#ngl im a bit proud of this :>
movedto-clifflix · 1 year
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"lemme fix that for you"
i like him a normal amount .
taglist: @little-miss-selfships @macgyverwife @ghosts-beloved-wife @cassmeeks @hawthornships @blueberrysblues [lmk if you wanna be added removed !! 💜🐸]
🐸 ok to reblog !! 💜
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clownmfxx · 4 months
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who fw mesmerizer
i was kinda testing my art style 🤫🧏
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aria0fgold · 5 months
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With a glass body
You bear the weight of the world
Praying for safety
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crowliphale · 4 months
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I wonder who's holding the umbrella
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yumedoca · 7 months
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About time I posted my work for my own challenge, so here it is: my art for the 'Urusei Yatsura DTIYS challenge'!! 💗
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whereismyhat5678 · 2 months
I believe today was a good day <:]
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I drove a car! (I learned the basic stuff, and we practiced in a parking lot.) I learned how to park, how to steer it, and the basic things to know when using a car >:] I’m so proud of myself!
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mx-hyperfixation · 7 months
Phantom of the Opera art ✨
gonna call this done before i make it look whack
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ghastigiggles · 7 months
Omg omg omg "Here comes the tickle monster" with ler!Jing Yuan and lee!Yanqing! If that's okay ofc💕
Mischievious Prompts [Still Open]
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“My lord, please, you should still be resting…”
“A little rest is good for the soul,” Jing Yuan smiled back, gazing out the window; “But too much, and one risks becoming lethargic.”
Yanqing sighed softly, his brow furrowing with worry as he gazed at the general’s back. While it was true that Jing Yuan was bouncing back well, a part of him – the part that was still attached to his mentor – still stressed over the depth of his wounds. Jing Yuan could be like a cat at the best of times, concealing facets of his health to avoid worrying those he cared for – and giving his enemies an advantage, all the same.
“... I understand,” The young warrior managed after a moment, knowing better than to push his luck too far; “In that case, if there’s anything I can do to help, please, let me be of service.”
Jing Yuan turned to look down upon Yanqing, a soft smile upon his lips as he took in the boy’s worried state – and with a soft chuckle, he nodded, turning to face him fully as Yanqing perked to attention.
“There is one thing…”
Something about the general’s tone struck a memory for Yanqing, who promptly tensed – suddenly overwhelmingly glad that there were no other members of staff present in Jing Yuan’s office. As the older warrior stepped forward, he stepped back, swallowing as he realized where this was going.
“My lord…! You can’t be serious – your condition is –”
“Not severe enough to stop the tickle monster!”
In a split moment, Jing Yuan grinned and started closer, earning a yelp of alarm from Yanqing as he darted away in turn, quickly moving to stay out of reach – though he couldn’t stop the anticipatory, equally entertained smile from seizing his features, nor the squeal that escaped him when the general finally seized his target. 
“Here it comes!”
“Eeyah! Nohohoo, my - my lohord…!”
Ultimately, a little laughter was a soothing balm for both of their souls – and for those who passed by the office’s doors, pausing to smile at the muffled sounds of play within. All would be well within the Divination Commission.
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drinkpisser · 1 month
This one shall be quite interesting for sure, dearest readers 😈🙏
Enjoy and thank you sm if you do check it out!!!<3
begin reading chapter 4 beneath the cut!
Ray had been awaiting Gerard's return for a full week now. A week without his best friend, just as glum as you can imagine it. Actually having to take part in a routine, listening in on other people's conversations because you can't have your own, waiting for each day to end so you can be even lonelier at night. He had company, sure, but what's company if you've never felt so isolated?
Desperate to retrace his vacant steps, Ray decided to walk the paths Gerard mentioned he would cycle. This resulted in nothing more than some wheel tracks, yet anything is a clue at this point. He followed, careful to not tamper with the traces left. To his detriment, the woods seemed to be identical with each corner he turned.
Just a mundane old forest, what did Gerard see in it?
Ray pauses. A bike is leant against the stump of a tree, one wheel deflated and the other poorly attempting to keep its balance. He was here. Transfixed on the plethora of predatory situations he could have been in, Ray loses focus on his main objective- to gather clues. Does he go back and tell someone he could be in danger? Would they even believe him? The staff questioned him harshly enough already, accusing him of assisting Gerard in running away and covering his back so he wouldn't get in trouble. He feels like nothing but a nervous wreck, struggling to keep up with the rushing turmoil in his head.
"Ray?" an unsuspecting voice asks.
His heart palpitates, startled. His neck recoils so quickly that it could have snapped off his body. It was only a rugged, exhausted Gerard stood in front of him, sporting a clueless expression on his face and scratching his head like nothing ever happened.
"What're you doing here? It's super early, right?" he repeats.
"You-" Ray struggles to find an adequate response in disbelief, "You've been gone for fucking days, dude!"
"I was just getting a pump for the tyres, they busted on me whilst I was biking. I couldnt have been too long- maybe a half hour?" he responds, dismissing the claim. To Gerard's dismay, he wasn't fully aware that the passage of time is extremely warped in different realities. A few harmless hours to him was more than likely a week and a half for Ray.
"You're serious- you're serious! You don't know how long you've been!?" Ray disputes. Gerard was blank as a sheet, giving in to a defeated shrug.
Nope, he doesn't know. Idiot.
"You dont even have- where were you, Gee? At least answer me that. My bare ass has been on the stove for you over here. And you look like shit!"
"I- I don't know." Growing more disoriented, he finds it increasingly difficult to come up with a realistic answer. It had already been a confusing time for Gerard, and all these questions weren't helping his case even if they were reasonable enough.
Ray sighs, "I can't stay mad at you. Just take me with you next time, at least. Wherever you were it couldn't have been that fun on your own."
Gerard resorts to a hug in order to comfort Ray's visually apparent distress. He wishes he could tell him the truth with his entire soul, but he couldn't bare to see what could happen if he did. More than anything, he was afraid. That's why he needed to start creating art as soon as possible, to save everyone.
"If you need to talk about anything- you know I'm here, yeah?" Ray adds.
"Yeah." Gerard smiles mildly.
Ray pats his back, and they get to walking back to the main area of camp, almost clinging onto eachother. As Gerard reconciles with familiar faces, Ray awkwardly clenches his teeth in a feeble attempt to smile. Spotting Frank, they head in the direction of the bench he's sat on.
Frank raises an eyebrow, dropping the nachos he was just snacking on, a baffled "That's Gerard?" exiting his mouth.
"Sorry, I don't recognise you-" Gerard discloses.
"This is Frank," Ray chirps once again, "he bought me cookies and now we're pals. He likes Iron Maiden and plays guitar too!"
Affectionately, Ray slaps Frank on the back of his shoulders, causing him to eject a sheepish "owch!".
"Awh, cool! Nice to meetchya Frankie." Gerard grins, awkwardly shaking his dorito dusted hand.
"Gerard Arthur Way! There you are!" a disciplinary voice hollers.
"Well shit." Gerard mutters, the boys snickering slightly at his remark. Almost dragged by the hood, Gerard is indefinitely sent off to a questioning of some sort.
The staff member escorts him to an important looking room, featuring an even more important looking name tag on the desk: 'Principal'. Surrounding it, there are small, framed photographs of staff members and past campers, who seem tremendously happier than anybody here currently.
Just gotta survive this interrogation without giving everything away, he monologues in his doomed brain. So doomed... So fucked.
A stern looking woman clicks her heels as she enters the secluded room, taking a seat as she glares intensely into Gerard's entire existence.
"Where were you? Is everything okay? Were you hurt?" Just as he'd anticipated, the questions came flooding insufferably in.
"Hey, listen..." Gerard pinches the bridge of his nose as if he's in excruciatingly dire pain, "I just got back and i ain't feelin' well. I fell over and busted my lip, see? Can I please go to the nurse instead?" He believes that reverse psychology is effective, and that his injuries from over a week ago look fresh. Oh, dear. Maybe save the big ideas for when you turn 25 next time.
She grumbles, shaking her head.
"Not yet. You can afterwards, however."
She begins jotting down notes. Following this, she looks at Gerard expectingly, despite his nervous silence.
"So?" she suggests, tapping her pen against the clipboard she's writing on.
"So, what?" Gerard backchats, crossing his arms and deciding to play smartass.
"So, what were you doing outside campus, unauthorised for a fortnight?" she demands the question.
He tuts, rolling his eyes. A surpisingly bold move for him, but a typical one. He grows cockier, due to the hindrance and his heightening feelings of annoyance towards having to answer for himself.
"I like, ran off for a week, 'cause I'm bored shitless of this place..." he smirks, "In other words, I skipped. What're you gonna do about it, kick me out? I already left once."
The principal lets out a diabolical gasp.
Gerard knew from that alone, he was not going to get away from this any easier than before he opened his mouth.
"What I can do is expel you, young man! That won't be a laugh to explain to your parents, will it?" she exclaims at the top of her lungs.
"Do it! I don't fuckin' care. I'm worth more than this place anyways, and so is Ray. If you're gonna kick me out, at least do the same for him. Leaving him alone in this dump was the mistake i made, not skipping." he rants.
"You're really about to do this?" she lowers her voice in concern.
Gerard glances around in hesitation before doubling down on his claim, his eyes lighting up slightly.
That felt like a strangely refreshing moment for Gerard, as though being argumentative with higherups was the epitome of being punk and an absolutely rock solid act on his behalf.
"Alright, we'll call your parents to pick you up. And Ray can go with you, he's in deep trouble because of you now. I hope you understand that." she lectures.
"Aight," he scoffs, getting up out of the chair he'd slumped in.
"I'm out."
He storms out of the office desperately searching for Ray and Frank, not realising they had snook off and waited outside right next to him.
"Hm, I heard yelling." Frank observes, pursing his lips.
Gerard turns to each of them almost instantly.
"Oh, thank god-" Gerard clutches onto both Ray and Frank's arms with an underlying agression.
"We gotta go, like, now! I am so serious!" he blurts out obsessively.
"Dude, wh-" Ray begins, interrupted by the snatch of Gerard's run. He drags them behind a bush, heavily encouraging them to be silent with a desperate "shh!".
Several staff members rush past the glorified pile of leaves shielding the three.
"Can someone please tell me what is going on?!" Ray hisses through a whisper.
"Okay, okay! I will. I spewed bullshit to the principal lady. Told 'er I skipped on purpose. She threatened to expel me so I humoured 'er and said you shouldn't be left here alone and-"
"Sorry, the fuck do I have to do with this?" Frank interrupts.
"Just sit and look pretty or somethin' whilst I explain the goddamned situation! You're involved 'cause you are. I wasn't about to just leave ya." Gerard groans.
Frank huffs.
"So... You sold me out and lied?" Ray disputes in confusion, a slight look of upset on his face.
"No- I just thought if I said that as a bluff I could get us out of here quicker. You want to leave, right?" Gerard defends.
Ray remains silent for a few seconds, considering it.
"Screw it." Ray beams.
A feeling of relief washes over Gerard's sweaty face, glad that his stupidity didn't get taken the wrong way.
Two staff members park themselves not too far away, beginning to discuss.
"Ray is now gone, they must have been planning some kind of rebellion from the beginning." One starts.
Frank raises an eyebrow.
"Hey, seeing as I'm the pretty one I could go ask what they're gonna do to ya."
He rolls his eyes with a pinch of salt, getting up on his own accord. Gerard knew it was best to not crush Frank's withering dignity any further, so he let him get on with it. Ray watched closely in slight suspense. Frank hunches over, approaching the two staff members all whilst kicking some gravel and looking down inside of himself.
"Mcscuse me, what's goin on?" he asks with innocent eyes.
"Do you have any idea where your accomplices are? Ray Toro and Gerard Way?" the staff's dialect felt restrictive.
"Can't say I do. Why's the matter?" Frank asks further, intentionally using poor phrasing for cool effect.
"They are to be arrested, and cannot leave the premises under any circumstance."
Gerard chokes. Ray's jaw is almost touching the grass. Frank elongates a whistle. He pauses, before then intelligently throwing a right hook towards the man's face.
"WE NEED TO GO!" He screams at the top of his lungs to the once concealed duo, snatching a plank of wood lying around and hoisting it underneath his greasy armpit.
Ray and Gerard chase behind him in desperation, quickly noticing the upcoming dead end. It would be futile to look back now, they're already being ambushed!
"Oh, Frank! What the fuck were you thinking runnin' this way?!" Gerard cusses.
Frank briefly catches his breath, before screeching at the barbed wire fence.
"There's a reason I stole a plank of wood, jackass! We're gonna use it to cross the old river behind this fence!" Frank begins climbing with a hint of pain from the spiky material separating the boys from freedom.
Gerard gulps in realisation. He can't swim, and his phobia of drowning doesn't make the idea of a flimsy bridge any better.
"Huh, now that's a funny joke, Frank-Anthony." he crosses his arms sarcastically.
"Does it look like he's joking!?" Ray complains, already up and over the fence. They're getting closer as Gerard grows in hesitation. In a fit of panic, Gerard snatches the plank of wood through a gap in the wall. The two teens shriek in annoyance.
"What the fuck!" Ray exclaims.
"Make your own way, I'll catch up!" Gerard blurts out. He'd honestly would rather them stay, he was consumed by fear. Ray denies before getting dragged away by an eager Frank, turning back in instant regret.
By now, Gerard had no coherent thoughts. The only energy coursing through his body was the adrenaline of facing danger head-on. He takes a swing at the current enemies, whacking the woodplank in half off of the now hostile janitor's head. Once his only weapon had shattered into shambles, he looted an unconscious park officer for any useful self defence. He manages to find a sharply ended hammer. Ooh, goody! A hammer! This will certainly end well.
Gerard suddenly feels a strange sensation of electricity within his weaponised palms. Visions of the mothership come lurking into his mind, clouding his perception of reality. Almost as though he was possessed, his scleras glow an iridescent white. All that was visible to his half-naked eyes we're the similar enhanced surroundings he'd witnessed before finding Lola. Nothing seemed quite right, not even the concept of nothing. His actions didn't feel like his own, as though the control room in his brain hit autopilot.
The rest of the committee come dashing in, and, as promised, Gerard begins bashing in, gushing the brains of old acquaintances onto the forest floor. He couldn't stop himself, no matter how hard he tried. Decrepit thoughts invade his mind- the deformed extraterrestrials, the secrecy, the defenselessness. The yearning to escape is too much for him; he can't take the strangeness anymore, and whatever can't make it stop in the moment should be destroyed. Or, maybe, was it that anything obstructing Gerard from the prophecised future was to be eliminated by an external force?
The hammer pierced the skin of its victim, critically damaging whatever it hit. As the bodies fell more and more, the static inflicting pain up Gerard's psyche faded.
Akin to the flicker of a light switch, he drops the bloodstained hammer in disbelief. As his pupils dilate, Gerard runs his red smothered fingers through his hair in distress and backs away from the remains he'd just bludgeoned. He can feel every erratic beat in his heart, one after the other, aching in dismal harmony.
Meanwhile, the others had crossed the unanticipatedly wide abandoned river using a derelict canoe. Still sailing, Ray's worries were still with Gerard.
"Don't you think staying with him would have been a better idea? I mean, I know him and he's not really a violent person. What if something's wrong?" he suggests.
"Try to relax. You're rambling," Frank comments, "He'll be okay, I promise. He surely must be if he didn't wanna go with us." he adds, troubled.
"Are- are you mad at him or something?" Ray enquires, perking his head up.
"No, just confused. I could've sworn he was acting off. There was this look in his face when he told us to run, and I'll be honest, it scared me." Frank speculates.
"Oh..." Ray frowns,
"I really do regret leaving him, though..." his words trail off in apprehension as he slowly taps Frank's shoulder to look in the same direction as him.
"Is that?-" Frank questions in a mildly bewildered state.
Gerard sat slumped on the grass awaiting the pair on the successful side of the river, his head askew in fatigue and his eyes swelled up with dainty tears.
"How did he get there so fast?" Frank asks in pure disdain.
Upon noticing the pair, Gerard gets up once again, debating on running away- only in fear of hurting who he cares about the most. He doesn't know how he even did that to those adults, he doesn't want to know. He wants to forget it. He wants to forget all of it. Even from afar, his shaking became exceedingly evident.
"Gee, it's gonna be fine! Just stay there, alright?" Ray attempts to comfort, shouting as softly as possible.
Gerard glances around himself once more, itching with a sense of paranoia. The two eventually head over to him, seeing through the bloodily drenched killer and envisioning a vunerable friend, allowing time for a group embrace. Gerard softens up, losing tension, and begins to sob like never before- he'd never felt fear like this before. It was a classic sense of dehumanisation, as though his pacifism had been violated.
After all, he wanted to save lives, not take them.
The miserable moon grows in exhaustion from lighting up the night, and gingerly begins to set. As the sun rose curiously, dawn declared a new muse for the trio. The feeling of comfort needed after a rough night, even if it was by their own hand. But they're merely teenagers, incapable of living those years entirely scuff free. Mistakes were bound to be made, even gorefilled ones. It just took a group hug for Gerard to realise it.
The trio begin to drift further away from the campsite, utilising the apricity shielding the cool morning breeze as a blanket of safety, following the light. They were about to go home, or maybe they'd already found it within eachother. Regardless, it was irrelevant how bad it was where they stayed anymore because, at the very least,
they were free from dreary old summer camp.
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wojtekaneko · 7 days
omg you're an art student??? I used to be one too... if you're up to it I'd love to see some photos of your school work!!
Oh that's so cool! How was studying art for you? I know it can be very different depending on person.. Im really enjoying my time studying for now. Sure, i can share them here, though the quality won't be the best. Maybe I'll post them on their own one day. I just never think about it... for now, i'll put them under the cut
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That's a series i'm pretty proud of. We had a vague topic to make our works about. This one was "Metamorphosis" I tried to be deep with this one, so it's about trans people and how their bodies and changes they go through can be viewed as strange or unfamiliar, but even if they are, they are still human. Each painting works kind of like the puzzle piece, so they can change directions, order and formation to make new compositions.
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Here are some paintings from another series. This, and the former ones are from my 2nd year (now i'll be starting my 4th). I just wanted to paint some blocks. I always loved how nice they look, solid, painted concrete against moving and organic surface of the sky.
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This one is from last year. Its mostly me trying to understand my feelings about being seen. I had a clear vision for this one, but here my skills kind of gave up on me.. It looks better irl, but still not as good as it could (damn you my perfectionism!!!)
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Omg is that a Birdmen reference!?!?!! (yes.kinda.maybe.) I just really like corvids. And the topic was "Birth and Death". For the reference I used the cemetary that had a lot of trees with a lot of crows and rooks on them :))
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This one is from drawing classes, i fell in love with monotypes, so i was doing them for a whole last year. The butterflies are on a topic of "Nothing is lost in nature, and nothing is then born again". We're getting a lot of loose topics, free to interpret them how we want, it's pretty fun.
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And here are some of my favourite things i've done in my drawing class. Making those was pure delight peace and love on planet earth. (jk there were some struggles but its okay)
If you'd like to see what i do in my narrative drawing classes, i posted it to my art blog here
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vampirebee123 · 1 month
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Better was not see a Circus baby, Liz(´ヘ`;)
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trixibebe · 9 months
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oc stuff - uh I just really wanted to draw her in that outfit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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yournextbimbogf · 8 months
“I love your belly baby”
Are we having intense sex rightnow or what????!
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maybe this is just me but people who say ‘how did you guys not figure out byler was a thing in earlier seasons you guys are SOO dumb 😑 i figured it out WAY quicker’ is kinda.. :/
like sorry my media literacy was fogged with a heteronormative lense while i was in a time where i was still coming to terms with real gay rep
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astrxealis · 1 year
my favorite teacher plays dnd and bg3 do you know how crazy that is to me
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#LOTS OF THOUGHTS HII GOOD NOON TODAY WAS A REAL FUN DAY#I ALMOST BROKE DOWN AND ALSO I KINDA VENTED AND G#UH. WHY IS TUMBLR WEIRD AND CLOSING MY POST. ANYWAY!#i did vent to my friends abt annoying classmates (aka annoying ppl who are irresponsible) that bring me and my friends and groups grades#down. and yeah. but i bonded a lot w various frienda and and and fun day and and and I LEARN ^^ AND#things are quite bad sometimes but sometimes they aren't actually that bad and idk school is just really fun i'm almost sad#just really happy with where i am rn and my friends are noticing too sniffs ..... noticing how i'm talking more or whatnot#and more comfy and whatnot and hey it did take like. quite a while. but still! just. really happy#bcs this Quite A While was either basically immediate but in the making (two friends) or gradual but always getting there (group in class)#and etc !!! like hey maybe some friends online or irl i am not talking to as much atm but there's the comfort that we still greatly care#for wach other. and whatnot. and there's just a lot and damn if i gave up this wouldn't be happening lol my point is things do get better#and a lot of it tbh is on how you improve and see things (???) idk but damn i'm just rlly proud of myself#I COULD STILL DO BETTER mbut idk all of this is me and im just rlly secure in that and i have been since the longest time ngl. im amazing#yeehaw ANYWAYYYYFGEGKR BG3 I STARTED A DARK URGE RUN LAST NIGHT YE GODS ITS A BIT SCARY TO ME BUT I LOVE THE BLOOD#im trying to fight against it bcs im using my main tav but boom make him a durge guy so ^_^
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so you know the lazurus pit rage? the annoyingly pervasive head-cannon.
i have a shot in the dark at one of the reasons.
people think bucky barnes return as the winter solider and jasons return as the red hood are similar.
now arnt they? no they are not. on the surface and at the bare bones maybe, dead sidekick returns and is antagonistic. and the idenitity being revealed.
like thats it. bucky barnes was brainwashed by the soviets and then red skull, once he was removed of the brainwashing, he was a solid ally. jason todd was trained by a force classically “opposed“ to batman, but was not brainwashed or even manipulated.
and also key: bucky barnes did not pose an ideological opposition to steve, no in the way jason did, bucky “came back wrong” as in he was brainwashed into a perversion of who he was, and used as a tool of the people he fought.
jason came back wrong as in, his death solidified the idea of brutal justice/the broken nature of the justice system,
they are both tragedys, but bucky comes back. scared, changed, but he goes back to the belifes he once held.
the tragedy is that jason cannot go back both him and bruce are changed by his death. they cannot go back to versions of themself who can love each other. and that is the tragedy.
so making it so Jason is out of control and can be fixed with hugs?? goes against that. it robs it of the tragedy, and the integrity of the characters. one of them will have to bend, to change, but they cannot, the story cant stay intact, so one of them ends up, off, weird.
jasons return is about the tragedy of trauma, and how it can change people, change them so much they can no longer love each other, how they had to become different people to deal with the trauma. and those people are strangers, haunted by who they once were to each other.
and thats a story i find fascinating.
not to mention that jasons boundrys are often trampled “for his own good” by bruce and the family, to get him back. congrats thats the worst possible thing to do. its still an allegory for trauma, but now its about how you should roll over and accept what happened to you and go back to who you once were to please your family, how you should kill the person who survived, to become the person before. ive read plenty of jason joins the family again fics. but these days? they sound like horror storys.they sound like nightmares.
but the mcu is pretty pervasive, and the comic storys pretty famous. so its easy to conflate the two under “dead sidekick who came back wrong”
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