#next guy pls have better aim
j4zzyh4nds · 2 months
Apparently Trump was just shot at a rally??? Funniest thing to happen all year good for the guy that did it
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bryce-bucher · 1 year
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NPC Guy:
As you can see in the pictures above, there is now a guy. Lately I've been trying to get better at 2D digital painting, and it dawned on me that it might be kinda cool to make the friendly NPCs in this game lowpoly dudes with hand painted textures.
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Initially I drew up this face and tried to make a model to fit it, but I realized quickly I needed to not cut corners and actually, like, design a character first.
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I went back to the drawing board (literally omg) and drew up this guy to serve as a factory worker NPC. After that I got to modelling/ texturing. After both of those were done what do u know I got a new guy wow.
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Quite a fun process.
New Desert Zone:
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I whiteboxed a new little area to the left of the desert night club. This is essentially a little zone housing the hideout sphere of the nefarious dr spider. I don't know what else to say about it.
Steam Page:
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The steam page is up!!! I've been pretty excited to get the page up if for no other reason than the art I commissioned for it rules. The key art was done by турбожаба and I am super happy about it. I gave them a reference render for the perspective / lighting and they returned it to me a masterpiece
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Pls wishlist it btw. It helps out a good deal.
It's been pretty hard for me to get work done the past few weeks, so I'm happy to finally be making progress again. I had to go to the ER for chronic stomach issues (I'm fine) and deal with some other troubling events. Anyway, I'm gonna aim to have a demo done by feb so hopefully that'll happen. The next thing I'm gonna get done is implement Dr.Spider himself. Hope u look forward to it and have a good day.
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ssentimentals · 2 years
dating dino feels like…
having best friend and lover all in one. being friends first is important for him, he needs a solid foundation before taking things one step further. he fell in love with you slowly, uncovering you layer by layer; your appearance lured him in, but it’s your heart for which he stayed.
('do i look good?' you ask, nervously looking at your boyfriend. 'should i change into something else?'
chan smiles, shaking his head. your fussing over meeting his friends is cute, but he doesn't get why you're so nervous. 'my family won't care about your outfit, i swear.'
'first impression is important!' you argue, frowning.
'and you will make a striking one, i promise.' chan comes closer, hugging you from behind. 'first they'll think you are pretty and then they'll get to know you and will realize why i am so gone for you. your smile is pretty, but your heart is prettier, believe me.')
chan’s image can be found next to “chivalry” word in a dictionary. he’s doing it all: opening the doors, walking on the side of a sidewalk, putting coat on you when it’s cold out, pulling out chair and you better let him, because for him those little acts speak volumes, they help him convey his feelings for you in a subtle way. he gets a bit lost with words so actions work better for him.
('you do know, right?' he suddenly asks and you look up in confusion, not understanding what he’s means. 'that I love you. you know that, right?' he starts stressing when all you do is gape at him in shock and continues: 'i just- i think i forget to actually say it, you know-'
'you say it to me all the time,' you interrupt, looking at him seriously. 'every time you bring me my favorite takeout, every time you go out of your way to be there for me, every time you message me asking if i'm alright or if i slept well. channie,' you cradle his face in your hands, 'you say it to me all the time. and i hear you.' the smile he gives you is full of gratitude and affection. 'but you still can say it more, you know.' you tease, making both of you laugh.
'love you, i love you.' he rambles, attacking you with kisses.)
dates with chan are either super chill ('you, me, takeout and netflix sounds good, doesn't it?') either super fancy ('bought you hundred and one roses, because you deserve them and because they show my love nicely'). he likes to mix up, selfishly and a bit childishly wants to be your first one in everything, wants certain places and emotions to be associated with him and only him.
('you look awfully smug,' you comment, when you both go out of the very popular and hard to get restaurant. 'what is it?'
'nothing, i'm just happy that your first time here was with me,' he answers honestly, taking your hand in his. 'now, for you this place will be linked to me, always.')
chan is 'what's on your mind? tell me everything' and 'your problems are my problems as well' kind of guy. he strives to be your favorite person to go to, his mission is to be on your speed dial in case of emergencies, his aim is for you to feel like you are never ever alone and with him it really is like that.
dating chan is like jumping and knowing that you won't fall because on the other side everything is already laid out for your safe landing. he makes you feel like there is nothing to fear in this world, that friendship is the biggest gift but love is the biggest reward.
a/n: when i say that chan is not even close to being my bias but he IS in top3 of best boyfriends in svt list - does it make sense? do you get me guys? pls tell me that you do, this boy is the bEST!! anyway, here is the link to my other works, come say hi <3 - nini
tag list: @pearlygraysky @woozionascooter @smalliechelle @jaetaimjadore @yeow6n (please let me know if you want to be added!)
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outermaybanks · 4 months
Out of the Woods - ch 2
a/n: okay i know this is an oc fic and that's not everyone's cup of tea which is so totally fine, im just curious would it be better to make each chapter longer like 3k-6k words, or should i keep them shorter but there'd be a lot of them? pls
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Kie liked to fill the silence with question games. Usually basic ones, but we’d already run through most of those. 
“So when are you gonna tell JJ about your huge crush on him?” Kie asked suddenly, making my head whip around. Pope began laughing hysterically which just made me more flustered.
“Shut up, Kie. Pope, stop laughing!” I scolded, dipping my hand in the water to splash it at him, but that just made him laugh more and now Kiara was joining in. 
“Fuck you both!” I said, fighting out giggles myself as Kie splashed me back. When it died down, it felt heavy, like the unanswered question was still aching to be answered.
“Well I think you guys would be good together.” Kie spoke up, obviously feeling the tension.
“Yeah, like fire and gasoline.” Pope teased, earning a smack on the arm from Kie.
“You know the rules. No Pogue-on-Pogue macking,” I said.
“No one actually follows that rule.” Pope said and I rolled my eyes.
“Fine. Something else. What’s your biggest pet peeve?” Kie asked.
“When people pry into my love life.” I teased, earning a middle finger from Kie, giggling.
“What about you?” Pope asked, bumping Kie’s shoe with his.
“My biggest pet peeve? When people give one percent to the environment.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“We only have one Earth, Pope. We should be giving it 100 percent bare minimum.”
“Right… that’s not fiscally sound.”
“Neither is destroying the only planet we have to live on.”
I saw blue cars pulling up. “Hey, hey, hey- cops.” I said, interrupting their debate. 
“Shit.” Kie mumbled.
“Call them.” Pope instructed.
“I can’t. Towers are down.” Kie slowly stood and hid behind some debris, we followed behind her.
“If I lose my merit scholarship, I’m gonna kill someone,” Pope whispered as we found a place to hide. We tried to listen in, and Pope said maybe they wouldn’t go up there, but Kie wasn’t as optimistic.
“Follow me.” I said, keeping low and sneaking over to the building to go to the other side where the boys had gone into the room. We could see them through the window.
Pope bent down to pick up a rock, but totally missed, so me and Kie picked some up and we all started throwing rocks, aiming for the window. Once one hit the glass, John B’s face appeared in the window and we all motioned that he needed to go, Pope whispering “cops”, as if John B could hear him.
John B disappeared in an instant and I felt my stomach drop. What was the charge for sneaking into someone else’s hotel room? 
“C’mon!” Kie said, grabbing my arm and pulling me. We ran to get back on the boat, with Kiara at the wheel.
“Should we peel?” Kie asked.
“Never leave a Pogue behind.” Pope answered. I was still catching my breath, watching the hotel for any signs of them catching JJ and John B.
“Seriously, should we peel?” Kie asked again.
“Maybe..” Pope answered and I smacked his arm. Just then, the window opened, and JJ and John B climbed out, standing on the ledge on either side of the window.
“What the fuck are they doing?” I asked. Both boys looked like they were having fun. They weren’t rushing to climb down, even though I’ve seen JJ jump from higher. Then something fell from his pocket my breath caught in my throat. The cop looked out the window, so we all turned as if we were just talking. Then they left, and the boys came down, laughing from the adrenaline. 
John B quickly got us out of there and the two began telling us what they saw, and how the cops took everything. I was sitting on the front of the boat, trying to figure out the feeling in my stomach.
“Scooch.” JJ said, walking over to me.
“Fuck off.” I retorted, making him raise an eyebrow at me.
“What’s your problem?”
Instead of answering, I scooted over. “Are you seriously mad at me? You guys could have warned us sooner.” “Well, we would’ve, but Pope was on the math team.” Kie teased. JJ kept his eyes on me, like he was unsure of me.
“The cops took everything like it was a crime scene.” John B spoke up.
“Did you guys find anything?” Pope asked.
“Hmm…Did we find anything?” JJ said, digging into his pockets, only to pull out a stack of cash and a gun. “No, I don’t think so. Oh, yeah, we did.”
I jumped up to get away from the gun. Pope stepped forward, pulling me back behind him to be further from the gun.
“What the hell?” Pope asked at the same time that Kiara said, “Dude, what?”
“Dude, chill. Come on.”
“Why would you take that from a crime scene?” Pope scolded in disbelief.
Kie turned to John B, Pope started panicking over his scholarship, and JJ tried to reassure him it was fine. Once Pope gave up, sitting back down, JJ turned to look at me, holding the gun up.
“It’s fine, Junie, look.” JJ tried to reassure me, but I wouldn’t even look at him. “Bug..” JJ tried again. Bug was his nickname for me, when I was a kid, my mom would call me Junebug, but when I found out that junebugs were the stinky ones, I made her stop. JJ, upon learning that fact, picked up on calling me bug. 
John B pulled up to the docks, but we noticed a huge group of people, so we hung out under a canopy to watch the chaos.
“Junie, c’mon, we’re not 12 anymore you can’t give me the silent treatment when you’re mad at me.” JJ practically pleaded. He was wrong, silent treatment was the best punishment for JJ, it wasn’t the silence that drove him nuts, it was the fact he knew I was upset with him. 
“Did you hear something, Kie?” I asked, making her roll her eyes.
“Real mature.” JJ grumbled, John B chuckled watching the whole thing unfold. But then, some of the people cleared, and we could see what was causing the chaos, a dead body. A crab fisherman called it in, found him in the Marsh. One of the girl’s that liked to follow JJ around said he was Scooter Grubbs, and that he was out in the storm. “I got a pic, check it out. Dead body.” The girl, Samantha I think, showed each of us the picture, causing me to grimace when I got a peek as she showed it to JJ. “That’s morbid,” I mumbled, grimacing as I turned my head away.
“What kind of boat did he have?” JJ asked.
“Somehow that dirtbag copped a brand new Grady-White. Everyone’s out looking for it.” We all exchanged looks. 
Pope had to run home, but the rest of us went back to the Chateau, sitting in the mudroom. JJ fidgeted with the lighter I got him. “Junie, you talking to me yet?” JJ asked.
“Hey, Jeeb?” I said, getting John B to turn to look at me. “Yeah, Junes?”
“Does JJ still have that stolen crime scene gun?” I asked.
“Mmmm yeah, looks like it.”
“Oh, okay” I said, going back to drawing on the whites of my shoes with a sharpie.
The door flew open, getting my attention. “Okay, so, um… we didn’t see anything. We don’t know anything. We need to have total and complete amnesia.” Pope said, sitting beside Kie.
“Actually, Pope’s right for once. See, I agree with you sometimes.” JJ stood up. “Deny, deny, deny.”
“Guys, we can’t keep that money.” Kie spoke up.
“Okay- not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara.” JJ retorted.
“We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs. Otherwise, it’s bad karma.”
“Bad karma to be implicated in a felony, too. We gotta go dark.”
“If that means we get to keep the money, then I agree.” JJ said.
“I don’t agree.” John B chimed in.
“What? Why?” JJ asked.
“Just think about it. This is Scooter Grubbs we’re talking about. Same dude that’s buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole. Shit, one time I saw this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas. We’re talking about a dirtbag marina rat who’s never had more than $40 in his pocket, and all of a sudden he’s got a Grady-White? Just sayin’.”
This would become the topic of discussion all day, John B just couldn’t let it go, bringing it back up while Pope and JJ fished, and me and Kie shared a blunt. 
“Alright, so think about it, Pope. How does a marina rat get a Grady-White?” John B asked.
“Prostitution,” Pope answered flatly, focusing on fishing.
“Square groupers, bro,” John B corrected. “Okay, flying under the radar, no aerial surveillance. They don’t do that stuff during a hurricane. What does that mean? JJ?”
“They were straight smuggling’,” JJ answered. I looked over my shoulder at him, only to find his eyes already on me. I turned back around.
“Smugglin’. And I guarantee there’s a serious amount of contraband in that wreck,” John B argued.
“Hell yeah. Oh-” JJ was interrupted by his line moving and quickly started reeling in a fish. 
After we went back inside, this time, Pope was the one to bring it up.
“For the record, if that is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband on the inside of it… it probably belongs to someone else,” Pope pointed out.
“Minor details,” Kie spoke up.
“They could come looking for it. Taking it would be catastrophically stupid,” Pope argued.
“Right, well,” JJ said, leaning over to take the stack of money from Pope before fanning out the cash. “Stupid things have good outcomes all the time. All we need to do is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck. Until then, we just lay low. Just act normal.” JJ finished.
“Right. And how exactly do we do that?” Pope asked. Yep, they won him over.
“Kegger?” Kie suggested, and we all looked around at each other, smiles growing on our faces.
©outermaybanks 2024
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therantsofawriterrr · 1 month
The Umbrella Academy Final Season: My Version
Part Six: We Put The Extra in Extra Ordinary
Overview: With their powers restored, the gang gets new information, a new friend and decides to go on a road trip.
TW: mature language, mention of throwing up once, tell me if i missed anything Pairings in the chapter: a little bit of Diego x Lila, a teeny bit of Five x OC A/N: hello, first of all, tysm for all the love you've given this series, I'm thinking of opening up a taglist for this series, if anyone wants in, pls comment, tysm again.
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There were specific ways that the Hargreeves got to know that their powers were back.
Diego was the first one to notice. He hadn't slept properly the previous night because he was being too alert for some reason. He was driving the mail van, and threw a box at a house, landing it correctly in the mailbox. He whipped his head to the road in disbelief, looking at the house again before going back to get an envelope. He looked at the address and threw it at the window, sending it straight through the mail slot.
"Yeah!" he cheered, with a fist pump, going back down to get more envelopes, throwing them out the window to get them all into the right houses with the utmost accuracy. He was groaning in excitement, happy tears welling in his eyes at his aim being perfect.
Next was Five, who just felt very tired, and he felt like someone was somehow searing his bones. He was watching the last locations of the Thibedeaus in his office, drinking his black coffee when Derek came in, with their files filled with their histories and everything. He placed it on the table with his lips set in an angry line.
"I better not get into trouble for this, Mr. Five," he muttered.
"You won't," Five mumbled back, too swept in the pain in his body. "Don't worry."
He felt the ache in his legs intensify, so he stood up, deciding to read the files that way. As soon as he did, though, his head spun and he stumbled forward, his eyes closing for a split second as he saw a flash of purple. When he opened them, he found himself in a weird subway.
His eyes flicked around the grey walls and the ticket counter rods. "What the..." he softly let out, when he was sucked back in, seeing a flash of purple once again, and then falling back into his chair in his office with a grunt.
Derek came back in, as he groaned, his back pain heightened. "You feeling okay, Mr. Five?" he asked with concern.
'No, I don't think I am," he said weakly. "Tell the boss I'm taking a sick day."
He felt like throwing up when he took his coat and went out the door, but the brisk, cold air outside grounded him a bit.
Allison was in an audition, trying her best to play the part and ignore the mounting headache. The guys looked a bit skeptical, but she was desperate.
Please, just take me in. Even a minor role's fine.
There was a golden ring around her pupils all of a sudden and the all the men's eyes changed, turning all white before they grinned and clapped.
"That was amazing, Mrs. Chestnut! You're perfect for a role we have on the movie. It's a small one, but you'll be good for it."
Allison froze, stunned into a stupor before she excused herself and ran out the building in a frenzy.
All in all, their powers led to a problem, and the old group chat got active again. They'd made it so that they could stay in touch with each other, but that hadn't worked out. Though, at that moment, it was a godsend. They decided to meet in the Hargreeves Home For Wayward Boys, a place that they'd used to frequent if they'd needed to let some anger out.
It was probably supposed to be a condemned building, but they guessed it wasn't because finally, it belonged to the old man himself.
Diego and Lila were arguing loudly when Viktor had reached the place, which was filled with dust.
"Someone explain what the hell is going on here, quick," he demanded, silencing the couple.
"Well, Viktor, that's what we're all trying to figure out," Five said dryly.
"Luther, hey, you alright man,?" Diego asked, while Luther clutched at his gut.
"Yeah, I just... I don't know it feels like body's burning inside out," he choked out.
"Yeah, same, I feel like someone injected motor oil into my veins," Five said, as everyone except Klaus agreed.
"It's so strange. Because I, for once, feel fantastic," Klaus stated with a smile. "Sure, I woke up to see about a hundred ghosts just hanging around, but they were very nice. Went out after just a little bit of small talk."
"There are ghosts in my house?" Allison asked, lifting her head from the edge of the couch in surprise.
"Yeah, apparently there were a lot of suicides in the basement because there used to be a really, really bad ghosty living there, but I drove him out, don't worry," Klaus said, batting a hand dismissively with a reassuring smile. He had found the aggressive spirit in the bathroom and had just wiggled his fingers to get them out.
"Oh, you think you got problems?" Lila asked, a panicked edge in her voice. "Look at this,"
"Wait, no!" Diego yelled before twin green laser beams erupted out of her eyes, going through the area of the house, causing everyone to cower under their arms. The beams jaggedly cut through a few things as Lila blindly spun halfway.
When she stopped at the window, she blinked, pinching her eyes closed and then opening them again as Diego stared at her with a mixture of adoration and frustration.
"She broke our kitchen cabinet with that," he rasped.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled and when she started spinning back to her original position, the lasers started up again, and she stumbled, like the lasers were too heavy for her head.
"Turn it off!" Luther screamed.
"I don't know how!" She screamed back.
There was a small blip, and then her lasers were gone. Everyone in that room panted, their ears ringing, as Lila's eyes stung worse than the time when someone had used hot pepper sauce to defend themselves.
She sighed as her vision seemed to come back, the green flashy haze disappearing. "There," she declared, as Diego got back up and everyone got to their seats. She started to notice the damage she'd caused. "Oh, sorry about that."
"Be careful," Five told her.
"How do you do that?" Diego asked curiously.
"A gun to my head, I couldn't tell you," she replied, still trying to blink the sting away.
"Y'know, if Dad finds out about this he's gonna ask us to pay him," Luther speculated.
"I don't give a shit about Dad. I want answers now!" Viktor declared angrily, as raw, glowing, orange power thrummed around him, surrounding him in a small whirlwind.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," everyone exclaimed, holding their hands out to calm him down as Klaus instructed him to breathe.
Ben burst in, looking panicked and frenzied. He was holding his shirt from the back, and when he let it go, two tentacles fell out. Everyone stared at it as Ben looked around.
He trudged forward sadly, moving toward the couch. Allison, who was sitting there, moved out of his way as he moved the tentacles and sat down.
"What is with the tails?" Diego asked, being the first to break the stunned silence.
"I don't know, they won't go back in!" he exclaimed with irritation.
Luther meddlingly touched it with a finger, which prompted it to hit him in the face. "Oh!" he exclaimed, touching his face softly. "God. Why is it cold?"
"The real question is, why would you touch it?" Lila asked.
"No, it's, how the fuck do I have my tentacles back?" Ben said. "How are our powers back?"
"At least, Klaus isn't a human sippy cup anymore," Five stated dryly.
"Oh, wait, yeah," Allison jolted. "Klaus. Do we like, need to keep an eye on you or something?"
"Nah. I have my powers under control now," Klaus said, sitting down beside Ben.
"You sure?" Diego asked skeptically.
"Yeah, I'm not going back to that old Klaus. I like this Klaus. 'Hey, he collects coupons. He's frugal, respectable, reliable,'" he stated proudly. "And most importantly, he's a Klaus that Claire likes. And trusts. And looks up to."
Ben's stomach started rumbling, as he started to gag a bit and threw up straight on the floor. Everyone exclaimed in horror and concern as Klaus pat his back.
Suddenly Five's phone rang, and Viktor slapped his hands to his ears immediately. Upon accepting, Clementine's voice filtered through.
"Where are you?" she asked, huffing a bit, probably walking somewhere.
"Tina, I can't, right now, alright?" he said, about to cut the call.
"I went back to Gene and Jean's house!" she announced, albeit in a soft voice. "And I found something."
"Yeah, well, I took a sick day," he told her.
"Me too. Look, you need to see this, alright? Just give me your loca-"
Clementine stopped speaking and walking, staring at the guy who'd just passed her with a stupefied anger, feeling the phantom lingering of his groping hand on her behind.
"Sorry, sweetheart," he drawled with a predatory grin. "Couldn't resist that ass."
Her anger only increased. "Who the hell is that?" Five asked.
"Just hold for a second," she said plainly, as she swung her leg back and the forward, hitting the guy straight between legs. The man grunted, falling to his knees.
"Sorry, sweetheart." she said with a sweet smile. "Couldn't resist kicking those balls."
Then, she continued walking, restarting her sentence, "Yeah, so just send me your location and I'll get there."
About fifteen minutes later, she exited her car, ran to the door and knocked, waiting to be let in.
Five opened the door to see her all disheveled with a cut on her head. It was still bleeding, flowing down the side of her face and dripping onto her hoodie. His eyes softened immediately with concern.
"What the fuck happened?" he asked, pulling her inside the building by her arm.
"Huh?" she asked, before realization dawned. "Oh. That. Yeah, I got into a fight this morning. I'm fine."
She walked past him and opened her mouth to speak when she froze, seeing as there were other people there.
Five closed the door and walked to stand beside her with his hands in his pockets. "So? What'd you find?"
"Uh. There's people here," she declared, returning Lila's smile and wave.
"Just tell me," he said impatiently.
"Fine," she muttered exasperatedly. She took a jar out of one pocket, and a paper from another. The jar made his eyes widen though, as it did with the whole family.
"What the fuck?" Viktor said first.
"Guys, is it just me or are those two teeny tiny things flying around inside looking like the stuff that's not supposed to exist here?" Klaus asked, pointing a finger.
"No, but what the fuck, though?" Lila asked, mirroring Viktor.
"Where'd you get this?" Five asked, taking the jar in his hands and inspecting it.
"Gene and Jean's house," she replied. "It was there on a table. Trust me, I was just as surprised."
"What's that paper about?" he inquired.
"It has an address of this dry cleaner that's in my area. I know the guy, but he started acting weird yesterday. I think he might have gotten into the cult."
He took the paper from her hand, fingers brushing hers for a second before her eyes went black and she stumbled back a little.
"Whoa, whoa, what the hell?" Allison said just as her eyes returned to normal.
"Christ, Five. You need therapy," she said.
"Okay, what just happened?" Diego asked.
"My powers acted up," she said. "For the fifth damn time this morning."
"Whoa, wait, hold the phone for a minute here," Lila interjected. "You have powers?"
"Yeah. Look, I'll tell you more, but we need to get to the dry cleaners fast. We might get more info, plus, I really don't want that sweet guy to get caught up in all that cult business."
"I'm holding you to that. But, are you saying that the Keepers might actually have something to do with this?" Lila asked, gesturing vaguely to all of them.
"Seems like it," Five murmured. "We need to go to this dry cleaners to get more information."
"Agreed. I'll drive," Diego said, Lila behind him as he started walking. Five started going out with him, Clementine following closely. "Let's roll, mofos."
"Come on, let's get him out of here, quick," Klaus said as he helped Ben up, holding his tentacles up.
"Watch the tentacles." Ben murmured.
Allison started going too, as Luther hissed as he got into an upright position, seeing Viktor being the only one left with him.
"Hey," he said. "You okay?"
Viktor shook his head as he ran a hand down his face. "No, not really."
"I know. Come on, let's figure this out together," he said as Viktor nodded and went out with him.
Another few minutes later, they were at the dry cleaners, Clementine exiting first and running towards the shop, her wound now covered up with a pink band aid with flowers on it.
Diego and Lila were arguing again as they entered but, they soon went quiet when they saw it was empty.
"Mr. Grossman?" Clementine called out, a tinge of desperation in her voice. "Sy? You here?"
"Well. Looks like nobody's here," Allison declared.
"Or, somebody got to him," Five speculated, getting a paper of a clip, looking at it. Clementine looked at it over his shoulder with her eyebrows furrowed in concern.
"Look at this, New Grumpson, Maine," Five announced, showing it to Diego.
"The hell's in New Grumpson, Maine?" Diego asked.
"Maybe the Keeper's main branch or something," Lila answered.
"Or maybe that's where our dry cleaner scampered off to,' Allison contemplated.
"Or maybe this is all one big setup," Viktor declared.
"No way. This is Sy," Clementine said. "I know him. He isn't that kind of guy."
"Well, there's only one way to find out," Five said decisively.
"Hell yeah," Diego said, taking out his keys. "Road trip."
"Are we really doing this?" Viktor asked wearily as they went out the shop.
"Hell yeah, we're doing this," Diego replied.
"You do realize we have three small children, yeah?" Lila asked dryly.
"Yeah, well they're going to be at your parent's house for Christmas, remember? We'll just talk to them on the phone, tell them what we're doing, and we'll be set, okay?"
"Yes," she said, before pulling him back again. "But wait, that's not the point."
"Listen, listen, listen. We spend all day, every day with our kids. I mean, even you parents tell us to go have some fun somewhere while the kids are with them. Christmas is the only break we get to have our own time, right? So, come on, we need to find out what this is. I want you to come with me, all right?" Diego finished, holding her face up tenderly at the end of his speech.
She sighed, looking at him cutely. "Well, that does sound nice."
"Right? Just you and me. Like the old days. And... we'll be able to call our kids too."
After a few more seconds of contemplating, she agreed. "Okay."
They got in the car, with Clementine on the back with Luther and Ben, as Lila, Allison and Klaus sat in the front. Five sat in the passenger seat while Diego drove.
As they got on to the driveway, their only thought was, what could go wrong?
And well, we all know, that when it came to the Hargreeves? Everything could go wrong.
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Another A/N: Again, i'm glad y'all love this series haha. Also, comment if you want in on the taglist <3 Likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!!! Tysm for reading❤️🩷💜
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arobinwithoutbatman · 6 months
((Aaaaaaaallrightyyyyy comics time~ We're starting the Knightfall saga today and I'm doing the entire saga not just Tim's stuff so I have extra context.
Pray for me, y'all.
Prelude... oh okay Vengence of Bane
Okay, talking about a coup in the Carribean *and torture! Lovely!*
...so a literal newborn is to serve his father's sentence... *purely because he's a boy?! And his father was named in the coup?!* Given the torture, there's every chance that he wasn't involved the victim was just saying names!
Basically raised in prison and went lowkey mad in solitary confinement and after a coma. Almost like traumatic brain injuries have a chance of completely changing someone's personality -.-
...god damn, Bane sure improved! That's kinda terrifying
And now he has an obsession with Batman. This can only go badly
OH! Illegal human experimentation! Why the fuck not?!
Aaaaand he's now all set up in Gotham and wants to kill Batman and is impressed that he doesn't kill. Huh
Huh... Bruce and Vicki broke up. Shame
Oh hey Sionis, nice to meet you. Can't wait for Jason to destroy your empire later down the line
Sionis backstory too... kinda sad really but also dude don't use your dead dad's face skin to make a new mask. That's gross
Oh shit! Lucius!
Oh! Blonde dude is Bruce in disguise! Nice! Didn't even catch that until now!
Also, why is Circe dressed like that? I get the mask, she suffered from the whole facepaint thing, but basically naked? Why?
Also, waists don't work like that!!!! Has she been wearing waist training corsets? Obviously not recently, they picked her up off the street, pretty sure she's been homeless this entire time. Did they know what a woman looks like?
Oh wait! I just realised! Bruce proved himself with a gun! Great aim! *Bruce hates guns* God damn, he really sells it when he's undercover... is he okay?
Also... what is with this art style? Tim is thirteen, maybe 14 at most and he looks like he's Bruce's age
Oh damn, Bruce actually admitting he's not in his prime and starting to slow down. And Jim's potential marriage is in trouble...
Awwww Bruce calling it early for Tim cause he has school
...that wasn't Sionis? What the actual fuck is going on?
Bruce Thomas Wayne you will speak to Alfred with a civil fucking tongue in your head
Also, for the love of God get a therapist! This counts as hurting yourself my guy!
Awwww Jack is doing better! And Tim is about to suggest acupuncture when Jack hates needles... welp
Who the fuck is walking around at night in a knock off pinhead cosplay? And killing people?
And this is still teh damn *prelude?!*
Yeah time to rest and recover, Bruce
Bruce. For the love of God. Go to therapy. You are stressed and traumatised.
Oh shit Jim's got a hit out on him
And his wife is worried
Yeah Bruce is not doing well...
Lunch break!
Okay... military school brat
Robbing the armory. Mkay
Okay so the point f the prelude is... massive city wide gang warfare... plus potentially Arkham related bullshit
....Bruce... Bruce for the love of God... I'm begging you. I know Gotham is kinda falling to pieces for the millionth time but pls. Take a break
I'm sorry, this General is still a *child?!*
...his name is Ulysses and even his family other than his mother want him gone. What the god damn
First meeting of Azrael. Cool
Hawk of the Wilderness, Tim you goober
Hm, Tim training Jean-Paul as... a replacement Batman so Bruce can actually take a break?
...it's actually grapnel? I always thought it was grapple???
FINALLY The man tries therapy!!!!
Whomst the fuck is hypnotherapying a dude into jumping off a ledge?!
Dealing with a break in at Wayne Tower while Bruce and Lucius try to figure out what secrecy is going on
Ope, Azreal losing control. Oh and hypnotherapy dude again! ...oh shit he's going after the people heading up the 3 sections of this secret project
Which means Lucius is next! Oh fuck!
Aaaaaannnndddd Lucius is on teh bridge being encouraged to jump into the river believing it's from his dad....
Also Bruce Wayne, I will remind you again to *speak to Alfred with a civil tongue*
Okay cool they figured out it was hypnosis and Azreal caught Lucius
...fuck me, how many more issues do I have of just the prelude? Cause this is the only thing I get to today at this rate cause I still wanna write things!
Oh hey Killer Croc
Oooohhhh no Bane's gonna show up while Jean-Paul is in the Batsuit trying to handle Killer Croc. His programming is gonna kick in. This isn't gonna end well for *anyone*
Oh okay Bane took out Killer Croc and immediately clocked that it wasn't Bruce under the cowl... welp
And Bruce is having god awful nightmares with the sedatives but he won't sleep any other way poor guy
Aaaaaaand Riddler's back
I'm sorry, Riddler once tried to *sacrifice Batman?!* Jesus Christ!
Welp, Riddler was high af and apparently Bruce has been on venom before which sucks
Riddler got shot too and Bane is still testing Bruce
Am I dont yet? [348/375] Uuuuugggggghhhhhhhh
And Tim is cutting Jean-Paul's hair
And now everyone's loose and poor Jeremiah has had a total break from reality thanks to the trauma
Good grief that was a lot! So uhhhhh guess it was kinda ambitious to try and do all of Knightfall in one day
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blog-reflection · 5 months
ONE / Twenty Four - Somewhere in Between Something
I don’t know what to do.
Seriously I have no Idea what I am supposed to do now. I never thought this strange trick from Lucia would’ve actually been useful. Stuff like this only happens in movies or some sort of teenage growing up relationship thing and I am sure as hell that I ain’t in such a story. Against all laws of a clear mind I skipped the message and took an investigating look at his profile. His picture showed him at some kind of party. Lots of lights and people everywhere. He wasn’t standing, but sitting, the ground was blurry in the background. He sat on the top of a bench which was leaning against a small wall, one foot stood on the bench while the other one was laying all out. He was holding a lighter and just stared at the flame. It’s a really cool picture if you ask me. The name was the same, Green Otter. I highly believe that Otter isn't his second name but I also couldn’t figure out what it could be. His pronouns are he/him, but I’ve already known that one from the cafe. There was also a status he filled out. 
“somewhere in between something”
I’m not sure where that is aiming at but I like the sound of it. And that was kind of it. He didn’t have any information in his profile besides an emoji of an otter. I get it though, they are cute as hell. So, if we gather all the information we know that his name is Ethan something Green, He’s a tall blond guy who works in a cafe near school grounds. He likes otters, which is a cute fact to know and he likes to go to parties. That isn’t really what I assume as much information but well it has to do. After I scanned his profile I decided to look at his message and at least to give him an answer. I don’t know what I’ll write so I guess I’ll be freestyling that one. 
Discord conversation 
@GreenOtter Today at 9.50pm
Hi If I am honest, I don’t really know how to start this. I found this user tag on one of the bills from today. I am sorry but I can’t really pin it down to a person just yet. There has been a lot going on today so I thought I would use this opportunity to get my mind off work. My name is Ethan by the way, nice to maybe meet you(?) hope I didn’t make this strange!
@Fallen_Jam Today at 10.07pm
I…I don’t even know what to say too. This was the Idea of a friend of mine. She wanted to connect us somehow. I guess it worked. My name’s James, nice to meet you too Ethan. 
Well that went better than I anticipated. I told Lucia all about what just happened which facing the fact isn't a lot to be fair. Nonetheless Lucia was already rooting for us saying that that is the first step into something that can be a relationship. If you can’t tell, she’s manifesting it and I am not sure whether or not I like that. She is all over it, literally. Lucia is such a sucker when it comes to anything that involves even the slighted spark of romance. I never fully understood her to be honest. I think I only ever loved one person, which fucked me up. Twice. But she doesn't know him. Only Jesse does. I asked Lucia if it would be cool for me to crash at her place for the night, which she thankfully agreed on. Yes I know I wanted to visit Jesse but I don’t really in the mood to drive this late. We both finished up the pizza and got ready for bed. 
Let’s see what tomorrow holds. 
(Today has been shorter than usual due to personal issues, I still wanted to keep you guys up to date. Pls don’t be mad, next thursday will be just as usual)
0 notes
laughingpinecone · 9 months
Candy hearts exchange 2024 letter
AO3: laughingpineapple (double-checked a-ok for treats as per the recent AO3 update blah blah)
Hello and thank you for writing for me! I hope you’ll have a great time playing with one of these wonderful canons!
I love a wide variety of fics - from the most delicate gen to explicit, any tense, any format, big yes to all kinds of weird experiments up to and including interactive fiction. In general, I love canon expansion (showing new places in the setting or exploring those that are barely mentioned, just outside the borders, and ditto with events), character work of all stripes (expanding on little quirks, putting characters in situations that complement/challenge certain personality traits of theirs, just... observing these weirdos as they live their lives, for better and for worse), magical realism and adjacent approaches. I eat up emotional moments with a spoon when a fic is character-centric (danger! catharsis! hurt/comfort! the nitty-gritty of attraction!) and also love abstract stuff that is not character-centric at all: fake academia, a wider focus, inhuman povs, anything goes.
For both romance and friendships, I love it when it’s clear (not necessarily to the characters themselves, but to the narrative) what they like about each other, how they get along, if and how they trust each other, what’s annoying but worth it, what flaws of the other are they or are they not well equipped to handle... The specificity of each dynamic! I also love it when the characters are very into something that makes sense for them, be it a hobby or a kink or whatever, even if it’s something I may not personally care for.
For art, I love when characters are doing something. I much prefer a simple illustration of a moment in their lives (basic examples: sharing coffee, walking together) to a more ornate symbolic illustration like eg a tarot reimagining.
DNW: non-canonical rape, non-canonical children, focus on children,  pregnancies, unrequested ships (background established canon couples are okay, mentions of parents and paired-up OC randos are okay!), canon retellings  
Alma/Cabanela/Jowd: Jowd navigating the "whoops turns out I'm bi" part of the whole thing is always fun Alma/Jowd: what's their dynamic, exactly? I'm open to many possibilities, for example an Alma who's just as much of a cosmic pessimist as her esteemed husband! Cabanela & Pigeon Man: unexpected intergenerational friendship of my heart, Cabs is A Lot and Pigeon Man expertly wrangles him. Guess he’s good with birds Cabanela/Jowd: please let them be intensely ridiculous about their attraction Emma & Jowd: double menace pls Jowd & Pigeon Man: what sparked PM's unshakeable devotion toward Jowd? Alma/Cabanela: fashion! and legs! Clothes swap? Some time on their own?
Bertrude/Pam: they get each other quietly… anything based on their paired ending, especially Downside? Ignarius & Oralech: I’d just like to weaponize Iggy’s fascination for big survivor demons and point it at an unsuspecting Oralech, for fun Oralech/Tariq: beyond the Scribes' vision… Oralech/Volfred: Downside reunion! How do you let go of all that mis-aimed anger AND mourning? Volfred & Pam: here's a guy who's very pragmatic about reaching his idealistic goals, and a gal who's a trained agent. Or maybe just two teammates after a rite. Volfred/Tariq: Tariq's small attempts at defiance?
Call Me Mañana & Steban: that time when Steban tried to talk Mañana into joining the group and it sounded like he was hitting on him (at least according to Harry, who is, on occasion, an uncannily accurate judge for this sort of thing) was fun! What about a second meeting between them, or would Steban be willing to just sit next to him and talk? DJ Flacio & DJ Mesh & Kim: I just want Kim to meet his loud, vulgar, communist-leaning (according to one line in reply to Harry, at least) heroes. Maybe after he got his shout-out? (Harry and Kim/Harry welcome if you want) Liz/Cindy: Things got very real very fast for Liz at the tribunal, can actual gang member Cindy help her through it or make things worse? Dros & Nilsen: bitter, cancelled old codgers, how unpleasant could they get? I like to picture Nilsen's ghost bothering assorted leftists in the game and Dros could do with the company… Uli/Steban: a Wirrâl session turning intensely homoerotically charged? Anything else turning intensely homoerotically charged (looking at the canon slap, it's kind of what they do)? What Mazov/Nilsen parallel do they see in themselves?
Khan & Nilsen: as one of Elysium's famous disappearances (as per a stray line by Lilienne in the game), Nilsen should by all means be part of Khan's special interest. Khan who, for his part, dresses as a dialectical materialist, so did he like what he was reading about Elysium's Most Cancelled? Khan & Tereesz & Jesper: any exploration of their strange, frayed friendship, the ways in which they care for each other, their breaking points, how they're all called to the void… Khan & Zigi: does Khan find him, at the end of the world? Or is Zigi forever out of reach, beyond even the totality of the pale? Or does Khan manage to reach Rodionov's Trench at last, in dreams or otherwise? Mazov/Nilsen: they held hands… any exploration of any part of their lives (first meeting? Nilsen's return from his feral hut era? Reunion in the pale?) and their beliefs and their opposite responses to defeat? Lund sisters & Rodionov: party at the heart of the pale! Tereesz & Frantiček the Brave: echoes, archetypes, feeling the weight of dead revolutionaries and joining the ICP, the same story happening again, once as tragedy twice as farce… Zigi & Nilsen: ngl I need seven seasons and a movie of these two. The dialectical angle is great, the embodiment of the core dialogue between communism and nihilism, the imaginary frenemy angle is great, the ghost story is great, the concerning amount of applicable Breaking Bad memes is also great, and so on…
Esteban/Hulio: political posturing and transgressiveness bleeding in and out of actual queerness. Any exploration of nihilist, petrofascist Innocentic seat and global superpower Mesque is welcome, as well as the characters' approach to nihilism vis-à-vis Ambrosius'!
Gnaziu/Baltas: I love Baltas' whole thing and seriously what is UP with Gnaziu. I thought I'd missed some plot but he's just… hanging out there? How does he spent his days over at Baltas', in this little village so far away from home… Magdalene & Andreas: post-canon letters, maybe even a collaboration on some book to print? Otto & Ulrich: they were my act 2 faves and I just think they're neat? ;^; to Tassing's martyrs, to their kindness…
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Free Fortnite Cheats; w/ Free Fortnite Hacks you can Download and Gain ESP, Aimbot, Wallhack and the Best Soft Aim hack. All Cheats for Fortnite. Our top Hacks include Aimbot, ESP, Wallhack, Radar Hack, Trigger Bot, Our soft aim, player scanners, reliable heatmaps and advanced Fortnite. 5 So, It has become really hard to compete against players these days in Fortnite. So today I am here with the best new free hack for Fortnite. But due to the recent fight between the two developers of the Soft Aim Fortnite hack, One of them decided to leak the source code of the hack. So here we are again on the same road, One of our folks got hands on the code 4u4play. He is one of the most popular developers of Fortnite, apex hacks and he has been providing all these hacks for free. Fortnite Skin Changer Free Download. SoftAim Targets Fortnite memory and modifies values to achieve the soft aim so that you can hack the game without getting ban. The cheat has an inbuilt anti-cheat bypass that will help you to stay undetected while cheating. All you need is a brain and a PC that is able to run fortnite. Then you can download out soft aim fortnite hack from below and read the instructions to use it and you are good to go. Enjoy your free soft aim hack for fortnite. No one makes free hacks for pss4. Everyone is aware that Fortnite features a robust anti-cheat mechanism. As a result, we recommend that you do not use a cheat on your main account. Create a new account and utilise hacks on it. Softaim is a free Fortnite hack that includes all of the necessary tools for dominating the game. We strongly advise you to download and utilise the hack. The cheat exe file is a third-party injectable file. As a result, Windows Defender may issue a false alert. You can execute the file. Tired of losing again and over? This hack will alter your playing style. Fortnite is not a simple game. There are several skilled gamers who dominate the lobby. So, if you want to win, use our cheats. You can download from the button below. How to Download Files from Gamingforecast? Watch the video till the end to understand how to download files from our website without any issues. If you still aren't able to download the files, Join our discord server. Hack does not work. I got banned when using it for 5 minutes. And I'm banned for 24 hours. Well this goes to show there really isnt a way to use it. Assuming you can redo your person, obviously you won't disapprove of portrayal. There is an issue in certain games where they don't address solid and shrewd females, minority females and guys, huge, little, tall, and short females and guys. Hey can you help me out bro i kinda suck an everyone is better than me no matter what i do,then i bought a pc an the aimassist just is not there yk man. I seen other comments and it was outdated luckily im using spoofers so i can just make another accunt and ill see if and or how long it takes to get banned and ill let you know. Hello it will be updated soon, until then you can use the other version on the website we have 2 more cheats for fortnite. Pls Update , im only wanting an FN Hack with aimbot and that stuff like rage hacking and an Easy way to install! Driver outdated need update. No discord link!!! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to get soft aim fortnite? Soft aim Fortnite download ps4? Download Hack. It works but what sucks is i was only able to play one game of creative before getting banned. Hello, when I open the cheat it says "WTF! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Previous Post. Next Post.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 We can help set up cheats for your game of choice – just ask! Download the best software in the industry, with anti-cheat measures to. A blog about free game hacks, Roblox scripts, Gta 5 Hacks, Warzone Hacks, Valorant Hacks, CSGO Hacks, Apex, Fortnite Hacks, Minecraft Cheats. Free Valorant Cheats Free Valorant Hacks Free Download Valorant ESP, Valorant Aimbot Hack with Valorant Wallhack Cheat in While Aim Assist was made to support console players, Soft Aim is a less extreme Aim Bot. Epic Games (the developers) have commented on the. 9 So, It has become really hard to compete against players these days in Fortnite. So today I am here with the best new free hack for Fortnite. But due to the recent fight between the two developers of the Soft Aim Fortnite hack, One of them decided to leak the source code of the hack. So here we are again on the same road, One of our folks got hands on the code 4u4play. He is one of the most popular developers of Fortnite, apex hacks and he has been providing all these hacks for free. Fortnite Skin Changer Free Download. SoftAim Targets Fortnite memory and modifies values to achieve the soft aim so that you can hack the game without getting ban. The cheat has an inbuilt anti-cheat bypass that will help you to stay undetected while cheating. All you need is a brain and a PC that is able to run fortnite. Then you can download out soft aim fortnite hack from below and read the instructions to use it and you are good to go. Enjoy your free soft aim hack for fortnite. No one makes free hacks for pss4. Everyone is aware that Fortnite features a robust anti-cheat mechanism. As a result, we recommend that you do not use a cheat on your main account. Create a new account and utilise hacks on it. Softaim is a free Fortnite hack that includes all of the necessary tools for dominating the game. We strongly advise you to download and utilise the hack. The cheat exe file is a third-party injectable file. As a result, Windows Defender may issue a false alert. You can execute the file. Tired of losing again and over? This hack will alter your playing style. Fortnite is not a simple game. There are several skilled gamers who dominate the lobby. So, if you want to win, use our cheats. You can download from the button below. How to Download Files from Gamingforecast? Watch the video till the end to understand how to download files from our website without any issues. If you still aren't able to download the files, Join our discord server. Hack does not work. I got banned when using it for 5 minutes. And I'm banned for 24 hours. Well this goes to show there really isnt a way to use it. Assuming you can redo your person, obviously you won't disapprove of portrayal. There is an issue in certain games where they don't address solid and shrewd females, minority females and guys, huge, little, tall, and short females and guys. Hey can you help me out bro i kinda suck an everyone is better than me no matter what i do,then i bought a pc an the aimassist just is not there yk man. I seen other comments and it was outdated luckily im using spoofers so i can just make another accunt and ill see if and or how long it takes to get banned and ill let you know. Hello it will be updated soon, until then you can use the other version on the website we have 2 more cheats for fortnite. Pls Update , im only wanting an FN Hack with aimbot and that stuff like rage hacking and an Easy way to install! Driver outdated need update. No discord link!!! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to get soft aim fortnite? Soft aim Fortnite download ps4? Download Hack. It works but what sucks is i was only able to play one game of creative before getting banned. Hello, when I open the cheat it says "WTF! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Previous Post. Next Post.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 - original dll file, download here. One click to download this file. Repair your system. Download Roblox Aimbot Download - best software for Windows. DDTool Aimbot: DDTool is a free program that enables you to calculate force and fire line when. Hello everyone, I am back with another amazing Free Fortnite hacks, As well know Fortnite has been played by a lot of hackers lately. Poll: Is the aimbot working for you? Feel free to use it without any stress as this bypass Fortnite Can't download from ? 9 So, It has become really hard to compete against players these days in Fortnite. So today I am here with the best new free hack for Fortnite. But due to the recent fight between the two developers of the Soft Aim Fortnite hack, One of them decided to leak the source code of the hack. So here we are again on the same road, One of our folks got hands on the code 4u4play. He is one of the most popular developers of Fortnite, apex hacks and he has been providing all these hacks for free. Fortnite Skin Changer Free Download. SoftAim Targets Fortnite memory and modifies values to achieve the soft aim so that you can hack the game without getting ban. The cheat has an inbuilt anti-cheat bypass that will help you to stay undetected while cheating. All you need is a brain and a PC that is able to run fortnite. Then you can download out soft aim fortnite hack from below and read the instructions to use it and you are good to go. Enjoy your free soft aim hack for fortnite. No one makes free hacks for pss4. Everyone is aware that Fortnite features a robust anti-cheat mechanism. As a result, we recommend that you do not use a cheat on your main account. Create a new account and utilise hacks on it. Softaim is a free Fortnite hack that includes all of the necessary tools for dominating the game. We strongly advise you to download and utilise the hack. The cheat exe file is a third-party injectable file. As a result, Windows Defender may issue a false alert. You can execute the file. Tired of losing again and over? This hack will alter your playing style. Fortnite is not a simple game. There are several skilled gamers who dominate the lobby. So, if you want to win, use our cheats. You can download from the button below. How to Download Files from Gamingforecast? Watch the video till the end to understand how to download files from our website without any issues. If you still aren't able to download the files, Join our discord server. Hack does not work. I got banned when using it for 5 minutes. And I'm banned for 24 hours. Well this goes to show there really isnt a way to use it. Assuming you can redo your person, obviously you won't disapprove of portrayal. There is an issue in certain games where they don't address solid and shrewd females, minority females and guys, huge, little, tall, and short females and guys. Hey can you help me out bro i kinda suck an everyone is better than me no matter what i do,then i bought a pc an the aimassist just is not there yk man. I seen other comments and it was outdated luckily im using spoofers so i can just make another accunt and ill see if and or how long it takes to get banned and ill let you know. Hello it will be updated soon, until then you can use the other version on the website we have 2 more cheats for fortnite. Pls Update , im only wanting an FN Hack with aimbot and that stuff like rage hacking and an Easy way to install! Driver outdated need update. No discord link!!! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to get soft aim fortnite? Soft aim Fortnite download ps4? Download Hack. It works but what sucks is i was only able to play one game of creative before getting banned. Hello, when I open the cheat it says "WTF! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Previous Post. Next Post.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Free Fortnite Cheats; w/ Free Fortnite Hacks you can Download and Gain ESP, Aimbot, Wallhack and the Best Soft Aim hack. All Cheats for Fortnite. Download New Fortnite Hack For Free (Esp, Aimbot, Fast Reload ) This Fortnite hack is very easy to use and have very interesting features. Get the best Fortnite Cheats for all Consoles. Our top Hacks include Aimbot, ESP, Wallhack, Radar Hack, Trigger Bot, No Recoil and more. Get Downloads. 7 So, It has become really hard to compete against players these days in Fortnite. So today I am here with the best new free hack for Fortnite. But due to the recent fight between the two developers of the Soft Aim Fortnite hack, One of them decided to leak the source code of the hack. So here we are again on the same road, One of our folks got hands on the code 4u4play. He is one of the most popular developers of Fortnite, apex hacks and he has been providing all these hacks for free. Fortnite Skin Changer Free Download. SoftAim Targets Fortnite memory and modifies values to achieve the soft aim so that you can hack the game without getting ban. The cheat has an inbuilt anti-cheat bypass that will help you to stay undetected while cheating. All you need is a brain and a PC that is able to run fortnite. Then you can download out soft aim fortnite hack from below and read the instructions to use it and you are good to go. Enjoy your free soft aim hack for fortnite. No one makes free hacks for pss4. Everyone is aware that Fortnite features a robust anti-cheat mechanism. As a result, we recommend that you do not use a cheat on your main account. Create a new account and utilise hacks on it. Softaim is a free Fortnite hack that includes all of the necessary tools for dominating the game. We strongly advise you to download and utilise the hack. The cheat exe file is a third-party injectable file. As a result, Windows Defender may issue a false alert. You can execute the file. Tired of losing again and over? This hack will alter your playing style. Fortnite is not a simple game. There are several skilled gamers who dominate the lobby. So, if you want to win, use our cheats. You can download from the button below. How to Download Files from Gamingforecast? Watch the video till the end to understand how to download files from our website without any issues. If you still aren't able to download the files, Join our discord server. Hack does not work. I got banned when using it for 5 minutes. And I'm banned for 24 hours. Well this goes to show there really isnt a way to use it. Assuming you can redo your person, obviously you won't disapprove of portrayal. There is an issue in certain games where they don't address solid and shrewd females, minority females and guys, huge, little, tall, and short females and guys. Hey can you help me out bro i kinda suck an everyone is better than me no matter what i do,then i bought a pc an the aimassist just is not there yk man. I seen other comments and it was outdated luckily im using spoofers so i can just make another accunt and ill see if and or how long it takes to get banned and ill let you know. Hello it will be updated soon, until then you can use the other version on the website we have 2 more cheats for fortnite. Pls Update , im only wanting an FN Hack with aimbot and that stuff like rage hacking and an Easy way to install! Driver outdated need update. No discord link!!! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to get soft aim fortnite? Soft aim Fortnite download ps4? Download Hack. It works but what sucks is i was only able to play one game of creative before getting banned. Hello, when I open the cheat it says "WTF! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Previous Post. Next Post.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Free Fortnite Cheats; w/ Free Fortnite Hacks you can Download and Gain ESP, Aimbot, Wallhack and the Best Soft Aim hack. All Cheats for Fortnite. Our top Hacks include Aimbot, ESP, Wallhack, Radar Hack, Trigger Bot, Our soft aim, player scanners, reliable heatmaps and advanced Fortnite. 5 So, It has become really hard to compete against players these days in Fortnite. So today I am here with the best new free hack for Fortnite. But due to the recent fight between the two developers of the Soft Aim Fortnite hack, One of them decided to leak the source code of the hack. So here we are again on the same road, One of our folks got hands on the code 4u4play. He is one of the most popular developers of Fortnite, apex hacks and he has been providing all these hacks for free. Fortnite Skin Changer Free Download. SoftAim Targets Fortnite memory and modifies values to achieve the soft aim so that you can hack the game without getting ban. The cheat has an inbuilt anti-cheat bypass that will help you to stay undetected while cheating. All you need is a brain and a PC that is able to run fortnite. Then you can download out soft aim fortnite hack from below and read the instructions to use it and you are good to go. Enjoy your free soft aim hack for fortnite. No one makes free hacks for pss4. Everyone is aware that Fortnite features a robust anti-cheat mechanism. As a result, we recommend that you do not use a cheat on your main account. Create a new account and utilise hacks on it. Softaim is a free Fortnite hack that includes all of the necessary tools for dominating the game. We strongly advise you to download and utilise the hack. The cheat exe file is a third-party injectable file. As a result, Windows Defender may issue a false alert. You can execute the file. Tired of losing again and over? This hack will alter your playing style. Fortnite is not a simple game. There are several skilled gamers who dominate the lobby. So, if you want to win, use our cheats. You can download from the button below. How to Download Files from Gamingforecast? Watch the video till the end to understand how to download files from our website without any issues. If you still aren't able to download the files, Join our discord server. Hack does not work. I got banned when using it for 5 minutes. And I'm banned for 24 hours. Well this goes to show there really isnt a way to use it. Assuming you can redo your person, obviously you won't disapprove of portrayal. There is an issue in certain games where they don't address solid and shrewd females, minority females and guys, huge, little, tall, and short females and guys. Hey can you help me out bro i kinda suck an everyone is better than me no matter what i do,then i bought a pc an the aimassist just is not there yk man. I seen other comments and it was outdated luckily im using spoofers so i can just make another accunt and ill see if and or how long it takes to get banned and ill let you know. Hello it will be updated soon, until then you can use the other version on the website we have 2 more cheats for fortnite. Pls Update , im only wanting an FN Hack with aimbot and that stuff like rage hacking and an Easy way to install! Driver outdated need update. No discord link!!! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to get soft aim fortnite? Soft aim Fortnite download ps4? Download Hack. It works but what sucks is i was only able to play one game of creative before getting banned. Hello, when I open the cheat it says "WTF! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Previous Post. Next Post.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 We can help set up cheats for your game of choice – just ask! Download the best software in the industry, with anti-cheat measures to. A blog about free game hacks, Roblox scripts, Gta 5 Hacks, Warzone Hacks, Valorant Hacks, CSGO Hacks, Apex, Fortnite Hacks, Minecraft Cheats. Free Valorant Cheats Free Valorant Hacks Free Download Valorant ESP, Valorant Aimbot Hack with Valorant Wallhack Cheat in While Aim Assist was made to support console players, Soft Aim is a less extreme Aim Bot. Epic Games (the developers) have commented on the. 9 So, It has become really hard to compete against players these days in Fortnite. So today I am here with the best new free hack for Fortnite. But due to the recent fight between the two developers of the Soft Aim Fortnite hack, One of them decided to leak the source code of the hack. So here we are again on the same road, One of our folks got hands on the code 4u4play. He is one of the most popular developers of Fortnite, apex hacks and he has been providing all these hacks for free. Fortnite Skin Changer Free Download. SoftAim Targets Fortnite memory and modifies values to achieve the soft aim so that you can hack the game without getting ban. The cheat has an inbuilt anti-cheat bypass that will help you to stay undetected while cheating. All you need is a brain and a PC that is able to run fortnite. Then you can download out soft aim fortnite hack from below and read the instructions to use it and you are good to go. Enjoy your free soft aim hack for fortnite. No one makes free hacks for pss4. Everyone is aware that Fortnite features a robust anti-cheat mechanism. As a result, we recommend that you do not use a cheat on your main account. Create a new account and utilise hacks on it. Softaim is a free Fortnite hack that includes all of the necessary tools for dominating the game. We strongly advise you to download and utilise the hack. The cheat exe file is a third-party injectable file. As a result, Windows Defender may issue a false alert. You can execute the file. Tired of losing again and over? This hack will alter your playing style. Fortnite is not a simple game. There are several skilled gamers who dominate the lobby. So, if you want to win, use our cheats. You can download from the button below. How to Download Files from Gamingforecast? Watch the video till the end to understand how to download files from our website without any issues. If you still aren't able to download the files, Join our discord server. Hack does not work. I got banned when using it for 5 minutes. And I'm banned for 24 hours. Well this goes to show there really isnt a way to use it. Assuming you can redo your person, obviously you won't disapprove of portrayal. There is an issue in certain games where they don't address solid and shrewd females, minority females and guys, huge, little, tall, and short females and guys. Hey can you help me out bro i kinda suck an everyone is better than me no matter what i do,then i bought a pc an the aimassist just is not there yk man. I seen other comments and it was outdated luckily im using spoofers so i can just make another accunt and ill see if and or how long it takes to get banned and ill let you know. Hello it will be updated soon, until then you can use the other version on the website we have 2 more cheats for fortnite. Pls Update , im only wanting an FN Hack with aimbot and that stuff like rage hacking and an Easy way to install! Driver outdated need update. No discord link!!! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to get soft aim fortnite? Soft aim Fortnite download ps4? Download Hack. It works but what sucks is i was only able to play one game of creative before getting banned. Hello, when I open the cheat it says "WTF! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Previous Post. Next Post.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Free Fortnite Cheats; w/ Free Fortnite Hacks you can Download and Gain ESP, Aimbot, Wallhack and the Best Soft Aim hack. All Cheats for Fortnite. There are tons of unban methods that you can find out ther that work just fine. Related posts: Fortnite Aimbot Hack Free Download · Fortnite Free ESP Cheat. If you are looking for Free Fortnite Hacks Download Softaim, then you have come to the right place. This article will explain exactly what. What are the Features of Soft Aim Fortnite? SoftAim Fortnite cracked version is a cracked version that allows you to completely dominate the. 9 So, It has become really hard to compete against players these days in Fortnite. So today I am here with the best new free hack for Fortnite. But due to the recent fight between the two developers of the Soft Aim Fortnite hack, One of them decided to leak the source code of the hack. So here we are again on the same road, One of our folks got hands on the code 4u4play. He is one of the most popular developers of Fortnite, apex hacks and he has been providing all these hacks for free. Fortnite Skin Changer Free Download. SoftAim Targets Fortnite memory and modifies values to achieve the soft aim so that you can hack the game without getting ban. The cheat has an inbuilt anti-cheat bypass that will help you to stay undetected while cheating. All you need is a brain and a PC that is able to run fortnite. Then you can download out soft aim fortnite hack from below and read the instructions to use it and you are good to go. Enjoy your free soft aim hack for fortnite. No one makes free hacks for pss4. Everyone is aware that Fortnite features a robust anti-cheat mechanism. As a result, we recommend that you do not use a cheat on your main account. Create a new account and utilise hacks on it. Softaim is a free Fortnite hack that includes all of the necessary tools for dominating the game. We strongly advise you to download and utilise the hack. The cheat exe file is a third-party injectable file. As a result, Windows Defender may issue a false alert. You can execute the file. Tired of losing again and over? This hack will alter your playing style. Fortnite is not a simple game. There are several skilled gamers who dominate the lobby. So, if you want to win, use our cheats. You can download from the button below. How to Download Files from Gamingforecast? Watch the video till the end to understand how to download files from our website without any issues. If you still aren't able to download the files, Join our discord server. Hack does not work. I got banned when using it for 5 minutes. And I'm banned for 24 hours. Well this goes to show there really isnt a way to use it. Assuming you can redo your person, obviously you won't disapprove of portrayal. There is an issue in certain games where they don't address solid and shrewd females, minority females and guys, huge, little, tall, and short females and guys. Hey can you help me out bro i kinda suck an everyone is better than me no matter what i do,then i bought a pc an the aimassist just is not there yk man. I seen other comments and it was outdated luckily im using spoofers so i can just make another accunt and ill see if and or how long it takes to get banned and ill let you know. Hello it will be updated soon, until then you can use the other version on the website we have 2 more cheats for fortnite. Pls Update , im only wanting an FN Hack with aimbot and that stuff like rage hacking and an Easy way to install! Driver outdated need update. No discord link!!! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to get soft aim fortnite? Soft aim Fortnite download ps4? Download Hack. It works but what sucks is i was only able to play one game of creative before getting banned. Hello, when I open the cheat it says "WTF! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Previous Post. Next Post.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 - original dll file, download here. One click to download this file. Repair your system. Download Roblox Aimbot Download - best software for Windows. DDTool Aimbot: DDTool is a free program that enables you to calculate force and fire line when. Hello everyone, I am back with another amazing Free Fortnite hacks, As well know Fortnite has been played by a lot of hackers lately. Poll: Is the aimbot working for you? Feel free to use it without any stress as this bypass Fortnite Can't download from ? 9 So, It has become really hard to compete against players these days in Fortnite. So today I am here with the best new free hack for Fortnite. But due to the recent fight between the two developers of the Soft Aim Fortnite hack, One of them decided to leak the source code of the hack. So here we are again on the same road, One of our folks got hands on the code 4u4play. He is one of the most popular developers of Fortnite, apex hacks and he has been providing all these hacks for free. Fortnite Skin Changer Free Download. SoftAim Targets Fortnite memory and modifies values to achieve the soft aim so that you can hack the game without getting ban. The cheat has an inbuilt anti-cheat bypass that will help you to stay undetected while cheating. All you need is a brain and a PC that is able to run fortnite. Then you can download out soft aim fortnite hack from below and read the instructions to use it and you are good to go. Enjoy your free soft aim hack for fortnite. No one makes free hacks for pss4. Everyone is aware that Fortnite features a robust anti-cheat mechanism. As a result, we recommend that you do not use a cheat on your main account. Create a new account and utilise hacks on it. Softaim is a free Fortnite hack that includes all of the necessary tools for dominating the game. We strongly advise you to download and utilise the hack. The cheat exe file is a third-party injectable file. As a result, Windows Defender may issue a false alert. You can execute the file. Tired of losing again and over? This hack will alter your playing style. Fortnite is not a simple game. There are several skilled gamers who dominate the lobby. So, if you want to win, use our cheats. You can download from the button below. How to Download Files from Gamingforecast? Watch the video till the end to understand how to download files from our website without any issues. If you still aren't able to download the files, Join our discord server. Hack does not work. I got banned when using it for 5 minutes. And I'm banned for 24 hours. Well this goes to show there really isnt a way to use it. Assuming you can redo your person, obviously you won't disapprove of portrayal. There is an issue in certain games where they don't address solid and shrewd females, minority females and guys, huge, little, tall, and short females and guys. Hey can you help me out bro i kinda suck an everyone is better than me no matter what i do,then i bought a pc an the aimassist just is not there yk man. I seen other comments and it was outdated luckily im using spoofers so i can just make another accunt and ill see if and or how long it takes to get banned and ill let you know. Hello it will be updated soon, until then you can use the other version on the website we have 2 more cheats for fortnite. Pls Update , im only wanting an FN Hack with aimbot and that stuff like rage hacking and an Easy way to install! Driver outdated need update. No discord link!!! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to get soft aim fortnite? Soft aim Fortnite download ps4? Download Hack. It works but what sucks is i was only able to play one game of creative before getting banned. Hello, when I open the cheat it says "WTF! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Previous Post. Next Post.
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