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redworkstitches · 4 years ago
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🕯️🌸 🌿 Join my Monthly Pattern Program on Patreon to learn embroidery ✂️ Link in bio ✨ You will get: 🧵 Access to new pdf embroidery patterns each month, with detailed instructions, color guide, stitch guide, illustrations and links to video tutorials. 🧵 Access to Mini patterns library (10+ mini patterns), these patterns are perfect for quick embroidery projects; 🧵 Access to 30+ Video Tutorials; 🧵 Access to 15+ PDF embroidery pattern, each pattern with detailed instructions. #modernembroiderymovement #embroideryhoop #craftsfeed #conteporarycraft #handmadeparade #ihavethisthingwiththread #embroiderywork #girlpreneur #nicegirlsneedleclub #stitchart #needlecraft #mycreativebizz #herestothecreatives #theeverydayproject #shareyourwork #makeartthatsells #createsomethingeveryday #dstexture https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ_B-5cN8Uk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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childofoshunsworld · 3 years ago
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Its been a while since I shared this epic badboy! I'm not sure why it's taking me so long to complete but it feels like it's taking FOREVER!!! I think its because I'm not sure about my colour palette so I keep on avoiding it as I know I'm going to end up unpicking a lot and starting again 😫 What ongoing projects do you have that you keep avoiding? . . . . . #wiptoday #wips #wip #embroideryfloss #embroidering #embroiderersofinstagram #embroidery #embroidered #embroideredalphabet #botanicalart #botanical #botany #botanical #botanicalembroidery #botanicalalphabet #ammaking #imadethis #embroiderydesign #embroideryart #embroideryartist #nicegirlsneedleclub #needlework #needlecraft #embroideryhoop #embroiderywork #handmadewallart #handembroidered #handembroidery #handmadeembroidery #handmade #modernembroidery (at Birmingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVnmU7QrIj5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ramyeonupdates · 5 years ago
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{ #stitchersgonnastitch } || source: friday55
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ohanacraft · 5 years ago
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hi, Nice to meet you! I'm Archie the Unicorn. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Monday can be magical if you believed in Unicorns, smile! ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ This crochet pattern in my Etsy or Ravelry !⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Visit my link in my IG bio @ohanacraft ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀ ⁠🐞Go to my YouTube channel and crochet with me⁠! ⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀ ⁠🐝Visit my crochet pattern store, maybe you will find the ones you like.⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀ ⁠🦋Adopt my handmade amigurumi from my Etsy or DM me , custom order is now open!⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀ ⁠⠀⁠⠀ ——————————————————————————⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #ohanacraft #unicorn #rainbowunicorn #crochetunicorn #plushies #stuffedanimal #whimsical #pet #cute #cosplay #instastitch #amigurumay #nicegirlsneedleclub #sewing #stitchersofig #artistig #patreon #decor #amigurumi #artistalley⁣ #otaku #amigurumiclan⁣ #crochetpattern ⁠ #yarnpunk #artstagram #crochetersofinstagram #concrunch #redheartcomfort #animalcrossing #magical (at Unicorns are real) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAV_ipUHcZn/?igshid=hc8bxec1160j
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koalalovesyarndesigns · 6 years ago
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This little number is still up for sale in my Etsy shop. I had a lot of fun making this ! Please see the link in my bio, dm me, or search for Koala Loves Yarn Designs on Etsy. Thank you! #embroidery #embroideryart #embroiderydesign #embroideryhoop #embroiderywork #nicegirlsneedleclub #embroideryinstaguild #embroideryhoopart #artist #fiberart #fiberartist #fiberarts #traditionalcrafts #etsyshop #etsyseller #traditionalcraft #heart #love #wedding #marriage #giftforher #wallart #wallartdecor #needleart #needlearts #handstitched #stitchwitch #stitchcraft #hexywomen https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJZ7IcAg9z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gcbi27ln8upj
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34firearms · 5 years ago
I loved this quote so much that I did an embroidery of it
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Ig: @flowersxfriends 🌿🌷
If you’re interested to purchase my pieces / have me custom make one for you, please dm me! 🥰
who cares, do better, move on
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farmstayjapan · 6 years ago
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What do you do with your broken or bent sewing needles? February 8 is the day for your old sewing needles to be laid to rest at a Buddhist temple. A day to show gratitude to your hard working needles that cannot be used anymore and pray for your sewing skills to improve. HARI KUYO (針供養 Ceremony of the broken needles), is a more than 400 years old ceremony for those unwanted needles as it used to be believed that your needles would absorb your sorrows while sewing and through this ritual you will be able to allow your sorrows to be sent to the gods. On this day, at specific temples, you may be able to see people burying their needles on slabs of tofu or konyaku placed near the altar as a soft final resting place and a sutra is recited. #NeedleworkSociety #StitchRebellion #NiceGirlsNeedleClub #sewersgonnasew#sewistsofinstagram #sewingtips #sewingneedles #sewingwithlove #sewinginspiration #harikuyo #thingstobethankfulfor #japantradition https://www.instagram.com/p/BtpTC0KHsyA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n2j0tna1p236
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sweaterbones · 7 years ago
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panel 1 of 2 🗡😘 #embroidery #postcardsfrombunnyvilleusa #modernstitches #nicegirlsneedleclub
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redworkstitches · 4 years ago
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This Hand With a Match embroidery pattern is now available on Patreon till the end of June 🔥 🌿 Join my Monthly Pattern Program on Patreon to learn embroidery: www.patreon.com/redworkstitches You will get: 🧵 Access to new pdf embroidery patterns each month, with detailed instructions, color guide, stitch guide, illustrations and links to video tutorials. 🧵 Access to Mini patterns library, these patterns are perfect for quick embroidery projects; 🧵 Access to 30+ Video Tutorials; 🧵 Access to 10+ PDF embroidery pattern, each pattern with detailed instructions. #modernembroiderymovement #embroideryhoop #craftsfeed #conteporarycraft #handmadeparade #ihavethisthingwiththread #embroiderywork #girlpreneur #nicegirlsneedleclub #stitchart #needlecraft #mycreativebizz #herestothecreatives #theeverydayproject #shareyourwork #makeartthatsells #createsomethingeveryday #dstexture https://www.instagram.com/p/CPk5XQitKTG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blackcatkustom · 7 years ago
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made this custom patch to my very handsome husband. after it was done, he had such a hard time to find a perfect spot to put it on. it took months until he decided he wanted me to sew it on his jacket! . . . #needleworksociety #needlework #contemporaryembroidery #modernmaker #modernneedlework #modernembroidery #bordado #feitoamão #DMCthread #stitching #dmc_creativeworld #handmade #embroideryinstaguild #makersmovement #newsletter #supportsmallbusiness #craftsposure #contemporaryembroidery #nicegirlsneedleclub @dmc_crafts @dmc_embroidery @needleworksociety @nicegirlsneedleclub @embroidery_instaguild
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orbreyandthemodist · 4 years ago
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#ihavethisthingwiththread #behindtheseams #sewcool #sewcialist #hertsetsyteam #needleandthread #damngoodstitch #feelingstitchyig #nicegirlsneedleclub #tadaan #modernembroidery #embroiderylove #contemporaryembroidery #contemporarystitch #stitchstamina #embroiderersofinstagram #instaembroidery #threadlove #threadfolk #hitchinartscene #textileart #textileartist #stitchers #letchworthartscene #embroideryisart #abstractembroidery #stitchersofig #contemporarysewing #sewersofinstagram #orbreyandthemodist (at Hitchin and Letchworth, North Hertfordshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPYabt4Li6s/?utm_medium=tumblr
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margdierembroidery · 7 years ago
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Spring flower necklaces, even though it seems to be turning back to Winter! #embroiderydesign #embroiderynecklace #damngoodstitch #hoopart #nicegirlsneedleclub #margdier
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witcheswhimsy · 5 years ago
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I'll just put this here for 2020... Although I meanwhile think it would be better to be kind. Just haven't got that stitched yet. On my own differentiation between nice and kind? Maybe later in the comments... I need to 😴 now. Have a good start into the next decade lovely people. . . . #newyearsresolution #benice #bekind #embroiderersofinstagram #stitchersofinstagram #islandofmisfitstitchers #handembroidery #fuckyeahembroidery #nicegirlsneedleclub #badbitchesofhandembroidery #witcheswhimsy https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tvp0mI76A/?igshid=pzoehpchnsob
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ohanacraft · 5 years ago
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NEW Video update! ✨FREE CROCHET PATTERN now on my YOUTUBE channel ⁠✨link in my IG bio! ⁠⠀ It's super easy and quick to make, i'm looking forward to see your inch worm made from my YouTube tutorial! 😉Don't forget to subscribe!!! ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Thank you for those who already subscribed!! ⁠😇⠀ ⁠Happy Saturday!!⠀ ⠀ Visit my link in my IG bio @ohanacraft ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀ ⁠🐞Go to my YouTube channel and crochet with me⁠! ⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀ ⁠🐝Visit my crochet pattern store, maybe you will find the ones you like.⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀ ⁠🦋Adopt my handmade amigurumi from my Etsy or DM me , custom order is now open!⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀ ⁠⠀⁠⠀ ——————————————————————————⁠⠀ #ohanacraft #inchworm #inchwormtoy #bugstagram #plushies #stuffedanimal #whimsical #pet #cute #youtuber #instastitch #amigurumay #nicegirlsneedleclub #sewing #stitchersofig #artistig #patreon #decor #amigurumi #artistalley⁣ #otaku #amigurumiclan⁣ #crochetpattern ⁠#crochetinchworm #yarnpunk #artstagram #crochetersofinstagram #concrunch #redheartcomfort #animalcrossing (at YouTube Channel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAifbluHCt_/?igshid=r7wigwex7f6s
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kiwipoca-blog · 7 years ago
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Sometimes I’m having fun with my jacket 🐓🌳 . . .
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koalalovesyarndesigns · 6 years ago
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Hey! I just started this awesome blog post about crochet and other crafts. Please see the blog link in my bio or go to https://thecreativekoalalife.wordpress.com/ and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! #mermaidsofinstagram #nicegirlsneedleclub #crochet #crocheting #crochets #crochetinspiration #crochetofinstagram #crochetallthethings #crochetallday #crochetisfun #blogpost #koalalovesyarn #tellmeastory #decoupage #embroidery #murderino #murderinomakers #hashtaggrowthgroup #truestory #strangebuttrue #newblog #craftersofinstagram #crafting #craft #crochetgirlgang #crochetgeek https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw2z2o9Btxx/?igshid=5utl992ombrf
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