#next up is either Emily or Husk
poisned · 6 months
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Sir Pentious Plush design is basically done! I'm happy with this outcome I think it's adorable. Would get one if it existed.
I just need to draw an alt version with his hat. When I do, I'll either edit this post or reblog it with the picture :)
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am-i-interrupting · 6 months
Hello! couldI ask for a headcanon on Rosies, Alastors, Husk, Lucifers, Vaggies, Lutes, Vox's, and velvettes(all separate) reactions to Getting in an argument with the reader(whom they're in a relationship with)
Reader leaves to clear their head for a bit but doesn't return.
About a week later, they find they the reader, bleeding in an alley.
big fan of your work btw, sorry if my request was to complex but thank you for at least reading it.
have a lovely day!
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Alastor knows he can be an infuriating person to argue with.
He will just continue to smile and speak in a steady tone, as if he’s unaffected even if that’s anything but true.
You don’t get into fights often but when you do, it’s not unusual for you to leave to clear your head.
Normally you’re back the next day. By day two he was concerned. Day three he was worried.
He sent his shadows out to find you.
As soon as one of them saw someone who even resembled you in the slightest, he appeared there even if you weren’t.
When he found you wounded, he was furious.
Not at you, but the person who dared touch you.
His anger nearly consumed him but he pushed it to the side in order to tend to your wounds.
You appeared in his radio tower where he quickly patched you up.
His touches were quick, a bit painful, and precise.
But he got you patched quickly and efficiently.
The argument you had was quickly put aside in favor of the more pressing matter, finding his next guest for his show.
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He’s a pretty reasonable guy most of the time. It takes something pretty big in order for either of you to yell much less storm out.
When Husk woke up with a hangover and you no where to be seen, he cursed himself as he remembered what he’d tried to forget.
He sent you a message, just asking if you were okay.
He followed it up the next day by calling and leaving you a voicemail. He explained that you could take as much time as you needed but please, just let him know you’re okay.
It was Charlie who found you, the princess far more willing to take action than he was. Too afraid of pushing your boundaries himself even if he was worried.
He immediately went into assistant mode as Niffty went into mini-nurse mode.
When you were stable, he took you up to your room and tucked you in bed.
“Don’t worry ‘bout the argument, baby. We can talk about it later.”
He kissed your forehead and laid beside you in bed, hand on your pulse.
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He’s not a fighter. He’s an avoider.
He’s not even really conscious of the fact that he does it. He just isolates.
That’s probably what caused the disagreement in the first place.
When he found you, immediately in panic mode.
Just wants to make sure you’re okay.
Being the first Angel cast out of heaven, he knew how to tend to wounds and quickly attended to yours.
Stroking your hair the entire time, just begging you don’t leave him.
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Lute can be stubbornly loyal and it was probably something to do with work or Adam that caused the fight.
Whatever, go ahead. Leave. It’s not like she cares.
She lies to herself so well she believes it until she finds you bleeding.
Which, what the fuck? You weren’t in Hell. These things didn’t happen.
She doesn’t know how to take care of wounds. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. She’s never seen someone bleed.
She takes you to Emily. Reluctantly.
Emily doesn’t really know what she’s doing but she quickly gets in contact with people who do, being so well contacted to the winners.
She is by your side, fight entirely forgotten, the entire time.
Will actually punch Adam if he says something about her going soft.
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Rosie is a problem solver.
That’s what she does.
She actually takes off work to try to figure out how to solve your problems and brain storm.
It’s only when she’s figured out several solutions she thinks will work that she tries to find you.
When she does, oh is she absolutely pissed.
But first, she’s stitching you up.
Very gentle but very honest.
A lot of “this’ll hurt” might give you something to bite on.
Will go out and find the poor soul who did this to you and serve their bloody heart on a silver platter to you.
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She immediately goes into work mode.
She just overworks herself. She doesn’t know what to so she just tries to be useful.
When she finds you she feels her stomach turn and heart drop. Immediately yells for Charlie to get help as she bursts through the Hotel doors carrying you.
She’s holding your hand the entire time muttering how sorry she is.
She’ll pull you into her lap and stroke your hair.
Her hand will end up resting atop your pulse as she gets sleep for the first time since you left.
If you so much as breathe wrong, she’s calling for someone more experienced to check on you.
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Velvette’s a ruthless person to get in an argument with.
It’s not surprising when you leave and don’t come back.
She’ll act like she’s not worried but secretly is.
When she finds you, she’s swearing up and down and she scoops you up.
She basically dumps you with Vox. Trusting him to get you to stop bleeding and you to pull yourself together in the end.
She’s going on a hunt.
She comes back bloodied and with a mania in her eyes that is rarely seen.
You don’t leave her side for a while.
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Vox has eyes everywhere.
He’s keeping one on you at all times.
He doesn’t need to find you even when you storm out because he always knows where you are.
You need time away from him? That’s fine. He’s watching you the entire time though.
You don’t even get the chance to start bleeding anything severe because as soon as you get nicked, he’s there.
The soul who dared to hurt you is electrocuted and fried before you even realize it’s Vox who entered the scene.
“Hot as it is watching you fight, I do hate to see you hurt.”
He stroked right beneath the place where you were cut, smearing the blood.
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vixien11 · 6 months
Emily gets blackout drunk and writes a 1200 page erotica novel (maybe even longer) that makes her girlfriends (Charlie and vaggie) a mix between turned on and mildly concerned the more they read. The hazbins have a bit of a book club because NO ONE knows what’s in the book not even Emily cause she was completely blacked out. It’s a really good book too, the story beats, the characters, the emotions are all leaving the hotel impressed and gobsmacked.
Hah! Okay I just have to write this. Sorry I took a while to respond!(Totally not going to base the novel after a project I'm working on) Emily: (Wakes up groggily and rubs her face as she lifts her head away from a hard object) Ugh... I need to stop asking Charlie's aunt for beezle juice... (Looks down at the object her face was resting on to find a hardcover book called Weeping Horizons. After a moment of looking at it, she notices it says she wrote the book.) Emily: What? I.. I wrote a whole book..? It looks long. How did I even make it hardcover while drunk!? (She looks the book up and down) Well.. Better tell everyone else about this. Later, the whole crew is circled up around this book, eyeing it confusedly. Emily: Next thing I know, I'm wake up with this book. I don't even know what genre it is... (The Hazbins were looking at the book with awe as the cover had a feathered woman with long, pearly white hair curling around her face. The golden eyes of the women sparked a little bit off blood that was inching down her face.) Emily: But the cover looks like my art style.. Charlie: Alright. We'll just read it then! Can't be that bad. (Opens the book tentatively) An hour later, Angel is the only one immune enough to the contents of the book to read it out loud. Angel: Silk gasp as Phoenix licked the blood on her neck and drew circles on her collar bone... (Eyes widen) Okay.. Dove.. (Points at Emily) How the hell are YOU the one who wrote this..!? (Charlie and Vaggie are both blushing profusely and Emily is burying her face in a pillow) Emily: I DON'T KNOOOOW!! I WAS DRUNK OKAY?! Alastor: (Ears are back in asexual disapproval) Yet you have not one grammar mistake... (Flinches back with a small wendigo screech as he reads ahead.) Angel: Well at least I got the stomach for this. (Clears his throat before continuing to read) Half an hour later, it is Vaggie who is reading while the rest of the Hazbins are bawling their eyes out. Vaggie: (Wipes eye) Orchid knew she had made a grave error.. She knew her girlfriends despised her for every moment she had lied. Lied about her past. A shiver went down her spine as she watched Silk's eyes darken. A whimper escaped her.. (Her voice catches) Husk: (Lip trembles slightly) What the fuck are you doing?! Keep reading, dumbass! Angel: FUCK 'EM, ORCHID! I STAND BY YA!! THOSE BITCHES JUST NEED TA LISTEN TO YA! (Cries into Husk's shoulder) Cherri: Fuck you talkin' about, Angi? She ruined there relationship because she lied! She used to kill off civilians like it was pest control! Angel: (Head shooting up from Husk's shoulder) SHE CHANGED AND YOU KNOW IT!! Charlie + Emily: (Hiccupping and clutching either side of Vaggie for support) Cherri: Angi, I will go to war over this. HER REDEMTION ARC HAS BEEN LAME AS FUCK SO FAR!! Angel: (Dramatic ahh gasp) How FUCKING DARE you!! Vaggie: Is no one going to talk about how fucking tragic Pheonix is!? Like hello? Cursed to never be taken seriously but also is why everyone is still as mentally sound as they are! Charlie: (Wipes face) I am SUCH a Pheonix kinnie... Husk: Keep reading! Vaggie: (Sighs and mentally prepares to continue reading.) Should I keep writing this? :3
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
A Dangerous Game Ch 9
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Emily Prentiss x reader Warnings: language, talk of usual canon like violence, lots of mutual pining, minor flirtation, alcohol, smut.
It had been three weeks since Florida.
And in those three weeks not a single case had taken the BAU outside of the greater D.C. area.
Now you were on edge, every single conversation with Emily you found yourself having trouble focussing, even if she was going over gory details of a triple homicide with the team, all you could hear was the husk of her voice as she teased you, praised you, called you her good girl. Part of you was sure that the universe was punishing you for just how much the two of you had indulged on your solo trip down south, reminding you of how you were supposed to behave around each other. That professionalism came first, to everyone up here, you were simply friends, coworkers with not a hint of anything else.
Emily thought she would be fine at first, after all, you’d had nearly a week of not having to hide it, being able to do whatever you wanted together, spending hours tangled in each other’s bodies. Her first slip was automatically filling up a second cup of coffee when she refilled her own, wordlessly dropping it at your desk without doing the same for anyone else. Then she caught herself staring through her office door when she was supposed to be signing off on reports, finding you leaning back in your chair on the phone, back arching as you stretched, buttons of you shirt threatening to pop. The ones you did have undone exposing more of your chest as your shirt rode up, revealing the skin of your stomach. She would’ve been fine but you’d felt her eyes on you, your own darting toward her office, a sly grin taking over your lips when you caught her and her cheeks turned pink as she quickly ducked her gaze.
You kept waiting for the words ‘wheels up’ to leave Emily’s lips, your entire body tingling each time the team was called to the conference room in hope that you’d finally get to indulge again but each time it was a local case. Emily was at her wits end, she knew she had the authority to assign a case out of town, but also knew she couldn’t abuse that power, the worst cases had to take priority.
So the two of you were left with just your imaginations, sleepless nights where all you could picture when your eyes closed were the memories of the other person’s hands on your body. No matter how often you tried to relieve yourself your own hands were never enough, could never amount to the pleasure Emily’s could bring you and she was at the state that if she didn’t remember to plug her vibrator in before leaving for the day she was shit out of luck when she got home.
The team was currently circled up in the conference room, there’d been a couple of meetings as the deputy director droned on about case closure rates, budgets, follow ups and expectations for the next quarter. A very uneventful afternoon that certainly hadn’t helped the restlessness flowing through either of your bodies, it exploded into the air, the team wasn’t used to being cooped up like this and the back to back lectures made everyone feel a bit like they were infected with cabin fever. At the very least it was over, like a window had been cracked, fresh air pooling into the staleness of the room as everyone started packing up their things for the heavily anticipated weekend ahead.
“You hear anything from Jacksonville?” Emily asked, her voice breaking through the nap your brain had been taking and you glanced up to her with a soft sigh.
“Nothing tangible.” You flipped a file shut, “they keep searching addresses but he’s gone, wouldn’t be surprised if he made it passed state lines by now. They found out the farmhouse was covered in surveillance though, sent it off to Garcia for inspection.”
“And he had that puppy fully outfitted there is a lot to go through.” Penelope commented, “and he knows a hell of a lot about technology, if it weren’t so wrong it’d be impressive.”
“So he probably saw us coming?” Em asked and you nodded.
“Likely, he knew he had to run.”
“Lemme know if you hear anything more.”
“Yeah.” You nodded once again, tugging out your phone to go through the slew of missed notifications, catching up on a bit of social media while the work day drifted away from the room. There was a small rumble of conversation, a little bit of work chat mixed with weekend plans, little jokes here and there as spirits began to lift and everyone wound down.
“Hey…” Rossi’s voice broke through the crowd, loud enough for everyone to hear, “you know what we haven’t don’t in a while?”
“Left the DMV area?” You grumbled, cocking a brow in his direction and Emily laughed under her breath as she stood.
“Well… you’re right, but that’s not what I was getting at.” Rossi replied, “don’t you kids like sleeping in your own beds?”
The thought was unanimous, you and Emily stealing a glance before she spoke, “dunno… I’m with y/n on this one, I like a change of scenery.”
“Seriously?” Dave asked, pulling a laugh from the others in the room, JJ the next one to comment.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love the boys but it is nice to have a break once in a while. And it’s an added bonus knowing the psychopaths aren’t in the same city as them.”
“I think I have to agree with Rossi.” Garcia commented, “I miss you guys when you’re gone.”
“I just feel like…” you started, then huffed, pausing to put together your thoughts without outing yourself, “you know when you go to the zoo and all the tiger’s doing is pacing in its cage? That’s this. I need…” you spun your chair to face Spencer, knowing he’d have the answer, “what’s it called?”
“Enrichment time.”
“Thank you!”
“You know what I do for enrichment time?” Derek cocked a brow in your direction and you rolled your eyes as Emily let out a groan.
“I do.” You fired back, “what was her name again?”
“Better question is when’re we gonna get to meet her?” Garcia asked with a grin and Dave finally broke back into the banter.
“That is what I was going to suggest.”
“What? That we stalk Morgan on his date?” JJ asked with a smirk.
“More like dinner.”
“You buyin’?” Derek asked.
“I was thinking hosting, it’s been too long and I’ve got a few bottles of wine that are desperately waiting to be drank.”
“Now that, I can get behind.” Emily paused to squeeze his shoulder, “I’ve got to run home to feed Sergio first though.”
“Oh, you all need to give me time to get ready,” he glanced at his watch, “let’s say… seven thirty?”
“Plus ones?” JJ asked.
“The more the merrier!” Rossi replied, “you know the drill.”
You shouldn’t have been surprised with the vastness of Rossi’s house, or the fact that he greeted you at the door with a pre-dinner cocktail in hand, passing one off to you off a tray just inside the entry way. He guided you through the main area, giving you a brief tour to show off a few things and make sure you knew where the necessities were. The dining room was half set up, plates of appetizers and finger foods splayed across it before moving into the living room, plush loveseat and chairs facing each other while the French doors were wide open into the back yard. Most of the group was spread through the yard, patio furniture and smaller tables mixed through the space, lights strung over the patio making it seem just a little bit more festive than a regular Friday night.
There were a handful of other people from the office, a few people you didn’t recognize who you figured were other friends, and a couple of plus ones. You made a few rounds, somewhere along the way your drink was replaced with a fresh one the second it was finished, Derek had actually brought his new girlfriend and you ended up clicking right away. Dinner was served, Rossi making sure everyone knew they could eat inside or out, there were no specific rules for tonight, and wine refills were always available in the kitchen. As you glanced around your brow furrowed, realizing Emily wasn’t there yet and you wondered if maybe, similar to you, she’d debated not coming. A few too many glasses of wine in a much more casual setting after basically edging yourselves for three weeks was very likely to end inappropriately and you were still trying to not break the self made rules.
However, on the opposite side of the house, Emily was easily letting herself in the front door, walking through the familiar halls until she reached the social part of the house.
“There she is!” Dave exclaimed and she laughed, “was beginning to think you forgot the address.”
“Sorry.” She winced in apology, “I was about to get ready when I found a window cracked open, kinda freaked me out, I ended up doing a full sweep, pretty sure the cleaners just left it when they were there earlier.”
“No worries, no worries, grab a plate!”
She did exactly as he suggested, scooping up a rather large glass of wine as her eyes swept through the yard. She spotted Derek with who she figured was his girlfriend and let out a little gasp of excitement as she approached the table,
“So she actually does exist.” She teased, “I really was starting to think you were making her up.”
“Very funny Prentiss.” He chuckled, quickly introducing them, “wanna join?” He gestured across the table to the empty seat and that was when she realized you were sitting with them.
“Yeah.” She cast you a warm smile and you felt your heart thud in your chest, God was she ever fucking gorgeous.
Her eyes lingered probably a little too long on the exposed neckline of your shirt but the other two at the table were too distracted to even notice. She slipped into the seat and into the conversation with ease, Derek somewhat regretting introducing everyone as he was suddenly being playfully ganged up on. Wine glasses were refilled, the air was full of laughter and relaxation, things that didn’t come to the team like this often. Emily adjusted in her seat, crossing her legs and her foot brushed up against your shin, your breath catching in your throat when she didn’t move it. She even dared to play a little footsie, lingering against your skin as she glanced your way.
“You okay there Wilson?”
“Peachy.” You managed to choke back over the rim of your wine glass, not missing the gleam in her eye, one you were all too familiar with, the same one that you missed horrendously.
You could feel the heat radiating off her body, coursing through the air and straight to your core, especially as she kept casually brushing up against you. It wasn’t enough for anyone else to pick up on, and she swore she wasn’t doing it on purpose, even if the first one had been intentional. She ached to be able to touch you, despite the casual and fun evening, half of her was wishing her phone would ring with a case anywhere but here. Spencer and Penelope joined the table, the conversation got louder, more chaotic and multi layered as the alcohol seeped through everyone’s veins, bringing people out of their shells a little bit more. Emily was laughing over the story Derek was telling, calling him on all the bullshit he kept embellishing with, something about a case in the last couple of months. He said something in your direction but you didn’t hear it.
“Hey!” His hand shook in front of your face, “Wilson!”
“Hmm?” You glanced his way, still partially lost in your trance “sorry.” He chuckled,
“Man we lost ya there for a second, what were you daydreaming about?”
“…Vegas…” you let out in a small sigh, partially unaware of what you even said and completely unaware that Emily was still sitting directly beside you, smirk on her lips when you said it.
“You know, a non work trip out there might be fun.” Spencer cut in, “get some real poker playing in.”
“Aren’t you banned from like, eight casinos out there?” Emily asked with a laugh and her voice sent a chill down your spine, jolting you back to the real world and you felt a tingle between your legs.
“I’m gonna grab a refill, anyone need anything?” You asked, pushing away from the table and Penelope handed you her glass.
“Another one of those fruity drinks please!”
“On it.”
Shooting her a grin you quickly disappeared from the yard into the house, thankful that the kitchen was secluded from the open space, giving you a moment to breath and try to calm yourself down. You topped up Penelope’s drink, grabbing a glass of water for yourself, at the very least maybe it would help you cool off a little bit. You braced yourself on the counter in front of the sink, letting out a breath, there were two choices here; get control of yourself, or it was time to leave.
A third option then presented itself as an arm reached passed you, placing a used wine glass down in the sink and Emily’s perfume invaded your senses. Her body hovered inches behind yours, her words hot on your neck when she spoke, her hand resting on the counter beside yours.
“Do you have any clue how fucking hard it is to keep my hands off you tonight?” Her lips pressed into the crook of your neck, her hand moving to rest on your hip and you let out a little whimper, your knees nearly buckling.
“Emily…” You warned.
“What?” Her huff of a laugh brushed over your skin creating goosebumps.
“You do that again and I’m about three seconds away from coming in this kitchen and I really don’t think Rossi would be particularly fond of that.”
“Don’t worry, I can’t fuck you here.” She murmured back, nudging at your hip and you turned around to face her, breath hitching as you did so. You wanted nothing more than to launch into her arms, have her tear your clothes off and bend you over the counter, you were practically trembling already after the tiniest of touches and swore you would be able to come just by the way she was looking at you.
Emily looked down at you, taking in your raised pulse, the darkening of your eyes, the way your tongue darted out to wet your lips right before they parted and your eyes flicked down to her lips. One quick listen to the noise, making sure it sounded far enough away before she closed the space between you, her lips softly meeting yours. You melted into her arms, hands clinging to her shirt, whimpering into the kiss as Emily’s tongue slid into your mouth. One of her arms sturdily wrapped around your waist, holding you to her and heat surged through both of your bodies at finally being this close again. She broke the kiss, her forehead resting against yours,
“Don’t suppose you’re interested in getting out of here?”
“How exactly are we supposed to get away with that?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper, knowing it would shaky if you raised it any more.
The sudden sound of Rossi’s laugh in the hallway broke the two of you apart faster than lightning, in at attempt to look like you were doing anything except what you had been, you whipped your phone out, a slight look of panic on your face when you looked up at Dave when he entered the room.
“Why does it look like you two are talking about work?” He asked.
And there it was.
Your out.
“Florida just called.” You raised your phone, “they’ve got a couple things we need to go checkout.”
“Oh c’mon.” He protested and you shrugged, picking up the cocktail glass and shoving it into his hands as you slipped passed him.
“Devil never sleeps! Give that to Garcia, will you?”
Emily’s apartment wasn’t far and you were incredibly grateful, the energy and excitement bubbling up inside you to the point of feeling like a school kid on their way to their first sleep over. In all honesty, it was probably good you drove separate cars, you knew you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands to yourselves otherwise. She quickly let you in, making sure the door was shut and locked behind you as both of you kicked off shoes and shrugged off jackets,
“Are you sure?” You asked, glancing up at her with wide eyes.
“Are you kidding?” She chuckled, a wicked grin on her face, “I’ve been waiting weeks to do this.”
“Good.” You breathed out, “because nothing compares to actually having you touch me.”
An instant later and Emily’s lips were on yours. Her hand cupped your cheek softly as she began to back you in the direction of the bedroom. Movements were both frantic and tender at the same time, you’d both been wanting nothing more than to feel the other persons skin on yours for ages, but it wasn’t as fiery as you’d expected. Lips danced with ease, her hand slipping into your hair just to hold your head to her, making sure you were as close as humanly possible. Her tongue slid into your mouth, exploring every inch, rolling against yours while your hands finally slipped under her shirt, tickling across her skin. She let out a sigh into the kiss, breaking it so you could quickly pull the fabric over her head. She let out a breath, her eyes dragging over your body before she rid you of your shirt and bra right as the back of your legs hit her bed.
“God you’re so fucking gorgeous.” She murmured, ducking to kiss you deeply before she nudged you onto the bed.
She slipped out of her pants and underwear, fingers sliding into your waistband to pull both of yours down your legs before she crawled over your body, capturing your lips in another kiss, her hands tracing patters on your thighs. Your legs easily fell open for her, moaning into the kiss while your hands trailed across her skin. Emily’s fingers came to rest on your clit, gently rubbing it in slow circles, just enough to tantalize you, get your pussy fluttering around nothing as you started to grind into the touch, your nails digging into her skin. She never broke the kiss, now able to read you like perfection, knowing exactly when you were about to beg for more, her hand sliding down and two fingers slipping into your dripping cunt. When you moaned against her lips this time she happily swallowed the breath down, her tongue rolling against yours as she explored your body. Her fingers curled inside you, brushing along that sensitive spot and your breath caught in your throat, hips jolting up to her touch and you felt her lips curve into a grin. This time she did break the kiss, her lips pressing to the underside of your jaw,
“Want you to ride my cock pretty girl.” She murmured, nudging at your chin with her nose before she nipped at your neck, her fingers slipping out of you while she shifted off the bed to grab a strap. You watched with eager eyes, shifting up onto your knees while she got the harness on, selecting a toy from the bedside table, this one double sided.
“Wait…” You breathed out right before she slipped it in, crawling to the edge of the bed, “can I?”
“So eager.” She grinned, her hand pinching gently at your chin, “good girl.”
She handed off the toy and you sat up on your knees, pulling her to you for a kiss, your lips molding together with grace. Your hand sunk between her legs, almost matching the same movements she did on you earlier, fingers sliding between her folds, smearing her wetness, two sinking into her pussy briefly before you slipped the smaller end of the toy in.
“Fuck…” She moaned, her eyes fluttering shut when you pumped it a few times before situating it properly into the harness. She dropped down onto the bed, head sinking into the pillows, “get over here.”
You eagerly crawled over to her, swinging a leg over her waist, your hands bracing on her stomach as one of hers wrapped around the base of her cock. She rubbed it against your folds, smearing your juices around it, watching the way you breathily moaned, rocking your hips in time with the motion, eyes fluttering shut. The tip caught your entrance and you let out a gasp, your eyes shooting open to catch her gaze and she nudged it in a little further until you sunk all the way down onto it, this moan louder than the last. She couldn’t help but make a similar noise, the way you pushed down onto it pushed the base right into her clit and made the smaller end thrust inside her.
Bracing yourself on her waist you raised your hips, shuddering when her cock dragged through your walls until just the tip was left inside you and you sunk back down all the way again. Emily’s hands braced on your hips, guiding you up and down her cock until your set a pace, one that wasn’t too fast, your hips meeting hers with a little extra power of a thrust to move the toy inside her too. You threw your head back, cunt clenching around the toy,
“Oh fuck… god…”
Your eyes fluttered shut and you groaned when Emily’s hands began to explore your body, gliding up your chest, pinching at your tits, rolling your nipples between her fingers. A gasp escaped her lips when you ground down against her, her hand shooting out to yours, fingers interlacing, squeezing yours while her pussy clenched down around the toy.
“Jesus Christ..” She muttered.
Emily planted her feet on the mattress, able to drive up into you with more force, sitting up so she could feel your body fully against hers. One arm wound around your waist, holding you steady to her while the other braced on the bed behind her. The angle shifted the toy inside both of you, moans getting breathier and closer together with each pump of your hips. Her lips peppered your skin, tongue licking at your collarbone before she bit gently into it, pulling a whine from you. She sunk lower, her teeth nipping at the swell of your chest, feeling the way your hands clenched into her back as she did so. You let out a gasp when her mouth wrapped around your nipple, sucking it into your mouth, the dual sensation pulling you closer and closer to your peak.
“Oh Em…”
She shuddered at the tone of your voice alone, nearly angelic floating through her bedroom as you continued to bounce in her lap. She sucked harder on your chest, teeth gently scraping at the swollen bud and your pussy pulsated around her cock.
“Feels so fucking good.” You murmured, your head dropping forward as she moved her mouth to the other side of your chest to repeat the action. “Don’t fucking stop.” You panted and she moaned against your skin, feeling the toy drive deeper into her as you thrust down into her hips, rolling yours at just the right frequency that the base of the toy rubbed her clit perfectly.
“Oh god…” She choked on her words, fire shooting through her body, alighting her every nerve as her skin prickled.
Your hand grasped at her cheek, directing it up to your lips and capturing her in a kiss, one that was full of sighs, gasps and breath huffing from one of your lips to the other as you continued to ride her. Your forehead came to rest against hers,
“Fuck…” you muttered, “so close..” She took advantage, her hand sneaking between your bodies to rub at your clit and you whimpered.
“Come for me angel.” She panted, “let me see you….”
It only took a few more pumps before your eyes scrunched tightly shut, your pussy clamping down around her cock as pleasure soared through you, your cries louder than she had ever heard before. Your body shook in her arms, your own wrapping tightly around her, not leaving an inch of space between your sweat glistened skin. A couple of thrusts later, coupled with the vision of you coming Emily let out a loud moan, her own body trembling as she reached her peak. You continued to half lazily rock in her lap, panting, breathless kisses stolen between you, eyes fluttering as aftershocks vibrated through your body.
Emily kissed up your neck slowly, leaving a trail of wetness before her nose nudged at yours, your eyes finally cracking open to meet her gaze. Your thumb trailed across her cheek softly, simply drinking her in before you ducked down, pressing gentle, lazy kisses to her lips. She slowly dropped down onto the bed beneath her, pulling you with her, continuing the kiss until she gently rolled you onto your side, slipping her cock out of you, tossing the toy to the side to be dealt with later before rolling back over, pulling you into her arms.
Your head rested against her chest, the beat of her heart slowing as she came down, lulling you into a sense of relaxation, your eyes fluttering shut as your breathing began to regulate. Her hand trailed up and down your back, nails tickling along your bare skin before she pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head that you returned onto her collarbone. A blanket was kicked up, wrapped around your lower bodies as the temperature in the room began to chill. You let out a content sigh, your body relaxing further into hers and the plush mattress, feeling sleep starting to overtake you and you yawned, tilting your head to look up at her.
“Should… should I go?” You asked hesitantly, not really knowing if you wanted to know the answer considering this really was the only place you wanted to be in the moment.
“No…” Emily shook her head, her hand coming up to comb through your hair before she kissed your temple, “no…. stay.”
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @temilyrights @alexxavicry  @borg-queer @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @ladysc @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @disneyfan624 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @bookpillows @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx  @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess  @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @bluetodie @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik @thisisraes @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @strongsassysexysloane @svushots
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number2hazbinblue · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Thoughts: Episodes 5 & 6
I am watching the new episodes as I am typing this, so I will share some thoughts of mine that came during my viewing!
Episode 05 -- Dad Beat Dad
Okay, first off, Niffty needs a handler. Thank you, Angel! Next, Lucifer and Lilith split? As in...divorced? ...Huh... Did it happen 7 seven years ago too?
So, Lucifer (voiced by Jeremy Jordan, who voiced Varian from the Tangled series) turns out to be just an awkward short king with a dash of depression. Literarily. And he makes/collects rubber duckies as a coping mechanism...I mean, there are worse coping mechanisms.
Clearly, Lucifer loves both Lilith and Charlie with all his heart.
Wait, he had no idea about Charlie's idea for the hotel?!
Lucifer is reminding me so much of Spirit Albarn from Soul Eater, just without the whole womanizer thing. He did not want to pass up a chance to spend time with his daughter.
Um...Al? Buddy? You okay? Why are you sneering at the king of Hell?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! Razzle and Dazzle!!!!
Damn, Lu-Lu! You don't know Alastor? Either Lucifer really doesn't give a shit about the Overlords or he has been reallly out of it.
Seriously, what the hell is going on between Lucifer and Alastor? Like...Alastor is so damn hostile that he straight told the king of Hell to fuck himself. That type of language is what Al typically reserved for individuals he scathingly despises and, up til now, it was solely Vox.
Does it have anything to do with Lilith?
Is Lucifer feeling threatened that Alastor has taken over the father figure role in Charlie's life?
There have been so much unexpected twists and I love it!
And it's not even the halfway point yet!
Wait...is this why the episode is called Dad Beat Dad. It's freakin' Alastor and Lucifer duking it out.
Mimzy!!!! What is happening?!
Oh! So, Mimzy and Alastor did know each other in life!
"Big talk for someone who's also on a leash." -- Husk to Alastor.
Nevermind that now, yes! Go feral Alastor!
Aww...Lucifer just wants to protect his daughter...
This ballad is so damn beautiful...
And...Vaggie? Is it because you're a sinner or are the fallen angel theories true?
Episode 06 -- Welcome to Heaven
Hotel walls can't seem to take a break, lol.
And, hey hey! It's Cherri! And yes! She has an Australian accent! At least, I think its Australian. You'd think watching three seasons of Bluey (on loop, courtesy of my niece) would have me pick up the accent.
Heaven does seem alright. It kinda what I figured it be.
Emily is just precious!!
And I saw Molly, y'all! Angel's sister!!!
Wait...so, only the exorcists have knowledge of Hell's yearly extermination? ...Is it to prevent an uprising in Heaven too. I mean, there could be some residents who don't agree with this.
Sera is in a higher rank than Adam, I wager?
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! Vaggie was an exorcist! Holy shit!!!
God, I hate Adam and Lute.
And Angel...this is the reason why you are best boi. And that's why Valentino wanted Angel to stay at the studio, because of the contract.
Jesus, Niffty is just plain unhinged!
Awwww...Cherri and Angel are still buddies! I was honestly gonna worry that the whole Angel staying at the hotel was gonna sour it. So glad it didn't.
Soooo...Vaggie's secrets out and Sera stubbornly says that there are no redeemable souls in Hell.
I hope that Charlie and Vaggie will have a talk about that revelation and I wonder what does it really take to get into Heaven since (apparently) no one knows.
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mollymauk-teafleak · 7 months
Will husk and angel ever let angels family meet the twins maybe they could find someone to sneak to Molly so she can meet them or maybe even let arakniss meet them
love the spiderkittens ahhhhhhhhhhh ❤️❤️❤️❤️ also quick question do the twins do the little things cats do where they kneed with their paws
Ohhhhhh they do knead!!! And so does Husk when he's comfortable and/or sleepy enough to not care <3
Oh boy do I have some thoughts for you relating to Arakniss! Or rather @minky-for-short does as this lovely angst is her doing.
So Angel Dust hasn't bumped into any of his family since waking up in hell, entirely by design. Maybe they've tried to reach out but either Valentino didn't let the messages get through or Angel himself ignored them. Either way, one day when the twins are maybe eight or so, they sneak out to try and find Angel after he has to work late one night and couldn't be home for story time after he promised he'd really try. And of course they get lost and Husk realises and calls Angel in a panic. Angel storms out of the studio when Val won't let him leave (leaving himself with a shitty situation to deal with the next day) and starts searching but after a while, Charlie calls them. Someone's turned up at the hotel with the twins, they're safe...but she thinks you should get over here
And the person who's brought them there is awkwardly standing in the lobby, looking like he might bolt, jumping a little when he sees Angel run through the doors like '...hey Tony. Been a while." Angel is stunned to see his brother here, let alone to see his kids clinging to his legs. But they come running to him and Husk, crying and saying they're so sorry, they won't do it again. Angel gets the story of them, about how they got lost and they were in an alleyway hiding and a guy who looked like you said he didn't know where their pops worked but he'd take them home. Angel looks at Arakniss, surprised that he went so out of his way to help his kids but he's grateful.
He sends the twins upstairs, saying they're grounded for sure. Once they've disappeared up the stairs, Arakniss can't help laughing, you sounded just like Ma, you were only missing a rolling pin in your hand. Angel fakes horror, he Cannot believe you just said that to him...and thanks for taking care of his kids. Arakniss shrugs, they're family. Despite what dad says. Angel flinches a little at that but before Arakniss flees, he does call after him that he can come visit the twins, if he likes. If he's ever in the neighbourhood. And that seems to please his brother, even if their relationship still has a long way to go.
As for Molly, I love the idea that Angel gets to write her letters. I think they were much closer in real life, she was devastated after their father kicked him out and was heartbroken when he died. Emily takes letters between her and Angel Dust and he gets to send her pictures of them. And I do love the idea that they get to meet (maybe when Angel Dust, Husk and Charlie have to go up to Heaven and argue that the twins should get to stay in hell with their dads...). Angel is anxious Molly won't want anything to do with him after hearing what his life ended like and how he's made a living since dying. But she doesn't, she's so proud of him and so happy to see him and crying happy tears when she sees he has twins just like them
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Angel, you want to free Husk?
Show Alastor you can be a loving and supportive partner to Husk. The one that Husk needs. That's the only way he'll let Husk go.
Because back when the twins were born, Alastor was going to let Husk go if he stayed with you for longer than 6 months.....but that deal broke when you kicked Husk out after three days.
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Husk: *sitting at his bar, nursing a mocktail*
Angel: Hey…
Husk: *turns away*
Angel: I’m sorry for flirting before. I forgot you hated that side of me. You liked me more when I was a loser.
Husk: Well, I suppose I saw someone who needed to know they weren’t alone in Hell.
Angel: Yeah…and I know I’ve screwed up so many times Husk. I’m sincerely sorry.
Husk: Yeah well…I know I wasn’t perfect either. I could have fought harder for you. Could have helped more. Could have done more. So count me in the shitty partner club too.
Angel: You certainly are a great father. Better than I could ever be.
Husk: You don’t give yourself the chance to be better. You self destruct and I get it, you’re trapped down here forever. I know that’s messed you up. *stands up and stumbles* Shit! I think I was given the cocktail version…not the mock tail like I ordered…
Angel: Husk…let me take you to your room…
The next morning…
Husk: *wakes up in bed alone, but sees Angel in a nearby chair, curled up. He checks himself and sees he’s in pajamas pants and boxers*
Angel: *stirs awake* Hey good morning.
Husk: What happened?
Angel: Do you really not remember?
Husk: No. my head is pounding.
Angel: *looks uneasy* You got a bit drunk. I stayed up making sure you didn’t puke all over that suit and got you changed for bed.
Husk: Did anything happen between us?
Angel: No yes
Husk: Are you sure?
Angel: Husk you were the drunk one, not me. I would have known if we did stuff. *gets up and starts to head out* The kids are still with Emily. You should…pick them up. I’m sure they miss you. There’s some pain pills on the stand…goodbye Husk *leaves the room*
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androgynousblackbox · 3 months
How To Lose A Lucifer In 10 Days. 4 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
Step 4: Have disagreements
On the next morning, Alastor found that the new bed had dissapeared alongside with the tiny king. Everything on his room was completely exactly the same as it was yesterday. However, any lingering hope he had that the tiny king could have either solved his own problem already or everything was too realistic dream quickly vanished when he came inside the kitchen on the morning.
The smell of cooked meat was what attracted him. Raw meat was usually his predilection, mostly out of convenience, but not even the most stubborn cannibal in all of hell could deny that what his nose was catching was positively alluring. But it was less so when he realized the one doing the cooking was the king himself, casually managing multiple pans with bacon, eggs and french toasts and, of course, one of them making pancakes that kept turning them on new plates that magically flew to the table.
At the same time, as if to show off none of that was costing him much effort, he was also talking with Charlie standing at her side.
"Yeah, you have a sister in my side" was saying the little monarch, dashing finally the possibility that he was their original one waking up with a particular good mood to serve everyone. "She fell for questioning Heaven too much, so me and my Alastor took her in. We adopted her officially and she stays at the hotel with us."
"And how is she?" Charlie's smile was big and genuine over her tea, fascinated with this alternative version of her life.
"I think you know her already" sang Lucifer with a cheeky smirk. "She used to be a powerful seraphim that, I believe, supported your ideas when you went up to Heaven? A very cute girl not afraid to stand up for her beliefs?"
Charlie gasped, her mouth making a perfect oh.
"No! Are you telling me that Emily is my sister?!"
"Like I said, she questioned Heaven too much and she had nowhere to go. Besides, my Alastor liked her already for uh… you know, being the only angel that listened to you. It wasn't a hard decision at all. She is adapting really well to hell, all things considered. You and Vaggie help her a lot."
Alastor would have caught that little moment of hesitation and archived it on his mind later as something that he could use. But all his attention was caught instead by the deer head that was still laying on the counter. The deer head without a body from the kill he brought just yesterday and he was planning to eat later on.
"What the hell are you doing?" asked, materializing next to the king in an instant.
Charlie jumped in place at the sudden aparition, a little of tea spilling out from the side of her mug, but the king just looked up to him with an easy smile.
"Oh, hey! It's going to be a ready in a about minute now. Why don't you sit down until is down?"
Alastor stood there, perplexed.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. You like it raw" said the king, pointingly ignoring the short laugh that came out of Angel waiting for his breakfast at the table or the loud ssh Husk directed at him. "But trust me, cooked is not that bad either. Cooking can be pretty relaxing and considering I am, you know, stuck away from everything and everyone I know and love, I thought hey, why don't I make myself useful around here. This is not the whole deer, there is still some meat left on the fridge, so if you really hate this one you can grab it. Hell, I will even get you some more myself if you are still hungry."
A moment of silence passed through. Silence from Alastor at least, while the king seemed to be content enough with humming to himself as he worked.
"That is very nice of you, papa" said Charlie, frowning at Alastor as she patted the back of the tiny king. "It smells delicious."
Alastor really considered just going to the fridge and grab his meat to enjoy himself in the privacy of his own room. But that damn smell was turning his mouth into a fountain and well, it was going to be a waste of meat if someone didn't enjoyed it. Lucifer had put enough meat there to feed all residents at once and he knew they weren't going to eat it all, so there was clearly no other choice but to do it himself. He moved over to the table, still keeping watch over the cooking process just in case the king decided to slip some poison or mess with it on some other way.
"Years of practice, duckling" said Lucifer, casually flipping the pancakes on another pan with his own hand.
When the bacon and eggs were ready, he quickly served them on a plate and send it to the table, to the expecting hands of a hungry Angel who moaned loudly in delight. Husk rubbed his head, but when Lucifer's magic gave him his own plate, Angel looked at him as if saying "see what I mean?" None of them seemed to notice the full trash can on a side to the kitchen. Alastor saw a bunch of disregarded cooked meals there and wondered how many that tiny king had made in actuality. Since he could actually just duplicate anything he wanted, he could have gone at it for hours without any intention of feeding it to anyone, like a compulsion.
Charlie chuckled.
"Is that how you call your own Charlie? It's so cute!"
"Your Lucifer doesn't?" The king looked surprised at that. "How does he call you?"
Charlie scratched her neck, looking to the side.
"Well… when I was a kid, he used to call me apple pie a lot. And Charchar, I guess."
If he noticed the evasive tone of Charlie, Lucifer didn't showed it.
"Aww, apple pie is adorable too!" Lucifer smiled bright. "Maybe I should use that with Emily. I still haven't thought of a nickname cute enough for her. Do you mind?"
"No, of course not" Charlie smiled back and accepted the plates with a bunch of pancakes and more bacome Lucifer gave her. One for her and another for Vaggie, she understood. "Thanks, papa!"
"You are welcome, sweetie!" Lucifer continued working.
"Do you all hear that?" commented Angel, throwing a glance towards Alastor. "It's that the lack of a fight early on the morning? Peace and quiet for once? Who knew that was even possible?"
Alastor narrowed his eyes at him in such a way that Husk put a hand on Angel, warning him to keep quiet.
"Geez, is usually that bad around here?" asked Lucifer, carrying easily a big plate that contained the cooked meat for Alastor and his own plate of chocolate pancakes. His own mug with tea floated at his side as he sat down. Alastor took care to not lick his lips as he sniffed the meat, snearing when he only find it to be absolutely appetizing. Lucifer didn't seem to take any offense to it. "My Alastor and I have disagreements here and there, but it's never to the point we can't share a meal."
"Bad is putting it lightly" commented Vaggie, glaring briefly to Alastor as he finally dared to take a single bite. "I think this must be only the second time that a Alastor and Lucifer ever shared the same table. The first was bad too."
Ignoring her completely, Alastor digged his claws on the table when realizing it was, in fact, absolutely delicious. He cursed this tiny king as Lucifer didn't even looked on his direction to gloat about it. Instead he was looking at Vaggie.
"Huh" Lucifer took a sip of his mug, as if not sure if he should make his next question. "Would that… have anything to do with the big hole on the lobby?"
The entire table fell into silence for a moment. Even Alastor flinched a little, prefering to concentrate on his own meal than on anything else happening around him.
"Oh" said Lucifer, taking that as his response. "Sorry for bringing it up then."
"No, no, it's okay" said Charlie, her smile thinner than usual, but still sincere. "You had no way of knowing that, so of course you would be curious. Especially if you and your Alastor have another dynamic entirely."
"I mean, he is my husband, so one would expect we would know how to be around each other by now" Lucifer shrugged slightly.
On the other side of the table, Angel almost choked drinking his own coffee and he hit his chest a couple of times before speaking.
"Your what?" asked, his face fighting between incredulous and just laughing, his eyes going from Lucifer to Alastor, who was fully refusing to engage on any of this. "Charlie told us that you were friendly with each other and you had your own Charlie together, not that! Not that any of that isn't alredy weird as fuck."
"Uhm, yeah" said Lucifer, thinking that not even his own Angel had reacted that badly when he appeared on the hotel for the first time. "85 years and counting" added with a little smile, knocking the wood of the table.
Alastor stopped for a second, but renewed his eating as he ignored the twist on his stomach. 85 years was almost his entire life in hell. It was more years than he ever spend alive.
"Oh, shit" Angel smirked, supporting his chin on his hand. "I have to hear the story behind that already! No offense, Smiles, but I always thought you were the type to prefer to tap yourself before anyone else."
Alastor narrowed his eyes at the pornstar. Not that he was entirely wrong either, the only mistake being that he did not want to tap anything at all, but he still didn't appreciate the especulation around that specific topic. There were so many infinitely more interesting things to talk about him than something as vulgar and trivial as that.
"Hey, come on, that is not nice" said Lucifer before he or Angel could say anything else. "My Alastor is just different, can we just leave it at that?"
Alastor refused to look at the king, even when he knew that Lucifer threw a glance at him, and opened up his mouth further to grab bigger chunks, swallowing bones in the process and breaking it appart with his teeth. Husk made a face at him, but wisely kept quiet. Niffty tried to imitate him, chunks of her food spilling out of her.
"Whatever you say, king" Angel shrugged, leaving the subject for now. "My curiosity still needs to be fed, though."
"Yeah, figured" Lucifer sighed, putting his mug down. "Listen, normally I would love to tell you guys all about it. That is what we did for my Charlie all the time too, tell her stories about us and our lives together. But I would much prefer to find a way home first as fast as possible. We were already separated once before and we got just everything back to normal. I don't want to miss that. Please?" added, looking up to Charlie, whose tender heart could never miss the pained look on this version of her father.
"Yes, absolutely" Charlie looked the time on her phone and finished her tea with a final gulp. The pancakes had already dissapeared from her table. "I think Stolas should already be awake now. Let's go."
She stand up from the table, telling Vaggie to stay in charge of the hotel and kissing her forehead. Lucifer finished up his breakfast as well. He looked over at Alastor and for a moment Alastor stared back, as if daring him to ask if he wanted to come and give him the chance to just say no. Lucifer turned his eyes away first. Apparently realizing it was a waste of time, Lucifer sighed and followed Charlie. Alastor felt something brush against his ankle, but when he moved his shadows to catch it wasn't there anymore.
"Hopefully you will be seeing your own Lucifer soon" said the king instead of seeing you later, obviously hoping he wouldn't have to. "Nice to meet you all again."
With that, he took the hand of Charlie and they both dissapeared through a portal.
Alastor woke up and sat, not looking at the other side of the bed. A portion of his shadow came back to him with the memories of following the other Lucifer around the hotel, looking for whatever room happened to be free, which was still most of them. In the dark his shadow contemplated this other Lucifer changing with magic and plopping into his bed with a groan, falling asleep without any major concern or worry too big to keep him awake with anxiety.
Alastor rubbed his temple, realizing the same thing he had already thought the moment that Lucifer was revealed to not be his. He could look like him. He could talk like him. He could even move like him. But it wasn't him and his presence did not bring at all the same kind of comfort at all. Keeping an eye out for him was more out of a need of just seeing a Lucifer than because he wanted to check on that one, like a bad habit for whome now he had to rely on a less desirable alternative.
He was so used to keep Lucifer near him, that seeing his face but waking up alone just made him feel sick with a need and anger he could barely conceptualize to himself.
A knock on the door took him out of his thoughts and he changed quickly. The knocking didn't sound urgent, but he still rushed in to open. It could be Charlie announcing that Stolas had found the solution, that now they knew how to bring her papa home.
"Alastor" said Emily, going up to hug him as soon she was able to. She buried her head against his chest and squeezed tight. "Charlie told me about what happened to Lucifer. Are you okay?"
Alastor's shoulders relaxed a little. He resigned himself to hug her back and pet her short, grey hair. She had seen him at his lowest in Heaven, of course she would want to check on him as fast she could.
"Did you came all the way here for that?" asked, as if it was a silly thing to do and Emily lifted her head, pouting. "I am fine, dear. If you wanted me to be even better than that, you can tell me if Charlie got any news from our friend Goetia."
"She and the other Lucifer are eating something before going. If you want I can bring you something here" offered Emily, finally letting him go but her yellow eyes looking just as concerned as ever.
She probably thought that seeing the other Lucifer could be too hard. Or that they could get into another confrontation like the one last night, the one Charlie or Vaggie surely must have told her about. It wasn't an entirely unreasonable thought. Alastor had to see the place in front of his chimney with one less chair to know that. But he would be dammned again if he let a fucking imitation of his husband turn him into a coward.
"Don't bother, my dear" said, showing off his best smile. "I have handled Lucifer very well on my own and today is not going to be the exception" assured, putting an arm around her shoulders towards the door.
Away from the empty space on his bed that his tentacles had already fixed again.
"But this is another Lucifer" said Emily, looking up. "And I don't think him and his Alastor were friends where he came from."
Alastor had gathered as much already.
"We don't need to be friends" commented easily, taking her with him to the elevator. He could wrap her into his shadows downstairs, but taking a little bit to face that other face wasn't going to hurt anyone. "We just need to manage to not kill each other enough for my husband to return, that is all. If he cares about Charlie half as much as he claims, he will know to control himself."
"He had no idea who I was" said Emily, pressing the button in the elevator and stepping inside. Alastor saw her looking down, looking her blackened fingers. "Apparently the Emily of his side didn't fell, despite being on the side of Charlie."
"That is unfortunate. For her" said Alastor, squeezing her shoulder. "That Emily doesn't have a family like ours then. You should pity her."
Emily sighed, leaning against him as they descended. Probably mulling over everything that she could have done different and everything that turn out wrong. Everything that separated her from another version of herself.
"I prefer this version of us" said Alastor, sincerely, and brushed some portion of her bangs out of her forehead. "Charlie is amazing, of course, but I don't get to speak about books with her as much as I get to do with you. Why, if talking with you I finally learned what is the appropriate name for those ugly flowers that eat bones in the garden. How could I have such knowledge if you weren't here, dear? I would have to investigate it myself and who has the time for that?"
Emily giggled, looking up. Alastor patted her between her shoulder blades.
"Stop worrying your head with possibilities that never were, dear. We all have to learn to live with the decisions we made. Yours gave Charlie a sister and my husband another child to embarrass with his antics. They gave me another daughter. How can they ever be wrong?"
Emily smiled fully, giving him a sideway hug until the doors of the elevator opened up.
"Come on" she said, taking his hand. "Let's hope we can bring my papa back."
Alastor let her take him, already imagining the teary eyes in Lucifer if he heard that. On the kitchen, the other Lucifer was having some cereal in a bowl as Charlie was eating cookies at her side. In the center of the table there was a bunch of pastries the other residents were taking, absolutely delighted with them. She was being throughfully entertained with some anecdote of his and Alastor could not care less about what it was, but he did not like the way this other imposter was so casual about touching his daughter's shoulder for emphasis.
When Emily passed at her side to go make her tea, Charlie looked up and smiled big.
"Dad!" said, lifting herself to greet him with a hug.
An extra hard one, similar to the one Emily had given her. Alastor knew that he had to appreciate she had also being concerned about him, but all he could do was glare at the other Lucifer as he hugged her back, as if marking his territory. The other Lucifer just smirked at him as if sharing a personal in joke.
"Grab something to eat and then we can go, dad" said Charlie, squeezing his sides some more for the last time.
Alastor looked at the table, full with sugary things covered in more sugar and probably filled with sugar too. The other Lucifer had lost interest on him and grabbing another piece of pastry.
"I will prepare something for myself, dear" assured, petting his hair as he went to prepare it.
On the fridge there was only a chunk of meat with his name on because he still haven't gone for more. Containing a groan, Alastor brought it up with him to the table after burning it for a bit on his hand. It wasn't the best cooking method, but didn't feel like anything else. He sat next to Emily and Vaggie, in front of Charlie as he returned to her seat.
"Oh, so you still like things like that here too" commented the other Lucifer. "At least it's not a full carcass like the other guy would have."
Alastor would have much prefered him to stay quiet. To stop using that voice and those lips that were almost right, but were entirely wrong instead.
"Oh, I love those too" said with a grin. "I just forgot to go pick up more. Maybe later I can go grab some sinner's torso to enjoy with my husband for dinner."
Lucifer made a face like he smelled something rancid, but it didn't last long.
"Is that all you do together? Eat other beings that were talking your same language before being killed?"
"No, just one of the ones we enjoy the most" said, showing more teeth. "We do other things as well. Like not ruining the birthday of our daughter with a full blown fight, for example."
Lucifer narrowed his eyes without losing his smirk.
"Oh, yeah, I imagine that must be easier when you aren't dealing with a raging asshole who loves to push people around" Lucifer regarded him a moment. "Or maybe there is no difference at all and that Lucifer just lets you get away with it more."
"Or maybe my Lucifer is better at carrying himself in the first place."
"As if you knew anything about that in the first place."
Lucifer gripped the mug he was using on his hands and Alastor sneared at realizing it was the yellow one with duckies that his husband used on the regular.
"Don't you dare to break that, you brute" warned, his antlers growing up as Lucifer blinked, surprised, only after a second realizing what was he even talking about.
"I wasn't going to, you ass" said, leaving the mug there and lifting his hands.
"Dad" called Charlie, slapping both her hands on the table to get the attention of Alastor. "Dad, I gave him that. That is enough."
Alastor observed her with his eyes turned black. He closed them for a moment, returning to normal, even though his jaws was so tense squeezed together that he felt was going to bite through his own teeth.
"I lost my apettite" announced after a while, for the first time in his life, standing up. "I will wait on the lobby so we can go."
Alastor moved on to the closest couch and sat down, taking a deep breath. Why was he letting that tiny prick to affect him at all? He was nothing. Less than nothing even. Just a mere inconvenience that had no more fault to being there than a stain on the carpet had. When he lifted up his eyes again, he saw Emily standing with his cup of coffee in hand.
"We are all stressed out" commented with a little smile, rubbing his arm.
Alastor nodded silently, taking a sip. It wasn't as hot, so he heated up until he finished it all, but the burn did little else to comfort him. Emily sat at his side and didn't ask anything, didn't say anything, so Alastor spoke first.
"My Lucifer is not like that" he said.
Emily nodded, putting her hand on his shoulder.
"I know" said gently. "I miss him too."
Alastor frowned slightly. Miss felt too small of a phrase. He didn't miss Lucifer like how one misses that their favorite band wasn't playing anymore. That didn't even come close to describe the betrayal of a universe that ever let his Lucifer slip between his fingers again, and this time for no reason at all that any of them could discern. But he didn't had any better words for that, so he let Emily to assume they were correct anyway.
"Alright!" Charlie clasped her hands, coming over, the other Lucifer walking up behind her like he had just gotten an earful. "I send a text to Stolas and he is ready to receive us. Papa can take us there. Emily, are you coming?"
Emily nodded and stand up. Alastor let his empty mug be consumed by his shadows to get return to the kitchen and followed through, standing next to Charlie.
"Well, I know where his palace is already on my world, so I will step up first to make sure is the right place" commented Lucifer, opening it up the portal and traspassing it.
A second later his hand came out, encouraging them to step in. Alastor was the last one, seeing the tall palace erect in front of them. Charlie walked first over the stairs to the entrance and knocked. They didn't had to wait much for the door to open, a little imp servant looking over them and his eyes landing on Lucifer.
"Your Majesty" greeted the imp, moving to a side to let them in. "My lord is waiting for you up head. Follow me."
"Thank you" said Charlie.
Emily had barely known about another palace than the Morningstar one, as it was clear by how fascinated she was with the place. Alastor haven't visited it himself more than one time, for one of Via's birthday since Lucifer insisted they had to come, and only to see the party room. When they reached a room far back on the hallway, the little imp opened up the door to announce them properly before any of them could stop him.
"The king, his consort and the two princesses have arrived, my lord."
"He is not my anything" said Lucifer, taking a step away from Alastor as if necessary.
Alastor was considering grabbing the little imp and turn him into meatballs right there. How dare he to confuse his king for a lesser imitation like that one? Even as he knew how entirely irrational that was. For all intends and purposes, this Lucifer was the only king they had. Just not his king.
"The king, the two princesses and a neutral companion, my lord" corrected the imp. "Please, come in."
Once his job was done, the servant gave them a quick reverence and walked down the hallway again to continue his duties. Charlie had to grab Alastor's arm and drag him away from reaching out for him to enact revenge. When they came inside, they realized it was the library of the Goetia.
Stolas stood in front of a pile of book in his desk, reading all of them at once. At seeing them, he went over and kneeled as down as he could in honor of the king. It would be funny for Alastor coming from such a tall bird if it wasn't enfuriating how much time it was being wasted in these formalities.
"Your Majesty, it's an honor to receive you in my humble home. I hope that my knowledge can serve you today. Emily, Charlie, Alastor. Please, all of you, take a seat" offered, making a gesture with his hand for four chair in the air to move in front of his desk.
Lucifer was the first to sat down and Stolas flipped through another book.
"We have confirmation that you are most definitely not the king that belongs in this realm? That none of this is product of a mental spell or illusion of any kind?"
"We are sure" said Alastor, not needing to add more details even as Stolas seemed to want to ask. Charlie nodded just to confirm his words.
"Very well. Then the first thing to do is to confirm the exact origin of this kind of magic" said the bird demon, going to another table where he mixed some herbs and powders into a bowl, where he poured another liquid on top. When he came back to them, he grabbed a pinch of the concoction he made and draw a sigil on the air above the head of Lucifer. The sigil stayed floating there, going from purple to a dark blue, it's form changing into another symbol and then another. "Huh. That is interesting."
"What?" said Lucifer, absolutely lost. His magic expertise was energy propelled by imagination. Potions and whatot were completely out of it.
"Mmm" Stolas made a book float in front of him to double check. "Well, good news is, this did not came from an enemy. It wasn't done with the intention of hurting anyone in the royal family. This was never supposed to be malicious."
"But?" insisted Lucifer. "I am kinda still away from my daughter and these people are missing their Lucifer. I don't take that as benign either."
Alastor was tending to agree with him.
"Indeed, your Majesty. But the lack of negative intentions means that this is reversible. The bad news is that this won't be reversible until a certain condition is met."
"What condition?" asked Charlie now. "We will do anything to get papa back."
Stolas looked over at her and sighed.
"I believe you, dear. But it doesn't want to tell me" Stolas pointed at the changing symbols as if they were speaking to him. "All it's telling me is that it is related to both the king and his consort. Apologies. The king and Alastor" added, shaking his head.
"A condition of what nature?" asked Alastor while Stolas brushed away the sigil, as if anything useful from it had been told already. "Something we must do?"
"I believe so. Although do what, I can't tell" Stolas sighed again, going back to his table. "Your Majesty, you didn't had any compromise with the Alastor back at your place? A promise of some kind?"
"Fuck no" said Lucifer. "If anything I would like him to promise to stop bothering my daughter, but besides that we don't have much of a relationship or anything. I would remember something like that."
"Likewise, besides getting married again soon, Lucifer wasn't in debt for any promise with me. I don't know how this could be affected by our engagement either."
"It's not" said Stolas mixing up some more ingredients, following another recipe on his book. "If there was any romantic undertones I would have detected it already. The intention behind this magic was fully platonic."
"Does it really need to be met that condition then?" asked Alastor, who did not feel any more relieved because someone somewhere decided to screw with his life platonically. "Can't we just undue the spell?"
"I am looking into it, but my first instinct is no, your Majesty" Stolas was so concentrated in his work he didn't realize that, technically speaking, Alastor didn't have that title anymore. Nobody bothered to correct him anyway. "A spell that can travel across multiple dimensions is already a extremely powerful one. Travel from hell to Earth or from Hell to Heaven would seem like child's play in comparison, and most spells wouldn't allow that either. Here we go."
Stolas finished to make his potion and walked to Lucifer, reaching out his hand to ask that of the king. Kneeling in front of him, he spread a bit of the liquid on the palm of Lucifer, spreading it with his thumb. The bird demon observed the palm as the liquid draw lines over his hand, shinning a bright golden.
"So?" encouraged when Stolas kept silent, Alastor starting to get impatient.
"Mmm? Oh, dear, sorry" Stolas stood, clearing his throat. "This spell has not rewriting your entire fate, your Majesty. Meaning that we might be able to circunvent it somehow. By maybe finding a spell that is stronger or nullifying it. Oh, and on top of that, since you are both connected through this spell, I just confirmed that our Lucifer is safe and well on the dimension where you came from, your Majesty. I know that was a reason of concern for you" added, looking over at the rest of the royal family. "He is not in any immediate danger just like you are you not, your Highness."
Alastor squeezed one fist over his staff. In one hand, genuinely relieved that was the case and didn't had to think about Lucifer landing on some unknown land where people ate beautiful blonde angels for lunch. But on the other hand, he still wasn't there and a pretentious dick was instead.
"I am guessing you don't have any spells to just open a portal and let them exchange places" said Emily. "Me and Lucifer can open portals to Heaven or Earth. Can't we do something with that? Maybe combined them so they are stronger and reach them?"
Stolas put both his hands in front of his face, as if praying as he rummaged through his memory.
"My dear, interdimensional magic is an extremely weird subject that most people don't even bother with" said slowly, shaking his head. "I know about every secret of this galaxy and the universes beyond that, but even then this is different. I am afraid that even if you did managed to traspase to another dimension, there is no garantee it would be the one this Lucifer comes from."
"Can't he be summoned?" tried Charlie after throwing a glance to Alastor. "He is the still the devil."
"The devil is a unique title, darling, and he is already here" Stolas flipped through another book and groaned, frustrated.
Alastor looked over at Lucifer.
"Does that mean that if there isn't a devil, we can summon him?" asked in a tone that made Lucifer to frown at him.
"If you take me out, you mean."
"Perhaps. To me sounds like a reasonable exchange."
"That wouldn't help, your Majesty" said Stolas before Lucifer could respond in any way. "If anything happens to this version of Lucifer, ours will just get stuck where he is and we will have no way to know about his state" Stolas blinked. "Not to mention the crumbling of all of hell because it's head is gone. I would encourage not take that course of action."
Alastor shrugged, more convinced for the possibility that his husband could stay away than because of the state of hell.
"Then… what? We just keep waiting until a condition we don't know anything about is met?" asked Charlie, the desolation on her voice too obvious for Stolas to ignore.
"For now, I am afraid that is the best I can tell you. I am so sorry, princess."
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alexblakeisgay · 6 months
Dating App Mishaps (Ch. 10)
Ship: Alex Blake/Reader
Summary: Alex didn't have Tinder by choice...but that doesn't mean it isn't going to come in handy.
Word Count: 1048
Emily's threat had successfully convinced Alex to call you.
Afterall, if the universe wanted to offer her an apology for, well, everything lately in the form of a gorgeous young woman who clearly wanted to have sex with her, the polite thing to do was gratefully accept.
So, she cut through all the preamble and texted you asking you to come over the next evening. It was completely out of her wheelhouse, this whole no-strings-attached type of relationship, but it wasn't as if she was in a place in her life where she could date and even if she was, she didn't really want a relationship either. So, what was the harm?
Then – and she couldn't possibly have articulated why exactly – she let curiosity get the best of her and once again opened up her laptop.
When you knocked on Alex's apartment door, you weren't entirely certain what to expect... Her texts had merely told you where and when to show up, but lacked any sort of detail as to whether this was a date or a date, as it were.
(In the hopes that it was, indeed, a date, you'd decided to forgo panties...and you were very much hoping the gamble paid off.)
When she flung the door open, you were no clearer as to the answer (though, you did know what you hoped was the answer...). She was dressed in a white blouse unbuttoned far enough to expose her lacy black bra and dress slacks tight enough that you could see the outline of the strap she wore. You were practically salivating at the thought.
"Well?" Alex prompted, brow raised, and you realized you'd been staring for far too long. "Did you want to come inside?"
You swallowed thickly, nodded eagerly.
The door clicked shut behind you and in the next moment, Alex's breath was hot on the back of your neck. Beside your ear, she husked, "You've been a bad girl, Y/N..." When you gave a small nervous laugh in response, her fingers wound through your hair, tugging your head back sharply. "Good girls don't keep secrets," she said, then sank her teeth into your neck.
"I'm s-sorry," you stammered, though you weren't entirely certain what it was you were apologizing for.
"You will be," she said, then crossed the apartment to settle in one of the living room chairs. Then, with an expression that left little room for argument, she said, "Over my knee." You were quick to comply, bending yourself over her lap, ass up in the air awaiting your punishment. She flipped your little pleated plaid skirt up to expose your panties...or lack thereof. "What a little slut," she scoffed, brushing her knuckles through your cunt, "Wet already?"
You let out a little whimper, but couldn't seem to manage any words.
She brought her palm down sharply on your ass, causing you to let out a little squeak of surprise. "This is what happens to bad girls who keep secrets from Daddy," she said before spanking you a second time.
"Ah-ah," she tutted. "Don't lie to me. I stumbled across your secret identity, Queen Mab..."
Your eyes went wide, your mouth hanging open a moment as you struggled to come up with an explanation. "It's... I mean... I just..."
Another swat to your ass. "If you want to be a little porn star, you'd best believe I want to know about it."
A beat.
"Really?" you squeaked, glancing up at her from over her shoulder. You weren't sure whether you were more surprised by the fact that she knew about it or the fact that she didn't seem to have a problem with it.
"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" she asked, continuing to administer your punishment as you squirmed in her lap. "I would've thought you'd be such a little attention whore that you'd want me to know..."
The next spank she administered landed on your cunt, causing you to yelp, then keen softly, trying not to let on just how much this was turning you on...
"You're n-not mad?" you stammered out, struggling to keep your voice level.
She barked out a laugh. "Mad that I have my own personal porn star? Hardly." Another smack to your ass. "That doesn't mean, though, that you don't deserve a punishment..."
You nodded solemnly, willing to accept said punishment with minimal complaint.
"Here's what's going to happen," she informed you, "I'm going to fuck this sweet little pussy...but if you cum, I stop. Understood?"
With a little whimper, you nodded, albeit reluctantly.
"Good girl," she purred. In the next moment, she'd slid two fingers into your dripping cunt.
"Alex!" you yelped, back arching, taut as a bowstring.
She chuckled as she thrust her fingers inside of you. "Something wrong, Angel?" It was a threat and you knew it...
You shook your head insistently, desperate for her to continue.
"I thought so..." Her thumb found your clit then, rubbing it in sharp counterpoint to each thrust of her fingers. "You've got a smart mouth until your cunt is wet, then that's all you can think about, isn't it?"
Once again, you nodded, whining.
She smacked your ass again. "Answer me."
"Yes, Daddy!" you quickly answered. "I'm a dumb little slut for you..."
The words seemed to please her greatly, judging by the groan that escaped past her lips. She seemed to renew her efforts to make you see stars, thrusting her fingers faster, crooking them slightly so they hit that spot inside you that made you gasp.
"Alex," you begged, "Alex, please..." You wanted to cum and you were hoping that if you just asked nicely enough, she'd give in.
She was made of sterner stuff, though. "I said no and I meant it," she snapped, sliding her fingers out of your cunt, causing you to whimper desperately. "Now, why don't you get on your knees and make it up to me?" she suggested, already undoing her pants and pulling out the strap on she wore...
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callipraxia · 1 year
hello hello hello. I thought about you, and it's pretty late and I read though all of our comment threads from so fucking long ago, so I came here. I don't know what for, exactly? check up? hope your job hasn't eaten up all of your creativity and spewed out a husk of a human being and you'll never be heard from again? eh. you can ignore this, I was just thinking. things are changing and stuff. the special interest hasn't wavered, surprisingly. whatever you're doing now, I wish you luck :)
(goodness, this is sappy. I hope you don't mind or are put off by this. I'd get it. just Thinking)
There were a few days during the “9hrs a day 7 days a week” phase of the work project when I certainly felt like a thoroughly masticated husk of a human being, but I think I’ll recover 😀. Although I currently feel a bit like a few lines from Charlotte Bronte’s juvenilia -
“Reader, as yet I have written \nothing/, I would fain fall into some regular strain of composition, but I cannot, my mind is like a prism full of coulours but not of forms. A thousand tints are there brilliant & varied & if if they would resolve into the shade of some flower or bird or gem, I could fling a picture before you. I feel I could.”
(Bronte, quoted Barker 290)
- my ideas are really still there, and just have to do a bit of ‘settling,’ as they’ve been rattling around like kites in the wind since I finished IG and then plunged headlong into a job where extended hours were offered almost daily. Luckily, I’ve got two weeks off work just now, and am working on some outlines to see which of my various ideas seems likeliest to succeed in turning into a proper story. Hopefully I can fit in a decent short story, too, before the next project begins, but either way, I very much plan to be heard from again.
In the meantime, good hearing from you! Hope things are changing for the better, and to chat in various comment sections (yours and mine) again in the not-too-distant future.
(Work Cited: Barker, Juliet. The Brontes: Wild Genius on the Moors: The Story of a Literary Family. Pegasus Books, New York, NY, 2010. Widely considered the definitive work on the subject of the entire Bronte family, though I have my criticisms - it’s an enormous book at 979 pages before the index and citations, and while that’s fine in and of itself, I think all the time presumably spent working on it started to take a toll. Late in the book, she starts playing blatant favorites among the siblings, in particular turning something awful on my girl Emily, taking the worst possible interpretation of anything said by or about her and then presenting this unfavorable interpretation as a matter of record. She also turns on Charlotte and the juvenilia as a concept late in the book, which even more startling considering how she praised them earlier. Still, though, it is a very thorough book, and just a good read with a good story to it as it weaves the lives of Patrick, Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne together in a way not unlike the use of the third-person omniscient POV in fiction. I’d recommend it as a book, just with the caveat to keep an eye out for authorial bias. Also, sorry for the random annotated bibliography in an ask reply; quotes are how I express myself, lol)
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miguelsbrat · 4 years
The Theater | Miguel Galindo x Reader*
Warnings: Language, Cheating, Dom/Sub Tones, a Dash of Daddy Kink, and Some Steamy Forbidden Lovin' in a Public Place
Note: I haven't posted anything smutty on here since the Tumblr Apocalypse of 2018, so I tried to keep this light, but... it sort of got away from me.
Thank you for reading! 🥰
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"Can I help you?" The guy behind the glass, all shaggy hair and unshaven jaw, barely looks up from his book.
"One ticket to the one o'clock showing of The Way We Were, please."
"Twelve dollars."
You slide your card through the window and wait for the ticket to pop up from the slot.
"Enjoy the show," he says, his eyes never leaving his page.
As you replace your wallet in your bag, you remember the reason you're here. The image of your secret lover flashes behind your eyes, dark and dangerous and brooding. Your fingers wrap around the door and your heart skips a beat when you think of him waiting for you.
The salty smell of popcorn washes over you when you reach the lobby, the buttery scent teasing your nostrils. Though it's likely stale, you stop and order a bucket. You don't want to look too eager so you linger by the register, smiling at the cashier as they scoop, grateful for the distraction from the silence.
Snack in hand, your feet drag along the old, worn carpet, the billowy fabric of your sundress kicking up around your ankles as you climb the theater stairs.
He was right--aside from the braided mercenary who nods at you as he passes by, there's no one else around.
A ghost of a smile crosses his lips as you reach the top and find him in the center of the back row.
"You bought popcorn?" Miguel shakes his head, sliding over and raising his arm to make room. He knows you like to nuzzle in as close as possible, even when there's no one else around.
Especially when there's no one else around.
Because Miguel may be your man, but he's also Emily Galindo's husband.
"It smelled good and I couldn't resist. You know, I never saw this movie," you say, fighting the shiver that was working up your spine by talking too much. "Is it any good?"
"It doesn't matter, querida." His voice dips low, taking on that raspy tone that makes your stomach twist and pull with need. "You won't be watching it today, either."
"I won't? But isn't that why we're here?"
Your playful smirk is rewarded with the patented Galindo glare, the look that promises he's not teasing and makes your panties ridiculously wet.
"If you wanted to watch the movie, you shouldn't have shown up looking like this." His finger trails along the soft swell of cleavage peeking over the neckline of your ivory sundress.
"Looking like what, exactly?" The urge to smile is strong, but you manage to suppress it.
"Looking like some kind of goddess created just for me." His lips find your ear, teeth grazing the soft lobe, and you have to bite back a sigh. "Get over here, princesa."
As you meet his amber gaze, tendrils of longing unfurl in your chest. It's been too long since you've been alone with him, thanks to Emily's sudden suspicions, and you're desperate to make up for lost time.
He laces his fingers through yours, waiting patiently for you to climb over him and settle yourself onto his lap. Though he's calm and unruffled as always, a little thrill shoots through you when remember that you're technically in public.
Your hips roll against him just once and he sighs, squeezing your hands before releasing them to wrap around your waist. He's hard already, and probably has been since he first laid eyes on you.
As you wait for his next command, your first instinct is to lower your gaze, your eyes skimming over his exquisite bespoke charcoal suit. It's a little much for the movies, but that's Miguel.
When his palm slides up your neck, fingers resting at your throat, he tips your face up towards his. And when his lips finally touch yours, it's like lighting a match.
Flames ignite between you and your tongues tangle, teeth clashing messily as the passion begins to consume you. His beard abrades your delicate skin, but you can't get enough. It's always like this when you're together--chaotic and uninhibited, until he gathers enough strength to take control.
"Mmm. I missed the taste of you," he admits as you grind against him.
"I missed the taste of you, too, Daddy," you whisper, loving the warmth of his body. You're embarrassingly wet, soaked through your panties and probably his pants, too. "I feel like I'm in high school again, making out in the back of a movie theater."
"I'll bet you drove the boys crazy in high school, didn't you?" His smile is lopsided, uncharacteristically soft. "Did you tease them like you're teasing me? Rubbing your sweet little pussy against them and ruining their pants?"
"Maybe," you breathe, unsure what he wants you to say. Miguel may be married, but he's extremely possessive of you.
"Show me how you teased them, princesa. Roll those hips for me."
His teeth graze your collarbone as he palms your chest, and you slowly rock against him. His hard cock is notched between your thighs, and you can feel every ridge through the light fabric separating you.
"Fuck, baby," he grunts, shifting so you lean further back for him.
Your fingers find his buckle, opening it with practiced ease, and you slowly roll down his zipper. When you try to wrap your fingers around him, he swells against your palm.
"I want to ride you, Daddy. Please?"
His eyes darken a full shade as he considers your request. It's a lot for him to relinquish control, but he wants it this time, too. Plus your options are fairly limited in the small, cramped theater.
"Turn around," he husks, pulling himself out the rest of the way as you turn to face the screen. "And take off those filthy panties."
Your fingers hook into the lace, sliding them down your legs and over your ankles. You're about to tuck them into your purse, but he stops you.
"Ooh, you bad little girl. These are fucking soaked." One hand squeezes your breast and the other twirls your underwear around his fingers. You're not even surprised when he stuffs them in your mouth. "Can you taste yourself on the silk?"
You whimper softly in response.
Impatient hands ruck the hem of your sundress up around your waist, and you grip him tight in your fist. He's hot and silky, smooth against your palm, and you can't wait to feel him inside you.
You're not sure what's happening on the screen, but it's quiet--too quiet to be careless. Your vision blurs as you guide him to your entrance.
Slowly, you sink down on him, the panties between your teeth muffling your moans. Miguel bites down on your shoulder to stifle his own sounds of pleasure as you lean back against his chest.
The air conditioning is on full-blast but it always feels like it's 90 degrees whenever Miguel is nearby, and with him inside you like this, it feels like an inferno.
You do your best to ride him slow, trying not to make it obvious if someone were to walk back and find you, but desperation overtakes your senses.
Miguel's gripping your thighs, thrusting upwards to hit you where you need to feel him, and the first ripples of an orgasm begin to spread through you.
You're thankful for the panties smothering your cries when he leans back to change the angle and you suddenly see stars.
"That's my girl," he whispers, urging you on. "I feel you getting close. Go ahead and let go for me, querida. I want it all."
His hand slips beneath your dress to find your clit, rubbing slowly as he plunges even deeper than before. Your senses all blend together as you fall apart for the man you love, bathing his cock in your hot release.
Miguel groans behind you, letting loose a stream of filthy Spanish words as his hips still. He fills you up with everything he has just as you hear the metallic slam of a heavy theater door.
You spit out the panties and he helps you slide from his lap, draping your dress to cover your nudity as he tucks himself back in his pants.
Your walls are still clenching as your dress hits your ankles, Miguel's release sliding down your inner thigh.
When no one appears at the front of the theater after a tense moment, you relax and lean into him.
"Are you okay?" You can feel his heartbeat racing alongside yours, but you nod.
You're more than okay, blissed out from his deep strokes and incredible body.
He cups your jaw, his face serious.
"This is the last time it goes down like this, okay? I need more of you than stolen moments in the shadows. I want to make love to you in a bed, to scream your name when I come inside you. Tonight, I'm telling Emily that our marriage is over."
His thumb brushes over your bottom lip, and you force a smile. You've never let yourself hope for more than this, so you have a hard time believing his promises.
If all you ever get with Miguel is the occasional secret rendezvous, you're okay with that. You'll take whatever he can give you.
Still, there's something different about the way he looks at you now as you settle in against his chest.
Something that tells you that maybe you'll get more of Miguel after all.
You smile to yourself and reach for your popcorn, content with whatever may come your way.
The End.
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Your hands were made for mine - Chapter 3
Third and final chapter of my first ever Jemily fic!
Summary:  Is there a winner in this game? A prize? What's the point of playing a game that doesn't have a winner?
Word Count: 1304
Read it on AO3 
Emily surrendered herself entirely to JJ, sucking in air as she eagerly awaited the words that were to follow. JJ continued her whisper, letting her breath lightly caress Emily’s face: “your move”.
Emily looked deeply into JJ’s eyes, finding the sapphire there darkening with what could almost be interpreted as a threat? Never one to back away from a challenge, the danger spurred her on, as courage rushed into her chest, spreading outwards along her extremities. Adrenaline taking over, Emily grabbed the wrist that was attached to the finger still pressed to her lips, throwing JJ’s arm away from her face, whilst keeping her fingers wrapped tightly around her wrist. She span them so JJ was now backed against the bookshelf by the door, one arm pinned to the side of her head.
The sudden action caused JJ’s eyes to widen almost impossibly, pupils dilating. What made her gasp, though, was the hunger reflected back in Emily’s own face, a face that was approaching hers so painfully slowly it caused JJ’s heart to physically ache with anticipation.
She felt, more than saw, Emily’s other hand come up to gently tuck a stray strand of golden hair behind her ear. Emily continued, softly stroking JJ’s cheek with the back of her index finger, barely making contact with the flushed skin that resided there, eliciting a delicious shiver from the blonde beneath her touch, before cupping it fully in her palm, using her thumb to draw patterns on JJ’s skin. The duality of being slammed into the bookshelf so suddenly and the tender caresses against her cheek caused JJ’s stomach to flip.
Now mere centimetres apart, Emily broke the silence with an involuntary gravelly tone to her voice.
“I win”. She husked out.
A simple statement, but loaded so heavily that the gravity of it pulled the women together until finally, Emily released JJ’s wrist, allowing her hand to fall beside them. Closing the gap entirely by pressing a soft kiss against JJ’s bottom lip, Emily would have sworn her heart had stopped beating if she couldn’t physically feel it throbbing in her ears.
It was delicate, a simple meeting of flesh on flesh, but as they separated, something inside of JJ awoke, as though she’d been sleepwalking through life until this exact moment.
Overcome with emotion, her hands flew to the older woman’s chest, pushing her forcefully backwards until her butt connected with JJ’s desk. Grabbing the brunettes hair, JJ leant down and drew her back in, forgetting everything other than the taste of Emily Prentiss. In return the brunette reached up to cup both of JJ’s cheeks. Their lips began a dance, one that came more naturally than either would admit, JJ pressing more deeply into Emily to increase the pressure until her lungs screamed for air.
Reluctantly, JJ finally withdrew, untangling her hands from the brunette nest they had been resting in to fall upon Emily’s shoulders. She gently rested her forehead against the older woman’s as she attempted to regain her breath. Emily revelled at the contact, running her hands over JJ’s toned back muscles until they connected behind the blonde, opening her legs to pull her in closer.
“Wow...” JJ gently whispered as her head span and her heart soared.
“Wow indeed,” chuckled Emily as she absentmindedly began stroking her thumbs against the base of JJ’s spine.
Still not ready to break contact, the blonde lifted her head from the brunettes, replacing it with a series of sound kisses pressed against Emily’s hairline. She could feel uneven puffs of air tickle her collar bones as Emily regained her own breath.
Finally leaning back far enough to look at Emily’s face, JJ braced herself, unsure of what the next move was going to be, anxiety beginning to build in the pit of her stomach.
Biting her bottom lip softly, she looked at Emily. Really looked. Desperate to work out what to do now. Hoping the answers would be written across the older woman’s features.
Emily looked up, her own anxiety peaking as she saw the uncertainty on JJ’s face. Swallowing it away, she decided now was as good a time as any to ask the fatal question. The final question. The question that had stabbed at the back of her throat since their first accidental touch all those months ago.
“JJ...” she began, “Is this just a game?” Emily immediately began to panic as she heard the words out loud, they had sounded so much safer coming from her internal monologue.
Beginning to spiral, she continued, far too quickly, “because if it is, of course, that would be fine, I don’t expect anything from you, that would be presumptuous to say the least... and I would never want to assume anything about you because, well, you’re incredible, I suppose it’s my fault really, this is all just a misunderstanding, and that’s absolutely fine because the thing is...” The end of her sentence was interrupted by the sudden contact of JJ’s lips against her own again, the blonde’s mouth swallowing whatever the end of that sentence was going to be.
Releasing Emily’s lips from her own, JJ couldn’t help but smile down on the flustered and stunned agent in front of her.
Watching the confusion swim in Emily’s hazel eyes, JJ chuckled out loud - partly because Emily was hilarious in this state - and partly at her own insecurities. It all seemed so juvenile now, the game, the moves, the doubt, even the way that this entire conversation had started.
Glancing down briefly at the forgotten papers she had dropped when Emily had asked what they were talking about, the papers that had been the cause of JJ’s initial blunder, the ones that had caused Emily to grab onto her waist minutes before, it caused JJ’s laughter to die down.
“Emily, has anyone ever told you that you talk to much?” JJ managed between giggles, concentrating on trying to not sound so amused.
“Uhh, actually yeah, once or twice,” the brunette replied. Her confusion had not yet subsided, however, JJ’s giggle was contagious, and having the privilege of watching her eyes sparkle as she laughed made Emily’s heart swell. An honest smile began to tug at the corner of Emily’s mouth until she could fight it no longer, smiling up at the beauty before her.
Seeing Emily relax into her own smile, JJ carefully considered how to answer the initial question.
“You were wrong before you know, you said you’d won. But the truth is, I’m the winner, and I cannot wait to collect my prize.” JJ continued to see confusion on Emily’s face as she blinked up at the younger woman.
Sighing in feigned frustration JJ once more tried to articulate her answer.
“It’s you dummy. You’re the prize. The game was fun while it lasted, but this,” she motioned with her hand between the two of them, “this is as real as I’ve ever known.” JJ reached to swipe a finger across Emily’s lips, and just to make sure her point was absolutely clear this time, she pressed another firm kiss to Emily’s lips, allowing herself to linger for a moment to really punctuate her point.
Emily’s brain finally caught up - pieces clicking into place - as she stood from the desk, causing JJ to take a step backwards so as not to stumble. Finding the younger woman’s hands, she brought them between their bodies in her own, intertwining their fingers delicately. Looking down at their joined hands, Emily grinned ear to ear, allowing herself a moment to appreciate how well they fit together, how nothing would ever make her feel whole like this again. Bringing her gaze up to meet JJ’s, Emily’s world was forever changed, she now knew exactly what to say.
“My love, your hands were made for mine”.
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bicon-korra · 5 years
Entrapta Week: Free Day
Beast Island Log: Property of Entrapta
Summary: Entrapta logs her daily life on Beast Island and starts to uncover a mystery…
[Written for Entrapta Week - Day 7 (Free Day), 1,700 words, notes in tags]
Beast Island Log: Day 1, Entry 1
My name is Entrapta of Dryl. I was banished from the Horde to Beast Island on Force Captain Catra’s command. Before leaving the Horde, I managed to sneak one of my precious voice recorders with me. I may be a prisoner, but I’m still a scientist, after all! 
When I first heard tales of Beast Island, I imagined this mythical land inhabited by savage creatures. No one, and I mean no one, told me what a treasure trove of First One’s tech this is! The possibilities for transport, shelter, food gathering, you name it, are endless! I don’t know how anyone can dispose of such beautiful equipment! One man’s trash is another’s treasure, I suppose. I just need to figure out how to clean up their data. It looks like most, if not all, the files are corrupted. Should be simple enough.
Beast Island Log: Day 1, Entry 2
I suppose I should introduce myself. I am a princess of Dryl, where I was born and spent most of my life. In a strange turn of events, I joined the Princess Alliance led by Princess Glimmer of Bright Moon and her co-leader Adora-slash-She-Ra. I was left behind in the Fright Zone on a dangerous mission, and that became my new home. The name sounds scary—kind of like Beast Island—but it’s not as bad as it sounds! I was actually pretty happy there. I had friends: Scorpia, Hordak, my dear Emily...Catra was my friend, too. And then she wasn’t. I try not to dwell on it too much. I’m trying to stay positive. These technological monstrosities are my friends now.
Beast Island Log: Day 2, Entry 1
Today, I will try to determine what’s food and what’s not food. I’ve been studying the eating patterns of the creatures that most resemble mammals, if you can call a four-eyed winged primate-looking-thing a mammal. They mainly thrive off of a spiky fruit that grows inside the trees. There’s another creature with razor-sharp claws that digs the fruit out of the trunk to grab them. It only grabs what it needs to and the rest fall to the ground for other creatures to eat. Fascinating.
Beast Island Log: Day 2, Entry 2
I extracted the juice from the fruit. If it was poisonous, I figured my forest-dwelling friends wouldn’t have survived this long. Boy, was it tough to peel! I’m going to name it scorpion fruit because of the stinger-shaped spikes on its skin. Earlier I put a drop on my wrist to test for an allergic reaction. There was no reaction, so then I put a drop on my tongue and waited for one hour. So far I feel fine. It didn’t taste bitter either. I’m going to try two drops next time, then three. 
Beast Island Log: Day 2, Entry 3
My three-drop feast of scorpion fruit has made my stomach just as ravenous as some of these creatures. I’m going to take a small bite now and wait thirty minutes. I drank enough water (thank the First Ones there’s fresh water here!) to purge if I need to. There may be food yet!
Beast Island Log: Day 2, Entry 4
I’m on my second scorpion fruit and nothing has tasted better.
Beast Island Log: Day 3, Entry 1
I managed to scrape some parts together to make a small radio. Problem is, I can’t find the right wires to make my antenna. The bigger problem is these corrupted files. To fix them, I’ll need to charge these machines and most of them are hanging by a thread. Still, they’ve managed to stay alive this long, poor things.
Beast Island Log: Day 3, Entry 2
I discovered another edible root. It’s very tough and stringy, but I found boiling it made it more edible and savory in general. I miss dessert, especially tiny ones.
Beast Island Log: Day 3, Entry 3
Day three on Beast Island, and I’m in a strange state of peace. Of course I miss my friends and my lab. But here? Here I have the opportunity to learn an entirely new skillset. A wilderness explorer, imagine that! Hordak always said that my optimism was somewhat unnatural, but I never knew what he meant until now. I probably have Scorpia to thank for that. She’s the most positive person I know. If only she could see me now. Friends, if you’re listening, I’m going to be okay! Everything will be okay.
Beast Island Log: Day 4, Entry 1
I ventured deeper into the forest to find food that isn’t berries and roots. It’s hard to describe, but I felt a slight vibration coming from the ground. If I close my eyes and listen, it’s almost as if there’s a humming sound all around. Perhaps the area is magnetized? I want to go further in, but I don’t think my forest friends would like that.
Beast Island Log: Day 4, Entry 2
As I suspected, some of these creatures are not very friendly! I came across a small nest near the foot of a tree. I wonder if it fell from the branches. It had small blue eggs with red speckles, similar to bird eggs. I was tempted to hold one, just to get a sense of its weight, until I saw what I presume was its mother. As expected, she saw me as a threat and flew towards me, squawking like mad. I managed to run fast enough into the bushes where she couldn’t reach me. I realized that my body does not handle cardio well. Exercise is not my forte, but I’ll have to add that to my list of survival skills. I’m famished now, so until next time!
Beast Island Log: Day 5, Entry 1
I made a new friend today! As in, actually made one. Her name is Tiny Emily. She’s a cute little thing, the size of my fist. She rolls around while I’m sleeping and alarms if she senses any creatures that come close. These woods can get scary at night, so now I have a protector. 
Beast Island Log: Day 6, Entry 1
Today Tiny Emily and I explored one of the marshes just outside the giant scorpion fruit tree. There was some sort of hut, mostly branches and leaves, that something had made. I need to do more exploring.
Day 6, Entry 2
There is definitely a buzzing sound coming from the island’s center. I know because Tiny Emily and I have been marking the perimeter and listening very closely. I wish I had equipment that could help detect the sound wave patterns. I could make one; I just need the right parts and the power. Well, that’s why I have ears! Sometimes you don’t need fancy tech. Sometimes.
Beast Island Log: Day 6, Entry 3
Today was our first rainy day. The first thing we did was take cover under the husk of an old battle tank. I’ve learned to treat every element as potentially dangerous. We determined that the rainwater is safe, so we’re safe. The battle tank was also a fortuitous find. It helps block out water and wind and offers protection from predators.
Day 6, yes 6. Entry 3? 4?
Remember when I said the battle tank was safe? Well, I’m afraid I spoke too soon. The metal is very rusty and corroded and a piece of it fell when the storm outside picked up. We’ll have to seek shelter elsewhere since these machines aren’t structurally sound. Perhaps the hut we found? It looked sturdy enough. I’m very nervous to leave the junkyard in favor of the forest. I find that I don’t do well with bugs and mud. Oh well! There’s always danger in exploration.
Beast Island Log: Day 7
We had a close call today. Tiny Emily rolled down a hill and nearly fell into the river! Though we did make another important discovery. We found a spear near the water. The dexterity and attention to detail needed to craft such a tool...Could we still be dealing with some sort of animal? If something could make this weapon, I’m not sure I want to find out.
Day 7, Entry 2
We found another spear. The pointy end was charred, like it was used to cook food. We found a nest of grub nearby, so perhaps that’s why. We’re not talking about an animal anymore, not even close. 
Day 8
I’m not alone on this island.
Beast Island Log: Day 8. 9? Entry 1
We circled the areas where we found the hut and the spears and found an abandoned campfire. No traces of footprints. I would normally never say this, being a practical scientist, but it’s as if we’re tracking a ghost.
Day 10
It has been ten days on Beast Island. I know I just got here, but something inside me is itching to explore the forest, as if it has all the answers I need. I won’t lie. I am frightened. Tiny Emily has been chirping away these past two nights. This might actually be the first night where I feel far away from home. 
Beast Island Log: Day 30, I think. Entry 1
I’m afraid I’ve been a very bad scientist. This is the longest break I’ve taken from creating my logs, probably ever! Whoever made the hut and the spear is nowhere to be found. Me and Tiny Emily have searched everywhere. I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with finding them. Maybe it’s someone like me who was sent here. Maybe they came here on their own. To explore. Or to escape. I’ve thought of every possible scenario as to why this person would want to be on this island and I cannot find a single reasonable answer. I don’t know if people were truly made to be alone. Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe that’s my problem...
I’m going to keep exploring. I’m going to find whatever is out there and share with them what I know about how to survive on this island. And maybe, together, things will be okay. It’s dinnertime. Signing off.
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greenarchmage · 4 years
The Addictive Curse
As the door closes to the apartment you are flooded with guilt and shame. Last night’s experiences still burned in your mind, his touch still lingers on your body, and his words in your soul. Even if this is not the first time, you know exactly why it is you keep coming back. His eyes, the terror and power they wield once he transforms, is intoxicating. The way you are left completely as his mercy when this spirit consumes him, leaves you wanting more. When dawn comes and he collapses from the strain and returns to normal, you are left both broken and fulfilled in ways it is hard for you to understand. The last thing that strikes you, as it has before, when you turn to go and get your morning coffee, is that he does not know. When he changes, you know he is different. His voice, his words, his name. The name. You know it too well. You have used it. You fear it. You love it. When spoken to him, the inner demon is unleashed. With it comes, it’s rage, desire, and unbridled passion. You have also learnt how to temper it, the fact that once the beast has had its fill, it retracts, returns to where it came from, leaving behind the husk of a body to whom you say you love everyday. You love him sure, but you need his demon. You know you are in deep, addicted to a drug which is destroying you, but how could you let it go, who could understand. You walk down the streets, you need the air, you need to clear your mind, yet you know exactly where you will end up. The only question is for how long you can resist your addiction. You spot your favorite coffee place, a light in the darkness of your current thoughts. In the chill morning breeze a hot cup would warm you and soothe your soul, it is simple, it is real. You get to the front of the queue, still completely lost in your own little world, and order your cup of coffee almost as an afterthought. After you pay, you stand quietly your mind in disarray, almost a normal state these days. Your cup is done, you pick it up, move towards the exit. Just before you leave, you feel a light, almost apologetic tap on your shoulder. You turn to see a guy standing behind you. He almost looks familiar, even though you know you have never seen him before. “Hi, eehh”, he says as he runs his hand through his hair, ending with letting out a small sigh. You feel drawn towards him, like there is a secret you both share which nobody can know. His eyes have the same terrified darting, yet unquenchable hunger, which you have seen in your own in the mirror. In a moment shorter than it takes for either of you to breathe again, it is as if both of you exchange a world of information, while being breathless. In a chorus you both start to speak, “I…”. A nervous chuckle escapes both of you, as you feel the need for sharing with someone who knows what it is like. “Do you want to have a cup of coffee with me,” he finally says, whilst still looking at the to-go cup in your hand. “Yes,” that is all you can say, you know you want this, nothing else matters at this very moment. You settle at a table inside, throwing nervous glances at each other. You fiddle with your cup as you ponder over what to say, how to start the conversation. The feeling of having found someone who deals with the same questions, the same fears, the same addiction, but still at a loss for words of how to ease the burden of solitude which squats in your head. You look across the table, only raising your gaze enough to watch him also fiddle with his cup. The next words escape your lips, almost without your own involvement. “What’s her name?” Quickly and with a bit of jitter in your words you add, “Or his, I mean, you know…” He smiles a bit and a small chuckle escapes him for just a second. “Her name is Emily”, he says with a sense of relief flowing from him, tangling with your curiosity. “She..” he continues, stops and stares out in front of himself, not noticing nor meeting your gaze, as you stare right at him. You know that he is living through the moments with her. He is completely lost in the recollection of past events, searching for words on how to describe it, unable to even break from the memory, whilst trying to escape. You know this, for you have done the same. His look, the goosebumps on his arms, the flickering pupil, the way the world no longer matters, you recognize all of it. He blinks and gently shakes his head, “sorry, just lost it there. Besides, I mean, what is his name.” His eyes focus back onto you, as if ripped back to reality, and you drop your intense gaze, now content with glaring at the table. “You're not gonna ask if it is her name as well?” you say jokingly and take a sip from your coffee. With a quaint smile, he looks back at you, “you kinda revealed your hand with your question.” You both laugh softly. “His name is Thomas,” you say, forcing yourself not to enter the trance as he did. “He is sweet,” you start, “kind, forgiving,” he continues. “Loving,” you look up, “safe,” he adds. In unison almost silently, “boring”. All that they should be. The words do not leave any of your mouths, but the thought strikes home anyway. Slowly you ask and state at the same time, “but that is not why we are sitting here is it?” “No it isn’t,” now he is not looking up, as if unsure of how to progress. “What is her real name?” the words are barely audible even by you. The name, the thing which gives what has brought both of you together here. “Selizas,” he responds with a faint breath, the word clearly causing him trouble. The name, the way he spoke it, it stings. The reminder of the same guilt, grief and desire you carry. Someone, something, takes the ultimate control, and lets you experience the ultimate rush. “What’s..,” he begins. As you open your lips to answer, your insides light with fire, whilst it feels like ice cold water runs just beneath your skin. Your heartbeat intensifies as your eyes dart frantically around the dinner, to make sure he is not here. “Kargothys,” the words depart your body and emotions fill the void it leaves in its wake. After a moment of silence, your conversation continues, just sharing small talk, not needing more than to talk to someone who knows. The conversation of normal people, of boring things, an escape. Once your cups are empty, you exchange numbers. the need of connection overcoming the barrier of awkwardness from just meeting. You leave each other at the corner, saying your goodbyes. You head back to your apartment complex, and with your key in the door to the stairwell, you pause. You take a deep breath and enter, climbing the flight of stairs with purpose, exhilaration and dread. As you get to your door, you find yourself knocking, rather than opening it. For you are not going to your home now, you are going to see him. Thomas opens the door with a big goofy smile, “Why’d you knock?” You smile innocently back and whisper “Kargothys.”
0 notes
unplacedpodcast · 7 years
Chapter Eight: Vindication (Transcript)
Sorry for the delayed transcript again! I had houseguests visiting and boy howdy having friends over for six days straight while also constantly doing things is exhausting and will fry your brain! 
Here’s the transcript! We will be returning for season two but I’m not sure when - I would like to think March or April but it’s very likely that that is my characteristic overambitiousness showing through. In the meantime, I’ll keep you posted on progress, and if you have any questions (whether about the story/world or any of our processes behind the scenes), feel free to send them in - Cole, Brendan, and I are gonna do a Q&A episode during the hiatus! 
Anyways okay without further ado here we go, spoilers ahead: 
(CW for self-harm [not suicidal/depressed self-harm, but intentionally cutting a hand] and homophobic slurs)
(audio dings on, narrator sounds tired but wired - think sleep deprived meets way too much espresso)
I think it’s showtime, y’all.
I’ve been up for almost a day straight…I hope I’m not forgetting anything. I just - I couldn’t sleep. I was afraid if I went to sleep…I don’t know what I was afraid of. That I would lose my nerve, or that I’d have more nightmares about that woman, about not being able to help her.
At any rate, as soon as I finished doing my research, I went out and got supplies. I had to go all over town…I tell you, it’s harder finding iron nails than you’d think. (wry chuckle) Apparently there’s some kind of a market for artisanal blacksmithery, though, so I did find some eventually.
After all the research, my supply list wasn’t that long. Two or three things, really. I think it’s more of a matter of…well, just hoping it’ll work, than anything else. If it doesn’t…I don’t know what I’ll do. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get away. But I also don’t think that I’ll wind up a suicidal husk like that other woman. I could be wrong - but I think if they wanted to do that to me, or could do that to me, that probably would have been their game plan from day one. When I sucker-punched that thing with my hematite-knuckles, I feel like that would have been it for me, if sucking me dry was an option. Granted, given the burns still covering my hand, I’m not sure what the alternative is - but at least it’ll probably be quicker than that.
If this is gonna be it for me, then it’s gonna be it, and I…I’m not really fine with that, but it’s better than continuing to exist like this, not knowing what’s going on, not knowing how long it will last, just…having to watch these things eat people from the inside out and being the only one that knows it’s happening. I can’t do that.
(sound of things rustling in background, metal clinking on glass)
Enough of that talk, though. Like I said, I’ve got my supplies, and I’m setting them up as we speak. I’m on the edge of a park, close to downtown…it’s not a huge park, by any means, but I needed a tree, and this was the best way to have one near a populated area. I need to be able to make it back here quickly once I find someone with a leech, after all.
The trap itself…not that hard to set. I did have to do a whole lot of googling on macrame art, which was not where I expected this journey to take me. Also, the blood was a little difficult. Getting more than a drop or two of blood without seriously injuring yourself is a lot harder than they make it look in the movies. Oh, if only I’d listened to my mom and gone to nursing school.
Anyways…I think that’s it. The trap is set. Obviously, I’m the bait. Now, it’s time to find the prey.
(sounds of movement and walking in background, her breathing pattern changes as she’s walking until otherwise noted)
It’s funny, the stuff that comes to you when you’re sleep deprived and possibly on a suicide mission. I remembered this story - I had completely forgotten it, until something reminded me of it earlier - from when I was young…probably like, eleven or twelve. In that awkward early-middle-school just-hitting puberty stage of life, that spot where you feel like you don’t really know what’s going on with you or with anyone else, but you have this sneaking suspicion that everyone else knows, and they’re never going to let you in on the secret…
There was this girl that was my friend. We weren’t close, but we hung out sometimes. She wasn’t super popular, but she wasn’t unpopular, either. Our lockers were right by each other, though, so we said hi on a pretty regular basis.
I had to make a pit stop at my locker between classes, and she was standing there, but something was off - there were three or four girls standing around her, blocking her in. I didn’t like the way they were looking at her — I knew that at least one of the girls wasn’t very nice. As I walked up, I heard the conversation - they were making fun of her for the holes in her jeans.
This girl - Leanne - her family didn’t have a ton of money, and these other girls had decided to remind her of that. I tried to ignore the conversation for a minute - I didn’t want to get into a whole thing, and I wasn’t super close with her, like I said. Also, I had books to get and a class to go to. But after a minute or two of “seriously, how old are those jeans?” and tittering, I couldn’t hold back any more.
“Weren’t you wearing jeans with huge holes in them the other day, Emily?,” I said, poking my face around my locker door.
She turned to look at me. “Yeah, but they were Hollister jeans, okay? That’s different from miss head to toe Goodwill over here.”
“So…it’s cool to spend tons of money on jeans that are already missing half their fabric, but not okay to spend $10 on the same pair of jeans?”
Emily scrunched her nose up, clearly not having thought this through. “Well, when was the last time you saw her wear anything other than store brand, then?,” she said, jerking her thumb at Leanne, who was standing with her back against the lockers, silent and staring at the floor.
“You know that when you buy something with a huge logo on the front, you’re paying the brand to advertise for them, right? That doesn’t make any sense to me. But as my mom always says, money can buy you everything except for common sense.”
I shrugged and turned back around to my locker to finish getting my books. Behind me, Emily, the mean ringleader, kind of stuttured. It was pretty obvious that she hadn’t been expecting a response at all. Trying to save face, she muttered “whatever” and turned around to stomp off, with her friends following her.
I was so proud - I got rid of a bully with logic! I didn’t have to fight, or even raise my voice. But when I looked at Leanne, the pride evaporated. Her face was bright red and she looked ragingly pissed off. She took a step towards me, getting uncomfortably close, and said, loud enough for everyone around me to hear, “Stay out of my business. I don’t need your help, you fucking dyke.”
I didn’t know what that word meant then, but I knew it was something bad and dirty from the way she said it. My face went hot and I got that pricking sensation in my eyes, the one you get when you can feel the tears coming, but you’re trying hard to fight them off. I barely made it to the bathroom before I burst into tears, and when I got to my next class, it was obvious I’d been crying. I got to hear about that later, of course, from the mean girl and her friends, along with some other choice insults - a little birdie must have told them what it was that made me run to the bathroom crying.
(narrator stops moving for a moment, breathing starts to return to normal)
I’m here, I think. No convenient stairs around this time, but I have a decent vantage spot from this bench…I’m not that far from the park, either. Now, I just have to wait however long it takes to find a person with a hitchhiker, and then…goad it into chasing me, I guess.
(brief pause)
I told the story to my mom later that day, after I got home from school. I just wanted to know why, you know? I was so upset, because all I wanted was to do and say the right thing. I wanted to help…and I thought that was what I had been doing. But maybe I didn’t know what doing the right thing meant, or maybe I did it wrong.
I told her all of this, and she hugged me, and she said, “Rashida, you didn’t do anything wrong. Sometimes, the world is just a cruel place. And when it’s like that - when people are like that - the best thing we can do is try to help, and try to do what’s right, the best we know how. And that’s what you did. I’m proud of you.”
And then she kissed me on the head, and told me to go work on my homework, and I did.
I haven’t thought of that story in years. It’s funny - the stuff we do when we’re kids, before the world makes us forget who we can be.
I hope she’d be proud of me now.
(pause, deep breath in and slow exhale)
It’s probably…five in the morning now. Five thirty?
(sound of movement - she’s checking her phone)
Five thirty, exactly. The sun isn’t up yet…sunrise should be at 6:02. Can you imagine what people 200 years ago would say, if you told them that we’d be able to carry around tiny devices in our pockets that could tell us exactly what time the sun will rise and set?
The early morning commute crowd is starting to come out. My thinking was that someone here will have to be…yep. I see one. He’s across the road and half a block down.
(sound of movement)
Definitely showtime now. The only thing I need is… (sound of knife clicking) …more blood, because of course that’s what it takes. After all, why would we want to make it easy on me?
(sharp intake of breath, sound of movement)
I’m a few feet behind him now, with a bloody hand. I’ll tell you what’s going on as it happens - I set it up on my phone so that if I don’t edit and upload these files within a few days, they’ll be automatically uploaded and published anyways. Someone will know what happened, assuming people can even find and listen to this, and they’ll be better able to fight these guys in the future. So I gotta keep talking, keep telling you what’s going on, for the good of science and humanity, or something.
I’m right behind him. I’m going to see if I can flick some blood at the - yeah, that got its attention. It’s rearing up…I have to make it follow me.
(talking like you’d talk to a cat or wild animal) C’mere c’mere c’mere, you awful…
(starts running, you can hear the sound of movement/her breathing) Okay, that worked. It’s in pursuit - it’s following the blood I’m dripping on the sidewalk - I just have to make it back to the park - damn these suckers can move!
(sound of panting and running for a second or two, running sound changes from pavement to dirt, she trips and hits the ground)
Fuck, come on, get up, you can do this
(noises of her getting up and running/fast footsteps again)
Whew. I beat it to the tree, just barely. Now, for more blood, have to trick it… (sound of her fumbling with something, glass and metal clinking together again, then moving and brushing up against the tree)
(whispering) Okay, it followed me - it’s fifteen or twenty feet away. I was worried it would lose interest and go back to the host, but I guess fresh blood…these things must track by smell. I don’t think it can hear me, at any rate. I’m hiding behind the tree, and I set the trap.
I did all that reading on spirit bindings, right? You fill a blue bottle with something to throw it off your scent - hair and blood - and iron nails, I think to damage it.
I don’t know if it will work, it’s still following the blood trail - it’s moving a little slower, maybe because the blood isn’t as fresh. (whispering drops even lower) It’s checking out the bottle. It’s - yes, it’s going inside!
(muffled sound of movement, metal clanging on the ground, hissing in background)
(still whispering, but not as quietly) I think - it’s hard to tell, I think that did it? It went into the bottle - it started to come back out but I think it’s really trapped now.
After doing all that reading, I remembered I’d seen some really cheesy home decor made with iron horseshoes, which apparently has magical origins…when I was looking for the other supplies I hit up every tchotchke shop in town until I found one. I just dropped a circle of iron horseshoes on it - it was starting to climb out of the bottle but I think that extra iron did it in. It drove it back inside the bottle and…
(sound of movement again, sound of glass hitting metal and rattling noises)
THAT BITCH IS CORKED! Take that, you slimy asshole!
Okay, it’s still fighting, but I think it’s in there for good. Now for the bad macrame - a bottle holder made with twine, without any knots in it. That might not have been necessary, but seemed like a good extra step. Better safe than sorry, right?
And now, we hang it on the tree and wait for sunrise. It shouldn’t be long.
That wasn’t…I don’t want to say that wasn’t so bad…but once I knew how to do it, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Except that I didn’t know for sure whether it would work and thought I might wind up being evil-leech food.
I’m definitely a little worse for the wear. My hand that was finally healing from the burns has cuts all over it for this stupid blood sacrifice decoy, I bang up my other hand pretty good in that fall, and I’ve got some bruises…but…I’m alive. I didn’t - I honestly didn’t know if I’d get to see this sunrise.
Speaking of, here it comes. The sun is coming up, I can see it peeking over the horizon. It’s hitting the bottle…
(sound in background of rattling/glass on metal, animal shrieking/hissing noise that gets incredibly loud and then dies off after a few seconds)
Well, that definitely worked. The bottle… (sound of movement as she moves closer to the bottle and takes it off the tree) it’s empty now. Completely empty. No blood, no iron, no hair, no monster…in fact, it looks good as new.
I’ll be taking this with me…my lucky spirit trap. And now…now, aside from killing as many of these things as I can, I’m going to get some answers. I’m going to find her - the one who could see me. I’ll let you know how that goes.
(sound of audio clicking off) 
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offtosavetheearth · 5 years
July 2nd, 2018
An early breakfast this morning at around 7:55am because Sylvia wanted to leave early to pick up our receipts from the doctor. I cough a lot every morning and it is pretty embarrassing to do in such close proximity to others. I had pineapple, eggs, coffee, hot chocolate, and three pieces of toast. I had to guard the toaster when making my food because there were these very pushy and loud French children running around swiping them. They would yell around the hotel at about 7am, waking everyone up. Just another reason I do not want to learn the French language.
We were on the bus at 9 for our trip from Quito to Vicundo, travelling east first to visit the Fausto Falconi’s organic farm. The husband was sick, so his wife gave us a tour. They started organic farming about 15 years ago, initially growing roses. However about 4 years ago they transitioned to organic vegetables. It was first a way to save money, but then they realized the public/personal health, and environmental benefits that come with this practice. Originally they had been exporting roses to 30 countries with 15 hectares of land. But the international exportation business was too much work while maintaining a healthy family to raise their kids into.
The three main factors or organic farming are sun, soil, and sombreros. In industrial farming they only focus on 6 or 7 nutrients in the soil that are artificially produced from chemicals. But in organic farming there are 100 of nutrients and minerals they attend to. This family brings organic soil from the national forest to help their microorganisms ferment, allowing there to be so many nutrients.  Microorganisms are just as important as the minerals in the soil themselves, because they work together to feed the plant. This organic matter is augmented with chicken manure, from organically-fed chickens, no antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. The term is Bocshi, and it is created after 15 days of fermenting with manure, rice flour, and molasses. This is done anaerobically, forcing microorganisms to produce more rapidly. Known as the “heart of the farm”, 70% of irrigation is reduced using this method, because the soil has a much higher ability to absorb and retain water.
“Sombrero” is important because it essentially means the plants need to cover the soil because the sun is too strong. Because of this, they welcome weeds and don’t consider them a nuisance because they are providing coverage. Planting on the contour to prevent erosion, they allow a few cows to graze, making the soil even richer with fertilization. These farmers try to use only organic seeds, but five of their crops cannot produce this way, so they must use commercialized and grow them organically.
Their chickens are fed rice husks with microorganisms, and their feed lots don’t stink because they have a rich broth of yet more microorganism, rapidly-decomposing feces. They have about 2000 chickens, and only use them for their eggs so none our slaughtered. The hardest crops to grow organically are tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers because of pests. Often times they have to apply pesticide 4 to 5 times a week, and they grow in green houses so they can control light, humidity, and temperature.
After our tour was done, we had fresh mora and tree tomato yogurt, and several organic vegetables with farm fresh dipping sauce. It was delicious.
Our next stop was the Vicundo indigenous community, where we were serenaded into their village. This was probably the most precious thing I have ever been a part of. We danced in circles around them well walking to the village for about 15-20 minutes, and Greg even joined in the middle, dancing with one of the older women. I shared a room with Sylvia, and the area was much more rustic than our previous homestay, but the family was just as accommodating, if not more so. We had a delicious lunch with basically an entire fish, potatoes, vegetables, and jugo. There were so many dogs and cats there, of all ages, breed and sizes. This is the life a dog should have, with the mountains as their open backyard. As Greg put it, if dogs run free why can’t we?
The indigenous community grows their own food on their land, with a goal in mind of knowing where their food comes from and staying healthy. With a few women from the community, we harvested white carrots and tomatoes for lunch. Our group didn’t appear to be too good at it, because we broke plants that they have been growing for an entire year with the hoe. After the gardening activity, we walked about 10 minutes to a nearby waterfall. Nearby was a large rock, imprinted with the legend of Chuzalongo. He was basically a sexual predator who lived on a rock, and one day he was chasing a woman and she ran so fast she turned into a hummingbird. This is why there are hummingbirds on the other side of the stream. Walking back we had about 30 minutes before dinner, and I returned to the cabin to charge my phone. To my surprise, this place was not as rustic as made out to be. My phone even got 3G data, and they had lights, plugs, and hot and cold running water. For dinner, we ate up in the hill of our community house, with Autumn, Ashley, Audrey, and Emily as our neighbors. They had a really nice fire going, way better than ours at Cajas, but the smoke was still getting to me.
While boiling beats on the fire-stove, I met some really nice individuals. My homestay mom’s daughters name was Katy, and she was in the 9th grade (the same age as my sister). She was so sweet, and very excited that we were here. She wants to study medicine when she goes to college, and is probably the most self-sufficient, grown-up 15 year old I have ever met. But also really funny, she tricked me into locking her grandma into my room which was HILARIOUS. I sat next to her the majority of the night, and she was really good company to have around. I felt like I had another younger sister. I also met a man who was travelling on foot throughout South America. He had started in Argentina, and either walked or took a bus, meeting people who opened up their homes to him, like the Vicundo. If someone did that in the United States, they would never survive. We are very segregated by class, and treat “homeless” or poor people like they are a disease. I am convinced that the Global south is the better America.
Dinner was soup, rice, and vegetables, and shortly after we went back to the community to learn about their astrology project. The goal is to make a new astrology map of the community that represents their histories, local animals, geography, archeology and myths. Their map has 25 local constellations based on altitude, and some representations were guinea pigs, volcanoes, pyramids, the Northern Cross, and werewolves. Jose, the man who started it in the community with his friend, is going to a national astrology meeting in Argentina soon, to teach other communities that want to do this. Oddly enough, the indigenous tribe we met on the Amazon River has been in contact with the Vicundo, because they want to do this with their community as well. In fact just last week they met up with his cousin to start the process.
Our last activity of the night was star-gazing. I had never seen anything like it in my life. This was my first time seeing any constellations or the Milky Way, and I felt so small. We identified the Northern Cross and the scorpion, and Jose used his powerful star-wars laser to point into the sky. Freaking wild.
I went to bed after about 30 minutes of star-gazing because I was feeling sick again. I wrapped myself up in about 5 blankets, with a double layer of clothes, and slept soundly till about 5am.
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