#nika is such a monster high doll
byghostface · 29 days
Omgg!! Welcome to Gotham High Frankie Stein!!!🙏🫶🪡🔩🩵🩷
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I'm joking but thinking that Frankie Stein is Nika's favorite Monster High character (Gleb confirmed it in an old tweet) still makes me very very happy😇♥️✨
I like to imagine that Nika is a big Frankie fan. With her pale-gray (sometimes bluish) skin color, she totally would cosplay her/them in the convention, and Damian can be their Cleo de Nile (in the gen 3 version).
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byghostface · 5 months
3. Some daminika headcanons
3. (taking care of each other, sleep habits, gifts)
Nika has a habit of holding on to her own as much as she can. Since her mother is prone to getting extremely worried and scared for her; her sister is careless about her as long as Nika doesn't bother her(which is difficult, cuz it seems like no matter what Nika does, she always manages to offend her); her father is always busy and moody after the work and taking care of grandfather, no time for her problems. So Nika learned to be more independent for her own sake.
It's bad when Nika is sick. She would try to brush it off and repress the coughs, keep going on her day until the fever hit her badly. Damian had figured her out once she was on the phone with the strange voice and apologized that she couldn't go out with him in a few days. He paused everything and brought some medicine and sweets to go see her. He sneaks into her temporary place in Gotham. Found out she had eaten a ton of ice cream (the Japanese way of smoothing coughs and fever) and curled up on her bed having trouble sleeping because of the fever. She is surprised but happy to see him. After coaxing Nika to eat the cough syrups, Damian held her hand until she fell asleep.
Damian always had people looking out and caring for him, regardless if he was at the Al Guhl palace with his mother or in Wayne Manor with his father and siblings. So when Nika learned that Damian was sick, she was hesitant to visit, fearing that she would bother him and his family but changed her mind soon. She rushed to see him and brought some vegan-friendly ice cream on the way. His family is surprised to see her and so is Damian. As Damian requested, Nika stays for the night by his side. She hummed her grandma’s lullaby when they were alone. She hums the song quietly until he falls asleep. (Despite the worries, Nika enjoys taking care of Damian, because he has done so much for her already.)
In the days before her menstrual period started, Nika would get moody and anxious. The first day of the period is the worst and most painful, so she would rather cuddle with Damian on the bed than do anything else. Damian would make some hot cocoa for both of them and try to smooth Nika's mind by retelling about some of his mundane days/missions with his dad and siblings, or they would watch some anime/shows on the streaming services.
Nika almost is a steady sleeper. On good nights, she sleeps like a hibernation animal and rarely moves in her sleep. (Damian would get worried and check her pulse from time to time.) But there were times when Nika had nightmares, she would stuck in a sleeping state, hard to wake up, and start a series of angsty sleep talks. (At most times Damian can only watch, if he is lucky enough to wake her up, then he can comfort her in time.) Nika's regular nightmares are fragments of the dead one's memory that she had defeated and absorbed within her ability, as well as the jaded memory of her family.
Nika soon finds out that Damian is a grabby sleeper and moves a lot in his sleep. She would be the big spoon at night and wake up in the morning to find herself had switched places with Damian being the big spoon instead. Sometimes he would steal the blanket and often hold her like a plushie to fall asleep. (Nika doesn't mind it much, she's not the type of person who gets cold easily.)
Nika gifted Damian a pressed flower bookmark that is made by herself. The bookmark contains the Nemophila(victory) and White tulips(renewal). She also gifted him Hana & Ren merchandise and other manga/anime figures that he likes.
Damian gifted Nika her favorite monster high dolls(Frankie Stein, Cleo De Nile, Ghoulia Yelps, and River Styxx). He later gifted her the Skullector Nightmare Before Christmas- Jack and Sally dolls for her birthday. Occasionally, he would surprise Nika with rare K-pop tickets/albums/merchandise, and amusingly see her sweating with a stunned face.
1 .2 (dates and activities).3 (taking care of each other, sleep habits, gifts).pet names.art styles.asking game
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