#night stay in delhi
boxeboxer · 3 months
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Origin: asalee
Status: posthuman, piloting a standard Class-1D civilian 2028 CHOSHI-II vessel (modern Delhi variant) distributed by OURO
Nationality/Ethnicity: Chinese-Japanese, living in Hunan-Hubei territory (east mainland China)
Age: 36 (date of birth 5/25/2006, transferred in 2029)
Occupation: museum curator and historian for the Qingdao Museum of Galvanism
Sun Lei (addressed as Lei Sun in English) is a historian living in Qingdao, Hunan-Hubei. She is the eldest daughter of a once-prestigious Onmyodo-Wuxing (OW) family which specialized in weapons manufacturing. Her younger sister is Shui Sun.
Lei has bounced around career paths throughout her life. She formally studied architecture in college, but is now focused on archiving historical documents and data preservation, as well as hosting Japanese language classes. As the curator of the QMG, she does research on alchemical practices from antiquity to the present day. She hopes to revive the lost art of OW and her family’s heritage.
Lei is blunt, and tends to take things personally, thus she holds many petty grudges against people, whether they know it or not. She often is the loudest person in the room without realizing it. A perfectionist that cannot keep still, she considered to be an annoyance amongst her colleagues (who she constantly bothers). She wears her emotions on her sleeve and loves to talk, including to herself. She comes across as prissy or arrogant, when in reality, she’s a worrywart that wants everything in her life to play out the way she sees it in her head. Lei enjoys fancy teas, watching old cinema, and putting together complex outfits.
As the daughter of a Hunan-Hubei political ambassador and a Japanese weapons manufacturing mogul, Lei was born and raised in Japan, but frequently spent time in mainland China growing up. Despite their wealth, their parents lived frugally as to not spoil their daughters.
Lei attended college in Hunan-Hubei, and graduated with a degree in architecture. She then moved back to Japan in order to be with her longtime partner, Chihiro, but trade embargoes and food shortages brought upon by the Tangent War forced them to make plans to flee back to Hunan-Hubei shortly after.
Lei, who discovered she was newly pregnant, and Shui, afflicted by a waterborne illness and rapidly deteriorating, were placed on one of the last flights still commuting to Korea via a bribe from her parents to the airline. Most planes had been grounded due to a heavy increase in military presence in the surrounding waters. Chihiro and Lei’s parents stayed behind in hopes they could find another escape route once Lei and Shui were safe.
As their flight reached the edge of the Korean coastline, a nuclear warhead touched ground in Japan, the shockwave of which damaged the plane and caused it to crash. Lei and Shui survived the initial impact and were rescued, but Lei was later put on life support and not expected to make it through the night. In a rare act of diplomacy, Hunan-Hubei transferred her consciousness to a posthuman body before she died. Shui was paralyzed from the waist down from a spinal cord injury, but otherwise made a full recovery. Lei’s unborn child could not be saved. All who remained in Japan were declared deceased.
Lei occupies herself with her work and being a carer for Shui. Her and Shui have a close, but strained relationship, as Lei coddles her due to her disability and treats her like a child sometimes—Lei was transferred when she was 23 years old, and Shui, her little sister, is now older than her. It’s her way of coping with that and the loss of her child, albeit not a healthy one. They live together in Qingdao.
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ronaldofandom · 1 year
To Be or Not to Be
How about some angst to cut through all the fluff coming from this writer?
Plot: After 5 months in Adilabad, Jenny gets a message from her best friend inviting her to Hyderabad. Ram refuses to let Bheem go. Bheem refuses to let Jenny go alone. Leading to a heavy angsty conversation. Followed by some Bheemjenny angst.
No warnings. Mostly angst & some mild fluff. This is the first RamBheem confrontation I have ever written & I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Jenny read and re-read the words of the letter over and over again.
It was Carol’s writing. No doubt. She had also signed it with a code name that only the two of them knew. Of a secret society that they wanted to form in their childhood.
Her best friend, her oldest friend was trying to reach out to her. Jenny held the letter close to her chest, in a bout of nostalgia.
She hadn’t had any contact with her former world in over 5 months now. That part of her life felt like a distant, yet fond memory.
Jenny had started to accept that she might never be able to revisit that world again. It was her choice to pay that price for her love. To make her new world her only reality. The girl had worked tirelessly to make that happen.
Yet, on some long days and restless nights, a few memories creeped back. Engulfing her in a strange sadness. She fought that feeling with all her might, telling herself repeatedly that she had so much to be thankful for. But her twisted heart refused to comply. A piece of her was lost, left behind, never to return. And her wretched heart reminded her of that feeling frequently.
Therefore, when Bheem first showed her the letter, she instantly cried. Then read it a few times. Then cried some more. And then held it close to her heart.
Bheem just looked from a distance, understanding every emotion dancing on her face. He had immense admiration and appreciation for her sacrifice. For leaving everything behind. Just for love. He couldn’t do it. No matter how much he loved her, he couldn’t leave his home, his people behind to join her in a strange, new world.
She never told him how much she missed her former life. She didn’t need to. He could always tell when she stopped talking mid-sentence, changing the subject, not letting even a hint slip of her reminiscing. Just so he doesn’t feel guilty.
He always tried to make up in whatever ways he could. Like celebrating her festivals. Taking her on picnics. Trying to learn her language. Baking some of the goodies with her. Listening to her stories, her beliefs. Going down on one knee when he proposed to her. Giving her the love of not just a partner but of everyone else she had left behind too.
But those were small compensations. She had given more to their relationship than he ever could. That guilt & realisation never left him.
The two minutes she took to compose herself after reading the letter were another harsh reminder. The guilt came flooding back.
He sat her down on the cot, bent in front of her, holding on to her hands.
‘It is her, then?’
‘Yes, this is unmistakably Carol. But, how did she reach us?’
‘She left it addressed to me and you at a focal point of the revolution in Hyderabad. Our people keep visiting there, they brought it back today.’
Jenny nodded in understanding. It would have taken some effort and even risk on her friend’s part to try reaching her like this. Carol was the only one who knew that Jenny had left of her own will. With Bheem. She was the only one Jenny had left a message for.
‘So, what does the letter say?’
‘Her husband is posted in Hyderabad for a few months. They are staying away from the Cantonment area, close to the city. He is in Delhi for the next two weeks. She asked if….if I could come visit her. She also promised that she would send her staff on leave that day so no one would see us. She has also offered to come pick us up from anywhere in the city. Bheem?’
She squeezed his hands tightly, her eyes brimming with hope & enthusiasm.
‘You go to Hyderabad often. You have even taken me once. Can we…can we please go visit her? Just for a few hours?’
Bheem knew this was coming. And he froze. Unable to respond either way. But he didn’t want to burden her with his inner tribulations on the matter.
‘Can I take a little time to think about this, bangaram? Let’s discuss this in the evening?’
If she was disheartened, she didn’t show it.
‘Sure. Ofcourse. I understand.’
She said all the right things, without meeting his eyes. He kissed the top of her head and left the hut, leaving her alone with her restless thoughts.
Bheem went straight to Ram, who was just returning from training, with Sita in his tow.
They stopped in their tracks, sensing the urgency on Bheem’s face, and the curious way in which he was extending the letter towards them.
Ram read it first, with a poker face, then handed it to Sita.
While she read it, Ram paced around the area, deep in thought.
‘Tell me you are not going. Tell me, now.’
Bheem just hung his head, expecting this response.
‘Ram, maybe we should talk about it?’
Sita offered, looking at Bheem’s torn face, sensing his dilemma.
‘Talk? There is nothing to talk about. This could very well be a trap. He could have a whole unit waiting for him, to ambush him. This is too big a risk, Bheem. It make NO SENSE. You are NOT GOING.’
When Bheem’s face fell even more, Sita intervened.
‘Bheem, does Jenny trust this Carol person?’
Ram turned to Sita, about to express his displeasure at them even considering this any further. But she raised her palm towards him, shushing him for good. Ram started to pace again.
‘Wholeheartedly. She says this woman is her best friend. She says this woman is like her. How could this woman be bad then, Sita? How could she be evil?’
Bheem looked up then, after a long time. Pleading eyes, looking for someaffirmation from Sita.
Sita reached out and gently grasped his fidgeting hand.
‘I believe in Jenny’s judgement. Ofcourse I do. But have you guys considered that her friend may have been coerced to write this? Maybe someone found out Jenny came with you willingly. And this is a ploy to get to her? And…to you?’
Sita spoke with as much love as she could muster, while softly squeezing his hand.
Bheem had considered that possibility. He had considered every possibility since he sensed the situation.
‘She wrote a code word in the letter which only her and Jenny knew of. No one else knew about it. If she were coerced, and someone else dictated the letter to her, she would not have written that.’
Sita nodded in agreement. Ram nearly punched a nearby tree in frustration.
‘Oh look at you two trusting fools. You might believe this Carol’s intent, Sita, but I don’t. She may be a nice person or whatever. But what if she thinks she is trying to save Jenny from your clutches by doing this, huh Bheem? Maybe she thought it was a phase for Jenny and she would grow out of it soon. But that didn’t happen, did it? Jenny decided to stay. Maybe her friend is trying to give her an out? Trying to save her from a lifetime of distress that’s destined for her if she stays here with you? Maybe this is her way of protecting her. FROM YOU. WHAT ABOUT THAT???’
Ram stared at both of them intently, waiting for them to respond.
Sita couldn’t deny the logic in Ram’s words. They were cynical, yes. But he had more than enough reasons to be cynical in life.
Bheem met Ram’s eyes for the first time.
‘Well, that’s a risk I will have to take then.’
Ram stood toe to toe with Bheem, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him profusely.
‘WHY? Why do you HAVE TO do this? Why can’t we just forget about this letter and get on with our lives? Why take the risk at all? Why can’t Jenny make her peace with it? She made a choice, now she needs to stick with it.’
Bheem gawked at Ram, indignation written all over his face.
‘Are you serious? What do you mean she needs to stick with it? She is doing more than anyone could ask from her, expect from her. What else do you want her to do? She has given up everything. EVERYTHING. Just for me. Are you saying I should crush this tiny bit of hope she has gotten now? This brief window of meeting someone familiar, rekindling her memories - you are saying I should kill that chance too? Who knows when or if this will ever be possible again? How could I be such a monster to do this to her, Anna? HOW?’
Before Ram could burst into a rant, Sita grabbed his elbow, slightly shaking her head at him. Warning him to tread carefully.
Ram realised he wouldn’t win this battle. Bheem won’t stop Jenny from going. But that didn’t mean he would just let Bheem fall into a death trap.
‘Ok. Fine. It’s your call. But - let her go alone then. You don’t have to go with her. She can go with someone else from here who can drop her somewhere in the city and pick her up. YOU don’t have to put yourself at risk. Not for this, Bheem. Please, I am begging you.’
Sita closed her eyes and sighed inwardly, bracing herself for what was to come. She knew it was a moot point. The only two people Bheem would trust Jenny with, on such a long trip, were Ram & himself. And, Ram was not a viable alternative since he was a wanted man too.
Bheem said those exact words out loud to Ram.
Ram took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and considered all potential ways to address this situation. Sita’s hand was still firmly on his elbow, beseeching him to not lose his shit.
When Ram spoke next, his voice was calm. Eerily calm. Like a cold-blooded killer. Punctuating each word with pauses. Sending a shiver down Sita’s back.
‘If you go with her and they catch you, they will skin you alive. Gleefully. All right? They will leave your corpse hanging in the city centre, for days, making an example out of you. For anyone who dares to revolt against the mighty empire. Do you agree?’
‘If they catch me, yes. Remember, it took you to catch me last time.’
Bheem responded flatly, with equal calm. Sita just looked at the two men, wondering where this was going.
Ram chose to ignore the implied jibe and continued.
‘Fantastic. Now, if she goes alone and it’s a trap, what’s the worst that can happen? Think about it. No one will harm a hair on her head. She would be admonished, sure, but do you think anyone would dare to hurt a lady of her stature? Not a chance. At max, they will send her back to England. That’s fine. She will live. And so will you.’
Sita gasped in horror. She was sure Ram didn’t realise the enormity of what he had just said. She was even more sure it won’t go down well with Bheem. She didn’t even dare to look at Bheem at this point, just shutting her eyes again.
It took Bheem a few moments to believe what Ram had said. He was shaking from disbelief. Did his Anna not know his heart at all?
Then, he took a few steps back, getting enough distance from Ram, and glared straight into his eyes.
‘She will live. And so will I. But what kind of a life would that be for either of us? By that logic, Malli would have lived in that cage too with more amenities than here for sure. So, when she was taken against her wishes, caged against her wishes, I should have just left her there? I didn’t. So how could I let Jenny walk into this alone? How could I not be there for her, every step of the way? If they try to cage her, take her away, against her wishes, how could I not do everything in my power to keep her with me? If I was there for Malli, how is this any different?’
Sita’s voice cut through the mayhem.
Ram stopped in his tracks, the weight of his words hitting him like a truck.
Bheem didn’t flinch, but something changed in his eyes. Like something had died inside.
Sita rushed towards Bheem, grasping his shoulders, rubbing his arms. Trying to get him to look at her but Bheem stared straight at Ram.
‘Bheem. Bheem - he didn’t mean it like that. You know he didn’t.’
Bheem freed himself from her hold. Stepping further away from both of them. The physical distance a proxy to their emotional distance.
‘Let it be, Sita. I know what he meant. And you know what - Ram - you are right in a way. Jenny is not from here, no one here owes anything to her. No one, other than me. So I won’t put anyone else at risk for her. But no one, NO ONE, has the right to tell me to not put myself on the line for her. I will do that every day if I have to. I love her to death, and that is my burden to bear. No one will tell me that the burden is too high.’
Sita’s heart was breaking for Bheem. He was trying hard to hide his emotion but the lack of emotion from him itself was a big tell of how broken he was feeling inside.
Ram knew it was now or never. He could live with Bheem’s hate, if that meant Bheem would survive. What he couldn’t live with is knowing he didn’t do everything in his power to keep him safe, when he was about to walk into a fatal trap. Ram was convinced that’s what it was and was utterly distraught in failing to make Bheem see so.
Ram decided to double down, seeing that as the only remaining option.
‘So, you would pick her over us then? Over all of us? Is she the only one who loves you? Does our love for you amount to nothing? Your people, your friends, your tribe, your COUNTRY - you love her more than all of us? Is that it, Bheem? Answer me.’
Bheem couldn’t recognize the man in front of him anymore. The man who was mocking & berating his love.
He laughed a distant, bitter laugh.
‘It’s funny you say that. Because my people, my tribe, my country were safe when we had escaped. But still I went back to the jaws of death for YOU. For ONE person. All because of a stupid thing called love. Guess I was always stupid. Because doing things out of love is stupid in your books. Sadly, my love is like that. I can kill for it. I can die for it.’
The emotion in Sita’s eyes had spilled by now. She felt the pain of how these two were cutting each other, and themselves, with their words. She also felt the love behind the scathing declarations.
Ram stayed rooted to the spot, feeling like he may have gone too far but not knowing what to do about it. Despite the mayhem, he had half a mind to actually go & tell Jenny about his fears. If she had any inkling of the danger, she would put an end to all this. But Ram also knew that he would be crossing a line with Bheem which he may not be able to come back from.
Bheem retreated while still looking at Ram. Before walking away, he turned back one last time.
‘The woman who is not from here is the reason you are standing here right now. She put herself at risk to get those maps. But you knew that already. She begged & pleaded with me, while handing over the maps, to not go inside. That it would be too risky. That it could be the end of me. Very similar things to what you said today. But the difference is, she could also see why I just had to do it. Despite everything she had seen you do at the time, she could see why I would still go back for you. She understood. I expected the same from you, Ram. I didn’t think you would support me in doing this, which by the way is maybe not a trap at all. It could just be our paranoia. Your fears were still warranted. I didn’t expect you to agree, I expected you to understand. Like she did.’
With those parting words, and one final nod to Sita, he walked away. Without turning back. Leaving a stunned Ram and distraught Sita behind.
Part 2 will be BheemJenny in Hyderabad. Do let me know what you feel about the story so far and if a second part would interest you :)
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@orangey-orange @ariel-seagull-wings @atlinmerrick @carminavulcana
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Aug. 5 (UPI) -- Bangladesh's embattled prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, resigned Monday and fled the country after protesters stormed her official residence in the capital amid a growing revolt that began over quotas for government jobs in which hundreds of mostly protesters have died.
The announcement from the head of the army, Gen. Waker-uz-Zaman, came after security forces were overwhelmed by thousands of people incensed by a violent government crackdown descending on the Sher-e-Bangla Nagar area of Dhaka, setting cars and offices ablaze.
Footage circulating online shows protesters celebrating inside Hasina's residence, removing furniture and elsewhere in the city trying to tear down a statue of her father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, former prime minister and leader of the country's independence movement, who was assassinated in 1975.
Promising the formation of an interim government, Zaman pleaded with demonstrators to call off their protests.
"Whatever demands you have, we will fulfil and bring back peace to the nation, please help us in this, stay away from violence," said Zaman who promised the military would also back off.
"The military will not fire at anyone, the police will not fire at anyone, I have given orders."
Hasina arrived by helicopter in India at a military airbase 17 miles east of Delhi on Monday evening with the BBC reporting that she may be en route to London, citing unconfirmed reports.
A spokesman for British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said Monday that he wanted to see urgent action to "ensure democracy" won out -- but made no mention of Hasina coming to Britain or any discussions regarding where she might go into exile.
"The right to peaceful protest must be protected and never subjected to violence, and we call on the authorities to release all peaceful protesters and ensure due process is followed for those charged and prosecuted," he added.
"I hope that swift action is taken to ensure that democracy prevails and accelerate the process towards peace and security to people in Bangladesh."
Hasina's son, Sajeeb Wazed Joy, said she had been considering resigning for the past 24 hours and had left the country for her own safety at the insistence of her family.
He rejected the accusations leveled at the 76-year-old of outstaying her welcome after four terms totaling more than two decades during which she gradually morphed from the democratic icon catapulted into office in a people power uprising into an authoritarian leader amid crackdowns on dissent and allegations of graft.
"She has turned Bangladesh around. When she took over power it was considered a failing state. It was a poor country. Until today it was considered one of the rising tigers of Asia. She's very disappointed."
In Dhaka, demonstrators ignored an evening curfew as unrest and looting continued into the night with demonstrators breaching the gates and damaging the residence of Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan in the Dhanmondi area of the capital where smoke was seen coming from the building.
Protesters torched the city's Mujibur museum.
Northeast of Dhaka, 150 miles away in Sylhet, the offices of the deputy commissioner and superintendent of police and the homes of several councilors were attacked.
Hasina's resignation came a day after more than 90 people were killed Sunday during clashes between anti-government protesters and police -- 13 of whom were among those killed after thousands of people attacked a police station in the northwestern district of Sirajganj.
Sunday's casualties brought the death toll to 280 since early July when student protests over the partial reinstatement by the courts of civil service recruitment quotas -- where sought-after government jobs were reserved for supporters of Hasina's ruling Awami League -- erupted into wider, and violent, anti-government unrest.
Government crackdown efforts escalated from tear gas and rubber bullets to live fire, curfews and Internet blackouts bringing hundreds of thousands more people onto the streets demanding change and ultimately Hasina's resignation.
Student organizers had called Sunday for a national non-cooperation government boycott under which people would refuse to pay taxes and utility bills.
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ofxbutcher · 5 months
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JACOB BUTCHER ( CORTEON MOORE ) is a TWENTY-EIGHT year-old TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHER in NEW DELHI, INDIA. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only TWENTY-EIGHT years old. They are known as THE CHARMER because they are EASY-GOING but also AVOIDANT.
Full Name: Jacob Anthony Butcher
Nickname(s): Mostly just goes by 'Butcher' but JB and J are not uncommon
Date of Birth: May 15th 1976
Age: 28
Occupation: Travel Photographer (Travel enthusiast in general and extreme sports participator/admirer)
Current Residence: He was in Australia before deciding to make a stop at New Delhi on his way back to Woodrow, however he staid in India longer than he originally planned due to fun and work colliding a little too well.
Hair: Curly, frizzy, untrimmed atm
Eyes: Light brown
Height: 5'9
Notable Features: Vitiligo over his hands, and barely noticeable by his right eye and bottom right of his chin. Scars all over his body acquired through sports and travel, a dashing smile of course...
Strengths: Determined when intrigued, loyal to a fault, charismatic
Weaknesses: Lonely, avoidant and lets his own stubbornness get in the way of things
Quirks: Rubs the back of his neck when nervous, left eyebrow raises and does a little twitch whenever he's lying (only a few of the wards are actually aware of this -- he, himself, is not)
Vices: Will try anything that seems 'exciting' to him, no matter how dangerous. Smokes cigarettes and occasionally does drugs. Rarely drinks.
Interests: Jacob has had a plethora of interests since childhood. From reading and acting out fantasy novels, to creating his own stories. From riding a bike, to quickly becoming interested in driving a helicopter. Driving, diving, surfing, parachuting, climbing, name a sport or an activity and he has likely tried it. His interests are heavy on the 'outdoors' and learning new things or polishing old skills.
Hobbies: Although he's a very physically active person, and those would certainly include most of his hobbies. Jacob finds that his 'relaxing' time is where his genuine hobbies truly flourish. He writes fantasy a lot, often inspired by his real experiences, and he is a photographer professionally, always pushing himself further to capture beautiful things on camera. He is hoping to collaborate with National Geographic in the future, but he has never told Richard about it out of fear that the old man would try and pull more strings for him. Besides those two hobbies, he also enjoys cooking and pottery a considerable amount.
Special Skills/Talents: He's actually got a lot of these due to his constant participation in weird and extreme sports. Perhaps the biggest skill/talent is staying alive.
Jacob has a very difficult time remembering much of his childhood. There are only few, very few vivid memories he held of his mother. Of a yellow closet with drawings stuck on it. And fire, smell of fire late at night as the screams echoed in the distance. Whenever he would ask Richard about his past, about his parents, about circumstances which led him to Woodrow -- he was met with a dismissive response. "They couldn't take care of you boy, you're better off here." and that was as far as he'd ever get. Over the years, he had tried to pry more information out of the old man, but he was never successful. Even when he tried to take matters into his own hands, and seek answers outside of Richards little safety bubble -- he came up with nothing. There was no records of a 'Jacob Anthony Butcher' to be found. So he assumed his name had been changed. His family was either incapable or unwilling to take care of him, and he was to take life for what it was and live on. Move on. And let the questions of his childhood vanish.
Jacob has always had a knack for people, a longing for life, for opportunities, for adventure. As a child, he would spend hours lost in fantasy worlds, imagining himself riding dragons - or slaying them. Roping other wards into playing soldiers or vampires or whatever his latest obsession would have been. He would go as far as to make his own stories, makeshift his own toys, skate and run and swim around the Woodrow grounds without a care in the world. It is his genuine nature to be easy-going about things in life, and that always made people drawn to him. Everybody likes good company, and Jacob just so happens to like everybody. There was never much others could do to put him off, because above all, Jacob truly believed, as he continues to believe, that people had their reasons. For the good things, the bad things, and everything in-between. And nothing, not a damn thing was ever personal. So he took no offence, and he adapted, he forgave, he did his best to be there for others. His loyalty was always easily acquired, but not quite as easily lost. All that said, Jacob still struggled growing up. Mostly with poor focus and hyperactivity, and he often felt 'dumb' when participating in lectures with other wards, or having to take extra classes even after school to catch up with them. It did take a toll on his confidence at a certain point in life, but he learnt to hide it behind a nice smile and a pretence of 'not caring' which worked out for him in the end. As a young ward he found most joy in simply hanging out with his peers, and even more in getting Mrs. Tristans forehead vein to pump rather visibly. As Jacob grew older, he didn't grow more serious. But he developed a dose of charm inspired by the confidence he gained through surrounding himself with others. He knew that people gravitated towards him, and he found comfort in always having company, in meeting new people, trying out new things. So when the time came to pursue further education, he instead devised a plan to travel. To see the world. To truly live. It may have taken Richard some (a lot of) convincing, but eventually he agreed to let the boy go. Ever since, he has hardly stopped. Always one foot out the door. Always looking for the next rush of adrenaline, next adventure. Although his charm gets him through a lot in life, and allows him to form deeper attachments, he is not the one to settle down. To dream of a house with a picket fence, a family, a single partner for the rest of his life. His spirit runs wild, and he's always in his happiest when he's on the go. Perhaps, a part of him wonders at times if he's truly in a state of constant movement due his deep love for it, or because he is perhaps running. One thing is certain, he is incapable of staying alone, of standing still, only what would he be trying to outrun? At the end of the day, the only thing he actually had, was himself.
Butcher is mostly dressed casual and somehow always covered in dirt. This is why he rarely invests in any expensive or formal clothes, they are certain to get ruined. Comfort is the key, whereas aesthetics are more of an after-thought. Still, he is often seen wearing a silver necklace, whose story of acquirement always changes when asked about. And he also tends to wear a braided bracelet one of his fellow wards had gifted him shortly after his arrival at Woodrow. It's the sentiment, of course, more than genuine liking for the bracelet itself. He owns two black suits, one for weddings and the other for funerals. And a few neat black shirts and tops to match a pair of his 'clean' jeans whenever he needs to dress up. Butcher's also particularly fond of his leather jacket which went through hell and back with him and somehow still holds up pretty well.
Jacob chose to attend a public school after his primary education, but Richard wouldn't allow him to go private as he needed more effort and guidance with education then other kids due to his hyperactivity and lack of focus. This was also the first and the only time Jacob and Richard had a real argument. Following this, Butcher spent the next couple of weeks moping around the house and giving an unusual dose of attitude to anyone he came to contact with, but then got over it when Mrs. Tristan properly explained why it was all for the best in the end and how he will soon be done with school and off to pursue his dreams. Of course, she was right, and his focus was soon somewhere else. But once that the school truly ended, and it was time to head off to University, he used his lack of choice on the matter to further convince Richard to let him travel instead of continuing further education. Ever the academic, it was tough to convince Richard that this was the right path for him, so they agreed on somewhat of a 'gap year' at first, which eventually became full-time travelling and working on the go.
Jacob participated in any extracurricular he could get his hands on. Even the ones he wasn't particularly interested in. He just enjoyed spending time with other wards, so if they had an interest of their own and wanted someone to tag along -- he would happily do it.
He has been travelling, mostly. The longest he ever staid in one place was a year before moving on to his next adventure. Most recently, he had climbed Mt Everest, his lifelong dream, and after that he moved on to a semi-professional surfing competitions in Australia where he did quite well. He considered staying in Australia for a while, but decided to head back to Woodrow instead as it has been months since he last visited. On the way though, he stopped in India where the Krishna Janmashtami festival was just around the corner and decided to stay for a while as well. He was still in New Delhi when he heard of Richard's passing.
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academicgangster · 7 months
God fucking help me, I'm thinking about staying in Delhi long-term.
I have lots of time to consider it. Lots of time to make up my mind and even change it back and forth. Notably, I haven't been here long enough to have the urge to go watch a movie alone at night - which I absolutely cannot do here, for safety reasons; I'm insane but not that insane. I haven't been here long enough to really start pining for the sea. Both of those will happen, and I'll have to figure out how to deal. But I have been here long enough to relish the sheer amount of space there is, both for storage and just to exist in. I have been here long enough to start having feelings about cars again, as I do every damn time I land up here. And I've known for a while that I'm so burnt out it's a massive relief to be here with dad, who has a literal passion for admin and keeps the house running and stuff getting done without my having to worry about most anything but recovery.
It is, however, freezing, and I skipped the worst of the winter months. Boy. Menstruation was hell in an even worse way than it usually is. My knees are super fucked up for reasons unknown but likely related to the cold. I truly don't know if I can do another winter here, especially if I get a job here and have to leave the house to head to an office.
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hand-written-dreams · 12 days
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Chapter 02
Entwined in the darkness
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Khushi observed Arnav Singh Raizada, carefully without being too obvious, waiting for him to just move. Finally, after staying glued to Senior Rathore's side with a dark scowl on his handsome face, he detached himself and headed toward Junior Raizada, bidding him goodbye.
Khushi watched him glide through the crowd, his every movement smooth and deliberate, as if the very air parted to make way for him. She noticed the way the women stole glances, their eyes trailing him with a mix of awe and desire. The subtle power in his stride and the cool, detached glint in his eyes seemed to stir something deep within them, drawing them in like moths to a flame. There was an undeniable charisma about him, a quiet, devastating allure that made hearts skip beats and breaths hitch.
A force impossible to resist.
She weighed her options, either approach him in the open or wait until she could catch him alone. The decision came in a heartbeat and she chose the latter. Confronting him in public was too risky. It would mean not only her death sentence but also a war between the two families.
A mob war.
To avoid that from happening, she had done meticulous research and careful stalking since the beginning. She had managed herself a fake invitation to the party. She convinced her father and bodyguard that she was in her dorm, spending one last night with her friends. She had even managed to slip past her bodyguard standing guard outside her dorm and make her way to the event unnoticed.
All for this man.
Thinking of how Mr. Raizada had orchestrated everything with Theshadowmonster made her blood boil. Oh yes, killing him wouldn’t be a problem. The urge grew stronger each time she thought of that sick bastard of a hacker. She gritted her teeth.
She had basic self-defence training and knew how to handle a knife. So, even if Mr. Raizada managed to overpower her, she was confident she could at least put up a decent fight.
She spotted him heading toward the parking lot. Mr. Raizada, surprisingly, had no bodyguard or driver and always drove his car himself. It was quite gutsy of him, actually. Lucky for her, a man stopped him in his tracks, giving her a few precious moments to catch up unnoticed. 
It’s showtime.
Oh God, oh God, it’s happening.
Khushi took a few rapid breaths through her mouth to calm herself.
Come on, Khushi. You can do this. You can do this. YOU HAVE TO DO THIS.
She put her glass on a tray of one of the many waiters and quietly made her way toward the parking lot as well. Her dark dress ensured she wouldn't stand out. As she stepped further down the path, the sounds of the party faded behind her, casting the surroundings into an eerie silence. The isolation grew with each step, swallowing her into the night. She looked around the parking lot trying to spot his car.
A sleek black Mercedes-Benz GLE.
DL. 04. EF. 1001
That's his car.
Khushi retrieved a bobby pin from her hair to open the trunk, taking care not to set off the alarm, and quietly slipped inside.
The duration of the car ride from the party to his house was excruciating. Her heart was beating so fast, she feared he might actually hear it. After what seemed like eons, though it was probably just a few minutes, the car finally stopped, and she heard the beeping of his security system. And then, total silence.
She carefully slipped out of the trunk and found herself in a garage. She moved toward the security device and attached it to her phone to crack the code. The system unlocked with surprising ease, planting a seed of doubt in her mind, but she quickly brushed it aside.
She peeked inside the house, quietly shutting the door behind her. It was a stylish two-story house that she didn’t even know where in Delhi it was.
Oh God, am I going to die here? He wouldn't even have to try hard to hide my body!
"Think positive, Khushi, think positive." she chided herself.
A grand staircase led to the first floor on her left. The house was enveloped in complete darkness, except for the soft glow of moonlight streaming through the tall glass windows. She spotted the faint shadow of Mr. Raizada's tall, broad figure moving leisurely up the stairs. He seemed so engrossed in his thoughts, his steps slow and heavy, as if his legs were weighed down with lead.
She quietly took off her heels and picked them up in her hand to avoid making any noise. Damn, wearing heels had been a bad idea, but the dress would have looked awful with her sneakers.
Swallowing hard, she climbed up. Her heart was pounding heavily in her chest.
She tiptoed her way to the only door on that floor. She pulled a knife out, aware of the little bruise it had left in her thigh. She reached for the doorknob, twisting it quietly and looked around the semi-dark room.
It was huge and surprisingly empty. A small bedside lamp cast a dim shadow over the room.
Frowning, she stepped inside. A door on the other side of the room opened all of a sudden before she had a chance to observe her surroundings. Dropping the heels in a corner, she quickly crouched behind a large plant near the door. She saw Mr. Raizada step out of the bathroom, throwing his suit jacket on the bed.
She glimpsed how the black shirt stretched taut across the broad expanse of his chest. A very muscular chest. She bet on her Apple Macbook Pro that he had abs too.
Her breath caught in her chest as she raptly observed him folding the sleeves up his forearms.
Holy fucking shit.
His forearm veins.
Along with a vine tattoo peeking underneath his sleeves.
How many tattoos does this guy have?
She hated herself for admiring him, but she couldn't deny the fact that Mr. Raizada was a very, very attractive man. Too bad, he was an asshole and a bastard.
There was a sage green chaise in the middle of his room. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling through the screen. As he sat on the chaise with his back toward her, his focus was completely invested in whatever he was looking at. She straightened from her crouch. It was now or never.
Her hand trembled slightly as she gripped the knife with all her strength, her knuckles turned white under the pressure. She crept forward, barely daring to breathe for fear of alerting him. Just two steps away, she pressed the blade to his back, right above where his heart should be, and spoke in the coldest, meanest voice she could summon.
"Don't move or I'll kill you."
She watched the muscles in his back tense, even before she spoke.
"Interesting," he remarked evenly, as though his life weren’t mere inches away in her trembling hands. She steadied her grip. "A knife? Really? Are you flirting with me?"
"Put your hands up where I can see them." She was scared shitless but managed to keep the tremble in her voice at bay.
"Since I'm not dead yet, I assume you want something," he said in a surprisingly even voice. The completely unruffled tone of his voice did nothing to soothe her nerves. Why wasn’t he bothered even slightly by this? What was she missing?
Sweat broke out on her back. Pulling a second knife from her other thigh, she pressed it against his side, aiming at his spleen. Yes, she had learned all about body parts.
"What do you want?" he asked in his unwavering tone.
"The information you bought from TheShadowMonster."
"Shadow who?"
Khushi pressed her blades a fraction deeper in warning. "Don’t play dumb, Mr. Raizada. I know all about your dealings with TheShadowMonster." She gulped slightly, "Now, where have you stored the information?"
"My jacket. Inner pocket. There's a pendrive."
Khushi blinked in surprise. She hadn’t anticipated him giving it up so easily. Maybe the rumors and stories were indeed exaggerated.
She glanced at his black jacket, and in the split second of her distraction, everything changed.
Her back slammed into the wall nearby. Her right hand was pinned above her head, restrained by a powerful grip, as the knife slid away from her grasp. Her left hand, still holding her knife, was pressed against her own throat, controlled by a much stronger, much angrier opponent. She felt his muscular body press against hers, his warm chest flush with her heaving breasts. The woody scent of his cologne invaded her senses as his legs restrained hers from both sides, rendering her completely immobile. It might have fascinated her if she weren't so terrified.
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Damn it, she was so not ready to die yet. She was not ready for this. No, not at all. She was completely and utterly unprepared. She swallowed hard, eyes fixed on his Adam's apple.
Huh, that's one very nice and very sexy Adam's apple.
She squeezed her eyes shut, instantly regretting her train of thought.
You little slut, stop gushing over his Adam's apple. You are minutes away from dying.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't a little snake."
His voice washed over her, disrupting her internal monologue. It was pure sin. Poison and sin mixed together. It glided over her skin, seeping into her pores.
Her nipples hardened under the dress. She was not wearing a bra, as the dress didn’t allow for one. She hoped against all hope that he didn't feel them. Damn him for having this kind of effect on her. Damn her for reacting to him like this.
"Cat got your tongue, Miss Gupta. Isn't The Viper keeping you satisfied that you had to come to me?"
She snapped her eyes open, coming to look at his very pissed-off dark eyes. He taunted her by raising a daunting eyebrow.
'Fuck, he recognized me.' Khushi cursed internally, then cursed again as she realized that she had said it out loud.
"Did you really think a flimsy mask would hide your identity, little snake?"
He dragged the tip of the knife along her cheek and swiftly cut one of the strings holding the mask in place. The mask fell from her face, leaving her bare before him. Her stomach fluttered, doing somersaults inside her.
Despite that, she straightened her spine. If she had to die, she wasn’t going to do so like a coward, especially not at the hands of an enemy.
"I am not a snake," she hissed at him.
Khushi wished she hadn't watched in rapt attention as his lips stretched into a mocking smirk. But alas! she did! Unabashedly. Like the brazen woman she turned into today.
Did I leave my brain at home?
His smirk stretched further. He wore that smirk like a loaded gun.
Halfway a smile, halfway a threat.
"Sweetheart, Aren't you the viper's fiancee? Since when humans are marrying snakes?"
Her blood boiled with maddening rage. She looked at him with all the hatred and contempt she could muster in her eyes.
"I am not your sweetheart!"
"Would you like it if I call you 'Bitterheart' then? You are a snake, after all."
How can a person be so infuriating!!
She felt like her skin was set on fire from the rage, irritation, and vitriol of hate she was experiencing.
"Stop calling me stupid names!!"
His voice grew increasingly menacing with every word he uttered, as he spoke through his teeth. "In my house, in my territory, I'll call you whatever I want. If you have any preferences, ask nicely, preferably on your knees."
"Fuck you!!"
"You wish."
Whoever said that The Vulture didn't play with its prey was a liar. He was enjoying it a little too much.
He leaned in, his face only inches from hers. Not only were his eyes cold, but his voice was brutal as well.
"This spot, right here," he said quietly, pressing the tip of the knife just under her jaw. "A small cut and you'll be dead before you even blink."
Her stomach churned, but she gritted her teeth, determined not to show her fear as she listened silently. He moved the knife near the center of her neck. ''And this spot...You'll die but it will be messy."
Her heart pounded, her palms sweating under his intense gaze. He shifted the knife to her fluttering pulse. ''And this...Do you know what will happen if I cut you here?"
Khushi stayed silent, her eyes locked on him. His voice was taunting, almost seductive, with the promise of death, "You'll experience intense pain," he continued. "You'll bleed out, feeling every single drop of blood leaving your body.''
His voice slid over her skin, causing goosebumps to erupt all over her body. "Death will come, but only after a long, excruciating wait."
He held the knife steady and asked in his chilling tone. "Now, if you don't want that to be your fate, tell me why are you here?"
"I already told you why I'm here. I need that information back."
"What information?"
"The information the bastard of a hacker stole from me. It contains various pieces of evidence against the crimes Mr. Jha and the Serpents committed. I know he sold them to you. I want them back. I worked day and night to collect all of them."
She opened her mouth to ask him to move the knife just as there was a knock on the door. Khushi yelped in surprise and he released her hand over her head, quickly covering her mouth with his now free hand.
Seriously? What did he think I would do? Scream for help?
“Sir? I just wanted to check on you. Someone hacked our security system. Are you okay?”
He had guards outside? I didn't see any.
He narrowed her eyes at her. One of his eyebrows rose as he responded, "I am fine."
They heard the footsteps fading away, and after a few seconds, he removed the hand from her mouth, but his body didn’t.
“Would you mind removing the knife?” she asked quietly.
His raised eyebrow arched even higher as he leaned closer once more, the knife never shifting from its position. “You should have known better than to enter the house of your enemy alone and unprotected.”
Khushi clenched her jaw, “I want the information back.”
He remained silent for a moment, then stepped back, releasing her, but taking the knife from her grip. “Coming here was foolish, Miss Gupta,” he said nonchalantly as he examined the knife. “Had my people found you first, you’d be dead. If your people find out later, you’d still be dead. Do you want to start a war?”
"Aren't you a hypocrite, Mr. Raizada? Did you not consider the war when you bought the information that belonged to me?"
She inhaled deeply, trying to reason with him. "Look, just give me the information and I'll be on my way. Nobody needs to know."
There was a heavy silence for what felt like an eternity as his eyes assessed her, making her squirm under the scrutiny. After what seemed like an eternity, he extended the knife toward her, "Get out of here before I call someone to escort you out. I’m having a quiet night after months, and the last thing I want is to clean up your blood."
She sighed as she took the knife from him. "Please."
For the first time, she saw something else flicker in his emotionless, hard eyes. He crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his head to look at her. "My manager will drive you home."
Nodding, she accepted the sour taste of defeat in her mouth. Slipping on her heels, she headed toward the door. She felt his eyes on her back the entire time.
"Miss Gupta?"
She turned her head to look back at him. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw the glimmer in his eyes. He held her with a piercing gaze for a long moment before speaking."You owe me."
"Excuse me?"
"You owe me," he repeated patiently.
"What the hell for?"
"For your life," he stated, as his steady, unnerving gaze remained fixed on her. "Anyone else but me and you would be dead by now."
Khushi frowned in confusion, noting the twitch of his lips despite the intensity of his gaze.
"I'm no gentleman to give you a free pass," he added quietly. "You are in my debt, Miss Gupta."
And then her breath hitched as he murmured, "And I will collect it one day."
Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Your support means the world—drop a comment and let me know what you think. More excitement coming soon!
P.S. Khushi's inner voice was expressed like this. Hi, I am Khushi.
And the conversations were expressed like this. "You are my little snake, Khushi." he said looking deep into my eyes. 🤣🤣
Thought I would clear that so there won't be any confusion.
See you soon.❤️
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oscenox-rishikesh · 1 month
Discover Little Amsterdam: Rishikesh’s Premier Riverside Cafe
If you’re planning a visit to Rishikesh and searching for the perfect spot to unwind, indulge in delectable cuisine, and soak in breathtaking views, look no further than Little Amsterdam Cafe. Nestled near the Laxman Jhula Bridge and conveniently located near Tapovan bypass, this gem, managed by OSCENOX, is a must-visit destination that caters to every taste and preference.
A Culinary Delight
At Little Amsterdam, we take pride in offering an extensive menu that caters to both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Our diverse selection features everything from traditional Delhi cuisine to innovative dishes inspired by Asian, Continental, Italian, Mexican, and Chinese culinary traditions. Whether you’re in the mood for a hearty main course or a light snack, our fresh ingredients and traditional cooking methods ensure every bite is a taste sensation.
A Vibrant Atmosphere
Our riverside cafe is not just about great food; it’s about creating memorable experiences. Little Amsterdam stands out as one of the best cafes in Rishikesh for couples looking for a romantic date night. Imagine dining under the palm trees with the serene Ganges River as your backdrop, while enjoying a vibrant atmosphere enhanced by our on-site nightclub.
Perfect for Every Occasion
Whether you’re a college student seeking a lively hangout, a corporate professional looking for a relaxing meal, or a family wanting a fun outing, Little Amsterdam offers something for everyone. Our venue is designed to cater to diverse needs with features like:
Wi-Fi for those who want to stay connected
Pet-friendly policy to include your furry friends
Ample parking for your convenience
DJ Parties to add a touch of excitement to your visit
Friendly staff ready to ensure a pleasant dining experience
Scenic Splendour
The cafe’s location offers stunning scenic river views that create a tranquil setting for guests. The combination of mouthwatering dishes, a mountain view, and a lively musical ambiance provides an uplifting and rejuvenating experience.
Visit Us Today
Little Amsterdam Cafe is open daily from 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM. We invite you to come and experience why we’re considered the best cafe in Rishikesh. Our hygienic, healthy, and budget-friendly options make us a popular choice among locals and travellers alike.
Address: LA Cafe by Oscenox Swiss Cottage by Oscenox Bypass Road, near Laxman Jhula, Tapovan Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249192
Online Booking: Book Now
Come join us at Little Amsterdam, where every meal is an adventure, and every visit is a memory in the making. We look forward to welcoming you!
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ghumindiaghum · 3 months
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Embark on a fascinating and adventurously colourful Rajasthan tour with Ghum India Ghum. 13N/14D tour package starting from $799/INR 57999pp Destinations: delhi-agra-abhaneri-ranthambhore-jaipur-samode-bundi-chittorgarh-dungarpur-udaipur includes - Transfers + Local Sightseeing + nights stay + breakfast + dinner Click - https://www.ghumindiaghum.com/colourful-rajasthan-package.php Call- Whatsapp - +918860139194 Email- [email protected]
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hum-suffer · 11 months
Aaj jane ki zid na karo
As he leans back on the bean bag, Amish takes a moment to look at Rati.
She's gorgeous, he's known that since he saw her smirking, deliberately making noise from her payal to scare their mutual friends while one of them told a horror story. That was the third time he saw her, the first time he put a name to the face that was almost always scrunched in concentration.
But tonight, on a Goa beach, Rati is something that her namesake would be jealous of. Her hair is tied in a bun, she didn't want sand in it, and the buckle holding her hair is the one he bought for her. Her eyes are closed and he knows that she's one step away from falling asleep on him but he doesn't care. With her eyes closed, he gazes at the crowfeet at the corners of her eyes, an easy testimony of her ever present laughter. He looks at the red breakout on her jaw, he looks at the scar just at her chin. He looks at the shirt she's wearing, which fits her perfectly.
(It used to be his. She had it once for Holi and it never came back into his house.
His mother thinks that he lost the shirt at swimming practice. He doesn't correct her.)
Her legs are propped into his lap and one of his hands is covering the very payal that brought his attention to her, while the other has an Americano. Extremely inappropriate for night time, but. But he wants to stay awake.
He knows he will never get to see her like this again, probably. Moonlit and extraordinarily relaxed, this Rati was a contrast of the too much energy and too less patience mixture that she was in the day.
Anish looked away at the ocean. It was pretty, he thought mindlessly, the cafe lights above them making it better for his vision. But no ocean will ever compare to Rati.
"Amish," she calls him, eyes still closed and voice drowsy. He can physically see her struggle to flutter open her eyes. "Set your sadness aside, for tonight."
Her voice isn't as mocking as it would have been at any other time. He knows why that is. She's gonna leave Goa soon, her family way too angry on her decision to fall for him. A part of him understood their reaction. There was nothing special in him, nothing that someone as awe inspiring as Rati should like.
They were leaving for Delhi tomorrow.
Their last night on the beach, in the Midnight cafe and Rati wanted him to keep his melancholy aside for once.
He could never say to no to her.
As far as he cares, it's the last night that Earth will look beautiful. He will do right by whoever he marries, he knows his honour, and she will make sure to be honourable to whoever she marries. But this is their last night together, sitting on the same bean bags, drinking coffee and tea toghether, trying to be awake. Trying to watch old songs on that horrendous TV that the cafe has, doing just about anything to stay awake.
Trying to capture night in their hands.
And as the world caves in on his chest and lungs, Amish buries his feet in the sand and passes the Americano to her. She's the one between them that enjoys coffee. It's become routinely for him and he's forgotten just what is enjoyable in it. He likes her honey mixed lemonades better.
Rati smiles at him and he wishes he wasn't looking at her right now. The smile makes him want to take her in his arms and run now. She's melancholic too, but it's easier to just stick to their routine and call him the melancholic one. She loves him too and she's losing him too.
(With the way the grief of their impending doomsday creeped on him, he thinks she lost him before he will lose her. And oh, what he wouldn't give to have that year back, to love her better.)
He feels tears in his eyes spring at the way she's smiling. That's not her smile. That's his smile, the smile he smiles when he's watching Veer Zara and trying not to cry. When he's watching Lamhe and crying. When he's reading Richard Siken and crying. Whenever he's crying. This is his smile.
"I've infected you with my sadness, it seems." He says, because he needs to speak before the air turns colder and the night turns to day. He needs to speak before he never speaks of how much he loves her.
Rati scoffs, and somehow that sound is tear stained in her throat. "It's a love borne disease, this sadness."
He chuckles. Rati will never accept it, but between them, she's the better poet. She's the poem he wishes he could claim for himself. He wishes their ballad wasn't ending.
She takes a sip of the Americano. "Cheers," she says, lifts her hand in the air halfway,"to our final night together."
"To doomsday," he says instead, just to be contradictory.
The alarm clock on Rati's mobile rings, shrill and loud and everything he hates. He set it himself, and it's ringing near his feet, but he hates it still. He wishes he could trap time between the ice left on the empty lemonade glass at Rati's lap.
He snoozes the alarm.
She moves her feet slowly, her payal is much better than the alarm and much worse. She's leaving. She hands him the Americano back and the lemonade glass replaces her phone at his feet. She stands.
Amish follows her lead and stands too.
He swallows, and all the words he wants to say to her die in his throat. Rati smiles—his smile, his smile, his smile— and holds his empty hand anyway.
His lungs feels like it's burning and his eye lids are heavy now as he watches her.
"Goodnight, my love," Rati whispers between them and tears fill her eyes too.
He doesn't reply. He can't reply. He doesn't have words. He doesn't want to know what a goodbye means. This is supposed to be cordial, she can't leave without him acknowledging her leaving. He never wants to say goodbye.
As aaj jane ki zid na karo plays on that horrible tv, Rati's smile changes. It turns from his to hers, the upside down smile. Amish commits the look to memory; Rati, with her kajal smudged, her hair falling from the bun, cheeks lifting in her smile, jaw red and a rug burn on her forehead with the dancing ocean as the back drop.
As Farida Khanum sings jaan jaati hai jab uth ke jaate ho hum, Rati begins to let her hand slip from his.
He holds his tongue again, for he knows he can never say goodbye to her.
"Goodnight, my love." He whispers between them and it's Rati now that swallows. Her hand leaves his completely and he feels abandoned and cold. She shoulders her bag, licks her lips and sighs before she turns to leave.
She keeps looking back. He can't look away from her.
He stares at the pathway until he sees her no more. Aaj jane ki zid na karo plays in the background like a mockery of his love.
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blossommoonwrites · 5 months
NOCTURNAL CANDLES: Mayblade 2024, day 3 - Candles
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Series: Sweet Dreams Fandom: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade Genre: General/Romance Setting: Delhi, India, and Kai's dream. Characters: Kai Hiwatari, Julia Fernandez Pairings: Kai/Julia Rating: T Summary: The candle's flame may go off, but the radiance and glow remain.
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The Bladebreakers were on a trip to India. All except Kai were in their rooms, sleeping peacefully. The dual-haired wandered in the streets of the subcontinent's capital. It was Winter in Delhi. The chill air flirted with his scarf, which fluttered wildly against the breeze. He bought some coffee and sipped on it slowly. His glances showered the vast sky that was infinite and beautiful. The mist blinded some parts of the city, but Kai was able to manage and walk past them. The culture was rich, yet some states had a poor economy. He stood in front of the Indian gate and saw the surroundings. Long walks were a hassle for Takao, but not for Kai. He felt relaxed and content after a couple of months.
"Hmm." Kai closed his eyes and enjoyed the peace coming from inside. He braced his scarf further to protect himself from the cold.
He turned and saw someone familiar. He knew her but never talked to her for once. She is none other than Julia, the captain of F-sangre. She was wearing a trenchcoat with her messy hair fluttering in the wind. Kai was never into girls, yet he found her pretty. Of course, he doesn't have anything romantic for her. Julie gave a side-eye and her jaw dropped. Kai quickly turned back, pretending not to see her.
"I know it was you, Kai. I never expected to see you here," she remarked and walked to him.
"I clarified if it was you, nothing more," Kai walked away from her. Julia was stunned by his attitude. She seethed and said, "You have no manners for sure."
Kai stopped along his trance and turned back. He gave a 'hnn' before he started again. "You do know about me, after all. But, there is so much you still aren't aware of," he smirked and walked off. She can never understand guys like Kai, or even guys in general.
Julia walked back to the hotel she was staying in. Coincidentally, it was the same place where the Bladebreakers were staying. She saw Kai reporting to the reception before he walked to the room. His room was somewhere on the second floor. Hers was on the fourth floor.
Kai knocked on the door several times, but Takao was fast asleep. Kai facepalmed. He informed Takao that he would be out. It was his fault too, he should've thought twice before roaming out. He gave up. He decided to sleep on the corridors until Takao would show up.
"Your roomie is not opening the door, pathetic," Julia mocked. She smirked and leaned against the wall.
"I can sleep here, I don't need your help."
Julia sighed and walked to him, "I knew you wanted to sleep on a cozy blanket this winter. Don't lie. I can give you room. Come with me."
Kai blushed at the thought of sleeping next to a girl. He couldn't help but accept her offer. She chuckled. Kai felt dreamy. She was beautiful. He smirked and followed her to the room.
It was the same as his's, except the aspect was different. They removed their coats and scarves and hung them. Julia grabbed her nightgown and went inside the restroom. She returned a few minutes later.
"Make yourself comfortable," Julia assured him. He sat on the sofa.
"Come to the bed!" she exclaimed. Kai blushed.
Julia's cheeks turned beet. She gasped, 'Wait, did he assume that I…'
"No, I didn't think like that. I-uhh… just… um… don't sleep beside girls… you know. I hate sleeping with Takao too, he is a loud, snorty kid. I hate his snoring, ugh."
Julia burst out laughing at Kai's remarks.
"Alright, I'm going to turn the lights off. Have a good night's sleep."
Julia shared the blanket with him.
"Am I troubling you, girl?" he asked.
"I've been feeling lonely since my brother is not here. He's on a date with his new girlfriend. It's nice to have you as my companion. Just get some sleep."
"Well, promise me one thing. Don't tell Takao or anyone that I stayed with you this night. He'll never get enough of me once he learns about that. I will have a tough time dealing with that doofus," Kai mumbled.
"Sure, I'll take care of it, but by the time I wake up, you will not be there," Julia mocked. Kai sighed and was frustrated with her remarks.
She turned the lights off and lit a candle. Kai felt the illuminating presence and turned to see her. She kept that on the thick yet flat headboard of the bed.
"Do you love candles?" Kai asked her.
"I do, they are beautiful. I'm going to purchase some of them tomorrow in the market. The Indian candles seem to be lovely. I'd love to have some."
"Nice," he gently smiled.
In a few minutes, Julia was fast asleep. Kai struggled since he was with a girl, all alone. He brought the candle towards her to see the breathtaking face. He laid the strands of her hair on her ear. "You are beautiful, of course. I hope you get more candles like these. They'll make your face glow."
Kai placed the candle aside and drifted off. He dreamed of Julia in a beautiful Indian outfit and makeover, with the room decorated with beautiful curtains, rose petals, and cushions. Red shawls were hung along the corners covering the bed. She held a big candle, waiting for Kai to lie by her side. The dark room was illuminated with beautiful candles around the confines of the room. Her smile was radiant the moment Kai came to her.
"Come close, Kai. I need you by my side this night."
Kai climbed on the bed and faced the beautiful girl. His fingers crawled on her cheek and drew her closer.
"I will never leave this radiant beauty," his amethyst eyes were interlocked with her emerald ones. His hands slowly crawled down to grab her by the waist.
"I will make this night memorable for you," he whispered into her ears.
The next morning, Julia woke up to see Kai still fast asleep. She didn't expect to see him by her side. He was cute. The candle was gone, but the glow and radiance were still on his face.
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what-if-nct · 5 months
hiiii today's reminder is i went to some proper old delhi markets to run some errands and it is impossible not to feel like you're in a movie while you're there. like whenever i hear foreigners say india is sensory overload i think that's super exaggerated mostly because I'm used to it but walking through chandni chowk is sensory overload in the absolute best way for me, bonus points because there's so much great street food and i had all of it
Hiii, oh yeah the fast paced and hustle and bustle does always look exciting but I can see how it's overwhelming for those not used it. And anytime I watch content creators who live or visit India often eat street food it always looks good, I's great you had such a nice time running errands. Also you were in my dream last night, I've been dreaming about my online friends quite often lately. But first I was at the with my best friend and my boyfriend and we walked in through the Macy's and we were just walking around and I saw you near the end of the mall when I was by myself and we walked into a store that transported us somewhere else. And we were like jumping into movies that didn't exist but were definitely movies, one was a pirate movie we left immediately, another was this movie at like a fancy rehab center and we were talking to a bunch of girls. You were talking to this tall girl with a black pixie and I was talking to this girl with a blonde bob and she wasn't feeling too well and I was helping her get something to eat then she ran off and made herself sick so I calmed her down and was rubbing her back while you and the other girl brought over a towel and water then we had to leave but the blonde girl wanted me to stay but we had to before the portal closed. Then we left and we were at a soccer game I was coming back with snacks when you were getting into a fight with this older lady so I distracted the lady and pulled you away and we were running away from the field and I woke up.
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smalldcath · 6 months
*who: open (not actively capped!) *setting: the night market, after the rainstorm
The days and nights since the descent of the other nations had made certain that what he once believed was the temporary nature of the Sharmas' invitation had now been extended interminably. Add on to that a days-long prison in the shape of a rainstorm, rendering his personal pursuit of freedoms nigh on impossible, and the result was a Crown Prince incapable of ignoring the growing pit in his stomach, hungry for the familiarity of his favored creature comforts.
It was the first clear night after the rainstorm, and Zahir held no interest in the spoiled wine and cheap conversation that would inevitably befall dinner. So, he took to the sights and experiences of the Old Delhi — in particular, the bazar at night, with all its twisted and strange, its wicked and lovely. The prince could easily disappear into the public here, dissolve into a swirl of kaleidoscopic colors and utterly lose himself to bliss, corrupted. He was half-drunk by midnight, and utterly captivated by a street performer without much of an audience. And so, he reached for the nearest passerby with a plea, "Just stay for a bit! It'll be well worth your time. Please, I'll... I'll win you something shiny at the nine-pins stall if you do!"
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stardustedsins · 7 months
Kiss Prompts #36: A kiss to give up control
Kujo Jotaro/reader (gender neutral reader)
You’ve been having trouble sleeping lately. It’s understandable, with enemy stand users after you all the time. You never know where or when you might be attacked, so it’s difficult to relax and fall asleep at night. When Polnareff had been attacked by Ebony Devil in his hotel room yesterday, it had made your little problem worse. If Dio’s minions can track down your hotel rooms before you’ve even set foot in them, then nowhere is truly safe. 
Maybe you’re paranoid, but you can’t help it. You find yourself laying awake at night, listening to every little noise and wondering if each one is a sign of an enemy attack. Every time you start to drift off, a door down the hall slams shut, or the air conditioner kicks on, and it pulls you back to wakefulness. 
After a few days of struggling to get even a few hours of sleep, you’re not feeling great. You start finding it hard to stay awake during the day, as your body tries to get the sleep it so badly needs whenever it can. You nod off on Polnareff’s shoulder on the train to Myanmar, you nearly fall asleep and drop your chai in Calcutta, you close your eyes in the bus on the way to Varanasi and startle awake every time it hits a bump in the road. It’s bad enough that your eyes keep slipping closed as you stand in the hotel lobby in New Delhi while Mr. Joestar pays for rooms for the night.
“Hey.” Jotaro nudges you, and you jump. “Come on, we’re going to the third floor.” 
You follow him into the elevator, realizing as the doors close that the others hadn’t come with you.
“They’re going to dinner. You’re going to bed early before you pass out in the middle of the street.” 
The elevator dings on arrival at your floor, and you follow him out of the elevator and down the hall even as you protest.
“I’m fine, really, I’ve just been having a little trouble sleeping.”
“I know.” He unlocks the door and tosses his bag onto one of the beds. “Which is why you’re sleeping now.” 
“It’s not going to work, I can’t-“ He cuts you off with a look you can’t quite read.
“Just trust me.” 
You do. So you go along with it for now, brushing your teeth and getting changed for bed. He does the same, taking his turn in the bathroom after yours. You get in bed and prepare for another long night of laying awake. 
Jotaro leaves the bathroom and turns the overhead lights off, leaving just the lamp on the bedside table to see by.
“You want this on?” He asks, and you shrug. You don’t think it makes any difference, but it can’t hurt. He leaves it on, but instead of getting into his own bed, he comes to yours.
“Scoot over.” 
“It’s a small bed, I won’t fit if you don’t move over some.” 
You do, just to see where this is going. He climbs into bed and props the pillow on his side up against the headboard before sitting back against it.
“Now sleep. I’ll stay awake for a while and keep watch.” He says, and you realize that somehow he’s picked up on exactly what’s been going on with you, and this is his solution. You think it might work, the closeness might make you feel safe enough to sleep properly. 
You press a sleepy kiss to his cheek and lay down, pulling the covers up and closing your eyes. It’s comforting to know everything isn’t on your shoulders. You can let him be in charge, you trust him. 
You wake up in the morning feeling refreshed after sleeping through the whole night. You also wake up in Jotaro’s arms. Obviously he’d laid down at some point after you fell asleep, and now your back is pressed to his broad chest, one of his arms slung over you. 
You don’t think you could slip out without waking him, but why try? You close your eyes again and relax, comfortable and safe, for a little longer.
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Best Golden Triangle Tours - Delhi - Agra - Jaipur
Best Golden Triangle Tour Package with Tiger Safari- Ranthambhore
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Golden Triangle with Ranthambhore, India
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Best Golden Triangle Tour Package,: Take a sightseeing tour of Delhi, Agra & Jaipur, together called the Golden Triangle, and get an incredible wildlife experience at Ranthambore National Park, with our 07 Nights/08 Days Best Golden Triangle Tour Package with Ranthambore National Park.
Your tour begins in Delhi where you will be received by our representative. Proceed with a Delhi City Tour, which covers Humayun’s Tomb, India Gate, Raj Ghat & Shanti Vana. Reach Jaipur by car & visit its famous tourist places like Amer Fort, Jantar Mantar & Maharaja’s City Palace.
Reach Ranthambore from Jaipur via a car drive. Enjoy morning & afternoon wildlife safaris in a 06 seater shared open jeep with an expert guide & driver. Spot the Royal Bengal Tiger & other wild animals in their natural habitat.
From there, head to Agra, where you will visit the magnificent Fatehpur Sikri, Taj Mahal & shop in its bustling markets, famous for their marbles, spices, handicrafts & glassware, among other things.
During this tour of Best Golden Triangle Tour Package, you will enjoy a stay at the best hotels in Delhi, Jaipur & Agra, and have the memorable experience of staying in a wildlife resort at Ranthambore, in the middle of nature. Get the smoothest transfers & meals & transport, and have a great time!
Itinerary  : Best Golden Triangle Tour Package
Day 01
Arrival Delhi
Other Benefits (On Arrival)
Stay Included
On your arrival at Delhi International Airport you will be welcomed by our representative, you can find him easily as he will be there at the arrival lounge holding a Placard of your name. After meet & greet transfer to your pre booked hotel. Overnight stay in Delhi.
Day 02
Delhi City Tour : Best Golden Triangle Tour Package
Delhi City Tour
Morning at leisure, After breakfast around 09:00 AM start your city tour of Delhi with an exclusive car & expert English speaking guide, you also can opt for your preferred language guide by prior information or at the time of booking the tour. On first half day Visit Raj Ghat and Shanti Vana, drive past Red Fort and Chandni Chowk. Afternoon the second half of the day visit Qutub Minar built by Qutub-ud-Din Aibek in 1199, Humayun’s Tomb, India Gate (War Memorial Arch ), Lakshminarayan Temple – a modern Hindu Temple. Also drive past President’s House, Parliament House, and Government Secretariat Buildings & Connaught Place. Evening visit shopping centres in Delhi. Overnight stay in Delhi. Best Golden Triangle Tour Package
Meals: Breakfast
Activities: Delhi City Tour
Note: On Monday a few monuments are only closed viz Red Fort, Akshardham Temple and Lotus Temple etc. So you would be able to see many places even though on Mondays.
Day 03
Delhi – Jaipur (By Car)
Visit to Local Market of Jaipur
Morning at leisure after breakfast Drive to Agra. On arrival at Jaipur check-in to the hotel. Afternoon explore local market of Jaipur, enjoy shopping at Jaipur Market, Jaipur is better known for its royalty and the wonderful monuments but there are list of endless things that make it a must visit shopping destination. Evening Return to your hotel for a comfortable overnight stay.
Activities: Visit to Local Market of Jaipur
Meals: Breakfast
Day 04
Jaipur City Tour
Elephant ride at Amer Fort
Morning an early breakfast visit Amber Fort. Start early at 8 am from Amer Fort as the elephant rides ends at 11 am. By doing so, you not miss out on elephant ride. Amber Fort was the ancient capital of the State. Visit the Sheesh Mahal or the Hall of Victory glittering with mirrors. Ascend the Fort on Elephant back. Afternoon tour of Jaipur. Jaipur – the capital of Rajasthan was given a colour coat of pink a century ago in honour of a visiting Prince and ever since, it has retained this colour. Built by Maharaja Jai Singh, the notable astronomer, this city is 260 years old. Visit Maharaja’s City Palace, Jantar Mantar features the world’s largest stone sundial & Ram Niwas Gardens. Drive past Hawa Mahal & through the pink rose residential & business areas. Overnight stay at the hotel in Jaipur.
Activities: Jaipur City Tour, Elephant ride at Amer Fort.
Meals: Breakfast
Day 05
Jaipur – Ranthambore (By Car)
Jeep Safari
Morning at leisure, after breakfast straight drive to Ranthambore National Park. Arrive Ranthambore & Check-in to the Wildlife resort. After lunch get ready to board afternoon jeep safari vehicle, Safari will be with 06 seater shared open jeep with expert naturalist & Driver who are well aware of all proximities of the national park to provide you best wildlife safari experience. 03 hrs to witness wildlife. After finishing safari return to resort, enjoy your evening at the resort with Rajasthani folk music & dance arranged by resort management on every alternate evening. Dinner & Overnight stay at the wildlife resort.
Activities: Afternoon jeep safari.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Day 06
Ranthambore National Park
Jeep Safari
Morning self-service at you room for tea / coffee & get ready to board morning jeep safari vehicle, After finishing AM safari return to resort, breakfast & free time for leisure, relax or to enjoy resort activities like swimming pool, indoor outdoor games etc. Ranthambore is one of the finest tiger reserves of India and considered the best place to spot a tiger in his own natural habitat. The park is also popular with the wildlife photographers. After Lunch Afternoon jeep safari for the national park, Enjoy your evening at the resort with Rajasthani folk music & dance arranged by resort management on every alternate evening. Dinner & Overnight stay at the wildlife resort.
Activities: Morning & Afternoon jeep safari.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Day 07
Ranthambore – Agra (By Car)
Visit to Local Market of Agra & Fatehpur Sikri
Morning at leisure after breakfast Drive to Agra. En-route stop to visit Fatehpur Sikri. Visit the Palace with the majestic Buland Darwaza built in 1576. Visit the pious place – the tomb of Salim Chishti, which is known for fulfilling wishes of its devotees. This city has palaces built in red sand stone and is a site that shows perfect amalgamation of Indo Islamic architecture and culture. On arrival at Agra check-in to the hotel. Evening visit to Local market of Agra, Agra is one of the best places in India for shopping particularly, handicrafts and souvenirs of Agra are very popular, clothing, jewelry, fabrics, shoes, marble, spices, handicrafts, glassware, and leather products are the available things to buy in Agra. Return to your hotel for a comfortable overnight stay.
Activities: Visit to Local Market of Agra & Fatehpur Sikri
Meals: Breakfast
Day 08
Agra – Delhi – Departure (By Car)
Visit to Taj Mahal & Agra Fort
Morning at Sunrise visit the extravagant monument Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal, entitled as one of Seven Wonders of the World, is a must visit to witness the masterpieces of Indian architecture. The Taj Mahal is one of the most impressive buildings in the world and it is rightfully famous. There is a reason that everyone has heard of it and everyone should visit it. After breakfast visit the Magnificent Agra Fort. Later Drive back to Delhi, on arrival in Delhi in time transfer to Airport to board the flight for home country.
Meals: Breakfast
Activities: Visit to Taj Mahal & Agra Fort.
Note: Taj Mahal remain close for visitors on every Friday.
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sassylassy123 · 1 year
The Sun And The Moon
Chapter 8 - Angdesh
"So, what are your hobbies other than archery?" asked Divyanshi. At some point, she was bored with watching reels and Karn wasn't the person to start a conversation.
"I don't know. I can do archery well and..." he thought, "I can ride a horse." he said.
"Yeah, you can ride a horse." she repeated nonchalantly. "How is your mother? Do you go meet her often?"
"You know about my mother?" Karn asked.
"Of course, she is an important part of your side of the story." she said.
"How?" the chariot's speed reduced as Karn gained curiosity.
"She-she gave birth to you, that's how." Divyanshi didn't lie to him, just hid the truth.
"Oh yes!" he recalled and smiled, "You know about me already but I don't know you much. How was your life like in that yug?"
"It was boring. I had to get up early and travel from one place to another then those lectures," she sighed and smiled, "I had good friends, we used to sit in the canteen and plan for trips but we never got to go to those places. Once we planned to visit Goa and we even had the money but my friend, Akhil got sick; well, we had to cancel."
"You like to travel, don't you?" he asked.
"Like? No, I love to travel. I am a sucker for exploring places and hell yeah! The food is to die for!" she rambled, "Have you ever tried 'Delhi ki chaat'? Of course, you haven't! I could kill a person to have those-" she glanced at him, pausing herself from speaking, "I didn't mean that in that way."
"You should observe Dushasan when we talk about food the next time. One time we went to war and just before the battle he ate so much that he slept. We won the war but he had no idea. He slept for three days straight, Gandharaj was afraid that he died." he laughed.
Divyanshi laughed too. She had never seen him laugh like this. He was happy and so was she. She noticed the glow on his face when he smiled, his smile was to die for. Time passed like a lightning streak and they reached Angdesh.
"The palace is so beautiful!" she said in awe.
"It is better on the inside." Karn said, he motioned her to walk with him as helpers took their stuff.
"Oh! I could just stay here for eternity." she said.
"Maybe you should." he muttered.
She heard him and smiled. "That's magnificent!" she looked at the throne.
"I never liked it." he commented.
"Why?" she asked.
"It is a burden for a person. One needs a partner for it." he explained.
"That's deep." she commented.
"What-what are your thoughts on marriage? I mean you will marry someone here because you can't go back to 'your' life." he asked.
"Marriages don't work out easily. It would be tough to find a person whom I can agree with." she wondered more on the topic she never cared to ever think about, "Maybe that's why I don't want to get married. Dating is good but marriage is a big no."
"What if you find that person someday?" he added.
"There is an 'if' in that. I do take risks." she said, "The last time I did, it didn't end well. He beat me, I beat him and that was toxic."
"I am sorry." he apologised, "I hate such people."
Divyanshi didn't say anything, she nodded. The fact he said he hated those people but roamed with Duryodhan made her think if she really liked him or if was it just a summer crush. They spent the day wandering in the markets and telling their childhood stories to each other. The night went well after dinner, they sat under the moonlight in the rose garden.
"We didn't have Petunia Black Velvet because those are flowers of death and highly inauspicious. Roses are good." Karn said sitting on a rock.
"Roses are nice, I like them too." she sat with him. He was red sitting right next to her, he was indeed happy and his face said so. As always, it was glowing. This caught Divyanshi's attention. "When you get happy your face glows." she stated, "I just noticed that."
"Everyone's face glows when they smile." Karn shook off the comment.
"No, I mean that your face literally glows. These kundals actually glow when you are happy." she explained. "I knew that they are with you since your birth but I had no idea that these glow."
Karn's smile dropped, "I never told you about these glowing nor anyone else." Divyanshi knew she messed up, "You know something important, don't you?"
"I know about the kundals because I am from the future, remember?" she tried to hide that she knew about his origin.
"Why are not telling anyone about what you know?" he inquired.
"Because if I tell you or anyone about it, something worse can happen." she tried to reason, she stood up, and went back to the palace.
"What is it? A war? Someone dies, right? Is it some old secret that will be revealed?" Karn followed her in the corridor and grabbed her wrist. He held it gently and brought her to stand in front of him against the wall. The more he spoke the more he brought his face to hers.
"I don't want to ruin anything. If someone is going to change those events it is going to be me so don't interfere with my plan. It's extremely necessary." she stated, her heart was pounding. The distance between their faces was not even an inch.
"Please answer me!" he spoke softly, "I don't want to get hurt hearing the truth from someone else."
Not knowing what to do and not wanting to answer, she unknowingly pecked him. Parting after realising what she had done was absolutely foolish she went to her room hastily while he stood staring into nothingness.
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lovelyzealousangel · 1 year
Ginger and Cardamom
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06 | Astha
Series Masterlist (Tag yourself here)  
Chapter warnings: Biphobia, internalised biphobia if you squint, mentions of dead family members, night terrors.
Astha walked through the door of her flat, still buzzing from her date with Marc. She couldn't believe how well it had gone. They had talked for hours and it felt like they had an instant connection. 
Astha couldn't stop smiling as she thought about the way Marc had listened to her, the way he had laughed at her jokes and the way he had bought gifts for Jessie and Alice's twins just because she had mentioned that they were coming with her to the museum.
But as she reached for her phone to tell her friends about the date, she saw a message from her dad. He had booked the tickets to come to see her in London sooner than Astha would have liked. She felt a knot form in her stomach as she read the message. Sure their relationship was not what it used to be, but growing up her dad was her idol. 
'What will Papa think about this?' was a sentence that served as a north star in every decision she ever made. 
But as she moved to London for her Nursing degree they slowly grew apart until one day she was waiting at the Delhi airport with a complete stranger that barely resembled the man she looked up to all her life. 
No matter what their relationship was now, it was her father and she still felt a sense of obligation to see him. How could she tell him that he couldn't stay with his own daughter for a few days when he had done so much for her all his life?
She put her phone down and took a deep breath, trying to push away the uneasy feeling in her gut. Astha's thoughts drifted to her mom, who had passed away during the snap. 
In another relationship, Astha felt like she failed to meet the expectations, all in an attempt to find love and acceptance. Astha came out to her parents in her early twenties though Papa tolerated the idea, Mummy was a completely different story.
Her mom had never accepted her, and she had always felt like she was living in the shadows of her expectations. 
Astha shook her head, trying to push away the memories. She didn't want to ruin the happiness she felt after her date with Marc. As she sat on the couch, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew that she needed to focus on the good things in her life, like her amazing friends and the new connection she had with Marc.
Astha picked up her phone again and started typing a message to her friends about the date. She smiled as she hit send, feeling grateful for the people in her life who loved and supported her. As she put her phone down, Astha couldn't help but think if mummy would have been proud of her for finally coming to her senses and dating a guy.
Sleep didn't come easily to her that night. Astha tossed and turned in bed, unable to shake the thoughts of her mother from her mind. She remembered the summers spent with her family in Delhi, sitting on the front porch eating mangos until the sticky juice ran down their chins. But then her mind shifted to the day of her mother's funeral, the same house now filled with mourning and grief.
She couldn't stop replaying their last conversation in her head, her mother's words cut deep. "You were not good enough to be a doctor, and definitely not good enough to be a daughter a parent could be proud of." It was like a knife in her heart, even years later.
As she lay there, tears streaming down her face, she realised she needed to talk to someone. Desperate for comfort, Astha reached for her phone and fumbled with it, trying to dial Alice's number, hoping to distract herself from their usual late-night conversations. But accidentally dialled Marc's number instead. A mistake she realised hearing his groggy and strained voice that she assumed was a result of being woken up this late.
"Hey, Astha, were you okay?" Marc asked, concern lacing his voice.
"I'm sorry, Marc, I didn't mean to call you. I was trying to call Alice," Astha said, embarrassed by her mistake.
"Tranquila, querida, no te preocupes." 
Before Astha had time to process or ask what he meant, Marc switched to English. 
'It's okay, don't worry about it. Did you want to talk about what was going on? I was here for you," Marc said softly, his words soothing Astha's frayed nerves.
Astha hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to share with Marc. But she remembered how he had opened up to her about his own struggles, and how she had been able to help him through a difficult time.
"It was my mom," Astha finally admitted, her voice cracking with emotion. "She always made me feel like I wasn't good enough, and I just couldn't seem to shake that feeling. It was like no matter what I did, I was always falling short."
She could hear Marc take a deep sigh. He paused for a moment as if to gather his thoughts. 
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," Marc said, his voice filled with compassion. "You were more than good enough, and your mother was wrong to make you feel that way. You deserved to be proud of who you were."
As Marc continued to talk, Astha felt herself relaxing, her breathing slowing down. She didn't even remember falling asleep, but the next thing she knew, she woke up to the sound of her alarm. She checked her phone and saw a message from Marc, wishing her a good morning and reminding her that she was loved.
Astha smiled to herself, feeling grateful for Marc's presence in her life. She knew that talking to him might have been accidental, but it felt like fate brought them together for a reason. And as she looked ahead to her upcoming visit from her dad, she felt a little less alone, knowing that she had found someone she could lean on.
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