#niece i think its abbey
iliveforaussiegrit · 1 year
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mark with his baby niece back in 2002 when he arrived in australia to his f1 debut 😍😍
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the-lancasters · 2 years
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Everton House, Windenburg
Previous| Beginning  | Next
Transcript Below The Cut
Sarah – So what do you want to do as Crown Princess? What are your interests?
Victoria – Well my father thought-
Sarah – With all due respect Ma’am, I don’t want to hear what your father thinks. I want to hear what you think. What are you passionate about? If your interest is genuine, then people will see that
Victoria – Um. Well. I like children I suppose. Is that too expected though? “A royal wife likes children”
Sarah – Not if that’s really were you want to start. And it’s not like you are restricted to one thing for the rest of time.
Victoria – Then yes. While I obviously have no children, I love my niece and nephew. And Eloise can tell you how invested I am in their lives. I guess I want all children to be able to have opportunities to be their best selves, like they have been privileged to have.
Sarah – See that’s a great start!
Victoria – I also love history. It’s what I studied at university so it would be nice to put the degree to use.
Sarah – Well then, we have had an invitation come in that I think would be an excellent one as your first reception hosted here at Everton
Victoria – Go on
Sarah – The friends of Windenburg Abbey want to host a reception celebrating 60 years of the programme to conserve the Abbey and its history. As the most recent royal bride I think this will be a nice link to your wedding, your degree, and a chance to do something on your home turf so to speak.
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ohmaigoth · 4 years
Unpopular opinion #8
I don't like how many (most of the?) people in the fandom treat Iroh. Especially compared to how they treat some other characters. There's a lot of double standard going on imo. It applies to Zuko too but this post is only about Iroh.
First of all, Iroh is a war General. He's most notably known for having besieged the most populated city in the world, probably indirectly and directly killing we don't know how many but I think it's fair to assume it's a lot, people in the process. He's seen laughing at the thought of burning Ba Sing Se to the ground and only gave up when Lu Ten died, when it became personal. Years later, when he goes back to Ba Sing Se, he's joking again about being a tourist this time. In defence of Iroh though, it's established there's a lot of propaganda going on in the Fire Nation to make its citizens believe they're on the good side of the war.
Something that's always bugged me is Iroh's treatment of Azula, especially compared to the way he treats Zuko. When they were young, Iroh gifted a dagger to his nephew and a doll to his niece. Granted he's been gone at war for a while at that point but anyone who spends 5 min with Azula would know she's not into that kind of toy. Perhaps it was Iroh's way of telling her she's just a child and she needs to chill out but again, he offered Zuko a dagger so I think Iroh just genuinely thought Azula, as a girl, would like a doll... Yikes! It also means he's probably not interested in knowing who his own niece actually is. Then Zuko was banished and he left with him, leaving behind his 11 or 12 yo niece, alone because Ursa's gone, with her father who's just burnt his own son's face. It also probably shows that Ozai is an overall terrible father (the kind that agrees on killing his son) and while he's "nicer" to Azula, it's not ok to let a child with a father who mistreated his son this bad. Iroh is portrayed as the wise old man so I think he could have known better than to leave his niece to her fate. When he meets her again for the first time in three years, all he has to say about her is "She's crazy and she needs to go down.". Sure she did a lot of wrong stuff but, even when I was young, this comment's never sat right with me. Meanwhile he's always supportive of Zuko, forgives his wrongdoing and even thinks of him as his son (how convenient since he lost Lu Ten). Overall I get the feeling Zuko is a replacement son for Iroh (he actually kinda said it himself) while he's never given a damn about Azula.
Then there's this scene.
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Ugh. When I was young, June x Iroh was actually my crack ship. He's obviously into her and the fact she then called him Zuko's creepy grandpa makes this scene even worse to me now. Some people say Iroh's out of character in this scene. I disagree. Throughout the series he's portrayed as a ladies' man and I think some people glorify him when he's actually a flawed character (which is what this whole post is about).
Overall, Iroh's never struck me as really sorry for the wrong he's done and does, though this might only be my personal interpretation. Besides, for the most part, while he doesn't actively fight against the gaang, he goes along with Zuko's idea of capturing Aang. I know he wants Zuko to realize by himself it's not his destiny but still, what would happen if Aang's killed during a fight? He also lets his nephew steal a bunch of things and Song's ostrich horse (though he does initially call Zuko out on it) and I guess, as they're refugees, they may need them more than their owners, Idk. Iroh actually steals a bottle of perfume himself while at the Abbey. He also blows his and Zuko's cover because Tea™ and while Zuko's rightfully mad at him for doing such a dumb thing, he complains because Zuko spilled his tea rather than worrying because he endangered both of them. Tea over safety I guess.
I want to make it clear this is not character bashing. I do like Iroh but I like him for who he is: a grey character who has his fair share of flaws. It's what makes him interesting to me and not just the generic morally white know-it-all mentor that many shows have. Though it does irk me when people act as if he's perfect and has never caused suffering. Especially when said people who glorify Iroh and conveniently forget about his wrongdoing demonize other characters for dumb reasons (think about Aang and particularly Mai).
ATLA's all about nuances and how there's no pure white and pure black, which is one of the many reasons why this show is great, and Iroh fits right in this theme too.
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aristocraticvision · 3 years
Chapter 199: A New Queen Rises
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“You look beautiful, Vicky,” Thomas Prescott said, gazing happily at his niece as they waited beyond the church doors . “I never would have imagined, when I suggested that you woo the king, that you would actually succeed.”
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“And better yet, fall in love,” Victoria’s Aunt Marcia said. “I’m sorry I didn’t have more faith in you, dear. Now to think that, in less than an hour, you’ll be the new Queen of Corwyn.”
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“Oh my god,” Victoria said, suddenly feeling the weight of her union. “Queen. How can I be queen?”
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“With all the grace and dignity you have always exuded, my dear,” her uncle replied. “I have no doubt that you will be a beloved queen to Corwyn and its people. Your father would no doubt be so, so proud.”
Victoria smiled.
“Thank you, uncle,” she said. “Well, I think I’m ready.”
Thomas nodded and the two footmen stood ready to open the doors as Victoria’s bridesmaids stepped into place before her.
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Victoria caught her breath.
“Are you all right, dear?” Thomas asked her.
She nodded. “Yes,” she said, steadying herself. “I think I’m ready now.”
Thomas signaled to the footmen, who pulled the doors open, revealing St. Francis Abbey’s grand scale. As the largest church in Corwyn, St. Francis was the traditional wedding venue for members of the royal family. Today it was crowded with nearly 1,200 well-wishers.
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As they started down the long aisle, heads turned to greet her. Victoria’s attention, however, was locked onto her soon-to-be husband, who smiled from the altar.
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In royal regalia, he was as handsome as ever, and his eyes were filled with so much love that Victoria’s heart nearly burst inside her.
As they continued down the aisle to meet her destiny, Victoria promised herself that, from this day forward, she would do whatever she could to make him – and Corwyn – proud. For today, she would gain not only a husband, but a crown.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years
Unsolicited Book Reviews (n5): Wife to theKingmaker
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Even before I had an account I had a tendency to go to tumblr to see people’s opinions before buying a histfic novel. Certain books are either severely underrepresented where I feel like there needs to be something on them, whereas others that are talked about enough - something more can still be said. So for my quarantine fun, I had decided to start a series where I review every medieval historical fiction novel I read. Hopefully, it will either start interesting discussions or at least be some help for those browsing its tag when considering purchasing it.
TL;DR: Ok swear to god this book was written by two different people. The ending was actually heart-wrenching, but so much had annoyed me throughout that I swore to myself to never again touch this genre for my own health. Twas an odd tale, and tbh the fact that it was odd probably elevated it from the 2 stars (or hell maybe even 1 if it was going to get any more richardian) to 3. Honestly, quite glad I read it in the end. Not the most historically informative, but some of the character arcs were actually quite neat (however extremely farfetched). Spoiler Warning: I’m going to divulge a lot on here because I know no one who follows me is going to read this book.
Plot: Ok, the plot... It was only after I placed my order that I realised this is the Sandra Heath Wilson of ‘Cicely’s King’ fame. I cringed and didn’t know what to do. For all you innocents out there... her Cicely series is a saga wherein Cecily of York pretty much bangs everyone who is male and from the house of york (minus her father and uncle George) and Even Henry VII(!!). She then has this kid by Richard III, calls him Leo and the rest is history(this is what I gleaned from goodreads). Nevertheless it had already shipped and honestly I had it coming; the synopsis does say she has an affair with her brother-in-law John Marquis of Montagu. Whatever, I couldn’t resist buying the only novel about Anne Beauchamp, and since it was published in the 70s/80s I knew it would at least be flamboyant and go all out. It delivered enough for it to have been worth reading.
So the novel follows Anne Beauchamp!(Nan) from when she is a 13 year old girl to 1478 when she finally leaves Beaulieu to go live at Middleham with her (as you guessed it- favourite) daughter Anne and her oh so belovéd son-in-law Richard Duke of Gloucester - You see? Since now finally the Great Other (Mr George) is finally vanquished England has its peace. Of course this is not true, Nan historically left the abbey in 1473 for Middleham and while I wanted a possible explanation from the author (who I would assume is better researched than I) for whether she went to Middleham out of her own volition or simply because the King trusted Gloucester better than Clarence... alas I got none. It was all pinned on the fact that the evil George (who as per usual alternates between omnipotent mastermind to absolute drunken himbo at the turn of a page) would not have her free for as long as she lived (for whatever reason). I really think the real historical explanation was because Edward trusted Gloucester - because after all Warwick Castle was Nan’s patrimony not Middleham. I doubt Nan had a choice in the matter but, the point is, Isabel was alive in 1473 and since there’s zero historical record or suggestion that Nan and Anne had ever seen her again, it would have been nice to have had a depiction of the conflicted feelings or a final meeting written for the three women. I’ll let it slide I guess, after all, one needs to cut some slack when it comes to books written pre-internet age by non-historians. And unlike Sunne in Splendour, this book does not purport to be completely accurate or a representation of the truth.
Christ some sub-plots were truly unexpected. One that made me groan at first was the whole arc between Nan and her niece Eleanor Butler. In this book she’s her ward (not historically true) and little Eleanor is all sweet and innocent and virtuous and, hell, at one point we get more Nan-Eleanor interaction than even between Nan - her own daughters (particularly Isabel who would have been the right age and a better substitute for Eleanor in their dialogue, but alas, who cares about Isabel right?). Eleanor even is the one to accidentally discover that Margaret of Anjou slept with Edmund Beaufort, siring Edward of Lancaster.
Ok. You’re probably thinking, god how trite eugh the Richardians are at it again, right? Yeah ok the Richardians are at it again, but it turns into something really neat at the end. Essentially, as I said, Nan has an affair with John Neville Marquis of Montagu (long story that I will expand on in characterisation) and she and him come upon Edward and Eleanor (overhearing them nothing more). So Edward and Nan then have this mutually assured destruction between them, because Edward divulges that he saw Nan and John years later when Nan confronts him (by this time he is married to Elizabeth Woodville) that she knows about the pre-contract with the intention of telling him off. He tells her that if she dares tell Warwick about the pre-contract he will tell Warwick about John, so she then agrees (also because she promised her niece that she would keep it quiet for the safety of her son by Edward). Years later when they meet again, Edward realised how much is at stake for Nan (especially since it turned out she loved Warwick all along and Edward figured that out), and so, during the period of John’s back-and-forth loyalties (we know he was disgruntled by the loss of the Northumberland Earldom)... Edward returns and tells Nan that if Montagu abandons him he will out her to Richard and cause a massive division between the brothers (militaristically speaking as well) and he knows he can do that because he figures out Nan will not out him because she blubbs about her promise to her niece. This madness then becomes bittersweet when (as history would have it) Montagu does end up fighting for Warwick, nevertheless, Nan is releaved during the whole time because there’s nothing in Warwick’s letters that give any indication that Edward ended up exposing her. Warwick dies in the battlefield, Nan is deeply aggrieved but happy he never found out at least. But then... years later when Edward comes to Beaulieu (1478 as this story would have it) to inform Nan that she may depart for Middleham, he tells her that he in fact did expose her to Warwick... but that Warwick didn’t believe him and laughed in his face because he thought there was no way she could be unfaithful because he knew she loved him. This sounds silly but it got to me a bit when I read it. Of course, we also have Edward saying he regretted his handling of the pre-contract affair because apparently Elizabeth Woodville had since lost interest in him and he’s hurt by how she shows no reaction to him having mistresses and he’s kinda given up, whereas Eleanor would have been more of a lapdog. This was essentially the centrepiece of the plot.
Look, I don’t really read these types of novels as a habit so I don’t know if bizarre plot lines like this are commonplace. Not going to lie though, it threw me and it was pleasantly enjoyable. This is basically what is to be said about the plot... the rest goes into characterisation. Nevertheless, this novel too often fell into the exposition trap (like telling us what is happening politically instead of showing us). While I appreciated the refresher of what happened 1445-1461 and I understand that the target audience of this book aren’t Wars of the Roses experts, I’ve seen it done more smoothly in many other more literary novels (eg Hawley Jarman’s or Lytton-Bulwer’s Last of the Barons). I’ve often said Sunne in Splendour was terribly dry and exposition-heavy, but at least it had historical detail so I could sometimes switch off and treat it as a non-fiction account for battles and character locations. But with this one I a) don’t have faith that the author paid attention to detail; see what I said earlier about the years 1473-1478, so I won’t take this as information and b) know that if she had done this with the years I know more about: 1461-1478, I would have gotten annoyed because of my familiarity with those decades.
Characterisation: Well we have lovelorn saintly Dickon here - always a pet peeve of mine. Look, I don’t have strong opinions about the man but it just innures me how whenever Richardianism rears it’s ugly head the plot suffers massively and it’s always favourite figures of mine that suffer the most. George Duke of Clarence... oh god, what can I say? Wife-beater, alcoholic, is disgusted by his wife when she is ill (you know, unlike the historical Clarence who had resided in the Abbot’s home near the infirmiary for the last months of his wife’s lying-in and after to be close to her and thereafter stuck with her until she passed away and two months after that as well), is stupid yet somehow still devious, is the indirect cause of her death... the list goes on. Welp, at least this Clarence unlike the Sunne in Splendour one has an elegant bearing, sense of fashion and is a great dancer. The Sunne one had NOTHING. It’s also odd that they make his attitude towards Isabel undergo a complete 180 as soon as he realises this marriage will no longer make him king. This makes no sense as the book has them want to marry for love, like YEARS before 1469, so this sudden attitude change makes no sense. Authors really need to be reminded that crown or no crown that marriage would still have made him the greatest magnate in England. There was also a ridiculous handling on the circumstance of his death, and this was the most factually wrong part of the book. Between Ankarette being aged down by 4 decades and the whole shmaz with Stillington, I don’t know where to begin. I bet most of you can guess how it was handled. Isabel is as per usual constantly depressed and without a personality because, well, we can’t have her compared to our shining heroine Anne Neville. 3x more beautiful, 5x more vivacious and 20x more significant than her doormat of a sister who complains all day- that is when she isn’t crying. Gahhh. Of course Anne Neville also cries but it’s for her beloved Dickon who she pines for constantly. Look, I have no qualms with romanticising this pairing, but authors need to keep in mind that Anne was like 13 at most when she became estranged from Gloucester. You. Need. To. Stop. Writing. Her. Like. A. Woman. . I don’t care what anyone says, no matter the time period, you can’t make me visualise a 13 year old that could feel romantic love of that deep a devotion and maturity and not send me laughing across the floor. But want to write a strong childish infatuation coming from a place of deep friendship? Fine by me.
Ok, onto more positive characterisation points: I liked Nan, quite a lot actually (I mean blatant daughter favouritism aside). A lot of authors attempt to write the proud noblewoman and great lady character but few pull it off. This is always how I have seen the real Anne Beauchamp and I’m glad to see it here. For a novel so insensitive towards certain figures, the author wrote Nan with great empathy. She was very intelligent but not in that artificial girlboss way, she loved her daughter(s) but in that medieval mother type of way (so no baby brain here), she may have not gotten along splendidly with all the women around her but there was none of that demeaning cattiness. About that, I want to say I was shocked by what a turn her relationship with Margaret of Anjou took. Since the whole Somerset-bastard child plotline was a thing... Nan was initially revolted and lost all her respect for Lancaster, but when the two women find themselves joined by fate they gain this strange mutual respect for one another. They butt heads a bit initially but Margaret of Anjou rises above it for her son’s sake and eventually strikes up an agreement with Nan on when they are to set sail. Margaret first won’t listen to Nan because she thinks she’s a fool but when she eventually slips by to tell Nan that she had thought about her plan and that maybe she’s right, she doesn’t apologise and Nan doesn’t need her to and it’s this weird telepathic understanding from then on and I certainly did not expect to see something like this in this novel. After the landing in England and news of Warwick’s death reaches the party, Margaret doesn’t gloat but diplomatically relays the news and when Nan says she wants to take sanctuary because she lost all heart and can’t fight on, Edward of Lancaster gently says something like: well if you come with us, you’ll at least get your revenge and that’s at least something (paraphrase). You could just tell this was Edward’s way of offering condolences, the type of way a child like him raised through war and promises of vengeance only could, and it was oddly powerful. Shame it couldn’t have happened as Nan and Margaret and Isabel all travelled at seperate times. The whole theme around Nan was that she wasn’t very partisan but only followed her husband as a magnate and then as a man, which I believe and it was great to see Team Lancaster understood Warwick was a seperate entity from York, and for all intents and purposes they were all in this together. Cool-headedness is much needed in this genre I realise, god how low flies the bar ~
Now onto the characterisation most people are wondering about. What of Warwick? He was the saving grace of the novel. He has the common touch yet he is sophisticated, he is idealistic yet he is shrewd, he is impassioned yet collected, he is dramatic yet subtle, he is ... I can go on and on. What is all the affair plot point about then? It doesn’t diminish the bond between the two main characters; to tell you quite truthfully the relationship the author wrote was bizarre yet still really touching. They used to hate eachother because Nan thought herself above him (after all the Warwick earldom was far more valuable than the Salisbury one- remember it was briefly a dukedom at one point), but then she sees what he made of himself and becomes proud of him and falls in love with him. However, he starts to get carried away with his ambitions, gets all-consumed by the legend of Warwick that he had cultivated and essentially becomes impersonal without wanting to (and realising). Nan feels she has lost him to the people of England (which are apparently all hypnotised by his presence, which ok is a fact grounded in history) and because of her wounded pride she starts seeking comfort in his brother (although, it makes little sense how this would work as I would gather he would also be away, especially at the Scottish boarders). When he refuses to support Warwick over Edward later on, she loses all feelings for Montagu and thinks him a coward, and when Warwick apologises for being amiss she realises that this whole time it was him she loved all along and is racked with guilt. I found this exploration of what it is like being wed to a man of such public standing quite interesting, the idea of losing him not to another woman or such but to his cause (which in this book is a mixture of belief in the french alliance, the common weal and subconsciously his own wounded pride brought on by an extreme adherence to inflexible chivalric values on his part and Edward IV’s actions), I confess, is not something I saw portrayed in this particular manner anywhere else. I mean it’s not like I’ve been searching for this particular motif, but this was a refreshing depiction of a medieval couple and it was a poignantly written relationship which the author had me invested in. The relationship was heartfelt because it was very distinct, Nan and Warwick weren’t just some stand-ins for a cash-grab but some consideration was paid to the real historical figures. The John plotline, sure I would in principle protest against something like this but it seems to have had two plot purposes: To illustrate the strain caused by the aforementioned issue and to kick off the whole Edward-Eleanor Butler-Montagu-Nan arc, which bizarre and unbelievable as it was, kept me on my toes. I’ll let it slide. Also, Edward IV was portrayed as quite a chilling villain in this, beholden of this weird mix of indifference, charm and wickedness.
Prose: This is what made me briefly wonder if this book was written by two different people. It failed to engage me in the first half, the descriptions were trite (except for the natural scenery bits), there was very little variety in sentence structures which gave it the stilted heaviness that thus afflicted The Sunne in Splendour (and most modern literature). There was a lot of redundancies eg the type of stuff like ‘whispered quietly’ or ‘yelled loudly’ and the author’s misunderstanding of certain period fashions drew me out eg references to bodices (not a thing then), calling the henin veil a silk scarf etc. She didn’t pull a Penman: exposit emotions to us, making me feel like I walked into a therapy session, but it was often heavy-handed. It first felt very much like an uninspired debut novel. A bit try-hard and I was wondering if this was the way of the bodice ripper... I wouldn’t know, I never read one before (though I’m unsure if this qualifies as it’s really not graphic and the focus is really not on sex nor is there much of it).
However, out of nowhere, the prose suddenly changed a little before half of the way in; colours, emotions, thoughts and the like started to blend masterfully. The sentence structures started varying to convey the way Nan was feeling. It became very show don’t tell, and it drew me in emotionally a bit (I must confess). Of course, that’s also around the point the plot had sort of started redeeming itself. Nan’s grief at her husband’s passing was particularly well conveyed - how she became a husk of her former self... I could read fifty pages of that. Her realisation that it had been him all along was also well written, and you could feel all the urgency and regret she felt at all the time she had wasted disregarding him as the plot grew nearer to Barnet. The mutual longing was also subtle yet strong, and it really was down to the effective use of sentence structure and waylaying of inspired thematic details. The mingling of past memories with present day in her later years was also very well done and with flow, and the adjectives etc used were no longer becoming distracting as before. My favourite part by far was the very last scene when she rides ahead of her escort to Middleham and she imagines a horse riding beside her caparisoned with the Neville standard; you can really feel how this is the first time that she had felt joy in years and she lets the ghost follow her.
... In Conclusion, this novel gave me very mixed feelings. I don’t know if I would have enjoyed it as much as I did had it not been for the fact that I entered it with a massive pre-formed love for the figures. It’s a bit like my experience with ‘Death Be Pardoner to Me’ (review #2 on this tag), was the book actually good or do I just have an affinity for the protagonist (Clarence in that case)? As such, I don’t think I would reccomend it. Indeed I wrote this spoilerish review because I was sure no one would fly off to Amazon after seeing this post. I can’t say if it’s above commercial historical romance in standard as this is the first time I’ve ever read a book from this genre. I think I’ll take a loongg break from historical fiction (after I finish with Jarman) because the Clarence portrayal was a bit of a nail in the coffin for me and I don’t want to continue upsetting myself for no reason. As I have now truly lost hope in reading a balanced depiction of him and if the literature isn’t absolutely expemplary why bother? Nevertheless, Warwick’s portrayal was a saving grace and made it impossible for me to give it two stars - it wasn’t perfect but still the best I’ve read (minus Last of the Barons Ofc). This is also a bit sad when you think about it, Warwick is also due some fictional justice. Even scholarly if you ask me.
The experience was educational as I learned a valuable lesson in what to avoid and include in my writing, what pitfalls/clichés not to fall into etc. I think I can draw another valuable lesson from this: Dear Histfic authors, if you happen to not be historians, heavily-researched in this time period, objective or literarily talented etc don’t take yourself seriously by publishing some tome of a work but just go nuts like this novel. At least this way you’re not sharing misinformation, inducing people into error and your work still gets to be engaging as opposed to a repetition of the previous amateur historical novelist. Yeah. For all the Sunne in Splendour’s superior quality, I must say I prefer this one better.
Tagging @pythionice who I have recently discovered has also read this book! Welcome fellow fan of Warwick <3
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momentsofclarityao3 · 4 years
tagged by @nightreaderenigma
Five names I go by:
Iz (for when two syllables is too much)
Izzy Aunty (via my niece)
Curlytop (via my best friend)
blandjanet (main blog)
Five things I love to watch on TV:
Think I’m going to have to go past tense with this one, it’s been that long since I regularly watched anything that wasn’t streamed or a kids show with my niece. 
Downton Abbey
Brooklyn 99
Escape to the Country
I used to live for Harry’s Practice when I was in primary school and I caught an episode a few weeks ago. Good times. 
Doctor Who  
Ten places I have visited:
Think the only way I can make it to ten is to list Tasmania in its entirety and then the individual areas I visited while there. 
Hobart (Tas)
Port Arthur (Tas)
Cataract Gorge (Tas)
Margaret River
Jurien Bay
Sydney (I was a toddler at the time and I have no memory of it but I suppose it still counts)
Four things I love to eat:
Chocolate mousse
Four people I tag that I think will respond and be fun:
I honestly have no idea who would respond but I like to think all my followers are fun so have at it :)
Four things I love to drink:
Mango ice tea
Vanilla coke
Mango & orange juice
Cherry coke (tastes weird, does not stop me from drinking it)
Six Favorite Ships (OTP&/orBROTP):
3 OTPs and 3 BROTPs sounds fair
Jaime/Brienne (ASOIAF/GOT)
Garrus/Shepard (Mass Effect)
Chidi/Eleanor (The Good Place)
The Doctor & Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Ellie & Joel (The Last of Us)
Violet & Isobel (Downton Abbey)
Copy and paste, clear my answers and put in your own!
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Series One - Episode Seven
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One thing that seasoned Downton viewers will know is that either the plot moves so fast that you get whiplash moving from point to point and have to perform a fair amount of mental gymnastics to recall single lines that were (canonically speaking) made months and sometimes years ago, or it’s so slow that you think you’ve slipped into a coma and are having a strange dream about the coming of electricity. This instalment is a whopping 65 minutes long and  defiantly falls into the former category of episode. Don’t be fooled by the slow start of dusting chandeliers, every single plot point that King Julian has ever thought of is about to be covered in rapid succession whilst the July 1914 stamped ominously at the bottom of the screen indicates that the shit is about to get real. The main topic of conversation in Downton Village is apparently the murder of the Austrian Arch-duke. Who knew that rural Yorkshire with its still broadly illiterate population during this time period was so switched on to international relations? 
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William’s mother has (predictably) died and Anna has made an armband which is utterly indistinguishable from his livery in her honour. Another soul unable to appreciate this is Mrs Patmore who is now so blind that it has been brought to the attention of those who dwell upstairs. Mrs Patmore is summoned to the library where she collapses into the nearest available chair after chewing off Robert’s ear and he arranges to send her up to London. I doubt this was quite the reaction he was expecting but there we go. In Beryl’s absence, Mrs Bird comes to hold the fort and test Daisy’s loyalties to provide a bit of light relief in what is, when you think about it, quite a grim episode. 
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Despite being slow on the uptake, Daisy soon gets into the swing of launching the Downton scullery equivalent of chemical warfare whilst Mrs Bird makes disparaging comments about the kitchen and staff. But Daisy soon falls foul of a bit of bait and switch and only succeeds in almost giving Thomas’ colon a thorough clean out. 
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Whilst Mrs Patmore sits in Moorfields reeling at the fact that cataracts can’t be removed by whatever the 1914 equivalent of homeopathy is, Anna is determined to get to the bottom of why Bates was in prison. Thomas and O’Brien’s written confirmation of Bates’ previous misdeeds have only served to light a fire under her and with a confidence to which I can only aspire, she marches into Greenwich. Or is it Chelsea? My knowledge of barracks isn’t what it used to be despite the fact that I am typing this a stones throw away from one now. My superiors are weeping somewhere. In true British Army fashion, a man with an impressive hat brings out a massive book which he never refers to for any information that he could not hold in his head. He then gives out Mrs Bates Senior’s address 104 years before GDPR kicks in. 
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A meeting with Ma Bates confirms that it was Vera who stole the regimental silver rather than John but he took the fall, apparently feeling that he had ruined her life. However I can’t be the only person who is still a little unclear as to why he did go to prison for Vera as there doesn’t seem to be much evidence that he had ruined her life unless I’ve missed something, which is entirely possible. Anna returns to Downton and appeals to Robert to keep Bates on. Because he is a useful character for pivoting plot points around, Robert agrees, and our favourite self-sabotaging valet lives to survive another series. 
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Considerably less eager to stay at Downton is Thomas who has a right old time of it this episode, roaring through all of his typical behaviours: smoking in archways, leaving tables with entire plates of food in-front of him to go and perch on a crate and plot with O’Brien, stealing from Carson in an inept manner, having at least two other characters discuss just how awful he is and finally take shots at William. Except this time, they aren’t snide remarks. These are actual shots involving pre-German sniper mangled fists. Having volunteered for the Army medical corps with Dr Clarkson, Thomas is riding high on his way out the door and makes inappropriate marks about a combination of dead mothers and babies. William takes him on and the two roll around a bit on a table then the floor. Carson calls for a halt but doesn’t actually intervene: its up to the Irish Radical to bring about peace. Some irony there one feels. 
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But perhaps Carson’s inaction is connected to the emotional upheaval that of course comes with owning a telephone. I should know; mine has been on ‘Do Not Disturb’ for at least a year now. Presumably seeing the phone as an affront to his skills as a butler, there are a fair number amount of him looking perplexed at the new arrival. But with a bit of practice under his belt, he is ready to reluctantly shuffle into the twentieth century. Oh I do love him. 
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The coming of the telephone is good news for Gwen through who manages to bag herself an interview out of its installation in the Abbey. However she neglects to say that she was a housemaid on her application form. The manager of the company scoffs at this upon learning she works at Downton “you thought that would put me off!”. Well yes, because less then twenty minutes ago you were bemoaning the fact that you couldn’t find any secretaries with experience which is what you needed. King Julian is now struggling to maintain continuity within an episode never mind between. Lord. 
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After 18 years, and presumably a lot of hormonal shifting, Cora is pregnant. Robert sounds incredulous and frankly, we all are. Robert doesn’t understand what’s been done differently to bring about this major shift in plot, but Cora brings him to an abrupt halt before he can pick along any further down that particular line of enquiry and an entire nation, nay the world, exhales. However Foetus C’s appearance on the scene coincides with the departure of Simmons and through a convoluted chain of events, their fates are inextricably linked. O’Brein overhears that a new lady’s maid is required and immediately jumps head first into the wrong end of the stick. But to be fair to her, Violet and Cora seem to only talk about their quest when either Thomas or O’Brien are in earshot which is asking for trouble really. But that does not excuse O’Brien committing infanticide by proxy via the medium of Imperial Leather. With a bar of poor quality soap that breaks alarmingly easily and an off-screen yelp, it’s all over and another massive plot point that has a whole lifecycle within less than an episode. 
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Although Foetus C didn’t hang around long, he made quite the impact and along with the influence of Aunt Rosamund manages to unsettle the romance that Matthew and Mary have been carefully cultivating since Episode One. St James Park provides a backdrop for Rosamund, following the tradition of all Aunts worldwide, to winkle out the truth about their nieces and nephew’s love lives. As they glide through London, and pass two men sat on a bench trying to divert the apocalypse, Rosamund plants the seeds of doubt that will eventually blossom into a full blown crisis in about thirty minutes time with the mere suggestion that Mary might have to live in a cottage. 
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With the prospect of another male heir on the horizon, Matthew considers moving back to Manchester but not before he can have the first of two emotionally charged conversations under a tree. Matthew witters on about ‘prospects’ whilst Mary looks increasingly desperate. That tree and the accompanying bench have seen an awful lot of drama: people have sobbed under it, plotted beside it and stared artfully into the middle distance beneath its shadow and its only series one. 
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But even when it’s clear that Matthew’s inheritance is not in danger, he returns to the tree with Mary to assert the fact that he is leaving Downton for reasons that I can’t entirely fathom but are mainly based around the fact that he doesn’t want to be socially engineered and that he can’t be sure of anything. Wearing the world’s most pointless gloves, Mary covers her face and weeps in what is fast becoming a signature move. The ‘tree’ scenes between her and Matthew have been a real chance for both actors to get their teeth into a bit of decent uninterrupted dialogue. I have loved Michelle Dockery since she stole my twelve year old heart as Susan in Hogfather and she has not failed me yet. 
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Carson comes to comforts Mary under the ’tree of emotional conflict’ and in one shot we have captured the charm of Downton. Ahh. Now, back onto the nonsense. 
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The garden party is suddenly upon us and with it, the tying up of as many loose ends as possible just incase the series isn’t renewed. Hold onto your hats folks! Mrs Patmore returns in a cracking pair of sunglasses, Clarkson gives Thomas his papers who then promptly resigns, William and Daisy reconcile, Mrs Hughes warns Branson off Sybil whilst Sir Anthony pegs it out of Downton before Edith is allowed any measure of happiness, O’Brein attends to Cora’s every need and then learns that she was never in the firing line anyway, Branson plucks up the courage to answer a telephone, Gwen gets the job and proceeds to hug Branson and Sybil hug in a manner that you would think would be enough to cause a scandal, we learn of Ma Bates’ approval of Anna but Bates is still a stubborn idiot , Mr Moseley wants to crack on with Anna and if you squint a bit Downton Abbey briefly looks like The Villa. Oh and WW1 breaks out.  
Romantic declaration of the moment 
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“I’d say he’s keen. Very keen indeed” Well then TeLl HeR JohN! Anna and Bates must be up there for slow-burn romance of the millennia and for my money is a better love story than Mary and Matthew but that could just be my gritty scots and northern heritage rooting for the little guy. 
Expressive eyebrow of the week 
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Robert won last episode but nevertheless his face during the menopause chat with the accompanying “please” wins this one. THIS is why Fleabag Season 2 Episode 3 had to happen. 
Wait, what? 
“Is there anything worse than losing one’s maid” Erm…maybe the oncoming death of 17 million people with 11.5% of the British Army told by the upper echelons of society to walk slowly towards the guns? 
“Oy” is Mrs Patmore Jewish? 
“I’m afraid I’m going to have to sit in your presence my lord” That is a surprising amount of respect from someone who only two episodes fed him a chicken that had both been on the floor and nibbled by a cat…. 
“Try not to miss me, it will be good practice” Bates is a lovely man but ultimately he is a masochistic twat. 
“First electricity, now telephones. Sometimes I feel as if I were living in a H.G. Wells novel” Julian really does reserve his best for Maggie. 
“I’m not much good at building my life on shifting sands”  Calm down, Matthew. 
“He had a right to know how his countryman died, in the arms of a slut” Calm down, Edith. 
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alj4890 · 5 years
None But You
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Request from @pixieferry for (Thomas x Amanda) in a Regency Era Romance.
A/N This was originally meant as a one shot but my mind decided to stretch it out and @pixieferry was very encouraging toward my madness. This story takes place in London around 1819. I'm not sure how many parts this mini series will have yet or who will appear, but here we go 😉
Our Main Characters: Lord Thomas Hunt, Viscount Kirkwood of Kirkwood Manor in Norfolk. Lady Amanda Bridgerton, heiress to Snowfield Abbey in Doncaster. 
@graceful-popcorn @krsnlove @alleksa16 @hopelessromantic1352 @pixieferry
Chapter 1
"Now then. We must go directly to a modiste as soon as possible. If you are to have a proper season amongst the ton then the right wardrobe has to be purchased." Lady Lucinda Bridgerton explained to her niece.
"Yes ma'am." The young lady softly responded. She gazed out at the fashionable homes in London's Mayfair. Amanda Bridgerton tried not to dwell on the reasons for having to attend a London Season. It would do nothing but cause the tears she had yet to shed to fall from her eyes.
Her sweet, widowed aunt was all she had left for family. Her parents death three years earlier had revealed that their estate was near ruin. Her father had been the Earl of Snowfield. He had been a compassionate landowner that had made certain the families that farmed his lands and tended the sheep herds were taken care of during destitute times.
His wife had been of the same mindset and had trained their daughter to be a benevolent lady of the manor. When they died, her Uncle Nicholas and his wife, Lucinda, came to live at Snowfield Abbey. The new earl tried to continue his elder brother's mission but soon found that the coffers were nearly depleted.
He worked himself to death to try to recoup their losses and keep Snowfield and his family well taken care of. Now it was up to Amanda to make things right. The estate was beginning to thrive again yet there was a need that only a well established fortune could provide. The land alone would garner many a proposal from a titled gentleman. Her only wish was that she could marry for love. If not love, then perhaps she could have friendship with her husband.
"Here we are, dearest." Lady Lucinda stepped out of the carriage before a freshly painted building. They walked in and were immediately greeted by a whisper thin lady who spoke with a questionable French accent. Amanda lips curved in humor as she suspected the woman who asked to be called Marie, was really a Mary. She gestured dramatically while pretending to struggle to find the English words to describe Amanda's figure.
The young lady grimaced. There was no chance she would ever be considered a diamond among the upper class. She was the exact opposite of being deemed the ton's incomparable. Instead of a willowy, blonde angel with blue eyes; Amanda was cursed with her father's dark hair and eyes along with her great grandmother's voluptuous figure. She was much too tall for a lady, or at least that was what some of the shorter gentlemen had been heard to whisper at the local assemblies.
Her aunt and the seamstresses debated over silks, velvets, and muslins. It was soon discovered that pastels made Amanda's skin appear sickly. Jewel tones brought out her peach tinted cheeks and made her dark hazel eyes sparkle. She was set on a stool and measured, poked, and remeasured.
After many hours of this particular torture, they were at last released. As they stepped outside, Amanda gazed longingly toward a shop with windows filled with books across the street. "Aunt Lucy? May we go in there before we return home?"
Lady Lucinda chuckled and linked her arm with Amanda's. "We might as well. I fear that we will not find any of Lady Radcliff's novels in the library of our town home."
They entered the shop and both sighed in contentment. They took a deep breath of the leather bound air and spilt up to see what could be discovered to tickle their fancy. Her aunt chose the poetry section while Amanda went toward the back of the store where an attendant told her the novels were located.
She noticed a gentleman searching through the books on an upper shelf. He glanced at her and nodded politely. She returned his nod with a pleasant smile before squeezing past. Her attention was captured by the number of different novels avaiable. After running her fingers along a shelf, she picked up one and flipped through the pages. She stopped at the last chapter and began to read.
The gentleman she had passed watched her curiously. He frowned when he noticed her quickly reading the end of the story before choosing another to only do the same. When she started to repeat the process with a third book, he could remain silent no longer.
"See here, miss. You are ruining each story you pick up!" His deep voice was gruff with irritation. "Why are you only reading the final chapters?"
Amanda narrowed her eyes at his nerve and tone of voice. "For a very simple reason, sir. I prefer certain types of endings in stories. The only way to ensure such is to read the last chapter of books that have been recommended to me."
"Can you not simply read what is recommended without spoiling it for yourself?" He persisted. "Dash it all! People spend months to years creating such for someone to enjoy. They do not do so to be judged solely by the final chapter!"
Amanda bristled at his losing his temper with her. "Did you write this?"
He glanced at the title of the book she thrust at him and his frown grew fierce. "I did not."
Her chin lifted in defiance. "Then you, sir, have no right to be offended." She presented her back to him and set the book she was holding back in its proper place. She could feel those dark eyes of his on her and finally turned around in a huff.
Their wills clashed silently, each glaring darkly at the other. If he had not angered her, she would have thought him handsome. He was tall (a blessing in itself) with dark brown eyes and hair. The indentations in his cheeks hinted at dimples being present if he were ever caught smiling. His clothing was finely made and molded over a figure not given to the idol laziness that plagued many gentlemen in society. What a pity he should be possessed with such a sour disposition.
She began to feel guilty for her loss of temper. The good manners and kindness instilled by her upbringing forced her to utter an unwilling apology. "Forgive me. I should not have been rude to you. I'm afraid my patience was sorely tested earlier at the dressmaker’s." 
His eyebrows lifted in surprise. His own chagrin flickered in the dark depths of his eyes and the easing of his lips. "I believe I am the one at fault here. I should not have chastised you over such an action."
Amanda smiled warmly at him, knowing that he was not one to apologize easily if his strangled words were any indication.
He found his own lips turn up some at her friendliness and held his hand out. "My apology would be more heartfelt if I had the name of the lady I am giving it to."
She placed her hand in his. "Lady Amanda Bridgerton."
He bowed over her hand. "Lady Bridgerton. A pleasure." He released her hand when a servant approached.
"M'lord, you asked to be reminded of the time."
"Ah, yes. Thank you, Walters." He turned back to Amanda and started to take his leave. He paused and reached over her shoulder. She softly gasped at nearly being pinned between his chest and the bookcase He glanced down when he heard her indrawn breath and placed a book in her hands. "Do not read the final chapter until you finish the ones before it." His lips finally curved into a smile. "Perhaps one day we will meet again and you can tell me what you think of it."
She looked down at the title, Persuasion. She let out a laugh. "Well played, sir. You chose a title that not only reveals your intentions toward my reading habits but also one that leaves a mystery to its plot."
He took her hand and brushed a kiss to her knuckles. "Promise me you will read it properly."
She shook her head in admonishment while her glowing smile ruined the effect. "Very well, though it would be nice to know to whom I am giving my word."
"Thomas Hunt, Viscount Kirkwood." He bowed and began to leave. He looked over his shoulder and spoke once more. "I look forward to hearing your opinions, my lady." Once he was gone, she hugged the book to her chest and searched for her aunt.
"Aunt Lucy! Did you see the gentleman who left a few moments ago?"
"I did indeed. Well done, my dear! I have heard of Lord Hunt. He is not one to remain in conversation with ladies longer than manners demand." Lucinda took the book from her niece. "You will have to read this now. He will be at many of the functions you will attend." She took her selection and Amanda's to the clerk and paid for them.
Amanda felt a warm fluttering in her stomach at the thought of speaking to him again. Once they were returned to their home in Mayfair and had eaten dinner, she escaped upstairs and quickly changed into her nightgown. She climbed into bed and began to read about Ms. Anne Elliot and her rather unfortunate romance with Captian Wentworth.
A few nights later, she and her aunt walked into Almack's. It was a warm evening and Amanda sighed at having to gain permission from the grande dames to waltz at the balls that were to begin next week. So many ladies, a few years younger than herself, were standing with painfully young men that had most likely been bullied into dancing attendance on their sister's friends.
Lady Jersey, one of the patronesses of Almack's, was in conservation with Lucinda and was looking over at Amanda in a critical fashion. She nodded in respect to the older woman and received a nod of approval. She only needed one to give their permission. Amanda wondered how she was to do so if no man approached her.
While lost in thought, murmurings reached a fevered pitch in the room behind her.
"Can you believe he came?"
"He never attends opening night at Almack's! My cousin Matthew swears the man avoids these type of functions and matchmaking mothers."
"He is so handsome. Mamma is going to have Howard invite him to our home for dinner one evening."
Amanda ignored the dramatic whispers of what had to be about another shy young man and moved closer to the open doors leading to the outside courtyard. She longed for a breeze to blow through the stifling room. She closed her eyes in pleasure when a cool wiff of air touched her overly warm skin.
"Falling asleep? I can't say I blame you. Finding buried treasure under the floorboards is more likely than finding a person to converse intelligently amongst this crowd."
Her eyes snapped open at the deep voice near her ear. Her lips parted in surprise. "Lord Hunt!"
He gave a quick nod. "Lady Bridgerton, we meet again." He noticed some ladies coming to join their conversation. "Good heavens, they are like a plague of locusts." He took her hand and placed it in the bend of his arm. "Introduce me to your aunt." He quickly walked off with her and stopped before her Lucinda and Lady Jersey.
"Thomas!" Lady Jersey gasped. "You're here?"
He lifted an eyebrow before looking down at himself. "So it seems." He took Lucinda's hand and bowed. "Lady Bridgerton, it is a pleasure to meet you."
Once she was over her surprise, she smiled at him. "And you, m'lord. My niece has spoken highly of you after your book recommendation."
His lips curved. "Lady Amanda is too kind." He turned his gaze back to her after studying Amanda for a heated moment. "May I have your permission to dance with her?" His mocking smile landed on the patroness. "And yours of course Lady Jersey?"
Once permission was given in a stuttered manner, Thomas led her in a waltz. He smiled softly as he looked down at her. "What do you think of the novel so far?"
"Anne and Fredrick's relationship is quite heartbreaking. To be parted so cruelly only to meet again with such coldness..." She shook her head when words failed her. "I find myself in amazement that she refused Charles once Fredrick left."
His brow furrowed. "You think she should have married Charles though she loved another?" Perhaps Amanda was not the type of lady he thought she was.
"Not at all! Just that, I am in amazement she was not tempted to do so to escape her ridiculous father and sister. The Musgroves are by far superior to the Elliots." Her smile grew when he laughed.
"I admit that I myself would be tempted to do so now that you reminded me what Anne has had to endure remaining with those two." As they continued to converse, he realized he was chuckling more than he ever had while dancing. She easily held his attention like she had at the bookshop. Once the dance ended, he led her back to her aunt.
He placed his hand over Amanda's as he offered to escort them both to the opera on Thursday evening. "My box has an unparrelled view of the stage."
Lucinda glanced at Amanda's surprised smile and nodded her consent. "Thank you, Lord Hunt. We look forward to it."
Thomas took his leave when he noticed the more determined mothers approaching with their simpering daughters. He kissed Amanda's gloved hand and reminded her to not read the ending to Persuasion yet.
The next day, she curled up with the book and had just come to the part where Anne overheard Captain Wentworth share that she had changed so much he would not have known her when the butler came in with a calling card. She saw the name and frowned. Who was the Earl of Comery? "Do show him in Hudson. And please inform Lady Lucinda of our visitor."
A short, stocky young man walked in with a bouquet of flowers. "Lady Bridgerton?"
Amanda stood up and noticed that she was a couple of inches taller than him. He bowed over her hand and flourished the bouquet before her. "It is a pleasure to meet the heiress of Snowfield Abbey."
Her smile of welcome dimmed. "Thank you, my lord." She motioned for him to sit down and set the flowers in a vase. He began to extoll the beauty of Snowfield and it's many fruitful acres of land. Amanda listened with half her attention. Of the two of them, she believed she knew her own home better. During a pause, she asked him about his estate.
"I'm afraid I am unfamiliar with Comery. Is it South of here?"
He nodded, pleased at her interest. "Southeast actually. It is in Kent."
Lucinda walked into the drawing room with a small package. She greeted the Earl then turned to Amanda. "Dearest, this was just delivered."
Amanda took it and noticed there was no return address or name of who sent it. She opened the box and lifted a beautiful seashell out. "How lovely!" She exclaimed. She took the scrap of paper with it and read the elegant script. Perhaps Capt. Wentworth found a seashell such as this during his travels and gifted it to a certain lady.
Lucinda peeked over her shoulder and smiled at the hinted sentiment. "Do we know who sent it?" She asked for Lord Comery's benefit.
"It is unsigned." Amanda said softly. She set it back in the box and turned her attention back to the earl. After a dull tea with him, he finally left once her aunt urged him to leave before the rain began to fall.
"Lady Bridgerton, there is not a cloud in the sky." He argued with a smile.
"That does not mean it is impossible. The pain in my ankle signals that a deluge will occur within the hour. I insist you leave and get to your next destination quickly." He was no match for her arguments and subtle nudges out the door. He left with a spoken desire to see them soon.
Lucinda was not about to promise such. "I am certain our paths will cross during the social season." Once Hudson shut the door, she hmphed. "Thank heavens you will not be reduced to marrying a man like that."
Amanda chuckled. "Aunt Lucy, I am afraid you are the only one to believe I will end up having a number of suitors. We both know I need to marry a man with a fortune if we are to keep Snowfield and our tenants in the lifestyle they are accustomed to."
"Yes, but there is bound to be a man out there that can be not only well heeled but also of a more pleasing temperament."
"I know Lord Comery lacked stimulating conversation, yet he seemed to be a pleasant sort of man." Amanda argued half heartedly.
Lucy snorted. "He complimented your inheritance more so than you." Her green eyes flashed with angry determination. "I would rather we be forced into a small cottage somewhere than to see you married to such a man."
Amanda rose from her chair and hugged her. "You are a darling and I love you, but I am going to do my best to make certain you and Snowfield are taken care of."
Lucy gently patted her cheek. "You are a stubborn creature." She stood and smoothed the wrinkles in her dress. "Come. Let us go for a walk and see who we meet along the way."
"Walk? Outside? Were you not predicting a deluge approaching?" She teased.
Lucy suppressed her mirth for a moment before bursting into laughter. "I need to remember which ankle is the more intelligent of the two for future escapes."
"I would go with the right one." Amanda suggested between giggles. "That way you can stress how correct it is."
"Minx." Lucy chided.
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LGBTQIA Historical Romance Novels for Winter, Hanukkah, Solstice, and Christmas! - Updated December 19th, 2018
Christmas Angel by Eli Easton (*Book One of The Christmas Angel series) (I thoroughly enjoyed this Georgian era romance. There is a great group of supporting characters, and this manages to delve into period-typical homophobia, without weighing down the hopeful message of the story.)
- When John Trent, a dedicated member of the new Bow Street Runners, finds an exquisite carved angel floating in the Thames, he can’t stop thinking about it. He tracks down its creator, a sad and quiet young sculptor. But neither the angel nor the sculptor is done with John just yet. The blasted angel refuses to leave him be, behaving not at all like an inanimate object should. Alec Allston is resigned to the fact that his love will ever be a river that flows out and never flows in. All he wanted to do was create a special gift so that a small part of himself could be with his unattainable and noble beloved, always. But when the gift keeps showing back up at his shop in the hands of a windblown and rugged thief-taker, Alec will need to reconsider his conviction that love is destined to remain an ethereal ideal. This book is one of seven stories which can all be read and enjoyed in any order.
On Wing of Song by Anne Barwell
- Six years after meeting British soldier Aiden Foster during the Christmas Truce of 1914, Jochen Weber still finds himself thinking about Aiden, their shared conversation about literature, and Aiden’s beautiful singing voice. A visit to London gives Jochen the opportunity to search for Aiden, but he’s shocked at what he finds. The uniform button Jochen gave him is the only thing Aiden has left of the past he’s lost. The war and its aftermath ripped everything away from him, including his family and his music. When Jochen reappears in his life, Aiden enjoys their growing friendship but knows he has nothing to offer. Not anymore.
The Prince and Her Dreamer by Kayla Bashe (Coming December 12th! A f/f retelling of The Nutcracker!!)
- Clara feels stifled by the life that's been planned out for her, and clings to her only hope that something more might be possible: a mysterious book given to her by her Uncle Drosselmeyer, that recounts the tales of the magnificent warrior woman known as the Red Prince. Decades ago, Drosselmeyer trapped the Red Prince in the form of a doll to save her from the Rats. When the magic of Clara's selfless admiration restores her to human form, she and Clara must find a way to stand against the Rats once and for all if they hope to enjoy the life they've always longed for...
Mr. Winterborne’s Christmas by Joanna Chambers (Yes, a new story for those clamoring for more Adam and Lysander.)
- Lysander Winterbourne has been living happily at Edgeley Park for the last eighteen months. By day he is Adam Freeman's estate manager, by night, his lover...but Adam never speaks of his feelings and Lysander has no idea whether their relationship is any more than a convenient arrangement for Adam. When the two men are invited to Winterbourne Abbey for a family Christmas, matters quickly come to a head. Snowed in at the Abbey with a house full of guests, Lysander has to face up to shocking revelations, long-held secrets and a choice he never expected to have to make...
Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus by Bey Deckard (Book 3.5 of the Baal’s Heart series--pirates!)
-A Baal's Heart short, following the events in Fated: Blood and Redemption Plagued by terrible dreams, Jon begins to distance himself from Baltsaros and Tom. Perhaps a little holiday cheer is just the thing to help the three of them find common ground again.
Phin’s Christmas by Bonnie Dee
- Doubt invades a fairy-tale holiday. Excited to celebrate his first Christmas with his true love, Phin Abernathy searches for the perfect gift for Teddy, the artist who saved him from solitude (The Artist). But his happy holiday dreams are soon threatened. After a year of living on his own, then with his beloved partner, Phin has mostly banished his negative view of himself.  He and Teddy are happily saving toward a house they can share, when a chance encounter with a stranger raises Phin’s old ghosts of doubt, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Struggling to quell such negative spirits, Phin focuses on volunteering at a children’s shelter. But when he sees his Teddy and handsome Justin Crump (The Medium) in a suspicious situation, it is difficult to control his racing thoughts. Belief in Teddy’s love for him wars with Phin’s fear his lover wants something more. Phin must decide how far he is willing to go to keep Teddy in his life, and truly embrace his own worth before he can ever celebrate the season.
Simon and the Christmas Spirit (Part of Victorian Holiday Hearts Boxed Set) by Summer Devon and Bonnie Dee (A fun romp of a romance, with heart, and lots of laughs.)
- Simon and the Christmas Spirit: The holiday spirit has forsaken Simon Harris. A recent reminder of the man who used then left him sends lonely Simon on a glum visit to his club where a breath of fresh air in the form of Christopher Andrews enters his stale life. Simon and Christopher enjoy a few hours of pleasure, never expecting to see each other again, but Simon’s new resolution to change may transform both men's lives.
The Holly Groweth Green by Amy Rae Durreson
- When wounded doctor Laurence Payne is stranded in the snowy English countryside on Christmas Eve, 1946, he is surprised to stumble upon Mistle Cottage and its mysterious inhabitant. Avery claims to be an Elizabethan wizard, and Laurence struggles to explain away the atmosphere of the cottage as mere coincidence and trickery. He spends a magical twelve days of Christmas celebrating with Avery, but then wakes to find his lover has vanished and the cottage has fallen to ruin overnight. Laurence’s investigations lead him to the story of an ancient fairy curse—Avery is doomed to spend only Christmas Eve to Twelfth Night in human form until he finds true love. Laurence sets out to give Avery the greatest gift of all—his heart and with it the chance to live for more than the fleeting winter weeks he’s been sentenced to.
A Christmas in Kent by Paul Alan Fahey (Part of the Lovers and Liars set, which entails espionage in WWII.)
- It's December 1941. Caroline, Cyril, Edward, and Leslie are home from their recent exploits on the Isle of Man and are now happily ensconced in their cottage in Kent. Feeling safe from the ongoing horrors of war, if only temporarily, Caroline finds herself surrounded by people she loves and who love her, so she counts her blessings and immerses herself in the spirit of the season. She trims the holiday tree with her newly wedded spouse and makes a last minute shopping trip into London. Other family members are busy, as well. Samson and Delilah -- the group’s adopted pair of shelties -- are running amok in The Peasant’s Revenge and causing the pub’s patrons no end of displeasure. Leslie and Edward have a chance encounter with a child who is separated from her parents in Germany and lives nearby with a foster family. Then there’s that something bothering Caroline that simply can’t be ignored much longer. Christmas in Kent will indeed be full of surprises.
The Christmas Wager by Jamie Fessenden
- Lord Thomas Pendleton, second son of the Duke of Branmoor, needs to discharge a debt to his friend Andrew Nash. In doing so, he must return to the family estate he fled six years earlier after refusing to marry the woman his father had chosen. To Thomas’s dismay, Branmoor Hall is no longer the joyful home he remembers from his childhood, and his four-year-old niece has no idea what Christmas is. Determined to bring some seasonal cheer back to the gloomy estate, Thomas must confront his tyrannical father, salvage a brother lost in his own misery, and attempt to fight off his father’s machinations. As Christmas Day draws near, Thomas and his friend Andrew begin to realize they are more than merely close friends… and those feelings are not only a threat to their social positions, but, in Victorian England, to their lives as well.
Summerfield’s Angel by Kim Fielding (*Book Two of The Christmas Angel series) (This one takes place between a cowboy and the son of a retail magnate, with some nice details about 1880′s NYC, and the sort of class differences we usually only see in romances that are based in London.)
- After the hard winter of 1888 ended Alby Boyle’s work as a Nebraska ranch hand, he returned to New York City in search of his long-lost family. His mother and brothers are nowhere to be found, however, and after Alby’s years of absence, Five Corners no longer feels like home. His prospects seem as dim as the nighttime alleys. When Alby pauses to admire an angel ornament in a department store window’s Christmas display, he meets Xeno Varnham-Summerfield. Wealthy, handsome, and enthusiastic, Xeno brings Alby some temporary cheer. But for Alby to achieve his dreams of love and a real home, well, that may take a bit of holiday magic.
Cursed Miracles by Meg Harding
- Two hundred years ago on Christmas Eve, William Mashinter was frozen in time, cursed by his wife to roam the world on his own, waiting for the love of his life to find him. The love of his life, whom she killed. Time hasn’t healed this wound, and William is tired of the happy holiday and the constant reminders of a love that’s been taken from him. But then the impossible happens, and maybe… maybe he can get a new Christmas perspective.Brady Gallagher has lived three different lives, always aware of the first and most important, yet unable to find the man who will fill in the missing pieces and let him know he’s not crazy. He encounters him at a work event, of all places, but is he willing to throw everything else to the wind and embrace the miracle laid out before him?A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."
Christopher’s Christmas by Adella J Harris
- Valet Chris MacCullan knows better than to fall in love with someone at a Christmas house party, but there’s nothing wrong with a bit of fun. Even with the shy, sweet son of the housekeeper, as long as he’s careful not to do anything that will hurt the fellow later.  But as he gets to know his new friend, can he protect his own heart?
A Christmas Hex by Jordan L Hawk (A Hexworld short story)
- Roland knows he will never find love. Everyone views wolf familiars like himself as dangerous beasts, unable to rein in their savage impulses. He’s resigned himself to his fate—or so he thinks, until he meets the dashing Augustus Cao. His witch.Gus is on the trail of a gang of thieves, and Roland holds an important clue. Even though they can never bond, Roland can’t pass up the opportunity to spend a night with his witch.Can Roland conceal his secret, while helping Gus catch the thieves? Or will the handsome detective be the one to steal his heart?
Harmony by Jordan L Hawk (A Whyborne & Griffin short story set after Bloodline)
The Magician’s Angel by Jordan L Hawk (*Book Three of The Christmas Angel series)(Currently reading...)
- Vaudeville stage magician Christopher Fiend lives for the spotlight. His chance at big time stardom awaits him in Chicago, the next stop on the circuit after the little town of Twelfth Junction. Edward Smith wants nothing to do with his family's theater. Until Christopher catches his eye on opening night, then treats him to a very special performance during intermission. When a dead body turns up in the middle of Christopher’s act, suspicion immediately falls on him. If Christopher and Edward can’t work together to clear his name, Christopher won’t make it to Chicago in time. Edward knows he shouldn’t get attached to a man who will be gone in two days, but his heart—and a very special angel—have other ideas. The Christmas Angel series of holiday romances follow the travels of an angel ornament through the decades as she inspires (and sometimes nudges) lonely men to find their Happily Ever After. The Magician’s Angel is the third in series, which can be read in any order.
A Gay Fairy Tale by Christina Lee and Riley Hart (This one is set in an alternate world, where it’s always winter. Has a nice bit of hope at the end, when Merrick challenges his kingdom’s preconceptions.)
- As next in line for the Evergreen crown, Prince Merrick Davendall’s future involves ruling, marriage, and producing an heir of his own. But he’s long been tormented by desires that are far from princely. Especially when the beautiful Cassius is promoted to be his new valet, and Merrick is struck by a longing like never before—a longing to know him far beyond royal and servant. After his father’s passing, Cassius Havendale’s sole duty is to provide for his family. A promotion to serve a pampered prince is something he endures only for their sake. Surely Prince Merrick has no understanding of the true suffering of the common people, nor could he possibly understand what it’s like to desperately desire something he cannot have. Except the prince is not at all what Cassius imagined. Kind, humorous, and caring to those in need, he also shares Cassius’s affinity for the arts. In fact, Merrick understands his deepest vulnerabilities in a most remarkable way. As their affection deepens, the underlying tension between them becomes unbearable and they’re unable to ignore it any longer. But when the queen prepares a lavish ball with all the eligible ladies in the land in attendance, Merrick must fulfill his obligations to his country, and Cassius has the needs of his family to consider. They’ve long known their stolen moments would have to come to an end, but are they ready to give up one another and the idea of a happily-ever-after?
His Regelence Rake by JL Langley (Book Three of the Sci-Regency series)(I love this whole series, but this one was given a holiday theme at the end, and it makes for a lovely HEA background to the story that develops throughout re: the stables.)
- Sebastian Hastings, Viscount Wentworth, is captain of the Royal Guard by day and scandalous rake by night. To protect the royal family of Regelence from the plots of the Intergalactic Navy, Sebastian makes it his priority to personally oversee their safety. Prince Colton Townsend is done pining after the roguish viscount and focuses his attention on his second love—horses. Following his dream of owning a racehorse breeding farm distracts Colton from his heartache… until Sebastian begins shadowing him. When a good deed at a horse auction sparks public rumors, Colton just might get the man and the marriage he’s longed for. But Sebastian’s duties and secrets keep him walled off from those who would get close. To reach Sebastian, Colton takes one last risk that might break his heart….
The Forgotten Man by Ryan Loveless
- In 1932, after Captain Joshua Pascal’s family loses its fortune, the Great War veteran’s sense of duty compels him to help his mother convert his childhood home into a Jewish boarding house. He’s lived openly as a homosexual among his friends, but now Joshua must pretend to be a “normal,” and hiding his nature is a lonely way of life. But in the middle of Chanukah, Joshua meets Will, a street musician with a ready smile, and wonders if he might deserve a chance at love. During the cold December nights they find comfort in each other. But the specter of the workhouse and the possibility of family and personal ruin hang over them, making their every move dangerous. Which would they rather lose: their lives as they know them... or the promise of a future together?
Last Leap of the First-Foot by Ari McKay
- Iain Donaldson and Bran MacRae have been best friends since childhood, despite Iain being part of the gentry and Bran a mere crofter's son. Iain's feelings of friendship have deepened over time, and he suspects Bran might share his inclinations—and Hogmanay may be the time to confess feelings. As the old year becomes the new, Iain keeps his promise to first-foot at the MacRae cottage, and Bran takes the opportunity to bare his heart—will it be enough to overcome the challenges to their budding relationship? A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package "Heartwarming".
My True Love Gave To Me by Ava March
- Alexander Norton loathes the festive season. The revelry of the ton is a reminder of Christmas four years ago, when his first love, Thomas Bennett, broke his heart and fled to New York without a word. So when he encounters Thomas at a holiday ball, Alexander is determined not to let on how much he still hurts. Thomas has returned for one reason only: Alexander. Having finally come to terms with his forbidden desires, he will do whatever he must to convince Alexander to give their love another chance. But instead of the happy, carefree man Thomas once knew, Alexander is now hard and cynical. Saddened to know he's to blame for the man's bitterness, Thomas resolves to reignite the passion he knows lies hidden behind the wall of disdain...
The Mistletoe Kiss by Ruby Moone (My favorite LGBT historical Christmas romance. An MC with a disability, and a beautiful May/December romance that evolves from friends to lovers.)
- By 1816, widowed bookseller Lawrence Fenton has spent a lonely lifetime hiding who he is. He has convinced himself his feelings for his far too young, gorgeous, but troubled assistant Christy Shaw are nothing more than pride in his protégé and concern for his plight. Christy’s life involves walking fine lines: one between his mother and his abusive stepfather, one where he must keep his needs hidden, and hardest of all, one where he must keep his feelings for his serious employer to himself. Lame since birth, Lawrence cannot imagine anyone wanting him, least of all Christy. But when Christy’s life threatens to spiral out of control, Lawrence steps in. Then Christy’s emotions spill over into a kiss under the mistletoe at Christmas. Will Lawrence be able to face the long-buried truth about himself and keep Christy by his side?
The Wrong Kind of Angel by Ruby Moone (prequel to Trapped) (Charles is a sweet bon bon. Just saying.)
- A reluctant angel, three not terribly wise men, two gorgeous men on a starlit chase to find a child … It can only be Christmas. It’s Christmas 1817 and Captain Charles Farrington has accepted that he is destined to live alone. That is, until Christmas Eve, when a startlingly handsome man crashes into his home and his life. Harry Valentine is a man on the run. A man with secrets. He hasn’t time to fall for the angel who rescued him and, in any case, he knows that once Charlie realises the truth about him, there will be no future for them. Harry’s warmth makes Charles face up to the demons in his past and shows him that he can have a family. All he has to do is persuade Harry to stay. But Charlie knows that, despite whatever Harry says, he’s the wrong kind of angel for happy endings.
The Christmas Curse by Ruby Moone (A dose of cheer and magic for a lonely man at Christmas.)
- It’s almost Christmas 1806, and government agent Jared Templeton finds himself adopted by a beautiful stray dog as he walks his customary route each night to his Mayfair home. Having never owned a dog before, Jared is surprised to find himself talking to the beast. It’s wonderfully easy and lifts some of the heavy burdens he carries. Eventually Jared confides in the dog, not only secrets about his work as an agent, but also the biggest secret about himself. About his innermost desires and needs, safe in the knowledge his companion will never betray him. But at the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve, Jared discovers things are not quite what they seem …
The Lion Lies Waiting by Glenn Quigley (Sequel to The Moth and Moon)
- Winter, 1780, and the solstice is fast approaching. Four months after the events of The Moth and Moon, burly fisherman Robin Shipp is preparing for his first Midwinter festival with his lover, the handsome baker Edwin Farriner. But when a letter arrives begging for help, they must travel with their friend, Duncan, to Port Knot on sinister Blackrabbit Island for a final confrontation with Edwin’s mother. Also visiting the island are Lady Eva and her wife Iris, with a stunning proposition that could change Robin and Edwin’s lives forever.The snow-covered harbour town of Port Knot is a dangerous place. While there, Robin, Edwin, and Duncan explore the menacing rooftop settlement known as the Roost, mingle with high society in the magnificent splendour of Chase Manor, and uncover a violent conspiracy threatening the island’s entire way of life.Old rivalries will flare, shocking secrets will be revealed, and as Duncan’s scandalous past finally catches up with him, will it ultimately destroy them all?The men will be tested to their limits as they discover that on Blackrabbit Island, the lion lies waiting.
A Gentleman’s Agreement by J Roman (This had one of the best endings I’ve read, very sweet, and the whole story is one of low-dose period-typical homophobia.)
- Thomas Derrik is about to have the worst Christmas of his life. Three days before the holiday, he finds out the father he doesn’t get along with is arriving on Christmas Eve, his ex-lover and new brother-in-law will be staying at his estate until the New Year, and his beloved brother, Edmund, has died. Luckily, Edmund’s last holiday scheme may well save Thomas’s Christmas: Henry Appleby, a young lord fresh from the Continent, has arranged to court Thomas. But the family tragedy and jealous exes may put an end to the romance before it begins. A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2012 Advent Calendar package "Evergreen"
Yuletide Truce by Sandra Schwab
- London, 1845 It's December, Alan "Aigee" Garmond's favorite time of the year, when the window display of the small bookshop where he works fills up with crimson Christmas books and sprays of holly. Everything could be perfect — if it weren't for handsome Christopher Foreman, the brilliant writer for the fashionable magazine About Town, who has taken an inexplicable and public dislike to Aigee's book reviews. But why would a man such as Foreman choose to target reviews published in a small bookshop's magazine? Aigee is determined to find out. And not, he tells himself, just because he finds Foreman so intriguing. Aigee’s quest leads him from smoke-filled ale-houses into the dark, dingy alleys of one of London's most notorious rookeries. And then, finally, to Foreman. Will Aigee be able to wrangle a Yuletide truce from his nemesis?
The Return of the Earl by Sandra Schwab
- On the Continent they call him the Ice Prince, icy of manner, icy of heart. Now, after thirteen years of exile, Con returns home to England and to Harrowcot Hall, a place haunted by memories of a long-lost friendship and past betrayals, a place where all of his dreams shattered and died. But the past is over and done with, and can no longer touch him -- or so Con thinks. He certainly does not expect to come face to face with Bryn Ellison again, the man whom he once loved beyond everything and who repudiated their bond in the cruelest way imaginable. As snow and frost close in on Harrowcot Hall, Con's icy demeanour starts to melt while he grapples with old hurts and newly awakened passions. Will he give in to the lure of the past against his better judgement?
Ansel of Pryor House by Hayden Thorne (Magical romance in a YA format, with a twist of gothic, and a warming message.)
- Fifteen-year-old Ansel Tunnicliffe has lived a harsh life. Abandoned by his mother and his siblings to a drunk and abusive father, Ansel knows nothing more than hunger, fear, pain, and loneliness in his short life. One evening, a wealthy stranger appears, challenges Mr. Tunnicliffe to a game of cards, and easily wins. The prize? Ansel. The terrified boy is whisked away to a remote and mysterious house, whose stern and aristocratic mistress takes Ansel in for a purpose that remains elusive to him. Little by little, however, Ansel discovers additional secrets in every magical room of Pryor House -- secrets that are somehow linked to him and Miss Peveler’s strange interest in his welfare. One of those secrets also turns out to be a young boy who haunts Ansel’s lonely hours and who may very well hold the key to Ansel’s future and the shadowy history of Pryor House.
Christmas Homecoming by LA Witt (*Book Three of The Christmas Angel series)
- August 1939. Roger Miller and Jack O’Brien have been close since childhood. By the time they realize there’s more between them than friendship, Jack is leaving their sleepy Iowa town for college. But they console themselves knowing he’ll be home for Christmas. Right? It is Christmas before they see each other again, but that Christmas comes six years and a world war later. Aged, beaten, and shaken by combat, they’re not the boys they were back then, but their feelings for each other are stronger than ever. Neither know the words to say everything they’ve carried since that peacetime summer kiss, though. Even as they stand in the same room, there’s a thousand miles between them. But maybe that’s some distance the little angel in Roger’s rucksack can cross.
A Christmas Carol by Em Woods (Dickens’ classic retelling)
-The Classics Exposed…Love at first sight is a beautiful thing, but sometimes, true love waits a lifetime to shine…and then needs a little help from the Three Ghosts of Christmas.As a young man, Ebenezer Scrooge felt the sharp pain of loss and resolved to protect his heart from all others, taking solace in his gold and silver. Years of discarding his own emotions, and those of anyone around him, has turned Scrooge cold.When deceased lover and partner Jacob Marley pays miserly Scrooge a late night visit, pride and disbelief buoy Scrooge's courage. As the fabled Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet-to-Come arrive to show Scrooge the error of his ways, they also give him brief glimpses of a love so strong it has stood the test of time.In an inspiring tale of change, a deep-seated need flares to life, leaving Scrooge without a doubt that love and family are what really matter at Christmas.Reader Advisory: This book contains gay erotic content with a leaning toward domination/submission and one scene of dubious consent.
A Calm Before The Storm (Dark Is The Night series 2.8) by Kelley York and Rowan Altwood
- James and William’s first Christmas together in their own home ought to be a cause for celebration. But when money is tight, and William is going through withdrawals in an attempt to get off of his laudanum completely, the level of holiday cheer is dismally low. James won’t give up so easily. Especially when he finds the perfect Christmas gift for William, and he’ll do whatever he must in order to get it. A Calm Before the Storm is a sweet, short story companion to the Dark is the Night series.
A Land So Wild by Alyssa Warkentin
- In 1845, the HMS Vanguard, under the command of Captain William Caulderson, departed England on a voyage of discovery to find a Northwest Passage through the perilous arctic waters separating the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It was never heard from again.
Five years later, Captain David Maxwell of the Serapis sets sail to attempt to recover the Vanguard and determine the fate of his former commander.
Naturalist Embleton Hall is running from demons of his own. He doesn’t expect to find himself drawn to Captain Maxwell--but the two men form a bond that will become essential to their survival.
Together, they'll brave the elements on a long and harrowing voyage to discover the fate of the lost ship Vanguard. But they'll also learn that some secrets are best left frozen in ice.
*The Christmas Angel Series (info below the cut)
In 1750, a master woodcarver poured all his unrequited love, passion, and longing into his masterpiece—a gorgeous Christmas angel for his beloved’s tree. When the man he loved tossed the angel away without a second thought, a miracle happened. The angel was found by another who brought the woodcarver True Love. Since then, the angel has been passed down, sold, lost and found, but its magic remains. Read the romances inspired by (and perhaps nudged along by) the Christmas angel through the years. Whether it’s the 1880’s New York (Kim Fielding’s Summerfield’s Angel), the turn-of-the-century (Jordan L. Hawk’s Magician’s Angel), World War II (L.A. Witt’s Christmas Homecoming), Vietnam-era (N.R. Walker’s Soldier’s Wish), the 1990’s (Anyta Sunday’s Shrewd Angel), or 2018 (RJ Scott’s Christmas Prince), the Christmas angel has a way of landing on the trees of lonely men who need its blessing for a very Merry Christmas and forever HEA.
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wistfulcynic · 6 years
Another Brick In The Wall
Summary: A high school AU. Why? I don't really know. Probably because I've read a few of them lately just out of curiosity and I can't say I care for how Killian is portrayed. So here's my version. It sort of wrote itself this afternoon. Give it a try, let me know what you think. 
I'm gonna say it's vaguely Captain Duckling-ish even though Emma and Killian are both teenagers. How is this possible, you ask? Read and find out.
Rating: T for now, might go M later on.
Tagging, just in case you might be interested: @teamhook, @resident-of-storybrooke, @wellhellotragic, @let-it-raines, @deathbycaptainswan, @rouhn, @kmomof4, @jennjenn615 @tiganasummertree
Read it on AO3
Chapter 1: 
She noticed him right away, the new face in her school. A face that was a bit too skinny, much like his lanky frame, but the high cheekbones of one and the long limbs of the other hinted at good things to come. His dark hair fell messily across his forehead, and his eyes were the bluest she’d ever seen. When they caught hers, he merely raised an eyebrow at her and turned away. 
Her mouth fell open in indignation. No one turned away from Emma Swan. Not in her school. 
“Who’s the new guy?” she asked Ruby, trying to sound nonchalant. Ruby was the gossip master; she knew everything that went on at Storybrooke High. 
Ruby followed her friend's gaze to the tall boy slamming his locker shut and frowning at his class schedule. ‘Um, his name’s Killian Jones. He’s from England or Ireland or somewhere. His brother’s the new harbourmaster, they just moved here last week.” 
“Killian.” Emma tested the name. It was unusual, but she liked it. It fit him. 
Suddenly she was engulfed from behind by a pair of strong arms, chasing all thoughts of the new boy from her head. “Hey, babe,” said Neal, planting a smacking kiss on her cheek. “Whaddya say we ditch this place and go make out under the bleachers?”
Emma shrugged him off, pushing away from his grasp. “Ugh, Neal, I’ve told you before not to do that. And it’s the first day of school, of course I’m not gonna ditch.” 
He laughed. “You’re such a nerd, Ems.” 
She glared at him. “I am not, I just want good grades so I can go to college. Not all of us have football scholarships.” 
“Neal doesn’t have a football scholarship either, not yet,” Ruby pointed out with a small sneer. She was not Neal’s biggest fan.  
“Only a matter of time, Rubes,” said Neal, with a smug grin. “Coach has scouts coming to the first game, so I just gotta be my usual awesome self and it’s in the bag.” 
He slung his arm around Emma’s shoulders and she took a deep, calming breath, barely managing to suppress the urge to cringe. She liked Neal, truly. They had known each other since kindergarten, and she guessed he was technically her boyfriend, but she hated --hated-- the PDA. He knew that, she had told him often enough, but it never seemed to stop him.
She gave him a tense smile. "I'm headed to Psychology," she told him.
"I'll walk you there." His arm tightened around her shoulders as he steered her away from Ruby and towards her first class. 
Killian was in her third period English class, though that first morning he was nearly late to it. By the time he appeared in the doorway it was barely a minute until the bell, and the only open seats were in the first row. She could swear she caught an eyeroll, and he seemed to smirk at the class at large as he deliberately sat in the very front and centre. 
Just in front and to the right of where she was sitting. 
He carried a leather satchel instead of a backpack, and when he slung it open to pull out his notebook she noticed an AP Calculus textbook, a slim laptop, and a large pair of headphones. 
AP Calc and AP English, she thought. Who was this guy? 
He seemed to feel her eyes on him and turned to look at her. She resisted the urge to turn away, boldly holding his blue gaze. Emma Swan did not shrink from anyone, not even disconcertingly handsome foreign boys with very blue eyes. He grinned at her, and she sensed respect in it, even as its brilliance made her heart gallop. 
Then the teacher entered the room, and he shot her a wink and looked away. 
He was in her AP US History class as well, and she heard that he also had AP Physics, French and German, from her friends who were in those classes. She heard that he was taking a Greek class online, from overhearing Miss French, the librarian who was monitoring his studies. She heard he had joined the fencing club from her own father, who coached it. She managed to hear a lot of things about him, eavesdropping and probing for the information as subtly as possible, dying of curiosity but not prepared for her friends or family to know just how much the new boy fascinated her. He was from Bristol in England and he had no family except for his brother, who was ten years older and as Ruby had reported, the new harbourmaster. They had American citizenship through their mother, and after some sort of scandal or disaster in England (no one seemed to know the details) had decided to make a new start in a new country. Killian was sixteen, more than a year younger than Emma, and he should be a junior but he’d already finished, according to Ruby, the British equivalent of a high school diploma and apparently the AP classes were the nearest thing to what he’d be doing if he’d stayed in the UK. 
“If he passes all his AP exams then he can finish high school a year early and start college next year,” Ruby reported. “I’d call him just your average nerd, but Victor and I were at that new coffee shop in Misthaven last Thursday and they had an open mic night. New boy was there, with his guitar.” 
“He plays the guitar?” Seriously?
“Yep, and sings. He’s pretty good. He did a Dylan cover, which, ugh, but then he sang an Irish song too that was acutally kinda great.” 
“Irish? I thought he was English?”
Ruby shrugged. “Irish, English, it’s all the same.” 
Emma was pretty sure that it wasn’t the same at all, but she remembered just in the nick of time that she wasn’t supposed to be interested in Killian, and changed the subject. 
The next time he spoke in English class (he never volunteered to answer questions, but when the teacher called on him he always produced a brilliant answer. Even though he never seemed to do any homework, spending his lunch and free periods on his laptop, with his headphones on) she listened carefully. She was no expert in accents, but he sounded English to her. Like, he wouldn’t be out of place on Downton Abbey. 
She looked at the website of the Misthaven coffee shop and made a note of their next open mic. 
Sitting as unobtrusively as possible in a quiet corner booth, she watched as Killian sat down on the improvised stage and took out his guitar. He ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath, announcing that he would be playing what he described as “An old Irish folk song with a bit of an update.” He smiled as he said it, and Emma noticed a group of girls she recognised as Misthaven High cheerleaders whispering and giggling at a table just to his right. Before she had a chance to analyse the stab of something she felt watching them, something sharp and unpleasant, Killian began to sing and she was enraptured. 
He was beautiful. His song was beautiful, his voice was beautiful, his eyes were beautiful. And she was fucked. 
She snuck out of the coffee shop without talking to him, and banged her forehead on the steering wheel of her car. Emma Swan did not crush on boys, she was crushed upon. 
She smiled at him in class on Monday, a deliberate, flirty smile. He raised an eyebrow in response, but the corners of his mouth turned up as well and she felt like she could fly to the moon. 
Still, he didn’t talk to her. She’d smiled at him every day for two weeks in both their shared classes, had timed her departures so that they walked out of the classrooms together, had brushed up against him in the hallway, laughing and putting her hand on his arm as she apologised, had dropped her pencil and asked him to pick it up then leaned forward and flipped her hair as he handed it to her. She’d tried everything, all the little tricks that would have reduced any other boy in school to a quivering jelly, but Killian simply smiled and responded with the same detatched politeness that he used with all the other girls. 
Like she was just any other girl. 
Finally, she couldn’t take it any longer. “So,” she said, as they were gathering their things after English class. “Are you going to Homecoming?” 
He looked slightly surprised for a moment, then smirked. “No,” he said, and turned to go.
She grabbed her backpack and hastened after him. “What? Why not?”
He turned to look at her, this time with an incredulous expression. “Why on earth do you care whether I embrace ridiculous American high school traditions or not?” he inquired. 
“I’m just curious.” 
“Indeed. But why?”
She shrugged, not wanting to admit how interested she was in him. 
His eyebrow rose again. “Well, then, let me suggest that you mind your own business, princess.” 
She gaped. How dare he speak to her like that? “I’m not a princess!” she protested. 
“Oh, I think you are. Emma Swan, daughter of the town sheriff, niece of the mayor, girlfriend of the quarterback, head cheerleader, most popular girl in school. You couldn’t be more of a cliché of the perfect small-town American princess if you tried.” He started walking again, dismissing her. 
She followed, running to catch up with his long-legged strides. “You know an awful lot about me,” she huffed.  
“You’re hard to avoid.” 
“I know a lot about you, too.” She didn’t know where that confession had come from, but she planted herself in his path and stood her ground. 
He gave her a sardonic smirk. “I doubt that very much.” 
“You’re from Bristol, England, you’re super smart but you don’t make a big deal about it, you love music and you play the guitar.” She counted on her fingers before throwing him a triumphant look. 
“Oh, well done,” he sneered. “I’d almost think I had an admirer. But I’m afraid you missed out on the most important thing about me, love.” 
“Oh, yeah? And what’s that?”
Something flickered in his eyes, something lost and sad, just for a moment before he slammed the barriers down again. “I am just marking time in this town,” he replied, “until I can pass my exams and go the fuck back home.” She gasped at his language, and he smirked, leaning into her space and almost making her gasp again at the electric sizzle she felt at his nearness. “So don’t get too attached, princess.”
They were standing in the middle of the hallway, inches apart and eyes locked, when suddenly he was gone, slammed back into the lockers behind them with Neal’s forearm against his neck. 
“What are you doing with my girlfriend, dickhead?” snarled Neal. 
Killian was unfazed, merely raising a disdainful eyebrow. “Not a thing, mate.” 
Neal removed his arm, but remained close as Killian slowly straightened. He was skinnier than Neal but also quite a bit taller, and he somehow managed to look intimidating as he glared down at the older boy. 
Neal scowled and stepped back, putting his arm possessively around Emma. “You’re new here,” he said scornfully, “so maybe you don’t know how this works. I’m the quarterback—” 
“And you date the cheerleader and get elected homecoming king, yeah, I’ve seen that movie,” Killian scoffed back. “Trust me, mate, I have no interest in interfering or getting involved with you or your girlfriend.”
“Well.” Neal looked mollified, and Emma wanted to smack him. Couldn’t he see that Killian was making fun of both of them? “Okay then. But I still don’t like you.” 
“I still don’t give a fuck.” 
Neal snorted. “Let’s go, Ems, I’ll walk you to your locker.” He steered her away, the arm around her shoulder like iron. 
The last thing she saw was Killian giving her a mocking bow before he turned and headed in the opposite direction. 
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monsterpie · 6 years
mh questionnaire by @cryptoriascollectiblog !!!
I'm on mobile so I can't do a read more sorry
1) Introduce yourself and tell us how long you’ve been collecting Monster High dolls!
call me blue! i got my first doll (gooliope jellington) in late december 2015, but i began really collecting in earnest starting in 2016, so call it about 3 years 
2) How many MH dolls do you have?
very definitely over 200 probably at this point..... most of them are on display, but a few thrifted and boxed dolls are hidden away 
3) Is Monster High your favorite doll line? Why or why not?
that.... is really hard to answer. it’s definitely the doll line i enioy collecting the most, and i can pretty much say ‘yes, it IS my favorite!’ but there’s that little voice at the back of my head that’s saying ‘but you owe your love of dolls to barbie...’
4) Who’s your favorite MH ghoul?
ohhhh man i love howleen. i love her so much she’s so wonderful. 
5) Favorite Manster?
mm..... hoodude? heath? or.... honestly i do have a huge soft spot in my heart for jackson (even tho he is. a lot. and many of the people i’ve seen who are fans of his are. even more. not everybody tho!!! just. a sad majority....)
6) Do you own any dolls of your favorite ghoul and/or manster? How many?
i own a version of every howleen doll (inlcuding the reboot doll), and it was definitely one of the proudest moments in my collecting, finally having one of each. i have also thrifted at least 3 i think? and i have 2+ repaints of her. i have one heath doll (he was my second/third doll), one jackson that was thrifted, and no hoodude since he was an sdcc exclusive :( but i don’t think hes a great looking doll anyway, like i wasnt expecting hard plastic obviously but i was hoping for more than just a stuffed doll ya feel?
7) Do you own any playsets? If so which one(s)? If not, is there a reason?
i own the school playset (my niece gave it to me when she didnt want it anymore), the catacombs playset (still in box bc i dont have room for it lol), the 13 wishes dj set i guess its called?? and 2 of the fdc playsets. also draculaura’s car and bed, both cleo and frankie’s vanities, and the cam design lab, but idk if any of those count lol 
8) Of the original main ghouls (including Ghoulia, Spectra and Abbey) which is your favorite? Got any dolls of them?
ouch, okay, just make me choose then.... uhhhh i cant really rank them? i guess i would put frankie at the top but shes more default for me than anything else honestly. i dont really care for spectra tho so shes at the bottom whoopsie. also if operetta is also included (which it doesnt say she is but.) then i dont really care for her either tbqh anyway, yea i got several dolls of each lol
9) Favorite character with only one doll release?
off the top of my head im thinkin neighthan, but honestly all of the fusions are good and also all single release doll charas are good. OH i really like cupid too tho and also finnegan 
10) Character with too many dolls (in your opinion?)
spectra. idk i just!!! really dont like her i mean she has nice dolls but i can not make myself care about her. 
11) Any character you would’ve liked to see in a doll line that didn’t make it? (i.e. Lagoona in Sweet Screams or Draculaura in Power Ghouls, etc)
ok. i HATE gil. but i think his design was super good in gsr and i would have loved to see him as a doll. 
12) Any ideas you would’ve liked to see in a doll line?
oh worm ive been thinkin on this for YEARS actually, but get this: “Boogie Fever” - a disco inspired doll line. obv has twyla in it. also what if a line where they were in famous movies - frankie and gooliope in ghostbusters, and then other classics like casablanca and breakfast at tiffanys (i actually hate that movie tbqh but it is a classic) etc 
13) Is there a “grail” MH doll for you? If so do you own it?
mmmmmm pretty much all of the sdcc dolls, but i would love to have the home ick heath some day, since that’s the closest to a sig doll they have for him. i dont have him, but i do have one sdcc exclusive doll (the ghostbusters frankie) 
14) Thoughts on the cancelled Ever After High crossover?
neutral. once upon a time i was excited about it, but honestly i could care less now. part of the problem is that i would want the crossover to go a very specifici way, and part of it is that the eah fans are rabid. 
15) Thoughts on the 2016 reboot faces?
i mean. they are cute! super cute! but. they really arent the monster high i fell in love with, you know?
16) Thoughts on the 2016 “Monster Family” line?
weak. bad. the dolls are cute enough but the line is NOTHING. they didnt even make alivia look like her movie counterpart so like, what was the point. 
17) How bout the SDCC exclusives? What was your favorite? Do you own any?
mmm i LOVE all of the sdcc exclusives but i think the deadfast ghoulia, valentine and whisp, and hexacaiah and robecca are all super good. 
18) How about Amazon exclusives?
ADULT DRACULAURA!!!! god i love her so much she really is so fucking gorgeous and i regret every day that i didnt buy her for like $50 when i got the chance. i do have like 2 of the skelita amazon exclusives tho 
19) Favorite Frankie Stein doll?
im gonna assume for all of these favorite doll questions that the sig look is out for the count bc i love the sigs so much lol. aaaanyway, her classroom look is SUPER cute. also sweet screams 
20) Favorite Draculaura doll?
sweet screams, original dead tired (her pigtails!!! so cute!!!), forbitten love/school’s out, roadster playset, i heart shoes, die-ner, art class (any time she has yellow automatically makes it a good doll), sweet screams, draculocker, monster exchange, maul monsteristas, amazon collector, gsr..... she really has so many amazing dolls 
21) Favorite Clawdeen Wolf doll?
dotd, sweet 1600, ghouls rule, 13 wishes, ghoul sports, fierce rockers
22) Favorite Cleo de Nile doll?
skull shore, student disembodied council, byby, gloom and bloom 
23) Favorite Lagoona Blue doll?
DOTD, school’s out, skull shores, 13 wishes, monster exchange
24) Favorite Ghoulia Yelps doll?
dead tired, dotd, deadfast, skull shores, dot dead gorgeous, scaris, scooter playset , sweet screams 
25) Favorite Spectra Vondergeist doll?
ghoul’s night out, maul monsteristas 
26) Favorite Abbey Bombinable doll?
ihf, sweet screams 
27) Favorite Venus McFlytrapp doll?
zombie shake, ihf, gloom and bloom, fierce rockers 
28) Favorite Rochelle Goyle doll?
DANCE CLASS, swim class, ghoul chat, haunted, fdc 
29) Favorite Operetta doll?
dot dead gorgeous, picture day, fca
30) Favorite Toralei Stripe doll?
ghoul sports, freaky field trip, fdc 
31) Favorite Jinafire Long doll?
gloom and bloom, fdc 
32) Favorite Skelita Calaveras doll?
scarnival, collector, 
33) Favorite Howleen Wolf doll?
HER ORIGINAL SIG WITH THE ORANGE AFRO!!!!! all of them are good tho, that one is just the absolute best without a doubt . 
34) Favorite Twyla Bogeyman doll?
fdc, coffin bean, new scaremester 
35) What do you do with your dolls? (Display them, take photos of them, etc)
i display them! occasionally i take pics, and sometimes i move them around, but they’re usually just displayed 
36) Is Monster High the only doll line you collect? Why or why not?
no, but it was the line that got me into collecting in the first place! i collect barbies, eah, dcshg, lalaloopsy, and so many more. basically, if i see a doll i like, i get it (if i have the funds to obviously). honestly i buy/collect anything i like ya know?
37) Do you still collect Monster High dolls? (i.e. scour the internet and/or secondhand stores?)
mmm... kind of? i thrift them when i see them, but i’m more into ooak dolls now tbqh. there are a few still on my list tho that i would love to buy, fuly complete and all that good stuff. 
38) There’s a lot of new Monster doll/toy lines out now: thoughts if any?
no real thoughts, because i cant think of any monster doll lines out rn? i mean, im sure there are some, i just cant think of them right now
39) And finally, what’s your favorite thing about Monster High? Can be past or present!
uhhhhh everywhere??? threir character designs, lore, the fact that in original preboot canon normies and monsters actually know about each other, the lore, the messages it put out about embracing your freaky flaws and all that. monster high is/was just. such a completely amazing and wonderful series. 
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mysummer2022 · 2 years
A Wednesday, but really it's Thursday
June 8th, 2022 - Day 0
Put plants outside (because I just know no one's going to water them if they're not in the garden.)
Repack bags (because I know there are things that aren't necessary or they are one of the same things.)
Clean bathroom
Wash and pack bottles and utensils
Around noon - Watched The Kardashians just to pass the time
Early afternoon - Repacked the bags & got ready
5:15pm - Went to the bus station
6:00pm - Bus Ride to Bicol, according to the ticket
8:00pm - Actual bus ride
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On every possible trip, I always update my mother. But longer days or longer trips, I also make it a point that I update my best friend, Camille, too. So really what's happening was that it's either I copy-paste what I sent to my mother to send it to Camille or the other way around. So I essentially had two mothers— ew, no. I do not wish to call Camille my mother. So essentially, I have two best friends, just one that I preferred more than the other— sorry, Camille.
Waiting for the bus was testing my patience. I tried to read, but I was anxious. I was not scared, I was more I-really-want-to-go-now-because-one-more-hour-of-waiting-will-make-me-give-up-on-this-trip kind of impatience. I've told my parents several times that my priority this last summer was Zambales because I really want to see my cousin or niece, Sam, while my mother was insisting I go to Bicol.
In a perfect summer, I would have liked to go to both. A backpacking trip kind of vibe. And apparently, I am in that perfect summer because we found a space in our schedules to squeeze the Mayon in. But we've only got to this point of me sitting on the bed of my aunt waiting for my eleven-year-old cousin because I gave up in an argument between my mother and me about schedules. And I am pretty into schedules (I would marry it if I could). But, as always, mothers would have the last say, and I am here ten or so hours away from home following her schedule of the tangible day I could go home. I say could because she is not letting me go home on my own accord and alone. So I am "stuck" here until she or my father gets me (for my father will go home after a few days and leave me here).
On the bus, and because there were only a few passengers, I had joked to my best friend and my mother that my father's choice of settling directly behind the driver was him pretending that he was driving us to Bicol. I smiled thinking that it was his way of coping with this possible odd feeling that he is not in control of the wheel.
I remember waking up at two in the morning and finding it hard to fall back asleep. Then I woke up at around four in the morning with my father asking me if I wanted Taho, and I did, and it was hot, and it felt so nice for the moment I had it because the bus was so cold.
Never eat just before the trip especially when you're anxious. I felt like I was about to puke. But I got through it, thank god.
Also, never allow me to drink coffee before a trip.
I love falling asleep on long, long trips because sleeping music is any music. In my usual routine back at home, it was either classical, lullabies (yes, the harp ones), or audiobooks, other types are not allowed. But on trips like this, long rides like this, any music will do. Any music will put me to sleep as long as it's not the noise of the bus.
My usual Discover Weekly playlist.
Circles by Mac Miller.
Harry's House by Harry Styles.
Greek God Complex playlist. What I listened to at 2am to fall asleep.
Abbey Road (Remastered) by The Beatles. Perfect music to greet the sunrise with and to see the Mayon in its glory.
*all links are to Spotify
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khiara-moshroca · 6 years
Interview with Chery
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The red head looked surprised at the request for an interview but she nodded and answered the questions as they came.
► Name ➔     “Cherysa Marie Amberstill” she spoke with a hint of nervous excitement, “But please call me Chery.” ► Are you single ➔ "Light, yes. I haven’t met someone yet that I would want to spend my life with.” ► Are you happy ➔   “Oh yes! I am very happy.” the hand went up to push back a lock of hair, “I mean life is good, I have a good job, I have a lovely niece, yes I’m happy.” as if she was trying to convince herself. ► Are you angry? ➔   “Rarely. My sister, she gets angry easily. But I’m the calm one.” ► Are your parents still married ➔   The excitement fell from the redhead’s face and she looked away. “They are dead.” The gaze came back to see the interviewer looking acceptably sorry.
► Birth Place ➔ “Darkshire, both me and my sister were born there.” ► Hair Color ➔ "I think my sister says its Auburn or something. I think its a mix of red and brown.” ► Eye Color ➔ The bright green eyes blinked at the interviewer. ► Birthday ➔ “July 6th!” ► Mood ➔ "I am happy, that is a mood yeah?” ► Gender ➔  A giggle, “I am female.” ► Summer or winter ➔ “Winter.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ "I like the afternoon.”
► Are you in love? ➔ "I’m not. I am not even dating.” ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ A little bit of a wistful look came over her face, “I want to believe in it. Like my Mom used to say she knew when she first met my Pa that he was the one. But I think she said that to tell us stories.”  ► Who ended your last relationship? ➔ "He did, I suppose. Though I’m not sure it was a relationship. He was just staying with me.” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart? ➔  "Goodness, I hope not!” ► Are you afraid of commitments? ➔ "Not at all.” ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Yes. I went to see Jazi and Tess. Lots of hugs.” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer? ➔ "Maybe? In school someone used to leave me flowers outside my house. I don’t know who it was, but it stopped before I went to the Abbey.” ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ "Broke my own heart? Is that possible?”
► Love or lust ➔ “Oh, love definitely. I want what my parents had.” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ "I like cats.” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I like people. But a few best friends is best, I think.” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ "Hmm, a romantic night out?” ► Day or night ➔ “Both have their advantages.”
► Been caught sneaking out ?➔ A slight blush, “Yes.” ► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔ “I don’t think so.” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Well, yes but you get over that.” ► Wanted to disappear ➔ "No, that would be awful.”
► Smile or eyes? ➔  "Eyes. Ones that you can stare into for hours.” ► Shorter or Taller? ➔ "Oh taller, yes. That’s much better. Though not too tall.” ► Intelligence or Attraction? ➔  “Well someone smart but not too smart, I don’t want to feel stupid.” ► Hook-up or Relationship? ➔ “I want what my parents had, but dating is good to get to know someone.”
► Do you and your family get along? ➔ “Yes, of course. I love my sister. I love my niece.” She dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, “I even love my sister’s husband Dunn.” ► Would you say you have a “messed up life”? ➔ “No, thankfully not.” ► Have you ever ran away from home? ➔ “No, I would never.” ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ?➔ "I am a good girl, why would I get kicked out?”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends? ➔ “Not at all.” ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends? ➔ “Yes, of course.” ► Who is your best friend? ➔ “Hmm, I would say Jazi is my best friend. I tell her everything.” ► Who knows everything about you? ➔  “Definitely Jazi.”
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"More from my siteStunning Bridesmaids Dresses fit you well!Whether you’re newly engaged or just wanting to reminisce about your wedding day rose gold prom dress. You can check out some new trends bridal stores are following for 2019This year’s red carpet was remarkable for not being remarkable, with black, white – and black and white – the dominant trendsWhenever you are longing to opt for dresses of your style,Elegant bridesmaid dresses are always popularIf we talk about color then black color is the one which maintains its own class worldwide. It is quite elegant and gives you a deep, subtle look. Well, almost every girl may own at least one black dress and honestly speaking it will be appropriate for every occasion."
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"Long trains: Not every royal bride has matched Princess Diana’s iconic 24-foot train, but long trains are common among royal satin wedding dresses. Some royals opt for floor-length gowns, like Princess Elizabeth. Still, she attached a silk tulle train at the shoulders to give her 13 feet of trailing fabric. When you’re walking down an aisle somewhere as majestic as Westminster Abbey, the elegance of a trailing dress is hard to pass up!For wedge bodies, reach for a dress with a fitted top and a voluminous skirt for balance dark green formal dresses.Pear-shaped bodies, grab a dress with a slim waist construction and an open neckline, such as a bateau neck, and added visual width in the shoulders, such as puff- or cap-sleeves." "If you’re trying to understand what is a hoco dress, start with wedingsohdh-dih13 the formality evening dresses fast delivery. Because the homecoming dance is more of a semi-formal occasion, knee-length (or shorter) dresses are totally acceptable and the norm bridget jones baby wedding dress. HOCO dress styles can range from fitted cocktail dresses to full, layered skirts or even two-piece ensembles in a variety of colors. Feel free to wear your hair down and go for a pair of low heels, flats or even cute sneakers!Everyone will have a different point of view and a sense of style. I don’t think “do what you want” is wise advice. Do you want a cute little niece who looks like Elvira? Too young, for me it may be a bit morbid, but in the end, it’s your decision. Make a wise choice." Related recommendations: inspires a perceive of vintage romance with a speck of naivety prom dresses 2020 trendsPOIuyd your bloodline for decades when it comes to the party day long sleeve v neck wedding dress*&6tygh the prettify to be too swindle or too agelong with heels on blue off the shoulder prom dressPOIUhd This is also an apt case for women to last opera-length gloves grandmother wedding attire POIUhd
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