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2:50am snack of pasta violife vegan smoked Gouda cheese and plant buttered English muffins taxes due in 45 hours #sa8die #sa8diebliss #tgirl #trans #plantbased #nightsnack https://www.instagram.com/p/CrIMIXKO_IJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Despite really trying, I do not have as much control over my Snacks as I would like. Still. I didn't eat everything and no nightsnacking took place, so.. progress?
Daily weighin: 177.0
Today's loss: 1.3 kg
Total loss: 3 kg
So far I've lost a brick in weight
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Snacks are as crucial a component of movie night🎥 as what you’re watching, whether you’re at the theater or at your home . Movie night doesn't just need to be popcorn🍿! FruitTreat Vacuum fried snacks🍟are the best option to make your movie night special😍. #movienightsnacks #movietimesnack #nightsnacking #indiansnacks #supersnacks #healthysnacks #anytimesnacks #nightsnacks #crispyandcrunchy #tastysnack #fruitchips #friedchips #crispychips https://www.instagram.com/p/CHc-kjCllZi/?igshid=oabn7dusa1pn
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Eens kijken wat hier morgenochtend van over is #chocolatechipcookies #nightsnacking https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_vyI3p2Hv/?igshid=17ixxp4afyxme
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#SHANGHAiMAGE# 3001 NIGHTS in SHANGHAI 上海三千零一夜 2013 : 康定路 Jul. 2013, Shanghai. ©xizi 2021 #shanghai #thatsshanghai #nightphotography #night #nightsnack #architecturephotography #city #citynight #urbannight #zaishanghai #livinginshanghai #streetphotography #insshanghai #上海夜里向 #jingandistrict (在 Shanghai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTdlUA5FiXf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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夜。深了 肚。餓了 碗。丘了 飯。稀了 匙。黃了 肉。鬆了 偶。肥了🤣 總有一天 餐具都會變卡丘色滴啊⋯🤪 #碗 #Bowl #丼鉢 #宵夜 #夜宵 #i13pro #稀飯 #粥 #海苔肉鬆 #唯豐肉鬆 #Nightsnack #皮卡丘的奇幻旅程 #ピカチュウスナップ #pikachu #pikastagram #pokemon #ピカチュウ #ピカスタグラム #ポケモンだいすきクラブ #피카츄 #皮卡丘 #比卡超 #pokemoncenter #pokemoncenteronline #taiwan #精靈寶可夢 @nintendoproperty @Nintendo.hk #任天堂 @ピカチュウ #ピカチュウ @Nintendo #Nintendo @Pokémon @Pokémon GO @pokemon_go_winners @中華民國(在 風和日麗) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUVLAArv_u9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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◻️◼️ . . . . . . . #nightoff #buildingmuscle #citypicz #roadkill #roadtosuccess #citygram #lightphotography #roadshow #architectureschool #citylandscape #darkwave #nightsnack #nightshots #nightdress #lightyagami #architecture_view #water_of_our_world #waterlust #citythatneversleeps #roadies #darker #lightbro #buildingstylesgf #lightpink #nightcrawler #waterside #roadhouse #nightwish #lightson #lightedlight (em São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCTpIADFaPu/?igshid=1t7lgr2sjl1k1
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It’s time for comforting, substantial snack. I must say, it’s English rarebit.It means cheese on toast with marmite. #nightsnack #quarantine #quaratinechallenge #marmite #loveorhate #leica #leicaq2 #leicaphotography #foodpictures #パンのある生活 #パンスタグラム #welshrarebit 夜食にはイングリッシュレアビットを。マーマイトを塗ったチーズトーストという料理です😆 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_r82AipLRh/?igshid=1fhbe420mh8qb
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I was looking for a snack... but unless I want baba anousch, Spicy mango hummus, shredded cheese or beer I'm out of Luck. Well, I also have some sauces and a few pickles, but I mostly like pickles with slices of cheese, which I don't have. I have a freezer full of food, but I decided to Just drink some water and go to bed. I'll Just have breakfast in the morning. I need to stop with the nightsnacking anyway. I had more toppings for my bread, but I eat almost anything, hummus and the baba anousch seem the only toppings I don't like enough on their own to snack on. Ah well. Shopping tomorrow
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broke: pop art woke: pop tart
#for real tho#shitpost#if anyone ever draws art for//of me#please involve pop tarts in some way#go home bonnie#pop tarts#broke woke meme#snacks#munchies#they are my 1 fave NightSnack#favorite things#dumb#lol#pop art#art meme
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發了這麼一段時間的文, 大家不知道有沒有發現很少出現傳統小吃的文章, 除了自己比較少吃這類的食物, 還有就是比較不會形容這類食物。 戽斗米糕, 這家老實說是我第一次吃, 在前一陣子的台南街道藝術節活動結束後, 肚子餓了, 於是去吃了甜點, 但還是有點小空虛, 所以就宵夜一條街的金華路看看, 發現這家人潮滿滿的戽斗米糕, 還有帥帥外國人自己來吃! 但我卻沒有點米糕, 除了晚上不好消化之外, 就是我看到更吸引我的豬油拌飯, 因為我真的很少看到有賣豬油拌飯的店家, 一般都是肉燥飯、米糕之類的, 然後也點了較清爽且少見的骨肉湯, 還有當然不能少了魯蛋、油豆��跟魯丸, 還有為了健康的燙青菜! 豬油拌飯 老實說, 這是我第一次吃, 一個活在傳統美食超多的台南人居然沒吃過, 而且老實說也比較少看到之類的店家, 既然這次讓我遇見了, 那就來吃吃看, 為什麼會有那麼多人愛吃豬油拌飯。 餐送上來, 看到的是一個類似迷你版的便當, 飯上面放了一顆半熟蛋, 還有三樣蔬菜, 吃之前一定要執行一項最重要的儀式, 就是戳蛋蛋! 最喜歡看到半熟蛋從筷子戳破的地方, 緩緩的流出蛋液, 然後滲入飯跟飯之前的空隙, 這時候再淋上些許的辣油, 再把他們拌一拌, 讓蛋黃液、鹹香的醬油,還有辣油, 把剛好軟硬度的飯包裹住, 直接讓整體的味道層次直接往上衝, 然後大大的扒進嘴裡, 喔~就是這股味道, 米粒的熱熱溫度跟醬香,蛋香, 在嘴裡一層一層的溫柔的炸開了, 然後淡淡的豬油香氣, 在滑下喉嚨後, 慢慢的從嘴裡回到鼻腔, 只能說這是一種心靈上的大滿足! 川燙後的空心菜, 還保有青綠的顏色, 脆口的口感, 淋上沒有肥肉的肉燥, 對我來說就是一個好的燙青菜, 有菜的清甜跟脆口還有肉燥的鹹香這樣就夠了! 魯蛋、滷油豆腐、跟魯丸 我吃起來是覺得都還蠻入味的, 尤其是油豆腐, 一咬下去滷汁就從裡面被擠壓出來! 骨肉湯 味道清甜爽口, 湯裡面有著不算少的骨肉還有清脆的豆芽菜, 骨肉嚐起來是Q軟有脆度的, 搭配上比較重口味的餐點會讓人吃的更覺得美味! #nightsnack #localfood #tainan #lardrice #vegetable #bonesidepork #braisedegg #braisedtofu #braisedmeatball #delicious #tasty #traditionalfood #midnightsnack #tender #authenticfood #traditionalflavor (在 戽斗米糕) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4bMWgTAYNc/?igshid=1hvq13aa1mtu4
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#rotitissue #nightsnack #sedap (at Johor Jaya) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch6IU3LPY_Gzpr9L7yut1BinayG2GBHy1SCglk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#igersvienna #snack #eierspeisbrot #nightsnack #scrambledeggs https://www.instagram.com/p/Br5xEiuhjAM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4n99ypjbor1k
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Nothing is better than ending the day with a cup of @benandjerrys ice cream. 😋 #benandjerrys #icecream #benandjerryseis #eis #benandjerrysicecream #benandjerryseurope #berlin #icecreamlover #eisgehtimmer #benandjerry #qualitytime #happy #ice #deutschland #lecker #sonnenuntergang #homesweethome #nightsnack #eisessen #balcony #summer #balkon #balconyview #balconylife #balkonien #love #mybalcony #sun #home #nature https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf7LeN5D2Zh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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