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moonguardrants · 7 months ago
This happened in a group voice chat when I overheard Shadow talking about how they were disappointed in their role-playing partner Law (who is a former Residuum of Icecrown member) has this femboy kink that they went and kidnapped Cardinal Niklos Adamant (who is obliviously a femboy) and gave them a blowjob—meanwhile everyone in the Cathedral was wondering where they were panicking. Niklos will claim they don't ERP because Cardinals have to be pure while they married Gideon Northgate who took Niklos to meet 'the fingers' and had ERP orgies with Calvin Quill and Kalom who Gideon Northgate boned apparently.
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midwintermasque · 1 year ago
Storyline: Tea at Heliotrope – Part Four
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Part Four She shook her head and went on, "But as you said before, it almost doesn't matter to most people if the king loves his partner. Neither king nor queen, nor consort is an actual human, they're toys to move around as we all see fit.” She opened the cold box and pulled out the dessert and a chilled bottle of wine. "Please, try this shaved ice. It is a triumph shown to us by one of our new adepts. It's got fruit and sweet things, it's delicious." The wine uncorked easily, and she poured Niklos a healthy serving, then poured her own. "The idea that they're toys is what makes this Corrian so potentially dangerous and yet so appealing to people. No one knows where she's from or how she grew up, so there's no guilt in her being the toy. I am personally uninterested in her past. I need to know her future, her plans, her dreams, her desires, so I can pick them apart and decide if I'll become soft and give her what she wants or if I will have to stand strong before her and give her what she needs." She chuckled. "But I'm Heliotope’s Dowayne, of course I use our canon and teachings as easily as I draw breath." He nodded as he took a bowl of the dessert. He had heard of such things but had never had the chance to try it, so he took a small bite, the chill running through him pleasantly. He smiled at the fruit flavors, and he eyed the wine. He wouldn’t—couldn’t—refuse it, but he rarely had wine with a sweet. He was curious as to how they would taste together. “I can only imagine how your interactions with the various Houses would be. And Dahlia’s canon seems so…opposite…your own. It feels to me a dichotomy on the level of Valerian and Mandrake? Without the pain, certainly. We all have our feelings about people, and I have no right asking your explanation, as your reasons are yours. As for Corrian, I believe her intent is to throw herself into Gustav’s path often enough that he will begin to look upon her and possibly court her. The concern in the back of my head is why? And for that answer, I need to know more about where she came from. Because if she is a toy, who is pulling the strings?” He frowned, taking a slow sip of wine. He paused, looking at the glass, a smile crossing his face at the interplay of flavors, before rubbing his forehead briefly. “There are too many variables right now. And I can only see a part of the board.” He sighed ruefully. “I’m sorry to have brought all this to your doorstep. Though I hazard to think that we both would have been more in the dark if we hadn’t spoken.” Mena smiled at him, noticing his pleased expression when he had the wine. She had gone out of her way to find a wine that would surprise him with that choice, and it seems she was right. Getting her own bite, she savored it as she listened to him and thought about his words carefully. “You aren’t darkening my door with worries, Niklos, quite the contrary. I know you are trusted among the other Houses, so I trust that my faith in your discretion will not be misplaced.” She got up and crossed to her desk and picked up a thick leather folio and set the folder on the table, leaning it on the wine bottle. “That file belongs to one of our patrons who passed away many years ago, so you are welcome to look through it. We use it as part of the education of all the children raised here. Lord Myiere was a patron of the late Dowayne for forty years, from his first visit here just after he reached majority to the day he died in a freak accident seven years past.” She looked up at the ceiling, carefully considering how to proceed. After a long silence, she spoke. “Not all who are called to Heliotrope have a natural gift that allows them to read patrons correctly in the moment. Plus, patrons will often need to be seen by more than one adept. So, many, many years ago, a system was set up where we train all who are raised here in the art and skill of observing, predicting, and handling people. And we keep extensive records.” She gestured at the folio on the table. “Lord Myiere has four such collections, that one is the weightiest, as it was made in the first two years of his patronage of Ricard. Helping train the children in the nursery and the novices was added to my duties when I was nearing twenty. And as Second, keeping abreast of the comings, goings, and shiftings of the City, as well as helping predict a patron’s whims was one set of duties I was best at. Despite my terrible penmanship and hatred of paperwork. I feared this was a potential problem.” She sat down in her chair as close to heavily as a lifelong adept could. “I told the Dowayne that a Dauphin with an adept as a public lover was the riskiest of situations. I don’t pretend to know everything or have my hand in political intrigue, but I know people, I know how to read people, and I know how to anticipate. This Court is supportive of His Majesty to the point of being indulgent. But there’s no way that they would allow him to choose an adept, let alone a Dahlia, as his bride, and the brides that would suffer a Night Court trained official mistress are as rare as snow in the heat of summer.” Laughing a little, she went on. “He told me that, even in the summer we can see the snow on distant mountains and that I was worried about something that would likely not come to pass, as men’s hearts are fickle. We had a bet on it, and the large red roan horse in the stables shows you who won. This is a time of potential upheaval for all of us, Night and Day Court alike. Perhaps we need to step in and quietly remove women from his path until we leave him with that snow-capped peak.” After a pause for a sip of her wine and to collect her thoughts, she went on. “I mean that in our way, of course. A delayed carriage, a public mistress at a social gathering, an ill-mannered conversation, or food that doesn’t sit well with the lady’s disposition. You were right earlier, when you said that Heliotrope and Dahlia are opposite each other. They are upright and unbending in all things, something I do not understand, clearly.” She gestured down at her gown with a smile. “I might not know what she’s doing or why, but I feel that it is my duty to aid Odilia in finding her happiness. And, more importantly, helping to ensure that the Night Flowers can bloom without the influence a jealous queen would have.” Read the full article
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harkre · 6 months ago
I don't know where to post this—
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But it isn't like she and her "group" can't drive me off the server—because I've long left it behind. And it was I who originally introduced them to "Minecraft" which I had made a realm and invited them alongside friends. However, when people were suggesting I made a server—I told them it would take me awhile to make one. Well—Niklos couldn't wait and took everyone off from my realm and invited them to 'their server' without inviting me which I had to third-party to get a invite because I didn't even know about it!
And many don't know the actually reason why I left Moon Guard—it was due to "Niklos Adamant" Guild Leader of the Remnants of Lordaeron and it wasn't due to the "Minecraft" incident. They are manipulative and most of this stems due to lack of communication from them and other people. The only person that really communicated to me about any complaints was the leader from the Residuum. Apparently "Niklos" had a problem with me for months but never communicated about it once despite our close proximity in-game and being friends in discord. They never contacted me to expression their complaints to me directly for "months" and when they did contact me about it—
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Literally didn't communicated back with me for "months" via discord and accused me of "siccing" my friends after them. When I wasn't even online in-game for that and don't know the full context of what had happened. Just that I was doing a role-play that involved someone wanting to role-play with people from the Cathedral group and that wanted to be involved with my story. But something happened and it blew way out of proportion and was never given screenshots of what actually occurred from either party. But as you can see Niklos hadn't contacted me since December of 2021 and all the way until May of 2022 and /whisper communication in-game was non-existent.
And the screenshots in regards to the conversation that had with Hillsbradian below were originally shown to me by Niklos herself before I joined their discord back in 2019 when I had originally joined Moon Guard and was desperate for friends. I should have taken screenshots but I never thought anything like this could occur in the future with "drama"
Basically they whispered me this tinyurl link that they were "sad" that these screenshots were going around framing them in a bad way and that they were fake. And basically said something like this: "you know that isn't my discord profile picture and name" and I was dumb enough to believe them—because I didn't know better and was just desperate for a friend. However the conversation always hit me as fishy because—"you can change your profile picture and name" at any time!
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I stumbled back on the screenshots here on tumblr and clearly other people seem to be aware of them and that they aren't "fake"
I've made even more people aware of them. For example: "Gnews" "Eveneah Rosewood" and some of the core officers and the leader for the "Residuum of Icecrown" are aware of the screenshots and if there is more evidence apparently this Maxen has them.
Including of Bishop "Tyragonfal" which the Residuum of Icecrown does have a document about them with evidence for why they are "blacklisted"
Tyragonfal also stalked my character from the Residuum of Icecrown various times until I had to join a voice chat for the "Midnight Repose" to tell them to stop parking themselves right nearby me in emote range. They would also metagame using their alt in the Residuum of Icecrown at the time called "Nightravens" and they are a 38+ female player who was sending inappropriate messages to the officers from the Residuum of Icecrown in a very "s*xuel matter" and seem to target young men for their "r*pe" kinks and even wrote an inappropriate fanfiction with them and another character without their consent. Eitherway "Midnight Repose" defends them and Niklos gave them a high role in their Remnant of Lordaeron discord.
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ramayantika · 1 year ago
Okay now what's the deal with hating on kathak for its connection with mughal history.
You don't even know a thing about dance but you got to hate it mindlessly
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moonguardrants · 7 months ago
fuck the cathedral and their toxic femboys
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midwintermasque · 1 year ago
Storyline: Tea at Heliotrope – Part Three
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Part Three He chuckled softly as he took the bread from her, her earlier words having cut rather closely. Time felt like it was hurtling forward, as opposed to the slow and steady march it had felt like in his youth. He nodded. “The Dahlia, yes, I have heard about her. And I don’t think I’m as well-connected as I once thought I was. Too much turmoil in the typically placid waters.” He took a bite of the bread and jam, his eyes widening fractionally, surprised at the taste. He chewed slowly, interested in where Mena was leading. Mena smiled and chewed her bite carefully. "You are right, there’s a lot of turmoil swirling around here. Between the poor bachelorettes, Odilia, and the nobles and guilds all on a knife's edge, we've all been struggling. One of the things our patrons come to us for is to be soothed and made to feel as though their worries will fade away. It's been hard to do that lately, particularly since my adepts are not feeling stable themselves." “And now there’s that new noblewoman…what’s her name…” He paused, waiting for a reaction from her. “Corrian. That’s her. I ran into her at the Hall of Games, and when she found out my family her reaction was…rather negative. I thought we’d gotten past all of that. And then I bumped into her at de Morbhan’s fête. She and I are supposed to visit Bryony, now that I think of it. The poor king. All these possibilities circling him. I can’t imagine what it’s doing for your business…or that of half the other Houses.” He reached out and took his tea cup, taking a sip and relishing the flavor. Mena made a face. "Mmm, I have heard of her. One good thing about my adepts is that they often accompany their patrons not as adepts, but as partners." She laughed again, brighter this time. "Which is why I can't often keep them once they've made their marques. I digress, two of my adepts have had direct interactions with her, and most of them hear of her from their noble patrons. She is like a bite that has crunch in what's meant to be a smooth dish.” Picking up her own cup, she had a sip and closed her eyes momentarily. "This tea is worth the price I pay to have it brought to me. It never fails to clear my head and improve my mood." She smiled at him as she had another sip. "I can only speak for us, but Heliotrope's loyalty is to the king's heart. We support and desire for him to take a partner who flows into the spaces in his heart like honey. Beyond that, we have no opinion. As for how business is going," she shrugged. "I am not the accountant, that's Matin, his office is on your way out, if you'd like to know specifics." He grinned. “It is good tea. If Jacob didn’t have his own blend that he insisted on, I might be asking you where I could obtain this one. And I don’t think I need to meet with Matin. Your House’s accounts are none of my business. I just find it odd that this Corrian of no real influence is suddenly a piece on the gameboard. And we both know marriages at some of the higher echelons of Terre d’Ange are purely political. Love doesn’t always enter into the equation. Marriages for the Crown are even more complex. I don’t believe His Majesty is in a situation like Ysandre once was. But I don’t move in his circles often enough. He’s a good man, and I’ve seen him on occasion, but I’m not one of his close acquaintances. That’s probably for the best, as I would probably cause more harm than good if I associated with him too often.” He chuckled then, a broad grin on his face. “We all know how well scions of Kushiel are perceived when they move too closely to the Courcels.” He picked up a little cake, having finished the bread and jam, and took a bite, a strange glint in his eyes. Mena laughed quietly but with no real humor. "It seems we have adopted that from the Yeshuites: the sins of the father being passed to the children. The Court of all people should know that one’s family name means nothing about the individual. How many of them spend their nights in our Court, bemoaning the uselessness of their first born? Besides, that was a long while back, and just because a person's tendencies aren't yours, that doesn't make them a traitor." She rolled her eyes. "That bothers me, my apologies for my outburst. We find that occasionally in our Court: a born in-house novice or adept lording it over a transfer or purchase. It's despicable, we're each a clean slate to Naamah and Elua, aren't we?" Giving her shoulders a shake, she inhaled deeply. "Never mind that. This Corrian problem is one that we'll see a solution to in our lifetime, let's apply our energies to that. I am incredibly confused as well by her appearance. My adepts are listening and asking of their patrons." She smiled again, reaching for a plate of dates and offering them to Nikos as she spoke. "Not in any spying kind of manner, just gossip we haven't heard. We'd hoped, myself and a few other Dowaynes, that Odilia would come and pass on what she knew, or at least let us know she remembered who raised her. She, of all people, should know who this woman is, wouldn't you think?" He gently motioned his dismissal of the dates as he considered her words. “We should all be clean slates, but there is always the possibility that family lines run stronger than we would hope. As for the Corrian question…Do we even know where the Borlean family comes from? She’s pretty, but she could be from half the provinces.” He shrugged, then grinned. “I think Odilia has some of her own ambition. Dahlias have always gone hand in hand with pride. I get the feeling she saw an opportunity, and she made a play for it. She could love Gustav, but I’m not certain she does. But Gustav could love her. And if he does, is that more dangerous or less dangerous?” He leaned back, trying to put all the pieces together, knowing that his network was not as useful as it might have been. It bothered him. "There is a concern that the contemptuous and dismissive ego that a lot of adepts have contended with in their dealings with Dahlia House have been distilled into Odilia. That she is playing some chess game and we, who will likely be impacted by her actions, are purposely kept in the dark. As for her loving the King…" Mena trailed off, thinking deeply. "When I was still Second, I had a lot of dealings with other Seconds, but rarely her. She didn't attend our meetings often and was rarely involved in what needed to be done. Even Orchis' Second was committed to what needs to be done to keep our lives running, but rarely Dahlia. That shades my opinion no matter how I try to keep neutral. As for the king, I believe he loves her, even if it's just in the same way you love the view from your balcony at midwinter." Read the full article
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girlivealwaysbean · 1 year ago
#ok so i joined this new dance/aerobics exercise type of class cause aise hi physical activity chahiye#and aaj cardio karva rahe the#AND ACHANAK SE FELT LIKE VOMITING BLACK SPOTS IN MY VISION#and kuch samajh nahi aa raha tha wtf it was so embarrassing the didi unhone meko dheere se neeche sulaya#and pani dala muh pe tab jake vision clear hui#BHT WTFFFFF#kya crazy experience tha lmao#kaise movie style hua main soch rahi thi ki kaisi maam hai ye bohot hi intense karva diya beginner ke hisab se karana chahiye nahi#and suddenly sab dikhna band ho gaya unki awaz bohot dheere dheere aa rahi thi woh uthke latene ke liye keh rahe the#and main haat uthane ki koshish kar rahi thi but mere haath maan hi nahi rahe the😭😭😭#and main soch rahi thi bhai ye kya ho raha hai girl can u chill itna bhi kuch nhi kiya hai kya kar rahi hai 😭😭#but the funniest part is jab woh didi aur ek aur didi saath mein fuss kar rahe the mere upar i was thinking distinctly#ki wow aaj ke din mejn pehli baar kisi ne itne pyar se baat kari hai princess treatment diya hai attention diya hai#kyunki office mein bohot weird day tha meri friend ki dusri friend leave se wapis aa gayi and they were stuck together like bhul hi gaye ki#main bhi hoon??#and that guy jo thoda thoda accha lagta hai funny hai usne bhi baat nahi kari even tho kal humne itni saari baat kari thi😭#aur main ye class mein almost rote rote lehrein sunte hue aa rahi thi sochke ki fuck it mujhe kya i don't need anyone bas padho degree lo#aur niklo yahan iss sheher se fir bhi koi ni mila toh maar do khudko no biggie#and woh didi ne kaha you're very dehydrated and bohot thaki hui ho and suffocation ho raha hai na#and mujhe toh udhar hi aankh mein pani aa gaya like haina main hu na bohot thaki hui😭😭😭😭😭#anyway. crazy first experience lmao#ab theek hu didi ne chocolate khila di
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rusted-pride · 10 months ago
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[something im never going to finish unfortunately): please zoom in for details]
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moonguardrants · 6 months ago
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A Statement
Hello everyone!
You may have come here in curiosity of what I posted on the Moon Guard Secrets Tumblr in regards to Niklos Adamant and “my involvement” with the horrific situation that has been brought to light recently.  First and foremost, as you can see, I generally do not use Tumblr so please so forgive my formatting.  Secondly, I must express that I am saddened, angry, frustrated, and just about every negative emotion in the book every time I think of this story.  To have me tied into it makes it all the worse.
As I said on the MGS post, I am Nevari, though I have been also known as Redmayne (whom Niklos has named me as being involved and yet again, not a shroud of evidence backing such claims) but more importantly, Janessa, the former GM of the guild, Whispers of Windrunner.  These current days I am pretty much off playing other games or being involved with different communities because of the results I suffered from the malicious slander I have endured from Niklos along with several other people.  This post is to simply back my own words up and well, hope that the community finally realize how scummy these people are.
Now, I will state this situation was about 2-3 years ago to my recollection.  Around that time, I was playing my death knight, Redmayne who unfortunately was a part of the Remnants of Lordaeron guild.  Ultimately, the guild was not a fit for me and I wasn’t in it for very long at all.  The situation that is currently being discussed at hand, well, I wasn’t even around for that.  In fact, I did not even hear about situation until my guild was targeted and sabotaged last year.
As Janessa, I was the GM, creator, etc of Whispers of Windrunner the day that void elves were released.  I took it as an opportunity to build something great for the community while giving myself a fresh start, looking forward to the RP to come.  I built and practically slaved over my guild from the ground up almost entirely on my own.  I did not expect to have my guild immensely popular and in demand right out the gates and I wasn’t prepared for it at all.  
While the numbers and popularity of Whispers grew rapidly, I knew I needed help and sought out officers who were willing to take on officer responsibilities.  Among them were a couple whom I thought I could trust and whom I felt I related to.  This couple is known to be Elysiae and Shandor/Mordren.  I never knew them, never heard anything about them, and I really enjoyed their company.  They supported me and showed they wanted the guild to succeed and throughout some of the growing pains, Elysiae gained my confidence.
This was short lived however.
Not long after I decided to make her my Co-GM, she had caused a LOT of drama with other members of my guild on ooc spectrums. I also over time lost faith in my officers because they suddenly became inactive or not around as much without notice.  I was literally slaving over the guild, prepping guild events, making a website, talking with other people to get RP going, etc etc.  When I am being pulled 16 different ways at once, it’s taxing and there were some days, I just wanted to do an RP away from everyone else as a break.  Apparently that isn’t allowed.
Anyways, an IC situation had happened with my own character against Baldassar who is known to be a member of SLP.  It later escalated where Maxen was involved along with many other people.  Everything that was happening was completely IC and I had even messaged Maxen during the heated RP if he was ok OOCly because I am constantly worried about OOC/IC crossing.  All seemed well and was fine.
Apparently not.
The next day, Elysiae and Shandor get Galmone involved, saying that I should step down as a GM because of the RP and the fact that I am, Nevari, and despite all the work I’ve done, me being GM isn’t good for the guild.  I believe the term they used was a “GM Wash.”  I dunno, this was a year ago.  Anyways,  I was absolutely outraged by this and said flat out it wasn’t going to happen.  No sooner did I end my Discord call with them, they went to undermine me and sought out to degrade me in unspeakable ways.
I have a recording of them doing this in the act.
Immediately Shandor/Mordren says that I was kicked out of Remnants of Lordaeron because I rp’ed raping a 12 year old to death.  At this time, it had been 1-2 years since I had even been a part of that guild… but neither here nor there needless to say this allegation was beyond shocking and hurtful to me.  Upon investigation where Shandor had heard this from, it was found out by my partner at the time it stemmed from Rennali.  
It doesn’t end there.
The recording had circulated.  This was my biggest mistake.  At the time, I felt I needed to defend myself by circulating it to show the extent people will go to bring someone down.  It backfired because people didn’t look at the context of my guild’s situation but the context of the rumor itself.  
With this allegation looming and the recording now spread, it of course reached “big boy” ears.  I adamantly fought the allegations, proclaiming my innocence to no avail to Maxen about all of this yet I was still punished for something I had no involvement with.  I was removed from all of the RP groups because of this even though there is not a single screenshot in the world that can even remotely link me to this incident.  Of course after Shandor and Elysiae’s antics, I immediately removed them from the guild.
I was punished because of the testimony which came from Berenal and Niklos.  Berenal came to Niklos asking about the situation and Niklos gave damning testimony which was 100% false and complete slander.
See following screenshot:
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All of this caused huge rifts in my guild.  My friendships were torn apart, people left because of the controversy, my Rp partner at the time gave up on it and left.  After all of that emotional trauma I endured, I couldn’t move on and I relinquished the guild to a worthy member who offered to take the reigns.  I was beyond devastated and hurt in ways beyond imagining.  To be frank, I ended up having to go to therapy over this.
I do have regrets on how I handled the situation but I can’t exactly change the past.  What was done is done. 
Now, as far as the actual situation goes.  Supposedly Rennali heard this rumor from someone named Hranu but I have 0 clue about that side of the story.  Regardless, without a shroud of evidence to the claim, she chose to continue to spread the lie by talking to other people who ask about it “because she was told this therefore she can talk about it.”  Though this isn’t a post about my conversation with her afterwards, this is more about Niklos.
Niklos knew I wasn’t involved 100% and he took it upon himself to come up with a narrative to damn me.  Just recently, he posted yet again I am STILL involved with this situation yet I have multiple statements from various witnesses and people involved that I had no hand in it whatsoever.  
I also would like to point out the following discussion with Niklos.  Please note the following things:  1.  He approached me out of the blue because we had a mutual discord server.  2.  This conversation was during the hectic time and before my conversation with Rennali.  I put this in an imgur because I wasn’t sure how Tumblr would format it.
Anyways, why this didn’t come out about his enabling and defending of these individuals back when I was being wrongfully persecuted is beyond me but I am glad that there is a sense of justice in all of this.  I haven’t even been around much these days but what I find hilarious is that I logged on a character he knows me for and within literally 5 minutes, he was talking ill about me to a friend of mine, another screenshot I have mind you.
Though yes, I am glad to have Brady and others clear my name and I do hope Niklos gets everything that’s coming to him.  If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask me on my Discord Wolfie#0156.  I seldom check this and felt that this needed to be said so I have my own peace of mind.  
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got-into-worm-by-mistake · 8 months ago
“Eh.  It’s hard to explain.  He cultivated us, bred for us, went miles out of his way to get us back if a member of his ‘family’ was taken from him.  Mounted a freaking crusade if it came down to it.  But when we were around, he paid almost no attention to us kids. 
Man like that, kids are a possession, not a child.
One thing that I wonder about is like - how much does having a power like Heartbreaker's fuck you up? Like, how conscious was it? Sure, the man obviously has no compunctions, but did he have compunctions before getting his power? was there a time when he didn't want to use his power like that, or was that always the plan?
Because having the power to make people fall in love with you so utterly absofuckinglutely would fuck someone up, especially if it wasn't entirely controllable or intentional.
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inpunishment · 2 years ago
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prem-ki-pujaran · 1 month ago
These stupid angry middle aged men shouldn't be allowed in the same room as normal people during elections
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moonguardrants · 6 months ago
Headcanon: Bishop Tzedeck and Bishop Adamant are actually secretly attracted to each other. CONFIRM/CONFIRM?
Why OF COURSE they are. 
Werewolves and vampires are always friendly with one another.
As previously said, “Not even the Light could sink this ship!”
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iamineskew · 3 months ago
love corner with skewlo and niklo and like sure shes poly but they're siblings that'd be weird if she went for both
yeah id only take both as far as, like. both fighting for elo and not elo dating them both. triangle stays triangling
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ramayantika · 1 year ago
Bhai par sach kahun tumblr insta se thode din durr rehke ekdam maja aagya clarity mil gayi ki sab moh maya hai nafrat sab karte rehte hai koyi acha bura nahi hai mein tumse agree nahi karti tum meko gaali doge vice versa toh bas bhai tum apna khao piyo sapne pura karo khud pe focus karo parivar maa baap dost bhai bandhu se pyaar karo aur actually aisa kaam karo ki jisse khushi mile aur tumhe budhape mein marrte vakt regret na rahe bas yeh hai ache se rahe bhagwan pe agar manyata hai toh unki puja karo bhakti mein leen rehke karm karo aur agar nahi maante toh apne karm karo jo karna hai phir ek din marr jaoge toh aise marro ki kuch jeevan jine layak vali mrityu hai baki kuch nahi rakha hai
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moonguardrants · 6 months ago
Gonna rant here and say Calvin-Moon Guard (Calvin Quill) is garbage even way back on Wyrmrest Accord. They were stalking two guilds I'm in on alts on one of their many rogues and logged onto two accounts to gain an advantage in a IC fight and no one knew about this until someone just happened to check their alts on armory since they have all their alts on checkpvp on hidden which I always find sus
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Anyway here in the screenshot above Shorten and Composite are both Calvin Quill's alts! They were trying to gain a fight advantage with Clan Esuri whom they were stalking on their rather many number of rogues for quite awhile. They always appeared 5 minutes after something happened.
I was given information and asked around about their alts so I could block them after I learn about them being buddy buddies with Niklos Adamant, Gideon Northgate, Kalom, Gnosh.ect.ect.ect yeah basically in that 'circle' to keep my buddies and friends out of potential drama
Calvin-Moon Guard
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Shorten-Moon Guard
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Composite-Moon Guard
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Unmake-Moon Guard
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Unrecognize-Moon Guard
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Everyplace-Moon Guard
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Strength-Moon Guard
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Efficient-Moon Guard
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