#newsies are hella gay prove me wrong
Davey: oh, I love the rain! It reminds me of my first kiss.....
Crutchie: awww your first kiss was in the rain? That’s so sweet!!! 🥰💕
Davey: no, it was actually in the shower
Every newsies, simultaneously: aww-waIT WHAT
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Crutchie: ugh, crushes are the worst
Jack: damn right. whenever I’m near my crush I act stupid
Davey: you’re always acting stupid, jack
Jack: yeah don’t think about that too much
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Jack: hey davey I like your pants
Davey: thanks, they were 50% off
Jack: I wish they were 100% off ;))))
Davey: well stores can’t possibly sell it at that sor-
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Dark Alleys and Dark Bruises- Javid
Helllloooo!!! I haven’t posted a Javid oneshot for awhile so here you go! (also on Wattpad: Forbidden Thoughts~Javid Oneshots)
TW: blood, homophobia, use of f****t, angst (with happy ending!!)
The dirty puddles twinkled in the soft lamplight as Jack Kelly's footsteps disturbed them. He watched the ripples disappear into the edges, humming with slight interest. Leaning on the wall beside him, Jack looked up at the few stars that he could see through the clouds.
That kid's really killin' me, he thought bitterly. Again, his mind landed on a subject that he could never escape: David Jacobs.
Jack was on the way back to the Lodge from walking Davey and Les to their home, "It's dangerous out these days," was the only excuse he could muster, trying to hide the fact he just wanted more time with Davey.
Now, as Jack stood alone, he looked glumly around. Everything here could only remain him of Davey- the grimy pavement as dark as the boys hair, the soft lamplight as tender as his cheek, hidden alleyways where Jack would fantasise pulling him into, the twinkling stars matching his shining eyes.
Jack shook his head angrily.
He pushed off the wall and stuffed his hands roughly in his pockets. Girls, boys, he loved them both. Too bad none but the newsies really liked that.
So caught up in his thoughts as he was, Jack didn't see the two shadows slither up  behind him.
A voice dripped in sarcasm drifted out from the darkness as Jack froze in his tracks.
"Oi! What'd we's have here now? That the famous Jack Kelly, is it?"
Oscar and Morris Delancey scuffled out from behind him. Jack sighed loudly, turning back with a fake, smug smile and threw his hands up.
"Oscar, Morris. What cha doing down in these parts, shouldn't yer be crawlin' 'round by someone else's feet at this time of night?"
Oh, they didn't like that comment.
Their smiles faded and clean shaven jaw clenched.
"We's was just passin' by 'til we saw ya round 'ere alone." Oscar spat, cracked his knuckles and advanced. Jack tried to stand his ground but when Oscars hot and mucky breath washed over his cold face, he clenched his fists and stepped back.
"My fists have been aching without anything to punch-" before Jack could respond, Morris took a swing at him, but he dodged it with a gulp. What were they playing at? What did they want?
"Oi, where's yer little boyfriend, aye Kelly? Davey was it?"
Ah, so that's what they wanted.
"Don't have a boyfriend," Jack shrugged, "What, you offering Morris?"
Morris growled and pushed him roughly into an empty alley way. Jack, who hadn't prepared to be pushed, fell violently onto his back, hitting his head on the pavement. Before he could get up, Oscar dug his heel into his chest and forced him back down.
He leaned over him, "Come on Jaaaack, you can tell us if yer a dirty homosexual. We's won't tell."
Jack struggled against his foot and attempted to push him off.
"I ain't gonna. An' if I were, I don't  appreciate yer callin' us dirty."
Oscar let Jack scramble up to stand, then kicked him in the stomach, winding him and making him double over in a vulnerable position where they could sock him right in the jaw.
"We's ain't stupid," Morris growled, "You're a disgusting f****t, we've seen the way you and that Davey kid look at each other."
Jack coughed up bright red blood onto the grimy pavement.
"Burn in hell." He snarled.
They leaned forward, "Oh, we won't be the only ones, Queer."
Before another breath could be taken, they started kicking him down, punching him in the jaw, bruising his ribs, cutting his head until it bled on the ground, spitting on his face.
Then, they left him in the cold, bleeding and bruised, hardly able to sit up, slurs echoing through his head.
"Where's Jack?" Les whined, looking around at the Newsies Square. Davey's smile flattered but he straightened up to pat his brother reassuringly on his head.
"He'll be here."
A minute passed, then five, then fifteen.
Crutchie hobbled over to them.
"You's seen Jack this mornin'?"
Davey's brow furrowed and shook his head. "No. Didn't he come back last night?"
It was Crutchies turn to shake his head.
Davey looked around anxiously, "He wouldn't have gone to Brooklyn or Queens or somethin'?"
Crutchie looked around as if he would sense him. "Nah, he woulda told one a us," he frowned. "Or you's guys," he added.
Worry started to tease at the edge off Davey's mind. Jack was strong. He would be fine.
If he's strong he would've made it back by now, Daveys brain argued.
  Okay, now his mind was full of fear of every single bad thing that could happen to a Newsies around these parts- especially in the middle of the night when Jack had left.
Racer- who had previous joined the conversation- laid a reassuring hand on David's shoulder, "Aye..... Aye Dave what ya worrying about? It's gonna be-"
"I'm gonna go look for 'em," Davey snapped, turning sharply away before giving Les the money and waving a quick goodbye for now. After a nod from Crutchie, Racetrack went with him.
They had been following the route back to Davey's apartment for a while now, checking each dark alley, each shop window, each side street, just for a small glimpse of where Jack was.
Davey had started panicking when they had gone almost half an hour without a clue, taking off his hat to run his clammy fingers through his dark hair.
"I really dunno," Race sighed, kicking a stick on the road into the alleyway next to them, "he could be anywhere by now, Davey, I-"
There was a groan from the alleyway. Race and David froze.
"What was that....?" Davey half-heartily whispered as Race was already approaching the dark clump .
"Err.....Dave, you better come 'ere quick..."
Davey ran. Then, just as fast, he froze..
Davey found it hard to believe that Jack Kelly- one of the strongest leaders Dave knew, the hard muscled boy with an equally quick witted come back always ready, the boy who never flinched in the way of danger- was the same boy who curled and flinched as Dave put a trembling hand to his shoulder.
"Jack?" He didn't respond as Davey crouched beside him, next to Race, "Hey Jackie?"
The voice that whispered was hoarse and cold, nothing like the Jack Dave knew. His head lolled towards where Davey's voice came from. His fingers were crusted with old blood, his face was covered in darkening bruises and an angled nose was red and dried, but through the pain he was still able to reach towards his Dave.
"Hey Jack, it's gonna be okay, it'll be okay, just wait," Dave leaned down to wrap his finger around Jacks, whispering soft assurances. As soon as he had finished he whipped his head up to Race and hissed instructions.
"Racetrack we're getting Jack back to my house."
Race looked between them and opened his mouth to say something.
Race, suddenly extremely scared of David, jumped up to push Jack up to sitting.
Race flinched.
Jack moaned in pain as he was forced up. Davey reached forward to caress gently at one of Jacks bigger bruises on his face, and held his head when Jack nuzzled into his soft, warm hand.
"It'll be okay..."
After helping (well, more precisely, dragging) Jack back to Davey's apartment Race went back to Newsies Square to tell the others what happened. He could only gesture a quick goodbye through the fussing of David's mother.
"Is this the Jack Kelly you've been talking so much about? I can help- if you need. I....I can...Help clean the wounds- oh I'll go make something hot! How 'bout I-"
"I can do it, Ma," Davey interrupted his mother, smiling softly afterward. Jack was currently asleep on Davey's bed, words and movements too hard on his body at the moment. David's mother insisted on helping.
"I can handle it, Ma, I swear. I... actually, when I think about it, can you get me a cloth and some water?"
"Of course!"
That would occupy her for a bit.
Letting out a breath, Davey moved over to where Jack was laid, sleeping peacefully, and sat at his feet.
Dave's mother came in to give her son the rag and water, then, after Davey asked her to close the door on her way out, left hesitantly.
Then they were alone.
The resting boy grunted softly in his dream. Dampening the cloth, Davey pressed it against Jacks forehead.
It went on like that for quite some time, and even though it was lonely, Dave enjoyed watching Jack's chest gently rise and fall with each of his quiet breaths, no pain or stress currently weighing it down.
When it came to unbuttoning Jacks vest to reveal his bare chest to clean the wounds underneath, Davey did it hesitantly and slowly.
Jack would understand, wouldn't he? Yeah...yeah.
A sudden coldness and sticky pain was what woke him. Jack stirred slightly, peeling open his heavy eyelids to squint at the hazy silhouette of a beautiful boy.
He looked to the side and Jack made out the curve of a nose through the shining light which shone behind the boy he stared at.
An angel?
Jack blinked the sand out of his eyes and grunted gingerly, moving his arms under him to lift himself up.
Davey turned. "Oh! Hey Jackie, how ya feeling?" He whispered, the edges of his lips curling in both happiness and worry.
"Aye, er," he winced as he moved his ribs, "could be better, i think."
Davey didn't like seeing Jack in pain, so he made a practiced move to help him sit up and positioned the pillow so he could rest on it.
Jack looked down at his open shirt, took one glance at a blushed Davey, and said nothing about it.
"So..." Davey whispered, "What happened? Who did it, 'cuz I'll go soak 'em right now if I have to, I'll knock some bloody sense inter 'em, you don't mess with Jack Kelly and get away with it-"
"Nah, nah, Davey don't do that it's fine." Davey huffed out a breath. Jack smirked as he watched him wrestle his thoughts and eventually- and angrily might I add- brought the cloth back up to a wound on Jacks cheek that had already been cleaned.
The silence stretched out for longer than what was comfortable.
"It was the Delancey's..." Jack muttered after awhile.
Davey gritted his teeth.
"They's were just pickin' on me, that's all." Jack could tell Dave didn't bye it. He didn't meet his eye, but the pause in his cleaning told a tale.
"What did they say?" David hissed, finally bringing back his hand and looking Jack in his beautifully dark eyes. Jack looked away.
"Theys....nothin'.....it was nothin' Dave..."
"It was not nothing, Jack, don't lie to me, I found you lying in an alley, hardly bloody conscious!"
Jack blinked. He hadn't heard Davey this angry since the strike.
"I....Fine.....T.....Theys were callin' me slurs. Sayin' I should die for being.....for liking boys like I do...." Jack looked away again.
David froze. Then he started to move, eyes cold as he pushed off the bed. But Jack caught his arm- trying to hide his flinch at the sudden movement.
"Davey....David, don't. Yer won't do no good, ya just get yourself beat up too."
"Well if that's what it takes-"
"Davey. P....Please just stay 'ere."
Dave sat back down, somewhat sad and reluctant, and they sat in silence for a time.
"You's don't deserve to die, Jack. Don't let them get to you."
Looking up slowly, Jack smiled- the kind of smile he would normally hide, or the one he wore while blushing. Then, he reached towards Dave's hand.
"Thanks, Dave, ya really are a....pal."
Davey focused his gaze intently on the floorboards, lips frowned, opened, closed, blew out a laboured breath. Previously furrowed brows deepened further.
Chuckling hurt, but Jack thought it was worth it. Reaching up to rest his hand on Dave's jaw, he sat up slightly further. He turned the boys face toward him.
They looked at each other tenderly, taking in each feature and strand of hair they were both so in love with.
Then, Davey leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the top of Jacks forehead, smiling against his skin.
He pulled back and Jack instantly grabbed his waist and pulled him in for a long needed hug.
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Jack, waking up from (yet another) coma: *yawning* hey guys, what time is it?
Race: about 2am dude, you hungry?
Jack: oh cool, I could eat.
Davey, comforting Crutchie who’s sobbing uncontrollably: could you PLEASE STOP ACTING LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED-
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Jack: hey, um, when you said you can do “magic in bed” this isn’t what I expected-
Davey: *holding up king of hearts* is this your card?
Jack: holy shit
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protective friends i tell ya
"Mornin', Princess Beauty."
Davey sighed, edges of his lips curling up, breathing in the ink and dust off Jacks shirt. He awoke slowly, his head nuzzled into Jack's neck. Oh, he couldn't stop himself from reaching up to kiss him on the cheek after his comment.
"Well, somebody' feeling good today." Jack slurred, also still half asleep.
"Such a fine morning. Why not waste it on you." There was a chuckle as Jack started to move off the bed they were sharing in Davey's room.
"As much as I'd love to stay here and chat, dear, we both have to go get to newspaper before they're all out."
Laughing, Davey leaned closer, looking lovingly at his boyfriend as he did so.
Jack Kelly was amazing. Perfect in every little way. In his eyes as they sparked with a new idea, the warmth of his smile as they caught each others gaze, the slurred and lazy way he spoke that was always full of confidence and determination. For Davey, Jack filled his stomach with an ache and every part of his heart with love. To Davey, this boy who slept on the streets smelt of home and was his warmth.
Davey Jacobs was absolutely and truely in love with him.
"Daaaaaveeeeey!" Les whined, wandering into Davey's room, shirt untucked with his suspenders hanging out over his pants.
Davey pulled away from Jack with a blush and a cough while Jack reached forward to Daveys still unbuttoned shirt with a fake conversation.
"..aaaand THAT'S why this shirt looks hell ofa lot bettah on ya than the other, y'know, for the ladies." Jack said, pretending to be offering his clothing advice instead of their snuggling.
"Oh hya Jack! I didn't know yer was here!" Les ran up to the older boy, who in turn tussled his hair.
"Yeah, well, needed a place ta crash when comin' back from Queens and thought 'aye, why not ma favourite brothers!"
Davey smirked, knowing the real reason was that Jack had come was to kiss Davey senseless.
Les was interrupted talking as Davey got up to say he needed to get ready, shooing Les out of his room while ordering him not to tell their parents that Jack was here. Davey picked up his vest and shirt, beginning to get changed as Jack looked on, getting up to whisper in Davey's ear.
"Not gonna shove me out like yer brother, huh?"
Davey chuckled as he leaned into Jack, the other boy humming against his neck.
"Oi, Jack, I have ta if you keep giving me these." Davey laughed as he pointed to the red mark on his neck. Jack didn't listen and hugged him lovingly from behind. When he pulled away he smirked and kissed Davey softly on the lips.
"Just markin' what's mine."
Rolling his eyes, Davey got ready and told Jack to go on ahead.
"Who the FUCK  had the nerve to do tha-"
"I'll squish that little son ofa bitch-"
"No. Davey? Davey gotta-"
Davey stood blushing in the middle of the chaos as the newsies screamed over each other. He clutched his bag and twisted his neck as everyone rushed forward to grab and see the hickey so evident near his jaw.
Race jumped out of the flock of boys and lowed into a dangerous swat position, holding out his finger gun and aiming it at the people walking by.
"I don't know how Davey got a fuckin' hickey overnight but whoever did will hear the songs of revenge."
Heavy footsteps sounded and it became silent as the leader of Brooklyn suddenly stroke in front of them all, face furrowed as usual.
"Race told me someone gave Davey a hickey and I came as soon as I heard. Where the bitch?"
A jumble of mixed letters and words fell from Davey's mouth as he pulled away with his hands up, shocked at the arrival of Spot Conlon.
"Listen guys, y'know I find it nice that yer care about me and all but i'm never gonna tell you who gave me th-"
Jack strolled out from around a corner behind Davey cheerfully (blissfully unaware of what was happening) and as Dave kept talking, he waved and walked up behind him. Jacks fingers reached out and he suddenly trailed his hands up the back of Davey's shirt, causing the other boy to yelp and blush as the newsies gasped.
Turning around, Davey was met with Jacks lips on his and groaned. Pulling away, he mumbled angrily that he was just trying to convince the other boys that he wasn't going to tell him about where he got his hickey.
Meanwhile, the newsies stood in awe as they watched their Manhattan leader pepper their angry Mum Friend with kisses.
"Albert..." Romeo whispered, laughing softly.
Albert handed romeo a penny with his jaw dropped to the floor.
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*The Newsies are sitting down minding their own business when they hear Jack and Davey in the other room*
Crutchie: oh I guess Jack and Davey finally...confessed...to each other
Jack, bursting through the door, screaming: DAVEY BET ME IN MARIO CART AGAIN-
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new years lights au (javid oneshot)
Happy New Years everyone! God, I hope that 2021 is better than 2020! Yikes!!!
Also, this was written at 2:00am (australian time) so excuse any dodgey spelling or train of events. Enjoy your New Year and this little au!
(((Btw I did write this 2 hours into the New Years but I forgot to post lol)))
- trash author 💕
Only slivers of darkness had managed to fall over New York. Despite the late hour, the city was bright awake, shining and glittering and in complete chaos. It was New Years Eve after all! The full moon shone brightly above everyone’s ecstatic heads and the dark sky wavered in and out of Davey’s view as he ducked through the thick crowd.
“Wait up!” He called to Jack with a laugh, reaching out towards the boys disappearing smile. Finally, Davey had enough and stumbled out of the crowd to a spot between some stalls.
He looked around at the busy festival, the New Years Eve celebrations causing a bright explosion anywhere it could. The parks trees were decorated with beautiful lights, temporary stalls were strung up for the weekend, flowers littered the pathway. Looking up to the rides above him, he listened to the happy chatter, laughter and music that floated from it, savouring the smell of fresh caramel and roasting nuts. Suddenly hands fell on his shoulder, causing David to jump.
Jack snickered mockingly, “It’s just me!”
Elbowing him in the ribs and trying to hide his smile, Dave gestured around them, “So? Where’s the place you wanted to show me then?”
Brown hair bounced up and down as Jack looked side to side.
“Just here!”
A few moments later, and after needless wrestling through bush and sneaking past guards, Jack and Davey were seated on the Ferris Wheel.
“You could’ve just told me we were going to the Ferris Wheel, I would’ve actually paid!” Chuckled Davey.
“Where’s the fun in that?”
They sat there grinning at each other, faces melted with the warmth of their own eyes. After a while Davey looked away and out to the extraordinary view. They were travelling up above the trees and the lights, the noise and their problems, together they were above everything, and it was gorgeous.
Jack grinned. But he didn’t stare out below. Instead he studied the curve of Davey’s nose, watched the twitch of his lip as he thought, admired the intelligence and beauty in his eyes.
He instead leaned forward a tiny bit, his voice just louder than the mix of songs from below them. “I got no use for moonlight. Or sappy poetry. Love at first sight's for suckers, at least it used to be...”
Jack cleared his throat awkwardly and fiddled with the peeling rails, looking down as Davey turned back.
Jack continued, “Look, girls are nice, once or twice. Till I find someone new. But I never planned on someone like you...”
Davey’s heart throbbed in his chest, staring at the awkward smile Jack flashed at him as he finished.
Taking a shakey breath, Davey moved closer towards Jack, being jolted as the Ferris Wheel stopped abruptly (the speaker announcing that the count down would start in 5 mins). They had luckily gotten the best spot- right on top with the most wonderful and full view. But Davey didn’t really care about that because, well, Jack was right there. Face a little more flushed then usual, his flirtatious nature having slipped away only to reveal the care from his heart. Could this boy- the college boy dressed in jeans and mind bright with colours- really like Davey like that? David hoped so, oh please, please. David’s smiled wavered and he met Jacks eyes, only to look back down as he blushed and started to whisper.
“I always cared for moonlight. I wrote poetry. I read of love in fiction, but now I can see.”
Jack put out a calloused hand to place it lightly on Davey’s jaw, sending the boys stomach somersaulting.
“I mean, boys are fun, but I move on. I’ve never found someone new. So I never planned on someone like you.”
Intertwining their fingers that were laying beside each other, Davey finally let himself look back at Jacks gaze. Warmth radiated through both of them, foreheads resting against each other’s and hearts pounding so loud that it drowned the sound of the announcers.
Together they spoke, voices quiet and gentle.
“I never thought you’d plan on someone like.....me......”
Thousands of other voices suddenly surrounded them, pulling them both from their trance and causing them to look around in alarm.
“It’s the count down!” Davey gasped, grabbing Jacks other hand and casting his eyes back up to the night sky.
“2...” Jacks head was racing but he shoved it away to smile and grip Davey’s hand tighter.
The sky exploded with colour, lighting up their faces in soft arrays of red and white and green. Fireworks floated down like rain, popping and sizzling. Davey gigged and turned back into the Ferris Wheel.
“Happy New Yea-“ Davey was cut off as Jack leaped on top of him, cupping his face and kissing him passionately on the mouth.
He pulled away panting, face lit abruptly up again with exploding colours as another firework sizzled back down. Davey laughed nervously and paused before kissing him back. They kissed and kissed and laughed and laughed through the whole show.
When they got off they walked around hanging onto each other’s arms, their fingers intertwined, searching for the huge group that they had snuck off from.
“Where have you two been?” Katherine commented suspiciously as they caught up to them, everyone raising an eyebrow as they pranced back in.
“Ya know....just having some quality...bro-time...” Jack smirked.
Davey giggled and kissed him softly on the cheek.
And in that moment they knew they were in love.
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harsh thoughts and loud headlines
Javid Oneshot
"What we's got for a headline today, boys?"
Jack Kelly rolled back his shoulders casually as he strode into the chaos of newsie boys, who all erupted into a cheer. With a grin and a slap on the back to Crutchie he turned to watch Davey and Les stroll up next to him. Davey was grinning too at the boy in front of him.
Crutchie looked back. "Headlines not up yet-" 
"Jack! Didn't see ya last night when Race fell down the ladder! Where'd you slip of to hey?" Albert's head appeared next to Jack with a smirk and a playful wack to the cigar in Race's mouth ("Oi!").
"I was ats the Jacobs place," Jack said, wrapping his arm around Davey's shoulder and ruffling the already mess of his hair, "really comfy bed he has."
Davey blushed as he remembered Jacks snuggled up to him on his one person bed. He blushed harder when he remembered everything that had happened that night. The lingering taste, the warming smell, the tangle of lips, the words of confession. 
Then with a cough he nudged Jack.
"Oh, yeah, Les has got a real nice bed." Jack teased, smirked at him, not worried by his ‘mistake’. Before the other boys had enough time to question it, Les spoke up, jumping between them with an annoyed look.
"I had to shares a bed with mom and dad!" He grimaced.
"Hey it wasn't that bad," Davey chuckled.
Race took the cigar out of his mouth to make his comment with a playful grin. "Fancy house, huh? Had to be to ditch us!" 
Jack squeezed Davey’s shoulder a little tighter and jokingly widened his eyes and let go to throw up his hands dramatically.
"Oh yeah, gardens runnin' miles! Them feathery birds right on yer arm there was!" Everyone chuckled and he turned to Les, hitting him lightly on the arm.
"Real nice folks there too, really loved my smile!" At this all the boys laughed and Jack gasped comically.
"Aye! I has a real beautiful smile, hey Dave?" 
"Um..." Daveys cheeks heated up as Jack ruffled his hair again, but before Dave could say anything he was was interrupted as Specs rapped Jack's shoulder.
"Oi Jack! Headline's up!"
Davey turned to the board, eyes lingering on the warmth of Jacks grin. As Jack turned, his eyes scanned over every ray of happiness radiating off Davey's smile. 
But as Dave turned fully around, that smile dropped. Hands wandered up to the edge of his vest to fidget with the fabric nervously and he bit his lip in his anxiety. The heart in Davey's chest pounded suddenly too loudly in his ears, his throat thick as all the colour drained from his face.
The headline read: Homosexuality Is A Sin That Needs To Be Killed.
There were angry mutterings through the crowd of newsboys, but Davey heard them as whispers of agreement, and suddenly Davey felt like the world was about to turn on him and his breath came fast.
"Davey whats homo...homosel...-ety?" Les looked up at him with a face of pure confusion and innocence. But Davey's mind was tangled and he could only reply in a 'errrrr' and complete gibberish. 
"Dave, you okay mate?" Crutchie looked at him with sad eyes, but again, Davey could only see the hatred and the picture of him and Jack laying on the blooded sidewalk filled his mind. He nodded quickly and put his head down as everyone went to begrudgingly line up to get their papes. 
Davey slowed down next to Jack and before he could say anything about Davey's pale face, Dave reached out and pulled them into the nearest alleyway.
"Dave..." Davey didn't answer and continued to drag them deeper into the dim alleyway.
"David." Jack reached out an arm and pulled Davey to a halt, forcing the boy to face him.
"It's gonna be alright." Davey's eyes and lip wavered and his pain came out in a harsh stream of words and hisses.
"No Jack. How is any of this 'alright'? We....What we're doing is illegal. People could kill us. Why is that okay? You and I could die by just....just ki....just looking at each other!” Starting to pace up and down the dark alley, Davey’s hand combed through his dark hair, scraping against his scalp. He looked up at Jack with wide-eyes.
Jack placed a soothing hand on Dave’s shoulder and worked his way up to rub the side of the other boys neck.
“Davey, listen it’s not-”
Davey grabbed Jack hand and squeezed it painfully tight. “-Les is young, I'm just trying to feed my family...Should we be doing this? Is this actually okay? Will it ever be? I...I don't know whats right...I...I..." Davey groaned in pain and threw his arms out in bitter fury. His voice broke and he leaned into the open arms Jack offered with a broken posture.
"Jack I just...Are we doing the right thing?" 
Calloused hands caressed the back of Davey’s neck and rubbed circles on his back.
"Hey, hey....Dave, I've wondered that my entire life. And look at me now! I led a goddamn strike for petes sake! And I woulda never been able to do that without you. You never know if somethings right or not, you feel it deep within 'ya. Loving someone ain't no crime, and it's sure not gonna put me off whatever yous is made of." 
Davey chuckled into the creases of Jacks grey vest, breathing in the ink and dirt. He smelt of everything Davey had wished for as a child- happy innocence, love beyond belief, fresh gardens of falling rose. He had expected to find it with a girl or even a child, but no. Jack was everything to Davey. The curl of his finger through the mess of Davey’s hair gave him life, so did the tingle of warmth after the gentle kiss placed on his jaw.
“We just needs to be careful, you know?”
Jack started to move before Davey spoke.
"Hey Jackie?"
The boy with a golden smile held Davey a little closer.
"I think I'm in love with you."
He leaned closer, lips brushing Daveys. Breath hot against both their cheeks.
"I hope damn well you do cuz' if not, I'd feel like a huge idiot."
And there they stayed, mouths tied passionately together, pulling apart only to breathe, Davey pinned to the wall and Jack pressed against him, body’s intertwined. In that moment, all was perfect, both the boys in bliss and completely in love.
(Little did they know that Race, Albert, Crutchie and Romeo were peaking around the corner of the dim alleyway, silently cheering and making snarky comments as they kissed. Later, they would tell all the newsie boys about this)
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Tumblr media
Javid aesthetic board 🤍🖤
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newsies as things that happened in my dumbass school
*in class*
Race: hey um... are leaves poisonous to consume?
Davey: um wha- are you eating leaves??
Race, munching on a leaf and holding many more in his arms: ...maybe
*Race running out of the classroom and spitting leaves onto the ground*
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newsies as things that happened in my dumbass friendship group
Jack: do u ever stare at paint water and have to physical stop yourself from tasting it?
Davey: no. seek help.
Jack: don’t worry i haven’t........yet
Crutchie: please don’t
Jack: oh god i’m sorry it tastes horrible
Race: you idiot
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a little liquor didn’t hurt anyone? (pt1)
Thanks for reading!! It means a lot!!! Part two is coming soon! I post all of my javid oneshots on here, but find me this story on Wattpad here: https://my.w.tt/bFRINaMSkcb
A collective cheer exploded through Jacobi Deli as the newsies raised their overflowing beers. Katherine climbed on top of a chair and shushed the gang of boys.
"Due ta the success in my new newspaper company and the happiness for all the newsies, I say drink away boys! I'm paying!"
Davey joined in with the next roar of cheering and laughed with his friends, Jack hit him playfully as the leader took a swing. Soon, the room and the table Davey sat on was full of laughter and delight. Outside grew dark as their party raged on. David had never really drunk beer like this before- and neither had most of the other boys- so it was an absolute dream come true to be there. The browns and greys of their rags danced in bright colours underneath the oranges of the gas lights and for a long while everyone's worries were thrown away. Now was a time for celebrating. Awhile later, Jack collapsed onto a chair beside Davey- who was currently shouting over the noise to try and tell Race something about not licking Katherine, therefore owning her and all her earned money.
"This is great!" Jack called, leaning in so the David could hear him better.
"What the drinks or the stupidity?" Davey snickered, turning to him.
"Both! Ohhhhh come on, it's ya first time drinkin' and yer haven't even had any!" Jack gestured to Dave's practically full pint with a smirk.
"Aye, I've had some! Anyway, somebody's gotta make sure you don't do anythin' stupid." Davey elbowed Jack lightly and they both laughed, genuine smiles lighting the room, paired with a share of longing stares. It was broken as Jack raised his glass and got up with a "suit yourself!" and a little chuckle.
Lingering to watch Jack walk away, Davey took another small sip of his pint and turned instead to a conversation between Specs, Albert and Race, allowing the bittersweet and yeast-y taste of it to settle on his tongue.
Katherine slid down on the chair beside them, her cheeks flushed red and her curled hair fuzzed and messier than before. Giggling she gulped down a mouthful of an almost-empty pint.
"What's up ma boys!" She hiccuped. Davey chuckled along with the others around him.
"I think yer enjoying that a bit too much Kath." Elmer leaned in with his sunshine smile and his own glass.
"Nah she's fiiiine!" An obviously tipsy Race chimed in, who was perched on the table. Katherine ignored the exchange and moved closer to Davey, wrapping her hands around his shoulders and shaking them.
"Davey! One of ma best friiiends! How yer doing- isn't this great? Oh, this would be the perfect place for ya to look for the ~special someone~ you've been eyeing...." A chorus of "oooOooo"s rippled around the table of about the 6 boys who had started listening in, a blushing Davey now in the middle of it. Davey fingered the handle of his pint smiling. "Come on Kath, y...you've obviously drunk too much!" Specs bent over the table to pinch at Dave's flushed cheeks (face) comically, laughing. "Ya think we's can't see! Come on you can tell us you got a cruuuush!"
"Do not!"
"Do so!"
Albert whacked him with his hat and everyone whooped, Katherine the loudest among them.
Katherine swayed forward to his ear and cupped her hands like she was going to whisper but when she spoke it was shouted. "It's JAck I bet! They looooOOooves each other hehe....."
Davey's face burned bright red and he reached immediately to shush her loudly, the girl in question giggling profoundly and laughing with the instant and comical teasing from the other boys. David hunched his shoulders and huffed out a breath, trying to hide his red face.
"Awww he's so in love!"
"Coooooome oooon Davey, yer can trust us, we ain't gonna tell the coppers!"
"I...I..." Davey stuttered wide eyed. He had enough of this and suddenly grabbed his pint and told a large swing to avoid the conversation.
Stunned, Race hung his head upside down from the side of the table and grinned. "Hehe, how 'bout you either admit you like the fAmOuS jAcK KeLLy or ya chug yer beer?" Everyone turned and snickered at each other and Davey, knowing he'll just talk.
Looking around at all his expecting-friends eyes, David gulped. When he looked around the wider room he saw Jack- his broad shoulders moving to laughter as he told a group of people a funny story. Dave let his eyes linger there before he turned back to Race, Katherine and almost everyone else, mouth parting as if to speak.
Then he chugged his entire drink.
~~~~~~~(many poor life decisions later)~~~~~~~
"Everyone's here is dumb and I loves you all!" Davey said as he swayed forward and hiccuped, leaning into Katherine, who in turn laughed obnoxiously loud. As Davey leaned drunkenly against the table to balance himself, Race filled up his pint a bit more, like he'd been doing for the last hour. Dave downed another two gulps, never wondering how his pint was never empty.
Dave folded himself on the table and whisper-shouted to whoever was listening. "But you knows who I love the most? Hehe, of course you's do! It's Jaaack....."
Race's eyes widened and he whacked Albert lightly, "I knews it! Yer need to tell 'em!"
Giggling, Davey responded, "Yeeeah course yer guessed imma horrible at hiding. And I ain't gonna hide no more, nuh-uh!"
A few moment's later, the same brunette climbed upon the table and sploshed some beer on his unbuttoned vest as he looked over everyone.
"Oi! Everyone listen here!" He shouted over the noise.
Everyone who was still in Jacobi Deli (which was only the Newsies at this time of night) turned to the obviously drunk boy, surprised to see their Davey so tipsy- at least that's what Jack was thinking.
"I am in love and I's ain't scared of who knows. Imma hella gonna regret it in the morning but.....yeahs....I'm seizing the day!" Davey couldn't see straight and kept swaying, his cap clutched in his hands as he continued to grin at everyone.
The boys all turned as Jack chimed up with a heartily laugh. "I am agog! I am aghast! Is Davey Jacobs in love at last? I've never heard him ooh and aah. Who's the lucky lady, heh?"
Davey furrowed his brows, and stepped off the table toward him (needing help to re-balance when he landed from Specs and Elmer). Jack didn't move as the Jacobs boy approached him slowly.
They were trapped in an intense staring contest until Davey leaped onto Jack and crashed their lips together, causing Jack to fall against the bar counter and the other boys to cheer thunderously.
end of part 1: to be continued...
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*the newsies at school*
*Davey walks in*
Race: Perfect timing Davey! We’re going to make an potion to poison Mr Clarden for the science fair and we need virgins blood.
Davey: okay?
Race: so hold out your arm- we can’t take it from Crutchie!
Davey: eRmMMmm
Jack: guys, Davey isn’t a virgin
Everyone: ????yes he is????
Jack, smiling: guys, Davey is NOT a virgin...........anymore
Everyone: whAT
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Crutchie, at davey’s house: hey have you seen jack he didn’t come home last night?
Davey, trying to not act suspicious: errr, uh, nah............no i have not seen him for...for quite Some Time you know? Too long really I’m-
Jack, walking out from Davey’s room with no shirt on: hya crutchie
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