#ninja self defense
sokeanshu · 1 year
IS CONFLICT NEEDED FOR PERSONAL GROWTH? The Truth about Ninja Martial Arts Training
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savagechickens · 10 months
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The Tiny Menace Returns.
And more ninja, for Day of the Ninja, Dec 5!
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fletcherwilbury · 5 months
@febuwhump Day 10: Killing in Self-Defense
Warning for Illness, respiratory issues, injury, faking injury, robbery, attempted murder, murder, minor character death
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technicolorxsn · 1 year
I think I should buy myself a knife
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artbyblastweave · 17 days
Heroify: Kingpin
Compared to some of the other characters people have sent in today this is like shooting monkeys in a barrel!
Part of the reason Fisk is such a good Daredevil villain is that he's already got a lot of the basic elements you need to make a street-level hero work- the will, the drive, the protectiveness, the territoriality, and the quote-unquote "badass normal" peak human fighting ability that, let's not fuck around here, is absolutely a superpower even if the chickenshit writers won't directly admit to that. It's just that he uses those abilities to be a crime boss rather than to fight crime bosses. To put himself in charge of his childhood bullies instead of fighting his bullies. A classic case of "If only he'd used his immense capacity for interpersonal violence for good." What would make him stand out from all the other heroes in his niche is his propensity for Empire-building, his complete inability not to build up some kind of organization from scratch, and what that impulse might look like in a superheroic context.
I'm imagining that his initial schtick is that of a Bully Hunter. After getting ripped and wiping the floor with his childhood bullies-or maybe this is one of the versions who offed his own father for beating on his Mother- he embraces the specific high of the "pick on someone your own size" routine, and he becomes The Big Man, the guy you go to when you need somebody who's been getting away with something for a while cut down to size. Upstairs neighbor is beating his wife and kid senseless, and nobody does anything because his brother's a cop? Call The Big Man. Real Estate Baron's using his connections to try to muscle out the residents of a tenement? The Big Man's gonna pay them a visit. Boss at the diner's withholding your paychecks and getting away with it because you're undocumented? You get where this is going. He usually doesn't kill people- not out of any particular code, but out of a combination of pragmatism and sadism. He's smart enough to engineer situations in a way that he can claim self-defense or frame someone's tumble down the stairs as an unfortunate accident or rely on the unexamined illegality of whatever his target was doing to prevent them from getting the police involved. He's got a bit of a financial cushion, as well, because all of this is actually his side gig- he's still a very successful, if not as cutthroat, local businessman, because hospitalizing domestic abusers doesn't pay the bills. As a power move, he does most of this under his own name- he's got a "costume" in the form of the distinct suit, and a nominal codename, but part of the bit, part of the point he's making, is that he's slightly better at weaseling out of the consequences of his actions than the people he targets. Always a bigger fish, after all. Power is relative. His thematic niche is distinct from Daredevil's abstract sense of idealized justice. It's not Frank Castles mechanical eye-for-an-eye approach. It's about the satisfaction of leaving a certain category of wrongdoer alive, so that they can remain very, very afraid.
Of course, since his entire bit is that he keeps putting untouchable assholes in fullbody casts, the attempts on his life start stacking up- First it's Ed the domestic abuser and his buddies from the bar coming around for a rematch, and then goon squads, then hand ninjas, then low-rent supervillains- and because The Big Man toes the line of being an actual superhuman, he's usually winning these things, and coming out ahead in the PR game for beating down a bunch of costumed thugs attacking his Perfectly Legitimate Art Gallery- but it's a pain that his office keeps getting firebombed. And this is where you start to reap the benefits of having done under-the-table favors for hundreds of people all over New York- The Big Man has a network now. The Big Man knows guys who knows guys, some of whom owe him favors, some of whom are just really afraid of him coming back for round two. The Big Man can pull together a hundred guys with crowbars and hammers on a day's notice, if he happens to need something like that. If he doesn't know someone with a backdoor into Tombstone's fortified penthouse or Hammerhead's mansion, if he doesn't know someone with incriminating information on Silvermane or Norman Osborn, well. He knows their cousin. And once he thinks to begin leveraging this? If the people escalating things have specific addresses, by the end of the week they very likely don't.
It's not as if he eliminates all criminal activity. He's not even interested in doing so. Like half the painting's he's selling are really convincing forgeries. But things hit a point where there's simply a hard practical limit on how imperial a supercriminal's ambitions in New York can become, how domineering, how visible to the man on the street, before The Big Man decides it's time to make a point and starts calling people, who in turn start calling people.
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khunyuki · 4 months
"I've lived my life with blade and you always in my mind"
ᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛꜱ
Synopsis: Having the infamous Vice-Captain of the Third Division of the Defense Force as your fiance isn't easy especially when the rest of the force expects you to be strong enough to be worthy to be by his side along with your family demanding you to finally get married and give them an heir. The continuous onslaught of expectations and demands from all sides keeps you up at night when you think about how you don't really have a good relationship with him. Or at least that's what you thought...
Pairing/s: Hoshina Soshiro x Fiancee!OC
Note/s: This is a series but I'll try making every part as oneshots so you can read them as is without being confused. I'll add the links once i'm done making the story ^_^
Trope/s: Arranged Marriage; Misunderstandings; Childhood Sweethearts; Hopeless Romantic; Hidden Power; School Romance; Soulmates; Love at First Sight; Workplace Romance
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Smut, Romance, Action
Warning/s: Insecurities, Anxiety, NSFW, Jealousy, Self Hurt
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Original Character:
Uzui Kagami
The Uzui clan of ninjas has always been active in assisting the Hoshina clan from the shadows, with a only few of its members serving the Defence Force and the rest being assigned as bodyguards for important people. The Uzuis had been cultivating their personal blade style, however, only select individuals can manage to fully exhibit its potential, thus encouraging its family members to focus on their technical skills in weaponry.
A. Take everything, just not him (Angst)[Introduction][Published]
1. I love you (Fluff, Hurt/Comfort)[Published]
2. I'll show you how much you mean to me (Hurt/Comfort, Smut)[Published]
3. Now do you see just how much I care? (Fluff/Aftercare)[Published]
Side Story:
a. You will always have a special place in my heart (Fluff) [uploaded]
b. Jealousy, jealousy [uploaded]
c. We promised to take care of each other, didn't we? (Fluff)[uploaded]
d. I guess I'm just a friend to you, huh? (Narumi Gen)[uploaded]
e. Puppy Love (Fluff)[drafts]
f. Resisting Temptations (Mild Smut)[Published]
g. I don't want to be just friends but... (Angst)[Published]
h. I am a jealous girl/boy [drafts]
Do you want to be my wife that badly? (NSFW)[Published]
Deprived hours (NSFW)[Published]
Prince Charming Gone Wrong [Published]
-> The aftermath [Published]
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend [Published]
What Ifs
Kagami got captured by kaiju no.9 and saved by Soshiro
Kagami almost dying and becomes comatose
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Could you make Yandere Platonic Splinter Vs Yandere Platonic Shredder (TMNT 2012)?
I can try, sure :) Did most of the personality from memory so this is like an overview with how they'd act.
Here's your two dads, lol.
Yandere! Platonic! Splinter vs Yandere! Platonic! Shredder
(TMNT 2012)
Pairing: Platonic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Attempted murder, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Forced (Shredder)/Dubious (Splinter) companionship.
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Honestly, these two having a rivalry doesn't surprise me.
For example, they fought for the same girl romantically.
Then later on they fight over Karai as a daughter.
I am not surprised if they both fought over you.
Maybe you're a ninja in training and manage to catch the eye of the two.
They may just see themselves as your teachers, but they could also see themselves as a fatherly figure in your life.
Although, they are very different in their approach.
Splinter already has a family so he's already very welcoming.
He treats you similarly to April in terms of training you alongside the turtles.
In fact you'd be lucky if you met him first.
The way you could meet Shredder is most likely through... kidnapping.
It would make more sense if he kidnapped you to get info on Splinter and the turtles.
Although it could've just been the wrong place, wrong time.
Either way, when you're there you manage to intrigue Shredder into sparing you.
Only to be taken back by Splinter and the turtles.
This could serve as your first meeting with Splinter too if you want, where you get involved with the family due to having nowhere else to go.
Both of them would want to train you if they felt an attachment with you.
Splinter is adamant on training you for self-defense.
While Shredder may do it to make you another pawn or weapon at first.
I can see their rivalry being... brutal.
It always has been brutal, even before you came into the picture.
Shredder already wants to kill Splinter.
Meanwhile Splinter has concerned himself with protecting his family.
When the two realize they both have a similar goal, it just gets worse.
Shredder wants to make you fully loyal to the Foot Clan so he can break Splinter.
Splinter focuses on having the turtles (and maybe April + Casey) protect you.
Splinter is much more caring, often showing affection and providing you shelter when you need it.
He just seems like a caring dad or mentor who wants to protect you.
Later on he seems to want to isolate you from your actual family... but right now he has Shredder to deal with.
Meanwhile Shredder is more cruel and intense.
He isn't really affectionate, just ask Karai.
Although he does care for you enough to show distress when others take you out of his sight.
Splinter would not usually kill to keep you in his care, not unless he was cornered.
Shredder on the other hand... would probably kill the entirety of New York if it meant you'd be his loyal apprentice.
As you can see... They are vastly different.
We've even seen them fight countless times in the shows, even times where Shredder brutally wounds Splinter.
Blood will be shed between them countless times before there is any conclusion.
The moment those two come together to fight, you can only hope whatever the outcome is will benefit you.
You no doubt are aware of the tension caused by your presence.
Yet even if you put yourself in isolation, one of them is going to find you.
I can see them both sending others to check in with you.
Shredder has countless soldiers and mutants.
Meanwhile Splinter has the turtles, April, and Casey.
I can also see you being thrown into a loop of constant kidnapping and rescuing... no matter who it is.
They try to convince you who is better, you end up tuning it out.
Frankly, you just want to go home... your REAL home.
While Splinter is more caring, he has his own issues with you being around others.
Shredder is straight up just volatile and cruel to those around you, yet strangely caring with you.
Even the best option here probably isn't healthy either.
You can only hope that some miracle saves you from this conflict.
The two have had tension for years between one another... one just waiting for the other to make a move...
With you thrown into the conflict, it's only a matter of time until things boil over and you're forced to see the fate that awaits you all.
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koisuko · 5 months
Hello, I was wondering if you would write a romantic Smoke x female reader, about Smoke trains the reader self defense but they start to flirt and become handy with each other?
Yesss, more Tomas lovers!
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Tw: handsy behavior, flirtation, may contain lewd suggestions, fem reader, no use of y/n
You are far from incapable of taking care of yourself, and Tomas knew that. But having a boyfriend who was both a ninja, and had ninja enemies, he was worried for your safety. Often times, his mind would run wild with ‘what if’ questions. ‘What if I’m not there to save her’ ‘what if something happens to her’ ‘what if she gets taken, or worse’ and many more. So, to set his mind at ease, you agreed to train with him and learn some basic self defense. It couldn’t hurt to learn something new, and maybe you’ll be able to fight along side him…someday.
Every morning, you two would wake up early to have the training grounds to yourselves. Tomas wanted to make sure that you felt comfortable, and wouldn’t be shy or embarrassed if you made a mistake in front of others. Plus, you two would have alone time to be yourselves without any on lookers giving awkward side-eyes.
Today, training was done a little bit earlier than usual. The moon hung high over the sky, bathing the courtyard in an almost ethereal glow. The calls of night life offered a backdrop to the sounds of grunts and exerted breaths. “Good, again.” Tomas repeated, repositioning himself opposite of you with a twirl of his Karambit. Blankets of heavy smoke swirled around his figure, moving to settle beside him on either side. You nod, careful to perfect your defensive stance. The role was simple, Tomas wouldn’t go easy on you, as promised, and you would work on your defense as if against a real enemy. “Remember,” he spoke, “don’t be afraid to hit me, okay?” You hesitated at first, but nod reluctantly. With the confirmation out of the way, he charged at you, running low with his karambit held at his side. You tried your best to keep your confidence, but seeing him run at you was intimidating, causing your stance to falter and allowing him an opening to attack. Before long, your back collided harshly against the ground. The sheer velocity nearly knocking the wind out of you. Tomas kept you beneath him with his thighs firmly closed around you, forcefully keeping your arms at your side. His arms caged either side of your head, and the close proximity of his lips to yours was making you blush. "Do not hesitate, be sure of your actions or you create an opening for attack." His words bounced off the skin of your cheek. The best part of this whole situation, he seemed oblivious to the effect he was having on you.
He paused in his movements, giving you a questioning look. His head tilted to the side as his eyes trail along the contours of your face. He was confused, concerned even, at the red hue swallowing your cheeks and your parting lips gasping for air. “What’s wrong?” Tomas asked, his brows knitted together. The only response you could give, was a pathetic squeak, squirming beneath him while turning your face away to provide at least some space between the two of you. To your surprise, he grasped the base of your jaw, turning your gaze to meet his once again. “Do you need a break?” He was still blissfully unaware, the stupid look of concern still written on his features. “I-I’m fine, Tomas,” you replied. Tomas loosened the pressure of his thighs on your body, giving you the prime opportunity to use your weight and strength to reverse the roles. With a thud and a grunt, he was now beneath you, your face still flush with embarrassment. Tomas was surprised, is eyes shot wide from the sudden turn of events. “V-very good, you did well!” He blushed at the sudden power you had, his stutter causing you to giggle in response. “I think I like you better from this angle,” you smirked, placing a hand on his chest. You pushed yourself up, reaching out to help him. You could feel the slick sweat of his palms between your clasped hands. He was nervous, in a good way of course. Tomas unknowingly had a love struck smile on his face, hearts nearly visible in his pupils. He cleared his throat awkwardly, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. Tomas took a deep breath to gather courage before approaching, gingerly placing a hand on your waist, “you did well today.” For a split second, he admired the shape of you, every bump and curve that created you. His eyes trailed back up to meet yours with a tender smile. “Let’s get some rest.”
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imababblekat · 7 months
Bayverse Tmnt X Goth Lesbian Friend; Hc's
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@ittybittytittycomitte ,"Hey may I please request the bayverse tmnt boys with a goth friend? Bonus points if she’s a lesbian (😚). If not that all good just have a good day and remember to drink water 😚"
the boys find you to be a breath of fresh air, seemingly normal if not intriguing to you upon first meeting versus the usual freak out they're used to receiving
they might not always get or understand some of your interest, but it doesn't mean they aren't interested
you're so different from the humans they have met, and are very open to hearing about your ideals and are especially a fan of your darker themed outfits
Mikey practically begged you to do his make up and make him look goth like you to which you happily agreed
before you knew it, you had the three other brothers following suit in trying out parts of your life style
if witchcraft is a part of your life, Leo definitely falls in love with it
while he might not identify as pagan or such, he's very interested in all that you can teach him in things such as the different properties of crystals, etc
you introduced Donnie to gothic opera music and he now has a whole new genera to listen to when he wants to get into a spooky scientist mood
Raphael, to no surprise, is all about the spiked jewelry you wear; as a gift you got him his own spiked bracelet and started referring to him as Bowser when he wore it
he'd act like he hated the nickname, but he never took off the bracelets and other spiked articles you'd gift him
if anyone knows what it's like to be viewed as something negative, it's them, so you have nothing to worry about when you tell them you're lesbian
if anything, you coming out to them brings y'all closer
Mikey is 1000% your wingman, whether you want him to be or not! he may or may not have tried to hook you up with April at one point
these boys are ready to throw hands for you, let some bigot give them the opportunity!
Donnie makes special pepper spray he calls "Bigot Away Spray, and pretty much any kind of self defense gadgets just for you
Leo becomes your sensei in a way, always up and ready to teach some new form of martial art that he knows
Raph definitely teaches you boxing, but he's also hanging in the shadows when you go out with friends, just waiting for some bigot to fuck around an find out
all in all, these ninja brothers love and embrace you for who you are and definitely take you in as a sister figure
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Ninjago Headcanons (Random)
Just some Random Ninjago Headcanons
Sleeps with a nightlight
Nightowl (Has trouble falling asleep)
Has to be reminded to drink water
Has to put alot sugar and honey in his tea
Sleeps with a bunch of blankets and then ends up kicking them off in his sleep
Hates the winter and snow especially after the events of the forbidden scrolls
Likes the beach to sun tan, and take beach pics only
Puts too much spice when it's his turn to cook meals
Carries hot sauce packets with him, when they go to restaurants beacuse he thinks the food is always too bland
Actually a really good house cleaner, and knows how to fold clothes really well
Always has some kind of candy on him, that he gives to the others
Usually in the kitchen getting midnight snacks, and probably has a snack cuboard in his room
Sleeps with a bunch of pillows
Thinks dolls are creepy
Probably wirtes poetry (It's actually really good but he shows it to no one)
Will often blast music too loud
Wears matching clothes with Nya
Sends memes to the other Ninja, and often will send pictures of cute animals couples to Nya. With the caption, (You and Me)
Honestly gives really good movie suggestions
Will often forget he placed things in the microwave and then have to reheat it later on
Occasionally makes beeps when sleeping, (sort of his version of snoring)
Likes watching cooking shows in his down time
Is the best Gift giver out of the team
Instinctively cleans messes, as well as other Ninjas' messes
Always gives really good advice
Tries to make sure everyone always feels inculded
Still tinkers occasionally and will often work with Pixal on projects
Almost always late to palces if she is showing up alone
Has broken many stress balls
Has taught a self defense seminar
Visits her father when possible
Probably knows alot of the teams secrets, as they will come to rant to her as she works
Even though she doesn't really need to eat, she always comes up to dinner
Has pulled many many overnighters
Is the teams event coordinator
Misty (OC)
Likes to volunteer at animal shelters
Nightowl, stays up with Lloyd and will bing tv shows together
Collects Tarot card decks (Gives scarily accurate readings)
Likes wearing heels but has trouble walking in them
Wants a pet cat (Can't because Wu's allergic)
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teaableu · 2 years
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First refs for the Even More Disasters au which took me a LOT longer than I bargained for
I wouldn’t be surprised if I changed some things here and there as me and @3lectricinsomnia work on it but this is a starting point
Here’s Somni’s summary of the au: 
Also sorry for my handwriting, I have the typed text below the cut :)
ONE - Experiment 001D-Alpha 9
draxum trained him as early as possible
not REALLY a ninja, but he’s been partly trained as one
Gets Two out of trouble
Insanely keen strategist/manipulator
follows Draxum’s orders but not blindly
Draxum always on his back, pushing him too hard
Poor self-care
Draxum makes him responsible for Two [would also be responsible for more people if One had more under his command]
LOTS of pressure to live up to expectations
Learned healing to help with Two’s injuries/health [see missing ARM]
Used to being in charge -> conflict with Raph
Hidden City knows he’s trouble
Raised to fulfill Drax’s mission but actually pretty [self-oriented, where he would prioritize his (and Two’s) own interests over Draxum’s if necessary]
Excellent escape artist even without portaling 
TWO - Experiment 002D-Alpha 9
Anger Issues
Raised to follow One’s orders
Minimal training -> less muscle than in canon or than One
Dadxum gets him to focus primarily on recreating what Lou Jitsu destroyed
^^ obviously takes a lot of time, so Two doesn’t really know how to fight and relies on Leo (don’t mind me using their names interchangeably)
Still tech savvy but with added expertise in mysticism and alchemy (thanks Drax)
Desperate for Dad’s approval... doesn’t get much
poor self-preservation
Unethical science (dad-approved)
Evil scientist fr
not really a GOD complex, but thinks he’s indestructible [see ARM]
feels isolated from One most of the time, more like he’s Don’s commander more than his brother
ARROWS (Left to right, up to down)
Retractable claws
Gets them out of trouble
Bro’s got that Bluetooth Heart
[Shirt] Back exposed
Gets them into trouble
[Goggles] more for protection
Enhanced vision via tech contact lenses
Gas mask for work and trips to surface
Mystic cape in place of battle shell and for stealth
Power source for One’s heart and Two’s arm
Also, possible spine (spike) implants for additional defense, would be attached to nerves and mobile/reactive (instinctive, like hackles)
[Boot] makes him as tall as One
Both don’t have access to their ninpō, to Drax’s disappointment -> Two has a personal mission to artificially give/activate their mystic powers (lots of self-experiments, yikes)
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sokeanshu · 11 months
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theanonymousninja247 · 7 months
Random Turtle HC: Raph & Anxiety
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*clears throat and approaches microphone before hitting whiteboard with a ruler* A-HEM! Behold my theories peasants!
As we see expresses in the VERY 1st episode of ROTTMNT, the turtles can recognize each others signature scents and can smell fear.
Raph especially is shown briefly through the brothers dialogue to be the most aware and self conscious about said scent to the point of becoming defensive about it.
This leads me to believe that due to both natural biological olfactory senses and increased abilities due to mutation, the turtle brothers (with an advanced ability tipping to Raph due to his size and sensitivity) can actually smell the hormone cortisol.
WebMD defines cortisol as, “Your body’s main stress hormone. It works with certain parts of your brain to control your mood, motivation, and fear.”
Simply put, the turtle boys can literally smell fear.
Now I know you’re asking yourself, “Okaaaaaay cool fun fact I guess, what does that have to do anything with me?”
*takes a step back and adjust glasses with a smirk*
My dear dear fellow tumblr, allow me to share the wonders of mixing fact, madness and media all in one! *sounds of maniacal cackling can be heard*
(I wrote this with the intent to be platonic but it could be romantic if you squint long enough)
•So we've established Raph can smell fear right?
•As a protective big brother who is quite literally in fact “BIG” he knows a thing or two about getting scared
• Especially when it comes to looking out for people he cares about
•Hes been fighting baddies for his family since he was a tot! From keeping away scary dreams at night, from crushed ancient metal zombies to terrifying alien virus monsters, there ain't much he hasn't seen
��So when you join the ranks of the Mad Dogz, you immediately also get a built in prtoector
•Raphs been looking out for the little guys his whole life, what's one more?
•Not to mention you're kinda cute, so he doesn't mind sticking around a little bit closer
•But you're different than most folks, Raph notices. I mean besides the fact that you WILLING want to be friends with 4 mutant turtles of all things.
•No besides your abnormal incredible bravery in looking beyond the status quo to reach out the hand of friendship to these reckless reptiles, Raph noticed that you just kind of…smelled
•Not in a bad way or anything just…you always seemed to have a lingering scent of fear on you
•And Raph would know. Hed recognize that scent anywhere. It's a scent that ghosts every hour of every day for him. Nighttime and being alone especially.
•Raph hates being scared. He's the biggest and the oldest. He's supposed to look after his peeps! And he can't do that if he's frozen with fear all the time!
•So what does he do? Raph faces the problem head on like he always do.
•You get scared a lot. That's understandable, but Raph decides to make it his business that you don't need to be scared when he's around.
•Raph’ll protect ya
•Be prepared to have this turtle subtly (orrer not to much so because although he's a ninja he ain't exactly tactful or subtle) watching you every time you and the gang get all together
•Its not hard. You've always caught his attention for some reason or another. So looking at you is something he does without even realizing it.
•He’s looking for triggers, anything that gets that heart rate of yours spiking and that scent start to waft.
•Fidgeting hands, bouncing knees, shutting down and slinking into your hoodie, nervous chewing, pulling or playing with your hair and pacing, he's got eyes on it all.
•Once a trigger has been spotted, Raph immediately tries to locate the source
•Too many people? Suddenly you find a 6ft something giant turtle behind you, letting you know with his massive presence alone that he got your back. Literally.
•He kinda likes this position because he can see everyone that comes close enough to interact with you and everybody can see him.
•All he's got to do is narrow his eyes a little a give em a flash of that all too familiar snaggle tooth of his if he thinks someone's being mean and he gets his unspoken threat across just fine
•Not to mention you're also close enough to grab if someone he doesn't deem fit for your attention gets a little too close for his liking. But he doesn't say that part out loud.
•Scared of talking? You suddenly feel the cool tip of his massive scaely alligator tail (anatomically correct alligator tail be darned, I'm going with the fandoms HCs for this one) gently wrapping around your ankle as a physical reminder that he's right there here to support you
•Overwhelmed and the world feels like it's closing in on you? Raphs massive size is a natural battering ram that allows him to pass through thick crowds with easy. He's not afraid to help heard you into a quiet little corner away from it all
•Years of practice with Donnie allows him the experience to ask you if you're good with touch.
•If yes, you know you're going to be instantly wrapped into his arms, pulled flushed up against the worn keratin of his plastron. Raph’s always been more of “hands-on experience” kinda of guy anyway.
•Raph gives good hugs. They're firm and tight, padded with the security of arms who have been holding the weight of the world for years.
•He will rest his chin on top of your head, gently guiding your head with the motion ever so slightly so you're somehow perfectly nestled right against his heart.
•It's a loud heart, especially when you're up so close. It's actually his strongest muscle and one he's most proud of. He cares about you, so he reckons he’ll allow you the privilege of getting close to it. In more ways than one.
•Raph doesn't talk much during these special security hugs. He's never really been much good with words anyways. Raph knows sometimes the noise can be too much, but he also knows that the silence can be defeaning. So being a turtle comes with some built in perks that make up a happy medium.
•Hes got a special churr saved for special situations just like this one. It's one of the lowest and deepest ones he's capable of making. More akin to a muted growl more than anything the way it vibrates his chest as you're pressed up against it. You can feel it more than hear it and it just takes a handful of minutes listening to this bad boy before Raph can sense your fear stink slowly dissipating and your natural sweet scent can return.
•Raph can smell fear, and there's something incredibly humbling for this Atlas of a turtle to have the sweet experience of watching that scent drift away whenever he gets the privilege of being close to you like this.
•”You don't need to be scared no more, Sweet Pea. Raph’s got ya. I'm gonna be right here until you're ready to face the world again. Until then, let me just hold ya.”
Dedicated to the one and only @anobodyinabog. Sorry this took so long,but I hope your day gets better Shortcake. Please know you're always looked out for and loved ok? 🧡❤️
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lazyollie · 1 month
Ninjago headcanons- Wlw edition
Includes: Vania, Nya, Pixal, Harumi, Skylor
Warning: bad grammar, typos, huge simping
☆° Her love language is definitely quality time. She loves spending time with you.
☆° She's right next to you when you do your makeup, read or just scrolling through your phone. She just enjoys being with you.
☆° She likes to bring you to see the most beautiful places in Shintaro regularly.
☆° You can talk with her about anything. She's really understanding. Mostly she's the one who talks but she also likes to listen to your voice.
☆° At night she cuddles to you in bed, her head is on your chest listening to your heartbeat.
☆° When she kisses you her hands holds yours as she caresses your fingers.
☆° She can easily get flustered. You just have to lean close to her face and she's all red.
☆° She's really supportive. You could do anything and she'll scream your name happily chearing your achivment.
☆° You can count on her anytime. She's really good in solving problems. When you feel sad she places kisses all over your face while telling you that you did everything good and she's proud of you.
☆° She doesn't let anyone disrespect you around her and in her kingdom. If someone does it she warns the person that they are talk to/about Shintaro's Queen's girlfriend.
☆° Her love language is acts of service and physical touch for sure.
☆° She loves to do things for you. You could ask her to do anything and she's already on it, but she also loves to give hugs and be cuddly with you.
☆° If anyone ever hurts you the person should start pray for himself, because she won't give mercy. Whoever hurts you is dead for her.
☆° She's a real gentle(wo)man? (not sure about this form of the word). I imagine her being all romantic with you, roses, opening doors for you.
☆° Of course, she only does it if you comfortable with it. Even if you find it uncomfortable she will find another way to treat you like a princess.
☆° She will definitely teach you some self-defense (if you're not a ninja) so you can protect yourself when she's not around or on mission.
☆° She's definitely the dominant partner of the relationship, but she also likes to be submissive with you. Not that much, but sometimes. (I'm not talking about sex just regular life😭)
☆° She likes to hug you from behind, snaking her hands around your waist and burring her head into your neck. It's like charging for her.
☆° Sometimes she likes to tease you or make you flustrated like training around you. She likes to see your reddened cheeks and how you start widgeting with your fingers nervously.
☆° She's a strong girl and she likes to use his strenght so she lifts/carries you regularly.
☆° Her love language are words of affirmation and quality time.
☆° She tells you everyday how pretty you are, how much she loves you and how important are you for her.
☆° But she also likes spending time with you. She likes when she's working on something and you're there with her, keeping her company.
☆° Maybe you don't understand anything she says about robotics and mechanics, but she likes to explain things about it.
☆° You listen to her all the time, because you're a good girlfriend.
☆°She always has your back. If you're a ninja she always has an eye over you during fights and missions. She likes to make sure you're alright.
☆° She likes to stand up for you if you can't. She defends you with her life. She respects everyone and who respect her has to respect you.
☆° If you're angry at someone she's the one who stops you so you won't end up in a fight.
☆° Somehow she's emotion mature so she knows how to help you when you're upset, angry or depressed.
☆° She often kisses your cheeks. It's her favorite place to kiss you.
(I think my love for her is very obvios).
☆° Her love language is acts of service and gift giving.
☆° Also she sometimes craves physical because of her childhood traumas. Sadly, she doesn't know how to ask for it, so you have to recognise it.
☆° She doesn't know how to express her love towards you. So sometimes she's doing small things for you without telling you.
☆° Also if you ask her to do something for you she acts like It's a big thing and says she won't do that, but she's already on it.
☆° It makes you laugh sometimes, because you know she likes to do these for you, but she doesn't like act like it.
☆° Time to time she leaves gifts for you around the house so you will find them. It's a doodle or a small figure or anything what reminds her of you.
☆° Later in the relationship when she got comfortable she's doing these things like she really wants you to know she loves you. So she's giving the gifts for you personally.
☆° If you have troubles with sleeping she offers you that she sings something for you. Mostly she sings the spider song but if you know anything else she would sing that too.
☆° If anyone ever hurt you and she finds out or you told her you have to hold her back from beating the person up. She sometimes does take revenge without you knowing.
☆° If you mention a special interest the next day you will find something related on your nighstand with a loving doodle with you kissing or hugging.
☆° Her love language is physical touch and words of affirmation.
☆° Her physical touch is quite small in the beginning in the relationship. Just a touch on the shoulder and a hand on your back.
☆° But when she got comfortable she started hugging you and cuddle with you everynight (just if you're up for it:3)
☆° Just like Pixal she likes to tell you everyday that you're pretty and she loves you so much.
☆° She's also really honest so when you ask her opinion about something she tells you honestly what you should do or what she thinks would be good.
☆° She has a habit to hug you from behind when you cook. She places her head on your neck and watches what are you doing.
☆° She sometimes start to kiss your neck
☆° There are times when she ?copies? your power if you have and have fun together playing with it.
☆° You can count on her anytime. She's really good with dealing problems and she loves to help you:3.
☆° Her favorite spot to kiss you is your lips. Her kisses feels like heaven, because her lips are so soft.
You might ask where are the other female characters. Well there are female characters who I don't like and my opinion would make my headcanons irrelevant (for example: Akita).
In addition, I haven't watched Dragon Rising yet. I'm not really sure I will yet. So yeah, that's for today.
Love y'all<3
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lovelywhiteroses · 10 months
Jealousy Scenarios
Lloyd Garmadon x Reader
Lloyd would obviously have some insecurities about himself. Even knowing that he may not have enough time for your relationship. But of course you were understanding of that. And of course if you were a ninja you would obviously still be in a bit of training due to ether not having a power or join in the ninja later on. He would obviously take some responsibility and teach you some self defense techniques as to make sure to defend yourself, if a creep were to come to you and hurt you in anyway. So! Let’s get on with the jealousy scenarios. Shall we?
First time he got jealous?:
You and him were on a date. You two would just go about the town today, it was his day off. Of course you wanted him to take it easy on his day off. But he always insisted that he felt better spending his days off with you. When you both gone out to browse the town. You saw something caught your eye, Lloyd noticed and decided to go in the store with you. You browse around and find something you like. Lloyd looked over in another direction. He saw something that looked like something that you’d like. He went to go look at it for a second. When he came back he saw you talking to someone. They made you laugh and Lloyd couldn’t feel help but feel a hint of jealousy. Lloyd took a deep breath, maybe they’re a good friend of yours. You then hug your friend and as say goodbye to them. Lloyd came back over to you. “What was that?” You smile at him. “Oh that was an old friend of mine. I haven’t see. Them in awhile.” Lloyd nods, he then let’s put a breath of relief he did realize he was holding. You then kissed his cheek to his surprise. He felt his face heat up, as he chuckled a bit. At least he knows you wouldn’t betray his trust.
When you make him jealous:
If you decide to make him jealous. Be prepared for his to be a bit more possessive in public. It might be embarrassing but hey. You cause him to be jealous, so expect him to be possessive. When you ask a friend to help make him jealous he might catch on, he’s known to be good for his wisdom. So better put up a good show! He might tease you if he finds out and apologize later.
When he sees someone flirt with you Infront of him!:
When going out for a date, like going to skylor’s noddle house, cause why not. Of course you and lloyd would dress casually cause you both prefer nice dates that don’t involve anything too fancy. But when someone actually goes up to flirt with you, let’s just say one glare from Lloyd and the person easily backs off. They’re dealing with the green ninja and their definitely not gonna stand a chance against him. But if they don’t notice Skylor would definitely read the room and ‘politely’ ask them to leave.
When Lloyd tries to make you jealous:
He’d definitely not be good at trying to make you jealous. He’s too obvious. As we all know from that it’s pretty much cannon that some of his acting stills need work.
Obviously if Lloyd feels like he isn’t enough for you he won’t tell you right away. But it would be obvious if you see it after awhile of dating him. He can be reassured by explaining and kissing his cheek or lips. He appetites you taking the time you give to explain that their your friend or a distant relative.
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You said you liked the secret lover trope right?
Maybe one for 2012 Donnie with an athlete reader? Maybe for wrestling or boxing? But the reader is also very smart and outgoing and is such a social bird! Maybe they're actually the one who snuck into the sewers just to visit Donnie. BUt his brothers, splinter, April, and Casey were all scared that reader worked with the purple dragon or foot, but they're just like. "Huh? oh yeah no I'm just here for Donnie!"
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You two met while you were out jogging one night.
You had helped him fight off some purple dragons and Donnie thought it was gonna be a one off thing,
But you just kept running into each other.
So you exchanged numbers and kept in touch.
Eventually you guys started dating, and Donnie kept leaving at random times to see you.
One day you wanted to switch it up and you went to visit him.
He knew you were coming and had sent you directions, but appearently he got distracted, and forgot to mention to his family he'd invited someone over.
You walked in, making your way so calmly to Donnie's lab that it kinda threw everyone off.
April was the first to confront you, and you guys got into a tiny boxing match, but to be fair, she swung first. (you may have accidentaly bruised her cheek, but hey, self defense.)
Casey tried to pin you to the ground, but you clocked him in the face and knocked the poor guy out.
Eventually they cornered you and Leo asked who you were working for.
Then it kinda clicked that this wasn't some weird family initiation and that Donnie kinda forgot to mention you.
You looked at Leo for like 4 seconds before you busted out laughing, "I am literally just here to see, Donnie."
"I- What?"
"Hold that thought." You picked up your phone, as Donnie had called to ask if you were almost there.
You snickered, "Love, I'm standing in your living room. Your brother has a sword to my neck and I knocked out one of your friends."
A loud crash sounded from the lab, and you hung up the phone, still giggling.
Donnie rushed into the room, frantically explaining to his brother that you were his S/O.
He apologized over and over agin for getting distracted and not mentioning you coming over but you just thought it was hilarious.
Apologies were exchanged among you and his family, after getting you an ice pack, (April hit hard), he brought you to see Splinter.
You bonded well, and Splinter even offered to teach you ninjitsu,
I mean you obviously agreed, you already took boxing, why not learn ninja arts?
Casey was terrified of you when he came too,
And you apologized for knocking him out, and introduced yourself.
You guys actually bonded pretty well, your love of sports being a good topic to build off of.
It was really chaotic,
But you meeting his fam for the first time will be a treasured memory forever.
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