#ninjago blackout
toastingpencils37 · 4 months
It's so interesting how the Overlord acts different in Rebooted, especially while in the Computer.
For one, he's desperate about his body, willing to throw all caution to the wind. Which may seem out of character for him, but considering his first interaction with Pythor during Episode 3, it actually makes a lot of sense.
When Pythor saves the Overlord from the powerless Ninjago City, while the Overlord is still stuck in his computer, one of the first things the Overlord asks is "What do you want with me?"
This alone shows how the Overlord is very vulnerable at this point, relying on power for his utter survival. And the Overlord doesn't like being vulnerable, as that can lead to someone else actually being in control that is not him.
And thus, to break that vulnerability and become strong, and more important, in control again, he needs that body of his. Because otherwise his games with other people being in "control" won't be just that. A game. It'd be the reality.
(And with the case of the other times when he was vulnerable and needed to grow himself, he took advantage of others who were vulnerable. But Pythor wasn't. Garmadon and Harumi were, but Pythor wasn't.)
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emiruu-u · 18 days
Forgot to post this silly thing here but please ejoy
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icy-watch · 10 months
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*le sigh* Can we not with the love triangle stuff? It's not fun for anyone.
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firesofdainix · 2 years
I'm going to be a hardcore ninjago fan for a moment
*shakes fist at the sky* don't you DARE Wojira!!!
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bronzepatriarchy · 11 months
Holy shit there is a new Ninjago series that has everything I loved about the first season?????
Welp, this is gonna be A Thing (tm) for a bit
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writer-room · 11 months
Ninjago in-universe memes post-Merge part 3 babey
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The people of Ninjago just want their golden boy to have a break for once in his life. Also since Oni are the opposites of dragons, would they like...cause Imperium to go into a blackout?
1, 2, 4
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hawkflame999 · 6 months
Ninjago Secrecy AU
So in this AU, it’s basically the same as canon, EXCEPT, the ninja stay secret.
it's not JUST their identities. It’s also their literal existence and history.
FSM didn’t want humans, who often misunderstood and killed Yōkai-kind, to know about the Elementals. So he kept himself secret, his two sons secret, and the people he’d later choose to become the first human-ish Elementals secret. Those people were street orphans and abused kids he’d rescued from other humans.
Elementals have basically been behind the scenes (and doing illegal stuff like underage driving) for several millennia, they’ve managed to keep secret all this time and continue to do so in this AU. 
When something big comes, like the Great Devourer, the ninja fix it but there’s only eyewitnesses and no camera footage and most of the time they somehow aren’t seen by humans.
Or Jay causes a blackout to make things harder for them to be seen.
Oh, yeah. And Elementals aren’t sure if they’re Humans with powers, something between Yōkai and Humans, or just full-blown Yōkai. 
They just don’t know, but they have the senses of Yōkai and they can see very well in the dark- they also have a keen sense of smell, they can follow trails. And their eyes glow, but they can control the glow when they need to. Among other things, like feeling vibrations.
Elementals also have feral instincts, though they can ignore those instincts and act human when the circumstances demand it. Lloyd, his father, and uncle all have Dragoni features like in my Headcanon #1, and they're the most feral.
If you saw my HC about the Elemental Bond, that applies here too.
The Elementals just tell people who ask that they’re a clan. They’re kind of common amongst the Realms, and to help the ninja, their clan is tiny, and sort of IS a clan, just a special one. 
Said clans that do exist either live off the land or live modernly now but they all started back in old times, and they keep touch and all nowadays. 
The Serpentine often receives a similar reception that Yōkai get, just less than that, so they don’t give the game up- they keep silent about the ninja. 
After meeting the ninja, the Formlings, the Geckles and the Munce, and others were asked to and agreed to keep quiet about the Elementals. So does Vania, (idk how that part of Master of the Mountain works but yeah).
In the AU, other Yōkai, (Kitsune, Kappas, Tanukis, Bakenekos, ect.) are more apparent and present in this, and even most of them don’t know about the ninjas, just a few friends know. 
The Elementals frequently attack and ambush Yōkai Hunters, and free the trapped Yōkai. 
There’s also more mountains around the Monastery, it’s a literal mountain range, and many Yōkai live in them. Years ago they all combined their magic to create a barrier, so humans can’t get in (they just get turned around and all,) unless they’re led, and it's really hard for someone to just find their way in, but it happens occasionally. 
Arin knows about the ninja ONLY because he’s from a village near the mountain of the Monastery, and his family is one of the few that the ninja trusted with the knowledge of their existence, because one of Arin’s ancestors, a few generations back, accidentally found a way into the mountains, and got caught in a storm, so the ninja of the time saved him. 
Also all the Elementals speak Yōkai. It’s their second language, and their first language is Japanese, English is their third language.  
Yeah, that’s it really.
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sharksandjays · 10 months
idea i got from atsv: Jay can absorb electricity but like from everything.
Like he gets upset in the Monastary and every single light goes out and everything is off and when the ninja run to Jay, they just see him huddled in a corner with electricity sparking across his body and all of his nerves lit up and glowing blue.
Imagine his grief after Nya turned into the sea and like an entire section of Ninjago city has a blackout and they cant use anytning because there is no electricity at all.
Its not just “out” its gone.
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destinysbounty · 1 year
Currently doing a Ninjago rewatch marathon with a friend, and she brought up a good point: so much plot and trauma couldve been avoided if Pythor wasnt a bitch.
Think about it. No evil Pythor means no Great Devourer, which means Harumi's tragic backstory never happens. Which means no SoG, no Emperor Garmadon, etc. And by extension the Crystal King would need to choose someone elsexto act as his emissary if Harumi isnt evil. Also, the Digital Overlord wouldnt have been spared from the blackout if not for Pythors interference, which means Zane wouldnt have died. And if Zane never died, he wouldnt have been captured by Chen and Pixal wouldnt have been dismantled and he wouldnt have gotten his titanium upgrade.
Like damn, if you wanna write a Ninjago fix-it fic all you need to do is make Pythor not an asshole.
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viewlumia · 6 months
Nothing will be more weirder than the Ninjago fandom acting like Cole was in love with Nya throughout Rebooted.
Through the entire Love Triangle ordeal, he never actually acts for Nya, instead only reacting to Jay. Observe:
In the previous episode, The Art of the Silent Fist, there was a scene between Cole and Nya. Throughout that episode, Nya was struggling with her newfound feelings towards Cole (given to her by a machine I might add but that's a conversation for another day). Nya talks to Cole in that scene and it ends with them holding hands and Cole jokingly saying "Don't tell Jay."
Why am I bringing this up? Because I honestly have trouble looking at that through a romantic lense. I often see people use this as evidence even though it doesn't match up with how the show would later indicate romance (they looked at each other so they're in love now! Chemistry, what's that!) More importantly, Nya never actually articulates her feelings for Cole in this scene. This is crucial when getting to Blackout. In Blackout, after Pixal blurts out that Cole is a perfect match for Nya, not Jay, who entered the room at the time, his first instinct is to attack Cole as soon as he saw him! From the POV of Cole, this looks like his friend calling him names and a whole lot of other things seemingly out of nowhere, he never actually heard about the "Perfect Match" results and that combined with the previously mentioned scene leaves us with a Cole who isn't in love with Nya and is only focused on Jay.
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The Curse of The Golden Master
In this clip, after the ninja head into the sewer like a certain other group of color coded ninja, Jay gets into another spat with Cole after Cole dared to *checks note* look out for Nya's safety. This causes the two to get into an argument and ignore Nya falling from the broken ladder.
Now this scene on it's own doesn't mean much, but when paired with the other episodes mentioned, it starts to paint a bigger picture. This scene is a tipping point for Cole, going from someone clueless about his situation and fighting with Jay to letting this petty, near one-sided rivalry get in the way of the task at hand.
This scene is honestly the perfect representation of the Love Triangle in Rebooted: it was never really about Nya, she was just a stepping stone to get to Jay yelling at Cole over a situation he has no idea he's even in. Cole isn't out of the woodwork either as he begins to ignore Nya solely so he can insult Jay, but hey, it can't get any worse right?
Codename: Arcturus
It got worse.
In Codename: Arcturus, we see Jay, Cole, and Nya at the movie theater to "prove who Nya should go out with." Now, you may ask "doesn't that sequence end with both Jay and Cole asking who Nya will date and her kidnapping a cleaning robot?" yes, it does! But the important thing here is that it wasn't even Nya's idea in the first place ("Hey, it wasn't my idea to go on a double date to decide between you two.") Interesting thing of note, this is the only episode in the entire season where it's actually shown Cole fighting for Nya's affection, but even then it's not really about her, it's about getting back at Jay more than anything.
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I know someone will come in wondering about "authorial intent," the intent in question being that Cole could be a potential love interest for Nya moving forward, but while I can see the intent, I can also acknowledge that what actually landed on the page and later the screen does not match the intent at all. Instead of Cole falling in love with Nya and getting into a spat with Jay that way, we got Cole treating Nya like a stepping stone to get back at Jay, disregarding her feelings in the process.
TL;DR: Kai should've knocked Jay and Cole upside the head for being weird about his sister
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toastingpencils37 · 3 months
Bruh, the scene at the beginning of S3E3 where Garmadon drops the final, big rock onto the tall tower of tiny rocks, and the tower collapses, I always cringe
Because if not for the other larger rocks that were at the bottom of the tower just kind of falling into position to hold up other rocks above Lloyd, that final one of top likely would have broken his back.
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overthattwilight · 5 months
Just some lines changed in the Korean dub of Ninjago
(Only for lines I can remember I was bored lol)
Season 1 Episode 5: Can of Worms
(When Kai finds Wu's lesson book from Lloyd and takes it)
Lloyd: It was the perfect plan, until you had to show up and mess everything up-
Korean dub
Lloyd: I was having fun! That's my uncle's, so give it back to me!
Note: When the door is closed, Lloyd's voice doesn't get muffled. You can still hear him saying his words
Season 1 Episode 6: The Snake King
(When Kai drops off Lloyd at the arcade and leaves)
Kai: Sorry, shorty!
Korean dub
Kai: I'm busy. Bye!
Note: I made the translation like this, but actually, instead of "I", Kai calls himself Hyung(형), a word for big brother in Korean. Even when not siblings, this can be used for boys older than boys. Sometimes in Korea, we would replace "I" with other words depending occasions. This is that case
Season 1 Episode 7: Tick Tock
(When Wu explains his past, and Jay is surprised Wu and Garmadon were friends when they were little. Then Jay explains about Lord Garmadon)
Jay: The King of Cruelty, the Doer of Destruction, the Captain of Chaos...and you two were friends?
Korean dub
Jay: He has a face like a demon, his hobby is destroying, and his speciality is taunting ninjas! But you two were...in a good relationship?
Note: Personally, I find the descriptions in the Korean dub fun
Season 3 Episode 3, Blackout
(When Kai encounters Tech Wu)
Kai: Sensei? What have they done to you?
Korean dub
Kai: Sensei? What happened to your face?
Note: So in the original, Kai realizes what happened to Wu. But in the Korean dub, it sounds like Kai is still processing to understand what happened to Wu
(When Cole and Jay goes to attack Tech Wu)
Cole: More like Tech Wu!
Jay: Bad Sensei, bad!
Korean dub
Cole: Yeah, it seems like that!
Jay: Yeah, he's not Sensei! Attack!
Note: By the way, in Korea, Tech Wu is "Evil Wu". Kind of something more direct so the children audience can understand better? Also it's fun to find how Jay in the original said "Bad Sensei, bad!"
Season 3 Episode 6, Codename: Arcturus
(When the Lloyd gives the Golden Power to the ninja, and they show off their powers)
Jay: Anyone shocked to see me do this? Huh?
Cole: No dirt of my shoulder!
Zane: Chill out!
Korean dub
Jay: Hey, you guys can't do this? Huh?
Cole: Oh say that after seeing me!
Zane: Look at me, too!
Note: The puns related to the elements weren't kept in the Korean dub. It might able to make those element related puns in Korean, but I think the process would be hard
(When the ninja goes to space and the others find out. Garmadon being angry to Wu)
Garmadon: You wanted them to take risks, to see how far they'd go. Is this what you had in mind? How far? How far must they go?
Korean dub
Garmadon: I told you the ninja shouldn't be left doing what they want. You said to have trust in the ninja, and now this happened! What are you going to do now? The ninja went to space!
Note: Actually in this part, Garmadon called the ninja as "the kids", not as "the ninja". Either can be interpreted as the ninja are kids Garmadon has responsibility, or the ninja are little kids who are still immature in Garmadon's eyes
Season 4 Episode 2: Only one can remain
(When Master Chen appears and he greets the elemental masters)
Chen: Now, everyone can all DI-RECT your attention to me!
Korean dub
Chen: Now, say goodbye to the world! A new world will be unfold!
Note: Considering the original was using a pun by using the syllable(which di from direct sounds like die), it was hard to use the same pun in Korean. Therefore the line was changed
(When the Kabuki people appear to lead the elemental masters to their rooms)
Jay: Ugh, just what this place needs. Creepy Clowns!
Garmadon: Not clowns, Kabuki. Chen's jesters.
Korean dub
Jay: Ugh, who are those people? With faces white as heck!
Garmadon: They are dressed up as Kabuki. Actors for traditional Japanese drama.
Note: I believe the reason why Garmadon in the explained what Kabuki is because the children audience won't know what Kabuki is. But...isn't Ninjago different from our world? Even if there are many Japanese features, are they called as 'Japanese'? Or another word?
Season 4 Episode 7: The Forgotten Element
(When Nya reunites with Zane)
Nya: Zane! You're back!
Zane: What? What is on my back?
Korean dub
Nya: Zane! You've changed a lot!
Zane: What? You're not saying I'm old, right?
Note: Since the original made a pun using "back", it was impossible to keep this pun in the Korean, due to language difference. Therefore it was changed to what is seen. Also, Nya's line can somewhat be seen as greeting someone who you haven't seen for a long time. In this context "you've changed a lot" can be seen as "you've grown a lot". I guess that's why Zane said about being old
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icy-watch · 10 months
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Awe, Zane.
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ac3-76 · 5 months
Cole Brookstone Headcannons
warnings: slight cussing? mentions of racial stereotypes/discrimination
He was the sexiest man alive 3 years in a row
He also dabbled in modeling
he didn't even try either, a modeling agent saw him and gave him a business card
Cole went to one interview, the next thing he knows he's walking down the runway with Bella Hadid
he's a thought son
does a lot of stuff on social platforms to spread awareness for racial discrimination, politics, and cancer reaserch
if they were to have BLM protests in Ninjago, he would throw tear gas back at cops
He has the BIGGEST resting bitch face ever
obviously he loves cake, but he loves brownies with caramel drizzle and a sprinkle of sea salt on top even more than he loves cake
he really loves Dolly Partons Carmel Turtle mix
He loves Dolly Parton in General
He only drinks water
He HATES those "make my water of the day with me" videos
Gossip/debrief sessions with Nya are a weekly occurrence
the reason Nya was so confused abt Jay vs Cole in season 3/4/5 is because of how close Nya and Cole already were
But after she stepped away from both of them and thought about her relationship with each of them, she realized Cole was like a sister to her
And I mean sister
She's never had a sister before but her relationship with Cole is exactly how she imagines sister relationships
Nya introduces him as her sister and he's chill with it
He works out with Kai
but unlike Kai, Cole LOVES rest days
he goes to yoga 3 or 4 times a week and is besties with his yoga instructor Andy
Andy and her girlfriend got married and he went to the wedding, that's how close they are
I feel like he's friends with a lot of lesbians
idk they just kinda gravitate towards him
Cole is 6'3
he's also black
he has snake bite piercings
his mom's favorite tree was a maple tree, so he got a maple leaf tattooed behind his right ear
his mom would always tuck his braids or dreads behind his right ear.
he also has a hand tattoo that looks something like this:
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I'm not saying Ninjago has a lot of racial stereotypes or discrimination
but, when they see 6'3, muscular, tatted, pierced, black. resting bitch face Cole walking down the street people tend to label him as scary or dangerous
because of this he's always afraid of coming off as creepy or weird when he tries to talk to someone
His body is so large, solid, and muscular and it's perfect for hugs and cuddling
He doesn't care about cuddling position- if you guys are comfortable and can fall asleep, its perfect
his favorite place to kiss is your forehead and your shoulders
his love language is acts of service
"my room is too bright in the morning, even with my blinds shut" the next day he has blackout curtains installed
"I always hit my head on that one cabinet" idk how but thanks to his handy work you no longer bump your head on that cabinet
"I wish my kitchen had sodalite counters" You have sodalite counters now(the good thing is, it was mostly free too, he just used his earth powers to find enough sodalite for your counter)
You guys met when the ninjas went out to a restaurant to celebrate whatever victory they had just had
and because he's used to being stereotyped as scary or weird for the way he looks, when you approached him to ask for his number he was shocked and supprised
he was happy about it tho because he had been glancing at you the whole time the team was at the restaurant
You're first date? Mini golfing.
He's been thinking about the perfect first date FOR. YEARS.
why is mini golfing the perfect first date?
Public setting for both parties feeling safe
mini golfing is fun and fairly inexpensive
mini golfing provides plenty of time to talk and chat, but if an awkward moment arises there's something to do
done golfing and now we're hungry?
cheap and decent food inside
done eating but don't want to end the date?
most mini golf places have arcades
AND most arcade games are meant for 2 people
want to take some cute photos?
Most arcades have photo booths for taking cute pics
Cole has been planing a mini golfing first date for years, and just needed someone with the right energy to do it with
Romcom type relationship
You guys meet in a cute romcomy way, have a cute romcomy first date, then you have some sort of romcomy problem, then work things out and live happily ever after
I feel like the romcomy problem wouldn't be very romcomy tho, maybe you guys met before he was a ghost, and him being a ghost was the problem you worked through?
he would keep 1 flower from every boquet he gives to you so he knows when the bouquet is dying, then he gets you fresh flowers
You always have fresh flowers from him, for the entirety of ur relationship
he's a thought son so you would stay up talking about what you guys want your future to look like
He's used to you waking him up in the middle of the night because he was snoring
He gives great advice, but before he gives it he asks if you want comfort or advice
he's also really good at comforting you
he just knows exactly how to make you feel safe and understood
you'd go to yoga with him, Andy and her girlfriend(now wife) would love you
if you guys did want kids, Cole would be the perfect dad
Physical touch is his 2nd love language, but he doesn't rlly like PDA
most touches in public are pinky or hand holding(he would do the thumb thing), putting his hand on the small of your back when going through crowds, maybe a peck on the temple here and there
but in private he can't get his hands off you
he just wants to touch you in any and every way possible
he's infatuated by you
he sends you tiktoks of an orange cat(him) and some other cat(color/type depending on ur personality) and says us
he sends you couple trends and says "we should do this"
"if I every won the lottery, oh wait, I already did" yeah. he did that, first 2 slides were him, and the other 30 were pics of you
"oh that's pretty, imma take a picture" yep.
he has life 360 with you
not in a weird way, obvi, in like a oh this fun way
You're like the parents of the team
Jay and Nya are the uncle and aunt
In another universe the four of you are drinking wine and talking about how annoying some coworkers have been recently
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flutteringfable · 6 months
no time to explain!
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