#nico is gonna give gifts!
ratatatastic · 1 month
"youre a champion baby! i knew—" "good job [...]!" "i knew having you we'd win this" "back on top!"
find you someone who loves and appreciates you like nico does lomby
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raphael-angele · 6 months
Nico's Big Sisters
I have this headcanon that while Bianca is away, the cabins take turns looking after Nico and he gets to stay with them.
Nico, crying: Thaliaaa!!!
Thalia: Nico? What's wrong?
Nico: *incomprehensible babble*
Thalia: Okay, okay, calm down. Tell me what happened
Nico, pointing to some Hermes kids: Tho- Those boys stole Three.
Thalia: *looks over at the Hermes kids tossing around a dog stuffie with three heads*
Nico: I told them to give it back but they wont. And they kept making fun of it
Thalia, rolling up her sleeves: Just a sec
Thalia with dirt all over her and slightly bloodied fists: Here you go, Nico. *hands over Three*
Nico: Reyna...
Reyna: Yes, Nico?
Nico: I fell down the track and I scraped my knee and hands *shows his hands*
Reyna, sees his injuries: Aww, c'mon let's go get them treated.
If Zoë lived:
Bianca: Zoë
Zoë: Bianca, hello.
Bianca: You remember my little brother, Nico.
Zoë: Oh, yes, of course. Nice to see you again, little one
Nico, standing next to Bianca: *shyly waves*
Bianca: Nico made something for you. *whispers to Nico* come on, you can give it to her.
Nico, slowly approaches her: *hands over a jar of paper stars*
Zoë: *takes jar of paper stars*
Nico: Thank you for looking after my sister
Zoë: Well, you're very welcome, Nico. This is a very beautiful gift.
Nico, entering the Aphrodite Cabin: Piper...
Piper: Hm? Oh, hey, Nico. What's up?
Nico, shyly whispers to her: Can you make me look pretty?
Piper: Why do you want me to make you look pretty?
Nico, fidgeting with his fingers: Will asked me out on a date
Piper and almost all of the Aphrodite Cabin: *gasp*
Piper: Alright girls, we got a code Apollo! Let's move! Move! Move! Let's get this baby ready for his first date!
Annabeth: Alright. C'mon, Nico. Time for bed
Nico: Aw, okay. *climbs into bed*
Annabeth, sitting beside him: What story do you want me to read to you today?
Nico: We haven't finished the one about the big cat, the mean old lady, and the box yet.
Annabeth: ...you mean The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe?
Nico: Mhm. We stopped when Edmund went to the mean old lady's castle.
Annabeth: Ah! Then The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe it is!
Nico: Rachel!
Rachel: Oh, hey, Nico. Did you need something?
Nico: No, not really. I was making something and Percy said that you might like it. *hands over a box*
Rachel: *takes box and opens it* What is it?
Nico: It's paint! The Demeter kids let me plant sometimes in their garden and I get the flowers and I made them into paint!
Nico: See? The blue one is from Morning Glory flowers, the red one is made from Roses, the yellow one is made out of Marigolds, the orange one is made from Poppies, the purple one is made from the Lilacs, and the green one I made from Leaves!
Nico: :D Do you like it?
Rachel: This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever given me ༼☯﹏☯༽
Mark, training Nico: Alright. Here's what's gonna happen. You want a candy bar?
Nico: *nods*
Mark: It's on that table over there. *points to table behind him* To get it, you need to get past me first.
Mark: Now, I'm bigger than you. So you need to be smart and think of how-
Nico: *punches Mark in the groin, and pushes him to the side, then goes over to the candy bar*
Mark, on the floor, clutching his groin: Oh, good gods!
Nico, can't open the candy bar: *goes over to Clarisse and shows her the candy bar* Open, please
Nico: (´。• ◡ •。`)
Later during Capture the Flag:
Clarisse: Alright, listen up! If anyone wants to mess with this kid, know that he is under my protection. You wanna mess with him, you go through me first!
Nico: *holding Clarisse's hand, eating a candy bar*
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offside-the-lines · 4 months
Give my all to you | Nico Hischier
Summary: It's been two years since Aurora was set up on an unwanted surprise date with Nico. He's become her best friend and her son's favorite person. Aurora finds herself wondering if this truly is all she wants from him. Title inspo: Best Part by HER & Daniel Caeser
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This fic is dedicated to @wyattjohnston for her birthday bingo. Happy birthday, Demi! You are an absolute gift to this community and to my life. I hope you have the best day. Here's to 30!!! 💖 Pairing: Nico Hischier x F!OC Word count: 5.8k Bingo card tropes: match-making, single parent, FREE (friends to lovers), sworn-off love, coworkers (barely mentioned tho lol oops). Warnings: Kid fic! The kid does get injured, but he is okay! (Please let me know if I missed something) Some Swiss German words used: Schätzli (little treasure), Bärli (little bear). This fic is un-beta-ed coz I wasn't about to make you edit your own b'day fic. LOL Masterlist
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Aurora has always hated being late, even when it wasn’t her fault. It wasn’t her fault the production meeting ran late. It wasn’t her fault that there was something wrong with the subway line she needed to take. It wasn’t her fault that her bag strap decided to snap, spilling its contents onto the busy 8th Avenue sidewalk halfway through her approximately twenty-block walk. She had texted Nicole to let her know she was running late; she didn’t have the wherewithal to consider how strange it was that she never got a response. 
By the time she had gotten to the restaurant, she was sweating and looking forward to a cold drink. Which is why she was even more annoyed when she couldn’t find Nicole in the restaurant. It was garnering her strange looks from the maitre d’ who had told her there was no reservation under either of their names. 
Aurora checked the location twice before stepping back onto the street and pressing ‘call’ on her phone. It was a precarious balancing act, with her bag grasped to her chest.
There was no response.
As she pressed ‘call’ again, her eyes caught sight of Nico Hischier. A pit was beginning to form in her stomach as she began to realize what was happening.
No response.
At that moment, Nico looked up and caught her eye. His smile and wave all but confirmed her suspicions.
She quickly typed out a message as she ventured back inside.
To Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: nicole laud, what the fuck have you done. if this is what i think it is, im going to fucking kill you.
“Hi, Aurora!” Nico smiled; it was endearing, the way it dimpled his cheeks and crinkled his eyes. He stood up to give her a hug and pulled the chair out for her.
“Nico,” she said, “It’s nice to see you! Although I’m a little caught off-guard, I’m not gonna lie.”
He scrunched his brows. “Oh? What do you mean?”
“Nicole didn’t tell you?” She paused, examining his confused expression, and sighed. “She didn’t tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
“Look, Nico, I don’t know what Nicole told you to get you to come here, but this is not that. I thought I was meeting her for dinner, but it seems this has been some sort of setup. I’m really sorry if that’s not what you were expecting. Especially after waiting for me, which, I hope she at least did you the courtesy of passing along the message that I was running late?”
“She did,” Nico said.
“Well, at least there’s that,” she sighed, “I know you’re a great guy and everything, but I’m really not looking to date. At all. I mean, even if I was, I don’t date coworkers. I’m really sorry. She shouldn’t’ve done this. We can just call this a night if you want.”
Nico let a brief flicker of disappointment cross his face before schooling his expression into a soft smile. “Well, I mean, we’re already here, and you look like you might need a drink and some food. We can just have dinner as friends. Or colleagues if that’s what you prefer. I don’t mind either way. It’s up to you.”
Her stomach rumbled, reminding her of just how long it had been since she’d last eaten.
“Yeah, okay,” she said, “I’m pretty hungry, and I was really looking forward to the gnocchi.”
Despite the way the evening started, Aurora admits she had a good time. Nico was easy to talk to: open, attentive, and responsive. Maybe it was just the bottle of wine they shared, but it was rare for her to get as comfortable with someone so quickly as she did with Nico. How quickly they were both willing to share the deeply personal stories they usually kept to themselves.
Nico talked about what it was like to leave his family and move to a new country as a teenager. He shared stories of his siblings and his childhood in Switzerland. He confided in Aurora about the pressures and joys of being named an NHL captain so young.
Something about Nico made her feel safe enough to share her life story. It was rare for her to talk about her son with someone who was practically a stranger. But she found herself telling Nico about the ex-boyfriend who broke her heart at the age of 20, disappearing when she was in the third trimester of her pregnancy. 
Nico indulged her by asking her question after question about Theo; admittedly, it’s always her favorite topic of conversation. Nico seemed genuine when he mentioned that he looked forward to meeting him, even going as far as offering to take her son skating for the first time. It was a nice thought, but she didn’t think he would follow through on it.
The time passed quickly, and soon, her phone alarm was alerting her that it was time to relieve the babysitter. 
“Ah, shit,” Aurora said, “I need to get going.”
“No problem. Do you need a ride?” Nico asked, smiling warmly.
“No, it’s okay. Should we get the check?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Nico said, shaking his head, “I got this.”
“Come on,” she prodded.
“No, no. I feel bad; you were absolutely ambushed today. It’s the least I could do.”
The earnestness on his face made her pause, eventually relenting. “Okay, fine. Thank you.”
“No problem! I’m serious, though. I would really like to be friends. And I would love to take Theo skating.” He took out his phone and handed it over. “Here, type in your number, and we’ll figure out a time to make it happen.”
“Okay,” she said. She felt warm and bubbly; his smile settled her for some reason.
Later that night, after she had gotten home and checked in on her son, she responded to the two unread messages on her phone.
From [Unknown number]: It’s Nico! Lemme know if you got home okay! When do you wanna do skating? To Nico 😈: home! weekends are usually a good bet for us. especially before the reg season starts. From Nico 😈: How’s next Sunday? Maybe after practice. I can reserve some ice time at the rink.
From Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: he thinks you’re cute! you should give it a shot. he’s a really good guy. To Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: i know you were trying to help, but that was kinda fucked. he IS a great guy, and i think we WILL be good friends. but i’m still really pissed that you ambushed me like that. From Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: i’m sorry. i didn’t think it through. To Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: it’s okay. just don’t do it again.
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[two years later]
Aurora watches as Nico chases Theo around the rink; with all the time he spends on the ice with Nico, he’s getting so good. As they skate past, Nico slows to send her a smile. She waves back.
She hears someone sit down in the seat next to her, and she doesn’t need to even turn to check who.
“Teddy’s getting good,” Nicole says.
“Yeah, he is.” Her gaze never leaves the boys going round and round the ice.
“Must be all the help he’s getting from our dearest Captain,” she laughs.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, you know.” She knocks her shoulder into Aurora’s. “First overall. Captain of the NHL team. Not everyone gets dedicated skating lessons from someone like that.”
Aurora doesn’t respond to that, but she does let her eyes drift over the other players on the ice: Curtis with his kids, Erik with his kids, Brendan with his kids… She swallows the lump in her throat. 
“When are you and Jesp gonna have kids?” she asks.
“Shut up,” Nicole laughs, “You’re deflecting.”
“Deflecting from what?”
“Fine, we can talk about something else,” Nicole sighs. “When are you going to start dating again?”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe we have to go over this again. I don’t want to date. At all.”
“Oh, come on,” she whines, “Teddy’s seven already. It’s time. When was the last time you even got laid?”
Aurora doesn’t respond, focusing on the squeals of laughter and the scraping of blades on ice.
“Rory, I just want you to be happy,” Nicole continues gently.
“I am happy. I’ve got a great kid who I love,” she grinds out, “I just want to focus on him. He’s enough.”
“I know, Rory. Of course, he is, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t want more.”
“Well, I don’t,” she pouts. She knows it doesn’t come off nearly as resolute as she intends it to.
“I don’t believe you,” Nicole says; she sounds so sure. “You’re a romantic, Rory. You’re always reading those books and watching the shows and movies.”
When Aurora doesn’t respond, she sighs, adding, “When are you going to stop punishing yourself? And don’t say that you’re not. I know you still beat yourself up about it. You’re a great mom, Aurora. You can still be a great mom while dating.”
They let the silence linger.
“I don’t want to introduce new people into Theo’s life. I don’t want to have to explain to him why these men come and go from our lives,” she responds finally.
“Things don’t have to happen like that, you know?”
“Like what?”
“New guys coming and going.”
“What do you mean?”
“It doesn’t have to be someone new at all,” Nicole says carefully.
Aurora finally tears her eyes away from the rink and finds Nicole’s eyes boring into her own. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“Oh, come on, Aurora,” she says, rolling her eyes, “Be so fucking for real right now.”
Aurora just keeps glaring at her.
“Okay, fine, be like that,” Nicole huffs. “Be honest, how much time do you two spend with Nico? Like, every day when he’s not on a road trip, right? Nico’s down as his second emergency contact at school. He was a new guy at one point, but he sure isn’t going anywhere.”
“Nico’s different,” Aurora says, grinding her teeth together as she turns back towards the ice. 
Her eyes immediately find Nico; he’s leaning over the bench so casually, so easily, as he helps Theo with his water bottle. When he looks up, his gaze locks with hers as if he knows exactly where to look. He smiles, and she can see his dimples even from here. She feels herself smiling back. A laugh bubbles in the column of her throat when he turns back to stick his tongue out at her son.
Nicole snorts. “Yeah, he’s different, alright.”
“Yeah,” Aurora sighs, not at all picking up on the subtext. “He is. Not every guy is like him. God, I don’t even know if there are any guys like him.”
Nicole hums, “Uh-huh. So, why won’t you date Nico?”
Aurora’s head whips around so fast she has to blink at her friend for a second.
“Nico’s a really good friend. That’s it. And that’s all it will ever be,” she bites out.
“You know, he agreed to go on that date with—” She cuts herself off when she sees Aurora’s glare. “Okay, I know we don’t talk about it, but just hear me out. He wanted to go on that date with you. He’s into you.”
“Yeah, he was,” Aurora says, shaking her head. “That’s before he knew I had a full kid who I am responsible for 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No one wants to walk into that situation. Someone like Nico definitely doesn’t want—”
“I’m gonna cut you off right there,” Nicole says. “Nico literally has lunch with you at work most days he’s here. He takes Teddy skating as much as he can. He goes with you two to museums, or zoo, or whatever, almost every week. He helps you make dinner and watches kid shows like Paw Patrol. Like, I just don’t understand why you refuse to see this, but he’s all in, Rory.”
Aurora feels her throat tighten and tries to cool the heat in her cheeks.
“Yeah, as I said. Nico’s a great person. He’s probably the best person I know. But he’s a 25-year-old NHL player. He doesn’t even date ‘cause he wants to focus on his career. He certainly doesn’t want to be tied down to a family already.”
“Oh my god,” Nicole laughs humorlessly, “Like, serious! Do you hear yourself?”
Aurora just keeps glaring back at her.
Nicole shakes her head. “You know, he used to date, right? Or, at least, hook up. Jesper says he hasn’t seen Nico pick up in well over a year. What do you think that’s about? You got an excuse for that, too?”
And for once, she doesn’t know how to respond. She didn’t know that. She has always assumed that he didn’t pick up when she was around, so she can let loose a little without having to worry about Theo too much, knowing that Nico has her back. She has always assumed that he hooked up on the road. And she doesn’t know what to do with this information.
Luckily, she doesn’t need to, as a loud thump makes her jump.
Theo’s banging on the glass in front of her with the biggest grin on his face. Nico leans against the glass a few feet over, beaming at him.
“Hi, mama!” he yells, “Nicki’s teaching me how to use my edges better when I skate backward. See?” 
He grins so wide before he puts his hands in front of him, tongue poking out of the side of his mouth, as he begins to wiggle. Aurora admits she has no idea what she’s looking for, but she smiles and cheers all the same. Her eyes flit over to Nico, and he’s tapping his stick; she recognizes the proud look on his face.
She looks away quickly, only to catch Theo losing an edge and falling to the ice. It makes her breath catch every time. Nico raps his knuckles on the glass twice before skating over to check on him. By the time he gets there, Theo’s already back on his feet, doing little hops.
She watches as Nico bends down to talk with him. They skate another lap before heading towards the exit together. She watches as Theo hops up onto the bench, and Nico kneels down to unlace his skates for him. She doesn’t know what they are chatting about, but Theo’s being especially animated.
Aurora is startled when she hears Jesper behind her; she has forgotten Nicole’s there.
“You ready to go, älskling?” he says, bending down to give her a kiss before sending Aurora a smile. “Hi, Rory.”
“Yep!” Nicole stands up, her hands sliding easily into his. She smiles at Aurora. “See ya later, yeah? Think about what I said?”
“No,” she laughs, sticking her tongue out like her son does, “Bye, you blond assholes.”
She watches Nico and Theo go down the tunnel together. Theo’s holding Nico’s hand despite telling her that holding hers was embarrassing; she tries not to be a little hurt by that. She sighs and makes her way over to the locker room. 
It doesn’t take long for them to emerge, still sweaty. Theo can’t shower at the rink, so Nico usually also skips the shower so she doesn’t have to wait. Theo chats excitedly on the way to the car. Aurora and Theo had moved into Nico’s apartment building, a few floors down, not long after they had met, so they will carpool occasionally. Those days are always Theo’s favorite.
They hit traffic on the way back, and Theo’s questions and musings gradually fade out until he passes out in the back seat. Nico and Aurora sit in companionable silence for the rest of the drive, both happy to let the kid sleep.
It does mean that Theo is cranky when he is awakened from his nap, refusing to walk and then refusing to let go of Nico to let him shower in his own apartment. She sends him an apologetic look, but he just smiles and shrugs as he carries her son back to their apartment, Theo’s cheek resting on Nico’s shoulder as he blinks at his mom lazily.
She makes dinner as the boys shower, singing and dancing along to a playlist they have been adding to for two years. She feels, more than hears, Nico returning to the kitchen, his hand on her hip, a warm presence at her back, as he watches her stir the creamy chicken pasta. He steals bites off the spatula every now and then, laughing at her mock horror.
Theo has lost all the energy he was filled with only a few hours prior, and it makes dinner a battle. She feels guilty about the way Nico bargains with him to eat the vegetable. She should be able to get Theo to eat his dinner without help, and she knows she absolutely could do it, but it’s nice to have the help. 
Besides, Theo wasn’t in the mood to listen to anything she had to say, always looking to Nico for guidance instead. Asking Nico for his bedtime story when the time came for it.
She’s not jealous, anything but. It fills her heart with warmth to see her son so smitten with her best friend. But that doesn’t stop the ache that fills her chest: this could’ve been Theo with his father. He should be getting this with his father. And it’s her fault he isn’t. Every day, Theo grows a little bit more as a person, and while it’s bittersweet, she always wonders if he would be different if he had a dad. If her mistakes are holding him back.
Aurora is startled out of her thoughts when she hears her son’s voice get progressively louder and more upset. She rushed into his room.
“Why not?” Theo whines, his voice wet with tears and his bottom lip trembling.
“Bärli, I—” Nico says, voice wavering and raw. When he turns towards her, he looks white as a sheet, his eyes darting back and forth between Aurora and her son. 
“What happened?” she hisses at him as he stands up to give her space on the bed.
“I—I really don’t know. He asked—Never mind, not important right now,” he whispers, nodding at Theo, who is now bawling. 
She rushes to her son’s side and pulls him into her arms, shushing him. She presses soft kisses to his forehead and just holds him until his sobbing subsides. Eventually, he tires himself out enough, hiccuping occasionally as his eyes drift close and his body grows heavy. Once she’s sure he’s asleep, she slips out of the room.
Nico is leaning against the wall in the hallway, worrying at his lip. His head snaps up as soon as he hears her exit the room. She pulls him out of the hallway and into the kitchen, the furthest place from her son’s bedroom.
“What the fuck happened in there?” she whispers.
Nico presses the palms of his hands to his eyes. “He asked me—Fuck—He asked me if I was his dad. Obviously, I said no. And then he got really upset, and I don’t know why. I have no idea what happened.”
“What do you mean he asked—How did that even come up?”
“I don’t know,” Nico sighs, finally looking at her. His brows are pinched tight, dark strands of hair falling like a curtain around wet eyes. “He was saying something about the kids at school all having dads. And then he asked me if I had a dad. And then he just asked me, ‘Are you my dad?’ And then he kept asking me why not. Like, ‘Why don’t you wanna be my dad?’ What the fuck am I supposed to say to that, Aurora?” His voice breaking at the end.
She feels the claws of panic dig into her chest, sharp pain in her sternum as her head spins. Technically, it’s not the first time he’s asked that. He used to ask about ‘dads’ a lot when he was a toddler; before he really understood what the word ‘dad’ meant. He hadn’t brought it up in years so she had assumed he was over it.
“Fuck,” she breathes.
“Rory, stop. Don’t apologize.” He pauses and takes a deep breath. He runs his fingers through his beard, a nervous tick she has seen enough times to set her on edge. “When are you going to tell him, Aurora? He deserves to know.”
She clenches her jaw. This is not the first time they’ve talked about this.
“We’ve talked about this, Nico,” she says.
“I know we have, but you’re being selfish, Rory. You should’ve seen his face. He thinks no one wants him.”
Aurora’s heart clenches, the panic spreading through her whole body. She feels the sweat prickling at her back, her neck, her forehead; it makes her itchy all over.
Nico is still talking. “He doesn’t understand why everyone else he knows has two parents, and he doesn’t. He thinks I don’t want him. And I can’t—”
“You can’t what, Nico? Because you don’t have to do anything. You’re right. He’s not your son. What I do or do not tell him is none of your business. You can think I’m selfish, you can think I’m a bad mother, you can think whatever you like. It was none of your business then. It’s none of your business now. It won’t be your business ever,” Aurora hisses, her chest heaving as she rants.
The silence hangs between them, thick and stifling.
“I don’t think I can keep doing this,” Nico says, voice so small and so raw.
And if she felt hot before, she doesn’t anymore; the words feel ice cold in her ears. She’s plunged into freezing water, falling through pristine ice into a frozen lake. Her fingers feel numb where the nails dig into her palms. 
“Can’t keep doing what, Nico?” her voice sounds foreign even to her own ears.
He doesn’t answer.
“Can’t keep doing what?” she says, louder, “because I didn’t ask you to do anything, be anything. Don’t worry; you’re under no obligation to be anything to him. So, if you can’t put up with this anymore, then just leave. I won’t be upset. I won’t be anything at all. Because you’re right, you—”
“Schätzli, stop,” he interrupts firmly, “that’s not what I said.” He reaches for her, but she shrugs him off.
“Maybe. Maybe not. But I heard what you meant. I’m fucking up his life, right? Fucked up my own, practically was a teen mom. But that’s not enough. I’m not enough for him.” She doesn’t even register the tears streaming down her face.
“Schätzli—Aurora, please. You know that’s not what I meant,” Nico says, and he might be crying too. His hand keeps coming up, reaching for her, before going back to hanging limply by his side.
“You don’t get to tell me how to parent my son, Nico. You don’t get to tell me that I’m fucking it up.” The words spill out of her mouth, and she has no control over it anymore. Through the tears, she can’t even see his face anymore, can’t see the heartbreak in those brown eyes she loves so much. “You don’t get to say this shit, Nico. Because you’re not his dad. You’re not his anything.”
She hears what may be a sob, but she can’t tell if it’s coming from her own mouth.
“Schätzli,” he whispers, “You don’t mean that.”
“It’s the truth, isn’t it?” she says, wiping her eyes. 
“Aurora, please, come on. You know that’s not true. You can’t say that after the past—” He takes a breath. “I know this is hard for you. But I’m trying to be here for you. To be what you need.”
“What are you trying to say,” she whispers.
“You have to know I would be anything you asked me to be. You can’t possibly not know that by now.” 
“I’ve never asked you to be anything. To me. Or to him. And if you can’t understand that we don’t need anything from you, then you should just leave,” she says through clenched teeth.
“Schätzli,” he pleads.
“Please just—just go.”
“Aurora, I want to be there for you. Both of you. I love Theo. I love—”
“Don’t,” she warns.
Nico sighs. “It’s always been fine that you don’t want me like that. I don’t care about that. It’s fine. But this… This makes me feel kinda fucking used, Aurora. This makes me feel like you think I’m nothing to you. No one. And that’s—Fuck—You need to decide what you want.”
“I’m asking you to leave,” she says through gritted teeth.
“Okay. Fine, I hear you. God, I’m so—” He stops himself, tipping his head back to stare at the ceiling for a moment before continuing, “Fuck. Yeah. Okay. I’ll go. I’m leaving.”
Aurora doesn’t respond; she just keeps looking at the floor until he finally sighs and walks out of her apartment. When the door clicks shut, she slides down the wall and sobs into her hands.
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The next few days pass excruciatingly slowly. It’s the longest Nico and Aurora have gone without talking in the two years they’ve known each other. He opens the text thread with Aurora countless times: typing and deleting, typing and deleting, before giving up. Every time he steps into the apartment building’s elevator, he stares at the button for her floor, but he never presses it.
Nico finds himself checking his phone so often that the boys have begun to notice and chirp him for it. He has never had a problem with focus before, always pouring himself into hockey when things go awry. It���s usually the one thing that keeps him centered, but for the past few days, it always feels as if his skates are too tight, the edges too dull, or his stick too short. 
It all grinds to a halt when he sees the missed calls, voicemails, and texts from Aurora after an unsuccessful pre-game nap.
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It’s Saturday, and Aurora’s exhausted. She can’t remember the last time a week has gone so poorly. For the past few days, it’s felt like everything in her life has been moved one foot to the left: out of place and disorienting. She has been lying awake at night thinking about Nico, playing their conversation over and over again in her head, pouring over the past two years. Every morning, she wakes up feeling more tired than the day before.
Theo’s not been much better. He has been grumpy and whiny. It seems like nothing she does can cheer him up. He asks her at least ten times a day about Nico: where he has been, what he is up to, if we can call him, and when we will see him next. It has been tearing her up inside that she doesn’t have an answer for Theo.
She has only known Nico for two years, and, between away games and the summers, it’s not like they are together every day. She shouldn’t feel his absence so acutely, but she does. She finds herself looking at the empty chair at her dining table and his empty spot on the couch; she feels the ghost of Nico so acutely. It hurts like a phantom limb, a gaping hole in her life, and she doesn’t know what to do about it.
Aurora thinks she’s holding it together until she isn’t.
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When it happens, she doesn’t think anything of it. It’s hockey. She’s seen Theo fall during hockey countless times. It looks like any other fall until Theo starts crying, still lying on the ice, clutching his hand. And it’s as if the entire universe focuses in on that one point.
She doesn’t remember getting up from her seat and running down to the bench. She doesn’t remember the conversation with the U8 coach. She doesn’t remember the walk to the car, clutching him so tightly to her chest, despite the fact that he is far too heavy for her to carry now. 
She’s trying to calm herself down enough to drive to the hospital, head on the steering wheel, gasping for air, when she hears her son speak up.
“Mama,” Theo says, voice wet and wavering.
“Yes, baby?” she manages to respond.
“Mama, it’s okay. I’m going to be okay. Nico always tells me, when I’m sad or hurt, to take deep breaths. I think you might need to take some deep breaths, Mama,” he says between quiet sobs.
It makes her chest feel cracked open and raw; it takes everything in her body to tamp down the sob that threatens to spill out.
“When did you get so grown up?” she says, her voice sounding thin and reedy.
“Mama, I’m 7. Nico says I’m a big boy now.”
Aurora swallows around the tightness in her throat and tries to take three deep breaths before starting the drive to the hospital. 
The panic only subsides long enough to get them to the hospital. By the time they receive the X-ray results, she can hardly process what they are saying. The words “broken arm” and “no surgery” ring loudly in her ears. 
Somewhere in her consciousness, she knows she calls Nico. She knows it’s a game day, knows his routine. But some part of her hoped hearing his voice would make things alright, even just a little bit. She calls a few times, pushing down the disappointment when he doesn't answer. It’s a game day. She knows the routine.
She is sitting in the waiting room, staring at her hands clutched tightly in her lap, when she hears Nico’s voice call her name. 
She blinks and feels a pair of warm hands envelop hers.
“Hey,” Nico says, kneeling in front of her. “Hey, Schätzli, it’s okay. You’re okay. I got you.”
She deflates like a balloon, tilting forward to tuck her face in his neck as sobs wrack her body. His solid arms envelop her, hands rubbing her back. He keeps murmuring in her ear, a combination of English and Swiss German. She has no idea how long they stay like that, but eventually, she feels the terror and panic begin to subside.
“Nico,” she says softly, “what are you doing here?”
“You called,” he says as if it was the simplest thing in the world. He squeezes her hands.
“Oh god, Nico. Don’t you have a game? What are you doing here? You shouldn’t—”
“Rory, it’s okay. I called out. I told Coach that an emergency came up. I wanted to make sure I was here for you if you needed it.”
“You’re skipping the game? For us?” She swallows down a sob. "For me?”
“Yes, Schätzli. Of course, I did.” He reaches a hand up and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Is Theo okay?”
“Yeah,” she hiccups, “he’ll be okay. He broke his arm. And they’re just setting it and putting in a cast to make sure it heals right.”
“I’m so sorry, Schätzli.” 
His hand cradles her face gently, wiping at the tears as they fall. There is a long stretch of silence as she leans into his hand.
“How did you get in here? This is the family waiting room,” she asks.
Nico blushes and turns away, mumbling something.
“Sorry, what?”
“I told them I was his dad,” Nico mumbles, rambling, “I didn’t mean to—It’s just, they weren’t letting me in. They said it was family only. So I had to tell them that. I’m sorry; I totally overstepped. I didn’t mean to. I get it if you’re mad—”
Aurora reaches out a finger and presses it to his lips. He stops abruptly, eyes wide.
“It’s okay, Nico. I’m not upset,” she says. She takes a deep breath, and with sudden clarity, she asks, “Is that something you might want to be one day?”
“What?” he squeaks.
“Theo’s dad.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, God, I hope I’m not reading this wrong. But—Well, earlier this week, you said I needed to decide what I wanted. And I just kept thinking about that conversation and how unfair I was to you—to us—by totally underplaying the past two years. ‘Cause they’ve been two of the best years.
“Theo loves you. I love you. You are the second most important person in my life, and I’m sorry it took this mess of a week to realize that,” she sighs. “I don’t know what I’ve been so afraid of. Or what I was waiting for. But it’s so clear to me now that you have been there the whole time. You never asked or expected anything of me. And maybe I was taking advantage of that while hiding behind my past.
“I know I can raise Theo alone; I know I can do it. But I don’t want to do it alone anymore. I don’t want to do it alone if I could have you by my side instead. And, oh God,” she says, her eyes darting frantically across his face, “I really hope I’m not misreading things. Nicole keeps saying that you—I feel like I’m being—”
In an instant, his lips are on hers, warm and soft and insistent. She closes her eyes and lets herself melt into his embrace. The kiss is chaste, but it feels like everything finally snaps back into place. 
“God, Aurora. Schätzli. I would be whoever you want me to be. Whatever you’re ready for. I’ll be here. I’ve known that since the first time we met, Liebling.”
“God, Nico,” she says breathily, “I want everything.”
“Okay,” he smiles, “Everything it is. We can take it as slow as you’d like.”
“Haven’t we wasted enough time?”
He laughs, dimples appearing on his cheeks. “Fuck, I love you, Aurora.”
“I love you too, Nico,” she smiles.
They share a few chaste kisses. And they wait, Aurora wrapped in his steadying embrace, until the doctor finally comes to tell them that Theo is in a recovery room and is doing great.
When they walk into the room together, Theo immediately spots Nico and his eyes light up.
“Nico! You’re here!” he yells.
“Yeah, of course I am,” Nico says warmly, walking across the room to pull Theo into a tight hug.
“Where have you been? I’ve missed you.”
“Yeah, Bärli. I’m sorry.” He runs his fingers through Theo’s messy hair and smiles. “I’m here now. And I promise, I’m not going anywhere.”
He looks up, eyes meeting Aurora’s, and he smiles. And she never doubts for a second that he means it.
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Having A Crush On You
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Quinn Hughes: When he has a crush on you, he's usually more shy, soft-spoken, and gentle around you. He tends to be more affectionate with you and finds ways to spend time with you. He is more observant of your likes and dislikes, and will often do small things to make you happy. He is also more protective of you and enjoys taking care of you.
Jack Hughes: He's gonna want to spend all his time around and with you as much as he can, he’ll get flustered around you alot too. He likes to hold your hand and he likes when you lean your head on his shoulder. He's protective over you and will do anything for your well-being or to make you happy. He's very attentive to you too and he likes spoiling you with gifts and compliments.
Luke Hughes: He gets really shy and blushes easily around you, and he will probably stutter at least once while trying to speak to you. But he's also really sweet to you, like getting you small gifts or just always being there to cheer you up when you’re having a rough time.
Nico Hischier: He would be really shy around you. He would try to be sweet and try to do nice things for you and just in general, be really flustered and sweet. When he's crushing on you he will be really attentive and likes to get you little gifts and make sure you always know he's there for you, and he's very affectionate.
Timo Meier: He would buy you flowers every day to show you how much he appreciates you. And, he would take every chance he got to tell you you're beautiful and how much you mean to him. He would make you feel like the most important person in the world to him because you truly would be.
John Marino: He would compliment you every moment he saw you. He would take you out on dates to places that you like, and he would be so happy to see your smiling face. He would make you feel so important, no matter what.
Kirby Dach: When he has a crush on someone, he tends to get really nervous around you. He wants to make sure he says the right thing, without looking like a fool. He will probably compliment you, but also tease you about random things. He will look for ways to be around you. When you are in the room, he will probably look in your direction more often. He will do his best to make you laugh and smile.
Juraj Slafkovsky: He goes out of his way to make you happy and comfortable. If you're sad he'll do his best to make you smile or just be there for comfort, if you're mad at something he'll stand up for you, and he'll remember little things you say.
Arber Xhekaj: With a crush, he often becomes a bit shy and nervous around the person he is interested in. He finds himself paying extra attention to what you say and do, and he can become easily distracted by your presence. He might find himself seeking out reasons to spend time with you and may feel a sense of butterflies in his stomach when you are together. At times, he might be extra flirty and playful, trying to impress you with his charm.
Cole Caufield: He tends to be shy but once he gets comfortable he starts making little jokes to test your sense of humor and makes you laugh. And once he gets really comfortable he starts flirting with you and gives you a few compliments here and there till he finally grows the balls to ask you out on a date.
Trevor Zegras: He's a huge softie, would buy you flowers and do all the cheesy stuff to make you laugh like sing stupid love songs in the store when you're shopping or make you silly cards every other day or do a romantic dinner with all your favorite food, and of course, he would be all over you 24/7.
Jamie Drysdale: His face would become red when talking to you and being around you. He would feel extremely nervous. He would feel butterflies in his stomach. He also would have a strong desire to be around you. He would start to have a small crush which would turn into a massive crush quickly.
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nofingjustaninchident · 6 months
Hi, I just saw your Jason Grace general headcanons and I was wondering, can you do a Jason Grace boyfriend headcanons this time?
Jason Grace boyfriend hcs
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content: jason grace boyfriend material
warnings: f1 references, one direction references, other than that just mushy gushy fluff
a/n: yk what? i absolutely hate writing hcs. i prefer one thousand times to write fics. the problem is, i don’t have creativity enough to write a fic, and neither do i have time. when i have inspiration, im usually in class and i hate writing fics in my notebook but whatever. i hope you enjoy?? lmk!!
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He. Is. The cutest boyfriend ever. In the whole world.
He’s literally the sweetest person
With you? My gods
My boy’s whipped.
He’d do absolutely anything you asked him to do, and it’s kinda cute
But also kinda scary cause he’d kill someone if you asked him to
He memorized all of your favorite artists’ songs so you can talk about that together
Frequent dates!!
Lots of gifts in absolutely random occasions
At the beginning of, he was so touch starved it was almost pitiful
But he started to loosen up the more you got into the relationship
Now he just can’t keep his hands away from you, doesn’t matter how
Interlocking pinkies or hands? Check. Hugging you from behind if you’re talking to someone? As long as you don’t get uncomfortable.
He’s just super clingy, and it’s the cutest thing ever.
He looks just like a lost puppy.
He just needs a little bit of love
Cause it’s all too much for little Jason Grace
F1 joke sorry i can’t help myself
Back to my man
He loves when you braid his hair or just spend time with you in general.
He always seems to know when you’re down
Cause he usually does know
And when you’re with your friends and he notices you’re not feeling well
He gives an excuse and pulls you with him
When you get to his cabin he just cradles you into his chest and whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
He’s a great listener, and his favorite part of the day is when he gets to come home and listen to you
If you’re not the talker type, he can talk for you
He just wants you to feel comfortable around him, always.
He feels so bad when you’re mad at him or he knows he did something that probably hurt you
Even if it didn’t, he’ll apologize for the next weeks
And some days you’re just cuddling together in a totally allowed sleepover (Aphrodite threatened Mr. D to let you sleep together, but that’s not the point), he’ll just sniffs in your hair and mumble soft ‘i’m sorry’s and ‘i love you’s into your head.
He’s just the cutest person in the world.
You know that song “In a world of boys he’s a gentleman”?
It’s him. Momma Taylor wrote it for him. I know, i was there. I was the pen.
Sometimes he just gets super clingy out of nowhere, and it’s super cute in your opinion
Even if he’s embarrassed of it later on.
If you have curly hair, he’ll ask Leo how to style your curls so he can help you
He also learns all your skincare steps so he can help you with it when you’re too tired to do it yourself
He loves when you just lay on his chest and falls asleep, he can keep reading and caressing you
He’s so in love with you it’s gross
You can bet your life that he has a picture of you in his wallet
And if demigods had phones, his wallpaper would be you & him
Oh, i just know he loves listening to one direction with you
I’m not gonna elaborate. He just does.
He’s a very smart man, so he studies a lot
And he absolutely loves when you’re there with him
But in the end he doesn’t study, he just admires you as you scrunch your nose and pouts, trying to understand something.
He loves loves LOVES going on double dates, like you & him and will & nico. It’s like his two favorite people in the world and Will as a bonus
Hehehe sorry he loves Will too
But not as much as he loves you and his younger brother Nico
If you have younger siblings in the mortal side, he’s always asking to go to your house cause he LOVES kids
He just loves to take care of them
And deep down he’s also a little bit scared that maybe he’ll not live enough to have his own
But sometimes, in the middle of the night (when the wolves come down) he finds himself staring at the ceiling and imagining how you and his kids would look like
Would they have your hair and his eyes? Maybe your freckles and his personality?
He just likes to imagine how would it be like, your family
For last, your mortal parent immediately likes him. Like, sure, there’s that whole “if-you-hurt-my-daughter” blah blah blah
they know that he’s super protective
But he’s a great boyfriend.
And if you’re happy, they’re happy too.
And Jason fits in that list.
a/n pt2: I. MADE. IT. LONG. AND I CANT BELIEVE IT!! but look, i promise that im writing a real thing, it’s just that im drowning in homework and my mom is gonna give birth soon and. i feel like jason rn tbh
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lunarrumor · 8 months
random valgrace headcanons
- leo cooks for jason all the time because he likes it (it reminds him of his mom and when she taught him how to make his favorite dishes) and his love language is most definitely gift giving because he’s not so good with words
- but one day leo was up all night working on some new machine (again) and jason decides he wants to give him a break so he tries to make some simple pasta. butttt they didn’t really have cooking lessons at camp jupiter and the water overflows and he burns the sauce and when leo gets back jason’s hair is mysteriously red and the kitchen looks like something exploded (it did. the sauce bubbled up and went everywhere)
- however they go camping together once and leo makes a fire and by the time he gets back from going to use the restroom jason has caught a wild bird and is frying it up
- leo makes jason random little trinkets all the time
- when leo and jason are having meals with the seven + reyna and nico they’ll tap messages to each other back and forth in morse code until annabeth gets annoyed by all the banging
- leo loves horror movies and jason hate hate hates them
- when jason gets drunk he likes using a lot of big words except he’s too drunk to use them correctly so he just hopes no one notices (leo does but doesn’t mention it…. without fail he’ll look at him and go “how r u so smart even when so drunk” and jason will give him a dopey smile)
- they go to college in new rome together and visit piper at her mortal school all the time
- they also got an apartment together because yeaa it might be moving fast but they totally didn’t move in together because they’re soulmates or whatever. naaaa it would js be silly not to right ? they shouldn’t *both* be paying rent when they’re gonna be at the same place *anywayss* and jason doesn’t cook and leo doesn’t clean so really it’s just a responsible roommate setup rigggght (aka the lie they tell themselves bc they really js wanna have the security of seeing each other everyday and live a wholesome life where they don’t have to worry if the next time they visit the other they’re not gonna be there anymore)
- but they’re both still worried to ruin the relationship because it’s so new and they’ve been pining for so long so they get separate rooms. except leo is always crawling into jason’s bed at night or jason is playing a movie in leo’s while he works (leo’s barely paying attention but jason likes doing it so he can sneak him snacks because leo has a habit of forgetting to eat while working. and every so often leo will make a goofy joke about the movie n he gets so amazed by how smart n funny leo is. n leo likes the background noise and jason’s little snorts when a character is being dumb. and mostly he just likes his presence. how they can just sit in silence together and without leo having to say anything jason will know how much he cares. how much he appreciates jason caring about him)
- and eventually leo just stops going back to his room, unless he’s working on something, because he likes the smell of jason and waking up with him and bothering him while he does schoolwork. his things slowly start appearing in jason’s room until he’s basically moved in and one day he comes home to jason rummaging through his drawers and he’s like uhh ??? and jason’s like ah rats i was gna surprise you….. i cleared out my closet and got a dresser so that you don’t have to keep going back and forth and i can totally put it back if u don’t want that i just thought maybe you might want to because you haven’t rlly slept here in so long anyway and…. and leo kisses him n grabs the pile of clothes and carries it off to *their* room. and so leo’s old room becomes his new work space
- on this same vein leo will get so distracted while he’s working on a new project that he’ll forgot all about time and sometimes he’s doing this n jason comes in and tells him the time and he drops everything and makes dinner bc his stomach grumbling is fine but when he realizes jason probably hasn’t had a real meal since the last time he cooked now *thats* motivation
- of course jason doesn’t always need him to cook (in fact leo starts trying to teach him no matter how disastrous it is at first. i guess multitasking in battle doesn’t equate to handling the chaos of a kitchen ? but jason actually gets pretty good as long as he’s looking at a list of instructions) but leo just likes all the compliments he gets from jason about his food and how he’ll sit with him in the kitchen and come up behind him with his hands on his waist (jason gets really excited whenever leo asks him to do something like bring him some seasoning or a ladle because he likes being helpful)
- jason also started picking up food after his morning class and bringing leo breakfast because he is *not* a morning person. he’ll also order food when leo’s been cooped up in his room for some time and he knows he wants to keep working so jason brings his lil surprise in along with his laptop and they eat together (with jason making sure leo takes a bite every now n then and eats enough before it gets cold)
- jason wakes up at 6 am everyday to go to the gym, shower, and go to classes meanwhile leo doesn’t have class till 1 and even then he’s late sometimes. because as u could assume leo stays up late at night and jason has trouble staying up past midnight (he always falls asleep during their movie nights even though he tries his very hardest not to but leo is so toasty he just can’t help it. and leo always tucks him in and takes off his glasses)
- also neither of them like waking up alone on the couch in the middle of the night (which is fine when leo falls asleep first, jason just picks him up and carries him to bed. but leo isn’t exactly built for dragging 6 ft men across an apartment floor) so they get a pullout sofa for this exact reason (not a bed pullout couch. he would still have to lift jason off and jason is a heavyy sleeper. he had to sleep through a lot of chaos at camp jupiter. they get one of those couches that extends into more couch and pile a bunch of blankets on it for movie nights. and leo makes popcorn with an ungodly amount of butter)
- leo runs warm and when his emotions spike his powers act up so he stress sweats and everytime it happens jason will cool him off with a nice breeze
- on the flip side jason is always cold so he’s always snuggling up to leo (totally the only reason. definitely not that he’s touch starved) and in the winter they’re literally attached at the hip. jason will not let him go no way no how he *will* stand/walk/lay/sit with his arms around leo at all costs (the cost is piper grossing out at their gushiness)
- jason’s bear hugs are leo’s favorite things in the world he could stay wrapped in those arms forever
- jason and leo live in the same apartment complex as frank and hazel and they become a lot closer
- percy and annabeth live down the hall and leo loves to ding dong ditch them
- annabeth randomly knocks on their door sometimes because she wants leo’s help figuring out the logistics for an architectural project of hers and jason will follow so he can play video games with percy (yeah i said it, percy and leo teach him how to play and he likes it more than he thought he would)
- every week they all get lunch together with reyna, piper, and nico
- nico comes over at first to hang out with jason but he still finds leo…. odd but eventually they bond over their love for horror movies and laughing at jason
- leo loves to sketch when he gets bored in class and he’ll be spacing out drawing until he realizes that his whole page is full of jason’s face from every possible angle
- leo fell first but jason said i love you first (after a lot of coaching from piper)
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things from the new asides ep that i dont see more of us talking about and im Insane over:
- Logan being the one to initiate this year's secret santa. why. /pos
- the implication that Remus and Janus have never been invited to one of these before
- "he's just chilling" "im chilling" "should we turn the heat up?!"
- "OH 𝓭𝓪𝓭𝓭𝔂" *chorus of acute disgust*
- Janus being brutally honest about the airfryer
- okay but mr fuzzy is incredibly cute. tell me im wrong.
- Logan: "is that all i am to you? the reading guy?" oh boy surely this isn't a statement for how he views himself now is it
- okay i know people DO talk about this but Remus's "does it make you want to scream" lives rent free in my head
- "this whole activity is to serve a higher purpose anyway" chat what does he mean i actually cannot tell what does this mean
- logan giving roman 20 dollars is so painfully logan i fully had to pause the video to stare at the wall for a minute over it. literally everyone behind tss are so fucking smart.
- LMAO VIRGIL GETTING ANGRY AT JANUS PISSING AT ROMAN prinxiety nation i know you're here in this room today
- also unrelated but all of patton's tiny gift wrappings are so pretty. where do you shop thomas
- he really replaced his entire gift. to give janus what he deserved. fucking hell roman stop being so valiant for one fucking minute /pos
- this is probably just me but come on can we stop giving patton just simple cards. like ik he likes them and he probably doesn't mind but come on its too easy.
- "good luck detective, you're gonna need it 😈" "oh virgil 😦" they're so dramatic why are they like this
- Janus being responsible for Thomas' poker face and he's not doing a great job at it
- NICO TIME god everyone's so pretty
- hmm i. i wonder what the message is. i wonder what the message is that we're supposed to getting from here. hnm.
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of-pale · 5 months
If Nero has 200 IQ, this is the phone he’d gift to the twins.
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Yep, the myth, the legend, the one and only indestructible force in the universe - Nokia 3310. I think it would be hilarious if Nero gave the twins one phone, because:
a) they need to learn to share
b) by combining their singular brain cells together into a rich commonwealth of two, they might just figure out how to work the phone
Of course, the indestructibile nature of this phone is a necessary feature. Now, you might be wondering why?
Nero decides to give the twins a call, maybe invite them over for dinner. After only a minute of waiting, Dante picks up. The background echoes with gunshots, exclamations of 'schum’ and menacing demon screams in a clear indication that the twins were out on a job.
“Hey, what's up, kid?”
“Uh sorry, you busy?”
“Never too busy for my favourite nephew.”
“I'm your only nephew.”
“Doesn't make it less true.”
“Suuure. Look, can you pass the phone to Vergil? I need to ask him something.”
“Aw, you're breaking my heart. Here I thought we had something special.”
Next, Nero hears demon screeches growing louder. A loud crack. Some shuffling noises before Vergil calmly answers the call.
Now it's time to play a game of ‘guess what the hell happened there’!
If you guessed - ‘Dante, being Dante, decided to showcase his phone-passing skills by bouncing it off a demon’s skull over to Vergil’ - then you're correct! A clear example of why the twins need a phone that can endure some serious beating. I'm also a firm believer that the Nokia could double as a weapon of great destruction in the field. I doubt getting hit with that brick on the head was easy to shrug off for the unlucky demon.
Real question though, what would the twins set Nero's ringtone as? And vice versa, Nero's ringtone for twins? (I know, I know, Nokia 3310 doesn't have a custom ringtone feature, but shhhh.. Nico works her miracles on the phone.)
Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus?
I mean, teeeechnically the twins are sons of a god? Or could it be Vergil referring to Nero as his son?
Guns N’ Roses - Sweet Child O’ Mine?
Need I say more? Although it would be hilarious if Nero set it as a ringtone for the twins.
He sighs deeply upon hearing the familiar ringtone, knowing it could entail anything from a world-ending cataclysm to another petty squabble. So he pauses his conversation with a Fortuna resident, saying, “Sorry, I gotta get this. Kids are calling.”
“Awww, and how have the orphans settled in?”
“Huh? No, my other kids.”
The Fortunan looks at him in confusion just as Nero finally picks up the call and starts pacing.
“What's up, dipshit?”
“Sounds like a you problem to me.”
“What? No, I won't talk to Vergil for you. What are you, five?”
“Look, you fucked yourself into that problem; you can fuck yourself out of it.”
Nero quickly drops the call and turns back to the person he was speaking to. “Sorry about that.” The resident only gives him a weird stink-eye, and Nero finally catches on to what's the issue. He coughs awkwardly and tries to smooth the situation, “Forty-year-old children, am I right?”
Ghostbusters theme?
Depends on how common knowledge demons are. The Sparda's might be ‘ghostbusters’ as in the myth catchers for hire.
Yeah, I'm gonna stop this long rambling shitpost here. Otherwise, I could keep listing ringtones on and on.
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poppitron360 · 3 months
*Rummages through my fanfiction folders*
*Pulls this dusty artefact out and holds it up to the light*
“…What?” Frank said, after a few seconds of stunned silence.
Leo wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve.
“I talked to Nico. Your mom. She’s in Elysium because she sacrificed her life to save others. My mom…”
He turned away from Frank, and leaned against the railing of the ship, staring out at the sunset. “It’s not fair,” he said, “She gave up everything so she could raise me. She made so many sacrifices in order to keep me safe. But they were small sacrifices- not big ones. She’s in Asphodel, suffering eternal torment, only half-remembering who she was… who I was…”
Frank remembered the time he had spent in Asphodel during Hazel’s flashback. How the half-formed souls wandered aimlessly, crying out for lives they only partially recalled. Hazel had spent an eternity down there and never found her mom.
“What’s the point? What’s the point in all this,” Leo gestured to the ship around them, “What’s the point in doing any of this if I’m never gonna see her again? Why bother even trying to go to Elysium if I can’t reunite with her? If I can’t make things right?”
Frank wanted to comfort Leo, reassure him, tell him everything was going to be alright, but he couldn’t find the words. His mind was still reeling from the conformation about his own mom. She was in Elysium. He could see her again. But he felt guilty for the thoughts. Leo was suffering.
“Anyway, I’m sorry for lashing out, I just… I guess I envy you. And I’m bitter. And I’m angry.”
He gripped the railing tighter, and Frank thought he saw slight heat waves coming from it.
“You have a right to be angry,” Frank said, “It’s not fair that the gods won’t let you get closure.”
“The Gods…” Leo muttered, and then chuckled, “When are they ever fair? When is life ever fair?”
Frank nodded, “The fates are cruel.”
Leo sighed in agreement.
“But there could be a chance, I mean, you might…” Frank began, but he trailed off when he saw Leo shaking his head.
“I don’t wanna torture myself with the “what if”s and the “if only”s. My mom’s gone, those are the consequences I have to face.”
“But it wasn’t your fault, what happened to her.”
“That’s what Jason keeps telling me.”
“And he’s right.”
Frank moved towards him, exasperated, “Look, Leo. It’s crappy. I can’t even begin to imagine how crappy this is for you. I’d like to tell you that it will get better, but it might not. But you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it, okay?”
Leo looked down, blinking back tears.
“That probably didn’t help,” Frank admitted, “I’m sorry. Jason’s way better at comforting you. I’ll go get him-“
“No, you can stay,” Leo said.
Frank walked back over to the railing and leaned on it next to him.
“Just… when you see your mom in Elysium…” Leo said, “Give ‘er a big Frank bear hug, and don’t let her go, okay? Make the most of the gifts you’ve been given. I mean… at least my mom was there for me when she was alive.”
Frank nodded, “I will. I promise.”
@lokiwiiiiiii @lavenderfairiez @yoshuko-ew @keefessketchbook @frankzhang-appreciation-posts
Also, can’t find the post, but this was inspired by someone writing a short fic about Leo’s mom being in asphodel and it sent Valzhang brain going.
Also also, if you want to be tagged in my Valzhang posts lmk- I am forming an army.
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nycbaby21 · 1 year
Coffee shop boy
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prompt: What happens when John meets a girl before his first practice as a Devil? And what happens when he finds out that girl is his new captain's sister?
word count: 3,113
“Yes, I am on my way chill out,” I say into the phone tired of listening to my brother go on and on about being late. “Yeah sure I so believe you. While you are at it grab me a coffee,” Nico replies sarcastically. “How did you know I was getting coffee,” I ask looking around to see if he was here. When I do a quick sweep of the room I make eye contact with the cutest guy I have ever seen in my whole entire life. I smile at him and quickly turn around.
“I have your location Y/n,” he says and I can feel him rolling his eyes at me. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Well, I am just gonna order really quick, and then I’ll be home,” I say stepping forward only one person standing between me and my daily coffee. I really needed the caffeine today. “Be careful and I love you,” my brother replies and I add,” I will and I love you too.” After stuffing my phone in my pocket I let out a deep sigh. The lady in front of me is being totally unreasonable and I can’t help but feel bad for the poor barista. 
I pull my phone back out checking the time when I hear a voice come from behind me. “Excuse me, but you dropped this,” I quickly turn around and meet the beautiful brown eyes of the guy I was staring at earlier. I glance down and see him holding gift card I shoved in my pocket before leaving Nico’s apartment this morning. “Oh my gosh. Thank you. I wouldn’t have ever noticed until it was too late,” I smile grabbing the card from his hand, our fingers brush and a small tingle spreads through my body. Blush covers his cheeks and he gives me a big smile.
I noticed he had a tooth missing and I tried not to stare at it and make him uncomfortable. Having an NHL captain as your brother and being friends with several of his teammates, I know some guys hate the fact they don’t have a full set. After he notices my eyes on his smile he closes his mouth and forces a small smile. “Oh shit I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to stare,” I rush out hoping I didn’t ruin this before it even started. He shakes his head,” You aren’t the first and won’t be the last.” I can tell he tries to joke but his eyes don’t match.
“Next,” I hear from behind me and I turn to see the lady in front of me gone. I turn back quickly,” I personally think it’s really cute.” I send him a huge grin and turn around to order. After paying I move to the side and wait for her to call my name. Nico has texted me twice asking me to call him. I groan and pull up his contact. “What do you want now Neeks,” I grumble watching the cute guy move to stand next to me away from the older lady who was hateful to the barista. “Hey, a few of the guys are going to come over after practice to welcome the new guy in. The one who just got traded for Ty,” I hear ruffling around and figure he is getting his bag ready for practice. “Is this your way of telling me not to come home tonight or inviting me to guy’s night,” I ask watching the lady grab her coffee after asking for the manager.
“Just a warning that the apartment will be filled with the guys later on,” he responds. “Thanks for the heads up. I gotta go but I’ll see you soon,” I hang up waiting for my name to be called. “Boyfriend,” I hear the cute guy next to me ask. I let out a laugh and he gives me a confused look. “No brother, but he asks like our mom sometimes so maybe a little half and half,” I joke and see his shoulders relax a little. “Oh sorry I just figured,” he started and then stopped his self. “Figured what,” I ask turning to fully face him, looking up at him slightly due to the height difference. His face glows red again and he shrugs. 
“I figured a pretty girl like you would be talking to her boyfriend,” he says not making eye contact with me. “Well, I don’t have one to talk to so,” I say and see him stare at me with wide eyes. “You don’t have a boyfriend,” he asks loudly and everyone in the place looks our way. I laugh and shake my head telling him no. “Nope. Single Pringle over here,” I say thinking about how Jack called himself that once, and every time I say it I think of him. “Y/n,” my name is called from the front. I slip past him and grab my drinks thanking the young girl behind the counter.
I go back to where I was standing and glance up at the clock. “Oh shit. I gotta go but it was really nice meeting you,” I rush out of the door running to the car. I got so caught up in a cute coffee shop boy, that I forgot I was driving Nico to practice today. His car was broken now right now and in the shop so I was driving him around. As I pull out onto the road I realize I never got his name or even told him mine. 
When I get into the parking garage I text Nico and he races to the car. “I know I am so sorry. I got caught up in a conversation and I forgot,” I say pulling out of the parking lot before he even had his seatbelt on. “Yeah kinda figured as much,” he laughs joking. When I don’t return the laugh he looks over at me, his brown eyes filling with worry. “You okay schwester,” his accent is thicker when he calls me sister in Swiss. “What? Oh yeah sorry, I’m good. It’s just I realized what time it was and ran out of the coffee shop without this adorable guy’s name or number,” I sigh turning into the Prudential Center and flashing my badge to the gate.
“Well if it was meant to be you’ll see him again,” he says grabbing his bag and walking around to the driver’s side of the car. “You sound like mom,” I laugh poking fun at him for saying something she had told us a million times. He leans down and places a kiss on the crown of my head. “It’s the truth. Thanks for the ride. Jack is gonna drive me home so you are free of driving duty for today,” he says walking away and into the arena. I yell bye and make my way home. When I finally get back to the apartment Nico and I share, I quickly change into a devils hoodie I stole from Nico and a pair of biker shorts. I tidy around the place and when I am finished I head into the kitchen. If I knew anything ti was the guys would eat everything in the kitchen if I didn’t put something out.
At the rink, John was talking to his new teammates after practice. “Good game out there Marino,” Jack says clapping the older boy on the shoulder. He looks up and smiles. “Thanks. You guys are really great. I hope I can learn a lot from you,” he says honestly. “So how are you liking Jersey so far,” Dawson asks drying his hair with his towel after his shower. “I mean I have only been here, my apartment, and a coffee shop so I haven’t seen much,” he jokes lacing up his shoes. “Don’t worry buddy. We will take you out and show you a fun time,” Miles says punching his arm lightly. “Okay enough. Some of us are getting together at my place to hang out and watch the game. You wanna join,” Nico asks the new guy. “Oh yeah that sounds great actually,” John replies already happy he made a connection with the guys.
“I’ll send you the address and you can meet us there,” the Swiss boy responds texting him the address. Nico left to go shower and Jack sat down next to John. “So you seeing anyone,” he asked pulling his hoodie over his head. John shook his head no but he couldn’t help but let his mind drift to this morning. “Oh, that face says otherwise,” Miles says wiggling his eyebrows. Dawson smacked the back of his head and sat on the other side of John. “No, I really don’t. I just saw this girl this morning and I didn’t get her number so I’m kinda bummed about it,” he replies hoping everyone would drop it soon. 
“Well, my mom always says if it is meant to be it will find a way. So maybe you will see her again,” Nico replies oblivious to the fact he was talking to his new teammate about seeing his little sister again. The guys all load up and head over to the apartment. I got a text saying they were on the way up. I turned my movie off knowing they were gonna watch whatever game was on TV tonight. I hear knocking on the door and my brother’s muffled voice. “I forgot the key let us in.” I sigh and walk towards the door. When I open it Jack rushes past me and down the hall. “He had to pee,” Miles says walking in and giving me a quick hug. Nico groans and pushes him further in. Miles liked to give him a hard time so he pretended to flirt with me. Nico still hates it, even if he knows that it is fake. 
I hear the oven beep and I rush to the kitchen pulling out the cookies I made. Dawson, Timo, and John all walk in while I am in the other room. “Nice place you got here cap,” John says looking around the living room. “Thanks. I think it’s pretty great,” he replies sitting down on the couch next to Miles. “Don’t let him lie to you Johnny Boy. Nico here didn’t do anything but sign the lease here. Y/n on the otherhand decorated the place so you should say that to her,” Timo says claiming the recliner. “Just another thing she is good at,” Miles jokes and is quickly punched in the arm, a lot harder than he did John earlier. “Ouch damn it, Nico. That one actually hurt,” I hear Miles groan from the living room. I rolled my eyes wondering when he was going to stop antagonizing my brother. 
“Hey best friend,” I hear from behind me. I see the middle Hughes boy waltz into the kitchen and sling an arm over my shoulder. “Hughesy,” I smile leaning into him a little. “So what do you think of the new guy,” I ask him finishing plating the cookies. “He is pretty cool. I mean I miss Ty but I can’t blame John for that,” he replies taking a cookie from the plate. I cut him a look and he backs away slowly into the living room. “Hey, no fair. Why does he get the first cookie,” I hear Miles whine. I roll my eyes and walk to them putting the plate down next to the chips and dip I had put out earlier. 
“No way,” I hear the person to my right whisper. When I stand up I turn and see the brown eyes I had swooned over this morning. My face turns a light shade of pink and I freeze. There was no way the guy I thought about all day was the newest member of the Devils. Dawson noticing my staring lightly kicks my shin knocking me out of it. Luckily no one else noticed, no one else other than John. He still hadn’t looked away yet. “John this is Y/n, Nico’s little sister. Y/n this is John,” Jack says patting the seat next to him which I sat down in.
“Sister,” John says looking from me to my brother. Now that he knew he could see the slight resemblance between his captain and the girl he hoped he would see again. “Yep sweet little Y/n is the baby of the Hischier family,” Miles says leaning over and ruffling my hair. I slap his hand away and try to fix my hair. “I am only nine months younger than Nico thank you very much,” I sass him back hoping John doesn’t think I am some kid now. “Oh but you are the baby,” Nico says wrapping me in his arms and squeezing me. I start taping on his forearm and surrender but he just holds me. Everyone is laughing at him, including John so maybe that was a good sign. I look over at the loveseat and see him smiling over at us and Dawson making faces at me because he was sharing the couch with John. 
“So any luck finding out about the coffee shop boy,” Jack asks stuffing his face full of chips. My eyes go wide and I look over at him. “What,” he says with a mouth full of food. “What did you tell him,” I groan looking at my brother who is laughing. “Just that you had a sad start to the day because you didn’t ask that guy you liked for his number this morning,” Nico replies nonchalantly flipping through the channels. I want to cover my face with the pillow next to me. “Wait a second. You saw this boy at the coffee shop this morning right,” Timo asks eyes shifting between John and me. Of course, someone would question it. “Yeah that was why she was so late and gloomy this morning,” Nico teased again.
The guys all looked at Timo and followed his gaze to John. It was like all of them remembered the conversation about a girl in a coffee shop this morning at the same time. “No fucking way,” Miles laughs throwing his head back. Even Jack had pieced it together, while my brother looked around confused. “What did I miss,” he asks thick eyebrows quirking. “You remember the advice you gave Marino over here this afternoon about his mystery girl,” Dawson says throwing an arm around the boy. His face was just as red as mine felt and he shook his head at Dawson. “Of course, if she was really someone he needed to know he would find her again,” he replied looking at John. He took in the blush and wide eyes of the boy and noticed how I avoided eye contact with him and my flushed cheeks. 
“Oh gross,” he groans and the room is filled with laughter. “I gave you dating advice about my sister,” he whined looking over at me. I smiled at him and he shook his head. “C’mon y/n/n, I said no teammates,” he grumbled. John’s face was deflated hearing his new captain voice the concerns he had floating around in his head. “Technically I met him before you. I had no idea he was your teammate Neeks,” I say looking at my brother hoping he wasn’t angry I had a thing for one of his friends. He let out a huge sigh and looked over at me. “It could have been worse I guess. Could have been Miles,” he joked and everyone laughed except Miles. “I would be an excellent boyfriend thank you. But I won’t stand in the way of true love,” he says nudging John’s leg, who hadn’t said anything in like fifteen minutes now. “True love? They just met this morning Wood,” Timo says throwing a piece of popcorn at the boy’s head. 
Nico looked away from me and finally met John’s gaze. He sent the boy a smile. “You aren’t gonna kill me or make me do extra laps because I like your sister right,” he asks voice shaking. He was so nervous about risking a relationship with his captain. “If I made every guy who had a thing for her do extra laps some of the guys would still be doing them,” he joked nudging Jack. “Dude what the hell,” the young player said looking over at me. I raised an eyebrow at him and he shook his head. “I said you were pretty one time and he thinks I am in love with you. Which I am not. I do love you but like my sister. I swear,” he rushes looking from me and then over to John.
“You really aren’t mad at me are you,” I whisper just to my brother. He looks down at me and gives me a genuine smile. “Schwester, if you are happy and he treats you right I have no reason to be mad. I only want the best for you and the way he was talking earlier about you would actually be really sweet if you weren’t my sister,” he starts out serious but can’t help but fade into laughter. I hug his side and mumble a quiet thank you. I notice movement and see Dawson standing up and walking over to me. He gives me his hand and pulls me up from my spot in between Jack and Nico. He plops down and wiggles his eyebrows sending me a wink. I roll my eyes at him but smile as I walk over to sit next to John.
“Hi,” he leans over and whispers trying not to interrupt the game and so no one hears him but me. “Hi,” I giggle back at him and scoot a little closer to him. I get settled as close to his side without actually cuddling up to him. I have a blanket draped over my lap and lift the corner looking over at him, silently asking if he wanted any. He sends me a toothy smile and I blush looking at it. He fixes it so it is covering both of us and I lean back watching the game finally. “Hands above the blanket mister. I may be okay with you two seeing where this goes but I am still her brother,” Nico sends John a warning look and the poor boy raises his hands like in an old western movie. We all laugh at him and I push his arms down and lean my head on his shoulder. I guess my mom was right, if it is meant to be it will find a way.
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marnerparty · 1 year
baby hughes
Jack Hughes x reader
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Liked by colecaufield, yourbestfriend and 57,826 others
ynhughes surprise! baby Hughes coming in September :)
View all 198 comments
jackhughes come again?
_quinnhughes like sibling but for nieces and nephews
_eliaspetterrsson there’s no way this is a real word
jackhughes someone confirm please
ynhughes after a quick google search, Quinn is definitely right
jackhughes I’m so excited for this next chapter with you 🫶🏻
ynhughes i love you with my whole heart jackypoo
colecaufield you guys are gross
jackhughes it’s called love Cole. don’t be mad that you’ve never felt it
colecaufield 🖕🏻
user1 I wish I was yn hughes
nicohischier you guys!! congrats!!
jackhughes thank you cap!
ynhughes thanks Nic!🥰
lhughes_06 this is extremely mid
jackhughes that’s what I said
ynhughes and what was your idea?
jackhughes no comment
nicohischier did it have to do w/ hockey
ynhughes oh jeez
jackhughes YES! AND SHE VETOED IT!
ynhughes why’d you have to bring it up 🤦🏼‍♀️
elblue6 I’m so excited for my grand baby!! this is amazing news. congratulations yn 🩷🩷🫶🏻
ynhughes I love you Ellen!! thank you 🥰
jackhughes MOM!?
elblue6 yes?
elblue6 congrats jack.
lhughes_06 lowercase and a period. yowzers.
trevorzegras congrats you guys!!
ynhughes thanks Trevor!!
jackhughes Uncle Trev 😎
njdevils excited for a new Jr. Devil!
Liked by ynhughes
user2 doesn’t yn know the whole world is in love with her husband? how could she do this to us?
user3 tf? it’s yn > jack any day
_alexturcotte my money would’ve been on Quinn being a dad first
jackhughes Quinn who can’t get a girlfriend?
ynhughes Jack! rude!
_quinnhughes she’s only with you cuz she’s pregnant
jackhughes she has my last name
ynhughes Quinn’s too bub
_quinnhughes HA!
jackhughes yn who’s side are you on!?
ynhughes no comment
tmeier98 congrats!
jackhughes thanks timo 🙌🏻
dawson1417 thank god, this was a hard secret to keep
jackhughes you knew??
ynhughes he was the second to know 😳
jackhughes after me right?
ynhughes well …
jackhughes WHAT!?
jackhughes who the hell was the first
ynhughes Luke …
jackhughes HUGHES!?
ynhughes yes.
lhhughes_06 I can explain
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Liked by _alexturcotte, trevorzegras and 101,871 others
jackhughes 36 weeks & counting 🫶🏻
View all 317 comments
ynhughes babe I’m literally huge in this, I told you I didn’t like this one
jackhughes yn, honey, you’re pregnant, your belly gets big
_quinnhughes jackson you don’t know a thing about comforting a pregnant woman who’s feeling self conscious
jackhughes enlighten me then Quinn
_quinnhughes yn, you look perfect. you’re doing the hardest thing a woman could ever do and you’re making it look easy. cut yourself some slack 🫶🏻
ynhughes quinny I love you so much 🥹
_eliaspetterrsson this man has such a way with words
elblue6 I can’t wait for my grand baby!
ynhughes she’s ready to meet you Ellen!!
lhughes_06 uncle Luke will be her favorite
_quinnhughes good try bud
lhughes_06 it definitely won’t be you
_quinnhughes uh, it 100% will
ynhughes boys, why are we arguing? you can both be the favorites
_quinnhughes no
lhughes_06 no
jamie.drysdale maybe it’s gonna be me
trevorzegras absolutely not
user2 this baby is gonna have so many uncles
nicohischier still can’t believe you’re having a kid
jackhughes I can’t either it’s crazy
nicohischier it’s a good thing you have yn
ynhughes Nico Hischier, always a charmer
nicohischier 😉
jackhughes hey back off you Swiss
ynhughes be kind to your daughter’s godfather
nicohischier her WHAT!?
jackhughes uh oh
ynhughes Jack Rowden Hughes you never told him!?
jackhughes yep, this one’s on me.
nicohischier you guys are serious?
ynhughes yes, Nico! we would love it if you were her Godfather :) there’s a whole gift that goes along that my incompetent husband forgot to give you, but don’t worry, I’ll mail it today
user3 yn already seems like the best mom
Liked by ynhughes
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Liked by adamfantilli, user1 and 77,871 others
ynhughes 9.9.23 Layla Quinn Hughes 🩷
View all 229 comments
lhughes_06 this is the best birthday gift ever! I love her already
ynhughes we love you! & happy birthday Moosey :)
jackhughes perfect like her mama ❤️
ynhughes I love you Jack Hughes
jackhughes I love you yn Hughes
user1 I think Jack’s officially gone
jamie.drysdale your baby?
ynhughes you like kids that much?
trevorzegras uh, yes. especially when it comes to my niece
_quinnhughes that’s seriously her name?
ynhughes yes!
_quinnhughes why??
jackhughes Quinn you’re so important to us, & you’re my older bro! it was only right
lhughes_06 now we have to battle out favorite uncle
lhughes_06 they probably named her after you because they didn’t want you to feel bad we share the same date of birth
_quinnhughes what’s more important, a name or a birthday?
colecaufield oof got him there
lhughes_06 you pick a name, you can’t pick a due date. what are the odds we’re born on the same day?
_quinnhughes actually Luke, September 9th is the most common birthday
ynhughes this is true Lukey
lhughes_06 okay, but what are the odds my niece is born on the same day as me, regardless of the statistical significance
jackhughes why are you using such big words?
edwards.73 the baby will think he’s smarter and choose him as a favorite uncle
edwards.73 his words not mine
elblue6 my first grandbaby! my heart is so full 🥰
jackhughes love you ma!
nicohischier my goddaughter is perfect 🫶🏻 congratulations you guys
ynhughes thank you Nico 🩷
jackhughes you’re the best cap!
user2 the name is adorable
tysmith_6 Jacky boy grew up, eh?
jackhughes damn right!
tysmith_6 congrats man! and congrats to you as well yn!
ynhughes thanks Ty!!
nhl another Hughes to play hockey! congrats!
Liked by ynhughes and jackhughes
dawson1417 Layla 🥹
ynhughes s/o for the suggestion !
jackhughes are we crediting Dawson for the name?
ynhughes no, but we loved this name and he was just another person who said they also liked it
jackhughes 🤨
jackhughes you’re the one that always loved that name …
ynhughes okay maybe Dawson helped a little
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Liked by _quinnhughes, jamie.drysdale and 102,871 others
jackhughes my 🌎
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Liked by lhughes_06, edwards.73 and 75,887 others
ynhughes round 2!
View all 271 comments
trevorzegras NO WAY
ynhughes yes!
jackhughes so excited 🫶🏻
ynhughes nobody I’d rather have by my side 🥰
user1 jack needs to stop having kids. he’s losing his sex appeal
ynhughes speak for yourself 🤷🏼‍♀️
jamie.drysdale maybe I’ll be the favorite uncle now!
trevorzegras no, it’s my time to shine
lhughes_06 we should probably give it to the real other uncle this time @_quinnhughes
_quinnhughes fuck off
ynhughes boys! behave
lhughes_06 yn is younger than you and still putting you in your place
ynhughes Luke, I don’t care you’re one of my daughter’s favorite people I will kick your ass
lhughes_06 yes ma’am 😳
nicohischier TEAM BOY 🩵
nicohischier and congrats again :)
ynhughes you say team boy like you’re not obsessed with our Layla
nicohischier oh I am, but another Hughes to the NHL would be phenomenal. specifically to the devils
jackhughes oh yeah? and you’ll still be there playing?
nicohischier I’m playing til I’m 50
jackhughes sure bud. sure
elblue6 grandbaby x2! congrats my loves 🫶🏻
ynhughes love you mama Hughes!!
rutgermcgroarty CONGRATS!!!
ynhughes thank you! miss you Ruts!
jackhughes get outta here Michigan
rutgermcgroarty & this is why yn is superior
user2 I hope it’s a boy and that he has Jack’s smile
ynhughes hopefully w/out the missing tooth
jackhughes really? we bring the tooth up now?
ynhughes I loveee youuu
jackhughes mhm
ynhughes jackson!
jackhughes baby I love you, you know this
tysmith_6 I have name suggestions, but only for a boy (which I KNOW you’re having)
ynhughes lay ‘em on me
tysmith_6 Ryan Jackson
tysmith_6 Bradley Luke
tysmith_6 Finnegan Ty
lhughes_06 thanks for the recognition
ynhughes these are really cute actually
tysmith_6 yeah, I’m awesome, it’s whatever
jackhughes who’s gonna tell him
tysmith_6 tell who what
jackhughes tell you something
tysmith_6 ????
ynhughes we already know it’s a girl!
tysmith_6 I mean, yay, of course. but no :(
colecaufield most of the time these comments are just one on one conversations
ynhughes and what about it cole
jackhughes he’s just jealous
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Liked by bauerhockey, tmeier98 and 130,761 others
jackhughes baby girl #2! meet Olivia Ellen Hughes!
View all 229 comments
nhl Layla & Olivia! congrats Hughes’ on the new addition!
njdevils another Jr. Devil! congrats!
edwards.73 CONGRATS!! miss you yn!
ynhughes thank you E! love & miss you!! 🥰
trevorzegras she’s so perfect 🥹
ynhughes Trev 🥺
lhughes_06 YN Hughes: baddest bitch I know
ynhughes Lukester 🫶🏻
jackhughes now she’s crying, you made her cry
ynhughes it’s just the hormones, Luke is so sweet to me 😭
nicohischier another favorite human to add to the list! congrats jack & yn!
ynhughes thank you Nico! we love you!
tysmith_6 well, if you find yourself pregnant again, you know where to find me for names
ynhughes will do sir 🫡
tysmith_6 oh and conrgats too!!
user1 and the family keeps growing
elblue6 love you guys! so excited for you & your new bundle of joy 🩷
jackhughes thanks mama
colecaufield the cutest lil mama’s boy
jackhughes shut it Caufield
ynhughes Jack be nice. Cole’s a good one
jamie.drysdale need to meet her IMMEDIATELY
jamie.drysdale please & thanks :)
trevorzegras no me first
jamie.drysdale we live together idiot
trevorzegras okay but I get to open the door
jackhughes who says we’re bringing her there??
ynhughes I already yes.
jackhughes babe wtf?? bringing our newborn to what’s equivalent to a frat house?
trevorzegras woah woah woah, it’s nothing like that at all
jamie.drysdale that’s insulting Jack
ynhughes I can’t say no to Jamie
_quinnhughes congratulations you guys
ynhughes thanks Quinny!!
jackhughes 🫶🏻
user2 I still think they break up
ynhughes it’ll happen soon. I’ll just trap him for his child support
_alexturcotte LMAO
_quinnhughes oh yn
luca.fantilli congrats!! I’m a lil behind on the life updates 😬
ynhughes don’t worry Luca, you’re forgiven :)
jackhughes why are you friends with all these Michigan hockey kids
lhughes_06 from the umich football game?
jackhughes the what?
ynhughes oh shit
jackhughes when did you go to a football game with all the boys????
ynhughes you were on a 10 day roadie! what else was I supposed to do, wait for you at home??
jackhughes that’s not what I said! I’m just shocked I was never told
rutgermcgroarty yeah we love yn
adamfantilli facts
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Liked by elblue6, nicohischier and 73,981 others
ynhughes these girls sure love their daddy ❤️
Comments on this post have been limited
njdevils our favorite Hughes posting our favorite Hughes’ :)
lhughes_06 HEY
nicohischier oof that’s tough
_quinnhughes is Layla kicking him in the face?😂
jackhughes it’s unknown what she was trying to accomplish
lhughes_06 she takes after her favorite uncle.. always kicking Jack’s ass
jackhughes at least the devils don’t hate me
ynhughes Jack that’s mean
user1 the most gorgeous family
elblue6 my girls minus one!
ynhughes mama e >>>>
jackhughes MA!? I’m in the photo too!
elblue6 I can’t lie and say you’re my favorite boy Jack
colecaufield oh shit
jackhughes I’m running away
trevorzegras it’s that karate she’s learning 😎
ynhughes she’s been BEGGING to see uncle Trev so you can watch Kung-Foo Panda. you’re the only person she let’s watch it with her
trevorzegras 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I love her so much
jackhughes maybe Trevor is the favorite uncle
jackhughes love you & our creations 🫶🏻
tysmith_6 that makes it sound like they’re paintings
jackhughes well then I’m fucking Da Vinci
trevorzegras then who are you?
jackhughes …
jackhughes Da Vinci
trevorzegras no that’s yn
jackhughes what???
trevorzegras you said you’re fucking Da Vinci ?
jamie.drysdale OH MY GOD
_quinnhughes Jesus Christ
trevorzegras oh I’m embarrassed
user2 it wouldn’t be a yn Hughes post without a hectic comment section
Liked by ynhughes
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Liked by nsuzuki_37, biznasty and 88,719 others
ynhughes our secret baby :) Caroline Florence💕
tagged jackhughes
View all 309 comments
luca.fantilli NO WAY
ynhughes WAY
luca.fantilli CONGRATS!!
ynhughes thanks Tilly 🥰
elblue6 so glad the secret is out!! I love my babies 🥰
ynhughes & they all love you Ellen 🥰🥰🥰
jamie.drysdale I already knew about this but I can’t believe it’s real. big congrats guys 🩷
jackhughes thanks kid!
ynhughes love you mucho jimbo!
njdevils we’ve said it once & we’ll say it again, congrats on the new addition!!
Liked by ynhughes and jackhughes
jackhughes officially a girl dad :)
ynhughes I love you Jack Hughes always 🫶🏻
lhughes_06 ew
_quinnhughes grow up
lhughes_06 you’re never on my side these days what’s up w/ that??
ynhughes guys why are we fighting in a comment section?
rutgermcgroarty because they’re children
biznasty you got this kid whipped
ynhughes boy don’t i
biznasty congrats yn & Jack! enjoy this time!
ynhughes thanks Paul🩷
trevorzegras how come you were never this nice to me
biznasty get outta here Zegras this isn’t your kid
trevorzegras it’s my niece, basically the same thing
jackhughes oh not at all
ynhughes not close Trev
lhughes_06 he’s so outnumbered
ynhughes that’s what he gets for growing up in a house of all boys
jackhughes hey that’s Ellen’s fault
elblue6 whose fault?
trevorzegras DAMN
_quinnhughes caught
jackhughes love you mom 🫶🏻
elblue6 mhm
_alexturcotte Jack’s been busy
ynhughes “busy”
jackhughes hey I do a lot!
_alexturcotte not what I meant guys
ynhughes ohhhhh
jackhughes ah he meant sex
colecaufield your parent radar is very censoring
user1 I think Jack’s officially officially taken
ynhughes the marriage wasn’t enough?
jackhughes the first 2 kids weren’t enough?
edwards.73 who knew what we needed was these two hanging up on haters?
nicohischier congrats guys! I’m proud of you kid
ynhughes ❤️❤️❤️
jackhughes cap 🥹
tysmith_6 CONGRATS!!!
tysmith_6 but something’s missing …
jackhughes yn I swear to God
ynhughes Caroline was all me …
ynhughes Florence may have been a Ty suggestion
jackhughes sometimes I feel like I’m just married to Ty
nhl can’t wait for these girls to run the hockey world someday like they’re dad & uncles! congratualtions!
ynhughes well this is just adorable
lhughes_06 *like their uncle Luke
jackhughes omg this little shit
_quinnhughes for real what went wrong with him?
elblue6 I wish I knew
lhughes_06 MA
644 notes · View notes
euijoosorangeslice · 8 months
I have thoughts about the hyung line :
• Fuma and K tend to be boy's dads
• Euijoo and Nicholas are more inclined towards girl's dad
I completely agree with this take actually.
warnings: suggestive, a lot of pet names, idk what to label this as fluff?
• (child age 7) kei coming to his sons football meet to cheer for him, hugging his son and lifting him in the air. “Great game! You are gonna be big someday, little guy!” Your son would laugh loudly as kei held him upside down by his legs. Kei would place him back on the ground, his son scrambling to grab his things to go home.
You buried your head into Kei’s arm, smiling like a plastic doll. “What’s got you so giddy?” He’d ask, running his fingers through your hair. “Just my two boys in the same space. I can’t believe he really has your eyes.” Kei reached down, sliding his hand over your butt. “I mean, maybe we could have one that has yours?”
• (child age 2) “Papa! Give me uppies!” His son would cry, Fuma working over the stove to make lunch for his family. “I- oh hold on baby, Papa really needs to finish lunch before mommy gets up.” His son would wail even louder, and Fuma would have no choice but to pick him up and attach him to his hip.
“It’s okay, my love. Papa’s here.” You stumbled into the kitchen, leaning against the counter in your robe with your messed up hair. “Ugh, I slept in again.” You’d whine, Fuma smiling at your messed up state. “Good morning, beautiful. It’s probably hard to not sleep in when your legs are still sore from your…anniversary gift last night. Anyway, sandwiches are in the menu, darling. Made a side of beans since you were craving them.”
“Speaking of cravings, I took another test. Guess who’s eating for two?” You giggled kissing his cheek. “The same girl who has morning breath.” You delivered a hard punch to his stomach, making him shout. “Fuck your sandwiches.” You grumbled, walking to the bathroom.
• (child age 16) Your daughter ran excitedly into the living room, holding her phone. “Mom, can I go to a party tonight? Before you ask, yes there will be boys, but I don’t like any of them! And I’ve been taking my birth control anyways. I’m not going to get pregnant.” You smiled at how hastily your daughter pleaded her case. “Ask your father.” Your husband interjected, “No way. Boys are animals, and I don’t want you getting caught up in trouble.”
“Dad! I promise I won’t get into trouble! You know I’m smarter than that.” She pleaded, but Euijoo shook his head. “There’s no way I’m letting it happen. Unless, you can promise me there will be nothing more than kissing, no touching below the belt, and you don’t take any drugs. Drink responsibly and you better be back by 11:30 on the dot.” Your daughter sighed, subtly rolling her eyes. “Fine, ok whatever! I won’t do any of that stuff, thank you.” She ran back upstairs to get changed, making you giggle.
Euijoo leaned into your touch as you brushed your fingers through his hair. “I just don’t want her getting hurt. I was a teen boy once, and you know how that went.” You kissed his cheek, holding his hand. “You have to be a little lenient. We raised a smart one, she can fend for herself. Trust her. Now, she’ll be gone all night and we can have some time to ourselves.” You smiled, kissing his collar. “We could do it right on the couch.”
•(child age 13) just imagining nicho being proud of his little girl playing in something like a basketball competition, (he’d love if she did a sport that he likes) and he’d turn to you and smirk. “We made such a beautiful baby girl. Maybe we should make another when we get home?” He hinted, making you roll your eyes.
“No. We are going to take our daughter down to her favorite place for dinner, and when we get home we are going straight to bed.” You instructed, making Nico smile. “I’d go straight to bed with you any night, angel.” You rolled your eyes again, standing up. “Want anything from the concession stand?”
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Sparda boys Vs. A crush
I saw a few other people do this so I figured I'd give my two cents. I'm hoping to write more often so if there's something you'd wanna see my requests are open :)
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While Dante has the reputation of a player, when he starts to fall he falls hard.
It'll start out innocent enough, he thinks about them a lot, will often worry about them when they're away, typical golden retriever man stuff.
He'll always bring them up in conversation or, when talking to them, will bring up him thinking about them.
"Last night I saw this movie, the lead totally reminded me of you-"
Dante will take every chance he can to flirt with them.
Even if they're just passing by he has to tell them how much he likes the outfit they're wearing or the way they did their hair.
When Lady and Trish tease him for being so infatuated he'll deny it vehemently.
"We're just friends, I talk to everyone like that!" "Uh huh, you totally tell everyone they look sexy eating pizza Dante."
Has no idea how down bad he is until one night he's cranking one out and their image pops into his head.
One thing's for sure, the post nut clarity is a bitch slap of truth this time.
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Unlike Dante, Vergil is a much harder nut to crack (hah)
He catches himself falling hard and fast before he can show it externally
He'll immediately emotionally withdraw himself once he realizes how he feels. Of course he cares about them, that's why he has to keep them away.
Although he emotionally distanced himself, he can't physically stay away from them.
This only worsens his internal struggle, and soon enough he'll start making excuses in his head to justify staying around them.
"If I don't flirt with them then there's no harm done, talking about books over tea never hurt anyone" "I don't care about them anymore, they'll only get hurt, but it'll hurt them too if I skip lunch with them tomorrow."
This continues until he reaches his final conclusion, "I can be strong enough to protect them this time."
From that point on he'll take the secret admirer route, leaving small gifts and notes, mostly poems, for them to find.
Vergil will take note of things they tell him to add in later. They mention their favorite candy? You bet they're gonna find a small package with a hand written note later that night.
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It's really not too hard to tell when Nero has a crush.
While he's considered the most level headed of the three, he's also the one who can't seem to find his footing when he's down bad.
He'll become a blushy mess whenever they're around. (Nico likes to tease him about how his ears turn red)
He's so desperate to win them over he'll take advice from anyone, even Dante (big mistake).
Bad pickup line after bad pickup line, he tries his best.
He'll try to get as close to them as possible, mentally noting down every detail about them and their life.
He'll try to go the same route as Vergil but will soon get impatient (both with coming up with good notes and how long it's taking)
After a while he finds it easiest to just be honest about how he feels.
1K notes · View notes
scrollonso · 3 months
First Kiss (Ending 1)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (3.4k words, angsty ver) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {I almost made them happy but then i rewrote it so it's really a sad ending}
last part - masterlist - alternate ending (just for u guys)
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The private villa Lawrence rented for his son's party buzzed with the sounds of Lance's 19th birthday celebration. The expansive terrace was draped in fairy lights, and the tropical decor gave a nod to the vibrant culture of Brazil. The night was warm, the air filled with the mingling scents of barbecue and the fresh tang of lime from caipirinhas.
Lance was at the heart of it all. His Racing Point jacket lay tossed over a chair, his cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and alcohol. The F1 season had just concluded. It was a fitting end to a spectacular year.
"Happy Birthday, Bubu!" Nico Rosberg called out his smile audible, navigating through the crowd with a bright grin. He embraced his teammate warmly.
"Thanks, Nico!" Lance replied, his smile wide. "This is the best birthday I could ask for." He slurred, head laying on the older mans neck "You're so nice Nico, please don't die"
The German man couldn't help but laugh, patting the Canadians head as he shook his head at his drunken state.
Sebastian emerged next, carrying a brightly wrapped gift, pictures of his face littered on the paper. "Lancey! I got you something special," he announced, his German accent thick. "Open it later when you can stand straight."
Lance laughed, pulling Sebastian into a hug, trading one German shoulder for another. "Thanks, Sebby. You always know how to make it fun."
Across the terrace, Fernando Alonso watched his boyfriend with a loving smile. Once he made his way over, he slid an arm around Lance’s waist. "Mi sol, are you enjoying your night?" he asked, his Spanish accent colouring his words.
"The best, Nando," Lance responded, leaning into Fernando, clingier than he usually was now that he had practically drank his body weight in expensive wine. "It’s perfect because you’re here."
Fernando kissed Lance on the cheek. "Am glad, Lancito."
Sebastian raised his glass, a gleam in his eye. "To Lance, the youngest ever F1 race winner!" he toasted, his voice carrying above the music.
The crowd echoed the cheer, their glasses clinking in unison. Nico leaned in with a grin. "How does it feel, being a nineteen year old?"
"God, I'm just glad we're in Brazil and not America" He shook his head, wiggling the wine glass in his hand.
The night continued in a blur of dancing, laughter, and endless drinks. Lance, feeling beyond tipsy, found himself on a plush lounge chair with Fernando at his side. Sebastian animatedly recounted a moment from free practice, shaking his head as he explained the argument he'd gotten into with an engineer.
"Seb, how are you ever gonna get a seat!" Lance exclaimed, his laughter unrestrained. "You’re crazy."
Fernando, his arm securely around Lance, whispered, "You okay, mi vida?"
"Better than okay," Lance replied contentedly.
As the party began to wind down, Lance and Fernando decided it was time to head back to their shared room. They bid goodnight to their friends, with Nico and Sebastian giving Lance one last hug and a few more jokes.
Back in the quiet of their hotel room, Fernando helped Lance out of his shoes and jacket, noticing how after they'd left he got quieter. "Tired, Lancito?" Fernando asked gently, his Spanish accent soothing as he looked up to the Canadian.
"I can't do this anymore" A now tipsy Lance muttered, face barely illuminated in their shared hotel room.
"What?" Fernando laughed, unsure what Lance was talking about, he never made much sense when he was drunk.
"I can't hold you back like this" He confessed, eyes foggy as he looked up at Fernando.
"Lance, you're not holding me back, what are you talking about, Mi sol?" The Spaniard consoled, cupping the boys face in his hands
"Nando, i'm not gay"
"You're joking" Fernando laughed, patting his cheek slightly before folding his dress shirt and placing it on the chair in the corner of the room
"I can't be gay, I- I know we've done things and i've said things but- but none of it was real, Nando" A now shirtless Lance stumbled over his words, picking at his fingernails as he spoke.
He didn't respond, simply stepping closer and pressing their lips together, trying to pull his boyfriend out of his head, stop the thoughts from consuming him.
The Canadian kissed back, of course he did, his body knew how he wanted to react. His brain was just in denial.
Just as it seemed to be going back to normal he pulled away, the back of his hand wiping his lips. Wiping away Fernandos kiss. It hurt.
"Stop, don't- don't kiss me." Lance moved back, needing distance between them
"What? Am I making you feel sick?" Fernando scoffed, sucking on his teeth as he waited for a response. Waited for the next piece of bullshit Lance was going to spew. He wasn't upset before, but Lance wasn't drunk enough for this to be excused.
"It's not like that." Bullshit.
"You cant just lie to me, Lance, I know you- you feel the same, I know you do, but you have these feelings, these thoughts, these concerns, but I'm here to help." He was confused, they'd been fine all week, they'd been fine for months, and suddenly Lance was breaking up with him? "What happened, Lancito? Who spoke to you? What are you hearing? Let me help."
"Stop, Fernando." He spat, speaking to the older man as if they really were nothing "I can't, this is over"
"No, I won't let you do this."
"You have no choice. If I dont leave you'll never be happy."
"I want to be happy with you, Lance, I want to do this with you. I'll help you deal with whatever youre going through but you cant just- you can't give up on us like this" Fernando felt as if all the wind had just been knocked out of him. Seriously, where was this coming from? "What am I going to do without you?"
"Continue racing, win your third world championship, fall in love, really fall in love, not like this. You want a family, I can't give you that. If you're ever done racing then retire and live out the rest of your life like I never existed, find paradise, Fernando, I'm not everything."
"I have found paradise, with you, Lancito. You're my everything. You're my life. My sun. My soulmate. You can't just leave me as if you don't feel the same."
"I don't." He confirmed, standing up and weaving by Fernando to grab his shirt and slip it on before leaving.
"I'll never love racing the way I love-" slam. "-you."
He left everything else that he had but he couldn't bring himself to care. He couldn't go back. If he did he'd never leave.
Fernando didn't go back to his hotel that night, he went to Marks.
He wasn't sure why.
He needed someone.
As soon as the Australian opened the door Fernando broke out into sobs, coming undone in the hallway of some random four star hotel in Brazil.
"Fer" Was all Mark said, pulling his friend into his arms as he pushed the door shut.
It was pathetic. Fernando thought. Crying.
That night he slept in the taller mans hotel, the wrong taller mans hotel.
He slept in Marks arms with tears dried on his cheeks as his chest rose and fell with every shakey breath.
Everything was wrong.
Fourteen years. That's how long it was until Fernando saw Lance again.
He retired after his rookie year, there was hardly ever any new information about Lance released to the public for fourteen whole years.
Fernando hadn't dated since Lance. Hadn't looked at any girls, let alone another boy, since Lance left him after he turned 19.
Fernando had gotten more involved with his karting brand since then, doing anything and everything to distract himself from the memories of the boy he loved so dearly all those years ago.
He arrived at La Conca Circuit, seeing the boys and girls already in their Karts and practicing for their upcoming races, he couldn't help but smile as he walked closer. There'd been a lot of new students enrolled since the last time he'd watched a practice. Seeing them at the earliest stages of their careers made him happy, it temporarily filled the whole in his heart he left reserved for his future children.
One student in particular caught the Spaniards attention, his helmet a familiar hot pink with hollographic lettering on the side, as he watched the boy absolutely dominate the track he noticed him coming to a stop, exiting his vibrant FA kart and pulling off his helmet then his balaclava.
Fernando stood up, making his way over to the boy in an effort to learn who his new student was
"Fernando Alonso, how long have you been karting with us?" He held out his hand, the boy's head shooting up, a shocked expression on his face as he quickly took the mans hand
"Nik-" The boy spoke, practically choking on his words "I'm Nikola- I've only been racing here for a few weeks"
"How do you like it, Nikola?" The older man asked, smiling slightly at the boy
"I love it, I've been in karts since I was four and it's so great to be in an environment like this" The teenager nodded, the accent attached to his words bringing memories flooding back
"Are you from around here?" Fernando asked, aware the boy wasn't just by the way he spoke
"No, I'm from Canada. My dad's here on business and the schedules just lined up perfectly" He answered, helmet tucked under his arm
The Spaniard nodded, eyes falling down to the helmet "Did you design it yourself? Your helmet."
"My helmet?" Nikola echoed, holding it out to show Fernando "No, my dad had a similar helmet when he was in F1, I wanna make it too so I figured the helmet might bring me luck"
Fernandos mouth went dry, eyes glued to the pink helmet with NS on the side, "Nikola Stroll" written in small letters just barely above the holographic logo
"Stroll, You're Lance's boy?" His eyebrows furrowed, eyes meeting Nikola's, it made sense now that he knew. He looked just like Lance, it was unsettling.
"You know my dad?" Nikola asked, eyebrows raising as he awaited a response
"We used to be close, very close, he was in Formula 1 when I won my second championship." Fernando smiled at the fond memory "We haven't spoken since he retired, though."
"What? Why? You guys have to talk now." Nikola insisted, reaching out and grabbing the Spaniards wrist to pull him over to where Lance was lingering, distracted on his phone as he waited for his son to be finished.
"Dad!" The boy called, the now older Canadian turning back instantly
"Nikola, mi sol, how was-" He stopped mid sentence, look on his face changing as he registered the man behind his son, swallowing dry as the two came closer
"Why didn't you tell me you were friends with THE Fernando Alonso when you were in Formula 1?" The teenager asked, letting go of Fernando as he gazed up at his dad, not noticing the shakey breath escaping his lips
"Can you give us a second, Nik?" Lance asked, eyes not leaving the Spaniard. His son didn't protest, just groaned as he went back out to the track
The roar of engines started up again and the smell of gasoline filled the air at the circuit. The sun beat down on the asphalt, making it shimmer in the afternoon heat. Spectators cheered from the stands, but Fernando and Lance were oblivious to the noise around them.
Fernando stood by the outskirts of the circuit, his face flushed with anger. He had no idea what to say, his heart pounding in his chest. It had been 14 years since they last saw each other, but the intensity of his emotions hadn’t dimmed. Lance stayed a few feet away, the tension between them palpable.
"So, you are a father?" Fernando spoke up, uncomfortable with the silence between the two.
"Yeah, He'll be thirteen in December." Lance nodded, running his fingers through his now shorter hair, the Spaniard unable to ignore his ring finger "You aren't?"
"No." He responded simply, eyes following the Canadians hand as it settled against his hip "Are you married?'
"Yes." Lance responded, trying everything to avoid looking the man in front of him in the eyes
"Oh" Fernando hummed, unable to tear his eyes away from the Canadian in front of him "You look good, Lancito"
"Nando-" He started, stepping back slightly "Fernando, I can't- don't call me that."
Fernando scoffed, looking around to see if people were watching before he spoke "Don't call you that? Lance you literally call Nikola mi sol. He just found out we knew eachother back then today. You can't tell me not to call you Lancito then send your son to my karting school and call him what I used to call you. Is not fair."
Lance sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Fernando, this isn’t the time or place-"
"Don’t you dare tell me what the time or place is!" Fernando’s voice rose, drawing the attention of a few passersby. "You owe me this. After all these years, you owe me an answer."
"I- God." Lance licked his lips, desperately trying to get moisture back into his mouth, voice scratchy from nerves "I know, of course I know it's not fair. It's insane. I should be working but you've been going to tracks a lot more recently and I couldn't stop wishing I was there to see you. Just one more time. I needed to see you." He spoke fast, barely avoiding stumbling over his words
"Do you have any idea how selfish that is, Lance?" Fernando asked, voice shaking as he moved closer to the man in front of him, he really was a man now. "You left me. You retired and cut all contact with me fourteen years ago. You got married. You had a child. You're all i've ever wanted. I haven't looked at another person the way I looked at you in more than a decade and you needed to see me?"
Lance looked down at the ground, shifting uncomfortably. "What do you want me to say?"
"Do you want to be with me or do you want to be with her?" Fernando's voice cracked, the raw pain evident. "Answer me, Lance!"
Lance's eyes met Fernando’s, filled with a mixture of guilt and sorrow. "Marilou...she’s my wife now. We have a life together."
"And what about us?" Fernando’s eyes blazed with anger. "What we had meant nothing to you? Fourteen years, Lance. Fourteen years and not a word from you. And now I find out you’ve been living a lie with her?"
Lance stepped closer, lowering his voice. "It’s not a lie, Fernando. I loved you, but things changed. People change. I couldn’t keep living in the past. That was the only lie."
Fernando shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes. "You didn’t even give us a chance. You just left. Disappeared. Do you know how much that hurt?"
Lance reached out, but Fernando recoiled. "I’m sorry, Fernando. Truly, I am. But I’ve made my choice."
Fernando’s shoulders slumped, the fight draining out of him. "Then why did you come here? To rub it in my face?"
"I didn’t know you’d be here," Lance lied. He'd just told Fernando the truth and now he was going back on his words like he thought the Spaniard was some fucking idiot. "I came to watch Nikola race, to clear my head. I never expected this."
Fernando turned away, staring at the karts zooming around the track, a blur of color and motion. "I loved you, Lance. More than anything. But you made your choice. Do you expect me to just live with it?"
"I knew this was a bad idea. Tell Nikola I'll be waiting in the car" He muttered, turning away and rushing off, not expecting the Spaniard to chase after him, grabbing his arm roughly and turning him around, not wasting a second before crashing their lips together.
The kiss was fierce, raw, and filled with fourteen years of unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Lance stiffened at first, shocked by the suddenness of it, but then he melted into the kiss, his hands finding their way to Fernando's back. The world around them seemed to blur, the sounds of the karting track fading into a distant hum.
After a few moments, Lance pulled away, breathless. "Fernando, we can't..."
"Why not?" Fernando's voice was hoarse, his eyes searching Lance's. "Because of her?"
"Because it’s not fair to anyone," Lance replied, his voice shaking. "Not to her, not to me, and certainly not to you."
Fernando's grip tightened on Lance's arm. "But this, us, it's real. You can't just walk away from this again."
Lance looked torn, his eyes filled with conflicting emotions. "I have responsibilities now, Fernando. A family."
"And what about your responsibility to yourself?" Fernando countered, his voice softer now but still intense. "What about your happiness? You can’t live your life for others at the expense of your own heart."
Lance closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "I made my choice. I have to live with it."
Fernando let go of Lance's arm, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "So, that’s it then? You’re just going to keep running away?"
Lance opened his eyes, filled with unshed tears. "I’m not running away. I’m trying to do what’s right."
"For who?" Fernando's voice trembled with emotion. "For Marilou? For your son? Or are you just trying to convince yourself that you're doing the right thing because it's easier than facing the truth?"
Lance's jaw clenched, a tear escaping down his cheek. "I'm trying to do what's right for everyone. Including you."
Fernando scoffed, wiping his own tears away angrily. "Don't you dare pretend this is for my benefit. You left me, Lance. You walked away without a word. Now you expect me to believe that staying away is for my sake?"
Lance looked away, unable to meet Fernando's piercing gaze. "I thought it would be easier for you to move on if I just disappeared."
"Easier?" Fernando's voice rose again, raw with pain. "Do you have any idea what it was like? Wondering every day where you were, why you left, if you ever cared at all? And now you come back into my life, tell me you’ve moved on, and expect me to just accept it?"
"I never stopped caring," Lance whispered, finally looking back at Fernando. "I thought about you every day. But I couldn’t see a way for us to be together without hurting everyone around us."
Fernando took a step closer, his voice softening. "I can't believe you still care what people have to say about you. Running away doesn’t solve anything, it just proves you're nothing but a fucking coward."
Lance's resolve seemed to waver, his eyes searching Fernando's face. "What do you want from me, Fernando? What do you want me to do?"
"I want you to be honest with yourself," Fernando said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Stop hiding behind your responsibilities and ask yourself what you really want. Because I can’t keep living in this limbo, wondering what might have been."
Lance took a deep breath, the weight of his decision pressing down on him. "I..." He stopped, expression changing "I can't do this."
Fernando scoffed, scoffing at the Canadians response. "I still love you, mi sol. And I believe deep down, you still love me too."
Lance swallowed hard, his emotions a tangled mess. "I have to leave, I need to forget about us. I owe my wife that much. And myself. And you."
Lance paused, swallowing the words desperate to come out, before walking away, his heart heavy with the choice he'd made. Fernando watched him go, hope and fear battling within him.
He was never good at keeping a poker face. Fernando knew straight away his Lancito didn't love that woman. His Lancito didn't love women. But this man wasn't his.
He didn't know who Lance was anymore and Fernando just had to be okay with that. He had to be okay with that being their last kiss.
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creeky-cricket · 9 months
Bad psychoanalysis of the new sander asides video
first, THE OUTFITS FOR EVERYONE WERE SO CUTE second, THE LITTLE THINGS THAT SHOW THE CHARACTER DYNAMICS AND DEVELOPMENTS IN THIS--?!?!! virgil summoning only after patton got excited (the adrenalin) - in the beginning, he wouldn't do this, only showing up to create chaos. but now it just shows that he wants to protect the others!! roman and virgil being the only ones that are upset that the dark sides are gonna be there - showing how they have the most experience / resentment against them pls this doesn't even really contribute to my point but the way roman treats remus when he pops up is just funny to me the fact virgil knew who joanne fabric really was - might be a small detail but again, shows he's got more experience with the dark sides janus taking jabs at virgil and his gift for logan - clearly janus is having a hard time adjusting to being a light side still, plus virgil being protective of not only himself, but also something he knew logan would actually like. the subtle hints remus gives logan when he becomes frustrated - shows the kind of 'i can make him worse' mentality he's got on our poor boy (also count hint that within the next few sander sides videos we could get a logan breakdown) how virgil gets angry when janus makes fun of roman - this could just be because of the hatred he has against janus, but could also show that, despite the squabbling, he does care for roman. virgil finding romans slap funny - supports the same points as before THE ENTIRE INTERACTION BETWEEN VIRGIL AND LOGAN AT THE END- I DONT KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS ONE CAN SHOW BUT I LOVE IT ANYWAYS. there's more, but last but not least: also, at the end. nico asking thomas what the message was and him not being able to answer - this shows how thomas clearly isn't sure about nico, he wants to feel good about being with him but just. cant seem to grapple with it. also supported by a previous video with pattons hesitant answer to 'what is his opinion on nico'. @thatsthat24 :3
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rafyki · 3 months
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 7!
Finally some proper progress for our disaster boys!!
Oh I loved writing this chapter SO MUCH!! And in fact I managed to basically write all 2.7k words today lol I really was in the zone today - this is what percico does to me xD
(@neo-kid-funk, there's something I hope you'll notice here, hehe 👀)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
You can also read it on AO3!!
It was late when Percy got to the beach, late enough that the sun was already down, the red and orange from the sunset already gone from the sky. Late enough that Percy knew it was stupid going there in the hope of meeting a certain pretty goth boy that had been haunting his dreams for the past months.
If he remembered correctly (and he did, he didn’t spend so much time thinking and looking at Nico to not know perfectly well this sort of thing), his shift should have been over almost two hours ago. There was no way he was still at the kiosk.
And yet.
And yet Percy couldn’t help himself - he had arrived home, he had thrown his luggage on the floor, and then he was out of the door again, following the all too familiar path that led him to the beach.
He could feel himself vibrating out of his own skin, knew he probably had the most foolish smile painted on his lips; he was perfectly aware he had probably been smiling like that nonstop for the past three days.
And he really didn’t care one bit. Because Nico had asked about him.
When Annabeth had called him, she had sounded so excited that Percy had known right away it was important - she wasn’t the type to get excited for nothing, but to be perfectly honest, Percy had expected something like her favorite architect was going to finally give a lecture in her university or something; he had not be prepared for what she was about to tell him to make his world shift around its axis (dramatic, yes, but, again, Percy didn’t care).
“Oh my god, Seaweed brain, you might actually have a chance!”, is what she told him, and Percy had been too confused to do more than make a questioning sound in response.
“He asked about you!”, she continued. Percy could almost see her smile through the phone.
His heart leapt in his chest, but he willed it to calm down. Jumping to conclusion just to be disappointed after wouldn’t feel good. It didn’t work, his heart was already too far ahead, running.
“What are you talking about, Annabeth?”
“Your dream boy, Percy! The goth boy from the kiosk! Your Nico!”
And it was really all Percy could do to not let himself fall on the ground and let out a scream like a schoolgirl at her first crush.
“What do mean he asked about me? Annabeth, please, you’re gonna give me a stroke here”.
She laughed at him, but then finally did explain. 
Percy hadn’t stopped smiling since that conversation. Part of him had wanted to get on a plane and go back right then and there just to see Nico. It was so stupid, but what did it matter when it felt so good? Percy felt like he deserved to be stupidly happy about this when he had spent the past few months pining and hoping and dreaming about a boy he sort of wanted to gift the moon to. 
And so, here he was now, feeling like he was walking on a cloud instead of sand. It didn’t matter that Nico most probably wasn’t there, it still felt ridiculously good, because Percy would see him tomorrow anyway, and he couldn’t wait.
Nico had been worried about him, had asked about him. He cared about Percy enough to ask someone he didn’t even know if he was alright.
There was really no possible way to keep the happy smile off Percy’s lips.
The seaside air filled his lungs, and it only made his smile grow bigger. He still threw a glance at the kiosk - it was still open, but as Percy had expected, Nico wasn’t there.
Still smiling, he stopped to take off his shoes and started walking aimlessly around the shore. It always felt good, just walking on the beach, feeling the sand all around him.
He kept walking for a while, his mind inevitably pulled towards the same direction.
And so, when he saw the very object of his daydreams right before his eyes, his first thought was that his imagination was getting a little out of hand. He stopped, looked, blinked, and looked again, thinking his pipe dream would have disappeared. 
But no, it was still there. Still a little further away from where Percy was, but Percy would recognize him everywhere.
Nico was sitting on the shore, just a few feet away from the ocean, knees up and arms around them as he looked toward the horizon.
Percy’s heart lost a beat, stopped completely, then started running and running like it wanted to reach Nico as soon as possible.
He looked so incredibly ethereal in the low light of the dusk, Percy felt his breath get stuck in his throat. 
His feet started moving before he could realize it, and he started walking closer.
Nico had his hair down, and oh, Percy had never seen him with his hair down, he always had it tied up in a ponytail when he was working; it hit him, all at once, that this was the first time he saw him not behind a counter, the first time he could talk to him as just two people (friends? perhaps?) instead of a customer and a retail worker.
It felt important. A huge turning point, somehow.
Nico looked up when Percy was just a few feet away from him, before he could find the voice to greet him.
Their eyes met, and woah, yes, that definitely felt like a turning point.
Nico was looking at him like he was the last person he expected to see, eyes wide and lips parted in surprise. Percy forced himself not to stare, but it was difficult when really the one thing he wanted the most was to just stare and stare and bask in how pretty Nico was. 
“Ehi”, he said, finding his voice again before it started to get awkward. “Hi, Nico”.
A beat, when it seemed it was Nico’s turn to try and get his voice back.
“Percy- hi”.
Percy got closer, sat beside him - a proper, socially acceptable distance, even without a counter in between them. His heart was dancing like crazy in his chest.
“You’re back”, Nico said, then seemed to realize what he said and turned to look away, back at the ocean. “I mean- I didn’t expect to see you”.
He was so cute. Percy wanted to reach out and take his hand, to caress his cheek and feel if it was warm from the blush. Oh he wanted to kiss him so bad he was about to go crazy.
“Me neither”, Percy said. “I got back just a few hours ago, and then came here”. He licked his lips, debating on what to say. ”I missed the beach”.
I missed you, he wanted to say, but the words died on his lips. Now that would definitely be too much.
Nico looked back at him. Percy decided he could allow himself to be just a little daring.
“I’m happy I found you here though”, he said, and each one of his words was accompanied by a somersault done by his heart. He wondered if Nico could see what the smile on his lips meant.
Nico didn’t reply right away, but Percy could see the small smile that came up on his lips, and that helped just a little to calm down his frantic heart.
“Me too”, he said in the end, so low that his words threatened to be taken away by the sea breeze. Percy caught them though, and held them close.
This felt way too heavy to call it a simple crush.
Silence fell between them, and it wasn’t weird exactly, but it wasn’t comfortable either - it was the kind of silence where it’s clear both you and the other person are desperately trying to find something to say; something, possibly, that won’t make you want to bury yourself under the sand out of embarrassment after wording it out loud.
“What are you doing here, by the way?”, Percy ended up saying. “Hasn’t your shift ended like two hours ago?”
Nico looked at him, head tilted to the side in question. “You remember my shift hours?”
Oh, damn.
“Huh, well- I spend a lot of time here?”, Percy said, and it sounded way more like a question than a statement.
Nico laughed, shy and soft, and Percy thought that dying of embarrassment was worth it after all, if it got him that.
“So you know Jason’s shift hours too?”
“Who’s Jason?”
A moment of silence passed when Nico kept looking at Percy. Percy would have given everything to know what he was thinking.
He was ready to go and hide in the ocean when another soft laugh left Nico’s lips.
“Fine, I only remember yours”, Percy said in the end. Oh how he had missed flirting with Nico, how he had missed that pretty smile. 
He looked so good with his hair down, flowing lightly in the soft breeze, Percy wanted to bury his hand in it, wanted to find out what it felt like.
There was just something about Nico, something that made it impossible for Percy to look away, like he was caught in his gravitational field and he couldn’t escape even if he wanted, and he just kept being dragged closer and closer. He was caught in Nico’s orbit, a satellite to his planet.
Nico looked almost regal in the low light, sitting with his back straight as he went back to look at the ocean, a small smile still on his lips. Percy wouldn’t be too surprised to find out he had been a prince in another life.
“I like to just sit here on the beach for a while after I finish at work”, Nico said, cutting Percy’s wandering mind off. “It’s peaceful”.
“I thought you didn’t like the ocean”.
“I never said I don’t like it”, Nico replied, rolling his eyes at him. “I said I don’t like getting into the water. But I like looking at it”.
Percy hummed, thinking about it. “It’s so big - the ocean, I mean”, he said. “Sometimes, I feel like I wanna get lost in it”.
It was probably a weird thing to say; Percy wasn’t sure where the confession was coming from. Somehow, it came natural with Nico.
“Doesn’t it scare you?”
“Sometimes”, Percy replied. “But it’s a good kind of scared, I don’t know how to explain it”.
Once again, silence fell between them. This time though, it was different, a little lighter, a little more comfortable.
Percy let himself get lost in the feeling of being on the beach, of the sea air and salty scent filling his nose and lungs, mixed with the feeling of being so close to Nico, of the warmth he could almost feel coming from him, of his own heart pounding in his chest.
Before he could think about it too much, he got up, stretched a hand out to Nico.
“Come on”, he said.
Nico was looking at him confused, clear questions in his eyes. Maybe he was thinking that Percy was crazy. And, truth be told, Percy did feel just a little crazy at that moment.
“Let’s go in the water”, Percy said. “Not much, just our legs- come on”.
Nico blinked up at him. Percy’s hand was still outstretched towards him.
“Our clothes will get wet”.
“Doesn’t matter, they’ll dry off”.
“It’s a stupid idea”.
“Yeah, but it’ll be nice, I promise”.
A beat, then Nico took his hand. They fit well together, Nico’s hand in Percy’s bigger one. Percy felt the urge to interlace their fingers. He managed to hold himself back, but even once Nico was up, he still didn’t let go.
Nico didn’t either, though, and the realization made Percy’s heart go even crazier than it already had.
He started walking backward, using their joined hands to pull Nico with him, closer and closer towards the water.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you”, he said. He was probably back to smiling like a fool, but what did it matter when Nico was looking at him like that, smiling softly back with a clear blush tinting his cheeks pink? Percy wouldn’t have been able to stop smiling even if he had wanted to.
“Idiot”, Nico murmured, and it sounded so fond, Percy felt his heart melt, merging with the water beneath their feet.
Nico hissed when the water touched his feet and Percy couldn’t help but laugh at him. The way he looked back at him with a frown on his face made him laugh a little more and think that he really, really wanted to kiss it away.
Still, Nico kept going willingly as Percy kept pulling him along, step after step, until the water reached almost up to their knees.
They still hadn’t let go of each other’s hand. Percy didn’t want to be the first one to let go; he hoped Nico was thinking the same thing.
“See, it feels nice, doesn’t it?”
Nico seemed to think about it a little. “It’s cold”.
“That’s not an answer, Nico”.
Again, Nico rolled his eyes at him. “I guess… it’s not that bad”.
“I’ll take that as a win”, Percy said, and laughed.
It really did feel so good, but it probably had more to do with the hand still held inside his than with the ocean itself. Percy could barely bring himself to focus on the water, all of his senses couldn’t feel anything but Nico, his skin against his, the soft look in his eyes and the pretty smile still in place on his lips.
“I will get to teach you how to surf, at some point”.
When Nico laughed, Percy could swear he could feel the sound in his soul. “Don’t get too ahead of yourself now”.
They stayed in the water for another few minutes, then went back to the shore. It was like a silent agreement when they let go of each other's hands, went to get their shoes, and started walking along the shore side by side.
Percy missed the contact already.
They were walking close, close enough that Percy could have easily reached out and took Nico’s hand again. 
“So”, he said, breaking the silence. “Annabeth told me you asked about me”.
Percy loved it when Nico blushed, he liked that it happened so easily. 
“Huh, Annabeth is your friend?”, Nico asked, and Percy nodded. “Yeah, huh. You usually come here pretty often, so when you didn’t come for a whole week, I… got worried, I guess”.
Percy could feel his heart swelling into his chest. 
“That’s nice of you”.
Nico just shrugged, like it was no big deal, like the thought of it hadn’t left Percy laying awake at night for three days straight.
Maybe, just maybe, he could be a little braver tonight.
“Mh, maybe-”, he started, then cleared his throat. “Maybe we could exchange numbers? You know, so you wouldn’t get worried again, you could just ask me. And I could do the same, if you didn’t come to work for some reason”.
Percy could feel each one of his heart’s beats in his ears, so loud he couldn’t hear the sound of the waves anymore.
Until Nico nodded. “Yeah, uhm, that’s a good idea- I’d like that”, he murmured, and took his phone out to hand it to Percy. Percy accepted it and gave him his own, like in a dream.
It felt like a hallucination, putting his number into Nico’s phone.
Now, his mind was all white noises and silent screaming, as they went back to walk, side by side. Percy held onto his phone like a newfound treasure.
When they reached the end of the beach, Percy wanted nothing more than to turn around and just do it all over again. Maybe he could will the time to slow down if he tried hard enough.
“This was nice”, he just said instead.
Nico nodded. “Yeah”, he said, with the prettiest smile on his lips. “See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow”, Percy said back, even though he was sure he would also see him tonight in his dreams.
He waved Nico goodbye, and stayed there looking at him as he walked away.
Oh, this definitely felt way bigger than a crush.
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