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blueribbonbaby · 5 months ago
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It’s What’s Inside - (2024)
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ghostfacerseffect · 11 days ago
On my hands and knees begging for them to bring back Joanne Kelly's severance character so she can fuck Devon
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argentangelhelps · 5 months ago
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sotongueincheek · 4 months ago
It's What's Inside: Depiction is not endorsement
I saw a tweet that was claimed that It's What's Inside's message was that being a bad boyfriend is worse than being a pedophile. And I just didn't read it that way at all...
Okay, so people are going to have their own readings/understandings/interpretations of the movie, and none of those things are definitively right or wrong…but I have thoughts. In an interview with Gizmodo/iO9, director/writer/editor Greg Jardin was asked outright if Cyrus deserved to be framed for murder. He has decided to stay neutral on where he stands as he likes that this is a question that folks are asking/discussing.
Personally, I just don't think Jardin is condoning anything that transpired in the movie. He's telling a story that, along with exploring identity and desirability in a social media-laden world, it's also a story about consent and consequences - whether those consequences are just or unjust is not the point. We live in a world where we all face consequences, and unfortunately, we sometimes face consequences because of the action of others, even if we don't deserve to. This is a cautionary tale more than anything.
Every single person in that friend group made a choice, and in the thrill of the moment, agreed to play this game. None of them could've fathomed/had any forethought as to where that choice could lead them because they only focused on what they had to gain from it, never really grasping what they had to lose.
All of them at some point completely lose their bodily autonomy (or did they give consent when they agreed to continue playing the game?). The only winners here are Shelby and Beatrice (and Dennis in a way - he nor his corporeal self faces any consequences for statutory rape. And that' lack of accountability has its own consequences). Reuben and Brooke are dead due to selfishness and recklessness; and Dennis and Maya had to see their corporeal selves brutalized because of it. Cyrus is in jail for a murder he didn't commit due to Dennis's pettiness and then Shelby refusing his alibi for her own selfishness. Forbes has lost all control of the thing he was supposed to be in control of and that has caused a ripple effect. And Nikki - arguably the most innocent of the bunch - has her body completely hijacked with the implication that she might never get it back. Those are the consequences, fair or unfair. It's what happens when we make choices out of our own self-interest without thinking about how it'll impact every(one)(thing) else.
And a note on Shelby while I'm here... In the same interview I referenced above, Jardin said that Shelby is the main character, so I get why she has the ending that she has. Shelby and Cyrus's relationship bookends this movie. Are we supposed to root for Shelby? Eh, I don't care. Is she meant to be "likeable"? Eh, who cares? I don't think Shelby is meant to be some righteous hero (I'm sure Amy Dunne would LOVE her. teehee). Again, this is a cautionary tale. Shelby is what happens when social media gives us a complex about who we are, along with the fact that the girl was gaslit for nearly a decade by a man who made all of their problems her responsibility, and she was popping Xanax...she was already existing with warped neuroses. This is not me excusing/justifying her actions. This is my understanding of consequences. Shelby as a character represents a cultural consequence.
Anyway, my long-winded way of saying depiction is NOT an endorsement. And I don't think Greg or his movie are taking any moralizing stance here. I'd love to hear other thoughts/perspectives.  
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sspellmen · 1 year ago
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It's What's Inside at Sundance
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stuff-diary · 5 months ago
It's What's Inside
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Movies watched in 2024
It's What's Inside (2024, USA)
Director & Writer: Greg Jardin
Damn, that was so so fun! I went in knowing next to nothing about it and came out feeling mindblown. I won't mention anything about the plot, except to say how cleverly constructed it is. The script's sharpness is further elevated by Greg Jardin's showstopping directing and editing; he's firing on all cylinders from beginning to end. And to top it all off, the cast goes all in for these characters and makes the whole thing a delight to watch. Sure, things get pretty anxiety-inducing, but I think that made it even more fun for me. So yeah, if you're in the mood for a surprising and mind-bending experience, don't read anything else about It's What's Inside and start watching ASAP.
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onenakedfarmer · 3 months ago
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IT'S WHAT'S INSIDE Greg Jardin USA, 2024
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watchingmoviesandshit · 3 months ago
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It's What's Inside (2024)
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billybutcher · 4 months ago
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It's What's Inside
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thekylemeredith · 4 months ago
"It was fun to play with the perception of reality”
Alycia Debnam-Carey, Gavin Leatherwood, and Brittany O’Grady join Kyle Meredith to talk about #ItsWhatsInside's body swapping, chaos, and music
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rickchung · 5 months ago
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It's What's Inside (dir. Greg Jardin).
Netflix's inventive but hella confusing body swap film takes some original approaches to its single-location sci-fi horror comedy. Setup at a bachelor party-type weekend doubling as a college reunion of sorts, we're thrown into a group of friends with deep histories together that get further entangled when they switch bodies. Jardin's diverse cast is also tasked with mimicking one other's performances so everyone essentially gets a turn at portraying each role to match the character impressions across different actors. It's a cleverly well-executed premise that's fun and exciting to watch unfold.
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moviemosaics · 5 months ago
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It's What's Inside
directed by Greg Jardin, 2024
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swampflix · 5 months ago
It's What's Inside (2024)
This is a movie that it’s really best to go into as blind as possible. I was supposed to see this one back in March at SXSW, and it (along with I Saw the TV Glow) was one of the ones I was most excited about, even though I ended up getting bumped from both of them by passholders (such is the nature of being a townie). I avoided reading anything more about it until it premiered on Netflix this…
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letterboxd-loggd · 5 months ago
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It's What's Inside (2024) Greg Jardin
October 11th 2024
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thenerdsofcolor · 5 months ago
Director Greg Jardin and the Cast of ‘It’s What’s Inside’ on Character Swaps and Twists
NOC Interviews: Director Greg Jardin and the Cast of ‘It’s What’s Inside’ on Character Swaps and Twists #ItsWhatsInside @gtleatherwood @DebnamCarey @JamesMorosini @reinahardesty @gregjardin @netflix
Greg Jardin’s debut feature, It’s What’s Inside, is now streaming on Netflix! I had the opportunity to break down the movie with the writer/director and stars Alycia Debnam-Carey, Gavin Leatherwood, Nina Bloomgarden, Devon Terrell, Brittany O’Grady, James Morosini, Reina Hardesty, and David Thompson. Continue reading Director Greg Jardin and the Cast of ‘It’s What’s Inside’ on Character Swaps…
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geekcavepodcast · 6 months ago
It's What's Inside Trailer
You know, when the game involves strapping electrodes to your face, maybe sit out the first round.
"A group of friends gather for a pre-wedding party that descends into an existential nightmare when an estranged friend arrives with a mysterious game that awakens long-hidden secrets, desires, and grudges." (Netflix)
It's What's Inside stars Brittany O'Grady, James Morosini, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Devon Terrell, Gavin Leatherwood, Reina Hardesty, Nina Bloomgarden, David W. Thompson, and Madison Davenport. The film is directed by Greg Jardin.
It's What's Inside hits Netflix on October 4, 2024.
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