#nightwing (1996) 152
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batfam-belfry · 3 months ago
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If anyone tries to reanimate Dick, he will require bath toys in his lazarus pit
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batbunker · 1 year ago
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Dick Grayson, everybody. (Nightwing 1996 #152)
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radioactive-earthshine · 3 months ago
Hii🙈🙈 do you perhaps have any bart and wally comic recs? I want to read more of them both but I can't find any reading orders or a jumping off point besides barts debut. Thank yew in advance💝
Here is a reading guide, I am doing this mostly by memory and looking at my own reading list/notes on their relationship, so I know I am not hitting every single comic they appear in together, but it's still pretty comprehensive imo. They start off VERY rocky, but once Bart becomes Kid Flash things between them are written less grating as they come to an understanding of each other and respect each other more.
Note: this is all pre-Flashpoint and these issues focus on their interactions/feelings between each other, a lot of it pretty caustic. Some issues might have only one panel, others many pages.
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The Flash (1987) #189
Bart and Wally West's Interactions Reading Guide
Wally Doesn't Do Sidekicks/Bart's Introduction The Flash (1987) #92-#101 Dead Heat The Flash (1987) #109 Impulse (1995) #10 The Flash (1987) #110 Impulse (1995) #11 The Flash (1987) #111 Impulse (1995) #12 Bart's 15th Birthday/Bartday Impulse (1995) #22 When Bart Said "Goodbye" & Came Back Impulse (1995) #24 Impulse (1995) #26
Bart Helps Wally Out While He's In a Wheelchair (he twisted his ankle) The Flash (1987) #131
The Black Flash Saga The Flash (1997) #139-#141
Wally Freaks Out About Bart Being Bart #1 The Flash (1987) #142 Wally Freaks Out About Bart Being Bart #2 JLA: A World Without Grown-Ups Chain Lightning Saga The Flash (1987) #145-#148
Sins of Youth Young Justice: Sins of Youth #1 Sins of Youth: JLA Jr. #1 Sins of Youth: Kid Flash/Impulse #1 <- most important issue of this arc Young Justice: Sins of Youth #2 Bart Remembers Linda & Endures Walter Saga The Flash (1987) #152-#159
Wally Shows Deep Worry For Bart During Our Worlds At War The Flash: Our Worlds At War Wally Freaks Out About Bart Being Bart (and sort of regrets it) #3 Impulse (1995) #84
"You're going to be a dad?!" The Flash (1987) #198-#199
Wally Has Reservations About Bart Joining the Titans The Flash (1987) #200
Wally Freaks Out About Bart Being Bart (and they all hated that) #4 Teen Titans (2003) #1 Bart & Wally's "Slap-Fight" Teen Titans (2003) #6
"I Stand Corrected About Bart..." The Flash (1987) #208
Wally and Bart Work Together Against SB Prime Infinite Crisis (2005) #4
Wally Turns Thad into a Statue for Killing Bart All Flash (2007) #1 Wally's Thoughts About Bart After his Funeral... Teen Titans (2003) #50 Wally and Dick Toast Bart Nightwing (1996) #141
Wally and Bart Reunite After Bart Comes Back To Life Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5
Other Random Issues Impulse: Bart Saves The Universe The Flash (1987) #189 The Flash (1987) #214 The Flash (1987) #223-#224 The Flash (1987) #228-#230 The Flash (1987) #235 The Flash (1987) #241 Enjoy and happy reading!
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rolling-in-guano · 2 years ago
31DOD Day 23
Hear me out. So we've all seen the Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic
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But Dick Grayson has never been too involved with these events. Some of you may even know who Karai is, and I'm not talking about 2012 Karai who was Splinter's long lost daughter kidnapped by the foot or 2018 Karai who was a sweet grandma. I'm talking about the IDW 2011 comic book Karai.
Imagine this, Dick Grayson as Batman with his Robin the prickly Damian we know and love. Now, we know that Damian's grandfather, Ra's al Ghul, is an immortal leader of an assassin clan that bathes in mountain dew to maintain his flesh or whatever. And then Damian is searching for a nobler way through working with Dick!bats to make up for his past mistakes with the LOA.
Now enter Karai, the granddaughter of Oroku Saki, AKA the Shredder, who in the IDW version was the leader of the Foot Clan in feudal Japan. Shredder was then pickled in some sort of demonic juice until modern day where he was brought back to life so he could take over New York and have sex with his sexy immortal fox girlfriend. Sound familiar?
Here's Karai using her blood to bring back her pickled grandpappy in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History of the Foot Clan #4
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Batman (1940) #243
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I'm mean look at this loser getting it on in his mountain dew.
Anyway, so Dick is Batman and Damian is Robin and Karai ends up in in their universe somehow. Now Dick is dealing with two grandchildren who were raised to be assassins. I just think it would be real funny.
In Batman Unlimited, Damian ends up taking over the League of an Assassins. Karai ends up taking over the foot clan. I think they would get along in the strangest passive aggressive but also polite way. Then Dick is there being the responsible one keeping them from committing crazy murder. He would probably end up fighting Ra's again which I always enjoy:
Nightwing (1996) #152
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I want more of Dick kicking this crusty dudes ass.
I think this would give him a chance to eldest daughter syndrome it up with Leo as well as trauma bond over the fact that there are crazy assassin psychos out there obsessed with controlling their brains.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #29
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Lookit my poor baby who can barely recognize his own brother after trying to murder him. Ring any bells with Dick Grayson?
The IDW TMNT comics are pretty darn violent. Not for kids my friends.
Unrelated, sort of, but people are always trying to compare the robins with the four turtles. They always say that 3/4 is good enough but I think they are missing the obvious solution here. Stephanie Brown is a Michaelangelo. I think they would be fast friends! Stephanie is a robin too so she should get to hang with the turtles.
I think Damian would get along with Jennika though :)
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They are both sweethearts.
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sohotthateveryonedied · 4 years ago
Every single comic panel I could track down of Bruce and Dick being referred to as father and son
(part one of...four, maybe? i’m not doing a post for damian since this is for the non-biological kids, and i plan to cram cass and duke’s into one because there are sadly significantly fewer of those)
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Robin #13
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Li’l Gotham #14
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Batman: Curse of the White Knight #8
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Nightwing #118
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Gotham Knights #17
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RHATO (2016) Annual #1
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Tales From the Dark Multiverse: Dark Knights Metal
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Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Three #21
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Tales of the Teen Titans #50
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Batman #600
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Batman (1940) #57
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Batman #649
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Injustice: Gods Among Us #16
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Nightwing #79
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Nightwing (2016) #43
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Outsiders (2003) #44
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Nightwing (1996) #4
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Gotham Knights #26
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Gotham Knights #10
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Gotham Knights #21
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Nightwing (1996) #152
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Gotham Gazette: Batman Alive?
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Superman/Batman #76
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Batman #339
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New Titans #47
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Nightwing (2011) #30
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Nightwing (2016) #84
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Batman (1940) #20
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Nightwing (1996) #100
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Nightwing (1996) #106
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New Titans #111
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Gotham Knights #26
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Batman: Shadow of the Bat #34
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Batman (1940) #66
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Robins #6
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Batman #137
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Batman Year Three
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Gotham Knights #44
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Nightwing (1996) #134
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Catwoman (2018) #45
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Infinite Frontier #6
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bigskydreaming · 3 years ago
Okay, I saw a post where you were talking about Dick and Tim being detectives and shit, and you mentioned that Dick has beat Ra's in a sword duel
Do you remember which comic that was in perchance? I'd love to read it
That was in the 1996 Nightwing series, issue #152, by Tomasi. An excellent run overall, and one I highly recommend. Oh, if only Tomasi's original Nightwing run were regarded as definitively as Dixon or Grayson's. Sigh.
Its the second to last issue of the series, set after Final Crisis when Bruce is believed dead, but before Battle for the Cowl and when Dick takes over as Batman. Very much an in mourning issue, but great for Dick's thoughts on Bruce as well as those of Ra's, and also does a great job of showing how Dick compartmentalizes and a nice bit demonstrating how used to negotiating with his enemies Dick is.
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nightwingmyboi · 5 years ago
Hello! I was just wondering if you had knew the proper order to read Dick as Bats but with Damian as his robin? Thanks!
Sure! I couldn’t tell if you were asking for all the comics that have Dick as Batman or comics specifically where Dick and Damian are both present, so I just did a list for both. The ones in bold have both Dick and Damian present. This list is in my best attempt at an in-universe chronological order...it was hard but I tried (cries). Here we go: 
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Nightwing (1996) #138: Dick and Damian first meet. This is part two of seven in “The Resurrection of Ra’s al Ghul” arc. You can read the whole thing for context, but this one is the only one with significant interaction between Dick and Damian. 
Nightwing (1996) #152-153: Dick tries to reconcile with the fact that Bruce is gone, and that he will have to continue his legacy. These comics have Dick going head to head with Ra’s al Ghul, and also show him moving back to Gotham. 
Battle for the Cowl #1-3: Gotham City is in trouble, and Dick is forced to take on the mantle of Batman. 
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Batman (1940) #687-688: A lot of this is about Dick learning to be Batman, but you also see a lot of him talking about how he is planning to approach Damian. You also see some of the beginning of Dick training Damian as well. Technically an epilogue to Battle for the Cowl.
Batman (1940) #689-692: Dick continues to adjust to his role as Batman. Two-Face manages to sneak into the Batcave, and tests Dick’s conviction. 
Batman and Robin (2009) #1-3: Dick and Damian’s first time working together as Batman and Robin. 
Batman (1940) #693-696: While Batman takes to the streets, Damian is mostly delegated to training, in order to improve his detective work. Unfortunately, Damian doesn’t take the work seriously, leaving Dick vulnerable to Black Mask’s and Penguin’s plots…
Batman (1940) #697-699: Batman finishes dealing with Black Mask, and goes on to face the Riddler. 
Batman: Streets of Gotham #1-16: A collection of stories showing how Robin and Batman are adjusting to their new roles; the duo doesn’t have a lot of trust yet. Interestingly, these comics show more of how Hush was handled. They are also where Damian’s friend Colin is introduced for the first time. 
Batman and Robin (2009) #4-6: Batman and Robin versus a (somewhat out of character) Red Hood. 
Batman and Robin (2009) #7-9: Dick tries to resurrect Batman. Warning: this arc is extremely out of character for Dick and I hate everything about it. But this isn’t a comic rec list so I’ll include it, ugh. Here’s where you’d read this monstrosity. If you want to skip it, here’s all you’d need to know: 1) Damian went to his mother to heal his spine after Red Hood shot him, and 2) Dick and Damian now have reason to believe Bruce is alive. Bam, now you don’t even have to read it. 
Batman and Robin (2009) #10-12: Damian and Dick uncover clues that reveal that Bruce is alive. Meanwhile, Talia attempts to kill Dick...using her own son to do it. 
Batman (1940) #700: A special event that has sections where Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and a future Damian Wayne are Batman. A weird comic overall, but the parts with Damian and Dick are really pretty good. 
Batman (1940) #703: Dick and Damian have developed a solid partnership, though Damian is continuing to learn more about being Robin and about his father. The comic acts as a prelude to Bruce Wayne: The Road Home. 
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Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Bruce evaluates how things have been going in his absence, and gives his thoughts on the new dynamic duo. 
Batman and Robin (2009) #13-16: Dick and Damian struggle to deal with Professor Pyg, Joker, and Dr. Hurt. Bruce returns! 
Batman (1940) #704-712: Batman leaves Gotham to Dick while he puts Batman Incorporated into place. Damian, Tim, Azrael, and Selina all make appearances in this stretch of comics. 
Batman and Robin (2009) #17-22: Dick and Damian work together as Batman and Robin to stop Una Nemo, and then White Knight in the following arc. 
Batman and Robin (2009) #23-25: Dick and Damian team up with Jason to save his former sidekick, Scarlet. (Jason’s still acting a bit more extreme than you’d typically expect.) 
Batman: Black Mirror: This is a collection of Detective Comics #871-881. I’d say these are my favorite Dick!Batman stories ever. All the cases are very good (really chilling), and the characterizations are top notch stuff. Lots of Gordon, Barbara, and some Tim also. 
Batman (1940) #713: Damian tells the story of Batman and Robin. Very heartwarming. 
Batman: Gates of Gotham #1-5: A good story, it’s interesting to see how Dick interacts with his siblings (ie Cass, Tim, and Damian) as Batman. 
There’s definitely a bit of hopping back and forth required if you’re going to read it this way lmao. Also, here are some more comics with Dick as Batman that I was too lazy to try to put into the timeline here: 
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Superman/Batman #76: Superman’s reaction to Dick taking up the Batman mantle following Bruce’s death. Happens towards the beginning of Dick’s time as Batman. 
Blackest Night: Batman #1-3: Dick, Tim, and Damian deal with an army of Black Lanterns, composed of once-dead friends and enemies. Bruce’s body is stolen, and Dick and Tim have to face their parents’ reanimated corpses. 
Red Robin (2009): Mostly focused on Tim Drake. Dick and Damian appear in minor cameos throughout as well though. It’s interesting to look at Dick and Damian as they are in issue #1, with Damian being really rude and not listening to Dick at all, and then jumping to issue #12 and seeing just how much Damian now follows Dick’s lead and has changed while Tim was away. Idk, it’s just kind of cool. Issues #13-14 also have Tim working with the new dynamic duo as well. 
Batgirl (2009): This one is mostly focused on Stephanie Brown taking up the Batgirl mantle in the wake of Bruce’s death. Dick and Damian first meet Stephanie in issue #5...and they get off to a very rough start with her lmao. The team features heavily in #6-7 also. 
Titans (2008): This series starts off with Dick as Nightwing, but then he leaves the team to become Batman at the end of #10. He appears as Batman in: #15 with Garth, #21 with Starfire (really thought this one was interesting), #23 with Wally and Donna, and #28-30 with Slade. 
Justice League of America (2006) #41-60: Dick’s time on the Justice League with Donna. Likely takes place towards the middle and end of Dick’s time as Batman. 
Hope this is helpful to you! 
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huilian · 4 years ago
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Nightwing (1996), #152
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out-of-context-batfam · 5 years ago
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Nightwing (1996) #152
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nightwingcouldyounot · 6 years ago
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Oh my gods - Bruce you MELODRAMATIC SHIT. 
(Nightwing (1996) 152)
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aeligsido · 3 years ago
Hey @krinsbez! I looked for the references and so far i found uuuuh Nightwing (1996) v2 issue 152 for Dick (right after Dick won a sword fight against Ra's btw, i think it's part of the arc where Bruce is dead/believed dead?), and for Jason, I have Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011), V1 issue 24! Both happen at the end of the issue (they're also not the same continuity which is very funny I think)
Ra's: *calls Bruce 'Detective'*
Talia: 🤔
Ra's: *calls Dick 'Detective'*
Talia: 🤔🤔
Ra's: *calls Jason 'Detective'*
Talia: 🤔🤔🤔
Ra's: *calls Tim 'Detective'*
Talia: 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Talia: You don't remember their names, don't you.
Ra's, who's been shit at learning names since forever but refuse to admit it:
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batfam-belfry · 3 months ago
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of COURSE he is, Ra's. Snickers ALWAYS satisfy
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