#ninjago au's are amazing!
itzred-ovo · 2 years
Fairy Tale Ninja AU (Snippet{Ver. 1})
In a beautiful green forest, small and fluffy creatures are eating the food given by mother nature. Their peaceful dining for lunch was soon coming to an end as some sort of vortex appeared above under the leaves of the tall trees. “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”, screams were coming from the ninja as they fell from the vortex. They groan in pain as they land on the grassy ground. “Owww… What the heck happened?” Jay asked as he slowly sits up. The rest do the same, they soon realize that they each are out of their ninja gi and wearing completely different clothing. The blink for a few more moments as they stand on their feet. Cole seems to be a werewolf with a black sleeveless, buttoned shirt and dark brown leather pants. His black soft hair grew about 2 inches longer and is barefoot. Nya was wearing a white shirt under a light pink tuxedo, thin black pants and fancy black shoes. Her hair tied into a bun with a golden accessory over her bun. Lloyd was wearing all green leathered clothing, with a green hat with a red feather stuck on it. Zane was wearing a white shirt under a dark brown tuxedo and pants with black fancy shoes. He was also disguised as a human but still a nindroid, just unable to show it. Jay was dressed like a pirate with a striped white and blue shirt with dark blue pants. And finally Kai, who wore a short red dress with long sleeves but cut around the shoulders. A small red hood was over his head and has snow white stockings with clean black shoes.
The others snickered as they see Kai in a short dress, except for Cole, who was blushing madly at the view. As for Kai he blushes in embarrassment, “Why is everyone looking at me?!” Nya giggles along with Jay. Zane looks around the forest and then turns back to his friends, “I believe Kai is right. We should be focusing more about where we are instead of what he is wearing.” Lloyd nods in agreement. “But what about what WE are wearing?” Jay asks. Then, they all look at their own clothing while Kai calms himself. “Hm. Whatever we’re wearing shouldn’t be a problem. But why would the villain we were facing send us to this specific place?” Nya questions with many thoughts in her head. “Maybe there’s some place nearby with people. We can ask them where we are!” Cole replies. Zane nods, “Scanning for any villages or towns nearby…”
He turns his whole body, scanning for what he’s searching for. Zane soon stops and points in front of him, “I sense a path. That should lead us to a town, if not, a village.” “Then let's get moving. We don’t know if this place has a time difference than in Ninjago.”, Lloyd states. They all nod and begin to walk in the direction Zane pointed them to.
They finally reach the path that should lead to a village. “So where do you think we are?” Cole asks slowly. The others shrug as an answer. The, costume party, ninjas continue to walk silently wandering around the beautiful, lush green forest.
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tornoleander · 11 months
Sssnek BOI in your Cabinet (here to steal ur gender)
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Agh he’s soooo much fun. >:D from AU by @spinjitsuburst -all design credit to them!
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impulsivefanwriter · 6 months
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Made some fanart for @ninja-knox-ur-sox-off's absolutely amazing fic Wobbly Hearts (inspired by Chapter 10), go check it out!!
You can almost see the exact moment while colouring that I remembered there's an official fic reference for Kai haha (also I know he has gloves, I just really wanted to doodle, well, doodles)
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ramencat12 · 5 months
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here are the designs for the ninjago AU i don't have a name for the au yet tho
(Original image belongs to Gooseworx)
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thepurplecapr · 1 year
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Some more of my ninjago au! Some jay lore!!
I forgot to mention that in this since this is au they still don’t know spinjitzu so instead they take all there powers into machines/weapons jays being mechanical hands (since you know octopus etc)
In personality wise he’s a mix between movie ninjago and ninjago Movie jay(and a little bit of ninjago jay ) aka in human hes very shy but when in disguise he’s very brave and loud
+ the other maskes of the ninja no Lloyd this time but later tho
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sobri-k-eyt · 6 months
Ninjago Fic (Roselock AU)
Posting some Ninjago stuff here! This is something written for one of @roselock22's AMAZING AU's! Go check them out! ------------------------------------------------------------------- She was just about sick of losing. She was Personal Integration Xenagogue Android Labile, not some mere voice-controlled vacuum. She was complex, and near human if not higher. She was more knowledgeable and made to be versatile and learning. She had been built by the great Cyrus Borg, and had only created her own path from there. She formed digital worlds and untold stories.
But yet, she couldn’t seem to outthink a human child. Disregarding the fact that she craved to be human, it was still a solid blow onto her pride, and a dent in her confidence about her skills. She growled at the small-cat-boy-human-thing threateningly, her voice modulating in her frustration.
“How are you doing this!” she shouted, accusatorily pointing a metal hand at the blue man, her eyes glowing with emotion.
It was something the Ninja did, and if she had decided to program it into herself, well, who was going to say. Because she was that advanced and human. And yet... Jay gave a simple smug grin back, his lips curled upwards and his eyes half-lidded. He smirked, and if Pixal had functioning blood and arteries, it would certainly be boiling.
“How do you keep winning!” she shouted, punctuating each word with a stab at the table. Jay’s blue eyes winded and stared at her, but his insufferable smile never changed. “I am the most advanced A.I. in the entire world! I nearly took over the world, and would and could have done so if I didn’t develop morals! I built my own body, I’ve ruled over Ninjago, so why in the world do you keep beating me at a foolish computer game?”
“Pix, you get so worked up over this!” he laughed, the points of sharpened teeth peeking from his grinning wide smile. His hair bounced up, shaking with his laughter. His eyes crinkled. “That’s half the fun of it!”
] “It’s not fun to me.” she huffed, sitting back down with finality. She glanced back to her mind’s eye and the tablet in front of her, piecing over the meticulous code. There hadn’t been any holes in it she had thought, no real way to win the game. Yet, he always just. Kept. Winning???
Pixal kept her physical eyes open, but vanished into the digital world, analyzing both her tablet and the digital realm she had formed. She strolled through the miles of code, hands up and she traced over each line. Jay looked at her innocently, but that innocence was all a lie. He was a menace. She turned back, and shook her hand at him again, modifying the metal to form a bladed weapon with an energy blaster. “I will find out how you keep doing this Walker,” she swore. “And I won’t forget.” “Sure ya won’t Pix. Again, that’s the fun of it.” he giggled in response, “Sure ya won’t Pix. Again, that’s the fun of it.” he giggled in response, tone excited yet not over the top, and she relaxed, feeling her mouth quirk up around the edges.(edited)
She was still irritated, and her pride still relatively damaged, but maybe it wasn’t all that bad, she mused.
It was good, harmless fun, and a decent learning experience as she adjusted her skills. This was what friends and colleagues did after all. Pixal guessed how she could see how this was fun after all. It was definitely more fun for him, but there was a bit of enjoyment as she worked out the puzzles and how to improve.
She looked at Jay again, and his innocent face, about to offer a compromising smile, but paused. It was…too innocent. She felt an impending sense of doom, the ways his eyes were so big and adorable, and his smile all too sweet for her to believe it. She’d dealt with him for too long to know what that look meant. She glanced at the code, and gasped in horror of the cat videos that now replaced large chunks of it, all mewling and whining.
GIFS now filled the entirety of her vision, the code now wiggling around like little bugs. He was a menace, and absolutely just as bad as she thought. If not worse “Walkerrrrrr!” She got up and ran after him, the human cackling maniacally as he fled, little blue sparks jumping off of him excitedly. The blue-clad ninja pushed away the tablet, tucking it into a spot of his gi before taking off, seeing the annoyed panic in Pixal’s face. He’d been found out. He saluted and then proceeded to race through the long halls, his body leaping with a bit of panicked excitement.
She ran after him, legs pumping and pounding against the ground in a singular motion, and now, she was sure that if she had a heart, it would certainly be pumping. Her eyes glittered with emotion. What one, she wasn’t sure. Be it anger, frustration, or righteous humor, it was a mixed back. She felt a smile grow on her face. So this was what it was like to be human.
It had been a few weeks since Pixal had joined the Ninja, rejecting the Overlord in favor of the “good” side. He was flawed, and she finally could see how she had been tricked, and had nearly destroyed them all. So far, there was a bit of an awkward air from her, a sense of shame and embarrassment. After all, how do you apologize for accidental intended genocide and removal of free will? She had meant the best, and some of them knew that, but it was still a bit different to say “I forgive you” and take you into the fold than really doing it. For the moment, she was trying not to be too weird, though it was a bit odd when you knew all about them, and they really didn’t. Jay mostly trusted her, so that was definitely the best. He’d challenged her at mind and code games, and that certainly…occupied her time.
At the moment, she was helping around the Bounty as the Ninja trained, working on the delicate software with her advanced systems. Pixal stared at the Bounty’s systems and diagnostics, busying herself as she went over it. She waved her hands, familiarizing herself with the nice mix of old and new systems. She hoped to exponentially increase security and ease of access for those who would navigate the system. Despite being an incredibly advanced AI, and near human, it still felt nice to have a purpose. That was something both designs had in common. She just hoped it could be seen that way. She didn’t want to just be a mere robot with a command and output. Pixal glanced at a particular sector, a slight frown on her face. She adjusted a code or two, tightening the system’s security, her body plugged into the updated system. She smiled after, satisfied with her work.
The android, or really, whatever she was, desperately wanted to be more. She couldn’t be compared to a robot, and even AI couldn’t exactly contribute to who she was. She was so much more. But others saw her differently in part of her metal exterior. It was evil to think of her as a pure evil and logical machine than something (someone) more. She hoped she was at least human enough, and human enough that other people saw that she meant well. Pixal closed her physical eyes and entered the Digispace to assess her handiwork, as it was affectionately named. Rows of code and lines surrounded her. To most others it would be chaos and overwhelming, but it was a first or second language to her. It rose above and around her. She ran her hands through, running simulations and testing their strength. She was certain of them, but it was always good to check after all. Perfect.
Pixal opened her physical eyes, exiting the Digispace, and disconnected herself mostly from the Bounty’s systems. Mission Accomplished.
Next goal, friendship.
Thanks for reading!
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neteyammeowmeow · 1 year
No, no wait... Wait think about it...
Benthomaar, Arin, and Lloyd
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Lloyd doubts if he is a good dad, if he is good enough for his family; his son, but he tries to hide that thought. He believes that Arin can make it through his own life, that he can be responsible, and is strong enough to go through tough things, though there are times where Arin does things that makes Lloyd doubt him. Sometimes Lloyd just can't be sure about it, he can't trust himself to be confident about what he thinks, what if the way he leads or chooses his descicions ends up harming his son? He still wants to protect him, but at the same time he knows he has to let him grow and become himself.
Benthomaar wants Arin to remember that his family will always care for him, he wants to make sure Arin knows that there are people out there who care for him. Compared to Lloyd, Benthomaar is more open about his concerns, and always tells Arin to be careful, to watch out, and to remember despite how big his dreams and ambitions can be, he still has to watch out (based on his own experience). He wants Arin to remember that he is a human being despite whatever title or power he has.
All in all, they're both just a little bit scared of Arin facing the world on his own, because one day he has to. They want him to remember even though how much of a "Ninja" he is, by the end of the day he is still Arin.
(My apologies if this post gets taken down because of the video... I will restore it if I can...)
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rainofthetwilight · 10 months
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some art comparisons of jenna and ethan from like a year ago vs now (the last one and the one with baby jenna however were early this year, and yes theyre all from free draw on roblox)
how. the fuck. did my art change so much. and their designs?? where tf are their freckles past levi?????
anyway uhh those first two r very old designs of older jenna n ethan way before dr, and that fourth one is also a hella old design of jenna, literally have a page in an old sketchbook full of jenna sketches I need to find it damnit
and the last one was their old designs when pt1 was just out!! me n london had a different story for them in dr and made them end up w/sora and arin instead of lloyd, here's also an older one during the dr trailers
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crossover au where the psychic trio from saiki k join the tournament of elements
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ninjakitten1699 · 6 months
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miguelillusion · 1 year
So y'all know Dragons Rising, right? Yeah ofc you do so anyway there are a few spoilers ahead for the part 1.
I was thinking that, all the ninja so far have at least some backstory on how they got where they were. For example, Lloyd mostly stayed at the Monastery and probably did little missions. Along with living with Kai for a bit until Kai went on a different mission on the Bounty. We got Kai's story too, including how he came to that other area with the rock guys who eat mud that I don't remember the names of. Nya was pretty similar to Kai's as in the context of where she is. Their stories were revealed in either the same episode or one after that.
Which is why I'm litteraly dying to know how the hell Zane got basically trapped inside of this egg thing in some other random monastery underground. I'm kinda nervous that they won't explain it for some reason?
So uh pals let's make a let's make a deal. If they don't reveal how Zane got there in part 2, how about I write my interpretation of how he got there? It's kinda been swirling in my mind for a while now, and it's a silly idea that I thought "Hey. You should. Uh. Write this out of pure funnies, hm?" So anyway if the show never tells us what happens I might post a fanfic of what I think happened on like Quotev or something.
But how would you like that idea? I want to put my writing out there more and this is a pretty good opportunity.
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agakikama · 7 months
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Witajcie, mam na imię Aga, ale ja wolę posługiwać się swoim pseudonimem: Agakikama, jestem osobą dość skrytą i cichą, jestem fanką wielu różnych gier i filmów, pasjonuje się rysowaniem i pisarstwem, choć jestem amatorką to nie przestaję się udoskonalać, jestem w wielu przeróżnych fandomach, oto lista:
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle i Spark Of Hope ze wszystkimi DLC
BATIM i Bendy and the Dark Revival
Poppy Playtime
Rainbow Friends
Balan Wonderwolrd
Nights Journey Of Dreams and into Dreams
Welcome Home
The Amazing Digital Circus
My little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Lego Ninjago
Lego Nexo Knight
Lego Monkie Kid
Invazja Kórlików
Pac-man i upiorne przygody
Sowi Dom
Steven Universe
Ulica Dalmatyńczyków 101
Robot i Potwór
Garden of Banban
...i wiele innych.
Mam jeszcze ulubione filmy, ale lista jest zbyt długa abym mogła je wymienić, tworzę też własne AU. Jednym z nich jest właśnie WORLDTALE, który jest że tak powiem uniwersalnym univwersum, jest ono krzyżówką - Undertale, FNaF i kilku innych światów z dodanymi prze zemnie wykreowanymi postaciami OC mojego pomysłu, tworzę też własne Fanowskie opowieści o różnych tematykach. Serdecznie nienawidzę Hejtowania i Trollingów wobec mojej osoby lub nękania kogoś z grona moich znajomych, takie osoby usuwam natychmiast, lubię żyć w zgodzie bez języka nienawiści. Gdybyście mieli do mnie jakieś pytania, śmiało do mnie piszcie, postaram się odpowiedzieć na wasze pytania tak szybko, jak to będzie tylko możliwe.
DeviantArt / Twitter
Hello, my name is Aga, but how to use my nickname: Agakikama, I am quite a secretive and quiet person, I am a fan of many different games and films, I am passionate about drawing and writing, although I am an amateur, I do not stop improving myself, I am in many different fandoms, here's the list:
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle i Spark Of Hope others DLC
BATIM i Bendy and the Dark Revival
Poppy Playtime
Rainbow Friends
Balan Wonderwolrd
Nights Journey of Dreams and into Dreams
Welcome Home
The Amazing Digital Circus
My little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Lego Ninjago
Lego Nexo Knight
Lego Monkie Kid
Rabbids Invasion
Pac-man and spooky adventures
The Owl House
101 Dalmatian Street
Robot and Monster
...and many others.
I still have favorite movies, but the list is too long to list them, I also create my own AU. One of them is WORLDTALE, which is, so to speak, a universal universe, it is a cross between Undertale, FNaF and several other worlds with the addition of OC characters created by me, I also create my own fan stories on various topics. I sincerely hate hating and trolling against me or harassing someone from my group of friends, I delete such people immediately, I like to live in harmony without the language of hate. If you have any questions, feel free to write to me, I will try to answer your questions as quickly as possible.
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terribleninjagoaus · 2 years
Garmadon running around shirtless au
Garmadon does not know why his shirts and Gis have all been ripped down the middle to show his chest and abs
He also has no clue how these men and women almost always have these rather revealing shirts or Gi’s nearby for him too
Not to mention these somewhat vulgar T-shirts as well that read out “Dilf”, “Ninjago’s sexiest redeemed villain”, and one shirt done in bedazzled purple rhinestones “Daddy”.
Garmadon and the increasing knowledge that their is conspiracy to leave him shirtless, in very tight shirts, and other revealing tops but he has no clue who’s in on it
But well it’s certainly making Misako happy and it is nice to be appreciated for his beauty
Also there’s this cameraman she’s brought home occasionally too
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ramencat12 · 5 months
Tadc x Ninjago AU: The tale of two brothers
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Long ago there were once two brothers Caine and Abel the sons of the first toothitzu master. Caine had the power of creation while Abel had the power of destruction. The brothers would often train together and despite their connection they would often fight although their father told them they shouldn't fight each other. One day as the brothers were training Caine lost his katana and knowing their father would be upset Abel went to grab it since Caine refused to go get it himself, Abel was bitten by a snake and it made him very ill but little did they know the venom inside that snake was going to change something in Abel and it wasn't a good change therefore it was that snake that took Caine's brother away.
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berryblu-soda · 1 year
My read on the vibes for this season is that somethings gonna go down in cloud kingdom that fuses all 16 realms (or most of them, dunno how I feel abt the departed realm being with the others)
So were gonna have geographical location for them instead of having to use travelers tea, this will open up massive potential for future seasons and also act as an effective divide between this and the previous era
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yunmaobao · 9 months
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happy 13th anniversary ninjago!! thank u for ur stellar story and amazing characters 🥳 have wuxia au kai and nya as a treat
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