#nezushi analysis
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sungkixx Ā· 24 days ago
Nezushi Dance Scene Analysis
I was talking with a friend about how the way two people dance show a lot about the status of their relationship with each other. Then I decided to give my own thoughts about Nezushiā€™s Iconic Dance Scene and what was the dance scene trying to show.
This may be an obvious thing to some, but I wanted to express my thoughts anyway :)
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In a scene before this, Nezumi passed out due to the Song of the Wind (Elyuriasā€™s song) and later wakes up to Shion next to him. Shion then worries incessantly, checks him to see if there was anything wrong or if he was in any pain.
Nezumi sees his earnest worry about him and gets agitated and uncomfortable, since heā€™s not used to another person worrying about him. He gets especially narked when Shion tells him straight up that hes a human being and that he should look out for himself.
Having someone worry over you means more shackles on you, in order to put in the extra effort of being careful. Basically it means someone loves you.
To Nezumi, this was not necessary.
But even after his yell, Shion still continues to care. He then spontaneously decided to teach Shion how to dance.
To me, this dance was basically a show of their life together from the night that they met to now.
They start off with Nezumi asking if Shion has any experience in dancing, he says no.
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Here I think itā€™s a reflection of his naivety of the world outside of No.6, with Nezumi saying heā€™ll teach him some basic steps, like heā€™ll give him the introduction of The West Block.
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ā€œDonā€™t look down.ā€
I highly imagine this being a direct reference to Nezumi saying, ā€œDonā€™t look away, look at the world in-front of you.ā€ We know he has said this to Shion many times.
Shion then says to cut it out, how itā€™s useless, and gives a few excuses on why they should stop dancing, like the times Shion would be on the verge of breaking down, saying how itā€™s useless, and was willing to give up. But a few words from Nezumi, became his guideline, and helped him overcome it. He stumbles and is slow to keep up, due to this being a whole new experience for him. Itā€™s hard to take in.
As time goes on, Shionā€™s understanding of Nezumi and how he views the world becomes clearer and clearer. The more they dance, the more he understands. He is watching, seeing the world in Nezumiā€™s POV, he is empathising with him.
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ā€œDanceā€¦dance, Shion.ā€
Nezumi encourages Shion to live in this new world.
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After they finished dancing, Shion is out of breath, and laments how hard dancing actually is, saying he learned something new. Shion is huffing and puffing, while Nezumi is, assumedly, all right. This basically proves the point Nezumi wanted to make, to not worry for him, since heā€™s basically been doing this all his life.
He does not need the care and the love.
But even after all that, Shion still does anyway.
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Itā€™s a direct retelling of their story, and I had never noticed the underlying meaning behind the dance. I had first watched it in the anime and thought the scene was done so beautifully. I had recognised the purpose of them dancing through the West Block, like a show of their life spent with each other. Then I read the manga and novel, which I read through quickly without much thought since its a scene iā€™ve seen many times.
I played it off as a wonderful iconic scene in the novel, a show of love and intimacy. But what I didnā€™t know was how much it was a representation of the journey they had up to this point in time. Not only did it show their dynamic and connection, it was like watching them both reflect on the impacts they had on each other.
It was an amazingly written scene and Iā€™m glad it is in the story.
If you have read this far THANK YOU SO MUCH GENUINELY um I really hope this was easy to read and understand, i still dont rlly know the mechanics around here, so if u had a hard time reading it, or some feedback, or maybe ur personal input on the dance scene, FEEL FREE TO LEAVE A COMMENT !! <3
i have a test tmr im supposed to be studying for and here i am talking abt nezushi sigh they have taken over my brain TvT
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dukeofdelirium Ā· 7 months ago
Hi....if you don't mind me asking, who are your top 7 favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon) and your top 7 favorite characters ever from any media? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hi!!! Itā€™s no problem at all I love to talk about ships <3333
1) Lawlight from Death Note
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what can I say about this ship that hasnā€™t been said? They make me genuinely insane and they hit in waysā€¦ Iā€™ve been obsessed with and have actively shipped them for over half my life lol. They are my ultimate OTP. I donā€™t even really care for e2l pairings personally but lawlight to me is just Different and those that get it get it
2) Kataang from Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Literally they were the first ship I ever shipped. Iā€™ve shipped this pairing since I was like 8 years old. They are very near and dear to my heart and they are so cute and perfect together and they spark so much joy and I am SO EXCITED for the movie!!!!
3) Byler from Stranger Things
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I am obsessed with this ship. I love them so much and I am rooting for their endgame in the final season! I love the analysis the byler shippers come up with and theyā€™re genuinely such a fun ship to me
4) Eremika from Attack On Titan
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This ship makes me rabid Iā€™m serious. I spiraled so bad after I finished AOT and devoured like 20 fics to cope. They ruined my life etc but I love it
5) Nezushi from No.6
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I donā€™t like the anime much (because it rlly cuts so much of the story) but the manga and the novels are amazing! I love the story overall and the characters individually so the fact thereā€™s a canon gay relationship is such a bonus
6) Blackswan (Jacob x Bella) from Twilight
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Stephenie Meyer will pay for her crimes lmao we were legitimately robbed of their endgame and idc what anyone says. Team Jacob till the day I die fr
7) Quimbry/Quil x Embry from Twilight (me and my friends decided on the ship name lol)
I donā€™t have a gif cuz these characters are so minor they hardly appear but do I ship the hell out of them? Yes! Are they canon? Hell no! Should they be? Yeah and thatā€™s why Iā€™ve written over 100k for fanfic for them on my ao3 lol
As for favorite characters, I gotta rlly think on this
My favorite character of all time is Light Yagami from Death Note. I fucking LOVE his character so much. I just love everything about him. The way heā€™s written, the nuance, his whole aesthetic. Itā€™s so *chefs kiss* and I have so many thoughts about him. I am NOT one of those death note ā€œfansā€ that hates Light or drags his character lol. I am a Light enjoyer unapologetically and he imo is one of the best villains of ALL TIME
Another character I love immensely is Carl Grimes from The Walking Dead comic book. Not the show cuz the show is trash! I used to relate so much to Carl growing up bc I read the comic book as a teen. Heā€™s forever cemented as one of my favorite characters of all time. Also I love the character design and how heā€™s kind of an anti hero
I also love Ellie Williams from The Last of Us 1 and 2 for the same reason. She reminds me a lot of Carl in the ā€œanti heroā€ sense. Sheā€™s also such a badass. Love those video games !!!!
I also love Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan. Can you tell I like morally questionable characters? Lol. Eren was always and will always remain my favorite character in AOT. Heā€™s kind of crazy but I like it lol and I kind of relate šŸ¤£
Aang from ATLA is also one of my favorite characters. Heā€™s got a sick character design, I love the way heā€™s written and heā€™s genuinely a huge comfort character to me. His character arc makes me cry itā€™s so well done and I love his personality. His character makes me very happy :)
Lastly I think another fav character is Will Byers from Stranger Things. I relate heavily HEAVILY with him. Not only that heā€™s an artist like me, or his personality which is similar to me as well, but also his upbringing with an abusive father and lastly the fact heā€™s canonically a gay guy like me makes me feel very represented in the show. Heā€™s my favorite in the entire cast of characters. Love him to death and Noah Schnapp was such a perfect cast and he acts his ass off every second of screen time
Thanks for sending me questions!! :) I love talking about ships and characters this was fun!
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sineshion Ā· 5 years ago
Nezumi Character Analysis
UH OH SISTERS! Here I am to write an essay on Nezumi and his relationship and actions towards Shion that no one asked for, but Iā€™m doing it anyway.
Let me start by saying that Nezumi is a really well fleshed out character, and that a lot of his actions and dialogue have more depth than initially comes across. Nezumi starts off as a character who is very closed off, both emotionally and physically. Gradually over the course of the novel, he becomes more and more open, until we reach the climax of his character while in the Correctional Facility. During Shion and his first meeting, he tells Shion that he doesnā€™t neccessarily care about Shionā€™s fate, but that he doesnā€™t want to feel responsible if something bad were to happen to Shion.
ā€œDo you really? I mean, itā€™s not my problem what happens to you, but if you end up being wiped out because of me, I wouldnā€™t like that. Iā€™d feel like I did something horrible...ā€
I find this dialogue to be very telling and foreshadowing, as comparing Nezumiā€™s mindset from the beginning of the novel and end of the novel shows just how much Shion is able to change him. Though Nezumi might not say it directly, he is just as drawn to Shion as Shion is to him. We come to learn that he keeps secretive watch over Shion for the four years they are apart, in a silent way of protecting him. We could shrug this off as Nezumi simply ā€œrepaying a debtā€, as he says again and again, but it is far more than that. Shion offers kindness and compassion to Nezumi during their first meeting, which we come to learn is the first real act of kindness he has received in years. Shion shows love toward Nezumi when he arguably needs it most, and though Nezumi might not want to admit it, he is showing love right back by silently watching over Shion, and rescuing him. From the moment they met, Nezumi has become captured by Shion, much like how Shion says he has become captured by Nezumi.
Throughout the novel, Nezumi goes from showing acts of kindness toward Shion, to then showing hostility. Shion is never afraid of Nezumiā€™s random spouts of violence, in his what I can only assume to be futile attempts to reject vulnerability. Nezumi projects all of his hatred for No.6 and itā€™s violence against him onto Shion, which he later comes to realize is wrong, and abusive of him.
ā€œThis casual act of kindness, or those cold, dispassionate words from a few minutes ago - which one was he to believe? Shion couldnā€™t grasp him.ā€
Nezumi tells Shion to throw away his memories, his feelings, and ties to everyone and everything he knows. He continuously acts cold and hostile toward Shion without provocation, which we learn is the result of the way Gran, an old woman who raised him, warped his mind into being. Nezumi has a very unstable and warped mindset on love, and what it would do to him. He has been raised since the age of 4 to fear it like nothing else, which I find so heartbreaking. It is no wonder Nezumi constantly reacts the way he does both to being touched by Shion, as well as kissed, or just generally loved. Gran tells Nezumi from the age of 4 to view any person who loves him as a literal demon who will kill him, thus creating the mental struggle within himself as he tries and fails to keep from reciprocating those feelings.
ā€œNever sigh in earnest. Never cry. Youā€™ll be taken advantage of by demons. Sighing creates an opening, a vulnerability. If you want to stay alive, keep your mouth shut. Never let anyone see your weak spot. Let your heart warm to no one. Never trust anyone but yourself.ā€
We are told that Nezumi went against Granā€™s instruction simply by rescuing Shion. I suspect that a small part of Nezumi wanted to do this (go against Granā€™s orders), though he reprimands himself multiple times for his actions. It isnā€™t that Nezumi is completely helpless from falling in love with Shion, itā€™s that he actually wants to be loved by the boy, even if only deep down. More and more, he begins to simply sit around and watch Shion, thinking about how beautiful Shion is, how nice it would be to touch him and how much he wants to have physical contact with him, playing with his hair. He begins to lose his sense of control over himself, leaving the door to his home unlocked without even realizing it, sighing over Shion, and risking his own safety to send messages to Shionā€™s mother unprompted. When he learns of Safuā€™s abduction, instead of telling Shion, he begins to think of how if Shion found out, it would result in his death. He compares the loss to the loss of his own family, and of the suffering he would feel if that were to occur. Nezumi has already begun to grow attached. He was attached from the very moment Shion and he met.
ā€œHe would be experiencing the same suffering again, of being broiled alive in Hellfire.ā€ ā€œI donā€™t want to lose him. I would suffer.ā€
This admission is paralleled to Safuā€™s in a prior scene, where she admits to Karan, Shionā€™s mother, that she is in love with Shion. She says: ā€œI donā€™t want to regret anything. If - if by some chance, he ends up never coming back... Iā€™m going to be the one to suffer for my whole life. I donā€™t want that. I donā€™t want to lose him.ā€ Nezumi is falling in love with Shion, whether he realizes it at this moment or not is besides the point. He does not want to lose Shion. He does not want to return to a life of seclusion and loneliness, a life without love. He would and will do anything to keep from losing it. Both Safu and Nezumi are in love with Shion, but I would argue that the difference between them, other than obvious ones, as that Nezumi comes to see Shion exactly for who he is, the love he feels for Shion not blinding himself, but illuminating the entire world, whereas Safu does not. Safu continuously compares herself to the person Shion is yearning for, asking why she cannot be them, why she cannot be the one to get to know everything about Shion.
Despite Nezumiā€™s efforts to hide the truth of Safuā€™s capture from Shion, this falls through, and he is warned by Inukashi: ā€œIf heā€™s so precious to you that you donā€™t want to loose him, protect him to the very end. And do whatever it takes to protect him, you idiot, no matter how humiliating it is.ā€ Nezumi wants to protect Shion, and would and later does do anything to keep him by his side, this dialogue from Inukashi foreshadowing Nezumiā€™s vulnerability and the swallowing of his own pride as he lays everything he is bare before Shionā€™ feet.
Later, Shion, after finding out that Safu is in danger, confesses all of his feelings to Nezumi, in what he assumes will be the last time they see one another. He kisses Nezumi goodbye, and sneaks out. Nezumi follows after him, and lashes out in a very violent way, and after, saying: ā€œListen, youā€™re not allowed to give me a goodbye kiss ever again! Never, ever again!ā€ He tells Shion that this beating is punishment for lying to him, and trying to sneak away, aka trying to die without him. Soon, Shion will turn Nezumiā€™s warped way of thinking against him in the Correctional Facility, where he will use Nezumiā€™s reasoning and justification for violence by claiming the two men he attempts to kill are deserving of it, because they have tried to harm Nezumi.
Gradually, more and more, we see Nezumi not only reciprocating moments of intimacy, but initiating them with Shion: ā€œA hand suddenly reached over to him. It was Nezumiā€™s. It gently pried Shionā€™s fist open, finger by finger, gently, as if toying with it.ā€ Nezumi still has moments of random bursts of aggression, both in an attempt to continue to keep Shion at bay, to keep from falling more in love, and to prevent Shion from aiding the city or its people in any manner. While Shion admits a love confession, saying: ā€œIā€™m probably more afraid to lose you than anything - anybody else.ā€ This sparks a fear in Nezumi, at the reality that not only is Shion attached to him, but that he is just as attached to Shion. Heā€™s completely aware at this point of his own feelings. He thinks: ā€œAm I the one who hasnā€™t known anything all along?ā€ while questioning his past actions, and whether or not he has been seeing Shion in a positive light or not. Nezumi has started to become more self aware through his relationship with Shion, and more in touch with his own emotions.
Once entering the Correctional Facility, Nezumi warns Shion not to lose himself. He promises Shion that they will come back from this together. He isnā€™t saying this only to Shion, but more so to himself. Nezumi has been captured by the light that he sees in Shion, and though Shion is the one to think that Nezumi keeps him human, itā€™s quite the other way around. Shion attempts to kill two men, both times Nezumi reprimands him, telling him: ā€œNever put your hands around someoneā€™s throat again!ā€ and ā€œShion! Shion! Stop - stop, please - Shion, Iā€™m begging you.ā€ and ā€œI want you to stay as you are, Shion.ā€ Shion keeps Nezumi human. Shion is a beacon of light shining down on Nezumi, exposing his own humanity. Time and time again, it is clear that Shionā€™s humanity and compassion save Nezumi from doom. While Nezumi develops to see the light of humanity and within his own soul through loving Shion, Shion develops to see the darkness in humanity and within his own soul by loving Nezumi. They quite make the perfect narrative foil to one another, developing in an almost polar opposite way. Nezumi ultimately becomes more like Shion, Shion becomes more like Nezumi.
We learn of Nezumiā€™s past, and of his suffering, in a scene where he allows himself complete vulnerability to Shion, showing him the burn on his back and revealing to us and to Shion how his family and culture were ruthlessly burned to the ground right before his eyes. Shion begins to cry at learning the truth, begins to blame himself for his own ignorance and for Nezumiā€™s suffering. Nezumi confesses: ā€œI didnā€™t mean to make you feel guilty. I didnā€™t mean to accuse you of any crime. I - canā€™t even imagine wanting to hurt you. Iā€™m sorry.ā€ ā€œDonā€™t you cry. You were just a tiny kid. Youā€™re not to blame for anything.ā€ Heā€™s starting to drastically change his mindset and perspective which will ultimately lead to him choosing to believe in Shion, to have faith in Shion, trusting that the both of them truly see one another at this point for who they are. Trusting Shion to remain human, and build a better world.
As they begin their infiltration, Shion begins to grow more and more cold and uncaring of human life. As Nezumi kills guards, Shion says that it simply canā€™t be helped - itā€™s kill or be killed. This moment is clear in highlighting not only how Nezumi has changed Shion, but how Shion has changed Nezumi. Nezumi is displeased to hear this reasoning from Shion, which is not something he would have thought at the beginning of the novel. Shion is uncaring, which is not something he would feel were this the beginning of the novel. They have both a positive and negative impact on one another, and alwyas seem to take it to the extreme, though it isnā€™t neccessarily strange given the circumstances and situation at hand. Nezumi begins to see the direct affect his own actions have had on Shion, and how they have begun to warp his mind, much like Gran warped Nezumiā€™s own perspective on love. He thinks sadly: ā€œForgive me, Gran. Iā€™ve gone against what youā€™ve told me. Iā€™ve sighed many times for another. I believed him, and opened my heart to him. I placed the shackles around my own feet. But I couldnā€™t have done otherwise. I couldnā€™t cut him away.ā€ Nezumi loves Shion. No matter what he tries, he cannot escape the love he feels for him. He couldnā€™t do otherwise, because he doesnā€™t truly WANT to. He wants to love Shion, admitting this to himself now. The seeds have already been planted at this point for Nezumi to begin feeling his own guilt and remorse at trying to change Shionā€™s personality, and coming to the horrifying realization that it worked. Nezumi didnā€™t want to harm Shion, or hurt him. He truly and foolishly believed he was doing what was right, what was taught to him. He feels so much remorse at the point that when he is almost killed by Rashi, he entirely gives up the fight. He allows himself a moment of genuine intimacy with Shion, letā€™s Shion hold him, as he prepares to die with him. Does this sound like something Nezumi would do? A character who preaches survival, is now willing to die with the person he has fallen in love with. He is not afraid, nor angry, nor sad - he simply accepts it. I find this moment to be very telling of Nezumiā€™s character.
When Shion shoots Rashi, Nezumi, who is already terribly wounded, tries repeatedly to stand up and stop him from finishing Rashi off. It is shocking not just to us, but to him, to see how Shion has changed. He screams for Shion to stop in vain as Shion commits murder on his behalf.
ā€œHe didnā€™t want to open his eyes. If he did, he would have to face reality.ā€
Despite trying to repress this, he tries to keep Shion grounded, as Shion has already been shown time and time again to be unstable and suicidal. Shion attempts to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head, asking Nezumi over and over if Nezumi and perhaps even God can forgive him for the murder he has committed. Nezumi thinks that it would have been better had they never infiltrated it at all, had he known it would destroy Shionā€™s mental state so completely. Nezumi, a character hellbent on destroying the government, is now thinking that Shionā€™s mental health is worth more to him than destroying the city. He thinks, as he starts to have his own mental breakdown, that he is the one who needs to be forgiven, not Shion. He begins to cry uncontrollably, as he mentally begs for Shionā€™s forgiveness.
ā€œShion, Iā€™m sorry. I made you bear the burden, one so big itā€™s making your spine creak. Would I be forgiven one day? Would you forgive me for what I did to you?ā€
Nezumi is unable to bear the thought that he is the direct cause of Shionā€™s attempt at suicide. He is forced to confront at this moment his own abusive actions, and all of the brutality he has thrust upon Shion up to this point. He is begging, literally on his knees, to be forgiven. To be forgiven for all of his mistakes, all of his anger, all of his pain and hurt that he has projected onto Shion. Begging for forgiveness at meeting Shion - at coming unexpectedly into his life and, in Nezumiā€™s eyes, ruining everything Shion is. Nezumi believes he is to blame for everything, and the weight of the guilt he feels is indescribable.
By the time they get to Safu, Nezumi outright refuses to let Shion do anything, going so far as to drag him by force to the elevator, knowing it is too late to rescue Safu. Shion, through his grief, blames Nezumi for what happens to Safu, claiming he used her and used him to destroy No.6. Nezumi plays his part well, and pretends that this is the truth, saying he never believed Safu was alive, which is a lie. He says he deceived Shion, and used him and sacrificed his mind for the destruction of the government, which is also not the whole truth. Nezumi thinks: ā€œReally? Can you really not understand? Youā€™re a liar, Shion. You do get it. You understand every single word. And youā€™ll never forgive me. Youā€™ll lose faith in me and loathe me. Or would you-ā€œ
Nezumi WANTS Shion to love him, and also hate him at the same time. He wants Shion to take his anger out on him. He wants to self sabotage their relationship, and MAKE Shion hate him, by playing a false role, by pretending to be someone he is not. Even when Nezumi tries to shoulder blame that is not his, his true self shines through under the facaude. Nezumi, a character who used to preach that he would only ever fight for himself, now takes a bullet for Shion, trying to sacrifice himself for him. Going directly against everything he has ever believed in.
By the end of the novel, Nezumi, having come back from the brink of Death, and having gone against all of his previous rules, confesses to Shion that Shion scares him. He is terrified of Shion, or more specifically, of Shionā€™s love, because it is mutual. Nezumi is in love with him. Nezumiā€™s love for Shion is in fact so strong, that Nezumi was willing and ready to die with and for Shion multiple times during the Correctional Facility, and many times prior, as well. Heā€™s scared of the way loving someone makes him feel. Heā€™s scared of how it almost got him killed many times, and it would have, had Shion not saved him. He leaves not because of Shion, but because of himself. Nezumi does not understand how to express his love in a proper and healthy way - itā€™s completely foreign to him. The boy is so traumatized that heā€™s spent the entire novel both half afraid of and half crazing and actively seeking love. I find it strange when people ask or think that thereā€™s a possibility Nezumi doesnā€™t love Shion, when his actions so clearly say otherwise. I suspect Nezumi feels unworthy of Shion loving him as well, considering his tendency to self sabotage. I think that Nezumi is very self aware, and by the end of the novel, very in touch with his own emotions. He understands that he must change, and only then can he come back to Shion properly. He understands that who he is currently is not suited for a relationship, and so he makes the maturest call he has in the entire story, by leaving. He kisses Shion, promising to come back once he is ready, reassuring not only us but Shion that he really truly does love him.
Shion had thought that Nezumi was the one who illuminated him completely. That everything became much clearer with him by his side. That ā€œby his hands, I was melted, wrought anew, and instilled with new life.ā€ I find this line to be most applicable to Nezumi, as Shion has instilled him with new life, a new perspective, leaving him forever changed by the love shared and experienced. A line from Safu comes to mind as well, ā€œYou feel the same way I do, donā€™t you? Youā€™re glad you were able to know. You wouldnā€™t be able to live anymore without knowing what yearning and love is like.ā€
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kiveruu Ā· 4 years ago
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this is my favorite panel in the entirety of the no.6 manga, my explaination/attempt at a character study under the cut
first: context.
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shion trying his damn hardest to negotiate with nezumi. he doesnt care where he has to go because he would go to the ends of the earth and back for nezumi. nezumi says that shion should stay back because he's the kind of person that values security unlike nez. nezumi sees that shion has a large range of emotions in different circumstances but seemingly doesn't realize that both examples he gives (shion being "ruthless" in the correctional facility, and now him crying) are because of HIM. while yes shion does overall show more outward emotions than nez, most of what nez has seen from him is because shion cares about him.
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at this point shion realizes that his negotiation attempts arent getting him anywhere and this is absolutely his last ditch effort to stay with nez somehow someway. he tells him very directly that he's begging him not to leave him and that a world without nezumi means nothing to him. hes trying to get nez to understand just how important he is to shion's life, so that maybe, just maybe nez will reconsider leaving. nezumi reacts by teasing shion as he usually does but with the softest expression on his face, seriously there is never another point in the manga that he looks this sincere and theres so much love in his eyes. but he knows he has to leave for shion's sake. because he wants shion to be happy and not have to worry about anything anymore, especially not because of him.
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and then!! the iconic Kiss.. and then we get to the panel that inspired this whole post. shion initially is shocked that nez kisses him, but he realizes that theres a good chance this would be the last time he would see him. and hes still upset about nez leaving (you can see the tears in his eyes and the conflict that must be going thru his head) but he knows he's gonna have to come to terms with nez leaving because hes just as stubborn as shion is.
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so FINALLY talking about this panel itself, the first thing that always strikes me is shion holding nezumi's arm, its as if thats his final non-verbal communication saying "please, dont go" and even tho he knows that wont happen theres part of him that just really hopes it will. he doesn't want to let go of nez, physically or otherwise. he doesnt want this moment to end but he knows it has to. nezumi holding shion's head/neck(?) is such an obvious indicator of just how much he loves shion. its as if he himself doesnt want to leave shion either, but he's convinced himself that its for the best. but just like shion doesnt want to let go of nezumi, nez doesnt wanna let go of him either. presumably hes holding shion with both of his hands, in which case shion is probably holding nez's other arm too. they both have just barely gotten to experience and really process the feelings and love they have for each other and now that they have, they dont want to stop. you cant even see their eyes in this panel but i can practically hear nezumi saying "im sorry" and shion crying. i like to imagine that after this, nezumi held shion close and let him cry on his shoulder for a minute before either of them actually let go. its a bittersweet goodbye.
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and then of course the infamous promise of "reunion will come shion" while nez gives him the sweetest most loving soft smile ever. which gives shion the reassurance he needed to feel okay with nez leaving. he knows how serious nezumi is about promises so he knows he'll keep it. its a promise that they'll meet again. and this is probably the most expressive nezumi is in the entire manga. he wants shion to know that he really means it so he stops putting up his usual tough guy front. he needs shion to know he will come back and he will see him again. in a weird roundabout way thats like nez saying "i love you" to shion.
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zykamiliah Ā· 3 years ago
....... I mean I guess simplifying the issue like that is not exactly wrong. But the real problem is that when Shion flees No.6 he starts a journey of self-discovery, he begins to learn about himself, about all the potential he holds and the things he's able and willing to do, even more if it's for his loved ones, a potential he could never explore in No.6's cozy and micromanaged environment.
Now the thing is that Nezumi pretty early made up his mind about who Shion was: a good-hearted, naive boy from No.6 who knew nothing of the real world. He liked that innocent side of Shion because it was a relief from the merciless world of West Block and his own hard life. It was a contrast to his own character: if he was the dark Shion was the light, if he was the sinner Shion was a saint etc. etc.
Night and day; light and dark; earth and wind; one who embraces all, and one who attempts to throw it all away. They are so different, yet they are very much alike.
(No.6 Beyond: Prologue)
However the longer Shion lives in West Block and learns from Nezumi (and falls in love with him) the more he finds out there are things about himself he doesn't know; how violent or ruthless he could be for example. At the same time Nezumi is rediscovering his own "weaknesses": he is not only protective of Shion's wellbeing but of his innocence as well. He becomes soft, something that could kill you in his world. And the Correctional Facility Arc brings all this conflicts to the surface, and there's a sort of reverse of dynamics whereas Nezumi is the one crying for Shion no to do something like killing a person, because he doesn't want Shion to change, an impossible thing as Nezumi has also changed under his influence, a fact that Inukashi remarks on at some point.
And so Nezumi realizes he doesn't really know Shion and becomes afraid of who Shion is or could be, of the power he has over the people he mets and over Nezumi himself.
"Are you crying?"
"I'm notā€•geez, I'm not a girlā€•"
"I'm afraid of you."
"I can't seem to grasp anything that's inside you, that's why. You're a mystery. You had the power to put all the people at the Moondrop in the palm of your hand in two seconds flat, yet here you are crying like a girl. You can be utterly ruthless, courageous, and noble all at once. And that's all part of who you are, isn't it? I can't understand it, and that's why it's terrifying for me. Maybe sometime in the future, it wouldn't be so bad for me to drop by to see... yeah, to see what kind of person you've become(...)"
(No.6 Vol. 9 Ch. 4)
TL; DR: Nezumi: I had this idea of who Shion was that was very easy for me to live with but then it turns out I don't know him at all, he is manipulative and ruthless and he loves me too much, and that scares the fuck out of me, so I'm out. Temporarily.
Everyone wondering why Nezumi left Shion at the end
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I too would leave if the guy interested in me started to go y*ndere levels of insane
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iwatch-theworld Ā· 6 years ago
whenever i try to picture modern au nezushi having social media i am always torn between nezumi either 1) not having one at all or 2) having a super dedicated extremely aesthetic shakespeare analysis blog that is so popular he frequently gets anon hate and weird asks
but i am 100% certain that if shion had a tumblr he would only remember to get on it every few weeks to post pictures of their rats, like his friendsā€™ posts, maybe reblog a few social justice posts and then fuck off for another month until he has more pictures of cravat to share
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timdrakee Ā· 6 years ago
Do you have any nezushi fic recs?
sorry this took so long but i went on The Hunt for good ones and i found a few! (iā€™m super picky w/ fics which is why this took forever lol) i might add onto this later if i am able to find more decent ones!!
of baby mice and men - 3k+. oneshot. .
shion projects.
(basically shion adopts baby mice and raises them with nezumi and itā€™s so fucking cute i died)
how to love your soulmate - 21k+. multichapter. complete.
Nezumiā€™s soulmate worked at a bakery.
He looked to be around the same age as Nezumi, had scattered locks of bright white hair, smiled happily at every customer with a seemingly unbreakable genuine disposition, and had, of course, strange red eyes.
Nezumi hated him.
He had not as yet spoken to the boy, and he had no intentions of doing so.
(soulmate au where you can see every color but the color of your soulmateā€™s eyes until the day you finally look into your soulmateā€™s eyes.i read this a while ago but i remember liking it!)
when constellations collide - 4k+. oneshot.
Everything felt easier in the dark, Shion thought. Now he was starting to understand why Nezumi preferred it.Ā 
(5 + 1 times nezumi and shion share a bed. cute af!!)
salvation and destruction - 11k+. oneshot.
A look into the future of Shion, Nezumi, and No. 6.
(the reunion fic iā€™ve always wanted!! a good balance of fluff and angst!!!)
a crown called content - 2k+. oneshot.
Shion has a bad dream about Nezumi leaving; Nezumi has three birthday gifts to make all the unpleasant feelings fade away.Ā 
(domestic fluff galore!!! cute and soft and exactly what i needed while crying at 1am lol)
no more nor less - 2k+. oneshot.
Nezumi has decided to confess his feelings to Shion after Safu suggests he should. He meets Shion in the library to study Shakespeare, andā€¦?Ā 
(short and sweet fic containing love confessions and analysis of shakespeareā€™s king lear. really what more could i want?)
hopefully you like these!! again iā€™ll probably add more later, iā€™m actually in the middle of a hunger games au and itā€™s pretty good so far!
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sineshion Ā· 5 years ago
No.6 will always be a story about fighting back against oppression of minorities, be it the poor, lgbt people, indigenous people, etc. There is something so very powerful about the main lead couple being in a gay relationship, a supporting character being transgender, and one of the main leads being indigenous and getting revenge for the erasure of his culture and people. Though dark and gruesome, No.6 at least to me, will always embrace all parts of humanity, even those we refuse to acknowledge, and celebrate the diversity and uniqueness to each and every one of us. The story of No.6 begs for you to become more self aware, to realize that you alone if choosing to remain ignorant, make up the government which will squash you like an insect. It begs you to not allow yourself to be silenced, to never allow everything that makes you a human being to be stamped out by anyone, especially those whom wish to hold power over you.
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sineshion Ā· 5 years ago
might fuck around later and write a Shion analysis to match my Nezumi one lmao
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sineshion Ā· 5 years ago
god I really popped off with that nezushi analysis lmao
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