#next level crush incoming
*sigh* He's very handsome isn't he?
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lullabyes22-blog · 3 months
Snippet - Make it Mitra - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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This looks like a job for me/So everybody just follow me/'Cause we need a little controversy/'Cause it feels so empty without me~
Or: Silco is a menace in public.
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
cw: profanity, insensitive language re: disability and scarring
At the desk, a stoop-shouldered clerk checked the timecards. He stamped the ones for the outgoing shifts, and handed back the cards of the ones for the incoming. There were a few, like Silco, who'd come empty-handed, and had to be issued cards. These, the clerk handed out grudgingly, with the air of a man tossing a beggar a crust of bread.
The next beggar's gotta do better, his manner said. And the next. But you—you can go choke.
"Name," the clerk grunted, when it was Silco's turn.
"Sil." The old moniker rolled off his tongue, a second skin. "S'alright if that's all I go by?"
"Last name's the policy. " When Silco said nothing, the clerk spat into his cuspidor. "Last name, or I'll mark you a John Doe."
"Make it Mitra."
"What?" The clerk's frown was a fissured ravine. "Say again?"
"Mitra. It's Vekauran."
"You don't look Vekauran."
He shrugged. "Not all of us do."
"Hmph. You know the drill, grandpops? Six hours down, six up. Two shifts a day, no more. You show up late, you're marked AWOL. You shirk a shift, you're marked AWOL. You're marked AWOL three times, you're out on your ass. Savvy?"
"Gear and ventilators are loaners. Lose 'em, you pay. Break 'em, you pay. Steal 'em, we string you up." He levelled a finger. "Helmets are mandatory. If your head gets crushed by a cave-in, we ain't paying the medick's bills."
"Payday's every fortnight. Your card's coded to the dig, so don't try no funny business. Don't try no funny business, period. No fights, no stealing, no shoving the ore cart ahead of the line. We don't play favorites." The clerk's eyes raked Silco's ruined face. "Especially not for cripples."
"Cripple's a handicap," Silco said, mildly. "Mine's just an ugly mug."
"You'll get a worse one, if you start trouble. Got me?"
"Loud and clear."  He perused the noticeboard, pinned with a handbill. "Is that the contract?"
"Yep. Want it read out?"
"I can read." His lip curled. "Barely."
He skimmed the terms. A step up from the days when Topside ran the show. Back then, the contracts were a joke: paid a pittance, with a fraction of the hours logged. The miners had been little more than mules. A few had signed their lives away. Others, their children's.
All, their souls.
Now, the contract was a matter of public record. Everything was spelled out: the safety precautions, the shift schedules, the pay rate. No one had to sign away their firstborn. And if the Mining Guilds had anything to do with it, they'd never have to. They'd win this small victory, and, in the bargain, a thousand worse wars.
"Where's the Guild's seal?" Silco said.
The clerk's sneer spoke volumes. "We don't need no stinking seal. This township's self-governed."
"Self-governed? The Ditch falls under Zaun's jurisdiction. Like the rest of the Deadlands. Meaning you adhere to the same bylaws as the city." Silco tapped a fingertip on the page. "This contract needs the Mining Guild's seal. Else it's not legally binding."
"It's bound," the clerk said, with a belligerent jut of his jaw. "By us."
"Us, who?" Silco made a show of looking around. "Every lost soul passing through?"
"Us, as in the foremen. Us, as in Slim Johnston's boys. Us, as in the law." The jaw was jutting even further. "So what's it to you?"
"Nothing. Just didn't know the Ditch was a freehold."
"You don’t like it, old man, you can walk."
"Maybe I will. I hear the northside quadrants have a proper union. Proper rules too, on paper. Not these cobbled-up terms, drawn in the dirt by the foreman's boot." Silco tipped a shoulder. "If I'm going to be a slave, I'd want a master with more clout."
The clerk's face was a shade of soiled brown. "You and your slave-talk can go suck an egg."
"I prefer mine sunny-side up. Preferably with a side of bacon. How about yourself, Mister...?" He tipped his chin, mock-politely. "What was your name again?"
"It's—" The clerk swallowed his spit. "Garr."
"Pleasure. So, Garr.” He idled, easygoing, against the desk. “I’m curious. What makes a fellow like you, in charge of a town's worth of workers, choose a shoddy contract over the real deal? When the real deal's a cog or two higher in price, and a whole world more in respect."
The clerk's face grew muddier. "Respect's a four-letter word, and you won't need it to shovel shit."
"You're a roustabout! Which means you do what we say, same as the rest. Now, you can keep jawing, or you can shove off. Your call."
"My call's the same as the rest. A contract on our terms."
The other miners, filing past the desk, were turning to watch the spectacle. A few scratched their heads. Others, the grizzled ones, shook them with grudging admiration. They knew Silco's type. Wily as a sump-snake, and twice as slippery. They'd talk back to death itself, if the Kindred showed up without an appointment.
And not because they had any love for life. Only because they loved to live in spite of it.
"Watch yourself, geezer," the clerk warned. "Else the Guild'll be the least of your worries."
"The Guild's a good worry. Scurvy, ticks, and no hazard pay? Those are bad worries." Silco tapped the page again. "This? This is a dead end. You'd do better to get the right papers, instead of slinging the same old shit in a new bag."
"You don't know shit about shit. This is Slim Johnston's town. And the Eye's got his back."
"The Eye? Who's that?"
"He's the Eye." At Silco's blank look, the clerk's face mottled with maroon specks. "The Eye of Zaun."
"Never heard of him."
"Every miner and ditch-digger knows his name. He owns the rigs. Owns this town. Owns the Guilds. The Eye's watching, and he's not forgiving. One bad move, and he'll come for you." An ugly smile twisted the clerk's lips. "Mark my words, old man. One more word, and no contract will save your ass."
Silco smiled back.
There was a crowd gathered now. Men and women pressing close, craning their necks to get a better glimpse of the show. They were no strangers to a standoff. But this was a novelty. The roustabouts were a tough lot, but they kept their heads down. The foremen, a cut above, saw no need to. And the overseers were a law unto themselves. A law that ran on a knife's edge, and cut whoever crossed it.
Now, a one-eyed geezer, empty-pockets and all alone, was toeing the scratch. Not with fists or guns. Just words.
And those words held the queue at gunpoint.
"What's a big man, like you, afraid of an Eye?" Silco drawled, and the miners began chuckling.
The clerk's own eye was twitching. "You wanna see him? Is that what you're saying?”
"Sure, if it'll keep you from soiling your britches."
The miners' laughter was as good as applause. The clerk's scowl was as good as a noose. But a noose could swing either way: hang a man, or give him the rope. Silco, for whom rabble-rousing was second-nature, knew the real win was a matter of leverage.
Leverage, and a taste for the long-game.
He had the crowd's attention, which meant he had their favor. But favor only counted for so much, when the paymaster was a hardass. And the hardasses had a tendency to stick together. The real trick—the one that had turned his rants and rallies into a revolution—was keeping the rabble's favor while keeping the hardasses in the dark.
That took patience. That took strategy. That took a cool head, and a steady hand, and a live grenade cooking in the back pocket.
Not to mention: an unerring instinct for when to pull the pin.
 "Look," he said, taking his smile down a notch, "I'm not asking for the moon. Just a proper contract. That's what we fought for, when we took down Topside. That's what every man and woman here deserves." He eyed the crowd, and saw the nods and grunts. The hard-won dignity of a folk who'd scraped life's crumbs from the jaws of penury. "No man—not even the Eye—has the right to take it away."
"No," Garr shot back, "but we got the right to take you out."
Silco raised both hands, conciliatory. "Not trying to start a war, Garr. Just looking for a fair shake."
"If you don't watch it, old man, you'll get that fair shake. Fair and square, in the fucking throat. Savvy?"
"Savvy. I'll shut up. You've got a job to do. And the sooner you get to it, the sooner the day's done, please Janna." He tipped a thumb over his shoulder. "How's this? I'll sign the contract. Because if it's good for these fine folks, it's good enough for me. But I would like to request a meeting, for myself and my fellow miners, with the foreman. Zaun was born out of blood and sweat. If we're going to die by it, I'd like to hear from the man at the helm."
"I'll pass it along." Garr's face was a blotchy mess. "And if I were you, I'd keep your hole shut, until I says otherwise."
"I'll keep a lid on. See?"
He pantomimed a wastebin slamming shut. The miners broke into hearty guffaws. A few slapped Silco's shoulders. Others, in the back, whispered among themselves. It was a start. Not much, but dissent, planted, takes time to blossom. Especially in a field sowed with salt and dust.
But revolution's like love: a tenacious thing. And when the time comes to harvest, there's no crop sweeter.
"All right, geezer." Garr shoved the contract across the table. "Sign the fuckin' page. You're on the daybreak shift. Don't be late, or the last thing you'll be seeing's a shovel."
"Yes, sir."
No mockery. Only a deferential nod, and a shuffling step.  The clerk was a simple man. A simple, stupid man. And stupid men are like stray dogs: easy to bait, but there's no sense getting them riled. All they'd earn for their bite is a bullet.
Nobody wastes a bullet on a mutt.
Silco took the contract. The miner's crowded close. They'd gotten a good show. Better than they'd expected, from a one-eyed roustabout. Now they wanted to know his name. And maybe, just maybe, his story. Taking the pen, Silco signed off with his usual flourish.
Except it wasn't the one that'd sealed dirty deals, sanctioned executions, or penned the laws that'd rewritten Zaun's skyline.
Sil Mitra.
The two surnames burned starkly on the dotted line. An alias he'd invented on the spot. Yet its invention didn't make the arrangement of letters a lie. It was two bloodlines—one mongrel, bastardized, and true; the other ancient, proud and broken—that would've merged, if circumstances had been different.
But the world's a strange place. Stranger yet, for the things that don't come to pass.
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therainbowwarrior4 · 6 months
Project 2025 is a plan to, in the words of project Director Paul Dans, "...march into office and bring a new army of aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the Deep State".It is organized by the Heritage Foundation, to "muzzle woke propaganda at every level of government", "gut the administrative state" (HUD, FEMA, DOJ, DHS, the Federal Reserve, CDC, FDA, EPA, etc.) and concentrate power into the hands of the President (Leeja Miller, in a video that is linked below, goes into detail on how this would work).Their claim is that "Only through the implementation of specific action plans at each agency will the next conservative presidential Administration be successful".The plan includes a [180 Day Playbook](https://www.project2025.org/playbook/), described as "...a comprehensive, concrete transition plan for each federal agency."
The plan is "the conservative movement's unified effort to be ready for the next conservative administration to govern at 12:00 noon, January 20, 2025".Project 2025 promises to "rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left" and to "unite the conservative movement and the American people against elite rule and woke culture warriors".Project 2025 lists problems with America such as:* The breakdown of the family* Immigration* The "totalitarian cult known today as The Great Awokening"* The erosion of constitutional accountability in Washington* Children suffering the "toxic normalization of transgenderism with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries"* An "overseas, totalitarian Communist dictatorship" that is "not a strategic partner or fair competitor" and is "engaged in a strategic, cultural and economic Cold War against America's interests, values and people"* "Low-income communities" that are "drowning in addiction and government dependence"* "America's elites have betrayed the American People"* The left using climate change "to scare the American public into accepting their ineffective, liberty crushing regulations"They believe that "These are problems not of technocratic efficiency, but of national sovereignty and constitutional governance. We solve them not by trimming and reshaping the leaves, but by ripping out the trees -- root and branch."
Their broad goals are to:1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life, and protect our children2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people3. Defend our nation's sovereignty, borders and bounty against global threats4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely - what our constitution calls "the Blessings of Liberty"Dans states that "The long march of Cultural Marxism through our institutions has come to pass. The federal government is a behemoth, weaponized against American citizens and conservative values, with freedom and liberty under siege as never before".Project 2025 is, in my words, a distinctly terrifying and highly detailed roadmap for:* Installing a Chriso-fascist oligarchy* Rolling back civil and human rights* Removing bodily autonomy from women and transgender individuals* The systematic eradication of minorities and other vulnerable groupsI don't use the words "systematic eradication" lightly or with hyperbole.
They obviously don't come right out and say it, but they state that:* Pornography should be outlawed* The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned* Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders* Telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shutteredThe real problem with the above, apart from the obvious, is that they label the existence of LGBTQIA+ people as "inherently pornographic". They say that pornography is “manifested today through the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology".They say that the fix "starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity ('SOGI'), diversity, equity and inclusion ('DEI'), gender, gender equality, gender awareness, gender sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists".They also state that "The president should direct agencies to rescind regulations interpreting sex discrimination provisions as prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, sex characteristics, etc."
They want to "maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family" which would remove protections for same-sex marriage.Leeja Miller helpfully points out that the above language does not simply include transgender individuals, it includes cis women as well. I'd argue that removing the DEI language also allows them to target anyone that isn't a white, cis, heterosexual, evangelical (or other approved flavor of Christianity) male.Some other points of note:* They want to eliminate the Department of Education* They want to ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory* They want to bring back the practice of impounding funds
**References*** A direct link to a PDF copy of the project's Policy Agenda, aka their "Mandate for Leadership": [https://thf\_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf](https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf), this can be found on the Policy page of the Project 2025 website.* A video from Leeja Miller: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k3UvaC5m7o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k3UvaC5m7o)* An NPR article focusing on the climate policy aspect: [https://www.npr.org/2023/08/08/1192634090/if-republicans-win-the-white-house-in-2024-climate-policy-will-likely-change](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/08/1192634090/if-republicans-win-the-white-house-in-2024-climate-policy-will-likely-change)* A UC Berkeley write up: [https://bpr.berkeley.edu/2023/11/17/project-2025-democratic-doomsday/](https://bpr.berkeley.edu/2023/11/17/project-2025-democratic-doomsday/)* An article from the NECC Observer: [http://observer.necc.mass.edu/blog/2023/11/20/the-danger-of-project-2025/](http://observer.necc.mass.edu/blog/2023/11/20/the-danger-of-project-2025/)* An article from PBS: [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision)
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Paper Rings
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
…and Broken Promises
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The moon is high, like your friends were the night that we first met. Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet, now I've read all of the books beside your bed... The wine is cold like the shoulder that I gave you in the street. Cat and mouse for a month or two or three now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe.
Lizzie groaned when the beeping in her mind didn't subside, it only increased in volume, breaking her from the dreams she was having. More so the vivid memories of your whirlwind romance on replay for her, to only be followed up by hopeful imagery her mind's manifesting.
From the early days where she met you at a party thrown by Scarlett Johansson—Marvel's resident party girl, there had been so much going on that night, it'd been an event thrown to bridge the gap for the incoming cast, such as herself, Aaron Taylor, and you—Y/N Y/L/N.
Elizabeth had been a huge fan of yours after she saw you too loved the indie film genre. Your movies were her guilty pleasure, so she had been a little bummed out to find you'd never even heard of her until a week prior. Awkward was an understatement for the both of you, she was gushing to you over the film you just finished shooting, and you were too enamored by her beauty to really engage.
That night you'd looked her up, falling down a rabbit hole of all things Elizabeth Olsen, she was stunning, and her acting was next level. Everything was going well too, until you stumbled into an article about her boyfriend. Your laptop was slammed closed as soon as your silly hopes were crushed, it was only a new crush, but the way she flirted with you all night long had left you feeling a bit hurt after.
So you went to set the following month with an urge to ignore her, and for the first few weeks you managed to do it well. Then at a craft table after a particularly long day she found a way to corner you, her eyes were sad when they found yours, and it was clear to you that it was your doing. So, in the name of professionalism you agreed to eat with her in her trailer, because maybe you had misinterpreted her intentions at the party, but once she leaned in to kiss you it was clear you were right, and you folded.
Lizzie frowned when you resorted to yelling obscenities afterwards, but once she caught the word boyfriend in the mix she was quick to scream it was a tabloid falsehood; she was single, and only wanted to not be if it was you who was going to ask her out. She was smooth, you took the alluring bait, and the rest is a long, sorted and disgustingly sappy history.
Kiss you once 'cause I know you had a long night. (Oh!) Kiss you twice 'cause it's gonna be alright. Three times 'cause you waited your whole life. (One, two, one two three four!)
"Baby...," your groans of displeasure took Lizzie back to the present moment, she reached over to turn the alarm off, then she rolled onto her side so she could pull you into her warmth., "Thank you baby.," she chuckled softly at your sweet words uttered with the grumpy tone.
Elizabeth allowed you to snuggle into her for a few minutes, but it wasn't long before the next alarm was going off besides your head., "No..."
"Unfortunately, yes my love.," she giggled, her body shifted to turn it off, then with gentle precision she shifted you onto your back so that she could hover over you with a smile., "We've gotta get to set soon honey.," she placed a wet kiss to your cheek, her eyes sparked with joy when she could feel as the muscle twitched beneath her lips as you did your best to fight off a smile., "Come now, we'll save time by showering together.," she winked, then sauntered off before you could stop her.
She squealed however when you jumped up, and pressed her into the bathroom doorway in a matter of seconds., "Not so fast little Olsen.," she glared at you but you only smirked back., "What's my morning time rule, hm?," a silly smile overtook her face as she thought it over.
"Nothing comes before snuggles and kisses.," she repeated the words you've prompted her with for many years now., "Not even Marvel.," you tapped her nose softly., "Exactly.," then in an exaggerated manner you pouted your lips.
She huffed just as dramatically as you as she leaned in to capture your lips in a kiss, it was soft, and slow, just the way you loved it most. Getting to feel her close is all you’ll ever need, which is why you whine every time it’s brought to an end., “Baby, we have to get going, I’m not being late and facing Kevin’s stare once again.”
No amount of sulking or pouting brought her back to you so you reluctantly got in the shower to get cleaned up. A permanent scowl was on your face, and Lizzie made it her mission to bring your smile back, so as you were climbing out she jumped into your slippery arms and pecked your lips repeatedly until you smiled.
“Get dressed, and meet me downstairs in ten.,” and with a final kiss she was leaving you to get herself ready without the distraction (you).
“Are you ready to go love?,” she looked over to you from the front door with the keys in hand., “I’m right behind you baby, I’m just getting our coffees, and lunches.,” you came around the corner with two satchels and tin thermoses. The dirty blonde allowed you through, then locked the door behind you before climbing into the drivers seat and taking off in a rush.
I want to drive away with you
I want your complications too
I want your dreary Mondays
Wrap your arms around me, baby
“Marvel making us work on a Monday is a war crime.,” you grumbled from beside the far less grumpy woman., “Love, it’s just another day.”
Elizabeth snorted when you loudly huffed and shifted to face the window instead of her, her hand was quick to reach across the divider and gently settle into yours to rest on your thigh. The action was simple, but the way in which this woman cares for you so tenderly on the regular is anything but, she’s just so patient, incredibly kind and lest we forget beautiful.
She was everything you never knew you needed until you finally had her, and there was no way in hell you were ever letting her go now.
Truth be told you were ecstatic for today’s events. While Paul B and the crew over at WandaVision keep Lizzie busy you’ll actually be on another set. Lizzie believes you’ll be on the set of Loki, as that’s normally the case, but the production is actually paused for your sake.
Scarlett, Robert, and all the rest of the original gang will be there as well, setting up what you call the “After Elizabeth says yes party,” and you’ll be there to help them until lunch time when you plan to walk Lizzie down memory lane, and then you’ll drop down on one knee and ask her to be your blushing bride.
After sharing a smattering of kisses you finally parted ways with the promise of a 12pm lunch. That gave you exactly three hours to make sure everything was up to snuff, you weren’t really worried because you gave the reigns to Scar, and she’d yet to disappoint you with parties.
“Well if it isn’t the lady of the hour!,” Downey yanked you into a sweaty embrace and you wretched dramatically., “Unhand me you filthy cretin.,” you swiftly moved into the arms of the others, each one wishing you well until you landed in the arms of Johansson, who’s smirk was nothing if not teasing., “Tell me Y/L/N, how do you plan to ruin the proposal?”
“I’ll have you know my plan is foolproof.,” you groaned and the blonde chuckled., “And yet, I see you still finding a way to muss it all up.,” she reached forward to tussle your hair, and you squealed while jumping away., “Don’t mess up the look Johansson!”
“Oh jeez, please say you’re joking, this is how you plan to propose?,” she scoffs., “In a pair of sweats, and with your hair lazily combed out?”
“Lizzie loves my messy hair and sweats.,” she shook her head., “You’re hopeless, but worry not, I am here to save the day—trust in me, and you’ll be engaged in no time.,” she winked, and you deadpanned., “The Black Widow helping with my proposal… Something about that doesn’t seem very promising.,” she cackled, and pulled your reluctant form alongside her.
Even with your protests you allowed the woman to guide you to her emergency supply of suits, and after a few tries you settled on the sheer white top, with the deep green suit set.
“Good luck Y/L/N.,” she slapped your shoulder, then sent you off with a genuine hug.
A chorus of well wishes followed you out the steel doors, along with a smattering of nerves that had settled deep in your stomach.
“Woah, am I going to get to see you in this on the big screen?,” you smiled shyly, and Lizzie pulled you into her embrace swiftly, her lips pressed to yours just as fast., “I missed you.”
“I missed you too baby.,” you wrapped your arms around her, hugging her properly., “Now, are you ready for a trip down memory lane?,” her brows furrowed, but the nervous look in your eye told her not to tease you just yet.
Lizzie had no clue whatsoever where you were taking her, but when you ended up in her old trailer she smiled at you knowingly., “Our first kiss?,” you nod, then pull her to the couch, and began to unpack your premade lunches. The two of you ate in a comfortable silence, the only thing on your mind was the next destination, and her mind was curious, but she chose to trust the process instead of questioning it.
Once you walked her passed a few sets, talking about the scenes that strengthened your bond, you eventually stopped by the pond in the lot. This was the spot that you asked her to be your girlfriend after a few months of talking, and now it’s where you were falling to your knee.
“Aww, love, this is where you—.,” she turned around with a reminiscent smile that fell into an expression of shock at the sight of you.
"Elizabeth Olsen, I have loved you for as long as I've known you. The immediate infatuation blossomed into the purest of loves I've ever experienced. I never want to be without this—without us, so please do me the greatest honor of my life and say that you'll marry me."
The starlet was in hysterics when you opened the velvet box, the ring was perfect, but it was really your nervous smile that sealed the deal. As if you had anything to worry about after half a decade together, she thought it was adorable, and that didn’t really help your nerves much as she admired you in lieu of answering.
“Baby?,” you began to gnaw on your lower lip, and a wave of guilt passed right through her., “Of course I’ll marry you baby.,” she stepped forward, her hand linking with your free one., “There’s no reason to doubt that, my love for you is unwavering, so please, slip it on baby.”
You wasted no time pulling the jewelry from the velvet box, you smiled up at your now fiancée, then just as you went to slip the ring on her finger it all went to shit. Your fingers were slippery, and so the ring fell from your grasp, and before you could recollect it a seagull swooped in and stole the jewelry.
“Oh my god.,” Lizzie gasps, watching as you were now chasing a seagull around the parking lot, all of your friends giving their spots of hiding away as most keeled over at the sight.
“Please tell me you’re getting this.,” Lizzie asks Scarlett as she sneakily approaches from the side., “Every last second of it, don’t worry.”
The good friends watched as you scaled a trailer in an attempt to catch the bird, it was almost taunting you by having not flown away, but as soon as you nearly had it in your grasp it did just that, taking your ring off into the sky, and leaving you in a bit of a soured mood.
Your lip trembled as you approached your lover in defeat., “I’m sorry, this was supposed to be perfect, and I messed it up.,” she shook her head, immediately throwing her arms over your shoulders, and sighing in relief when yours wrapped securely around her waist.
“I like shiny things.,” you frowned at her words, the reminder of the loss was too soon., “But I'd marry you with paper rings.,” you raised your brows in obvious question, and she smiled., “Uh huh, that's right.,” her soft lips pecked yours., “Darling, you’re the one I want.”
You melted into her, the genuine glint in her viridescent eyes enough to settle your feelings of inadequacy here., “I love you honey.,” she pressed another kiss to your lips., “Nothing is messed up, because in the end I don’t need a ring to know I want to be your wife, all I need is you, safely in my arms; your love is enough.”
“I love you too baby, now let’s go party!,” she giggled behind you as you pulled her into the room that Scarlett, and the boys put together.
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this.
Darling, you're the one I want: in paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams.
Oh, you're the one I want
“That was so embarrassing.,” you whined, your fiancée giggled as she cuddled up to your side., “What part?,” she couldn’t help but tease you.
“The seagull!,” you shrieked as if it was obvious, and so she chose to leave the drunk karaoke out of the conversation for now., “Oh, yeah, that’s going to be hilarious for interview season.,” your eyes widened., “Oh my god…”
“It’ll be okay my love.,” she kissed your cheek before nuzzling her face into your neck., “The story will be one we tell our kids one day, and they’ll laugh at you the same way we all did.”
“You’re the actual worst.,” you tried to shimmy away from her giggling form, but she held you too tight, and really your efforts were weak from the start., “Yeah, maybe I am, but there’s no turning back now, you’re my bride to be.”
“Lucky for you I don’t want to.,” you rolled onto your side and softly pulled her closer., “I can’t wait to be an Olsen.,” she beamed at the name drop, then she placed an excited kiss to your lips, “Don’t forget the many babies!”
“Oh yeah, how could I? Can’t wait to have mini you’s running all around this big old place.”
“Tiny you’s too!,” she yawned., “I want it all.,” her snores were the next thing you heard, and after a few minutes of just silently watching her breathe you slowly began to slip away too., “I want it all and more with you, goodnight love.”
2,622 Words
💕Kaitlyn 💍
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wintaerbaer · 1 year
things we don’t say: part 2 TEASER (kth)
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banner credit: @itaeewon​
summary: Three years after graduating college, everything seems to be falling into place for you: stable job, cozy apartment, and a long-term boyfriend with a ring box hidden in his desk drawer. But when a mutual friend makes a remark that your best friend of nearly two decades is clearly in love with you, you realize that life may not be as simple as it seems.
pairing: Taehyung x Reader (with some VERY brief Seokjin x Reader and Yoongi x Reader)
rating: 18+
genres: best friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slow burn, angst, fluff
word count: 721 (for the teaser; full chapter is expected to be 8-10k)
chapter warnings: IN THE SOOP TAE, swearing, alcohol consumption, feelings?, implied sexual situations (not for oc), infidelity, namjoon’s chest
a/n: CHANGE OF PLANS, i was originally going to post the first scene of this next part but then decided it was too boring to be a teaser. this one, i think, does a much better job of framing part 2. enjoy!
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The drive proves an easy one for you and Maya as sunny weather and a surprising lack of traffic has you at the house in under an hour. As you drive through the iron gates, a small mansion, white and pristine, spreads itself out before you, and you're once again reminded of just how wealthy a family Jungkook comes from.
You had grown up very well-off, sure, but Jungkook’s parents and their vast real estate portfolio are on an entirely different level of rich. And while your parents had immediately cut you off right after you left for college, Jungkook’s parents continue to supplement his bartending income with a monthly allowance to this day.
The word “spoiled” is a bit of an understatement when it comes to your friend.
"You sure you don't want anything more serious with Kook?" you tease Maya, sitting in the passenger seat with her dark sunglasses over her eyes. "All this could be yours."
"As if," she scoffs. "Not worth it to have to put up with his ass for the rest of eternity."
You key in the code for the front door and are greeted by a multitude of voices, the cavernous open-concept kitchen/dining room/living room only serving to amplify those inside. Hoseok and Sunny are quick to reel you in, introducing you to Sunny's three bridesmaid friends, Hoseok's brother (who you’ve met a few times before), and—
Namjoon swoops in to pull you into a bear hug while lamenting how long it's been since he last saw you. Hoseok's best friend since freshman year of college, the former pre-med major had been a core member of your group of friends, but med school combined with helping to manage his family's restaurant means that you rarely see him nowadays in spite of him sharing an apartment with Hoseok and Sunny.
"How's the roomie search going?" you ask as Namjoon pulls Maya into an equally crushing hug.
"Mmph, still no luck. Though I may have an old friend from grade school moving into the city soon, so we'll see if that pans out." He throws a quirked brow at Hoseok. "But I haven't entirely given up on convincing these two to reconsider breaking up the dream team."
"Ah, Joon, you really wanna live with two newlyweds that badly?" Hoseok whines. "Just think about it for two seconds. Really think about it."
Namjoon clicks his tongue, cheeks now tinged with a dusting of pink. "Okay, maybe you have a point."
The light mingling continues as everyone settles in, and you find yourself taking stock of the kitchen and planning a grocery run with Sunny's friends when the last three members of your party come spilling through the door.
Your companions head back to the entrance for introductions, but you stay firmly put, mindlessly busying yourself with plates and silverware, nerves alight at the thought of who just entered the house.
Voices still echoing from the living room, it's only a minute or so later when you sense the quiet presence of someone stepping into the kitchen, and, ever in sync, you don't need to turn around to know who.
"Hey, can I talk to you?"
You turn on instinct, your body responding to his voice before your brain can remind you of your avoidance. Taehyung leans against the kitchen island in a long-sleeved yellow shirt, baseball cap turned backwards on his head. Chin slightly tilted towards his chest, he's gazing at you from under his lashes, and you recognize it as nerves.
"I, um, I'm about to go on a grocery run."
"I can come with?" he offers. "Keep you company, carry the heavy stuff—"
"I made plans to go with Sunny's friends, actually."
"Oh, okay." His shoulders drop ever so slightly, and you glance away at the shoreline crashing in the distance, anywhere but at your best friend looking like a kicked puppy in front of you because of your own cowardice.
"Listen, Y/N—"
"Later?" You quickly interrupt, not mentally prepared to have this conversation right now, especially with Jimin casting you looks from where he stands in the living room.
Taehyung licks his lips, seeming to scan your face for something before he swallows down words on the tip of his tongue, grimacing as if they're nails. "Yeah, okay. Later."
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a/n: feedback, thoughts, predictions, etc. are always welcome! :)
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Superman And Environmental Criminology!
Action Comics #8 (1938)
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I like this one for showing off how Superman can be used for good in the real world- by using fiction as a medium to bring attention to real world issues, and in this case: Where/How you grow up affects the adult you become.
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Clark Kent is watching a trial for a young boy, Frankie, who has been put in jail for robbery and assault for two years. He's presumably in his teens, based on his reaction.
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He overhears the rest of the kids friends saying that they need to talk to "Gimpy" who turns out to be their contact/selling guy whatever.
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Gimpy has a deeply...unfortunate countenance.
The kids are there to enact the classic "Brooklyn Pear", due to his broken promise to bail them out- but he manages to ward them off by telling them how to get a big score.
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After they leave, he turns around and calls the fuzz on the hoodlums, only for superman to crush the phone, and kick his ass for betraying children. He needs the get the f out, or Superman is going to show him The Implication.
The "Brooklyn Pear" is nothing compared to the "John Doe Makeover".
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Superman goes out and collects the kids, foreshadowing an "obstruction of justice" and "destruction of public property" charge, which carries a fine of nothing, because who the fuck is going to arrest Superman. He doesn't have a Social Security Number or wrists that can be restrained by any mortal creation.
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He tries to help them by telling them "stealing is wrong" but also lets slip that Gimpy has stabbed them in the back. They do their best impression of an A4 class Locomotive Mallard get steamed and race to introduce Gimpy to their fists.
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Gimpy tries to shoot one of them in the fucking face.
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Superman proceeds to toss him into the river, presumably giving him pneumonia and gravity-induced PTSD. Nick tries to bash in his skull from behind, like an asshole.
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Superman tries to scare the kids straight by bouncing on a telephone wire but they, being little more than kids and also not finding him particularly scary- just think its fun.
He then thinks that they maybe they turned to a life of crime because of the poor neighborhood that they inhabit.
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He turns to a newspaper...seeing the headline about low-income housing- rubs his chin and strains his incredible wrinkly sack- and gets a devilish idea. MASS COLLATERAL PROPERTY DAMAGE! airhorn noises
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He personally goes to their street, yells at everyone to get out and levels the entire neighborhood. The police- reasonably assuming that he's gone insane, try to shoot him with bullets and then a fucking bomb. He then dances away, giggling like a schoolgirl.
The government did build affordable housing after that- and the Police Chief, talking to Clark thinks that Supe did a good thing- but will also try to put him in jail.
...Superman really looks like a dick if you just read those last two pages ha ha
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grailfinders · 1 year
Grailfinders #323: Sei Shonagon (Berserker)
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ngl it’s a little embarrassing to still have summer servants to build when the event’s already over, but tbh the party don’t stop until Sei Shonagon says so! with her new Berserker class, Sei is even less likely to listen to anyone else, but she’s still suspiciously close to her original form- she’s still a Bard, but this time she’s graduating from the college of Swords to shoot lasers out of a giant hammer. speaking of, her fighter side upgraded to Totem Warrior Barbarian this time to grab a skateboard and get some serious zerker strength.
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: molay oh oh, we come molay!
Ancestry & Background
Sei’s still a Human, though we’re dropping her mark in favor of just making her a variant human. that means she gets +1 Strength and Charisma, as well as proficiency in Acrobatics for cool skateboard tricks, and the Crusher feat to give her another point in Strength and to power up her hammer time. now you can knock a creature up to one size larger 5 feet away once a turn, and if you score a critical hit on a creature while dealing bludgeoning damage you give everyone advantage to hit them for a round.
we’re also slightly changing your background for more of a punk feel. I know we normally don’t do this, but you’re definitely not paying regular dues to anyone atm, so instead we’ll make you an Urchin variant, giving you Sleight of Hand and Performance proficiency for extra-skilled graffiti. though tbh the main reason I wanted this background was to pick up the urchin’s feature, City Secrets, halving the travel speed between any two parts of a city for the most liver-crushing bar crawls blackbeard’s ever seen!
Ability Scores
Sei’s still just as much a force of nature as before, so her highest score should still be Charisma. that being said, madness enhancement really helps your lift, so Strength should be second highest.  Dexterity is next to keep you from wiping out. that means our Constitution is a little lower than I’d like, so Blackbeard might outdrink you yet. of course, Intelligence is low, and Wisdom is lowest. I’m pretty sure I’ve said this every berserker, but madness enhancement is one hell of a drug.
Class Levels
1. Barbarian 1: normally I’d get the bard levels done first since Sei was already an artist, but we kind of need the barbarian’s extra HP and AC to survive the first few levels in a bikini. thankfully, barbarians come fully equipped with Unarmored Defense to add your constitution to your armor class, and you can even use a shield and keep your AC up! (if you can skate on a shield, can you use a skateboard as a shield? scientists demand answers.)
you can also Rage as a bonus action, both to give yourself resistance to incoming physical damage, get advantage on strength checks and saves, and you deal extra damage with melee strength-based weapons, as long as you don’t wear heavy armor. rage lasts a minute (or until you run out of stuff to hit), and you won’t be able to cast or concentrate on spells for the duration. right now, that’s not a problem.
one last thing, you now have proficiency with Strength and Constitution saves, as well as Athletics and Perception checks. maybe now you can beat blackbeard in a drinking contest.
2. Barbarian 2: second level barbarians go a little wild thanks to their Reckless Attacks. you get advantage on all your attacks for a turn, at the cost of everyone else getting advantage on their attacks against you for the rest of the round. in turn, you get a Danger Sense, giving you advantage on dexterity saves you can see coming. having a skateboard is kind of like having haste. or it will be eventually. for now, being able to skate around fireballs is nice.
3. Barbarian 3: at third level we finally get our barbarian subclass! I’ll be honest this was a difficult choice. at first I thought about going with a zealot or beast barbarian to get some of Sei’s supposed psychological effects from her NP, but she doesn’t have a god backing her, nor does she bite people. (as far as I know. tbh I wouldn’t be surprised.) in the end, I saved all the mental mumbojumbo for the bard, and we’re going with Totem Warrior for some berserk powerplays and more skateboard.
at the start, all totem warriors are Spirit Seekers, letting you cast Beast Sense and Speak with Animals as rituals. it’s nice, but most people don’t use rituals that often thanks to the time constraints. the big draw this level is your Totem Spirit, an animal that gives you special powers when you rage. the most popular pick is of course the bear since it gives you resistance to all damage, but Sei’s not super tough! instead, we’re grabbing the Eagle totem to give everyone disadvantage on opportunity attacks and the ability to dash as a bonus action each turn while raging.
you’ve also been camping enough to get some Primal Knowledge, giving you proficiency with Survival checks.
4. Barbarian 4: use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Constitution to improve your AC and your HP. it’s a retroactive boost, so you get four extra points of HP now!
5. Bard 1: okay, we’ve got some baseline not dying set up, let’s get artistic. bouncing over to bard nets you proficiency with Arcana, since you have to get your hammer from the servantverse, and that means you have to know what the servantverse is. you also learn Bardic Inspiration, giving you the ability to give a d6 to an ally as a bonus action. they can then use it to add a d6 to an attack, check, or saving throw made in the next in-game minute. or more likely they’ll forget about it almost immediately. kind of disappointing, but we have a much more fun way to use inspiration later. for now; Spells!
you cast these using your charisma, first off, and you can cast cantrips like Friends (Sei can power her way through a minute of conversation pretty easy) and Prestidigitation (you can use it to “soil” things, so that might count as putting paint on stuff), but for higher tier stuff you’ll need spell slots. right now your spells are Color Spray (blindness isn’t really Sei’s thing, but spraying paint in someone’s eyes will keep them from seeing), Bane (the psychological things her NP is supposed to do), Longstrider (more skating! MORE!) and Heroism to buff up the party with memories of all the summer fun they had together.
6. Bard 2: second level bards are Jacks of All Trades, adding half your proficiency bonus to checks you wouldn’t normally add it to. you’re pretty flexible, all things considered. you also learn a Song of Rest to add to your party’s healing over short rests. if they ever use their healing on short rests.
you can also use Silent Image to tag walls for up to 10 minutes in up to a 15’ cube of space. you can even move it if you really want to, but paint doesn’t usually do that.
7. Bard 3: at third level we get our bardic college, and as a Swords bard you can cast spells through your weapons, so a hammer laser is looking pretty possible. less importantly, you get a Fighting Style, either Dueling for +2 to one-handed attacks, or Two-weapon to add your strength or dexterity to your off-hand attack damage. neither one matters to a girl wielding a giant hammer, so it’s up to you!
the real benefit this level is your new Blade Flourishes. whenever you attack, you can add 10’ of movement to your walking speed that turn, and you can spend one inspiration die per turn on a hit to add a flourish to your attack. all three options deal the inspiration die in extra damage, but a defensive flourish also adds it to your AC, a slashing flourish lets you spin around and hit everyone near you, and a mobile flourish lets you knock a creature back even further than you already could and spend your reaction to follow them.
you also get Expertise in two skills for double proficiency, so boost your Performance and Acrobatics to go full Jet Set Radio on someone’s walls. or Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, if you’re hip.
also, you can Enhance Ability now for advantage on one kind of ability check- Strength also doubles your carrying capacity, while Dexterity prevents you from getting hurt if you wipe out, and Constitution gives you some temporary HP instead to cushion the fall.
8. Bard 4: use your next ASI to bump up your Strength for harder hammer slammers. it’s not complicated, but neither is a big hammer.
slightly more complicated are your new spells- Minor Illusion is a free can of spray paint- it only fills a 5’ cube, but it’s concentration free! that’s nice, since if you want to stay one step ahead of the city guards you might be concentrating on something like Kinetic Jaunt instead. it increases your speed by another 10’, prevents any opportunity attacks, and you can move through people without slowing down- perfect for weaving your way through a crowded room!
9. Bard 5: the fifth level is always huge for bards, since your inspiration grows to a d8, and your Font of Inspiration means you recharge uses on short rests instead of long ones!
you can also learn third level spells like Fast Friends, forcing a wisdom save on a nearby creature that if they fail they’re charmed and have to do what you way. you’re not the kind to abuse this sort of thing, usually just dragging people on sidequests and such, but if you did try to make someone do something bad or dangerous, they’d get another chance at that wisdom save.
10. Bard 6: sixth level bards get some kind of countercharm thing? but who cares we’ve got an Extra Attack now! that’s a second attack every attack action!
you can also Bestow Curses on people now, mostly to give your NP a more personalized feel. if the target fails their wisdom save, they can be cursed in any number of ways (reflavoured to fit overwhelming emotions, of course). with this, you can waste their turns, make them take extra damage, or do all sorts of fun stuff as long as the DM thinks a third level spell slot is worth what you’re asking for.
11. Bard 7: seventh level bards get fourth level spells like Freedom of Movement! this makes you or another creature immune to difficult terrain and effects that slow, restrain, or paralyze you. you can also escape from any non-magical restraints using only five feet of movement! being underwater also won’t slow you down any, which is the closest we get to a swim speed this build.
12. Bard 8: us your last bardic ASI to bump up your Charisma for stronger spells and more flourishes. speaking of spells, you tend to sow Confusion wherever you go, and now you have a spell that does just that. every creature in a 10’ radius of the spell needs to make a wisdom save or they’re confused for up to a minute, making their behavior a little random. they have a 10% chance to walk in a random direction, a 50% chance to do nothing, a 20% chance to hit anyone around them, or a 20% chance to act as normal. your rebellious attitudes are even affecting the enemies now! they don’t want to do what the DM tells them!
13. Bard 9: ninth level bards have a bigger song of rest, but they also get fifth level spells. Synaptic Static is the closest translation you can get of your NP, only missing out on being single-target. you blast a 20’ radius sphere, forcing an intelligence save on everything inside. f they fail, they take psychic damage, and have muddled thoughts for 1 minute or until they make another save, taking a penalty to all attacks, checks, and concentration saves. it’s hard to think when you’ve got every “song of the summer” playing in your skull at once.
14. Bard 10: tenth level bards can use a d10 for their inspiration and flourishes, plus they have another round of Expertise doubling up their Survival and Sleight of Hand checks. you can use a walkie talkie to send Messages to nearby allies, but the last and best magic we’re getting are some Magical Secrets, spells from any class- if we have the slots to cast it, it’s ours for the taking.
first up we’re grabbing Creation for our biggest and best tagging system yet. with this, you can spend a minute to create your own spray cans- you can make a lot of dyes out of berries, and we don’t need these cans to last too long, so you can now run around with real cans of spray paint that last a full day and tag whatever you want. or if your DM is a stickler and requires metal cans, they’ll last an hour. (you could technically just make the paint right on the wall, but then you’re limited to only a 5’ space unless your DM’s cool and accepts the argument that it can be rolled up into a 5’ cube.)
you can also use this to make literally whatever you want, but we’re here for paint.
oh right, we’re also here because of one other magical secret! sometimes, making a character after the story’s out helps you figure out what you want to do with them. sometimes you think you know what you want to do with them already, and then they go off on a random sidequest and whack-a-mole a monster back to its home dimension, and now you have to mess around with your build again just to shove Banishing Smite in there and give them a way to do that!
so yeah. spend your bonus action to cast, hit somebody, deal a bunch of force damage, and then send them back to their homeworld with no save if they’re below 50 HP. no minute grace period for you to drop concentration and send them back, just. gone. if they’re from the plane you’re on, they just disappear for up to a minute or until you lose concentration. still, if you want a Hippoponotamus out of your hair, it’s hard to find a better way to do it.
15. Barbarian 5: it’s been a while, huh? you don’t get another Extra Attack this level, but you do get some Fast Movement for even more movement speed. we haven’t even begun to shred! and yeah, we waited until level 10 to get extra attack instead of just sticking in barbarian one level because otherwise we’d have a dead level in the bard class with just… countercharm to fill it. ugh. if you want extra attack early feel free to move this back to before the bard levels.
16. Barbarian 6: sixth level totem warriors gain an Aspect of the Beast, granting you a boon that works outside of your rage as well. the bear aspect for even more lifting is tempting, but we’re grabbing the Elk aspect instead for faster travel times. gotta keep ahead of the columbuses somehow.
17. Barbarian 7: seventh level barbarians have a Feral Instinct, giving you advantage on initiative rolls, and you can ignore being surprised if you rage! also, as part of raging you can use an Instinctive Pounce to move up to half your speed. skateboards.
18. Barbarian 8: use your last ASI to bump up your Constitution again for more HP and AC. not dying is the best part of D&D! okay maybe not, but it lets you get to the best part of D&D!
19. Barbarian 9: ninth level barbarians get a Brutal Critical- whenever you crit with a melee weapon, you can add an extra die to the damage! never underestimate the power of an extra d10.
20. Barbarian 10: our final level of barbarian comes with another Primal Knowledge, giving you proficiency in Nature, now that you know the truth of Steggy’s origins.
you’re also a Spirit Walker, letting you cast Commune with Nature as a ritual to learn about the area around you, instantly giving you facts about water in the area, the makeup of the plants and animals around, extraplanar forces, and of course buildings, all within a 3 mile radius. it doesn’t really work in towns, but you’ve already got quadrupled travel speed in there, so you can wander a bit.
Pros & Cons
you are one speedy zerker, with a walking speed that’s usually as fast as most people’s dash, ways to avoid opportunity attacks, and huge boons to your initiative rolls, it’s very rare that you’re ever in a position you don’t want to be in. on a similar note, your ridiculously quick travel times in cities are also nice, if not a big enough deal to warrant their own section.
if I had known how powerful Banishing Smite can be I’d have put it in a lot more builds. whittle someone down and launch them back to their home plane, no saves required. that would be powerful on anyone, but you have advantage on demand, making it even more ridiculous. even if you’re not fighting extraplanar threats that often, the extra damage and ability to knock someone out of the fight for ten rounds is very nice.
combining your crusher feat with your flourishes lets you shove people around pretty easily, with no saves allowed to stop you. being able to shove someone up to 20’ away while attacking is really fun, especially with your speed making it almost impossible for them to close that gap on their turn.
your armor class is just plain bad for a frontline fighter, so you’ll be relying on your mobility more than most barbarians to keep yourself healthy. even rage can’t carry you all the time, after all. an AC of fourteen, plus reckless attacks, make most enemies more likely to hit you than not.
you’re also not great on defense against most spells. the advantage on dexterity saves is nice, but you still only have a +1 to that save, and a -1 to wisdom saves means you’re going to be falling for your own illusions a lot. make sure you don’t paint any tunnel into walls this summer.
casting and rage never mix well, especially in this case. you’d probably want your rage up for most of the fight against something you’re trying to banish, but then you have to spend your bonus action to end your rage early if you want to smite them, opening you up for a lot of damage while you wait a turn before finishing them off. most berserkers aren’t great at defense, but these three issues really put a dent in yours.
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poupeesdecirque · 5 months
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Incomings, WiPs and Doll Plans Update!
Here it is... I made up my mind regarding some plans, some current dolls, I got updates in for almost all my Incomings and ... well let's start. (What will happen with my Past!Allen Doll ... if you are curious ... scroll to the end).
First of all, I can announce the newest additions:
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Asleep Eidolon Klaus will be Lavi's new shell. I am set on this idea, the head is super close to what I originally wanted for him and I feel better with this decision already.
As AE has an event ongoing in which you can add a head to your order ... Asleep Eidolon DingDang was on the list to be my choice for Johnny! I'm excited to build up the range of supporting characters.
Along with that I have new plans what resin will come in the next months...
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Of course Johnny needs a body, for now I have my eyes set on the V1 from Fatemoons as it's a rather small MSD body and Johnny is smaller than Allen.
Then I fell for Xagadoll Nicole and Xagadoll Luca (both MSD variants) ... I will yet keep for myself for which characters I want to have them in case I change my mind. But I very rarely saw a doll and was "Okay, YOU ARE MOVING IN" within seconds in the last months, so I will take this motivation. Kinda feels nice to have someone on my wishlist again.
Then updates on Incomings/WiPs:
Howard Link - Charmdoll LaiKa
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For Link there is none, Charmdoll is around 6 months so he has time.
Level 4 & Ling Tai Zhu Hong (Lavi's old Shell)
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Level 4's head has arrived and the body was ordered, I decided for Coral Reef and here is the other announcement... I will keep Lavi's former shell. And will try my hands on it to turn it into a Level 3 Akuma. I know this is a quite insane project but building an Armor for a doll is a challenge that is not only sewing and I will gladly take it. I was pondering around how to make a Level 3 doll or sculpture anyways. I have to come up with a design for the Akuma though and I will keep the Doll as Lavi until his new shell is here & done so far.
Maple & Janet - LenaRuiiz Pallu
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Maple got her body in, working on her is pushed back though as Kanda had priority and next I want to start on the biggest Cosplay Project I have left, but when that is roughly done I will see when I can fit her in. It's possible that I push her back even further as I want to redo Lenalee's uniform badly and there is another doll in progress... I will come to that in the last part.
Then Janet... long story short, the current Pallu batch is stuck in the mail since November and Lena now have her casted again, I am not even sure if I am in that batch (but as I paid her off I might be?) so, she will maybe happen this year, we will see.
Ally (Past!Allen) & Adam - Conarium Wuhan
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You maybe have read my former entries about this certain character and the dilemma I am in right now. To be honest he is my absolute favorite doll because of the fanfic I am writing, and still working on DAILY(!). Being crushed by the fact this character basically doesn't exist was hard. Well, there is a past version of Allen but he looks completely different (and there is too much open about him so I will refer from making the "new" Past!Allen into a doll or plan anything regarding that as I have some doubts, I have to wait until details are clearer).
I have Allen from that AU as doll. I have the Millennium Earl (healed) variant from that AU as Progress doll and I still love the character...
so I will - for now - keep him as my AU Variant, he is now more OC than a true character from the series but I just love him too much as character to scrap him.
For the Earl/Adam (aka healed Mana), I got the head last year and ordered the body in November. I have asked Stacy yesterday if there is an update and Conarium just got back to her and the body will shipped next week.
So for now after the cosplay (or maybe inbetween) Adam will get priority in doll regards as I want my AU Family to be complete as soon as possible.
Long story short:
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My current incoming List updated :)
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kamiversee · 6 months
AND this whole chapter was a HARD read i kept having to take tiktok breaks cus everything was overwhelming and makes me mad
but on a good note
choso is so fucking HOT when he’s mad, like a bae keep on yelling me😍😍
he’s so sexy when he’s jealous and mad like let’s fuck el oh el
but yeah this chapter had me torn…
Yet another Kami yap session incoming!!
2. i knew the tt breaks were coming😭
3. Choso is lowk hot when he’s mad idk maybe I’m just toxic😭 I mean he pmo ofc bc why are you yelling at me?🤨 but at the same time it’s like, idkkkk yell at me some more😩 im almost there-
Anyways, the next chapter is abt to rip u apart if this one had you torn ^.^
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gravvitywritestrash · 2 years
Dincember Day 8, Prompt: Candle
Gender neutral reader!
Warnings: yearning, pinning, slight angst? fearing unrequited love
Series Masterlist
The only light source was the two candles sitting on the table between you and Mando.
Mando had touched down on the cold planet earlier that day, intending on hunting a quarry. When he had gone into town to search, the locals had warned of an incoming snow storm.
Not wanting any of you to be stuck inside the Crest during the storm, and unable to track his bounty during the storm, Mando had rented your group a room at the inn for the night.
With the storm approaching, many tourists were stuck at the inn, leaving only one twin room for you three to share. While the room was nice and spacious, not to mention fairly cheap, the power had gone out not too long after the storm started.
The kid had gone down for a nap after you did your best to entertain him, leaving you and Mando sitting on either side of the table, with the light of two candles between you.
At first it had been awkward, and Mando had tried keeping busy by meticulously cleaning every weapon he had on him. You had done the same with your single blaster and virbro knife. You had offered to help him clean his other weapons since yours took significantly less time, but he had declined.
So instead, you decided to talk. You told him a few stories from your travels, about the time you had gotten trapped in the underground level of a storage facility while working on the security system. You had accidentally tripped a shut down feature that caused the facility to go on full lock-down. It had taken a day and a half for you to figure out how to disarm it and get the doors to unlock.
While unresponsive at first, you noticed Mando gave you his undivided attention when you started talking. Though his visor was still pointed at the stripped barrel of his blaster, he had ran the rag over it the entire time you were talking, clearly not focusing on his task.
Over the course of the next hour, Mando had put down his blaster and cleaning tools, focusing on you instead. He had even started talking a bit on his own, matching some of your stories with a story of his own.
You'd remember this day forever. The attention Mando always gave you when you talked made you feel special, important. He wasn't a man of many words, but he always listened to yours. And the fact that he was willingly opening up to you, telling you about some of the things he's seen while traveling the galaxy, letting you know him. The idea that you were one of the few who got to see this side of him made your heart flutter.
You had even gotten him to laugh, though it was quiet, you could hear the chuckle and see the shake of his shoulders. The low sound ignited a fire in your chest, it spread butterflies in your stomach and warmth to your face.
Sure, maybe having a crush on your employer was a bad, terrible, idea. You doubted that the closed off Mandalorian would ever see you as more than anything as a friend, if not just an employee.
But when you had gotten him to laugh a second time, you knew you were content with it. Normally, you would be bold and forward with your feelings with anyone else. You had the confidence to approach anyone you desired, and the pride to accept when they rejected you.
You weren't sure if you could do that with the mandalorian. For starters, you didn't want to make him uncomfortable. You knew he was too kind to leave you behind if he didn't feel the same. You weren't certain if he would fire you in that instance either, stuck in between needing an on board mechanic to care for the Crest, and not wanting to go through the trouble of having to find a new one, one that he could trust.
You couldn't put him in that position, having to know how you felt and not returning your feelings, then possibly being stuck with you after that. You were even doubting if you'd be able to stomach that rejection.
You liked Mando. A lot. More than you had really ever liked anyone in this type of way. Maybe it was the constant close quarters, maybe it was the mystery, or the fact that you got to see the soft man under the hard layers. You weren't sure, but when you started falling for him, you fell fast.
You didn't want to risk screwing up whatever lied in between you and him by letting him know how you felt. You couldn't risk awkwardness settling in between you two when you had finally started to break down those walls he put up. And on the possibility he suggested going separate ways, you didn't want to risk the other factors that had you pinned here. The job, being able to travel the galaxy and work while doing it. You had told Mando you didn't need many credits, instead being content to the luxuries of not being tethered to the ground. You didn't want to give that up yet, not after your last planet side bout lasted almost 5 standard rotations.
And lastly, the kid. By the Maker did you love that kid. He had taken to you quickly, and you to him. He was sweet, reckless, always hungry, and curious. Mando had been extremely cautious when you had learned of the kid's force abilities, but you took them in stride, promising to protect the kid at any cost.
You knew you'd always be second to Mando, the kid favoring his father, but you loved the kid, and you knew he loved you too. You couldn't give him up, you almost felt like having to leave the kid behind would be the worst thing that could ever happen to you.
So for now, you were content with sharing this moment with Mano, telling short stories on either side of the two burning candles.
taglist: @honeydjarin
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jase-is-ace · 2 years
Back into the Pit
Chapter 8: The Keepers
Twist trudged down the various halls of the studio to find herself a meal.
While she was on her hunt, she spotted a keeper patrolling.
Twist’s expression soured at the sight of them.
Those ugly things tried to capture her once.
She was in a squabble with some lost ones when it happened. She was just trying to get back to one of her old dens when one grabbed her tail, which was very rude to do without permission obviously.
The demoness lashed out, shattering the glass eye it had with a swift punch.
That was when she had met Wilson, who had informed her that she was a nuisance to this world.
Without the ink demon stalking about, she had become the next big obstacle.
At least that’s how he worded it.
“Greedy old man.” Twist thought bitterly.
“He doesn’t care for the inhabitants of this world any more than I do. We are all just his pawns.”
Twist was about to leave when she heard a deafening cry.
She had been spotted by a keeper.
Twist turned on her heel and made a beeline for the exit. It shut right in her face as she was about to reach it.
The demoness quickly changed course and leaped over one of the incoming keepers. Using its head as a boost board, she sprung up to the higher level.
Clutching onto the railing for dear life, she tried to climb up.
Only to meet the heated glare of another keeper, too stunned to act, she was vulnerable to the oncoming attack.
The keeper quickly grabbed Twist’s hands and crushed them, giving an ugly long crack as it continued.
Twist let out a painful cry as she tried to break free.
The keeper let go, letting the demoness fall into the clutches of the other keepers.
Twist took a brutal fall and didn’t have enough time to come to their senses before they were swarmed.
It was much harder to fight now that her hands were broken, but that didn’t mean they were going down without one.
Twist relied on her jaws and legs, licking and biting whoever was in range.
That is until she felt a sharp but momentary pain in her arm.
A needle.
She looked over to see a keeper pulling out said needle and then taking a step back.
Almost immediately the world started to spin around the demoness before black started to cloud their vision.
And then she collapsed.
The keeper hoisted her up and started to drag her back to the old GENT building.
The home of the Keepers.
Chapter 7 / Chapter 9
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marvelsuperfangirl · 2 years
Part 2
The party was still going smoothly inside, people dancing, drinking and disgustingly making out…
“Oh for fuck’s sake” you groaned
Even all the holy water in the world couldn’t clean your eyes from the sight of Bucky, sucking the soul out of a random girl, who seemed to appreciate it, the way she hugged him, while letting his devilish tongue slide down her throat.
You swallowed back your incoming need to throw up and carried on walking around in search for a friendly face. As you were about to round the corner to the kitchen, someone passed an arm around your shoulders, yanking you against their body.
“Hey Girl! “
Natasha was grinning at you, in a way that betrayed her tipsy state. Right behind her you noticed Steve, who despite in a passionate conversation with Sam waved at you.
As if understanding your distress, she walked the two of you into the kitchen, followed bu the guys.
“So… We’ve seen you coming back from the garden, where there’s apparently currently no one”
She let go of you to hop on the counter, moving as dramatically a she managed while being drunk out of her ass, giving what seems to be a teasing look.
“Who’s the lucky guy?”
Even Steve and Sam, which latter rarely shut up after a few drinks, fell silent.
You gave your friend your best resting bitch face.
“Wanda” you let out, arching yyour eyebrows to show how much of a stupid question that was.
“Aw!! You’d look so good together” she cooed I would’ve never bet you had a crush on her, but I’m cheering for you two!”
Your face fell at the slurs she just uttered before turning to the guys.
“Is she serious?”
“Well, in her defense, she was really hyped up at the idea of you kissing the hell out of someone in the garden…Almost like a matchmaker, making her only money on you” Sam laughed.
Steve joined in, clearly not knowing where to find his place in this whole nonsense.
As you turned back to Nat, you tapped her shoulder, gently.
“Sorry to disappoint, but I wasn’t kissing any guy…or Wanda…”
A scoff broke the silence, at least as silent as a kitchen during a party can be, announcing the arrival of your most dreadful omen.
“Guys already didn’t want to approach you now even girls. What is left for you except animals? Or inanimate things?
His tone slashed through the room, plunging everyone into a sphere of awkwardness.
“Bucky be nice, please”  
He broke into a grin, turning to his best friend.
“I am being nice. I’ve said far worse”
Steve stood between the two of you, raising an eyebrow at what he was implying, while carrying on glaring at him.
“Don’t worry Steve, your friend must have skipped the numerous evolution stage leading to politeness, it’s incurable”
“Says the one who’s still at the level of beauty of a cavewoman”
“Okay! Both of you, time out! We’re here to have fun, not have a 5 years old-like banter contest” Sam interrupted.
You leaned back against the counter, next to Nat, who leaned against you while blindly wrapping her arms around your neck, almost hitting you square in the face. But you were grateful for the gesture of comfort.
“Don’t listen to him, you know you’re adorable”
You simply hummed, glancing at Bucky who was eyeing you with an annoyingly mocking face”
But you eye contact was quick to be broken. He looked down, a few before you felt your phone vibrate in your back pocket.
And as eager as you were to avoid any kind of interaction with him, you pulled the device out, lifting it enough to be able to read the notification above Nat’s arms.
“Mom added you to a chatroom”
With furrowed eyebrows, you tapped on the notification, which opened onto a chatroom, where already a few messages has been sent.
“Welcome to the Barnes / Y/L/N conjoint holiday chat. Y/N and Bucky, since you’re both coming home, we thought it was the perfect occasion for a reunion. We booked a chalet up in the mountain where we’ll all spend Christmas and New Year. See you in two weeks.”
As you read over the text, you felt your blood run cold upon realizing what it was implying.
You lowered your phone, discovering Bucky, face distorted by anger, which was currently directed at you.
From then on, you could say that’s how Bucky Barnes ruined your holidays.
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lovesthecure · 2 years
God, I'm stressed.
The puppy we're trying to get might've been a scam? His mother is the one in touch with them, and she hasn't updated us since last night. They kept piling on more costs, the puppy itself was only supposed to be 600. After promising us he'd be here soon, they keep piling on more...? Feels fishy as shit. I hope it isn't.
My step dad decided to go get laid, and not update me. No "okay, I'm leaving now" or anything. Ghosted me for an entire day, and then told me to somehow cook dinner faster. We had to clear out of the living area by the time he was done showering after he got home. Ignored my messages about needing soap and groceries. Didn't even feed or walk the dog.
I'm having dreams about my egg donor again. They say that when you dream of someone, it means they're thinking about you. I'd rather she didn't.
There's a potential client who just isn't getting back to me. I'm trying to not be pushy, but if I should save a slot for them... I kind of need to know that. Is that 80$ I should budget into things, or not?
I think "the ps5 incident" genuinely left something on top of the Christmas Trauma Pile. I keep sitting here convinced he's going to ignore the list to get something for himself again. My whole childhood I was bad at wanting things, and now that I finally want things: he ignores it for something he wanted. Ignores it for that. Maybe I just have a low opinion of the man, but I don't put it past him to do two years in a row.
His cat allergies didn't react to his crush's longhair cats. I doubt he even has the allergies--he spent a week with my grandparent's shorthairs with no trouble at all. Either way, apparently I can get a kitten now. It just has to be a longhair. He's not that conspiratorial, but I keep wondering if that's somehow a trap. Like he knows the grooming costs would be too high, aside from me grooming the cat myself. He's not that smart though. He just knows he's run out of excuses to say I can't have a cat, and can't be bothered to just say "no."
We can't move out fast enough, it feels. Then it's not his decision.
I have to sit at a table and play DND with him next week. I have to not complain and just keep playing. I'm glad his character is so interested in other characters that aren't mine. It means I can focus elsewhere too.
I hate that I can't complain. I have to sit there, complacent. I'm a doll waiting to have the string pulled, to go "it's fine," and be set back on the shelf. Maybe I'd feel less like that if he even attempted to put time into me. He couldn't even watch episode 1 of a show with me. He doesn't invite me on streams anymore. As much as I wouldn't want to be there anyway, it stings a little. My usefulness has been outlived.
But not really. He can feel like he "provides" for me. My mother-in-law worries all the time that he drinks more out of stress. That maybe he's stressed caring for my husband and I. Maybe if I had the energy I'd tell her how much he actively impedes me making progress as an adult. Either on purpose, accidentally, or sub-consciously. I'm 21. I don't even have an ID to bring to a restaurant to prove it. With no car or stable income of my own... I have to rely on him. What a fucking joke that is.
He's been neglecting me to some level since 16, but hey. At least he doesn't do half the shit my egg donor or grandmother did, huh?
Once the basement is done, my mother-in-law is letting us move in there. It'd be impossible to get a place of our own, even if my husband and I both worked full-time. Manageable rent from her, as she helps us get off our feet. I'm terrified. Almost as scared as I'd been waiting 2 ~ 3 years for my step father to update me on if I was even going to see a doctor or not for numerous health issues plaguing me. Almost.
It's just slightly easier.
At least it means things will go somewhere.
At least there, I will not stagnate the way I've been forced to here.
I feel kind of like a prisoner.
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nqseoservices · 4 months
ONPASSIVE 360 with Ash Mufareh: Updates and Exciting News
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ONPASSIVE 360 with Ash Mufareh: Updates and Exciting News
  Ash Mufareh Shares Exciting Updates:
Ash Mufareh kicked off the latest ONPASSIVE 360 session with a burst of energy and updates. Last Wednesday, Ash reminded us that ONPASSIVE is here to stay, and our mission to break records and achieve greatness is stronger than ever.  
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ONPASSIVE 360 with Ash Mufareh Updates and Exciting News  
Big Surprises and Celebrations:
Ash teased a surprise coming from Michigan, expressing gratitude for their intelligence and contributions. And let’s not forget to wish a very happy birthday to Red! His big day is May 23rd, so don’t forget to send him some birthday love (maybe not 20 messages each, as Ash joked).  
Financial Milestones and Progress:
Great news on the financial front! The funds that were on hold have been released, and we’re moving forward with payment processing. We won our case, and the final stages of clearing the funds are underway. We expect good news next week as this process should be completed soon.  
Introducing O-Verify: A Game-Changer in AI Verification:
Ash introduced O-Verify, an AI-powered verification system set to become the best in the market. By developing this system in-house, we save money for both the company and our Affiliates. Once O-Verify goes live, it will open up another stream of income. Stay tuned for more details on its implementation.  
Enhancing Payment Processing Systems:
Our payment processing systems are making significant progress. We have more processors lined up, and everything is shaping up nicely. This ensures smoother transactions and better service for everyone involved.  
Building a Strong Team:
Ash emphasized the importance of surrounding yourself with quality people. He’s inspired by the long conversations with incredibly intelligent masterminds, leading to groundbreaking brainstorming sessions. This high level of expertise and collaboration is what ONPASSIVE needs to succeed.   Encouraging Growth and Taking Risks: Ash encourages all of us to stretch ourselves, take risks, and explore new opportunities. This mindset of growth and learning is crucial for personal and professional development.   Corporate Insights and Strategic Moves: Ash and the key executives will keep us informed about important developments and when to get involved. It’s always refreshing to take a break and join sessions like O-Ron and Minoo for updates and insights.   Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Darrell Cook, Janet Butler, and Peter Surur for their help with the notes.   Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s continue this journey together with confidence and excitement. ONPASSIVE is here to crush it, and we’re doing it for all of you who deserve the best!   Read the full article
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wahstory · 5 months
For women entrepreneurs, going online is the most promising road ahead
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“I learned about 26 different aspects of entrepreneurship, including market acquisition, branding and marketing of products, and setting up a private limited company. It helped me develop as an entrepreneur.”
It all started in 2008, when a young Kanika Talukdar’s husband died in an accident. She was saddled with the responsibility of her 4-month-old daughter. She confronted the darkest and most struggling phase of her life due to a financial crisis and not being able to find any job because of a lack of education, as she could not complete her schooling and had insufficient vocational skills. Because she didn’t want to be a financial burden on anyone, Kanika started vermicomposting with an investment of only Rs 500, for which she got a five-day training at Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Nalbari, Assam.
Despite numerous sleepless nights, scarcity of funds, failures, and rejections, in 2015, she produced 100 quintals of vermicompost, which brought her an annual income of Rs one lakh. The figure went up to Rs 1.70 lakh in 2017. This was very encouraging for a woman entrepreneur from rural India with limited education. A lot of women entrepreneurs like her gave spark to their business ideas through digitalization. One example is Richa Singh, who established a successful business empire through digitalization. She is breaking the stigma of mental illness in society by spreading awareness and providing help through her digital platform. Understanding that most people are scared to talk about their mental condition despite being crushed by stress.
Digitalizing your idea
In the modern and rapidly changing business era, going digital can get you really big opportunities standing at your doorstep. We are all aware of the benefits that entrepreneurs get from realizing and unleashing the power of digitalization. Insights show that the reach of the business and sales can rise two times when digital channels are adopted. A woman entrepreneur from a small district of Haryana achieved a massive increase in sales and revenue by promoting her wooden products on Facebook, Instagram, and Google. Hence, it could be a brilliant idea to use technology in your business, whether you want to start it or expand it.
Your idea is great, indeed !
If you’re thinking that your idea is too small to establish an entire business from it, you must have a look at all those women entrepreneurs who started their businesses by selling air-fried panipuri and even coffee. The main thing is to believe yourself and do the experiments because life is all about learning. We must focus on encouraging and supporting the women entrepreneurs around us.
This is an unhidden fact that an individual needs to struggle and confront a lot of challenges while executing the business idea and making it real. However, there are many government schemes to support the startups financially. Also, we are able to see a positive change and a shift in mindset, which is achieved due to the constant efforts of young entrepreneurs in India.
Achieve heights everyday
The pandemic impacted every business, no matter if it was a small-scale or large business. Everybody could clearly see a decline in the performance charts in almost every business; however, there are still many businesses that performed really well even during that pandemic time that became possible through technology. COVID taught all of us a lot of things, and some entrepreneurs took it to the next level by leveraging the advantages of technology along with their managerial skills.
Insights show that, in 2020, women entrepreneurs raised funds twice as much as men did on Facebook. Also, 64 percent of the total funds raised were contributed by women entrepreneurs. We can clearly see in many national reports that small and medium scale businesses are contributing nearly 30 percent to the GDP of India. Indeed, these numbers are mind-blowing but we still need to work hard in order to make this situation better by providing more opportunities to women at the workplace.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Acuity Brands (AYI) stock price was stuck in a narrow consolidation zone, ranging between $157.50 and $171.00. The stock price attempted several times to rise and close above $171 but was unsuccessful due to the strong presence of bears above it. AYI stock price consolidated for more than two months.  The last candle successfully broke the resistance level and closed above it. The Quarter 4 earning report boosted the price. If the bullish momentum prevails, the stock price might rise toward the next resistance level of $185.  Conversely, if the bears enter the market, the stock price may retest the previous zone, and resistance is turned into support of $171. For the price to retest an annual high, it must rise above $185.  Quarterly Report Analysis of Acuity Brands  Atlanta-based Acuity Brands reported its Quarter 4 2023 results on 4th October before the markets opened. The news from the lighting and building management company was reasonably good. Its shares are up more than 7% in intra-day trading. Acuity Brands posted a revenue of $1.01 Billion, down 9% over the same quarter the prior year. The earnings per share was $3.97, up from the $3.95 reported in last year’s fourth quarter. In fiscal year 2023, the company reported a revenue of $3.95 Billion, down 1.3% from the previous year.  The adjusted operating profit was $597.4 Million, a rise of 1.6% from the previous year. Its adjusted earnings per share earned $14.05 which was 9.5% higher than a year earlier. This might be the primary driver of the spike that occurred in AYI stock. For the 2023 fiscal year, the consensus expected earnings per share of $13.81 in 2023. It crushed by 24 cents or 1.7%. Acuity Brands also stated that during the quarter, they recognized pre-tax charges of $35.5 Million that affected net income.  Will AYI Stock Price Rise Toward $185 Level? The stock price has advanced above 20, 50,100, and 200-day exponential moving averages, indicating bullish momentum. The Chaikin money flow score also witnessed a rise on the last trading day from -0.16 to -0.03, indicating a rise in the strength and capital inflow in the market.  If the bullish rally continues, it will soon cross the 0 mark. The relative strength index has entered in an overbought zone and stands at 73.75, implying a strong presence of bears in the market and chances of a short-term pullback.  Conclusion  The financial health of Acuity Brands is also robust with a net debt of $98 Million, which is 2% of the market capitalization (5.54 Billion). Traders should be cautious around $185. Technical Levels Major support: $157.50 and $150 Major resistance: $185 and $201 
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