#niche lore quiz
it’s here!! the sequel to the fabled niche dnp lore quiz 🌟
the average result on the first quiz was 44% so i have tried to make this one a bit easier! hope you enjoy and please reblog and put your score in the tags!!
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pagodazz · 7 months
Emh fans when they're asked to stop sexualizing Evan Jennings and his characters because it makes him and his wife uncomfortable:
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hope y'all are so happy with yourself for going against his wishes and being fucking freaks to him. You're all why he's barely online anymore. you cannot behave and you cannot be normal and you all have ruined what could be a very fun fandom.
Everyone in this fandom sees Evan as a piece of meat basically, you all only care about his character because Evan is a good looking guy. I mean!! let's be real here!!! let me quiz you on the lore!!! let me see just how fucking much you know about ALL the characters. let me see how much you ACTUALLY give a shit. Because all any of you do is post about how attractive you find Evan/habit and it's honestly so annoying.
I'm not saying you can't compliment him??? or appreciate his looks?? but drawing him in sexually compromising positions, writing in great detail about what you want him to do to you (PUBLICLY. no one gives a SHIT what you fucking do in private.) Or you're fucking mixing up habit and Evan, and just acting like you know his story when CLEARLY the most of you have watched habit compilations on YouTube and NOTHING else.
You cannot even convince me otherwise because I deal with people coming in my comments all the time asking about BASIC INFORMATION. like IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE PRINCETON TAPES ????? WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK????? YOU NEED THAT FOR THE SERIES. YOU CANNOT EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND HALF THE THINGS WITHOUT IT???????
This isn't saying you can't write fanfiction or shit like that this is JUST SAYING BE RESPECTFUL?????? these slenderverse actors ARE NOT A LIST CELEBRITIES. they're not like fucking Oscar Isaac or whoever people are obsessed with right now. THEY'RE NOT FAMOUS. THIS IS NICHE. THIS IS NOT POPULAR MEDIA 😭😭😭😭
Emh literally made NO money from their series, they didn't create it to gain anything like that. they created something fun and NOW YOU ALL ARE THE REASON THEY HAVE NO PART IN THIS FANDOM ANYMORE.
you robbed them of being able to love their creation and I hope you're all happy about that honestly because it seems like this fandom is only gonna get worse in this area. and I'm deeply disappointed.
edit: I would like to add one thing, Vincent caffarello had to deal with situations of extreme sexualization as well, and his got to the point to where he had to leave. Vinnie used to be very involved with the fandom, he even used to read fanfic which he had to stop doing because people would be writing characters to SEXUALLY ASSAULT HIM or others and he just couldn't continue to read things like that. He delt with minors sending him explicit photos and messages and that's literally all kinds of FUCKED UP. He did NOT want to be involved with that stuff.
It's like when Evan had someone impersonate him to try to get with minors. THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT OBJECTS FOR YOU TO SEEK OUT PLEASURE WITH. THEY ARE PEOPLE.
they are HUMAN.
if they were women?? would you be doing this as much??? or would you realize how messed up it really is.
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skymagpie · 4 months
What about Top 5 games/books/series/movies/etc you would call "underappreciated" for what they do?
Hm, my view of things might be skewed because I do feel like these things are popular only because I am in the circles that talk about them and I think they are generally not that popular, or at least not as popular as stuff like League, Arcane, WoW, TES etc. This also excludes niche things like old books, plays and films that I picked up from uni as I don't feel like having people quiz me why I like the works of some "problematic" guy from 50-100 years ago.
Subnautica - this is literally one of the best game series I've ever played. It has a very simple, but amazing story, a lot of heart and soul, the aesthetic and the feeling of the game are unmatched and the gameplay is very fun. If you are scared of the depths, its a terror game, but the fact that the story is so heartfelt makes up for you being terrified of the world. In fact, the fact that it can be very scary sometimes just adds to the story. It's a perfect sync of gameplay and storytelling. It's a cheap game too with no micro-transactions and such, so it's a little jewel in a sea of crap they've been releasing lately.
Dishonored - Yes, I think Dishonored is not as popular as it should be. Dishonored is amazing, from aesthetics to writing (especially in the first game), to world building and gameplay. The first game is a masterpiece despite the fact that the story it tells is very simple and straightforward, so much so that sometimes it's even funny. The 2nd game threw the ball when it comes to story, but the characters, the aesthetic and world it built is still unmatched. It's absolutely beautiful and it awakens something in me whenever I think about it. For me Dishonored (and Subnautica above) are like a vacation by the seaside that cures depression.
Pirates of the Caribbean - These films might feel like they are popular because you see them plastered on children's notebooks and backpacks, but they are soooo underground because they were popular some 15 years ago and now most people forgot they existed aside from Jack Sparrow and his pop culture influence. However the first film is a masterpiece and the two other that follow are excellent and bring so many new things to this type of storytelling. They made the Pirate genre so good and it's sad that the genre itself died out with them. The 2 last films are not so good, but I think the culture already shifted away from pirates and that probably just added to the lack of quality and passion put into them (Disney just thought they can ride off the success of the first three, not realizing what actually made them so successful). However, much like the three things above, the feelings the first three films bring is so beautiful that I do recommend for people to give them a watch (or a re-watch) and experience some of that joy for themselves. The following two are very much a subtype or parts of bigger fandoms and not things on their own~
The Warcraft novels - this is a more of a "subtype" of something being popular, but I don't think the Warcraft novels get enough attention within the Warcraft community. While a lot of games tend to release books to up sales and often put key story elements in them, however the books are not as good and they do feel like they were made just because every game needed to have a book from 2016 and onward. The Warcraft books on the other hand feel like they are an essential part of the story and not just a cashgrab. While they are not all good, sometimes the writing is lacking, they are absolutely fun to read and people who like the Warcraft lore should not overlook them. For me they give me the vibe of the cheap little fantasy booklets I used to read on vacation when I was a child. And some deal with pretty heavy topics and themes you would not expect in a "video game book".
The Zed comic - obviously and the most expected response, while League doesn't have a lot of lore (even if people pretend it does, it doesn't, play TES or WoW to see what capital L-ore is), people know Arcane is like the peak of League's story. I however think that the Zed comic is good enough to make it at least in the runner ups to Arcane's 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. It's a good comic, yes the style is in that ugly Marvel fashion which is 90% of the visual charm for me, and despite the League community moaning that it's not a good story, it's in fact a good story. The plot works, the characters work, the story build upon century old premises of brothers fighting for the love of their father and it offers these characters so much more than what we see in the rest of the content for them. This comic made these characters actual characters, and the community either ignores or straight up dislikes it out of reasons only understandable to them.
BONUS: Greymoor was a great ESO DLC and received a lot of flack from the ESO community. The criticism that it killed gay characters is the only valid criticism. Pretty much everything else boiled down to "It has a weak plot :///" that was never elaborated by anyone in any capacity. It was a great Chapter, it had beautiful aesthetic and a unique feeling even if bringing back a zone from Skyrim and it had one of the best TES villains in general. For me it was the last true ESO expansion that just really captivated me even though I like the ones that came after.
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imber-rose · 7 months
GtWAC day 15: share some LORE
I was buzzing over this one and decided I’d like to share about my fae species from my “Realm of Sollus” worldbuilding project.
Now obviously fae are nothing new but I do think every author/artist who uses them adds their own flavor and this is mine!
Firstly there are 7 fae courts in Sollus: Solfae, Lunfae, Florfae, Cavfae, Nixfae, Aquafae & Aracfae
Each court has their own strengths and niches, for instance the Solfae are wonderful glass workers while the Lunfae are renowned for their medicine
A court is headed by a queen, the queen is empathically linked to her court allowing her to understand how the overall morale is doing.
In my world this is the lifecycle of a fae
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When a fae dies they are buried, generally in special gardens, over the body plants will sprout. When the flowers bloom they’ll have eggs in them! The eggs are then taken into the hive where they’ll hatch into grubs. Grubs then grow into fledglings. Fledglings reach maturity as fully adult fae at 100 years of age. You can equate the first 100 years of a faes life to the first 20 of a humans. When the fae dies the cycles starts again.
This process only differs for the Aracfae who arnt quite the same as their cousins and instead of hatching into grubs they look much more like, well, spiderlings! They also tend to mature faster and become self reliant by their fledgling stage. This is due to the Aracfae being far more predatory in nature than other fae (they are not opposed even to eating their cousins)
The fae have three forms: Fae, Elven & Wild
The fae firm is their natural state and normally fae stay in this state their entire lives!
The Elven form is a larger more humanoid looking form they generally change into in order to interact and trade with the other species of Sollus
And the wild form is actually something that’s been lost and most fae can’t do it, it’s more of a myth, a form shaped from a moment of intense emotion
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If anyone’s curious to know more I do think about these guys like… a lot… they live rent free in my noggin… so feel free to send me some asks!
And if you want to know what court you’d be in I did an event a while ago and I made a quizz for it so uhhh… here! You can learn more about each court as well 8)
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vecnokriv-nikolicel · 3 months
2,4, 13 for Kris and seda (a ship only relevant to me, I know)
🥹 🥹 🥹
We love Seda* in this house (house being tumblr + ao3 lol)
2. Who gets up to cook at 2am?
Going against typical gender norms, it would be Kris.
Kris would 100% be the one to get up early to cook for the both of them. He loves cooking, he knows exactly the foods that his partner loves, and as she often works long hours, she often doesn't have the energy to cook.
Unless he’s just come back from  tour, then Seda would be the one to get up early to cook.
But yeah, for the most part, it’s Kris!
4. Their favourite show to watch together?
Now here’s the thing…I don’t really watch TV shows, per say, but I do love me a good YouTube video essay. Channels like ‘Real Life Lore’ (https://www.youtube.com/@RealLifeLore), where they produce hour-long videos about the most niche topics are the things that they love to watch. So yeah, things along those lines!
13. Stay home/go-out? What are their date nights like?
OOOOOH now THIS is a good one.
It depends on the time of year! During the summer, Kris definitely struggles with overheating (I’m autistic and I hate the heat with a burning passion, someone bring me over to Svalbard, I’d thrive there), so they tend to have date nights inside. Whilst, in the rest of the year, they like to go out.
Date-nights at home consist of turning the AC up high, ordering a takeout, and playing a Quiz-show game similar to Buzz (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzz!)
(and then probably having some *intimate time* afterwards)
Date nights outside usually would consist of going to, perhaps interestingly, going to Ikea to look at all the different showrooms (and lowkey messing and playing around in them).
Oh, and not to mention looking at all the different stuffed animals in the ‘child’ section of the store.
After that, they head off to slightly upscale restaurant on the outskirts of Ljubljana, one that Kris + Seda have been to many times before.
And then when they come home, again, intimate times occur, too :)
*For those who don't know, Seda is an original character (OC) in my fic, 'Twice as Many Stars as Usual"
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
Hi!!! I love your account with all of its fabulous jellyfish information. And I wanted to know, where are you getting aforementioned fabulous jellyfish information? Is there a book or a website or documentary or smth? Do you have any recommendations?
Tysm and I CANT WAIT for the advanced quiz :DD
Oh!! I'm glad you enjoy it ^-^
I get my jellyfish research from a variety of places, actually. But since I'm kind of obsessed with collecting my information in one place, asks like these are my cup of tea :)
My main source of jellyfish lore comes from Wikipedia. Just like the legendary Hank Green, I ended up downloading Firefox's tree-tab extension so I can organize the tabs by natural taxonomic order. It's really quite relaxing, actually.
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Wikipedia, understandably, isn't always the best source though (Take the pages for Cephea cephea and Atolla wyvillei for example. The Cephea cephea page is almost entirely blatant misinformation while the Atolla wyvillei contains an incorrect and misleading throwaway line)
That's why the next logical step is simple- Wikipedia references! This serves as a beginning into further jellyfish research.
Let's take the reference page for the Aurelia aurita, for example:
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The information citing citation 14 was super interesting, so I pulled it up on another tab to read it, and got this:
Then I just had a field day reading it all.
One big site that's used as a reference on Wikipedia is humorously named WorMS (World Registry of Marine Species), which goes into the specific classification of pretty much every jellyfish taxon (it is very. VERY comprehensive). It'll tell you how many species are in a genus, what scientific name has become synonomized with another, and even link to the original documents that describe the species (though they may be written in a different language and come in a scan- so tough luck if you don't understand the language since um... it's pretty hard to translate a scan).
Eventually that wasn't enough, though, so I branched out into searching scientific articles myself. My personal favourite website to do this on is ResearchGate, since the UI is the easiest for me to use, but I get plenty of research from other sites and publishers. (And pssst, if you can't access papers through a school or an institution, there's always sci-hub and libgen 😉)
The rest just depends on to how savvy you are with google. I despise normal reporting articles on jellyfish (Most can't tell the difference between them anyways), so I skip those and simply go to the jellyfish papers themselves lol. I've found out a lot of interesting things about jellyfish just by searching random questions on google.
Um, but I suppose I do have extra stuff to add.
Apparently, making a video game for jellyfish is a surefire way to learn more about them (especially when you write them as sapient beings lol). You start to crave niche, specific knowledge of them- like um... If they sleep or not, or what things can make them sleep.
Um... Another thing I've learned about jellyfish? The japanese are absolutely OBSESSED with their jellyfish. Their jellyfish spotlight sites are incredibly detailed (if not a bit region-specific), and I honestly trust them more than I trust our English-speaking sites.
In particular, I adore kurage-ya.com and gogo zoo aquarium, though you definitely will not be able to read anything unless you have a good translator (Kurage-ya is written in such an adorable voice.... and gogo zoo is incredibly detailed. I suggest going onto both for full coverage of your jellyfish knowledge, though)
(I also suggest going on different languages of Wikipedia- you can learn SO much stuff that normal Wikipedia doesn't give to you. Like the Chrysaora pacifica and Nemophilema nomurai have more robust Japanese pages, and the Spanish page for Order Semaeostomeae is a lot more beefed up, haha...)
To learn more about niche jellyfish facts, I also suggest looking through jellyfish husbandry sites (Especially jellyfish warehouse- travis knows so much more about jellyfish than I do it's actually pretty crazy).
As for Jellyfish documentaries? I only know of a few good ones, but I'll list them here:
^^ (not a documentary, but the jellyfish warehouse is friggin awesome and they even have a youtube channel)
Umm... So yeah that's pretty much all the things I got for free.
I think any jellyfan would suggest Lisa-Ann Gerswhin's book, Jellyfish: A Natural History.
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I'm pretty sure you can find it in any major bookstore or whatever (online, at least), but it goes super in-depth about pretty much everything you need to know about jellyfish.
She goes SUPER in-depth about things like jellyfish life cycle, jellyfish anatomy, jellyfish ecology- and SO, SO MUCH MORE. She doesn't stay in Phylum Cnidaria, either, branching out into Ctenophora and even Chorodata(?) (Since Salps/tunicates are also there ig).
If you want to learn about specific jellyfish species, however, I would honestly just stick to Google and write it yourself. She only highlights about 40 different jellyfish species, and only mentions the textually relevant things in their bio. I would use the book just to learn about jellyfish basics, tbh (since it primes you to learn about the more technical jellyfish language you'll inevitably encounter in jellyfish articles). Overall, though, Lisa-Ann Gershwin's book is incredibly detailed, in-depth, and gorgeous and I could not recommend it more to anyone.
Other than that tho? All the English jellyfish books kinda suck, and I'm seriously considering branching out to japanese books instead (There's one that focuses on 114 species of jellyfish and you can bet your manus that I'm salivating over it rn i am enamoured with Japanese jellyfish culture)
Erm... Anyways?
Wikipedia is a good place to start. Reading Published Scientific articles is where you can get the bulk of your information, but Jellyfish-dedicated Websites will also be pretty knowledgeable as well.
There are a choice few Youtube documentaries you can watch, but if you want to read an actual book, Jellyfish: A Natural History is your best bet.
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bunny584 · 7 months
hello my pretty baby bunny~ i cant get over how cute your responses are lol
as for my love languages, my receiving are going to be acts of service and quality time per the love language quiz but i can appreciate all love languages (the scope of percentages were pretty close and i love my words of affirmation and physical touch too asdfj) but i LOVE having someone attention. the idea of someone going heart eyes over me while i talk just SENDS me askdlf and i have a tendency to mix up gift giving and acts of service but like someone thinking of me and doing something sends me as well. (ex: being woken up to coffee being made for me. OOOOOO that sends me askldf;) just being thought about and paid attention to makes me go heart eyed lol niche love language is music. i communicate so much through music (blame the fact i was a band, choir and theater kid lol). but i consider the highest honor to be let in on my music taste.
as for giving: i give based off of gifts and physical touch. im not the best with gifts but also like i said giving gifts/acts of service mix in my mind. NOW i commonly give head pats and hugs and little love bites to those i care about. just *noms on you* lol
id love to know yours as well if you'll allow me sweetie~
(and you'd never be the other wife with me~ i actually havent had a girlfriend yet *cries in bad bisexual*)
lore drop #2: just some things about me. im AFAB genderfluid. i dont have preferred pronouns (though i love being hit with fem compliments hehe) A/N: FUCK this one was a long one, sorry hun asdf;l
Hahahah don’t feel bad, we all were bad bisexuals at some point in our lives I’m convinced.
*internal screaming @ pretty baby bunny, you are playing a dangerous game with that one 😭*
I know people think it’s frivilous BS, but I actually think there’s some validity to understanding how people like to receive and give love. Mental note made.
Okay for me. To give: physical touch x5000%, quality time. Words are a close third. To receive: it’s so embarrassing but words of affirmation mean everything (I think this is due to the constant evaluation from undergrad/med school/residency) physical touch and gifts are tied as my second.
*also a big fan of your second Lore Drop, btw.*
Lore Drop #2: As a previous sorority girl, I am on the far end of the feminine spectrum 😅. Bunny was a college nickname that stuck and will forever be my pen name.
Never apologize for wordiness, I love it.
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i know very little abt the ending of academia nuts but i Have learned that i speak geek is the finale number, and that it wraps up all its conflicts, so that’s something. there is also a song that i absolutely cannot understand what its telling me b/c i don’t know which characters are singing it (and at what point)
one thing that was fun is finding the clip with the klingoff and apparently joseph wins it by saying the beatitudes in klingon which is a little hilarious
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faunusrights · 2 years
this was just a fun lark but be warned this tunnel goes Deep. i've pulled from a bunch of fic, posts on this blog, cinder fall's twitter account and MUCH MORE to formulate a series of horrible horrible questions which will test just how much you've been paying attention. it's not just newer AUs either we're going BACK IN TIME BABEY. if you manage to get 100% without going back through thousands of posts and fic i will love you 5eva B)
(might. tweak it later. we'll see how y'all do fdghdsfgh)
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as promised: here is my niche dnp lore quiz
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pyro-john · 8 years
Welcome to the Hellmouth: Subverting Expectations
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Season 1, Episode 1: Welcome to the Hellmouth. These are most likely going to be long form stream of consciousness posts. Watch the episodes and follow along with my rambling thoughts. (It’s on Netflix!)
Subverting expectations is the name of the game right out of the gate. It seems to me that the BtVS team wanted to shatter any preconceived notions on multiple fronts. This show came out in the era of 90210, and Dawson's Creek, right smack in the middle of the WB teen drama boom of the late 90s. BtVS needed to stand out from the watery gruel of its contemporaries, without falling into a niche of campy Goosebumps-esque fare. Welcome to the Hellmouth seems to have been set up to do just that.
The opening scene of this show is brilliant. The spooky shots of the school that will be the primary setting, two kids breaking in, a timid schoolgirl and an obvious badboy. The show tells us immediately that things aren't going to go the way you think when the girl vamps out and eats the guy. Darla’s a fascinating character, and I’ll touch on her more later.
The opening organ notes of the theme song always give me chills.  Nerf Herder doesn’t get nearly enough credit.
The first shot we see of Buffy she’s lying in bed having nightmares. We get a ton of shots of some of the monsters Buffy will fight over the course of the season, which I kind of like. It’s a treat for people who really pay attention. Or for hopeless obsessives that have seen it 50 times. They kind of drop the whole Slyer prophecies thing as the show goes on, and I have mixed feeling on that. It’s a little clichéd, but there was a sense of macabre whimsy to it as well, especially when we get to some of the more abstract stuff later on.
When we get our first shots of Sunnydale High in the daytime, we're lulled back into thinking we know what's going on. We meet the gang, Xander the roguish dork (I can't believe he rides a skateboard), Willow the meek nerdy girl, and Jesse who is also there.
BtVS suffers a bit from late 90's fasion, which makes it feel a bit dated, but it's a pretty minor problem overall. It's more of an issue in early season 1 as the show gets its feet under it from a visual perspective. But oh man, Willow's checker dress and backpack.
In Buffy's meeting with Principle Flutie we get one of our few references to the Buffy Movie. Retconned so that instead of getting on a motorcycle and riding off with Luke Perry she just burned the motherfucker down. Not something you'd expect from a tiny cute blonde, (Flutie certainly doesn't seem to expect it) Seeing Buffy in class is weird. For a show set in a high school, relatively little education seems to happen. We meet Cordelia here too, in manner which suggests that she's going to be Buffy's new bff, (the little quiz Cordy gives Buffy dates the show a bit too. Hard to remember that James Spader was once a teen heartthrob) but almost immediately we see her viscous side when she snaps at Willow for using a water fountain that Cordelia doesn't even seem to want to use. Not all that glitters is gold.
Next we get to meet Giles. Anthony Stewart Head is far and away the best actor on this show. He acts with his whole body. You can see the shift from rigid indifference to near giddy excitement when he pull out that Vampyr book. (One of my favourite props. I love that thing). Again we're subverting expectations, of the characters as well as the audience. Buffy goes in to get a text book and is confronted with a tome of monster lore that seems to frighten her. It's great stuff. There aren't many scenes of students that aren't the core gang, unless something horrible is about to happen.  Dead body on campus count: 1
The first scene with the core three (Buffy, Willow, and Xander) Cordelia, and Jesse, establishes so much of the early dynamic, it's really great to watch. I'll talk more about Jesse when I watch the Harvest, but his existence is another massive subversion. Here he's set up as a foil for both Xander and Cordelia, but the writers had something else in mind. Jesse is one of my favourite things about season 1.
Giles' exposition scenes are a core component of the series, especially early on. With the wrong delivery these scenes could be dry as dust, but Head makes each of them a joy to watch. There's an urgency and passion that makes you lean forward and really listen to what he's trying to tell you, even if Buffy doesn't. This one five minute scene lays out the whole premise of the show and you barely notice it happening. We learn how vampires turn people, what a Slayer is, what a Watcher is, that Sunnydale is monster central, that Giles is a huge dork, and that some mystical badness is gonna happen soon. Buffy tempts fate big time at the end of this scene. It's a bit cliched, but it sets up some great jokes way down the line. Buffy's mother, Joyce, is another unappreciated character. Depicting a single mother in the 90s was a bold move, and she pulls it off well. Just the right mix of trying to let her daughter have freedom while still indulging her helicopter mom instincts. The early BtVS villains don't get nearly enough love. Partly because there was half as much time to establish them as the later villains (season 1 was only 12 episodes), and artly because they get overshadowed by the more wacky season 1 baddies like Mantis Lady and Internet Demon. But Luke, the Master, Darla, they're all great.
Angel's introduction is just the right combination of intriguing and creepy. Introducing him as a cryptic informant, and showing that Buffy can physically overpower him immediatly quashes the idea that he'll need to come to her rescue lays so much groundwork for Angel's development and for their relationship. I love the cross necklace. Jewlery gets used a lot in BtVS for symbolism. That little cross holds so much emotional power as time goes on. Ahh the Bronze. So much happens in that little dingy club. Mostly murders. Lots and lots of murders. The scene in the Bronze pulls a huge amount of weight for character development. We get to see that Buffy is a dork, who really wants to have something normal. We see Willow eating raisins at a club, and find out about her conflicted Xander feelings. We learn what Giles considers partying (this was a year and a half before Google, how did American kids find out what the hell Bovril was?). We get Jesse seemingly stop pining after a chick who hates him, (much to his personal detriment), and we get to see Buffy's place in the social order cemented when she nearly stakes Cordelia. When we get to the graveyard, we have our first proper fight of the series, and we get to see Buffy in her element. The entire episode we see her timidly talking to teachers and students and her Mum, and even herself, trying to figure out what she's supposed to do and where she fits in. Here we see her immediately confident, her posture changes, she starts being snarky. This is where she belongs. In the fight. But again, this episode is about subversion. So halfway through the fight a bigger badder badguy shows up and she starts getting wrecked. This badass superchick can also be threatened. She isn't the strongest thing out there. Pilots are supposed to show both what the show is, and what it has the potential to become, and Welcome to the Hellmouth knocks it out of the park. It's not the greatest Buffy episode, not by a longshot, but it builds an unshakable foundation. Right away we know that this isn't just another teen drama. It's not just another vampire show. This is going to be something else entirely.
Favourite Quote: Willow: Well... when I'm with a boy I like, it's hard for me to say anything cool, or, or witty. Or at all. I-I can usually make a few vowel sounds, and then I have to go away.
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someone was hating on ur niche dnp lore quiz on twt (for being too chronically online lmao) but they're getting ratioed by everyone who is in fact chronically online <33 (it was the festive ditl toothpaste question)
jokes on them i am in fact the first to admit i am chronically online
also they aren’t allowed to bully me for knowing niche shit i have the tism it’s a hate crime
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gonna make a niche dnp lore quiz in the hopes that one day they take it and fail to get all the questions right
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i kinda wanna make a sequal to the niche lore quiz but maybe slightly less niche this time lol would anyone want that
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