#nicu center
motherhoodhospital · 8 months
Best NICU Hospital in Ahmedabad
Motherhood Hospital has the best NICU center in Ahmedabad. Our highly experienced team of pediatricians and neonatologists provides intensive care to sick babies, extremely premature and very low birth weight babies and twin babies. We offer indoor admission facility for the nursing mothers, phototherapy, exchange transfusion, prenatal treatment and ventilator treatment to the new born and premature babies. Contact us today.
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“My mother is a doctor, so all I ever remember is wanting to be a doctor. I decided to become a neonatologist because I love working with critically ill patients, but also enjoyed the continuity of care and building relationships with families. Many babies remain in the NICU for a long time, so I get to know and support the babies and their families. It is a joy to see them improve and grow over time.”
Ruth Seabrook, Director of Neonatal-Perinatal Care, The Fetal Center 
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tritonhospitals · 2 years
Parameters to check while choosing the best maternity hospital in South Delhi
Best Maternity Hospital in South Delhi
Most women can feel a bit anxious when choosing the best hospital for delivery. When the moment comes, several factors will need to be taken into account. In this article, the things to consider while choosing the best maternity hospital will be discussed. Keep on reading for more information.
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Things to consider while choosing a maternity hospital
1) Location
It's crucial to select a nearby maternity hospital while you're expecting. If you experience issues while pregnant or giving birth, you can go to the hospital promptly and conveniently. Pick a hospital close to your house because you will need to go for several check-ups and routine testing during the whole pregnancy. You would find it simpler if the distance were less. Additionally, be sure the hospital you select is recognized by the Joint Commission and has a solid reputation.
2) The standard of care
Choose a hospital with a solid reputation for providing high-quality care. Examine internet reviews and get advice from friends and family.
You may always check for more information online by especially looking for reviews from various parents who have given birth there if you have previously expressed interest in a certain hospital and want to learn more.
Some of the best maternity hospitals in South Delhi such as Triton Hospital provide a high standard of care.
3) The hospital’s reputation
You want a medical facility that has a solid reputation for providing high-quality care. When selecting a maternity hospital, one of the most important factors to take into account is the facility's reputation. In order to learn more about a hospital's reputation, try contacting parents who have had children there for recommendations. You might also wish to look up any hospitals that interest you online.
Prior to making a choice, be sure to gather opinions on the physician, the nursing staff, and the hospital as a whole from a variety of sources, including family, friends, online reviews, etc.
4) Obstetricians on Staff
Having obstetricians on staff is one of the most crucial things to take into account when selecting a maternity facility. You may trust that you're in excellent hands since obstetricians have received training in pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care. Additionally, if something goes wrong, you're more likely to receive the treatment you need if there is an obstetrician on staff.
5) Patients treated every year
You should think about how many patients they serve each year while choosing the best maternity hospitals in South Delhi. You do want to make sure they have a lot of experience, after all. You may discover more about their practices and personnel using this information.
6) How you feel about your obstetrician
You will be able to tell in your first few consultations with your obstetrician and gynecologist if they have the time and patience to patiently address your concerns. It goes without saying that you want to be with an obstetrician who can help you feel at ease about your pregnancy, assist you in developing that trust, and offer you the assurance that he or she will be there for you to address any concerns while you are pregnant.
7) Qualification of the obstetrician
It is crucial to pick a facility and a doctor whose philosophy and outlook on childbirth align with your own. If your pregnancy is healthy and you don't have any other conditions like diabetes or being overweight, you have a wider range of hospital alternatives, from budget to luxury. However, regardless of other amenities like AC rooms and other amenities that are optional for expectant mothers who wish to appreciate this time, it is advised to consult an obstetrician who has expertise managing challenging pregnancies if you have any illness. The best maternity hospitals in South Delhi like Triton Hospital has highly-qualified obstetricians.
8) Open-minded attitude
It is crucial that your obstetrician be forthright with you and discusses all phases of your pregnancy with you. Your obstetrician should be able to guide you through the process even in the event of a difficulty and make sure the pregnancy and unborn child receive the finest care possible. This is one of the deciding factors to consider when choosing a maternity hospital.
9) Care during odd hours
It is crucial for a prospective mother to think about emergencies and determine whether there will be enough assistance available at odd hours. In the later stages of pregnancy, ask your doctor how quickly she can get at your side once labor pains start, so you'll know how much time you have before they take over the delivery.
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The bottom line
If you are searching for the best maternity hospitals in South Delhi, you may consider choosing Triton Hospital. Triton Hospital is one of the best maternity hospitals, and also has some of the best pediatric surgeons in Delhi.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
1. ‘It was an accident’: the scientists who have turned humid air into renewable power
Greetings, readers! Welcome to our weekly dose of positivity and good vibes. In this edition, I've gathered a collection of uplifting stories that will surely bring a smile to your face. From scientific breakthroughs to environmental initiatives and heartwarming achievements, I've got it all covered.
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In May, a team at the University of Massachusetts Amherst published a paper declaring they had successfully generated a small but continuous electric current from humidity in the air. They’ve come a long way since then. The result is a thin grey disc measuring 4cm across.
One of these devices can generate a relatively modest 1.5 volts and 10 milliamps. However, 20,000 of them stacked, could generate 10 kilowatt hours of energy a day – roughly the consumption of an average UK household. Even more impressive: they plan to have a prototype ready for demonstration in 2024.
2. Empty Office Buildings Are Being Turned Into Vertical Farms
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Empty office buildings are being repurposed into vertical farms, such as Area 2 Farms in Arlington, Virginia. With the decline in office usage due to the Covid-19 pandemic, municipalities are seeking ways to fill vacant spaces.
Vertical farming systems like Silo and AgriPlay's modular growth systems offer efficient and adaptable solutions for converting office buildings into agricultural spaces. These initiatives not only address food insecurity but also provide economic opportunities, green jobs, and fresh produce to local communities, transforming urban centers in the process.
3. Biden-Harris Administration to Provide 804,000 Borrowers with $39 Billion in Automatic Loan Forgiveness as a Result of Fixes to Income Driven Repayment Plans
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The Department of Education in the United States has announced that over 804,000 borrowers will have $39 billion in Federal student loans automatically discharged. This is part of the Biden-Harris Administration's efforts to fix historical failures in the administration of the student loan program and ensure accurate counting of monthly payments towards loan forgiveness.
The Department aims to correct the system and provide borrowers with the forgiveness they deserve, leveling the playing field in higher education. This announcement adds to the Administration's efforts, which have already approved over $116.6 billion in student loan forgiveness for more than 3.4 million borrowers.
4. F.D.A. Approves First U.S. Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill
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The move could significantly expand access to contraception. The pill is expected to be available in early 2024.
The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved a birth control pill to be sold without a prescription for the first time in the United States, a milestone that could significantly expand access to contraception. The medication, called Opill, will become the most effective birth control method available over the counter
5. AIDS can be ended by 2030 with investments in prevention and treatment, UN says
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It is possible to end AIDS by 2030 if countries demonstrate the political will to invest in prevention and treatment and adopt non-discriminatory laws, the United Nations said on Thursday.
In 2022, an estimated 39 million people around the world were living with HIV, according to UNAIDS, the United Nations AIDS program. HIV can progress to AIDS if left untreated.
6. Conjoined twins released from Texas Children’s Hospital after successfully separated in complex surgery
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Conjoined twins are finally going home after the pair was safely separated during a complex surgery at Texas Children’s Hospital in June.
Ella Grace and Eliza Faith Fuller were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for over four months after their birth on March 1. A large team of healthcare workers took six hours to complete the surgery on June 14. Seven surgeons, four anesthesiologists, four surgical nurses and two surgical technicians assisted with the procedure.
7. From villains to valued: Canadians show overwhelming support for wolves
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Despite their record in popular culture, according to a recent survey, seven in 10 Canadians say they have a “very positive” view of the iconic predators. 
Here's a fascinating video about how wolves changed Yellowstone nat'l park:
That's it for this week :)
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You may wonder what this whole Awesome Coffee Club thing is all about. Today I was reminded what it’s all about:
In 2019, the unpaid intern who runs this tumblr account visited Sierra Leone’s Kono District. Kono is the among the most impoverished communities in the world due to a long history of enslavement, colonialism, and civil war. A decade ago, Kono’s healthcare system was in a state of collapse--clinics had no running water or electricity or paid staff, and inconsistent supplies of medications and other necessities.
As a result, Kono was the epicenter of the global maternal mortality crisis: One out of every seventeen women could expect to die in childbirth. Over 10% of children died before the age of five. 
Beginning in 2014, Partners in Health began working with Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health to bring change. This started with the basics at the region’s hospital, Koidu Government Hospital: running water, 24-hour electricity, and hiring nurses, community healthworkers, cooks, facilities management staff, and so much more. 
At the time, KGH’s maternity ward had a dirt floor. Many people were dying for want of an emergency C-section or a blood transfusion. By 2019, this was getting better--two functioning operating rooms were able to perform C-sections, and a blood bank could address postpartum hemorrhaging. But it was still inadequate, and maternal and child mortality were horrifyingly routine.
To address the crisis, PIH Sierra Leone directors Jon Lascher and Dr. Baillor Barrie wanted to build a world-class maternal and child health center that could save thousands of lives yearly while also serving as a teaching hospital to train the next generation of Sierra Leonean healthcare workers. They told us they needed $25,000,000 to break ground, and would probably eventually need another $25,000,000 to support the hospital’s operation over its first few years.
I am, as unpaid interns go, doing quite well, but not THAT well. So our family committed what we could and asked others to join us, and within two years, we passed that $25,000,000 goal. Together, we’ve now raised close to $40,000,000. 
Today, I visited the site of the Maternal Center of Excellence, the first wards of which will hopefully open next year. Nearly all of the construction team are from Kono, and 65% of them are women--they work as welders, engineers, planners, laborers, and so much more. You see three of them above. I had the privilege of talking with them about this project. The young woman to the right, Success, told me that her dream is to work for the hospital her whole life, helping to maintain and support it. One of the other women told me, “We are passionate about this work because it is the future of our country. And we know that we and our friends will someday give birth here.” I am so proud that our projects support their training and livelihood, and so grateful to have them as colleagues in this work.
The hospital--which will include over 100 maternal beds, a NICU, and enough operating suites to perform over 10 emergency C-sections per day, will also require ongoing funding for staff, stuff, systems, maintenance, and more. Our hope is that open-ended projects like the Awesome Coffee Club and Awesome Socks Club can help provide that funding, although the most efficient way to support this project is to donate directly! 
So that’s why this tumblr, and the awesome coffee club, exists. World-class maternal and infant healthcare is coming to Kono, a wonderful and  too long impoverished by colonialism and extractive capitalism. It is only a first step. There is so long to go. But what a first step.
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isissimss · 22 days
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yesterday's pregnancy update | "I am not ready to share my birth story yet. But Both of my girls are really tiny! I was barely in my third trimester when a big kick caused my water to break. I was rushed to the hospital and the doctors had to act fast. Both babies were distressed, and I was rushed in for an epidural and then rushed back for a C-section. Both girls were born but were quickly taken to the NICU. We have a long road ahead of us. Thankfully, my birthing center allows us to stay as long as we want right now. Gianna is bigger, and Ellie is extremely small. We aren't sure what the next steps are, but we are taking it one day at a time.
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today's update | Both babies have improved overnight. Last night was the hardest night of our lives, Gage's and mine. We sat in the room hoping for good news. It's so scary seeing our sweet girls wrapped in all those cords and fussing because they're uncomfortable and possibly just wanting me. I can't do anything! Gage was able to go to the NICU and bond with the girls for a little while this morning. Yesterday, we were unable to hold, touch, or feed our newborn girls. I keep asking the doctors for updates, but there hasn't been much change. We're unexpectedly being sent home today, and I'm dreading it. I just wish someone could pinch me and tell me that our girls are 9 lbs. and thriving. This isn't how I envisioned my first birth. I'm feeling frustrated and joyful all at once.
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home | being home without my bump without my girls without everything I thought I would have feels empty also my postpartum body feels so different and I have to learn to deeply embrace it
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astoldbychae · 8 months
He's got the whole world in his hands 💙
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"Little Bear, just know you are so loved." 🧸
As we get a little sneaky peaky into Carmelo's camera roll, you'll notice quite a bit has changed. Monet's no longer pregnant and there is a new bundle of joy in the Giordano-Hollingsworth family. 🥺
Due to unforeseen circumstances their plans of a baby shower and baby moon were cut short. . .
Monet spent several weeks in the hospital leading up to babygirl's arrival and of course her big cuddle bear was there with her every step of the way.
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Alleia Marsai (Uh-Lay-Yuh • Mar-Sigh) Hollingsworth aka Leia Bear aka Little Bear was born prematurely (27 weeks) at Terra Amorosa County Medical Center in Tartosa.
Shortly after giving birth Monet had a few postpartum complications which prevented her from visiting babygirl in the NICU for the first couple of weeks. Those weeks months were stressful nonetheless but He managed to stay by both his girl's sides until it was time for him to bring his babies home. 🥺
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Fast forward to present day...and they've been inseparable...
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He's an Early Bird (morning sim) and Leia LOVES wake up time. While Monet gets a few extra minutes hours of sleep, Papa makes sure little bear is fed, clean, and happy before heading off to work (or the gym, if it's his off day). Daddy sings to her all the time, just like he used to when she was in her mama's belly. Although he's got a bit of a deep raspy voice, it's calming enough to relax you and put you to sleep.
If he's not singing, he's definitely playing R&B or Soul. Somehow he managed to get "Blue" to play on Leia's crib mobile...and she's finally started sleeping through the night. Such a spoiled little stinker!
📌 The real story of why there was no celebratory baby moments: In a non-theatric series of events there was no baby shower or baby moon because I sorta-kinda-maybe forgot that I unpaused her pregnancy while I was playing with Penny's household. Came back in my game and boop, Melo was holding a newborn baby. After punching the air for several minutes, I decided to age lil miss up and test out some infant CC (because this was a "back up save")...Long story short, I sorta-kinda-most definitely fell in love with little bear and couldn't turn back the hands of time. Especially after seeing Mel autonomously care for her. Like He's literally such a W Dad, for real. 🥺
And after all that...girl now this man has THIS whim and I-
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😩 Mama better watch out! It's officially Spring in game...so we're prepping for Love Day AND Mother's Day...I hope sis is back on birth control.
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riverofjazzsims · 11 months
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Ramses was adopted from Egypt when he was 3 by a couple there doing mission work  and was brought back to the states, He unfortunately was placed into foster care when  the adoptive parents were blessed with triplets 1 - 1/2  years later.  Ramses spent his childhood in and out of foster care/ group homes until he aged out of the system at 18. Although incredibly bright, as a youth,  he got into trouble dealing with some of the street thugs in San Myshuno. (still has a few scars to show for it ) 
His saving grace was Mrs. Carter a retired social worker  who ran a youth program at the local Community Center. She  took him under her wings and it was with her influence, time and love Ramses went on to get his GED and attended Britechester  where his focus was Biology and later got a Bachelors degree in Nursing. 
Britechester is where he met his first love and thought finally his life was smooth sailing. They both became nurses, she was a Labor & delivery Nurse and He worked in the ICU in the Bay area. They were married for 5 years when his wife beat the odds and became pregnant but due to complications and becoming eclamptic she went into early labor and died from an amniotic embolism right after her emergency c-section. Their daughter, Seraphina,  subsequently suffered from seizures leading to a lot of health issues. Seraphina lived to be 4 but passed away from complications  after having a grand mal seizure. 
Ramses moved back to San My and started working in the NICU, passionate and wanting to advocate for the smallest and  most vulnerable patient populations. In the last few years he started  taking assignments as a travel Flight Nurse and has been working all over Simerica ever since. About 1 year ago Ramses  wife and daughter visited him in a dream telling him to let them go and live, that he is worthy of love and deserves a chance  again at happiness. 
Though he  has dated off and on, there has been nothing serious and  he wants to open his heart  up and find love again and to belong in a family again.
In between travel assignments he has a small brownstone in San My (he owns the connecting brownstones but his neighbors don't know.. shh)  that he lives in along with his traveling partner and companion Kota, the dog.  
Fun Facts
Loves working on older/vintage cars
volunteers at the SanMy animal shelter when in town 
Motivational Speaker at grade and highschools for at risk youth
loves spicy food but it doesn't love him
Secretly loves Murder mystery podcast or Mukbangs
Has no rhythm but loves to dance - badly!!
 Ramses Likes / Dislikes (have been selected in game) 
Kota is curtesy of @pugownedplaysthesims-blog aka pugowned on the gallery
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mysteryofvampires · 9 months
Headcanons about Hotn characters:
Part (2/?)
Inger af Dracas:
1. She's a lesbian and I don't take any critism on this
2. She loves flowers and making flower crowns since she can remember
3. Her favourite smell is a mix of wildflowers, rain and soil (Ivy smells like this and it drives her crazy)
4. She's afraid of snakes
5. She only feels 100% safe when Ivy is near her
6. She becomes good friends with Nicu after the events of the series, because both of them often feel like they aren't as strong and brave as the others
7. She doesn't like to be the center of attention and is happy when she can hide behind Fanny
8. But around the other girls (Ivy, Alisa, Joanne, Fanny) she comes out of her shell and is the funniest person you could imagine
Fanny af Dracas:
1. She's really confident about herself and loves to see human and vampire boys desire her
2. She becomes good friends with Alisa after the events of the show and they become the most badass duo the vampire world has ever seen (literally nobody dares to mess with them)
3. She loves giving advice (hairstyles, dressed, jewelery...) to the other girls
4. She's a huge fan of murder misteries and always thinks that if she would be the murderer she would get away with it and how dumb the criminals in these books are (she totally would get away with it!!)
5. Even though she likes beeing admired for her looks, she wants someone who sees the strong, smart and loyal girl behind the fasade
6. Loyal as fuck and tries to support Lars as the young leader as much as she can
7. She's really good at fighting and loves to have non serious battles with Malcolm and Seamour
Malcolm of Vyrad:
1. He's an amazing dancer!
2. He writes so much poetry one of his bookshelves only contains notebooks full of his poems
3. He likes the smell of coffee
4. Even though the Vyrad and him take their british heritage very seriously he totally hates tea (he drinks it anyway to make his father proud)
5. His mother is alive and he takes a walk through London with her every sunday
6. He always wanted to live at the coast and travel the world
7. He's fascinated by werewolves (as a child he sneaked out at full moon, hoping he would meet one)
8. He speaks latin and ancient greek and after her begging him for a long time he agreed to teach Alisa (now they practice every Friday at midnight)
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brandwhorestarscream · 8 months
tfa bulkhead x tfa prowl
Ohhh Bulkhead is over the moon when he finds out! He's been feeling sick lately, struggling with energon intake and being really lethargic and sore. He finally caves and goes to Ratchet and a single scan later reveals the shocking truth: a tiny little spark nestled close to his. Now, Bulkhead comes from waaay out in the commonwealth. He knows what sparklings are. He's seen old pictures but never actually met one himself.
And he is so excited. Runs out of the medbay--with Ratchet yelling behind him to, "Be careful, slag it! Don't overexert yourself!"--to find Prowl and tell him the good news. Dents his much smaller partner considerably with one of his huge full body best hugs: Prowl's pedes are dangling above the floor and he's being swung back and forth as Bulkhead eagerly tells him they're going to have a sparkling. A real sparkling, can he believe it?! There's a tiny baby bot growing inside him! He's all sunshine and rainbows and walking on cloud nine, he's so excited to be a carrier!
Prowl is really shocked cuz he didn't think such a thing was possible, but ultimately he's happy. He does everything he can to be supportive and help Bulkhead be comfortable, quietly going to Ratchet to discuss all the necessary action he should take as a sire. They're light years away from an actual hospital, and while he has complete faith in Ratchet's skills, a lot of things could go wrong. If the sparkling comes early and needs a NICU, if Bulkhead develops any kind of complication or deficiency, etc, etc. They even consider returning to Cybertron, just in case, but ultimately decide against it. Hospitals there aren't trained to care for newborns anyway, and Bulkhead really, really wants his newspark to experience the joys of earth.
He makes an entire nursery for the bitty, with plenty of help from Bumblebee and Sari, painting the walls with pastel cybertronian myths and star systems, making a mobile and cradle and little toys for them. Prowl pots several flowering plants to bring color and fresh air to the room, never mind the fact that they don't need oxygen 🤭 Ratchet's got some old parenting prep programs on his drives that he's glad to hand over, and Bulkhead watches them religiously.
He also gets hooked on cute human baby compilation videos, especially of them laughing and meeting family members for the first time. He can't wait to do all these things with his bitty! He can't wait to hear them laugh for the first time, can't wait for their first steps, can't wait for every single wonderful experience they're going to have and that he gets to witness. He's so in love with the little spark growing inside him, always holding both servos over his chassis and humming to them. He talks to them every night, telling them about all the great things he can't wait to show them. Prowl talks to them too, carefully draped over his belly and murmuring how proud and excited he is. He adores observing the cycles of life on earth, and now he's taking part in creating life from scratch? It's the greatest honor he's ever been given.
The bitty is born on a cold, frosty day in winter, when the skies are gray and the snow is falling in big cotton flakes outside. It's an uncomplicated emergence, thankfully, though Bulkhead spends several painful hours in labor pacing around the delivery room. Prowl is an absolute champion of a supporting sire, fetching warm towels and glasses of coolant left right and center, immediately there with hands to hold or with soothing words. Even Ratchet is impressed, most first time sires are a mess. Internally Prowl is a nervous wreck but he's doing everything in his power to be calm and supportive, and Bulkhead really appreciates it.
After nearly 9 hours, their precious little baby is born. An incredibly round, black-as-night little marshmallow, with their carrier's alt mode and a pair of sleepy blue optics peeking out of the void. Like one of those all-black kittens that just disappear on a dark rug. That's their bitty. Just the roundest softest little shadow. Bulkhead is sobbing, tears of joy streaming down his face when he holds them for the first time. He's never felt such an intense, choking sensation of love before, he didn't know it was possible to love something this much. It's pure euphoria and he feels like he's floating, spark singing in his chassis when he takes them in his arms and gets to look at them for the first time. He kisses their helm a dozen times, blubbering incoherently and welcoming them to the world. They're perfect, so, so perfect, and he's the happiest he's ever been. Prowl comes up beside the bed and his knees wobble before nearly giving out: it hits him all at once that he's a dad now and he almost collapses. He was composed throughout the entire birth but now that they're here? He's losing his cool. His mouth is hanging open and his optics are shining so bright you can see them behind his visor; he leans down to wrap shaking arms around both of them. The baby peeps in surprise and peers up at him in wonder, and he smiles so widely his face nearly breaks.
He greats them in a mystified, trembling voice, saying hello, hi there, I'm your sire, welcome to earth-
He has no idea what he's saying, he's running completely on autopilot, but one thing's for sure: this is the happiest he's ever been in a long, long time.
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motherhoodhospital · 9 months
Things to know about Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) is a specially designed medical facility where intensive nursing care and close monitoring are provided to children. At most of the finest hospitals, the doctors provide pre & post-operative care for the kids in the best pediatric intensive care unit in Ahmedabad. Read more to get a better understanding of PICU.
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incoramsanctissimo · 4 months
Starting to think that third trimesters just draw disasters. My first ended up being born THE VERY DAY our lease ended, and since she was in the NICU for five weeks and we were moving almost two hours away, we were somewhat homeless for the duration (thank God for the Ronald McDonald House—if you want to donate to a good charity, that is one.) Also my husband wasn't getting pto and was making $16 an hour.
My second was much less dramatic, but my mom refused to come out and my mother-in-law had a knee injury and had to have surgery, so I was left with just an easily-overwhelmed younger sister as help. Also I didn't know enough about advocating for myself and the actual birth was kinda traumatic.
My third returned to drama—I was expecting 2 weeks pto for my husband, I had everything beautifully planned, and he got laid off three weeks before the birth. The same week, I got risked out of my birth center, our bathroom subfloor flooded, and I lost my wedding ring, permanently. My husband wasn't able to find a new job until the week I gave birth and had to start three days after. Covering that month's expenses was truly providential.
I'm 32 weeks with the fourth and both our cars broke down. We're trying to get them fixed, but it's always a process and will take the extra we had saved for the baby (no pto again!). I'm teaching an online class in a week that I haven't finished preparing at all (put it off too long, prenatal mental health made it hard and I wasn't disciplined) and I have appointments twice a week that I will not be able to get to at least for this week, while once again having to change providers and be induced because I'm just doomed to ""high risk"" apparently. And my dumb brother in law is still coming in a couple weeks. I get a lil bitter when I see Instagram posts about how important it is to prepare for postpartum and limit stress in the third trimester, when I'm stretched to the max in mine due to circumstances beyond my control
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Hi, aj!
How are you?
This will be about ER. Who is your favorite character and why?
hi, anon!
i'm well! how are you doing?
honestly, i have a hard time deciding on one single favorite character on er, just because a) there are so many characters i absolutely adore (mark, susan, carter, benton, lucy, and neela among them), and b) my answer tends to change based on the era.
that said, forced to choose, i'd say my all-time favorite er character is abby lockhart.
while certainly there are some parts of abby's storyline i enjoy more than others—i've never really liked any of her canon romances, tbh—in terms of her personality and overall arc, i find her so endlessly compelling.
given what her background is, she reads exactly as she ought to.
she is so real and three-dimensional and dynamic!
watching the way she evolves over the course of her nine years on the show is one of the great delights of er's later seasons for me.
and, of course, maura tierney is such a consummate actress! i can only imagine that had she not been in direct competition with west wing-era allison janney for most of her er career, she probably would have much more major award show hardware on her mantel for this role.
just on a pure character design level, i love abby's wry, sardonic sense of humor; that she is a fellow minnesotan and has that "well, i guess this may as well happen—" kind of fatalistic midwestern outlook; how she occasionally is possessed of a streak of "bored housecat" naughtiness; how deeply she cares about her patients and will go out on limbs for them, oftentimes literally; her complicated relationships with her family members; how steel-trap clever she is; the way she struggles with her self-esteem; how she has to really work to initially find her confidence and speak up but then becomes such a firebrand (and sometimes rebel) in the department; her love for dead flowers; her deadpan comedic scenes; that she has some of the deepest, most fleshed-out female friendships on the show (particularly with kerry and neela); the way she so often self-sabotages and then has to deal with the consequences but always does deal with them, however roughshod the effort; how she gradually overcomes her hard start in life and eventually grows into this really graceful, wise, centered person, both professionally and personally; etc., etc., etc.
i also love that her story isn't a linear one: that she starts and stalls, not only along her path to becoming a doctor but also with her own recovery from alcoholism and her mental health issues; her interpersonal relationships and her struggles with her own self-doubt.
the way she is written is remarkable in a good way.
she is allowed to make mistakes to a degree that few female main characters on primetime television ever are—to fuck up royally and even at times be downright unlikeable—and yet she is also allowed to progress, however slowly and unevenly, and to grow.
to me, her long-in-coming triumphs are that much sweeter and more earned because of her numerous setbacks and failings along the way. you really do travel a wending road with her, and by the time you reach the end of it, the destination is so welcome.
there are multiple abby-centric episodes that are among my favorites of the whole series, including episodes 07x07 "rescue me," 10x12 "nicu," 11x10 "skin," and 14x08 "coming home."
i've said it before, but i have never seen such a well-done character sendoff episode on any series as episode 15x03 "the book of abby," which serves as a bittersweet, beautiful forty-five minute love letter to our much-beloved protagonist as she leaves county general for the last time.
her overall arc is one of the best examples of character development i've ever had the pleasure to watch.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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greetings awesome coffee club, and welcome (back)! How do you suggest someone who can’t have caffeine support your mission?
Why buy coffee when you could buy nothing and directly support a stronger healthcare system in Sierra Leone?
Although the healthcare system in SL has improved a lot in the last decade, there are still many primary healthcare centers that lack consistent electricity and running water. Giving birth remains a life threatening emergency for many people--around 5% of Sierra Leonean women can expect to die due to pregnancy or childbirth, a staggering injustice that is the result of long-term structural injustices including colonialism, enslavement, and racism.
Until recently, there was only one psychiatrist in the entire country, and only one cardiologist. It was impossible for Sierra Leonean doctors and nurses to pursue most specialties within the country. But that's starting to change.
The Sierra Leone Psychiatric Hospital under the leadership of Dr. Abdul Jalloh has recently been accredited as a teaching hospital, so now nurses and physicians can specialize in mental health within Sierra Leone. And an expansion of Koidu Government Hospital will soon mean the hospital has a NICU, a blood bank, 24-hour electricity, over 100 maternity beds, and operating rooms. This maternity center will also serve as a teaching hospital so that midwives, traditional birth attendants, nurses, community healthworkers, and physicians can all train in eastern Sierra Leone without having to leave the country or travel to the capital of Freetown.
Long-term, systemic problems demand long-term, systemic solutions. In our experience, the most important way this happens is not through donations but through political activism--those of us who live in rich countries can pressure our governments to spend more to address the global crises of needless maternal and child mortality. Like, our community has raised around $35,000,000 to strengthen Sierra Leone's healthcare system, which is a lot of money, but also it amounts to about what the U.S. government spends on its military every four hours.
That noted, we think direct support from individuals and institutions also has a role to play, which is why we started the awesome coffee company. But if you don't drink coffee and do have a few extra dollars (or more!), you can join over 4,000 monthly donors to this project here.
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omegaverse-seeker · 2 years
Headcanon for parents w sick pups. They end up in the NICU when they are born? Please and thank you
Ooooh, this is interesting.
So just for a quick background on where my headcanons are coming from, I'll explain my thoughts on Omegas having pups. I often have it that Omegas give birth at home and have a minimal amount of healthcare workers in their birthing room. Also if they give birth in the hospital, their rooms are much like what they would look like at a birthing center. Again, they have a minimal amount of healthcare workers. In my AU, essentially, scent and skin-to-skin are very important for pups and parents. So if there are fewer people/a neutral environment then there are fewer scents.
On to headcanons for NICU babies:
The NICU isn't a big room where a buncha of pups are. There are small rooms big enough for individual families. They do vary in size depending on how many pups are unfortunately sick.
Say if there was a litter of three pups, and two are sick/aren't doing good in comparison to their siblings, the healthy pup would be in their own bed but still with their littermates. They need the closeness of their siblings no matter what. It also actually helps them get better quicker.
Pups need their parent's scent just as much as they would need their siblings. So visiting hours are very open and they are only allowed for parents.
Parents could stay in their baby's room if they want. Most often times they stress that they should stay in their room.
Another possibility is that if this is right after birth, the pups wouldn't even leave the room unless they need surgery. Essentially, the pups never leave their birthing parent's side.
There would be only like one or two healthcare workers that are assigned to the pups. This helps reduce scent confusion which is detrimental to severely sick pups and newborns.
I feel like security would be heavy here. Parents are very protective over their pups and I feel like they could/would get in a healthcare worker's face if they told them something that bothers them. Or maybe get upset if they approach their pup's room to quickly.
If there are older pups, they would able to come to see their siblings after some time. Even though their scents would be familial, it could still be pretty jarring so they have to be conscientious of the pup's health timeline.
This is all I have. I feel like in general if a pup gets sick a parent just gets worried. I do think that work/school would be way more understanding and let the parent take time off to care for the babe.
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jessicasland · 6 months
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I finally got around to redesigning Scott Summers and Emma Frost's kids; Meghan, Ruby, Jade, and Alex II, as well as Logan and Jean's daughter, Katherine.
Meghan Jane-Summers Frost
Age: 6
DOB: December 11th, 2018
Main Color(s): Gray and White
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Pale Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Power(s): Telepathy, Telekinesis, Organic Crystal Form
Family: Emma Frost (Mother), Scott Summers (Father), Ruby and Jade Summers-Frost (Younger Twin Sisters), Alexander Summers-Frost II (Younger Brother), Professor X (Grandfather), Logan Howlett (Uncle), Jean Grey (Aunt), Kate Howlett (Cousin)
Outfit: She wears a light gray and white dress, a dark gray bow behind her head, diamond earrings on her ears, white socks, and dark gray shoes.
.She's the first-born granddaughter of Charles Xavier
.She's very vain, selfish, a little bossy, and self-centered
.She considers herself the ringmaster simply because she's the oldest of her siblings and cousin
.She got her powers after her third birthday
.Her room is the biggest in the house
.Of the twins, Ruby is her partner in crime because she looks up to her the most
Ruby Grace and Jade Adella Summers Frost
Age: 5
DOB: February 26th, 2019
Main Colors: Red (Ruby), Green (Jade)
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Pale Blonde
Eye Color: Light Brown
Power(s): Organic Garnet Form, Memory Manipulation, Possession. Organic Emerald Form, Mind Link, Mental Paralysis.
Family: Emma Frost (Mother), Scott Summers (Father), Meghan Summers-Frost (Older Sister), Alexander Summers-Frost II (Younger Brother), Professor X (Grandfather), Logan Howlett (Uncle), Jean Grey (Aunt), Kate Howlett (Cousin).
Outfit: Ruby wears a dark red sweater with a firetruck red stripe in the middle, a maroon skirt, pale red socks, dark red Mary Jane shoes, and ruby red earrings on her ears. Jade wears a dark green sweater with a light green stripe in the middle, a pine green skirt, pale green socks, dark green Mary Jane shoes, and emerald green earrings on her ears.
.Ruby is the older twin by three seconds
.They didn't have to go to the NICU after they were born because they were born at full-term
.Ruby is extroverted, a girly-girl, and looks up to Meghan all the time while Jade is more shy, a bit tomboyish, and rather keep to herself
.Identical Twins
.Both of them share a room which is across the hall from Scott and Emma's room
.Jade got her powers before Ruby did the second they turned a year old
Alexander Nathanial Summers-Frost II
Age: 5
DOB: June 3rd, 2019
Main Color(s): Blue, Navy, and White
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Power(s): Organic Aquamarine Form, Mental Sedation, Mental Erasure
Family: Emma Frost (Mother), Scott Summers (Father), Meghan Summers-Frost (Older Sister), Ruby and Jade Summers-Frost (Older Twin Sisters), Professor X (Grandfather), Logan Howlett (Uncle), Jean Grey (Aunt), Kate Howlett (Cousin)
Outfit: He wears a white collared short-sleeved shirt, a light blue sweater vest with navy blue lining, a black belt with a silver belt buckle in the middle, light brown shorts, pale yellow socks, and dark brown shoes.
.Emma had a cryptic pregnancy with Alex and he ended up being a premie baby (31 weeks digestion). He had to stay in the NICU for nine weeks until he was able to go home
.He got his powers when he was two
.Seeing as Alex was born in the same year as Ruby and Jade, that makes the three of them Irish Triplets
.He loves to play tennis, soccer, and the guitar
. Although he's rich, Alex is kind, generous, and friendly whether the person is a mutant or not
.He loves to be with his sisters and cousin
Katherine Jean Howlett-Grey
Age: 3
DOB: August 22nd, 2021
Main Color(s): Yellow, White, and Blue
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Power(s): Light Projection
Family: Jean Grey (Mother), Logan Howlett (Father), Professor X (Grandfather), Scott Summers (Uncle), Emma Frost (Aunt), Meghan Summers-Frost (Older Cousin), Ruby and Jade Summers-Frost (Older Twin Cousins), Alexander Summers-Frost II (Older Cousin)
Outfit: She wears an oversized yellow t-shirt with white lining and a picture of the moon, a cloud, and the stars, jean shorts, dark periwinkle socks, and orange shoes
.She was born two years after her cousins came along because, during her birth, Jean had a complication which required her to go into emergency surgery. While both mom and baby were fine, the surgery caused Jean to not have any more children naturally
.She has a stuffed frog named Hoppy
.Since she's the youngest of her cousins, it's hard for her to keep up with them
.She got her powers when she was ten months old, earlier than any of her cousins
.Out of her cousins, she's the one who visits Xavier and the mansion the most (mainly because the house she and her parents live in is so close to the mansion)
.When she gets older, she'll be the same height as Logan.
Created via Adobe Illustrator.
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