#ngl i kinda love how it turned out
freaky-flawless · 1 year
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It's black history month and I wanted to draw some black monsters, particularly ones that don't get enough love!
ID in alt!
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grabrielcrunch · 2 months
The Smiling Critters (aka. if Care Bears and My Little Pony had a baby)
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bistaxx · 8 months
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they are literally just gone...
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frindoka · 6 months
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i’m not afraid of ghosts but i am afraid of the press
(outfit refs for suzy + dimitri were snatched from ch8 and collin’s was just from his character profile)
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meifunk · 1 year
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he is so crazy i love him!!!
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lanternlightss · 27 days
Opinion on Decarabian?
decarabian !! good ol deccy
i think he’s really neat !! that he had Good intentions, but the execution of them ,,,, he is above humanity in that he can’t really connect with them, doesn’t really know where to start. i Wish we knew more about him—because his inhuman-ness is so fun to explore about how he thinks of the world and his actions. did he start as a spirit too ?? personification of the storm, similar to makoto and ei ?? humans are so vastly different, each and every one, and he is,, the wind that pushes in one direction.
he reaches out to people in what makes sense to Him. but that does not translate across fully—you’ll die out in that cold, but you are safe, as long as i can see you, hear you, grab you. put your life into my hands and i will guard it. he was overbearing, he refused to let go, and i. wonder. if that made the people feel more like dolls, something to manage, something to study. something, what felt untouchable for so long, sliding pieces across a chessboard. he’s interesting.
decarabian should be given the chance to play the sims game.
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loafbud · 1 year
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The first Splatoon game turned 8 yesterday!
#the last (and first) time i drew anniversary art for the first game was when it turned 1 year#imna use the tags to be all sappy real quick:#ive been a huge fan of the splatoon series since the first game & have played it since day one#splatoon is the first time ive grown up with a game series from the beginning#like i knew it was gonna be a successful game that'd eventually grow and become a series w/ a cool fanbase#for first/third person shooter games (esp multiplayer)- i could never call myself a fan of those#but the moment splatoon debuted in an e3 trailer??? it took a concept i'd normally go meh to- but made it into smthn colorful/unique#like??? weeks after the announcement i was already gushing over what the lore would be in their universe#it got really tiring seeing all the hate it received- id watch ppl stream it out of interest and their chat'd be like uggh this ass title?#or id watch gamers do one single lets play of it and be like oh ok i can see how this game is fun (me assuming they'd doubt it's potential)#but to see how much splatoon as a series has grown has me kinda emotional ngl#like yeah sure theres still ppl outside the fandom who has (or still has since the 1st game) sour opinions about it#but ever since the fandom grew over those 8 years- it feels like the love for this series outshines that#but man.... i said this already on twt but i remember going to my first color run event locally w/ my family#(this happened weeks before the game came out btw) -but id have my phone out with the inklings on my screen#and id look at my phone & feel this happiness (that i havent felt in a while tbh) at being in an event that had a lot of colors in it#and at the time seeing all the powdered colors flying everywhere at the end of the race reminded me of splatoon sm i was like raaaaah#WOW SORRY FOR THE LONG TAGS LOL#BUT YEAH- I LOVE THIS SERIES (thats all i wanted to say)#splatoon#splatoon anniversary#splatoon 8th anniversary#fanart#loafbud
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blade-that-was-broken · 3 months
Did I just find myself a new art style??
I mean I’ll still do my old one but like another one? For differ stuff??? Maybe?
I can’t draw trolls yet BUT
but but but
Maybe I’m getting somewhere.
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I love the fontaine teaser, the animation is great, the music is enough to make me want to put all of my and other peoples lifesavings into the game and don't even get me started on the character designs...
that being said.
Navia best girl
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bosspigeon · 6 months
got to play a little bit of bg3 again and i switched gears and made a different character just for funsies and he is yet another Dark Urge only this time he's a big dumb dragonborn and he's going for Gale
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orionis13 · 11 months
Chipping away at this albatrio drawing tempted to post the base layers as like a body type ref for how i draw them but I’m scared people will be weeeeird about it (memories of the “why are they naked” question from drawing at school)
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vaugarde · 7 months
well i finished renegade. i sure was renegading all over the place
#it was alriiiight.... but man i hate to say it but i think i have more complaints than praises#i DID like florins new execution route and i liked talons deal. the entire end of night spell deal was horrifying and i loved it#i love that genre of horror like ''you die twice when you get forgotten after death''#so seeing it play out here was horrifying in a good way. talon and amber's deaths were both so fucking good like goddamn#they were just as heartbreaking as they needed to be. especially ambers like when you go talk to tesla after#but. man i dont think meta games are for me cause ngl i was sorta just like ''aight.'' to most of the meta here#like that was the one thing about talon i didnt care for. i thought ''everyone i know and love is going to die and god is screaming at me''#was a fine enough motivation to go crazy and become a rift. i thought it was compelling and tragic and a good thing to do#with a new character. but then he started going ''in older versions of the game i wasnt even there i was just a prop for the backstory''#and thats sorta when i started tuning out. like i cant explain why but i feel it made the scene more... cheap?#i think just cause personally ive seen that motivation a lot in meta games before and its gotten old to me#tbh the entire meta angle is whats really dragging this down to me. dont get me wrong i love eizen and his scenes#but i dont see why we have to canonize the game's update cycles as like a critical part of the world#and then theres m2 who i have mixed feelings on. cause i love the character type of ''ive been through so much shit idc anymore''#and they end up being kinda goofy and saying inappropriate/out of pocket things while trying not to discuss The Horrors#ive written more than one of those types of characters. but with m2 its like she doesnt know how to turn that off#like spacea and tiempa's deaths being a tera raid parody where they joke about being in a crashing plane and get bashed by extra melias#it just felt like. unfitting. (also a nitpick but goddamn that scene made my head hurt with how much the screen wobbled)#like really? this is the sendoff they get in the fucked up and evil route? and idk i just dont think m2 was all that funny.#she was more grating than anything tbh. and i just feel like her existence and the bad timeline is just Too Much#like there were already so many plotlines and arcs and do we Really need a new-ish character right before the climax#idk. im hoping v14 is more cohesive in this department#for now im taking a much needed break from this game lol
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ruthazul · 2 years
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-u sure u wanna eat here? the chef looks kinda odd
-dont direspect the rat, he went to culinary school
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sillyguymilooooo · 10 months
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Atlas again isn’t she sooo silly (OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM SM😻😻‼️)
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thighlerseguin · 11 months
So I've been reading Saad's tweets regarding his pivot to C*wb*ys coverage, and it looks like it ultimately means he will do less Stars game recaps but more analysis.
His response to this whole situation though:
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solvicrafts · 1 year
My activity is going to be really sporadic for a while because I am going full-in on this project. I am absolutely 1000% dead-serious about Bregan D'aerthe. I am channeling my inner Jarlaxle, which just so happens to be the drow equivalent of a clown car in one half of my brain and Kimmuriel screeching "act now, you peacock!" in the other half.
I don't want to just build a website, I want to build a community resource. I want to create something that gives everybody a chance to be seen and heard. I want to promote new and lesser known authors and artists and their projects. I want to create a public resource for all things drow that actually keeps up with the times and is actually accurate and helpful to the fandom.
And also
I really want a Bregan D'aerthe company email. And an ID badge. And a lanyard. And business cards. And a pony and--
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