#niffty cannot be trusted grooming cats
fizziepopangel · 4 months
Husk Headcanons (Cat Tendencies Edition)
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Husk makes biscuits in his sleep or when he’s falling asleep. And yes, Angel does have countless videos of the hell cat doing this when he’s too exhausted to notice the man pointing the camera at him.
He can move as stealthily as any other cat and often uses this fact to sneak up on Angel and scare the hell out of him most of the time. He did this to Charlie once, but ended up making her cry when he scared her. He felt like the biggest asshole in the entirety of hell and he offered to wear a bell after that incident for no other reason than to make sure Charlie would always hear him coming. Although Charlie declined his offer, Husk does try to make some kind of sound to let Charlie when he’s coming so he doesn’t accidentally scare her.
Despite disliking his cat attributes, Husk is actually very well groomed most of the time. He takes regular showers and baths because the hot water helps with the joint pain he suffers, he also uses a lot of deshedding conditioner to combat the ungodly amount of shedding he does, and detangle his fur. On top of that, he also grooms the way most cats do to the extent he can, but he finds it embarrassing so it only happens in the comfort and privacy of his own room when he’s sure the door is locked.
On the subject of grooming, it’s a known fact that the man who practices sleight of hand also has extremely good grooming practices for his paws. Angel can attest to the fact that the low maintenance appearance of the man is in fact not as low maintenance as it may seem since he’s seen Husk’s vast collection of self care products that range from creams for the pads of his paws to special nail filing board to keep his claws at a manageable length.
He does chase the red dot. Angel keeps a laser pointer on hand just to bust out the red dot at random moments for his own entertainment. Husk has tried everything to resist the urge, but the chase for the red dot continues. It pisses him off to no end.
The reason Husk let his hair grow out so shaggy despite his former well-groomed appearance is because his contract with Alastor meant he lost the souls he owned, including the soul he basically staffed as a groomer for himself. Niffty offered to cut his hair for him once, but despite his comment about only needing the hair on his head trimmed, he somehow ended up with the whiskers on the left side of his face cut nearly in half. It didn’t bother him at first, but he quickly learned the importance of whiskers to a cat. After that incident, he has opted to just let his hair grow as it is and he still shudders whenever he sees Niffty with scissors.
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Purring. So much purring. 
In terms of vocalizations, Husk also growls, hisses, and meows. Most of these sounds are involuntary… The hissing and growling doesn’t bug him too much, but the meowing and purring he occasionally feels self conscious and embarrassed about.
Husk is guilty of allogrooming. This mainly happens with Angel Dust when the two are having more domestic moments in their relationship so sometimes the spider demon finds himself being groomed while they cuddle.... Husk also really enjoys being groomed, especially when he's not feeling well since it makes him feel loved.
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Similarly, Husk sometimes absentmindedly grooms himself when he zones out, to even licks at his paws as a way to self soothe when he’s overly stressed. Alastor hates the habit, but Charlie, Angel, and Sir Pentious find it pretty cute.
Husk actually suffers from arthritis throughout his spine, which actually affects his tail too which can drastically affect his mobility and his balance.
When he first sold his soul to Alastor, there was a bit of a power struggle issue before Husk was able to fall in line where the radio demon wanted him, Alastor would often walk him on his chain as if it were a leash, referring to Husk only as his pet. To make this more demeaning, Alastor even went as far as to buy him scratching posts and cat toys….. As much as he hated it being a show for the man, Husk did end up keeping the cat toys he enjoyed playing with in his room in a box under his bed, and he does have a scratching post in his room as well. He would never let Alastor know that though.
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Like most cats, the bartending demon is lactose intolerant…. violently lactose intolerant.
Alastor has a cat muzzle for the drunkard because, while Husk isn’t normally a mean drunk, he has threatened to bite the radio demon multiple times, and on one occasion, the boozed up cat actually did it. Alastor still has the scar from the incident and keeps the muzzle on hand just in case now.
He does occasionally have the cat urge to just knock things off tables and counters. He has broken multiple mugs and glasses and such. He tries to control it but sometimes he just can’t so he spends a lot of time sweeping up broken glass. Vaggie has an order in for some nice reusable plastic cups and mugs for the bar.She knows it probably won’t stop Husk from knocking over cups, but she figured it would at least be safer since they’d be less likely to break.
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