#nick clark fanfic
blvckqwz · 7 months
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“do I look like your girlfriend?”
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momentarybleu · 2 months
I made a thing
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🌸Elle the Space Unicorn's Masterlist🌸
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Reader inserts will have no descriptors, OFCs will be black and plus-sized(unless otherwise stated). I love being able to give girls/femmes who look like me the chance to romance some of their faves.
🌸Bless my muse...🌸
I love to write fanfiction. Right now, my main muse is Henry Cavill. But I also like some Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan characters (see actor masterlists to know who I will write for - send prompts or requests to @ellethespaceunicorn HERE).
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Buy Me A Ko-Fi? | AO3 | Author Recs | Fic Recs | Headcanon Recs | Fic Prompts | Fic Title Ideas | Words to use instead of ‘said’ | 2023 Fanfiction Wrapped | 2023 Character Wrapped
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Masterlist is under the Cut... ...now sorted by actor!!
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Sweet Treats Event 2024 Masterlist
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Henry Cavill Masterlist
Chris Evans Masterlist
Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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An Angel Without Wings - Explicit - Frank Castle x Unnamed!Black!OFC - When she needs him to take control, he’s there for her.
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Let me know if you wanna be added and for what plz, so far only these categories 😁 Let me know if you ever want to be removed!
General Fanfiction (Everything)
Henry Character Fanfiction
Chris Character Fanfiction
August Walker
Bright Like The Moon
Love, Napoleon!
Daddy Knows Best
Don't Take My Sunshine Away
The Howling in Claw Creek Forest
~Please DON'T ask me to tag you in a series that you've never 'liked' or 'reblogged'. It's just kind of rude. Also, don't ask for an ETA on the next chapter.~
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*Blog Header, Cover Art for fics, Masterlist Header/MDNI 18+ Banner, Support/Reblog banner and Masterlist Dividers made by me in Canva*
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ftwdb · 5 months
Don’t say go.
Chapter 18.
Warnings: Dark themes, sexual content, violence, non-graphic description/implications of SA, child abuse and domestic violence. References to addiction. Unhealthy love/obsession/relationships. Soulmate AU. Eventual smut. Love Triangle!
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It’s dark by the time you feel the strength of The Pull reaching its peak, and you know what that means. You look around into the darkness. In the wastes there isn’t much besides stretches of empty barren land and mountains in the distance. You know you’re not yet at your destination which can only mean one thing; the boy with the flag was headed toward you too.
You see twin lights in the distance. A car headed toward you. Eventually you stop in the middle of the road and just wait. The lights get closer until they shine on your windscreen and you both sit, unmoving, just waiting for the other to make the first move.
You cut the truck’s engine and step out.
The boy does the same. The light of your vehicles illuminate the night just enough that you can make each other out in the darkness.
The boy steps forward enough so that he is thrown into view and you can see the warm brown of his eyes, his features which are so different from Troy’s, softer but still strong.
You hesitate. Your gun is tucked in the back of your jeans and your fingers twitch.
The boy speaks.
“Hi… I’m Nick.”
You don’t say anything, you just keep watching until he clears his throat as if a little unsure of himself.
“You came alone?” he asks.
You could have kicked yourself. Coming alone had been a risk but now that he was here, in the middle of nowhere, and no one knew where you’d gone, you realised how vulnerable you’d left yourself.
“For now,” you answered him flatly. At least if you were vague about whether you had people with you it might make him have second thoughts if he was planning anything…
The boy waits a beat before trying again.
“I guess you felt it too then…”
You don’t want to say the words out loud so you simply nod your head. The boy, Nick, continues.
“I thought I was going crazy at first. I never thought I’d find my… find you. Feel it, you know?”
You frown at this. Everyone worries they’ll never find their soulmate but something in his voice captures your attention. It’s less that he’s worried about the odds and more… something you can’t quite distinguish.
“Why?” you ask.
Nick hesitated before shrugging a little.
“That’s a… it doesn’t matter. What matters now is that I found you. It feels… weird. Don’t you think?”
Perhaps if you hadn’t already had the experience with Troy you would agree. But you didn’t want him to know that Troy was your soulmate and so you don’t answer his question.
“Look I came here to warn you. Some of the people from my community are coming back tonight to finish what they started. You need to tell your people to run.”
Nick frowns at this information.
“We agreed to a truce-“
You shake your head in annoyance. You don’t want to explain all this. You want him to just listen to your warning and leave so you can forget about whatever this mistake is between you both and go home, go back to Troy.
“They’re acting of their own accord. Some of the men have certain… loyalties. This isn’t about protecting their home, it’s about revenge.”
Nick is watching you closely now and you don’t like the way his eyes are roaming over you. You freeze. You wonder if he can feel your emotions just like you can with Troy. You reach out in the same way you do with Troy and try to find Nick, to feel what he feels… there’s nothing. Just the regular sense of The Pull.
“You’re warning me because of this feeling between us? You came looking for me because of it.”
You shake your head growing more frustrated as all you want to do is head back before Mike and the others see you out here.
“I don’t have time to explain myself. You have to get your people and go far away from here. Don’t come back.”
Nick’s eyes widen as he realises you have no intention of staying with him.
“But… you have to come with me. When I left earlier, after I saw you, it felt like my heart was being-“
“It doesn’t matter.” You say quickly, all too familiar with that pain. “I can’t come. I won’t go with you. But I don’t want you to die either so, please, leave.”
Nick is staring at you incredulously.
“I can’t do that.”
You actually growl from your frustration with him.
“Because,” Nick says as he steps closer. You take a large step away from him. You can’t risk him getting too close, having him touch you. You don’t know what will happen.
“I just found you. I can’t walk away!” he continues.
“Then run! Drive! Fucking skip for all I care! If you stay, you die. Not that I care-“
“That’s a lie.” Nick cuts you off quickly. “Soulmates need each other. Hearts literally break when they lose one another. So why… why are you denying this?”
You swallow nervously and look at the truck. You could just get back in and drive away, but what if he follows? You have a feeling he would. He seems the type. Reckless and stubborn.
“I… it’s complicated.”
You say, and you hate how pathetic that sounds.
“‘It’s Complicated’ used to be a Facebook status.” Nick quips. “Tell me the truth. Why run from me?”
“I’m not!”
“Then what are you running from!? Or… wait… what are you going back to?”
You clench your jaw as Nick slowly starts to put the pieces together in his head.
“You have someone-“
“A boyfriend? Fiancé?”
“No! No one!”
“Your home then, your community. You’re worried this would cause a problem. Conflict? But maybe it could help solve the bad blood between us! Two soulmates who find each other on opposites sides-“
“This isn’t bloody Romeo and Juliet, Nick!”
He grins and it makes you want to slap the beautiful smile off his face.
“You’re hardly Juliet sweetheart.”
You snarl, your anger beginning to erupt. Why won’t he just listen! Why make this so complicated!
“Whatever! Just get in your car and drive away Romeo!”
Nick laughs and it’s almost like he’s enjoying this.
“Oh the universe is truly a bitch. I didn’t think I’d find my soulmate because I didn’t deserve one. But maybe I do. It’s ironic that she would hate me, a poetic kind of punishment I guess…”
Your expression eases but doesn’t soften as you listen to him ramble. Hate? You didn’t hate him…
“Why would you be punished?” you ask, your senses on alert in case this was the part where he confesses to being a serial killer or something.
Nick shrugs again.
“If you got to know me, you’d understand.”
You shake your head again with a weary sigh.
“You don’t listen do you.”
Nick steps forward again and this time the light moves so he’s back in the shadows with you.
“I could… but you’d need to actually tell me something for me to hear it. Something besides “run away” because that isn’t happening.”
You swear at him and he smirks.
“We don’t have time. Your people will be killed.”
Nick rubs his hand over the back of his neck and it finally seems to dawn on him, he has other responsibilities. Other people to protect.
“When are your people attacking?”
“They’re leaving the ranch around midnight, so probably by the early hours of the morning. Before sunrise though.”
“Element of surprise, cover of darkness. They’re smart.”
“And well armed. So will you listen to me now?”
Nick stares at you for a few seconds and you almost believe he’d let his people risk being slaughtered instead of going back to warn them.
You blink at him.
“That’s what I said. I’ll go back. I’ll warn them.”
“And you’ll run? You can’t fight back, it’ll be a bloodbath.”
“Look I can’t promise anything… we have some stubborn members of our group and they might not take the truce being broken well-“
“The truce isn’t broken. It’s just a small group-“
“Still breaking the truce. Still disobeying your leader, right?”
You bite your tongue. Jeremiah wasn’t their “leader” officially but he was as good as.
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess. So what? You’ll go back and they’ll try to defend themselves?”
Nick shrugs again.
“If they think it’s more beneficial than running.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose.
“I’m getting a damn headache.”
For some reason this amuses Nick.
“Head rub?”
Your look at him is deadly and he sniggers.
“Joking. Lighten up. Look, I’ll go back and do what I can to stop anymore death. But I can’t promise anything. We lost people. The guy who was in charge came at us like a demon. We didn’t stand a chance…”
Your stomach twists as Nick talks about Troy.
“You want revenge?”
Nick’s expression blanks out and you recognise the perfectly controlled mask on his face. You’d used it yourself before.
“Me? No. But there are those who do.”
“Then convince them their lives aren’t worth it. Tonight is not their night to die. Please… no more death.”
Your voice breaks as you finish your sentence and Nick tilts his head at you. You look away, hating that you’d let some vulnerability slip through.
“Who’d you lose?”
You take a slow breath and shake your head.
“Doesn’t matter. Just… do what you can. And if you can’t save them… save yourself at least.”
Nick looks like he wants to say more. He looks pained.
“Can I… see you again?”
It’s almost laughable. Like a schoolboy asking out his crush. You place your hand on the door of the truck and grip it tight as you give him a firm “no” and turn away before you can see the look on his face.
You slide into your truck and slam the door, locking it before turning in the engine. This was for the best. You didn’t know what else to do. There had been some mistake and maybe Nick had another soulmate out there somewhere too? You hoped so… you didn’t want him to be in pain.
You hear a tap at the window and you look over to see Nick still standing there, motioning for you to wind it down. You do, only a few inches so you can hear him speak.
Nick pauses as he looks you over before speaking.
“It’s him, isn’t it.”
You frown and Nick elaborates.
“The guy who attacked us. The one who was hurt. He’s why you won’t stay with me.”
You feel your stomach drop. Your hands clench on the wheel as you grit your teeth.
“His name is Troy.”
“Troy…” Nick repeats and you hear the sadness and disappointment in his voice. “Well, you must love him a lot to choose him over your soulmate.”
You avoid his eyes still and stare straight ahead until the light from his car burns your eyes.
Nick continues.
“… I hope he makes it, for your sake. And… I want you to know it wasn’t me. I didn’t hurt him.”
You nod, not that it would have mattered. As much as you loved Troy you could understand he’d made a choice that led to his own injuries. Even if he’d done it to protect you… you hated that the blood that had been spilt was on your hands too now.
“I have to go,” you say emptily and put the truck into reverse.
Nick steps back just in time to save his foot being run over as you reverse and turn, glancing back to see his shadow in the headlights as you drive back home. Back to Troy. Back to where your heart felt complete as you tried to ignore how it felt as if you’d just left a piece of it in the darkness behind you…
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fanfics4all · 1 year
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Request: Yes / No kinktober day 12
Requests are closed  <3 Have a nice day/night
Nick Clark x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 883
Warnings: SMUT!
Y/N: Your Name 
Prompt(s): Somnophilia
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Nick’s POV*
Y/N and I were at her pace alone. I was staying the night since we were dating for a year now. My mom was happy that I was with someone that wasn’t into drugs. We were on her couch and cuddling. We were watching a movie and the guy was currently fucking his girlfrend who was dead asleep. My eyes widened and I glanced at Y/N who looked almost excited about the scene. I watched for a few more moments and glanced back at her. She was rubbing her thighs together and I looked at her shocked. 
“I-Is this turning you on?” I asked and she jumped slightly. She blushed and looked up at me. 
“Uh… N-No…” She stuttered, blushing deeper. 
“Babe, are you into the idea of someone fucking you while you sleep?” I asked and she turned away from me. 
“What? No! That’s crazy!” She laughed, unconvicingly. 
“Hey, there’s no reason to be embarrassed.” I said and pulled her into my lap. 
“Are you into this?” I asked. She shyly nodded and looked up at me through her lashes. 
“So… if you were ever dead asleep, I could play with you? You give me permission?” I asked and she nodded. 
“Yes I give you permission.” She smiled and I smiled. 
“Do you wanna try tonight?” I asked and her eyes widened slightly, but she nodded. She quickly got up and ran to her room. I looked at her confused, but she came back quickly with two melatonin tabs. 
“Aren’t you supposed to just take one?” I asked and she nodded. 
“Yeah, but I wanna make sure I’m asleep.” She answered. 
“Y/N, I don’t want you to get hurt.” I said worriedly. 
“Nicky, I’ll be fine. Trust me.” She said and downed the two tabs. We continued watching the movie, but I couldn’t focus. I was so hard thinking about fucking my girlfriend while she was sleeping. I never even thought about something like this before, but I was into it. 
Y/N’s head lulled onto my shoulder after maybe ten minutes. Her eyes slowly closed and I took a deep breath. I lifted her up after I turned off the movie, and took her to her room. I laid her on the bed, she was completely dead weight. I took off her shirt and looked at her full breasts and hardening nipples. I touched her breast and felt myself hardening more. I caught her nipple between my two fingers and stoked my cock. I was very horny. She was uncoscious and oblivious to the world around her. I was suddenly aware that I could do anything. She was in my power. I pulled her shorts off along with her underwear. I reached over to her drawer and pulled out the lube. I squirted a little on the end of my dick. The thought of what I was about to do ecited me more than I thought it would. I spread her legs and ran my hand up her smooth thighs. I brushed against her pussy and she didn’t even move. I slipped one lubricated finger into her and pushed up to find her g-spot. I rubbed the area slightly and she started moving against me. I thought she was waking up, but she wasn’t. She moaned a little and seemed to be dreaming. I could feel that she was getting aroused. I knelt between her legs and brought it to the point where my tip was nudging into her, easily slipping inside. We’ve done this before, but it felt new and exciting. I was taking my time, watching her sleep and be unaware that I was inside her. I was sliding rhythmically in and out of her. At first I was putting most of my weight on my arms above her head, but gradually my weight shifted and I was laying on top of her. She moved under me, but still not waking up. It was almost like she was dreaming of being fucked. I pulled out of her and turned her over. I pulled her hips ip so that she was sort of on her knees. I had to support her and it wasn’t easy, she kept falling to one side. I knelt behind her and pushed my cock into her again. That’s when I had an idea. I grabbed the lube and squirted a good amount onto her puckered up asshole. I pulled my cock from her and put it against her ass. I pushed inside her and her ass stretched to acomidate my size. She started moaning a little in her sleep so I stopped. I pushed a little more, but the tight feeling was too much and I came hard. I pumped into her before pulling out. I settled her in a more comfortable position on her side for sleeping and got off the bed to go wash up. I threw some cold water on my face and just sat in the bathroom thinning about what I just did. I quickly got a wash cloth and did my best to clean Y/N up, then laid down next to her. I pulled her close to me and kissed her head. 
“God I love you.” I murmured and fell asleep alongside her.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction
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liliax-angel · 2 months
Wrote a Nick x reader fic
I’m not the most amazing writer so feel free to leave feedback :)
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writerslittlelibrary · 7 months
Hello lovelies 👋
I'm a big fan of "Fear the Walking Dead," and I was wondering if anyone would want to read it if I wrote anything?
I haven't seen a lot of fics about it, and the ones I have are always romantic towards Alicia, Nick, or Chris
I really want to write a platonic one with like a neighbour reader or something
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obsxssedwithstuff · 7 months
(angst/hurt fanfic, no happy ending, listen to Nick cave and the bad seeds - O children)
They were somewhere in Colorado, clearing a store whose size they’d underestimated. No matter how many wasted they killed, the growling didn’t stop and more came.
Nick had just opened a door when he got swarmed by the undead inside. He stabbed one, then another, blood blood blood. It was everywhere, on his face, his hands, arms, shirt, everything. Teeth clicked at him, accompanied by a low snarling. They tried to bite him, his arms, his body. He twisted and turned, shoving, stabbing.
Troy ran to save him from two aisles over. Shooting them in the head one after the other, his full focus on Nick, not noticing the infected creeping up behind him.
Two pulled him to the ground from behind, he stumbled and fell backwards, landing on his backside as another clung to his leg, and though he shot them in time and the adrenaline kept him and Nick both safe from getting torn apart once again, Nick couldn’t help but worry.
“Troy?!” he rushed over to him, still sitting on the ground and started frantically checking for bites, the arms, the legs. And his waist.
When Nick slowed his panicked movements Troy noticed what looked like bite marks in his friend’s shirt. “Nick,” he carefully lifted the shirt to reveal a bite, which he’d rather not have seen. “You too,” Nick sighed, leaning back to sit on the ground opposite to Troy. They just sat there in that empty store, thinking.
After a while, Troy made a disgusted face and shook his head, “I’m not dying like that” his voice cracked, “I’m not letting you die like that.” And he reached a for his gun, lowering his head so that Nick wouldn’t see the tears welling in his eyes.
He wasn’t afraid of dying back at the ranch, but now he would’ve liked to spend so much more time with this newfound freedom, with Nick.
Before Troy could say the next thing Nick got up wincing, stretched out his hand, “well, we’re not dead yet,” and cocked his head to the side with a light smile, “still got things to do.”
That evening they sat around a fire at the top of a mountain and watched the sunset. The smell of marshmallows engulfed them in a certain sweetness and neither would’ve imagined the apocalypse could be this good.
It wasn’t ideal and neither was really hungry but the sun’s red and golden light, the cool breeze and the slight splashing of the nearby stream made for a beauty they wouldn’t have appreciated before.
They sat next to each other while Troy turned his marshmallow over the flames, “Love.”
“Have you ever been in love, Nicky?”
“I don’t know, maybe” and he thought back to Luciana, and to Gloria. “I think so, it’s hard to know.”
Troy looked at his marshmallow intently, “what’s it like?”
“Well, it’s not universal but… for starters, you like being around them and…”
“you value their life over yours?” Troy quickly added.
“Yeah. Yeah… you’d- you’d do anything for them. I think that’s the essence of love,” he looked at Troy, who was shivering some, still roasting his marshmallow but already preparing the next one with his clumsy left hand. Nick noticed how he’d occasionally miss the bag or stick by a few inches and then fully turn his head and very carefully, with a trembling hand, try again. He noticed the scar that had formed on his palm and the back of his hand.
“I’m sorry” and when Troy raised his head with a confused look, “about that,” Nick carefully lifted his fingers almost to his temple and made a face, pulling his hand back early. “Does it hurt?”
And Troy thought about his answer, “not more than everything else” or a joking “I don’t feel pain”, maybe a simple “what doesn’t?”. The pain came in waves, some days were better and some worse but it never really went away; he just nodded.
“I once heard someone say that the person you love is like a drug, they might be dangerous or deadly, but you’ll never get enough of them,” he was handed a perfectly crispy and soft marshmallow.
“Are you afraid? Of dying?” Troy asked, changing the subject.
Nick swallowed the last piece of his marshmallow, “No… Sad, disappointed, but not afraid.”
“I would’ve wanted to spend some more time with you…” and they sat there with only the crackle of the fire and the splashing of the stream to break the silence. They had been away for some time now, probably a few months, since the dam went up.
Nick chuckled “Well, we’ll be together till death do us part,” and he grinned at Troy, finding the absurdity amusing. He watched a smile spread across Troy’s face after he’d gotten over the initial surprise.
They put out the fire and walked to the little wooden cabin whose windows were broken and whose bedroom wall was stained with blood. There was one bed, like most other places they came across. It helped to feel another persons warmth in the cold nights. It was no different than sharing a bed with their sibling or a friend at a sleepover. Most of all, it was practical.
They walked and with every third step, their hands would brush - just briefly - and it almost seemed unintentional. But heck, they had no more than a day left to live, so if that’s what they chose to do with their last hours so be it - there was nobody around to judge anyway.
As the blanket covered them, warmed them, their hands lay entwined and neither said a word. A single tear, falling onto the bed. A barely there whisper, saying “I love you”.
And Nick turned onto his side and held Troy’s hand up to his chest.
And Troy turned onto his side and moved as close to Nick as he could and pressed his forehead against Nick’s chest, the “I love you” louder this time, accompanied by a shaky breath.
“I don’t want to die, Nick.” And he cried, and the last person he had left held him closer, because what else was there to do?
And when he stopped crying, Nick said “I love you”. But he didn’t know it was also when he stopped breathing.
“No. No Troy! Troy?” With shaking hands he cups his face, hands made wet by the last of Troy’s tears. Gently he runs his thumb over Troys scars, tears now streaming down his own face.
His breaths short and his throat tight, he reaches for the gun under the pillow. “I love you,” he plants the quickest, most gentle kiss on Troy’s lips, “I’m sorry,” and shoots him.
Everyone he’s ever known visits him one last time before he shoots himself too - and is with his last person.
With a ringing in his ears and crushing pain in his head, he feels himself dying, a slow and painful death but it lasts until the sun comes up again. All thoughts are blocked out by the pain and Nick is almost thankful for that, but when he’s finally out - well, there’s nothing left.
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noemitenshi · 1 year
Here you'll find all the things I create (all type of fics, gifs, metas), conveniently collected in one place. So far I'm obsessed with Cursed and Fear the Walking Dead (which has one common theme, Daniel Sharman). Enjoy 🧡
Fear the Walking Dead
Troy Otto
Ghost 2,126 words, WIP, angst, sad, exploration of Troy's headspace immediately after the last scene we see him at the dam, what did surviving this do to him?
Troy Otto x Alicia Clark
[Series] Sick like you [01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05] Troy Otto x Alicia Clark, 9,850 words, finished, smut, so much smut, slight dub-con, D/s undertones, part one is canon compliant, Alicia is done being the good kid, but then she feels bad about it, cheating, enemies to lovers, unhealthy to healthy relationship
Troy Otto x Crazy Dog (Lee) || Troy Otto & Crazy Dog (Lee)
Addicted to mess Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 185,730 words, WIP, (lots and lots of) smut, fluff, angst, wholesome, enemies to enemies with benefits to lovers, watch them turn an unhealthy relationship into a healthy one , also have I said smut yet?
Fool me twice Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 20,350 words, WIP, smut, dub con, unhealthy relationship, Troy Otto has a deathwish, Crazy Dog takes advantage
Just around the corner Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 4,185 words, WIP, fluff, AU - no zombies, In a world without zombies Troy finds a different purpose
Love, endless Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 1,029, finished (for now), unhealthy relationship, angst, dark, tragedy, COMIC
Moonlit Kisses Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 32,750 words, finished, fluff, wholesome, sweet, first kiss, first time, smut, canon divergent, teeny bit of angst, some whump
Paint your body in hues of red Troy Otto x Crazy Dog x OC, 1,933 words, finished, smut, fluff, established relationship, wax play, facesitting
Sex Worker AU Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, no official word count, no WIP and not finished but a secret third thing (idea I had I'll probably never write), AU - no zombies, Troy sells the ranch after his father dies and decides to have some fun, includes but not limited to hiring a sex worker (Lee), client to friend to lover, imagine
Soup Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 696 words, finished, fluff, Troy loves soup
Surprise Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 625 words, finished, fluff, Troy has a surprise for Crazy Dog
[Series] The easy part is always hardest to see [01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 04 (alternative version) - 05 - 06] Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 42,204 words, finished, smut, teeny bit of dub-con, a lot of fluff, some angst, pining, whump, enemies to friends to lovers
[Series] The melody of sand and waves and hope and schemes Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 2,629 words, finished (for now?), AU - Royalty, arranged marriage, fluff, cute, pre-relationship, Princess Troy series
The monster that brought me here Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 28,323 words, WIP, dark, angst, hurt, little comfort, sad, Troy is dealing with the trauma of having been raped, Crazy Dog has his own trauma to work through, canon divergent, second part of a series, fallout from 'I'd do it all again'
The moon bathes your face in gentle light no official wordcount, finished (for now) Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, angst, fluff, Troy survives s8, saves Tracy and runs into a familiar face - the two former enemies bond over their similar grief
This insanity you give to me Troy Otto x Crazy Dog, 29,551 words, finished, smut, fluff, teeny bit of angst, instead of avoiding Crazy Dog after their initial encounter in 'Addicted to mess' Troy seeks him out. After all, that asshole can't just do things like that to him and then leave, spin-off of 'Addicted to mess'
What's it gonna be, Troy? Troy Otto & Crazy Dog, 8,146 words, finished, oneshot, soulmate AU, angst, fluff, pre-relationship, enemies to friends (soulmates)
Troy Otto & Jake Otto
Cozy 353 words, finished, angst, some fluff, what was running through Troy's mind during the hug with Jake in s3ep9 (right before he was exiled)
Troy Otto & Madison Clark
Moral Compass no official word count, no WIP and not finished but a secret third thing (idea I had I'll probably never write), a stab at deepening Troy's and Madison's relationship (really just the beginning of it), a mututal madness
What should've been - Troy's revenge 1,242, finished, angst, hurt, some comfort I guess, fix-it I guess, how s8ep11 should've gone
When home becomes a strange place Troy Otto & Madison Clark, 3,370 words, finished, fix-it, hopeful ending, bittersweet, what would it take for Madison to actually start caring about Troy
Troy Otto x Nick Clark || Troy Otto & Nick Clark
I'd do it all again Troy Otto x Nick Clark, 10,185 words, finished, dark, angst, hurt no comfort, non-con (rape), suicide, not a happy story, what if things at the dam went a bit different - and how will they live with the consequences of their actions?
Sketch Troy Otto & Nick Clark, 337 words, finished, angst, hopeful?, fix-it?
That Crazy Bastard Troy Otto & Nick Clark, 728 words, finished, fluff, Troy had been vanishing for over a week now, refusing to tell Nick what he was up to. Until today
Troy Otto x Crazy Dog X OC
I can't stop imagining hurting you Troy Otto x Crazy Dog x OC, 9,424 words, finished, smutt, fluff, Troy gets introduced to the concept of spanking
Lost & Found Troy Otto x Crazy Dog x OC, 32,554 words, WIP, fluff, angst, Troy Otto being saved after the dam, finding his way back to himself, fast-burn, 'Addicted to mess' chapters 1 and 2 happened in this universe too, rest of s3 happened as in canon
No title Troy Otto x Crazy Dog x OC, no official word count, snippet, fluff, angst, abusive!serena backstory
Troy Otto x OC
Earn your keep 131,622 words, WIP, Troy gets a redemption arc, major character death (happens in the first chapter), Troy Otto centric, slow burn, grudging allies to friends to lovers, angst, fluff
Follow me (down the streams of sweat on your body) Troy Otto x unnamed female (could be reader, could be author, could be OC, could even be someone from canon), 5,612 words, finished, smut, slight D/s undertones, bondage, aftercare, fluff, praise kink
Kept 14,893 words, WIP, dub-con, past sexual abuse, AU - no Clarks, dark, angst, suicidal thoughts, bad BDSM etiquette, unhealthy relationship, slow burn to a better place, two broken people trying to figure things out between them, will get worse before it gets better
Troy Otto & his parents (Jeremiah Otto, Tracy Otto)
Childhood memories 2,084 words, WIP, angst, hurt, dark, child abuse, a study of Troy's childhood, his mother's complicated feelings, what happened with the rabbits
Troy Otto & Tracy Otto (daughter)
Reunion no official wordcount, Imagine, finished, angst, fluff, Troy survived s8 and rescues his daughter
I will do it again
Who are you to say that?
Asks & Metas
Jake Otto
Jake Otto as a Brother
even more
Troy Otto
...and Boundaries
...and the Horde
...as a father
Favorite Troy scene(s) and why
'I don't drink'
'I'd do it all again'
...in a relationship
'It's the first time I've felt fear'
On killing Mike
Post s8 thoughts
Troy and Madison
Troy's feelings in his last moments (s3)
Troy's sexuality and more on his sexuality
Why Troy didn't get poisoned like the other Militia members
'You stayed at the ranch because you love me'
Empty ways can cloud your eyes The Weeping Monk x Reader, 20,268 words, WIP (though ch 11 is a good place to end things), redemption arc, crisis of faith, friends to lovers, fluff and angst, whump
Madness is a narrow bridge The Weeping Monk, finished, oneshot, angst, dark, no comfort, a heartbreaking glimpse into the weeping monk's mind while he hunts his own
The Weeping Monk & Squirrel, AOV by Slipknot
The Weeping Monk & Gawain, Custer by Slipknot
The Weeping Monk & his faith (i guess), Broken Crown by Mumford and Sons
The Weeping Monk & his guilt, Lech by Slipknot
The Weeping Monk & his doubts, The burden by Slipknot
The Weeping Monk & Father Carden, The In-between by In This Moment
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happyvoltz · 7 months
read this, bye.
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blvckqwz · 11 months
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the real star crossed lovers
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momentarybleu · 26 days
I’m just gonna say it because it needs to be said..people that write Trick fics, what the hell are you doing? This isn’t goddamn Heartstopper, now I don’t know if anyone’s seen Shameless, but Trick should be written more like Mickey and Ian, not a couple of cute and sweet little softies who call each other cutesy little pet names. Make them more insane and rabid, it’s like you’ve forgotten how they are together, they’re both insane in different ways, that’s why they work so well, that’s why we love them, so quit changing their characters
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He literally goes from this to being furious his mom smacked him upside the head with a hammer, no sane person would switch up that fast🙏
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crookedaverse · 2 months
yo, Trick fans, i just released a banger
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ftwdb · 18 days
Don't Say Go
Chapter 19
Summary: Soulmates find each other through what is known as The Pull. A sense within a persons body that their soulmate is within reach that guides them to find them. You find yourself following this Pull, guided by vague dreams of a man you can't quite see, until you collapse in the wild and are found by Troy, your soulmate, who has been following the same feeling toward you for days.
Once connected soulmates are able to share emotions through their bond, as well as being able to sense where the other is. But how this force works is very much a mystery still, it can vary from soulmate to soulmate, and just sometimes a connection too deep can lead twist a bond from something beautiful to, well...
Warnings: Dark themes, sexual content, violence, non-graphic description/implications of SA, child abuse and domestic violence. References to addiction. Unhealthy love/obsession/relationships. Soulmate AU. Eventual smut. Love triangle.
You made it back to the ranch undetected and spent the rest of the night curled up beside Troy in the med tent. You didn’t sleep, constantly listening for noise. Voices or gunfire, the truck’s engines. But nothing came. You were just about fading into sleep as the sun began to rise when Troy made a sound, his eyes flickering open.
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“Troy?” you say, hopefully.
His blue eyes find you and his lips twitch in a smile.
“I’ll get Jake—“
His hand grabs yours, he must have used all his strength to keep you beside him.
“No. Not yet. Stay.”
You hesitated, scared that something could go wrong. But as his eyes focused on yours you couldn’t resist, sensing his need for you. You lay back down beside him, looking him in the eye and speaking gently.
“What were you thinking huh?”
Troy doesn’t need to ask what you mean.
“Kept you safe…” he says weakly.
You shake your head.
“Not like that. Please. Never like that again.”
Troy looks confused, his brow furrowing before he winces with the pain in causes in his head.
“Have to. Do anything…”
You sigh, understanding the feeling. Remembering your own rage and desperation when you’d seen him brought in covered in blood and unmoving.
You gently run a hand through his curls, avoiding the parts that were clumped with his blood. You sigh.
“I know. I know.”
He closes his eyes, his lips turning up as he makes a low sound in his throat. Then he says something so quiet you’re sure you hadn’t heard him right and lean closer, your heart pounding.
“What… what did you say?”
His eyes open slowly, foggy but focused on your face.
“Marry me.”
It wasn’t a question. Your heart pounds. It was an inevitability. You stare.
“Marry… you?”
Troy smirks.
“You gonna say no?”
You shake your head.
“Of course not… but… you’re injured and probably concussed and it’s the end of the world anyway, who gets married in the apocalypse? Does marriage even mean anything anymore? Does it matter what denomination we are or can we just make up whatever we want—“
Somehow Troy had found the strength to lift his head and kiss you, until he fell back against the pillow looking green.
“Bad idea. Gonna puke.”
“Shit,” you grab a bowl and prepare to help him. “Well, if that wasn’t the most romantic proposal ever…”
You watch as Troy sucks in a deep breath, steeling himself against the urge to vomit. His hand presses to his bandaged head and the IV in his arm tugs awkwardly. He grunts and pulls it out in frustration.
“Don’t-“ You try and stop him but he’s already groaning again. “I’m getting Jake—“
“Already here.” Jake’s voice is cutting as you turn and see him striding over, rolling up his sleeves. You feel his eyes chastise you for not fetching him sooner.
“He just woke up.”
Jake ignores you and immediately checks Troy’s vitals. Even though he looks like crap Troy smirks at his big brother.
“Did I have you worried?”
Jake’s expression is grim, “You always have me worried, little brother.”
“That I do Jakey. That I do.”
You watch as Jake does his work, moving off the bed even when Troy looks at you longingly. Jake grumbles under his breath, you can’t hear him but Troy chuckles at whatever he says.
“Can I do anything?”
Jake gives you a dark look.
“You can stay right there, so I know where you are.”
Your heart drops. Did he know where you'd gone last night?
You look down at your feet hoping Troy wasn’t able to pick up on the tension, but of course he could sense your anxiety growing by the second.
“What is it?” He asks, gently at first. When you don’t answer he turns to Jake, practically barking at him. “What happened?”
Jake shakes his head.
“Doesn’t matter. You’re on leave from your duties until further notice.”
Troy somehow manages to go an even paler shade of pale.
“What? The hell I am—!”
“Dad’s orders.” Jake snaps back.
You watch the brothers argue, shifting awkwardly on the spot with nothing to do or distract you until you speak up uncertainly.
“It’s just until he heals, right?”
Jake’s expression says it all and Troy’s eyes go dark. “Where is he? Where’s Dad? I can talk to him—“
Jake pressed a hand to Troy’s shoulder and pushes him back on the bed when Troy tries to get up. You move forward to put a reassuring hand on Troy’s arm as you look at Jake in confusion.
“Why would Jeremiah do that?”
Jake’s eyes snap to yours and you can see what he is thinking, can see his surprise that you’d even need to ask after Troy had gone off on a group of survivors who hadn't provoked them. You look away, ashamed slightly. You’d forgotten that what you and Troy might see as necessities for survival - no matter how brutal - still crossed the line for some people.
Thankfully Troy seemed too agitated to sense your feelings about the situation as he was trying to get off the bed again, knocking everything askew as his limbs flailed with an uncharacteristic lack of coordination.
“Troy! Please, settle down!” You handle him much more gently than Jake who looks like he is tempted to knock Troy unconscious again.
“He can’t do this!” Troy snaps. “The Militia is mine! He can’t take it away from me!”
Jake curses and slams Troy back on the bed. You jump back, surprised by Jake’s aggression as he gets in Troy’s face. “Of course he can! After what you pulled! Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
You stare at Jake, realising you were missing something here. Troy merely stares at his big brother for a moment before his mouth curls in a snarl.
“There he is. Jeremiah Junior. You’re more like dad than you want people to see.”
You frown at that, sensing the tension building between them. Feeling something in Troy… something mixed in with his anger and resentment.
You press a hand on Jake’s shoulder, your eyes set.
“Let me see to Troy. Go get some air.”
You knew he didn’t have to obey you. You had no authority and you were just a scrap of a thing yourself, barely recovered from almost dying of malnutrition and exposure. But Jake scoffed and stormed away, the flap to the tent whipping out dramatically around him. You look down at Troy.
“You wanna tell me what that was about.”
Troy grunts and relaxes slightly, his body still exuding tension.
“Just… brother stuff.”
“You can’t lie to me,” you sit down beside him again and gently boop his nose. “I can feel it.”
Troy raises an eyebrow, calling your bluff.
“Ok so maybe not exactly. But I can tell there’s something you’re hiding…”
Troy looks away from you, his expression difficult to read and his emotions even more so. It was like trying to grab hold of something in a wind tunnel, one feeling after the other flying around you. You couldn’t get a grip on what was going on. And yet all that betrayed his inner turmoil was the tension of his mouth and the narrowing of his eyes. You lean down and kiss his cheek, gently.
“Let me go and get a fresh bandage for your head. Then we can talk.”
Troy’s hand snaps out an grabs your own. Your left hand. His eyes travel up your arm and to your face as his thumb gently strokes your ring finger.
“You didn’t answer.” Troy says quietly.
You hesitate.
“I didn’t know if you meant it…”
Troy’s eyes fix on you and you feel your chest expand with emotion, all consuming, needy, desperate and wanting…
Troy’s feelings.
“I never say something I don’t mean.”
He tells you this as he tugs you closer. You lean over him, confused by his sudden change in mood. He’d gone from angrily cursing his father to… this. Looking at you like you were the last sip of water in the desert.
“I… Troy, is it something you really want?”
His eyes are glued on yours and you can tell he is also picking through your emotions. You chew your lip, hoping he won’t be offended by your reluctance. Your doubts. Because they weren’t about him. Not at all…
“What are you afraid of?” Troy asks as he tucks your hair behind your ear.
You take a long breath as you try and figure out how to answer.
“I just never thought marriage really mattered… especially with a soulmate. I’m already yours, right? And you’re mine?” You try not to think about Nick. About the confusing feeling in your heart and gut that you were desperately trying to suppress.
Troy regards you curiously for a moment and you focus on your feelings for him. The sense of safety and belonging he gives you. He seems to relax.
“You are. And I am.”
You smile.
“I’m not saying no… just… it doesn’t mean more to me than just being with you as we are. But if marriage is something you want, that you need… then I’ll say yes. Always yes, Troy.”
His face breaks into a smile you’d never seen on him before.
“You will?”
You could laugh at the sudden boyishness about him.
“Yes Troy. I will… or I do. Whatever it is people say now.”
You’re pulled down to kiss him, trying not to fall against him in his injured state but Troy doesn’t seem to care. He’s all wild tongue and teeth and hands in your hair, holding on tight as you try to keep from passing out from lack of air. Eventually he relents and you’re able to sit up, head spinning slightly.
He sniggers at your reaction.
“Still got it, even half-dead.”
You slap his chest playfully.
“You’re crazy, you know that?”
“So I’ve been told.” Troy’s expression softens as he looks at you, all flustered and pink cheeked now. “You’re beautiful, have I told you that before?”
You feel your cheeks colour, “You're concussed.”
Troy’s lips are a wonky smile.
"Yeah, but I'm right."
You shake your head and sigh.
"I am not arguing with an invalid."
Troy makes a face.
"Don't call me that. You might as well say I'm impotent."
You feel your cheeks flush, knowing he just doesn't like being injured and feeling like he wasn't useful. Troy seems to catch your embarrassment and his lips twitch.
"Something on your mind?"
You make sure to keep your expression blank when you reply.
"Of course not. Not at all. Why?"
"No reason. Except I can feel what your thinking."
You curse the bond you share for a moment before you remember what you had learned about your connection through The Pull.
"Troy... you know that this thing we share isn't... normal. Right?"
Troy watches you for a moment before shrugging.
You look at him with surprise as he settled himself more comfortably on the bed, looking tired again.
"You knew?"
"I think we should talk about this later. Not here. Not now."
You nod.
"Okay..." You watch as Troy closes his eyes. "Are you in pain? Shall I get you something?"
He nods slowly, a hand reaching out for you. When you take it he tugs you toward him gently.
"Just... stay with me for a while."
You settle on the edge of the bed beside him as he lays with his eyes closed. After a few moments you start to softly run your hands through the curls on his head, pausing when he makes a noise in his throat. One eye opens and he smirks.
"Don't stop."
You smile back.
"Only because you're hurt. Don't expect me to be so nice all the time."
Troy chuckles as he tilts he head toward you more.
"Noted. I'll milk this moment for all its worth then. Do I get a sponge bath too?"
You're glad his eyes are closed as you feel your cheeks heat up. You tug his hair slightly harder as a warning for him not to get too cheeky. Troy grins.
"I like that."
Oh Jesus.
"Just.. get some rest."
"Yes, ma'am."
You sigh and continue to run your fingers through his hair until you're sure he's asleep. When he's breathing deeply you pause, looking around and listening for approaching footsteps. When you hear nothing you lean forward and rest your cheek on his chest, closing your own eyes and listening to the steady beat of his heart. The sound brings you comfort, a sense of calm. You close your eyes. This was where you belonged, no matter what was going on with Nick and The Pull. It must have been a fluke. A rare mistake somehow.
Troy was your soulmate.
This was home.
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fanfics4all · 1 year
Coughing Up Blood
Request: Yes / No Thank you @badthingshappenbingo​ for my card! 
Requests are closed  <3 Have a nice day/night
Nick Clark x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1149
Warnings: Mention of blood, being shot, zombie attack, this one’s sad 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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We were separated from the group, the two of us just wanted a little time alone. We were finally safe so Nick and I thought we could just have a little time to relax. Nick packed us each two sandwiches and we just sat in the woods on a beat up little blanket. It was romantic, even if the dead were wondering around somewhere. We were careful. We made sure no dead were around us. All we wanted to do was have some us time. After we ate we just sat back and relaxed. Nick had go to the bathroom, so he left to a near by tree. I couldn’t see him, but I knew he wasn’t far. I laid back and closed my eyes for a moment, just relaxing. It was like I wasn’t in a world where dead were walking the earth. I heard footsteps approaching me, but assumed it was just Nick. I smiled to myself and waiting for him to lay with me. As the footsteps got closer I heard some groaning. I furrowed my brow and opened my eyes to see a walker towering over me. I screamed as it fell onto me. I tried my best to fight it off, but I felt it’s teeth sink into my skin. 
“Y/N!” I heard Nick call and then fast footsteps coming my way. 
“Oh shit…” I heard him say, but I watched as he quickly held up his knife. He rushed over and stabbed it in the head. He hurled the body off me and helped me sit up. 
“Nick…” I whispered with tears in my eyes. He looked into my eyes and I pulled my shirt off my shoulder and he gasped. 
“W-We’ll fix this.” He said and helped me up. 
“Mom and Alicia will help us figure this out.” He said and gathered up the blanket. He grabbed my hand and lead me back to our camp. 
“Nick, I can’t go back.” I whispered and stopped him from moving. He turned around and caressed my cheek. 
“No…” He whispered back. 
“Nick… I can’t risk everyone’s safety…” I said, letting the tears fall. 
“No! No…” He said, shaking his head. I sighed and kissed him deeply. 
“I need you and everyone to be safe… I’m dead, Nicky…” I whispered and he shook his head once again. 
“I promise, we can figure this out, I’m not gonna let you die.” He said. He grabbed my hand again and headed for the camp. I sighed and let him pull me behind him. 
*Three Days Later* 
The had cut the bite off my shoulder as best they could, but it didn’t matter. I felt incredibly weak, my skin was paling, and I had a high fever that wouldn’t go down. Nick had refused to leave my side. I looked over at him, his head was leaning on my bed sleeping. He looked so peaceful. Even though I was feeling like shit, he made me feel better. 
I sat up suddenly and started coughing like crazy. I couldn’t stop… Nick’s head shot up and looked up at me with wide eyes. He looked at me scared. I had my mouth covered and when the coughing finally stopped I pulled it away. My eyes widened as I saw the blood covering my hand. I looked over at Nick and his eyes were filled with tears. 
“N-Nicky…” I whispered. He got up and silently cleaned my hand of my blood. 
“Nicky…” I whispered again, but he ignored me. I shakily grabbed his hand to stop him from cleaning mine and he still wouldn’t look at me. 
“Nicky, please look at me.” I said and he took a deep breath. He looked up at me, tears still in his eyes. 
“It’s time to say goodbye, Nicky.” I whispered and he shut his eyes tightly and shook his head. 
“No. We can still fix you!” He shouted and I flinched slightly. The door opened and his Mom and Sister rushed in. 
“What’s wrong?” Madison asked. 
“Nothing, Y/N/N’s just not feeling good still.” Nick said and I shook my head. 
“I coughed up blood…” I said and their eyes widened. 
“No…” Alicia said and let her tears fall freely. 
“We can still fix her! S-She’s gonna be fine!” Nick shouted and threw the rag he was holding across the room. 
“Nick, honey, calm down.” Madison said. 
“She’ll be fine!” He said, a tear slipping from his eye. 
“Alicia, take your brother outside.” Madison said and she nodded. I watched the siblings leave the room and Nick looked back at me just before he left. 
“I love you, Nicky.” I said and he gave me a sad smile. 
“I love you too, baby.” He said and came back in to kiss me before he left. I took a shaky breath and looked up at Madison, who was taking a seat next to me. 
“I need you to end this…” I whispered and she nodded. She pulled out her gun and looked at me. 
“Are you sure?” She asked. 
“I’m not getting better, Madison…” I said, looking down at my hands. She gently grabbed mine and squeezed. 
“J-Just make sure Nicky doesn’t lose himself…” I said, letting my tears fall freely. I watched a tear slip down her cheek and gave me a nod. 
“I promise.” She said. She held up her gun and aimed it at my head. 
“Tell Nicky I’m sorry and that I’ll always be with him.” I said and she pulled the trigger. 
*Nick’s POV* 
Alicia and I were sitting close to Y/N’s room. I knew my Mom would take care of her, she loved her. Y/N made my life better and both my Mom and Sister loved her. She was family from the first time we started dating. Alicia and I were hugging when I heard the gun shot. I pulled away quickly and wiped my head towards Y/N’s room. 
“No…” I whispered. I ran to her room and burst though the door. I saw my Mom with her gun in her lap and my sweet Y/N with her head leaning to the side and blood pouring from the side. 
“What did you do!?” I shouted and Alicia came in behind me. I heard her gasp, but I didn’t care. I was focused on my Mother who just shot my girlfriend. 
“She was dying Nick. She asked me to.” She said and I rushed over to Y/N’s side. I cradled her in my arms and let my tears that I’ve been holding back fall. 
“How could you do this to me? I love her!” I shouted and my Mom looked at me sadly. 
“I just ended her suffering, Nick. She was dead anyway.” She said as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. 
“I love her…” I cried and held her tighter.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs-blog1​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches28​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @rachelxwayne​ @ready-4-fanfiction 
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themuselesswriter · 1 year
By the Washed Shores - Chapter 1: I Think It’s Troy
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Characters: Troy Otto, Original Characters
Summary: Troy wakes up suddenly in a strange place, unable to remember anything from his past and with a child that swears he is his.
Word count: 2400+
Warnings: hospitals, amnesia, cursing, probably typos
A/N: Hi babes! You know how I usually prepare multiple chapters of the work before posting? I kinda didn't do that for this work, so basically, updates will not be as constant and you are witnessing the progress so yeah... your thoughts are highly appreciated. And Troy might be out of character in here because he doesn't remember his character so don't hate me for it also, everything Spanish is translated by google, so yeah, if anything is wrong don't hesitate to point out how to correct it! :') Anyhooooo, enjoy!
Credits: photos from Pinterest, editing app is picsart
Pain, that’s the first thing he could feel upon opening his eyes, pain, he was somewhere he didn’t recognize, his heart was beating too fast, he tried to get up but he was cuffed and tied down, was this heaven? Was this hell? Isn’t he supposed to be dead? He remembers that he was being hit in the head by a hammer, a woman did it of all, she was blonde, mid-forty, that’s about it, he struggled against the cuffs, opened his mouth to call for help but no words came out, how does one call for help anyways?
“Doctor, date prisa, está despierto!” a voice called in a language he didn’t understand, but again, what languages did he understand, he lifted himself up as he struggled, trying to see the source of the voice, it was a young boy, no older than eight years old, then a man appeared in his vision “Cálmate antes de que te lastimes, sufriste una lesión fatal” he understood nothing, it must’ve showed on his frightened face, the man sighed “Anglais? Do you understand this better?” he nodded, the nodding sending waves of pain that made him scream, the doctor immediately helped him lay down again and put something in an IV bag that was attached to his arm “it’s alright, your son found you and brought you just in time, you suffered an injury when the dam fell down” the man explained, a son?! He had a son?! “do you remember anything?” he wanted to shake his head no, but he remembered the pain from earlier, staying still instead.
Instead, he gathered whatever strength he had to say “where am I?” the doctor looked at the young boy, then at the man “Mexican borders, you are at the hospital, the cuffs are necessary so I suggest you stop struggling against them, you are not quite out of danger yet” the older man cleared, danger, what danger? He groaned, feeling himself getting drowsy “I gave you something for the pain, you should be falling asleep for now, next time you wake up, we can try to get some food in you and perhaps you’ll have your memories restored” that’s the last thing he heard before he closed his eyes again.
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