f 4e 46 4e 52 4e 52 48 41 52 52 52 47 52 55 47 4d 49 FDOELNGOIEOOISIRFIIRURGAMGI DIRLFOETIONFNRNRHARRRGRUGMI might be (should be?) vigenere but obvious choices didnt work. backwards maybe?? oh that’s weird IMGURGRRRAHRNRNFNOITEOFLRID IGMAGRURIIFRISIOOEIOGNLEODF backwards it says imgur. maybe a coincidence, but maybe it’s already a reduced alphabet ?? letters included in string are: adefghilmnorstu eh i guess not IGMAGRURIIFRISIOOEIOGNLEODF IMGURGRRRAHRNRNFNOITEOFLRID  and with IMGUR removed I noticed it had GARFIELD too… I later saw that all this has been done before for another solve… IGMAGRURIIFRISIOOEIOGNLEODF         77 6 8744 74E5 14 A I M G URII R SIOO IOGN EO F  G A R    F I    E    L  D IMGURGRRRAHRNRNFNOITEOFLRID       666 9 565 54 2 4A 67 IMGUR RRR H NRN NO T OF RI      G   A R   F  I E  L  D  gives  https://i.imgur.com/whtGNQJ.jpg  and  https://i.imgur.com/fiVUBJg.jpg  First is “removed”, so I don’t know if that was the expected solution or if I made a mistake or if it’s been removed from imgur because we took too long.  Other one is correct though. - Geri Halliwell’s Elvis Costume
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rvda · 6 years ago
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miss Reine for Tommy Hilfiger / Calvin Klein (aka PVH Europe)
photo was shot by Mercé Wouthuysen (ass. Elisa Smook) concept and art-direction by Reinier RVDA
the idea was to make party-pictures 1920's style at the PVH holiday celebrations. since the actual collodion process would take too long, this photo was lensed with a one of a kind, hand build, fake wet plate camera (equipped with an ancient silver Zeiss Distagon 50mm lens) which concealed a Hasselblad 503cw with Phase One IQ180. edit was done on the spot and with dye sublimation we printed 1752 photos that evening.
big thanks to mr Lucas Schweitzer for building the camera and for Nivo-Schweitzer who came up with the print solution (and kindly supplied the actual printer)
ps; have to make notice of this. miss Reine has on Instagram as opening line: “my skin is my pride”. beautiful.
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paulxavess · 2 years ago
Hermuno Ulasan - obat yang dapat diandalkan melawan parasit
Situs Web Resmi: https://resourcens.org/hermuno/?lang=id
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Hermuno Ulasan - Štetni paraziti i crvi mogu iscrpiti vaše telo ključnih hranljivih materija, oštetiti vitalne digestivne organe, uvesti metabolički otpad u vaše telo, ugroziti imuni sistem i izazvati hroničnu umornost. Svi ovi faktori mogu značajno uticati na to kako vaše telo funkcioniše i kvalitet života.
Da li često konzumirate nekuvano povrće, morsku hranu ili meso? Ili, da li imate kućnog ljubimca koji deli vaše obroke i krevet? Ako ste odgovorili sa da, verovatno ste dobili infekciju parazita.
Hermuno je prirodno čišćenje parazita koje eliminiše parazite i ublažava simptome parazitskih bolesti. Čist i bez neorganskih dodataka, sastoji se od sastojaka dobijenih iz biljaka.
Hermuno promoviše zdravu probavu i obnavlja neophodne hranljive materije u telu. Pažljivo je razvijen za optimizaciju probavne flore i daje potpunu crijevnu podršku. Ovaj dodatak ishrani podstiče apsorpciju vitalnih hranljivih materija eliminisanjem zagađivača. Podstiče opšte zdravlje zbog svoje jedinstvene i povoljne šminke. Prirodni sastojci hermuna sadrže tačne proporcije minerala, vitamina i hranljivih materija za uklanjanje lipida nakupljenih u telu, smanjenje gasova, nadimanje i toksičnost.
Hermuno je superiorno čišćenje parazita koje pruža simptomatsko olakšanje od parazitskih bolesti. Ovaj dodatak ishrani funkcioniše kao potpuna detoksikacija, eliminišući toksične i štetne hemikalije iz organizma i promovišući optimalnu funkciju organa. Prirodni sastojci formule pomažu u isušivanju toksina, ublažavanju nadutosti i gasova, izbegavanju toksičnosti i vraćanju zdrave crevne ravnoteže uključivanjem neophodnih hranljivih materija. Pored toga, poboljšava varenje, smanjuje umor i povećava nivo energije, omogućavajući pojedincima da žive zdrav i aktivan način života.
Klik di sini untuk membaca: Hermuno Ulasan
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llytalbot · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NIVO Sports Women’s Golf/Athletic Short Sleeve Polo Top Green/White Size Small.
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tottori-chizu · 4 years ago
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使用テーマ:Elise https://www.tumblr.com/theme/38712
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[参考] 基本的な変数 https://www.tumblr.com/docs/ja/custom_themes このテーマの感想 ・非常に重たい。 ・外部CSS使用なので制御できない部分がある。直接HTMLで指定してもいいけどやる気がしない...。
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bloglopesca · 5 years ago
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VÍDEO resistir.etaste.pt Adorei LINK https://youtu.be/G97p-s-NIvo / Site https://etaste.pt/ #resistir @etaste.pt http://lopesca.blogspot.com/2020/04/video-resistiretastept.html ►Blog [http://lopesca.blogspot.pt/] ◄ https://www.facebook.com/LopesCa.Blog/photos/a.1000626889952554/3492963704052181/?type=3
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charadriusnivosus · 2 months ago
I liked the reflection of the light.
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mephivio · 5 years ago
Les 5 meilleurs plugins WordPress
New Post has been published on https://www.veilletechno-it.info/webdesign/les-5-meilleurs-plugins-wordpress/
Les 5 meilleurs plugins WordPress
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Si vous possédez un site internet, il est probable que vous travailliez avec WordPress. En effet, WordPress représente la solution la plus adaptée pour construire votre site internet, autant en termes de performances que de simplicité d’utilisation.
Mais pour que votre site WordPress soit parfait, il vous faudra installer les bons plugins !
Cependant, si ces mini logiciels sont pour certains géniaux, et pour d’autres complètement illusoires.
Trop de débutants se perdent dans la diversité des plugins WordPress, et c’est bien compréhensible ! Il en existe en effet des centaines, et tous se vendent comme étant indispensables au bon fonctionnement de votre site internet.
Mais comme vous vous en doutez, c’est complètement faux. Seuls quelques plugins sont nécessaires à l’optimisation de votre site internet !
C’est d’ailleurs plus grave que cela, puisqu’ajouter trop de plugins alourdira votre site, et le rendra moins rapide. De plus, vous multiplierez le nombre de problèmes que vous allez devoir gérer par le nombre de plugins que vous aurez installés !
Voilà pourquoi nous avons décidé de vous aiguiller dans cette jungle des plugins WordPress en vous présentant les 5 meilleurs plugins WordPress du marché.
Ces cinq plugins sont indispensables au bon fonctionnement de votre site, et ils restent très simples à mettre en place et à utiliser.
Cet article regroupe 6 ans de recherches et de tests sur les différents plugins WordPress, alors préparez-vous à recevoir un concentré d’informations extrêmement précieuses !
Nivo Slider
Le premier plugin que nous voudrions vous présenter ici est un plugin qui servira à la présentation et à l’amélioration de l’attractivité de votre site web.
Il faut savoir que 90 % des gens qui créent un site internet souhaitent mettre en place un diaporama de photos sur leur page d’accueil … alors probablement que c’est également votre cas !
Le côté dynamique et moderne du diaporama attire, même s’il ne comporte aucun réel intérêt en soi pour l’utilisateur. Il servira plus à embellir l’impression globale qu’un visiteur aura de votre site web en arrivant sur celui-ci.
Pour mettre en place ce genre de diaporama, tous les plugins ne se valent pas : certains sont de véritables poids morts pour votre site, ils ralentiront celui-ci considérablement ! D’autres, comme Nivo Slider, sont d’une part, très simple à utiliser et à prendre en main, et d’autre part, très peu encombrants pour votre site.
Trouver ce plugin nous aura pris des années de recherches et de tests, à perdre du temps et de l’argent dans l’idée d’optimiser au maximum nos sites internet, et nous vous offrons aujourd’hui la possibilité d’avoir accès à cette information totalement gratuitement !
C’est d’ailleurs le cas pour tous les autres plugins que nous allons vous présenter dans cet article … alors bonne lecture !
SEO TopTool
SEO TopTool est un plugin qui vous sera d’une immense aide pour améliorer le référencement naturel de votre site internet.
Bien qu’il possède plusieurs modules, sa première qualité est qu’il est gratuit.
Pour ce qui est de ses fonctionnalités, il serait trop long de toutes vous les expliquer en détails alors nous vous conseillons d’aller y jeter un œil par vous-même !
Cependant, nous allons ici tenter de résumer au mieux ses capacités.
Premièrement il permet, entre beaucoup d’autres choses, de vérifier les pages d’erreurs 404, ainsi que de générer le sitemap de votre site.
De plus, il vous sera d’une grande aide en ce qui concerne la rédaction de vos articles optimisés SEO.
En effet, en plus d’être très intuitif, SEOTopTool va inclure automatiquement les données depuis Google Search Console, ainsi que depuis Google Analytics.
De plus, les nombreuses recommandations qu’il vous fera pour améliorer la vitesse de votre site web seront d’une aide précieuse pour que celle-ci soit celle d’un site professionnel.
Pour résumer, c’est l’un des « must have » dans le domaine du référencement naturel.
Notre conseil ici serait d’allier les forces des 2 plugins SEO évoqués dans cet article !
Updraft Plus
Un site internet, c’est de la technologie.
Et sachez-le : il ne faut jamais avoir une confiance aveugle en celle-ci.
C’est pourquoi nous avons décidé de vous parler de ce plugin, qui vous permettra de sauvegarder l’ensemble de vos données automatiquement, et régulièrement.
Il est vrai qu’il existe des centaines de plugins pour sauvegarder ses données, mais c’est pour nous celui-ci qui est de loin le plus efficace. Libre à vous d’en tester d’autres, mais vous aurez vu ici en premier que celui-ci était le meilleur !
La sauvegarde de vos données se configure une seule fois, en quelques minutes à peine. Ensuite, vous n’avez plus à toucher à ce plugin (comme tous les plugins que nous vous présenterons ici !).
  WP Rocket : le plugin de mise en cache de référence
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À bientôt pour de nouveaux tops, astuces et conseils …
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pigeonsofseattle · 8 years ago
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Another lucky find yesterday! I spotted these guys from across the street and I risked missing my bus to go and take photos! The first one is new but the other is the same gray leucistic from the other day, same place as last time. Think I’m gonna call them Nivos.
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graphicstip-blog · 6 years ago
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Photo Gallery Photo Gallery Download Now
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vivostudio · 7 years ago
Sarajevo... :) | www.vivostudio.ba | #vivostudio #snimanjeizvazduha #slikanjeizvazduha #videos #photos #drone #phantom #dji #jesen #zima #sarajevo #bosnia #aerial #winter #autumn #city #phantom4 #gopro #hero4 #carsija #nivo #sebilj #titova #miljacka #vijecnica #gradsarajevo #blue #sky #beautiful Video: Vivo Studio Montaza: Nivo - Nihad Voloder
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podcastenthusiast · 8 years ago
YOI Fanfic Recs
I want to give a shoutout to some of my favorite fics, so here we go. Under a cut because it got long. No surprise there.
Beautiful fics involving the multilingual nature of Viktor and Yuri’s relationship:
Repeat After Me by queenieofaces
Victor learns language through mimicry, hears phrases and repeats them back until the inflection becomes second nature. Yuuri seems to communicate best through euphemism, through metaphor, through talking around the subject rather than approaching it head on, and so Victor tries his best to mimic him, to take his words and echo them back.
(Vignettes in language learning and communication, spanning the whole series.)
How to Return Home by queenieofaces
Victor comes home, but for some reason it doesn’t feel like home anymore.
(Technically a sequel to "Repeat After Me," but can probably be read on its own.)
Kotoba by MarrowVersusMarrow
"Friendship," and "love," in foreign tongues.
Call Everything on the Ice... by shysweetthing
In which Victor learns Japanese while in Hasetsu, and it vastly improves his ability to communicate with Yuuri—
HA HA HA just kidding.
You know these two dorks. It makes everything worse.
“No,” Victor says, skating up to Yuuri on the ice, “you have to push all the way from here, or you’ll never get the height you need for that axel.” He sets his hand on Yuuri’s ass, tracing the muscle group he’s referring to. “Not here.” He taps Yuuri’s thigh. He doesn’t know the words for the muscles in English, only knows how to show him.
Yes, technically he’s grabbing Yuuri’s ass, but how else is he to communicate?
Talkshow Host by MooseFeels
Yuuri lives for the silence.
put my heart on my chest, so you can read it too by driedupwishes
“Victor,” Yuuri says, rolling his shoulders as he leans his elbows against the top of the wall. Victor looks up, eyebrows arched in waiting, and Yuuri meets his eyes with the kind of ease that’s gotten more natural by the day since Victor arrived. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but, I was wondering…”
Curiosity flashes across Victor’s expression, one of the emotions Yuuri is able to recognize easily on his former-idol. Victor hums, leaning forward and tucking his phone away under his arm, giving Yuuri his undivided attention in a way that curls Yuuri’s toes in his skates. Once Yuuri would’ve flushed and stuttered at the feeling of Victor’s weighty gaze dragging across his face, but now he only shrugs and bites his lip.
“Is it hard for you,” Yuuri asks, “being in a country where you don’t speak the language?”
Darling by ClockworkDinosaur
Victor and Yuuri are not fluent in the others native language.
Lost in Translations by Jenrose
Victor Nikiforov was the best jumper in the world, well-used to leaping blind and landing clean in ways no one could match. Falling was for other people. Stumbling was not acceptable. It had been a long time since the wind had been knocked out of him so thoroughly.
Now with banquet shenanigans!
Fics in which Phichit and Yuri are Besties:
of eros and of dust by mori (cityboys)
It’s nostalgia, maybe, or Phichit’s kind, knowing smile, or just an unconscious need to talk about it—but he starts talking as the pedestrian lights turn green. About the Eros routine, about Victor, about the ring, about skating.
Give Me Up to Tears by Allekha
Four times Phichit helped Yuuri when he cried - from joy or sadness - and one time he couldn't.
Now When Arrows Don’t Penetrate, Cupid Grabs the Pistol by ken_ichijouji
Phichit Chulanont doesn't know how he ended up the skating world's wingman, but he ain't mad at it.
Instagram is Not an Ice Rink by ladanse
Phichit's phone buzzes. christophe-gc has posted a new photo, it tells him. When he thumbs the screen, it brightens to reveal a shot of Christophe Giacometti, lounging on a bench, wearing nothing but a Speedo and his skates. greetings from your local king of selfies, says the caption.
Phichit doesn't actually know Chris - not personally. He has nothing to prove. But Phichit is also, categorically, a competitive little shit, and he knows he can do better.
So it begins.
it’s just a simple symphony by caersun
Yuuri is already shaking his head. “You know I don’t like parties, Phichit.”
“Aw, but, Yuuri, you’re so fun at them!” Phichit says, pulling out his phone to show him the video evidence.
Yuuri gapes. “I thought you deleted that!” he yells, launching himself at his friend. On Phichit’s phone, the little past-Yuuri is absolutely wasted, getting into position to do a kegstand, to the raucous and egging cheers of over a dozen frat-bros in the foreground. The tinny chant of his name—Kat-su-ki! Kat-su-ki! Kat-su-ki!—sounds from the speakers, behind Phichit’s delighted trill of laughter.
Phichit pulls his phone out of his reach. “It’s for posterity!”
Or: A lot can happen in five years.
Sight by anxioussonic
Yuuri had become accustomed to performing without his glasses. In fact, he hadn't even considered contacts before coming to the United States for college.
Bookends by natika
"And of course I'm a distraction," Phichit concluded, entirely unoffended, "How else am I going to place above you at Four Continents?"
Yuuri gaped, "That's your target?!"
"You don't mind, do you? I'll admit, as a goal," Phichit said, "it lacks the elegance of 'get in Victor Nikiforov's pants', but -"
Yuuri let out a strangled squeak.
Intruding on my Feelings by natika
A rinkmate got into an accident, and Yuuri was torn up with worry.
It must have been Phichit.
They had been introduced formally. Yuuri had bowed, Phichit had made a wai; Yuuri had chanced a shy smile and Phichit had grinned widely, and Celestino had left them to it.
Phichit's first words to him were, "Can I have your number?"
america goals by magneticwave
Friendship means never having to say you’re sorry that the lighting in that Instagram made them look sallow. All of the bulbs in Walmart are fluorescent, so, really: what can you do.
Other wonderful fics, more Victuri-centric with some Otayuri:
How to Surprise Your Fiancé With Pork: An Honest Walkthrough by Viktor Nikiforov by Orchids_and_Fictional_Cities
The thing with Viktor is that once he’s set his mind on something, there is a very very minuscule chance of him not following through on said thing.
He wants to do something for Yuuri: partly as a Valentine’s Day gift, partly as a prelude to Worlds, and partly ‘just because’. It’s somewhere between dwelling on the abstract thought of Yuuri’s hunger as a competitor, and watching the younger skater on Facetime with his mother back home, that an idea starts to form.
This is how Katsuki Yuuri, the love of his life, the apple of his eye, the fire of his loins et cetera, ad infinitum, finds Viktor when he walks into the door: standing precariously with one foot on a barstool and the other on top of his counter, frantically fanning at his smoke detector with a magazine.
Vkusno! by mtothedestiel
"Next week on Top Chef: Denver, it's that most infamous challenge...Wedding Wars! But this won't be any ordinary wedding feast. Our top twelve chefs will cook for a secret, world-famous celebrity couple with international tastes! The stakes have never been this high. Who will be crowned Top Chef, and who will be asked to pack their knives and go? Tune in to find out!"
Newly retired, Victor and Yuuri are invited to be special guests on a popular American cooking competition. Oishii!
game over. try again? by counterheist
The divorce goes through on a Thursday.
An Intangible Force of Motion by doeinstinct
“I do fall sometimes, Yuuri,” he said. Yuuri shook his head, his longer bangs falling over his eyes as he pursed his lips and braced his hands on his knees. “No, I know that. I just...I’ve never seen you fall on a flip before.”
A new skating season brings with it new opportunities and experiences, but new isn't always a good thing. Luckily, they have each other.
never stop until the grave by Naraht
Back in St Petersburg, Victor attempts to combine coaching Yuuri with preparing for his own return to competition. The spirit is willing but the flesh may be weak.
no sleep till Sochi by Naraht
Forced to share a bed with Victor at the Sochi Grand Prix Final, Yakov learns more than he wants to know.
Old Dog, New Tricks by nivo
Yurio is but one dear, sulky teenaged slice of a much larger pie holding its breath – not that pies breathe, but one does not marry Katsuki Yuuri and remain innocent of terrible food metaphors – for a miraculous comeback Viktor will never make, because he can't, but perhaps more importantly, because he doesn't want to.
Russian for Dummies by cutthroatpixie
"Are you a beginner?"
Viktor was not a beginner. Viktor was the TA supposedly in charge of this study session. Viktor spoke Russian. Viktor was Russian.
The Inevitable Unbecoming of Art by themaelstromwrites
Viktor neglected his life and love for twenty years, though to his credit, his career had never afforded him either of those privileges. A fateful encounter at the 2012 GPF gala changes everything, and Viktor is head over heels before he can say 'dasvedanya' to the man that stole his heart.
Viktor Nikiforov is an unreliable narrator in his own life story. Of course, so is Katsuki Yuuri. This is the love story you know, and the life story you don't.
The Fundamentals of Caring by braveten
���Let me guess, you’re going to go take care of Yuuri while he sleeps? Just in case he sneezes or something?” Yurio rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “Viktor, you’re whipped.”
Viktor rubs the back of his neck as he leans against the wall. “What does that mean?”
“It means that if Yuuri asked you to do a little dance for him in nothing but a coconut bra and a hula skirt, you’d do it.”
Viktor pauses, confused. “And that's a bad thing?”
My fun fact is: by stillmadaboutpetra
Yuuri fails to mention to his new non-skater friends who he is or who his husband is. Or that he even has a husband.
the distance between our fingers by awkwardedgeworth
If Otabek were a bystander, he would see Victor Nikiforov being a ruthless coach, raising his voice at Yuri's less than stellar free leg, It's a normal occurrence, the older retired skater pointing out areas Yuri can work on.
But Otabek is not a bystander, and he sees the glint of a golden ring from Victor's right hand, slipped around his ring finger like a reminder.
A reminder that Victor, estranged with nowhere else to go, was picked up by Yuri and Yakov to go back to Russia so he can have a semblance of a life back.
A life without Yuuri Katsuki.
Dance of the Red Death by strangeandintoxicating
Find something to live for.
Viktor Nikiforov loved too much. What begins as a cough morphs into something that takes the shape of an unseen monster hiding in his very blood. With the Russian government scrambling to sweep under the rug the worst of a crisis that's been thirty-five years in the making, Viktor is left with figuring out his own way to survive.
It starts as a way to escape, a youtube video of music and color and light, but quickly becomes something he never expected when Yuri Katsuki teaches him that surviving is not living.
This is not a story of anger. This is not a story of fear. This is not even a story of pain.
This is a 21st Century love overcoming the obstacles of the 20th Century's politics of fear.
This is a story of life.
the road that stretches out ahead by hellodeer
"What if we drove to France?" Viktor asks, and Yuuri says yes. Of course he does.
pardon the way that i stare by kevystel
All Yakov says, after Yuuri's free skate at the Cup of China, is: ‘Really?’
(The problem is that Viktor falls hard.)
like heaven to touch by kevystel
He looks younger than half the other skaters, with his fine features and the porcelain clearness of his skin, but here he is — here in Moscow with Viktor at his side, ready to impress a crowd that’s too used to roaring Viktor’s name. Viktor is prouder than he’s ever been.
Fill the World with Music by prettybirdy979
It's been a whirlwind of a week for Phichit, not only because of his competing in the Grand Prix Finals. Yuuri seems to have made it his mission to surprise everyone a dozen times over before the end of the competition. But there's only the gala exhibition tomorrow to go.
Surely Yuuri (and Viktor) can't manage one more surprise by then?
(Aka that fic where Viktor breaks twitter, Yuuri breaks the internet then pretends to not understand, and together they break their friends)
Bear Your Soul on the Ice by SassySalchow (diedraechin)
At age fourteen, Katsuki Yuuri had been determined to be Japan's next great figure skating hope, but with no coach that would never happen, so his ballet instructor packs him up off to Russia to train with Yakov Feltsman. The Yakov Feltsman, otherwise known as the coach to rising figure skating star -- and Yuuri's idol -- Viktor Nikiforov.
one heart to every falling thing by 100demons
“You know,” Victor comments idly, and he breathes out in a rush of static in Yuri’s ear. “I think this is the longest we’ve been apart since I first flew here.”
Post-Episode 5.
The Spaces Shaped for You by Chisotahn
The paths they'd chosen after the Grand Prix Final wouldn't be easy, particularly with Nationals just ten days away, but one thing was certain: no matter what happened, their paths would always come together in the end.
(Continuation exploring the time elapsed between the second-to-last and last scenes in episode twelve. Yuuri and Victor's journey to their Nationals and beyond.)
i walk my days on a wire by idrilka
“Asia sucked without you,” Yuri admits eventually after a moment, as he falls backwards onto the bed, his t-shirt riding up. It must be still hot in Saint Petersburg, if the forecast is to be believed, but Yuri has the hood up, obscuring his face at this angle. “But we all went back to the hot spring run by Katsuki’s family after the Fukuoka show, so I guess it wasn’t that bad.”
A story of a relationship, told in photographs and Skype calls.
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