#ningyo okami
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#oc and rp stuff#terrening (terrence x ningyo)#terrence bishop (friend's oc)#ningyo okami#the au™ (currently nameless)
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Meet my (Inuyasha) OC Kikutsuru
Age: 90-100 (she ate the flesh of a Ningyo at age 20) born 9 years before the Sengoku Period
Occupation: Priestess, mentor and Guardian of her village
Contacts: Okami & Tatsugitsune (Garma her traveling companion)
She's Japanese but also decent of Chinese immigrants from her father's side
She was born and raised on a bamboo farm till she was 13 when most of her family was murdered by demons
Skills/Hobbies: bamboo weaving / martial arts / Erhu / cooking / swordsmanship / dancing / Shamanism
She has traveled throughout Asia for years before being summoned by her nephew to return to her home village immediately, then informed her that her twin sister's health is declining fast, and she wants to see her
Personality: Elegant / Warm / Family Orientated / Stubborn / Kind / Motherly / Benevolent / Optimistic / gentle / reckless / Playful / Spontaneous / Resourceful / humanitarian / humble / generous / flexible / Aware / Spiritual / Diplomatic / easygoing / hard-working / Compassionate / Cool and collected / merciless in battle / likes to scare people / dislikes violence but only resorts to it when necessary / wishes she spended more time with her twin sister before she died of old age
I'll share more about her story and her background eventually
Long-haired Tanjiro inspo✨️
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Ningyo Okami // Monster - EXO

I'm creeping in your heart, babe. I'll flip you over, break you down, and swallow you up. I'll steal you and indulge in you. I'm gonna mess you up. I'm engraved in your heart. So even if I die I'll live forever. Come here, girl boy! You. Call. Me. Monster. I'll go into your heart~
#theskinwalkerqueenspeaks#{bunny aesthetics}#oc and rp stuff#ningyo okami#the au™ (currently nameless)#i honestly don't like k pop at all but monster fucking slaps
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Kanji: At one point in my life, I had to live off of rabbit meat and cockroach eggs. Count your blessings. Ningyo: はい、 ブーマー. Terrence, frantically texting everybody:
(Translation: Ok, Boomer.)
#oc and rp stuff#{bunny quotes}#kanji okami#ningyo okami#terrence bishop (friend's oc)#the au™ (currently nameless)#full disclosure for the rest of these; i don't speak most of these languages fluently so i am /so/ sorry for translation errors
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@ebshellhole Anyway, Terrence totally proposed to Ningyo with a Ring Pop outside of Hot Topic, throwing caution to the wind in the fact that they're both adults.
#oc and rp stuff#terrening (terrence x ningyo)#terrence bishop (friend's oc)#ningyo okami#the au™ (currently nameless)#fuckin' alternative kids#they never grow up#they think they've moved on from hair dye eyeliner and mcr#but they've thought wrong#*g note*
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Kim: Can I ask you a really weird question? It's like a really, really, really weird question. ...Would you fuck a clone of yourself?
Kanji: I don't want to fuck my clone because it would be gay sex and I'm not gay.
Ningyo: I'd fuck my clone because who would know better how to fuck ME than ME?
Terrence: It's basically the same as masturbating, right? So no big deal.
Oliver: It's not the same as masturbating; it'd be like having sex with your twin. Wrong and bad!
Kenny: I don't want to fuck my clone because my self-loathing is THAT strong.
Myah: Not only would I have sex with my clone, I'd probably make a bunch of clones and just get it on with all of them at once because that's how pro-clone fucking I am.
#oc and rp stuff#kim mina-draconus#kanji okami#ningyo okami#terrence bishop (friend's oc)#oliver yeon#kenny bishop (friend's oc)#myah jones#the au™ (currently nameless)#{bunny quotes}
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Terrence: He fought naked because it gave him magic powers. Maybe he's onto something. Terrence: *kicks off last of his clothing and starts walking down the stairs* Terrence: Babe! Ningyo: Yeah? Terrence: *chuckles* Babe! Ningyo: What? Terrence: *comes into view* Ningyo: Why are you naked? Terrence: *laughing* Do you wanna see a magic trick? Ningyo: No, I don't. Terrence: *Fifty-Two Pickup* Ningyo: YOU'RE A FUCKING DICK-
#oc and rp stuff#{bunny quotes}#terrence bishop (friend's oc)#terrening (terrence x ningyo)#ningyo okami#the au™ (currently nameless)
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#oc and rp stuff#terrening (terrence x ningyo)#terrence bishop (friend's oc)#ningyo okami#the au™ (currently nameless)
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Terrence: I mean, I listen to Set It Off a lot. You? Ningyo: Strictly only Babymetal and Ningen Isu. Terrence: *quietly* Oh fuck.
#oc and rp stuff#{bunny quotes}#terrening (terrence x ningyo)#terrence bishop (friend's oc)#ningyo okami#the au™ (currently nameless)#terrence loves and supports his metalhead gf uwu
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Voici les races de Ninjago. Les humains et les nindroids y sont déjà aussi. -Les albinos: Ce sont des êtres qui ressemblent beaucoup aux humains, mais avec des marques colorés sur le corps, et qu'ils possèdent des pouvoirs différents. Ils sont les descendants d’un serpent blanc et d’un dragon noir. Lorsqu'un albinos meurt, il se réduit en poussière. Il y a six clans: Bijin, Maho, Konton, Happi, Yume et Tamashi.
-Les kumihos: Ces renards à neuf queues vivent dans la forêt des cerisiers, où vivent les albinos du clan Bijin. Ils maîtrisent les feux follets, et ils possèdent une agilité surhumaine. C'est la race de Dimitri, Yuè et Magnolia.
-Les okamis (ou lycanthropes): Ces loups humanoïdes vivent au fin fond des bois. Ils doivent aimé un être béni par la "Lune Bleue" et que cet être l'aime en retour, pour briser la malédiction de la "Lune Sanglante" qui rend les okamis maudits et incontrôlables. C'est la race de Okami et Nikky.
-Les serpentines: Ce sont des serpents humanoïdes qui vivent en tribu. Il existe plusieurs races: Anacondrai, Hypnobrai, Fangpyre, Constrictai, Venomari, Shiporagi, Vermillion, Pyro-Vipères et Hydrophinai (la plus rare).
-Les tengus: Ces hybrides moitié humains, moitié oiseaux ont été crées par des phénomènes naturelles ou par des scientifiques. Ils peuvent voler, communiquer avec les oiseaux, et ils ont une arme à plumes.
-Les ryus: Ce sont des dragons primordiaux les plus rares au monde. Ils peuvent prendre la forme d'un humain ou d'un dragon asiatique comme les quatre rois. C'est la race de Jade Yin et Ren Guang.
-Les kyonshīs: Ce sont des vampires qui se cachent le jour et sortent la nuit pour boire le sang des humains. Ils vivent en clan, mais c'est rare. C'est la race de Kyu, Rose et Vladimir.
-Les tsubakis: Ils ressemblent à des humains, mais pas comme les autres. Ils sont les descendants de Furutsubaki no Rei et de Ninmenju. Ils possèdent le pouvoir de la nature et protègent la forêt. C'est la race de Flora.
-Les onis: Ces créatures surpuissantes ressemblent à des démons. Ils ont une forme humanoïde, une taille gigantesque, des griffes acérées, deux cornes protubérantes poussant sur leur front, des poils ébouriffés et un aspect hideux. C'est la race de Raijin, Fujin et Tsuzu.
-Les djinns: Ce sont des créatures surnaturelles qui peuvent exhausser des vœux. Il y a trois races de djinns: Les efrits, les marids et les sylphes.
-Les ningyos: Ces créatures aquatiques vivent dans les endroits près de l'eau. Ils ressemblent à une sirène ou un homme-poisson.
-Les jorogumos: Ce sont des créatures les plus rares de monde. Moitié humains, moitié araignées, ils peuvent tisser des toiles, s'accrocher sur les surfaces et possèdent une agilité surhumaine. Et ils sont aussi ovovivipares.
Tengu (c) SarahStoorne
Cora, Dimitri, Okami, Amétis, Jade Yin, Kyu, Flora, Raijin Jr., Aisha, Abrahel, Shela, Will, Chun-li, Ara and art by me
#species#ninjago#ninjago ocs#albino#kumiho#serpentine#tengu#okami wolf#tsubaki yokai#oni#djinn#ningyo#jorogumo#kyonshi#dragon ryu
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Their Yokai: Brothers
It’s hard to say with him. The blue fiery spirits often indicate death so he could be a Shikigami given the skeletal hands and skeleton dragon behind him. He could also just be a version of dragon.
Very obviously a tengu. Potentially a daitengu (just a higher ranking)
He’s either a Ningyo, or one of the many sea monster Yokai of Japan
He could be a Bakeneko or Nekomata, either way it’s a cat related Yokai
This is another tricky one. There are a lot of yokai based on deceased scorned women and brides.
He could be a Jorōgumo which appears as a beautiful woman/newlywed but is actually a spider. That’s just one theory though.
A shapeshifting Tanuki
He could be a few things (such as a sickle weasel or Okami) but in Japanese folklore foxes and tanuki shapeshift most and given that Beelzebub is a Tanuki and his twin I think it’s more reasonable to say he’s a shapeshifting fox yokai
#obey me shall we date#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me leviathan#obey me belphegor#obey me beelzebub
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#oc and rp stuff#terrening (terrence x ningyo)#terrence bishop (friend's oc)#ningyo okami#the au™ (currently nameless)
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Ningyo: *holding a positive pregnancy test* Ningyo: *tossing it in the trash* Ningyo: 雌犬、私 知っている 君は クソ 嘘をつく。
(Translation: Bitch, I know you’re lying.)
#oc and rp stuff#{bunny quotes}#ningyo okami#the au™ (currently nameless)#keiko wasn't planned but her parents love her very much nonetheless
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Japanese Mythological Figures to Use for Dislyte Ocs:
Yebisu, Kagutsuchi, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, Raijin, Fujin, Jizo, Jurojin, Daikokuten, Hotei, Kichijoten, Ninigi, Fukurokuju, Hachiman, Myojin, Hoderi, Inari, Kannon, Jizo, Ebisu/Yebisu, Benzaiten, Bishamonten, Inari,
Other: Princess Kaguya, Momataro, Guhin/Tengu, Kitsune, Amabie, Aka Manto, Bakeneko, Enko/Kappa, Gozu and Mezu, Hakuja no Myojin, Hashihime, Hibagon, Hone-onna, Ho-o/Fenghuang, Jorogumo, Kirin, Kitsune, Tanuki, Kiyohime, Kotobuki, Genbu, Kuzuryu, Kuchisake-onna, Nekomata, Ningyo, Nue, Ogama, Okami, Oni, Seiryu, Shinigami, Suzaku, Teke Teke, Tennin, Yuki-Onna, Ninigi-no-Mikoto,
Note: Keep in mind that this list may not be accurate and/or may be missing some mythological figures because I put down what I knew and did the bare minimum of google searching.
#Dislyte#Dislyte oc#Dislyte oc’s#Mythological figures for Dislyte oc’s#Japanese Gods#Japanese Mythology#Japanese Deities
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Metas 2019
Como todo ano, sempre que acaba o ano eu publico a lista que fiz durante o ano todo, e aqui está mais uma.
Isso aqui é mais pessoal . . . Como falei, vou postar o que me der na telha por aqui . . . Fica ao seu critério ler TUDO ou não HUAHDSIU
Fiz essa lista de metas baseada na lista da minha gostosa da Yu
A dona do canal Bela Drops (a lista dela se encontra aqui)
Essa lista foi feita inicialmente em 2016 mas decidi ignorar a de 2016 e refazer/postar ela agora em 2017.
Ano que vem farei o mesmo, inicio do ano a lista e no final do ano deixo ela publica pra ver minhas realizações.
Então vamos para minhas metas~
Metas pequenas
Corrigir meu peso Fechar corset Micro agulhamento mensal Estabilizar no trabalho Patreon sendo usado Experimentar Mcfish
Experimentar croissant
Experimentar Honey butter chips
Experimentar chocolate do starbucks
Experimentar sushi
Assistir pelo menos 5 animes/cartoons/series inteiros
[Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue]
[Yakusoku no Neverland]
[ Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen ]
Zerar pelo menos 10 jogos (contem replays)
[The Awesome adventures of Captain spirit]
[Life is strange]
[Life is strange before the storm]
[Life is strange 2]
[AI: the Somnium files]
[ .hack//G.U. Last Recode ]
[Final Fantasy XV]
[Danganronpa V3]
[Final Fantasy XV]
Ler pelo menos 5 livros/mangás inteiros
[Kamisama ga uso wo tsuku]
[Ningyo Ouji]
[Star and Marco Guide of mastering every dimension]
[Yakusoku no Neverland]
[Gakkou gurashi!]
-Conseguir os foil cards que faltam de Bastion na Steam
-Conseguir os foil cards que faltam de .hack na Steam -Yoga
-Microagulhamento quinzenal
-Conseguir terminar a rota do Seven toda em coreano ENTENDENDO
-Concluir pelo menos 5 itens da aba de projetos do meu site
-Passar em algum dos concursos/testes/whatever que faço anualmente
-Ledglitch -Documentário de 30 mins sobre talco -Começar a fazer gameplay de @linklandia
-Q com mascara de Q
-Começar meu canal de treino de ingles
-Começar a streamar na twitch just for fun
-Usar picarto.tv
-canal com a julia
-Big Girl Cry
-Link Hylian
-Arakawa OP Maria/Junko
-Cheap Thrills
-I’m poppy
-PH pillow party
-Photoshoot dos cosplays prontos
-Terminar cosplay de Stocking
-Terminar cosplay da Rei pool party
-Terminar cosplay da Buddy
-Terminar cosplay Atoli
-Terminar cosplay 707
-Terminar cosplay Chara
-Terminar cosplay de Junko
-Terminar cosplay de Yokoi
-Terminar cosplay de Ladybug
-Terminar cosplay de Miwako
- Terminar cosplay de Lain
-Terminar cosplay de Alice Elliot
-Terminar cosplay de Misuzu
-Terminar cosplay de Star
-Terminar cosplay da Wednesday
(Essa está sujeita a se estender até ano que vem dependendo das condições :’D)
-Dakimakura 707 [oficial] - [não oficial1] - [não oficial2]
-Coleção de almofadas Mystic Messenger
-Blusa 707
-Air fryer -Pipoqueira eletrica
-Crepeira de peixe -Coolors2 -Gumroad sakimichan texture -Brushbox -Pillowfort
-Mouse pad Mystic messenger
-Pin Mystic messenger
-Apperture Mug e Tardis mug
-Copia fisica de Epitaph of Twllight
-Copia fisica de Yume Nikki
-Livro de SVTFOE 1
-Livro Gravity Falls
-Mic. USB Condensador
-Coleção nova de Ankhs
-Pistola RAMBO espoleta
-Fundo infinito
-Copic Markers
-Tablet nova
-Alien real
-Baby Alien
-Gorillaz collection
-Playstation 4
-Nintendo Switch
-TV nova
-Nintendo 3DS
[707 oficial] - [707 maid] - [707 deitado]
[Komaeda] - [Komaeda servant]
[Zen oficial] - [Jumin oficial] - [Saeran oficial]
[Final Fantasy XV]
[Katamari Damacy REROLL]
[Danganronpa 1 & 2]
[Danganronpa Another episode]
[Danganronpa V3]
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