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exarchs · 1 year ago
" tia...." y'shtola tuts, the only indication that she was speaking to him being their proximity. she makes no effort to turn her head or even raise her voice. she expects him to hold on to every word she breathes, and he does. she's got her nose in a book, standing in front of the shelves as he'd scope for a specific tome. gloved hands turn her page, as if she had already ended the conversation. she spoke slowly, a methodical, low cadence that could only be hers. " i was under the impression a man's pride was in his name --- " expression unbothered, y'shtola turns another page. " or, after all this time, has all tradition escaped you ? " ⸻ signed , @nightseek
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THE SLAYING OF A HOARD of hippogryphs had proven simply as exhilarating as he's always dreamed . these long years of yearning , satiated in a mere instant . . . well , he's astonished , to say the least . exhaustion overtakes him , but it's welcome . it's different than the exhaustion he'd felt in crystal's vessel . there's soreness in his muscles , & he breathes with baited breath , & it all feels like he's been refurbished into a state of living he'd never thought to experience again . how wonderous .
now , he finds himself in a world of literature , scrolls , tomes alike . he is surrounded by knowledge , & his excitement for all things overtake the gleam in his eyes , the rise of his tail , & the flick of his ears . he tapers through them one by one , but his thoughts are stripped from their many lines of travel , & he's reigned in by the announcement of a name none other than his own . y'shtola's voice enters the room , though perhaps she's been here for some time , just unbeknownst to him . her presence here is not unusual , he's sure .
forgoing his search but keeping a mental tab of where he'd left off , his expression falls to curiosity as he turns in the direction she's spoken from . ❛ ah . ❜ an interesting subject to denote , but not one he'd expected to address so soon after accepting his placement among the scions . his eyes wander for a moment , as if searching for an answer easiest to provide , but fails with a lack of eloquence .
g'raha , of the gryphon tribe , has existed amidst the tells of time for centuries & while he cherishes the beginnings of what he remembers still , he needs not prove himself worthy through a convention of name . not that he ever cared much for such a tradition , simply opting to choose the title for himself . everything else has been lost to history .
❛ to say it has escaped me , is , well . . . i wouldn't go so far . instead , rather , i choose to have pride in myself as i am in this moment . this is a name i've long kept , and i treasure it as is . i have no desire to change it . ❜
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that1notetaker · 1 day ago
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@wixenforever @jundsthoughts Hello, I come with concept art ideas to get the NottPott AuI mentioned rolling, although Im not quite sure how to, yet. Can you feel the worldbuilding?
Also: I listened Into The Unknown for two hours straight because I realized it matches the exact vibes for a scene I have in mind.
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shuruzy · 4 months ago
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sketches of EO OCs and a W&L OC
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marewithfangs · 1 year ago
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the unyielding gaze of a self-made god.
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kyrie-silverwings · 5 months ago
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The Crew:
Kyrie Silverwings [Balmung] - free agent, with an undead twist
Kyrien Silverwings [Seraph] - world's most misfortunate lost lad
Erebus Nightseeker [Balmung] - local artist dedicated to pissing off others
Morag [Balmung] - chronically underemployed voidsent
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exarchs · 1 year ago
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COMPLETELY MESMERIZED BY words that crimson irises trail endlessly , he has forgone any implication that he might exist in this very realm . lost in hours consumed by the stillness of y'shtola's breathing intermingled with his own & the odd shift of pages every once every moment or so , he hadn't realized how much his neck ached from his awkward forward - bound posture . the woman breaks him of his spell & his eyes widen in an expression of confusion , better described by bewilderment . she speaks & he carefully settles himself back into the ways of relaxation ( something he'd long forgotten existed this day ) .
she approaches him with a question , & the silence that had filled the empty space between is now disrupted . he's not bothered , however , more so reveled with the fact that she'd bother starting a conversation with him . & so , he answers her with a finger wrapped around his chin & a click of his tongue , ❛ nothing that's caught my attention . ❜
he looks to her abandoned station & the amount of tomes organized in a way that seemed particularly y'shtola , & he'd opt to sigh in disappointment were he not so conscious of how his reaction may be perceived . instead , he stays silent , & listen to the weight of her voice disperse into the atmosphere . she seems plenty tired , & he cannot find it in him to blame her . returning to this state of existence has left him completely aware of the tightness in his muscles & the emptiness in his stomach .
yawning something quiet , he stretches his arms above his head & looks to her with an expression however curious , ❛ i'm like to believe that you've been just as unsuccessful . what say we take a moment to breathe some fresh air , perhaps clear our heads ? would you join me ? ❜
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against all predisposed impressions, and efforts to develop her reputation, y'shtola bored easily. a childish habit chalked up to her nature. she followed her nose, her endless passion for the unknown a reliable asset in many ways ---- though, undermining the sharlayan government by scouring through countless tomes of already researched material was a one-way ticket to lulling her to sleep.
how urianger seemed to escape such a fate was beyond her, but perhaps a blessing in disguise. those left to sharlayan were a quiet group, by nature or respect for y'shtola's temper, she didn't care to know.
however, what was done was done, and if there was a job to be doing, she would see it done, no matter how much she'd loathed it by now. it had been three days. krile and the twins seemed to be in and out, enjoying the daylight (?) outside, reporting their findings back to her intermittently. ( she'd only half listened. ) though ... throughout the hours, there was one scion who'd stuck behind, seemingly mirroring her own burrow of tomes. with her aether-vision, y'shtola was able to take in her surroundings objectively. g'raha tia situated himself within her earshot, though far away enough to grant her privacy. his pile of books rivaled her own, and to her knowledge, he hadn't left the "comfort" of the basement levels of the noumenon.
honestly, she hadn't spoken to him much, not at all. she knew of him, she'd served his purpose in the first. he didn't speak much with her, whether it be lack of topics of discussion, or little interest in conversation. in turn, y'shtola felt no need to force interaction with the fellow miqote. kinship or not, she was slow to warm to others.
milky aether blurred and smudged in her weariness. the words in front of her became an illegible sludge on the page, earning an exasperated groan from her lips. she was hungry. she was tired. but more than anything she was irritated. upset at the lack of a lead, upset at the absolute inhospitality from sharlayan, the seemingly endless task of milling through every archive ---
she stood, haphazardly marking her place in the book by placing it face down atop her working pile. she bridges into g'raha's territory, careful to step around his organizational system, and then slumps into an adjacent chair, curling in on herself. y'shtola allows the darkness to take precedence, resting her mind and body.
she senses him pause, as if unsure of how to, or if to react. she would take the opportunity to fill the silence with a question. " find anything of note ? " she croaks, muffled into her hand as she finds a comfortable position. ( she wouldn't sleep. she was just resting. yeah. ) / @exarchs
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scionshtola · 10 months ago
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muriel i am glad you like the weapons but pls cori has a wife
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ragnar0c · 2 years ago
I was into biology in HS. Researching poison is crazy bc I'll read the what it does to the physiology of the body and go 😟😟😨
Like yes hearing paralysis is scary, but also hearing exactly what the poison does and knowing how crucial the function is like.... oughh...
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kaleidoscopiclights · 10 months ago
The more I look at his designs, the more I feel like they're just copies of the best parts or concepts of Hawkeye's designs.
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helladventurers · 1 year ago
Already having fun coming up with a goofy dodge tank party for my nexus playthrough, party setup is gonna be less flexible than usual since I already have 4 out of 5 slots taken by permanent members, so as a compensation I'm trying to think of some stupid class combos for whoever ends up taking the final slot or looking for ultra specific niche situations I could use a specific class for
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that1notetaker · 5 days ago
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SINCE DAY ONE. @jundsthoughts @wixenforever
Another comic inspired by the awesome NottPott fic, The Burning of The Library by wixen here. In which Blaise is a suave motherfucker who wants Theo to get a hint, and ends up realising that the whole thing is deeper than both Draco and he thought. Theo remains oblivious for the most part, hidden under layers of intensity he doesnt have a name to yet.
Blaise, draco, who are used to this level of caring for one another from their parents. Also, common sense and Theo being an open hearted mf: 😳😳😳
Harry, somewhere: Ive never been more confused in my entire life.
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daleketer · 10 months ago
Pale skin and black blood.
Is this a symptom of a starved nightseeker? Or one who gorged himself on maiju?
Would a nightseeker who didn't indulge himself have pale skin and black blood?
Or perhaps could this be a symptom of Salali losing his humanity?
her troubled heart, her lying mind
her troubled heart, her lying mind
(part of the sagas of larja)
@sammyawrites (tumblr) | @sammyaworks (twitter) 
A/N: this is a short story written for @forgedzine! although preorders have ended for the print edition, you can still grab a copy of the PDF edition for as long as you’d like! make sure to check out all the incredible art featured within. 
The moons’ light welcomed them to the small town under the Mersa mountains in southern Ihai. Larjah set out to find a smithery as Rudra sought a place to pray. They had agreed to meet at the town’s inn. Larjah released her winds, pleased when they returned the faint scent of Salali, the nightseeker she was hired to kill.
Dropping off her damaged sword, she couldn’t help but feel frustration building toward their situation. How had Rudra’s pilgrimage turned into a cross-country hunt for a nightseeker?
Keep reading
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marewithfangs · 8 months ago
changed my header image to one that i drew a year ago or so. he's one of my 2 (3) main original characters, say hello to nightseeker!
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aaluros · 2 months ago
Since I've posted my MLP sona may as well show some OCs, I think I may make my sona live in their kingdom but idk.
These here are Princess Aurora and her loyal advisor, Mirage Nightseeker. Princess Aurora is a half-reindeer alicorn and Mirage is a unicorn ^^
Incoming ramble!!!
The backstory basically is after Princess Luna was banished, Aurora was born with the ability to enter ponies' dreams. The downside to this is she doesn't have any dreams of her own, and also has aphantasia.
At first she simply dream twinned with ponies, but over time she learned how to control things. She earned her horn by saving somepony from a nightmare, and eventually became princess of the Aurora Borealis, creating Aurora Borealis instead of rainbows and leaving her job at the rainbow factory.
In Luna's absence, she took over dream busting and guiding ponies through their nightmares. After Luna's return, she was placed over her own kingdom (similar to Cadence reigning over the crystal empire) and that place has a permanent Aurora Borealis thanks to her. She continues dream busting in her own kingdom, leaving equestria's dreams to Luna, but making the job easier on her since it's spread out more now.
She recently got herself a royal advisor, an illusion specialist unicorn who helps her to visualize things and also impersonates her when necessary, among other tasks like organization of events and so forth. The two have become rather close over time.
Some fun facts are that Aurora is mostly nocturnal, like Luna, and Mirage's "wings" are actually just markings (it's hard to tell in the drawing. But she's just a unicorn!). Aurora, having been in the job for awhile, is a little more carefree and confident but Mirage is very organized and keeps her grounded.
I think Mirage would get along well with the changelings since she sometimes uses her illusion magic in a similar way. Although for her I imagine it'd take more energy and have more possible flaws than a changeling.
I actually created Mirage three years ago but I totally revamped her design! I'll have to add these gals to my art fight actually.
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that1notetaker · 5 days ago
Hold on. No. Okay. Okay but. Blaise AND Fred and George.
Imagine them putting their differences aside to take the piss.
I feel like the slitherins dont really get the twins because they cause so much havoc. But the thing is that the twins aren't particularly malicious. Just vicious. And THAT is something Slitherin understands. Which MEANS that they would absolutely take the double edged sword and swing.
@wixenforever @that1notetaker
Hey, so, y'know my brain is braining and it's stupid o'clock so have some crack.
This but it's Draco and Blaise (or Fred and George once they get a whiff of this at the dinner next chapter let's be honest) taking the piss out of RuneSeeker.
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hdra77 · 1 year ago
Spearmaster x their shadow (nightcat)
Dont think this has a shipname so uhh dark spears? Nightstrike? Idk got any better names?
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Nightseeker?? im really terrible coming up with names
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