#nightmare is covered in plushies too
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lopsidedghoul · 7 months ago
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satorudoll · 2 years ago
Baby Gumi giving Toji the sus look when he saw the love bites on Mommy's chest
Toji forgot his baby has sharp senses for a baby and baby thought Toji ate his food or hurt Mommy lol
(im starting to feel like y'all wanna turn this acc into a toji thirst vault)
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Megumi always had a habit of looking up at his dad weird, the two year old boy always found his dad weird.
So he would spend most of his time toddling towards you and taking up any free space that was available next to you.
The baby boy loved to be in your arms very much, therefore everytime he woke up to find you already waiting there for him near his crib with a warm smile he'd try to get up on his small chubby legs holding onto the rail guards of the crib then forward one of his hands to make grabby hands at you.
You spent most of the day holding the baby boy in one arm and doing every other chore in your house while your husband was out for work because Megumi absolutely refused to leave your side unless he was in a deep slumber.
But as much competent the little boy was so was his dad, Megumi enjoyed all his fun time with you until it was time for his dad to come back from work, the two year old will get all pouty and fussy as soon as he'll hear the slamming of the front door and a loud "I'm home!" followed by the literal thudding of his dad's running feet.
The baby boy's brows would knit together and his tiny button nose would scrunch in distaste as soon as his dad would pull you away from his side to engulf you in a hug and lay bunch of his dirty smooches on your face.
ew, Megumi would think.
Megumi always got annoyed at his dad for doing these stuff to his mom, believing his mom was just a very nice lady to not turn his dad down.
The little boy knew his fun time was over as soon as his dad was home. He would toddle out of his room and find you sitting alone in the couch, peacefully watching television, then he would proceed to start running towards you almost tumbling in his steps just so he can climb up and sit down next to you.
But then the tall giant will casually walk in and let his entire body fall down horizontally on the couch, immediately planting his head on your thighs as well, leaving literally no space for Megumi.
The two year old boy would pause in literal disgust and shock,
This would get the two year old so mad that he would get down to pick up his toy spoon from the floor and start smacking it on the old man's head who in return would start yelling in surprise at why his son was being such a brat while you try pulling him away from his dad.
Now Megumi thought he has seen all the worst sides of his dad, until, one morning the baby boy wakes up way too early than usual due to a nightmare. Not finding you besides his crib he immediately manages to crawl up by standing on his little pile of plushies.
Megumi was indeed a smart baby.
Tumbling towards his parent's shared bedroom he could hear some weird noises coming as he got closer,
he was sure most of it were your voices though?
But you sounded like you were in pain??
He slowly opens the door which was already a bit agape,
he really couldn't understand what was going on since he was way too small and his vision could only go up so far.
But then he hears the loud sound of what he considered to be a slap along with the rough angry voice of his dad followed by your sobs,
he cannot believe his dad was hurting you ! Oh he always believed his dad was a mad man,
He was definitely worst than the monsters under his crib !
and that's all it takes for the baby boy's bottom lips to quiver and let the loudest wail out,
He felt like that helped because through his blurry vision he sees his dad immediately spring out of the bed, murmuring a string of what you taught him were "bad words" while fumbling around for something.
Your head pops out of the covers as soon as you were done fixing your night gown but the two year old was way too busy crying and rolling fat drops of tears down his red cheeks to realize that you had taken him in your arms.
"Gumi- baby what's wrong- " you try to rock him in your arms but that didn't seem to be helping,
"you are just like me kid, all grumpy early in the morning" His dad tries casually playing it off after slumping down besides you both,
but the 'just like me' causes the baby's cries to get even worst making you pass your husband a mad glare for saying that,
Toji stares at you both offended.
"I'm sorry, mommy wasn't there this morning- Won't happen again honey! I'll play with you all day today, we wont be able to play if you keep crying!" you smile as he starts to slowly quite down at those words.
"What a good little boy" You praise, slowly caressing his head and moving his little black baby hair away from his forehead.
His pout is still on his face as his vision moves down from your face but then it stops,
while Toji was joking at you about how he deserves the 'good boy' title as well and you were busy brushing him off, you both failed to notice the little boy's growing frown as he stared at all the purple bruises around your neck and collar bones.
He feels his vision start to get blurry again and then its there again,
His mouth opens wide showing off the two new set of teeth as he starts crying bloody murder.
You gasp in panic not understanding what had happened again.
As you tried to rock him again he tried getting away from your arms and instead stretching his hand towards his dad as he continued balling his eyes out.
That confused you and Toji,
He has never chosen Toji before for comfort as long as you were there,
But Toji was a little too happy to care,
"Does my little boy wanna be with daddy??" He coos, stretching his arms out for you to hand the baby to him,
"I knew you always had a soft spot for me kiddo" he gushes as soon as he takes his baby boy in his arms.
But the happiness didn't seem to have lasted long, because as soon as Megumi gets close to his dad's face his little hands flung up to grip on the locks of his dad's hair.
"What's u-" He yelps when the baby boy starts to twist and turn his fists while he continues to babble something only another baby could make out and sob like he was the one in pain,
"Oh god- baby you shouldn't do that come here-"
You try pulling Megumi back in your arms, but he is willing to take Toji's head along because he just wasn't loosening his grip.
"Gumi ! mommy will cry if you don't pay attention to her !" You make a pouty face and put your hands on your hips while Toji was busy yelping and cursing not caring that the little boy could hear everything
But that immediately gets the baby's attention because he instantly turns his head around and starts crawling to you as his cries slowly starts dying down.
"Demon child !" Toji points as he runs his hands through the locks of his hair, rubbing at the area that his son almost got him bald at,
You lift the baby up in your arms as you look at Toji,
"and don't you curse again in front of our baby" you knit your brows before turning your attention to the two year old and wiping the tears away from his puffy cheeks.
"So I'm the bad guy here??" Toji questions, looking defeated.
You shrug and walk away with Megumi in your arms who had finally gotten quite.
Oh you and Toji had a lot of explaining to do to this little boy, but that wasn't a headache you both were willing to take for Monday morning.
Maybe later at night, when Megumi will seemingly be a bit less pissed at his dad.
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deathbysnakes · 8 months ago
How Different Harbingers Sleep
Harbingers x Reader (Romantic (Tartaglia, Pantalone, La Signora, Sandrone, Scaramouche, Arlecchino, Columbina, Il Dottore, Il Capitano, & Pierro) Platonic (Pulcinella))
Warnings:Swearing/ Mentions of alcohol in Pierro's part
Pronouns:He/Him (Male harbingers) She/Her (Female Harbingers) You/Your (Reader)
Fluff/ Crack/ A tiny bit of agnst
Explanation:How the harbingers sleep with and without you. (Minus Pulcinella)
Past (Before dating you/ sleeping habits)
Always moving but when he falls asleep, he’s in a star fish position. Will either sleep completely naked or with boxers on, and snores, not too loudly though. Has frequent nightmares but doesn’t struggle with falling back asleep after the nightmares, if they don’t involve his family. Has plushies scattered across his bed that frequently fall off of his bed. Uses a thin ass blanket because of his scary resistants to the cold and will sleep with the window open.
Present (Now dating you)
You wake up in the middle of the night to him on top of you, like, suffocating you, but as you date him longer, he eventually stops and gets used to the fact that he now shares a bed with you. Sometimes, when you’re in bed waiting for Tartaglia to come to bed, and he eventually comes to bed, start running towards the bed and jump on you. When he has nightmares about his family, he’ll pretend like it doesn’t bother him if you wake up around the time he has the nightmares, but you can tell he’s not okay, and you usually just have to hold him, and he falls back asleep in your arms.
Past (Before dating you/ sleeping habits)
Has a skincare routine that he will do before bed, sleeps with those eye masks on, and his sleepwear is a fancy robe. Doesn’t move around much but might move around a little, and sleeps on his side, and doesn’t snore. Everything is silk, the pillow cases, the bed sheets, the blankets, he loves silk. Gets easily cold so he has curtains around his bed to trap the warm air around the bed.
Present (Now dating you)
After a while, will start to cling to you as you both sleep, but it takes a bit of time for him to warm up to the idea of it. Will encourage you to also do skincare with him before going to bed and even insist on doing it for you once you’ve been dating for a while. Likes to talk with you a bit before falling asleep while holding your hand and using his thumb to slowly rub the back of your hand, and WILL give you a goodnight kiss before bed on your forehead.
La Signora
Past (Before dating you/ sleeping habits)
Of course, like Pantalone, she has a skincare routine, sleeps with an eye mask, and wears a fancy robe. Her bed is covered with fancy fur blankets and has a shit tone of pillows on her bed, but is really only to make her bed look nice, and will sleep on top of the fur blankets due to how hot she gets at night. Sleeps like a dead person, she never moves and is completely silent when sleeping.
Present (Now dating you)
Like Pantalone, insists on doing your skincare before bed. Sleeps with one arm around you, or at lest holding your hand. Loves playing with your hair while dozing off to sleep, it calming to her. Has a death grip on you through out the night and refuses to let you get out of bed in the morning until she’s fully awake. Is actually a really good at singing and will sing you a lullaby to help you fall asleep if needed.
Past (Before dating you/ sleeping habits)
Barely sleeps, but will sometimes sleep. Her bed is STIFF, and she somehow finds it comfortable. Sleeps on her back with her arms at her sides. Has really weird dreams throughout the night that will sometimes inspire her creations. Does a bit of skincare, but not a lot. Wears a white victorian nightgown to bed. Has no trouble getting up in the morning and can somehow run on four hours of sleep with no sugar or caffeine. Never ever moves when sleeping, it’s kinda freaky.
Present (Now dating you)
As soon as you wake up, she’s telling you about the dream she had and will occasionally wake you up in the middle of the night to tell you about her dream. She enjoys it when you lay your head on her chest as you sleep. Wants to wear matching nightgowns with you for some reason, it doesn’t matter your gender, she will somehow convince you to wear matching nightgowns.
Past (Before dating you/ sleeping habits)
He doesn’t really need sleep, but will sometimes take naps. His bed is pretty basic, and he never makes or cleans his bed, but doesn’t really have to, and will sleep with his clothes on. Snores, loud, and he doesn’t know. Will occasionally hug a pillow as he falls asleep. Has occasional nightmares that keep him up, mostly about Dottore and the experiments done on him, but time to time, will have a nightmare about his mother.
Present (Now dating you)
He really just stays up and watches over you as you sleep, and will vent to you while your sleeping or just talk about things he's to shy to talk about when he's awake. Will go stiff if you hug him while you're sleeping, but won't push you away. Might play with your hair as you sleep if you're a heavy sleeper, oh yeah, and he will test how good you sleep by making sounds, stacking stuff on top of you, and so on. Once he's been with you long enough, he'll start to cuddle you as you sleep. Like Tartaglia, Scaramouche will deny having nightmares when you notice something is off about him, but if you wait long enough, he'll start telling you about his nightmares.
Sleeping habits
Definitely wears those old men pajamas with those wired little hats. Snores a bit, but not too loudly, but does have the grandpa snore. He sleeps with both of his hands over his chest, like he was put in a coffin. Overall, he doesn't really do much when going to bed, but he is a pretty heavy sleeper and can get up pretty easily in the morning.
Past (Before dating you/ sleeping habits)
Has a strict bedtime routine for both her and the children of the house of the hearth. 6:45 pm, bath time, 7 pm, change into sleepwear, and brushing teeth, 7:10 pm, possibly a group bedtime story, 7:30, bedtime, any who disobey these rules will be punished. She wears a pj set to bed and sleeps on her side with her hand under her pillow, unmoving, and completely quiet. Won’t let her children sleep in the same bed as her after a nightmare but will comfort them, occasionally, often just sends the child off to bed, but if the child is close to a teen, will send them off to the teens room it hopes that the teen will comfort the child for her. Gets up easily in the morning and has a strict morning routine too.
Present (Now dating you)
Will try to get you to join in the bedtime and morning routine, but won’t push, will melt if you read the children bedtime stories and praise you on being a great caretaker (or parent). Not very cuddly but will occasionally sleep with one arm around you. Will be a bit annoyed but amused if you let a child who had a nightmare sleep in the same bed as you two, but the child has to be beside you, not in between or beside Arlecchino.
Past (Before dating you/ sleeping habits)
Doesn't sleep till like, 2:00 at night, and wakes up at 1:00 in the morning. Practices singing before bed and will even volunteer to sing lullabies to the children of the house of the hearth. Does a bit of skin care, but not a lot. Sleeps with a wired sleeping mask, the ones were it makes you look like you sleep with your eyes open. All of her sleep wear are flowy nightgowns, refuses to sleep in anything else for some reason.
Present (Now dating you)
Extremely cuddly, and has a tight grip on you. Insists on singing you a lullaby before bed. Also, tries to get you into the sleep masks that make you look like your eyes are opened. Talks a shit tone before bed, and it's always dumb stuff. "Hey [Name], why are oranges called oranges, but an apple not called a red?" You'll wake up to her grip even tighter around you, lord forbid she puts her arms around your neck...
Il Dottore
Past (Before dating you/ sleeping habits)
Doesn't really sleep, only sleeps when he passes out from exhaustion, this is actually the reason for most of his scars. He lokey just wakes up with a broken nose, and has almost lost one of his eyes on mutable occasions. On the rare occasion he does take a nap, won't bother to take his clothes off, will have his shoes on to bed. He has been trying to find a way to not have to sleep. Some of his more bolder and stronger clones have drawn on his face once or twice, none have gotten away with it.
Present (Now dating you)
Actually starts sleeping, but not as soon as you two start dating, it definitely takes time, but eventually starts. He wants to cuddle, but doesn't know how to ask, and is scared of rejection. You'll have to be the one to Initiate, then farther on in the relationship, will just kinda latch onto you as soon as you get in bed. Actually starts undressing when getting into bed, and now only wears his underwear to bed. Will try to get you to do skin care before bed for your health, but won't do any for himself, but it's definitely possible to get him to do skin care with you. If he's out on a mission, all his clones are down to cuddle with you, especially the younger ones between 20-26, or even the little ones (platonically ofc).
Il Capitano
Past (Before dating you/ sleeping habits)
Doesn't really sleep too, but sleeps more than Dottore does. Sleeps only in his underwear, and out of habit, will sometimes accidentally sleep with his mask on. Always makes his bed after sleeping, kinda a neat freak. Basically a log when sleeping, never moves, and you can't tell if he's breathing or not. Heavy sleeper, his house could be burning and he wouldn't wake up, but would somehow survive and get up in time for work. Will sometimes mumble in his sleep, and doesn't dream, at all.
Present (Now dating you)
Down to cuddle, but will be fine if you don't want to, it's 50/50 with him, but if you are a cuddler, you will experience some of the best cuddles you've ever felt. Human heater, great for Snezhnaya's cold weather. Mumbles about you in his sleep. Refuses to sleep till you get in bed with him, and will watch your every move and follow you everywhere till you get in bed. Gets kinda clingy in the mornings and will cook you breakfast.
Past (Before dating you/ sleeping habits)
Sleeps in a fancy silk robe and snores, LOUDLY. Has a tone of nightmares, resulting in him having to stay awake for a few minutes before feeling comfortable enough to sleep again. When he does wake up from a nightmare, will get out of bed and have a snack or a drink, possibly alcohol (I can totally see him being a foodie) then going out on the balcony to just sit there and eat/drink. He's always still tired when he wakes, no matter how long he sleeps, a morning shower and a cup of coffee always helps him wake up.
Present (Now dating you)
I hope you're not a light sleeper because if you are, you'll be waking up to the sound of his snoring a lot. When he has nightmares, he wants to wake you but feels guilty, but sometimes, if the nightmare is bad enough, he'll wake you. Would love it if you got up with him to sit on the balcony while he or you both eat or drink, you get to sit on his lap. You'll go to sleep on either side of the bed and wake up cuddling, he might not look like it, but likes physical affection a lot, but only from you.
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plumeria1 · 2 months ago
Jinx new friend
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Note : Jinx and Isha deserved more time together 😢 Hope you like it 😉
Warning : None
Content : Fluff and a bit of angst ? (I'm not sure)
Pairing : Jinx x Fem Reader, Isha x Fem Reader (platonic)
Summary : Jinx is not alone when you come home
You were walking through the streets of Zaun with your head down, a hood covering your hair, passing through the less frequented streets and making sure not to attract anyone's attention.
You held tightly to the bag you had brought, now filled to the brim; it was a bit heavy, but it was worth it.
You were coming back from Piltover, where a small festival was taking place, in the city and the opportunity was too good to miss.
Generally, you didn't go to Piltover often, but today you had a very specific reason: to find a gift for your girlfriend, Jinx.
With Jinx's face plastered on every wall in Zaun and Piltover, you had agreed that it was better for her to keep a low profile for a while.
Jinx didn't always stay in your hideout; she often wandered the streets of Zaun but she made sure not to be noticed.
Jinx hadn't been doing very well lately. Accidentally killing Silco had really affected her. She stayed in bed for a week without getting up. Every time you returned from a trip through the streets of Zaun, she would drag you to bed, lay her head on your chest, and stay there without moving for several hours, allowing you to run your fingers through her hair.
Sometimes her nightmares were so intense that her screams would wake you up. In those moments, you would take her in your arms and spend long minutes comforting her, and often she would end up falling asleep in your arms.
That's why you had taken advantage of this day to give her a gift: in your bag was an adorable all-white cat plushie, and you had immediately known that Jinx would love it.
She was surely going to cover it with all sorts of colors, and you didn't mind at all; you loved seeing her have fun drawing on everything and anything. It always made her happy, and seeing her like that made you happy too.
You descended the hidden staircase that led to your hideout, hearing Jinx long before you saw her.
-What am I going to do now? It's not like I could chase you away, you'd just end up alone. Who would take care of you ?
You thought she was still talking to her voices. It happened to her often lately, surely because of Silco's premature death. But the more you heard her, the more it seemed like she was talking to a real person.
You placed your bag at your feet and removed your sweatshirt, freeing your braid from the hood, and let the air refresh you before joining Jinx.
-Jinx, who are you talking to ?
She turned around abruptly and had a slight embarrassed look upon seeing you.
-Um. I need to tell you something.
Behind her, you saw a little girl timidly appear, who didn't seem older than 10 years old. She was brunette and wore a miner's helmet; her amber eyes never left you.
-Who is she ?
-Her name's Isha, she fell on me. Literally. I mean, I was walking down the street when she fell on me.
You looked at Isha more closely. She didn't seem mean or dangerous. Jinx didn't seem to be wary either, which meant there was nothing to fear.
Your voice softened.
-What is she doing here, did she follow you?
Jinx didn't let anyone else but you and Sevika come here; the only other person who could set foot here without being chased away by Jinx's gun was Silco, but now he would never come again.
-I brought her with me. I don't even know why. I couldn't leave her there all alone. I had to do something.
She really didn't seem to know why she had brought this little girl. But if Isha was alone, it surely meant her parents were dead, because in Zaun, no parent abandons their child.
That's when you understood. Just as Silco had done for her all those years ago, Jinx had now, in turn, saved an abandoned child deprived of her family.
Behind her, Isha continued to look at you shyly, her golden eyes seeming lost, shifting between you and Jinx without really knowing where to settle them.
You hadn't said anything, but Jinx knew you wouldn't chase this little girl away because you loved children and knew what it was like to be alone without parents.
You approached her and crouched down to her level. She backed away a bit when she saw you reach into your bag, but she calmed down when you offered her a candy with a smile.
-It looks like you've just found yourself a new home, sweetie.
Isha caught you by surprise when she threw herself into your arms, her head against your chest, and hugged you tightly. You smiled and stroked her hair.
Jinx looked at both of you, and for the first time in a long while, a small smile spread across her lips. She knew that everything would be better now.
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somethingisoccuring · 1 month ago
nightmares and coffee - s.r
PARING : sukuna x fem!reader
GENRE : alternate universe, modern au
WARNING/S : uncle!sukuna, nephew!yuji, kinda angsty?, intense cuddling and tears, yuji has a nightmare and cuddles up with sukuna, implied past argument, Yuji has trauma
A tired sigh escapes my mouth as I reach for yet another cup of coffee, its way past midnight, previous words keeping me awake. My shoulders are slumped as I sit at my kitchen island, perking up slightly when I hear the soft patter of bare feet.
“Auntie?” The soft, tired voice of Yuji enters the dim-lit kitchen. I turn my head, the boy clutching tightly onto his teddy bear while rubbing his eyes tiredly.
I turn towards him, opening my arms to let him come sit in my lap. “What’s the matter honey?” I whisper gently, running fingers through his pink hair.
“I had a bad dream. Are you and uncle suku’ mad again?” He asks, blinking innocently up at me. I almost laugh at the boys awareness, only shaking my head as I press a kiss to his head.
“Let’s get you to bed.” I announce, standing up as he wraps around me, hiding his face in my neck.
“I don’t want to go to my room. Wan’ to sleep with you and uncle suku’.” He murmurs, stopping my steps for a moment.
I sigh again, turning to walk towards my shared bedroom. “Okay hun.” I nudge the door open with my foot, tossing my slippers across the floor blindly.
As Yuji and I curl up under the covers, he still clutches his teddy bear tightly. “You can’t leave me and uncle suku’.” His bottom lip wobbles, picking at the hair of his plushie.
“I don’t like when you argue. I don’t want you to leave.” Tears begin to fall down his cheeks, sniffling loudly. A long, muscled arm drapes over the two of us. “She’s not goin’ anywhere brat. And neither am I.” Sukuna’s tired voice fills my ears, my shoulders naturally relaxing.
I look up at Sukuna to find him already looking at me. His other hand comes to my face, thumb caressing my cheek. I smile tearfully, looking at my two boys, being here with them cooling my nerves.
“I love you guys.” I murmur softly, kissing Yuji’s head. Yuji curls into my arms, said boy holding onto his uncle’s arm.
“Go to sleep honey. It’s okay. We’re here now.” I begin to caress the boys head, tears reducing into sniffles as he slowly falls asleep.
Sukuna tiredly sighs, pulling the two of us closer to him. His hand grabs my chin, pulling my face to his to deliver a soft kiss to my lips. “Love you kuna’.” I murmur, eyes dropping tiredly.
“I love you too brat. Go to bed.” He gruffly says, tangling his legs with mine. Now, the three of us are fast asleep in bed, coffee and petty argument long forgotten.
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ghvst-ing · 10 months ago
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Simon is a light sleeper.
So it’s no surprise he wakes to even the smallest of noises, the quietest disturbances that wouldn’t bother most.
The soft creak of the door is what rouses him from his slumber this night, and as his eyes blink open tentatively, adjusting to the darkness within his bedroom, he could just barely notice the silhouette of his little girl.
He lifts his head from the pillow with slightly squinted eyes, watching as she makes her way towards his bed. Her feet padded softly against the floorboards, a stuffy you got her when she was just a newborn held tightly in her arms.
“What’s wrong, sweet’eart?”
The endearment tumbles from his lips easily, his voice gruff with sleep, yet complemented by a gentle undertone that was reserved only for his child, one filled with adoration.
“Nightmare…” She whispers, her bottom lip trembling into a frown.
Simon holds back a sigh as she stops by the foot of the bed. He shifts, the bed frame groaning quietly under his weight, and lifts up the comforter that covers him as an invitation.
He tried to give her a small smile. “C’mere,” he muttered in the most comforting tone he could muster.
He couldn’t quite see the red that rimmed her brown eyes, yet he could sense its presence from the shakiness in her voice, laced with sleepiness.
Without hesitation, she climbed into the spot beside him, curling into his chest with a sniffle. Her small body fit against his as a large arm circled around her, rubbing circles on her back over the material of her soft pink pajamas.
“Wanna talk ‘bout it, sweet?” He asked, his brow barely rising in question as he let her snuggle up to him.
His hand found its way to her cheek in the darkness, a calloused finger wiping away the dampness that remained on her supple skin. She shook her head, gripping the ghost plushie tighter.
Silence fell between them, and he rested his eyes for a brief moment, adjusting the comforter to rest snugly just under her chin. He understood her unwillingness to explain. He, too, never favored talking about the things his mind decided to make him relive.
“T’was ‘bout mum,” the seven year old uttered after a while, the words barely reaching his ears as she said them so quietly, tears welling in her eyes once again. Simon sunk his teeth into his bottom lip as he listened, and moved to hold her closer. “I miss her..”
He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat, dipping his head slowly to press a small kiss to the top of his child’s head, her ruffled hair tickling his skin.
“I miss her, too.”
It has been hard since your passing, the loss so sudden. But it was the reality he had been given.
“So much..”
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bunnylovesani · 1 year ago
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CW: sexual content, ddlg aspects, stepcest
Thinking about stepbro Ani grinning a twisted smile when you crawl into his bed in the middle of the night after a nightmare, clutching your teddy plushie tightly as you cuddle up to him. “What’s wrong sweetheart? ‘nuther nightmare?” He’d try to console you but you were simply inconsolable- which is why he just had to snake his hand down to that spot between your legs, gripping your thighs apart while he pumped his fingers into you. Muffled moans and squeaks escaped your mouth a little too loudly so he covered it with his big-knuckled hand- he couldn’t have your parents hearing something like this.
After you’d gotten needy and started sobbing for more, he flipped you onto your back, making you cuddle your teddy while he slid his cock into you, pounding your sensitive pussy until you were quivering- still sore from last night’s nightmare. “That’s right baby, hold onto your teddy.” He’d encourage you while you shoved your face into the fur, gnawing at it every time Ani hit the spot that gave you butterflies. “Mm Ani, I feel fuzzy again.” You’d whimper, feeling like something was about to explode in you. “That’s okay baby, let go for me. You’re safe with your big bro.” He feels guilty- he does, but never quite enough to stop.
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thatawkwardmoth · 9 months ago
I'm sorry but if you think Logan would be a bad dad or just straight up not care about his children, read the comics or watch X-Men evolution.
Yes, Logan is a brute and he's 'not nice' a lot of the time. But if you think that this man wouldn't raise Laura, Gabby, Jubilee and all his other little shitheads out in a cabin in Canada, far away from people (but close enough for cell service, he gets it Jubilee, please stop yelling in his ear about Instagram), you're dead wrong.
Gabby's room would have built in bookshelves and she'd have a killer treehouse outside, her bedframe would be hand carved wood with pieces meant to withstand her claw for a while. She'd have plushies and posters and whatever she wanted. Logan could go without food for a while just for her to get the things she liked. She could not go without food and neither could the rest of the shitheads. Yes, Laura is her main adult but Logan won't let Gabby have a lackluster childhood.
Laura's room would be covered. With whatever she wanted. Even if she changed her mind and redecorated a thousand times, it's her room. It's not a cell or some blank white room. She's not X-23. She's his girl, the Wolverine. She can have a small gym set up to train and keep her active, 100%. But she'll come to eat when called and won't overdo it, healing factor or not. Or Logan will lock the door and ground her. He keeps the porch light on for her every night, knowing sometimes she just wants to run, to stretch her legs and feel the freedom she has. He'll wait on the porch, beer in hand and offer her some food when she's back. Tell her Gabby's asleep and she's fine, like Laura can't hear her snoring. She's got his attitude and they butt head but he'll always be the first to remind her she's not an experiment. She can put up a hundred dumb posters and read a hundred dumb books that aren't educational, he doesn't care. He'll even listen with minimal grumbling.
Jubilee's room is more adult than her old one is. It's got a jack and jill bathroom that leads to Shogo's little nursery. It's not used very often, but it's got all the updated supplies, for her and the baby. She's got the whole lawn to use her powers and not deal with complaints (unless it's the people inside the house), a hand made playhouse for Shogo when he gets older. She's got it all, whenever she wants to just run away. Whenever she needs a vacation or just to come see him.
Kitty's got one too, it's not changed. She can be the Red Queen to Krakoa, the fearsome Shadowcat to others but she's still got a room at his cabin with pictures upon pictures lining the walls, plush X-Men toys bought with Jubilee to annoy them, little notes from Rachel and Illyana. It's like a piece of the old Shadowcat Logan refuses to let Kitty Kate get rid of. She's got her own bathroom so she stops phasing through the doors and walls of the other ones without knocking and she's got a little balcony for her plants to die on because she never remembers to water them and Logan also forgets even though he tries to remember.
Logan's got a room that he hardly ever uses. He finds the girls in it (and his sons sometimes) in it more than he is. His bed is the communal 'i had a nightmare but we're not talking about it' place. It's the only reason he's got a TV in there. To turn on whatever dumb thing they want to watch, even if he hates it, he'll sit through nine seasons. There are stickers on his dresser (on most things actually, Gabby's personal signature), a giant plush dog bed for Jonathan the Wolverine, multiple pillows he doesn't use but they do. He even made sure to buy a comfortable blanket set even though he doesn't care at all when it comes to himself. He's survived worse but if it brings them comfort, he's going that extra mile.
He's stunted emotionally and sometimes messes up but this cabin, the one he's fixed up and added onto, he knows he did right by them with this. But he refuses to fix the creaky steps or the painted light switches, the chipped tiles or the old decorations that he shoves in the attic. Those are the character the house has, memories he doesn't want to lose like he's lost so many before.
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sugurugetofavoritemonkey · 9 months ago
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Summary : After a nightmare, you come to Cloud for comfort. In other words, you both sweetly make out.
Pairing : Cloud Strife x Reader
Word Count : 1.015 words
Warnings : fluff, very brief mention of nightmare, kisses.
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It was very late at night but you still decided to knock at Cloud’s room door.
You were a member of the Avalanche group and you had to admit that during missions you were more likely to have nightmares. You were stressed and you wanted to be useful in the team, you were putting way too much pressure on yourself and that often lead you to sleep awfully. The only thing on your mind during these moments, was to seek comfort towards the only person that you trusted since your childhood : Cloud.
Cloud was used to you knocking at his door, he already knew the reason why, as he opened his door to see your trembling figure. You held your favorite plushie in your right hand, that Cloud started to know all too well, and your face silently asked if you could sleep with him. Cloud always tried to keep his usual cold demeanor when he saw you like this but how could he refuse anything to you when he saw you silently pleading for comfort ? You were rubbing your eyes sleepily as Cloud gently took you by the arm to guide you to his bed, making you lay down and putting the covers back on you before joining you on the other side of the bed.
At first, when you would come to him in similar circumstances in the past, Cloud slept with his back facing you, in hopes that you wouldn’t notice how flustered he felt in your presence. But it was different now, Cloud no longer felt embarrassed as he faced you, his eyes softly looking into yours as a ray of moonlight shined through his curtains to highlight your now calming features. Hesitantly Cloud reached out to carefully let his thumb caress your cheekbones.
« Feel better ? »
You nodded at him as your eyes closed at the feeling of his comforting gesture, almost leaning into his touch, as Cloud’s gaze never left your face. His eyes dreamily admired every details of your face and body, how your furrowed brows slowly eased, the way your breathing became calmer, as a small smile, that only Cloud could notice, started to make its way on your lips and your fingers that silently reached to grab hold of Cloud’s clothes, making the both of you even closer. Cloud quietly chuckled at you as he murmured to himself.
« You know, I wonder why you keep on trying to sleep in your own room if my bed is that comfier »
You halfway opened your eyes to look at him with a smile.
« Is that an offer Cloud ? »
He looked the other way as he thought about it.
« More or so »
Every time the two of you were sharing a moment together, your bond would strengthen, the words exchanged would get nicer and the gestures more lovely. Cloud grew very fond of you, as did you with him, it was very much obvious to everyone.
As your gaze started to linger on his face, alternating between his eyes and his lips, the room faded into a comfortable silence, Cloud’s eyes mirroring yours.
You were the one to initiate something. Your body came closer to his, sharing his warmth as your left hand delicately rested on his cheeks, caressing his skin as your face was inches away from his. With the proximity, you shared the breath of one another and you looked back at Cloud’s eyes to see if he was okay with this. The answer was more than obvious as his gaze lingered on your own lips. His right hand placed itself on your jaw as his mouth found yours into a soft shy kiss that grew into more small kisses. Cloud didn’t find the will to stop kissing you nor did he wanted to. Your kisses were as shy as his as you just enjoyed the intimate moment you were sharing with him.
Cloud’s kisses became needier after a few minutes as his right hand hesitantly went to hold your waist as he squeezed it gently, making you let out a little gasp out of suprise. Cloud took advantage of it and curiously put his tongue into your mouth, the new sensation making Cloud softly moan into your mouth as he gripped your waist just a bit tighter. As Cloud’s breathing and yours became slightly heavier, you broke the kiss for a moment as lovely gazes were exchanged.
Your curious lips went to pressed sweet open mouthed kisses on the column of his throat, making Cloud sigh in appreciation before he took your face in his hands to make you look back at him. He desperately needed to feel your lips on his once again, like you held the answers to all his questions. His kisses were more intense and warm than before but still held the affection that he felt for you. The only sounds that could be heard in the room were your mouths almost making love to each other and the little gasps that slipped between kisses. After a moment the kisses exchanged started to get lighter, almost like a feather-like touch. Cloud’s hand gently caressed your jaw as he slowly covered your face in kisses, making your smile grow in affection. A kiss was placed on your forehead, between your brows, on your nose, cheeks, on the tip of your left ear and a last one on the corner of your lips.
You closed your eyes as sleep was starting to envelop your body in a soothing embrace, a content smile still lingering on your face as Cloud put a stray lock of hair behind your ear. He whispered to you with gentle eyes, as his nose playfully rubbed with yours before Cloud’s arms enveloped you protectively, like he was guarding his most vulnerable treasure.
« Sleep well »
That night you slept without any nightmares in your mind but you weren’t the only one that slept soundly, it was one of the first nights Cloud didn’t have nightmares as well, as his form didn’t let go of yours.
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interesting-interludes · 1 year ago
the comforts of creatures (6)
creature comforts:
↳ material/bodily comforts, such as food, warmth, or special accommodations, that contribute to physical ease and well-being
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→ pairing: ot7 x fem.reader
→ genre: supernatural!au, soulmate!au, hurt + comfort + recovery, angst with a happy ending, fluff, eventual smut
→ word count: 4k
→ summary: you share a meal with your rescuers.
→ trigger/content warnings: PTSD (nightmares/flashbacks, mistrust), mentions of torture + forced sensory/sleep deprivation
→ a/n: a little comfort before more hurt
past part ← series masterlist → next part
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part 6: the first breakfast
The last thing you want to do is sleep. Bad things always happen when you fall asleep.
You remember all the times you were strapped to the chair, headphones taped onto your ears, blindfold blocking out every bit of light, completely devoid of all outside stimuli. They would keep you there for hours, waiting until your head lolled or your body sagged, any indication that you weren’t wide awake.
Then came the electricity, flowing through your veins like liquid fire, shocking you awake. Again and again and again, until the mere thought of sleep made a jolt run through your body.
All the times they drugged your food, sinking you into a deep state of unconsciousness, then waking up with whip marks and bruises that felt bone-deep.
Then there was the nightmares. Unspeakable nightmares.
No, you can’t sleep. You don’t care how safe this place may seem, you still can’t let yourself slip.
You sit there in that massive bed for what feels like hours, feeling the strange sensation of a cushioned mattress and soft sheets. To feel warm and comfortable is still completely foreign to you.
You don’t dare lie down or rest your head on the plush pillows in case you fall asleep. Or worse, someone sees and punishes you for being on a bed and not on the floor where you belong.
The men here don’t seem bothered by it, but something deep in your mind tells you it’s all a lie. They’re only pretending to be so kind, so generous. It will all come crashing down soon enough.
So you shuffled off the bed and pressed your back to the wall, wrapping your arms around your legs with your knees tucked under your chin.
The strange feeling in your chest is back, and you don’t like it.
You watch as the moonlight seeps through the curtains and crawls across the walls, shifting with the changing hours. All throughout the night, the feeling in your chest blooms and dulls, like a pulsing radar that senses something random and unknown.
This whole thing is so strange. You haven’t decided what you’re going to do yet. Stay or leave, run or linger. There’s no guarantee that you’ll find someplace as accommodating as this one. There’s also no guarantee that the men here are exactly what they seem to be.
You don’t know how long you sit there, eyeing the smooth cool linen you were just surrounded by.
They didn’t show any sign that they were bothered by you using their bed, dirtying their sheets with your non-human skin. But you still don’t want to risk it.
Sleep tugs at your resolve, it makes your eyelids flutter and your mouth hang open. You have to fight it off, rapidly blinking your eyes back open and straitening your posture so you don’t go limp.
You can’t be asleep, you just can’t.
After the moonlight fades, you busy yourself inspecting the rest of the room, crawling on the ground so no one will hear you snooping around. Even the carpet is plush and pillowy. This place is so soft, it doesn’t make sense.
Almost the entirety of the room is lined with floor-to-ceiling windows covered by gauzy curtains. The ceiling too has a large skylight that shows the dark sky above.
You can’t remember the last time you were in a room as open and airy as this one.
There’s the massive bed with all its fluffy pillows and plushies, like the giant stuffed bear and cute yellow duck tucked in the corner. Along the edges of the bed are some little tables with softy-lit lamps and candles.
There’s a simple fireplace against the opposite wall, surrounded by two large bookshelves. Overhead is a projector mounted to the ceiling, pointing to the blank wall directly across from it.
By the time you’re done inspecting the room’s every nook and cranny, the first few rays of pale sunlight are starting to peek through the clouds.
You crawl over to the closest window and gently draw back the curtain.
Morning mist drapes over the dense forest and rolling hills. The sky behind it is gray and cloudy, showcasing the chill of the outside air.
It’s then that you decide to stay here another day. You’d rather take your chances here for just a bit longer than venture out into that wilderness. Because by the looks of it, this place isn’t near any obvious civilization.
Curiosity stirs within you. Your hand hovers over the latch to the window, asking a silent question you’re not sure you want answered.
A flick of your fingers, and the latch comes undone without protest. The window slides open with ease, and a gust of fresh wind hits your face.
You aren’t locked in. You aren’t trapped.
The wind is sharp and refreshing. There’s the faint smell of pine, then a brisk slightly floral scent that makes the breath in your chest hitch slightly.
It’s a luxury you’ve dearly missed.
You stay there for a while, just breathing in the outside air, until a deep growl from your stomach makes you realize that you haven’t actually digested a proper meal in a long time.
Then the empty glass and pitcher of water on one of the side tables catches your eye. Another luxury you haven’t known for a long while: clean water.
You grab the glass and shakily fill it to the top, tipping your head back to down the entire thing in a few gulps. The thought that it might be spiked does cross your mind, but you figure that if they wanted to drug you they would’ve done it by now. So you drink until the dry ache in your throat has subsided.
The door is still open a crack. Holding your breath, you push it open a little more and peer through the gap.
The hallway is empty. You poke your head out, cautiously looking around before stepping out of the room.
You don’t know where you’re going, but there’s an appetizing smell tugging you in the direction of the grand staircase.
Slowly placing your foot on each wooden step to make the least amount of noise, you enter the living room. It’s empty too, and also lit up by morning light from the tall windows lining the walls.
The smell draws you into the kitchen, where Jin is standing over the sizzling stove.
He doesn’t turn around when you enter the room, but he knows you’re there. His heightened hearing picked up on your soft footfalls from upstairs.
“Good morning,” he says warmly.
It startles you a bit, shocked that he noticed let alone acknowledged you.
Jin gives you a smile over his shoulder.
“Are you hungry?” he asks, his expression open and nonjudgmental as he waits for your answer.
You nod after a hesitant pause.
Jin’s chest lights up with pride at the fact that you’re starting to feel comfortable expressing your wants and needs.
You feel the shadow of it in your own chest, but to you it just feels like a strange dull ache. It’s confusing and slightly alarming, but you keep your face expressionless.
“Have a seat at the table if you want and I’ll get you something to eat,” he says, setting a large kettle on the stove and turning on the burner.
For a minute, you just stand there watching him, almost mesmerized. He has broad shoulders that add to his naturally commanding aura, but the way he moves is nothing but calm and steady. There’s a fluidity to everything he does, and a timeless grace that’s somehow just as firm as it is gentle. Maybe it’s because of his vampiric blood.
He’s dressed in slacks and a white button-down, polished black dress shoes on his feet. His hair is neatly styled, bangs pushed back from his forehead.
There’s no denying that he’s a very attractive man.
The feeling in your chest starts to burn again, and you hurriedly make your way to the large dining table before he notices your discomfort.
You shift your attention to the details of your environment.
The table occupies the open space between the kitchen and living area, so you can easily see into both rooms. Dried herbs and hanging plants drape from the kitchen ceiling, along with the modern yet elegant light fixtures.
You almost can’t fathom the sheer size and quality of this house. You suppose seven men would need a lot of space, but you can’t help but wonder how they maintain it all.
Because something deep in your memory tells you that you came from humble beginnings. You don’t belong in a house like this.
The next second, a small bowl is being set down in font of you. A scoop of vanilla yogurt, fresh blueberries, a sprinkle of granola, and a drizzle of honey.
“Let’s start with this,” Jin says. “And if you can keep it down I’ll get you some else, okay?”
You nod, briefly meeting his eyes before looking down at the table again.
He steps back into the kitchen as the kettle begins to whistle and release a swirling tower of steam into the air.
You bring a spoonful to your lips and swallow it down, pausing for a few minutes to see if it will crawl back up in a fit of nausea. After nothing bad happens, you quickly shovel the rest of it down. It’s sweet and juicy and smooth down your throat. 
Footsteps sound from the hallway. The man called Yoongi enters the room, looking half-asleep. His dark hair is tousled, eyelids drooping as he waddles over to the kitchen counter. He’s dressed in an oversized t-shirt and pajama pants. The clothes are so big they make the man seem small and even...cute. Despite the fact that he seemed so intimidating before.
Jin doesn’t look up at the sound of the younger man’s bare feet padding against the tile, but he does extend his arm to brush against Yoongi’s back as he walks past him.
“Go sit down, love. I’ll make the coffee,” Jin says, carefully spooning dark powder into a stovetop espresso pot.
The dark-haired man blinks sleepily, looking like he wants to protest, but he eventually stumbles over to the table and sinks down across from you.
Jin knows that Yoongi is probably still drained from the effort it took to break through the wards of the facility. A spell of that magnitude takes an immense amount of strength, especially for a single caster.
Under any other circumstances, Yoongi would’ve stayed in bed to rest, but he felt the same twinge in his heartstrings that Jin felt when you responded to his offer for food. He dragged himself out of bed to see how you were doing.
He doesn’t doubt that the others felt it too, they’ll probably be joining them any minute now. 
Yoongi tries to give you a warm glance, but all your attention is directed down at the table.
By the time Jin sets the freshly packed espresso pot on the stove, you’ve practically licked the bowl clean.
He’s quick to notice, at your side the moment you set down your spoon.
“Ready for more?” he asks with another calming smile.
He thought of simply bringing you more food, but he didn’t want you to think that they expected you to finish everything they put in front of you. He wants you to know that you have choices here, and hopefully it will make you more comfortable expressing yourself.
You nod, and both Jin and Yoongi feel their chests swell.
Jin glides back into the kitchen to grab the still-sizzling pan and steaming kettle from the stove. He pours the boiling water into a large white teapot on the table, already prepped with tea bags, and slides the cooked meat onto a large tray.
It’s then that you notice that the table is set with enough plates, glasses, and mugs for eight people. There’s a pot of fresh rice in the center of the table, along with a platter of cut-up fruit and a plate stacked with some kind of fluffy pastry.
The next moment, two more sets of footsteps sound from the stairs. It’s the fair-haired man, Jimin, and the muscular one. Both of their faces are puffy, their eyes half-closed as they stagger down the stairs. Jimin’s form is dwarfed by an oversized hoodie, while the muscular one is wearing a white tank top and sweatpants that hang low on his hips.
Usually Jungkook would forgo the shirt and sometimes the pants, walking around the house in just his boxer-briefs. But then he remembered that even though you’ve seen his body thousands of times, you’re essentially a stranger to them now.
Jimin looks at you from under his hood with sleepy eyes, through the tufts of fluffy hair, and waves with a smile.
The chest-feeling is getting more distracting.
He sinks down beside Yoongi, who is sat directly across from you, and Jungkook moves to sit next to you on the other side of the table, but chickens out at the last second and sits in the chair one space over.
“Did you sleep well?” Jimin asks, tearing open one of the pastries and spreading jam onto the flaky layers.
A beat of silence passes before you realize that he’s talking to you.
Looking, they’re all looking at you. Lungs hitching, you fix your gaze on the wood of the table and clench your teeth.
You didn’t sleep at all, but you’re not about to tell them that.
You probably couldn’t get your voice to work if you wanted it to, so you sit in the awkward silence, praying that their eyes fall on anything but you.
“I slept pretty well. You, hyung?” Jimin replies to his own question nonchalantly, quick to dissolve the tension.  
“Like a drunk rock,” the older man answers just as casually.
Jin glides back into the room, placing the now steaming espresso pot in front of Yoongi and adding more cooked meat to the tray in the center of the table.
“Like a tranquilized rock. I could hear you snoring from across the hall,” Jin quips before practically floating back to the kitchen. His steps barely even make noise as he walks.
They all know that Yoongi only snores when he’s in the deepest of sleeps. People of Yoongi’s kind don’t technically need sleep, but after the effort it took to break down those wards, he definitely needed it.
“I think it’s going to rain today,” Jungkook says as he plucks pieces of fruit from the platter and pops them in his mouth.
It’s a pretty obvious statement. It’s early spring, so it rains almost every day here. They can all see the dark clouds and brisk, cutting wind through the windows, but it’s an attempt at small talk. Because JK can hardly stand how uncomfortable you look. It makes him want to snatch you up and hide you in his room and smother you in all the affection you missed out on while you were gone.
But he knows he can’t, and it makes his heart sag as you shift uneasily in your seat, eyes downcast.
Because you can’t help but wonder how can they just sit there rattling off pleasantries when you’re a stranger in their beautiful house.
You’re an outsider, a charity case. You can’t even tell them your name, and they’ve let you invade their peace without so much as a unfriendly glance. 
Just as a burning question starts to crawl up your throat, another set of footsteps enters the room.
Hoseok, the lean dark-haired man, shuffles to the table. His eyes are barely open and his lips are puffed up in a groggy pout.
“Morning,” he mumbles, voice tinged deep and thick but still cheerful.
Jimin pulls him into the seat next to him, playfully ruffling his already messy hair.
Namjoon is right on his heels, sauntering into the room with his nose in his notebook. He’s already dressed in a gray suit, glasses perched on the tip of his nose, pen twirling in his right hand.
He takes a seat at the left end of the table, looking up to give you small smile. You would’ve missed it if his presence wasn’t so demanding of your attention.
“Lovely sight first thing in the morning,” his husky voice calls, and it seems to send warm sparks of...something throughout your chest cavity.
Jin appears again, coffee pot in hand, circling around the table and filling everyone’s mugs. He then takes a seat at the right end of the table, so him and Namjoon can survey the rest of them.
They’ve all started loading their plates, sweetening their coffee with milk and sugar and caramel drizzles.
Jin pours himself a cup of tea from the large white teapot, spooning an almost ridiculous amount of honey into the amber liquid. But the honey suits him. Warm-tinged, naturally sweet, heavy on your tongue. He seems to leave a trail of it wherever he goes, along with the tangy scent of citrus.
Namjoon looks up from his notebook, scanning the table.
“Where’s—” He’s answered a second later when the curly-haired man descends down the staircase. He looks just as sleepy as the rest of them. Well, maybe not Jin and Namjoon, but his eyes are dark-rimmed and his mouth is set in the same half-awake pout.
But all of that seems to flicker away in an instant when he catches sight of you. It’s like your face is a bucketful of ice water, chilling him into a strange sense of alertness.
He surveys the table, noticing that the only open seat is the one directly next to you.
You look away before you can see the realization play out on his face. Reading people isn’t exactly your expertise, but you can tell when someone looks at you with disdain. Of course you do, it’s all your scattered memory can recall. And you know that Taehyung doesn’t like you.
He ducks his head as he reluctantly sits down at the table, stiff in the limbs.
If the others notice, they don’t show it.
Jin is busy making a plate for you: seared meat on a bed of rice, a side of sliced fruit, and a pastry smothered in butter.
He places it in front of you with that same nonchalance. It says eat what you want, no one here is going to judge you.
It’s a little surprising how easily you believe him.
You hesitantly pick up the fork beside your plate, eyeing the others to see if they react negatively. None of them do, there’s only slightly curious and attentive expressions thrown your way.
They’re trying hard not to stare, trying hard not to look hopeful as you survey the food.
You poke at the meat, mouth watering at its savory aroma.
You bring a forkful to your mouth. Just chewing the protein makes you feel more full than you have in months.
The boys try to contain their joy when you start to eagerly eat mouthful after mouthful.
Jin and Namjoon exchange a near ecstatic glance across the table. The others look at each other too, endeavoring to suppress their excitement.
You don't know it, but this is a significant moment. Breakfast has always been important to all of you. Jin and Namjoon leave for work early in the morning. The rest of them are freelancers, but they wake up early so you can all eat together at least once a day, in case Jin and Joon aren't home in time for dinner.
This is the first time you've all been together to share a meal like this since your disappearance.
A comfortable hush falls over the room as everyone eats and sips at their coffee, with the occasional comment or question tossed into the air.
You barely hear it, too focused on the food. It's all so luxurious, the well-seasoned meat, the fresh fruit. You can't remember, no matter how hard you try, the last time you had a meal like this.
Your mind starts to clear once your plate is licked clean, and thank heavens it seems to be staying down.
The men, they're talking about the weather. Here you are, a stranger, a nuisance, at their table. And they're talking about the weather, treating you like you're one of them, when everything inside is screaming that you are anything but.
The slam of silverware, and everyone looks up in slight shock. It's only after a few seconds that you realize it was you who made the noise.
Everyone's eyes on you, but you don't care. The questions itch too bad.
"What now?" you say, voice shaking despite your best efforts.
They all look at each other.
"What do you mean, love?" Jin replies, his expression calm.
You scan each of their faces, trying to answer the indefinable question floating in your mind. They're all looking at you with something heavy and strange in their eyes.
"What happens now?" you say, trying to keep your hands from shaking.
"Well, you're still getting used to things. I'd say the next step is a brain scan, to see if there's any more damage, and maybe if we can recover some of your memories," Jin answers.
You want to ask how he knew that you were missing your memories, but Yoongi interrupts the thought.
"Today we can show you around the house, maybe you can meet the pets if you'd like," he says.
They'd kept the animals separate from you, knowing that they'd all rush to jump all over you after your absence, especially the dogs.
You look down at the table.
"What other questions do you have?" Jin asks kindly.
You can still feel their eyes on you, but your gaze is fixed down at your empty plate.
"Why were you there?" you ask in a voice barely above a whisper.
A pause, and you look up to find a mixture of confusion and hesitation on their faces.
"At the facility. Why were you there?"
You remember them busting down the walls, mowing down guards, Jin cradling you in his arms like you were a long lost lover.
"The F&F has a reputation for taking atypical prisoners. We were hoping to rescue them," Namjoon says. It's not a lie, they did free all the other atypicals in the building, but he left out the fact that they were there looking for you.
"Why?" you ask. There's a heavy sensation in your chest.
"Because the F&F deserves to rot in hell for what they've done," Taehyung blurts out before he can help it. Jungkook puts a hand on shoulder, a gentle warning not to scare you.
Namjoon sighs when confusion clouds your features.
"Because we look out for people like us," he says.
You don't know what to say to that. A moment of silence falls upon the room.
"Well," Jin says, wiping the side of his mouth with a napkin and getting up out of his seat. "I think it's high time we show you around."
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bandsandwristbands · 2 months ago
Gaara/Gaalee headcannons? 👉👈 (only if you want to)
*cracking my knuckles* DO I WANT TO?? BOY DO I! I am so glad you asked!! I have way too many I think lol
I won't put them in any particular order but I'll separate sfw and nsfw lol
Sfw hcs
Gaara is uncannily good at impressions- like so accurate it's off putting to see on his face. (I imagine this comes from him analysing the fuck out of Human Behavior™ in order to mask his crazy lol) His party trick is his Naruto impression. All of konoha 12 have seen it and cried laughing and it becomes an inside joke for ppl to whisper "dattebayo" in the most dead pan voice possible to make each other laugh at inappropriate times.
Gaara has a bunch of stuffed animals. Mostly gifts from his siblings and Lee as they're the only ones who've seen his bed just- fuckin buried in plushies- "I don't use it to sleep anyways." <-Gaara justifying the plush pile.
I've covered this pretty extensively (here) and lots of others have this one too but Gaara w/ piercings (I tend to include belly ring and tongue piercing a long with his ears)
Also sharp nails and canines BUT I also think Gaara's teeth are a little crooked, probably tearing stuff open with his teeth growing up and when transforming into his tailed beast form his teeth grow a bit too big for his mouth and so push around to make room. Also I think it'd be very cute ~
Especially when Lee and Gaara first get together- Gaara being starved for touch and affection will not realize he's getting overwhelmed by it until he's like "Actually I need to leave right now" and has to decompress by himself for awhile.
Alternatively, after nightmares or panic attacks- he likes Lee to lay on him like a heavy weighted blanket. He feels safe that way.
They both experience cute aggression for each other. When pining, Lee would just burst into random exercises looking *pissed* -"What's wrong with Lee?" -"He saw Gaara sneeze." -Gaara on the other hand will intentionally shoulder check Lee (not very affective, Lee doesn't clock it as aggressive) or use his sand to subtly tickle, trip, poke at and generally bother him (this does get a bit of a rise out of Lee which Gaara also thinks is cute)
Once together they will add new ways to express the cute aggression including but not limited to: Random biting, dipping the other dramatically, sneak attack bear hugs, not so gentle punches/slaps.
Gaara really likes that Lee isn't afraid to get angry at him or push back against the things he says. He does get genuinely pissed about it sometimes- they're both stubborn- but it's really comforting for him to be able to raise his voice or get visibly upset and not be met with fear.
Lee has crazyyyyy rejection sensitivity (adhd hc) He is bracing for it at all times. He masks it really well by kicking up the enthusiasm but at night he is Ruminating™ and it Sucks™
This will be really obvious in fic from me but I think Gaara's sand acts in reflection of his subconscious feelings and motives when he's not actively meaning to manipulate it. (I think the intent to protect from his mom is still there but I just think it's too weird for it to literally be her consciousness lol) I like treating it like a Disney princess companion- expressive, a little whimsical, and an extension of Gaara himself.
Falling asleep is extremely unsettling for Gaara- he's fine once he's asleep but the act of getting there activates his fight or flight often. Easier with Lee cuddles.
They're toxically obsessed with each other. So enamoured that if they were anyone else they would be creeped tf out~ but for them it's romantic ~
On that note- Gaara expresses his love by saying really gorey shit like "I want to wear your skin" or "I want you to rip my chest open and feel how my heart beats just for you" type shit- serial killer stuff that Lee cries and swoons over! Lee: "He's so romantic!!😭" Neji: "He just said he wants to gnaw on your bones????" Lee: "I know 🥹💕💕 he even loves my bones!!"
They are also always in each others lap or tangling their feet together, they are the infinite honey moon couple.
Oh, licking. Gaara gives little 'mlem' licks instead of kisses often. On Lee's cheek or lips or the back of his hand. He kisses too, the mlem is just instinctual.
Gaara licks the blood off of small cuts that Lee gets. Lee thinks it's extremely cute and eventually picks up the habit if Gaare ever gets a little knick as well. (Sakura rips into them about it but that won't stop them.)
Gaara spent an entire week of overnights studying massage therapy and ways to help relieve Lee's muscle aches and cramps, makes it a point to rub Lee down once a week at least.
He will not admit to Lee that it makes his wrists hurt.
Lee has chronic pain btw.
They both love spicy.
Gaara likes sweets but won't admit it.
Lee learns Sunan endearments and uses them on Gaara constantly and it makes Gaara turn to putty every time.
Nsfw ones !
They both love marking each other up and being marked- they're both extremely possessive and also very very into the idea of belonging to the other- neither of them ever thought anyone would want them for something beyond their abilities as weapons of war- Gaara especially likes feeling desired in a way that feels unmistakably human.
(Piggy backing off that last one, Gaara has Rock Lee [ロック・リー] tattooed on his inner lower lip before their even married because he is a little bit unhinged like that- he is self aware enough to keep it a secret for awhile but obviously Lee discovers it eventually- since I am in the Gaara Oral Fixation Fan Club- and after freaking out about "omg gaara that is permanent there's no way you actually want my name branded on you" Gaara's like that is definitely what the intention is- they both get horny about it)
Frottoge~ they hump each other like animals lol
Gaara is a tease (can you tell I want him to have more little shit tendencies) both cuz Lee's shock every time is amusing and also because Lee gets easily frustrated and will jump him later.
Fighting is foreplay. Gaara likes being crushed and choked- Lee likes to be clawed and bitten like a scratching post
Gaara is kinda gross 😏 (still having some jinchuriki senses) He gets easily worked up about Lee's bodily fluids- loves his sweat (will randomly lick him after workouts), demands Lee spit in his mouth, kind of a cumslut, goes feral over the smell and taste of Lee's blood.
They both love giving head. Gaara has a gag reflex- likes Lee activating it.
Gaara tends to bottom more because he likes the full feeling, like Lee is all around him and making him disappear, (and cockwarming because he doesn't like the empty feeling after, he enjoys the closeness on a visceral level)
Lee loves trying to overwhelm Gaara (in a good way) with Good Feelings and that means pleasure too, he's an attentive learner and does not let Gaara get away with just one nut- he's trying to make up for lost time.
And also he gets a power rush about getting to be the only one who gets to see Gaara in that context, Lee doesn't get trusted to be in charge of... Anything really. So having Gaara trust him with his body and his mind really gets to his uwus and his dick.
Lee has a small crisis when they start fooling around, worried about being disrespectful, - "Gaara I think I'm some sort of pervert!" -"I'm not exactly complaining about that 👁️👁️" - it takes a minute for him to let go of the idea that every sexual encounter has to be really romantic and loving- plus, similar to Lee getting angry with him- Gaara likes that Lee is a little disrespectful sometimes- it does take some coaxing for Lee to stop asking "are you sure I'm not being to mean??"
Lee has also learned dirty Sunan endearments and lovessss watching Gaara turn red in the face about it.
Gaara has a hard time getting out of his head so Lee takes it as a personal challenge to fuck Gaara mindless- it becomes a necessity after long swaths of stressful meetings and legislation, he knows he's succeeded when Gaara forgets Common and starts rambling in Sunan 👌
When Gaara does top, it's usually because he's feeling big emotions about Lee, sometimes premature grief that one day one of them will die, other times extreme gratitude that Lee even exists, he's still aggressive about it and honestly a little sloppy but Lee loves it, gets really flustered and bashful about all the affection. Growling, drooling top + giggly bottom.
Lee loves to be praised.
Gaara likes the combination of degradation and praise, especially if its condescending.
Oh when they first start fooling around or when Gaara's feeling Very Good his sand acts up, popping the cork, scrambling around, crawling up around Lee to hold him closer. He's worried it'll freak Lee out at first but it processes to Lee as positive feedback.
They find themselves fucking semi publicly way more frequently than they ever intend to- they just get caught up in each other very easily.
Alright alright I'll cut myself off here, I've been writing these up for over an hour and I need to shower lol
I hope my offering is acceptable! Thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble! Xoxoxoxo
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pro-depresanti · 3 months ago
In case you take request? Val x female reader on e shot who acts a bit childlike clingy when he gets off out of bed the next Morning Not wanted him to leave for work?
The way I was actually thinking of writing something like that already lol
Tags: really soft, clingy!reader, vaguely implied nsfw
Requests are open :))
Contrary to popular belief, Hell isn't a burning pit of fire, with the average temperature breaking the thermometers, especially with an AC on, and especially in the mornings.
You're tugged in bed with a thick comforter covering you up to the chin, Valentino's fluffy wings splayed out underneath you. You're using his chest as a pillow, your arms wrapped around him like he's the biggest plushie ever made. Honestly, you're lucky he's a clingy bitch as well, and that he likes you so much, otherwise such freedoms would never fly. He's got his arms around you too, one by the shoulders and one around your waist.
He wakes up first, because being an Overlord isn't just bossing everyone around and throwing money as carelessly as cigarette butts, said money has to be made somehow. Valentino sighs under his breath, mentally going through the list of things that needs to get done - supervising two big projects, going through some scripts, a meeting with Vox in the afternoon for scheduling and setting the budget for the upcoming quarter, a quick visit to Velvette for a photoshoot–
It's too early for this shit, but time doesn't bend even for Overlords. He takes notice of your position, and gets to unraveling himself away from you as carefully as possible. Your job is to look pretty, and to warm his bed and cock, not to run a whole industry, might as well one of you take it easy.
But, as soon as your 'pillow' moves, you're awake and very much not in the mood to lose your personal heater. You grumble something unintelligible, wrapping yourself tighter around Val, throwing a leg around his stomach for good measure.
"Baby, come on–"
"Mmm, five more minutes." Both of you are well aware your 'five minutes' are as long as Vox's five minutes to finish up paperwork, which is closer to five hours.
Valentino weighs his opinions, wondering whether having you share his bed is worth having that conversation more often than not. It is, but still.
You lift up your head, putting up your best cute face, staring him through your lashes with puppy eyes. "Pretty please?"
He throws you a nasty look. "And what happens when those idiots run the industry into the ground?" As if he doesn't want to have a lazy morning more than once in a blue moon.
"They will be fine," you pout, laying back. "Just a bit more, you're warm."
Valentino rolls his eyes. "Little manipulator," he says, then leans in to kiss the top of your head.
You giggle. "Learning from the best."
He reaches over the nightstand, despite your protests, to get a cigarette and a lighter. Fine, he can have his 'breakfast' in bed, Valentino without his morning smoke is a nightmare for everyone that comes in his vicinity. "You have until I finish this."
You sigh. "Fine." One battle at a time. Still, you call that a win when he starts tracing a shapeless pattern onto your back. Yeah, you can play the big scary Overlord like a fiddle, he can never tell you a stern 'no' without a compromise, you've gotten as much under his skin as he has under yours.
"You know, you're a pain in the ass sometimes," he says with a scoff.
You hum in agreement. "Yep." Then tangle your fingers into his neck fluff. Mmm, warm and fuzzy. Sometimes you can even forget what a nasty piece of shit Val is. He's just a fluff ball with attitude and anger issues.
You're sure Val must have really rushed his smoking because before you know it he flicks the butt into the ashtray and you get ready for round two. Valentino tries to get up again, less careful this time, but you don't budge, just wrapping yourself tighter around him. "Five more minutes."
He glares at you, saying your name with a tone that would make any other sinner freeze in place.
You scoff.
"I'll be late."
You hum, "'don't care."
"You're really pushing your luck."
No shit, but Val loves it as much as you do.
"Just five more minutes," you reason again, nuzzling into him.
You pout. "Five minutes, ple-eeease?"
"I'm serious."
"And I'm cosy." Maybe you'll get a good disciplinary fucking out of this too. Kill two birds with one stone.
But luck isn't on your side today. Valentino gets up suddenly, most likely thinking he would be able to shake you off. Jokes on him, you wrap your hands around his neck and your legs around his waist and hold on for dear afterlife.
He stands up straight, his arms out, which, rude! What if you fall?! Asshole. You wiggle a bit, resting your thighs on his lower set of shoulders for some extra support, interlocking your fingers behind his head. "You can't be serious."
"Come on, Val. No one will care if you're a bit late." If anything, his workers would be happy, but you don't say that out loud.
He clicks his tongue and grabs your chin, lifting your head up to look at him. "You. Are. An. Insufferable, little, bitch."
You smile. "Love you too," then rest your head back on his chest, closing your eyes.
You expect him to wrestle you away and throw you either on the bed or straight on the floor, but no. Instead, he starts walking, still not holding you. Blessed be your strength you have built up after so long being Val's favorite plaything, you stay firm in place. "What are you–"
He gets to his closet and picks the nearest skirt within reach. "Getting ready."
You groan in annoyance. He can't be serious. But he is, bending down to slip on the skirt, then his heels. Ugh, your limbs will ache for the wrong reasons tomorrow, this is a whole workout on your part.
He walks up to the mirror and fixes up his neck fluff as best as he can. No time for make-up today, it seems, not like he needs it to look good.
You hear the front door open, and you finally open your eyes. "Um, Val?"
He doesn't even look at you as he locks the door behind himself. "What? You want to be clingy, be clingy then, but I have shit to do."
He grabs you by the hair and pulls your head back. "One more word and you lose your bed privileges."
That shuts you up. Well, hopefully you've worn something decent to bed now that the entire building will see you out and about. Considering Val is just trying to be extra mean and take the stairs instead of the elevator to see whether your strength is as big as your stubbornness, everyone in his section of the Tower will get a glimpse.
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daydreamingyuta · 1 year ago
[2:34 am] | Renjun
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summary: fluff, drabble, dad!renjun comforting your daughter after she has a nightmare. wc: 400 a/n: Happy Renjun Day!! 💚
Soft sniffles from your youngest daughter wake you from a deep sleep. Renjun was already up and tending to her, wrapping her in his arms and wiping the tears away. “It was just a dream, nothing bad is going to get you sweetheart.” 
His soothing words calm her down quickly, and she raises her arms signifying that she is ready to be taken back to bed. Renjun lifts her up and starts out the door, neither noticing that she dropped her favorite plushie, a bear that her uncle Haechan had gifted her when she was born. You move the bed covers to the side and pick up the bear, knowing that she can’t sleep without it.
When you make it to her room, you find them both laying in her bed, Renjun in the middle of a bedtime story. Your appearance disturbs his story though when your daughter's eyes meet yours. “Mommy!” She says happily, clearly having forgotten all about her nightmare. 
You make your way over to the other side of the bed, laying down and kissing your daughter on the cheek. “You dropped your bear.” Her eyes widened, shocked that she could have forgotten about her precious plushie for even a second. She gladly takes it from you and hugs it tightly. You and your husband exchange glances, Renjun making a ‘sorry I woke you’ face while you shake your head assuring him that it’s fine. 
He continues with the bedtime story as you and your daughter both close your eyes to listen to the story better. You must have been more tired than you realized, because you fell asleep almost as soon as you closed your eyes. 
The next thing you know, your daughter is fast asleep while Renjun gently kisses you on your temple, waking you up. You were about to get up, but you were stopped by Renjun sliding both arms under you and lifting you up bridal style. Luckily, you hold in the laugh you wanted to let out. Instead you flash a huge smile at your husband, “You’re carrying me to bed too?” 
“Of course, gotta take care of both of my girls.” At that, you allow your head to rest on his shoulder as he brings you all the way back to your bedroom. He sets you down and brings the covers over you, kissing you one last time before getting under the sheets himself.
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formulakracing · 9 months ago
gg stays the night at Toto’s when he has Jack for the weekend… Jack wakes up with a nightmare and gg offers to put him back to bed, sharing some quality time together and in this interaction, gg imagines children of her own in the future, something she would’ve never considered before
i am so sorry!!!
i just now got to this!!!
but i wanted to write a little blurb about it! i hope you enjoy it! <3
a cry floods the room, bringing you out of your slumber. you stir, gently shaking the figure dead asleep beside you. he grumbles, yet you persist, pressing light kisses all over his temple and cheeks.
"toto. i think it's jack."
"he probably had a nightmare," the words are slurred, thick with exhaustion, "i can go-"
"no," you rub your eyes, "let me see what's wrong. you stay here. you could use the sleep."
blearily, you shift, scooting to the edge of the bed. slipping your feet into cozy slippers, you stretch. carefully, you make your way through the dark room, cursing as you bump your knee against the rigid door.
"careful now, love. come get me if you need anything. don't let the monster under the bed get you too."
rolling your eyes, you shuffle down the hall. once you reach the destination, the third room on the right, you knock softly.
"jack, it's me. can i come in?"
"you're not my papa, but i guess you'll do."
as you make your way into the bedroom, you can't help but feel the little eyes searing into you. the poor thing is clutching his favorite plushie, a cream colored bunny. his name was hase, the german word for the animal. it was a gift from you months ago, as you wanted to treat the little one to something he could sleep with.
at first, toto was hesitant of the gift, but once he saw jack's eyes light up at the new plushie, he couldn't help but melt. you were in the same boat, your heart fluttering every time you saw the boy toting around the animal.
it was his newfound best friend. the one thing he carried with everywhere, no matter what. he even accompanied jack to karting weekends with susie, vacations with the family, and race weekends all across the world.
"is hase not doing a good enough job scaring away the nightmares?" you fold your arms across your chest, arching a brow.
"no," jack huffs, "will you do me a favor?"
"yes," you nod, yawning slightly, "what is it?"
"will you lay with me?" his eyes are bright, alight with a childlike fear, "just for a little while. papa and mama used to, but not so much anymore."
"maybe because they want you to be brave," you cross over to the closet, peering in before shutting it softly, "there's no monsters in the closet. don't worry, i peeked behind the hangers."
"good," jack chirps, "will you look under my bed too?"
since it was the weekend after a race, the last thing your knees wanted to do was squat or bend. yet, you obeyed jack's request, stifling a groan as you kneel to the floor, head bowing as you look under the bed.
no monsters there either.
"i have to report that there are no monsters. maybe they all left because hase scared them off."
"no," jack shakes his head, "they probably left because you're scary!"
"i'm scary?" you can't help but giggle as you burrow under the covers, the child cuddling into your chest.
"yeah," jack responds, "you're a world champion! you'd probably run them over in your car or beat them in a race. i would be scared of you too."
oh lord. the things that came out of that child's mouth.
"well," your eyelids are heavier by the second as jack's breathing slows, his arms clinging to you, "let's get some sleep then. i'll stay here, just for a little bit."
"how about you stay forever?"
"i can't do that," you press a tender kiss to his crown, "your papa needs me."
"well i need you too. you do a much better job checking for monsters than he does."
as the child dozes off, you can't help but feel your heart flutter. perhaps this wasn't so bad. you could definitely be a mom. if it came with moments like this, then fuck yes. you would definitely be a mom.
especially if your children resembled the love of your life.
an hour passes, toto wolff cursing as he rolls over, feeling a coldness in the space where you typically lay. tossing the sheets, he gets up, strolling down the hall.
as the door opens, he can't help but melt at the sight before him.
his son, fast asleep on his beloved golden girl, the two deep in slumber.
if only he had his phone.
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snakes and octopi give the best snuggles
Word count: 2,727 (wow, satisfying!)
Warnings: nightmares, brief descriptions of violence and gore, brief descriptions of kidnapping, spoilers for the movie Martyrs (2008), cursing, could be interpreted as u!Patton but he's more just young and foolish
Relationships: dark side family, focus on platonic anxceit and platonic dukexiety, no romantic ships
Characters: Virgil, Janus, Remus, Orange Side, Roman (mentioned), Patton (mentioned), c!Thomas (mentioned), Logan (mentioned)
The first Sanders Sides fanfiction I've finished writing in nearly 4 years!!! Woohoo!
Note: part of this is inspired by the beginning of Alice In Wonderland (2010)
“I really don't see why that's such a big deal.”
A snake crossed his arms from where he leaned against the counter. A hot-blooded short fuse paced across the living room carpet.
“You should be able to! He thinks he's so high and mighty, trying to take as much creative control as he can for himself! It's absurd!”
“On the other hand, giving too much control to You-Know-Who could be disastrous.”
“Good! Maybe those three need a wake up call, Janus! They get to sit on their fucking diamond-encrusted thrones all day while we rot in this putrid basement!”
Janus stood up straight, letting his muscles tighten slightly, “my job is Self Preservation, and the best way to keep our Centre’s mental health at its prime right now is to let them walk all over us.”
The other side narrowed his eyes, “and what's that going to do in the long run, huh? Make their high horses’ legs even longer?” he stomped over to the deceitful side, poking his chest, ”shove their heads even higher up their own asses?!”
“What it'll do in the long run,” Janus clenched his fist, “is for us to begin influencing Thomas when he's at a less busy stage in his life. Intrusive thoughts and dark creativity aren't good for adulting, Wrath. Be reasonable.”
“I'll show you how to be reasonable-”
Orange and Yellow both shrieked at the small voice, whipping around to see Gray looking at them through the bannister, blanket pulled around his shoulders and his hair a mess.
“God, we need some sort of alarm for when you pop up…”
Janus glared at Wrath and turned to look at the youngest side, his expression softening.
“Another nightmare?”
Anxiety nodded.
“Come on then,” Janus took the boy's hand and led him back up the stairs, but only after calling a quick “you're burning up!” over his shoulder, and Wrath immediately ran to get himself some ice water.
Janus sat at the boy’s bedside, silently watching as he pulled the covers up to just under his eyes and laid back to rest his head on the pillow.
“Come on then,” he reached onto the floor and grabbed Anxiety’s favourite bat plushie, passing it to him, “tell me what happened.”
The small side hugged the toy as tight as his little arms would let him as he began to recall the events of his night terror.
“I-I was on a stage, in front of millions of people… we were performing some sort of comedy.”
“We?” Janus chimed in, “who else was there?”
Anxiety paused for a second and grimaced as he focussed on the memory, “well there's Thomas, a-and… the light sides.”
Deceit made a rumbling sound of acknowledgement in the back of his throat, hand gripping the bed sheets.
“And… they hate me,” he pressed the bat plushie to his face, “s-so much. They say I'm bad, a pest mist.”
“Pessimist,” Janus gently corrected, though his thoughts were somewhere else entirely.
“Yeah, that… and…” Anxiety’s trembles grew, “and…”
Janus shushed him softly, “hey, hey,” he opened up his arms, an invitation, “it's alright, spiderling. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.”
The child shook his head and crawled into the hug, breathing out as strong yet gentle arms enveloped him.
“No, no, I-... I wanna.”
The elder side nodded.
“I, um, so I tried to fix the problem by quitting the show, throwing in the towel, all of that…”
“But t-that made them even more mad. They chased after me, broke into my room,” Anxiety tightened his grip on Janus’ shirt as more tears welled up in his eyes, “they took me away from you, and w-wouldn’t let me see you ever again!”
Janus swallowed.
“Impossible,” he whispered, “they would never be able to keep us away from you, my dear. We'd tear down every wall in the Mind Palace to get you back.”
The child went still, his breath catching in his throat.
“I know you’re awake, sootywing.”
“You’re gonna be mad…”
“You don't have to hide anything from me, honey. It's just a dream.”
“W-well…” he swallowed, “in the dream y-you did try to get me back at first. But then…” fresh tears messed up his eyeshadow even more, “then you said that things were better here without me, that- that-”
Janus stopped resisting his urges, allowing his other 2 pairs of arms to wrap around the small side.
“Never,” he hissed fiercely, rubbing Virgil's back and holding his face in his hand, “you could never make things worse, my little raccoon.”
“They said the opposite,” the other whispered, voice still shaking but less so now that he was in one of Janus’ super-special-super-rare hugs, “that I just make Thomas's days worse, that I'm a burden on him that needs to be controlled, that-”
“-is absolutely not true,” Janus finished for him.
“Is it though?”
Janus frowned.
“I-in the dream,” Virgil continued, “after you guys left me with them for a while, I s-started to get used to being with them a-and eventually,” he hiccuped, voice thick with guilt, “I was happy with them.”
“I'm sorry!” Anxiety sobbed into his chest, “I don't know why it happened, I-”
Janus laid Virgil back into his bed, tucking him in with his bat plushie and gently wiping away his tears.
“That was just Stockholm Syndrome, honey.”
Virgil tilted his head to the side in confusion, and Janus melted a little at the pure objective cuteness of the small action. This kid wasn't just his spiderling, his black kitten, his baby bat, his raven, the Dark Mindscape’s little hidden butterfly, their raccoon… he was now his little black lab puppy too.
“It's when a hostage sympathises with their captor,” Janus explained, “It happens often. And remember, this was all a dream, it doesn't mean you would actually feel that way if it happened.”
The kid nodded and took a few deep breaths, blinking slowly before looking back up at the older side.
“D-do you think I'm bad?”
“Oh, darling,” Janus leaned down to press a kiss to his kid’s forehead, “we're all bad here.”
Virgil leaned up to trace his little fingers along Janus’ scales, and Janus gently took his hand in his own and kissed it too. Virgil smiled a little at that, and the sight was enough to fill Janus’ heart with joy for weeks.
“Well,” he mumbled under his breath as he pulled away, “that's what Morality thinks.”
“What was he like? Before the split?” Virgil heard him anyway. Janus forgot the kid had near-superhuman hearing.
Janus leaned back and thought for a moment, “at one point, we were very close. Back before he decided that lying is never good,” he frowned slightly, “we used to… bake cookies together, things like that.”
“Could we do that?” Virgil piped up, “bake cookies? It sounds fun.”
The yellow one smiled, “of course, hun. Just make sure Duke doesn't try to put glass shards in the batter.”
“Or Wrath with the hottest hot sauce?”
“Yes, that too.”
Janus looked around the room absentmindedly, eyes eventually locking onto the terrarium containing his baby’s baby tarantula.
“You know, if those light sides are ever mean to you, you could start feeding Charlotte fatter worms.”
“Because. She'll get bigger, and bigger, until one day she looks like Shelob…”
The snake side leaned down so that his face was inches from Virgil's, and smirked.
“...and you can set her after them to gobble them up!” Janus scuttled the fingers of all six of his hands along the boy’s sides, mimicking the movement of a spider’s legs, making the child shriek with laughter.
“Hahahahaha! Stop! S-stop! Janus!” He gasped out between giggles.
Janus eventually let him go (though only after having thoroughly enjoyed the angelic sound of his kid’s unbridled laughter) and sat back up, looking down at the little jumping spider with a smile he would never let anyone else see.
“Do you feel better now?”
“Mhm,” he nodded, “thanks, J.”
“It's my pleasure,” he murmured, reaching out to cup Virgil's face for a moment, green and purple eyes meeting yellow and brown ones, before standing up and walking towards the door.
Right as he opened it, Virgil called out to him again.
“I love you.”
He melted even further at that.
“And I you,” Janus breathed out, voice and face full of fondness, “more than you'll ever know.”
Virgil's eyes shone along with his smile, and Janus took in the sight for a moment before switching off the light.
“Try and get some more sleep, hopefully with dreams full of fluffy spiders.”
“Night, Jan.”
He shut the door gently.
As his door shut, Virgil's room was cut off from the light in the hallway and plunged into pitch darkness. While he didn't mind this at all, he wasn't the slightest bit tired anymore, and it was hard to read books in the dark.
He reached behind his pillow and grabbed his trusty flashlight, fiddling around in the darkness until he found the ‘on’ button.
When he finally turned it on, the first thing he saw was a mad face inches from his own.
“Hey Virgie.”
Said side immediately screeched and whacked the intruder on the head with the torch, already hyperventilating.
“Remus, oh my God!” he shrieked, “I thought you left here when I fell asleep last night!”
Having already recovered from the blow, the Duke sat up and shook his head, specks of blood splattering on the bed sheets and walls.
“Nope! I've been here all night pretty much!”
“What? Where?!”
“Well,” he suddenly turned shy, ”you know how you've been having problems with that monster under your bed?”
“Of course,” Virgil groaned.
“I know, I know, but listen to this! There's a portal under your bed that leads to my room!”
“You can come in here when my door is locked?! When I don't want you to?!”
“Well, not anymore. Now that you know it's there you can lock it whenever.”
“Oh,” Anxiety breathed out and nodded, “that's okay I guess.”
“So!” Remus started, “while you were asleep I portaled to my room to get some stuff and…”
The Duke reached behind his back and pulled out a DVD case, shoving it right in Virgil's face.
Virgil read the title on the front of the case and gasped, “Martyrs? Remus-”
“I know! I was able to get a copy dubbed in English too! The movie just came out so I think it's a great find!”
“And, like, Virgie, I know you can speak French for some reason and all but frankly the language sucks and I want to focus on the gore instead of the subtitles.”
“Remus, it's an 18+ movie!”
“Yeah!” He grinned manically, “you're 8, I'm a teen, and there's a plus because it's premium, just for us! Come on, let's watch it! I know you're wide awake after that nightmare.”
“Oh!” Virgil bellowed, “so you were here when that happened and you did nothing! Great! Thanks! You're such a good big brother!”
“I didn't wanna make it worse!”
“And why would that happen?”
“You were sleep-talking.”
There was a moment of tense silence.
“Any-fuckin’-way,” Remus hopped up from the bed and turned on the TV on Virgil's dresser, “Martyrs time!”
They were both sitting on the floor, Remus hugging Virgil from behind with his chin resting on his head.
“Jan and Wrath were talking about you when I went down.”
*Really?” Remus mumbled as he continued to stare at the screen, watching in awe and admiration as Lucie shot each member of the family who tortured her.
“Mhm,” Virgil nodded, “something about creative control.”
Remus froze as he processed the words, scrambling to pause the movie before staring down at his friend, “what did they say?”
“Uhh,” Virgil’s mind blanked for a second as he continued to look at the screen, which had been paused on a frame of the dead daughter, “someone trying to take it away from you?”
Remus stayed silent.
“And then they called you Dark Creativity?”
“I-” he stuttered.
“And then they said there were 3 light sides instead of 2-”
Remus pushed the words out as quickly as possible before Virgil could interrupt him again, “I’monlyhalfofCreativityandtheotherhalfismybrother.”
Virgil stared at him blankly as his brain slowly dissected the jumble of words just thrown at him.
“You're… not all of Creativity?”
Remus shook his head, not wanting to speak for one of the only times in his life.
“Well… the reason we're all split into light and dark is because the original Creativity split first. When Thomas was around your age he got too Christian and decided all the fun stuff was bad so it was forced out and voila! It made yours truly. And then Morality decided to split all of us off.”
“I dunno, for funsies I guess.”
“Huh… So is your brother the one trying to take more creative control?”
“Eugh, probably.”
“Don't like him then, I'm guessing?”
“He's the worst!” Remus hollered, “all glitter and ponies and magic godmothers! The only ones who die on his side of the Imagination are villains!”
Virgil gasped, “is that why I'm not allowed in the Imagination alone?!”
“Yeah, but don't go snooping around now that you know that! And don't let Wrath or Janus know that you know about my twin!”
“They wanted to wait til you were older so you would understand. The split is behind us, Virgie. It's the past. And you came after it. You being a dark side from the moment you formed was the start of our perfect family. You don't need to dwell on something you didn't exist to see.”
“Okay,” Virgil nodded and then giggled, “way to bash the entire subject of History there.”
“If you learn from it you can't repeat the best bits!”
Virgil laughed and relaxed into his friend's hold as he unpaused the film.
Both of them stared at the screen as the credits rolled.
“Keep doubting…” Remus echoed.
Virgil hummed in thought, “what afterlife would make someone want to go to it, but for others to not know what it is?”
“Maybe if there's none at all?”
“But then why would she want to stop living?”
“Because she knows all the work she's done torturing people til their last breath was for nothing, and that life really has no meaning at all?”
“No afterlife is boring though, Remus. Surely you agree?” Virgil turned to look back up at him, “wouldn't you want it to be some sort of Lovecraftian hell?”
“Oh, I would love that, you know I would. But, y'know,” the Duke sighed, “Occam's razor gotta cut us out of our skin and bleed us out until we're dried skin suits and a pile of bones.”
They both giggled. Virgil shifted until his back was pressing into Remus’ chest and he closed his eyes with a content sigh. Watching the goriest movie ever made with his insane best friend really tired him out.
Remus crossed his legs to wrap them around Virgil and tightened his hold. A surge of violent protectiveness coursed through his veins as he thought back to the conversation between him and Janus he had eavesdropped on.
“Hey, salticidae?”
“If those light sides ever do try to Beauty And The Beast ya or some shit, you can call me to come and help you through the portal!”
“...Oh!” Virgil’s eyes lit up, “that's a great idea! As long as you bring some weapons with you.”
“For you,” Remus grinned, “I’d bring only my best.”
When Janus and Wrath recovered from their screaming match and went to check on the youngest, they were met with a sight that was immediately placed into the family photobook.
Virgil was curled up into a ball while hugging his bat plushie close to his chest, letting out tiny high pitched snores. Remus was wrapped around him with all 4 limbs plus his tentacles, letting out much bigger, grosser snores.
Ironically, being cuddled by the embodiment of intrusive thoughts was a great way to get rid of nightmares.
And, for nearly a decade, everything was perfect for the little dark family.
Until, like the twisted shadow of a Disney Princess, Virgil's dream came true.
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basket-of-cats-and-witches · 7 months ago
Just absolutely wholesome hurt/comfort fluff. I just needed something that made me feel gooey inside. It's only very vaguely suggestive, in the way that very casual intimacy is. It's not NSFW by any means.
In which Kit, my non MC, seeks comfort from her lover, Sylus.
Hope you enjoy, and please like or reblog if you did. It encourages me to write more💖
It's five in the morning.
No, scratch that, six. Kit groans as she realizes another hour has passed without her noticing, tossing and turning in her bed just trying to sleep.
Images pass through her mind, reflections of what she saw in her dreams, things that forced her back to consciousness with a silent scream.
She'd been taught young not to make noise. It only causes more trouble for everyone else.
Still, this is ridiculous.
She gives up around seven AM. Her exhausted brain forces her to go to the nuclear option, and she slips out of bed, grabbing Faust and bringing the crow plushie with her.
Sylus's bedroom is dark when she pushes open the door. Mephisto isn't at his perch, probably kicked out for making too much noise.
She pads over the plush rug, towards the form underneath the covers. She clears her throat as she approaches.
“It's Kit, Sy.”
The form barely twitches. “I know.” His voice is husky and low, slurred with sleepiness. “C’mere.”
She pulls back the blankets, slipping underneath. Faust is set on the bedside table.
Strong arms wrap around her, pulling her into the crook of Sylus's body. His skin is heavenly warm, bare from head to toe.
The leader of Onychinus doesn't really need to worry about being dressed in bed, of course. Any idiot who tried to attack him like this would die before they even laid eyes on his form.
“You're warm,” he mumbles, seemingly echoing her thoughts. His hand slips under her sleeping shirt, palming at her chest absentmindedly. He just…holds her like that. Without expectation of anything more.
She nods. “I couldn't sleep.”
Lips press to the top of her head, and his hold squeezes in a gentle hug. “Nightmares?”
Placing her arms over his, she hums an affirmation.
His foot slides along her calf, leg pressing in between her thighs and thoroughly tangling the two of them. He is the world's sleepiest octopus, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
“It's okay,” he mumbles. “I'm here, love. I'll keep you safe.”
Her breath catches, heart swelling with a fondness that makes her ache. A simple slip of the tongue, a pet name uttered as he falls back asleep with her in his arms.
It's everything to her.
As she lies caged in his arms, she finds his accidental confession has chased away the darkened wisps of her mind.
Finally, she is safe.
Finally, she sleeps.
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