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23 agosto 1927: Sacco e Vanzetti giustiziati da innocenti in America

Il 23 agosto del 1927 Nicola Sacco e Bartolomeo Vanzetti furono fatti sedere sulla sedia elettrica e giustiziati per un duplice omicidio che non avevano commesso. I due italiani aderivano al movimento anarchico e sostenevano le battaglie operaie, solo dopo 50 anni fu ristabilita la verità
Il 23 agosto del 1927 la sedia elettrica poneva fine alle vite di questi emigrati italiani, un ciabattino e un pescivendolo, ingiustamente accusati di un duplice omicidio durante una rapina in un calzaturificio.
La loro tragica vicenda ha inizio nel 1920, durante una manifestazione operaia, i due venivano fermati in possesso di pistole e degli appunti. Sacco e Vanzetti per le loro idee anarchiche, il loro status di emigrati appartenenti al movimento operaio, erano i perfetti “agnelli sacrificali” da immolare sull’altare della giustizia americana del tempo.
Inoltre con il loro arresto veniva lanciato un monito ai movimenti popolari dell’epoca, considerati un pericolo per la stabilità degli U.S.A. A nulla valse la confessione del gangster Celestino Madeiros che scagionava Sacco e Vanzetti, così come non contribuì alla loro scarcerazione la mobilitazione popolare a loro favore. Con un processo fazioso (il giudice più volte li definì bastardi), portato avanti con metodologie gravemente erronee e ingiuste, il foggiano e il cuneese, venivano condannati alla pena capitale.
Solo nel 1977 il Governatore del Massachussetts, Michael Kukakis, ammetteva l’errore giudiziario commesso cinquantanni prima, quando venivano uccisi nella giornata d’estate del 23 Agosto del 1927 due innocenti: Nicola Sacco e Bartolomeo Vanzetti
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Il 23 agosto 1927, poco dopo la mezzanotte, Nicola Sacco e Bartolomeo Vanzetti venivano uccisi sulla sedia elettrica nel penitenziario di Charlestown.
Ingiustamente condannati per un reato che non avevano commesso, furono oggetto di un processo totalmente condizionato dal razzismo e dal pregiudizio nei confronti delle idee anarchiche che i due professavano.
Dopo la condanna, pronunciata dal giudice Webster Thayer, che non esitò a definirli "bastardi anarchici", moltissimi negli USA e in Europa si batterono per salvare la loro vita, purtroppo senza successo.
I loro corpi furono cremati e trasportati in Italia da Luigina Vanzetti. Oggi riposano rispettivamente nel cimitero di Torremaggiore e in quello di Villafalletto.
Dall'ultimo discorso di Bartolomeo Vanzetti durante il processo:
"Io non augurerei a un cane o a un serpente, alla più bassa e disgraziata creatura della Terra — non augurerei a nessuna di queste ciò che ho dovuto soffrire per cose di cui non sono colpevole. Ma la mia convinzione è che ho sofferto per cose di cui sono colpevole. Sto soffrendo perché sono un anarchico, e davvero io sono un anarchico; ho sofferto perché ero un Italiano, e davvero io sono un Italiano [...] se voi poteste giustiziarmi due volte, e se potessi rinascere altre due volte, vivrei di nuovo per fare quello che ho fatto già".
Cannibali e Re
Cronache Ribelli
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"Non dimenticarti giammai, Dante, ogni qualvolta nella vita sarai felice, di non essere egoista: dividi sempre le tue gioie con quelli più infelici, più poveri e più deboli di te e non essere mai sordo verso coloro che domandano soccorso. Aiuta i perseguitati e le vittime perchè essi saranno i tuoi migliori amici, essi sono i compagni che lottano e cadono, come tuo padre e Bartolomeo lottarono e oggi cadono per aver reclamati felicità e libertà per tutte le povere cenciose folle." (Dalla lettera di Nicola Sacco al figlio Dante.) . . #nicolasacco https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMUQK-KmcA/?igshid=1ty20rdu01a2i
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Howard Fast - La pasión de Sacco y Vanzetti #howardfast #lapasióndesaccoyvanzetti #saccoyvanzetti #sacco #nicolasacco #bartolomeovanzetti #anarquismo #anarquistas #literaturaestadounidense #literaturanorteamericana #loslibrosdefede https://www.instagram.com/p/ClH5K7arEpl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#accaddeoggi: "La verità è che vediamo molto, Guardiamo poco, E diventiamo ciechi su tutto ciò che non ci aggrada." (Citaz. Nicola Sacco 1891-1927). Oggi ricorre l'anniversario dell'assassinio da parte degli USA dei due anarchici italiani giustiziati sulla sedia elettrica il 23 agosto 1927 alle ore 00.17, morirono protestandosi innocenti del delitto imputato loro. Ma è anche l'anniversario della loro assoluzione avvenuta il 23 agosto 1977 da parte del governatore del Massachusetts. Ps: #graphicbyme 🏫 #saccoevanzetti #23agosto #23agosto1927 #23agosto1977 #anarchia #storiadiitaliani #storiaamericana #instastoria #nicolasacco #bartolomeovanzetti #ionondimentico #citazionedelgiorno (presso Bologna, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPi3Aiqxuu/?igshid=1v0yc9wwsx43d
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#infernot #inMonferrato! 📸#NicolaSacco . . . #itinerario #autunno2017 #cammini #piemonte #viaggiare #wellness #italy #travellers #lovetravel #turismoresponsabile #turismo #turismosostenibile #monferrato #momferratowow #igersmonferrato #igerspiemonte #yallersmonferrato #yallerspiemonte #ig_monferrato #ig_piemonte #wearemonferrato #LOVES_UNITED_MONFERRATO #ilikepiemonte #new_photopiemonte
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A Photo That Tom Hanks Posted To Twitter Is Freaking Everyone Out
Tom Hanks is used to perplexing his fans on Twitter.
The Hollywood star regularly posts photographs of random lost gloves and other items of clothing that he spots discarded on the street.
On Friday, however, he freaked out many of his 13 million followers with this snap of a building in New York City:
This is the scariest building I've ever seen! WTF goes on inside?? Hanx. http://pic.twitter.com/nXeUI64rXm
— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) June 2, 2017
”This is the scariest building I’ve ever seen,” wrote Hanks of the windowless edifice. “WTF goes on inside??”
His question prompted plenty of speculation:
That is where nightmares are made
— Joe Otterson (@JoeOtterson) June 2, 2017
— Lauren Moushey (@Lauren_Chaise) June 2, 2017
— G L Λ S S J Λ K E (@GLASSJAKE) June 2, 2017
Looks like the Ministry of Truth.
— Ocular Nervosa (@ocularnervosa) June 2, 2017
Jason Bourne earning his credentials.
— BK (@MacroRecon) June 2, 2017
This is where fake news is written
— Annette Muttler (@AnnetteMuttler) June 2, 2017
This. This is what happens. http://pic.twitter.com/YDe5lXu4a1
— Alex Plotkowski (@ProbsMcGobs) June 2, 2017
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
— Daniel (@mandan1459) June 2, 2017
Can't tell you. http://pic.twitter.com/foFFGbMTJQ
— Nicolas Blin (@nicolasacco) June 3, 2017
That's clearly the ministry of truth as described by George Orwell in 1984 http://pic.twitter.com/Y3Ksw06n3c
— Ry Goodwyn (@RyGoodwyn) June 2, 2017
I'm pretty sure Danaerys Targaryan keeps her dragons there.
— Matt Koenig (@m44koenig) June 3, 2017
Looks like something straight out of Blade Runner. I’d hate to see it at night in the rain.
— Mark Heitke (@mheitke) June 2, 2017
MIB offices. Top secret. http://pic.twitter.com/Tctb5kA2vd
— Jo McShane (@cheekyliljojo) June 2, 2017
It's where they make TV remotes that don't work
— Thomas Owens (@tprowens) June 2, 2017
The national covfefe center
— Jack Joseph (@Jack_Frodo) June 2, 2017
It's a hotel with only inside rooms.
— Don Holley (@donholley0) June 2, 2017
They make crotchet penguins....
— Barney Ashworth (@barneyashworth) June 2, 2017
World Jenga championships.... scary stuff x
— Nikki Sanderson (@NikkiSanderson) June 2, 2017
Amid the lighthearted suggestions, however, some fans actually attempted to answer Hanks factually. The building is reportedly the National Security Agency’s spy hub:
Reported to be NSA, @tomhanks. No kidding, see https://t.co/MuPnvjEjnI
— Tom Weber (@tweber) June 2, 2017
Spies https://t.co/MZgjEIj0U0
— Myles Miller (@MylesMill) June 2, 2017
So now Hanks knows.
type=type=RelatedArticlesblockTitle=Related Coverage + articlesList=583939a6e4b09b6056009268,59044cffe4b02655f83dbce0,5803464be4b0162c043c758e,59050e39e4b02655f83de965
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2rC8SRT
0 notes
A Photo That Tom Hanks Posted To Twitter Is Freaking Everyone Out
Tom Hanks is used to perplexing his fans on Twitter.
The Hollywood star regularly posts photographs of random lost gloves and other items of clothing that he spots discarded on the street.
On Friday, however, he freaked out many of his 13 million followers with this snap of a building in New York City:
This is the scariest building I've ever seen! WTF goes on inside?? Hanx. http://pic.twitter.com/nXeUI64rXm
— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) June 2, 2017
”This is the scariest building I’ve ever seen,” wrote Hanks of the windowless edifice. “WTF goes on inside??”
His question prompted plenty of speculation:
That is where nightmares are made
— Joe Otterson (@JoeOtterson) June 2, 2017
— Lauren Moushey (@Lauren_Chaise) June 2, 2017
— G L Λ S S J Λ K E (@GLASSJAKE) June 2, 2017
Looks like the Ministry of Truth.
— Ocular Nervosa (@ocularnervosa) June 2, 2017
Jason Bourne earning his credentials.
— BK (@MacroRecon) June 2, 2017
This is where fake news is written
— Annette Muttler (@AnnetteMuttler) June 2, 2017
This. This is what happens. http://pic.twitter.com/YDe5lXu4a1
— Alex Plotkowski (@ProbsMcGobs) June 2, 2017
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
— Daniel (@mandan1459) June 2, 2017
Can't tell you. http://pic.twitter.com/foFFGbMTJQ
— Nicolas Blin (@nicolasacco) June 3, 2017
That's clearly the ministry of truth as described by George Orwell in 1984 http://pic.twitter.com/Y3Ksw06n3c
— Ry Goodwyn (@RyGoodwyn) June 2, 2017
I'm pretty sure Danaerys Targaryan keeps her dragons there.
— Matt Koenig (@m44koenig) June 3, 2017
Looks like something straight out of Blade Runner. I’d hate to see it at night in the rain.
— Mark Heitke (@mheitke) June 2, 2017
MIB offices. Top secret. http://pic.twitter.com/Tctb5kA2vd
— Jo McShane (@cheekyliljojo) June 2, 2017
It's where they make TV remotes that don't work
— Thomas Owens (@tprowens) June 2, 2017
The national covfefe center
— Jack Joseph (@Jack_Frodo) June 2, 2017
It's a hotel with only inside rooms.
— Don Holley (@donholley0) June 2, 2017
They make crotchet penguins....
— Barney Ashworth (@barneyashworth) June 2, 2017
World Jenga championships.... scary stuff x
— Nikki Sanderson (@NikkiSanderson) June 2, 2017
Amid the lighthearted suggestions, however, some fans actually attempted to answer Hanks factually. The building is reportedly the National Security Agency’s spy hub:
Reported to be NSA, @tomhanks. No kidding, see https://t.co/MuPnvjEjnI
— Tom Weber (@tweber) June 2, 2017
Spies https://t.co/MZgjEIj0U0
— Myles Miller (@MylesMill) June 2, 2017
So now Hanks knows.
type=type=RelatedArticlesblockTitle=Related Coverage + articlesList=583939a6e4b09b6056009268,59044cffe4b02655f83dbce0,5803464be4b0162c043c758e,59050e39e4b02655f83de965
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2rC8SRT
0 notes
A Photo That Tom Hanks Posted To Twitter Is Freaking Everyone Out
Tom Hanks is used to perplexing his fans on Twitter.
The Hollywood star regularly posts photographs of random lost gloves and other items of clothing that he spots discarded on the street.
On Friday, however, he freaked out many of his 13 million followers with this snap of a building in New York City:
This is the scariest building I've ever seen! WTF goes on inside?? Hanx. http://pic.twitter.com/nXeUI64rXm
— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) June 2, 2017
”This is the scariest building I’ve ever seen,” wrote Hanks of the windowless edifice. “WTF goes on inside??”
His question prompted plenty of speculation:
That is where nightmares are made
— Joe Otterson (@JoeOtterson) June 2, 2017
— Lauren Moushey (@Lauren_Chaise) June 2, 2017
— G L Λ S S J Λ K E (@GLASSJAKE) June 2, 2017
Looks like the Ministry of Truth.
— Ocular Nervosa (@ocularnervosa) June 2, 2017
Jason Bourne earning his credentials.
— BK (@MacroRecon) June 2, 2017
This is where fake news is written
— Annette Muttler (@AnnetteMuttler) June 2, 2017
This. This is what happens. http://pic.twitter.com/YDe5lXu4a1
— Alex Plotkowski (@ProbsMcGobs) June 2, 2017
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
— Daniel (@mandan1459) June 2, 2017
Can't tell you. http://pic.twitter.com/foFFGbMTJQ
— Nicolas Blin (@nicolasacco) June 3, 2017
That's clearly the ministry of truth as described by George Orwell in 1984 http://pic.twitter.com/Y3Ksw06n3c
— Ry Goodwyn (@RyGoodwyn) June 2, 2017
I'm pretty sure Danaerys Targaryan keeps her dragons there.
— Matt Koenig (@m44koenig) June 3, 2017
Looks like something straight out of Blade Runner. I’d hate to see it at night in the rain.
— Mark Heitke (@mheitke) June 2, 2017
MIB offices. Top secret. http://pic.twitter.com/Tctb5kA2vd
— Jo McShane (@cheekyliljojo) June 2, 2017
It's where they make TV remotes that don't work
— Thomas Owens (@tprowens) June 2, 2017
The national covfefe center
— Jack Joseph (@Jack_Frodo) June 2, 2017
It's a hotel with only inside rooms.
— Don Holley (@donholley0) June 2, 2017
They make crotchet penguins....
— Barney Ashworth (@barneyashworth) June 2, 2017
World Jenga championships.... scary stuff x
— Nikki Sanderson (@NikkiSanderson) June 2, 2017
Amid the lighthearted suggestions, however, some fans actually attempted to answer Hanks factually. The building is reportedly the National Security Agency’s spy hub:
Reported to be NSA, @tomhanks. No kidding, see https://t.co/MuPnvjEjnI
— Tom Weber (@tweber) June 2, 2017
Spies https://t.co/MZgjEIj0U0
— Myles Miller (@MylesMill) June 2, 2017
So now Hanks knows.
type=type=RelatedArticlesblockTitle=Related Coverage + articlesList=583939a6e4b09b6056009268,59044cffe4b02655f83dbce0,5803464be4b0162c043c758e,59050e39e4b02655f83de965
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2rC8SRT
0 notes
A Photo That Tom Hanks Posted To Twitter Is Freaking Everyone Out
Tom Hanks is used to perplexing his fans on Twitter.
The Hollywood star regularly posts photographs of random lost gloves and other items of clothing that he spots discarded on the street.
On Friday, however, he freaked out many of his 13 million followers with this snap of a building in New York City:
This is the scariest building I've ever seen! WTF goes on inside?? Hanx. http://pic.twitter.com/nXeUI64rXm
— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) June 2, 2017
”This is the scariest building I’ve ever seen,” wrote Hanks of the windowless edifice. “WTF goes on inside??”
His question prompted plenty of speculation:
That is where nightmares are made
— Joe Otterson (@JoeOtterson) June 2, 2017
— Lauren Moushey (@Lauren_Chaise) June 2, 2017
— G L Λ S S J Λ K E (@GLASSJAKE) June 2, 2017
Looks like the Ministry of Truth.
— Ocular Nervosa (@ocularnervosa) June 2, 2017
Jason Bourne earning his credentials.
— BK (@MacroRecon) June 2, 2017
This is where fake news is written
— Annette Muttler (@AnnetteMuttler) June 2, 2017
This. This is what happens. http://pic.twitter.com/YDe5lXu4a1
— Alex Plotkowski (@ProbsMcGobs) June 2, 2017
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
— Daniel (@mandan1459) June 2, 2017
Can't tell you. http://pic.twitter.com/foFFGbMTJQ
— Nicolas Blin (@nicolasacco) June 3, 2017
That's clearly the ministry of truth as described by George Orwell in 1984 http://pic.twitter.com/Y3Ksw06n3c
— Ry Goodwyn (@RyGoodwyn) June 2, 2017
I'm pretty sure Danaerys Targaryan keeps her dragons there.
— Matt Koenig (@m44koenig) June 3, 2017
Looks like something straight out of Blade Runner. I’d hate to see it at night in the rain.
— Mark Heitke (@mheitke) June 2, 2017
MIB offices. Top secret. http://pic.twitter.com/Tctb5kA2vd
— Jo McShane (@cheekyliljojo) June 2, 2017
It's where they make TV remotes that don't work
— Thomas Owens (@tprowens) June 2, 2017
The national covfefe center
— Jack Joseph (@Jack_Frodo) June 2, 2017
It's a hotel with only inside rooms.
— Don Holley (@donholley0) June 2, 2017
They make crotchet penguins....
— Barney Ashworth (@barneyashworth) June 2, 2017
World Jenga championships.... scary stuff x
— Nikki Sanderson (@NikkiSanderson) June 2, 2017
Amid the lighthearted suggestions, however, some fans actually attempted to answer Hanks factually. The building is reportedly the National Security Agency’s spy hub:
Reported to be NSA, @tomhanks. No kidding, see https://t.co/MuPnvjEjnI
— Tom Weber (@tweber) June 2, 2017
Spies https://t.co/MZgjEIj0U0
— Myles Miller (@MylesMill) June 2, 2017
So now Hanks knows.
type=type=RelatedArticlesblockTitle=Related Coverage + articlesList=583939a6e4b09b6056009268,59044cffe4b02655f83dbce0,5803464be4b0162c043c758e,59050e39e4b02655f83de965
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2rC8SRT
0 notes
A Photo That Tom Hanks Posted To Twitter Is Freaking Everyone Out
Tom Hanks is used to perplexing his fans on Twitter.
The Hollywood star regularly posts photographs of random lost gloves and other items of clothing that he spots discarded on the street.
On Friday, however, he freaked out many of his 13 million followers with this snap of a building in New York City:
This is the scariest building I've ever seen! WTF goes on inside?? Hanx. http://pic.twitter.com/nXeUI64rXm
— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) June 2, 2017
”This is the scariest building I’ve ever seen,” wrote Hanks of the windowless edifice. “WTF goes on inside??”
His question prompted plenty of speculation:
That is where nightmares are made
— Joe Otterson (@JoeOtterson) June 2, 2017
— Lauren Moushey (@Lauren_Chaise) June 2, 2017
— G L Λ S S J Λ K E (@GLASSJAKE) June 2, 2017
Looks like the Ministry of Truth.
— Ocular Nervosa (@ocularnervosa) June 2, 2017
Jason Bourne earning his credentials.
— BK (@MacroRecon) June 2, 2017
This is where fake news is written
— Annette Muttler (@AnnetteMuttler) June 2, 2017
This. This is what happens. http://pic.twitter.com/YDe5lXu4a1
— Alex Plotkowski (@ProbsMcGobs) June 2, 2017
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
— Daniel (@mandan1459) June 2, 2017
Can't tell you. http://pic.twitter.com/foFFGbMTJQ
— Nicolas Blin (@nicolasacco) June 3, 2017
That's clearly the ministry of truth as described by George Orwell in 1984 http://pic.twitter.com/Y3Ksw06n3c
— Ry Goodwyn (@RyGoodwyn) June 2, 2017
I'm pretty sure Danaerys Targaryan keeps her dragons there.
— Matt Koenig (@m44koenig) June 3, 2017
Looks like something straight out of Blade Runner. I’d hate to see it at night in the rain.
— Mark Heitke (@mheitke) June 2, 2017
MIB offices. Top secret. http://pic.twitter.com/Tctb5kA2vd
— Jo McShane (@cheekyliljojo) June 2, 2017
It's where they make TV remotes that don't work
— Thomas Owens (@tprowens) June 2, 2017
The national covfefe center
— Jack Joseph (@Jack_Frodo) June 2, 2017
It's a hotel with only inside rooms.
— Don Holley (@donholley0) June 2, 2017
They make crotchet penguins....
— Barney Ashworth (@barneyashworth) June 2, 2017
World Jenga championships.... scary stuff x
— Nikki Sanderson (@NikkiSanderson) June 2, 2017
Amid the lighthearted suggestions, however, some fans actually attempted to answer Hanks factually. The building is reportedly the National Security Agency’s spy hub:
Reported to be NSA, @tomhanks. No kidding, see https://t.co/MuPnvjEjnI
— Tom Weber (@tweber) June 2, 2017
Spies https://t.co/MZgjEIj0U0
— Myles Miller (@MylesMill) June 2, 2017
So now Hanks knows.
type=type=RelatedArticlesblockTitle=Related Coverage + articlesList=583939a6e4b09b6056009268,59044cffe4b02655f83dbce0,5803464be4b0162c043c758e,59050e39e4b02655f83de965
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2rC8SRT
0 notes

L'ULTIMA LETTERA DI NICOLA SACCO AL FIGLIO DANTE, SCRITTA IL 18 AGOSTO 1927, CINQUE GIORNI PRIMA DELLA SUA ESECUZIONE Questa bellissima lettera fu scritta da Nicola Sacco il 18 agosto 1927, cinque giorni prima della sua morte, al figlio Dante. "Mio carissimo figlio e compagno, sin dal giorno che ti vidi per l’ultima volta ho sempre avuto idea di scriverti questa lettera: ma la durata del mio digiuno e il pensiero di non potermi esprimere come era mio desiderio, mi hanno fatto attendere fino ad oggi. Non avrei mai pensato che il nostro inseparabile amore potesse così tragicamente finire! ….Ma questi sette anni di dolore mi dicono che ciò è stato reso possibile. Però questa nostra separazione forzata non ha cambiato di un atomo il nostro affetto che rimane più saldo e più vivo che mai. Anzi, se ciò è possibile, si è ingigantito ancor più. Molto abbiamo sofferto durante il nostro lungo calvario. Noi protestiamo oggi, come protestammo ieri e protesteremo sempre per la nostra libertà. Se cessai il mio sciopero della fame, lo feci perché in me non era rimasta ormai alcuna ombra di vita ed io scelsi quella forma di protesta per reclamare la vita e non la morte, il mio sacrificio era animato dal desiderio vivissimo che vi era in me, per ritornare a stringere tra le mie braccia la tua piccola cara sorellina Ines, tua madre, te e tutti i miei cari amici e compagni di vita, non di morte. Perciò, figlio, la vita di oggi torna calma e tranquilla a rianimare il mio povero corpo, se pure lo spirito rimane senza orizzonte e sempre sperduto tra tetre, nere visioni di morte. Ricordati anche di ciò figlio mio. Non dimenticarti giammai, Dante, ogni qualvolta nella vita sarai felice, di non essere egoista: dividi sempre le tue gioie con quelli più infelici, più poveri e più deboli di te e non essere mai sordo verso coloro che domandano soccorso. Aiuta i perseguitati e le vittime perché essi saranno i tuoi migliori amici, essi sono i compagni che lottano e cadono, come tuo padre e Bartolomeo lottarono e oggi cadono per aver reclamati felicità e libertà per tutte le povere cenciose folle del lavoro. In questa lotta per la vita tu troverai gioia e soddisfazione e sarai amato dai tuoi simili. Continuamente pensavo a te, Dante mio, nei tristi giorni trascorsi nella cella di morte, il canto, le tenere voci dei bimbi che giungevano fino a me dal vicino giardino di giuoco ove vi era la vita e la gioia spensierata - a soli pochi passi di distanza dalle mura che serrano in una atroce agonia tre anime in pena!… Tutto ciò mi faceva pensare a te e ad Ines insistentemente, e vi desideravo tanto, oh, tanto, figli miei!… Ma poi pensai che fu meglio che tu non fossi venuto a vedermi in quei giorni, perché nella cella di morte ti saresti trovato al cospetto del quadro spaventoso di tre uomini in agonia, in attesa di essere uccisi, e tale tragica visione non so quale effetto avrebbe potuto produrre nella tua mente, e quale influenza avrebbe potuto avere nel futuro. D’altra parte, se tu non fossi un ragazzo troppo sensibile una tale visione avrebbe potuto esserti utile in un futuro domani, quando tu avresti potuto ricordarla per dire al mondo tutta la vergogna di questo secolo che è racchiusa in questa crudele forma di persecuzione e di morte infame. Sì, Dante mio, essi potranno ben crocifiggere i nostri corpi come già fanno da sette anni: ma essi non potranno mai distruggere le nostre Idee che rimarranno ancora più belle per le future generazioni a venire. Dante, per una volta ancora ti esorto ad essere buono ed amare con tutto il tuo affetto tua madre in questi tristi giorni: ed io sono sicuro che con tutte le tue cure e tutto il tuo affetto ella si sentirà meno infelice. E non dimenticare di conservare un poco del tuo amore per me, figlio, perchè io ti amo tanto, tanto… I migliori miei fraterni saluti per tutti i buoni amici e compagni, baci affettuosi per la piccola Ines e per la mamma, e a te un abbraccio di cuore dal tuo padre e compagno." Cannibali e Re #NicolaSacco #Dante #figlio #lettera
7 notes
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A Photo That Tom Hanks Posted To Twitter Is Freaking Everyone Out
Tom Hanks is used to perplexing his fans on Twitter.
The Hollywood star regularly posts photographs of random lost gloves and other items of clothing that he spots discarded on the street.
On Friday, however, he freaked out many of his 13 million followers with this snap of a building in New York City:
This is the scariest building I've ever seen! WTF goes on inside?? Hanx. http://pic.twitter.com/nXeUI64rXm
— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) June 2, 2017
”This is the scariest building I’ve ever seen,” wrote Hanks of the windowless edifice. “WTF goes on inside??”
His question prompted plenty of speculation:
That is where nightmares are made
— Joe Otterson (@JoeOtterson) June 2, 2017
— Lauren Moushey (@Lauren_Chaise) June 2, 2017
— G L Λ S S J Λ K E (@GLASSJAKE) June 2, 2017
Looks like the Ministry of Truth.
— Ocular Nervosa (@ocularnervosa) June 2, 2017
Jason Bourne earning his credentials.
— BK (@MacroRecon) June 2, 2017
This is where fake news is written
— Annette Muttler (@AnnetteMuttler) June 2, 2017
This. This is what happens. http://pic.twitter.com/YDe5lXu4a1
— Alex Plotkowski (@ProbsMcGobs) June 2, 2017
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
— Daniel (@mandan1459) June 2, 2017
Can't tell you. http://pic.twitter.com/foFFGbMTJQ
— Nicolas Blin (@nicolasacco) June 3, 2017
That's clearly the ministry of truth as described by George Orwell in 1984 http://pic.twitter.com/Y3Ksw06n3c
— Ry Goodwyn (@RyGoodwyn) June 2, 2017
I'm pretty sure Danaerys Targaryan keeps her dragons there.
— Matt Koenig (@m44koenig) June 3, 2017
Looks like something straight out of Blade Runner. I’d hate to see it at night in the rain.
— Mark Heitke (@mheitke) June 2, 2017
MIB offices. Top secret. http://pic.twitter.com/Tctb5kA2vd
— Jo McShane (@cheekyliljojo) June 2, 2017
It's where they make TV remotes that don't work
— Thomas Owens (@tprowens) June 2, 2017
The national covfefe center
— Jack Joseph (@Jack_Frodo) June 2, 2017
It's a hotel with only inside rooms.
— Don Holley (@donholley0) June 2, 2017
They make crotchet penguins....
— Barney Ashworth (@barneyashworth) June 2, 2017
World Jenga championships.... scary stuff x
— Nikki Sanderson (@NikkiSanderson) June 2, 2017
Amid the lighthearted suggestions, however, some fans actually attempted to answer Hanks factually. The building is reportedly the National Security Agency’s spy hub:
Reported to be NSA, @tomhanks. No kidding, see https://t.co/MuPnvjEjnI
— Tom Weber (@tweber) June 2, 2017
Spies https://t.co/MZgjEIj0U0
— Myles Miller (@MylesMill) June 2, 2017
So now Hanks knows.
type=type=RelatedArticlesblockTitle=Related Coverage + articlesList=583939a6e4b09b6056009268,59044cffe4b02655f83dbce0,5803464be4b0162c043c758e,59050e39e4b02655f83de965
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2rC8SRT
0 notes
A Photo That Tom Hanks Posted To Twitter Is Freaking Everyone Out
Tom Hanks is used to perplexing his fans on Twitter.
The Hollywood star regularly posts photographs of random lost gloves and other items of clothing that he spots discarded on the street.
On Friday, however, he freaked out many of his 13 million followers with this snap of a building in New York City:
This is the scariest building I've ever seen! WTF goes on inside?? Hanx. http://pic.twitter.com/nXeUI64rXm
— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) June 2, 2017
”This is the scariest building I’ve ever seen,” wrote Hanks of the windowless edifice. “WTF goes on inside??”
His question prompted plenty of speculation:
That is where nightmares are made
— Joe Otterson (@JoeOtterson) June 2, 2017
— Lauren Moushey (@Lauren_Chaise) June 2, 2017
— G L Λ S S J Λ K E (@GLASSJAKE) June 2, 2017
Looks like the Ministry of Truth.
— Ocular Nervosa (@ocularnervosa) June 2, 2017
Jason Bourne earning his credentials.
— BK (@MacroRecon) June 2, 2017
This is where fake news is written
— Annette Muttler (@AnnetteMuttler) June 2, 2017
This. This is what happens. http://pic.twitter.com/YDe5lXu4a1
— Alex Plotkowski (@ProbsMcGobs) June 2, 2017
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
— Daniel (@mandan1459) June 2, 2017
Can't tell you. http://pic.twitter.com/foFFGbMTJQ
— Nicolas Blin (@nicolasacco) June 3, 2017
That's clearly the ministry of truth as described by George Orwell in 1984 http://pic.twitter.com/Y3Ksw06n3c
— Ry Goodwyn (@RyGoodwyn) June 2, 2017
I'm pretty sure Danaerys Targaryan keeps her dragons there.
— Matt Koenig (@m44koenig) June 3, 2017
Looks like something straight out of Blade Runner. I’d hate to see it at night in the rain.
— Mark Heitke (@mheitke) June 2, 2017
MIB offices. Top secret. http://pic.twitter.com/Tctb5kA2vd
— Jo McShane (@cheekyliljojo) June 2, 2017
It's where they make TV remotes that don't work
— Thomas Owens (@tprowens) June 2, 2017
The national covfefe center
— Jack Joseph (@Jack_Frodo) June 2, 2017
It's a hotel with only inside rooms.
— Don Holley (@donholley0) June 2, 2017
They make crotchet penguins....
— Barney Ashworth (@barneyashworth) June 2, 2017
World Jenga championships.... scary stuff x
— Nikki Sanderson (@NikkiSanderson) June 2, 2017
Amid the lighthearted suggestions, however, some fans actually attempted to answer Hanks factually. The building is reportedly the National Security Agency’s spy hub:
Reported to be NSA, @tomhanks. No kidding, see https://t.co/MuPnvjEjnI
— Tom Weber (@tweber) June 2, 2017
Spies https://t.co/MZgjEIj0U0
— Myles Miller (@MylesMill) June 2, 2017
So now Hanks knows.
type=type=RelatedArticlesblockTitle=Related Coverage + articlesList=583939a6e4b09b6056009268,59044cffe4b02655f83dbce0,5803464be4b0162c043c758e,59050e39e4b02655f83de965
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2rC8SRT
0 notes
A Photo That Tom Hanks Posted To Twitter Is Freaking Everyone Out
Tom Hanks is used to perplexing his fans on Twitter.
The Hollywood star regularly posts photographs of random lost gloves and other items of clothing that he spots discarded on the street.
On Friday, however, he freaked out many of his 13 million followers with this snap of a building in New York City:
This is the scariest building I've ever seen! WTF goes on inside?? Hanx. http://pic.twitter.com/nXeUI64rXm
— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) June 2, 2017
”This is the scariest building I’ve ever seen,” wrote Hanks of the windowless edifice. “WTF goes on inside??”
His question prompted plenty of speculation:
That is where nightmares are made
— Joe Otterson (@JoeOtterson) June 2, 2017
— Lauren Moushey (@Lauren_Chaise) June 2, 2017
— G L Λ S S J Λ K E (@GLASSJAKE) June 2, 2017
Looks like the Ministry of Truth.
— Ocular Nervosa (@ocularnervosa) June 2, 2017
Jason Bourne earning his credentials.
— BK (@MacroRecon) June 2, 2017
This is where fake news is written
— Annette Muttler (@AnnetteMuttler) June 2, 2017
This. This is what happens. http://pic.twitter.com/YDe5lXu4a1
— Alex Plotkowski (@ProbsMcGobs) June 2, 2017
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
— Daniel (@mandan1459) June 2, 2017
Can't tell you. http://pic.twitter.com/foFFGbMTJQ
— Nicolas Blin (@nicolasacco) June 3, 2017
That's clearly the ministry of truth as described by George Orwell in 1984 http://pic.twitter.com/Y3Ksw06n3c
— Ry Goodwyn (@RyGoodwyn) June 2, 2017
I'm pretty sure Danaerys Targaryan keeps her dragons there.
— Matt Koenig (@m44koenig) June 3, 2017
Looks like something straight out of Blade Runner. I’d hate to see it at night in the rain.
— Mark Heitke (@mheitke) June 2, 2017
MIB offices. Top secret. http://pic.twitter.com/Tctb5kA2vd
— Jo McShane (@cheekyliljojo) June 2, 2017
It's where they make TV remotes that don't work
— Thomas Owens (@tprowens) June 2, 2017
The national covfefe center
— Jack Joseph (@Jack_Frodo) June 2, 2017
It's a hotel with only inside rooms.
— Don Holley (@donholley0) June 2, 2017
They make crotchet penguins....
— Barney Ashworth (@barneyashworth) June 2, 2017
World Jenga championships.... scary stuff x
— Nikki Sanderson (@NikkiSanderson) June 2, 2017
Amid the lighthearted suggestions, however, some fans actually attempted to answer Hanks factually. The building is reportedly the National Security Agency’s spy hub:
Reported to be NSA, @tomhanks. No kidding, see https://t.co/MuPnvjEjnI
— Tom Weber (@tweber) June 2, 2017
Spies https://t.co/MZgjEIj0U0
— Myles Miller (@MylesMill) June 2, 2017
So now Hanks knows.
type=type=RelatedArticlesblockTitle=Related Coverage + articlesList=583939a6e4b09b6056009268,59044cffe4b02655f83dbce0,5803464be4b0162c043c758e,59050e39e4b02655f83de965
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2rC8SRT
0 notes
A Photo That Tom Hanks Posted To Twitter Is Freaking Everyone Out
Tom Hanks is used to perplexing his fans on Twitter.
The Hollywood star regularly posts photographs of random lost gloves and other items of clothing that he spots discarded on the street.
On Friday, however, he freaked out many of his 13 million followers with this snap of a building in New York City:
This is the scariest building I've ever seen! WTF goes on inside?? Hanx. http://pic.twitter.com/nXeUI64rXm
— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) June 2, 2017
”This is the scariest building I’ve ever seen,” wrote Hanks of the windowless edifice. “WTF goes on inside??”
His question prompted plenty of speculation:
That is where nightmares are made
— Joe Otterson (@JoeOtterson) June 2, 2017
— Lauren Moushey (@Lauren_Chaise) June 2, 2017
— G L Λ S S J Λ K E (@GLASSJAKE) June 2, 2017
Looks like the Ministry of Truth.
— Ocular Nervosa (@ocularnervosa) June 2, 2017
Jason Bourne earning his credentials.
— BK (@MacroRecon) June 2, 2017
This is where fake news is written
— Annette Muttler (@AnnetteMuttler) June 2, 2017
This. This is what happens. http://pic.twitter.com/YDe5lXu4a1
— Alex Plotkowski (@ProbsMcGobs) June 2, 2017
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
— Daniel (@mandan1459) June 2, 2017
Can't tell you. http://pic.twitter.com/foFFGbMTJQ
— Nicolas Blin (@nicolasacco) June 3, 2017
That's clearly the ministry of truth as described by George Orwell in 1984 http://pic.twitter.com/Y3Ksw06n3c
— Ry Goodwyn (@RyGoodwyn) June 2, 2017
I'm pretty sure Danaerys Targaryan keeps her dragons there.
— Matt Koenig (@m44koenig) June 3, 2017
Looks like something straight out of Blade Runner. I’d hate to see it at night in the rain.
— Mark Heitke (@mheitke) June 2, 2017
MIB offices. Top secret. http://pic.twitter.com/Tctb5kA2vd
— Jo McShane (@cheekyliljojo) June 2, 2017
It's where they make TV remotes that don't work
— Thomas Owens (@tprowens) June 2, 2017
The national covfefe center
— Jack Joseph (@Jack_Frodo) June 2, 2017
It's a hotel with only inside rooms.
— Don Holley (@donholley0) June 2, 2017
They make crotchet penguins....
— Barney Ashworth (@barneyashworth) June 2, 2017
World Jenga championships.... scary stuff x
— Nikki Sanderson (@NikkiSanderson) June 2, 2017
Amid the lighthearted suggestions, however, some fans actually attempted to answer Hanks factually. The building is reportedly the National Security Agency’s spy hub:
Reported to be NSA, @tomhanks. No kidding, see https://t.co/MuPnvjEjnI
— Tom Weber (@tweber) June 2, 2017
Spies https://t.co/MZgjEIj0U0
— Myles Miller (@MylesMill) June 2, 2017
So now Hanks knows.
type=type=RelatedArticlesblockTitle=Related Coverage + articlesList=583939a6e4b09b6056009268,59044cffe4b02655f83dbce0,5803464be4b0162c043c758e,59050e39e4b02655f83de965
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2rC8SRT
0 notes