#ninjago matriarch
toastingpencils37 · 2 months
Thoughts on the teaser
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Explorer's Club looking mf
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Hey why the fuck is that one guy glowing white? Is that the guy who was trying to get through the portal when it closed? So he's stuck between the two worlds? Shit
Also why's he sitting in a chair while the others are standing very formally? Leader of the Forbidden Five?
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I know they're all happy and don't know what's coming for them in this shot, but look at Arin
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I'm assuming this is before he learns he won't be able to compete.
Also, Lloyd in the new master fit!
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Can't tell one hundred percent, but that looks like the Matriarch without her crown. For some reason she's in the Kingdom of Madness (might be because she decided to move her herd in s1 ep2 and thought this was a safe place). And why does she look like she might be dying? Or at least not in a good condition. (Assuming this'll be in the episode 11)
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Oh fuck Wyldfyre's face. Whatever happened can't be good. But I'm not sure if it has to do with Cinder having heat or some other event. Mainly because Wyldfyre very much is controlling heat right now.
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Also, nice design on the back of her suit
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(If I had a nickel for everytime a character with tech powers had a tech staff as their weapon I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice) (Yes I'm referencing Donnie from ROTTMNT)
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Roby with the selfie wand! Not what I expected but I'm here for it.
And he seems to be having them doing a wave thing, as when he passes in front of the crowd they lift their arms up a bit and then put them back down.
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I have no idea why they might be in the Administration, but I guess they are. (Also looks like this will be Episode 11)
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Cinder in his sick ass outfit. Haven't even seen the whole thing and I can already confirm the minifigure does NOT do it justice at all.
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Also (like everyone else) wondering how the hell he has Heat. Stole it from Wyldfyre using some weird Shatterspin magic? Maybe Jordana stole it using her dark magic for him? Or some other Tournament related thing that gave him said ability to take her powers.
Or maybe a new master of Amber? But 1) don't think the writers are going to just kill Skylor like that and 2) There's no way he would've been able to hold Ash's power for that long, even without broken Amber powers like Skylor likely did past Season 9
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That's actually a really small dragon.
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And Cole
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No idea when this'll be (or who Lloyd's even fighting) but based on his outfit and the time of day, this is not one of the actual Tournament battles.
Maybe during these episodes in the actual battles Lloyd will wear the Tournament outfit, and then in scenes that are not Tournament events, he'll be wearing the master outfit. Which would put this scene at pretty much any point in the season except for Episode 11. And likely episode 20. Maybe
Or Lloyd will be wearing this outfit only at the beginning of the Tournament (likely only Episodes 12 and maybe 13) and then will wear the Tournament suit the rest of the season
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They don't seem to have any people on their back?
Maybe it's illegal in the Tournament to use dragons? Or the guard dudes are just being bullies.
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And why's that guy's gun got a clock on it
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Ha. They deserved that for being mean to the dragons
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So did that guy
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Also there's some of the ninja. Can't tell who all of them are, but there is Wyldfyre for sure, and it looks like Maybe Zane and Geo? As well as whoever's wearing the brown color? I was going to guess Arin but the grapple makes it seem like it can't be him, so maybe Cole?
Maybe this is them trying to get to the Tournament and the Guard dudes intercept them
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So it looks like those might be spectator outfits...
Also, Geo supporting his man!!!!! We love Geo! Look at his happy face!!!!
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Wouldn't really explain why some of the apparent competitors are wearing them though
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I'm thinking this may be the scene where Cinder somehow gets Wyldfyre's power. And/or Wyldfyre isn't having a fun time because this looks eerily similar to the fight in Episode 2 that resulting in her leg being shattered
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Yeah. Very similar.
And Cinder's using his Shatterspin powers in this fight too. Shit
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And he's smiling as usual too...
Except his eyes aren't red this time. Possibly he completely shattered his soul (as he said he was willing to do in Part 1's finale) and no longer needs the gong to access the Shatterspin powers?
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Better look at the tech staff. I like it.
Though thinking about it now it might be specifically for this obstacle course thing Sora's been doing.
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Looks like that might be Heatwave catching Lloyd? (Based on the claws and the fact that he caught Lloyd using his tail rather than some possibly more harmful or violent way such as the claws or mouth)
Also looks like this'll be episode 11. Maybe episode 12 prior to getting to the Tournament.
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Saw someone else ask why the Source Dragon of Motion is glowing over the Monastery and honestly I have the same question.
Maybe this is supposed to be the end of Episode 20 after they free her?
Or earlier on in the season where she might be telling them to go to the Tournament of the Sources (as she and the others might be scared of Ras being able to get to them if his team wins the Tournament)
Also, that sure is a way to end a teaser /pos
Also, looking at the fact that it'll be October rather than earlier like I thought it would be, I'm thinking the date of release might be the 24th if following the previous patterns of release dates (Thursdays and multiples/factors of 4). But at the same time that feels very late, so it might actually be an earlier week like that of the 10th. Which will break the multiples/factors of 4 pattern, but it could happen.
Also, we did not see Nokt at all during this teaser, which is kinda odd. Maybe Ras is waiting until the right moment to use him in the Tournament?
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rainofthetwilight · 15 days
one thing I'm pretty disappointed about in the marketing of s2p2 is the spoiling of the matriarch's death. that part was extremely shocking, tragic and unexpected and honestly would've been much better to not to be revealed so early
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spoilers for s2 ep11
„Where‘s the matriarch‘s horns?“
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blogquestionmark · 1 month
its so funny the only one who questioned this is only arin and the rest are just kinda used to it already
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nyaskitten · 7 months
SO happy Show Egalt looks more like the set than the set boxart...
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So I love Ninjago: Dragons Rising and I wanted to draw the Matriarch! I’m probably gonna draw more of them in the future too.
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hawkflame999 · 8 months
Guys, What If...... (Ninjago)
So we know that all Six ninja weren't in the best living conditions when Wu found them, even Jay, who freaking grew up in a junkyard.
And Lloyd's part Dragon and Part Oni.
And all Six were basically raised by Wu from age 10-12.....
And Wu himself is half-human, one-fourth Oni, and one-fourth Dragon...
Is it only me or do the Six count as feral kids?
Also what if they learned to speak Yōkai from living with Wu and Lloyd (And their Dragon friends).
And Lloyd wouldn't even have to learn.
So like, in DR-
Just imagine-
Instead of looking through scrolls when they get to the Monastery, Lloyd goes into his true form (Following my headcanon #1 on my headcanon 1-5 post) and just starts roaring, growling, rumbling, chittering, grunting, screeching, and purring (and other Dragoni noises) to Riyu while Arin and Sora just stare in bewilderment.
And what if after the fall on the Bounty (In DR EP2), he got a small cut and the Matriarch Dragon just smelled his heritage in his blood....
And Lloyd just goes into his true form and talks in Dragon- "You can trust us. I have Dragon Blood in my veins, and you can smell your kin on me."
And when Wyldfyre joins the gang Lloyd, Zane, Kai, and Nya have ZERO qualms about speaking to her in Dragon(I) XD.
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crystaleclipse10 · 2 months
Dragons Rising Season 2 part 2 teaser breakdown
my thoughts and feelings regarding the DR s2 part 2 trailer. I have not watched any external analysis. this is pure unfiltered me
it might be a long one especially with pictures lol
ig? spoilers below
So we start off strong with Beatrix punching someone or something. Given the red landscape, I'm thinking it's Lloyd in his vision. So that's great. Very interesting that they keep bringing her up in the visions but we haven't seen her yet. Maybe she'll show up in the Tournament?
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And may I just say that Source Dragon looks beautiful! Still in Lloyd's vision. The crown she's wearing is glowing and that might be significant. Could be showing her powers? Whatever those are. Fire or Motion would be my guess.
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Lloyd has a little close-up shot with him looking pretty worried. Could be in the vision still and I'm guessing it is given the red shading around his face. So yay another confusing/angsty Lloyd vision! That's what we're here for!
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We get a good look at the Tournament place! Idk if it's a palace or what. (again, haven't watched any other reviews.) But it's very big and colorful. The little TV in the background shows Lloyd doing something, probably fighting.
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Whoever this guy is, ringing a bell. Could be the start/stop of fights, that would be my guess. No idea who that is but he'll likely be significant and say some lines.
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KAIIII! Kai in the Netherspace! Still in his Climber Suit and I'm glad. We've seen people change outfits when they probably shouldn't have so I'm glad they didn't (yet) with Kai. He goes through an upside-door and walks into a room with at least three of the Forbidden Five! They're all facing to the right with their heads bowed. One of them is glowing and might be sitting on a chair or throne. There's no waaaaaay that'll EVER be significant (can ya hear the sarcasm??). I can't WAIT to see how they're gonna deal with him in there cause there's no way Kai won't get into a fight. I hope if he does it's to protect Bonzle. He's the big bro ever <3
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GROUP SHOT! Wyldfyre looks tamer with her new hair lol. And Cole's back with the group YAS! LLOYD IN HIS MASTER OUTFIT FINALLY! And all the suits look so cool. Riyu in the back—I wonder if he's competing or what cause idk how they're gonna deal with a dragon who apparently has a lot of potential, given the Source Dragon of Energy last season. Also Arin and Sora being excited is so wholesome cause they're just kids. Meanwhile the others (minus Wyldfyre) have already been in a tournament...
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Back in the Realm of Madness! But uhhh why is the Dragon Matriarch from Season 1 there?? And she looks injured. Reunion with her and Riyu. I hope she's okay.
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Wylfyre being Wyldfyre...she might be defending someone given her expression and the wall of fire.
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Sora killing it at the obstacle course (part of the fights maybe or training—not sure yet).
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The same guy who let the Ninja into the Tournament is on a hover device holding a phone on a selfie stick, so I'm gonna guess he's the announcer for the fights or social media watching them.
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Arin and Sora shot with the background doing that thing (idk what it's called lol) when they learn something shocking. Probably with epic music cause it's Ninjago. Without much context I have no idea what the revelation is but I sure can't wait to find out.
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Cinder with...fire??? It looks like Wyldfyre's Heat. Idk. Is that was smoke is supposed to look like?? I don't remember that at all from last season. If he can use Heat then Fy is in trouble.
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Sora racing through the undergrounds with a little dragon coming up beside her. I have to say it looks very cute. Not sure who it is or why Sora is down there but they could be helping each other escape or smth (idk if you all have a better idea lmk).
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Master Lloyd (hehe) fighting someone at night. I'm hoping it's not part of the normal Tournament but it's getting caught doing smth at night cause that's more fun imo. In that whole sequence he's only playing defense—just blocking attacks—and not trying to land a hit of his own. It would be crazy if he's fighting Jay. That would give a reason for no offense. Also the attacker's outfit is new.
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Jiro and Zanth fighting Imperium guards! They could be with Beatrix since Imperium stopped fighting dragons. I wouldn't be surprised if there were still guards loyal to the ex-empress.
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We've been here before... Hopefully Fy has a better time (though she gets blasted back by Cinder using Shatterspin in the video soooo idk). If Cinder is using Shatterspin, the Gong of Shattering and a wolf mask are readily available for him.
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Sora gets trapped by spears. She's got a new weapon too, more like a staff, glowing with her color. Did she make it? I hope so.
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Lloyd gets snatched by a dragon. Still in his Climber Suit so probably ep 11 or 12. He's falling but it doesn't rly look like he's worried about it? More like a controlled glide. Also yeah that's Heatwave. So happy he's finally getting more screentime.
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The Source Dragon of Motion! She looks awesome! ... That's the Monastery of Spinjitzu below. Holy Creation she is HUGE! I'm guessing this happens at the end of the season.
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Sooo that's the teaser. I am so very normal about this.
I'm curious why they didn't add more of Kai in the Netherspace. It could be more of a secret thing like how they hid Jay so far in the series by not putting him in ANY trailers or promo clips. Lots of mystery surrounding him. PLEASE let him fight the Forbidden Five at some point!!
If anyone reading this has more information, please don't share it because I don't want spoilers other than what has been officially released by LEGO.
Ik it's not too in-depth for an analysis but hey it's all based purely on what's in the video so spoiler-free! Hopefully the paused moments help. It's so fast I had to rewatch at 0.25x speed TWICE.
Season 2 part 2 coming in October!
I should add a link. https://youtu.be/D494MQMV34k?feature=shared
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carlostck · 2 months
SPOILERS!!! (Ninjago dragons rising season 2 part 2)
EUgh okay so it's plaguing my mind: after the matriarch dies and Lloyd is fighting Rapton
HOLY SHIT dude I was kicking my feet and giggling so hard, Lloyd was seconds away from throwing Rapton off the ship and probably directly into the flames coming out of the nozzle while yelling about him killing the matriarch help
Also seeing him grab Rapton by the throat and lift them into the air like Emporer Garmadon did pleASEe he must've hated him so much in that moment to do that argargharghh
If you couldn't tell I also love The Shadow of Ronin because Lloyd wants to beat Ronin's ass so bad for using his mother pleaseplaesple (also that one scene in Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye) When he's aggressive my life is great and my soul is sold
Oni Lloyd... Oni Lloyd save me please... let him go ape shit just once pleaseplsapelsaeplpelapleasee
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spicytteokmaraudontuz · 7 months
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Ninjago dragon rising s1 dragon humanized ver!
1~2, Dragon Matriarch
3~4, Zanth (aka. Sora)
5~6, Jiro
7~8, Riyu
9~10, Heatwave
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
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Was watching this super obscure movie called Dragons: Fire and Ice. It's an old line from Mega Bloks about two warring kingdoms coming together to save their worlds and the dragons. For its time the story is pretty good. There's only two movies made so you'll have to watch it or look on the Wiki. But I love fantasy worlds and the premise makes it good matwrial for a crossover with Ninjago. So here's the story.
Alana is a commoner of the Yemaya people, a matriarchal duchy inspired by a real life African water goddess. When an immortal wizard freezes the Chieftess, Alana must go to another worlds to save her home. She meets my Ninjago OC Odette: together they go on an adventures to save The Yemaya and all worlds.
Alana possess an elemental control over Water though it is NOT the same Elemental Power as Nya. Alana's power comes from a gem once owned by the late Dragon Queen. Alana enjoys pearl diving, fishing and napping. She also has a tendency to be a people pleaser.
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toastingpencils37 · 1 year
I think the Matriarch dragon is actually bigger than Firstbourne.
Because other dragons look really tiny compared to the Matriarch, especially in the scene where there are 3 of them circling around her head, none of them anywhere near the size of her head.
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Whereas with Firstbourne, all the dragons are bigger than her head, & though they're smaller than her, they're about half her length & wingspan.
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aerostarfall · 1 year
My next Ninjago Oc, Miryu. She is a Matriarch Dragon and the mother of Ryuji.
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that‘s the dragon matriarch from season 1, but it looks like she is missing her fancy hat/crown thingy. The golden one with the gemstone in the middle. Maybe those are the missing dragon horns from the leaked episode descriptions
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Group E polls
Round 1:
Melanie Cavill (Snowpiercer) vs Pomegranate Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Nya (Lego Ninjago) vs Dutch Van Der Linde (Red Dead Redemption)
The Matriarch (Mother of Learning) vs Aizen Sosuke (Bleach)
Ango Sakaguchi (Bungō Stray Dogs) vs Will Graham (Hannibal)
Reika Shindai (Kamen Rider Saber) vs Jason "J.D." Dean (Heathers)
Lady Rhea (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) vs Arlecchino (Genshin Impact)
Morag Ladair (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) vs Lyra (Dragens Øye)
The Xenomorph (Alien) vs Angelica Pickles (Rugrats)
Prospera Mercury/Elnora Samaya (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury) vs Shadow Weaver (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Round 2:
Rika Kim (Mystic Messenger) vs Melanie Cavill (Snowpiercer)
Nya (Lego Ninjago) vs Aizen Sosuke (Bleach)
Aaravos (The Dragon Prince) vs Will Graham (Hannibal)
The Pale Woman (Realm of the Elderlings) vs Jason "J.D." Dean (Heathers)
Rei Mekaru (Danganronpa Another) vs Lady Rhea (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Indigo Maxwell-Castañada (The Last Tale of the Flower Bride) vs Morag Ladair (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Xerxsephnia "Seffie" von Blitzengaard (Girl Genius) vs The Xenomorph (Alien)
Vanora (Vincent: The Secret of Myers) vs Shadow Weaver (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Round 3:
Melanie Cavill (Snowpiercer) vs Aizen Sosuke (Bleach)
Aaravos (The Dragon Prince) vs Jason "J.D." Dean (Heathers)
Lady Rhea (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) vs Morag Ladair (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
The Xenomorph (Alien) vs Shadow Weaver (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Round 4:
Aizen Sosuke (Bleach) vs Aaravos (The Dragon Prince)
Lady Rhea (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) vs The Xenomorph (Alien)
Round 5:
Aaravos (The Dragon Prince) vs The Xenomorph (Alien)
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nyaskitten · 10 months
surprised I havent seen anyone hop onto the idea of dragon matriarchs and patriarchs much... like those are herd leaders, with the inherent ability to grant other elemental masters more strong abilities... could you imagine the potential !!!
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