#next video coked up though
She throws one shot of her with no clothes and the pose and lighting I am looking for
*smashes reblog without even realizing what I am reblooming"
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eternalxvenus · 6 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ broken promises pt. 1 ࿐ྂ
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summary: Rafe promised to take you out and spend your birthday with you, but you don’t hear from him all day and then suddenly he shows up at your door trying to explain. (angst version to my first birthday girl blurb) (title changed for series — previous title “birthday girl angst version”)
cw (for whole series): 18+, rafe x f!reader, mentions of drug use, angst, eventual smut, violence
wc: 0.6k
notes: honestly i’m thinking about making this particular blurb a series but i’m not sure though
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You woke up on your birthday excited to get your day started. Your boyfriend Rafe told you the day before he would pick you up for brunch, and then you would spend the day doing whatever you wanted.
By the time you showered and were ready to go, your stomach was growling, prepared to have some delicious food. You checked your phone and saw the time read 10:45. Rafe said that he'd be here by 11:00.
30 minutes later, you hadn't heard anything from Rafe, so you decided to call him. Each of your calls went straight to voicemail. You were starting to get worried, so you decided to check social media and see if he may have posted anything. You clicked on Kelce's close friend's story and saw a party happening at his house. A few videos later, you saw one of Rafe doing coke off the table in front of him.
Your eyes start to water. He had promised you that he would stop doing drugs when you guys started dating. You knew it made him irritable and hard to be around. It also made him forgetful, which means he was probably high out of his mind somewhere and probably doesn't remember he promised to take you to brunch. Or the fact that it's your birthday.
You wipe the few stray tears off your cheek, careful not to ruin your makeup, before calling Sarah, inviting her and the pogues to have breakfast with you at your place. When you asked her about Rafe, she said she hadn't spoken to him and didn't know where he was.
The time was currently 10:22 pm, and you had just gotten home from your birthday dinner with your family. Rafe was supposed to be there too, but you had to lie and say he hadn't been feeling well. You could barely enjoy yourself. You still hadn't gotten so much as a text from him.
You slipped off your heels, but before you could make it up the stairs there was a ring at your doorbell. You opened the door to see Rafe standing there with flowers in hand.
"What do you want, Rafe?" You really didn't want to sit around and listen to his excuses.
"Baby, I'm sorry, really. Just please let me explain."
You scoffed but leaned against your doorframe, prompting him to keep going.
"Okay, so Kelce was throwing this party, and I wasn't going to go, but everyone kept messaging me saying I should at least swing by and everything since they hadn't seen me in a while. I went and it was supposed to be no more than 15 minutes, but things got out of hand..."
"Yeah Rafe, things got out of hand as in you stayed at the party and started doing fucking coke? Out of hand as in you got so high you didn't text me all day, on my birthday, while I'm worried sick about you?"
Rafe's eyes widened, obviously not expecting you to know about that. He outstretched his hand that was holding the flowers to you. "Baby I... I'm sorry. I can take you shopping to make up for-"
You smacked the flowers out of his hand and he flinched. Your voice was shaky as tears pooled in your eyes. "No Rafe! Money isn't going to fix this. Obviously, I'm not important enough for you to keep your promise. Getting high means more to you than being there for your girlfriend."
Before he could speak again, you slammed the door in his face and made your way upstairs even as he started to talk to you through the door before moving on to blowing up your phone. You blocked his number and went to bed, unsure of what was next for your relationship.
part 2
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steviewashere · 2 months
Steve and Eddie being teenage boys (even in their twenties, even though they technically are no longer teenagers), a list that I've been making in my head (some of them are stupid and some of them are sweet, but this is a long list, be warned):
Steve teaching Eddie how to burp the alphabet after drinking soda. He's phenomenal at it. Like...almost disgustingly so. It ends up turning into a one up competition pretty fast after that.
Eddie who knows how to drag race and takes Steve on ridiculously fast drives down empty streets at night (when Steve's had a terrible night). He steps on the gas and goes: "Weeee!!!" as they speed. (Please don't speed. It is dangerous. But for the sake of entertaining their pea brains, this is what they do.)
Eddie and Steve who have been participating in a several month long tagging game. They slap each other on the back of shoulders as hard as they possibly can before skittering off like a little goblin.
Steve and Eddie think it's soooo fucking funny to blow up condoms like balloons when they're stoned.
Steve and Eddie who get stoned and they go shop for munchies at the local grocery store, both hysterically giggling at figuring out how to be "normal" people in public. (They are failing miserably.)
Steve who makes Eddie play basketball with him sometimes. And then he purposefully tosses the ball at Eddie rather than the basket. It devolves into wresting in the grass, heads in elbows, knuckles across scalps, kicking each other in the shins.
One time, Steve falls asleep at Eddie's on the couch. And instead of being all sweet and doting, Eddie finds a marker and draws a penis on Steve's face. He gets water poured on his head the next time he falls asleep at Steve's as payback.
Steve and Eddie comforting each other through nightmares and hardships and healing injuries, both in sort of constipated, mumbled ways. Pats to the back and leaning in close to each other, resting heads on shoulders. Passing cigarettes or beers back and forth just to pass the time, not really talking. Exchanging words afterwards like, "You're a great friend," and "You're the best person I know." Because they both need that and recognize that, even outside of the petty, childish things they do to each other.
Eddie, who understands that the pool at Steve's is a sore spot, instead of prodding them to get in, he plans out a whole water balloon fight to stave off the summer heat.
Steve, who knows that music has been a source of calm for Eddie over the years, makes sure there's always a cassette that Eddie can play in case it gets too quiet.
Eddie and Steve who shit talk each other in the arcade, beating each other's high scores if only to rile the other one up.
Steve who always checks Eddie's ID before he goes into the adult only room in Family Video. Despite knowing that Eddie is definitely over the age of eighteen. Sometimes he denies Eddie entry in front of Keith just to make him pout. (He thinks it's cute.)
Eddie and Steve watching porn together, criticizing the moans the entire time because they know for sure it's fake. And on the same note of moans, Eddie who gets a call from Wayne and Steve fake moans in the background the entire time. Steve gets a call from his parents and Eddie shouts really loud in the background for Steve to pass the joint back. They just glare at each other before getting in another tag fight throughout wherever they're at.
Eddie who goes into Family Video after Steve strikes out again. Who just walks up to the counter and starts acting like one of those girls, twirling his hair and pouting his lips and blinking his eyes, making his voice high pitched. (It gets Steve to giggle instead of pout, so Eddie calls it a win.)
Eddie guzzling an entire can of Coke and then spraying it out of his nose when Steve makes him laugh too hard. Steve's never made anybody laugh that hard.
Steve and Eddie who claim it's not gay to make their boners kiss. I mean...what? Who said that?
Steve and Eddie who play-punch a little too hard when playing punch buggy on vacation.
Speaking of vacation, Steve and Eddie going to a beach over the summer. They chase each other up and down the sand. They roll off of the sand hills. Eddie buries Steve in the sand and applies sunscreen to his face as he just accepts his fate. Steve helps Eddie make a sandcastle, a secret talent of his being how structurally sound he can build one.
Steve and Eddie playing with Legos while talking shit about Family Video customers. They toss Sour Patch Kids into each other's mouths as they talk. Sometimes hitting each other in the face purposefully.
Steve and Eddie who get drunk one night and go catch a wild possum. Robin screams at them to put it back because, "No, you dinguses, that is not a cat!"
Eddie and Steve taking care of each other on bad pain days. Trying to entertain the other with stupid jokes or shitty movies or gossip.
Eddie sharing his uncle with Steve when he finds out that Mr. and Mrs. Harrington are terrible motherfuckers. Who makes sure Steve is comfortable in his home around Wayne.
Steve conspiring with Wayne to make sure that Eddie always has the best birthday parties. Because the one thing he really held onto from his King Steve years was how to throw a small get together, and how, especially, to make it extremely awesome and memorable.
Steve who gets Eddie new albums he's been eyeing for his birthday. Ones Eddie knows he'd never be able to afford on his own, always a little sullen when he looks at the price. Steve who still has access to his dad's credit card and will max it out just for Eddie to get his fill.
Eddie makes homemade things for Steve's birthday. Cards and trinkets and drawings—things Steve's old high school buddies never considered as gifts, even though they have the most impact on Steve, even though they matter the most.
Steve and Eddie who love each other, insurmountably. Despite sometimes being major buttheads to each other.
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ellieslittlewh0re · 10 months
ִ ⋆。 °✩ ❝ 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐄 𝐋♡𝐕𝐄 ❞ ✩°。⋆
(𝒘𝒌) 5k
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〚𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍����𝐒〛 ✰ rockerstar! ellie x groupie! reader ✰
〚𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒〛 ellie williams. her name was everywhere- the underground music’s next breakout star, and for a good reason too- a honeyed voice mixed with gravel, her passion, energy, the fact she was everything rock and roll should be. also, let’s not forget the sex appeal.
〚𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒〛 sex, love, drugs, and rock and roll. !!TW!! for descriptions of drug usage ( c0cain, L$D) fingering (r! receiving), oral (r! receiving), strap on usage (r! receiving) overstim kinda, dom e!, sub r!
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It started with a video- a grainy, shity quality one at that, but still a video. She was center stage of some grungy bar from the looks of it, spotlights illuminating her face enough to see stands of her hair sticking to her forehead with sweat, and a chipped cherry red electric guitar hanging from her shoulder. She was magnetic, hypnotizing- not just with her performance, but her looks as well.
From that day on, you just had the desire to get closer to her in any way you could.
It had been two months since you started following her band while they toured across the West Coast. You had been to every show, seen every performance, and Ellie was starting to catch on.
The first time she saw you, you immediately caught Ellie's attention- I mean, how could you not? You were by far the hottest girl in the venue that night, swinging your hips so effortlessly it put the rest of the girls to shame. Ellie remembers that night vividly because she was so pissed she couldn't find you after the show to bring you back to her shitty motel room and have her way with you. But Ellie quickly forgot about you when the company of two other girls took your place that night, along with a few too many hits of whatever her drug of choice was during that time.
So, that's how you ended up here- at a run down gas station bathroom touching up your makeup in the middle of the fucking desert, and a van full of strangers that you were currently hitching a ride with waiting outside at the pumps.
And Ellie? Well, Ellie was doing what she always does before a show- drugs, and lots of them, whether it was molly, coke, weed, tabs, or maybe even a deadly concoction of all the above, she didn't care as long as it made her feel alive- claiming it made her perform better or something, but really she just liked being fucked up while fucking girls after the show.
While Ellie was living this "glamorous" rockstar lifestyle, you were on the complete opposite end- quitting your day job to follow some girl around who doesn't even know your name and catching rides from people who definitely look like they have seen the inside of a prison cell- AKA, you were a groupie.
The air was hot, stale. A thin layer of orangy, rust-colored sand coated the windows and the van's gaudy upholstery. The landscape outside flashed like an old fashioned reel movie, cacti, shrubs, Joshua trees, and repeat.
It was desolate, and if the road and occasional mile marker wasn't there to remind you, you would've thought you were on a different planet.
"Your stop is next, daisy." The man with a handle bar mustache yelled from the drivers seat, meeting your eyes in the review mirror.
Daisy. A nickname given to you by the group when they first picked you up further up north. You had a daisy tucked behind your ear, and from then on, you were daisy.
It was dark by the time you arrived at the venue, venue isn't really how you would describe it. It was more like a diner turned bar turned into whatever the fuck it was currently. You waved your goodbyes to the the group of not-so-strange strangers, all of them bidding you 'farewells' and 'good lucks' before you watched the red tails fade into the pitch dark of the desert.
For once, you were early. Turns out a bunch of traveling hippies and outcasts aren't on a timed schedule, who knew?
Even though you were early, the dirt patch of a parking lot was packed, cars in various stages of deterioration lining the sides of the building, and people gathering outside to avoid the cramped interior. But you weren't here to socialize or drink and get high- you just wanted to see her, dance to the strum of her guitar, and let her voice consume and overtake you.
It was 40-ish minutes past midnight, meaning Ellie and her band were late, but that's not a surprise. She had a bad habit of keeping the people waiting, but she was a busy girl- hanging out backstage or at a hotel, a room full of girls for her to pick from, and no shortage of drugs and alcohol. But tonight, she went a little too overboard. Her band mates were practically carrying her across the motel parking lot to their van, trying to get her to sober up on the way to the venue with water and motivational speeches that mostly consisted of "get your fucking shit together".
The short 30 minute drive to the venue was barely long enough to get Ellie back in the right state of mind. She was slightly unsteady on her feet, and her speech was a little slurred, but she's used to preforming under these conditions.
You waited patiently of course, babying a strong cocktail mix since you didn't dare get drunk and risk not remembering every detail of the night- every detail of her.
When the crowd shifted their attention to the back entrance of the building, silent murmurs at first before a load cheer erupting was when you knew, she was here, and she looked like heaven- a black tank top that was torn near the neckline, a studded belt loosely securing a pair of baggy, black patchwork cargo pants.
The crowd parted a pathway for her as she made her way through the room with her bandmates following behind, a cigarette tucked between her lips as she'd occasionally stop to sign whatever was thrown at her- a piece of paper, cash, a pair of tits- which she'd always happily comply, but if she saw a girl she liked, she would lick her pointer finger and index, smearing part of her signature on their cleavage while the marker was still wet to subtly let you know that she wanted your company for the night- at least, that's the rumor you've heard.
You found yourself holding your breath- she was so close, a mere body or two keeping you at arm's length from her. You could smell the cigarette smoke, and see the details of her chipped black nail polish holding the marker between her fingers.
Ellie hands the notebook and marker back into the wave of hands, looking up while blowing out a cloud of smoke, and that's when she sees you. She was about to walk off, but she stopped for a second. You don't look like you belong- you were different, sweet, and innocent-looking compared to the rest of the audience. But she doesn't let her eyes linger long, she has a show to put on after all.
She turned, and walked towards the stage stairs, and centered herself behind the mic. She shifted her weight on her feet, and took one last drag of the cigarette before suffocating the embers on a ashtray near the edge of the stage.
"How's everyone doing tonight?" She barely could make out before the crowds hollering drowned out her voice. She laughed into the mic while plugging a cord into her guitar that was connected to a beefy looking amp.
Her ego was at its biggest right now- just her mere appearance could make a group of strangers act like dogs, and she fucking loved it.
She played a few cords on the guitar, ensuring the tune was where she wanted it before looking back up into the crowd, "c'mon, you can do better than that." And even though her mouth was covered by the mic, you could tell she was smirking.
The crowd cheered louder, fists clenched high above the sea of heads, and chanted her name over and over exactly how she wanted them to.
And for you? Well, you were also chanting her name, maybe not as loud, but you were too busy squeezing your way through to get to the front.
She needed to be able to see you.
And she did see you- you were front row, playfully singing and dancing along, your bright, twinkling eyes boring into every little thing she did- from the way she'd run her hand through the front of her hairline, ridding her face of the baby hairs and bangs, down to the way her fingers curled over the frets of her guitar. She made sure to look elsewhere into the crowd, interacting with everyone, but her eyes always found themselves back on you.
Ellie closed out the show with an encore, most of the crowd was overly intoxicated at this point, stumbling, and starting meaningless fights with whoever was closest- aka the usual time you'd leave, but you couldn't, at least, not when Ellie was walking towards you, her eyes set on you. You glanced to your right then your left- confused, and definitely was searching for an explanation as to why she was getting closer. Surely, it was someone else who caught her attention, but it was only you nearby.
You take a step back from the stage as the tips of her dirty converse near the edge. She bends down at the knees before sitting all together, dangling her legs over the edge. She doesn't say anything, and you didn't either, maybe from intimidation mixed with confusion as to why she chose to sit here out of all places.
She reaches her tattooed arm behind, shifting her weight to pull out a pack of cigarettes, and offering the carton to you, but you shyly decline. She smirked, a dimple deepening on the one side of her cheek, "So-" She said, her voice momentarily muffled by the cigarette between her lips, "-you don't look like you're from here, where'd you come from, baby?" She ignited the end with a metal lighter, holding a free hand up to cover the flame which only amplified the warm glow of the flame on her face.
You chuckled a nervous laugh, looking down at your fingers as she blew out a puff of smoke, "M' not. I'm from up north. " Your voice trembled, leaking with submission and uncertainty which only fascinated her more, but also she was frustrated- most girls wouldn't need a conversation to know what Ellie wanted from them, and you weren't looking at her.
She grabs your hand, and pulls you closer to the space between her knees. A sharp breath gets caught in your throat as she does this, your cheeks hot, and your gut feels like it's jumping being this close to her- enough to smell the fumes of her cologne mixed with ash. You watch her fingers come up and hover over your chest, her fingers gently dancing along the skin of your clavicle to examine the charm of your necklace, but really it was just a flirtation tactic to her.
"What's a girl like you doing in the desert in the middle of the night, huh?" She asked, dropping her voice down to an almost whisper- raspy, and thick with suggestion. You shake your head side to side, a nervous tick of yours when you felt uncomfortable, but being uncomfortable isn't always a bad thing.
"I uh-" you paused, mentally wavering if you should tell the truth since it does seem a little pathetic. "-I wanted to see you play."
Ellie's eyebrows raise, her bottom lip puckering into a frown with a slight nod. "Is that so?" She hummed, rolling the edges of the charm between her fingers. Ellie was certain she had seen you before. It wasn't a trick of the light or getting your face confused with some other hot chick- you were unmistakable. But she didn't want you to know that she found you out, not yet, not now.
Ellie learned in further, your knees almost buckling out from under you, feeling her breath against your lips. She played it off like she was getting a closer look at your necklace, extending the religious symbolic charm out so the chain tugged on your neck. "Do you believe?" She asked, still looking at the damn necklace, furrowing her brows like she was in a deep philosophical thought.
You swallowed dryly, wishing you still had your drink from easier, "N-not really-" you stuttered, "it was a gift from when I was younger."
Ellie chuckled, but it wasn't lighthearted or sweet- it was dark, methodical, and a tad bit sadistic.
She released the charm from her fingers, letting it hit your bare chest with a muted thud before looking up. Her eyes were a darker shade than you remembered them being- irises blown out and framed beautifully by a thick band of dark eyelashes.
Her hand reached out and gently grabbed you by the wrist before yanking you closer so your tummy was flush with the side of the stage, leaving only a few inches between your tits and the denim of her crotch.
You inhaled a sharp, breathy yelp as she did this, your hands not knowing what to do or where to divert your eyes- her hands on you, her face so close to yours that you could count the freckles on her cheeks, even the ones that are faint enough to miss- or maybe how her thighs were drifting apart, and you were in between them.
Her hand comes up, which causes you to squeeze your eyes shut, but the wrinkles around your eyes relax as you feel her hand on your face and her lips on yours. You moaned instantly at the contact, resting your hand on her thigh where it felt most comfortable. Ellie took this opportunity to slip her tongue inside, using the muscle to work against yours. Her hand snakes down your side, squeezing the soft flesh of your hip before pulling away, leaving you breathless, and hazy.
Her eyes were intense looking into yours, her lips wet and craving a deeper satisfaction.
She only said one thing, a simple sentence that would separate you from being just some regular fan,
"Come with me tonight, and I'll show you something worth believing."
So that's how your night shifted- how one decision to follow some band across the state had finally paid off because now you were here- a hotel room, alone with the band's most valuable member snorting lines of a white powdery substance off of a mirror topped end table.
Ellie held the rolled 20 between her fingers, putting the end of it to her nose while the index on her other closed the opposing nostril shut. She dragged the end of the cylinder across the smuggled surface, inhaling deeply until the white line disappeared behind it.
"Fuuck-" She sighed, throwing her head back, and swipes the bottom of her nose with her thumb,
"Here-" She held out the rolled 20 for you to take, but you lean away,
"I don't do that stuff."
She looks at you curiously, a furrow between her brows that suggests she found your refusal even more entertaining.
Ellie leaned forward and turned her body to face you on the edge of the dusty duvet, "What-" She scoffed, "'think you're too good for it?"
You shook your head violently, indicating a 'no', "No- no, that's not what I meant-"
Ellie laughed, causing you to stop mid-sentence, "I'm just fucking with you, doll. I should've known." She smiles, and you return the smile in relief that you didn't actually offend her.
Your eyes divert to the wallpapered walls- a faint pattern of stripes with cream-colored baseboards, a warm yellowed lamp on the bedside being the only source of light in the room to contrast the night outside.
You felt her hand creep up your thigh, tempting the skin below the hem of your dress before it disappeared underneath the fabric altogether. She leaned in, her other hand on your face to encourage you closer, whispering a "so soft" in a raspy breath before connecting your lips with hers.
It started slow- her lips overlapping yours like a soft current on a still morning before it turned into a ranging one during a windy cast. You moaned into her- soft and delicate mews between each detachment, and it fueled her.
Ellie's body overpowered yours, using her strength to her advantage. But it's not like she needed it- you were putty in her hands, fully committing yourself to her, letting her push you into your back, and her body hovering on top of yours.
You squirmed beneath her- each bump, and drag of her knee between your legs left you feeling more desperate.
"Ellie-" you broke the kiss in a breathless euphoria, looking up at her with a needy expression. Ellie knew that face well- it's not like she had all this experience and didn't know what to do with it, so- she got up, leaving you alone on the bed, and walked over to a black duffle bag decorated with pins of miscellaneous logos and bands.
She riffled through it, pulling a small clear plastic bag out before joining you back on the bed.
She opened the baggie, pulling something out no bigger than the size of a postage stamp, and tearing it into smaller halves before looking up,
"Do you trust me?" She asked, her green eyes piercing into yours, causing a wet sensation to spill from the heat between your legs. You swallowed, not really sure what you were agreeing to, but you nodded anyway, "Yes, Ellie... I trust you."
She placed the colorfully decorated paper on her tongue and held the sides of your face, kissing you and slipping her tongue inside, transferring whatever it was into your mouth before pulling away. "Swallow." She demanded, tilting your face up by your chin, and you did it without hesitation- straining the walls of your throat as the mystery stamp slid downwards.
She smirked, and swiped her thumb over your bottom lip, "good girl."
She followed it up by doing the same, placing the tab on her tongue and swallowing, but she made it seem so much more intentional like a ritual of some sorts.
Ellie leaned away from you in the bed to rest her back against the headboard and pillows, "C'mere" she said nonchalantly, patting her thighs.
With shaky knees, you did as you were told and crawled your way up her legs until you were straddling her waist.
Her hands come up to rest on your hips, her thumbs tracing circles through the flimsy fabric of your dress, "so obedient" she said lightly, almost under her breath to herself and not at you directly. 
Her hands started to wander- first on your hips, then down to your thighs, gliding them up to the plush beneath your skirt. You felt her fingertip squeeze and caress, sending chills up your spine and a hot/cold sensation throughout your body.
Next, her lips were on yours, and her fingers were tightening the follicles on the back of your scalp as the kisses became more intense. Your back instinctively arches, and you reach a hand between your legs to soothe the ache, but she stops you with a firm grip on your wrist, "Gettin' impatient, huh?" She said in a cocky tone, smirking against your lips. You whimpered- nodding your head, and grabbed her hand, inching it closer to your core.
Ellie chucked at this- the kind of chuckle that was half way a scoff, and half way felt like an insult.
"Damn- you need me to fill you up that bad? 'thought you were one of them good girls."
She tisked her tongue against her teeth, but still let you guid her hand where you needed her.
The back of her knuckles grazed between the pillowy folds over your panties, going agonizingly slow before turning her hand over to fully palm your cunt.
You melt on top of her, resting your head against her shoulder, all the while dragging your hips against her hand.
She turns her head, her warm breath fanning against the helix of your ear, "You're so wet and I've barely touched you."
Her words echoed throughout your brain like her voice waves were sending signals to every part of your body. And her touch was magnified- each cell, fiber, and pore was experiencing a new sense of heightened, whether it be because of the drugs or not, you couldn't be sure.
"El-Ellie, please... need you."
Your words rang a siren song to Ellie's ears, creating a sticky pool between her own legs. She muttered a guttural "fuck" before she grabs you by the sides of your thighs, flipping you over so she was on top of you.
She was already yanking down your underwear, and tossing them to the side before you could comprehend what was happening. You felt her fingers stinging to the flesh of your thighs, prying them apart like she couldn't wait to see you, to taste you.
You sucked in a sharp breath as her tongue lightly traced a line down your folds before her lips met your clit where she pulsated the bud between her lips, letting out a moan as she made contact, "fuuck-" She curses before flicking her tongue over your bundle of nerves, igniting a colorful array of shapes behind your tightly closed eyes.
She was messy but precise- using her tongue along with the motion of her head to send you that much further. Your fingers tangled in her hair, tugging harder the closer you got which was the perfect time in Ellie's eyes to add a finger.
She slowly pushed her middle finger inside, stopping halfway at her knuckle to let you adjust before slamming it all the way till her knuckles were snug against your puffy lips.
You wriggled beneath her, reaching out to push her away with a palm to her shoulder, but that only makes her add a second finger.
You cry out loudly through heavy breaths, the veins on her forearm coming to the surface of her skin from how much force she was using, and her mouth putting in just as much work.
You were climbing higher and higher, the peripheral of your vision going white-
"Ellie... I'm- I'm gonna-" You don't have much time to warn her before your body starts to spaz, starting at your hips and up into your chest like volts of electricity through a highly active current.
Your knees close around her head, your back arching high off the mattress, and your eyes rolling into the back of your head. She slows her pace as you come down before pulling her fingers out and lifting her head.
With your eyes closed, and an arm draped over your face, you feel her pat the inside of your thigh before her weight leaves the bed.
She comes back a couple of minutes later, only opening your eyes when you feel her weight return to the mattress.
Your eyes go wide as you take notice of the new attachment- a black, strappy harness with buckles near her hips, and a crude shaped silicone cock bulging at her crotch.
She lowers herself over you, her hands on each side of your head before she leans down to kiss you, slipping her tongue inside. She pulled back, momentarily admiring the way you looked just from something as simple as oral and some fingering- glossy eyes, puffy lips smeared with her spit, and if she looked down- how your inner thighs glistened.
Her lips trial from yours, staring at your neck, then your chest, and finally your tits which Ellie had absolutely no problem with pulling the straps down to expose them, leaving the fabric bunched around your stomach. In her eyes, everything she wanted- no, needed was accessible this way.
Ellie looks up, placing a delicate kiss on the skin of your lower stomach, "Got one more fr' me, pretty girl?" She asked softly, tenderly, but it still managed to come off more intimidating than a question should sound.
You nodded shyly, a small whine emitting from the back of your throat, looking down at her with your breasts out for her viewing, grabbing pleasure, and your legs spread wide, ready to take her.
She lifted her upper half up, slim fingers holding the base of her cock, and lined the artificial tip with your entrance. She glided the tip up your folds, coating it with your slick, and let out a sultry exhale since she could practically see your walls clenching around nothing in preparation for her.
She teased you for a bit- only giving you a couple of inches before backing away and repeating, each time causing you to whine harder and harder out of frustration. Sure, Ellie was having her fun watching you squirm, grab for her, and fuck- how your hole gapped each time she pulled out, a clear, viscous fluid leaking from it, but she was growing just as impatient- feeling your legs wrap around her waist, pulling her closer, pleading variations of her name and "please" and who is she to deny you when you ask so nicely?
She thrusts her hips forward until her crotch was flesh with your ass, your legs in the air, and her hands pushing on the back of your thighs.
"Is this what you wanted, huh?" She gritted, pulling her hips back only to snap them forward again.
You cried out loudly, curling your fingers around the bedsheets until the blood stopped circulating, turning the skin there a lighter shade than the rest of you.
She pushed harder on the back of your thighs- your knees pressed up against your chest, and using what you can imagine is all of her strength to thrust into you. She was reaching the deepest part of your cervix- grunting and moaning on Ellie's end while you mewled high-pitched noises mixed with the wet slapping of her cock repeatedly slamming into you.
Ellie's eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly upward, and her lips parted as insufficient, short breaths seep from them. Her hips started to falter from the endless abuse her clit was suffering behind the base of her strap, her boxers now a sticky, cold mess that stuck to her cunt and thighs.
She collapses on top of you, snugging herself between your legs to connect her lips to yours in a desperate effort, overpowering all your senses with her. She continues to fill you over and over again, both of you moaning in between breathless lips.
You wrapped her arms around her as her head hung low into your neck, digging your nails into the skin of her shoulder blades.
"El... mmhm- I'm gonna-" You babbled before biting your lip to silence the cry that was bubbling in the back of your throat, and Ellie wasn't far behind.
The pistoning motions of her hips turned into a grinding one- keeping a steady pace and rolling her hips forward, "M-me too- fuck... stay with me, yeah?" She said in between soft pants, the warmth of her breath brushing against your lips as her hand came up to gently but firmly wrap around your neck.
Ellie's head goes fuzzy as you looked up at her with your half-hooded gaze and your perfectly rosette lips that are just begging to be wrapped around something, so- she released the hold she had on your neck and brought her two fingers that were previously inside of you to your mouth.
She didn't even have to say anything for you to part your lips wider, slipping her fingers inside and rolling them over your tongue.
You moan, closing your lips around her as her fingers reach further back, causing tears to fall from the corner of your eyes.
"That's it-" She coaxed, her eyes focused on the split trailing down your chin,"-such a good girl."
She motioned her fingers in and out in a vulgar manner, bitting her bottom lip before pulling her fingers out all together to fist the bed sheets beside her.
"Fuckfuckfuck-oh my god-" She grunted incoherently, dropping her head to space between your neck and shoulder. Her forehead glistened with proof of her efforts as she rushed the pace to ease the itch between her legs.
You tightened your legs around her waist, pretty little noises falling on Ellie's ears as you both peak.
She rolls her hips- making it slow and deep until your voice grows tired and quiet before pushing her upper half away from you.
You wince at her absence, feeling your walls retract back to its original shape like the sand inside of an hourglass.
She plopped down beside you with an exaggerated sigh of exhaustion, pulling up the bottom of her tank top to wipe the slick/sweat mixture from her chin and nose, giving you a few seconds to admire her hardened stomach and prominent 'v' which lead your eyes down to the fake dick still standing high between her thighs.
She catches you looking, the corner of her lips tugging into a smirk as she lets out a low chuckle.
You meet her eyes, realizing you have been caught, which causes you to look away quickly, but her hand grabs yours.
"Gettin' shy on me now after all that?" She said, pulling at your hand to silently instruct you to get on top of her, so you did.
Her hands rub up and down your thighs, and her bottom lip snug between her teeth. She eyes your body, starting from your tits down to her cock that is resting against your lower stomach.
"Wanna do me a favor?" She asked, palming the fat of your thigh that spilled over the heels of your feet. You hummed at her- a sweet, genuine hum that was full of eagerness to assist her, which almost made Ellie feel bad for what she was about to say- key word almost.
"Put that pretty little mouth of yours to use and clean me up."
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nishloves · 1 year
jelly; yuji itadori (jujutsu kaisen)
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yuji itadori (jujutsu kaisen) x f! reader // fluff oneshot //
words : 1.5k // masterlist
requested by @feat-sun
hey there sunny! i sincerely hope this is upto your expectations and that you like this little oneshot which I wrote (I'm sorry that it's rather short) yuji is such a walking green flag and it was so fun to write him 😭🩷 also let's pretend that sukuna is prolly hibernating inside yuji's brain (coz i didn't know how to add his snarky remarks in the fic 🥲) also, hope it's to your liking <3
"yuji~" a small pout graced your features as you laid your head on yuji's shoulder while he gamed, too oblivious to your pout and desperation.
you just wanted cuddles and he wasn't giving you any, you understood he couldn't just turn the game off and spoil you and you didn't want to seem like someone who would deprive her boyfriend of games but you were feeling clingy and yuji not paying attention to you did slightly hurt a little.
"yuji," you reluctantly whispered in his ears as your boyfriend just hummed, "y/n, give me like fifteen minutes please, todo and I are nearly going to wipe this round off!" he announced, burying himself deeper in his video game as you pulled away from him.
you could vaguely hear todo's voice asking yuji if he can still play the round and your boyfriend immediately said a yes with so much hype that it almost made your pouty mood foul.
you realised you weren't gonna get any attention from him, so you switched to the next best thing, megumi.
you got up from your boyfriend's side and went over to megumi's room, who looked at you lazily and allowed you to come in.
"itadori annoyed you?" megumi asked as he passed you a can of coke which you happily took.
"precisely. i don't really think it's his fault though, maybe I'm just being clingy and desperate," you groaned, sipping your drink as you settled yourself on fushiguro's bed who scowled at you as he had just made his bed.
"it's not bad to want your partner's attention," megumi muttered.
"but atleast lay down like a person, not an animal," he smacked your leg as he sat on his bed's edge, thinking about how to retain his peace back and help you without offending you.
"not my fault that you're grumpy, grandpa," you muttered, nudging fushiguro with your toe as he sighed in exasperation.
and then something clicked in his brain,
"hey, you had a crush on inumaki, right?"
"mhm yes."
"how did you go from inumaki to itadori is beyond me, but why don't you hang out with him?"
"inumaki?" you asked, your eyebrows quirking up.
"yeah, you used to like him so maybe you won't leech off attention from him," he rolled his eyes as a grin embarked on your face.
maybe megumi didn't mean that it will help making yuji jealous but that's what you thought.
you suddenly got up from his bed and left the can on his bedside as megumi called after you, while you just grinned in his direction and saluted him before taking your leave.
"did i accidentally do something?" megumi whispered to him himself as he smacked his head on the bed.
you rushed towards inumaki's room, a small smile on your face as you knocked on his door.
"good morning inumaki!" you greeted as inumaki's eyes turned into crescents on your arrival.
"kelp." (greetings)
"well, yuji is busy, so i was just wondering if you would you know... like to go to the market with me? i was thinking to buy some clothes and accessories," you said, a bashful smile on your face.
"tuna mayo?" (me?)
"tuna tuna" (do you really trust my skills?)
"i do, and it will be more fun if I have someone with me, so please?" you asked, trying your best to seem convincing as inumaki sighed, a small smile evident on his face as he replied, "salmon." (okay)
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as much as fun you were having with inumaki, it was better posting every picture you took with him on social media; a picture where you both are grinning next to each other, another where you dressed inumaki up with jewelries and a girlish hat, another where you both hid your faces beneath ridiculous masks and another which you took next to beach and the best of all, you captioned the post with "a platonic date" and inumaki commented with red hearts on it.
now amidst the outing, inumaki had himself understood the meaning behind your actions, but you were really so sweet to be around that he didn't say anything, well why should he when he was having so much fun too?
"thankyou so much, leaving my intentions aside, i really did enjoy the outing," you grinned at inumaki as he smiled at you slightly. his eyes looked away from yours to the scenery as he said, "oh salmon cod roe." (hey look here)
you whipped your head around to where inumaki was pointing and it was the prettiest sunset you had seen, pinkish sky with hues of blue still lingering, clouds framed the sun as slight wind blew on the beach, you grinned and clicked a picture of it, and then a picture of inumaki with the sunset, and then posted it too.
"salmon tuna mayo kelp roe cod," (you're really going after yuji, aren't you? even he will get jealous of that.)
"I am," you affirmed as you chuckled, a small smile on your face as you found yourself lucky for having such great friends.
"thankyou so much."
"mustard leaf." (it's okay)
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now when you had returned, maki had called inumaki over for some second year discussion and your eyes fell upon megumi and then on yuji who was talking to gojo behind megumi.
another wild thought crept up to your mind as you rushed towards megumi to give him a giant bear hug almost making the poor guy fall, but as cold as megumi was he was still very tolerant of you and he still reciprocated the hug.
you could feel yuji's eyes boring into you and you could see gojo's lips quirking up as he understood just what was going on.
"thanks for the drink today megumi," you gushed as fushiguro slightly patted your head.
as soon as you pulled away from megumi you eyes landed on another pair of kind brown ones, his face contorted in a frown as he looked away from you, you giggled as gojo whistled, "I think there's some talking due here so~"
he pulled both you and itadori together as yuji whined for being dragged.
"nu-uh you both are gonna talk and we," he pointed towards himself and megumi, "are gonna leave."
he pushed you both in a room and closed the doors (he didn't lock them) as yuji groaned and looked at you, "what was that for y/n?" he asked, a pout etching it's way on his face again as a small smile quirked up on your lips.
"what do you mean, yuji?"
"baby~" he whined, looking away from you, "you know what I mean..." he fiddled with his fingers as he looked down at the floor, "you know... you going on a date with inumaki..."
"but that didn't mean anything," your heartstrings pulled at you as despite your plan you rushed towards him, your hands snaking around his waist as you rested your cheek on his back.
"i don't know, you both looked pretty happy, and you were gone for practically the whole day," yuji murmured, his hands coming to rest on yours as he leaned his head back on yours.
"yuji," you laughed at his whines as his pouts became more prominent and he pulled you in front of him from his back, your eyes widened slightly as you momentarily stopped laughing from the pleasant shock.
yuji's hand rested on your shoulders as his eyebrows were furrowed, you don't think you have seen him look this adorable before.
"you shouldn't laugh on that!" he whined, a deeper frown on his face as his eyes sincerely looked sad. "i came to find you in fushiguro's room and then he told me that you were out with inumaki, you didn't even inform me by yourself."
your smile dwindled as you lean forward, letting your lips rest on his as you kissed him softly, you could feel yuji's hold relax on you as he pulled you in a hug, pulling you closer to him.
"sorry for making you feel bad, yuji."
you both pulled away as your noses still touched, both of you red with slight embarrassment and proximity, and both immediately realising that you just had your first kiss with itadori!
"sorry for ignoring you earlier, baby," he muttered against your lips as he looked at your eyes for any signs of discomfort from the kiss, but all he saw was your radiant and bashful smile as his heart started beating miles faster.
"y/n, baby..." he murmured as you hummed cooly, "yes?" his hands rested on your waist as he leaned his forehead to touch yours, his ears red as he still looked into your eyes.
"can i kiss you again?"
you grinned, rubbing your noses together you said, "yes."
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slvttyplum · 11 months
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ you would kick him out but…| Toji Fushiguro
SYNOPSIS: saw a video saying broke men have the best dick and that made me think of a certain someone…
CONTENT: broke toji, smut, degradation, fem!reader, counter sex
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You were sitting in the living room on your computer, finishing up grading assignments. All the lights were off, and nothing but a lamp was illuminating your glasses. You sigh, throwing your head back. You were grading for two hours nonstop, and your back started aching. You went to adjust your glasses before diving back into the words on your screen until the front door flung open.
You jump in fear, staring at the big figure in front of you. There he was, his broke ass. Toji stood there in sweats, a sweatshirt, and slides ruffling through the fridge already. You jump off the couch, storming towards him.
“And where the hell have you been all day?” He shrugs you off, grabbing a can of Coke and popping it open. His dark eyes are fixed on you as you hold your mouth open in anger. Leaning against the kitchen counter, he smirks at you. You squint your eyes, wondering what he’s going to say. You’ve been waiting on him to come back for hours on end to help him with applications, but he stood you up, thinking the shit is funny.
Toji burps, clearing his throat. “I’ve been looking for a job.” You burst out laughing and clapping your hands. If there's one thing he knows how to do, it's to make you laugh. Although this situation wasn’t funny, it was funny how he tried to blatantly lie.
“Don’t lie, your sorry ass was out roaming the streets like always. We’re grown; start being real.” You walk towards the fridge, opening it and looking for a snack. He does this all the time; the cycle never ends. This has been happening for three months: you agree to help him find a job; he agrees that once he gets a job, he’ll start paying rent; the next day he goes out and doesn’t come back until midnight; you get mad; he says what you want to hear.
It's exhausting, to say the least. You would kick him out, but...
You pulled out string cheese, and as Toji walks closer to you, sliding behind you, something slides across your ass and digs into you. He takes his hands, rubbing your sides as he moves forward, pressing into you.
You push back against him a little bit, dropping your cheese. He pushes right back, taking his hands and sliding them into your shirt, rubbing past your boobs. You flinch at the touch. Turning around and wrapping your arms around his neck, he takes his hands and slides them to your ass, gripping hard.
His dark eyes and cold demeanor did something to you like nothing else; it turned you on faster than any foreplay ever cold.
He picks you up as you wrap your legs around his waist. He kisses you, and you kiss back forcefully. He pulls back, going for your neck. You push his head back, frowning, “No. You know that.” Chuckling, he takes you to the counter, setting you down.
“You would look so sexy with a hickey, though.”
You roll your eyes, taking off your shirt, revealing you were wearing no bra. He eyes you down, licking his lips like you were a full-course dinner. He quickly takes one of your boobs in his hand, fiddling with your nipple, and the other holds your neck, kissing you. His kiss got more aggressive, his mouth overpowering yours.
You moan into the kiss, subtly grinding; it felt so good, but you didn’t want to be needy. He removes his hand from your neck, putting his hand into your shorts. It was forceful, but it only made you wetter. His hands were rough but felt good against your skin.
"Let's just take these off.” He says, taking both his hands and yanking them off, you jerk up, flopping back on the counter. He throws off his slides, pulling down his sweats and briefs. You stare at him as he does it, his abs popping off and his happy trail sliding down to his pubic hair—a sight for sore eyes, you thought to yourself.
He takes one hand and sits it on your thigh, gripping it, and the other slides one finger in. You gasp, taking your hand and gripping his arm for stability. “How does it feel?” He says with bass in his voice, and you nod looking at him, trying to find the words "good." He then puts another finger in, curving them up, and you moan, throwing your head back.
He takes his hand off your thigh and spits in his hand, wrapping it over his dick. He lets out a soft moan, putting another finger inside of you. He smirks at the sight of you gripping onto him with your head back. You began to rock your hips back and forth, and you slid your hand down to his wrist. It always felt so good when he fingered you, and he made sure to make use of them if he couldn’t do anything else.
His moans got more audible as he stroked himself faster. Tilting your head back up, you looked at him as he was looking down at your pussy. You gripped his wrist harder, pulling his wrist into you. He looked up at you, moving his fingers faster. He slipped a third finger inside, curving it up even more.
“Tell me how much you like it, y/n.” You look at him with blank eyes as he goes faster. The pleasure was so great that you couldn’t even think of the words you were going to say. Your eyes were rolled, and you couldn’t breathe; you were close.
His speed slowed down. He slipped one finger out. He removed his hand from his dick, grabbing your neck and leaning forward, both your noses touching. “I Said…”
He dragged out the last word, slipping his dick inside of you. All thoughts zoomed back inside your head, your eyes rolling back into their original form. Before you could let out any words, he squeezed your neck, looking you straight in the eye.
“Answer my fucking question.”
You took your hand, gripping his wrist around your neck. “What question? Whether you should get a job or not?”
His grip got tighter as he thrust into you; his dick slid easily, your hips grinding against him subliminally. He leaned into your ear and said, “Don’t be fucking coy, answer.” You moaned loudly as he pounded into you with force. You were about to cum but couldn’t get there.
“You..” You say that in between breathing, he tilts his head, smirking and gripping your neck tighter. You start coughing, but he only grips harder and pounds faster. Your heart was racing so fast that you couldn’t hear anything but ringing.
"I'm sorry, baby, I didn’t quite catch that.” He says moving his hips at a rate only a monster could go, you were almost there, just a bit more. You try to move your head back, but his grip is sucking the life out of you.
“That means say it again, slut.” You start slapping his hand as you draw closer to your climax, and your legs widen as you begin to cum.
“You! You! Oh my god, you.” You cum, and he only goes faster; his head falls onto your shoulder as he groans in between thrusts. The hold on your neck gets tighter, and you smack his hand, trying to get him off you.
His rhythm gets slower and sloppier, and he pulls out, cumming on your pussy, He unclasps your neck, and you start coughing. His head is still on your shoulder. You push him off, hopping off the counter. You walk towards him, slapping his chest.
“You almost killed me, you fucking idiot!”
He laughs, bending down and trying to catch his breath. “yeahhhh I know. Sorry about that.”
You roll your eyes, picking up your clothes off the floor and walking away, mumbling, “Put this much energy into finding a job.”
He picks his head up, yelling to you, "I'm sorry, what was that?
You stomp to your room door and say, “Fuck off.” slamming your door.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Duke and Tim middle child antics?
I know Jason and Cass are also middle children but Duke and Tim are the Middlest if you know what I mean
They walk around the house opening doors but not closing them
Their secret TikToks are of them doing increasingly stupid dances on patrol and seeing how long it takes for the others to find out. Right now they're at 232 videos and counting
They duct-taped Barbara's Pringle can shut. She blamed Damian
Jason forgot a bottle of Coke outside. Tim and Duke set up a science experiment watching it over the course of 9 months. It gained national recognition. The rest of the batfam never noticed
They recorded an album of Dick's shower singing
Their favorite track: Dancing Queen (L'Oréal remix)
Yeah Damian exists but let's be real Tim and Duke are the only Gen Z batkids
They dyed each other's hair and no one batted an eye
Dick bought two pairs of Ray-Bans and both went missing the next day. He blamed Jason even though Tim and Duke were right there, rocking their matching shades
They locked Damian out of his Club Penguin after too many failed password attempts
They also convinced him the Batmobile had a secret chicken incubator function
Steph loses her charger often but rarely notices because either Alfred or Bruce will replace it when she does. Tim and Duke, meanwhile, collect them and plan on regifting them to her on the 10th anniversary of losing her first one
Cass knows where they hid her hairdryer, but it's in Tim's room and no amount of survival training could prepare her for that
Bruce forgot to add Duke to the family phone plan so Tim hacked the account and added Duke himself
Sometimes Tim and Duke get lumped into a single entity during headcounts and just watch as everyone panics thinking they're missing a person
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reidingandwriting · 2 months
Lover (Steve Harrington’s Version)
Chapter Three: The Archer
“Screaming who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay?”
Word Count: 2k
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: Fem!Reader, mild cursing, off screen abuse to reader from her father (mentions of a bruise on face and allusions to past problems), reader is a little emotionally constipated but they work through it
Previous chapter / Next Chapter
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You were late. So very late. Your professor went on a tangent, having been distracted by a question another student asked, and it was ten minutes after class was supposed to end before you were finally dismissed. Then your car had a flat and you had to hunt down someone on campus who could help you change the tire. You were now half an hour late to yours and Steve’s dinner reservation, and you fell into your seat with a flurry of apologies.
“I’m so sorry! Class ran late and then my tire was flat, and it was impossible to find someone that would help me. I’m so, so sorry I made you wait this long.” Steve frowned at how worked up you were and he reached forward, taking your hand in his own. You always got so worked up over being late, so apologetic and frantic. Like you were ready for Steve to start a fight over it. Steve could quickly relax you with a gentle touch, voice dropping to a volume where only you could hear him.
“Hey, hey. It’s no big deal. Got a headstart on the breadsticks,” Steve’s voice was teasing yet soothing at the same time. You took a few deep breaths and Steve continued to talk. “Went ahead and ordered Coke for us. You would not believe the day I had.” Steve talked to you about work, judging some of the movie choices of the Family Video customers, and you felt your shoulders slowly relax the more Steve talked. He only stopped when your waitress came by, and after you both ordered, he turned to you. “Guessing your day wasn’t so good either?”
You sighed as you played with your straw. “Classes were good, besides running late. Then my tire being flat really sucked. Could have been worse though. Could have dealt with the patrons of Family Video,” you said and Steve smiled when you started to joke with him. He must have been staring at you longer than he realized, because you startled him when you asked “What is it? Something on my face?”
“Nothin’. Is it a crime to look at my girl?” Steve grinned at you and you rolled your eyes, ignoring how your cheeks burned. You continued to make conversation with Steve until your food arrived, and you enjoyed each other’s presence, the silence comfortable as you ate. You had been dating Steve for about three months now, making it official fairly quickly. Every day with him felt better than the last. Not much had changed in your dynamic after your relationship started, just a lot more kissing and cuddling. It was nice, and so unexpected at the same time. Not like Steve had ever treated you badly a day in your life, but you imagined there’d be some change once the two of you started to date. Yet so far… nothing. “Now who’s the one with a staring problem?” You bit back a remark and instead chose to stick your tongue out at him. “Wow,” Steve drawled, “real mature. You know, I think I see where the kids got their attitudes from.”
“Remind me how many arguments me or Robin have had to break up between you and Dustin, dingus,” Steve leaned forward and flicked your forehead at the nickname and you slapped at his hand. “Asshole.”
“You love me.” Steve smirked, but the blush on his cheeks betrayed him. You took a sip from your Coke, trying yet failing to hide your own smile as you shrugged.
“Sure do.”
“What did you do?” Robin asked as Steve walked into Family Video and Steve looked around before he pointed at himself. “Yes, you. Did you two have a fight or something?” Steve stared at Robin for another few seconds before it clicked.
“No! No, we’re great. Why? Did something happen?” Steve walked behind the counter, adjusting his vest and Robin watched him. When Steve met her eyes, there was a doubtful look in them. “What, Rob?”
“We were supposed to hang out last night. I even swiped The Breakfast Club, it was supposed to be a whole thing. She never showed up and when I called to check on her, she wouldn’t give me a solid answer. Just said something came up and she was sorry. Sounded upset, so I just assumed maybe you two fought.” Robin paused. “But that doesn’t make much sense either. One of you would’ve told me if you had a fight. Plus you two, like, never even argue. Adorable but weird.” Steve had to give it to her there. You two had little disagreements here and there but never anything substantial. And if anything had happened, Steve’s first call would have been to Robin, and he’s almost certain you would’ve called her right after he did.
“I don’t know, mind if I..?” Steve trailed off, nodding towards the phone and Robin nodded. Steve walked over to the phone on the counter and dialed your number. He gnawed at his lip as the phone rang and he frowned when you never picked up. “I’ll drop by tonight,” Steve said as he turned towards Robin.
“Let me know if she’s okay, yeah? It’s not like her to skip out like that.” Steve patted Robin’s shoulder and let out a sigh.
“No, it’s not.”
The rest of Steve’s shift went by agonizingly slow. Once he dropped Robin off at home, he sped to your house, anxiously drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. On his way there, he ran into your parents’ car, headed in the opposite direction. Did they do something to upset you? The minutes it took him to park in your driveway felt like hours and Steve jogged up to your door, knocking rapidly. Steve raised his hand to knock again when the door slowly opened. You were hiding behind the door, your face downturned. You looked up at Steve through your lashes and you shied away.
“What are you doing here?”
“Can I come in? Please?” Steve borderline begged and you hesitated. Your name fell from Steve’s lips, and you could practically hear the concern dripping from his voice. You slowly opened the door, still hiding behind it as you let Steve in. You shut the door behind him and you began to walk past him towards the living room. “Hey,” Steve called as he followed you. You sat on the couch and pulled your knees up to your chest, chin resting on your knees and face turned down. Steve knelt down beside you and froze when he saw the bruise on your cheek. “Did he-”
“Don’t, Steve.” You turned away and Steve frowned.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Do I have to tell you everything?” Your tone was clipped and Steve was surprised. You had never talked to him like that before.
“Woah, what did I do? No, you don’t have to tell me everything, but if you’re being hurt-” You groaned as you buried your head in your hands. Steve stood up and began to pace the floor. “I could have helped you. Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“What would you have done? It’s done. It’s over with, it’ll be like it never even happened within a week.”
“Has this happened before?” Steve asked and you fell silent. “Why didn’t I know?”
“You didn’t need to.” He didn’t need to? “I can handle myself.”
“You don’t have to, though!” You and Steve both flinched from his raised voice. “You’re my girlfriend, my best friend. You don’t have to hide things from me. We don’t hide things from each other. You can’t just shut me out.” You stood up so quickly it startled Steve and you gestured wildly around you.
“It’s all I know!” Your eyes began to water and Steve couldn’t move. He wanted to reach out, to comfort you, but he didn’t know if you’d want him to touch you like this. You had never raised your voice at each other; it was uncharted territory for the both of you. “I don’t get you, Steve. I don’t get us. All I’ve known is passive aggressiveness. When my parents aren’t fighting, they’re ignoring each other. When I’m not getting bitched at, I’m getting ignored.” You sighed as you sat back down on the couch. “I didn’t know what to expect when we started dating. Because we have been best friends for so long, surely dating couldn’t have been that big of a change. But my parents used to be happy, too. Until I came along.”
Your parents never let you forget it either. They spoke of their dreams to have moved to the big city, your mom’s aspirations for her career, your father finally ready to leave Hawkins. And then your mother found out she was pregnant. And all their dreams went to shit. They had done a good job at hiding it the first few years of your life, hiding their bitterness. Their resentment. As you grew older, it became worse. Ever since you graduated, you were lucky to be ignored, spared from their comments and looks.
“I was scared you’d start to look at me the way they did. So I didn’t tell you about things getting worse. I thought it would be easier, but you saw right through me. You, your friends, the kids. And it’s just… I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. And it hasn’t.” Steve took a seat beside you and slowly opened his arms to you. You immediately crawled into his arms, head resting on his chest, letting out a shaky breath. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” Steve said. He pressed a lingering kiss to your head, letting you and him both relax for a moment. “I can’t promise everything will always be perfect. But I can, I am promising that I’ll always do my best for you. Call me crazy, but you’ve been a part of my life this long. Hoping you’ll stay in it even longer.” You gripped Steve’s shirt, your grasp tight as if he would disappear if you let go.
“Love you, Stevie.” You tilted your head up and pressed a kiss to Steve’s jaw and somehow scooted closer to him, practically molded into one person at this point. “Need to apologize to Rob for ditching her last night. Is she mad?”
“Never at you,” Steve said. “She was worried but not mad.” Steve looked outside, the sun just now starting to set. “Why don’t we give her a call?” An hour and a half later, you, Steve, and Robin were walking the fairgrounds. You had decided to make a spontaneous trip to Indianapolis since all three of you had a rare weekend off and with the teens coming over the next day for a cookout, you wanted some time together. Robin stood by your right side, hands laced together as you walked towards a swing ride. Steve walked on your left side, hand on the small of your back as you and Robin argued over which fair food was the best (obviously, funnel cake). You were smiling, laughing at Robin’s dramatics and Steve’s comments when he butted in, and he hadn’t seen you this relaxed in a while.
“Take a picture, Dingus, it’ll last longer.” Robin teased when she caught him staring and you giggled as you leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. You could taste the faintest hint of cotton candy and you leaned in for another before Robin started gagging. “Come on, kiss on your own time. Rides!” You let yourself get dragged away by Robin and Steve jogged to keep up with you, laughing the whole time. He could get used to this.
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buzzyb33 · 8 months
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Prompt: head cannons Y/n and Tobi in the early stages of their relationship in a honeymoon phase, completely head over HEELS.
Warnings: swearing, suggestive content,
Tobi is so in love and after you two get past the awkward phase you’re always at each others sides when you can be, though having a high demand job is a bit difficult, you’re a lawyer, specifically a family lawyer so working for home 60% of the time is nice.
You and Tobi met on your friend’s birthday, out for bowling and he was out with the boys for a video, the next bit got cancelled and while he went to get a sugary drink, so did you, you two making eye contact as you both ordered blue slushies.
“Great minds think alike.” I grin and he laughs.
“I’m y/n.” I smile and look at him.
He smiles back, showing a perfect row of teeth.
“I’m tobi, pleasure to meet you.”
I giggle quietly: “oh the pleasures all mine.”
“Do you not drink?” He asks as the young man starts to make our drinks, his eyes flicking back to Tobi every so often.
“Nah, sometimes I suppose like.. new years? Some birthdays but I like to focus on my work or something like that,” I reply generally honestly and he smiles.
His eyes go to a booth and he seems to be contemplating his options.
“Listen- I have to get back to my friends- but- can I have your number?” He clearly his throat.
“Yeah, yeah okay- course.” I smile and hand him my phone.
He smiles back and puts him name with a contact “Tobi ❤️” and I grin at his boldness.
Thankfully, the boys didn’t notice so he was clear.
Throughout the rest of the time at the bowling alley the two exchanged eye contacts and smiles despite their friends knowledge.
On our first date Tobi took- and payed for us to go to a nice restaurant.
“So, what do you do- for work?” I ask just as I finish explaining what I do as a family lawyer, sipping my coke.
“Well i- I make videos.” He said not-so-smoothly.
I him as I pick at my fries.
“You’re a YouTuber?”
He looks at me then laughs lightly.
“Yeah, I’m a youtuber.”
Since then, you exchanged schedules and went for little dates, the boys could tell Tobi was happier they just couldn’t put their finger on it.
Just after a shoot as he claimed he was busy- turning down lunch he got a call which caused him to spring to his seat.
He hummed and said various short words into his phone before saying he’ll send the address.
“Oh? You’re getting picked up Tobi? By who?”
Ethan nudges and Tobi sighs in response.
“A friend, that’s why I’m busy.”
He keeps his response discreet until a dark purple Ford Mustang Shelby GT500.
Ethan looks up from his phone as he stands with tobi, which his mouth is open a bit.
“I didn’t know she drove that..” he mumbles and Ethan narrows his eyes.
“It’s a ‘she’?” Ethan says as she pulls into the closest spot and rolls down the window to smile at Tobi.
Clearing his throat he utters out a quick: “bye mate,” and walks to side of the passenger seat before opening the door.
Her windows were tinted, but maybe not enough as he saw the mystery girl kiss Tobis cheek.
“You drive a mustang?” He asks after about a minute of comfortable silence.
“Yeah- as I got on my salary I’d already saved a bit, I’ve always wanted a nice purple car- so, this is great.”
Tobi would say that’s when he fell in love.
From then on, you two started dating a week after that and the guilt hit him, he hasn’t told anyone he was seeing someone, not even josh, he assumed Ethan had blabbed to someone but that wasn’t from the man himself.
After telling the boys the force to meet this girl was intense, mainly from Josh and JJ.
“What does she drive? What does she do?” Josh pokes his shoulder.
“She drives a purple 23 plate mustang, fancy.” Ethan dad without looking from his phone.
Tobi sighs as JJ looks up.
“She has a nice car? Mate let us meet her! What if she’s not good for you- and you can’t see that.”
Later in in their relationship the two were inseparable, like horny teenagers at times, always holding hands and giggling, in their little honeymoon phase.
The bowling dates frequent.
Tobis way of showing affection were words of affirmation and some gift giving, which added up to flowers and hand written notes most nights.
But when you move in together? It was like ying and Yang, he did his videos in his office while you did your online meetings and mandatory work in yours, at the end of the day tight in each others arms.
After the boys became comfortable with you, you was closest with Josh (Freya).
You two weren’t big on PDA, it only really stretched to hand holding and thigh touches.
This is short but I just wanted to get this out so
Next is Zerkaa then maybe James? I dunno!
Requests are open.
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
A Poor Plan to Confess
Dieter Bravo x plus size female reader (Moon Pie)
This is fic is for readers 18+ MDNI
Word Count: about 2.1k
Warnings: Dieter being a bit rude, porn use, mention of masturbation, teasing, improper toy use?, very bad communication, some mentions of sexual activities and acts, Nerdie is unsure of what she wrote
Summary: Dieter is doing his best to stay sober. You have a large part in his plans. They aren’t well thought out.
Notes: Written for the Dieter Bravo Brain Rot Server Challenge. @wannab-urs brought me back to Dieter, originally I didn’t have any ideas for this and then boom! 🤯 I had a few. Thanks to @missladym1981 for beta reading for me. 😘
Main Masterlist / Dieter Bravo Masterlist
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A joke between old friends. Dieter was doing well. Three years sober, well from the harder drugs. He still had the occasional joint and alcohol. You weren’t really into the weed, thought it stunk to high heaven. Dieter always managed to find some really fragrant strains though, smelled like incense. Type you would burn laying on a chase couch in a fancy silk robe. Maybe smoke one of those long cigarettes except it had bubbles coming out of it. Dieter bought you one and told you to make bubbles come out of it over FaceTime.
The two of you have many silly jokes over the years. Some about video games, some about animals, some about his job and yours. He never wanted to hear about relationships and didn’t mention any of his to you. You asked why one day because friends normally at least mention if they’re dating someone or not and Dieter flat out told you, “I don’t need to have the image of you fucking somebody in my head.” Had you not been as secure as you were, you’d take offense, but you left it alone, keeping it in the back of your mind.
One thing Bravo hadn’t joked about thankfully was his sobriety, finally taking it seriously. He told you that if he ever called you mentioning coke or pills to lock him up and prevent him from calling anyone for the drugs. This was another joke. He even bought you handcuffs, zip ties and some bondage tape. His assistant dropped it off with a quizzical look on their face. You smiled and put them in your office. You knew why they had that look, you two as just friends and Dieter’s never given you anything like that before. Like an idiot, you googled how to use the zip ties and tape, ending up on Pornhub and unaware that someone was banging on your door.
When the next pop-up blocked your screen again, that was when you heard, “Hey! You alive in there?! Open the hell up! What kind of friend are you?” Running downstairs, you open up the door recognizing the voice, Dieter’s at your door. It’s 11:30 at night. He stares at you and you wonder why. Ah…I’m in my nightgown. My pink satin one to match the handcuff fuzz. I don’t think I washed my hands, and they smell like…fuck.
You now know why.
“Moon Pie, you got someone up in here? Didn’t know you had someone. I need your help your help though, just a room.” He pleads at your doorstep, before you can answer, whatever ad has finished and there’s loud moaning from the video you had been watching. His eyes cut upward to where the noise is coming from. “Or maybe not. I didn’t think you watched porn.”
Putting your hands on your hips, “Anyone can watch porn Dieter. Am I not allowed according to some weird ass rule you have? I have sex sometimes too!” His eyes went wide as you stepped aside letting him in and he raised his hands to signal defeat, though he did laugh when you said the word sex.
“You can’t even say fuck Moon Pie. Listen, let’s not talk about that. I need you to keep me here. I’m feeling like I may need to make a bad call. I did give my assistant my phone, but I don’t want to chance it. You still got that box?” He pays your shoulder, plopping down on the couch.
“Go find your silly box yourself Dieter. I’m going back upstairs.” Waving your hands, you start upstairs, making it up three stairs before some slaps are heard from your laptop in your room. You really need to turn that off.
“To finish your porn instead of helping your friend?” He popped up met you at the bottom of the stairs, “Come on! You still have the tools, right?” His hands ran up your arms. This man. Despite showing up unannounced, late, interrupting some ‘me time’ and requesting he use tools you don’t know how to use save for the handcuffs, you’d still help him out. Even if he could be troublesome and rude at times, he always supported you in work endeavors and listened to you talk way too much about Final Fantasy games. He blames you for knowing about crystals and different jobs like paladin and black mage.
You didn’t answer him and walked upstairs to your room, to turn the porn off but the screen was frozen, playing the same moan ever and over. The image had a man zip tied to a pole while standing as a woman sucked him off. They both were letting out a combined moan. Swallowing hard, Dieter watched you switch your weight between your large hips, he removed his robe and brown t-shirt leaving himself in his brown pajama pants and removing his gray socks. “Moon Pie. Have you ever done that sort of thing? I doubt it.” His voice snapped you after your haze, turning to look at him, confusion dots your face.
“Why did you remove your shirt? I just need to tie you up and prevent you from leaving right? Put your shirt back on Dee.” His chest only has a small splattering of dark hair on his golden skin. He lays across your bed grinning. “Wait how long am I supposed to keep you here? You’re not getting me arrested.”
“I was hot and until I don’t feel like using. Where’s the box?”
“Stay there, it’s in my office.” You’re back momentarily with the fabled box and open it, taking out the handcuffs, zip ties and tape. “Here which do you want me to use? I’m tired.” Dropping the box on the bed, he frowns, you’re not playing along, you see annoyed. Shouldn’t you be happy he’s across your bed? Dieter is, why aren’t you?
You are tired sure, but you’re hornier and more aware that Dieter is not going to want anything to do with relieving any frustration you have. Holding your hands palms out, “Just tell me what you want me tie you up with so I can set up the guest room.”
“Hey, why are you pissed at me? I’m not leaving until you help me, you said you would.” Dieter scoots to the edge of the bed and leans on his elbows. “Are you really that mad I stopped you from finishing your porn? You don’t need it.” He picks up the handcuffs out of the box and studies the pink fuzz. It looks about the same shade as your nightgown. Moon Pie hasn’t used these has she? No, they don’t look used. I think. These are mine, I bought them for her to use with me. She shouldn’t be watching porn. I need to be the toy.
“Damn it Dieter! I’m not just your friend, I’m a woman who has needs no matter if you wanna think about it or not! Fuck you!” Charging at him, you grab his shoulders and knock him back on the bed, pinning him to bed. He slaps the handcuffs on your wrist and his. “What the hell?! They’re only supposed to go on you not me!”
Bravo licks his lips and turns his head to the side to kiss your hand after pulling his wrist to his mouth. “Oh, I’ve always liked the idea of you in handcuffs. You should fuck me Moon Pie.” His curved nose inches closer to your hand and sniffs it. He has your scent now, sticking one of your fingers into his mouth and pulling it back out.
The sensation from his lips went straight to your cunt and you stifled a moan. He will not have his way; you can ensure even if you’re handcuffed to him. “You said you couldn’t picture me fucking Dee? Are you looking for that much of a distraction?” You moved to sit beside him on the bed, but he pulled you back on top, his free hand roaming freely over your love handles. “Dee, I’m not just going to be used for you staying sober.”
Leaning forward, his face connected with your neck, licking it, “I’ve been using you to stay sober since I finish rehab three years ago. I knew if I went back, it would disappoint the hell out of you.” His teeth bit into your neck and a whimper escaped, small but it was enough to encourage him. “I didn’t want to think of someone fucking you other than me. I’m sure you have; they’re flies drawn to honey.” His hand ran from your rolls to your ass squeezing it. “If I’m going to stay sober for you, I should have you, shouldn’t I?” Rolling his hips up into yours, he licks the bite and lets go of your ass slapping it.
Dropping your hips, you press right into his clothed bulge, feeling it throb against your bare cunt. “You’re insane Dieter, how does that make any sense….?” Unfortunately, he’s making it so much worse, your nipples are visible through your nightgown, erect as you leak onto his pants from your core. “This is only because you stopped me earlier with your stupid request.”
“Whatever you want to tell yourself Moon Pie. Only I’m going to see you like this from now on, right?” The pads of his fingers trail up your spine and pull down one of the straps of your nightgown letting a breast become fully exposed. He licks it before blowing on it, eliciting another whimper. “Tell me I’ll be the only one. I’ll take the handcuffs off and make sure you come. Don’t be difficult tonight. Not when I need you.” He doesn’t wait for your answer before taking it in his mouth, and sitting up, pulling you into his lap. Instinctively, both of your hands grab his head, pulling his one hand back. He disconnects from your nipple to yelp from his shoulder suddenly going back.
You grin and try to reach for the key that’s in the box since he’s distracted, but Dieter gets on his knees and pulls on his wrist, having your arm come back toward him and making you fall face first into the bed. “Dieter let me get the key, then I can lock you in another room. Clearly you need to be.” His fingers trace your thighs but don’t go any higher, sighing, he lays down next to you.
“You seriously don’t want to have sex with me? Even after I tell you I want you to be my only one? So cold to me.” He pouts. This man is seriously pouting after he’s teased you? He doesn’t move as you get the key and unlock yourself. You consider handcuffing both of his hands but release him as well. Moving to the edge of the bed, you stand and turn off your laptop then return to sit on the bed.
“You’ve got to do better than trying to guilt me into it. You’re horrible at this.” You laugh as does he. If it had been anyone else, you’d never speak to them again at minimum, Dieter rolls on his side and kisses your thigh.
“We’ve been friends how long? You know I’m shit at this. I feel like I should ask, you’re not going to have me arrested for this are you?” You poke the scruff on his cheek.
“No, though I should. You’re insane Dieter Bravo. We’ll sleep on it.” You lay back and scoot up to the head of the bed, closing your eyes.
“Did you want to finish your porn? Or make our own? It will be Moon Pie’s debut!”” Slinks up the bed and lays his head on your chest, kissing your collar bone.
“You’re a dumbass Dieter. I would tie you up but you’d like it too much. Go to sleep.” Placing your fingers in his hair to scratch his scalp makes him purr, wrapping a leg around one of yours.
“Keep scratching my head like that and we won’t be sleeping at all you cheeky Moon Pie. I’ll be under that gown soon.” His face found its way back to your neck, licking the teeth marks he made earlier. Letting out a soft groan, you pull on Dieter’s hair, so he pulls his head back. “Jokes on you, I enjoy my hair being pulled. Manipulate me more.” His grin is criminal, he should be arrested for that if anything.
It wasn’t even two hours before Dieter had your legs up around his waist. He’s temperamental and a horrible communicator but damn if he didn’t have you call him an Oscar winner while he rutted into you from behind giving you your third orgasm before one in the morning.
Trash Panda Pals 🦝: @katw474 @readingiskeepingmegoing @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @megamindsecretlair @pamasaur @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @sp00kymulderr @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @titlee78 @tinytinymenace @magpiepillsjunior @soft-girl-musings @morallyinept @rhoorl @wannab-urs @survivingandenduring @missladym1981 @yorksgirl @pedroshotwifey @heareball
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neverknoah · 5 months
what do you think dating noah would be like realistically (and i guess hypothetically in this case since we don’t know him personally)? like downsides and good sides? people have said he’s really flirty via text but awkward irl and i feel like he’d have a hard time being romantic
oh i definitely think at first he’s very awkward and a little shy but it’s cause he doesn’t 100% know how to flirt without being bashful.
“I- I- like your outfit. Can I buy you a drink? If you drink well I’d also buy you a coke if that’s what you’re into? what are you drinking I can get you another.” he’s so awkward but so sweet.
once he gets over his social anxiety though he’s buttering you up asking about your life and what your passions and interests are. will info dump on you if you bring up something remotely related to anime, music, or video games and you sit there and listen to him ramble with big heart eyes.
“sorry i’m rambling aren’t i?” he grimaced, scratching the back of his neck.
“no, please go on! i enjoy listening to your voice.”
“really?” he smiles
“yeah, it’s soothing.”
“well, if you like it so much I’m a musician.”
and he tells you all about Bad Omens and touring life and his music. by the end of the night he ends up putting his number in your phone and yours in his. when you get home your phone buzzes.
had a great night. would love to continue our conversation from the night before, maybe over coffee tomorrow morning? let me know what time works for you :)
of course you respond back with a yes giving him a time and place and you meet him the next morning. he dressed in a pair of comfy sweats and a cozy hoodie looking absolutely adorable and sleepy. he smiles when he sees you walk in and gives you a big hug. the gentleman he is he pays for your coffee and you guys sit there and talk for a couple hours before you realize both of your drinks have run out and you’ve just been chatting, conversation flowing so easily between the two of you and loosing track of time.
“i’ve really enjoyed this and um- you can say no! but like would you maybe wanna go on a date?” he proposes, looking at you with his brown baby cow eyes.
“i’d really love that, noah.” you smile at him.
“great! um- yeah! awesome.”
he walks you to your car after and before you leave you give him another big hug and a kiss on the cheek (which he absolutely blushes at and holds the spot you kissed as you get in your car)
there’s definitely a date after the coffee date and many after that! when noah asks you to be his girlfriend he gets so blushy and is quite literally as red as a tomato because he’s so nervous but he does it and you say yes!!! and he’s the happiest man on planet earth🥰
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lmskitty · 2 months
Here's have some Satosugu family stupidity. This is mostly just humour/crack fic because I needed a little break today. Hope you enjoy!
5 conversations Megumi Fushiguro overheard that he wished he hadn't.
Megumi Fushiguro loves his family, friends and boyfriend. He also hates all of them and thinks they should be the ones to pay for his therapy. Here are the things he has been made to hear with his own two ears over the course of one week.
1. The Todo Incident.
Todo mimed rudely with his right hand, his left hand holding his soft drink.
“Bro seriously if you sit on your hand it totally feels like it's a different person. Granted you should do both hands if you want the full package involved though.”
Yuji sighed “Number 1 no it doesn't, 2 stop telling me these things and 3 I don't even need this information!!” He hissed, pulling Todo’s arm down to stop him making the gesture.
Todo stared at him and then at Megumi and then erupted into applause wiping his eyes and hugging his friend, telling him how proud of him he was. He put his hand on Megumi's shoulder and congratulated him on his willpower and relationship, remarking that he had seen what his brother was working with and Megumi was truly strong in spirit for taking on that challenge. Megumi bent his finger back nearly breaking it and told him to never speak to him nor touch him again if he wanted to keep the other fingers.
2. The downfalls of understanding Riceball language.
Toge sat beside Yuta and leant his head on his shoulder before looking up at him, a gentle smile on his face.
Yuta smiled back. “I missed this. It's nice getting to hang out together in person again isn't it?”
Toge: Salmon, salmon, tuna mayo. (It was nicer getting to spend the morning in bed together with your dick in my throat)
Yuta coughed turning red. Megumi stared off to the side pretending he hadn't understood that.
Yuji stared at all of them. “Aw man did Toge say something funny again? I gotta get my head around that speech of his, it's so cool.
Megumi shook his head.
3. Not even safe at home.
Gojo walked into the kitchen and took his shirt off sitting next to his husband.
“Baby you are not gonna BELIEVE the size of the spot on my back”
Geto put his book down looking interested “bigger than the one on your thigh the other day?”
Gojo nodded "for sure!” He sat facing away from his partner. “Go slow though please it's gonna sting like a bitch I just know it”
Geto sighed and squeezed at his back and popped it. He showed Gojo how much was on his finger.
“Woah there was so much!” Geto said.
“Told you!” Gojo said. “Ooooh you know I'm kind of in a mood to be pampered, think you can do my eyebrows later, like tweezing them?” Gojo said, leaning his head back onto his partner's lap.
Geto smiled “Ok baby, and wanna do face masks like last time?”
Gojo nodded and clapped his hands together happily.
Megumi shut the fridge door behind them.
“Sometimes I think it would be less gay if I walked in on you two actually fucking” he said and took his coke upstairs.
“Oh go kiss your boyfriend you homophobe!” Gojo yelled after him, Geto laughed.
4. Girl talk
“No lube, no protection, all night all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the church, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, while i gasp for air and scream the lord’s prayer, he can have me!!!!” Nanako wailed at the TV lying on the floor pretending to claw at the screen watching the new Jungkook video again for the 15th time.
“He is pretty cute,” Tsumiki smiled.
“He could spit on my face and I'd thank him,” Mimiko sighed.
Megumi looked down at his salad and threw it in the bin deciding to only visit the kitchen when he was sure no one else was there.
5. Couples counselling
“Look I get it, I know you have an image to maintain but can we please just talk about it” Nobara said following Maki who sighed and stood up ahead.
“No, can we please just drop it”
“It's ok to be embarrassed but honestly I think it's really cute you're always the little spoon! I'm sorry I called myself your jetpack!”
“Panda is never gonna let me live this down,” Maki said. “And you can stop smirking too!” She yelled pointing her staff at Megumi who raised his hands and backed away going down the other way through the corridor.
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datsyuks · 11 months
Don’t touch what’s mine.
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(Hello! Here is a new addition. Just a fun little cute blurb. Featuring mr. heavyweight champion, Arber Xhekaj. Heavyweight on my heart that is. I normally dont care for the Montreal team but Arber just snuggled himself into my heart and never left. Not that I'm complaining. He’s a softie and u can tell me otherwise. And YES I have seen the videos of him beating the living daylights out of opponents. Also the picture I used above is so cute. That’s all. Enjoy.)
Warning: overly protectiveness and slight friskiness, lightly edited.
She could feel his eyes on her the entire time they were at the bar. He has nothing to worry about she thought as she finished her drink then simply ordering a Diet Coke. Not wanting to get too drunk tonight.
But Arber still watched. Glances between conversations with friends, coming up behind her to order another drink insead of going to an empty spot at the bar.
The truth is he wasn’t worried about her. He was worried about everyone else. And he had a right. Before he went to the bathroom, he glanced in her direction. He smiled as he watched her laugh with the other girls at the bar.
He came out ready to collect her and go home. His social battery was on empty. When a man in a red flannel stood next to her friends empty chair. He silently cursed to himself for her friend leaving her alone. Alone at a crowded bar. Alone at a crowded bar wearing that dark blue dress that he’s been thinking about all night long. And if it’s making him go wild he doesn’t want to think what other guys are thinking.
Before he knew it he was walking toward them. “No I’m hear with my boyfriend,” he could hear her say. He couldn’t hear what Red Flannel was saying but he was gesturing around the room. “I’m sure he’s here…… somewhere,” she starts, her voice sounding unsure. He makes it to her side before she can finish her sentence. “Ready to go?” Arber asks ignoring Red Flannel, feeling his stare size him up. He wasn't worry though, he knew he would win. “There you are!” She exclaims and scoops up her Gucci bag, a gift from him.
“Excuse me,” she says as she slides off her high top chair and onto the ground. Giving Red Flannel a smile, he doesn’t waste any time grabbing her and pulling her out of the bar.
"Did he touch you?" Was the first thing out of his mouth after he gave the valet his ticket. He pulled her in, chest to chest. Warmth radaiating off of her. "No. I would of made a scene if he did." "Good." His finger slide up to the thin gold chain around her neck and rub over the two numbers, his numbers. He knew you were telling the truth. He knew he could trust you.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” His hands slide down to her waist. “Hmm, only about a hundred times.” “Well this makes it one hundred and one. Should I make it one hundred and two times?” She giggles. The car pulls up and they speed away.
On the way home his hand rests on her thigh. It was a natural reaction at this point. The radio was playing softly in the background. She crosses her legs and his hand slips off. She doesn’t react but he does. His head snaps to her and she’s staring out the window. He can’t see her watching him out of the corner of her eye. She toys with him even more, scooting her legs farther away.
Suddenly, his hand slaps down on the top of her thigh. His fingertips dig into her skin as he pulls her legs apart until they are slightly spread on the seat. His hand resumes normal position, a bit higher than usual, and he pinches the inside of her thigh making her squirm. She turns to him mouth open to say something but nothing comes out. He turns back to the road with a smile on his face and speeds the car faster. He couldn’t wait to get her home.
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vykio · 3 months
Jeandrew, cinema
The challenge was to write 500 words (I wrote more...like 530 LOL) in 1 hour! Just to get in some writing exercises so I did not tweak it too much. Still, I'm happy with how it came out, this mundane little thing.
Jane gave me the prompt: some combination of jean andrew or neil in cinema or video rental or arcade or bowling alley
“Thoughts on Scott Pilgrim?”
Jean glances over his shoulder and spots Andrew. He’s looking up at the small selection of films playing this month instead of at Jean. Jean frees his hand from behind the soda machine, abandoning the rag he’s using to clean the counter. It’s sticky with sugar and butter from the butter dispenser, accumulated over the week. He’s the only one that bothers cleaning anything up, though his efforts certainly go unnoticed considering how old and dilapidated the town’s cinema is. Still, if he is to suffer long days waiting for someone to find their selection interesting, he should at least do it in a clean space. Every week, Andrew finds him like this; he’s his only regular.
Jean wipes his hands on his uniform pants and almost instantly regrets it. He steps up to the counter and cranes his neck up to see what the other movies are even though they’re the same ones from the beginning of the week: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Sherlock Holmes, Zootopia, Prince of Persia. It certainly is a variety.
“Have you seen it?” Jean asks. Andrew looks at him with an unimpressed expression Jean interprets as that’s a stupid question. Jean knows it doesn’t matter anyway if he’s seen it. Andrew comes in, peruses the menu of usually old movies, picks one and asks Jean his opinion on it. Sometimes they compare notes at the end, and Andrew leaves with his second order of Coke. 
Jean searches his mind to say something non-spoilery but he isn’t sure Andrew cares. Grabbing a large bag of popcorn and snapping it open, he gives his honest review. “We would all be better off if we admitted Scott Pilgrim is just an incel.”
The corner of Andrew’s mouth quirks up, which fills Jean with satisfaction. He hands him his drink and his ticket, and spends the length of the movie texting Neil about Andrew’s selection and salvaging the rag he left behind to clean other spots.
Jean knows the movie is over when he hears someone loudly take the last sips of their soda. He stands from where he’s crouched behind the counter and points the dustpan in his hand in their direction. “Obnoxious.” Andrew shakes his cup side to side, rattling the ice, and Jean comes up to pull it out of his hands. As he refills it, he asks, “How was the movie?”
“Fine.” Andrew pulls his folded ticket from his pocket and flicks it open to examine it. “Lots of action, which I love. The sloth scene did take me out.”
“Sloth,” Jean repeats, confused.
“Sloth,” Andrew confirms. He waits, then Jean rips out the ticket from Andrew’s hand. It does say Scott Pilgrim vs. The World on it. He remembers the display.
“You went to see Zootopia.” Andrew’s face shifts with amusement. Jean hates it when he switches theatres without warning. “Stop doing that. You’ll get me in trouble.”
“I’m sure.” Andrew’s voice does carry the right amount of skepticism; no one else but Andrew—and certainly not his boss—is ever here on Jean’s shifts. “Working next week?”
“Yes,” he says, and Andrew leaves Jean to wait for their next encounter.
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writingsfromhome · 5 months
Dos and Dont’s Epilogue
Part 1 / 2/3/4
A/N: for those of you still needing more closure with this story this is for you
6 months later:
My apartment was small but it was mine and I got to share it with one of my childhood best friends I’d reconnected with after moving back to the states last year.
Today the sun was setting on the beautiful November day. I had ordered in sushi and was enjoying a glass of wine, waiting for Deanna to get back home and tell me about her date.
These quiet evenings to myself always got me contemplative. Tonight was no different—I get to thinking about my day on set and how tomorrow was going to look.
After coming back from London and submitting my video proposal last spring, I had been rejected to nobody’s surprise. But that hadn’t stopped Harry from intervening and getting me a spot on set. It became a joke that I was a ghost intern there because really all I got to do was shadow people on set and help out where I could. And it had left me hungry for more.
I started building a portfolio and networking like crazy to get on more sets. So far I’d worked on three, once as a general assistant and twice as an arts assistant. I felt myself moving in the right direction I wanted to and it was thrilling.
I had Harry to thank for that really. And just like always, thinking about him sent a pang of achey regret through me.
I’m not sure what happened between us; we kept in touch loosely after I got back to the States. Mostly we talked about my future work and getting on set but after he actually got me on set and I got busy, our conversations fizzled out.
When I landed my second gig and had to maneuver my old job with Oretta she had ultimately let me go. I’d been bitter about failing something then but now I saw it as the kindness that it was—she had let me go and I had the room to pursue this new career.
It wasn’t easy though. The feeling of failure had driven me into the arms of a depressive episode that had taken me back home to Burbank. And when headlines were made of Harry’s new dates and women of the week, I’d taken it as a sign. We shouldn’t be in each other’s lives.
But I missed him every time I thought about him. And I always hated myself a little for not being brave enough to do anything about it, for pushing him away, and for liking him in the first place.
Clearly I was a very health person.
There was a knock on the door and I knew it had to be Deanna.
She distracts me with stories about her date and how well they hit it off. Apparently he kissed her goodnight right downstairs while I’d been drowning in misery on our living room couch.
The next morning, my phone rings at the ass crack of dawn. I expect it’s someone on set and end up being right. So with a few hours of sleep and a slight hangover from last night’s wine, I pick up a large coffee and get to work.
Last night’s thoughts bleed into my drive to work. It was when I was on set especially that I wanted to message Harry. I wanted to update him about all the cool things I was working on and hear what he thought. It was stupid but I wanted him to be proud of me too.
I wonder sometimes if I should have said something in London, been the bold one and taken a leap.
But I couldn’t have.
Harry was a damn rockstar and I was still figuring out my life. I can’t imagine it could have worked. So was it just the maybe, the what-if of us that kept looping in my mind? Or did what I feel for him mean something real, real enough not to shake so quickly.
A knock on my window scares me. It’s another one of the set assistants—Damien, waving at me. I guess I’ve just been parked staring into space. Oops.
“You need a coffee,” he tells me when I join him.
“Can you believe I’ve already had one?”
“I can probably find you a line of coke somewhere on set if you need something stronger?”
“Damien,” I pretend to be scandalized. But after working with these people over the last few years it was a pretty normal sight to see. “Ease into it first.”
He laughs, “I’m joking. I know you’re not…”
“I know,” it gets a bit awkward as it usually did with Damien and I when we started joking. “I’m joking too.”
His face flushes and I welcome someone calling me over to leave the awkward.
The day passes in a blur, the art director had a last minute change sending me to a local antique store trying to source props which was part of the job I enjoyed. With my headphones in I was in a world of structured creativity.
While I look through gold frames one of Harry’s songs comes on and I skip it automatically. I wasn’t quite ready to listen to his addictive voice croon about lovers of his past.
Not that I hadn’t tried going on dates of my own. But the thought of what-if kept me committing to anyone. If I thought about it for long enough it was actually annoying—how he somehow managed to still block my romantic life.
I’m invited for drinks after we’re done shooting for the day. Even though it’s pretty late I decide to say yes. Lately I’d spent my evenings when Deanna’s out just drinking by myself and being miserable. May as well drink with coworkers.
And I actually missed having regular coworkers, like I used to have Winnie. Shit talking about work to destress and drink was one of the highlights of making friends at work.
I have more to drink than I intended, and a small voice in my brain tells me that the amount of alcohol I’d been having recently might be a sign I’m losing it a little. But I order one last drink to shut it up.
At one point I start talking about horoscopes with someone in the bathroom and she ends up showing me how to use the lipstick I complimented them on to overline my lips, and I somewhat remember signing someone’s napkin and telling them to keep it for a few years and what it would be worth.
I also text Deanna an assortment of things and try to call my sister for a pressing matter that I can’t remember when it goes to voicemail. I end up babbling about drinking too much and needing to cut back.
I don’t know what time it is by the time I’ve ridden my high but I want to go home. I huddle by the entrance trying to remember if I came with a jacket tonight or not.
“You’re not driving home tonight are you?” Damien pops up beside me. We’d chatted throughout the night but I’d avoided any awkwardness by constantly inviting other people into the conversation. But right now he has me cornered.
“I’m a very responsible adult Damien,” I slur. “I am getting a taxi.”
“I can drive you home?” He offers.
“You were drinking too mister.”
“No,” he touches the tip of his nose. “I just had a beer and switched to soda afterwards.”
“That’s cheating,” I touch his nose and he laughs. I laugh too.
“We were invited out to drink,” he shrugs. His face flushes. “They didn’t specify what.”
“Cheater,” I tease. “D’you have a car?”
“I could drive yours home? And take an uber home from yours. We don’t live too far away.”
“No way!” I clutch my purse to me. “Nobody drives my car.”
“I didn’t realize you were so possessive.”
“It’s my car!” I let him know.
“But it’s parked on the street. You can’t leave it here weirdo.”
He had a point. Damnit.
“Fine,” I hand him my purse. He opens it tentatively and pulls the keys out.
“I just need these,” he hands my purse back.
“I need those back,” I remind him.
“I know,” he laughs, his hand coming down on my shoulder to lead me out. It sends a shiver down my spine. “I’m parking it in your garage and handing them right back.”
“Good.” I nod.
I pick the music until he tells me I shouldn’t go into singing and he switches the radio to a classical station. I pretend to snore.
“At least it might sober you up.” He pats my leg before snatching his hand off when he realizes he’d touched my bare thigh.
“I don’t feel so good.”
“I know, how much did you drink tonight y/n?”
“No I really don’t feel good.” I complain.
“Shit,” he mutters. “Just hold on.”
I do, I grip my door handle and will myself not to throw up in my car. I was at least lucid enough to know I would hate myself for having to clean it up tomorrow.
He pulls into a Trader Joe’s and I launch myself out in time to throw up on the pavement.
“Are you o-“
“Stop!” I splay my hand out behind me. This was embarrassing enough I didn’t need him to see me actually be sick. “Don’t come closer just…”
“I’ll get you some water.” He calls out and walks away.
How pathetic, I think. How pathetic was I.
Suddenly I want to cry and be left alone. I don’t want Damien driving me home, I don’t want to be drunk, and I don’t want to be here in the middle of nowhere.
When Damien gets back I’m sitting on the curb of a garden bed at the edge of a parking lot. He hands me the water and some electrolytes and gives me space which I’m grateful for. He does linger halfway in the driver’s seat and my anxiety builds until I get up and head back to the car.
“Someone kept calling you,” Damien mentions when I open my door. “I picked up after the third call. I didn’t want to bother you out there.”
“Oh, was it my roommate? Deanna?”
“No,” he scratches the back of his neck. I stare at him, waiting for him to sit back in the car and take me home. I wasn’t having fun anymore.
“Okay…?” I grab my phone from the centre console so I can check myself.
“Someone named Harry? He sounded worried?”
I look up at Damien, wondering if it was a joke even though I know it’s not. He doesn’t even know Harry. His face reflects back an awkward realization.
“Oh.” I can’t get out anything more. I could be decent and tell him that wasn’t my boyfriend—it wasn’t until this moment that I realized Damien was looking at me as more than just a casual friend. And a part of me wonders if that’s the only reason he was helping me out tonight. Then I banish the thought—that was rude. “Thanks for…letting me know.”
“I guess you don’t live with him if your roommate’s name is Deanna,” he tries to joke as he finally gets into the car.
“No that would be hard,” I reply. “He doesn’t live in the states.”
“Long distance,” he nods. I don’t reply and the car goes deathly silent as he drives me the rest of the way home.
I check my phone in the silence, Harry’s texted me. Before he called it seems:
Hey is everything alright?
Y/N I want to call you, you didn’t sound too good in your vm
I’m calling you
Shit! Did I call him first?
My face heats up with a stabbing sensation and I try to blink away the headache that was forming.
I check my call logs and sure enough after calling Deanna I’d called Harry. Why had I called him? I don’t even remember what I said in my voice message.
I groan.
“Is everything ok?” Damien asks.
“No I feel like shit-“
“Do you need me to stop again-“
“No.” I wave his concern away. “I just need to get home.”
I feel bad for him. I didn’t think I was leading him on in any way and yet he had driven me home because he liked me? I decide I’d call him his Uber myself to make it even. To feel like I didn’t owe him something.
When I finally drudge up my stairs to my bedroom I can barely be bothered to remove my clothes or take off my makeup. But my brain is wired thinking about Harry, how he called me.
I must still be somewhat drunk because as I lay horizontally in bed with half of my clothes on the floor I pick up the phone and call him.
H’s POV:
“Hi,” her voice is small and tired. My heart squeezes just hearing it.
“Y/n, you’re alright.”
“Yeah sorry, I think I mis-called you instead of my sister. Your names are beside each other.”
“So you were spilling your guts to your sister then?” I smile.
“Spilling my guts?” I can hear the strain in her voice.
I let her worry for a second longer, “No I’m joking.”
“Oh my god,” she sighs. “What did I say? Please tell me it was nothing embarrassing? It had to be bad if you called me right?”
“It wasn’t bad.” It wasn’t. But she sounded really drunk for a Wednesday night and she was blabbering about drinking too much these days, and needing to stop. It made more sense now that I knew it was for her sister. “But you sounded very drunk. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Sort of. I just wanted an excuse to call her and life had given me a pretty one.
It was stupid that I needed an excuse to call y/n after everything we went through. But truth was I had tried to get on with my life after we drifted away. And I think I did a decent job. I made the missing part shaped like y/n smaller and smaller until it didn’t bother me as much she wasn’t around. That we didn’t talk.
It was weird because she was a constant for a year—whether I liked it or not we had to be around each other all the time while she worked for me. Right up to the end even as things soured, as I wore regret like a second skin and forced myself to continue being the dick that she came to know me as.
And then she left and it felt like loosening my tie; breathing a little easier because I wasn’t always so hyperaware of her in the same room or next room over, about how she looked that day or the way she smelled, the joke she made or how angry she was with me.
Yet it didn’t help that she lingered everywhere.
But then I got to have her. All of her for a few weeks and letting her go after that felt more akin to torture than living with the regret for months while she worked for me. It was worse because I had her and I had to let her go.
I thought I knew what falling felt like, what it felt like to love somebody in all their flaws and be seen in return. But then I met y/n, fell for y/n, and everything changed.
“I’m okay,” she says softly. “I’m home in bed now.”
“Good,” I want to ask her about him. The bloke that answered the phone.
“Where are you?” She asks suddenly. “Isn’t it very early there?”
“Nearly half past 6,” I say looking at my watch. “And I’m at the gym.”
“That’s early,” she comments.
“I’m a morning gym person now.”
“Watch out world,” she says. It’s sleepy and makes me think of her curled into me on the sofa as our voices dim into sleep. Then nudging her to stay over and falling asleep in bed with me. So many hours of movies gone unwatched because we were too busy just being in each other’s presence.
The thing was, I had to let her go; you can’t cage a bright and vibrant woman like her. But it hurt doing that.
It sucked being selfless.
“You sound tired,” I say even though I want her on the line. Even if it’s to hear the sound of her breathing. “You should go to bed.”
“Sorry,” she whispers. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”
My breath catches in my throat. I wanted to worry about her, to be close to her enough to worry. And the want of it feels like being punched in the gut.
“You there?” She asks.
“Yeah. Yep, sorry.” I clear my throat. “I’m still here. And it’s fine. I know what can happen when you get drunk, I’m glad you left me the voicemail.”
“Yeah.” I miss you. I miss you so often I worry I’ll be stuck with the loss of you forever. And I care so much about you that I can’t risk ruining your life by having you.
“At least I didn’t have to go to the hospital this time.” She jokes. Her speech grows slower as I’m sure sleep pulls her in.
“No. Seemed like you would’ve had help though.” I comment. Fuck. I couldn’t resist.
“If I knew any better Mr. Styles,” she says. “I’d think that sounds like jealousy.”
She’s teasing me, I can hear it in her voice. But my heart pounds as she calls me out.
“Goodnight y/n,” I say cowardly.
“Goodnight Harry,” she replies. I wait for her to hang up first.
That morning, I have an incredibly productive gym session.
Your POV:
I remember last night in bits and pieces and I’m mostly embarrassed but I can’t stop hearing Harry’s voice in my head. The way he sounded when he said he was glad I left him the voicemail. How he sounded almost jealous at the idea that whoever picked up the phone could be more than a friend. I feel sucked right back to half a year ago when I couldn’t get him out of my mind.
The one thing I did know though, I had to really cut back on the drinking.
I go into work with a bag of doughnuts and hope nobody remembers last night in detail. I make sure to thank Damien and he’s as awkward as ever.
My thoughts are replaced by business and set instructions as the day goes on and I’m grateful for that.
At home I dissect the phone call with Deanna and when I’ve had enough I try to distract myself by asking about her life.
In a way talking to Harry again was like taking an elephant-sized step backwards—it felt like I was in the same headspace of wondering about him and yearning for him all over again. I found myself looking him up, checking to find new information on his life. Even when I could just text him and get the answers straight from him.
A couple weeks later as I park my car in my garage and make my way up to my apartment I get a call. It’s him.
“Hi? Harry?” I answer.
“There she is!” He says loudly into the phone. I have to pull it from my ear.
“Jeez you’re loud,” I comment.
“I need you to be louder,” he laughs. And I realize why he’s called. I check the time, it must be near midnight in the UK.
“Are you drunk dialling me?” My face stretches into a smile and it feels like a betrayal. Why did this man affect me so easily.
“I thought that’s what we did nowadays! Call each other drunk!”
“That was once,” I enter my apartment and put away my things while we talk.
“You’ve unlocked the garden door,” he continues. “And now I have stepped through. I am calling you.”
“He rhymes even when he’s drunk!”
“I write music!”
“I know,” I laugh. “Good music.”
“D’you listen to me?” He asks. “I never asked you that.”
“Mmm not really my taste,” I tease.
“S’cuse me?!” He sounds offended. “I have heard your taste and my music is for your palate.”
“No I don’t think so,” I was having fun.
“Y/n.” He says seriously. “I have heard you listening to Troye Sivan.”
“And? Are you comparing yourself with that fine man?”
He sputters and I continue winding him up until I finally confess: “I listen to your music. Just not lately.”
“Why?” He sounds sad.
“Are you drinking by yourself?” I ask. I imagine him in his living room, knocking back a few bottles.
“Yes. I’m drinking all by my lonely self. Because you’re not here.”
“Lonely self? That’s not what the papers say,” I say without meaning to.
“Y/n,” he lets out a small laugh. “Y/n y/n y/n. If I knew any better I’d think that sounds like jealousy.”
“Oh you’ve been keeping that in your back pocket!” I flush.
“Mhm,” he hums happily.
God, it hits me, what were we doing.
The line goes silent and I try to muster a positive voice to ask something to keep the conversation going but I find I can’t. I feel heavy and sad, like there’s a weight in my chest that’s pulling me down.
“Y/n,” he murmurs. Goosebumps erupt across my chest and I recall a memory of that exact voice in my ear with our hands entangled in his bed.
The ache in my chest grows stronger. So strong I nearly confess three words I barely admitted to myself.
I didn't understand it; how a man that made my life so miserable for so long could tug forth such intensity and longing.
He'd explained it to me—told me why he became what he did. And it just endeared me to him more.
Every man l've dated since, even the man I thought was it for me-Gray, never made me reach so deep into any feeling I was scraping the bottom looking for more.
He knew me enough to nudge me towards this new chapter of my life. This (forced) career change. He knew me in a way nobody else has. It was hard to let that go.
But he wasn't planning on sticking around for any of it—why.
“Why,” I start to ask. I bite my tongue before my impulsivity gets the better of me.
“What?” Harry asks.
“Oh nothing,” I try to play it off.
“You asking something?”
“Nope,” I deny.
“Just ask don’t be shy,” Harry taunts. “Y/n isn’t shy.”
“I-“ I’m tempted but I shake my head and then realize he can’t see me. “It’s nothing.”
“If it’s nothing then say it.” He pushes. He was pushy for being so drunk.
“Why did you stop talking to me?” I ask quickly.
The line goes quiet again.
“It takes two,” he replies. “To stop.”
“But why did you stop?” I ask.
“It wasn’t enough,” he states simply like it should make sense to me. But it doesn’t.
“I thought you didn’t want to talk to me anymore. You got cold.”
“Yes!” He shouts again.
“Too loud,” I complain.
“Sorry,” he whispers. “You got cold like…like ice. You got icy. You iced me out.”
“No I didn’t,” I deflect his accusation.
“You did! And it wasn’t enough. And I thought y/n doesn’t like me so I let you go.”
What!? I try to make sense of his drunk ramblings. It’s because I was fired from my job, I was lost and spiralling and I stopped talking. I stopped responding to his texts as much until they stopped coming altogether.
“I didn’t like you a long time ago,” I tell him. “That stopped after we talked. After you explained things.”
“Why did you stop?” He asks me instead.
“I…I was going through a rough time. I didn’t mean to but after a while I just thought it was for the better.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going through a rough time?” Harry asks with a surprising tone of clarity. “Why didn’t you let me help?”
“I didn’t want you to help.”
Maybe I did ignore Harry’s messages because I didn’t want to admit where I was. To admit that I needed his help. And I was too stubborn to admit that his connections in the industry could help me further kickstart my new career. That I could lean on him for help but it felt like cheating in an industry that liked to brag about working hard to earn where you got to. So I’d avoided him.
Jeez. I hadn’t even admitted that to myself until now. And suddenly the shame comes back tenfold. A creeping heat spreads up my neck alongside a slow squeezing of my chest as the silence stretches. I feel exposed and I want to bury myself under my blankets until the feeling passes.
“Why?” His voice breaks a little. I grit my teeth.
“I don’t know.”
“Y/n,” he says my name again and I want to cry. Because I say I don’t know but I do. And so does he. “Why are you building your walls again?”
I can’t speak, I’m so choked up with emotion and the last thing I want to do is cry over the phone to a drunk Harry. Unless this conversation sobered him up. Which is even more embarrassing.
"What do want us to be?" He asks suddenly.
"You can't ask me that," I say nervously, but the question zips through me in a frenzy.
"No you're right" he sighs noisily. "I think about you.”
"Me too," | whisper. Did he think about me when he was with all those women, I want to ask. Or was it subject to certain moments only.
"You ruined me y/n," he says it so softly I think maybe he hasn't said it at all. But he repeats it even lower and I know I didn't hear it twice.
My heart sings the same tune, and then I realize: how did I expect him to stay in touch and continue on with our lives when part of us would always be looking back at each other.
“I should go,” I try to keep my voice steady. “It’s getting late and Deanna’s coming home soon and I have to-“
“Okay,” he says but the word is laced with more. It’s okay.
“Okay.” I return. Will it be?
Silence again. The tears coating my lashes land on my cheeks and I wipe it away.
“I like hearing your voice,” Harry says.
“Me too,” I sniff.
“Goodnight y/n y/l/n.”
“Goodnight Har.”
I meant to text Harry after that conversation. I meant to apologize or say something—create a bridge that we can meet in the middle of. Even if it’s just as friends.
Me and him have been through a lot together, and so much on our own whilst around each other. We should be able to be friends, long-distance, pining but friends. It couldn’t be that hard.
And yet my fingers hover over his name every lunch break and bedtime. I think about him so much it becomes a permanent fixture in my brain.
And yet I never message him. Weeks go by and it stays quiet. Even from him.
On the final day on set I join some of the team for dinner and drinks. I stick to a single glass of wine and promise Damien I could drive myself home. I’d set him up with someone else on set who I noticed eyeing him with a lingering look and they had spent most of the night talking. It was sweet.
The group reminisces about the shoot and everyone pipes in about projects they were going to move onto soon. I didn’t have anything lined up right now so I listen to everyone else.
As night creeps up on us and people start to leave slowly, I text Deanna I was heading home too. After the night I spent drinking too much I’d taken to letting her know where I was and when I was heading home to make sure I stayed lucid enough on nights out. Otherwise we had agreed she would come and get me.
I step out with Damien and the girl he’s become attached to after tonight. We chat outside the place for a bit as her uber arrives and Damien points out he had driven today and parked nearby.
“I don’t know why we didn’t walk up long time ago,” I laugh and turn to Damien. “Don’t worry Damien I don’t need you to drive me home this time.”
“Uhh that’s good,” he says and motions behind me to my car with widened eyes.
“Yes,” I say with a smile. I spin around to my car and freeze.
The last person I ever expected to see leans against my passenger door, arms crossed and smiling with that smile that says I see you and I don’t care what you’re doing but I’m glad I’m here with you.
“Hi,” Harry says softly, his eyes twinkling under the street light.
“Hi?” I gape. “Wh-how-what are you…oh my god!”
His smile grows to a full grin as I throw myself at him and it’s like my mind and my whole world quiets. Like I never knew how loud everything was up until I felt the silence in his arms. Like everything would be okay because he was here.
“Oh god,” I turn back to Damien, remembering he was here too. “Sorry—I wasn’t expecting him to be here-“
“Is this Harry?” Damien asks.
I look at Harry and nod in response. Harry’s eyes flash with something as he leans forward and shakes Damien’s hand.
“I didn’t realize by Harry you meant Harry Styles uh it’s nice to meet you?” Damien’s awkwardness comes back in full force.
Harry’s eyes flicker between Damien and I and I remember that he thought there was something going on here.
“Damien and I worked together on set. Today’s actually our last day!”
“Yeah!” Damien fidgets. “It was a cool time…”
“Yeah?” Harry lights up slowly, realization dawning on him too. “Well I have to say thanks mate, for taking care of her the other night. That was you right?”
“Oh right when I picked up your call,” Damien nods. “Shit I didn’t realize who I was speaking to…” We laugh as Damien grows more awkward. “Anyway I’ll leave you two alone. G’night Y/N. Nice meeting you Harry.”
“Goodnight!” I wave him off.
I turn back to Harry with a huge grin. “You totally thought he was with me didn’t you?”
“Can you blame me?” He asks, his hand coming down on my waist, tugging me towards him. I go without hesitation.
“You’re here,” I take his face in my hands. “How? Why? When? Tell me everything.”
“I was in town,” he starts.
“Really?” I raise a brow.
He laughs, and hearing it rumble through his chest while his arms encircle me feels like a shot of espresso straight to my heart.
"Y/n," his mouth forms my name. I want to taste the way that feels again. See if that's changed too.
"You're here."
"How did you know?" I ask even though I knew it had to be Deanna.
“I have my sources,” he smiles secretly. We can’t stop smiling.
He brushes my hair to the side and it feels like a dream. He was here. He was gathering my face in his hands, hands I only dreamed of.
“I was in town,” he begins again. “Because I couldn’t stop thinking of you.”
My breath catches and I can't stop staring at him; he looks even more handsome and chiseled than the last time I saw him.
He looked like something that made my heart sing and my stomach tingle.
I trace my hand up his arm and around his shoulder. I want him to kiss me, I want to feel his arms around me.
He laughs which makes me laugh but neither of us take our eyes off of each other.
He reaches up, fingers threading through my hair. "Is this okay?"
"You're always okay," | say which makes him laugh again. What I mean to say is we're okay. Whatever you want to do is okay, as long as it's with me.
"I missed you." He whispers in my ear and it travels right to the centre of my heart.
"Prove it." I respond.
His mouth is delicate as it presses against mine, whispering soft words against them. They make me ache with a hunger I'd only ever felt around him.
When he looks at me again his eyes are more black then green but I recognize them the same. I don’t know how we’re going to make the trip back home when clearly we just want to soak each other in again.
I have an idea.
I open the backseat and Harry looks at me with a mischievous smile.
“You’re not getting lucky,” I roll my eyes with a smile. “But I really want to kiss you indecently and this is the closest place to do that.”
With a laugh he hustles in, tossing something in the backseat, and I follow, every inch of my body aflame. He shuts the door behind me and meets me halfway.
Waking up to Harry is better than catching up with him last night. Because things are so much more real when they remain the morning after. It doesn’t feel like just a dream.
“G’morning,” he mumbles when our eyes meet. He looks sleepy but content. Or maybe that’s just how I feel.
“Morning,” I smile, suddenly feeling shy. Last night was all passion and fun but the reality sets in this morning—what were we? Where were we going from here? “M’gonna brush my teeth.”
He follows me into the bathroom, luckily Deanna’s already headed off for work. He brushes with me in the small sink and we can’t stop looking at each other through the mirror. Like our eyes were magnets and they couldn’t help but find their way to the other’s.
“So did you really come all this way for me?” I ask as I brew us coffee. “Does anybody know you’re here?”
He tilts his head, “a couple people know I’m here but everyone thinks I’m just taking some time before we wrap up my album next month.”
“What!” I stop what I’m doing to give him my full attention. “You’re nearly done?”
“Yeah!” He comes closer to me, taking the coffee pot from my hand. “Final sound editing at the studio up north. So I’m s’pose to be here next month anyway but I’m just here early. For you.”
I’m afraid to ask, did that mean he was all mine for the next couple weeks of November? But the moment passes and I continue putting together a breakfast.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” I say for the millionth time.
“Me too,” he kisses the side of my neck and helps me carry our coffees to the table. “I intend to spend as much time with you as possible.”
He answers my unasked question and I feel like I’m glowing from the inside. “Yeah well I just finished on set so I’m unemployed until the next thing I’m on. So I’m all yours.”
“How’s that all going? Tell me.”
So I do. I take him through the sets I’ve been on and the people I’ve worked with. He asks great questions and I feel so deeply seen and not just because he doesn’t take his eyes off of me once.
The conversation leads to a repeat of last night and we end up spending most of the day in bed but I wasn’t complaining.
“I haven’t done this in ages,” he says with a kiss on my head. “Just stayed wrapped up in sheets all day.”
“I think the last time I did this was in London, with you.” I kiss his chin. “That feels so long ago.”
“Every day without you feels so long,” Harry says. “I shouldn’t have let it get this long.”
I shrug, “Yeah. I think I convinced myself it was good. We were fine like that. But now that I have you my god that was too long.”
He chuckles and pulls me into a deeper kiss. He tastes like sleepy familiarity and his hands grip me in places that have made a home for his fingers. I think I was in love with this man.
“What?” Harry asks. I must have paused. “You alright?”
“Yeah yeah,” I go back to kissing him but he pulls away. “No I’m fine! Promise.”
He believes me.
We spend a few days just doing nothing but everything with each other. I introduce him to Deanna and we do dinner together with Harry in a costume so he doesn’t get recognized. Deanna finds it very amusing and so do I. Harry seems tense and I worry it’s because we’re laughing at him but he reassures me it’s not.
I know it wasn’t going to last forever, Harry had a busy life to get back to, but I savour the slow moment we have all to ourselves.
Near the end of the week, while I’m driving us out to a hiking spot Harry brings up something on his mind.
“Can I say something, and you can’t get mad?”
“Well I can’t guarantee that.”
“Try not to?” He asks.
“Maybe.” I can’t promise him that.
“Fine I’ll settle with maybe,” he jokes.
“So are you going to tell me?” I eye him as I pull into the parking lot. He had gone silent.
“Yes, I’m getting to that.” He bites his lip. “Don’t take this the wrong way but you seem a bit distant. Not from me just…from yourself.”
“I seem distant from myself?” I laugh.
“Yeah,” he fidgets with his belt and we exit the car. “Like the y/n I know is only 70% there.”
“No see now don’t go getting mad love,” he says and his pet name only softens the moment slightly. “I just wonder if you’re really alright.”
“Of course I am,” I bristle.
“You always have this fire about you but right now-.”
“Jeez Har, if you’re comparing me to before in London I was more high strung than usual, constantly stressed and having personal issues with my ex. And you were making my life hell. Why are you comparing me to her?”
“No I know!” Harry tries to hold my arm but I brush him off and speed away down the trail. But his stupid long legs catch up easily. “This isn’t coming out how I meant to. But even when we were together last spring. You were still you. You just seem a little sad?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I pull away from him more. “You can’t go MIA for months then pop back into my life and tell me I’ve changed like it’s a bad thing.”
“Y/n you’re purposely not understanding me here,” Harry starts to grow frustrated beside me and it makes me less frustrated sharing the emotion. Like I said—I was very healthy. “I’m not saying you’ve changed. Or that changing is a bad thing! I think you’re a lot more confident and stronger than ever before. I’m just saying your light’s been a bit dimmer in the time I’ve been with you and I’m worried you’re going through something you’re not sharing.”
“Oh my god,” I feel tears prick my eyes and I blink them away before stuffing my glasses onto my face. “My light’s been dimmer? Seriously? I’m fine. I’m okay Harry. You don’t have to worry-“
“But I want to-“
“Well you don’t. And it’s a little late to try and pry me open and dissect what you think is wrong with me.”
“Well I’ve already pried you open it’s the dissecting part that—ow!”
I’ve hit him with my bottle and he shuts up. He was so not funny.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes. “But I’m here if you want to talk.”
Too little too late, I think bitterly. And the strength of the bitterness surprises me. I stay quiet, not wanting to spew anything I’ll regret later. He trails behind, giving me the space I need.
Apparently I was bitter about our time apart. But I know that wasn’t entirely his fault—I’d admitted to pushing him away because I’d been too embarrassed. Too stubborn to accept I could use his help. So what was it?
I didn’t think I was any less myself than I was a year ago. But as soon as I think it I know it’s untrue.
I sigh and let the sunlight filtering through the coastal oaks and shrubbery warm my skin. Harry continued a steady pace behind me and I feel slightly sorry for getting so defensive.
I continue one step at a time on the worn path walked by so many. I’d done this several times with friends and it was supposed to be special doing it with Harry but I’ve just ruined it.
I ruined it.
If I was any lesser than in my personality, like Harry said, it was probably because I ruined things. And I was upset with myself. I feel like I let Harry go, that I failed at the career I thought I was going to spend a lifetime. I ruined the thing between Harry and I with pride, by pushing him away! And life’s beaten me down with it.
I haven’t been being very honest with myself. Because the truth did hurt. And I’ve been a wimp.
I glance back at Harry but his head his down, his head of curls bouncing at the effort of the uphill slope. My heart floods with warmth just looking at him and I can’t believe I’ve been an idiot.
“Harry,” I stop in the middle of the trail and he nearly bumps into me. He steadies himself on my shoulder and I grasp his hand there before he can remove it. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be a bitch back there.”
“It’s alright.” He squeezes my shoulder, but his eyes are still wary. “I shouldn’t have been so insensitive. I do that sometimes.”
“No,” I rush to answer. “No you have a point. And I don’t expect you to ever stop calling me out-“
“Likewise,” he gives me a small smile that feels like relief.
“You’re right. I just don’t think I’ve sat long enough to accept it.”
His finger brushes my cheek, wiping the fallen tear. I was not supposed to cry!
“Let’s keep going,” he suggests and I’m grateful for that.
“I think,” I sniffle as my body strains to finish the final stretch of our hike. “I feel like I should be happy and grateful for where I am now. I’m actually really passionate about this new work I’ve been taking on! But a part of me feels like I’m going through the motions. And that makes me feel so shitty.”
My life in London had crashed and burned but it had felt full. Out here I was so spread apart from everyone, I no longer worked at a steady job, and the only person I had was Deanna. Sometimes I think I relied on her too much.
“I think you expect too much of yourself,” Harry puts his hand around my shoulder as we near the end and even though I’m sweaty and it’s kind of gross I let him. “I know how that goes.”
“Yeah maybe,” I brush away another tear. “I just don’t feel very present. I’m either living in the future or living in the past.”
Harry’s face twists into what I can only describe as a knowing grimace.
“Well we made it,” I gesture to the open water below us. We stand for a little while, breathing it in. It reminds me of the first music video set I’d been on with him. When we were getting along and he had seen my enthusiasm for that sort of thing.
“I’ve been living in the past a lot.” Harry admits. “More than usual.”
“Why?” I ask.
“Y/n,” he says and I turn to look at him. Right, I flush. Me.
“What the fuck did we do to each other?” I ask and we laugh. And then laugh some more, releasing a tension neither of us realized we were carrying.
We end up sitting in the ground catching our breaths again. He pulls me into his chest and kisses the top of my head.
“I don’t know how we keep screwing up.”
“It should be a record,” I laugh. “We really don’t know how to deal with each other.”
“Fucking hell,” he laughs.
“What do we do?” I look up into his eyes that are deeper than the forest we hiked through. They’re so full of love that I could drown in them willingly.
“Firstly I should tell you something, long overdue.” He says. He kisses me with a sweetness before telling me, “I’m madly in love with you. I never thought I could feel this way about someone.”
“Well I don’t know how that someone could be me,” I joke but mostly to cover up just how hard his words hit.
“You wound up in my life when I was at my worst-“
“And taken you even lower,” I joke again.
“No.” He brushes my cheek. “No, that was my own doing. You made me believe I could be better. That I should be better, that I shouldn’t be defined by past mistakes. I love you y/n.”
Woah. I wasn’t expecting that.
I scramble to sit up and face him. “Seriously?”
“So serious.”
“Harry,” I hold his face in my hands. It was true, something I barely admitted to myself but as I roll the words through my head it feels true.
“Don’t feel pressured to-“
“I love you too Harry. God. I love you. That felt good to say.”
He laughs and pulls me to him, and even though we’re smiling too hard to actually get a proper kiss in it’s one of the most romantic moments of my life.
“I don’t think this is going to solve our issues,” he says once we’ve dusted ourselves off and prepare to say goodbye to the view. “But I want to try to stay connected.”
“You’ve told me you love me there’s no getting rid of me now.” I warn him.
“I was scared,” he confesses. “I never told you I wanted you to stay. That I wanted you so fucking badly because I was scared you would get so overwhelmed by my life, how much is in the public eye and all of that. I don’t want to subject you to that-“
“We’ve already been papped together remember?” I raise a brow. He blushes as the memory surfaces.
“The night I acted like a complete arse yeah thanks for reminding me.”
“Look at you blushing,” I pat his cheek. He brushes me off. “But I know what I’m getting myself into Harry. I’ve worked for you! I know how public your life is. And we can figure it out.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes!” I reassure him.
“Does that mean…?”
“What are you asking Mr. Styles?”
“Please don’t call me that again,” he groans. “I don’t want to be Mr. Styles to you anymore.”
“Only if you’d be Mrs. Styles.”
Now it’s my turn to flush. He laughs at me the same way I did him.
“Harry I barely know what I’m doing with my life. But I do know I love you, and I want to be with you. So I’ll figure the life stuff out as long as I get to have you.”
“That’s very romantic.” He teases.
“I know,” I smile.
“Good. I’d give up the life I have now if it means getting to have you Y/N.”
“Romantic enough,” I tease.
“Remember when we realized we had been at the same Coldplay concert and-“
“Not this again,” I groan. “I’m not bloody asking you to give up your fame and money to start a family.”
“I know I know!” He laughs. “But I just want to tell you that you could. I wouldn’t mind.”
I fan myself, “It’s getting too romantic. Let’s get out of here.”
And that’s the note on which we make our way back down to our car, completely different how we made our way up. It sets the tone for the remainder of his time here.
8 months later:
“G’morning!” I wave to the front desk and walk to the elevator that would take me up to the apartment I called home now. It was spring in the city I’ve grown to love again.
“Is that you?” Harry’s voice calls out when I walk to the kitchen.
“Yes! And I have coffee!” I shout back. I couldn’t sleep last night—first day jitters that I always got when working on a new set.
“Bollocks!” Harry’s voice sounds closer. “I was supposed to do that for you for first day on set.”
“Too bad,” I push the coffee towards him on the island but he ignores it to come to me instead.
“Is it?” He arches a brow. His hands are already running up my sides and my breathing grows shallow. He never failed to pull this reaction from me. Even when we “hated” each other.
I can’t take the teasing so I lean up to press my mouth to his and the coffee is forgotten as he lifts me up on the island and trails his lips down my body. I didn’t need caffeine when I had this.
No. Wait. I had a job to get to.
“Harry,” I try to grab his face back up. “Harry, love, I can’t-fuck.”
“Sorry,” he smiles up at me sheepishly and if I could take a shot of that face it would seriously sustain me for the rest if my life.
“I can’t.” I pout.
“I know. Sorry I got carried away.”
“Drink your coffee,” I steal one last kiss. “Now I feel like I need a cold shower.”
His laugh echoes through the room. “I said I was sorry!”
He dramatically moves to the opposite end of the island and sits down, holding the coffee up to his face. “Mmmm.”
I smile at the man who had my soul and heart. I was so glad I’d made the plunge to move back to where he was.
After Harry left the States when he finished his album we had tried our best at long-distance. I was afraid to uproot my life to London again and he was willing to move out to San Francisco but I didn’t want him to. I knew his life was in London.
We tried going back and forth for a couple months. I’d invited him back home to Burbank during one of those trips and everyone had hit it off. It almost felt like the missing piece I was looking for to take the plunge. To decide once and for all I was moving away again.
The last time I moved I was running away from everything I knew because I thought it would gain me independence and a life I craved. But ultimately I came crawling back home.
This time I take the leap running to something.
I miss being closer to family, and living with my best friend. I beg Deanna to visit every time we catch up but recently she’s told me she’s moving in with the guy she’s been dating and it makes me feel less bad about leaving her behind again.
Harry decided to move his work life out of the flat to give me privacy, now his team worked out of a small office in central and sometimes I popped by when he was there. We tried to keep ourselves out of the limelight, and so far things had stayed private.
“I’m going to pick you up tonight,” Harry reminds me. “Are you sure I can’t give you a lift there too?”
“No I want to take the train,” I insist. I needed my first day to be independently mine.
We chit chat as we finish breakfast and then I’m out the door again towards my first day. It’s a cool morning but the sun climbs into the sky and I know it was only going to get warmer.
I had promised the city that I’d be back one day and this was it. I had laid down roots once before and I was back to try once more; my heart was open enough to embrace it, healed enough to love it again.
I was embracing life again and it felt like my glow was back.
Jeff keeps asking if you’re showing up to the album launch, Harry texts.
Obviously, does Jeff not want me there? I text—it was a running joke between us ever since we came out to Jeff that he hated us together. His reaction had been surprise and then resignation. He was tight-lipped about us any time he saw us together.
He’d rather you throw the party.
I didn’t miss that part of the job. Now when I look back at my old career I’m not sure how I did it for years. It was a stress I didn’t want back.
He’d have to pay me a million dollars, I text back.
I’ll let him know your new rates
I get to the tube and sit down. As I lose service I get one last text from Harry.
I love you. Break a leg
And then: but don’t get concussed or anything
I roll my eyes but the smile stays on my face. To be loved is to be known but to be loved is also to have someone else know all of your stupid moments and know you won’t ever live them down.
I send back a heart and an eye-roll emoji.
The tradeoff was worth it…most of the time.
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tehb3stsk4t3revr · 9 days
Got inspired by a post I saw this morning so here's literally 2 entire pages of headcanons comparing Infected and Kasper. Fair warning: It dips into talk of symptoms I imagine he'd have and the whole Poptart situation.
[A lot of which assume he'd have like. Actual biological needs instead of being Video Game-y, which seems to be sort of a grey area in-game anyway...]
Kasper was already kind of stupid so honestly not much is different on that front. Average 2010s gamer dudebro sort of deal. Although Infected has a bit more 'what kind of animal is the pink panther?' in him than Kasper.
Infected has next to no impulse control, leading to him doing things he shouldn't and speaking without thinking pretty much constantly.
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Infected has balance issues that Kasper didn’t due to inner ear inflammation from the infection. He can’t really do anything on a skateboard anymore besides just stand there or go in a straight line. He can and will find a way to trip on flat ground.
He's convinced he still rules at it, though.
The inflammation has also made his hearing kind of shit. (The only person he can hear with perfect clarity is Folly, as she probably speaks directly into people’s minds or something lol.)
Infected loves soda and drinks basically only that. Boy who was born with kidney stones <3
The neurotoxin in his favorite soda was a deeply unreasonable amount of aspartame (and other chemicals. For fun! <3). Not being able to drink it anymore has somewhat improved his balance issues and memory, but he still misses how it tasted (it probably tasted like what you'd get if you boiled down an entire 2 liter of diet coke until it's barely a liquid then filled an 8 ounce soda can with that. Dude’s tastebuds and liver are Fucked).
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Kasper had a fairly similar way of talking to Infected, minus the 1337. ("Sweet parteh trickz dud!11")
Infected is in constant pain. Headaches, body aches, sore throat, can't breathe well, burning skin, heavy eyes, nausea that won't go away, sniffles, random nerve pain, probably other shit. He barely notices it anymore unless someone asks how he's feeling. He doesn't have much energy to spare. He would come across as significantly more hyper/manic than how Kasper used to be if not for this.
He doesn't put any of the energy he has left towards cleaning. Kasper could deal with a little mess, but still picked stuff up when it got ugly. Lampert was also willing to help when he visited. Now Infected is too tired and unfocused to pick anything up most of the time, and Lampert refuses to set foot in the apartment complex until Kasper is better. Infected has started throwing garbage off the balcony when it gets in the way too much. It's kinda fun!
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Infected occasionally dissociates. Finds later that he's already talked to someone about something and just repeated himself, bought something already and now he has two, spent hours on his computer without remembering a single thing he looked at, or already met someone he thought he hadn't seen before.
It has actually been explained to Infected before that Kasper is his name. This just started an argument and the topic was dropped forever from that point forward.
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Infected is deeply stressed out by seeing his own face for reasons he can't communicate, so he avoids looking at it as much as possible. He used to have a mirror in his apartment but he threw it off the balcony in a fit of rage one night, then covered the blank space where it used to be with a poster. Same thing with ripping Kasper’s face off of the picture on his desk. Any photos of him that are on his PC have either been sent to the recycle bin or cropped so that his face isn’t in them. He's completely fine looking at drawings of himself though. That's definitely him.
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When left to his own devices, Infected's diet is… Inconsistent. He will forget to eat for long periods of time then binge when the hunger pangs finally get so annoying that he can't ignore them anymore. He's at least sort of hydrated because there's usually a six pack of soda on his desk or by the couch, but unless someone on the elevator is feeling generous he doesn't remember on his own very often.
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Kasper was very comfortable being physically affectionate with people and would be happy to cuddle or lay on a friend's lap if they were cool with that. Infected is even more touchy and would be clingy if he had chances to be, but due to his extremely obvious contagious disease nobody lets him get close. He is incredibly touch-starved and would probably get emotional if someone hugged him or even just sympathetically rubbed his back now.
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 Kasper was alright at resisting the urge, but Infected has picked at every scab he's ever gotten, and he ends up with a Lot. He will pick at them until the damage is worse than the initial injury unless someone stops him/tells him to put a bandage over it.
Kasper would bite his nails to keep them short and pick his nose sometimes but Infected's nails are completely trashed. Some of them have scabbed over or still-bleeding cuticles and hangnails because he chews and picks at those too.
All of the contact with his spit has caused his fingernail textures to semi-permanently unload. You'd think they were painted if you didn't know why they looked like that.
Nosebleeds from his nasal cavity getting torn up from all the fussing are not unheard of and yet he's gonna keep doing it.
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Constantly drooling when he's not talking. Some of it is post-nasal drip. Sometimes he remembers to wipe it off on his arm, but most of the time it just ends up on the floor/running down his face and soaking into the neckline of his shirt. Or sprayed all over the walls/someone's face when he sneezes.
Kasper used to keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in his pocket to help Lampert feel more comfortable. He stopped doing that forever ago after he got sick. (You know how rabies does a bunch of shit to animals to make them better disease vectors, including to their brains? Yeah, something like that).
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On some level he knows he's sick. Would be more stressed out about it but the infection has repressed his ability to care (and the part of him that’s still aware of it is probably also heavily in denial). This has affected other aspects of his emotional range, causing it to come across as unusually flat, especially to those who knew Kasper.
Infected is scared that if he’s taken to a doctor’s office they’ll hurt him, so on top of genuinely not being able to recognize that he's sick he will deny all accusations regardless out of this fear. He’s technically not wrong, since trying to purge the disease to save Kasper would be extremely painful for him, but this thought mostly comes from his illness trying to preserve itself.
The last time someone tried to lead Infected to DrRETRO’s office for an intensive care stay he panicked upon realizing what was going on and fought back until they let him leave (fucked them up pretty badly), so now everyone keeps their distance and kinda uselessly tries to convince him to go voluntarily with their words.
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Infected is incapable of maintaining strong negative emotions if pushed into being that upset. He'll be mad or sad for maybe a minute and then something else will get his attention or he’ll get too tired to think and he'll forget whatever was bugging him.
Every so often he will lose hope about finding Poptart and then abruptly ‘reset’ a minute or two into sobbing his eyes out, completely confident that any day now the little guy will come back safe and sound.
Despite this it is still really easy to get him Gamer Raging. Way easier than it ever was with Kasper, who was a pretty good sport in most cases.
Infected's particular brand of Gamer Rage is ‘Heckling people until they shut up/go away’, or until it's out of his system. This is the most typical way he processes anger. The impulse control is Seriously out the window when he gets like this.
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Kasper knew a lot of stuff about the games he liked offhandedly (mostly competitive co-op FPS games like counterstrike, tf2, l4d2, etc) and could tell you so much esoteric bullshit about them, but if you tried to ask Infected he would get too excited trying to think of something he could share that would be really cool and then not actually be able to remember anything.
The only context in which Infected's reaction time isn't ass is video games. Something about muscle memory. In any other situations he is usually pretty slow to react. This does not mean he's slow to do things, though. When he's acting on a dumbass impulse thought he's probably halfway done doing it before anyone can stop him.
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It is possible to get Infected to acknowledge that his situation is Fucked for a moment or two if you press him on the most obvious evidence that he's sick (his headaches, the fact his allergies haven't cleared up in years, the snot on his face, etc), and if you pressed hard enough you'd start to see him get scared. He knows you're right, but there's nothing he can do about it. And then the recognition would be gone again as soon as you stopped talking.
This doesn't work when you bring up his name (Who's Kasper? Never met the guy.) or objects in his surroundings, only symptoms of illness directly observable on/in his body.
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