#nicky is my bestie
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broken-heart-raven-queen · 9 months ago
For his birthday, the twins decide to give Nicky a full family day just the three of them (maybe, just maybe, it was Bee's idea).
Nicky is so overjoyed at first that he doesn't know what to do. He wants to go somewhere fun but doesn't want the boys to hate him later or having to leave because Andrew threatened to stab someone. He definitely doesn't want to tempt Aaron either, and also they go clubbing every week.
He doesn't wanna choose somewhere far because they would spent lots of hours on the car in silence. But staying on campus seems boring.
Aaron and Andrew told him with a week to spare because they knew he would have trouble picking. But the days were getting closer and closer and Nicky hadn't choose.
Until he did.
"I wanna go to the park." He announced, a happy smile on his face and a full backpack of snacks and drinks over his right shoulder.
Andrew arched a brow in silence.
"And do what?" Aaron asked trying (and failing) not to sound so annoyed. He had to spect something like this from his cousin, it was his fault not to.
Nicky shrugged. "Spend the day together."
The twins looked at eachother as if decing wich one will get to roll his eyes at that statement.
"You promised." Nicky reminded them.
So that's what they did. They spent a full sunny and warm day in a nearby park, had a "picnic" of sweets and alcohol and played card games.
Nicky and Aaron competed about wich one would get higher on the swings when the amount of children on the games decreased. Andrew watching them from a bouncing horse. And then the three of them took a picture to send to Erik.
They looked happy. They looked like a family.
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thatsnotevenmyname · 9 months ago
Making those silly Twitter au might just be my new therapy lmao
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benniefranky · 25 days ago
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𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖊 ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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insert last name here
4 february 20XX
☼ aquarius ☾ aquarius ↑ leo
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traveler — cruise ship entertainer
reality shifter — over 40 places in the book
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caught the love bug — spotted with the sweetest guy from the worlds smallest country
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fandoms — sonic, winx, south park, svtfoe, pjo, katseye
favorites — my dog, my boyfriend, my sisters, dancing, coloring, drawing, shiftblr, traveling, build a bears, shopping, sunsets, shifting, pinterest, sleeping, quiet plane rides
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what’s in my bag? — tide to-go, a spare gray headband, hand sanitizer, my glasses
what’s in my pockets? — ID & keys, maybe a water bottle or two
ok bye 𑁤
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wimbledon2008 · 8 months ago
tagged by @wernerherzogs @tsnbrainrot @billhaders @curlytemple 💕
rules: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite!
tagging: @metaphorror @aheavenlyrush @thepoisonroom @freekicks @rubdown @turnpikeghosts @clytemnestraaa @irenabean @leclercari @hunybody @coldbam @azzurris @zumurruds @penult @spcecowboyyy @sincenewyorks i know that's more than five so sue me i wanna play polls with my friends
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amalias-whatsoever · 9 months ago
question for the aftg fans. how come that neil says he has no friends but he is bestie with everyone?
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justablah56 · 2 years ago
hey remember how I said I'd post midnight kiddads ? ok I lied , have some 2 pm kiddads <3
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might color in a background at some point but eeaaaughhh no <3
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nolassolace · 1 year ago
@nark-week prompt for hope!!!!
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soencersocks · 2 years ago
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has anyone done this yet I hope they have not.. anyways I’ll make another with Gumshoe after
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broken-heart-raven-queen · 11 months ago
Nicky bought one of those toy phones for kids and exchanged it for Kevin's phone one night at Eden's, he was to drunk to notice, but when he wanted to take a photo suddenly "AY AY AY AY, I'M YOUR LITTLE SAMURAI" started blasting.
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nicknacknightmare · 2 years ago
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Thank you random pharmacy for stocking sonic cast squishmallows, you have made my night 💙🖤❤️💛
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peachesandhunii · 9 months ago
I'm deleting everything about litg if I see Seb and Nicky.
They are happy over there with my besties
They better not do my homegirls wrong.
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ghostly-writers · 2 years ago
A gift
This is a birthday gift for the spectacular, marvellous and show-stopping @where-no-knight-goes Please check out their amazing art and give them the love and support they deserve.
Arthur had a gift. The gift of creation was something that had been bestowed upon him as a blessing but sometimes felt more like a curse than anything like he couldn’t get rid of it no matter how hard he tries. He first found out about his gift when he was playing in the garden with his papa who was showing him all the different types of flowers and plants and what they could do or symbolise. Arthur had gently touched one of the buds he was particularly interested in and it had flowered almost instantly, the delicate petals reaching up to the sun. Arthur had stared in disbelief and started crying out of confusion. His papa had gently taken his hand after calming the 5 year old before enclosing a small amount of dirt in his palm and telling Arthur to concentrate on a flower he really liked. Arthur had closed his eyes tightly and imagined a sunflower and low and behold a sunflower had emerged out of the dirt and spread out the golden flower pointed towards him. Arthur had thrown the flower out of fear and understandably started crying loudly again not knowing what was happening or why he was randomly making flowers. His papa had scooped him up and held him close, cooing and soothing him, telling him that he was special and this was something he should cherish and take care of.
Over the years Arthur started to gain control over his newfound powers and tried to explore where they came from; he traced his history all the way back to an ancient tribe that once owned these lands and believed their powers to create were bestowed upon them by the gods but their name had been lost to history long ago. Arthur continued to trace his roots and found that the tribes then settled down in villages across the land using their gifts for healing and nurturing the land surrounding them which helped provide and keep them safe. However, most had been burned down due to the previous ruler who chased them from their homes trying to capture and use them for their powers. Arthur's parents had been killed during one of these raids, guards had forced themselves into their home their heavy boots pounding against the floor, his mother had quickly hid him under a pile of blankets before being thrown to the floor and being dragged out, his father receiving the same treatment, the dirt beneath their knees soaked with tears and blood the king coming into view despite his hands being clean they were stained with the lives of innocents his moustache turned up in a constant sneer. Arthur had peaked out from under the safety of the blanket pile and despite his mothers warnings had padded towards the door his mess of fluffy brown hair visible as he looked around the corner of the door. “ARTHUR!” His mother yelled a sword held against her neck, the silvery blade reflecting the sun blinding Arthur momentarily. Everything was too bright and loud there was so much screaming and crying there was fire that was as hot as a thousand suns smoke pummelling into the air in thick clouds. 
“Whose this little fellow?~” He heard a deep voice purr eliciting a choked sob from his mother. Arthur was picked up, his head being held back so he was forced to look into piercing green eyes, his neck was held tightly so he couldn’t pull away and all Arthur could do was weakly punch and whimper since he didn’t have the strength for much else. “What’s your name?” The demon asked, his teeth sharp and white. King Peterson was a tyrant. He had no morals, compassion or kindness in his stone cold heart that only kept beating because it fed off people's misery. Arthur didn’t reply and just kept kicking and squirming whining about how he wanted his mother. The hand that was holding his neck let go and roughly grabbed his chin forcing him to look into the demon king's eyes again, the other supporting his tiny body. “What. Is. Your. Name?” he demanded not used to being denied something, making Arthur swallow thickly. “A…arthur!” He stuttered out. King Theodore started to tilt his head to one side observing the light freckles that dusted his cheeks, bits of dirt smudged across his face from earlier. He was surprisingly gentle with Arthur almost as if he was made of nothing but porcelain before briefly looking back at his guards who shoved an elderly couple to the ground. They were Arthur's next door neighbours and she always baked Arthur sweet honey cakes and checked up on his family. 
“What shall we do with them sire?” One of the guards asked, looking upon the herd of innocent people who were simply trying to live out their lives in peace under an iron fisted ruler. The king looked at the people, sticking out his bottom lip considering something before turning back to Arthur “...I think I’ll keep you” he said smoothly running his thumb across Arthur's cheek in an almost affectionate manner making him squirm more. “N…no please! I w…want my mommy!” He begged and started to cry loudly, tears streaming down his chubby cheeks. He let out a loud scream when the hand came back to wipe away his tears, not giving up until he was cleaned up properly. “L…let me go!” He reached out to his mother “momma!” her instincts took over and she reached for her child but a guard grabbed her and threw her back down ripping away her only chance of holding her child again cruelly the king smirking watching as she wept on the ground. Arthur hid his face behind his hands not wanting to see any more but they were ripped away and held in a tight grip “Ah ah ah! I want to see you!” The king mocked, moving Arthur's hair out of his face and holding him close to his chest. “Hmmmm…you will make a good heir after mine…ran off” his face contorted into a scowl as he remembered the memory. Arthur remembered people in the village murmuring about how the prince ran off with one of the knights defying his fathers orders; it was the biggest scandal since all six of the king's siblings mysteriously disappeared and Arthur had a chilling feeling they were all connected.
 “Sire?…” one of the guards spoke, sweating slightly as his majesty fixed them with a glare “what?” He demanded making the guard swallowed “we have r…recieved news that the prince and his lo-” another glare was shot at the guard and if looks could kill this guy would be six foot under “Acquaintance” the glaring stopped and the knight continued “have been spotted in the mountains and-” the poor guy didn't even get to finish as the king hauled Arthur over his shoulder who began flailing and pounding his fists against his back while he started marching towards his horse. “I’m going to the castle with this little one” he tugged at Arthurs cheek who cringed at the contact “then we shall ride out to find my son!” He smirked and turned to Arthur “this is turning into a very good day! I get a new heir and can finally rid myself of Aaron and his…lover”. The guards all nodded and said “Yes sire!” In unison before looking at the crowd of people who clung to each other in protection. “A… and the people sire?” one asked, an evil smile morphed itself on the king's face, the skin contorting in some grotesque manner “Kill them”.
Arthur awoke from his nightmare screaming his arms failing out in all different directions, his raw cries echoing through the castle. He desperately felt around on the soft bed next to him finding only leaves and flowers. He sighed and started to tug the plants up from the fabric as well as the ones that had wrapped themselves around his wrists finally calming down from his nightmare. This was a regular occurrence for him, waking up in the middle of the night screaming from the nightmare that plagued him refusing to leave his tired mind, flowers and fauna evidence from his distress. He would run to his papa and dad normally but he couldn't do that here. This castle was cold and dark with nothing remotely homey about it. Arthur had been torn from his papa and dad by the cruel hands of king Theodore who was delighted to learn that he had a grandson claiming that he would now be the heir to the throne. 
Arthur had been Adopted by Nicholas Roth Aaron Peterson when he ran into them the fateful day his parents were killed he had clung to Nicky’s legs crying about the “mean king!” The horrific screams and smell of blood still fresh in his mind he had kicked King Theodore in the chin and ran as fast as he could, his stumpy legs growing tired after a while. Nicky had tenderly picked him up and held him against his chest. He was warm and smelled like wet earth and roses. King Theodore’s cruelty was something they knew too well about as they had to keep their relationship a secret as the prestigious prince Aaron should never be seen with a lowlife knight like Nicky. So, they decided to run away together finding their happiness in a small wooden cottage deep in the woods 
Arthur had buried his head into Nicky’s chest who desperately tried to soothe him while Aaron stroked his hair asking about his parents. With teary eyes Arthur had managed to tell them they were gone, which seemed to distress Nicky and Aaron. Arthur had hiccuped and whimpered all the way back to their cottage refusing to let go even when he had been set down on a chair and asked a couple questions like “how old are you?” And “What’s your name?” Arthur had answered the questions quietly and softly before breaking down again. Nicky had held him close and allowed him to wail into his chest the cries coming out like that of a wounded animal. “Shhhhh Arthur it's ok” Nicky said gently rocking him back and forth. “We are here…”
Arthur smiled fondly at the memory, removing the rest of the vines from his arms and legs. He had once created an entire ecosystem seemingly complete with animals; it was impossible to see where the bedroom ended and the jungle started. His Papa had helped him control his outbursts but sometimes he couldn’t control them. He had got so frustrated being kept in his room like some beast that he let it all burst out, toxic mushrooms sprouting out then withering away before being replaced with thick vines. When he was done he was standing panting in the middle of the room, sweat dripping from his face. 
His ‘grandfather’ (what was the title the king insisted Arthur called him) was overjoyed at his grandson's power constantly praising him but instead of making him feel proud of his creation it made his skin crawl uncontrollably. He hated it here! He wanted his papa and dad, he wanted to go home and sit in the forest surrounded by real plants instead of the ones he made. Arthur had been pushed far beyond his limit both mentally and physically he had made plants wrap themselves around the castle amongst other things and he didn’t know how much more he could take before he went crazy-
BANG There was muffled yelling from outside the door “where…SON!” Were the only two words Arthur could make out. There was more yelling and screaming and banging and Arthur took a hesitant step towards the door, opening it slightly with a quiet CREAK to see a tall masculine figure holding one of the guards against the wall, their eyes wide and bloodshot…they looked like- “Papa?” Arthur asked hesitantly, the eyes snapped towards him and Arthur shrunk back in fear. Maybe he was hallucinating? Maybe he had just called a homicidal maniac ‘papa’-
 “MY BABY!” Nicky flung himself at Arthur bringing him into a tight hug and holding him close burying his nose into his hair “I was so worried!” and “are you ok?!” Tumbling from his mouth in messy sentences Arthur whimpered and snuggled him, a sense of calm washing over him. His dad came over from observing the knocked out guard that laid in a crumpled heap on the floor and placed a hand on his shoulder joining the family reunion holding his son and husband close, tears pouring from his eyes. Nicky smiled gently and held Arthur closer “lets go before he comes” Arthur could only imagine how feral his Papa had gone searching for his son ripping apart the kingdom to look for him. After their frantic horse ride home losing several guards that had been tailing them Arthur was back at home lying between his Papa and dad who had not stopped fussing over him when they got home checking him over to make sure he wasn’t hurt his papa cursing the king “if that bastard lays a single finger on you again I’m going to rip his head off!”. Later, Arthur had hesitantly asked if he could sleep with them and without hesitation both agreed. Arthur snuggled up to his dad’s chest and let out a loud content sigh.
He had a gift…a loving family.
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girlsontourgirlsontour · 1 year ago
tw : I finished replaying season 6 and I have a history of going back to toxic exes so I might start replaying 5 🫡
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ashercries23 · 1 year ago
@killerqueen-ofwillowgreen and i just watched this movie together and omg it was so good. i love nicky and joe sm :(
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You're a child. An infant. Your mocking is thus infantile. He's not my boyfriend. This man is more to me than you can dream. He's the moon when I'm lost in darkness and warmth when I shiver in cold. And his kiss still thrills me, even after a millennia. His heart overflows with a kindness of which this world is not worth of. I love this man beyond measure and reason. He's not my boyfriend. He's all and he's more.
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manuelmueller · 3 months ago
stg it's a hatecrime that I'll have to work through the pokal games tonight yes it's my own fault for procrastinating too much but
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v41entine · 6 months ago
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