#nikignik deserves better
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doctorloup · 8 months ago
The late (BST) Audiodrama Sunday
I have had a Woe.Begone hyperfocus for some time and I am only just now listening to other stuff!
Finally finished How it Ends after dipping in and out of it over several years - I was not expecting that ending! I guess the clue was in the name.
Caught up on the Hallowoods. I like this format of main story bookended by Jimmy Yamaguchi being unsettling and MAROLMAR CONTINUING TO FILL ME WITH THE WHITE HOT RAGE OF A THOUSAND SUNS. Nikignik darling you can do so much better. Although I realise your dating pool is limited… sorry babes.
Binged all of How I Died, which manages to neatly combine mystery, horror, ghosts and sci-fi with some engaging and sympathetic characters and cool twists.
Late to the Margaret's Garden party (don't tell my friends). Somehow it managed to be both beautiful and kind of.. wacky? Anyway I love Pasha.
Midst…wow, it really is everything people said it was. The story was fun, and touching, and amazing worldbuilding, but as with so many shows it was the music that made it for me. I cannot wax lyrical enough about the music. Just these amazing expansive synthwave soundscapes, like something out of Bladerunner.
Now, for some CROWDFUNDERS:
Do you like musicals? Do you like spooky stories that are kinda gay (of course you do this is tumblr)? Do you like pith-helmet sporting chap hop legend Professor Elemental? Well these three great tastes could be combined into a sort of weird spooky gay musical soup if you help Mark and David fund Earworm. Make David Ault sing more songs than me and Travis Vengroff put together by supporting the crowdfunder: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/330261639/earworm-a-ghostly-audio-drama-musical Do you like goblins? Do you like the Lads Meredith? Do you like the Lads Meredith playing goblins? Do you like specific local folklore cryptids that dwell in West Sussex bodies of water? Do you like hearing Amy Dickinson finally attaining her true form as a surprisingly tall vengeful and chaotic ghost? Do you want to see Ben Meredith toss his leonine locks like a L'Oreal Advert (Can confirm having seen it live, it's very flowy). OK that last one you can just watch this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SRWi7ZTKbE) but for everything else there's the G.O.B.L.I.N.S crowdfunder:
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maxgicalgirl · 2 years ago
I have been a few episodes behind on Hello from the Hallowoods and finally listened to Starcrossed Gods today and OW OW OW OW OW
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hellofromthehallowoods · 6 months ago
Howdy! I’m here to let you know that I ADORE your podcast. I’ve already binged through the entire thing in four weeks and am now working through Malevolent (though your suggestion and talk with the host).
Just so that you know, I’ve cried multiple times over the demonic found family and I’ll square up to Marolmar for hurting Nikignik (girl you deserve better) :)
(No need to reply, just sending my love.)
That’s 40 episodes per week, goodness gracious! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed!
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dead-body12 · 11 months ago
Going to drop all my blorbos and which ones they need the most
-Alex Kralie (Marble Hornets); Healthcare plan
-Evan (EMH); Does an exorcism come with the healthcare plan. You could also give him a gun, kick back and watch the shitshow unfold
-Nikignik (HFTH); Hug + better boyfriend
-Marolmar (HFTH); I know he needs a good shaking and perhaps a slap across the face... BUT I think it would be much funnier to up his poison-Syrensyrs-resources budget. Just to see what he would do with a shit ton of money and resources
Daphnis (TIOS); Again; bigger budget bc it'd be funny to see what he does with it and some sleep
Madosuki (Yume Nikki); Hug + better parents
Annabelle Cane (TMA); Now I know she definitely needs a good shaking but at the same time I personally think she deserves a little kiss on the cheek bc she's cute and I love her very much
Cecil (WTNV); Hug
Kevin (WTNV); Healthcare plan and maybe a violent video game
Kris (Deltarune); Exorcism
Spamton (Deltarune); A shit ton of money
Homura (PMMM); Hug + girlfriend who is alive and not a concept
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hotinthehallowoods · 2 years ago
Round One has finished!
Here are the results:
Barb vs. Mx. Morell
The odds were not in Barb's favor today, the demon of the Resting Place played a good game but Mx. Morell had the upper hand. The proprietor of the Museum of Broken Promises might have a new exhibit on display soon, but for now they move on to the next round.
Olivier vs. Tiff
Dreamer, it seems that Tiff tried to use some real firepower for this match but Olivier called up a storm of support that really snuffed out those flames. With Round One under her belt, Olivier is starting off with a perfect record.
The Countess vs. Xyzikxyz
Despite going up against the source of her power, The Countess did not hold back; it seems her claims of nobody being able to resist her were true. Xyz put up a good fight though, and hopefully they’ll spill the cosmic tea about the details.
Dimes vs. Brooklyn
The Diamond Rider dazzled us all in their battle against this former assistant, although Brooklyn did put up a good fight. It would seem that being good at scheduling only goes so far when your opponent has a dog that sparkles as much as they do. The interdimensional powers help too.
Riot vs. Hector
Hector might have had a bunch of weapons and two dogs, but all his knowledge was no match against a girl with a sword and a leather vest. This assistant groundskeeper continues to prove her skills and proceeds to Round Two.
Lolgmalolg vs. Bern
Fighting off hordes of froglins must have given Bern all the experience she needed to take on Lolgmalolg today. She Who Lurks Beneath might have plenty of followers, but they weren't enough to give her the win. Another victory for this Scoutpost survivor.
Nikignik vs. Huntington Waites
One hundred eyes in the dark and all of them saw Nikignik's defeat of Huntington Waites. The Indescribable might not have a physical body, but he didn't need one in order to beat this undead hunter. We predict many people will have interesting dreams tonight.
Diggory vs. Ricou
Unfortunately Ricou cannot take home the title of Hallowoods Sexiest Being to add to his collection of shiny things, it's Diggory who's moving on to the next round. This dead goth towered above the competition and clawed their way to victory.
Polly vs. Violet
Violet has learned the hard way that a raincoat and boots are nice, but an umbrella works even better. Polly was on fire today, he dressed to impress and certainly knew how to win the crowd's favor, and while Violet tried her hardest it turns out you can't negotiate your way to the next round.
Danielle vs. The Omen
With claws and beaks and sharp words The Omen snagged a win against Danielle. Having the ability to control dreams is very useful, but what happens when your opponent doesn't sleep? It's another feather in The Omen's figurative cap today.
Jonah vs. Moth
Dreamers, Moth has scored another victory, this time against a fisherman who keeps coming back from the dead. Maybe Jonah can take the time to kick up his feet and see if he can catch anything, but moth has proved mothself's style is worthy of continuing on to Round Two.
Lady Ethel Mallory vs. Zelda
Despite her impressive marketing skills, Lady Ethel Mallory has learned the hard way that you can't get everything that you want. Sometimes you lose a sexiness competition to an old woman who likes making watercress sandwiches. It happens.
Yaretzi vs. Winona
It seems like victory was not in the cards today, but perhaps Winona saw these results coming anyway. After all, Yaretzi is a servant of Tolshotol who eats the hearts of demons for breakfast. She deserves a gold medal to go with her jewelry.
Milo and Venus vs. Valerie
Dreamers, we can't beleaf this. Valerie continued to wow the crowd today and took home another win, Milo and Venus had some people really rooting for them, but it was not enough to sprout success against this former rock star.
Ray vs. Percy
Who has four wheels and is going on to Round Two? This classy automobile of course. Sparks flew today in this ghostly match, and while Percy played on our heartstrings, Ray revved his way to victory in this match.
Walt vs. Nolan
Despite being invisible, Nolan put up a good fight in his match against Walt. This groundskeeper can't rest yet, not when he's moving on to the next round. Still, these matches are good for filling pages in his almanac.
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mesothulass · 4 years ago
another cute thing nikignik said this episode!
"What could a human know of real love, of cosmic grief? No human has experienced a tragedy that lasted more than a moment, no suffering that did not fade into eternity unremembered and unmourned. Jonah has no idea what he is looking at, the collision of powers that birthed this place, the sanctity of the grave on which he stands.
"It was the least I could do.
"Does a lord of life and death deserve to rest on a world of mud, like an animal? Does he deserve to be destroyed for doing what he was born to do?
"There was nothing in the universe like him, nothing in an infinity of existence, and now he is gone, and there will never be another.
"I mourn him in the starless night, I mourn the void in all that is that he left behind. How overjoyed I was to find that his work survived, that a semblance of his creativity and his joy and his darkness lived on. How in love I am with his black forests, his strange pines, his phosphorescent nights. How enraptured I am with his Hallowoods, and although I am broken, I will scream his memory to every distant corner of this cosmos. He would have liked nothing better than to be the subject of your nightmares, dreamers. That was just how he was, and I am not afraid to say I loved him for it."
cute things nikignik has said so far this episode: "You put on a victorious black lipstick to match your abyssal eyes. This shade is called Hello From The Hallowoods."
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