#ngl i think there may be some improvement
mercymermaid · 1 year
woah some more centaur redraws???
i literally only finished the second one (field scene) bc i’m procrastinating on my sad excuse of an ‘animatic’ (it’s a pmv i think)
new versions:
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old versions
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walpu · 6 months
Aventurine and Ratio hcs of their s/o performing a lap dance to them...👀 (separately)
oh 👀👀👀👀
sorry it's a bit short I'm writing this in between flights 😭a really hope I didn't mess up with Ratio's characterization since it's my first time writing for him
performing a lap dance to them
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characters - Aventurine, dr. Ratio notes - gn!reader, a bit suggestive, no beta
Ngl he would adore it.
Having you so close to him, giving him your undivided attention while performing something just for him? Yeah.
He's greedy for your attention in general so of course he would like you doing something so intimate for him.
He's a patient man so he would not jump into actions, allowing you to tease him while his eyes linger on your partly exposed body.
May try to seek your touch, hugging your waist or unbuttoning your shirt for you. It's up for you to decide if he's allowed to touch you during the prosses tho 🤭
If you tell him that he's allowed only to watch then he'll do just that.
"My, so strict~ Will I at least be rewarded for my patience? It's no fun if there is no reward~"
He's bluffing, seeing you like that is already a reward.
He's seen you naked before so it shouldn't be a big deal anyway just some fun but damn. You, on hid lap, slooooowly removing your clothes while grinding against his hips?
Okay maybe he's not so patient actually.
He'll let you finish but as soon as you're done with the dance he's all over you, kissing you as if he's been starving for it for months, his hands caressing your body anywhere he can reach.
Don't try to play hard to get with him or he'll turn into a needy and whining mess I'm so serious. You promised him the reward for his patience after all.
dr. Ratio
lmao this man
I know a lot of people see him as a repressed virgin but I really don't think that's the case. MAYBE he's a virgin. But I he's not repulsed/embarrassed when it comes to the topic of sex or kinky stuff.
He is, however, a man with priorities. And right now his priority is to rate his students' homework.
So can you stop distracting him? You can't.
He scolds you and rolls his eyes when you laugh, trying to focus on the papers and not on the way your shirt slides down your shoulders. And differently not on the way you keep grinding against his hips. And surely not on the way you put your arms around his neck, whispering god knows what into his ear.
He could easily try to push you away if he wanted to. Don't point this out to him, he's aware.
It's so embarrassing to him because he knows he should focus but he just can't, not when you're doing this. And he needs to be fully focused if he wants to cure his students from "the persistent disease named ignorance". So dramatic and for what
Maybe if you remind him that body and mind need rest to function properly he'll relax just a bit.
Eventually his focus fully shifts to you, his hands, while not persistent, find their way to your hips, pulling you closer.
May or may not give come remarks about your technic.
Ask him to grade your performance and he actually will lol
"Zero points for your behavior" "Aw :(" "...but seven points for the technic and emotional involvement".
Now why the fuck it's only seven.
Now you just have to do it again. You know, to show your improvement.
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astrologanize · 2 months
pick a card : what can you do to ensure your blessings?❂
*please take a moment to take a deep breath and choose the image you are most drawn towards*
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———-for pile 1 ⊹
do you ever feel like a plastic bag-...no, nvm, but do you ever feel like you've been typecasted? like you have been pigeonholed into being something for so long and now you're just attached to this identity a lil too much? cuz i'm seeing someone who is living as though they're an elderly person who is too set in their ways. you are the classic case of your ego blocking your blessings!
the only way for you to ensure your blessings is to start paying closer attention & recognizing the uninspired patterns of behavior you possess because there is too much ego and too much stagnancy. you can experience the life you desire if you rework your expectations and realize that what you've been accepting as your life is really a path that requires minimal motivation from you - there is no zest! no lust for life! if you are dealing with any sort of depression or low mood i can understand the lack of motivation but i'm afraid you have to actively participate in your life in order for it to change.
once you begin to rework your expectations and become an active participant in your life you will be amazed by all that you attract. you could go from being a homebody to the life of the party, you could start attracting a bunch of different people, you could start attracting a lot of attention, especially romantic attention, and you'll finally start feeling free and able to see all the choices you have for yourself and your life. there are joyous times waiting for you! stop settling for the sake of ego, set aside your pride and choose life.
———-for pile 2 ⊹
if you know better then do better. although i am seeing you open to the world, it is not in a way that is conducive to attracting what you truly desire for yourself. you're someone who seems to be winging your way through life but you're not necessarily taking chances or risks, at least none that are major or worth much. it's kind of reminding me of 'good will hunting'...like you're this person who does have strong capabilities but you're not believing such or doing anything with them.
in order for you to ensure your blessings you need to start shaping yourself to be a well-defined person who understands their capabilities and decides to do something with them. time to work on your ability to be decisive! i do not think it will be a smooth ride for you in doing so because you will run into some temporary problems as you make the transition but you will finally be doing something different with your life.
an annoying adjustment period is standing between you and your blessings! but the blessings are lovely; your connections with others will surely improve as you come more into your own as a well-defined person and you're able to show up in the connections as such - you'll be receptive to them and they'll be receptive to you because you will have an improved relationship with boundaries. 'you're okay' wanted to come through for you <3 take some deep breaths and know that you are more capable than you think you are. also it's coming through that you guys should take more photos! whether that's of yourselves or with others or of your life.
———-for pile 3 ⊹
lol y'all are giving baby energy...if you're under the age of 22 then you being childish makes sense but if you're over the age of 22 then it's giving adultchild. you guys are killing the mood ngl, i'm seeing that you have the tendency to be pessimistic, creatures of habit, and lazy. no bueno. it's reminding me of water placements that refuse to get their shit together.
in order for you to ensure your blessings you need to stop wallowing in your emotions and allowing your emotions to control you, therapy may be a good option for you but ultimately you need to start learning how to properly share & confide your emotions. this does involve you also learning how to regulate your emotions and recognizing what you are actually feeling instead of it being an endless cluster of emotions and moods. sorry but ya gotta build some structure in your life!
this will be a tedious process because you're going to have to dish out some tough truths to yourself and point the finger to the mirror so you can get a grip on your life. how can the blessings come when you're choosing to stay under all your perceived misfortunes?
———-for pile 4 ⊹
i fear you are missing the fruits of life by focusing too heavily on your own ambitions. it's not a bad thing that you are someone who has pursuits of your own that you want to follow but when its to the point of neglecting connectivity with others then it is a problem. you get so caught up in thinking that life is going to pass you by & that you need to do all these things in order to attain happiness or a sense of achievement/fulfillment that you end up living a life based in fear & bulldozing your way through life.
in order for you to ensure your blessings you need to calm down and breathe and trust that good things are happening instead of getting in your extreme existential moods that cause nothing but issues and stress and create blockage. your existential crisis for your life is making you miss out on the people around you and chances to connect on a deeper level because you're so fixated on what you think you should/need to be doing for yourself.
taking a step back from your own vortex and quelling these fears will help you to become present in your life. you will be able to have heart to hearts with people, conversations that give you the chance to improve and further the emotional intimacy in your life. life will stop feeling like an uphill battle and you will no longer be chasing fulfillment but instead actually embracing it.
———-for pile 5 ⊹
you have resigned yourself to a supposed fate that is not meant for you. either you are living your life not on your terms & enduring things that truly do not resonate with you and/or you are hung up on what you thought your life would be like & won't stop beating that dead horse. it's seeming like you're a glutton for punishment at times and choose to dwell on shoulda woulda coulda's.
in order for you to ensure your blessings you gotta do some soul searching to figure out what actually does resonate with you because once you know that, whatever you put your mind to...you will be able to attain it with far greater ease than you know. start journaling, writing affirmations, writing down manifestations, the power of the mind and tongue is palpable for you. it's time to utilize your wits, speak your mind, express your thoughts! there is too much you are lamenting and not enough creation happening, which only furthers the feeling of you being stuck.
in doing this, you will be giving up something in your life...whether it be a path you're going down or a mindset that is not serving you, whatever it is...it will be a relief for you to no longer persist with something that has offered little to no benefit for you. a new realm will begin to form as you figure out your way of truth, no more shall you be a sitting duck refusing to surrender to the beautiful waves of life. believe in the life that is and is to come!!!!!!
———-for pile 6 ⊹
suffer in silence type, perhaps? i'm seeing that you have the tendency to have a major guard up, you stick to what you know, you hold yourself back due to your own fears, and the crown is befitting because you do feel the need to hold your head high. unfortunately this does not allow for energy to flow to you though!
in order for you to ensure your blessings you need to chip away at the walls you've built and start allowing yourself a bit of vulnerability. keeping your feelings to yourself and suffering in silence is creating blockages in many areas of your life because you're living from a place of fear and not honoring sentience. you cannot do everything on your own and there is no reward in trying to. it's time to ask & accept the help of others because you must learn to trust in others and be open to leaving the confinement of your own walls. be a lil helpless, as a treat. it's a wonderful feeling to give momentary reprieve by leaning on another, and it also gives the other person the opportunity to tap into their own humanity by assisting a fellow human.
you trying so hard to stand on your own is only making you shakier! if you allow for vulnerability you will begin to gather your bearings and life will be able to flow for you. even though you will be feeling not as independent as you were of course, your sense of security will drastically improve and you will start to be okay with the bouts of feeling unassured in yourself instead of forcing yourself to always be standing upright (which only leads to instability eventually).
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eveningrainstorm · 5 months
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my take on teenage raz and lili!
some design notes under the cut:
They're intended to be about 16 here! I didn't go for anything too drastic in terms of changes -- these are largely just what I'd consider natural evolutions of their canon designs
For Raz, my main focus besides just making him look older was to add a bit more resemblance to the other Aquatos in his design, since his relationship with them wouldn't be strained like it is during canon
Raz is shown with very straight hair in canon, but since most of his family's hair is more wavy or curly I tend to imagine he styles it that way on purpose as part of his Sasha Nein cosplay or whatever. He wouldn't still feel the need to do that at this point, though, so for this design I wanted to make it more curly, similar to Augustus or Frazie, while still similar to his canon style. This turned out to be incredibly difficult and I'm still not entirely happy with where I landed, but it's good enough
I didn't think he would still wear the helmet but I didn't want to discard it entirely, so the goggles were a compromise. I meant to give them some visible scratches and wear and tear since they're presumably the same goggles he's been wearing since he was 10, but I forgot. rip
Obviously the most notable change to Raz's outfit is the scarf -- I wanted something that would tie him visually to the other Aquatos while still fitting with his general look. I imagine they gave it to him as a gift, sort of an acknowledgement that even if he doesn't perform with them as an acrobat, doing his Psychonaut work is his own way of being an Aquato
Raz's outfit here is honestly very similar to his PN2 outfit. This is because in my eyes "long coat and turtleneck" is Peak Character Design and cannot be improved on. (Hence why I may not be the best person to redesign Raz.) He has an actual coat rather than just an oversized blazer this time though, so that's an improvement. With the turtleneck I was was vaguely intending for it to be color-wise something of a middle ground between the Sasha-style green striped turtleneck and the Aquato blue/green and white stripes, but it ended up basically just being the PN1 stripes with the PN2 color. which, you know, that works
I went back and forth on what their heights should be -- I thought it would be kind of funny if Raz ended up short and Lili ended up taller than him, but then I decided to just make them more in line with their families, with Raz being tall and lanky and Lili being average verging on short. Except then I accidentally made Lili tall anyway because I was only vaguely considering her height relative to Raz. I guess Lili's probably taller than her dad now? good for her ig
Most of their facial features are just slight variations of how they look in canon -- slightly smaller eyes and so on. the only real specific change is that Lili has a more defined nose now, similar in shape to her father's
Lili's outfit here is more different from either of her canon outfits than Raz's is, but there's still not much that really requires a ton of explanation. The goal was to make her look vaguely cool and fashionable, although as I am neither of those things I cannot guarantee I was successful
I tried a couple different hairstyles for Lili, and I'm still not entirely set on this one -- Originally what I settled on was to give her two braids, which I did like, but I kept doing sketches of her where I just drew the top part of the hair and was like "ngl this kind of works on its own" and so I ended up going with the short hair. I also briefly tried an asymmetrical haircut but I couldn't get it to look right. I think this one suits her though
Lili's tattoo (on her left wrist) was a later addition to the design, and even in the later stages of drawing this I wasn't sure whether to keep it. I like it conceptually I just haven't figured out a consistent design for it yet, only that it has to be of plants
god these notes got way longer than I meant them to be I am so sorry. Uh basically I'm still figuring out the details of these designs but for now here's Raz and Lili, they're teenagers now, thanks for reading
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adoringsuga · 1 year
— ruin our friendship.
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⭑ featuring. chigiri hyoma
⭑ content. fem!reader, chigiri gets jelly lol, kissing that gets a little heated so be warned, several isagi mentions (& cameo!) bc i love him, & cursing
⭑ word count. 2.3k
⭑ summary. chigiri hyoma, plain and simple, is your best friend in the whole wide world. your relationship is as uncomplicated as can be; yet, after you ask a presumably innocent question about a friend of his, something comes to light that changes everything...
⭑ notes. omg this is like my first post ever so…hello (≧∀≦)!! this is also like?!??! my first fanfic ever so... lollll... it's honestly so short so i didn't even know what to even write for the summary... anywho! hope u enjoy!! hopefully there will be more to come b/c super obsessed w blue lock rn ngl
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“Your hair is so soft,” you murmur mostly to yourself, fingers combing through soft, cherry-red strands, gently untangling any knots you come across with a care reserved solely for the boy currently resting his head in your lap.
Hyoma only hums appreciatively, hyper-focused on the TV in front of you two, sporadically tapping his fingers on your thigh when something of note occurs on the screen. He had turned on some old football game of his when he had invaded your apartment—unannounced, you may add,—around an hour ago. And, before you could utter a single word of complaint about his choice of entertainment, he quickly began haughtily sprouting some bullshit about having to study his old match so he could be aware of what to improve on to better his techniques and what a shame it would be if his team were to lose because someone was to interfere with his review.
Personally, you think he only said that so you wouldn’t change it to this new movie—or, ‘the overly sweet and annoying chick flick’ as Chigiri has lovingly dubbed it—you’ve been dying to watch for weeks now.
Asshole Hyoma, you think a little bitterly, It’s your apartment, you should be able to choose what you can watch or not.
(But, as your eyes flicker to the intense concentration alit on his face, the way he scrutinizes every move, every pass, every shot with an acute focus you find weirdly endearing [and oddly attractive, to your growing horror], you can’t help but think maybe this is fine for now. Maybe.
Maybe football isn’t too bad, you muse, actively ignoring the infinitesimal flush that rises to your cheeks.)
Bored of simply threading your fingers through his strands, you begin to separate his hair into chunks, intertwining the strands once you’ve deemed you’ve parted the hair neatly enough for a loose braid.
You’ve always thought that Hyoma’s hair was inexplicably beautiful, much like the rest of him. Delicate features combined with a lithe yet toned body made him increasingly popular with the female and male demographic of soccer fans (and non-fans as well), especially as his popularity grew and grew with each match he was featured in.
You, simply, admired his beauty for what it was: graceful and elegant, never perceiving him in the lustful light most fans of his had taken to since his debut, (although you would be lying if you said a part of hadn’t slowly begun to see him in a light less than platonic since the start of the year or so).
(These feelings, truthfully, make you want to crawl into a hole and die).
Shaken from your train of thought when a loud cheer erupts from the speakers, your eyes flit up at the TV briefly, blinking in surprise when someone of note catches your eye. You can’t help but gape, fingers stilling from your steadfast braiding as you let out a low whistle, gaze fixed upon the TV.
Even though it makes your heart pang painfully in your chest, you know Hyoma will never see you the way you see him, so, you might as well try and get over him now.
And, without a doubt, you think that the forward on your TV can definitely help with that.
“Whoa,” you mutter, in genuine awe at the gorgeous boy on screen. “Hey, hey, Chigirin,” your words are coupled with a few pokes to his cheek, and he turns his head slightly to look up at you once you’ve finished your ministrations, letting out an inquisitive hum with a raised eyebrow.
“Who’s that?” you question as soon as he peers up at you, pointing at the midnight-haired boy with glimmering deep blue eyes on the TV, eyes gleaming with interest.
“… Why.” Is all he simply says once he sees who it is, voice carefully level and gaze clouded with something you can’t quite place.
“Because he’s cute,” you answer, immediate and truthful, with an almost ariose cadence to your words. You pause for a moment, intently studying the midnight-haired boy, who, at the moment, is currently celebrating a vivacious goal when it all suddenly clicks. “Hey, wait, isn’t that Isagi-san? And aren’t you playing his team next week? Do you think you can get me his number?”
(Embarrassingly, a part you blindly hopes that Hyoma will say say no, so you can overanalyze the meaning behind such an act and further fuel your delusions that Hyoma was definitely into you just as you were to him.
And, hey, who can blame you? Getting over a guy like Hyoma is an agonizing endeavor, so sue you for trying to enjoy your delusions for a bit more before it all comes crashing down and you’re once again stuck in the role of his supportive best friend.
Forced to be something you wished you weren’t. His best friend. Only his best friend.)
Hyoma abruptly sits up from your lap, and you let out a little yelp at the suddenness of it, eyebrows furrowed. His curtain of hair hides his face from your puzzled gaze, and you tilt your head a millimeter to the right, curious.
(The strands of hair you had been braiding loosen at the movement, and eventually unravel unceremoniously after a second passes.
You’re slightly dismayed at the fact.)
Suddenly, a chill runs down your spine, and, for some inane reason, you feel as though you’ve fucked up.
“U-uhm, Chigirin,” you begin awkwardly, suddenly frantic to fill the uneasy, growing hush because truthfully, Hyoma’s unexplainable silence is really starting to weird you out. You’re about to sprout some bullshit about something your statistics professor said the other day, when, all of sudden, you’re on your back, the air knocked out of your lungs and mouth agape in shock.
Pink eyes simply stare down at you, unblinking and almost bored.
“H-Hyoma…?” you manage to stutter out after a long moment, face impossibly red as the boy in question leans over you, the heat of his breath ghosting over your lips. You lay limp, hyper-aware of the fact that even if you did want to move, you wouldn’t be able to as your wrists are being held securely in place by one of Hyoma’s hands. You vaguely wonder if it’s bad that this mere fact gives you butterflies.
(You never use his given name, and Hyoma feels a sick sense of satisfaction curl in his belly at the melodic chime of it.)
You’re warm all over, yet Hyoma seems entirely unphased; even though if he were to only move a mere inch or two, your lips would surely touch.
The thought causes something to thrum in your stomach, makes it tighten in apt anticipation and your breath catch in your throat. I can’t do this, you think, nearly hysteric. It’s all too much, and you turn your face to the side, unable to meet his piercing gaze any longer lest you confess to something you know you’ll regret immediately. Though, with the movement, your gaze somehow catches the TV once more, and there, in all his spectacular glory, is Isagi Yoichi, grinning handsomely with navy blue eyes burning with unabashed determination, calculating and undeniably resolute.
His focused gaze is locked right onto the camera, and his eyes bore intensely into yours as if you’re right there in front of him, as if he could plainly reach out and touch you.
(Oh goodness. Your delusions are growing worse and worse by the day.)
Hyoma growls, seemingly aware of what has currently captured your attention, and purses his lips as though he has just eaten something rotten.
“Don’t look at him.” He demands suddenly, using his thumb and forefinger to gently yet firmly hold your chin, tilting it in a way that ensures your gaze is set on him and only him. “Don’t look at Isagi. Don’t look at anyone else. Look at me.”
“I… what? Hyoma… What do you… ?”
“Can’t you see?” he snaps, almost furious. “I’m in love with you. I have been since I met you. I was fine not saying anything before, but I refuse to lose you to Isagi too.”
Your heart stops. Everything simply stops. Have you been in an accident? And is this simply your unconscious mind attempting to soothe you with what you’ve always dreamed of most? But it can’t be, because you can feel the searing warmth that permeates from his skin, can count every eyelash and every light, scattered freckle, can smell the addicting cologne you mentioned liking to him offhandedly months ago because a guy in your class was wearing it, and so many other things that disproves your accident theory fully.
This is real. This is happening.
Chigiri Hyoma is in love with you?
“You’re in love with me?” you echo in disbelief and rose buds bloom on the crests of Hyoma’s cheeks as he nods adamantly, the hand grasping your chin drifting up to cup your cheek instead.
Somehow, it’s that second, silent confirmation that truly affirms it for you.
Chigiri Hyoma, the perpetual thorn in your side and your best friend in the whole wide world, is in love with you.
Your heart leaps, before it swells. Chigiri Hyoma is in love with you, and he says it as though it is an undeniable fact.
Chigiri Hyoma is in love with you. He’s in love with you.
You feel dizzy at the news, everything fuzzy and muddled except for Hyoma himself, who looks to be growing increasingly nervous and tense with each passing second of silence from yourself.
I should probably say something, you think in a haze.
But, you can’t think of anything that could adequately describe the emotions you’re feeling at the moment, so you simply lift your head and softly graze your lips with his, taking in shocked, pink eyes before crashing your lips together fully. Hyoma makes a small noise of surprise, before melting into it, letting go of your wrists and instead taking your face tenderly with calloused hands, rough against petal-soft skin.
He’s practically on top of you now, but you can’t find it in yourself to care- using your newly freed hands to run your fingers through his hair, to grasp at his face, his waist, and anywhere else you can reach.
It’s not the best kiss, per se- your teeth knock together more than once in a way that causes a dull ache, and mortifying sounds keep escaping your mouth at the most inopportune moments, but God, you don’t think you’ll ever get a kiss like this again.
Regrettably, you pull away after a few more glorious moments, Hyoma chasing after your lips before settling to simply press chaste kisses at the corners of your mouth instead. He trails down after a moment, beginning to nip lightly at the soft skin of your neck, insistent yet gentle as his teeth graze your pulse ever so slightly. You whine at the feeling, almost panting as you weakly push his head away as warmth blossoms under your ribs, settling in your stomach and wisping through your limbs in a hum.
He nips once, twice, before lifting his head, albeit begrudgingly, finally allowing you the chance to suck in a breath of sweet oxygen through parted lips.
As you catch your breath, you hazily gaze up at a red-faced Hyoma, his lips rosy and swollen from pressure and eyes blown and glassy. Embarrassingly, the sight causes your chest to clench with something akin to desire, and you nibble at your kiss-bitten lips in an attempt to keep those feelings at bay, if for the time being.
A beat passes.
“I love you too,” you admit airly as soon as the heat in your cheeks and the rapid beating of your heart calms down to a somewhat manageable level, and Hyoma simply laughs, eyes glimmering with adoration.
“I think I garnered that,” he grins, before capturing your lips once more, cradling your face as though you’re the most important thing to him in the entire world.
(“Hey. Isagi.” Yoichi turns at the call of his name, perking up slightly at the sight of familiar cherry-red hair tied loosely in a bun and long lashes. Putting down the small trinket he had been toying with, he opens his mouth, eager to greet Chigiri back when the other is suddenly right in front of him. Yoichi blinks, grinning openly before Chigiri abruptly takes and wrenches a large chunk of his hair harshly between thin fingers.
“Ow!” he hisses immediately, scalp throbbing hotly and already aching like a motherfucker. He’s surely going to have a headache later, and that realization, alongside the whole, you know, hair-yanking thing, puts a damper on his mood. “What was that for?” he exclaims, incredulous, angrily rubbing at the spot Chigiri had pulled with an ire Yoichi prays he’ll never experience again.
“For my girlfriend,” Chigiri states matter-of-factly, patting Yoichi on the head lightly and demeaningly as though he didn’t just violently violate his poor scalp. He gives no time for the older to respond, already swiftly turning from Yoichi and beginning to walk away, but not before brazenly declaring, “Oh. And we’re beating you too, so be ready for that.”
“Girlfriend? What the hell did I do to your girlfriend?” Yoichi sputters, blatantly ignoring Chigiri’s last statement and decidedly shelving it for a later discussion because what the fuck? What did he do to deserve to have his hair pulled again?
[What is with him and getting his hair pulled, genuinely? Do people just see him and instantly think, ‘Oh yes, he looks like he likes to get his hair pulled’?
For the record, he does not. He really does not, from the bottom of his heart.]
Chigiri simply laughs, the honeyed glow of the sun catching in his hair and making it burn a fiery red, and Isagi can only watch the other boy strolls away, left cluelessly standing with a stinging scalp and widened eyes.
“... Wait. Chigiri-san has a girlfriend?”)
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cramathonn · 14 days
Thoughts on Jane and Seth as a couple? And fun headcanons about them if you have any?
Ohoho, heck YEAAAH
I love Jane x Seth, they're so cute
Teasing dom woman and dense af submissive and pure man who she can ABSOLUTELY suplex (he'd let her but not without a fight, would so consider it training)
But like, I had a thought before this one and it was just
"Tom and Jerry but make them humans and Jerry is trans and a dominatrix" – My brain about Jane x Seth
And headcanons about them? Hmm, I think Jane would have a hard time spending time with Seth due to her missions and all, but she would try to make time, absolutely.
Seth would SOOO try to get her to come to his family time weekends. I mean, that's his gf, she's family now so like, family weekends with parents AND hot gf? Sign him up!!!
Seth is also the shyest boyo in the planet. Don't het me wrong, he IS dense as fuck, but once he gets the hint? Oh, he's blushing, oh he's hiding behind his tail and turning around to Jane cannot see his face (she loves seeing him all flushed and shy, that's her recharger, your honor)
I also can see them having sparring dates and training dates. Seth is a very hardworking individual and constantly tries to improve his physical capabilities. Considering that Jane EASILY bested him in their first encounter, he'd obviously want to constantly spar with her like, PLEAAAASE TEACH HIM HOW TO BE NIMBLE ON HIS FEET HE IS BEGGING
NSFW headcanons ahead! So if you're a Minor, please stop here!
Jane if VERY naughty. Like, have you SEEN her trailers??? That woman is the incarnation of Aphrodite AND Dionysus combines (aka she's the incarnation of SEX). So like, she will absolutely go down on Seth. Also, T4T Jane x Seth anyone?
But like, since so many ppl see Jane and Seth as Tom and Jerry, may I offer you transfem Jane, the queen of tucking? Like, Seth had NOOO idea she was trans and when he found out he just found her like, 10x hotter.
Like, imagine your girlfriend, who you know is strong af and sooo fucking cunning, finally tells you she is trans and you just "Omfg my girlfrend is so fucking strong and determined and beautiful and she has such a huge di-"
Seth is a virgin, I'm sorry but that SHOULD be common knowledge between all in the fandom. Like, bro has NO game due to how dense and blunt he is. While Jane has THE game, like, even Belle said she had rizz for fuck's sake! That woman is bisexual hazard in a way that she CAUSES the hazard and is, most possibly, a lot of people's bi awakenings (I just know some poor straight woman is looking at her going like "Wtf, why is she so pretty holy shit I wanna date her" and having to stop and rethink their entire history with sexual and/or romantic attraction)
Either way, Seth is prideful but not in an arrogant way, so I'm having a hard time deciding if he would vehemently deny that he's a virgin or if he would just... Say it. NO WAIT, BETTER OUTCOME. Jane is making out with him and he's so nervous and he has a boner (or his pussy is wet, live your headcanons to the fullest!) and Jane teases him about it and he's so so anxious and nervous and shy and gosh she catches on that it's his first time so quickly and she asks him about it and I can just SEE his ears pressing against his head in shame and him slowly nodding without making eye contact....
Soft first time. Jane is SO caring with him for his first time. Ngl, they probably continue to go soft for the first couple of times before Seth is comfortable with experiencing... But I feel like he would be very vanilla even after experimenting (is also very traditional with the "sex is supposed to be romantic" thought and that almost fucks up his first time until Jane calmed him down through it and just... Told him it doesn't need to be romantic and it can just be a fun and enjoyable activity)
Either way, Jane is kinky af, she was a dominatrix once and you CANNOT take that away from me. She revels when Seth lets her go rough on him and she's like, the queen of aftercare, change my mind
Very healthy couple who respects each other's boundaries. She knows she has to be blunt and very literal with Seth so that he can get things and he kinda appreciates it, since it's not always that people understand his problem with getting social clues or context hints. He hated it at the beginning, thinking Jane was babying him, but he quickly understood that he wouldn't be able to understand her boundaries as well of she didn't do that, so he talked to her that day and thanked her PROFUSELY (they ended up cuddling in bed after that)
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readbyred · 2 years
i've been looking for someone who writes for Tangled the Series for a while and i'm oh so glad that i found your blog! so...if you're still up to write for Varian...i don't know if you know who Nilou from Genshin is, esentially she's a dancer (i think persian style dancing specifically) so...may i request some headcanons for Varian with a fem!reader who's like Nilou, a really delicate and elegant dancer who's also a sweetheart off-stage? sorry if this request it's a bit too specific though
I’m glad you like my blog! To be fair, i have no idea about anything genshin related, but this is what we have Google for
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As soon as he sees you perform he gets a tiny puppy crush on you
He notes how elegantly you move and how deliberate all your movements are
Still, he’s not head over hills for you just yet, not until he properly meets you
Because imo it’s kind of clear that he catches feelings for people that are just nice to him
Like, if you are decent and polite he will think you are the one
And you are a total sweetheart
Ngl he will be overwhelming the first few times you meet but he has good intentions
After he grows on you (it’s not hard, he’s kind and cute, just very… intense in his feelings) the path to a relationship is not a log one
You’re the gentle, sweet soul he needs
Makes you so many gifts that could help you with your art (not that you need to improve it, but if you want to try something new he’s all in)
Constant jokes that Ruddiger likes you more (he does)
Brings you snacks after practice
Every time you show your skills in front of people, he reiterated to everyone that you are his girlfriend his awesome super talented girlfriend
When he gets too intense about something you help get him to think clearly
This goes to every type of fem!reader tbh but he definitely calls you M’lady
It’s a threat or a promise, you choose
If you ever agreed to be his assistant in lab or during science shows he’s be ELATED
You work well in the setting too, since you are so agile and careful
And even if people don’t take kindly to his inventions, you’re always there to provide comfort and support
You just care for each other so damn much is so sweet
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utilitycaster · 3 months
Hi! I'm soon (finally!) starting a Netherdeep campaign with my lovely friends. This is my second time DMing, but character work is not my strong suit. Any suggestions as a fellow Netherdeep DM for preparing how to roleplay the rivals? I thought of writing out fanfic style how they (the rivals) would adventure through the module, and writing out dialogue/party banter to get a feel for them, but I'd love to hear from you as a more seasoned DM on how you approach this kind of challenge. Thanks for your time!
I hesitate to say character work is MY strong suit either but I do think about the rivals a lot! so:
Read through the full adventure if you haven't as it does cover the rivals' arcs. I will warn you that my main criticism of Netherdeep is that there's a few assumptions it makes regarding what you and what the rivals will do, especially in Bazzoxan and in choosing factions in Ank'Harel. [btw: I did not have the rivals ally with Consortium of the Vermillion Dream despite my party allying with the Cobalt Soul because frankly based on how Bazzoxan went down it made no sense, and I'm happy to talk through how I've set them up with the Allegiance of Allsight. I think if your party chooses the Allegiance of Allsight it might be trickier due to the nature of the Cobalt Soul and the arcs of the rivals; you may want to have them join the Vermillion Dream with a goal of infiltration.] So while I think you should maintain the emotional arcs, you need to be flexible regarding the exact factors involved.
I think the book does cover what interests and drives the rivals, and that's very helpful. Honestly, the most basic advice of "know overall what this character is running from and what they are running to, and also what they want and fear in the short term" is pretty much how I play NPCs. This is also way easier than writing fanfic.
With that said: if you do want to write out their side of the story I think that's great - essentially, yeah, I do at least vaguely have a sense of what's going on for them and if making it more concrete will help you, go for it. My only warning is don't go ahead because they will be shaped by how your players interact with them - I expected my players to be super into Ayo and Dermot, and instead we've had a LOT of Maggie and some important Irvan stuff (my fighter has some really interesting parallels with both of them) and some fun Galsariad drama too (because we also have a snobby wizard in the party). Also, real talk, if someone does a rivals POV fic for a full netherdeep campaign in this manner I would 100% read that.
I don't know how helpful this is. I will admit I have a bit of a Spenser Starke problem in that like...while GM-ing while I do not per se black out it's kind of just pure improv instinct and vibes for how characters react. I am also ngl a little bit lazy and drunk off the power of the module being already written so I'm like "oh i don't need to prepare as extensively? GREAT."
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amber-jinx · 7 months
Hi, it’s me again (:
What was your favorite character traits about Rachel Amber?
Hey! Happy to see you and boy what a great question, thank you! Loaded answer ahead; TLDR, see the good in Rachel Amber.
Rachel's many things. Pretty, hot, charming, stylish, not to mention her lovely voice, these physical traits are already a great start for many. Then you have functional traits-- ambidextrous (can I just say that's hella cool, omg I want that too), social genius/people skills, straight As student, drama queen, masked with a layer of mystery, many people would've already fallen for her, in-game and out, me being one of them when I first got to know her as a character (so pretty much those were my fav traits of her).
But if we strip her physical beauty down and shove aside her fascinating skillset, who is she really? We may never know 100%, but some character traits can still be found.
Here are some of my favourite (&underrated) Yangs to Rachel Amber's sides. aka why Rachel Amber should get more love & less hate from the fandom
Ofc there are exceptions, but those are not relevant in this post; assumptions & headcannons are added
1. A good heart
Kindness to me will always be one of the most important character traits to have for anyone. With all that powerhouse of a Rachel Amber can accomplish, she chooses to use them with kindness.
With her social skills she chooses to lift people up, saving Hayden from a quickly-escalating scolding from Mr Keaton in ep 1, asking Chloe in a nuanced way if she's "taking (getting kicked outta Blackwell) this a little too well", kinda guiding her independent thinking rather than directly telling her what's right or wrong. (There'd be constructive criticism between Chloe & Rachel, which I stan in a relationship/friendship.)
With her intelligence she tutors Justin & helped him improve his algebra from an F to a C I believe? That's pretty impressive, ngl
with her ambidexterity.. idk, she makes Chloe happy :> (yes i'm totally referring to doing graffiti with her left hand on Chloe's insistence *cough*)
This is why I'm inclined to believe that tornado was not Rachel's revenge. She'd never choose to put Chloe, her parents, her friends, at risk; if she wanted revenge she could've killed the men w her powers. Sure you can say some of these might be her trying to live up to her DA father / principal assistant's duties, but at least she chose to do them. She could very well be a kid who doesn't give a damn or fluff through some of these things that requires time & effort.
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2. Sees the good in others!
One of the most underrated Rachel Amber traits imo. This girl literally has a reputation of "her friends are her friends", and does not discriminate in terms of friendship/who she hangs out with. She picked Chloe up from her lowest (saw her & praised her for backtalking the biker, defending Nathan, & "you're more of a hero than you think you realise", when Chloe didn't take Drew's money). Rachel stuck with Chloe when no one else did (puts up with her sh*t, which ofc Chloe does the same), literally chose Chloe to share her uncertain future outside Arcadia, did not take her chance to leave when she could in those 3 years, most likely cuz she wanted to leave with Chlo. She also hung out with Nathan (& Chloe when so many wouldn't), saw the good in Frank (yes. same as Nathan & Chloe his reputation is far from great and despite the unhealthiness of this relationship, she at the very least cared for the guy, & saw the humanity inside him), & very sadly fell for the portrayed "gone through some serious shit" act by Jeffers*n, all these showing her being an empathetic & sympathetic person.
I'll add non-judgemental as well, cuz it's why she's able to get along with so many people so well. Like what her VA Kylie Brown says in an interview, whoever you are, Rachel'd be like "hey you're a pretty cool person, let's talk!" It's inspiring. I love that about her. Gotta have more Rachels in the world.
3. Ambitious. Puts in the hard work. Persistent.
"One day, I'm gonna climb Mt Everst." says a 15 year old Rachel in Bts, who has posters of travelling in Asia (the green poster has Chinese words saying "go travel in China", amongst others), already speaks about her courage & ambition. And of course, leaving Arcadia with no one but Chloe for a better life. Yes you can say it's reckless, because it's a big idea for a teenager, but she didn't just give up on it. It stuck with her, and she worked hard for it. Doing photoshoots to get modelling jobs, maintaining her 4.0 GPA, finding opportunities to leave... she did those for 5 years. And in the comics universe, they made it out! Now they're over 22yos with an LA apartment, Rachel's in modelling gigs with her acting career kicking off... what could've been for game Rachel. (oh the things I'd do for Bts' ending to be Max appearing in the nick of time instead of that damn vibrating phone!) Also I wonder if in some universes, like the wheelchair Chloe one, a missing Rachel could mean she actually made it out without others knowing, instead of the darker end.
4. Caring & thoughtful & protective & passionate partner/friend/lover!
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She listens to Chloe's problems (therapy session), she gives Chloe nice clothes to wear within the few days they'd met (what financially challenged Chloe needed, & in a way that wasn't awkward for Chloe), she sends post cards to Chloe while she's away (she thinks about her often), & "don't f****ing touch her". Passionate lover, I mean.. the way she kissed Chloe under that lamp (with high intimacy of course) is good enough an example. Chloe's the romantic one in my head. Rachel, the passionate.
*the way she puts her hand on C's shoulder after wiping her tears, OmO*
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So far these are the character traits I can think of, and your question helped draw out Rachel's positive sides that are too under-recognised. Thanks again! :)
These links helped me understand Rachel & Amberprice better, here for people's reference:
Because I choose to see the good in Rachel, I'm her defender through and through. Join me, if you can.
Edit: damn I literally wrote an essay, maybe 1 day there'd be a video!
This pain wouldn't be for Evermore.
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trolagygirl2022 · 10 months
would you ever think about making a reading on the riize member about if they are good personal in general or they are all a mess like seunghan
cause I have trust issues but now it’s even worse
A reading on the RIIZE members
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(remember that tarot shouldn't be taken literally)
Sohee: The Hierophant rev, 6 of Pentacles rev, Judgement, The Star rev, King of Pentacles rev 10 of Pentacles rev, King of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, The High Priestess.
I wonder if he has any aquarius placements this guy gives off "chosen one" type of vibes. Again he's meant to break this line of poverty in his family. He's focused on getting money but he can also be quite unstable. Idk if he's a messy person or. He's stubborn attimes and really likes his stability (Taurus placements??). He has been unlucky in the past and he's really focused on building a name for himself. Seems he owes a lot of debts or something. He's more guarded and maybe could be into spirituality?
Eunseok: Page of Swords, Knight of Swords, 2 of Swords, 2 of Pentacles rev, 2 of Wands rev, 7 of Swords, 10 of Cups, 4 of Cups, 3 of Wands rev, The Empress.
Does this guy have a lot of air in his chart? He's rlly chronically online is what I'm getting 💀. This one is pretty fake and a liar. Does he speak multiple languages? I'm picking up that this guy doesn't like change. He's pretty stubborn and likes things going "like they used to". He has problems balancing himself, he overthinks alot. He is quite traditional and places a lot of importance on "honor". He is though, quite creative.
Wonbin: The Sun, 8 of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, 7 of Wands, 3 of Cups, The Tower rev, 10 of Swords rev, Hermit rev, Justice, 2 of Cups rev, Knight of Pentacles rev, 10 of Wands.
This guy really drained my energy. He will do anything and I mean ANYTHING to get to the top. He's the type of person to forge connections and he has the skills and looks to get what he wants. Whatever he puts his mind to do he can get it. He has some childish energy and is very stubborn/ He hates when things don't go his way. He is quite social/can get out of his comfort zone easily and he cares for his job.
Anton: 10 of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, The fool, King of Wands, King of Cups, The Star, Ace of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, The Magician.
Is this the nepo baby? Anyways his energy is actually quite peaceful. He is really passionate about music. Being a celebrity is something he really wanted and he is very creative. He has a lot of ideas and genuinely loves music. He's grounded and cares a lot about his financial stability and I'm sensing parental figures around him with money.
Shotaro: The Lovers, 8 of Wands, The Hermit, 8 of Pentacles, The Tower, 10 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles, 4 of Wands, 2 of Cups.
This one I'm getting is a great dancer and he is always seeking to improve. He's more reserved and he seems like quite a romantic. He has either been in a lot of relationships or seeks to be in one. He likes when things are balanced. He also cares about money. This one seems a bit unpredictable and can change people for the better or the worst. If he has been in a relationship he's coming as rlly toxic sorry but the cards have spoken...
Sungchan: 5 of Pentacles rev, 6 of Pentacles rev, The devil, 4 of pentacles, The Chariot, The Moon, Hermit, 8 of Wands, Page of Cups rev, 4 of Swords rev.
I don't like this one. He's very secretive and hidden and honestly should stay that way. He's quite a toxic one! He seems kinda anti-social and awkward. He may be passionate about dancing. He is someone that is ambitious and has drive yes but he's quite anxious. He hides his emotions and kinda seems like a player ngl.
Seunghan: 2 of Wands, Page of Swords, 4 of Wands, The Sun rev, Knight of Pentacles, Tower rev, 8 of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Cups 10 of Swords.
This guy has a lot of fiery energy in him. He's quite arrogant and childish. He has an ego and damn who hurt this guy?? Or he has been hurt. Idk how he does it but he has a lot of luck with the ladies. He is quite ambitious and will work hard. It's just that he's very impulsive ngl.
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apollos-olives · 9 months
I'm trying to learn arabic and one of the methods that I've heard works well is engaging in media for target languages. Do tou have any like music or movies or shows you'd recommend?
if you're learning arabic i recommend learning traditional arabic first, before learning specific dialects. cuz like if you learn iraqi dialect and try to talk to me, a palestinian, i'mma be a little lost ngl 😭😭
it's kinda silly but i recommend watching arabic dubbed cartoons!! the arabic cartoon network and other channels use traditional arabic when speaking, and it's really great to listen and learn how traditional arabic is spoken. watching cartoons as i grew up was how i learned to speak, and it helped me broaden my vocabulary. watching shows like the amazing world of gumball, powerpuff girls, etc etc that are dubbed in arabic WILL help you, genuinely. if you find any arabic dub of a show that you like then go ahead and watch it!! i've been trying to find an arabic dub of star wars rebels for months now but i think finding arabic dubs of shows is kinda hard, so i suggest you do some research and find out what shows have dubs or not!
as for music, i recommend looking at the lyrics while you listen. try to read the words as they're coming, even if you don't understand them. if you can properly point out which words go where in the sequence of the lyrics as you're listening, your reading comprehension will improve a lot. try listening to the classics, older arabic and stuff too. the newer stuff has a lot of accents and cultural stuff that you may not understand. listening to older songs is a good starting point.
once you've got a solid handle on arabic, then i'd suggest watching live action shows and movies. whichever dialect you think is most comfortable for you to listen to, pick a show with that one. for some reason a lot of mainstream arabic shows are egyptian, and they have a specific accent that might be a lil confusing to newer speakers, but whatever. just find whatever you're comfortable with and stick with it. i don't have any specific live action arabic shows that i like, just bc i don't watch them bc they're too dramatic for me.
but i hope this helps!
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catartac · 1 month
When i was younger and my brother still lived with us i would sometimes go to him asking for piano improvisations based on different themes i would give him. Often times this would be based on my OCs or scenes from my "story i will someday totally write but for now daydream about and monologue to my siblings". It was nice to sit back, eyes closed, imagining the action with my own background original soundtrack. He was pretty good at it too.
He was the first one to leave home as he went to uni, and he was the only one to never really come back to live with my parents at any point. He was never really the easiest to communicate with and being away didn't make things much smoother.
However, every year, on our birthdays, we will compose songs for us. He knows what we like, so he always crafts them based on our preferences. He knows I'm a sucker for a repeating melody, for violin and piano sounding sounds, he knows I dream of vocals and man he's come close. My sister is all about rhythm and a bit more electronic. One year we collaborated and I made a moving backdrop to his song for her (which also included audio from Kermit the frog in the background... it kinda worked ngl).
He's been working on a game for some time (you know, if being a talented mathemagician and musician wasn't enough) and even though we are definitely not the target audience (it's a rythm game and man i suck at anything that requires reflexes) he kept asking us for feedback every step of the way. He made it very clear that even though the game has a very high skill ceiling he wants to make sure "even mum can play it".
For context, my mum is first adorable and also she's an og gamer. As in, she got carpal tunnel from playing too much tetris when she was younger. Now she loves playing overcooked and animal crossing with us but she get a bit overwhelmed with more complex games (she's just like me frfr).
It came out today! I bought it (he did offer me a key but I kinda couldn't be bothered and also he was one of the first people to but from my Redbubble so i gotta do what i gotta do). I started playing it. Immediately changed my settings to four keys maximum because i was honest with myself. Actually, that's a lie, the first thing i did was change the colours because that's the kind of person i am. Started playing, really loved the first song, quickly realised another one was waaaay out my league, liked another one. Tell my bro, he says "oh you should also check out Bi Katuak, I think it's your birthday song" I check it out, love it but doesn't ring that much of a bell but now that I am on the second page i see it
La Danza del Fenix
Immediately i am transported back, i imagine Amanda, the character, riddled by anxiety and regret, that i then thought i related to the least but have since then came to realise portrayed very accurate parts of me, dancing surrounded by fire in a joyous way for the first time, the freedom, how her daughter will dance at a ball carefree and excited on what will be the real proof that war and tragedy is over
My brother only gives side hugs and half smiles
It's an easy song. With a lovely repeating melody that makes me want to dance around as I play it even if that makes me make mistakes. You're not penalised for mistakes, you can only see your records get higher. The songs never end unless you want them to, and yet they don't loop in any obvious way (something to do with the algorhythm he kept trying to explain but I kind of gave up understanding at some point.
This game may be for you if you like music, rhythm games, or just videogames in general. Though in a way I am sure it will never be for you in the way it was made for me.
It's called EnternAlgoRythm Give it a shot! There is pretty much nothing you can't customise in terms of gameplay and cosmetics and if there's anything you notice you can tell him and he'll do his very best to fix it or improve it. There are plenty of songs for any skill level (some i dare not even touch) and the songs are named in different languages based on the countries we have lived in/had influence from. My favourites are the aforementioned Danza del Fenix, Bi Katuak (defs also made for me, it's an easy cat themed song), Violet Voyage, and Ingranaggi Striscianti.
TLDR: im very emotional pls go play my brother's game
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habshihalwa · 2 years
Surviving GCSES: The Ultimate Guide
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NB; some 'specific subjects' may not be included
- revision should be 'little and often' - meaning you should be revising a few hours every week, whether it's recapping the material, quizzing yourself, or doing homework. By doing little and often revision, it's more likely to become embedded in your long term memory
- if you cram the day before an exam, do effective cramming. Use this time to go over anything you don't know or understand. Blurting is a good method to use- try reading a page or a topic and writing down as much as you can remember from it. Fill in the gaps and identify your weak spots
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ACTIVE RECALL should be the main way you revise. It's forcing your brain to actively remember what it can about what you've learned, bringing it to the front of your memory
- blurting: blurting is a great way for you to find out what you know and what you don't. Write down as much as you can remember, and fill in the bits you can't with a different colour. You can repeat the process until it's embedded in your memory and until you're confident that you know everything you need to know
- flashcards: when writing flashcards, do NOT just copy notes onto there. Write questions on one side, and answers on the other then use it to quiz yourself. ALTERNATIVELY for memorising quotes, you could also write half of it on one side and half on the other. You could also write notes on one side and questions on the other, so you have to look in the text to find the answers
- past papers: I cannot stress this enough. Once you've revised and learned everything you think you've learned, test yourself by doing past papers. Research has shown that the top students do more past papers and questions than anyone else. Mark these yourself using the mark scheme so you can identify where you went wrong and how to improve it. Pay extra attention to the mark scheme so in an exam you can quit the waffle and identify where your marks are at
- pretend to 'teach' the content to someone younger or dumber than you. Try and explain it the best you can in simple words - this shows you understand it enough
- there are LOADS of videos out there about how to revise- watch them and use them!
- sleep: sleep is also a revision technique after you've learnt something, as sleeping gives your brain time to process the information and store it in your memory. but only sleep AFTER you've revised a bit
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- teachers are your best tool. Use them
- teachers know what they're doing, and are specialised in their subject for a REASON
- request revision materials,
- if you don't understand anything, simply ask. That's what they're there for. At the end of the day, your grades are gonna matter more than the time you bothered them
- listen in lessons!!! This is so important and many people don't realise. Pay attention in lessons like you're listening to the latest gossip or hot celeb talk or whatever you're into. Give it 110% and actively participate. It won't be embarrassing when you get those good grades.
Here are some websites I like to use that are FREE and I use constantly to aid me with revision
• Quizlet
• anki
• StudySmarter
• seneca
• tassomai
• gcsepod
• hegarty maths
• Corbett maths
• maths genie
• YouTube and tiktok (they have some good shi on there ngl)
• Duolingo
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practice papers and questions. Memorise formulas and how to use them. Just keep doing practice questions. If you like puzzles and games, you like maths- think of it as another piece to solve, and like a game. At the end of the day, maths it's just problem solving. There's only one right answer.
blurting, mind-maps, flashcards to learn quotes. Look at the AOs to figure out where your marks are, and try and do as much work as you can because at the end of the day, over the year or two years your classwork is gonna be what you've done the most. Plan essays and write them. Talk to your teachers about where to improve and where you've gone wrong. Read more to help with developing your language and writing style. Try writing something unrelated to school- maybe a story, a poem, a speech. Repeat it to help develop what you're doing. English lit is just memorising quotes and explains them- don't overthink it. Make sure you know your text back to front and know how to answer questions. Write practice essays and get your teachers to mark them, and later ask them to explain what you can do to get more marks. Especially in gcse, these examiners are marking abt 50-100 essays. What makes YOURS stand out. Why do YOU deserve that grade amongst everyone? YouTubers I like to use include Mr Bruff, Mr Salles, Mr Everything English
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it depends on how you like revising. I like copying out my notes and making my mind-maps, and then using flashcards to help memorise quotes. Answer practice questions regularly and ask your teacher about the mark scheme and HOW to answer questions if you're struggling. Think of it as learning about yourself and your religion, and many others - help it bring you closer to God if you're religious
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science is mostly fact based and about how well you apply these facts to questions and practical examples. I very strongly recommend using flashcards and paying attention in lessons. Watch YouTube videos and actively and constantly recall your notes. Answer LOTS of past papers and practice questions - every year they use 3-4 of the exact same questions in the exam. There's only so many questions they can ask. Also, print off the specification (this can be found on the exam board's website) and use this to make sure you haven't missed any content out. Use this specification to make flashcards - also, use the questions at the end of each lesson in cgp textbooks as practice questions for flashcards!!! Science is quite flexible to revise from, you can watch videos and make notes, or make mind-maps, or do blurting. Just make sure it's active and that you're reviewing the content regularly!! I also recommend using Seneca to sort of make sure you know everything the day before an exam. Science is an explanation for everything, think of it as something interest as it can make quite a lot of interesting conversation topics.
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think of languages as something essential to your identity and helping you live in today's everchanging world. Language is a way to communicate with people - honestly just think about that for a sec. Use duolingo, Quizlet and other language apps!! Be consistent and the night before ur exam, do the biggest and fattest Quizlet you can revise. Test yourself on flashcards when memorising chunks for speaking exams. Also think of everything in ur designated language like when ur drinking water translate that. Or when ur speaking at home or to someone speak with what u know in that language.
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there's a lot of dates and factual knowledge in this, so your best option is to constantly review and actively recall everything. Try doing some practice questions and planning essays. Blurting is SUPER useful for this subject especially too!!! History is super interesting - we learn from the past to improve the future. History builds us and moulds us into where we are today!
- find out what you want to do in life: medicine? law? art? finding a passion and knowing what you want to do after school can really help motivate you
- if you're unsure of you're career, start by listing what you like and what you're good at. Ask people what career they think you'd be suited to and why. Research these careers and about life beyond school
- a reminder that school is SO much more than just listening to teachers about useless stuff. When you think about, it's teaching you everything about the world you are living in RIGHT NOW
- knowledge is power
- make your parents and your family proud. If they can spend thousands of pounds on you and spend 15+ years raising you up, im pretty sure you can do this
- think about everyone who's ever told you you can't do it or thought you're useless. Imagine the look on their face when you make it. Prove them wrong.
- watch academia and studytok videos. As dumb as it sounds, they're quite motivating
- think of the consequences if you don't revise. while everyone will be smiling and happy with their results, you'll be sitting there knowing you could've done better if only you'd taken the opportunity. That opportunity is now
- a reminder that social media is always going to be there. There's always posts to like and videos to watch but the real world isn't here forever. Focus on your studies before your phone
- think about what you're ultimately working towards: WHY do you want these grades- money? A successful career? Revenge? Validation?
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- don't make school your life- having a hobby or doing something you enjoy is SO important. It also makes you a more interesting person :)
- we all need downtime. find what that thing is for you
- you need to develop your brain outside of school too. Whether it's sport, music, art, writing- invest a little bit of time into that everyday
- READ. Reading is important and gives you more knowledge and develops your brain. JK Rowling once said if you hate reading, it's only because you haven't found the right book. FIND IT.
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- don't forget to take care of yourself. At the end of the day, a test is just a paper, a grade is just a number. As much as you want to get good grades, remember there's so much more to life
- remember this world is temporary - don't become so caught up in school you burn out. One day we're all going to die so it's important you stick to your religious faith/beliefs because everything is from god/happens for a reason. Ultimately, you may put so much effort into something but if God isn't pleased with you or decides not to make it happen, it isn't going to happen/if it's not meant to happen a certain way, it won't. Failure is inevitable and don't let it put you down. The afterlife/death is forever and when you're standing in front of God on judgement/ rotting in your grave this test is not going to matter. At all.
- hang out with friends often, and make sure they're not toxic and they're people who make you feel happy. Do things with them because you're only a teenager once so live your life and make memories with them. Just a reminder that there's a difference between fun, and stupidity+danger. Don't wreck up your future in the process
- take days off, and love yourself. Have a relaxing bath or a facial, or dress up for no reason. Remember that YOU are the most important person. Never hate yourself for putting you first
- don't overdo it so much that you burn out. Don't sit at your desk for ten hours straight trying to memorise something
- remember to get fresh air and go on regular walks and exercise. Exercise gets your blood flow pumping and can help clear your mind and help with exhaustion and mood.
I love you, and good luck to everyone doing their GCSEs :) you got this! ❤️
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tklpilled · 4 months
(sorry this took a min, ngl i zoned tf out and did the aranara quests LMAO. also my bad if this sucks its been for ever since i've actually written XD)
“Your latest report was very well done, you’ve improved greatly in these past months!” Nahida praised, smiling sweetly at the former harbinger. “...Thank you, Buer. Now-” Scaramouche begins, only for the young god to begin speaking again. “I think you’ve earned a reward! How about a small break? Come, sit with me. I have some of that bitter tea you enjoy already prepared.” Nahida pats the seat next to her, inviting him down into the pile of cushions she was occupying. Scaramouche raises an unimpressed eyebrow, to which Nahida only responds by tilting her head and smiling once more. He sighs, and trudges his way next to the god to sit down. While he makes himself comfortable on the mountain of plush, Nahida busies herself pouring them both a cup of tea. Finally, they both settle down and quietly begin to sip their tea. Nahida glances over, which immediately makes Scaramouche curious — typically she is one to speak her mind around him, finding no need to hold her tongue. He ultimately pays it no mind, however, chalking it up to him having actually acquiesced to her request of joining her. It’s not particularly rare for him to accept, but it is far more common for him to scoff the offer away and leave her presence as quickly as possible. When she glances his way once more, though, he decides to ask. If nothing else, it might stop her from continuing on like he can’t see her. “Spit it out, already.” He grumbles. Nahida does not startle, but she does seem a little embarrassed. She places her cup down, prompting the puppet to do the same. She takes a little breath before speaking. “I learned something new about humans. Or rather, something they do.” “Oh? Do tell.” Scaramouche snorts. “It’s called tickling! Do you know about it?” She inquires, ignoring the male’s clear attempt at derision. “I have heard about it, but why bring it up with me?” Scaramouche responds, actual confusion gracing his features. “Because of your unique anatomy! Being a divine puppet, you have no need for physical feeling and sensation, and yet you feel pain. You can drink. I was simply curious as to whether or not other physical stimuli would register? Ones unrelated to pain?” Nahida explains, turning fully to face the other. “We’re not testing that.” Scaramouche deadpans, also turning to face her. “Come on now, it shouldn’t hurt! Aren’t you a little curious? Or is my own personal student truly saying he has no desire to even try learning about this new thing?” Nahida goads, flashing a grin full of reassurance and promise to the puppet.
“Shouldn’t hurt doesn’t mean it won’t.” He grouches. “What if we tried but I stop immediately when you say?” The god proposes. “...You’re not letting this go, are you?”
Nahida smiles and wriggles her fingers teasingly towards the puppet. He turns his head away, seeming embarrassed by the gesture alone, but not making any moves to actually get away. She scoots closer, and places a hand on his knee. Scaramouche twitches, pressing his lips together. 
“May I, then?” Nahida asks, tapping her fingers one by one on his knee. 
“If you muHUST-” Scaramouche laughs as the god starts spidering her fingers gently across his knee.
“Oh? So your joints are sensitive? And there doesn’t seem to be any pain…” Nahida trails off, curiosity lacing her tone — all the while, she traces her fingers along his knees. She then grabs one of his hands, which had been hovering over her own, to try the joints there.
“NAHIHIDA WAITWAITWAIT!” Scaramouche cackles, squirming but ultimately not trying to escape Nahida’s grasp. He starts really giggling when Nahida obeys his squirming and moves onto his neck. He scrunches up, inadvertently trapping her hands right there. She lets out a giggle of her own, moving her fingers while they’re still trapped.
“OKAY OKAHAHAY STAHAHAP!” He shouts, to which Nahida gently and quickly removes her hands. She watches amusedly as he hunches over, quietly giggling into the cushions. He takes a moment to compose himself before sitting back up.
“Are you alright?” She asks.
“I’m fihine.” Scaramouche confirms quietly, through the residual giggles. Even when his laughter dies out fully, the smile on his face remains.
“Well, I think that was a very fruitful experiment, perhaps a couple more tries would give us the most accu-”
“You’re pushing it, Buer.” - Z
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kani-miso · 5 months
mini fugue es and fugue jackalope character design analysis
tw: mention of uncomfortable topics such as child neglect and child abuse
appreciate @hectorthedoggo for making this series and also please appreciate the illustrator!!! (im not sure if they have any socials yet)
ngl i sound like an english teacher when analyzing , also idk if i over analyzed some parts so sorry if did (i know the ties shape isn't important but i just needed to include it)
note: some will be copy pasted from a previous analysis!
fugue es
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starts from top to bottom
hat : omg!! i love the hat so much!! ok, anyways. their hat is presumably a peaked hat. peaked hats are usually used by soldiers or armed forces, their hat is blue so they're a part of the air forces (referencing the fact that their room is on top of the tower, in air?). peaked hats have embroidery on their crown that are usually called scrambled egg(s). the scrambled egg is supposed to determine their ranks and/or organization, their scrambled egg is a key hole. that perticular shape can possibly fit all kinds of keys, referencing how naive and how easy it is for the abusers come to their life to abuse them < if the keys symbolize the abusers. (also i think its silly to think they're in any organization). the ropes connecting to the keyhole,,,, you murdered me with this one,,, ropes symbolize tangibility of physical or emotional capture in the embodiment of a rope or lasso. even worse that the rope is given by jackalope (the rope is possibly brighter and more saturated than the one given by the past abusers because jackalope acts as the light in es' life).
keyring : haha, theres alot to say. lets talk about what the keys represent first. the individual keys represent past abusers, and the keyring as a whole represents jackalope (also everytime es thinks negatively about abuse and jackalope, their head starts to ache in pain. are their thoughts controlled by jackalope so they wont have a negative view on him?). why would jackalope be the whole keyring you may ask, i have the answer for you curious creatures. jackalope has abused es in many ways, such as verbal abuse, neglect, physical abuse (?), possibly domestic abuse based off the 10 chairs in dining room, emotional/psychological abuse, being toxically overprotective and possibly child exploitation. since all the keys represent past abusers, jackalope is just all of them as a single entity. well, which key represent which abuser? this is from left to right btw. -key n1/ household mortice key, mortice keys are normally used on internal doors to improve security. personally, i think this is symbolism for toxically overprotective parenting, they are locking the internal doors of a child to improve the security they have around them. -key n2/patio double glazing key, patio double glazing keys are used to lock windows, these locks are strong and cannot be opened once locked. personally, i think this is symbolism for physical abuse. once they are with the abusers, they're locked with them forever until someone opens the lock. -key n3/master key, master keys are used to unlock several locks. personally i think this is symbolism for domestic abuse. once your abuser finds out about your partners, friends, family, they will unlock that lock to continue their abuse. -key n4/first level security key, first level security keys are used to secure a lock shut. personally i think this is symbolism for neglect. once you're with your abuser, there's no other place to go. you stay with your abuser or rot in the streets.
outfit (top) : not much to say about this but i'll try to make something out of it. their outfit heavily resembles a uniform. uniforms are distinctive clothing worn by members of the same organization or body or by children attending certain schools. i find it suspicious they're wearing a uniform instead of normal clothing (< its even mentioned in the fic itself) when they're not even in any organization, especially that jackalope gave it to them made it even more suspicious. but what type of uniform are they wearing exactly? i think it might be a waitress uniform, that's the closest i can get to identifying their uniform. it hurts that they're wearing a waitress uniform,,,
belt and tie : the main point is analyzing the tie so here we go. tie shape = (copy pasted from prev analysis with additional notes) 'who gave this to them?' i suspect it might be from their past abusers(i have a theory that there are 4 past abusers by the number of keys on their keyring). 'what's the purpose of it?' the tie on their waist is tied into a knot. many cultures including japan use knots to symbolize unity. es and their past abuser will always be tied into a knot together because no matter where they go, the abuse stays. it either continues from another person, or the previous scars of abuse never heal (both physically and mentally). the knot also seems tight, a tight knot means to maintain a close and secure hold on something. it can be used figuratively or literally. in a literal sense, the phrase can refer to tying a knot that is difficult to undo. you can think of it as es being a rope that has been tied tightly to their abusers, because of that its hard to undo/untie them from their abusers because of how close they've become to them. 'the tie has 2 ends, what's the meaning?' : the number 2 usually symbolize the duality of two subjects, the ones that are important to note are : yes/no, true/false, and yin/yang. yes/no, true/false are self explanatory, yin/yang on the other hand. 'yin' represents coldness and darkness (< es' uniform overall colorscheme is cold representing yin, mind you this is give by jackalope). and 'yang' represents light and warmth (< es' tie on their waist is a warm color, this is given by their past abusers). i wonder if this is implying that es still cares and resonate warmth from their past abusers and feels coldness and a sense of darkness when getting taken care of by jackalope..(no wonder pain is nostalgic for them) also, in japan, 二 (ni). It represents creation, time (past, present, and future). 'why does the end of their tie look like a teru teru bozu?' a teru teru bozu is a traditional japanese talisman used to bring good weathers and to stop or prevent rainy days. rain is essential when growing crops, so it symbolizes the growth of a new family (found family and biological). the fact that they are using a teru teru bozu that prevents rain implies that they are being held back in finding a "new family" :( (also this might not be important but teru teru bozu's are dolls that are hung by the neck). tie color= the color gold is the symbol of the sun and of the god's power and mercy. gold is often used in temples and shrines. due to the desaturation and discolorment of the tie, it has a different meaning. desaturated colors or dull colors are usually associated with poverty and aging. seems like that tie was given from a long time ago (more material for the past abuser theory) especially that seems like the edges of the end already looks like it's semi-decaying. if we still use the gold symbolize the sun and of god's power and mercy, then they are barely at god's mercy, it sort of references what abuse victims go through if they speak out their voice. if you speak out, some god's will respect you, some god's wont (god's as in people in society). perhaps they're in a world where abuse victims more often get shunned away, they are barely at god's mercy.
cape : their cape is just normal imo, the thing that interested me is the galaxy in their cape. a galaxy can symbolize aspirations and the patterns of tomorrow you are shaping through your beliefs. their beliefs are specifically centered around their abusers and abusers only. the tomorrow they're going to shape is just the same as yesterday, they wont stop the cycle of abuse because to their "own" beliefs what they're enduring is not abuse, but discipline. their cape is most visible on the left side of their body. the left side usually represents femininity, they embrace the traditional femininity by being vulnerable and having puffy cheeks
boots : their boots have more of those rope thingys. those ropes are the ones given by jackalope, not the past abusers. the rope that is given by jackalope is thin and easily broken, meaning they could just be "re-sheltered" by someone else. thats why there's little restraints on their boots. there are 2 restraints on each boot, which again symbolizes duals/duos. the duo being es and jackalope. also, on the top of their boots, there's a gold colored leg warmer (< that are on boots). the thought of their abusers keeps them warm, thats why their keyring warms up whenever they think about them.
fugue jackalope
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starts from top to bottom
antlers : oh my. his antlers are just his usual antlers, the only difference being that there's ropes wrapped around it. i want to point out that the ropes warp comfortably, and not made into a tight knot (< like es). i find it interesting that there are 4 parts that are branching out of the base antler, because es has 4 keys on their neck and jackalope has 4 secondary antler parts (idk what they're called). every rope on the branched out antlers connect to each other, it makes me have a suspicion that all of the abusers knew each other. they're all not tied in a knot together because they are simply lurking and not uniting together. also i think, gold is being used as the color of the abusers because they're supposed to feel grandeur, luxurious, rich, and sort of unbearable is smart. gold is treated like the superior color, the one everyone loves and likes. es color is presumably dull navy blue which is associated with trust and loyalty. dull colors are also treated as poor colors so es has to cling to their abusers to seem presentable to the world.
hat : AUGH the symbol,, his hat is just like es' hat, its a peaked hat. the only difference is his scrambled egg. his scrambled egg symbol is an eye, referencing that he sees all. eyes usually are associated with clairvoyance, omniscience, and a gateway to the soul. the eye symbol has a dull orange color which shows his lifelessness. eyes can also mean vigilance, intelligence, moral conscience and truth. it hurts because in this situation it's a total lie. he's literally trying to brainwash them into thinking all he says is only truth, making them base all adults off of him.
sash : this wasn't really important but i just had to. the sash he's wearing doesn't really look like a sash, it just looks like es' keyring without the keys, although there's a difference in length and width. i think jackalope has not been involved with the past abusers because he doesnt have any keys, anywhere. also his sash looks lifeless.
cape : i think i got a heart attack. the only thing im analyzing is the symbol btw. i cant find anything similiar with that symbol anywhere so the closest i can get is the Illuminati symbol. if im not mistaken, the Illuminati symbol can be found on the all-seeing eye/eye of providence. the all-seeing eye is supposed to represent god. this references the fact es sees and treats jackalope like their god no matter what they endure because of him, they must bow down as he is the all knowing all seeing man. and i might be crazy, but i think there's no symbol on the left side of his cape, what does it mean? the right side is the masculine side, he embraces the masculinity by assertive, controlling, and aggressive behavior. also it might be a play of words, right side, right=correct. (maybe its just because the symbol is hidden idk) with es leaning more to the feminine spectrum and jackalope to toxic masculinity, it shows the huge power imbalance in their relationship.
thanks for reading, i will go back to yappington. have a reward for staying alive
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Can I request a Blurb about how the rottmnt boys (separately) would react to their s/o losing a limb or an eye? (maybe they were targeted for being connected to the turtles)
I chose losing an eye because it's somewhat similar to blindness and I'm very well-versed in blindness. I'm not blind obviously, but my mother is so I know the behaviours of a blind person more than a normal person I suppose I could say.
Kinda angsty ngl.
Tw: guilt, depression, some suicidal implications (not a lot but still there), injury, not stated but definitely separation anxiety
(Sorry but I kinda projected quite a lot so apologies if it's a little over the top)
✦Raking the Buttersticks✦
Is very careful to not touch you without addressing himself whenever he's on your blindside. He goes full mama bear if you're in public. Sure you may be able to see on one side, but he's gonna hold your arm so he can make sure you don't bump into anything. Feels very disappointed in himself for not protecting you and therefore it triggers his eldest-child syndrome. So, in other words, he's going to be very protective of you.
✦Labeling the Queers✦
Busting out the depression and self-hate. He's going to feel like a complete idiot for not protecting you from the enemies. He either goes A. full-on "I wish to never live" or B. freaks out when he's not defending you. Either way, he's going to do a lot of things to make up for the fact you lost your eye. Whether it's keeping you close to him if you guys leave the lair, or placing items into your hand that you can't see (I do this nonstop haha).
✦Didgeridoo Goes Honk Honk✦
I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to invent something that'll improve your vision. It could be a sensor if anything is close to your blindside, similar to a car. But anyway, he's going to be mad at himself rather than disappointed. Why did his stupid self not see the projectile coming? Why didn't he save your eye? He delves deep into an abyss of questions and possibilities to the day you lost it. He absolutely hates you leaving to go out to the open world, it internally freaks him out.
✦Michelle Obama✦
I think he would have a hard time adjusting to the fact you can't see in one eye. He might accidentally touch you from your blind part or tries to show you things on it as well. It'll take most likely a month or two for him to finally remember what behaviours he needs to execute. Once he does though, he'll know exactly what to do. If you are having trouble reaching for something then he'll guide your arm/hand to it. And if he ever serves something, he always puts the utensils on your good side. Yes, he feels guilty about the incident but is glad that you survived more than anything.
(I would totally write more on a blind MC with turtles but I have like 3 other blurbs to do + requests)
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