#Kingdom of Corwyn
aristocraticvision · 2 years
Chapter 318: Notice of Arrival
When her personal cell phone rang, the former Princess Caroline of Corwyn – now Abbess of St. Kirana’s Convent – was surprised to see her mother’s name.
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“Mother,” Caroline said, answering. “What a surprise.”
“Hello, Caroline,” her mother’s voice said. “I wanted to let you know right away – the king has consented to help us get your sister released and sent to you in Umbomo.”
“That’s wonderful news, mother,” Caroline said. “I know how difficult captivity has been for Grace, and I have the perfect assignment in mind for her.”
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“Just be careful, Caroline,” Anne replied. “I know she’s doing much better, but she’s still fragile. I just don’t want you to push her too hard.”
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“Of course, I won’t,” Caroline said. “But I think focusing on something positive will be good for her. Helping others is always healing – I know that from personal experience, and have treasured the work I’m doing here in Africa.”
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“Oh, of that I have no doubt,” Anne said. “I wish I could come with her. I’d love to see the work you’re doing with my own eyes, but unfortunately, that’s not possible. Nonetheless, I hope to have Grace on a plane by tomorrow afternoon.”
Caroline leapt to her feet.
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“That soon?” she asked. “Then I need to make preparations. Call me when you’ve finalized her travel plans. It’s more than an hour to Konchatta, the closest airstrip, and I want to be there to greet her.”
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“I will,” Anne said. “Take care, Caroline. And please know how proud I am of everything you’ve done. Your dedication has made an old woman very happy.”
“Thank you, mother,” Caroline replied. “I’ll talk to you soon.”
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Slipping the cell phone back into her habit, Caroline leaned on her desk, considering her next move.
“Nileaus!” she called, and the sister entered.
“Yes, Abbess?” she asked.
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“Have a car prepared for tomorrow,” Caroline said. “I’ll be travelling to Konchatta, and then on to Ambuja to check our progress there. My sister will be arriving at the airstrip, and I want to get her acquainted with my mission here.”
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“You’ve been spending a lot of time at Ambuja lately, Abbess,” Nileaus said. “Are you sure you don’t want me to accompany you? I’m sure I can be of help.”
“No, old friend,” Caroline said. “I need you here.”
“Very well,” Nileaus replied, disappointed, then turned and left the room.
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Caroline stood in silence for a moment, crossing her arms firmly.
“Oh, I’m sure they’ll go quite well,” Caroline said. “Quite well, indeed.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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drakaripykiros130ac · 6 months
Green stans finding their way into the Team Black tag trying to convince people that both Teams end up losing the war - Never not funny.
Please, read the book and try to understand that even though the Blacks didn’t win the way they expected to, they still won. They’re still standing. They actually exist.
The Dance ends with the Seven Kingdoms under the control of the Blacks (since the final battle of the war was won by them):
Aegon III Targaryen
Viserys II Targaryen
Baela Targaryen
Rhaena Targaryen
Alyn Velaryon
Cregan Stark
Jeyne Arryn
Kermit Tully
Corwyn Corbray
Black Aly
Benjicot Blackwood etc.
Where are the Greens in this whole scenario? Dead? Extinct? Cool. Justice. House Targaryen’s biggest mistake, corrected.
So, you TG stans finally get the picture? The Greens are history (not even that, since history doesn’t bother remembering them).
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velcryons · 3 months
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Daughters of House Velaryon
Valaena Velaryon. Daughter of Vaesaerion Velaryon and Vhaenyra Targaryen. Mother to Visenya, Aegon I, and Rhaenys Targaryen. Alyssa Velaryon. Daughter of Aethan Velaryon and Alarra Massey. Mother to Rhaena, Aegon, Viserys, Jaehaerys, Alysanne, and Vaella Targaryen, and Boremund and Jocelyn Baratheon. Laena Velaryon. Daughter of Corlys II Velaryon, the Sea Snake, and the Queen Who Never Was, Rhaenys Targaryen. Rider of Vhagar and mother of Baela and Rhaena Targaryen. Septa Vaenna. Daughter of Vaemond Velaryon and his lady wife. Lady's companion to the queens Helaena and Jaehaera Targaryen. Daenaera Velaryon. Daughter of Daeron Velaryon and Hazel Harte. Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, mother to Daeron I, Baelor I, Rhaena, Daena, and Elaena Targaryen. Coraena Velaryon. Daughter of Alyn Velaryon and Baela Targaryen. Lover of Aegon IV, and mother to Laeron and Daenella Bar Emmon. Lady of Sharp Point. Saerys Velaryon. Daughter of Jacerion III Velaryon. Aunt to Lucerys II and Shaera Velaryon, and lady's companion to Queen Rhaella Targaryen. Lady of Bitterbridge. Shaera Velaryon. Daughter of Laeron Velaryon and Alarra Bar Emmon. Mother of Corlys III, Laena III, Daella, and Jacaera Velaryon. Grand admiral and Mistress of Ships to Daenerys Targaryen. Laenaera Velaryon. Daughter of Lucerys II Velaryon and Alys Penrose. Mother of Robb Locke. Lady of Oldcastle. Jacinda Velaryon. Daughter of Ser Corwyn Velaryon and Mayrina Massey. Lady's companion to Queen Selyse Baratheon and the Lady Melisandre of Asshai. Daella Velaryon. Daughter of Shaera and Daeron Velaryon. Handmaid, lady's companion, and Mistress of Whispers to Daenerys Targaryen. Viserra Waters. Daughter of Lucerys II Velaryon and famed Lyseni courtesan Orryna Irratis. Owner of the brothels The Golden Cat, The Silver Fox, and The Bronze Dog.
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redmambajatiri · 1 month
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King Corlys Velaryon son of Son of King Corwyn Velaryon and his Queen Consort Twila Ledford, husband to Princess Rhaenys Otherys. Father to Laeyla Velaryon heir to the Driftmark throne, married to Malak Valyrios, Leana Velaryon Queen of Cyrdonia, married to King Zaahir Qohalys, and Leanor Velaryon.
During his ninth voyage on Sea Snake, Corlys filled the ship's hold with gold and bought twenty more ships at Qarth, loading them with spices, elephants, and silk. Only fourteen ships reached Driftmark and all the elephants died, but Corlys became vastly wealthy from the venture.He took his nickname "Sea Snake" from his famous ship. Corlys's expeditions on the Sea Snake have been described by Maester Mathis in his book The Nine Voyages.
The heirs of House Velaryon live on their ancestral seat High tide until they ascend to the driftwood throne. As Laeyla is the heir her eldest daughter Daenyra Valyrios will inherit the throne, she will become the Queen of Sirenize and Redvers in the kingdom of Cyrdonia.
The same can be said for Laena as she is second in line for the driftwood throne, her daughter Saemara Qohalys will be the Queen of Cyrdonia and the kingdom of Damalis.
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lionspawfic · 2 months
Velaryon Family: Part 2
Zaira Alexa, Last Lady of Sarnor and Wife of Corwyn Velaryon
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The next lady of the Driftmark came from similarly exalted though fallen ancestry as the Princess, for her children had been raised by two parents who had self-assured pride that never wavered. Princess Amari met her match though in Lady Zaira Alexa, descended from displaced Sarnori nobility, and according to her own words, the great-great-granddaughter of the last High King, Mazor Alexi.
The truth of this claim has never been found given the destruction the Kingdom of Sarnor during the Century of Blood, but it cannot be denied that Lady Zaira carried herself with the haughtiness of a descendant of royalty and remained unbending in the face of any criticism, no matter how well deserved. Where Princess Amari was well remembered for her intelligence and personability, the Lady Zaira was most often characterized by fierce pride and ambition, traits she passed on to her children.
The Lady Zaira traced her roots back to the Sarnori settlement of Saath, which was the only such settlement to survive the doom. Early on her family left the city though for richer prospects and eventually settled in Braavos after leaving Lorath in her grandmother's time. Here her family found foothold in the politics of the city. Her father achieved the title of Magister and her eldest brother was elected to the position of Sealord of Braavos.
It was during the celebration of this event, an elaborate one that invited the whole city to partake that Lady Zaira first came in contact with Lord Corwyn Velaryon, no longer a young man, but unwed and not yet having succeeded his father. He was visiting the city on some business. The two formed an immediate and deep attraction to each other despite the fifteen years difference between them.
Lord Corwyn showered her in gifts and Lady Zaira declared she would have him or no other, if the legends are to be believed, threatening to slit her throat with a Bravos blade when her father sought to deny her and acceded only when a promise of a marriage was given. The Lady Zaira left Braavos with him, married and pregnant with her first child after only a month's acquaintance.
The exact details of the first introduction of Lady Zaira and her new family are not recorded but the results were undeniable. She and the Princess Amari remained at odds in every turn. Their arguments remain famous.
The roots of the discord can no doubt be traced to two sources.
Lady Zaira's attitude was chief among them, according to her detractors. She often came off as cool and condescending to others, which would not sit well with a woman of equal pride and standing. She was also slow to adjust to Westeros and knew little of the Common Tongue even until her last days. She had little patience and a hot temper when provoked. For all these faults, she was known to be very protective of those she loved and a doting and loving mother and wife.
The second concern was the arrival of Lord Corwyn with his beautiful bride of seven and ten broke a long-standing betrothal that the Princess Amari had arranged...
It was said Lady Zaira welcomed Princess Rhaenys with great warmth finding in her a woman well-suited to her most favored son and a Princess and assumed heiress of the Seven Kingdoms. It can be assumed that in this connection she saw the resurrection of her own family's exalted past. Her ancestors had once been kings and queens and they would be again.
The day of their wedding it was said that all could see the beauty that had led Lord Corwyn to his deep obsessive love of his wife. The Lady Zaira was said to have smiled more that day that any other save the birth of her children. She is known to have even kissed the cheeks of Princess Amari, calling her "mother" and speaking long hours with her most well-known rival for influence. The hours filled with laughter and good cheer form all who witnessed it, all enmity but aside.
Alas triumph is often entwined with tragedy. At the zenith of her House's standing, Princess Amari fell ill with a plague brought in by a careless trading ship. Many fell ill during the summer plague, including her youngest daughter, who was left blinded by the fever.
Lady Zaira by all accounts attended faithfully to Princess Amari. It was she who recognized the disease and sent all healthy members of the family away in the hopes of containing the disease. It is largely agree the women reconciled during this time, though the words spoken between them were never recorded as it was spoken in Princess Amari's own native tongue that her gooddaughter had learned to argue with her. Lady Zaira's care, though soon, resulted in her own illness and with how much energy she she had spent on others left little remaining for her own fight.
Lady Zaira died from the fever, leaving her husband inconsolable and to die not long after leaving his eldest son as heir to the Driftwood Throne. After her death the Princess Amari, who once fiercely argued for their marriage to be ended and Lady Zaira to be sent back to Braavos, never again tolerated an ill word about her good-daughter within her presence.
Women of the Tides by Maester Aurion
Divider created by @zaldritzosrose
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krabbu · 3 years
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My first set of commissions! Thank you so much to everyone who commissioned me, i had a lot of fun drawing your dragons! These cool dudes are as follows:
@dire-vulture ‘s free-spirited wildclaw, Inermis! She might not have the claw but she sure do got the wild! Inermis loves collecting feathers and celebrating the wind festivals!
@xiphosuras ‘s tundra knight, Corwyn. He guards a grove of shade-touched roses. Intially, he seems pretty stern, but he’s actually an ok dude once you get to know him. Corwyn DOES keep the frozen remains of his enemies as decorations in his garden, so like, be prepared for that.
@kayamari ‘s lovely spiral, Elenolic. She is the former princess of a fallen kingdom, currently searching for her blood-related family members. Let’s wish this battlin’ princess good luck!!
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from the next chapter of nothing sacred, all things wild: 
Jon had wondered what it would take to see his cousin’s passion unleashed. Now he knew, and he found himself quite regretting the experience. Sansa’s anger was expected, of course. There had been no doubt in his mind that she would be furious over his subterfuge regarding Robb, and when she billowed across the courtyard, her hair wild, in naught but a dressing gown, part of him thrilled at the sight. Finally, he thought, no more feigning indifference. He expected anger, welcomed it even, for once released, it was an emotion quickly spent. Once released, there would be room for new feelings to grow. But then, her face loomed before him, all color leaching from her cheeks, her eyes blank with terror, and the ground tilted beneath his feet. 
Even now, as he rose from the bath, the memory of her desperate tears cut him far deeper than her sewing scissors had. For a few heartbreaking moments the fear had overtaken her wrath, and Jon’s own blood had pounded in his temple, stealing the breath from his lungs. 
He had misjudged Sansa’s feelings for him, quite terribly. He could handle her anger. It was a dreadful blow to find her afraid of him as well. 
And yet...threatened at spearpoint, Sansa Stark had stood her ground. 
Jon inspected the small mark at his chest, where she had stabbed him. It was just a scratch, though it had drawn momentary blood. She had flinched upon piercing his skin, and Jon felt certain his cousin had never taken up arms against anyone in her life. Foolish woman, starting with a king. 
A knock at the door roused him, and he hurriedly donned a shirt. “Come in.”
Corwyn entered, head bowed. “The lady and the young lord are settled, your Grace, and extra men have been posted at every hallway and door.” 
“And Daenerys?” 
“My men tell me she has retired to her quarters.”
Jon nodded, donning a simple, dark jacket. “I have business in the city the rest of the morning, and no, I don’t need an escort.” He did not wish to be seen, and Corwyn had learned not to push him on the matter. Jon was plain enough to pass unnoticed when he wanted to, and dangerous enough to handle the occasional drunkard or cutpurse on his own. “If Dany wishes to entertain guests, she can do so from the maidenvault. There are to be no visitors to Maegor’s holdfast except under Lady Stark’s express invitation.”
“And must that invitation extend to yourself?” Corwyn turned toward the window, hiding his expression, and it took Jon another moment to understand the captain’s meaning.
“Are you asking whether or not you should bar me from entering my own castle?”
“Forgive my boldness, your Grace, but I’d wager that you’d be the last person Lady Stark would allow in, if given the power to deny you.”
Jon sighed, rubbing at the scar across his brow. “I’m not fool enough to take you up on that bet, and I also do not fancy sleeping in the stable. I admit that I do not know how to reach her, Corwyn. You’re a married man. How do I make the lady see that I am not her enemy when she leaves me no opening and gives no quarter?”
The captain of his guard laughed, crossing his arms as he appraised Jon. “I watched you cut your teeth on the battlefield, your grace,” Corwyn said, “and I wager there are few that could match you when it comes to war strategy...but your first mistake may be using military tactics on the would-be object of your affection. You are dealing with a woman, not a sparring partner.”
Military tactics? He’d handed her his bloody heart. “I don’t understand what you mean. I’ve shown the lady every courtesy.”
“You forced her to concede the high ground, and then flush her out into the open every time she finds new cover. You lay constant siege against her, assaulting each wall she constructs. Now you’ve taken her son hostage. How could she view that as anything but an act of war?”  
When he put it that way…
“I only thought to bring him to his mother’s side. When I wrote, the Lady Waynwood agreed that it would be best.”
“Then why did you not tell the mother?”
Jon had no ready answer— at least nothing that would appease a man like Corwyn who was brave, honorable, and honest to a fault. He would not admit to waging war against his cousin— that was a step too far. 
But had he approached it like a game of cyvasse? Perhaps. 
Intuition had driven Jon to call the child down from his mountain stronghold, and intuition held his tongue each time he could have told Sansa. He had tried to be direct, and been met with resounding silence. It was she who placed the screen between them, and she who first placed the pieces on the board. What other recourse did Jon have, than to play his dragon? 
“I do not know how else to make my intentions clear.”
“At this point, only a fool would mistake your intentions. The lady does not wish to be wooed and with every advance, you only push her further away.”
“Then what do you propose I do?”
“Leave the poor woman be, and find another quarry.” 
Jon closed his eyes, and Sansa’s tear-streaked face swam before his lids. 
This had ceased to be a game to her— if it ever had been. 
When you were young you used to plead with me to play your silly games.  
Corwyn was correct that Jon’s attempts to reach her were only widening the gulf between them, but it made little sense. How could she believe he’d ever hurt her? He’d let his kingdom burn first. Once, she had known that— when they were young. When they were young, they were wolves. 
Were they not still? 
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dragonmartellstark · 4 years
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Viserra Velaryon: She was the first daughter of Lucerys and Rhaena Targaryen, as well as being the most scandalous granddaughter of Queen Rhaenyra I.
She was engaged to Lord Royce Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, but she Viserra was an ambitious young woman and she considered Lord Royce little to the granddaughter of a queen refusing marriage. Viserra wished to marry her cousin, Aerion Targaryen, who was second in line to be queen, but her father denied him this as punishment for publicly humiliating Lord Royce Baratheon. In the end Aerion married her other cousin, Jaena, with whom he had a good marriage.
The marriage between her sister and her cousin was a tragedy for Viserra because she considered herself more beautiful, friendly and smart than Jaena. Despite this she tried to become the lover of the prince thus seeking her crown, even entering her rooms completely naked of her, but Aerion disowned her. This event was the talk of the court and Viserra was compared to Princess Viserra Targaryen, the daughter of Jaehaerys I and one of the most beautiful young women of her time.
Viserra Velaryon died unexpectedly at the age of 21, supposedly from tuberculosis, but according to her teachers, her sister Jaena would have poisoned her so that she would leave her husband alone.
Ala Velaryon: she was she Mistress of Storm's End by marrying Royce Baratheon and to whom she bore two sons, Rober and Borros Baratheon.
After her older sister Viserra rejected and humiliated Royce Baratheon, her father, Lucerys publicly apologized to him and offered her daughter Ala as a wife to whom Lord Royce agreed to marry. Ala married Lord Royce in 151 a. C. She, despite not being very pretty, stood out for her cheekbones, her big eyes and her breasts.
The couple was stable despite the fact that Royce had some lovers, but Lady Ala turned a blind eye and was dedicated to her only two children, in addition to seeking advantageous marriages for them. In 175 Royce Baratheon passed away from a strange disease in her intimate parts and Ala stayed away from the public eye, she dressed in mourning until her last days and only dedicated herself to reading or taking care of her grandchildren.
Ala Velaryon passed away in early 200 a. C., at 65 years of a heart attack and she asked to be buried next to her mother in Marcaderiva.
-Rober Baratheon was Lord of Storm's End. He married a woman from House Tarth who bore him four children.
-Borros Baratheon was a squire to King Jacaerys I and married Tya Lannister with whom he had three children.
Jaena Velaryon: She was queen of the Seven Kingdoms by marrying Aerion I Targaryen to whom she bore five children.
She was chosen by her cousin to be her wife when she was a 14-year-old girl, this decision angered her older sister, Viserra, who wished to marry Aerion.
Jaena and Aerion married being a happy marriage, in addition to having many things in common such as the love of gambling or taking on dragons. Viserra Velaryon tried to become her cousin's lover on several occasions, but Aerion refused to give in and considered her a prostitute, in addition to creating a great rivalry between the sisters for the prince's affection, Jaena always having her attention. In the end, her sister Viserra passed away unexpectedly in 155 a. C., creating the rumor that Jaena poisoned her so that she would stop intervening in her marriage.
The couple had many tense moments, but one of them was when their two young children, Valerion and Aegon, passed away during their childhood, creating an inheritance problem. Her husband ended up getting involved with Lady Floris Baratheon who, being an older woman, gave him a son, Aerion Mares, and this was humiliating for Jaena. In the end, her father-in-law and uncle, Jacaerys I, warned her son that her only heir is his daughter, Rhaenyra, and to disown his lover.
In the end the couple reconciled by returning to a normal married life. After the rebellion of Aenar Targaryen this and his uncle Jacaerys signed an alliance where Aenar would be king if he married Princess Rhaenyra and both reigned jointly. This was not to Jaena's liking thinking that her cousin could hurt her daughter and take her throne so she taught her daughter to be strong willed, intelligent and passionate.
Aerion and Jaena became kings of the Seven Kingdoms in 179 a. C., the queen was considered a calm, loyal and maternal woman being well regarded by her contemporaries. In 191 a. C., her husband died after a long illness and this death hurt Jaena so much that she decided to take refuge in a convent where she would cry and pray for the eternal rest of her husband. For 8 years Jaena lived in unfavorable conditions and did not eat regularly, losing much of her charm and health. In the end the queen she ended up dying at age 60 due to the terrible conditions that she was undergoing.
Esteban Velaryon: He was the founder of the Valeryon House, a cadet house of the Velaryon.
Like his father Lucerys, he was a suitor to the Lordship of Driftmark, but due to his father's supposed bastard origins and the legitimization of Addam and Alyn Velaryon, it was impossible to achieve the position. Esteban sought to fulfill the wishes of his father, but it was impossible for him to achieve this and he decided to found his own royal house, "Valeryon" in a nearby domain that was given to him by Addam Velaryon.
Esteban had many lovers, but it is known that he was the favorite of Ellyn Baratheon who was almost 25 years older than his and gave him some sums of money in exchange for pleasure. Lord Valeryon had a passionate affair with her aunt Visenya Targaryen, after she became the widow of Donnel Arryn. In the end the lovers married with the permission of Jacaerys I and had a passionate, happy and fertile marriage, eventually having seven living children.
Esteban was found dead in strange circumstances around the year 194 at the age of 54, his body had been found in the sea by his son, Aemon.
-Mihirima Valeryon, third wife of his uncle, Joffrey Velaryon.
-Aemon Valeryon, was head of House Valeryon when his father died. He married her cousin, Daenys Velaryon, daughter of Addam Velaryon and had three children with her.
-Rhaenyra Valeryon, was the wife of Garmund Hightower and they had five children.
-Baelon Valeryon, Master in the Citadel.
-Visella Valeryon, Septa.
-Rhaena Valeryon, was the wife of Prince Maekar Targaryen, son of Rhaenyra II Targaryen.
-Vaegon Valeryon, member of the Gold Cloaks and four bastard sons.
Corwyn Velaryon: He was a sworn Brother of the Royal Guard and it is believed that he was also a sorcerer who was involved in the murder of his brother Esteban or that of the Lord Commander of the Royal Guard, Robert Flowers.
He passed away at the age of 40 from strange stomach problems. He was supposedly poisoned by his sins.
Marya Velaryon: she was engaged to her brother Corwyn hers, but the princess contracted winter fever and passed away from it at the age of 11. Her death killed her mother, Rhaena Targaryen who had already suffered with the death of her little brother.
Aegon Velaryon: He was a small and fragile baby who passed away in his first year.
Viserra Velaryon: Fue la primer hija de Lucerys y Rhaena Targaryen, además de ser la nieta mas escandalosa de la reina Rhaenyra I.
Estaba comprometida con Lord Royce Baratheon, Señor de Bastión de Tormenta, pero Viserra era una joven ambiciosa y consideraba a Lord Royce poca cosa para la nieta de una reina negándose al matrimonio. Viserra deseaba casarse con su primo, Aerion Targaryen que era el segundo en la linea de sucesión y así poder ser reina, pero su padre le negó esto como castigo por humillar públicamente a Lord Royce Baratheon. Al final Aerion se caso con su otra prima, Jaena con la cual tuvo un buen matrimonio.
El casamiento entre su hermana y su primo fue una tragedia para Viserra debido a que se consideraba mas hermosa, simpática y lista que Jaena. Pesé a esto ella trato de convertirse en la amante del príncipe buscando de ese modo su corona, incluso entrando en sus habitaciones completamente desnuda, pero Aerion la repudió. Este acontecimiento fue la comidilla de la corte y Viserra fue comparada con la princesa Viserra Targaryen, la hija de Jaehaerys I y una de las jóvenes mas hermosas de su tiempo.
Viserra Velaryon falleció inesperadamente a los 21 años de edad supuestamente de tuberculosis, pero según los maestres, su hermana Jaena la habría envenenado para que así dejara en paz a su marido.
Ala Velaryon: Fue Señora de Bastión de Tormenta al casarse con Royce Baratheon y al cual le dio dos hijos varones, Rober y Borros Baratheon.
Tras que su hermana mayor, Viserra rechazara y humillara a Royce Baratheon, su padre, Lucerys se disculpo públicamente con el y le ofreció a su hija, Ala como esposa a lo que Lord Royce acepto casarse. Ala se caso con Lord Royce en 151 d. C., pese a no ser muy agraciada destacaba por sus pómulos, sus grandes ojos y pechos. 
La pareja fue estable pese a que Royce tenía algunas amantes, pero Lady Ala hacia la vista gorda y se dedicaba a sus dos únicos hijos, además de buscarles ventajosos matrimonios. En 175 falleció Royce Baratheon por una extraña enfermedad en sus partes intimas y Ala se mantuvo lejos del ojo publico, vistió de luto hasta sus últimos días y solo se dedico a leer o cuidar de sus nietos.
Ala Velaryon falleció a principios del 200 d. C., a los 65 años de un ataque al corazón y pidió ser enterrada junto a su madre en Marcaderiva.
-Rober Baratheon fue Señor de Basti��n de Tormenta. Se caso con una mujer de la Casa Tarth la cual le dio cuatro hijos.
-Borros Baratheon fue escudero del rey Jacaerys I y se caso con Tya Lannister con la cual tuvo tres hijos.
Jaena Velaryon: Fue reina de los Siete Reinos al casarse con Aerion I Targaryen al cual le dio cinco hijos.
Fue elegida por su primo para ser su esposa cuando era una niña de 14 años, esta decisión enfureció a su hermana mayor, Viserra la cual deseaba desposarse con Aerion. 
Jaena y Aerion se casaron siendo un matrimonio feliz, además de tener muchas cosas en común como el amor a los juegos de azar o a tomar en dragones. Viserra Velaryon trato de convertirse en la amante de su primo en varias ocasiones, pero Aerion se negaba a ceder y la considero una meretriz, además de crearse una gran rivalidad entre las hermanas por el cariño del principe siendo siempre Jaena la que tenia su atención. Al final su hermana Viserra falleció inesperadamente en 155 d. C., creándose el rumor de que Jaena la enveneno para así que dejara de intervenir en su matrimonio.
La pareja tuvo numerosos momentos tensos, pero uno de ellos fue cuando sus dos hijos pequeños, Valerion y Aegon fallecieron durante su infancia creándose un problema sucesorio. Su marido se acabo involucrando con Lady Floris Baratheon la cual siendo una mujer ya algo mayor, le dio un hijo varón, Aerion Mares y esto fue humillante para Jaena. Al final su suegro y tío, Jacaerys I le advirtió a su hijo que su única heredera es su hija, Rhaenyra y que repudiara a su amante.
Al final la pareja se reconcilió volviendo a una vida conyugal normal. Tras la rebelión de Aenar Targaryen este y su tío Jacaerys firmaron una alianza donde Aenar sería rey si se casaba con la princesa Rhaenyra y ambos reinaban conjuntamente. Esto no fue del agrado de Jaena pensando que su primo podría lastimar a su hija y quedarse con su trono por lo que enseño a su hija a ser de voluntad fuerte, inteligente y pasional.
Aerion y Jaena se convirtieron en reyes de los Siete Reinos en 179 d. C., la reina fue considerada una mujer tranquila, leal y maternal siendo bien vista por sus contemporáneos. En 191 d. C., falleció su marido tras una larga enfermedad y esta muerte dolió mucho a Jaena que decidió refugiarse en un convento donde lloraría y rezaría por el descanso eterno de su marido. Durante 8 años Jaena vivió en condiciones poco favorables y no comía con regularidad perdiendo gran parte de su encanto y salud. Al final la reina acabo falleciendo a los 60 años por las pésimas condiciones que estaba sometiéndose.
Esteban Velaryon: Fue fundador de la Casa Valeryon, una casa cadete de los Velaryon.
Al igual que su padre, Lucerys, fue un pretendiente al Señorío de Marcaderiva, pero debido a los supuestos orígenes bastardos de su padre y la legitimización de Addam y Alyn Velaryon, era imposible alcanzar el puesto. Esteban busco cumplir los deseos de su padre, pero le fue imposible lograr esto y decidió fundar su propia casa real, “Valeryon” en unos dominios cercanos que le fueron entregados por Addam Velaryon.
Esteban tuvo muchas amantes, pero se sabe que fue el favorito de Ellyn Baratheon que era casi 25 años mayor que el y le daba algunas sumas de dinero a cambio de placer. Lord Valeryon tuvo un apasionado romance con su tía Visenya Targaryen, luego de que esta enviudara de Donnel Arryn. Al final los amantes se casaron con el permiso de Jacaerys I y tuvieron un matrimonio apasionado, feliz y fértil llegando a tener siete hijos vivos.
Esteban fue encontrado muerto en extrañas circunstancias por el año 194 con 54 años, su cuerpo había sido encontrado en el mar por su hijo, Aemon.
-Mihirima Valeryon, tercera esposa de su tío, Joffrey Velaryon.
-Aemon Valeryon, fue cabeza de la Casa Valeryon al morir su padre. Se caso con su prima, Daenys Velaryon, hija de Addam Velaryon y con ella tuvo tres hijos.
-Rhaenyra Valeryon, fue esposa de Garmund Hightower y tuvieron cinco hijos.
-Baelon Valeryon, maestre en la Ciudadela.
-Visella Valeryon, septa.
-Rhaena Valeryon, fue esposa del príncipe Maekar Targaryen, hijo de Rhaenyra II Targaryen.
-Vaegon Valeryon, miembro de las Capas Doradas y cuatro hijos bastardos.
Corwyn Velaryon: Fue Hermano juramentado de la Guardia Real y se cree que también fue un hechicero que estuvo involucrado en el asesinato de su hermano Esteban o el del Lord Comandante de la Guardia Real, Robert Flowers.
Falleció a los 40 años de edad por extraños problemas en el estómagos supuestamente fue envenenado por sus pecados.
Marya Velaryon: Fue comprometida con su hermano Corwyn, pero la princesa contrajo fiebre invernal y falleció de esta a los 11 años de edad. Su muerte mato a su madre, Rhaena Targaryen que ya había sufrido con la muerte de su hermano pequeño.
Aegon Velaryon: Era un bebé pequeño y fragil que falleció al cumplir su primer año.
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galacticlamps · 3 years
totally no pressure haha but I'm super intrigued by the fantasy au you mentioned if you'd be interested in talking about it o:
Oh yeah, totally!
This AU mostly exists as miscellaneous notes, so I'll try to summarize those:
I haven’t worked out all the world-building, but it’s probably easiest to think of the setting as something akin to Arthurian Britain, maybe? It’s been a while since I’ve read up on that, but it’s definitely full of lots of smallish kingdoms & the issues/plot points that come from those, on top of the occasional supernatural/mythical elements you find in any good legend.
Throughout his childhood & before he's even born, Jamie's family is involved in a series of civil wars & rebellions between neighboring kingdoms & clans. The final decisive battle is bloody and tragic, but they do win, even though the leader of their cause, Colin McLaren, is mortally wounded. The other victorious chieftains elect Donald McCrimmon to take his crown when he passes, making Jamie an/the heir to the throne (I'm pretty sure Alexander is Jamie's older brother in this, and he still dies, but I'm not sure if that’s in the conflict or later when they're adults). Jamie's probably only about 7 or 8 when this happens and peace is restored, and when his mother gives birth to another child, a daughter, they name her Victoria in honor of their success in the battle. Now that they're the rulers of the kingdom, Victoria gets brought up as a lady of the court from the beginning, educated by foreign scholars and even taught to speak in the dialect considered more proper in the neighboring kingdoms' courts, although the rest of her family are very whatever-the-equivalent-of-Scottish-is-here. Despite being royalty, Prince James (Jamie to his friends) never really thinks of that as his world, and insists upon wearing his kilt and making no effort to conceal either his accent or his lack of learning, no matter how large a portion of his life is spent living in a castle.
Polly is a lady of the court, probably some kind of ward/lady-in-waiting sent to foster peace and goodwill from some nearby kingdom where her family are high up in the nobility, if not actual royalty. She's (secretly) in love with the lower-class Ben, who wants first to prove himself as a true knight and eventually to wed the Duchess.
When Jamie's in his 20's, the story actually starts with a strange and dangerously supernatural event that kills the old Druid who looked after their clan (and the Alexander/older brother character, if he's still around), and Polly recommends a distant uncle/great-uncle/fifteenth cousin twice removed to take his place. She claims he's family but he's shrouded in mystery and known only as the Doctor, a famed and eccentric traveler and practitioner of the natural arts (and unnatural too, as the rumor goes). She manages to contact him, probably through a quest for Ben, and the palace suddenly has a new court physician, alongside his aide and apprentice, Zoe. Like him, she’s a genius and also secretly some kind of sorcerer/mage (I have to work out my mythology, I think I just crossed over into D&D lol) who he took in a few years back when her old mentor, Dr. Corwyn, died.
The Prince is obviously very taken with the Doctor, if not from the moment they meet, at least after he gets rushed off to see him after some minor injury he receives on a hunt. He's always been the more rough-and-tumble, daring, and down-to-earth of his siblings, but now even the slightest scratch and he's off to the Doctor for a second opinion, but nobody thinks too much of it, and he is the heir now, so they're glad to see him taking care of himself. Romance ensues.
Victoria, meanwhile, takes an interest in Zoe - to be honest, I'm not sure if it's a romantic one or just lesbian solidarity, I've never tried to write them as a ship before but it could be interesting, and I think in this universe the opportunity definitely presents itself. Victoria's been well-educated for a life in the court, and while she feels bad complaining because that's more than the rest of her family ever had, she only knows enough of science to be mystified and intrigued by what she doesn't know, and seeing a young woman her own age with the skill and experience Zoe has, who's so well-traveled and confident in herself, enthralls her. On the other hand, Victoria's much softer and lady-like than anyone Zoe's ever worked closely with, but she's impressed by how responsible she is, and sympathizes with the weight placed upon her - everyone knows she's seen as the bridge between the old kingdom and the new, even more so than her brother, who's destined to inherit but still cut from the same cloth as their father, and not that of the ruling classes.
At some point, I'm fairly certain their parents get either killed or presumed dead during a sea voyage  (as seems to happen in these things), and Jamie unhappily receives the crown, which causes a bit of a hiccup in everyone's relationships & responsibilities - and of course, throughout all of this, they're still having issues with the supernatural entity threatening them. Jamie's not one to turn down responsibility, but he's pretty miserable about it, and in the end, he finds a way to abdicate so Victoria can take over, being much better suited to it. Jamie just wants to go off traveling with the Doctor (perhaps even in a strange blue box?), and Zoe takes over his practice at the court, being more than qualified and having a few reasons of her own for wanting to stay there, because romantic or not, she's become Victoria's support/confidant/partner in crime. It might be revealed that their parents survived and just took a long time getting back because of all the sidequests that seem to go along with getting shipwrecked in this kind of genre, but even if they return everyone approves of the setup their kids worked out in their absence, Victoria comes of age and is crowned queen, and Jamie has their blessing to go off, marry the man he loves, and take up a lifestyle he prefers.
Those are the basics of the AU. I've had ideas about actual fics for things like the Doctor's arrival, he and Jamie falling for one another/flirting badly over time, Zoe and Victoria growing together, things Ben tries to do to move up in the world and/or get closer to Polly, whatever exactly happens to the parents, and adventures Jamie & the Doctor have as travelers in that world after they're married, but I've written very little in the way of actual scenes or moments, so it's mostly just an elaborate concept right now. The actual adventure-y plots making up the background to all of that would also involve a lot of magic shenanigans and and probably some creatures unsubtlely adapted from different bits of Celtic mythology because that just feels like the natural place to go at this point.
It seems like it'd be fun to write, but I could also see myself getting bogged down in minutia and never coming up with anything actually fun and easy to read, so I'm not quite sure if it'll ever wind up on my To-Finish list, but who knows. I could also see myself writing a particular scene and going ‘well shit, now i have to write the rest just so I can post this bit’ so I guess it could go either way.
Anyways, thank you for asking! I sincerely hope I didn't bore you to tears with all that!
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laannie0803 · 4 years
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Lady Rhaena Targaryen, apodada Rhaena de Pentos y Rhae, fue la hija menor del príncipe Daemon Targaryen y su segunda esposa, Lady Laena Velaryon. Tuvo una hermana gemela, Baela.
Fue nombrada en honor a su abuela materna, Rhaenys Targaryen. Rhaena y su hermana gemela Baela nacieron pequeñas y enfermizas pero cuando cumplieron medio año de edad y se encontraban más fuertes, Laena y las niñas navegaron hacia Marcaderiva. Poco después, fueron presentadas en la corte por su padre para recibir la bendición del rey Viserys I Targaryen, a pesar del desagrado del Consejo Privado.
En 118 d.C., con la bendición del rey Viserys I Targaryen, la princesa Rhaenyra Targaryen anunció el compromiso de su hijo, el príncipe Lucerys Velaryon, con Lady Rhaena.
Tenía trece años cuando estalló la guerra civil conocida como la Danza de los Dragones. Mientras su hermana se quedó en Rocadragón, Lady Rhaena partió al Valle de Arryn acompañando al príncipe Joffrey Velaryon hasta Puerto Gaviota para defender el Valle contra los dragones del rey Aegon II Targaryen. Rhaena llevó tres huevos de dragón con ella al Valle, orando porque todos eclosionaran.
Cuando su madrastra Rhaenyra Targaryen se hizo con el dominio de Desembarco del Rey y el Trono de Hierro, Lady Rhaena se quedó en el Valle como pupila de Lady Jeyne Arryn. Rhaena disfrutó una vida de comodidad y privilegio, con doncellas que le cepillaban el pelo y la bañaban, mientras que los bardos componían odas a su belleza y los caballeros justaban por su favor.
En el Valle, el huevo de dragón de Rhaena eclosionó una cría de color rosa claro con cuernos y cresta negros, al que Rhaena llamó Aurora. Hacia el final de la guerra civil, Lady Arryn reunió mil quinientos caballeros y ocho mil soldados y se dispuso a partir hacia Desembarco del Rey; cuando las noticias de la posible llegada a la capital las fuerzas de Lady Arryn y de Lady Rhaena con su cría de dragón, la reina Alicent Hightower temió que el pueblo llano se pusiera de parte de los Negros.
En la corte de su hermanastro, Baela y Rhaena eran las únicas Targaryen vivas aparte del rey Aegon III y la reina Jaehaera, pues supuestamente el príncipe Viserys había muerto. Lady Rhaena y Lady Baela salían a cazar, a practicar la cetrería, daban limosnas a los pobres, recibían a los emisarios y señores visitantes junto a la Mano del Rey y hacían de anfitrionas en las fiestas, mascaradas y bailes. Mientras Baela se erizaba ante los halagos, Rhaena estaba encantada de ser el centro de la vida cortesana. Al igual que en el Nido de Águilas, decenas de jóvenes señores competían por sus sonrisas, los artistas le rogaban permiso para dibujarla o pintarla y los mejores sastres aspiraban al honor de coserle los vestidos. A cualquier lugar al que fuese Rhaena la acompañaba Aurora, su joven dragona, a menudo enroscada en sus hombros como si fuera una estola. Aunque era la gemela menor y su hermana Baela era considerada la heredera al Trono de Hierro, muchos creían que Rhaena era una mejor candidata, menos obstinada y que además poseía un dragón.
Al ser consultada por Ser Tyland sobre qué pretendiente prefería, y ella confesó que le "agradaba especialmente" Ser Corwyn Corbray, hermano menor de Lord Leowyn Corbray de Hogar y a quien había conocido cuando era pupila en el Valle de Arryn. Aunque Ser Corwyn era un segundo hijo, la Casa Corbray era antigua y prestigiosa, y su hermano había sido nombrado Protector del Reino; el consejo aceptó el deseo de Rhaena. Ser Corwyn y Lady Rhaena se comprometieron apresuradamente, y la boda se celebró quince días después.
Durante el Baile del Día de la Doncella en que se elegiría a la nueva esposa del rey Aegon III Targaryen, Lady Baela Velaryon y Lady Rhaena Corbray, demacrada y esquelética por el aborto sufrido, entraron en el salón a lomos de caballo. Afirmo que traían a su “nueva esposa”. Ser Corwyn apareció detrás con Lady Daenaera Velaryon, quien eventualmente sería la esposa del rey.
Tras la muerte de Lady Jeyne Arryn, Ser Corwyn fue enviado para resolver el asunto de la sucesión del Valle de Arryn. En Piedra de las Runas, Ser Corwyn se enfrentó a Lord Gunthor Royce y, tras sacar su espada Dama Desesperada, fue abatido por un ballestero, dejando a Rhaena viuda. Lady Baela partió a Rocadragón para consolar a su hermana.
A comienzos de 135 d.C., Lady Rhaena, que había cumplido los diecinueve, montó a Aurora por primera vez. En su vuelo inaugural dio una vuelta alrededor de la ciudad antes de volver a Pozo Dragón, pero con el paso de los días fue cobrando valor y alejándose más. Sólo aterrizó dentro de la Fortaleza Roja en una ocasión, pues el rey Aegon III aun temía a los dragones. Poco después, Lady Rhaena voló con Aurora a través de la bahía del Aguasnegras hasta Rocadragón.
Posteriormente, Lady Rhaena se casó con Garmund Hightower, a quien dio seis hijas.
Tanto ella como su hermana son personajes lindos e inteligentes (aun que siento que es exagerado lo que se decía sobre ella y su belleza). Esperemos que haya tenido una vida tranquila y feliz (aun que tampoco le calculo muchos años de vida).
Lady Rhaena Targaryen, nicknamed Rhaena de Pentos and Rhae, was the youngest daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and his second wife, Lady Laena Velaryon. She had a twin sister, Baela.
It was named in honor of her maternal grandmother, Rhaenys Targaryen. Rhaena and her twin sister Baela were born small and sick but when they were half a year old and stronger, Laena and the girls sailed to Marcaderiva. Soon after, they were brought to court by their father to receive the blessing of King Viserys I Targaryen, despite the displeasure of the Privy Council.
In AD 118, with the blessing of King Viserys I Targaryen, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen announced the engagement of her son, Prince Lucerys Velaryon, to Lady Rhaena.
She was thirteen when the civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons broke out. While her sister stayed on Dragonstone, Lady Rhaena set out for the Valley of Arryn accompanying Prince Joffrey Velaryon to Port Gaviota to defend the Valley against the dragons of King Aegon II Targaryen. Rhaena brought three dragon eggs with her to the Valley, praying that they would all hatch.
When her stepmother Rhaenyra Targaryen took control of King's Landing and the Iron Throne domain, Lady Rhaena remained in the Valley as Lady Jeyne Arryn's pupil. Rhaena enjoyed a life of comfort and privilege, with maidens who brushed her hair and bathed her, while the bards composed odes to her beauty and the knights justified her favor.
In the Valley, Rhaena's dragon egg hatched a light pink hatchling with black horns and crest, which Rhaena called Aurora. Towards the end of the civil war, Lady Arryn gathered fifteen hundred knights and eight thousand soldiers and prepared to leave for King's Landing; When news of the possible arrival of Lady Arryn and Lady Rhaena's forces with their dragon calf in the capital, Queen Alicent Hightower feared that the common people would side with the Blacks.
At their stepbrother's court, Baela and Rhaena were the only Targaryens alive apart from King Aegon III and Queen Jaehaera, as Prince Viserys was allegedly dead. Lady Rhaena and Lady Baela went out to hunt, to practice falconry, gave alms to the poor, received emissaries and visiting lords along with the King's Hand, and played host to parties, masquerades, and dances. As Baela bristled at the flattery, Rhaena was delighted to be the center of court life. As in the Eagles' Nest, dozens of young lords competed for their smiles, the artists begged permission to draw or paint it, and the best tailors aspired to the honor of sewing their dresses. Wherever Rhaena went, she was accompanied by Aurora, her young dragon, often curled around her shoulders like a stole. Although she was the youngest twin and her sister Baela was considered the heir to the Iron Throne, many believed that Rhaena was a better candidate, less stubborn, and also possessed a dragon.
Asked by Ser Tyland about which suitor she preferred, and she confessed that she "especially liked" Ser Corwyn Corbray, Lord Leowyn Corbray's younger brother from Home and whom she had met as a pupil in the Valley of Arryn. Although Ser Corwyn was a second son, House Corbray was ancient and prestigious, and his brother had been named Protector of the Kingdom; the council accepted Rhaena's wish. Ser Corwyn and Lady Rhaena hastily engaged, and the wedding was held fifteen days later.
During the Maiden's Day Ball in which the new wife of King Aegon III Targaryen would be chosen, Lady Baela Velaryon and Lady Rhaena Corbray, emaciated and skeleton from the abortion suffered, entered the room on horseback. I affirm that they brought her “new wife”. Ser Corwyn appeared behind with Lady Daenaera Velaryon, who would eventually become the king's wife.
Following the death of Lady Jeyne Arryn, Ser Corwyn was sent to resolve the matter of the Arryn Valley estate. In Rune Stone, Ser Corwyn confronted Lord Gunthor Royce and, after drawing his Desperate Lady sword, was shot down by a crossbowman, leaving Rhaena a widow. Lady Baela went to Dragonstone to comfort her sister.
In early AD 135, Lady Rhaena, who had turned nineteen, rode Aurora for the first time. On her maiden flight, she circled the city before returning to Dragonwell, but as the days went by, she began to gain courage and move further away. She only landed inside the Red Keep once, as King Aegon III still feared dragons. Soon after, Lady Rhaena flew with Aurora through Blackwater Bay to Dragonstone.
Subsequently, Lady Rhaena married Garmund Hightower, whom she bore six daughters.
Both she and her sister are cute and intelligent characters (although I feel that what was said about her and her beauty is exaggerated). Hopefully he has had a calm and happy life (even though I don't calculate many years of his life either).
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rolhispano · 4 years
Kingdom of Thorns: Buscando el Oriente
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Arwen Upcliff busca a “Jasper Upcliff”: Heredero de Isla Bruja. Debido a la buena salud de sus padres, elude cualquier responsabilidad. Dedica su tiempo a cortejar damas y vigilar a sus hermanos menores (Link).
Elys Royce busca a “Rhea Royce”: Heredera de Piedras de las Runas. Como sobrina de Lord Arryn, permanece a una gran familia, lo que la genera una situación de incomodidad. Famosa por su mal genio, ha quedado embarazada poco después de su boda (Link).
Corwyn Arryn busca a “Elys Arryn”: Segundo hijo de Lord Arryn, y pupilo de sus tíos de Rocadragón. Se niega a aceptar que su padre se vuelva a casar tras la muerte de su madre (Link).
Agnes Tully busca a “Amanda Tully”: Nuera de Lord Tully y hermana de Lord Arryn. Tras su boda con Lucias Tully, quiere ganarse a su suegro. Mantiene una estrecha relación con sus hermanos (Link).
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rolaholicos · 4 years
Kingdom of Thorns: Buscando el Oriente
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Arwen Upcliff busca a “Jasper Upcliff”: Heredero de Isla Bruja. Debido a la buena salud de sus padres, elude cualquier responsabilidad. Dedica su tiempo a cortejar damas y vigilar a sus hermanos menores (Link).
Elys Royce busca a “Rhea Royce”: Heredera de Piedras de las Runas. Como sobrina de Lord Arryn, permanece a una gran familia, lo que la genera una situación de incomodidad. Famosa por su mal genio, ha quedado embarazada poco después de su boda (Link).
Corwyn Arryn busca a “Elys Arryn”: Segundo hijo de Lord Arryn, y pupilo de sus tíos de Rocadragón. Se niega a aceptar que su padre se vuelva a casar tras la muerte de su madre (Link).
Agnes Tully busca a “Amanda Tully”: Nuera de Lord Tully y hermana de Lord Arryn. Tras su boda con Lucias Tully, quiere ganarse a su suegro. Mantiene una estrecha relación con sus hermanos (Link).
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dailyrol · 4 years
Kingdom of Thorns: Buscando el Oriente
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Arwen Upcliff busca a “Jasper Upcliff”: Heredero de Isla Bruja. Debido a la buena salud de sus padres, elude cualquier responsabilidad. Dedica su tiempo a cortejar damas y vigilar a sus hermanos menores (Link).
Elys Royce busca a “Rhea Royce”: Heredera de Piedras de las Runas. Como sobrina de Lord Arryn, permanece a una gran familia, lo que la genera una situación de incomodidad. Famosa por su mal genio, ha quedado embarazada poco después de su boda (Link).
Corwyn Arryn busca a “Elys Arryn”: Segundo hijo de Lord Arryn, y pupilo de sus tíos de Rocadragón. Se niega a aceptar que su padre se vuelva a casar tras la muerte de su madre (Link).
Agnes Tully busca a “Amanda Tully”: Nuera de Lord Tully y hermana de Lord Arryn. Tras su boda con Lucias Tully, quiere ganarse a su suegro. Mantiene una estrecha relación con sus hermanos (Link).
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laninarolerabien · 4 years
Kingdom of Thorns: Búsqueda de Oriente
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Arwen Upcliff busca a “Jasper Upcliff”: Heredero de Isla Bruja. Debido a la buena salud de sus padres, elude cualquier responsabilidad. Dedica su tiempo a cortejar damas y vigilar a sus hermanos menores (Link).
Elys Royce busca a “Rhea Royce”: Heredera de Piedras de las Runas. Como sobrina de Lord Arryn, permanece a una gran familia, lo que la genera una situación de incomodidad. Famosa por su mal genio, ha quedado embarazada poco después de su boda (Link).
Corwyn Arryn busca a “Elys Arryn”: Segundo hijo de Lord Arryn, y pupilo de sus tíos de Rocadragón. Se niega a aceptar que su padre se vuelva a casar tras la muerte de su madre (Link).
Agnes Tully busca a “Amanda Tully”: Nuera de Lord Tully y hermana de Lord Arryn. Tras su boda con Lucias Tully, quiere ganarse a su suegro. Mantiene una estrecha relación con sus hermanos (Link).
0 notes
maywemeetotherrph · 4 years
Kingdom of Thorns: Búsqueda de Oriente
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Arwen Upcliff busca a “Jasper Upcliff”: Heredero de Isla Bruja. Debido a la buena salud de sus padres, elude cualquier responsabilidad. Dedica su tiempo a cortejar damas y vigilar a sus hermanos menores (Link).
Elys Royce busca a “Rhea Royce”: Heredera de Piedras de las Runas. Como sobrina de Lord Arryn, permanece a una gran familia, lo que la genera una situación de incomodidad. Famosa por su mal genio, ha quedado embarazada poco después de su boda (Link).
Corwyn Arryn busca a “Elys Arryn”: Segundo hijo de Lord Arryn, y pupilo de sus tíos de Rocadragón. Se niega a aceptar que su padre se vuelva a casar tras la muerte de su madre (Link).
Agnes Tully busca a “Amanda Tully”: Nuera de Lord Tully y hermana de Lord Arryn. Tras su boda con Lucias Tully, quiere ganarse a su suegro. Mantiene una estrecha relación con sus hermanos (Link).
0 notes
maestrosdelrol · 4 years
Kingdom of Thorns: Buscando el Oriente
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Arwen Upcliff busca a “Jasper Upcliff”: Heredero de Isla Bruja. Debido a la buena salud de sus padres, elude cualquier responsabilidad. Dedica su tiempo a cortejar damas y vigilar a sus hermanos menores (Link).
Elys Royce busca a “Rhea Royce”: Heredera de Piedras de las Runas. Como sobrina de Lord Arryn, permanece a una gran familia, lo que la genera una situación de incomodidad. Famosa por su mal genio, ha quedado embarazada poco después de su boda (Link).
Corwyn Arryn busca a “Elys Arryn”: Segundo hijo de Lord Arryn, y pupilo de sus tíos de Rocadragón. Se niega a aceptar que su padre se vuelva a casar tras la muerte de su madre (Link).
Agnes Tully busca a “Amanda Tully”: Nuera de Lord Tully y hermana de Lord Arryn. Tras su boda con Lucias Tully, quiere ganarse a su suegro. Mantiene una estrecha relación con sus hermanos (Link).
0 notes