#nickell speaks!
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 months
i just had a dream where i painted this moisthur art piece but it was in the style of those ancient greek paintings you see. and in the painting arthur was essentially cannibalising moist (canon (sorry)) and then i presented my pride and joy to you and you were all like “wow yk this changes all of my opinions on everything! moisture should 100% be canon now” and yk so you like casually hit up your besties harlan and terry pratchett because of course youd just casually be friends with both harlan and terry pratchett and got them to agree to make a crossover episode that would kinda be like the non-canon Christmas special but instead of christmas it was moisthur
i felt this was really important to share this dream i just had with you
that’s insane, I wish I had enough influence to convince Harlan and the ghost of Terry Pratchett to agree to make such a masterpiece of a train wreck
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hornyhunie · 4 months
egg talks
i don’t want to be so swollen i’m uncomfortable i want to be just swollen enough it’s obvious somethings in there. i want to look bloated. i want to look squirmy. i want my tummy pouch just a bit bigger than normal. i want to walk around with eggs shoved in me for a day with just the goal of keeping them in.
wake up and get filled and then do a set number of tasks before a shower where i’m allowed to do whatever i want, keep them in or let them out or just jerk off and see what the spasming does. let my body decide.
stupid stupid stupid
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tang3r1n · 4 months
cute idea but hero!chizome grappling with a hopeless crush on all might’s daughter figure (jus a chick he took under his wing izuku style)
like UGH. he’s such an old-school gentleman FUCK. he sends flower bouquets with your favorite flowers and like a 4 page letter with the most beautiful and eloquent language used to talk about how in love he is, and he talks like he’s fucking dying. exhibit a;
“i would lay myself at your alter, goddess, my insides laid out for your tasting, your pleasure— please eat of my flesh, consume me whole and let me feel accomplished as a simple, filling meal for you.
oh i beg of you, let my soul forever intertwine with yours, let me feels the silk of your skin, the heat of your breathe, plunge your hand into my heart and cherish it. sink your teeth into my neck and devour me.
i yearn for you, lovely thing. warmly, obsessively, lovingly, carnally, i can only hope you pity my foolish desires— my insane ramblings of fanatic and desperate attempts to gain your affections. please, please by the grace of all that is just and fair, let me worship you. let me treat you as you want to be.
i pray to no god but that of your body, of your mind, of your soul. there is no religion outside of your teachings, my muse. your word is my law, my written oath, music in the grand hall, the rain, the air, the existence of love. i would sooner accept death and the failure of my life’s work than to even acknowledge the existence of beauty that shines brighter than yours.
i beg of you, let my lowly hands hold you, let my soiled and ugly form touch and feel you, let me court you, my fair woman.
let me love you.”
omfg and he’s so petty. randoms in the street and fellow heroes flirting with you? he’s sighing and scoffing dramatically before completing dissecting their speech patterns, body posture, heroing skills, physical appearance, literally anything he can to make them leave you two alone
i feel like he doesn’t care abt how he looks (i mean duh no nose.) but the second you mention liking muscles he’s suddenly finding excuses to flex and stretch around you non stop, he’s doubling up his workout routine and bulking like a MOTHER FUCKER to see if you’re staring yet.
AAAHHH idk i just love chizome and need him insanely badly.
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sciderman · 1 year
I have never heard anyone call him “Joanathan Storm” and I think you knocked my brain offline for a minute lol
nathan summers 🤝 jonathan storm (jo)nathans with weather-adjacent last names that contribute to peter and wade's anger issues by being too perfect and also being their gay awakening
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minecraft-sideblog-tm · 8 months
*sad piano music*
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Somebody help him
(original screenshot stolen from Scar's twitter, thanks scar lol)
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wheucto · 8 months
anyways. the "hell" in BFDI is not actually hell but rather an afterlife which resembles hell in looks. the only people who went there were people who died in trash compactors in the charades challenge, and nickel suggets that because they died in a similar manner they were sent to this afterlife. that implies that afterlives seem to be based on how you die, and this is the "crushed in a trash compactor in the charades challenge" afterlife.
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
I'm at the point where I'm considering weaning off my SSRI because of (insert list of mostly positive personal reasons which have psychiatrist oversight), but also it'll be hard to give up the new superpower I've gotten from sertraline, which is Remember My Dream Every Night power.
Like there's a whole cinematic universe to this, which has been added to nightly for months now. I joined an improv group. I've ridden the secret subway that does not exist. My grandmother was evil. I was part of cracking some kind of cannibal-murder-suicide case. Bakugo went with me to Iceland.
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witchofthesouls · 3 months
Nickel could and would 100% kill the half high command and, assuming she didn't start with him, Tarn would just be "it's not that big a deal she's just having a bad day 🥰" as she's covered in the entrails of the Trine
Nickel is absolutely dangerous. Not just in the "medics can be vicious" sentiment, but in the way that she's not hung up on their traditions and culturalisms.
In some ways, Nickel could have been Megatron's worst enemy. (Or for any of High Command...)
She won't give into the underlying homoerotic tension that would still her hand against action. Her very identity hasn't been groomed nor intensely shaped by Megatron's direct guidance or by the immense influence of his works as a mecha on a Functionist-held Cybertron. Nickel doesn't have an obsession with the guy.
She loathes organics, but it's understandable since the Black Block Consortia attacked her home planet, and she was the only survivor left.
I'm curious about Prion's culture as well since she doesn't have any troubles with the gratuitous violence that's the D.J.D.'s standand method. In anything, she's more annoyed and irritated by the mess and the lack of consistent good hygiene behavior. Shoot, she interrupted Tarn. Multiple times.
I'm also wondering if there's some sort of cultural misunderstanding going on with Nickel's role among them. She's not a full Decepticon. She probably falls under a "claimed spoils" category since the Decepticons is basically a kratocracy and developed culture of taking.
The Justice Division is treating rather kindly because she doesn't push against their worldview.
She's a trained medic who not only utilizes her full skillet upon them, she actively works with them. Her complaints aren't about their operations. It's about their own care and treatment and how it impacts them. Nickel's a quad-changer from a Lost Colony. She doesn't have the hangups that a classically-trained medic from Cybertron would have. If anything, she probably has tricks of Prion's trade to help out some of their issues.
She's loud, vicious, and isn't afraid to get in their faces as she can back up her considerable threats. The Justice Division can't help but adore their little acquisition.
Now, if Nickel had tried to leave them prior to Megatron's defection, that would be a different story...
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apollos-boyfriend · 3 months
persona games will go “is anyone gonna make these teachers neglectful and/or date their students” and then not wait for an answer despite everyone screaming at them to stop
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See my issue is that i love spoilers but also get bitter when shit isnt over bc i want to make sure it actually has a satisfactory ending lmao
Anyway on that note can someone encourage me to watch s4 and s5 of bungou stray dogs
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“i’m not a simp,” i say, frantically searching for the mission ayre just gave me so i can do it immediately
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butchmartyr · 5 months
god grant me the strength not to flame people in my notes, the serenity not to flame people in my notes, and the understanding not to flame people in my notes
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also lol @ the reblogs from obvious cryptos within the first like 10 posts on their blog ofc ofc
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danidoesathing · 4 months
eh fuck it. first chapter of TMA au snippets is out
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astro-b-o-y-d · 9 months
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Was suddenly struck with the urge to draw @ckret2's silly little weirdo, learned very quickly that he's SUPER fun to draw. Even if his clothing of choice gives me secondhand sensory overload (I don't actually know if he's doing this or not, but all the reference art I gathered implied to me that he is breasting boobily under that sweater with nothing else on and I could NEVER-)
Also feat. my ducksona and a conversation of a real life thing that happened to me involving this freak. Dreams are fun.
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sunshinechay · 11 months
White and Sprite: *watches each other badly pretend to be their own twin* pssh I could do better than that!
Narrator voice: they could not in fact do better than that
Nant in the distance: those two are fucking morons. Did they do any research at all?
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