#nico folded for him
seagull9111 · 2 months
Will has a fucking tattoo, is a healer, and isnt a asshole
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6-paris-6 · 1 year
okay you know i literally dropped off the face of the earth with my pjo and hoo fandom shit and there’s a will and nico book?!! wtf?! and apparently i lost my books from the pjo series so i only have the first two and the first one from hoo..but i’m going to the beach and bringing them with me which is very much a slay for me
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puckinghischier · 3 months
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Nico Hischier x fem!reader
summary: part 2 to falling
notes: hello!!! considering it’s after midnight, i’m giving you guys a gift for my birthday. this was very fun to write and i continue to just make myself sad that i don’t have a nico in my life. i hope you enjoy! happy reading! 🫶🏼
this is unedited!!
request: anon requested a part 2 to falling
“I really wish you’d let me carry something, Neeks,” you whine out, pressing the button to call the elevator down to the parking garage.
“Nope. I’m perfectly capable of carrying your groceries on my own,” Nico dramatically swings the reusable shopping bags over his shoulder, walking a few feet away before turning and striking a pose.
Your laugh echoes around the concrete garage, amused at his theatrics.
It’s been about three weeks since your accident at the rink, and Nico hasn’t left your side since. As long as he’s in Jersey, that is.
After that first night he’s only really left your apartment to either go to practice and games, or to sleep. Sometimes even the latter not being true, considering there’s been a few nights he’s crashed on your couch after late-night movie sessions or particularly rough games.
During your follow up appointment your doctor told you to keep the sling on for a few more weeks, not wanting to add any unnecessary strain to the healing muscles in your shoulder. After you told Nico the sling was here to stay, he insisted he was going to, literally, be your right-hand man.
You were also told, as long as you and the sling are one, going to work is on your list of restricted activities. So is any form of strenuous activity, lifting anything over ten pounds, and whatever else Nico deems unsafe for you to do. Like carrying your groceries.
Nico has shown up at your apartment every morning with a cup of coffee, either bringing you breakfast or offering to cook for you. He takes his post-practice and pre-game naps on your couch in case you need him to do anything for you. After home games he shows up with takeout and candy, keeping you company while you’re stuck in your apartment day after day.
When he’s on the road he enlisted the help of Jesper’s girlfriend, Nicole, to come over and check on you at least once a day. Anytime he’s playing in a different state, no matter where he is, he always manages to have dinner delivered to your house, making sure you’re not stuck eating microwave meals and simple dinners, thanks to your limited cooking ability and lack of being able to drive at the moment.
Before he has to leave for stretch of away games, he always makes sure he takes you to the grocery store, stocking your pantry and fridge to make sure you have everything you need while he’s gone. He calls you every chance he has on the road, wanting to check on you and how you’re feeling while keeping you up on the team happenings, knowing how eager you are to get back to work.
Today is one of his ‘preparation’ days, as you’ve dubbed them. He showed up this morning with a coffee and a bagel, cut into quarters instead of in halves, so the insides wouldn’t slip out of the other side when you tried to take a one-handed bite. He did your dishes and folded your laundry for you while you showered, twisting your hair into one of his trademark braids after you were dressed before ushering you out of your apartment, claiming the two of you had errands to run.
The first errand on his list was taking you to the rink, a satisfied feeling settling over him when he saw the large smile on your face when he told you he asked if you could sit in on practice today. You were practically buzzing with excitement, not having been at the rink since the day of your fall. You had grown to love the sport of hockey during your time at your job. Missing the chill of the air, the sound of pucks sliding across the ice and the scrape of their skates as the players come to a stop.
Several of the players slide over to the bench where you sit, just as excited to see you as you are to see them.
Jack and Luke come over first, telling you how ready they are for you to be back, having given themselves the job of Puck Police, ensuring that all of the pucks are cleared out of the skate path leading towards the benches.
Jesper, Timo, and Holtzy tell you how much they miss the jokes you would tell them so they would quit mean mugging and actually smile during arrival pictures.
Dawson, Johnny, and Curtis joined the gathered group, bringing you a card that everyone from the team had signed. It was a giant novelty card, clearly custom made, considering there was a picture of the whole team on the front, the inside reading “Sorry you fell over our pucks. We feel really pucking bad about it.”
You were doubled over in laughter the entire time the team spent chatting with you before their practice officially started, fulling understanding the sentiment that laughter is the best medicine. You were even able to give the young girl filling in for you some pointers, helping her adjust the settings on the camera for different shots, happy you were able to sneak in a little bit of work to your visit.
After practice was over and Nico was showered and ready to go, the two of you went out for lunch at a small café just down the street from the rink, their large bakery selection immediately catching your eye. You ended up having cake for lunch, telling Nico to mind his own business when he asked if you wanted any ‘real’ food.
Once lunch was over, he took you to the grocery store, helping you pick out ready made meals and a few other essentials before bringing you back to your apartment, where you were currently witnessing Nico’s wannabe model moves.
Once the elevator lifts you to your floor, you walk over and unlock your door, leaving it open behind you for Nico to walk through, following you straight to your kitchen to put away your groceries.
You grab a box of cereal, setting it down on the counter before reaching up to open your cabinet door. Just as you’re reaching up to place the box on the shelf, you hear something fall, a bottle of water slipping off of one of the shelves in your fridge. You jump slightly, trying to turn your body at the same time, the sudden movement pinching one of the nerves in your shoulder, causing you to let out a hiss.
Nico immediately clocked the displeased noise, jerking his body into a standing position and walking over towards you.
“Are you okay? What happened? Did you try to lift this up with your bad arm?” he asks you, arms hovering around your frame, eyes glued your slinged shoulder.
You finish pushing the cardboard box onto the shelf, closing the wooden cabinet door.
Rolling your arm a bit, you turn to face Nico.
“I’m fine. Just jumped a little and it caught my shoulder in a funny way, I guess. No big deal, just more uncomfortable than anything,” you assure him.
He narrows his eyes at you, trying to gauge if you’re lying to him or not.
Narrowing your eyes back at him, you pull a face at him.
He backs up, laughing, seemingly convinced you’re fine.
Walking back over to finish placing the several salad kits you bought in the fridge, Nico starts talking with his head fully inside of your fridge.
“So, we leave out around six tonight and I won’t be back until late Friday night,” he tells you, meaning he’ll be gone almost four full days, considering today is Monday. “Nicole offered to stay over here if you wanted her to, incase you needed to go anywhere.”
You’ve gained a friend in Nicole through this whole process, enjoying her company. You didn’t have many girl friends in the city, your job taking up the majority of your time. Nico was the person you spent the most time with, even before these past few weeks, but you occasionally tagged along to outings with the team, growing close to Jack, Luke, Timo, and Jesper, too. You figure that’s why Nico chose to ask Nicole to help out, seeing as you’d spent some time with her during celebratory bar nights and get togethers at Nico’s apartment.
The two of you were friendly before, but now you would consider yourself good friends, going out to lunch together and watching bad reality tv during the day when she would come over. She even helped you do your skincare routine one night before bed, giving you different tips and tricks on the order of application. It felt like you were in middle school again having a sleepover with your best friend.
“I might take her up on that. I think there’s new episodes of The Circle on Netflix. We could binge them while eating ice cream!” your eyes light up with an idea.
Nico laughs and shakes his head at you while shutting your fridge door.
“I really don’t understand your obsession with these awful shows. Jesper and I were talking about how we wouldn’t be surprised if the two of you signed up for your own spot on one soon.”
The thought of Nico talking about you when Jesper is talking about Nicole makes your brain stutter for a moment.
You can’t deny that your new found feelings for Nico have continued to develop during the time he’s spent being your self-appointed helper. His insistence on being your personal chauffer, showing up every day like clockwork, even going as far to tell the media team the alternate captains are going to have to do post-game media for home games until you’re back to work causes your feelings to grow each day.
You haven’t told your mom about the arrangement with Nico, not wanting to get her hopes up, still not entirely convinced Nico isn’t just being nice. The two of you haven’t shared any intense moments like the first night he braided your hair, now the braiding sessions being filled with small talk and laughter.
Hearing that Nico is bringing you up when Jesper is talking about his own girlfriend, however, sparks a seed of hope in you.
“And if we do, you and Jesper can be our cheerleaders from the other side,” you tell him, sticking your tongue out.
When Nico finishes putting away the rest of your groceries, he takes the reusable bag and returns it to its hiding spot under the sink.
At this point, Nico knows your apartment as well as you do. He knows where all of your dishes go, because he unloads your dishwasher and washes anything by hand that won’t fit. He knows where all of your clothes go in your room, helping you wash, fold, and put away your laundry – with the exception of your underwear, he hasn’t earned access to that drawer yet. He knows where everything in your bathroom is, having to take a shower one morning after he crashed on the couch. He even knows which junk drawer has which random items in it.
You’ve become so comfortable with Nico being here, it’s like a tiny part of you doesn’t want your arm to heal, just so he has to continue coming over and playing roommate.
Nico walks over and leans against your stove, facing you.
“Are you sure you’ll be fine while I’m gone? It’s the longest stretch of away games we’ve had since your fall.”
He looks genuinely worried, the thought causing a familiar swirl in your belly.
“I’ll be fine, Neeks. This thing comes off next week anyways,” you lift the arm in your sling for emphasis. “I’m going to have to get used to you being gone again, anyways. This week will be like a practice run.”
You catch the way Nico’s eyes just slightly fall. If you weren’t always paying attention to his beautiful eyes, you would’ve missed it, perking up just as quickly as they fell.
“God, finally. Thought I’d have to be your maid forever,” he exaggerates his words, making a big show of rolling his eyes and throwing his arms up above his head.
“Oh shut it, you love hanging out with me,” you step towards him, wagging your finger in his face.
He tilts his head, pretending to think about your words. “Yeah, I guess you’re pretty good company,” he reaches out, grabbing the finger a few inches from his nose.
The two of you stand there, his hand not letting go of your finger, letting it drop in-between your bodies.
His lips fall from his wide smile, slightly separated as he stares at you.
Feeling the energy shift, you stare back at him, not knowing what exactly is happening. Neither one of you have spoken for a solid minute now, your finger still trapped in his hand.
Your eyes flick down to his pink lips, and back up to his eyes. He darts his tongue out to lick his dry lips, unable to move your gaze from them this time. Thinking about what his lips would feel like on yours, the alarm bells start going off in your head.
Clearing your throat and stepping back, you break the moment, not knowing what else to do.
Nico drops your finger, bringing a hand up to run through his long hair, looking away from your face.
Was he thinking about kissing you like you were thinking about kissing him? Would you have really let him? Why did you interrupt the moment? You like him you idiot!
When Nico pushes himself off of your stove, you start ignoring the voice in your head.
“I need to get going. Still need to stop by my place and grab a few things before heading to the rink,” he says, still refusing to meet your eye. “I’ll, uh, call you when we get there, like usual, okay?”
Nodding at him you reply with a “Yeah, sounds good.”
“Alright. Good. I’ll see you in a few days?” he walks over to you, hands twitching at his sides like he wants to give you a hug, but doesn’t know if he should.
You eliminate the space between you, wrapping him up in a hug. “Sounds perfect. Play safe.”
He hugs your body to his for a few more moments before letting go, a small “Bye” leaving his mouth before he grabs his keys off of your kitchen table and exits your apartment with a wave.
You stand in your kitchen thinking about your interaction, deciding a phone call to your mother was needed.
Grabbing the bowl of freshly popped popcorn, you walk back over to your living room and plop down next to Nicole.
Tonight was the night the boys are supposed to be getting back from their road trip. Since they weren’t supposed to be getting back until late tonight, you decided to spend the evening watching some of your favorite rom coms to pass the time.
Nicole always said waiting for Jesper to get home on the day of was the worst, because she knows its so close but the time always seems to drag. You surprisingly understood, the past week feeling like the longest of your life without Nico’s presence around your apartment.
After your phone call with your mom the other night, you allowed yourself to realize you want to be with Nico. Your confession to her that you did actually have feelings for the hockey player earned a squeal of joy and an extremely enthusiastic “I told you so!”
Talking with your mom about his actions throughout your whole accident and healing process really opened your eyes to how long you’ve really had feelings for him. You weren’t completely blind, finding Nico attractive from the very beginning, but you hadn’t really let yourself go all the way. Preventing yourself from getting your hopes up and embarrassing yourself, you kept using the excuse of him just being nice to justify why there were no feelings involved in your friendship.
You realized what a load of bullshit that was, though, considering how often you found yourself calling him to tell him good news whenever you received any. Or wanting to have a movie night anytime you were upset or sad, knowing your mood would improve the second Nico walked through your door. Or all the times at the bar when you would ignore men’s advances, wanting to just spend time talking with Nico the whole night.
Your mom recounted all the times she knew, once again marking that first time he helped you on the ice as the moment. She’s still not able to convince you that it was then, considering you and Nico didn’t even really know each other then.
Thinking back on your phone call with your mom made you think about how you hadn’t heard from Nico in a while, pulling your phone out to see if he had given you any update on where they were.
Nicole threw a handful of popcorn at you, fussing at you to pay attention to the movie and that they’ll be home when they’re home. You surrendered to her wishes and placed your phone face down on the coffee table in front of you.
Your third movie of the night was about halfway over when you heard a key turning in the lock on your door, knowing that only one other person had a key to your apartment.
You grab the remote and pause the movie, turning your body to face behind your couch, waiting for Nico to walk around the corner.
As he rounds the corner, suitcase in hand, you can’t help the grin that breaks out on your face.
“You’re back!” you exclaim, fighting the urge to leap off of the couch and crush him in a hug.
“I’m tired,” he responds, his smile bright but eyes tired.
The dark skin under his eyes confirm his words, assuming he had been asleep on the plane until they landed.
“Well, I guess that means I need to get home to Jesp,” Nicole says, sitting up and grabbing her shoes.
Nico looks over, mumbling out a “Good to see you Nicole, thanks for keeping her company this week,” before looking over at you, yawning as he told you he was going to take a quick shower then crash on your couch.
You give him a nod, telling him the stuff he bought last time was still in there.
Nicole gives the two of you a look, waiting until she hears the bathroom door shut to speak up.
“He keeps shower stuff here?”
Looking over at her you explain the time he fell asleep here and needed to shower that morning, stating you had too many expensive looking products to waste on himself, so he bought his own shower essentials and uses them anytime he decides to shower here after practice.
“So let me get this straight. He comes home to your apartment after a long road series, keeps his own products in your shower, has a key, and stays the night sometimes?” she watches you nod, her words not sinking in. “So, he does all of this, but the two of you still claim you’re just friends?”
Not knowing how to respond, you just stare at her. She keeps looking at you, waiting for your answer.
“Well…I mean…I don’t know,” you finally spit out.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” she questions.
“I mean, there’s little moments here and there that lets me think we could be more than friends, but I don’t want to bring it up because what if he’s just being nice? What if he agrees that we’re really just friends?” you open up to Nicole, the only other person you’re able to talk about this with being your mom.
She scoffs at you. “Are you kidding me? What kind of moments? Because from where Jesper and I are sitting, we keep expecting you guys to make it official any day now.”
Your cheeks heat at her words. “Well, like the fact I never even had to ask him to do all of this stuff for me, he just did. And he admitted that he drove all the way to the hospital the night I got hurt because no one had any updates, then drove here with no socks on when they told him I had already come home. He keeps getting all of these restaurants to cut my food up in weird ways so it’s easier for me to eat with one hand. And if they don’t do it, he will,” you keep rambling, not focusing on your surroundings enough to hear the shower shut off. “I mean, he offered me skating lessons when he saw me stumble on the ice once, then started coming over for dinner multiple times a week, unless they’re on the road.”
Nicole looks past you down the short hallway, noticing the light shining through the open bathroom door.
You keep talking. “The biggest one, though, is that I think we almost kissed before they left on Monday,” you tell her, causing Nicole’s eyebrows to shoot up.
“SPILL,” Nicole insists, her interest at an all time high.
“Well, we were standing in my kitchen just goofing off and I stuck my finger in his face. He grabbed it and wouldn’t let go, then we just kind of started staring at each other. Before I knew what was happening, I was staring at his lips and he was staring at mine, then I got nervous and stepped back before anything could happen,” you tell her with a shrug.
Nicole groans. “Are you serious!? You could have kissed him and you chickened out? What were you thinking?”
“I don’t know! I was thinking ‘what if I just have something on my face and he doesn’t actually want to kiss me.’”
She shakes her head at you. Movement down the hallway catches her eye, watching Nico step out of the small bathroom, and idea forming.
“I mean, you do like him, right?” She watches Nico’s figure stop in his tracks.
You sigh at her, letting your head sag a bit.
“Of course I like Nico. He’s kind, funny, takes care of me,” you start, a dreamy tone making its way into your voice. “Not to mention he’s insanely attractive. I just…don’t want to mess things up.”
Nicole flits her eyes over to Nico while you’re not paying attention, watching his face morph into shock.
“Y/N, the only way you’re going to be able to know if he feels the same way or not is to tell him. Forget about making a fool of yourself. Nico won’t shun you if he doesn’t feel the same way, he’s not that kind of guy,” she assures you.
“I know, Nic. But how do I even bring it up? How do I find the right time to slide ‘hey, so I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you, let me know if you feel the same!’” You pull a thumbs up at her, pulling a sarcastic face.
Nicole smirks at you, confusing you until she says “Just like that,” before pointing behind you to a freshly showered Nico standing in the hallway, having heard every word you just said.
You turn around, snapping your head back towards Nicole when you see Nico. You don’t move, too petrified with the fact he just heard you say you were in love with him.
“Y/N, is that true?” Nico calls out, cautiously walking towards your couch.
Nicole stands, claiming it was time for her to go before she hastily made her exit.
Your eyes are squeezed shut, trying to pull off the ‘if I can’t see them, they can’t see me,’ move.
“Is what you just told Nicole true? You’re in love with me?” you hear from in front of you now, feeling the couch dip.
You refuse to open your eyes, wanting to disappear into thin air. When Nico reaches his hand out, grabbing your non-slinged hand in his own, your eyes snap open.
He’s looking at you with an expression in his eyes you’ve only ever seen a few times before. Once when you wore his jersey for opposites day at work, handing him your camera to tote around all day as you, very poorly, skated around the ice, trying to scoot a puck around. The second was when you surprised him with a pan of brownies for his birthday, knowing how much he loves the chocolatey squares. The third was when he braided your hair for the first time, recognizing the softness of his eyes through the mirror. The most recent, aside from right now, was earlier this week, during the same moment you just described to Nicole.
“I…” you try to speak, but you’re still stuck in shock.
Nico chuckles and drops his head, looking at your hand in his.
“Would it make you feel better if I told you I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you, too?” he repeats your words, looking up and into your eyes as he says them.
Your mouth snaps shut, a new kind of shock entering your system.
“I think I have been since that first time Jack almost took you out on the ice,” he starts. “I had seen you before, but we only really spoke when you were telling me how to pose for pictures. Or making me smile for arrival pictures,” he reminisces, a fond smile on his face. “I always thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, but I knew I had to get you to talk to me somehow, the skating lessons being my perfect in,” he tells you, squeezing your hand.
You can’t believe your mother was right. The lessons were a calculated move for Nico to establish himself in your life.
Nico keeps talking, pulling you from the realization. “The more we spent time together, the more I realized I wanted you to be more than just my pretty coworker I taught how to ice skate. So, when you offered the dinners after lessons, I jumped. I was hoping it was your way of telling me you had feelings for me, too, but when you kept telling your mom we were just friends, I figured I could wait it out a little longer,” he references all the times you complained about your mom jumping to conclusions. “I kept lying in wait, trying to find the perfect moment to make my move, and then you got hurt. I was so worried when they told me you fell and they had to take you to the hospital. Got scared it was my fault, that I told you the wrong thing during a skating lesson, or I pushed you to skate on your own before you were ready,” he starts rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand.
“When I realized you would need major help while your arm was in that sling, not even being able to brush your hair by yourself, I knew this is where I could tell you. Maybe bring it up when I was braiding your hair, or slip a note in your bagel bag one morning. Hell, I even thought about spelling it out with sushi pieces that first night, but figured that might be a bit tacky,” you laughed at his words, remembering wondering what was taking him so long to bring your food to you. “But then, every time I thought about it, I chickened out. The closest I ever got was the moment in your kitchen, every muscle in my body screaming at me to just lean in and kiss you,” your laugh is cut short at his confession. “When you pulled back before I could, I assumed you didn’t feel the same way, so I left. I was embarrassed, not wanting to sit in the rejection any longer. But this week, being away for so long after spending nearly every day with you for the past three weeks, I knew I had to tell you.”
You’re glad he was as affected by not being around you this week as you were, not feeling as pathetic anymore.
“Was going to tell you when I walked through the door actually, but then I saw Nicole here and didn’t want to do it in front of her. That worked out great, didn’t it?” he laughs at the situation, Nicole clearly having different plans.
You scoff out a “Yeah, clearly, considering she railroaded me without me even knowing.”
“Well, I’m very glad she did, because now I can stop talking about you like a lovesick puppy to them,” Nico tells you, confirming your earlier feeling that Nico brings you up during ‘girlfriend talk’.
“My mom is so totally going to freak out when I tell her we’re dating,” you tell him, stopping yourself. “We are dating, right?”
Nico laughs as he brings his hands up to cup your face, pulling you in for a kiss, his lips as soft as you imagined they were. He keeps the kiss light and sweet before pulling back.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” your cheeks flush, earning another laugh from the man in front of you.
“C’mon, I’m tired and would love to sleep in an actual bed tonight. We can talk details tomorrow, girlfriend,” he emphasizes the word. “Right now, I need cuddles and sleep,” he stands, holding his hand out for you to grab as you stand, leading you down the hallway towards your bedroom.
Thinking back to what lead you to this moment, you giggle quietly to yourself, finding it a little comical that it took you literally falling on the ice and injuring yourself to realize you’d already fallen there once before.
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“I’d pick you up at the airport.”
“If we were normal. I would — have one of those signs, you know. When you came back from your adventures.”
“Oh.” Nico snorts. “I’m still fucking off all the time when we’re normal? And you’re not coming?”
“It is woven within your very soul to fuck off as you please,” says Will sagely. “You get antsy. You know, like a house cat.”
He laughs when Nico shoves him. Less when he loses his balance and rolls into a tree, but he crawls back, anyway, kicking Nico’s ankle as he lies back next to him, folding his hands over his ribs. Nico watches him for a moment, tracing the round edges of his knuckles, until Will’s smile begins to twitch with him knowing, and he looks hastily back to the sky. It’s embarrassing, Will’s snorting huff of amusement, but more than that it’s electrifying, zapping a trail down Nico’s spine and making him shiver.
He can feel the heat Will is always throwing off, blazing every centimetre from his shoulder to his heels, a hair’s breadth away, a millimetre of distance.
“What else would it look like?” He clears his throat. “Our, um. Our normal?”
Will hums. “New York, probably. Big-ass penthouse with your trust fund.”
“I’m a trust fund baby?!”
“Hey, Nico, how much does dish soap cost?”
Nico opens his mouth, and closes it again. Will’s snickers get louder. Is it considered bad etiquette to banish one’s significant annoyance to the Underworld? Only permanently, probably. If he only keeps him there for a couple weeks it should be find. A couple weeks would be appropriately humbling.
“And what do you contribute?” Nico asks, instead of answering. (Not because he doesn’t know. Obviously. Because he is dignified, that’s why.) “Your dimples and boyish charm?”
“Yes, obviously.”
“…Okay, fair.”
Will snickers triumphantly.
“You still a doctor?”
“Mhm.” Will shifts, mouth curled in amusement. “Paediatric in Mount Sinai. We live close, by the way. You said it’s cause it’s close to Central Park but really you like to hide my lunch in the mornings to have an excuse to come see me.”
“Sounds like you forget your shit a lot, actually.”
“That, too.”
He looks over and smiles at Nico and for a moment he is convinced, wholly genuinely and truly, that the sun that’s been hiding behind the clouds all day has finally peeked out, because he can actually feel his whole body warm, in that slow-rising, penetrating way; he can actually smell the surge of sunshine in the air, feel the red glow in the backs of his eyelids, taste the brightness of the light. Every one of his neurons sinks into his system, sighing, cells reacting to thousands of years of memory of the gentle warm of the Earth’s closest star.
But the sun is not shining, and there is only Will, and his too-big teeth brush against the bottom of his lip, and his dimples show, and his eyes crinkle, and he is more radiant in even his old stained camp shirt and fraying jean shorts than his father has ever been and could ever hope to be. A thousand planets could thrive under a hundred blazing stars and none could come close to him. He knows it, how those ancients felt, the drunken surety as they stood and challenged the gods, swore up and down that their beloveds outshone Venus, Diana, Juno; Will does, Will does, and Nico understands intimately the hubris in a way he scoffed at as a child, because the words bubble and boil and threaten bursting inside of him now. What claim have the Olympians? Over sunlight? Over beauty? Over Will?
“We’re happy?” he says instead, choking hoarsely over the veneer words, over the blocked desperation, truth. “In our normal, we’re happy?”
“Always,” Will whispers. He twists onto his knees, crawling the two inches over to press close, close, closely, hand gentle on Nico’s stomach when he tries to sit up, and presses his lips to Nico’s cheek, dry, twitching with his smile, shaking with his laughter. Nothing is funny, and he isn’t joking, but Nico can feel the giddiness bubbling up and out of him the way sadness flows out in tears; when Will is giddy he giggles, constantly, hiding it barely in his hands, and now he presses it into Nico’s skin, because he knows how Nico aches to hear it, how he watches him like he’s burning it into the ridges of his brain. “I am always happy with you, Niccolò.”
“I love you,” Nico says, fiercely, and it will never be enough, not in English, not in Italian, not in Greek, but he will try. “Te amo. Capiscimi? I love you, Will, I —”
“I know.” The tiny little vibrations of his laughter are — intoxicating; Nico is drunk, ascending. “I know, di Angelo. Sap. I love you, I know.”
He dissolved into giggles into the crook of Nico’s neck, and Nico is lying, still, facing the clouds, and he is warmed, and he is warmed, and he is warmed.
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leaentries · 6 months
threes a crowd | nico hischier & luke hughes
summary: nico guiding his girl through having two men.
warnings: smut, dom!nico vibes, vibrator use, choking, p in v (protected), blowjob, deep-throating, slight masturbation, threesome, slight degradation (use of slut), praise, little to no major plot, not proofread
a/n: i feel like this was a long time coming. anyways, i think the ending is a little rushed but i hope yall enjoy! :)
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The intense vibrations shot through your body like lightning.
“Fuck!” You threw your head back.
Luke’s gaze admires your worn body covered in a sheen layer of sweat. His eyes were wide with curiosity as he upped the level of the lilac toy.
You felt like you were gonna burst out of your skin. The pleasure burned through every vein, every nerve you had. Panting, you reached up to grab the pillow by your head. It was almost too much for you.
“Careful, Luke. Don’t want to make her cum too fast.”
Your eyes shot open at the thick accent that echoed through the room. Lost in the heat of it all, you nearly forgot about the Swiss man you call your boyfriend.
In all fairness, the amount of orgasms that had been coaxed out of your spent cunt were unbelievable. Paired with the fact that Nico watched every twitch of your body that Luke provided was alluring. You felt drunk.
Nico’s hand moved to switch the vibrator off, gently taking it from Luke’s hand. Both, you and Luke, released sounds of displeasure.
He simply raised an eyebrow at the both of you, matching it with a curt, “Stop being brats.”
You rolled your eyes, distaste filling the empty trails where the sweet pleasure of climax had once been building.
Luke peered down, not sure what to do next. He was more bashful than his normal chatty personality. But you could only narrow that down to the fact that it wasn’t every day your captain let you in his bed. Let alone with his girlfriend.
“Don’t make me show Luke how to punish you, baby.”
Luke’s face grew hot.
Punish you?
The mere thought of doing something to edge on your pleasure and bring you teetering, or even have you begging was enough to make Luke’s cock jump and his stomach twirl. He had never felt this way before, nor made a woman shake with pleasure, but he sure as hell wasn’t complaining.
His body ignited with tingling sensations at every brush of your hand on his bicep as you tried not to clench your thighs together.
“Lukey wouldn’t do that to me,” You turned to Luke with big eyes and battered lashes, “Would ya, Lukey?”
Luke swallowed harshly at your gaze. His cock was weeping.
“Uhm-” He was at a loss for words.
Nico’s hand moved to your throat before Luke could intervene. Long, thick fingers curled themselves slightly around your neck, sending a pleasured high to your brain.
“I thought I told you not to be a brat?” Nico’s words were harsh and mean, but the way his lips left bruises against your jaw proved he wasn’t as mad as you thought.
Luke watched as your body writhed under the large form of his captain. His mind was hazy as he studied the faces you’d make when Nico sucked on a specific spot by your collarbone. Once Nico pulled away, he turned to face Luke.
“I want you to make her feel good. Can you do that, Luke?”
The question rung coarse, Luke nodded hesitantly.
You opened your legs teasingly, your soaked folds gleaming in the lamp light. Luke switched places with Nico, now resting on his knees in between your thighs. Your boyfriend made his way to the cushioned chair in the room, his proud cock smacking against his abdomen as he sat down.
Nico could sense Luke’s hesitation by the way his hands meekly began to run up your thighs.
“Be harder with her,” He smirked, “My baby won’t break.”
Luke looked to you for approval. You nodded at him encouragingly. As he began to grow more comfortable and confident with his movements, he slowly trailed his long fingers to trace your clit.
“Mmm,” You bit your lip with a moan. Waves of gentle pleasure began to roll through your tummy. The slow paces of Luke’s circles were teasingly amazing. They added just enough pleasure to ignite that fire inside of you once more.
Turning your head to the side, your eyes met Nico’s blazing ones. His eyes were so blown out in lust they looked black. Nico’s chest heaved as you could see the remnants of precum dripping from his swollen tip.
You bit your lip at the sight.
“Like what ya see, schatzi?” Nico smirked at you.
You nodded desperately. You had to swallow a wanton moan as Luke applied more pressure to your clit. It was overwhelming. You tried to keep your eyes open as you watched Nico slowly spread the precum from his tip over his shaft. He gripped the base lightly, tilting his head back.
“Such a slut for me, huh?” Nico asked aloud, “You have another man playing with that pretty pussy, yet you can only look at me.”
You whined.
Although what he was saying wasn’t a total lie. Nico knew you belonged to him and he also knew that no matter who was touching you, he’d always know your body best.
The agonizing pace of Luke’s fingers began to frustrate you, you needed more.
“Tell Luke what you need, baby.” Of course. Nico could always tell when you needed something extra help bring you to your release.
Luke’s eyes met yours immediately, scared he wasn’t pleasing you. He retracted his fingers, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
“Need you inside me, Lukey.”
Oh fuck.
Luke could have sworn he almost came on the spot. His cock throbbed at your tone of voice, balls clenching with need. He couldn’t agree fast enough, frantically searching for a condom.
Now, even though Nico was being nice enough to let Luke have the privilege of fucking you, it was not going to be without protection. Nobody but Nico was allowed to enter you raw. That was something he wasn’t gonna give up.
As you watched Luke remove himself from the bed to grab a condom, you reached for Nico, signaling you wanted him to come over to you. Nico rose, his delicious cock shining beautifully as he walked to you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled his lips to crash into yours.
Nothing could compare to the warm taste of Nico’s lips.
You pulled away, panting as you caught your breath. “I want you too, Neeks.”
Nico smiled at your shy request. “Yeah?” He cocked his head to the side, “You want me to fill that pretty mouth?” His thumb pulled your bottom lip down slightly.
“Please.” You whimpered.
He nodded in acknowledgment, “Okay, schatzi. Whatever you want.”
As Luke turned to make his way towards the bed, he noticed Nico’s presence. He remained stoic, unsure of how to proceed.
“C’mon Luke,” He called the younger boy over as you positioned yourself on your hands and knees, “You can get behind her.”
Luke practically scrambled behind you, his cock eager to plunge deep inside of your velvet walls. He grabbed onto your hips, as Nico moved in front of you.
“Ready, baby?” Nico met your eyes with concern.
You replied with a confident, “Yes,” your body buzzing with anticipation.
Nico nodded toward Luke, giving him the go-ahead. Luke dragged his tip from your clit up to your throbbing hole, taking his time to spread your arousal. He finally sunk in, stretching you out deliciously. Your jaw dropped in a silent scream as Luke eased himself in further. You felt the room grow hotter, your breath picking up at the slight burn Luke’s dick sent through you.
Nico took this as an opportunity to pump himself a few times, before lightly tapping your lips. You opened your eyes at him, tears already beginning to form as Luke started to thrust.
“Open,” Nico demanded.
You obliged gratefully, jaw going slack to compensate for Nico’s size. Your eyes rolled back as you felt both of your soaking holes simultaneously being filled to the brim. You felt so full.
Your mind was hazy as both men found a comfortable pace. Luke’s hands dug deeper into your hips, his head thrown back in a whine.
“Fuck,” He cursed, “So tight.”
You spasmed around his cock, as Nico fisted your hair tightly. You brought up your right hand to hold onto Nico’s thigh, a feeble attempt to ground yourself. Hallowing your cheeks and breathing through your nose, Nico’s cock slipped deeper into your throat. He swallowed roughly, feeling his stomach tighten at the sight of your ass bouncing back against Luke’s pelvis.
“Doing such a good job for us, schatzi,” His head fell forward with pleasure, “Always such a good girl.”
You whined appreciatively around his length, feeling your own pleasure begin to build. You squeezed impossibly tighter around Luke, drawing curses from the curly haired boy’s mouth.
He shook his head, “Not gonna last, fuck.”
Luke’s abdomen clenched as his impending orgasm hurled towards him. He gradually slowed his pace, reaching a hand over your body to rub sloppy circles into your clit.
Another one of Nico’s rules; Luke couldn’t cum until you did.
Dropping your head, Nico’s cock sprung up, “Fuck! Gonna cum!”
You felt your climax hit you unexpectedly hard, pussy gripping Luke’s cock like a vice. The added pressure sent Luke over the edge, his body collapsing forward at the impact of his finish. He shot thick white ropes into the condom, making sure to leave a bite mark or two on your shoulder.
Nico pumped his cock steadily, the sight of your fucked out form and teary eyes were enough to have him painting your chest and chin white with his seed. Your orgasm lasted longer than Luke’s, the boy beginning to whine from overstimulation as he fucked you through the entirety of your climax.
As you finally finished, Luke pulled out slowly. You grimaced at the cool sensation of air on your over-sensitive folds. You felt a body collapse next to yours on the bed, another moving to wipe the spent from your chest.
You sat there a moment, too tired to open your eyes.
“You okay, pretty girl?” Luke’s voice echoed lightly in your ear.
You smiled at his concern, “Never better.” Your voice came out in a hoarse whisper.
“Yeah, sit up, baby.” Nico came to your side to help you up. “Here, drink some water.” You felt a hand help you hold the cup, but your mind was too far gone to really comprehend who was doing what.
After you had been properly taken care of and dressed in a hoodie, Nico filled in the spot next to you, pulling you into his body.
He kissed your temple, mumbling into your hair, “You did amazing, schatzi. Thank you for making us feel so good.”
Luke watched with big eyes, staring from the foot of the bed. His hand fidgeted nervously with the sweats he had on, unsure of what to do. Luke was still new to the whole ordeal, after all.
“Come here, Lukey.” You lifted your arm on the left side of your body, signaling for Luke to lay down. Not wasting another second, Luke curled into your side, your fingers moving to situate themselves into his curls.
You leaned up to give a gentle kiss to Nico’s lips before settling back down and closing your eyes. You felt warm and cozy, the comforter now thrown over the three of you. The quiet hum of the fan provided a sense of familiarity to an otherwise, strange situation. Yet, you couldn’t have been more content.
Surrounded by your boys, you fell asleep almost instantly, your body worn by the previous activities. Luke followed suit, your hand drawing coaxing patterns in his scalp. Nico placed a final kiss on your head, snuggling deeper into your hair as, he too, succumbed to his drooping eyelids.
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puck-luck · 5 months
Ok, my ideia of a request it's a smut (of course) piece where Nico H and girlfriend are in Swiss for the summer and they are on a road trip, and while driving in the middle of a forest they HAVE to pull onto the side of the road to have sex 😉
I hope you can understand, English not my first language!
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warnings: brat!reader (she's so me), car sex, oral (f receiving), begging/teasing (manipulation?) pairing: nico hischier x fem!reader summary: not quite following the request, but the one where fem!reader rides nh's face in the back of the car during a scenic drive. wc: 1111
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“I like the mustache, Neeks.”
Nico turns to face you, offering up a small smile. “I know, schatz. You told me this morning.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think I got to appreciate it this morning,” You grin, sliding Nico’s hand from its spot on your knee to the inside of your thigh. He’s always touching you somehow when he’s driving and today is no different, and today it’s giving you the perfect leverage to tease him.
“You just don’t want me to shave.”
You toss your head back, groaning. “I don’t think it’s fair that you’re lucky enough to be sexy with a mustache and you still decide to shave it.”
“Fair to whom, baby?”
“No fucking shot you know how to use whom instead of who, Nico.”
Nico laughs, squeezing your thigh before patting it and returning it to rest on your knee. “I had to learn English. You’ve been fluent since you were a baby. I’m sure once I’m done teaching you how to speak my language, you’ll know more about the grammar rules than I do.”
“Can we get back to the topic at hand?” You reply, moving Nico’s hand up again. “Your mustache?”
“I’m shaving it tomorrow. You can’t convince me to keep it.”
“I want to ride your face.”
Nico blinks in surprise, mouth slightly ajar. He nods a few times, eyes wide. “Yeah. Yeah, we should do that.”
“Now,” You tell him, hatting your eyelashes innocently. “We should do it now. There’s no time to waste, since you’re so set on shaving tomorrow.” 
With that, you unbuckle your seatbelt and crawl into the backseat. In the backseat, able to make eye contact with Nico through the rearview mirror, you shed your shorts and your skimpy panties. You’d been planning this all day, ever since Nico rejected your advances this morning and opted to plan a drive through the mountains surrounding his hometown. You spread your legs and tilt your head, waiting for Nico to look back at you again.
He does, but looks away a split second later, adjusting both of his hands on the steering wheel. You don’t miss the way he swallows, just short of an audible gulp. 
“Come on, Ni. You know you want to join me.”
You swipe your fingers through your folds, bringing it up to your lips. You wrap your lips around your finger, licking up the digit in clear view of your boyfriend. 
“Y/N,” Nico complains.
You moan around your finger.
“We’re supposed to be on a nice, scenic drive.”
“There’s a different view I’d like to see, baby,” You tease. “I think there’s a view that you’d like to see, too.”
Nico falls silent, seeming caught off guard by your boldness. 
“You know the one I’m referring to, right, Neeks?” You ask, voice light and airy as you continue to touch yourself. “I know how much you love to see me above you.”
“Schatzi,” Nico murmurs, indicating that you have to proceed with caution if you want to continue at all.
“I thought you loved it when I take what I need from you, Nico.  I need to fuck myself with your mouth, why won’t you join me?” You pout, using all of his weaknesses against him. “Don’t you want to get a taste of me?”
Nico curses under his breath. He steers to the side of the road and shifts the car into park, getting out of the vehicle and rounding the car to push the passenger seat all the way forward before he joins you in the back. You watch his arm muscles flex as the seat moves. You slip a finger into your wet cunt, letting out a soft moan at the feeling. 
“Take it out,” Nico commands, slamming the passenger door and taking two steps to open the door to the back. “Don’t touch what’s mine.”
You pump your fingers in and out of yourself one more time for good measure, then shift over to make room for Nico.
“Nope,” He says, voice sharp. He manages to fit himself into the space on the floor between the backseat and the passenger seat. His body faces the passenger seat and he tilts his head back to lean against the seat behind him. “Come on. Gonna fuck you with my tongue.”
Nico opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out, flat for you to lower yourself onto. You smile, nice and wide and very toothy, before swinging one leg over Nico and bracketing his head with your knees. You lower yourself down, Nico’s big hands meeting you halfway and pulling you down to meet his waiting tongue. 
He’s relentless from the get-go, his tongue flexing against you in short licks that offer plenty of stimulation but no real relief. 
You grind down on his tongue in mostly-aborted motions, the angle much more awkward than it is in your bed at home. Your head is mere inches from the roof of the car, causing you to hunch over in a way that can’t be sexy, but Nico seems to enjoy anyway. You’ve got a view of his eyes, the ones that are following every sway and bounce of your tits as you continue to grind down.
“Nico,” You groan. “More.”
Nico lifts you off his tongue just long enough to berate you. “The thing that you begged for so impatiently wasn’t enough? Poor girl. Maybe you shouldn’t get to come at all.”
You cry out in denial, but it turns into something more drawn out and longing when Nico reattaches himself to your clit and sucks hard, shameless slurping noises coming from below you. His mustache feels heavenly against your skin, scratchy and itchy and beautiful as your juices begin to coat it. 
When Nico shifts down to fuck his tongue into your hole, the hair above his lip rubs against your folds and his nose nudges your clit. He’s fast and desperate with his movements, pulling you into him so close that you can feel his breaths as he inhales and exhales. The soft sensation of his breath is what pulls you over the edge, in the end. It’s like a string, keeping you attached to him and to the world, whereas everything else fades away.
Nico licks you through the orgasm, then presses a kiss to the side of your thigh. He playfully bites you, then tosses you to the side, your back hitting the backseat with an “oof.” 
He gets stuck for a moment in the spot where he’s sitting, shifting this way and that before he manages to free himself. You giggle as he does so and he side-eyes you.
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note: RIP Nico's Mustache. I miss you already. I wish we had had more than one day with you.
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neo-kid-funk · 4 months
I live for Percico's height difference! 😭🫶 hc that when they have silly arguments, Percy looks straight ahead and doesn't lower his head, pretending he doesn't see Nico. then Nico huffs and goes even lower (pun intended), trying to bring his lips to kiss Percy's neck to make him melt and fold 😆 (he could've just pinch him, but this is more effective!)
Omg this is such a cute headcanon!! Percy using his height to purposely ignore Nico just to playfully tease him is so funny to me,, and Nico pulling him down for kisses is so adorable!! 💖💖 thanks so much for the ask!! 💖💖
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forteafy · 1 year
seb x reader with prompt " kissing their helmet for good luck before the race" any seb era (you choose) i hope you like the prompt :) <3
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♡ Helmet Kisses [1.1K] I couldn't decide which era of Seb I wanted to do; so here's all three!
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♡ Red Bull Racing Era
Back in his Red Bull Racing days, Sebastian was known for having a string of lovers; different girls would show up to the race every so often, but never in the Paddock.
Until of course, you came along.
You were the rationality to his chaotic energy, the calm voice in his head before he’d scream down the radio on a particularly bad race. 
Also, the first girl he had in the Paddock. 
Let’s start by saying the team adored you. Finally, Sebastian would show up on time to meetings and wouldn’t start causing chaos during one of Horner’s speeches. 
On the race evening, prior to his second World Championship, he’s all smiles, before walking onto the grid, hopping into his car. 
You at this point, were shyly standing alongside some of the other garage guests; you weren’t too sure what the media would think of ‘Vettel’s new lady, the one who’s stuck around.’
Until there’s a sudden motion from one of his mechanics, motioning at you. 
For a second, you don’t think to move, until he shouts your name, waving wildly for you to come over to the car. 
You can feel your heart race, feeling like the eyes of every driver, mechanic and fan were on you. The only solace you had was Lewis and Mark, having been introduced to Sebastian’s close friends earlier in the weekend. 
When you reached the Red Bull, the mechanic pats your back. You barely notice it, attention drawn to your boyfriend’s helmet-clad head. 
‘You didn’t give me my good-luck kiss!’ He huffed, lifting his visor so his blue eyes could meet your own. 
You can’t hold back the laugh this time. ‘Didn’t you win here without me last time?’ You question the logic. Sebastian simply huffs, not wanting to listen to logic, instead, folding his arms and pouting like a child. 
You end up caving, leaning over the side of the RB7, pressing a kiss to the side of his helmet. 
You don’t miss the cheering from the rest of the grid as you duck your head, cheeks blushing from the interaction as you walk off the track.
You also don’t miss Sebastian’s shout of ‘I want a proper one when I win!
♡ Scuderia Ferrari Era
You hadn’t been able to attend the opening race of Sebastian’s first year with Ferrari; something you’d felt awful about, knowing it was his dream to race for them. 
So here you were, clad in red, engagement finger resting on your left hand, ready to support your husband-to-be. 
He’d been aggravated, Lewis and Nico finishing 30 seconds ahead of him in the opening race had driven him insane. 
He knew he could do better.
So, when he came into to garage, clad in his red fireproofs, (ones you could have fantasies over,) his game-face was on.
You knew better than to interrupt the ins and outs of setting up the car. 
Sebastian had barely spoken to you that morning; he’d held your hand firmly when walking to the car that morning. 
Even in the car, your usual chat and singing along to his ancient music was replaced by a silence. 
The only form of comfort you had been able to offer him was a hand resting on his leg as he drove; a silent promise you would be here for him, not matter the result.  
It wasn’t until one of the mechanics walked past, holding Sebastian’s helmet, that you spoke up, asking if you could give it to him.
He obliged; in his mind, anything to cheer up their driver before the race would be a good thing. 
You had held out the helmet, his eyes widening when he saw that it was you handing it to him. 
Before handing it to him, you lifted the helmet to your face, kissing the part of the helmet where his lips would usually be on his face. 
You grinned, handing him the helmet, winking as you handed it over.
‘That’s your good luck kiss. Go out there and get that win.’ 
There was a massive cheer around the garage as they finally saw Sebastian break into a smile, the first one of the day.
Even Kimi had started grinning, knowing how in love his teammate was. 
After the win he scored that afternoon, the mechanics insisted you joined them for as many races as possible. 
♡ Aston Martin Era
Of course, you were there for Sebastian’s final race. The day had been overwhelming. 
Even though you hadn’t been by his side for the entirety of the day, you had been around the Paddock; your three-year-old daughter clad in Aston Martin merch.
The whole family had to be there for Sebastian; it was his last race after all.
It had been more emotional for you that you’d realised. 
Charles had come up to you, tears in his eyes as he thanked you for looking out for him all those years, even after Sebastian had left Ferrari. 
You didn’t expect the warm hug from Christian, who wished you both the best and had promised the second your daughter got into karting, he would be signing her to Red Bull. 
Of course, Sebastian had given both his girls a kiss before stepping into his car, nestling in his seat for the last time. 
You’d sat in the garage, your daughter on your lap as you pointed to where he was listening to his mechanic; her eyes widened upon seeing her father in the cars she’d seen all day. 
His race engineer nudged you, motioning towards your husband.
‘Go on. Give him one more for old times’ sake.’
You laugh, getting up from your chair and scooping up your daughter, walking through the grid. 
She of course, gives her Uncle Mick a wave, having spent most of her afternoon coaxing him to play imaginary games with her. 
Sebastian clocks the two of you coming across the grid, even though he’s strapped in, he turns his head. 
You can’t see the grin on his face, but you know it’s there. 
Leaning over and kissing the side of his head, it’s as if all of them years had been taken back, back to when you and Sebastian were just kids; the first time you’d ever been seen with him. 
You seem to fly through the years with that one kiss, before leaning up, ready to walk away, until the wiggling girl in your arms whines. 
Giving her a questioning look, she leaned down, arms guided by you, as she pressed a sloppy kiss to her father’s helmet. 
Sebastian’s heart melted.
His girls on his final race, he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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☽ [If you have a headcanon/drabble idea, thought or request, feel free to send it here!] ☾
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mrkeatingsblazer · 5 months
The Prophecy [Oh, Was It Punishment] Part Two
Apollo x Child of Hermes! Reader
Part One Part Two Part Three
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It has been six months and seven days. Six months and seven days since the war against Gaia. Six months and seven days since Rachel has made a prophecy. Six months and seven days since Lord Apollo has been missing. Not even his children have heard a whisper from the God, not even a glimpse in a dream and while Demi-Gods are used to being ignored by their parents, it is never to this extent; it is never with this God.
You’ve found yourself with the three Apollo campers a lot, trying to comfort them during such a peculiar and unknown time. No child should have to worry for their parent. Will Solace especially has taken the blunt of the hardship. Being so young and taking care of both the wounded from the war and his cabin since the Battle of Manhattan has taken a toll on the kid. You find yourself relating to the younger boy immensely. When Luke left and you were finally claimed, Chiron made you the head of the Hermes cabin. Though unlike you, who has been out of camp more often than not and was allowed to appointed the Stolls the title of Co-heads, Will has been burdened with being alone with his responsibilities since he was 13. You watch him now, folding and unfolding bandages repeatedly out of a nervous habit. The frown on his face was subtle but still there. He could have been finished up with inventory an hour ago but chose not to.
“I think we’re done Solace,” you say from atop the infirmary counter, letting your feet swing back and forth.
“You can head to dinner, I’m fine here. Thanks for the help,” his tired voice mumbles in response.
“Kid, you’ve rewrapped that one bandage like 8 times now, I think it's been wrapped enough,” you say quirking your brow.
Will sighs, placing the bandage down before turning to you, “will you stop it with the kid thing, you’re only 2 years older than me.”
“2 and a half,” you point at him with a scalpel that was lying beside you and smirk, “and I’ll have you know I’m a legal adult William.” He looks you up and down and snorts. His expression quickly converts back downtrodden, as if that momentary joy was a mistake. Along with the fact that his father is gone M.I.A, camp has been more depressing than usual. Kids were going missing, and no one understood why; one of these kids being your little brother and Will’s best friend, Cecil. You watch as he shuffles around like a stray kitten, you’d never pity him not when you can relate. Hopping from the counter, you walk over to him and seize his arm, yanking him towards the door. It was a comical sight, with Will being almost 2 heads over you.
“[reader]- Hey!” he gently tries to get out of your grasp but fighting two wars made your grip nothing less than steel. You continue to push the boy towards the door
“Don’t even Solace,” you scold as he tries again to get away from you, “we will be going to dinner and after that we will be going to the campfire whether you like it or not.” you yank open the infirmary door and shove him out, “and hey, maybe a certain son of Hades will be there,” you smirk as the blonde turns bright red. He grumbles, rubbing his arm but compiling and following you to the dining pavilion. It was adorable to see the kid with his crush, especially due to who it was on. You’ve known Nico since he was an annoying but excitable little 10-year-old and Will even longer, neither of them have had a good childhood, most demi-gods never do. In a way, you were living vicariously through them. You did that a lot. With Annabeth who got with Percy, your old crush, Piper and Jason, Hazel and Frank. You couldn’t help but wish you had what they had or in the case of the former, who they had.
You remember your days on the Argo. When there were no battles or group meetings, you were subjected to sit and watch the love emulating around you. For a while you thought the countless couples around you meant something, that because they were all members of the crew and got together, that for sure meant you were to get with the last single member, Leo. He thought so too. After his little thing with Hazel, that even now you don’t try to understand, you felt as though something was forming between the two of you. At one stage you found yourself hanging off him more than you were around Percy and Annabeth. You couldn’t help but be attracted to his mind, his creativity, his light. Your two best friends encouraged the blooming relationship between the two of you, even with Percy not liking Leo a whole lot, and so did the rest of the crew.
Everything changed after he came back from Ogygia. He came to you first after he returned, making you feel special in a sort of pitiful way. Expecting a grand reunion, you were instead greeted by his starry eyes as he spoke about another girl- no not a girl, a Goddess, who had him returned to you utterly smitten. Your heart broke as he told you he was planning to find her again. When you were given the truth by Eros, it made sense in the end. Leo being sent to Calypso was the Fates way of ensuring you remained loveless and killing him was just a way for them to remain cruel.
You sat through dinner at the Hermes table, which was smaller than it ever has been in years. Connor was beside you flinging peas at Clovis who would jolt at the impact before dozing off once more. Nico Di Angelo was sitting at the Apollo table, next to a blushing and, surprisingly, flirting Will Solace. You sighed looking around at all the missing campers, be it they left for college, died during the wars or as of late, were lost to Gods knows where. Even the rising moon seems dimmer than it should have been. You wonder if that was on purpose, was it Lady Artemis’ way of showing her sadness for her twin brother? Was she also in the dark as much as all of us?
By the time the campfire rolled around, you just wanted to retire to your cabin, but chose not to, for the sake of your sibling, Will Solace and yourself. As Austin was doing his cover of ‘My Sweet Lord’ by George Harrison, you heard rustling coming from the forest behind you. At first you passed it off as nothing more than a noisy nymph. It was when you heard a yell did you twist your ring, transforming it into your sword. The object was gifted to you before you even knew of your parentage, by an original member of the Argonauts, Atalanta. You recall the words of the swift footed women, who aided you during your mission to save both Lady Artemis and Annabeth; “never let a man take you unless he can keep up,” she winked before racing off. Many other campers joined you in seizing their weapons, Nico and Clarisse come to either side of you, swords ready. Two figures stumbled out of the forest, neither were recognizable. The taller seemed to be giggling and relying on the smaller to carry their weight. As they came closer you could make them out. A small Asian girl with black coke bottle glasses was cursing the taller brunette boy. He was gangly and average; you deemed him instantly not a threat.
“Hold! Who goes there?” Chiron boomed.
The boy gave a wobbly grin along with a shaky wave and replied, “oh, hi! I’m Apollo!” before collapsing to the ground
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chasingpj · 1 year
𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐞
"Hi, my name's Nico!"
pairing: platonic!nico di angelo x older sister reader
summary: you found your pugsley addams
warnings: brief mention of injury, grieving a family member
category: one-shot but not really
a/n: this is probably awful but do i need to fulfil my big sister urge to protect our beloved nico? yes. yes i do. i got this idea listening to Here With Me by d4vd, if you want something to listen while reading <3
“Hi, my name is Nico!”
Tousled dark brown hair, big brown eyes, a toothless grin, and a squeaky voice. Strangely, he doesn’t cower at your eyes, sizing him up. Either he doesn’t care or he’s clueless to your judgment. You're sure it’s the latter. 
How could this tiny boy, with too much life in his eyes, and too much excitement in his voice be a child of Hades? Considering your father’s exciting track record with children, this wasn’t what you were expecting when Chiron mentioned you had a brother moving in soon.
He’s just so… lively. 
The blinding daylight outside poured through your agape curtains and it surrounded his small frame like a giant halo. 
The sight was violent.
It gave you a headache. 
“What’s your name?” He waits antsy for your answer and you debate on even giving him one. 
Father told you he didn’t have any living children besides you. Considering the boy in front of you, it was a lie, or he had forgotten about him. Either way, you plan on arguing about it later. 
How dare he give you a roommate. Let alone a roommate barely in the double digits. This boy could have a tantrum today, and you didn’t sign up for babysitting.
“My side.” Your fingers point to the left of the cabin which is furnished with a bed, shelves, a desk, and a nightstand you got shipped to camp. “Your side.” 
Lazily, you point to the right. The lone bunk bed that initially occupied the space is tucked there, ready for the roommate you never thought would arrive. 
After three years, you had debated on getting rid of it, maybe donating it to the Hermes cabin. Gods know they need it but you guess keeping it was the right choice. 
“Inside voice only. No laughing, no whining, no groaning, no screaming, and especially, no crying.” 
The boy’s face falters into a slight frown. Your unblinking, emotionless face had settled into his awareness. For the first time since he’s arrived, he looks down at his feet. “Okay.” 
Your vision follows his movements as the boy retreats to his side of the room. His suitcase drags across the floor, making a wretched sound and it shoots irritation straight into your chest. 
Harsh words threaten to spill from your lips but they get caught at the back of your throat.
At least he’s compliant, you consider. Better bubbly and compliant than bubbly and stubborn. 
Did you imagine it? The sound was so faint and quick, you weren’t sure if it even happened. 
Voices in passing weren’t foreign to you. The occasional energy likes to linger around. 
If it was that, you refused to spare a single movement to signal you heard anything at all. A bothersome ghost wasn’t really in your plans tonight. 
There wasn’t a twitch in your face or a pause in your breathing that gave you away. And as you do every night, you remain laid on your back, hands lightly folded and rested in the middle of your stomach. 
The second time was filled with so much urgency you couldn’t conclude it as a trick of the ear. Suddenly, you’re filled with dread. And it wasn’t from the possibility that when opening your eyes, you may find an entity looming over you. Honestly, you wished that’s what you were expecting. At least then, you’d be more interested. 
But no, you knew the sound came from no one other than the pest who sleeps across the room. Even now, you are fully aware of his small presence beside your bed. 
You had to give him credit. At no point did you hear him approach.
A silent stride just like yours? Maybe you actually are related. 
Nico tenses up, his hand flings back to his side. He was just questioning if you were even alive, judging from your barely rising chest. Not sure what to do after your lack of response, he thought giving you a little poke would get a reaction but from your tone just now, he was glad he didn’t get to test that out. “T-the statue…” Nico didn’t dare look over, gaze set on your blank face. “What about it?” “It blinked.” 
Nico rubs his sweaty palms on his pajama pants, feeling the looming presence of Hades's statue. 
The past few nights, while lying in his bed, he kept returning to the same conclusion. He couldn’t be the only one who thought sleeping in a room with a giant statue was kinda creepy. 
Sure, it was just stone, but at times, it felt like it was looking at him. He thought he was just imagining it at first. Bianca did say he had a habit of spooking himself out but it didn’t stop him from sleeping with the sheets over his head. 
Tonight, however, amongst the deliriousness of waking up, he made the mistake of looking over. His vision was hazy, but he was sure of what he saw. The statue had blinked. Clean and quick as if it was supposed to do that. It was more than he’s ever seen you blink, and he’s been with you for almost a week. 
“It does that sometimes.”  
“What?” Nico’s voice was laced with so much emotion you could imagine what face he was making. Behind your eyelids, you envisioned the scared face Mr. D made you identify recently in therapy. It was so comedic to you, you almost smiled. 
“Go back to sleep.” A whine immediately leaves Nico’s lips, and your hand moves up, arm bent at the elbow, your pointer finger in the air. “No whining.” “But—” “Still whining,” you point out, and Nico remains quiet for a moment. Taking consideration of his silent movements earlier, you assumed he retreated to bed, but as he cleared his throat, you wished you could roll your eyes with them closed. 
“I’m scared.”  
“And what do you want me to do about that?” 
“I don’t know. When I’m scared, my sister—” 
“I’m not your sister.” 
Nico frowns but remains in his spot unmoving. As the seconds passed, your awareness of his presence started to irk you.
The tired glare on your face makes Nico cower, and you sling your legs to the side. Another sigh leaves you and you march over to his side of the room. He waits as you rip the fitted sheet from the top bunk and throw it over the statue. 
“There. Happy? He can’t stare at you if he can’t see you.” 
“Now it just looks like a ghost,” Nico shifts, fear still on his face.
There’s a smack as your palm meets your forehead. A child of Hades scared of a ghost? You were about to tell him to get used to it but before you can nag him an idea graces your mind. 
Quickly, you walk over to your desk, hands searching for a black marker. Once in your grasp, you drag a chair to the stone and stand on it. 
Two circles for the eyes and one smiling open mouth. 
Moving away to see your drawings, you decide it was a refreshing sight compared to the usually stoic face of the god. 
“Better?” you ask, tone still bored as you cap the marker.
Nico’s eyes light up, a smile growing wide on his face. Who would be scared of a happy ghost? He nods brightly, and you make your way down, eyes rolling at the entire situation. “Go to sleep,” you command, and Nico nods, more willing than he was a few minutes ago. As you both return to the covers, the boy glances across the room one more time. “Good night,” he calls, and you stare at him for a moment. 
He always says it despite you never saying it back. Under your gaze, he waits expectantly, but it never returns. Just as every night, you lie down without a word. 
Capture the flag isn’t your cup of tea. 
In the summers, you never participated. The bright sun, the humidity, it all made you want to claw your skin off. 
Usually, you get out of it but Mr. D pointed out there was no reason not to participate since most of what you hate about it isn’t a problem this time of year. One comment from him and Chiron takes it upon himself to ensure you attend. 
You hated it. 
Forced to strategize with Thalia and Percy, you are reminded the weather wasn’t the only thing you despised. It was dealing with everyone else too.
"I'll take the offense," Thalia volunteered. "You take defense."
"Oh." Percy hesitated. "Don't you think with your shield and all, you'd be better defense?"
"Well, I was thinking it would make better offense," Thalia said. "Besides, you've had more
practice at defense. What do you think, Y/n?” 
Your gaze flickers between the two waiting expectantly for your opinion. 
The tension between them has been something else since they’ve come back from retrieving Nico and losing Annabeth in the process. It’s not like there wasn’t any tension before but right now, you can smell the power struggle and it stinks. 
“I don’t care. Argue amongst yourselves.” 
With that, you turn on your heels, looking for the boy who surprisingly isn’t standing behind you like a shadow. Your eyes search the crowd for a few seconds until you spot what looks like a pile of floating armor next to the Stoll’s. 
A small sigh leaves your lips. Whoever gave him that definitely is setting him up and judging by the poorly contained laughs of the Stoll’s, you can guess who’s rooting for Nico’s downfall. 
The boy, painfully unaware of this, just beams at you, too excited for the game ahead. Lazily, you make your way towards him and immediately, he’s bouncing happily, his mouth ready to bombard you with questions. 
Your palm rises before he could and he freezes, obeying your silent command. “You need to tighten that.” 
He looks down at himself, his helmet swinging down into his eyes and he struggles to pull it away. “Which part?” 
“All of it,” you snap. The sadness that flashes in his eyes shouldn’t have affected you but you straightened up, closing your eyes to recollect yourself. “We’ll get you better armor afterward.” 
Nico nods, gaze softening as you adjust the straps of his armor. You tug on them as much as you can, jerking the boy left to right with the movement. 
Once every strap couldn’t be tightened anymore, you step back to take a look. It didn’t do much but at least his plate is snug against his chest.
“Okay kid, stay out of the way and be careful with that thing.” Nico looks down at his sword, which is probably too heavy for him. “We need to get you another weapon too. Gods, who did your orientation?” 
Nico points over at the Stoll’s who are occupied with other campers. Sending a glare in their direction you huff, “Of course.” 
"Heroes!" Chiron calls, swiftly getting everyone’s attention. "You know the rules! The creek is the boundary line. Blue team—Camp Half-Blood—shall take the west woods. Hunters of Artemis—red team—shall take the east woods. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. No intentional maiming, please! All magic items are allowed. To your positions!"
“Do I get magic items!?” Nico screeches causing you to cringe. Whipping your gaze in his direction, he cowers sheepishly, his eyes filled with hesitant apology.  “No. Remember what I said. Stay—” “Stay out of the way and be careful with my sword.” Nico finishes your sentence and he smiles at the evident distaste in your expression. 
Your eyes flicker along his frame. “And don’t get hurt.” 
Nico, to no one’s surprise, got hurt. 
Honestly, you couldn’t be upset at him, it’s not his fault he got caught in a spell cast. 
A certain Circe camper did a fine job at missing her every target, leaving Nico standing in the outfield like a giant bullseye. The force alone sent him back a few feet and he slid across the field like a rag doll for a few more feet afterward.
As he lay there limp in shock, you genuinely thought he died. Before you could wield the ground to swallow up his attacker, he groaned and stumbled back on his feet. 
Lucky for her, disappointing for you. You haven’t gotten around to doing that trick in a while. 
“Well, you definitely have blunt force trauma injuries, everywhere,” Fletcher says, removing his hands from Nico’s abdomen. The boy reclined in the cot flinches at the bruises already forming along his ribs. 
It looked pretty bad. So much so that you decided it would be cruel to tell him to stop crying.
“But you don’t have internal bleeding in your lungs so at least you won’t drown in your own life source.” 
Despite the smile Fletcher flashes at Nico, it doesn’t affect the look of horror on his face. 
“Nothing Ambrosia and Nectar can’t fix. You’ll be fine in a couple of days.” Fletcher helps the small boy sit up in the cot. He passes him a small cup of Nectar and orders him to drink up while he gets what he needs for the sling Nico’s arm will be in for a little bit. 
A sniffle leaves the boy as he observes the drink he’s left with. “What does it taste like?” “It depends on the person,” you sit back in your chair. “Usually tastes like something nostalgic, a favorite food or drink. You won’t know until you try it.” 
Nico nods, hesitantly taking a sip. As the flavors settle on his tongue, his eyes progressively widen. Next thing you know, he’s swallowing it like he hasn’t had a meal in days. 
“It tastes like the almond cookies they had at the Lotus Casino!” 
You nod in response, having some memory of Nico telling you about the Casino he and his sister lived at for a while. He’s told you plenty about it, you just weren’t listening most of the time. 
“I liked those the most because it reminded me of the cookies my mom would buy us.” 
Nico looks down at the cup, his smile faltering by the second. There’s a shadow clouding over his orbs and you quirk an eyebrow. The sadness overtaking his features looked strange. Sure you’ve seen him upset but you knew enough to recognize this expression as anguish. 
“What is it?” Your words came out more monotone than you intended. Shifting in your seat, you wondered why you even asked. Vulnerability wasn’t really something you sought after. It puts a bad taste in your mouth. 
“I was just wondering if Bianca would taste the same thing… but she never ate the cookies with me.” 
A hum leaves your lips. You don’t know much about that sister of his but you knew two things: first, you were here while he was hurt and she wasn’t. Second, her absence made Nico upset. 
“I understand.” Your vision is set on the small window beside you. Set on the fields of campers ahead, you ignore Nico’s burning stare. “I don’t like the taste of my nectar or ambrosia.” “Why?” “The flavors remind me too much of things I want to forget. Your sister probably didn’t eat those cookies for the same reason. It’s too much. Too many things tied to the things you like the most.” 
Nico’s silent, staring at the paper cup in his hands as if he was searching for something. 
“Nico, there’s one thing you need to know.” He averts his gaze over to you. “You’ll make friends, you’ll have lovers, you’ll have family but at the end of the day, the only person you truly have is yourself.” 
The boy shifts in his place, eyebrows furrowing. “Don’t let people steal parts of yourself from you. They’re going to disappoint you, expect it, and don’t be sad about it.” 
Silence followed somber and stuffy silence. For once, you were glad Fletcher returned in all of his child of Apollo gleam. He was better at cheering Nico up than you were, that’s for sure. 
“What do you mean ‘He’s gone?’” Percy slowly retreats from your advances. Twice already, he’s stared at the glowing eyes of a child of Hades and the second time was even more intimidating. 
“He just disappeared,” Percy stutters out. “It looked like shadows took him, and then he was gone.” 
Schist. You didn’t even know the little rat could shadow travel. By now, he could be anywhere. You’ve been on him about training, but he still had that childish clumsiness to him. His chances of survival would be out of pure luck. 
A groan leaves your lips, knowing you’d have to go find him. If it were anyone else, you would have let them be, but this unfamiliar urgency in your chest wouldn’t allow it. You had to find and drag him back by his ear if you had to. 
Your eyes roll at the son of Poseidon, and you turn on your heels without a word. So much drama because of that sister of his. 
Rushing down the stairs of the pavilion, you conjure the shadows to form a portal that’ll lead you straight into the forest. 
Di Angelo, you better be alive when I find you. 
How does a 10-year-old with short legs get so much distance? 
After hours of searching and instigating some fights with monsters, he was nowhere to be found. Concluding that, maybe, hopefully, he found his way out of the forest, you have to settle with waiting for him to return. If he returns.
Tired legs take you up the porch steps and you shrug off your coat the moment you step through the door. As the warmth graces your chilled skin, a floorboard creaks.
“Y/n?” Your name comes out of his mouth like a desperate plea as he reveals himself out of the shadows. With rosy, tear-stained cheeks, and watery eyes, Nico bolts in your direction, and for a moment, you think he’s going to attack you. 
It would be a bold move. Though, with his speed, he could get a good hit but he ended up doing something much worse. 
He hugged you. 
His small frame flings into you, short arms grasping your waist as if his life depended on it. 
“Percy broke his promise,” he cries, hot tears running down his cheeks and dampening your shirt. “Bianca,” he shutters. “He told me she died.” His frame shivers harder, the action almost too violent for his frame. You weren’t sure how but his grip tightened, “What am I going to do?” Get over it. 
The hostile thought was a knee-jerk reaction. Your mouth was about to relay the message but you stopped yourself, the words getting caught in your throat. 
The logical answer didn’t feel right. Why didn’t it feel right? 
Suddenly you’re aware of the sunken feeling in your chest. Its foreign nature made it hard to distinguish whether it hurt or if it was discomfort. 
This is odd.
Nico cries and cries, and by now, the clothing of your shirt is sticking damp to your skin. The longer you stood there, stuck on what to say next, you felt an urgency as if your response was timed. 
Rarely were you lost for words. Actually, you can’t recall a time when you have but right now you stood with your mouth open like a fish out of water. “You stay here,” you say abruptly. Nico pulls away, eyes glistening in the ray of moonlight seeping into the room. He’s so small. 
Not that he’s not small on any other day. His narrow shoulders droop and turn into themselves from the weight of the news. He looked fragile, searching for something other than his grief and he’s searching for it in you. 
It wasn’t often someone came to confide in you. Your advice was always too abrasive, and cold, and never did you have the urge to give something different. 
That’s what made this moment so strange. As Nico waits expectantly, you can’t find it in yourself to disregard him. 
“You stay here,” you repeat, the words delivered before your brain could process them.“And you train, and make friends, and find your own way around life.” Nico frowns, sleeve wiping his nose. Amongst his sadness, something flickers in his eyes. “Stay here with you?” With you. 
You couldn’t begin to decipher what that question made you feel. Forget the question, its delivery was hopeful and that surprised you the most. 
The feelings were almost overwhelming and before it completely flooded your senses, you shoved it to the side.
“Who else?” You clear your throat in an effort to get yourself together. “Is there anyone else who lives here besides me? Does the statue count too?” The question was genuine but something about it made Nico crack a smile.
“Anyways, you’ll see her again.” You shrug, stepping out of his loose embrace. 
“I will?” “We’re the children of the dead. We can just find her.” Find her so I can kill her again.
Nico sniffles, the sound snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Stop crying,” you blurt out, and the boy blinks, face pink. “Crying doesn’t fix anything,” is all you say before returning to your side of the room. 
Nico swallows, trying to suppress the tears. 
You were right. Crying doesn’t fix anything but even though it was true, his emotions were all too much for him. Sniffling softly and wiping his face with his sleeve, he retreats to bed. “Good night,” he says, voice quivering. 
Nico crawls into the covers, the fatigue hitting him the moment he rests against the spring mattress. Unexpecting, he wraps himself up, eyes shut tight in hopes he’ll be asleep soon. “Good night.” 
Nico’s eyebrows furrow. He finds some strength to lift his head just enough for you to be in his line of vision. Blinking in surprise, he swears he saw a smile on your face. It wasn’t teasing, or happy. It was comforting, as slight as it was. It wasn’t much but to Nico, it made him feel like he’d be okay. 
Without another word, you slid into your covers and went to sleep. 
“Where’s the brat?” With crossed arms and a look of determination, you stood authoritatively at the double doors of your father’s dining room. 
The god sits at the very end of the grand table, skeleton butlers wait on either end of the room to serve him. On the polished mahogany wood, the bulbs of the many crystal chandeliers lined up across the ceiling reflect like ornaments. As Hades wipes the sides of his lips with a cloth napkin, the side of his mouth quirks as he catches Nico peeking behind your back like a child behind a mother’s skirt.
Since when have you been maternal? 
“I’m sorry, who?” Your father asks with fake confusion. The smile on his face already gave you a headache. You weren’t here to play games, you meant business. 
“You know who.”
Hades clears his throat and his eyes flicker over to Nico. Quickly, the small boy retreats nervously, eyes set on your back. “I don’t know where your sister is, boy.” 
“I don’t believe you,” you cut in. Nico wasn’t going to speak, the boy practically shivering in his father’s presence. Even as he refrains from confrontation, he’s in awe at your comfort towards the god. 
“There’s dead people in and out of this place. You think I would know?” Hades asks and a hum leaves your lips.
“I would think you’d at least keep track of your kids but if you’re going to be this useless to me, I’ll find her myself.” 
You halt turning on your heels and raise an eyebrow. There was a moment of disbelief, your father helping and not making everything so difficult for you, for once? You wonder who could have possibly granted this miracle. 
“She’s somewhere down here,” Hades says and you wish your expression could get straighter. “Wow, I would have never figured that out. Thanks.” Grabbing Nico’s sleeve, you begin dragging him out of the room. 
“She’s not in the meadows, I checked. I don’t think her life has been judged either but Charon said he rowed her in. I can feel she’s close.” 
You sigh. Finding her is proving to be more of a challenge than you thought. By now, you would think she’d be judged and categorized wherever the judges saw fit. However, from the dead ends, you’ve stumbled upon so far, you consider that she doesn’t want to be found. As annoying as it is, the chance to prove you can find her was enough to get you to keep going, “Noted,” you mumble, already deciding where you will look next. “Close the door on your way out!” “No.”
“Okay, listen here…” You move a little closer, eyeing the name tag on the frightened guard. “Atrius. Have you seen Bianca? She looks like this kid.” Pointing at Nico, the ghost peers over your shoulder. 
“No, I haven’t seen her.” As definitive as that statement was, he didn’t sound so definitive. His bones clinked together as he shivered in your presence. 
“I don’t like when people lie to me.” You stare into his empty eye sockets. One moment passes and then two and then three and still he hasn’t budged. Irritation buzzed at the back of your skull. You had the time but none of the patience to play hide and seek. 
Nico stands a short way behind you, partially concerned for your victim. He wasn’t sure what you were going to do if you didn’t get what you wanted. The skeleton flashed him a look and even with no skin on his face, he could tell it was pleading. 
“Help me!” He was saying without a word. 
The boy doesn’t move from his spot though, instead looking away sheepishly. Pleading or not, he looked scary. That and Nico really wants to find his sister. “I’m not lying!” He insists and it annoys you even more. Quickly, in one movement, you grab his leg and tug so hard it comes straight out the socket. Tossing it to the side, your eyes don’t leave him as he yelps, falling straight to the ground. “Tell me where she is, or I’m tossing both of your legs into Tarturus. Last chance.” 
Atrius wails at your threat, the sound was so hysteric you almost missed his confession. “She’s hiding in Lady Persephone’s garden, amongst the pomegranate trees!” 
Nico flinches when you whip around. Already he was unsettled by your interrogation methods but nothing prepared him for your face.
You were smiling. Your eyes looked lit up. 
Not gracing him a look, you walked right past him. From his surprise, his brain never gave his body the signal to move. Instead, he averts his attention to a distraught Atrius whose more than relieved he finally got you out of his bones. 
Right as he’s about to look away, Nico jumps in his skin as the skeleton looks right at him once again. It was only then did he find the courage to move. Walking backward, he smiles sheepishly. “Um… thank you,” Nico’s tone is apologetic. Across the courtyard laid Atrius’s leg and the boy takes a step in that direction but is halted by the sound of his name. “You’re coming or not?” You ask him, foot tapping with impatience. 
Not wanting to keep you waiting, Nico forgets about retrieving the guard's limb. “Sorry about your leg!” He shouts behind him, hoping the apology was soothing enough as he joins your side. 
The young boy stares at the back of your sneakers as you make your way through the underworld. Already he’s seen some things that spooked him out too much. This was like walking through a horror maze for him. 
For you though, he notices you’re more comfortable around here than you did at camp. Your usually confident stride had purpose and authority. He wonders if he’ll ever walk through here the same way you do one day. A part of him hopes he does.
“Alright.” Nico halts, almost bumping right into you as you stop in your tracks. “We walk through here silently. Watch where you’re stepping, if you crush one of Persephone’s plants, I can’t help you.” 
The boy’s face contorted with fear. “What do you mean you can’t help me?” He couldn’t decipher the look you flashed in his direction but it sent your message well enough. Don’t step on one of her flowers and you won’t find out. 
Nico’s small nod is enough to get you moving. With silent and slow steps, you walk along the paved pathway toward the cluster of trees in the back. 
It hadn’t settled into Nico’s awareness that his sister was hiding. You could tell. He was still hopeful and excited to see her and you can imagine if he knew, he wouldn’t be happy about it. 
You’re not happy about it, that’s for sure. What even was her problem? If there was anything Nico deserved, it was to see her before she gets sent to the meadows or decides to reincarnate. 
Once you approach the trees, you shuffle through them. You’re thankful Nico’s naturally taken the role of your shadow because he mimics your sneaking, staying out of sight with you. 
He probably thinks your caution is due to Persephone arriving at any minute. You feel this strange tightness in your chest, he really has no idea you’re trying to sneak up on his sister so she doesn’t have the chance to run.
Right as the thought passes, you catch sight of something moving in the trees. Locks of brown hair wisp through them and the pulse in your neck picks up. It seems you’re not going to avoid a chase. 
Nico barely had time to catch up as you bolt through a straight diagonal through the trees. You admire her audacity to try and get away. The smile that stretches across your face is from amusement alone. 
As Bianca makes a sharp right, you gather the shadows at the tree's stumps and will them to consume your body. Nico blinks and suddenly you’re gone. His quick steps come to a stop as he looks around, trying to catch any sight of you. Then he hears a cry of pain and he moves fast in that direction. 
The only thing on his mind was the possibility you got hurt. Even if you were in your father’s territory, were there still monsters that could attack you? Even worse, what if you stepped on Lady Persephone’s plants? If you can’t help him in the scenario he did, what was he gonna do? 
His pace quickens as he hears another cry and finally, he bursts through a wall of vines. 
Still clouded by his concern, his brain barely processes what he stumbled upon. There you were, fingers grasping tight at his sister’s ear. Bianca groans and struggles in your pinching grasp and you look up at Nico with a gleam, like a fisherman who just got his catch of the day. “Got her.” 
Bianca freezes at the sight of her brother. There’s a silence that follows and you’re surprised Nico didn’t immediately bombard her with questions. 
The girl straightens up once you let go of her and as your arm returns to your side, you catch the tears brimming Nico’s waterline.
Yeah, this is when you clock out. Your work here is done. 
“I’ll… wait for you over there,” you point through the trees and at the meadow of flowers that wasn’t too far. It’s enough distance to be an earshot away. 
Nico nods, his eyes unmoving from his sister. 
Once you’ve shadow traveled to your spot, you didn’t dare look in their direction. With your eyes planted on the flowers, you wait for Nico to return. 
The boy didn’t take too long which left you lost for words. He didn’t look happy when he met you in the garden. His eyes held a feeling a part of you understood. 
“I want to go home.” He frowns. 
Home. You didn’t even consider camp a home and you’ve been there for three years. 
“Okay.” Your voice was right above a whisper. 
Whatever happened back there was the end for him, the last time he would see her. Knowing how that felt, you waited. Just a moment, maybe two. If Nico had any reservations or second thoughts, you gave him time. When nothing came, you hoped whatever happened, he’ll find peace in it. 
The shadow gathered slowly, first at your feet then at your legs and soon the two of you were traveling through blurred shadows and harsh winds.
“Who did this?” You weren’t sure if the streaks of water on Nico’s face were from his eyes or the toilet water soaked in his hair. 
The boy sniffles, cheeks and nose flushed from his embarrassment. After the incident, he rushed back to the Hades Cabin to wallow in self-pity but his assumption you wouldn’t be there was wrong. He didn’t want to admit what happened, scared he would disappoint you for clearly losing this battle.
His mouth opens to answer but nothing comes out. He considers lying but as you raise an eyebrow, he grows too anxious to come up with one. 
“Nico,” you say his name firmly and the frown on his face deepens. “It was Clarisse and her siblings, they-” he gurgles out through his watery whines and you sigh. “They…, I-” 
“Breathe.” You kneel to his height and take a deep breath, waiting for him to follow. He does, his chest filling with air and he releases it shakily. 
“They surrounded me in the bathroom and Clarisse shoved my face in the toilet.” 
His lip quivers as he recalls the memory. Nico’s eyes flicker across your hardening features and you rise from your spot. “Go clean up,” you demand, already heading to the door. 
“What are you gonna do?” “I’m going to fix it.” 
Gravel crunches under your shoes, without a single weapon you persist into the camp’s arena. Clangs of swords and grunts could be heard from outside of the entrance and as you made your way through the doors, there were the Ares’s campers sweating and panting from their already hard day of training. 
Clarisse stands there authoritatively, the swing of the grand door grabbing her attention and the snug look on her face had set off a slight rage in your chest. 
You were ready to wipe it off. If only she knew what she had coming. “Did Nico tell on us?” One of her brothers asks mockingly, your presence already known to the entire group. They stood, waiting for a fight as they make no effort to sheath their swords. 
A smile almost graces your lips before you could even execute your plan.
“His big sister is fighting his battles for him.” They laugh and joke at your brother’s expense and something snaps in your mind. 
The ground suddenly sinks into itself, and Clarisse and her siblings stumble to the side in confusion. Before they realized what was happening, there was no chance to run. 
A sinkhole, perfectly round and deep enough to trap them forms right under their feet. They roll and drop to the bottom, coughing at the gravel waterfall surrounding them. 
You hear their shouts and complaints and you make your way to the edge. Looking down at them, you ignore their demands to be let out.
“No one messes with my little brother.” 
As if on cue, there’s a screech in the distance and it immediately fills their expressions with dread. A lopsided smirk appears on your lips and soon the shadows of massive wings appear overhead. 
You whisper a demand to attack in ancient greek and the harpies swoop down with a call like a battle cry. There’s a collective panic of your victims and a laugh leaves you, watching as they spear their swords in the air at every charge towards them. 
Calmly leaving the chaos you’ve caused behind, you find an audience. Unaware of their bewildered expressions, not because of the scene but at the joyful smile on your face, you hoped you’ve sent a message.
Be nice my brother or else.
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mikkomacko · 9 months
New Year’s Resolution
Nico Hischier x reader
Warnings: smut, a bit of a daddy/breeding kink
Part 2
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Babbling and stumbling, Nico shoulders his way back from the bar and towards you. The silver beads around his neck sway as he messily approaches the tall table you’re perched at, the drinks in his hands tittering towards the edge of the glass.
You bite back a laugh as he continues to chatter to himself about god knows what, any words made unintelligible by alcohol and the music in the club. Digging a lip gloss out of your purse, you hide your giggle with the glittery tube as you apply a coat.
Nico presses himself up close to you, chest against your shoulder as he slides your rum and coke towards you. You tuck the lipgloss away again, tilting your chin up towards Nico as he takes a swig of his beer.
His gaze settles on you, eyes zoning in on your glossy smile and you watch his already dark eyes grow even more black.
“Pretty,” he mumbles, dipping his fingers into your hair, “I love having a pretty girl.”
Heat floods your cheeks and you purse your lips to keep from giggling. Nico always gets a sweet tongue when he drinks so you don’t shy away from his loving look at bars anymore but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still fluster you.
“Thank you,” you say, holding his gaze as you sip the drink from the little black stirring straw. Nico blinks slowly, licking his own lips at the sight of your puckered ones. “For my drink and for being sweet.”
His already flushed cheeks turn a shade darker, dimples sinking into them as he grins. You’ve barely placed the rum and coke back on the table when he leans down to kiss you, his fingertips pressing into your scalp. You grab his bicep, steadying yourself because Nico drunk and in love is a force to be reckoned with.
He dips his tongue into your mouth, wrapping his other arm around your middle and drawing you up to him. The fresh beer bottle presses into your side, ice cold glass on your skin that makes you shiver and fold into the warmth of Nico’s chest even more.
Nico reels back from you, lips red and wet as he looks behind you for whichever teammate called his name. You settle back into your seat, still holding tight to Nico’s arm as you haphazardly wipe away any smears of lipgloss around your mouth.
You don’t hear whatever Jack shouts to Nico but your boyfriend does, nodding along as he sweeps his finger through your hair. Absentmindedly, he twirls his finger around a strand, playing with it and you take another drink from your sweating glass, trying not to smile too widely at the sweet man standing over you.
“M’gonna play pool with Jack,” Nico addresses you, tugging playfully on the strand of hair he’s been fiddling with. “Come watch?”
You nod, collecting your purse and drink. You nudge Nico back so you can stand up but he doesn’t budge, smirking down at you and drinking his beer. Rolling your eyes, you climb to your feet and come chest to chest with him. He smells like cologne and the bar, the yeasty scent of his beer flooding your nose. You must make a face because he laughs, placing a hand on your back and moving to guide you towards the rows of booths in the back.
Jack is awaiting your boyfriend impatiently, tapping his foot like a child with a pool stick in each hand. You squeeze by him, meeting his pointed gaze with an innocent batting of your eyelashes.
You find a seat with Bratter and his girlfriend, smiling as the two greet you as if you hadn’t seen them earlier in the night. Nico is pulling at your purse on your shoulder, tugging the bag down your arm. Glancing over, you find him digging through the main pocket until he finds a stick of gum. Dramatically, he pops the gum into his mouth with an amused smile before handing your purse back.
Laughing, you set it in the booth next to you, turning back to your conversation. Nico kisses the top of your head before he goes, finally joining his alternate for a match against Timo and Luke.
You keep chatting for a bit, sipping your drink and occasionally checking on Nico. The club is starting to get more packed in the general floor area and you realize midnight is quickly approaching so you and a few others head to the photo booth before it gets too hectic. A Happy New Year headband is distributed to you as well as blowers and poppers. Bratter finds a top hat and Nicole glasses.
Peace signs and funny faces, kisses to the cheeks of Bratter and you hugging Nicole with him pouting behind you, the camera flashes and flashes. You’re taking the last photo of you and Nicole downing your drinks with arms intertwined when your boyfriend sneaks up.
Him and Bratt catch you two at the last second, arms snaking around your waist and lifting you into air with a shocked laugh as the flash goes off. It almost looks like the two boys planned it but you’d imagine it’s just whatever telepathic co-dependence they’ve acquired over the years of playing together.
Nico smells of mint when you turn and sling your arms around his neck, the gum he swiped earlier smacking obnoxiously as he smiles. He’s drunker than he was before his game of pool and judging by the wet spot on the collar of his shirt he had to pay the price of losing with a shot.
“You’re druuuunk,” you tease, slipping your fingers under the edge of his beanie.
“So are you.” He responds, voice heavy and thick with his accent. You laugh, the last bit of your third drink of the night making you feel a little loopy and light. Fiddling with the short edges of his recently trimmed hair, you nudge him backwards until you’re out of the way of photos.
Nico finds your mouth, the hand that had been on your waist slipping down to fit into the back of pocket of your leather pants. Heat creeps up your neck, fueled by the stirring in your belly as Nico’s large hand palms at you.
“Come down Neeksy, it’s not midnight yet.”
Siegs shoves at Nico’s shoulder, jolting you two apart and Nico looks over at him with annoyance. You two separate enough for him and Nico to start chatting in Swiss-German, something you’re still struggling to understand when you’re sober let alone drunk so you tune out.
Hugging Nico’s arm, you peer up at him with big moony eyes. He’s so handsome with his kiss bitten lips, that stupid piece of gum still visible with every laugh. His voice sends pleasant chills down your spine, his words deep and sloppy from drinking. But most of all, he looks happy. Yeah he’s got that drunk, cocky swagger that comes with almost every attractive NHL player but he’s still himself. Giggling and talkative, eyes dark and lidded but still welcoming.
You watch the way his Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows, how shiny his neck is with sweat and you can almost picture the shimmer you know rests on his chest and collarbones and everything beneath his clothes. Suddenly you want to forget all about midnight in favor of taking Nico home.
By the time Nola is drawing you into a conversation you’re about to be a puddle on the floor.
“Hm?” You hum, blinking out of your daze and meeting Nola’s gaze. She laughs though you know by the teasing look in her eyes that she can see right through you.
“What’s your resolution for the year?”
Nico and Siegs focus in on you now, awaiting your answer and while you wish you had something good to say, you’ve never been a resolution person.
“Oh I don’t have one. I can make changes and goals whenever I want, I don’t need a new month to do that.”
Unsurprised by your answer, Nico just laughs but the other two scoff and complain, listing off the pros of doing a January reset.
“Mine is to drink more water,” Nola says and you applaud her even if you think it’s a bit dumb to only start doing that because of a new year. “And mine is to stop drinking alcohol.” Siegs adds, lifting up his glass of water as if proving his success already.
“What about you Nico?”
Nola’s question makes him stop and think, which you weren’t expecting because Nico has the same views about resolutions as you do. But his eyes twinkle with excitement and something you don’t recognize as he shrugs, looking from you to his friends.
“Not sure yet, gotta think about it.”
Siegs ribs him for not being prepared but Nico takes it all in good fun. You ponder that look in his eye, curious as to what he’s up to because you know he does and says everything with intention.
“Come on baby,” Nico pulls you from your thoughts. “S’almost midnight.” All the Devils and friends cluster together in the middle of the vip section, Timo and Jack now standing on the pool tables and you cringe, knowing they’ll be paying to reupholster that later.
Guiding you by the hand, you think Nico is leading you towards the others but he simply drops off the empty drink glasses at a messy booth table before tugging along to the back room. It’s quiet and cold compared to the rest of the bar, and you crowd into his back to maintain some sort of warmth.
Nico finds his way into the single use bathroom, nudging you in before himself and then kicking the door shut. You barely catch the sound of the lock before he’s taking hold of your face. Warm hands squish your cheeks together, puckering your lips and he giggles cutely.
“Know what I want for my birthday,” he says after moment of just looking at you, words still slurred but more serious than he’s been all night. You’re tempted to tease him that new years comes first but you know how much he hates having a birthday close to a holiday so you stay quiet. Rather than answer, you wrap your fingers around his biceps reassuringly and raise a questioning eyebrow.
He hesitates, sweeping his gaze over your face as he gnaws on his bottom lip. It’s not until he meets your eyes does he speak. “I want a baby.”
It’s not news to you, his wish. You’ve had the marriage talk, the baby talk, the everything talk. And you both decided that the whole white picket fence in a large house with children and a dog is in the cards. But a time limit was never mentioned, instead both opting for a feeling it out vibe.
You suppose Nico is feeling like he wants to be a father. And that, you realize is what was twinkling in his gaze before. It was unknown to you because this is uncharted territory, being parents. Maybe it’s a similar glint he gets on the ice when he’s in charge of the team, when he’s ready to step up.
“I can’t have a baby in four days,” you say because you need time to think. Could you guys do this? Are you ready to do this? To change your life and your body forever?
Nico doesn’t laugh, he doesn’t even smile. His eyebrows pinch together, his thumb beginning to stroke over your cheek.
“M’serious,” he grumbles “I’m ready. To do this. With you.”
You soften, frowning at the annoyance and hurt in his gaze. Of course you knew he was serious, he doesn’t say things he doesn’t mean but you didn’t realize just how serious he was. You wonder how long he’s been thinking about this.
“I know baby,” you soothe, “sorry I know. I just-what if we’re just drunk and horny?”
He lightens up a bit, the pinch of his forehead smoothing out. “I am drunk. And horny,” he confesses with a small laugh. “But I’ll still want this tomorrow when I’m hungover and mad and again when I’m sober and tired.”
A while, you decide. He’s been thinking about this for a while. There’s no way he hasn’t been and judging by his confidence, he’s got it all figured out in his head. The timing, the money, the change it would bring to both of your lives. He’s prepared to do this with you.
And how could you say no? Of course you want children with him. How could you not? He’s the most perfect man you’ve ever met and by the way he wrangles hockey boys you know he’ll be a perfect father.
“Ok,” you agree. “I’m ready if you are.”
It’s like a weight has lifted off him, his whole body relaxing and his lips twitch into a smile. You laugh, running your hands up and around to his neck. Drawing him closer, you tip toe until his mouth meets yours.
“100%?” He presses, running his nose along the side of yours.
“Yes.” You breathe against his wet lips. “I want to have your baby Nico.”
His chest rumbles with a suppressed groan, Nico’s eyes squeezing shut and nose scrunching in both pain and pleasure. You giggle, kissing at his chin and jaw as you paw at his shoulders.
Outside, the muffled cheers of the minute countdown reach your ears.
“You know, they say whatever you’re doing at midnight is what you’ll be doing for the rest of the year?”
Eyelashes fluttering, Nico blinks open his dark eyes to peer down at you. “Gets those pants off then. I wanna be between your thighs.”
Sloppy and hastily, you yank your boots and jeans off as Nico tugs at his belt. His drunk fingers fumble and by the time he’s got it off and unzipped his jeans you’re removing the beanie from his hair and tossing it to the side. You yank at his shirt, desperate to feel his skin against yours and bite at his collarbones. He lets you manhandle him for a second, pulling the shirt over his head himself before he’s dipping a hand into his boxers, maneuvering them enough to get his hard cock out.
Giddily, you jump at him so he can lift you up around his waist, your feet locking above his ass. You wrap your arms around his neck, needing something sturdy to hold onto. Stroking through his hair, Nico manages to push your underwear to the side, enough for him to line up the swollen tip of his cock with your entrance.
You moan softly, shifting your hips lower to pull him in even more and Nico takes that as his sign to drop you down onto his cock fully. You gasp for a breath, squirming as his thickness stretches you open. Whistles and cheers sound throughout the bathroom, the celebration in the bar echoing into you both and Nico laughs softly, pressing his lips to your cheek.
“Happy New Year sweetheart.” He tells you, his fingers rubbing circles into your lower back.
You smile, smooching a wet kiss to his lips. “Happy New Year baby,” you mumble, sneaking your tongue into his mouth. He moans, chasing your kiss with his own tongue and grabs your ass with both hands.
Slow and steady, he moves you up and down on his cock, leaning backwards until his shoulders rest on the wall behind him. You have no idea how he’s capable of holding you like this, moving you in his large hands but it makes your stomach tighten in pleasure and you clench down around him.
“Fuck,” he mutters, panting heavily. You whimper, dropping your mouth to the side of his neck as his cock brushes that velvety spot inside. “So good baby, gonna make me a daddy?”
Clinging to his shoulders, you nod pathetically. “Yes Nico, gonna make you a daddy. Please let me make you a daddy.”
His mouth finds yours again, flipping himself around so he can press you into the wall. His thrust grow quick and strong, fucking up into you like a man starved. Your brain goes fuzzy under the haze of him kissing you silly and driving his cock into you. He takes short shallow breathes, pulling away to mumble drunken nonsense about filling you up, about having you on his cock all night long until you’re swollen with his baby.
It’s frantic and hot, a new side of him you’ve never seen before and it has your orgasm rising quickly. Whatever breeding, baby-obsessed persona that has taken over him is driving you wild and you’re practically sobbing into his chest when you reach your peak. You bare down on him, thighs straining and burning as you work with him to stretch out your own orgasm and help him reach his.
When Nico does come it’s instant and strong, his hold on you tightening as his cock twitches and his orgasm burst from him. He mewls and groans, his voice cracking as he whimpers and you encourage him with soft fingers through his hair.
“That’s it Nico,” you murmur, your own voice rough and scratchy. “That’s it baby, let me have it all.”
Your toes tingle and you’re unsure if it’s your fading high, the alcohol, or how tightly Nico has you pinned but you don’t care. You fight off every tired muscles, every burning limb and just hold him. He buries his face in your neck, hot breathes making your skin sticky as he takes a few shallow ruts of his hips into you.
By the way he hisses and shivers you know he’s feeling the sharp stings of his oversensitive cock, yet he still knocks his hips into yours. You don’t think it’ll actually do anything more, him torturing himself by trying to fuck his come deeper into you but you don’t complain, instead enjoying the aftershocks of your own high.
Finally, he settles, still buried to the hilt but holding still. You give him a moment to breathe, to ground himself again before encouraging him to look at you with a soft tug on his hair.
Hooded black eyes finds yours, his cheeks red and sweaty with long strands of hair stuck to his forehead. You brush them back, cupping his stubbled jaw in your palm.
“If we planned this better you could’ve been fucking me in our bed.” You say quietly, a small smile rising on your lips.
Nico blinks sluggishly, fucked out as he hums his disagreement. “I like this better. ‘Sides, it was the beer that made me ask you.”
You kiss him softly, stroking his cheek. “Really?”
He nods. “Yeah, and the boys. Everyone kept asking me for a resolution and what I want this year and yeah. I decided I should just do it now, as my resolution or whatever.”
Tilting your head in confusion, you wonder what his plan had been before tonight. How long he would’ve waited to tell you that he was ready. But right now isn’t the time to quiz him, not when you need to get cleaned up and rejoin the party outside.
“I like this resolution,” you answer. “Think I’m gonna steal it.”
He laughs, nuzzling into your hand and closing his eyes in exhaustion
“M’tired but I don’t want to put you down.” He mutters. “Don’t want to pull out yet either.”
Shaking your head in amusement, you admire him for a moment. His long eyelashes, his thick eyebrows and perfectly curved nose and he’s pretty pink lips.
“We can do it again at home,” you promise “think it might take a few tries anyway baby.”
He grumbles, scrunching his nose. “No I think I did it now,” he argues “but I still want to do it again at home. And on my birthday.”
This time you do laugh, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead, as you mentally piece together a plan for getting the both of you dressed and into an Uber home.
The hardest part, you decide, will be getting away from the team without them bugging about where you disappeared too.
And you were right, because as soon as you and Nico return fully clothed and put back together again he’s loose lipped and cocky. You’re hurrying to gather your purse and coat when Timo ribs him for not popping champagne with them and Nico proudly puffs his chest out, wrapping his arms around you lifting you into the air like a prize.
“I was too busy popping one into my girl,” he says casually. “M’gonna be a dad this year!”
Mortified and blushing, you kick Nico’s shins until he puts you down as Timo and everyone hoots and hollers. You spin to face your drunk boyfriend, smacking at his chest but you can’t even be mad when you see the innocent glee in his eyes, the sweet smile he gives you like you’re the greatest gift in the world.
“Nico,” you whine, unsure of what to even say. He doesn’t catch the hint, slinging his arm around you and pulling you into his chest. That sweet tongue of his murmurs into your ear how much he loves you, how excited he is to have a pretty baby to go along with his pretty girl. And you melt into it, cheeks red as you hide in his shoulder.
“Cap,” Holtz says, shaking his head as he smack Nico’s shoulder. “Starting the year off with a bang huh?”
You burrow further into him, embarrassed as he laughs and laughs.
The only solace is knowing that you’ll get to remind him of his big mouth tomorrow morning.
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puck-bunnies · 7 months
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nico hischier x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw 18+, pure word porn, fingering, unprotected sex (p in v), cum shot?, dirty talk, praising
“good, lovin, feel so, numb. ride me, till i’m, bout to, cum. i see, you are, bout to, clim-ax. so, oh girl, don’t be shy.”
word count: 1.7k
♪ - wus good/curious, partynextdoor
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nico’s long fingers hook in the crotch of my panties, moving them to the side so that i’m easily accessible. they run up and down my folds, my wetness coating the pads of his fingertips. “oh god, you’re so wet for me.” he husks into my ear, his hot breath brushing past my neck making my hairs stand up.
his other hand grips my waist harshly, fingers pressing against my skin in a bruising way. soft whimpers release from my mouth before i bite down on my bottom lip, hushing myself. “only for you.” i say between my teeth.
nico hums, pressing a harsh kiss to my neck, sucking the spot he knows is most sensitive. my heart beats in my chest like a drum, body begging to be filled by nico. i feel like i'm about to crumble by his touch, his lips leaving marks down my neck down to my collarbone.
"please nico." i find myself begging, his thick fingers continuing to toy with my dripping folds. he smirks against my skin, raising himself up to look into my blown pupils. my cheeks don't hide the blood rising to my skin, a flush of embarrassment flooding my face.
nico starts to slowly slide his middle finger into my aching hole. my hands grip his shoulders, nails digging into his skin as his knuckles hit my skin. he moves his finger into a curl, hitting a spot not even i can reach. i have to fold onto his shoulder as he slides another finger in with the next pump, burying my face into the crook of his neck.
his hands stop moving, fingers staying still half inside me causing my hips to try to lower myself onto them. he moves his fingers out of me, leaving me completely empty. "you're going to have to look at me if you want it." he whispers down into my ear.
i let out a groan mixed with a moan as i straighten myself up, looking straight into nico's darkened eyes. he smirks, "good girl." he whispers, slowly sliding two fingers back into me, earning a harsh gasp to leave my lips. "wasn't so hard.. now was it?" he teases in my ear.
my hands grip nico’s shoulders harder as his fingers some how get deeper making me squeal. i never even knew these spots inside me existed, but god i love the way he’s hitting them. incoherent moans spill out of my mouth as my guts feel like their on fire.
as i feel a knot in my stomach tightening, nico removed his fingers once again, causes a whimper to leave my lips. “come on baby.” i whine to him, watching as he slips the two fingers into his mouth. sucking all of me off of his fingers, keeping his eyes on mine the whole time.
“be patient.” he husks, quickly manoeuvring us to be able to pull his boxers down his thighs just enough for his hard cock to spring out, hitting his abdomen before coming down to hit my clit. my hole clenches, waiting for the cock in front of me to bottom me out once again.
nico takes the base of his cock in his hand, running the pre-cum soaked tip along my wetness. finally pushing into me getting a stretched out moan from me.
he brings me up from my sitting position, hands firmly gripping my hips and helping me push down against his length. long groans mix through the room from both of our mouths. once i’m bottomed out on nico’s cock my walls squeeze around him, feeling every familiar vein, bump and curve of him.
i’m addicted to the way he stretches me out, when i’m all the way down him and his tip hitting unimaginable places. i can’t move for a moment, letting myself adjust to his impeccable size before i can even think about moving my hips in anyway.
once i finally feel ready to move, i start slow. grinding my hips back and forth, hitting all my sides perfectly. my limbs tighten, jaw clenching as i start to quicken my pace. nico’s hands start to control my hips, pushing and pulling me back and forth. curses push pass my lips mixing with the moans coming from deep in my chest.
i slow the pace on my hips, starting to pick them up instead of grind them. feeling nico’s length slowly slip out of me, my juices coating the base of his cock as it begs to be covered by my warmth again. i go up so much it feels like he could fall out of me anytime, before that can happen i slide back down him all the way to his base again.
nico bites his bottom lip, staring down at my pussy as if take all of him back inside of me. i roll my hips back slowly before going back up for a second time but faster. his fingers squeeze my full hips so hard that bruises will litter my skin tomorrow, but i don’t care, all i need is him.
his eyes flutter back up to mine, pupils blown out in pleasure and filled with lust. a smirk comes onto his face as he guides my hips back down harshly, our skin lightly slapping as my ass meets his thighs. the fast stretch of him coming back into me makes me squeal and throw my head back slowly.
he continues to take control, maneuvering me back up and down his almost painfully long cock quickly. "you look so pretty." nico whispers in my ear, softly nipping at my earlobe. "taking my cock so nicely." my moans double with his words, encouraging me to help him quicken my pace.
my hands run from his shoulders up the back of his neck, softly pulling at the short hairs. combing up to tug on his longer dark hair, forcing his head to look up at me. nico's hand drops down to my ass, kneading my flesh with the palm of his hand. he gives me a light smack at first, i whimper in enjoyment. "you like that?" he smirks, causing him to add another harsher one on the same cheek.
i mumble to answer his question, my mind too scrambled to give out words. “i’m going to need words baby.” he slows my hips, forcing me to stop half down on his cock. i can see that me not moving anymore is hurting nico too, all he wants is for me to keep riding him, but he keeps his act up.
i try to stand my ground, but it’s no use, finding myself begging for him to fill me up again. “it’s so good nico!” i yell out quickly, grinding my body back down his length.
he lets out a soft degrading chuckle at my begging, his ego slightly boosting as my insides beg for his shape. nico slams me back down him, causing me to scream out curses. i suck my lips into my mouth, sharply biting down to silence my loud moans.
“come on baby, scream for me.” he lands another harsh slap on my ass, red handprints starting to appear on my sensitive cheek. i let my lips unbuckle from my mouth, leaving my quick paced moans to rush out of my mouth.
every time i get slammed back on nico's cock, i roll my hips back and forth before moving back up again. i can feel my walls clench around him every time, memorizing every single curve of him inside me.
except for when my stomach tightens to an unbearable pressure where i can't even lift my hips up anymore. settling down on his lab and rolling my hips back and forth, feeling him start to twitch inside me. we both chase our orgasms, our chests rising in sync as we take in the oxygen our highs chase.
i get so hungry for my orgasm, moving my hips in unrhythmic and sloppy patterns. "oh, just like that." nico praises in my ear. my hands grip his hair harder, pulling at his roots as i can feel myself coming undone above him.
"i'm so, so close nico." i whimper. i can tell that he's close as well, his breaths and groans becoming deeper and closer together.
i can't take it anymore, my guts crave to undo as my orgasm crashes into me. "let it out baby. make a mess on my cock." he snarks out.
his words are all it takes for me to finish, letting myself unwind above nico. my back arching as my hips start to slow, nico gripping them to move them along again, letting him chase his own orgasm. it doesn't take him long, quickly pulling himself out of me, pumping himself a few more times. squeezing his tip softly as ropes of his cum start to spay over my stomach, running down my flesh to drip down to his thighs.
"you did so good baby." nico praises once again, letting me fall onto his shoulder to catch my breath. his cold hands rub up and down my hot skin making a deep breath fall from my chest.
nico lets me calm down, letting my nerves reset and breaths become even again. he then helps be off of his lap, laying me down on the mattress. "lets get you cleaned up." he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to my temple before disappearing into the bathroom.
a few moments pass before he returns with a wet washcloth, resting between my thighs, guiding them apart so he could clean up our mess. "you look so pretty." his fingers brush my folds before replacing them with the cloth, wiping away the remains of my orgasm.
nico's fingers rush up to my stomach, swirling his fingers in his own cum that lays on my skin. quickly wiping it away to leave me clean. he throws the washcloth into the hamper, laying down beside me in the bed, pulling me into his warmth.
i rush to get the covers over us, protecting us from the harsh cold air that leaves goosebumps on my skin. my eyelids become heavy, sleep creeping up on me, and my body begs to be taken by it. he combs his fingers through my hair, letting my body become completely relaxed.
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helisesposts · 2 months
His Jersey
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♡ hey guys this is my VERY first time writing any kind of fan fiction, so don't hate on me. sorry in advance for any grammar issues or misspellings, also please note: I do not know how Nico acts/ behaves in real life, this is purely fiction straight from my dirty ass brain so do with that what you will.
♡ pairings: nico hischer x fem!reader
♡ warnings: smut after the cut, established relationship, cursing, use of y/n, praise, slight degradation, dirty talk, fingering, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, aftercare, fluff, lmk if I missed anything!
♡ wc: 1.7k
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Sadly, you couldn’t attend the Devils game tonight to support your longtime boyfriend, Nico Hischer. However, you did get to watch him play on the TV, and as always he played amazingly. The Devils ended up winning 4-2 against the Penguins. 
You’d put on one of Nico’s spare jerseys that you found in the closet. It would be fun to surprise him by wearing it and nothing else, you thought. Walking out of your shared room to pour yourself a glass of red wine, when you heard a shuffle at the front door of your apartment. As you set down your glass. “Y/n,” Nico said kicking his shoes off and setting his gear down by the door. “In the kitchen,” you responded. As he made his way to you, your pulse quickened with anticipation. Suddenly, his footsteps stopped and you turned around. 
You were greeted by Nico leaning against the entryway with his arms crossed, checking you out, “Enjoying the view, Cap?” you asked. Just looking at him made you want him, still even after a year of dating. He still managed to take your breath away with his beautiful features. “Mhm hmm” he mumbled in response while his eyes trailed your body. “You're beautiful, baby,” Nico said as he pushed off the wall towards you. You smiled in response. As he entered your space he put his arms on either side of you, trapping you between the counter and him. “You played so good tonight, Nico,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck. His cologne filling your senses.
“Yeah, you think?” his voice deeper than it was before. “Don’t wanna talk about the game right now, I’m more interested in this.” placing his hands on your hips and dragging them down to the hem of his jersey, “Hmmm, what about it?” you teased looking into his eyes. You could see the lust in his eyes, pupils blown wide. Your words put a smirk on his face because he knew what game you were playing. He knew what you wanted. “Are you wearing panties under that angel?” he asked as his hands trailed your body down to the hem of his jersey. Your breath hitched as his fingers started to draw patterns on your hips, you shook your head. He leaned over and whispered in your ear, “Use your words, Y/n”. 
“No,” you said innocently watching him breathe out heavily in response. You felt his grip on your thighs tighten which caused a slight whimper to escape you. “Fuck,” he said before kissing you. The kiss was hungry and filled with desire. Nico tilted your head up slightly so he could deepen the kiss. Your hands traveled up and down his abs before making their way to his erection. He was so hard and it turned you on even more. He moaned into your mouth as you palmed his erection. He pulled away panting, trying to catch his breath, he looked so fucking good. You needed him in you or on you soon. Nico need you too. He dragged his hands up to your folds, slightly teasing your clit. You let out a whimper. “Fuck Nico, please-” you begged “Need you so bad.”
“Look at you baby, so wet and begging for me.” he chuckled as he started to rub your clit. “So needy, aren’t you?” he continued to stroke you with his fingers at an unbearably slow pace. You needed more, you need his fingers inside of you. Pumping in and out. Over and over again until you reach that unbelievable peak of pure bliss. “More,” you huffed out. Nico let out a small laugh “More what? Got to use your words, sweetheart.” you whine in response. He’s making you work for it. Secretly, you love to work for it. However, right now? You don’t.
“You know what I want,” you say, adding an emphasis on the fact he knows. He’s just fucking messing with you. “Please, Nico,” you beg. He considers your words and his increasingly uncomfortable erection in his pants. Which you guess is enough because he picks you up by your hips and carries you to the bedroom. He sets you down on the mattress slotting his body inbetween you legs. “Gonna be so good for me, Y/n” he asked while kneeling down and slightly lifting his jersey up revealing you to him. “Yes,” you said almost shaking with anticipation. 
Nico could feel your excitement and anticipation practically radiating off of you. Which put a devilish smirk on his face. He brought his tongue up to your clit, licking a small strip up causing you to let you to moan. “Such a pretty pussy, baby,” He mumbled, then continuing to lap and suck on your clit over and over again bring you closer to the blissful peak. You couldn’t help but stick your fingers in his hair, “Fuck nico,” you whined. You were getting close and you needed to come soon. “Please, please, please,” you begged, you didn’t care how desperate you sounded. “I know sweet girl, I know. You’re doing so good for me.” Nico praised, “Such a good girl,” He continued. Your boyfriends words were brought you dangerously close to your release. 
 Nico knew that too because you were beginning to squirm out of his grip. Removing one hand from you thigh to hold your hips down. He brought his free hand down to your entrance, teasing you before pushing his finger inside you. You let out a strangled gasp as he slowly fucked you with his tounge and fingers.
Nico began to pick up his pace fucking you faster. Your head spinning because of the sensations he was giving you. You felt the coil in your stomach continuing to grow tighter and tighter, .“Mhmm, gonna cum- fuck” you cried out. A wave of ecstasy flooded over you and you saw stars, you whimpered as nico continued to fuck you through your high last longer. 
When you came down from your high you loosened your grip on nico’s hair finding him staring up at you in awe. “So good, neeks,” you huffed out as you tried to catch your breath. “So pretty when you cum for me like that,” Nico confessed. He absolutely loved to watch you fall apart because of him. He love it more that it was just him could make you feel like that. “You got another one in you angel?” he asked. Your eyes went wide because you realized he hadn’t cum yet and you nodded shyly. He just smiled and leaned down connecting your lips again. You could taste yourself on his soft lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. You felt Nico grind is cock against your pussy. You let out a small gasp because your clit was still senstive,”Sorry,” Nico as he pulled away from the kiss. You knew he wasn’t actually sorry but he said it anyways. 
You watch as he tugged off his shirt and step out of his pants. He was standing in nothing but his boxers now. You felt your skin heat up and a rush of need down your spine as you watched him drink up the sight of you. Your legs open and pussy wet and ready for him. He groaned a little. You put all you energy into stand up pressing your body into your boyfriend and pulling him down into another heated kiss. He fights you for control but ultimately he ends up winning. Once more you find your hands at his clothed cock. You find the edge of his boxers sticking your hand in to stroke him. Nico stops you quickly though. 
Spinning you around, your backside against his chest. You could feel his hard length up against you ass and let out a shallow breath. “Still gonna be good for me, okay” he whispered in your ear as he guided you back to the bed. Nico bent you over the mattress and kicked your legs farther apart. You and Nico weren’t known to have sex strictly in missionary position but it was your guys favorite, so you knew he was riled up when he bent you over. Nico pulled his cock out of his boxers and lined himself up with your pussy. Before he pushed into you he asked you if you were ready for him. To which you said yes.
You and Nico both let out a moan as he started to thrust into you holding your hips so tight. His motions slow and control. “Faster,” you begged as you began to climb that mountain of emotions again. Nico obliged your plead for release because he needed this too and who was he to say no. He’d give you anything you’d ask for, even the moon. The erotic sounds of his skin slapping against your skin added to your pleasure. “Fuck, takin’ me so well, sweetheart.” Nico groaned. He moved his hands to grabbing your wrists holding behind your back.
His praise went straight to your pussy, clenching around him again. A deep moan falling from his lips. “If you keep doing that im going to cum, Y/n” he huffed. You giggled because its a little funny you have to admit. As he continued to pound into you, your breath quickened as you approached your sweet release “Mm soooo close.” you whimpered, clawing at his grip on your wrist. It felt like your pleasure began to override your senses because your legs started to shake and uncontrolled moans left your lips. That coil had snapped and you came all over Nico’s cock. He fucked you through your orgasm and felt him shutter as he came. He collapse ontop of you for a few seconds but then collected himself and pulled out. You both let out a deep breath as he did. “Fuck princess, you did amazing,” he said while stroking your hair out of your face. He turned you over laying you on your back. 
You were trying not to fall asleep when he stood up to get a wash cloth from the bathroom to clean you up. He emerged from the room with a damp cloth. “Just cleaning you up, then we can go to sleep.” he spoke softly. “Okay, neeks,” you said, yawning. He silently put the wash cloth in the hamper and grabbed you a t-shirt to wear - still his shirt but a t-shirt nonetheless. He put on a new pair of boxers and pulled you into his arms. You told him you loved him so much and he told you he loved you even more.
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puckinghischier · 6 months
Chef’s Kiss
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Nico x fem!reader, soft!Nico, domestic!Nico
summary: Nico fluff, basically
notes: i just really love soft nico and couldn’t get him out of my head so here’s this (also ignore the fact i keep using the same pics in my posts, i need to find more 💀)
Nico was always trying to do little things to bring a smile to your face. Whether it was having the laundry washed, folded, and put away by the time you got home, sending you funny videos and silly selfies throughout the day, or simply having a glass of your favorite wine waiting on you as soon as you walked through the door, he loved providing small moments of happiness for you. He didn’t have time to do things for you often, his schedule getting increasingly busier as the season goes on, but today he had a completely free afternoon and wanted to have your favorite meal plated and waiting for you to enjoy as soon as you got off work. The idea came to him when you called him on what was supposed to be your lunch break.
“Neeks, I’m so sorry but I have to work late again. I’m having to re-do all of my reports for the day because my boss didn’t like the format that I used, even though it’s the exact format he told me to use three days ago! I swear sometimes he just wants to make my life a living hell. I don’t get paid enough for this shit.”
Nico had a fond smile on his face, despite the nature of your call; hearing you rant to him about work was always something he looked forward to. While he didn’t love the fact that you were upset and that your boss was a grade A asshole, he loved being the one you came to when you were frustrated and just needed to blow off steam. It always made him happy to know that he was the one you called when you needed a mid-day pick me up on particularly stressful days. He had tried to tell you multiple times to just quit—that he makes enough for the both of you to live on – but you wouldn’t even entertain the thought. You’d always tell him no and that you needed to pull your weight with the bills and rent, too. You didn’t want to have all of the tears you shed while you were in college go to waste. To quote your exact words ‘I’m going to use this damn degree even if it kills me’. He admired your work ethic and that you didn’t want to have him be your own personal bank, but it was times like this he wishes you would just take his suggestion to heart and actually quit.
“I understand, but don’t work too late, schatz. It’s not good for you. Tuck and I will be here waiting on you when you get here,” Nico looks over at the cat quietly snoozing over on the couch. “I noticed you left your lunch in the fridge; do you need me to bring you something? I don’t have to go back to the rink today for anything, so I could pick up something from that sushi place you like and we could have a little lunch date? Give you a few minutes to reset and recharge?”
“No, it’s okay. I don’t have time to eat today anyways. At this point working through lunch is the only way I’ll be able to come home before midnight. Thanks for the offer, though, Neeks. I have to go, my boss is calling me, probably to tell me something else I did wrong. I’ll text you when I leave, love you,” you hang up the phone, not giving Nico a chance to respond. He knows your boss hates when he catches you taking personal calls on company time, so he just sends you a simple “I love you, too. Please eat something and don’t work too hard” text since you hung up before he had time to tell you himself.
As soon as he pressed send, Nico grabbed his keys and took off to the grocery store. He really only went to pick up the ingredients to make dinner, but he couldn’t help making a quick stop at the local florist, grabbing a small bouquet of daisies he knows you’ll love. As he was driving home, he remembers this bakery you had told him you’ve been wanting to try, so he finds himself in said bakery picking out a few baked goods for you to taste test (and maybe a few for himself, too). By the time he had made it back home it was well past five, when you typically leave your office for the day. Once he brought his haul of groceries, flowers, and pastries in the door, Tuck greeted him by meowing loudly for his food.
“Sorry, Tuck, I’m late for dinner, aren’t I?” Nico asks the cat as he walks over and fills the hangry cat’s food bowl. “Now that you’re fed, I need to get to work on feeding your mom. That is, if I can manage not to burn anything.”
Nico got to work immediately, turning on the cooking playlist you had made and grabbing his ‘Kiss the Swiss’ apron you had jokingly gifted him for Christmas. He pulled out the recipe book that your mom gave you two as a house-warming gift when you first moved in. Just last week you had been talking about how you missed your mom’s famous pasta, so he decided that was his attempted dish of the night. He laid out all of the ingredients and followed the recipe as closely as he could, paying special attention to all of the little notes your mother added in the margins of the typed recipe. About an hour into Nico’s cooking you sent him a text that you were nearly finished and would be home soon, but he was so busy trying to perfect making pasta from scratch that he never even looked at his phone. When he was on his third attempt at the pasta dough, he heard the front door open.
He looked over at the clock to see that it was nearly seven-thirty. He heard your keys hit the bowl sitting on the small table beside the front door and your sigh of relief once you took your shoes off. He could hear the soft thuds your feet made on the hardwood while you walked into the living room. He looked up from the counter to see your tired body drift over to the couch where Tuck laid sound asleep.
“Hey, Tuck. How was your day? Did you catch a lot of Z’s? Dream about catching mice? Poop on your dad’s pillow again?” Nico heard your soft voice say, chuckling at your last question.
The poor kitten had, somehow, got locked in yours and Nico’s bedroom a few weeks ago and neither of you noticed until it was well past feeding time and the little furball hadn’t come running into the kitchen screaming for his dinner. It took the two of you twenty minutes to hear the soft meows coming from your bedroom, the TV in the living room having drowned them out for most of the day. As soon as you opened the door Tuck came sprinting out of the room as fast as he could, acting as if he’d been in there for days. He ran straight to his food bowl and turned around, glaring at Nico and yourself. Later that evening the two of you made your way to the bedroom to settle down for the night only to find that Tuck had left a nice, smelly present on his pillow. Nico was appalled, to say the least. Gagging and holding his pillow out with straight arms as if it was poisonous. You, however, were doubled over with laughter. You fell onto the bed and were laughing hysterically when Nico finally came back into the room, no pillow to be seen.
“I don’t know why you’re laughing; it’s disgusting! The cat shit on my pillow!” Nico expressed, standing in front of the bed with his arm crossed, looking like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.
“Neeks, it’s hilarious! Out of all the places in the room he could’ve shit, he saw your pillow and thought ‘Ah, yes. Dad’s pillow. I think this will be my new bathroom.” You wipe the tears from your eyes, slightly out of breath from your laughing fit.
“Well, of course it’s funny when it’s not your pillow! If he would’ve shit on your pillow, you would be as upset as I am.” Nico huffed, still in his childish stance.
“Wait, where is your pillow?”
“In the trash.”
“You threw away the whole pillow!?” you exclaimed, starting to laugh all over again.
“Of course, I threw away the whole pillow! I’m not about to sleep on that thing tonight! It’s contaminated!”
“Nico, you could’ve just gotten a new pillow case. You didn’t have to throw your whole pillow away! What are you going to sleep on tonight?” You asked him, amusement clear in your voice.
“Well…I didn’t think that far ahead,” Nico said, his stance deflating a little.
He ended up sleeping on a throw pillow from the couch that night, picking up a new pillow on his way home from practice the next morning. Since then, the two of you have always made sure to keep your bedroom door open anytime Tuck isn’t in his usual spot on the couch.
Nico smiles at the memory, completely forgetting the fact that he was supposed to be kneading the pasta dough in his hands. By the time his thoughts circulate back to the task at hand, he hears you ask the cat “Where’s your dad, huh?” followed by the sound of your clothes rustling as you move to get off of the couch.
“Nico? You in here?” you call as you walk around the corner of the living room into the kitchen. “Neeks- Oh, there you are. What are you doing?” You stopped in the doorway of the kitchen when you took in the scene in front of you. The pots and pans on the stove, the steam coming from a pot of boiling water, the smell of chicken in the oven, and the bouquet of flowers and box of pastries on the counter next to them. Then your eyes move over to Nico, noticing he was absolutely covered in flour. He had flour in his hair, on his face, on his apron, in the floor, and all over the counter.
“Nico, what the hell are you doing? What is all of this?” you asked him once the two of you made eye contact.
“Well, I was trying to have dinner waiting on you when you got home because I know you’ve had a shitty day, but I’ve just now realized that I don’t know how to make pasta from scratch.”
“Why are you trying to make pasta from scratch?” you walk towards him, laughing at how distraught he looks.
“You said you’ve been craving your mom’s pasta recipe, so I thought it would be a good way to cheer you up after the day that you’ve had,” he replied, grabbing a towel to wipe the flour off of his hands.
“Nico, I love you, I do. And I appreciate the effort, but please throw that ball of…whatever that is in the trash and just use dried pasta next time,” you look over at what’s supposed to be pasta dough, reaching him and placing your arms on his shoulders, hands coming together to rest on the back of his neck.
“I try to make you a nice meal and this is the response I get? No ‘nice try’ or ‘wow, it smells great in here!’” he jokes, looking down at you, attempting to look offended, but his eyes only reflect love and amusement.
“You’ll get real praise when you learn how to make pasta from scratch. For now, consider this your compliment,” you stand on your toes, pressing a small kiss to his lips.
“You call that a compliment? Read the apron and try again.”
You laugh before meeting him halfway for a real kiss this time, thinking to yourself just how lucky you were to have Nico in your life.
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mediumgayitalian · 6 months
Will knows who it is at the first light brush on his shoulders.
He tips his head back back, bumping his boyfriend’s hip, leaning into the hand on his trapezius, his scapula, the base of his neck.
“Hi,” he says, grinning.
“Hi,” Nico says, leaning down to press his smile onto Will’s forehead. His hair tickles his cheeks, and he smells like woodsmoke and citrus, and Will slides his hand across his jaw and tugs him closer.
“Errand done?”
“Lord Hades pleased?”
“As much as he ever is.” Nico shifts, kissing the corner of his mouth, the curve of his chin, the shape of his jaw. “My ears are ringing from five days of quiet. Even the echoing sound of lost souls cannot compete with your constant blabbing; I hardly knew what to do with myself.”
“Oh, shut up. You love my chatterin’.” He smacks the side of Nico’s head, but it’s hard to play mad when he’s smiling, shameless, wide enough that his teeth nick Will’s cheekbones, that his snickers are muffled into his skin.
“If I wanted to be stuck with someone who yaps nonstop I would’ve stayed down with Cerebus. In fact he might shed less, and he doesn’t drool when he sleeps.”
“…I do not shed.”
Nico plants both hands next to Will’s head, heaving himself up, and scans his camp shirt. Within three seconds, he locates a strand of hair, pinches it off, and flicks it at Will’s face.
“Oh, for the love of — get over here,” Will demands. Laughing, Nico goes where Will tugs him, curling up next to him on the bench. “You’re such a shit. Normal people are much kinder to the significant annoyances they leave behind for five days, you know.”
“Are they.”
Nico lifts his arm in offering and Will accepts with relish, tucking himself under it and making certain to drag his curls down Nico’s face in the process.
“Yep. In fact I was expecting hand-written letters by day two, honestly, telling me how much you missed me and how the distance was physically painful, et cetera, et cetera. Maybe a sonnet or two. Italian, preferably, Elizabethan are not my favourite.”
“You’re very picky.”
Will sniffs haughtily. “Well, I’m a catch. You have lots of competition, you know. I was fighting them off while you were away but now that you come back and insult me upon reunion, I shall reevaluate my options.”
He feels more than hears the quiet laughter Nico presses in his hair, thumb brushing his collar, dipping onto bare skin.
“Is that so.”
“Indeed. My suitors have even offered a dowry quite handsome. I’m worth twenty-seven goats, didn’t you know.”
“Oh, well then. I might as well return what I brought for you, since I’m not sure I can outshine two dozen goats.”
The cool thing about being a son of Apollo is that Will has range. His dad is the god of arts, generally, up to and especially the dramatic ones. Will knows how to school his face into the perfect mask, how to smile on command and cry as desired, how to deliver a line and bow with a flourish. Playing a part comes as naturally as breathing, as naturally as healing.
“A present?” he asks, checking his nails as if the mere thought bores him. “That’s interesting, I guess.”
Nico doesn’t even bother to indulge him.
“Here, you massive dweeb,” he snorts. He hands over a small paper box, hand-folded and thin. “I can practically feel you vibrating.”
There is only one thing in this world, quite possibly, that Will likes more than proving Nico wrong, and that is letting his boyfriend spoil him. In all honesty it’s a real challenge sometimes, because Nico is really very good at being everything Will has ever wanted even if he has wrong opinions on most movies. Truly Will’s life is a joke at which the gods must howl with laughter.
Eagerly taking the box, he holds it up to his face, carefully inspecting every corner. The paper is regular printer paper, slightly waterlogged (from the Big House printer, then, ‘cause Will was carrying a giant bag of saline in from storage when he was eleven years old and tripped on the shipment of office supplies that someone had left, for some reason, in the middle of the fucking hallway, and the bag had exploded on impact all over four boxes of printer paper holding one thousand pages each) and carefully bent into shape. He recognises Nico’s handiwork from the dozens of origami paper sculptures he’s been gifted over the past few months.
“Open it.”
“What is it?”
Nico rolls his eyes. “What did I just say.”
“No, I mean — it’s not my birthday or anything.”
“So you’ve wrapped me up a present! I want to know why before I open it.”
“Just because,” Nico mumbles, pressing a kiss to his temples. “Not everything needs a reason, nosey.”
“If nothing had reason then we would still be premordial soup,” Will mutters, but pops open the lid anyway.
He gasps.
“Oh my gods, Nico, you —”
Nico’s smiling smugly, but Will barely notices. Inside the box is a black chain darker than shadow, so dark it doesn’t even glint in the heavy sun, and dozens of little charms, from polished obsidian to a ball of slowly flickering flame.
“You like?”
“It’s gorgeous!”
He makes a triumphant nose, pumping his fist, and says, “Fuck those suitors, I fucking win,” and the funniest part is that he’s damn serious. There’s a glint in his eye identical to when he wins a sword fight, to when Connor loses a bet to him, to when twenty-odd bets are stacked against him and he’s got a full house. Something dangerous and wild and superior and Will is not an enabler, okay, he is not, but he is only so strong and there is only so much he can do when pretty boys wrap their arms around him and smirk at him and bring him bracelets they made in the Underworld. He’d like to meet someone who wouldn’t fold, actually.
“There were no suitors, you loser,” he says, but he’s flushed, pleased smile stretched wide across his face, and Nico’s grinning that too-wide grin and tilting Will’s face closer with the edge of his thumb, like he barely had to try. And there’s always a little bit of shadow leeching off him when he comes back from a quest, an aura surrounding him like he’s squaring off to the sun, and of course the wild churning in Will’s stomach has nothing to do with that but what’s he to do, really? What is a warm-blooded person with eyes that can see to do when faced with such a look?
“Of course there aren’t. They know I would reap their actual souls.”
“Possessive, much.”
“You’re literally going red.”
“Shut up.”
And he does, but only because Will makes him.
Although judging by the hand he shoves in his hair, he doesn’t seem to mind.
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
Requesting either combo Landoscar x male!reader or separately x male!reader pretty please (whatever floats your boat in terms of story, I love your writing style)
I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!! i've actually been thinking about this for the longest time, but every time i sit down to write i forget about it lmao. I used to write male reader all the time and I've missed tf out of it
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It was an unprecedented situation, they found themselves in. Drivers being together wasn't. Look at Nico and Lewis, look at Max and Daniel, look at Max and Charles, look at Max and...
Teammates spent so much time together, it was expected that they were to fall into bed together. But this was new. Nobody really knew what to do with this.
Lando and Oscar stood outside of Zac's office, both of them leaning against the wall behind them. Lando had his hands folded over his chest and Oscar's hands were in his pockets. Neither of them touching, but the team knew exactly what was going on with the two of them.
But they didn't know about the man in the office.
No, not Zac (I might throw up at that lmao). The ex Formula Two champion stood in Zac's office, going over his requirements as a reserve driver.
"When do I get to drive?" He asked.
Zac laughed. "If one of those two breaks their legs or something, you can drive," he said.
A grin crossed his face. "I can make that happen."
They discussed when he'd be put into the car for practice sessions and things like that. His media duties with Lando and Oscar and more. They never crossed into the topic of his relationship with the drivers, not yet, anyway. That was a meeting to have with all three of them.
When he walked out of the office, Lando and Oscar straightened up. "So?" Oscar asked as he and Lando walked towards him.
He shrugged, but then a grin crossed his face. "Zac said I can drive if I break one of your arms," he said. "Who wants to go first?"
Lando threw his arms around his shoulders and dragged him away from the office, down the stairs in the MTC. "You're a little shit," he said through a laugh as the three of them made their way outside, to their cars.
"No more than you!" Oscar called as he jumped in. He grabbed him, pulled him away from Lando and into him. His lips met the top of his head as he fished the keys from his pockets.
Lando and Oscar had shown up in their expensive cars that couldn't hold more than two people. Now, that wouldn't do. But it was fine, because he had his shitty little ford fiesta that he loved more than anything in the world.
"I'm driving," Lando said, raising his hand for Oscar to throw him the keys.
"The fuck you are," he replied, catching the keys before Lando could. "It's my car."
Ever since he'd met the two drivers, he'd wanted a truck, one with a bench seat so that they could all sit in the front. Lando climbed into the passenger seat and Oscar climbed into the back. Lando reached forward to touch the radio, but he playfully slapped his hand away as he pulled away from the MTC.
"We're in my car, we listen to my music," he said as he pulled onto Guildford road and headed towards Woking. "What're we thinking for lunch?"
"Waitrose sandwiches?" Lando offered.
"Waitrose sandwiches," Oscar agreed.
The boys got themselves Waitrose sandwiches and got back into the car. They knew a dinner between the three of them would have looked weird, them crowding around a table, trying to eat. (Well, it wouldn't have looked weird, but there was a certain amount of paranoia that came with the three of them being together).
It wasn't romantic, the three of them sat in an empty car park as they ate their sandwiches. The moment Oscar opened his tuna sandwich, Lando let out a groan and scrambled to wind down the window.
"Want some?" He offered Lando. Lando leaned forward and bit into his sandwich, tearing off a corner of it. He hummed as he ate and offered him some of his own sandwich.
Oscar tried to do the same, but the moment he thrust his sandwich forward, Lando pushed open the door to the car and let out a retching noise, pretending to throw up.
"I don't think he's gonna kiss you after this, Osc," he mumbled through a laugh as he dug into his own food.
"Damn fucking right!" Lando shouted, sucking in deep gulps of fresh air, air that didn't smell like tuna.
Oscar rolled his eyes but leaned forward again. As soon as he did, he was kissing him, looking at Lando. Lando who was too busy with his head out of the window to watch the show. "I don't think it's working, Osc," He said against his lips.
He mumbled a quiet fuck it and climbed his way into the back with Oscar. If they were gonna make Lando jealous enough to join them, they were going to do it right.
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