#nightbringer obey me flavored
not-krys · 1 year
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Rating: Teen Pairing: Lucifer x Miriam (OC) Summary: Miri brings Lucifer some coffee Notes: Nightbringer-flavored Obey Me but nothing really spoilery here aside from the premise of MC being brought back to the past; based loosely on the Devilgram story in the 'Healing Lucifer' card and the chat Bittersweet with Lucifer in the original game; angst-flavored; emotional hurt and comfort; guess it could technically count as unrequited love? Or its unrequited love that used to be requited but isn't right now because of Nightbringer's timey-wimey shenanigans? Requited that becomes unrequited and then requited again? Idk. WC: 1977
EDIT: Sorry, forgot to add @loptyrs for beta-ing for me!
Also on ao3!
Check out my masterlist!
Miri knew better than to directly say no to Lucifer when he all but commanded her to come to his room. Had they been in their proper time and selves, maybe Lucifer would have been softer on her and she could placate him with some coffee and an apology, but this time's Lucifer… He was younger, fresh from the Celestial Realm and the pain that came from his fall. 
And she was a stranger to him. Memories that filled her heart didn't exist in his yet. Days filled with happiness and with tears, all nestled within her, now she held onto these precious moments alone.
Reminiscing while making some coffee for him as an apology for refusing orders, she remembered how she had made him a cup with different beans than usual and how he teased her about how much she must love him, to give him something so unpleasant to the tongue. When she had tried to apologize, he only laughed, telling her that the beans were Hell Coffee Beans. They were supposed to taste bitter because when one prepares them for someone they're fond of, it brings out the bitterness of the bean, thus why he could guess that she cared a lot about him because of how biting his coffee tasted. He then made a point to drink every last drop in the cup, drinking up all of her feelings, he said. Her cheeks warmed at the memory.
Now, however, she had to contend with him barely knowing her or how much she cared for him and his brothers. Plus she had blatantly ignored his order to see him by going and playing video games with Mammon and Levi, so she didn't have a lot of points in her favor.
Thankfully, there were no magical coffee beans in the pantry this time, so she wouldn't have to deal with embarrassment of another accidental confession, or possibly more of his wrath if he didn't know about the amorous Hell Coffee Beans yet.
Instead, she made a regular coffee, black, nothing sweet or creamy, just the way he liked it. At least, how she knew he liked it from her time. Would this time's Lucifer still like his coffee black as his new (to him) wings?
Just in case, she brought along some creamer and sugar set aside, in case he wanted it. Just in case, just in case, she told herself.
She walked on eggshells towards the familiar door, the carpeted path just as she remembered it. She knocked softly, closing her eyes and clenching her teeth, waiting for that old booming voice to yell or scold her, as it had so many times since she had come here, both here in the past and in her present.
Instead, there was no response. No 'come in, attendant' or even a grunt to acknowledge he'd heard her.
"…Lucifer?" she tried, her voice soft and timid, an apology ready on her tongue.
No response.
She took in a calming breath, steadying herself in case he did want to yell at her, and pushed the door open, the familiar sight of looming bookshelves and a roaring fire almost bringing tears to her eyes.
The long hours she had spent in this room, listening to music with Lucifer, talking the night away, sometimes falling asleep on his shoulder if she had been tired enough, and even the rare occasion where he would nap on her shoulder instead. She bit her lip, pushing down the heartache that was surfacing against her will.
Deep breaths, she told herself, deep breaths. Might have been a bad idea as she still had hot coffee in her hands, the bitter smell tickling her nose and making her wince.
Miri looked around the room, finally spying the eldest of the demon brothers, sitting in a chair with his red gloved hand cradling his face, eyes closed in slumber. The scowl was still present on his face, yet it was softened in his rest, the corners of his mouth just turning up to give him the softest of smiles. 
She then saw the piles of papers at the table in front of him, all having to do with the future building of RAD, the one she and all of them loved so much in the future. There was a sort of energy and excitement flowing through her, seeing the very beginnings of what would change her life forever. Something that she wouldn't have seen in her natural lifetime.
Still, the old familiar bitterness settled over her as she was reminded of her situation. She wasn't one of the founders of RAD. She probably shouldn't be seeing any of this. She shouldn't even be interfering with this time. She shouldn't even be here at all.
Yet despite what her head told her, she couldn't stay away from her brothers, from Lord Diavolo and Barbatos. She loved them too much to stay away. Couldn't stand not helping them.
Instead, she set the coffee cup down, taking in deep breaths again. She refused to start crying again. She had already cried enough for a few lifetimes here, wiping at her eyes just to be sure there wasn't any dampness on her cheeks.
That moment, she heard the familiar rumble of the Avatar of Pride, his deep crimson and black eyes zeroing on her, the sleep heavy in his voice.
"You're late."
She kept her back to him, making a show of straightening up the papers.
"Sorry, I was busy."
"You were playing video games with Mammon and Leviathan."
"I had already promised them that I would. And I don't like breaking promises already made."
Lucifer grumbled and rubbed his forehead, letting out a deep sigh.
"No matter."
He stood, towering over her, and raised an eyebrow.
"You brought coffee?"
"As an apology. I did blatant ignore you to play video games with the others. I figured you'd be less angry if I had something to make up for my transgression."
"Hmph." Lucifer smirked, reaching for the steaming mug. "You didn't add any sugars or creams?"
"I wasn't sure what you liked," Miri said after a pause, holding up the creamer and sugar, "so I brought some with me."
"You didn't bring any coffee for yourself?"
"N-not a big fan." Instead, Miri had a small cup of water. She didn't live at the House of Lamentation currently, and it was getting on in the night. She didn't want to be bouncing off the walls around Solomon. Definitely not.
To her surprise, Lucifer threw his head back and drank the coffee, adding no sugar or cream, shaking his head as he swallowed. Miri gasped.
"Y-you could have added in the-"
"Don't need it." he coughed, taking some measured sips now. 
Miri sighed in relief, taking some sips of her water.
"Does it… taste alright?"
"It tastes like coffee." he said bluntly, though his lip turned up slightly. "For someone who claims to not 'be a big fan,' you sure know how to make a strong cup."
"I made it like that for…for someone who liked it that way." Miri explained, "he… he liked it strong and bitter."
"He, huh." His lip corner lifted higher. "He must care a lot for you, to be able to take something so acidic and not complain about it."
Miri froze, lowering her head, looking at her shoes, a gift from him ages ago. Her pink bangs hid her eyes, her lip taken between her teeth.
"He… he loved bitter coffee, especially when I made it. Always complimented it."
Lucifer blinked, his eyebrows raising in confusion as Miri's came closer together.
"A strange thing to be complimented on."
"He was a strange one." Miri almost choked on her words. "But… that's…that's neither here nor there."
She raised her head, swallowing hard, putting on the bravest smile she could manage.
"But, you seem to like it that way too. I'm glad."
Lucifer started, watching as a sliver of dampness slid down her brown cheek. He frowned.
"You may not realize it, but you always have the saddest look on your face whenever you look at my brothers… especially when you think no one is looking." 
He reached across to her, his gloved hand soaking up her solitary tear. 
"Is looking after them that painful to you? I can do something if-"
"No, they just…" she swallowed, "they remind me of…  of my family."
Lucifer's eyes widened.
"We… got separated. They're somewhere far… far away. Somewhere I can't reach them. I don’t know when… or if, I can see them again."
More of her tears started falling, the glow of the nearby fire making them like falling amber gems. Lucifer kept his hand on her cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb.
"I miss them so much, Lucifer," she choked out, taking a tight hold of his wrist, "And they're… they're so far away and I can't… I can't…"
She hid her face against his chest. Lucifer breathed in sharply, relaxing only after a few of her sobs escaped.
"I'm sure they miss you too." he said quietly, "losing one's family is never easy, especially with the possibility of never seeing them again."
Her tears fell faster, making her bury her face further into him. Lucifer rubbed her back, trying to calm her sobs.
"I'll talk to Lord Diavolo tomorrow. About searching for your lost family. It distresses my brothers whenever they see you miserable and anxious. And myself as well."
Miri sobbed harder, glad that he was willing to help, but she knew it would be a fruitless endeavor. All Lucifer could do was hold her and rub her back affectionately.
"She was a crybaby too," he muttered to himself, "and a big troublemaker, just like you. Do you cry this much for your 'him'?"
He pulled her onto the nearby couch, letting her curl in his lap, keeping her face in his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair, the pink strands catching on his gloves.
He didn't know how long he held the small creature in his arms (and most certainly didn't think how comfortably she fit in his arms), just that her sobs eventually did calm down to soft hiccups, still refusing to face him however. He rubbed her hair again.
"Stay tonight." he commanded softly. "you're in no shape to go out on your own. I'll inform Solomon you're staying here tonight."
He glanced at his D.D.D on the far table.
"You'll have to get up so I can reach my D.D.D."
He received no answer aside from soft snores. Lucifer chuckled.
"You're refusing direct orders again, attendant."
She still gave him no answer, only cuddling closer to him in response. 
"You're being astonishingly affectionate towards me in spite of loving someone else, I hope you're aware. You would be making your strange coffee lover jealous, I'm sure."
He pulled her closer, moving her head so it rested more comfortably on his shoulder.
"I say that, yet I can't help but feel jealous myself, that someone else holds your heart so tightly instead of me. It's a strange feeling, attendant."
He looked at the blazing fire, lost in thought.
"Why do you evoke these feelings inside of me? Is there something I'm missing here? Some secret I'm not privy to?"
The fire crackled loudly, the amber glow reflecting in his eyes. He sighed, defeated.
"You will reveal your secrets to me, Miriam," he rested his cheek on her head, finding her hair pleasantly soft to his touch, "One way or another, I'll find a way. To get you to talk. To tell me all your secrets. To stop that pitifully depressed look on your face. To see your true smile. To see you happy again."
He closed his eyes once more, letting out a soft sigh.
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aurora-babydoll · 1 year
Mc being so busy commanding the seven brothers that they forget that they can be commanded too.
Satan and Lucifer fight? You resolve it. Beel getting too hungry and destroying the castle? You resolve it. Mammon and Levi arguing over owed money? You resolve it. You run a tight ship and you’re the boss over those demons in every little way imaginable. Every demon and angel you have met has bowed to your command and let you have control and be the peacemaker.
So when you get too stressed and begin to yell, all seven brothers looking at you in astonishment, nobody knows what to do. Except for the one person you cannot tame.
You feel a hand grip the back of your neck. It’s strong but gentle and you feel your breath hitch in your throat. The person behind you leans in and demands… “Behave”
And suddenly you’re quiet. Docile. Solomons voice calming your mind without a single spell. He smiles at the group as you close your eyes from the embarrassment.
"We’ll be seeing you later, you can resolve this amongst yourselves. Me and MC have some business to attend to at Coctyus Hall…”
(Psst- if you’re seeing this, a full version is coming soon )
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essencering · 1 year
↳ summary: you are not a part of his family, but you make his heart shake in such a way that only his brothers have the ability to do so. so, to have you standing there, with a smile and a promise on your lips to see you fall shakes his heart.
↳ Tags: Gender Neutral Reader, Demon Attendant Reader, Lucifer (Obey Me!), Nightbringer Setting, NB Spoilers, Lesson 11-16 Spoilers.
writer's blurp: i absolutely LOVE the idea of NB lucifer just feeling as if everything is right when the MC is with his family, but not being sure of what to really do about that. my favorite flavor. <3
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Lucifer puts power behind his words, looking down at you as nothing more than a gnat in his path you simply look at him without a care for what he could do to you. You smile at him with pride and defiance, standing your ground as if the two of you are equals.
You fit into the cracks of his family with ease, bringing a sense of normalcy to each of his brothers simply by being at their side. Often joining whatever schemes that tickle their fancy even if it is at his expense.
You are not a part of his family, yet you seem to fit into it like a missing piece of a puzzle. You are nothing, but a stranger, someone who was asked to keep an eye on them, to help them settle into their new lives as Demons.
You are an enigma, you are a danger.
You are Human. You are a Liar.
So to find you standing before him, with a smile and a promise on your lips while handing the grimoire back to him.
"Are you sure that you understand what you're doing?"
"Of course I understand, there are more important things than this. I love all of you. I promised as your attendant to help you find joy in the Devildom and to protect you."
How foolish, of you to do such a thing. To hold such power over himself and his brothers, to just hand it back over… how to give back the one thing that could protect you from Lucifer's wrath and his brothers.
"To do that, I won't be needing this. For something like this love, and care is how it should be rather than power or commands."
How bold. How brave. How unflappable. How human of you.
To have you standing there, with a smile and a promise on your lips to see you fall shakes his heart. You slowly sink deeper, and deeper into the curse's embrace, your smile stubbornly remains present despite how your heart slows and your breathing becomes so impossibly difficult to hear.
Wake up. His brothers are calling out to you. Wake up. That Reaper and Solomon are arguing.
To see that you are unable to look at him with your own pride and defiance feels wrong. To see you fall, and then to see you laying before him. You seem so small, so fragile, so.... human. It's baffling to see you without that smile on your face, to see you standing beside his brothers.
Lucifer wonders if this is how Lilith felt for the human she loved. Willing to do what she could for the one she loves. Upon falling, something was already missing in his family Lilith. Now another piece is missing.
It is you.
Maybe, just maybe if he claps his hands together after running his fingers through your hair, tucking the sheets in better around you, and gathering the many gifts his brothers have left for you... maybe a little prayer can help you open your eye's once more.
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from the Healing Lucifer devilgram.
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
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🍬 Sweet Older Brothers 🍭
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lord-amaranth-12 · 1 year
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(Almost) every food/drink etc. mentioned in obey me nightbringer and shall we date
I'll update with links to the sources soon just bare with me. Also please tell if the link arent working
Update: ill stop linking stuff for now
Update: i alphabetized everything (using https://onlinetoolz.net/alphabetical-order) and removed the ingredients for potions cause i will be moving it to another list. I also edited the layout abit to make it more readable
Update: ill start linking stuff now, have to get all out of my storage and posted here before i get full storage again
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• Abyss crimson bee honey
• Abyss crimson wasp honey
• Alla death cream
• Artic butterfly scales
• Ash fall chocolate brownies
• Assam
• Backstabbing sandwich
• Barely cooked black tapir steak
• Bat leaves
• Bavarian cream
• Bell peppers
• Black cloud chocolate gâteau
• Black coffee of melancholy
• Black shark flavored gummies
• Black tapir casserole
• Bloody marmalade
• Bloody rice omelets
• Bloody soda
• blood-red velvet cupcakes
• BLT devil sandwich
• Blue rose crystal pickles
• Blue rose petals candied in crystal syrup
• Bufo egg milk tea
• Bufo egg milk tea hell poison honey flavored
• Bufo toad
• Bufo toad sushi
• Bulbul bird eggs
• Butter pancakes
• Castella
• Cat cookies
• Colossal jumbo surprise parfait
• Comfort candy
• Crazy ghoul hamburger
• Crimson bonito flake
• Crimson bonito flake dressing
• Crimson dogwood
• Crimson tea
• Crispy chicken nugget LXXXIII
• Crushed millefeuille
• Dark star fruit sandwich
• Death maggot sauce
• Death mask bat chips
• Deaths door sauce
• Deep-fried devil zebra skewers
• Demi-glace sause
• Demon salmon
• Demonic Sausage
• demon silk moth-flavored gummies
• Demonkiller remora
• Demonkiller remora sauté
• Demonus-infused chocolate
• Demon-luring seaweed salt kalbi chips
• Devil cabbage
• Devil cacao bean
• Devil canelé
• Devil chocolate
• Devil chocolate canelé
• Devil duck confit
• Devil flower fruit trifle
• Devil ham
• Devil lohas milk tea
• Devil moray sushi
• Devil salmon meunière sandwiches
• Devil salmon rolled sushi
• Devil salmon terrine
• Devil zebra bacon
• Devil zebra meat sushi
• Devilbee popcorn
• Devildom gummy Horror house flavored
• Devildom-style boneless pararucu
• Devildom-style vampire bat sandwich
• Devils soft serve
• Dragons mark pie crust
• Dreamfeather cookies
• Dreamfeather meringue cookies
• Dried bufo egg
• Earl grey cookies
• Eternal night herbal tea
• Family pack sushi
• Fish meunière
• flaming hot mushrooms
• Flaming toad
• Fluffy egg pancakes
• Fluorescent rich yogurt
• fried devil chicken
• Fruit of wisdom jelly
• Galaxy burger
• Galaxy fries
• Garlic anchovy dip
• Giant shadow sea cucumber cream pasta
• Glazed Shadow chestnut
• gold demonus
• Gold hellfire newt syrup
• grilled vampire bat
• Hamburger gummies
• Hamburger stake
• Hamburger steak
• Haunted hamburgers
• Havoc devil
• Havoc devil ribs
• Hawthorn berry powder
• Hell demon salmon
• Hell pudding
• Hell velvet parfait
• Hellfire chocolate pie
• hellfire curry rice
• Hellfire mushroom rooled cigar
• Hellfire mushrooms
• Hellfire rose
• Hells kitchen hamburger combo
• Heros herbal tea
• Horror's horror cheesecake
• Hunter sandwich
• Instant noodles (hell-sauce flavor)
• Juicy shadow hog rice bowl
• King-sized fried devil chicken
• King-sized hellfire curry rice
• King-sized poison bleu cheese hamburger
• King-sized shadow hog ramen
• Laughingshroom powder
• Little devils white sauce
• Madam scream's super sweet scones
• Magma butter
• Magma butter pasta
• Magma butter scone
• Mandragora powder
• Marinated bufo toad
• Melted cheese
• Mimic latte
• Mint chocolate chip
• Mont blanc
• Nightshade cream
• Ocean of cloud cake-parfait
• Ocean of Clouds cake
• Ordeal orange fondae
• paradise blue
• Pasta alla death cream
• Pickled vampire bat
• poison bleu cheese hamburger
• Poison strawberry
• Poison veggie juice box
• Poison viper worm al ajiilo
• Poison worm sauce
• Poisonous cheese burgers
• Poisonous cheesecake
• Poisonous marsh pudding
• Princess poison apple
• Promised glory donut (?)
• Purgatory mustard
• Quattro Hungry Pizza
• Quetzalcoatl brains
• Quetzalcoatl brains soup
• Rainbow paw print chocolate
• Red riding hood sandwich
• RedxRed apple pie
• Region exclusive Devildom gummy
• RIP burger
• Ruby chocolate éclair
• Sabbat salad
• Salted hell rose petals
• Salt-grilled black goat bat
• Scorpion syrup
• Shadow caramel
• Shadow chestnut
• Shadow chestnut paste
• Shadow chocolate
• Shadow chocolate brownies
• Shadow hof stir fry in demi-glance sauce
• Shadow hog
• Shadow hog buns
• Shadow hog dumplings
• shadow hog ramen
• Shadow hog soup
• Shadow hog steamed bun
• Shadow hog stir fry
• Shadow pork ragu pasta
• Shadow tuna sashimi
• Silver birch sap
• Simeons special BLT devil sandwiches
• Siren bench caviar
• Smoked cocktraice glizzard
• Smoky black loco moco
• Spicy rainbow pizza
• spiderweb powder
• Sponge cake
• Stardust soda
• Starry-sky waffle
• Stonefish Meunière
• Strawberry shortcake
• Super-sized limited-edition beef
• Sweet and salty canned kraken assortment
• Sweet milk tea
• Sweet tears donut
• thick-cut giant devildom slug sauté
• Thunder sparkle flavored gummies
• Toe bean stamp salad
• Troll coffee
• Ultra D
• Unhappy Mega Combo
• Vampire bat
• Venti brashberry frappuccino with double whipped cream and extra berry powder
• Whole roast shadow hog
• Wicked cupcake
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Not in devildom
• Camping meal (Witch camp)
• Cursed goat cheese tartar sandwich (TSL)
• Ema datshi (human world)
• Ginger ale (human world)
• Hamburger (mama's cooking) (levis animes)
• Herbal tea (celestial realm)
• Huckleberry (human world)
• Hyper chili dog (human world)
• Japanese giant salamander (human world)
• Mapo tofu (human world)
• Tornado tomato (human world)
• White mochi balls in syrup (march comes in like a Panda)
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• Barbatos's homemade cake
• Barbatos's homemade pudding
• Celestial tea
• Demon lords castle edition premium demonus
• Demonus with scorpion syrup and spiderweb powder
• Devilcats favorite food
• Leviathans homemade granola
• Lobster
• marshmallow
• Moryo Town's special demonus
• multi colored Jelly
• Popcorn Deaths door flavored
• Popcorn lava salt flavored
• Popcorn magma butter flavored
• Popcorn Tree sap caramel flavored
• Pudding from devilmart
• Ramen infernal bahamit flavor
• Rare flower used in baking as a sweetener
• Really big chocolate bar
• Really big chocolate coin
• Salad from Sound Off, Symphony! Summer band camp storyline
• Sheep cake
• Star-shaped chocolate
• Sun and moon cookies by simeon
• "Little cake thingies"
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• Chocolate mold
• Devildom miso
• Egg berry whole mil
• Marinated bufo toad
• Marzipan
• Meunièr
• Newt
• Surströmming
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projectbluearcadia · 1 year
Sapphire World Masterlist
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About Project Blue Arcadia
Lucifer x Succubus!Admin Saga
Story 01 - "The Love I Desire"
Story 02 - "The Fears I Wear"
Story 03 - "The Power I Hold"
Story 04 - "The Heart I Possess" (Finale)
Fantasies Lucifer Confiscated From Me Masterlist
Lucifer x MC
What's Planned Right Now?
[18+] Red-Faced Warfare [p1] [p2] [p3] [18+] Your Blood, Your Heart [p1] [p2] [p3] [p4] [18+] A Prank Gone (Right) Wrong [18+] Golden Newt Syrup [p1] [p2] [18+] Ωmega Protection [p1] [p2] [p3] [18+] Kneel. [18+] Precious First [p1] [p2] [18+] His (Their) Queen [p1] [p2] [18+] My Love, I Am Drinking PLeNTy of WAteR [p1] [p2] [18+] Film Worthy [p1] [p2] [18+] Happy Birthday, Lucifer! '24 [18+] Cream-Flavored Whore [18+] Well-Deserved Rest [18+] Hush, Darling, Hush [18+] Heart of Blue [p1] [p2] [18+] Untethered [18+] Eros Octopoda Waltz In C# Minor (Op. 62, No. 2) Work-Life Balance The Warmth of Iolite My Happy Place I Am and Always Will Be
Request Box | Request Rules
[18+] OM! Russian Roulette
That Time I Made Religious Business Cards To Piss Off Missionaries
Obey Me! x What In Hell Is Bad? = Same world, different times
Nightbringer Lucifer SG Homescreen Guide
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merakiui · 27 days
!!!! Those are so cool :DDDD!!!! Very very pretty!! The first one honestly reminds me a bit of Rollo but I think maybe it's just the palette it's got going on lol 😭 either way really neat :3 and glad to hear you're well!!!!
The second one though,, auughh I hope to get an outfit like that one of these days. I love the sleeves and the suspender pants!!! They're so fun!!!
It WAS a shock tho!! Usually my twt and tumblr circles do not cross much. But you're also really the only twst tumblr account I keep up with. Notifs on and everything 🫡 you're also so okay talking abr fashion!!! It's such a fun subject!! So many styles and pieces out there to look into
I have been very well though thank you :D! Trying very hard to get that eel Jade card but I fear he is not coming home this time. Maybe I'll have more luck on his rerun 💔💔
- :3 !!
Oh!! Sorry I meant to add this but forgot !! But I looked through my last asks and one of the last ones I sent was about Obey Me
They added it so you can read the entire og main story in nightbringer. In case you were still interested in reading it
- :3 again
- - -
Is it crazy that that was my immediate thought when I saw that dress and so it gave me even more reason to buy it.......... (ó﹏ò。) I saw it and went: :O !!!! omg NBC dress!!!! It is so Rollo flavored to me..... definitely due to the colors hehe!! I'm happy you had similar thoughts. :D I would do anything for Rollo. I love him so dearly. If he is cheese, then I am rat. If he is light, then I am moth. If he is Crimson Lotus, then I am the hopeless mage throwing myself at him. <3 who needs magic when you have Rollo Flamme?
AND THE SECOND OUTFIT YES!!! AAAAAA it's just so amazing!!! I hope you can get an outfit just like that!!!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ may you feel fashionable every day!!!
I know the feeling! There was a time when some classmates were avidly discussing omegaverse while we were at lunch, and I could only sit there in shock as two worlds collided in the most unexpected, miraculous way. But omg you're too kind, :3 anon!!! Having notifications on for me...... I am immensely honored. 🥺 that's so sweet,,, and thank you for listening to my brief fashion rambles! I also think it's a very fun subject, so I adore chatting about it when given the chance!
As usual, the eel is so slippery and can be difficult to catch. >_< I'm sending you heaps of luck so that he can come home to you (whether during his current banner or during rerun)!! You will bring that slimy eel home!!! And I'm very happy to know you're doing well!! Please have the best day always!!!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨
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insideous-beez · 1 year
Imagine Obey Me Nightbringer:
You're often invited to join the brothers for breakfast as an escape from the certain doom that is Solomon's cooking. One morning you notice a bag of familiar rainbow-colored coffee beans and decide to brew a pot for the brothers. One taste and they'd all agree- it's remarkably bitter. One of the brothers who isn't too fond of bitter flavors remarks, "the hell is with this coffee?!"
You grin to yourself. "It's made with love," you tease. The brothers don't know how literal the statement is, but they will one day.
(Bonus: Satan uses his phone to look up the coffee beans while at the table. He does a spit-take when he reads the article.)
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emmys-grimoire · 1 year
Going forward
You might have noticed I stopped the lesson summaries. This is for a simple reason: after lesson 11 the Nightbringer storyline began to seriously drop off and I was holding my breath for the plot to start again and get everyone excited for something again.
That didn’t happen. Nightbringer barely makes an appearance again shortly thereafter, and just chills in the background for a good third of the season while the rest of the lessons are mostly filler. There’s not even a finale or climax, really, and the cliffhanger you leave on is so muted that it feels wrong to even call it that. So serious are the implications of Raphael’s ultimatum that they decide to throw a ball after telling him to sod off. And congrats, you’re officially their babysitter now, I guess. It feels very Season 4-ish again.
It’s very clear that the writers just decided to pause all the conflict and tension until the next season. I’d applaud them for taking their time with the pacts if I thought they did the actual legwork in building the relationships between characters, but they really don’t. For a story that was trying to portray itself as more serious and edgier than the original flavor, it becomes very safe, very conservative very quickly after they forgive MC for lying about their identity.
If they’re not going to treat their central conflict seriously, neither am I. Going forward, I’m going to be engaging with Obey Me! as a casual player instead of expending an undue amount of effort on trying to make heads or tails of a story that should probably never be taken seriously -- even by campy otome standards. It’ll be mostly commentary from here out, sorry.
For those of you whole followed the blog for the story updates because you can’t keep up with the lessons, I’m sorry, but do know that the wiki is now doing a better job uploading shorter lesson summaries. I’ll still be open to answering asks and questions, and you can get ahold of me more directly on our discord server.
I’ll still post sporadically, and I *do* look forward to finally getting the Michael reveal I’ve been itching for since OG season 2, but I’m not expecting anything substantial going forward. The Nightbringer is probably exactly who we think it is (Barbatos), but I guess there’s a TINY chance it may be a completely different character if they’re finally willing to spare the art assets for Michael.
I’m not holding my breath, though: they could just have the guy disguise himself as someone else again.
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torihakaraublog · 7 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer "Absolute Zero" Pop Quiz
Okay sit down. I have thoughs (both good and bad).
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This event did not start off not great... I don't mind another festival event persay cause it's cool seeing different events celebrated in the Devildom, but I didn't really get how this one worked. It's for the frost wolf 🐺 guy, to please/honor him. Dance (okay makes sense), Flowers (not surprising), Ice sculptures (Ooo fun), Fasting (alright). Except apparently only a few people need to participate in the fasting????
I personally have never participated in fasting, but I don't think it works that way normally?? (Please correct me if I'm wrong).
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And idk this ^^ also seemed odd to me?
However, I do think think the story does improve a bit. I like that the frost wolf is trying to take us away because it wants the bond everyone has with each other. 💜 and there is a lot of cute individual moments.
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Levi picking the frost flower 🌼 petals :3
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The side character moments were fantastic! Love squirrels for one thing! Planting with Raphael and hanging up posters with Mephi also super sweet! Like Mephi is trying so hard to help Diavolo anyway he can. What a champ!
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Then in the later chapters the support they show you!! Ahhh! I can't wait for them to be dateable 💜
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Diavolo was the star of this event for me 🌟 they really showcased his playful side! I was laughing so hard at these parts xD the music change on the ice sculpture one was splendid 🤣
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Now back to some negatives... maybe I'm not far enough in the main story, but I think this event implies we live with the brothers. They lay on a bit too thick that they can't live without me. Why do I move to purgatory hall? Why can't I go back to my room in cocytus hall?? They can live without me... I can still visit?
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These little 'activities' were fun and I liked how they fit the theme of the festival. But I think it would have been better to fill the lanterns with past good memories or memories of looking back at the festival instead of 'forcing' moments with the intent to fill the memories.
(Activities - not in order)
Satan: going to amusement park.
Simeon: snow globe making.
Mammon: race.
Levi: singing. (Anime love song)
Lucifer: snow fort.
Asmo: dance?
Luke: ?
Bel: ?
Solomon: ?
Barbatos: perfume making. (For eachother)
Diavolo: sherbert making.
Beel: ice block weight guessing.
I did this last night and already forgot half of them 😅
My faves were Lucifer and Diavolo's moments.
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So sweet of him to notice we would need a rest + cuddle! :3
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This activity was just fun! I wanna make ice cream flavors for people I know!
The timeline where we dress up as an ice lion was so ridiculous lmao they were really tossing so many things in this event. As a whole I didn't really like it, but because some individual parts were so good it kinda made up for that lol.
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magicalgirlagency · 4 months
Favorite YT channels?
🇧🇷 Arquivo Mortal Kombat (channel dedicated to everything related to the Mortal Kombat franchise, with random livestreams on a weekly basis);
Party Crashers (this almost feels like cheating, 'cause this channel consists of five different youtubers, lol);
Amaury Guichon (a.k.a.: The Chocolate Guy. Pretty self-explainatory);
Flowers & Ambience (relaxing media-themed playlists);
🇧🇷 Crash Bandicoot Brasil (a brazilian channel about Crash Bandicoot that has recently returned from a 3-year hiatus!);
Lythero (shitpost-flavored gameplays with stellar animated skits and guests!);
Planet Clue (previously known as KKClue. A channel about kidcore stuff, like niche games and toys);
Cooking With Fred (solid Binging With Babish replacement. Does shorts where he replicates meals from cartoons and anime);
🇧🇷 Vila do Chaves (collection of several videos with trivia about El Chavo del Ocho and other creations of Chespirito);
Friendly Space Ninja (pop culture-loving and aspiring artist who blabs about whatever's hot on the telly. Love to listen to him complaining about bad shows);
Momopurin (artist who draws cutesy stuff, including Magical Girls);
PricklyAlpaca (artist who does highly detailed designs and DIYs based on specific prompts);
NintendoComplete (despite the name, it showcases more than just Nintendo games. It has longplays and remixes of various video game tunes);
Kerchie (toy collector and designer, but a majority of her content is toy collecting/showcasing, mostly Polly Pocket toys, both old and new);
Lavi Alraune (vtuber, self-entitled Mandrake Maiden, who plays video games and heavily interacts with her viewers via chat);
Hanako's Kitchen (japanese housewife showing what kinds of meals she prepares for her family on a weekly basis);
Mani Land (korean kidcore channel that showcases toy reviews and resin DIYs);
Dreamy Dice (a beautiful collection of D&D dice sets done in resin);
🇧🇷 Tio Gordo (shitpost-y gameplays and lives, huge Crash Bandicoot fan);
Ara's Today (kawaii stationary vlogs and ASMR vids! 'Nuff said!);
CHARIBO ART (artist who does ASMR vids of their drawings, from line art to coloring);
GTV Japan (mini-doc videos about video games and other obscure japanese media in the style of a TV show!);
🇧🇷 Kraven the Raven (an alcoholic raven who talks about criminals, cultists, lowcows/horrorcows and other internet oddities, traumatizing himself in the process for the sake of entertainment. Oh, and he's also a lawyer);
Wholesome Games (collection of teasers and trailers of cute and cozy indie games);
MOTHER Forever (niche channel about the MOTHER/EarthBound series, plus occasional showcases of MOTHER-like indies);
Nananaji glo. (showcase of many gadgets, old and new, with an aesthetic feel);
Toasty Tok (cozy and cute TikTok compilations about mundane stuff);
🇧🇷 Nostal_Gi (channel about Lost Media and other nostalgic stuff);
Syam (heavily Obey Me-centric channel showcasing almost every Pop Quiz Event and Devilgram Story from both OG and Nightbringer apps);
GameBoy Mart (youtuber who does GameBoy console customs, with occasional giveaways);
Garfield Archive (channel dedicated to the archiving of classic Garfield stuff, with FULL EPISODES of Garfield & Friends and almost every Garfield Special!);
MILFGOD (drawing timelapses of cute older women, accompanied with soft-spoken personal stories);
GinjaNinjaOwO (art channel from the creator of PRISM);
Japanese Stuff Channel (channel about tasty treats and gachapon from Japan);
World of Longplays (a YouTube essential with buttloads of longplays of video games from almost every console, and it's still growing...!)
🇧🇷 Nunca Te Pedi Nada (channel about a little bit of everything, from vlogs to educational left-aligned things);
Miura Ayme (vtuber, cosplayer, band vocalist and seiyuu of Obey Me's Asmodeus);
Razor & Zenon (russian channel that does gameplays and walkthroughs of Sonic The Hedgehog hacks/ROMs);
🇧🇷 Raquel Nery (the life shares of a young autistic woman studying to become a medic. Very charismatic and cute!).
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essencering · 1 year
↳ summary: "from heaven I fall straight to the ground without a single sound." no soul could fall from heaven without making a sound, a demon cannot fall from heaven. "but you did."
↳ Tags: Gender Neutral Reader, Lucifer (Obey Me!), Nightbringer Setting, SFW.
writer's blurp: i think my favorite flavor of lucifer, is just seeing him loving his family without trying to villanize himself, but also just having someone just dig out a reaction from his heart that not even lucifer could brush off.
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An ever-stubborn presence is what you are. If you are not with his brothers, they can find you and stick to you like glue. It's irritating, the kindness and care you show towards himself, and his brothers. For such a demon, unknown to even Diavolo to readily reach out, and show such kindness, care, and empathy is terrifying.
What could happen if the olive branch you so willingly extended to them will eventually cruelly ripped away. Showing your true colors as a demon and everyone else. He doesn't want that, but the thought of his brother's hearts being crushed and closing themselves off once again...
It terrifies him. Of what could happen.
His brothers already care too much about you, frequently bringing your name up at the dinner table. Would it be alright to invite you to dinner, to invite you to stay the night rather than walk back home on your own?
Soft, and ever kind his brothers. Even as demons, that part of them hasn't changed, it has simply... been tucked away hurt not just by the war, but by grief and loss of the only home and lives they had known.
To see you standing ever so close to them, protecting them, standing up for them, and daring Lucifer to believe it-- you truly love them.
You are terrifying. Like one of the snakes that they were warned not to trust, but trust you they do. A viper in the grass, but also a lighthouse in the storm.
Somehow you feel like home, but home is no longer within their reach. The sound of a cup being placed on his desk pulls Lucifer out of his thoughts, and he finds himself looking directly at you.
"From Heaven, I fall straight to the ground without a single sound." these are the words you say while preparing his coffee.
"Not a single soul could fall from heaven without making a sound. Never mind how you wouldn't know that a demon could never fall from Heaven."
You finish pouring the coffee, placing what you did bring onto a corner of his desk before picking up what you could take back with you on a tray. The silence hanging between the two of you is not out of place, but you stop at the door and turn to face him.
"I fell from what was my Heaven, I didn't make a sound since Mammon caught me, but you Lucifer... it probably hurt." with those words you leave him be in the silence in the wake of your words.
Lucifer is terrified. That you are able to look at him with such confidence in your own words and leave him with his own thoughts for company, with an apology on your lips for the pain he experienced.
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and I'm obsessed with idk, the one-sided feud going on between solomon and barbatos in nightbringer.
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pieground · 2 years
Ok ... so bought the first Obey Me manga it's in japanese but ... the Google translator sucks but can you tell more about the plot of the game?
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I am interested over it but I want to know more from people point of view before I can jump into the more of it
Sorry for the late response, Annibirb.🥺 I have actually been planning to answer ever since I woke up and saw the ask. I want to give you the best answer I could, so I figured I should open the app, but then I lost all of my data (I just got them retrieved). But here it is now~
🫧 p l o t 🪼
MC wakes up in a place looking like an Assembly Hall where several people sat on their seats similar to a gallery. They do not know how they arrived there, but the one sitting at the highest position explained that they have been chosen as one of the human exchange students for the exchange program. The purpose of this program is for the harmony between the Devildom, Human World, and the Celestial Realm. Upon staying in the Devildom as an exchange student, MC has created pacts, deepening their relationship with them. Sooner, they found home with these demons who also saw them as a part of the family. MC also finds out a secret that could lead to their demise and potentially set chaos within the three worlds.
🫧 t h o u g h t s🪼
I was to choose a word befitting for the game. It would be: flavorful. From the isekai plot that evolves into a bigger world, the characters of a variety, and the storyline—it definitely surpasses your expectations.
It's very absorbing, I found myself wanting to know more about the lore, but especially the characters who really made the storyline so interesting. Their personality and sins greatly reflect their backstories—which gave depth to these unique characters. However, taking note that this is an otome, you might find yourself wanting more of their backstories; which I am. Although, another game is coming, Obey Me! Nightbringer! Which focuses on their stories and not the romance. Overall, I think playing the game and reading the MANGA (HUHU WISH I COULD BORROW) would tell you why it is so interesting! I hope you have fun and thanks for the ask!!! I had fun answering.♡
Have a great day or night ahead~ wop wop wop
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You know idk if I'm in a rut (and not the fun type) or not but I feel sort of... Uninvested in Nightbringer lately. I mean I still do the daily tasks and still play story mode but the game doesn't grip me like S1 or OG Obey Me did... Things almost feel stale or stagnant to me where I'm just doing them cause I liked the Original and don't really care for the New App to the same degree I did when getting OG Obey Me.
I wonder if there's a way to get me reinvested because like it's sort of weird how obsessed I was with OG Obey Me and how indifferent I am to Nightbringer now. Maybe it's just cause Nightbringer's whole energy is something I'm not feeling or the game literally is just losing its flavor for me.
Or maybe I'm just feeling down... Hopefully I figure it out soon.
Maybe it's cause leveling up is more difficult or the Events and things just don't matter to me anymore. Maybe I ran my course with Obey Me? Idk...
I guess it's good for minor distraction I guess.
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