#news: sebastian ainsworth
leonardoxschuyler · 2 years
The Phoenix
By Leonardo Schuyler
I often consider myself a sounding board as I’ve always reminded in which I’m able to relay the messages of the people through any form I can. My methods may seem controversial to some, and I personally have been known for my controversy on a general level, but even I’m not able to deny one party their chance to be heard even when providing this person with a platform is widely frowned upon recently in light of current events. Therefore, at the behest of feeding our favorite gossiper’s endless appetite, I’ve been requested to print this statement directly from the Davenport golden boy himself, Sebastian Ainsworth.
In full verbatim:
“Firstly, I want to pen this letter as my first public declaration as I take my place as the head of a company passed down through every Ainsworth generation from father to son, and in this case, from sibling to sibling. It was never an intention I was to be handed the torch so early on while the training at my brother’s side was yet unfinished, but as we know in our lives, unfortunate events can occur at the drop of a hat without warning. Theon’s passing left a hole I couldn’t easily fill with thoughts of running a business so soon after, a hole I knew deserved more than a kid who fought so hard against his legacy. And I admit, while my relationship with him was strained, while we weren’t perfect, we never reached the level of forgiveness for anything we’ve ever done to the other even if I firmly believe he wouldn’t have likely forgiven me for my sins. For anyone who has ever lost somebody, then it’s simple to understand why I chose to spend the months away from the city figuring out who I was and what I wanted in the absence of Theon. I acknowledge how this action could be deemed as cowardice. I’ve made many mistakes in my life that I face every single day and rushing off will constantly be one of them.
Secondly, I wish to also acknowledge the fact most citizens of the city have charged me with two crimes that I cannot ignore any longer. The first is the catalyst of the harsher of both crimes, my relationship with Ryan Vincent. Love is a mystery we’ve yet to understand as one humanity and those that have been in it will tell you that you can’t help nor stop who you fall in love with at times you never anticipate. I’m paying the price, we both are, because of something she and I couldn’t control. I know this betrayal hurt not only us and our factions, a notion I wasn’t blind to when Ryan entered the picture, but my former fiancée, Eleanor Cabello. Looking back, it wasn’t clear to the outside world that I still cared about her while my heart strayed elsewhere and I wouldn’t erase my surprise if she thought me selfish either. I’d hold the same reaction in her shoes. So, this letter also represents a starting apology I will continue to provide in person if she will take me as I am.
And then there is Benji Evans, my best friend, my brother who suffered the greatest of punishments for doing what every loyal sibling had by keeping the secrets of his brother safe. There isn’t a day that passes where I don’t wonder what I could have done differently and between me and Benny, we both know nothing prevented our sibling from sending him away. He’s aware of all the ways I have essentially ruined his life, and a new family in a different faction doesn’t diminish those reasons. Not for me.
The second crime I am accused of, of course, are the circumstances in Newford and this time, I’m inclined to address specifically the party responsible for such a horrendous assassination of my character. It is disappointing and shameful how low some will go to rake a name through the mud when it best suits their climb of power, even if condemning an innocent of attacking the family of the woman he loves is the only way in burning him to the ground. Whoever you are, however I may have slighted you, it gives you no excuse to ruthlessly take from a man who’s all but already lost everything. Reasonable men know, however, that you won’t step forward and come clean, so just remember instead that I will find out your identities and proceed accordingly. And as for the people of St. Cascadia, I implore you to read between the lines while I work on gathering solid stone proof that I am not the monster accountable for these attacks. I know I’ve a long way to go before trust can be built, but put your faith in me to clear my name and become the leader you can show pride in.
My love for this city, my home, and my faction is infinite. It’s seen the worst of me and the best of me, provided and taken away. It fills me with a newfound hope that I am able to finally give back and materialize a future worthy of my namesake. Your needs and the lives of my faction come first, that is the promise I make to you. No more running, St. Cascadia, no more burying my head in the sand. After all, a phoenix rises from the ashes of adversity.
And so will I.
Sebastian Michael Ainsworth.”
0 notes
Update on how many unique characters you’ve received?
As usual, super long list, so here we go!
These characters have two+ (2+) submissions, and are likely to be included.
Vriska Serkat
Eridan Ampora
Kokichi Ouma
Haiji Towa
Minoru Mineta
Bill Cipher
John Gaius
Regal Farseer
Kylo Ren
Jurgen Leitner
Ty Betteridge
Sasuke Uchiha
Dazai Osamu
Glenn Quagmire
Rose Quartz
Izzy Hands
Akio Ohtori
Katsuki Bakugo
Don Quixote Doflamingo
Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
Ansem the Wise
Kusaka Masato
The Metatron
Evan Hansen
Stella Goetia
Pierce Hawthorne
Lance Dubois
Santa Claus
Meenah Peixes / Her Imperious Condescension 
Greg Heffley
Tony Stark
Donald Trump
Jace Herondale / Wayland / Lightwood / Morgenstern
Teddy / Kuma
Mr. Bungee
Julia Mazzone
Sentinel Prime
William Afton
Cullen Rutherford
Shou Tucker
Junko Enoshima
Ardyn Izunia
Sosuke Aizen
Simon Laurent
Ōchi Fukuchi
Jin Guanyao
Micah Bell
These characters have been submitted only once, and have a lower chance of being accepted.
Michael Scott
Detective Saracusa
Paul Von Oberstein
Damian Wayne
Cersei Iannister
John ‘Jack’ Seward
Abyss Sibling
Tim Drake
Dr. John ‘Jack’ Seward
Gra’ha Tia
Elias Ainsworth
Erlina and Brugaves
Five Pebbles
The Entirety Of Homestuck
Willy Stampler
Miguel O’Hara
Medusa Gorgon
Gamzee Makara
Rohan Kishibe
Teruhashi Makoto
Gordon Blackwall
Rebecca Costwolds
Anakin Skywalker
Sigma Kilm
Caesar Clown
Shiki Tohno/Nanaya
Mori Ougai
Touichiro Suzuki
Alexander Hamilton
Georg Weissmann 
Dean Winchester
The Operator
Scrappy Doo
Foreman Oyun
The Eleventh Doctor
Any Character From Welcome to Nightvale
Will Shuester
Silver Spoon
Jayne Cobb
Byakuya Togami
Prince Louis 
Princess Daisy
Light Yagami
The Pale King
Yoshiharu Hisomu
Himiko Toga
Sebastian Mechaelias
Mystery Hunter (Jeremiah Hartley)
Muzan Kibutsuji
Clara Oswald
Ranpo Edogawa (Beast)
Heath cliff
Inspector Tobias Greyson
Huey Emmerich
Tom Wambsgans
Yuri Briar
Jacopo Bearzatti
Meredith Rodney McKay
Every Single Country In 1993
Val Velocity
Noor Pradesh
Kristoph Gavin
Dan Moroboshi
Muu Kusunoki
Shen Jiu
April O’Neil (2012)
Makoto Itou
Ianthe Tridentarius
Disembodied Voice
George Wickham
The New Ninja
Sakazuki Akainu 
Petyr Baelish / Littlefinger
Wen Chao
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd 
James T. Kirk
Mikan Tsumuki
Millions Knives
The Mage
Otto Apocalypse 
Woodes Rogers
Zeke Jaeger
Dean Venture
Aloise Trancey
Akito Sohma
Monokubs (Except Monodam)
Chrollo Lucifer
Chloe Bourgeois 
Zhou Zishu
Elon Musk
Il Dottore
Goeffry St. John
Nikola Tesla
Ogai Mori
Mary Keay
Dr. Henry Miller
Voice In The Calm Ad On Spotify
Akechi Goro
Victor Frankenstein
Riley Finn
Anyone From The Locked Tomb
Elias Ainsworth
Nefera DeNile
Angel Dust
Blitzo Buckzo
The Once-Ler
Zenos Galvus
Marvin Falsettos
Solf J. Kimblee 
Father / Dwarf In The Glass
Henry the Eighth 
Aranea Serkat
Caliborn / Lord English
Feferi Peixes
Black Pete
Cozy Glow
Holly Blue Agate
Every Genshin Impact Character Ever
Dio (Zero Escape)
Matou Shinji
Chris McClain
Ruruka Ando
Sheldon Cooper
Buck Cluck
Valens Van Varro
Verstael Besithia
France (Hetalia)
Tumblr Staff
Yumichika Ayasegawa
Akio Himemiya
Ali Lectric
Rafe Cameron
Raven Queen
Everyone In Romeo And Juliet
Bella Swan
Haiji Senri
Tsumugi Aoba
Vivienne Medranno’s Impsona
Buzz McCallister 
Eugene Coli
Live Action Buggy
Aizen Sosuke
Kyouichi Saionji
Ibara Saegusa
Yu Ziyuan
Mahiru Koizumi
The Little Palace Mistress
Eichi Tenshouin
The Old Palace Master
Jonah Magnus
Queen Scarlet
Nanami Kiryuu 
Hiyoko Saionji
Steven Universe
18 notes · View notes
pandoraxharlow · 8 months
Therapy // self para
This was officially the stupidest thing she has ever been made to do. First of all, who thought it the logical idea forcing a young woman who has already suffered enough relive her trauma for someone she didn't really know well? The law abides by a psychological evaluation when a relationship drowning in domestic abuse ends with a dead body. Pandora fought against this and she fought hard, but in the end, missing the session could be misconstrued as lacking remorse. Maintain the victim act, which she still was without a doubt, just not the premediated murder way no one is supposed to know about.
Pan picked at the skin of her thumb anxiously, eyes following the blonde therapist from her spot on the couch as Madyson rummaged through her desk for a notebook. Most evaluations are done in a private room at the police station, but it was the other woman's opinion that conducting a session within a less rigid environment in another female's presence might alleviate the stress. Pandora could say she didn't know Doctor Beckett very well, really. The photographs on her desk indicated she had a daughter, the frames on the wall displaying Mady's degrees gave a clear picture there were brains in her head, and the way she carried herself screamed professionalism. The one thing that stuck out to Panny, however, was the fact they both came from Newford. Looking at this woman reminded her of home. And that wasn't a good thing.
"Sorry about that. Either I write really big or I fill up these notebooks too quickly." Madyson sheepishly muttered, wrapping the cover of the notebook around and opening on a brand new page as she took a seat in a chair across from Pandora. Leaning forward and pressing the play button on the tape recorder, she cleared her throat and began the usual introduction. "Case file 3A. Patient name Pandora Grace Harlow, participating in a law-mandated psych eval. Time of session is 3:05 PM." Mady sat back against the cushions and offered the girl a warm smile. "How are you today, Pandora?"
"That's a loaded fucking question." Pan spit the retort before any sign of a filter kicked in. She knew how that statement would sound over a recording, almost imagining whoever worked on her case will think the sarcasm wasn't a great look, but it was also the truth. Let me count in all the ways I feel completely shitty. "I'm fine." That's all she could muster and altogether it summed up Panny's true feelings in the moment. She wasn't particularly happy sitting on a couch and given no choice speaking with a shrink, but something in her body language already displayed that.
Pandora watched the look in the doctor's gaze, almost witnessing the other woman make the decision to switch gears and change tactics. Madyson nodded once and began twirling her pen between her fingers before trying again, "I hear you've been living under the care of Detective Monaghan." Mady's stomach twisted at the mention of Derek, even speaking his first name making her feel the awkwardness. "How has that been going for you so far?"
"Are you sure this session really isn't your excuse to talk about Derek?" Pandora knew a small fraction of Derek's past relationship with the doctor. While she couldn't notice much difference from the man's grumpiness within the time they were dating, there were moments where Pan swore she saw him smile. "I know you two had some kind of thing before that went to shit." From secondhand sources, no less. Derek made little mention of the therapist and she personally understood why from the detective's perspective. Doing a job is one thing, but if that job involved taking on Sebastian Ainsworth as your client, you have recipe for disaster. A conflict of interest and a target placed on the back of anyone you cared for if shit traveled south.
Madyson breathed a soft sigh and nodded in confirmation. "Yes, we did, but this isn't about me and Derek. This is about you." The way her relationship with Derek ended or was at a brief standstill, she wasn't even certain what they were now, but describing that it went to shit is placing it on far lighter terms than what actually happened. She fucked up, plain and simple. "Knowing past events, I'm sure it's comforting staying with someone else during the investigation. Everyone needs support."
Panny adjusted the position on the couch, tucking her legs underneath her and raising a hand to her throat as an absentminded habit before realizing the black cross she usually wore wasn't there any longer. It was in Peter's possession if she remembered correctly or maybe he didn't keep the damn thing, the symbolism of it meant nothing to her anyway. "It's been fine. I have my own room." She dropped her hand and raised a single shoulder shrug, "We do dinners pretty much every night, mostly take-out on the days Derek works. He's a better hair stylist than he is a cook." Pandora indicated her cropped blonde locks courtesy of Derek's assistance after he found her struggling in the bathroom with a pair of scissors. "And Katie, god, she's a ball of energy even I'm having trouble keeping up with." The little girl's presence is therapy in of itself. "Then there's the moments before I go to bed where I remember why I'm staying in that house. Past all the good, I still have the ugly."
The sound of pen scribbling on paper filled the silence as Doctor Beckett took notes. In her opinion, Pan taking residence at Derek's home was the best thing for her mental health. She could only imagine returning to a broken home or god forbid, what was left of the crime scene Pandora called an apartment. Mady held a basic summary of the girl's past petty misdemeanors tucked inside a file in her top desk drawer, had heard by word-of-mouth her family situation wasn't the greatest. She didn't have anyone trustworthy in her corner. "Even a small ray of sunshine goes a long way." Madyson mentioned, eyes casting down on the words written thus far. "Pandora, you described your situation as ugly. Normally, I am a firm believer in allowing the patient move at their own pace and I'll still absolutely honor that as much as I can. However," The woman's pause of hesitation caused a white-hot chill through Pandora's veins. Of course she knew this was coming, but delaying the inevitable didn't last long. "Due to an ongoing homicide case, it's a responsibility of mine to breach the uncomfortable for those working on fitting the pieces together. We need to talk about that night with Jason."
Pandora shifted anxiously against the cushions, the squeaking coils only furthering the jitteriness bouncing from all directions within her body. This was it, what she said at this moment could affect a great outcome of the verdict if a trial really were to happen. It could destroy the lies and cover story she and Derek built by the finest detail or unravel the secret just as severe as the second shot they were attempting to conceal. One secret and one assassin.
No, Pandora wouldn't crumble, she'd latch a grip on herself and lie through her fucking teeth with a small hint of half-truths to make this convincing. "There were many unpleasant nights with Jason that would shock you, Doc. A lot with him on top of me ignoring what I wanted." Pan offered the blunt answer before glancing away. "He was very possessive. Other guys would stare and he wouldn't hesitate beating the shit out of them. The times I ogled and he'd turn the fists on me. So, um," She shook her head slowly, "Jason was angry I'd ended the relationship and he hated even more that I was spending time with a guy that wasn't him. It's one of those 'if I can't have you, no one can' scenarios." Classic Jason, territorial and psychopathic until the very bitter end. "You want to know if I feel guilty, right? I'm sure that's the whole point of this." Pan gestured between the other woman and herself with a hand. "I don't have remorse doing what I thought I needed to protect myself and save my life. I regret the fact I had to kill someone to do it," No. No, she didn't regret it for a second. Let the asshole burn like his friends, slowly and painfully. "but the real truth is, his blood isn't just on my hands."
Madyson kept her silence out of respect as she always did during sessions with a patient. Some required the coaxing for information, others offered it openly, nevertheless the extent of her career consisted of the ability to sit still and become another's listening ear when they felt as if no other person in their lives were around. She could be that for someone. God, this poor girl, though. Pandora isn't the first sexual assault victim to come through her doors, but she was the first to kill her abuser that has landed in her stack of patient files. "We weren't here to prove your innocence, Pandora, you aren't on trial. I'm sorry you felt like you had no choice in what happened." Madyson's sincerity shone through whether Pan believed it or otherwise. "You had said his blood isn't just on your hands. Can you tell me what you mean by that? From where we're sitting, I'm sensing some anger."
"Of course I'm angry. Why wouldn't I be angry?" Pandora untucked her legs and placed her palms on either side of her, leaning forward slightly, "You and I both know what happens to young girls like us in Newford when we step on the wrong side of the tracks. The only way you avoid being marked someone's fuck toy pet depends on the decent influences in your life. Your parents, your siblings, your family, you don't have anyone dependable and you're fucked. Take Jason, for instance," Pan realized a long tangent helped no one, but nothing erased her impulsive temper when it boiled over. She wanted whoever listened to those tapes to feel her wrath and distrust, maybe even take her side. "Do you think the times we hung around at a bar and he spent the whole night berating me, calling me his little whore, that anyone bothered asking if everything was fine? Or any other time out in public when he slapped me on more than one occasion, you think someone came to my rescue? Our friends knew what was happening clear as day, my own mother saw the bruises and she did nor said nothing. Fucking Eleanor Cabello cared more about me than anybody else in our faction." She released a huff of air and screwed her jaw tight, "The cops knew of Jason's reputation and they all looked the other way. Doing nothing caused his death in some form or another."
This was the hardest aspect of her career, listening to the stories and refraining from agreeing with the words. Madyson knew the harsh reality of their faction, of this city and the world, that women in toxic relationships were sometimes brushed aside by complete strangers when their own lives held more importance. Did she share her frustration with Pandora that it was in her right laying blame on others for her circumstances? Maybe. No one clearly lifted a finger to stop it, Derek certainly intervened as was his civic duty, but only after Pan took drastic action. The only pointing of blame will and always should be directed at Jason himself. The abuser. "I know it might seem like our faction's an unforgiving place. One minute, it's a robbery and the next, bodies are being carried out of a torched warehouse. I won't sugarcoat the truth for a girl who sees her world with a certain lens." A little cynical lens, but providing that description wouldn't land well. "Do you think law enforcement's early involvement could have changed the outcome when it came to your ex?"
Pandora's nails dug into the flesh of her palms when the doctor mentioned the recent breaking news. From public perception, someone presumably from Davenport set a warehouse with seven people ablaze due to thievery. Fuck, if Madyson only knew who sent the devil to do her dirty work. "And then what? He would spend a few nights in jail just to be released on bail and try murdering me again? No matter how you spin the story, Doctor Beckett, the ending never changes. He would've attacked and I would've defended myself in any capacity to stop him. At the end of the day, the only person who was saving me was me." The sentiment sounded cheesy coming from her mouth. Stereotypical, yet, true. "I've been failed so many times. I waited for someone to spare a scrap of any kindness whatsoever they could give me and you get used to the disappointment after a while. Any hope's gone, your faith in humanity's obliterated, you lose your trust in the people closest to you. I mean, I lost seeing good in anyone, but that's just my bitterness."
Madyson hummed with a curt head nod and jotted down a few observations. Distrustful at an early age, extremely independent, quick at jumping the defensive, small hint of paranoia evident, angry. The last word was underlined carefully, emphasizing the younger woman's temperament, but Mady would make it perfectly clear Pandora's past justifies the bleak outlook. "When someone tells me they've lost their trust in anyone, I like to remind them that there's as many good people in this world than there are bad. All you have to do is look hard enough." She watched as Pandora rolled her eyes. Okay, so, the phrase was a little mushy and glass half full optimistic, she will admit that. "I know closing everyone off is a coping mechanism, but as a therapist, I want to encourage healthier routes."
"Not to rush to my own defense, but I will have you know that I've been trying healthier routes. And it seems to take a load off my back faster than this yoga zen getting-in-touch-with-my-feelings bullshit you're peddling." Maybe the jab wasn't nice or fair for someone who was only meaning to help her. "Sorry. I'm not good at this, okay?" The tough act isn't easy breaking and besides...Pan still even now didn't want anyone seeing her as a pussy. "I wrote myself a letter." She glanced down coyly, feeling almost embarrassed admitting to it. "I just...I had these thoughts fucking jackhammering in my head." Pandora's eyes landed on the doctor who nudged her head to continue, "It was this recap of all the ways in where my life went wrong. You know, it was my upbringing, the resentment with my sister, it was my boyfriend, it was Jason. I mean, it just came down to my choices and who I am as a person." The stupid letter, her true confession no one should see. "Church teaches people you burn in Hell if you commit murder. I put myself in a position where that basically pins a scarlet letter on my chest and marks me a bad person. And maybe that's what I deserve when I don't feel like there isn't anything good in me anymore. I always ruin it."
"Pan, why do you think you're not a good person?" Madyson would fervently argue on the contrary. Religion was quite the curious subject for the woman to digest, but even she knew defending oneself against an outside threat shouldn't earn a one way ticket to Hell.
Pandora said nothing for a long pause, allowing the flashes of different memories slowly collect inside a small box she locked away inside her mind. "I've done things, bad things I'm not proud of. I've defaced public places, I've stolen, I shattered windows, set shit on fire, I destroy and I destroy. Because that is all I know how to do." It was a revelation she came across a long time ago. Pan rose from her seat and began a small pace back and forth between the couch and the coffee table separating the two women. "Yeah, I never bow down and push forward when my only way out is through, but that doesn't automatically mean the happiness switch in my head is fucking flipped on. Those cops who are worried about closing the case aren't going to bother concerning themselves over the mental damage he caused." She wouldn't cry over this bullshit, she refused, but she couldn't ignore the harsh sting behind her eyes. "I made a choice and I don't regret it. But I have to live with the nightmares seeing his face. I have to force myself to remember that I won't see him hiding around every corner waiting to wrap his hands around my throat."
"Pandora," Madyson placed her notebook aside and pushed herself to her feet, moving around the coffee table and stopping at a safe distance Pandora was comfortable with. She mentally noted the girl's knee-jerk hesitation, choosing caution in her steps. "Carrying trauma from a man who lacked any regard for women doesn't make you a bad person. Do you think Derek would've taken a chance on you if he thought you owned a bad bone in your body? St. Cascadia proves good and evil isn't as black or white as everyone makes it out to be." A complex philosophy men have surely argued over for centuries. She knew their city could swing one way more than the other. "You grew up in this life thinking no one would ever stop and listen no matter how loudly you were screaming. Well, let me tell you something, Ms. Harlow," Mady raised a small smile, genuine reassurance. "We're listening. And if you didn't ensure that, I know Derek would. Don't think for a moment that he wouldn't go to the ends of the earth for you and back." Her kind gaze searched the other blonde patiently with a brief silence before she reached down toward the device on the table, switching the recording off. "I think it's time we ended this session. Don't you think?"
Pandora spent the moment throughout Madyson's spiel collecting herself, quickly wiping away the wetness that formed around her eyes while simultaneously listening to the words carefully. Yes, she knew something good could come from lowering the defensive nature that was learned at an early stage of her life. And if she knew Derek as well as she hoped, he wouldn't risk inviting her into the home he shared with his daughter if he knew Pandora's virtues were no longer intact. He didn't know about her deal with Judas and wouldn't ever know, but even that was simply serving the men far more unsavory than herself what they deserved. "I'm tired of being scared. I'm tired." The sentences were hushed, whispered more to herself than Madyson. She experienced the similar exhaustion from this session that writing the letter had offered. Pandora couldn't hurtle through her emotions anymore, she couldn't pour her sins for the world to see. Either she moved on or she drowned.
"I couldn't agree more." Pan grabbed her jacket from the back of the couch's cushions without hesitating, watching as Madyson stepped aside with an arm sweeping out towards the door in relenting fashion, and moved past her with a silent thank you that she seemed too dignified to let leave her lips. "Oh, and, um, Doc," The blonde nudged open the door and slowly turned around, breathing a light sigh. "Derek's doing really good, since you were wondering." She heard Mady release a soft laugh, no doubt willing to vehemently protest that this session wasn't about Derek's well-being. At least, she wouldn't completely admit it out loud. Pan continued her statement, "But if you ask me, I think he could be doing a lot better."
Pandora closed the door behind her, allowing the therapist to interpret the meaning behind those words and drive herself crazy. Honestly...that would make two of them.
0 notes
amphtaminedreams · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
NOVEMBER 2018->MAY 2021: Photo Dump No.10
1. 29th October 2020, 27th October 2020 [source: instagram account @werenotreallystrangers], 25th March 2021, 14th December 2019 [source: instagram account @creepyyeha], 6th March 2021 [Miley Cyrus “She is Coming” EP promotional material in New York, source unknown], 10th March 2020 [Ole & Steen, Tottenham Court Road], 4th March 2021 [source unknown], 27th March 2021, 6th March 2021
2. 22nd March 2021 [Violet Chachki photographed backstage for Viktor & Rolf Haute Couture @ Paris Haute Couture Week F/W19], 12th April 2021 [source: instagram account @thepulpgirls], 14th April 2021, 13th April 2021, 30th March 2021 [Teuta Matoshi Daisy Sun Ruffle dress], 13th April 2021, 12th April 2021, 10th April 2021 [Britney Spears photographed @ Versace RTW S/S13 at Milan Fashion Week], 11th March 2020 [North Laines, Brighton]
3. 14th April 2021, 16th March 2021 [Marc Jacobs “Kiki” platform boot @ Marc Jacobs RTW F/W16], 12th April 2021, 28th March 2021 [Lady Gaga photographed for V Magazine January 2016 issue], 14th April 2021, 13th December 2020 [source unknown], 15th March 2021 [The Ragged Priest Heart Shaped Box collection promotional material, source: instagram account @theraggedpriest], 15th February 2019 [source unknown]
4. 17th April 2021, 1st December 2020 [Maison Margiela RTW S/S16], 12th April 2021, 11th March 2019 [makeup by Isamaya French for YSL Beauty 2016 campaign], 12th April 2021, 9th August 2019 [Sistine Chapel, Vatican City], 25th November 2018 [Paolo Sebastian Haute Couture S/S18, Once Upon a Dream Collection], 5th March 2019 [Tracey Emin’s “Fortnight of Tears” @ White Cube, Bermondsey Street], 12th April 2021
5. 8th June 2020, 21st July 2019 [De Pijp, Amsterdam], 13th August 2019 [source: instagram account @werenotreallystrangers, 12th April 2021, 25th January 2021 [Tayce in still from RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season 2 Episode 2], 13th December 2019 [Hannah Murray as Cassie Ainsworth, promotional material for Skins Season 2 on E4, 2008], 20th August 2019 [Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona], 19th July 2019 [Musée Yves Saint Laurent, Paris], 24th November 2020
6. 9th December 2019, 21st February 2019 [Zuhair Murad Haute Couture F/W15], 21st April 2021, 21st August 2020, 21st February 2020 [Rihanna photographed for V Magazine September 2016 issue], 20th December 2020 [source: twitter account @gotsoybeanmilk], 20th April 2021, 20th April 2021 [promotional material for “Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land”, MARINA, release date June 2021, edited by instagram account @speirgraphics], 21st April 2021
7. 26th April 2021 [source: twitter account @DI0RSBABY], 10th April 2021 [Lily Allen photographed for UK Cosmopolitan November 2018 issue], 25th April 2021, 24th July 2019 [Spandauer Vorstadt, Berlin], 26th April 2021, 24th April 2021, 22nd July 2019 [Burgwallen Nieuwe Zijde, Amsterdam], 19th April 2021 [Erdem x Richard Quinn for UK Grazia 05/05/2020 issue], 23rd March 2020
8. 6th January 2021, 15th February 2019 [source: idea stand.com], 29th April 2021, 28th April 2021, 12th April 2021 [Alexander McQueen RTW S/S19], 15th April 2021 [Megan Fox in Versace cardigan, photographed out & about in L.A, 6th April 2021], 24th October 2020 [Devon Aoki walking for Jean Paul Gaultier RTW S/S99], 21st June 2020 [Lana Del Rey for Rolling Stone July 2014 issue], 26th April 2021
9. 11th August 2019 [San Babila, Milan], 2nd May 2021, 26th March 2021 [details @ Vivienne Westwood RTW S/S12, Paris Fashion Week], 8th May 2021, 8th March 2021 [Kate Moss photographed for German Vogue February 1996 issue], 12th August 2020, 13th August 2019 [dress from the Hermione De Paula S/S19 Bridal Collection], 9th May 2021, 6th May 2021
10. 1st May 2021 [Lana Del Rey for Dazed S/S17 issue, edited, source: twitter account @playforfortunes], 17th May 2021, 15th May 2021, 19th May 2021 [Lucy Liu photographed in her studio in New York, source: instagram account @theartoflucyliu], 14th May 2021, 8th August 2019 [Grand Canal, Venice], 1st December 2020 [Valentino RTW S/S20], 26th April 2020 [Teuta Matoshi Timeless Rose Gown], 29th April 2021
12 notes · View notes
goldenastheycome · 3 years
New OC Muses Open. I will be working and reconstructing my theme, but here they are. 
Fable Grace Evermore, (revamped) Natalia Dyer FC, Twenty Two - Twenty Seven, Literature Major in College - Librarian, Straight Pairings Only, Muse Verse - None.
Ophelia Juliet Hathaway, Taylor Swift FC, Twenty Eight - Thirty Three, Princess of France, Straight Pairings Only, Muse Verse - Think of Romeo and Juliet. 
Heather Rose Cartier, Ariana Grande FC, Twenty Eight - Thirty One, Waitress - Bed and Breakfast Owner, Straight Pairings Only, Muse Verse - Think of Joey Potter from Dawson’s Creek.
Winter Evangeline Carrington, Taylor Swift FC, Twenty Six - Thirty Three, Musician - Resident Singer in Casino’s, Straight Pairings Only, Muse Verse - None. 
Jane Wren Eerie, Taylor Swift FC, Twenty Seven - Thirty Two, Writer, Straight Pairings Only, Muse Verse - None. 
Laura Ashley Quinn, Diana Agron FC, Thirty Two - Thirty Eight, Actress, Straight Pairings Only, Muse Verse - None. 
Annie Grayson Love, Natalia Dyer FC, Twenty Four - Twenty Seven, University Cheerleader, Straight Pairings Only, Muse Verse - Open. 
Lilith June Harrington, Lily Collins FC, Twenty Four, Demon - Younger Sister of Seven Brothers, Straight Pairings Only, Muse Verse - Hell on Earth.
Carson Lane Monroe, Jensen Ackles FC, Thirty Five - Thirty Eight, FBI Agent, Homosexual,  Muse Verse - Think of the show Dexter.
Napoleon Riccardo Rossi, Harry Styles FC, Twenty Five - Thirty Three, Greek God - Artist, Homosexual,  Muse Verse - TBA
Carter Rayne Ainsworth, Timothee Chalamet FC, Twenty Two - Twenty Six, Coding Major in College, Bisexual, Muse Verse - None. 
Sawyer West Kennings, Jeon Jung-kook FC, Twenty One - Twenty Five, Musician - Barista, Homosexual, Muse Verse - None. 
Dean Tyler Winchester, Nick Robinson FC, Twenty - Twenty Four, Hunter and College Student, Homosexual, Muse Verse - Think of Supernatural - Sam Winchester’s Son Named After His Belated Brother Dean. 
Everette Neveah Winston, Kim Tae-hyung FC, Twenty One - Twenty Six, Blogger - Journalist, Homosexual, Muse Verse - None. 
Alex Finn Lowell, Harry Styles FC, Twenty Six - Thirty Five, Casino Owner - Hotel Owner, Bisexual, Muse Verse - None. 
Lucas Vincent Young, Dylan Minnette FC, Twenty Four - Twenty Seven, Youtuber, Straight, Muse Verse - Think of Youtube. 
Eric Rich McDowell - Tom Holland FC, Twenty One - Twenty Five, Bartender, Bisexual, Muse Verse - None. 
Tyler Dexter Jenkins - Brandon Flynn FC, Twenty Five - Thirty, College Football Coach, Homosexual, Muse Verse - None. 
Landon Easton Carrol, Harry Styles FC, Twenty Eight - Thirty Four, Boxer, Bisexual, Muse Verse - None.  
Levi Dream Steele, Avan Jogia FC, Twenty Seven - Thirty, Drug Dealer, Bixsexual, Muse Verse - None. 
Noah Kai Hopewell, Joe Keery FC, Twenty Five - Twenty Seven, Muscian - Music Major, Bisexual, Muse Verse - None. 
Lawson Allen Kingsley, Charlie Heaton FC, Twenty Five - Twenty Nine, Photographer, Homosexual, Muse Verse - Think of Jonathan from Stranger Things. 
Grant Ferris Snowden, Jensen Ackles FC, Thirty Three - Thirty Eight, Lawyer, Bisexual, Muse Verse - None. 
Lucifer Allen Harrington, Sebastian Stan FC, Thirty Eight, Demon of Pride - Eldest Brother of Eight Siblings, Bisexual, Muse Verse - Hell on Earth. 
Mammon George Harrington, Chris Wood FC, Thirty Six, Demon of Greed - Second Eldest Brother Of Eight Siblings, Bisexual, Muse Verse - Hell on Earth. 
Leviathan Prince Harrington, Finn Wittrock FC, Thirty Four, Demon of Envy - Third Eldest Brother of Eight Siblings, Bisexual, Muse Verse - Hell on Earth. 
Satan Daniel Harrington, Daniel Sharman FC, Thirty Two, Demon of Wrath - Fourth Eldest Brother of Eight Siblings, Homosexual, Muse Verse - Hell on Earth. 
Beelzebub Cain Harrington, Harry Styles FC, Twenty Eight, Demon of Gluttony - Twin to the Sixth Brother of Eight Siblings, Bisexual, Muse Verse - Hell on Earth. 
Belphegor Able Harrington, Harry Styles FC, Twenty Eight, Demon of Sloth - Twin to the Fifth Brother of Eight Siblings, Homosexual, Muse Verse - Hell on Earth. 
Asmodeus Kit Harrington, Shawn Mendes FC, Twenty Six, Demon of Lust - Second Youngest of Eight Siblings, Homosexual, Muse Verse - Hell on Earth. 
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couchpotatocook · 4 years
Q&A With 'STAGE: The Culinary Internship' Director Abby Ainsworth
Q&A With ‘STAGE: The Culinary Internship’ Director Abby Ainsworth
Have you ever dreamed of going behind the scenes of one of the world’s most renowned restaurants? Stage: The Culinary Internship, a new documentary premiering today, lets you do just that. The film follows the journey of several stagiaires in the prestigious apprenticeship program at Mugaritz, a two-Michelin-star restaurant in San Sebastian, Spain. It’s a competitive, challenging internship in…
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((So there’s a character from Beckett’s world/story that I would love to feature on the blog, but I’m... hesitant.
See, the thing is that he’s more than a little OP. His name is Gourdon, and he’s a pumpkin-headed cyclops. He’s also the emissary of Ninox, the God of Pandemonium. They originally created him as a sort first draft of the Fae (specifically the Unseelie; their friend and rival, the God of Order, created the Seelie). So basically he has a lot of the same quirks as the Fae, but with more power and fewer restrictions. He also fills the roll of the Boogieman, as Fae parents will scare their children into behaving by telling them Gourdon will steal their kneecaps to use as teacups.
His major inspirations were the Cheshire Cat, Sebastian Michaelis, Puck, Tim Curry in Clue, Discord from MLP, and Snatcher from AHiT. I also have a voice claim for him: Brian Mathis, specifically in the style of Elias Ainsworth from The Ancient Magus’ Bride.
His hobbies include baking, messing with travelers, and games of chance.
His strengths include deception, illusions, shapeshifting, teleportation, conjuration, and elemental magic.
His weaknesses include fire and a somewhat delicate physical form. He can be destroyed, but he can’t really die. He just requires time to repair or manifest a new physical form.
So he’s kind of... a lot. I’m sure there’s ways to use him that would be fun for other players, but it would have to be a fine balance to keep things feeling fair. He’s not Plankton (x) levels of powerful, but I’d definitely rank him somewhere between Snatcher and Discord.
Besides, it would mean having to go back and tweak the promo I made that’s been sitting in my drafts for weeks because my blog still isn’t up to my own high standards and I don’t want new people coming into my house and seeing what a mess it is XD
I could relegate him to NPC status, but when I add Beckett to the blog properly, I plan to play a version of him that’s pre-canon since Spoop and I are still writing his current story. So it wouldn’t make sense for him to show up as an NPC if Beckett hasn’t met him yet...
Argh. Decisions, decisions...))
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salems-varieties · 5 years
Anime for Halloween
I should have posted this before my movies list. But hell, It’s here now and Y’all can binge-watch over the next month. But little disclaimer. These are anime I have seen and ones I associate with Halloween because they have to do with something from the holiday. So anything with Vampires, witches, demons, etc. Anything I got a Halloween-y vibe from. This list is gonna be kind of long. Now time for me to suffer typing it and yall to get an idea from reading it. 
My thoughts on the Anime
Everything in bold is strictly my opinion. Agree to disagree with me, and put down your own opinion in repost or in the comments but be respectful. Rude or anything of the sort will be deleted or reported depending on the severity.
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Teito Klein, a student at the academy, is one of the most promising soldiers produced. Although ridiculed by everyone for being a sklave (German for slave) with no memories of his past, he is befriended by a fellow student called Mikage. While preparing for the final exam, Teito uncovers a dark secret related to his past. When an attempt to assassinate Ayanami, a high-ranking official who killed his father, fails, Teito is locked away awaiting punishment.
This one is religious, HOWEVER, Demons and the Gods of Death kinda make it more Halloween-y so :p Also as a side note; It’s only subbed so all y’all who prefer dub are gonna be disappointed.
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Ancient Magus Bride
Chise Hatori, a 15-year-old Japanese girl, was sold for five million pounds at an auction to a tall masked gentleman. Abandoned at a young age and ridiculed by her peers for her unconventional behavior, she was ready to give herself to any buyer if it meant having a place to go home to. In chains and on her way to an unknown fate, she hears whispers from robed men along her path, gossiping and complaining that such a buyer got his hands on a rare "Sleigh Beggy." Ignoring the murmurs, the mysterious man leads the girl to a study, where he reveals himself to be Elias Ainsworth—a magus. After a brief confrontation and a bit of teleportation magic, the two open their eyes to Elias' picturesque cottage in rural England. Greeted by fairies and surrounded by weird and wonderful beings upon her arrival, these events mark the beginning of Chise's story as the apprentice and supposed bride of the ancient magus.
I love this one so much. My only issue is what would have made it more Halloween inspired would have been if they’s gone through Samhain and not skipped straight to Yule. BUT monsters, mages, witches, alchemists, and fae make this anime perfect for magic inspire Halloween watch.
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In 1972, a popular student in Yomiyama North Middle School's class 3-3 named Misaki passed away during the school year. Since then, the town of Yomiyama has been shrouded by a fearful atmosphere, from the dark secrets hidden deep within.
Horror, horror, horror and gore. Enjoy this with friends and family who have a strong stomach and are old enough to not get scared. The deaths are absolutely horrific and it takes place all around a middle school class. (Read the novel, of the same name, it’s based off if you dare)
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Ao no Exorcist
Humans and demons are two sides of the same coin, as are Assiah and Gehenna, their respective worlds. The only way to travel between the realms is by the means of possession, like in ghost stories. However, Satan, the ruler of Gehenna, cannot find a suitable host to possess and therefore, remains imprisoned in his world. In a desperate attempt to conquer Assiah, he sends his son instead, intending for him to eventually grow into a vessel capable of possession by the demon king.
Anyone who’s been around anime long enough knows or knows of this anime. Who wouldn’t have added this into their Halloween Anime list? It has to do with Demons and the Son of Satan.
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Black Butler  
Young Ciel Phantomhive is known as "the Queen's Guard Dog," taking care of the many unsettling events that occur in Victorian England for Her Majesty. Aided by Sebastian Michaelis, his loyal butler with seemingly inhuman abilities, Ciel uses whatever means necessary to get the job done. But is there more to this black-clad butler than meets the eye?
Classic as well. Don’t forget the movies and season 3. We don’t speak of season 2 0.0″ Also the manga has taken a VERY dark turn as of recent so if you’re looking for reading material, there you go.
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Peaceful schoolgirl by day, fearsome monster slayer by night, Saya Kisaragi is leading a split life. Equipped with a ceremonial sword given to her by her father for sacred tasks, she vanquishes every monster who dares threaten her quiet little village. But all too soon, Saya's reality and everything she believes to be true is tested, when she overhears the monsters speak of a broken covenant—something she knows nothing about. And then, unexpectedly, a strange dog appears; it asks her to whom she promised to protect the village, curious as to what would happen if she were to break that promise. Tormented by unexplainable visions and her world unraveling around her, we travel with Saya through her struggle to find a way to the truth in a village where nothing is as it seems.
Another very gory anime. Children, please do avoid.
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60 years ago, a strange case of insomnia struck the population, forcing them to stay awake for more than a full week. The victims, completely sleep deprived, all went mad. To cure this illness, a new medicine was produced, but the side effects turned the patients into vampires. Humanity went to war against this new species and triumphed, but some of the vampires managed to survive. Born from a Human and a Vampire, the main character Mi Liu, "The Child of Hope," is to represent the new hope that will connect the two species. Ringleader of a bank robbery, Mi Liu is arrested and transferred to a special prison of the National Defense Agency that monitors Vampires.
Genetically created vampires. Need I say more?
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Blood Lad
Staz Charlie Blood is a powerful vampire who rules the Eastern district of Demon World. According to rumors, he is a bloodthirsty and merciless monster, but in reality, Staz is just an otaku obsessed with Japanese culture and completely uninterested in human blood. Leaving the management of his territory to his underlings, Staz spends his days lazing around, indulging in anime, manga, and games.
A vampire otaku... Thank you, this is exactly what I needed. 
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Losing a loved one is so painful that one may sometimes wish to be able to resurrect them—a weakness that the enigmatic Millennium Earl exploits. To make his mechanical weapons known as "Akuma," he uses the souls of the dead that are called back. Once a soul is placed in an Akuma, it is trapped forever, and the only way to save them is to exorcise them from their vessel using the Anti-Akuma weapon, "Innocence."
*Piece of advice. D. Gray-Man the first series was not finished in Dub if you’re one who prefers Dub. So heading into D. Gray-Man Hollow, you’ll be confused as hell. It’s best to just watch Sub so you don’t have to worry about missing a huge chunk of info. 
But if you like anime about demons and exorcists there’s more than just Blue Exorcist. This one I suggest because it’s phenomenal, but that’s personal opinion XD
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Dance with Devils
Ritsuka Tachibana has always been a good student, so she is completely shocked when she is suddenly summoned by the student council. Even more, they seem to think of Ritsuka as a troublemaker. Led by the handsome Rem Kaginuki, the student council—also consisting of Urie Sogami, Shiki Natsumizaka, and Mage Nanashiro—tries to question her, but it soon becomes clear that they have ulterior motives.
This is one based off an Otome (Dating game) so try YT for gameplay if you wanna see the whole story. Yet another about demons and exorcists, but this time there are vampires and Cerberus added to the mix. Plus for those who know-how Otome heroines are basically pushovers, this one has a strong-willed girl as our protagonist. Thank you, Ritsuka for breaking the mold T/\T
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Diabolik Lovers
At the behest of her father, Yui Komori goes to live in a secluded mansion, home to the six Sakamaki brothers—Shuu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, and Subaru—a family of vampires. Though at first the siblings are confused as to why the girl has arrived, they soon realize that she is to be their new "sacrificial bride," not to mention their other, more carnal intentions for her. After meeting the brothers, Yui quickly begins to question why her father would have sent her here and why she feels a strange, new pain in her chest. With each brother more sadistic than the last, Yui's life as a captive takes a harrowing turn in her new home. As her days turn into endless nights, and each brother vows to make her his own, Yui falls deeper and deeper into madness and ecstasy.
Otome with like 4? games, try YT for gameplay. I’m a little sad that it only has two seasons and the episodes are like 13-15 minutes long. Still, if you like Otome based games, you’ve most likely seen this. DO NOT EXPECT VANILLA ROMANCE. THIS IS NOT A FUN RIDE IF YOU EXPECT THAT.
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Death Note
A shinigami, as a god of death, can kill any person—provided they see their victim's face and write their victim's name in a notebook called a Death Note. One day, Ryuk, bored by the shinigami lifestyle and interested in seeing how a human would use a Death Note, drops one into the human realm.
Classic... But not my personal cup of tea. I added it because it’s a salute to one of my dear friends.
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Little Witch Academia
"A believing heart is your magic!"—these were the words that Atsuko "Akko" Kagari's idol, the renowned witch Shiny Chariot, said to her during a magic performance years ago. Since then, Akko has lived by these words and aspired to be a witch just like Shiny Chariot, one that can make people smile. Hence, even her non-magical background does not stop her from enrolling in Luna Nova Magical Academy.
This one is just cute and intense. Witches are starting to die out but one girl wants desperately to be a witch like her idol was. I love how this brings in witchy elements and some fairy tale elements.
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Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
The story revolves around William, an aristocratic family's progeny with rare intellect. One day, his uncle lost his possessions after his business failed. Fearing that his family's name has been tarnished, William returns home and searches with his family's butler for anything that can be converted into cash. A search of the premises yields an underground room left by an ancestor. In the room is a magical seal, and William unintentionally summons a devil. The summoned devil tells William his name Dantalion and reveals that William is the designator who can choose the acting ruler of the demon world.
If realists were like William, I think the world would be on fire. The poor people that have to deal with him. At least most of them are demons, maybe that will knock his head into gear... right?
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Miira No Kaikata 
High school student Sora Kashiwagi is accustomed to receiving bizarre presents from his father, who is on an expedition around the world. Unfortunately, these gifts have been nothing but nightmares. As a result, when his father sends him a huge package from Egypt, Sora prepares himself for the worst, only to be greeted by Mii-kun—a cute, pint-sized mummy! While initially wary, Sora soon learns that Mii-kun is harmless, a delicate creature yearning for attention.
I can understand people who don’t like horror or gore. I was there once. So here’s a cute anime about a boy and his pet mummy. Sanrio really did a great job turning the manga, which was darker than the anime, into something so cute and so wholesome.
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Mirai Nikki
Lonely high school student, Yukiteru Amano, spends his days writing a diary on his cellphone while conversing with his two seemingly imaginary friends Deus Ex Machina, who is the god of time and space, and Murmur, the god's servant. Revealing himself to be an actual entity, Deus grants Yukiteru a "Random Diary," which shows highly descriptive entries based on the future and forces him into a bloody battle royale with 11 other holders of similarly powerful future diaries.
I have no word on this.
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Owari no Seraph
With the appearance of a mysterious virus that kills everyone above the age of 13, mankind becomes enslaved by previously hidden, power-hungry vampires who emerge in order to subjugate society with the promise of protecting the survivors, in exchange for donations of their blood.
The Apocolypse starts and vampires rule the world. I dunno if that sounds like heaven or hell for me? But in this world, it would certainly be hell. Vampires rule the world but that doesn't mean the humans are gone. An army rises to protect what’s left from the bloodsuckers. And did I mention demons? Along with the concept of corrupt angels? Oh yeah, that’s gotta be hell on earth.
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Pandora Hearts
To young Oz Vessalius, heir to the Vessalius Duke House, the perilous world called the Abyss is nothing more than a folktale used to scare misbehaving children. However, when Oz's coming-of-age ceremony is interrupted by the malicious Baskerville Clan intent on banishing him into the depths of the Abyss, the Vessalius heir realizes that his peaceful life of luxury is at its end. Now, he must confront the world of the Abyss and its dwellers, the monstrous "Chains," which are both not quite as fake as he once believed.
I couldn't have found a better gif for this anime. It’s Alice in Wonderland inspired but with a much darker twist than what Disney gave us (and yes I do mean both the original and the Tim Burton version). Enjoy this one because it’s not all dark there is humor to break up the heart-wrenching. But don’t expect it to always be comical. 
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Phantom in the Twilight
Set in modern-day London, the story takes place in a world where "Shadows" are born from human fear and anxiety. A young girl arrives to study abroad, only to be caught in a bizarre incident as she enters university. In a city with no acquaintances, the helpless girl wanders into "Café Forbidden," a mysterious café that exclusively opens at midnight. She meets an assortment of handsome men employed at the café, where guardians who protect the boundary between humans and shadow convene
Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and even demons; this one would be great for Halloween. I will admit though, it’s lackluster considering these guys are supposed to be Dracula, the Wolfman, and so on. It might be someone’s cup of tea, just not everyone’s 
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Rosario to Vampire
Youkai Academy is a seemingly normal boarding school, except that its pupils are monsters learning to coexist with humans. All students attend in human form and take normal academic subjects, such as literature, gym, foreign language, and mathematics. However, there is one golden rule at Youkai Academy—all humans found on school grounds are to be executed immediately!
I couldn’t get through this one. I’m not gonna lie. It was basically light hentai and I’m not into that kinda stuff, but I feel like someone would have called me out for it not being here so T-T
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Mahiru Shirota firmly believes that simple is best and troublesome things should be avoided at all costs. It is troublesome to do nothing and regret it later—and this ideology has led the 15-year-old to pick up a stray cat on his way home from school. As he affectionately names the feline Kuro, little does he know that this chance meeting will spark an extraordinary change in his everyday life.
I’m gonna be completely honest, the manga was better. I love the anime don’t get me wrong. I’ve rewatched it many times. But it cut out so much from the manga. So as an anime, watch it first before reading the manga, then go back and nitpick. If you do it the other way around you may be more disappointed.
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Soul Eater
Death City is home to the famous Death Weapon Meister Academy, a technical academy headed by the Shinigami—Lord Death himself. Its mission: to raise "Death Scythes" for the Shinigami to wield against the many evils of their fantastical world. These Death Scythes, however, are not made from physical weapons; rather, they are born from human hybrids who have the ability to transform their bodies into Demon Weapons, and only after they have consumed the souls of 99 evil beings and one witch's soul. This one is perfect for Halloween with it’s dark but funny themes. If you prefer the cutesier stuff like I do sometimes try Soul Eater NOT! The concept of soul-eating monsters and a school that teaches teens to fight and destroy them, A+ content. Plus some of those teens turn into actual weapons. Where is my sign up sheet? I would gladly take that over normal boring high school. Also add the grim reaper into the mix then give him a funny voice and disposition. Gold I tell ya.
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Togainu no Chi
In the wake of a third world war that left Japan in ruins, an organization known as Vischio seized control of Tokyo and renamed it Toshima. Taking place in its back alleys are battle games known as Igura, overseen by the Vischio, in which contestants battle and bathe in each other's blood to earn the chance to go up against its tournament's king, Il-re.
This one is for all my lovely fujoshi/fudanshi peoples. It’s a dark anime and based off a rated M, BL Otome. Sinners welcome.
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Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo has become a cruel and merciless city—a place where vicious creatures called “ghouls” exist alongside humans. The citizens of this once great metropolis live in constant fear of these bloodthirsty savages and their thirst for human flesh. However, the greatest threat these ghouls pose is their dangerous ability to masquerade as humans and blend in with society.
This one is mainstream for a reason. It’s a good story, anime or manga. Mainly manga. Anyway, I haven’t seen Re yet, but I’ve heard it’s sheit. Still gonna watch it though cause why the hell not.
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Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
Growing up as an orphan, Yuki Sakurai questions his reason for living and the ability to see a person's painful memory by simply touching them. After receiving anonymous notes telling him to die, Yuki is unable to shake off the nagging feeling forming inside of him. Unbeknownst to him, he is being watched, both by people who want to harm him and those who want to protect him.
Reincarnation from a girl to a boy and the girl had a hot lover that is now with her male reincarnation. And the lover is a vampire. Man, that’s confusing but the story is good. I have yet to read the manga. The anime was great from what I can remember, so give it a shot. It’s another BL anime, so proceed with caution.
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Vampire Knight
Cross Academy is an elite boarding school with two separate, isolated classes: the Day Class and the Night Class. On the surface, Yuuki Cross and Zero Kiryuu are prefects of the academy and attempt to keep order between the students as classes rotate in the evenings. As the Night Class is full of utterly gorgeous elites, this can sometimes prove to be a bit difficult. It is completely necessary, however, as those "elites" are actually vampires. Yuuki and Zero act as guardians, protecting the secrets of the Night Class and the safety of their ignorant morning counterparts.
If twilight was an anime, but Bella and Edward were siblings and Jacob was another vampire. This is not a great anime but let's face it, some of us watched it as preteens, enjoyed it, and were head over heels for Zero and/or Kaname. It’s a trash anime, but great for those who are 21 and over. Do I hear drinking games, anyone?
All synopsis came from My Anime List (where the links take you). Also, I’m sorry it’s a lot to read, I just didn’t want to cut them down. Feel free to add what you think should have been on here, or what you think is a Halloween favorite on reposts. Comments are welcome and have a happy spooky season!
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weirdesplinder · 5 years
Lista di romance storici con protagoniste donne che lavorano
Lista di romanzi rosa storici con protagoniste femminili che lavorano, elencherò i libri per autrice, poiché ho notato che se a una scrittrice piace questo genere di protagoniste della working class, le utilizza in diversi suoi libri, perciò l’elenco avrà dei sotto elenchi, siete avvertite. Altro avvertimento è che la lista è molto incompleta in quanto i romance con working girls sono tantissimi e non potevo né volevo elencarli tutti, per restringere la lista sono andata a mio gusto personale e ho scelto alcuni lavori atipici, non troverete governanti o cortigiane qui, c’è solo una tutrice e solo perché il romanzo è talmente bello che non volevo escluderlo. E, ultimo avvertimento, sono tutti libri ambientati nell’Ottocento, tranne uno. Ecco la lista:
-Iniziamo con l’autrice Maya Rodale che in molti suoi libri utilizza delle protagoniste che lavorano, disponibile in italiano ho trovato solo questo pubblicato da Harpercollins:
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La città dei sogni New York, 1895New York, la città dove i sogni possono divenire realtà. Quello di Brandon, Duca di Kingston, è trovare una ricca ereditiera da sposare per mantenere le sue vaste tenute, mentre quello di Miss Adeline Black, una giovane e intraprendente sarta, è di aprire finalmente un negozio da modista tutto suo, dove confezionare innovativi e comodi abiti per signore. Dal primo istante in cui il destino li fa incontrare, tra loro si accende un'attrazione mai provata prima. Consapevoli però che la differenza sociale che li divide è un ostacolo insormontabile, decidono di collaborare per realizzare le loro aspirazioni: lei aiuterà il duca a individuare l'ereditiera più adatta alle sue necessità, mentre Brandon porterà Adeline negli ambienti più eleganti dove potrà mostrare le sue creazioni. Sembra un piano perfetto, ma sapranno accontentarsi e impedire ai loro cuori di reclamare di più?
Ma in realtà ha scritto un’intera serie, The writing girls serie, dove protagoniste sono delle giornaliste, purtroppo inedita in italiano (se mi sbaglio ed è stata tradotta correggetemi):
Writing Girls
1. A Groom of One's Own (2010)
2. A Tale of Two Lovers (2011)
3. The Tattooed Duke (2012)
4. Seducing Mr. Knightly (2012)
- Altra autrice che ha dedicato un’intera serie alle donne che lavorano è Laura Lee Guhrke con la serie Girl Bachelors inteamente pubblicata in italiano da I romanzi Mondadori:
1. E infine la baciò
Harrison Robert, visconte di Marlowe, editore di successo e non meno fortunato dongiovanni, sfidando tutte le convenzioni sociali ha fatto di Emma Dove la propria segretaria. Ma per quanto Emma sia precisa, competente, efficiente, il suo sogno è diventare un’affermata scrittrice.
2. Le malizie di un Duca
Prudence Bosworth conduce una vita modesta ma dignitosa, lavora come sarta e interviene ai balli dell’alta società solo per realizzare i piccoli rammendi dell’ultimo momento. È durante una di queste serate che incontra Rhys de Winter, l’affascinante duca di St Cyres, l’uomo più bello che abbia mai visto: l’uomo dei suoi sogni
3. Il segreto di un gentiluomo
Coronando il sogno di una vita, Maria Martingale torna dalla Francia per aprire in Mayfair una pasticceria. Tutto sembra filare liscio, ma l’altezzoso Phillip Hawthorne, marchese di Kayne, cerca di metterle i bastoni fra le ruote.
4. Tanto può la seduzione
È dura per una ragazza sola guadagnarsi da vivere lavorando. Lo sa bene Daisy Merrick, che ha di nuovo perso un impiego a causa della propria schiettezza. Ecco perché, per costruirsi il futuro a lungo sognato, decide di mettere a punto un piano, che purtroppo dipende dall’uomo più esasperante che lei abbia mai conosciuto: Sebastian Grant, conte di Avermore.
- Passiamo poi ad Amanda Quick i cui romanzi con protagoniste donne con professioni atipiche purtroppo sono inediti in italiano.Le protagoniste della serie Ladies of Lantern Street sono investigatrici sotto copertura ad esempio:
1. Crystal Gardens (2012)
2. The Mystery Woman (2013)
3. Otherwise Engaged (2014)
Mentre la protagonista del romance ambientato nel 1930, intitolato Tightrope, è una trapezista.
- Mary Balogh ha invece utilizzato delle insegnanti nella sua serie Simply Quartet, interamente pubblicata in italiano da I romanzi Mondadori:
1. Risveglio di passioni
Si incontrano durante una bufera di neve: lei una giovane insegnante con un passato segreto, lui l’attraente straniero che inaspettatamente giunge a soccorrerla.
2. Semplicemente amore
Anne Jewel, madre nubile e insegnante, viene invitata con il figlio nella residenza gallese dei Bewcastle per l’estate. Il giorno del suo arrivo Anne si ritrova a osservare, non vista, un uomo che la colpisce per avvenenza e virilità: quando però si volta, le rivela un volto deturpato dalle cicatrici.
3.Semplicemente magico
I destini di Susanna Osbourne e Peter Edgeworth, visconte di Whitleaf, tornano a incontrarsi nello scenario di una sontuosa tenuta di campagna.
4. Semplicemente perfetto
Claudia Martin, colta e dai modi semplici, dirige con impegno e intelligenza una scuola per giovani signore poco abbienti. Genuino è il suo disprezzo per l’aristocrazia e per la superficialità dei rituali che la caratterizzano. Trovarsi quindi in viaggio da Bath a Londra in una splendida carrozza con Joseph Fawcitt, marchese di Attingsborough, è per lei un tormento.
Vi segnalo anche della serie Bedwin, il libro: Duca di ghiaccio, dove la protagonista femminile è l’ex tutrice della sorella del protagonista maschile Wulfric
- Poteva mancare Elizabeth Hoyt al nostro elenco? Certo che no. Anche tra i suoi libri le protagoniste che lavorano non mancano, io mi limito a citarvene uno, pubblicato da I romanzi Mondadori: 
Maliziose intenzioni
Lazarus Huntington, lord Caire, è deciso a dare la caccia al feroce assassino che si aggira nei bassifondi di St Giles e che ha ucciso la sua amante. Ma per scovarlo ha bisogno dell’aiuto di Temperance Dews, vedova e direttrice di un orfanotrofio, che conosce quella zona come le proprie tasche.
- Julie Anne Long è più nobiliare nelle sue scelte, ma anche tra i suoi libri non manca una sarta come protagonista, il romanzo in questione è stato pubblicato da I romanzi mondadori:
Conquistare un marchese
Il freddo e controllato Julian Spenser, marchese di Dryden, pretende per sé solo il meglio. E ora ha trovato la moglie perfetta, la bella ereditiera Lisbeth Redmond, la cui dote gli permetterà di recuperare l'ultima proprietà di famiglia. Tuttavia basta uno sguardo alla sua dama di compagnia/sarta, Phoebe Vale, per scombussolargli i piani.
- Opera di Lorraine Heath è un romanzo con protagonista la proprietaria di una taverna edito da Harpercollins:
Un duca per Gillie Trewlove
Londra, 1871Venire lasciato all'altare è già stato umiliante, ma essere salvato dall'aggressione di una banda di teppisti da una donna, per quanto coraggiosa e bellissima, è davvero il culmine della terribile giornata del Duca di Thornley. O forse no. Gillie Trewlove, infatti, non solo lo ospita sino alla sua completa guarigione nella propria taverna, ma si offre anche di aiutarlo a setacciare gli angoli più bui di Londra alla ricerca della sua sposa fuggitiva.
- Sophie Jordan ha scritto invece un romanzo con protagonista una commessa, edito I Romanzi Mondadori:
Un duca imprevisto
Poppy Fairchurch è un'inguaribile sognatrice che per mantenere se stessa e la sorella minore Bryony lavora come commessa in un negozio di fiori. Qui s'invaghisce dell'affascinante duca di Autenberry sognando addirittura che possa chiederla in sposa, finché un giorno accade l'impensabile. Il duca sbatte la testa, cade in un coma profondo e da quel momento una serie di equivoci spalancano le porte della nobile famiglia alla giovane Poppy, che viene scambiata per la sua fidanzata. L'unico a non credere che le cose stiano davvero così, ben conoscendo l'indole libertina del fratellastro, è Struan Mackenzie…
- Courtney Milan ha pubblicato un romanzo con protagonista la proprietaria di un giornale per suffragette, purtroppo inedito in italiano:
The Suffragette Scandal
Frederica Marshall is one of the early suffragettes. Owner of a successful all-women newspaper, she campaigns to prove to 1877 society that equal rights is something that can and should happen. But when a man whom she once spurned tries to shut down her efforts, she must enlist the help of his brother – aristocratic forger and scoundrel Edward Clark – to keep her campaign alive.
- Miranda Davis ha avuto la fantasia di scegliere come protagonista di un suo romance una farmacista (dell’Ottocento…), ma purtroppo anche questo è inedito in italiano:
The Duke's Tattoo
Before he was the tenth Duke of Ainsworth, Jeremy Maubrey was one of the ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’ and a cavalry officer known for his implacable nature. But what he wakes up to find on this particular morning requires revenge of a whole new order of magnitude. Bath’s only female apothecary, Miss Prudence Haversham has dreamed of revenge against the duke who ruined her life nine years ago. Unfortunately, she made one simple mistake and mocked the wrong man indelibly. Now, Miss Haversham can only pray her innocent victim never discovers the guilty part.
- Altra scrittrice che ama personaggi particolari è certamente Laura Kinsale, io mi limito a citarvi solo uno dei suoi libri, ma molti vedono protagoniste donne e uomini fuori dai soliti schemi romance. Io vi cito un suo romanzo pubblicato da I romanzi mondadori:
Un sogno ci salverà
Quando Ransom Falconer, duca di Damerell, si reca dal famoso inventore Merlin Lambourne, ha un solo scopo: convincerlo a mettere il suo talento al servizio della patria, nella guerra contro Napoleone. L’ultima cosa che si aspetta è che, in realtà, Merlin sia una donna.
- L’autrice Aliyah Burke credo sia completamente inedita in Italia come il suo libro con protagonista una assassina/guardia del corpo:
What the Earl Desires
A pair of English women hire Najja, an African assassin, to protect them. In the course of her duties she meets Colin Faulkner, Earl of Clifton. But they can never be together, because the year is 1811, and an entire continent – plus her loyalty to her father – lie between them.
- Altro titolo inedito in italiano è di Darlene Marshall e vede protagonista una piratessa:
What The Parrot Saw
Captain Mattie St Armand is not just a woman: she’s the biracial bastard daughter of a pirate and a freedwoman, so she needs a naïve white man to help deflect the authorities while she smuggles slaves from Florida to freedom in the Bahamas. This is where Oliver Woodruff comes in. A naïve white man who needs rescuing from a whorehouse, he’s the perfect man for her job.
- L’ultima autrice che includo nella lista è…me stessa. Infatti nel mio romanzo L’ELISIR DI MANTOVA, edito Leggereditore, romance ambientato nell’Ottocento, una delle due protagoniste femminili è infermiera e a volte fa le veci di medico.
1846. Adam Roschmann, è un uomo in fuga dalle responsabilità e dal mondo. Figlio di William e Matilde, viene espulso con disonore dall’Accademia militare. Coinvolto in vicende torbide legate al gioco d’azzardo, si dedica a imprese che non dovrebbero riguardare un uomo del suo ceto. Ritornato nei luoghi natali si imbatte in Elena, un’amica d’infanzia. Elena Harting sta seguendo le orme del padre, lavora in ospedale e cura i malati proprio come fosse un vero medico. Troppo testarda e intelligente per uno spregiudicato buono a nulla come Adam. Fra Verona e Mantova colpite da un morbo insidioso e la città di Vienna custode di molti segreti, il loro rapporto si trasforma in una pericolosa altalena di emozioni.
1 note · View note
Do you have a list of all characters submitted so far?
hoo boy, it’s a long fuckin list; I’ll put it under the cut
Please know that this is RAW STATISTICS. Just because a character is here doesn’t mean it will be included or not included!
For those who just want statistics, we have 269 submissions as of now, with 211 unique characters (if I counted correctly)!
The characters on this list have two or more submissions, and have a high chance of being selected (save for a few with some…not so convincing propaganda)
Vriska Serkat
Eridan Ampora
Kokichi Ouma
Haiji Towa
Minoru Mineta
Bill Cipher
John Gaius
Regal Farseer
Kylo Ren
Jurgen Leitner
Ty Betteridge
Sasuke Uchiha
Dazai Osamu
Glenn Quagmire
Rose Quartz
Izzy Hands
Akio Ohtori
Katsuki Bakugo
Don Quixote Doflamingo
Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
Ansem the Wise
Kusaka Masato
The Metatron
Evan Hansen
The characters in this section have one submission, and have a lower chance of being selected.
Michael Scott
Detective Saracusa
Micah Bell
Paul Von Oberstein
Santa Claus
Damian Wayne
Jace Herondale (submitter was unsure of name)
Cersei Iannister
William Afton
John ‘Jack’ Seward
Abyss Sibling
Tim Drake
Dr. John ‘Jack’ Seward
Gra’ha Tia
Elias Ainsworth
Erlina and Brugaves
Five Pebbles
Lance Dubois
The Entirety Of Homestuck
Willy Stampler
Simon Laurent
Miguel O’Hara
Medusa Gorgon
Gamzee Makara
Rohan Kishibe
Teruhashi Makoto
Gordon Blackwall
Rebecca Costwolds
Ardyn Izunia
Anakin Skywalker
Sigma Kilm
Caesar Clown
Shiki Tohno/Nanaya
Mori Ougqi
Touichiro Suzuki
Alexander Hamilton
Donald Trump
Georg Weissmann 
Dean Winchester
The Operator
Scrappy Doo
Foreman Oyun
The Eleventh Doctor
Any Character From Welcome to Nightvale
Will Shuester
Silver Spoon
Jayne Cobb
Byakuya Togami
Prince Louis 
Princess Daisy
Light Yagami
The Pale King
Yoshiharu Hisomu
Himiko Toga
Sebastian Mechaelias
Mystery Hunter (Jeremiah Hartley)
Muzan Kibutsuji
Clara Oswald
Ranpo Edogawa (Beast)
Heath cliff
Inspector Tobias Greyson
Huey Emmerich
Tom Wambsgans
Yuri Briar
Jacopo Bearzatti
Meredith Rodney McKay
Every Single Country In 1993
Jin Guangyao
Val Velocity
Noor Pradesh
Kristoph Gavin
Dan Moroboshi
Muu Kusunoki
Teddie / Kumq
Shen Jiu
April O’Neil (2012)
Junko Enoshima
Greg Heffley
Makoto Itou
Ianthe Tridentarius
Ochi Fukuchi
Disembodied Voice
George Wickham
The New Ninja
Sakazuki Akainu 
Petyr Baelish / Littlefinger
Wen Chao
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd 
James T. Kirk
Mikan Tsumuki
Millions Knives
The Mage
Sentinel Prime
Otto Apocalypse 
Woodes Rogers
Zeke Jaeger
Dean Venture
Aloise Trancey
Tony Stark
Akito Sohma
Monokubs (Except Monodam)
Chrollo Lucifer
Chloe Bourgeois 
Zhou Zishu
Elon Musk
Il Dottore
Goeffry St. John
Nikola Tesla
Ogai Mori
Mary Keay
Dr. Henry Miller
Voice In The Calm Ad On Spotify
Akechi Goro
Victor Frankenstein
Riley Finn
Anyone From The Locked Tomb
Elias Ainsworth
Stella Goetia
Nefera DeNile
11 notes · View notes
cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
(&wanted connections)
*this will be updated often, as I try to always have at least 2 open connections for each of my characters.
**three asterisks beside a connection means i’m open to having multiple people filling it
Current Disponible Connections: 156
Spreadsheet of currently taken connections
23, actress, panromantic asexual, Camila Mendes fc.
costars: could be from the past, present or future, and how they get along can be discussed ***
ex: preferably not on good terms, but can be discussed
people trying to sleep with her, but she doesn’t want to ***
24, stripper, pansexual, Carlson Young fc.
childhood acquaintance: maybe someone that lived in the same town, or they met through her dad being mayor of the town
coworkers ***
flirts ***
potentially serious relationship: I’m open to having this happen at one point
27, vigilante barista, pansexual, Emily Borwning fc.
coworkers ***
vigilante friend: her friends don’t know about this side of her, but I’d love if there was someone who knew, kind of a partner?
31, cop, heteroflexible, Sebastian Stan fc.
coworkers ***
drinking buddy(ies) ***
know through work ***
someone trying to help him kick his alcoholism
wife or ex-wife
30, criminal company owner, bisexual, Crystal Reed fc.
allies: people she helps, or helping her ***
enemies ***
relationship: not saying anything precise, but i’m imagining she’s seeing someone, but she’s scared if she gets too close, they might get hurt, that kind of deal
subordinates: she is the leader of a crime ring, so I suppose she has a few people she bosses around ***
32, high school teacher, bisexual, Emilia Clarke fc.
childhood/school friends: she grew up in Kola, but then moved to NYC, so any friends she met while still in Kola ***
coworkers ***
NYC friends/acquaintances: people she met while in NYC ***
44, criminal, heteroflexible, Skeet Ulrich fc.
neighbor: he lives in a small house, but I just think it’d be interesting if he had a prying neighbor, that might get too close to his business?
people in the Russian mafia with him ***
36, tattoo artist, bisexual, Morena Baccarin fc.
customers ***
gang members: she’s not part of the gang, exactly, but she does pretty much all of their tattoos now ***
24, cashier, pansexual, Vanessa Morgan fc.
coworkes: she’s a cashier in a clothing shop ***
regulars: people who come to the shop often ***
25, hacker, homosexual, Caitlin Stasey fc.
customers: she really does any kind of hacking job, so whatever you need, she might be your girl ***
non-serious flirts: probably just girls she flirts with for fun *** 
serious flirt: she doesn’t like commitment but maybe there’s one girl she could be serious with?
targets: she loves to seduce men and later on destroy their reputation, so bring me all the men you want destroyed ***
30, assassin/spy to hire elementary school teacher, bisexual, Zane Holtz fc.
covers: I’m thinking people he pays to make his cover as an elementary school believable ***
employer: the one that hired him for that job
23, literature/cinematography double major, pansexual, Freya Mavor fc.
classmates ***
crush ***
friends of her deceased twin ***
party buddies ***
semi serious crush: she’s still a fightened virgin, but she feels it might be seirous enough with that person for her to give it up? but she’s very scared
30, event planner, bisexual, Leighton Meester fc.
best friend
customers ***
ex see wc on the main
younger sister see wc on the main
26, writer, pansexual, Shailene Woodley fc.
ex mentor see wc on the main
fans ***
high school friends ***
writer buddies ***
29, police officer, bisexual, Matthew Daddario fc.
ex: maybe from high school, or college, or whatever
geek buddies: he doesn’t show it often anymore but bring me a bunch of geek friends and they just talk movies and series and comics together ***
34, criminal investigator, bisexual, Melissa Fumero fc.
best friend: maybe recent? maybe since they were kids?
coworker/flirt/crush: like... Peraltiago kind of thing
roommate: she’s very clean and organized, I just want someone that... isn’t
37, zoologist, bisexual, Chris Pratt fc.
coworkers: anyone who might work at the zoo with him, or other zoologists ***
friends: most likely ex friends since he’s dissociated himself from most human relationships ***
siblings *** see wc on the main
27, unemployed, pansexual, Summer Bishil fc.
best frienemy: bring the Nicole Richie to her Paris Hilton
ex ***
flirt ***
frenemy ***
party buddy(ies) ***
26, hairdresser, bisexual, Sarah Hyland fc.
co workers ***
customers ***
step brother see wc on the main
26, nurse, heterosexual, Aimee Teegarden fc.
brother see wc on the main
coworkers ***
ex see wc on the main
friend: someone she would’ve met after arriving in Kola and it’s probably her closet friend here
23, model, homosexual, Ryan McCartan fc.
friends: he’s very sociable despite being sometimes “boring”, I imagine he has a bunch of friends ***
model buddies ***
on/off boyfriend see wc on the main
23, camgirl, pansexual, Jade Thirlwall fc.
rival: bring me another camgirl/boy? and they’re fighting for the number one spot
watchers ***
23, confectionery co-owner, bisexual, Luke Benward fc.
21, unemployed, pansexual, Alycia Debnam-Carey fc.
close friend
past foster siblings: she was in and out of families because she was a brat, so I imagine she had a good amount of foster siblings ***
someone she could possibly develop feelings for
someone training her so she could prove herself and join the mafia like her brother
31, model, pansexual, Alexandra Daddario fc.
close friend
dance buddy: someone she would occasionally do ballet with
half sister see wc on the main
model friends ***
26, sports shop owner, bisexual, Lindsey Morgan fc.
ex teammates: she played at a high level in soccer, so people she played with or against ***
flirt: she rarely opens up, but someone that tries to get to her heart please and thanks
regulars at her shop ***
25, underground boxer unemployed, bisexual, Gregg Sulkin fc.
bar fights: I just imagine he gets into bar fights often ***
drinking buddies ***
32, motel owner, bisexual, Harry Lloyd fc.
customers ***
ex: I dunno, I just... I kinda want that? Probably happened and ended before his father’s murder so now he’s much different
high school classmates: he never really had friends, but acquaintances for sure ***
people who do their “business” at his motel ***
possible victims ***
26, journalist, pansexual, Elizabeth Olsen fc.
best friend
coworkers ***
28, waiter, pansexual, Jack Falahee fc.
coworkers ***
ex: probably someone he was with just before going to rehab
regular customer(s) ***
22, film director, bisexual, Madelaine Petsch fc.
anyone in the film industry that could’ve worked with her: producers, editors, actors, music, etc. ***
bad influence
crush ***
flirtationship: not quite a friendship, not quite a crush?
friend ***
movie buddies ***
35, artist, bisexual, Katie McGrath fc.
clients: either for her legal or illegal work ***
employees: probably people she hires to help at her gallery ***
flings ***
flirt: could be serious or not, but she’s been single for a long time
37, company owner, bisexual, Zoe Saldana fc.
business partners: people who employ her ocmpany to protect their business, house, whatever ***
employees: security guards working for her firm ***
25, receptionist, pansexual, Kaya Scodelario fc.
coworkers: I’m thinking she works as a receptionist for a company, so anyone who works there? ***
crush/flirt: something that could be serious? also someone that’s very kind and caring, unlike her ex
roommate: she arrived not long ago and really needed a place to stay, and your muse had an open room or something
37, landscape architect, bisexual, Jason Momoa fc.
customers ***
friends: from school, through work, any way they could’Ve met, bring them all ***
38, secretary/thief, pansexual, Evangeline Lilly fc.
high school friends: could be interesting since she doesn’t go by her real name anymore ***
past teammates: so before going solo, she had a small group and they worked together to scam people, so those teammates ***
previous victims: people she scammed and stole from, ya know? ***
target: the one she’ll try to scam next
27, lawyer, pansexual, Brie Larson fc.
crush: she doesn’t believe in love so I want this to build slowly
employees: she’s opening a new branch for her parents’ law firm ***
ex see wc on the main
31, philanthropist, heterosexual, Blake Lively fc.
best friend: mayb a friend she met while she was still a model, or maybe not, I don’t mind
fans: I imagine there was a bunch of people fans of her work as a model, and her few roles ***
husband see wc on the main
28, unemployed, pansexual, Finn Wittrock fc.
cousin: someone who was next in line to get the company, and so took the lead position while he was gone/still acts as leader for now
employees: he hasn’t announced publicly he is back in the company, but he does still work in the shadows until it’s announced. So either people who know he’s back because they hold higher position in the company, or people who don’t know and think he just quit or got fired. ***
33, socialite, bisexual, Olivia Wilde fc.
best friend: I want it to be someone she met prior to marrying rich, so when she was still poor and struggling
husband see wc on the main
socialite friends ***
24, businessman, bisexual, Charles Melton fc.
23, singer, homosexual, Naomi Scott fc.
33, forensic pathologist/irish mafia, demiromantic bisexual, Aidan Turner fc.
35, fashion designer, bisexual, Bryce Dallas Howard fc.
celebrities she might’ve been asked to design something for ***
crush: someone who flirts a lot and isn’t one for commitment, but she’s just under their charm
ex: I’m thinking maybe there could be some lingering feelings from her side still
regulars: people who often buy from her brand ***
23, on-set assistant, pansexual, Billie Lourd fc.
coworkers: anyone who might work on set of movies, shows, shootings ***
crush see wc on the main
friends: she’s not really good at expressing her feelings, but definitely people she’s connected with enough to call them friends ***
36, floor manager, bisexual, Olivia Munn fc.
employees: people working at her restaurant ***
regulars: people who often come to the restaurant ***
32, bar/club owner, heterosexual, Chris Pine fc.
38, CEO, bisexual, Oscar Isaac fc.
building relationship see wc on the main
employees: maybe in his company, or at his house(like housekeepers, butlers, all that) ***
rival: I haven’t specified what kind of company, but a rival company, ya know? I’m really down for mostly any kind of company so yeah
23, cook, bisexual, Josh Hutcherson fc.
friends ***
27, history professor/adventurer, bisexual, Alicia Vikander fc.
33, detective, heteroflexible, Jenna Louise Coleman fc.
ally(ies): I’m thinking people who are working with her husband, and that she secretly works with to protect him. ***
coworkers ***
21, languages student, bisexual, Danielle Campbell fc.
best friend she tells everything to
classmates ***
someone who has a crush on her: the Sid Jenkins to her Michelle Richardson
the Tony Stonem to her Michelle Richardson
30, unemployed, bisexual, Bob Morley fc.
22, med student, bisexual, Abigail Breslin fc.
21, kinesiology student, bisexual, Cody Christian fc.
close friend: only person he talks to about how he feels
friend of his ex: maybe her best friend or something, and when he sees that person, he thinks of her
teammates: other lacrosse players on the college team ***
23, personal assistant, bisexual, Zoey Deutch fc.
36, plastic surgeon, pansexual, Ryan Reynolds fc.
36, politician, bisexual, Tom Hiddleston fc.
24, theater director, homosexual, Casey Cott fc.
anyone in the theater industry that could’ve worked with him: actors, playwright, tecnicians, etc. ***
ex: this would’ve been his first and only boyfriend, so fairly recent
maybe a girl he dated in high school to make it look like he was straight? can be plotted more
22, journalism major/criminology minor, heterosexual, Willa Fitzgerald fc.
28, oncology resident, bisexual, Beau Mirchoff fc.
20, student, bisexual, Shannon Purser fc.
24, cook, demiromantic pansexual, Tom Maden fc.
coworkers: he’s a cook in a restaurant, so anyone who can fit that bill ***
girlfriend/boyfriend: probably faked on his part, why can be plotted with you
29, confectionery co-owner, bisexual, Glen Powell fc.
29, bouncer, bisexual, Aaron Taylor-Johnson fc.
30, pharmacist, bisexual, Rose Leslie fc.
25, mechanics, bisexual, Landon Liboiron fc.
acquaintances: people he might have met through his ex friends, so not so recommended people ***
close friend: quite possibly the only one who knows he’s not like his old friend and believes in him
regulars ***
22, security guard, homosexual, Bex Taylor-Klaus fc.
27, hitman, bisexual, Nicholas Hoult fc.
24, barmaid, bisexual, Chloe Bridges fc.
best friend: I can see her having ONE best friend she tells everything, how she feels and all
flirts: she flirts a lot, and whether it goes further or not can be discussed ***
rival(s): people who were in pageants, maybe models she resents because she should be one, anything ***
34, FBI, bisexual, Kristin Kreuk fc.
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Lottie’s Plans {31/08/18}
Below the cut is a list of all the characters I have plans for. Please tell me if there are any characters you’d like me to write for or anyone whom isn’t listed I should plan for.
Bad Education
·       Rosie Gulliver
·       Jing Hua (1)
·       Chantelle Parsons (1)
Bate’s Motel
·       Emma Decody (1)
Being Human
·       John Mitchell (2)
Black Mirror
·       Yorkie (3)
·       Kelly Booth (1)
·       Patterson (1)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
·       Rosa Diaz (1)
·       Jake Peralta (1)
·       Amy Santiago (2)
·       Kate Beckett (1)
·       Richard Castle (1)
·       Javier Esposito (1)
·       Tamzin Bayle (1)
·       Alice Chantrey (1)
·       John Denham (2)
·       Polly Emmerson (1)
·       Zoe Hanna (1)
·       Tom Kent (1)
·       Lenny Lyons (1)
·       Elizabeth Dwyer (1)
·       Grant Gustin (1)
·       Trisha Hershberger (2)
·       Phil Lester (2)
·       Kate McKinnon (1)
·       Sebastian Stan (2)
·       Emma Watson (1)
Criminal Minds
·       Alex Blake (1)
·       Penelope Garcia (1)
·       Elle Greenaway (1)
·       Aaron Hotchner (4)
·       Jennifer Jareau (2)
·       Russ Montgomery (2)
·       Derek Morgan (1)
·       Emily Prentiss (5)
·       Spencer Reid (1)
·       David Rossi (1)
·       Ashley Seaver (1)
·       Mon-El (2)
·       Barry Allen (1)
·       Alex Danvers (8)
·       Kara Danvers (13)
·       Sara Lance (1)
·       Lena Luthor (10)
·       Diana Prince (26)
·       Oliver Queen (3)
·       Thea Queen (1)
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hadleyxgranger · 6 years
Files and Phone Calls // self-para
‘A Business Tycoon’s Fall from Grace: Ainsworth Company CEO Dies After Apparent Suicide’
Hadley read and reread the newspaper’s headline more than a dozen times, absorbing the information the article provided instantaneously. Papers and people called it a tragic circumstance, he would peg what had happened to Theon Ainsworth for what it really was: cold-blooded murder. Going off on pure speculation isn’t enough to draw a conclusion. You needed to look at the evidence, ask questions as discreetly as possible without arising suspicion, before forming a proper hypothesis. 
Hadley just couldn’t move past how the pieces fit together perfectly, though, as he reached for the file of papers titled with ‘Ainsworth’ along the tab and flipping it open. According to past press releases, Theon was a fairly charismatic individual who inherited the fortune and business from his father while his younger brother Sebastian mostly stuck to the shadows. That was...until the arranged marriage to Eleanor Cabello forced him straight into the spotlight. Hadley saw through the bullshit that was the engagement and there’s no doubt everyone residing in St. Cascadia did too. One, they were old-fashioned and two, hardly ever worked. 
Thumbing through the stack quickly, Hadley stopped at the Savitri blog pages beginning from when the first post was created. He chose a quick skim, from the engagement announcement, Sebastian’s public argument at the party with Natalia Flores, from the banishment of Theon’s favorite chemist brother Benji Evans, to the bombshell of his relationship with Ryan Vincent getting exposed. Romeo and Juliet. Motive. The brothers were a modern day Cain and Abel, but he knew there was more to the story than what others said. Deep rooted issues from their family life no one else but those within the family knew about.
Hadley’s thoughts were cut short by the loud ringing of his burner phone, sending the man in a silent curse before he reached over to pick it up. “Agent Granger.” He answered formally, attempting to relax his shoulders as his unit chief’s voice greeted him on the other end. “Hey, Mack. I’m settling in great before you ask.”
“I guess I read your mind. Look, Granger, I know it hasn’t been too long since you got there, but any updates?”
The man chuckled dryly, “We’ll be sitting here for three hours if I went in depth with you on everything I already have. Three separate families are at war with each other, Mack, like we’re living in The Godfather. And get this, one leader was just recently murdered by his brother but of course the police aren’t lifting a finger when the evidence is so clear right in front of them.” He released a sigh, “I don’t know what the hell it is about this city, but most of these people have lost their damn minds.”
“You picked St. Cascadia for a reason and I approved of you going undercover when I knew you could handle it. I still do. You just sound exhausted, Granger.” He heard Mack release a breath, “I want you to stay focused on the mission, but you can’t do it while wound so tightly. Your cover’s going to slip that way. Grab a drink, make a few friends if you need to, but I wouldn’t grow too attached to anyone either. The sooner we clean the streets enough where the residents are safer, the sooner you can return home.”
“Getting close to someone isn’t my job, Mack. It won’t happen.” Hadley felt a strange guilt nipping at his insides as August came to mind. He had inked his otherwise unmarked body just to spend that time with the man. The burgers afterwards were great and his company moreso. What if this seemingly harmless friendship turned into something Hadley couldn’t shake off easily? August didn’t deserve the deception that was the man’s false cover, so maybe there is a part of him wanting someone to accept the real Hadley Granger if it ever came to light. Granted, it wasn’t the first time going under cover, but nothing quite felt like St. Cascadia. The locals were suspicious and protective of their homeland, likely willing to spill blood when the situation called for it. He would end up slipping under if he wasn’t careful. “Yeah, you make it sound like that’ll happen in one fell swoop. These factions are basically built on the backs of generations who’ll die to protect their legacy and that’s just from what I’ve heard so far. It’s serious shit.”
“I get you have your work cut out for you, Hadley. You’re doing a good thing helping these people even if they never asked and that’s what you need to remember. You could be the start of a brand new era for St. Cascadia.” Mack scoffed, “Damn, I’m being dramatic. Listen, I’ll let you go, but don’t forget what I said. Keep your nose clean and focus on the endgame.”
Hadley heard the line click off and closed his phone, both hands reaching up to rub along his face exhaustively. Mack sometimes possessed the tendency to state obvious facts. “Don’t need to tell me twice.” The agent’s attention returned to the few folders he collected over the last couple of weeks, determination and regret churning his insides. Lying is for the right cause despite instinct telling him how wrong it was and it was justified...right? Even while doing what needed to be done for the betterment of strangers he didn’t know clouded his thoughts, the little voice residing in Hadley’s mind could not help asking: what would happen to him if the wrong people uncovered the truth about who he really is?
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sebastianxainsworth · 5 years
Redemption // self para
Sebastian pushed open the door with a loud ominous creak, an action he’s managed to do dozens of times in the past for various occasions. This, however, was under different circumstances. The first time in three months he and Ryan left the city and longer since...
The last time Seb stepped foot in the penthouse office of the Ainsworth tower was the day he sent Theon tumbling through the window. The glass had long since been replaced by a brand new sheet, the blood cleaned extensively, and the desk itself vacated other than the current residence of Wayne. Thankfully, the man was gone for the night, leaving the rest of the tower for the youngest Ainsworth to explore old stomping grounds and simply wait.
Sebastian couldn’t understand what possessed him to make contact with Madyson and he wouldn’t expect her to come, not after their first and last meeting. Who would dare grant the wish of a deranged man who held a letter opener to her throat? Would she be forgiving or leave him without answer as he dealt with his demons alone out of spite within her anger? Sebastian didn’t feel right having the discussion over the phone or through text messages despite how easy it would be, not when it was this significant.
Seb moved across the threshold, his steps echoing through the silent din as he reached the large oak desk his brother and father sat at before him. Its twin matched the same one back at the mansion, but there was something incredibly royal and intimidating about this one. The deals that crossed its shiny surface, the conversations and secrets dwelling within the wood like an imprint. He never considered it in such a way, but the desk became witness to the company he desired to take the mantle of. His hand glided along the top, fingers barely glancing over the small antique knick-knacks lining the edge. It was difficult to imagine Theon sentimental about the little things, then again, he hardly knew his brother at all.
Madyson watched the man from the door frame for a long moment as she observed his quiet reaction to what should have been an ordinary office, but now she must have known was the sight of a former murder scene. The thought sent chills down her spine, the same factoring into her hesitation from coming here from the start, however, her previous words reminded Mady why she did this for a living. Was this Sebastian asking for help finding his way again? “Doctor Beckett?” The formal title shot through her thoughts like a hot knife and immediately caused the blonde’s posture to straighten as she stepped into the space. “You were having a moment. I didn’t want to interrupt you.”
“You weren’t. Preferred if you did anyway.” Sebastian moved his hand from the desk to the wheeled leather chair, gently swiveling it back and forth, “I, um, I just,”
“You just wanted to talk?” Mady filled in the blanks with a slow nod, “As long as you promise to refrain threatening me with a knife, I clearly see you’re in desperate need of someone to talk to.” She made herself at home in one of the chairs in front of the desk and dropped her bag at her feet, pushing aside the weird sensation looking at the window behind him. “Consider me a listening sound board.”
She was being too nice. Too understanding. It made this all the more worse. “About that, I need to apologize. You came to the house with nothing but an open heart and willingness that night and I pulled you into something you shouldn’t have been in.” Something Seb was involving her in a second time around, the man realized, as he responded quietly, “I’m sorry, Madyson.”
“I was never angry at you for that, Sebastian. You were fresh off of doing, you know, what you did and Ryan was under medical treatment the last I remembered from that session.” If she could call it a session. Mady placed her hands in her lap and looked down, “You weren’t the first of my patients to threaten my safety.” She repeated, “I’m not angry.”
“You should be. I went full psycho.” Seb’s fingers squeezed the chair’s back, “After what happened with my brother, I was,” Crazy? Delusional? Or maybe in deep enough to know what power felt like when he took it in his own two hands? Sebastian possessed power before, that came with the last name and family reputation, but he just didn’t know how to use it. That learning experience died with his brother. “I was just on this high. I thought I could do what I wanted, where I wanted, to who I wanted without consequences.”
Madyson pressed her lips tightly together, gathering her thoughts cautiously and carefully. There is always more to the story. “Apologizing wasn’t the only thing this was about, was it?” She responded quietly.
“No.” Seb’s equally soft response came as he pulled the chair back and slid into it with a low squeak. “I enjoyed it. Killing Theon, I enjoyed it and I can’t pretend I’m able to separate who I am between who he and my father were. I tried denying it with myself, with Benji, and I can’t.” Saying Theon’s name triggered an apparition he could see from the corner of his eye, forcing Sebastian to glance behind Madyson and spot a vision of his brother lifting his dark gaze to the ceiling in an eyeroll. The moment lasted longer than it should have and more often than the man would confess to.
The woman turned her head to see exactly what he was staring at, finding nothing but an empty door. Like he saw something she couldn’t quite see with her own eyes. Oh, no, this was an all too familiar sign. While Mady hated making assumptions, his history gave her one significant conclusion. “Sebastian,” She turned to face him with a sympathetic expression, “Do you mind describing to me what you’re seeing? Who you’re seeing?”
“Theon.” Seb groaned, leaning forward and placing his head in the palms of his hands, “They’re just flashes. Sometimes, I’ll have full-on conversations with him like he was actually in the room and I know it makes me sound like I’m fucking crazy. I’m not. I killed the fucker and I expected him to stay dead.” He lifted his head slowly, “You said I lost my way before, Doctor Beckett, but I obviously lost my goddamn mind too. The world already took away everyone I ever cared about, so what’s my sanity?” The Ainsworth patriarch released a second groan, “I lost Ryan, Doctor. I lost what was left of my family by my own decision-making and my best friend can’t handle a single second standing in the same room with me. This city, three months later, still thinks I attacked Newford. And the worst part, Madyson, I deserve this. I deserve every second of it.”
Mady stuck by her original diagnosis. The nature versus nurture theory became invalid when Sebastian’s case proved environment and biology were key factors in his deteriorating mental stability. He was now having hallucinations no one else apart from her knew about, lacking sleep, and it’s obvious he let go of his hygiene judging from the growing beard. “I cannot condone what you’ve done in your past, Sebastian, and yes, perhaps karma has caught up to you, but I don’t think you attacked Mr. Vincent. There’s always going to be doubts and theories and no one can say for certain what really happened. I just need you to know you’re still worth saving.”
“You don’t give up, do you? Never met anyone so damn relentless.” Seb’s lips quirked in a weak smile that was quick to leave, “You’re going to really waste a lifetime’s worth of years better spent on helping other people more deserving than me.”
“Perhaps, but I know I can help you. It’s not about what you do and don’t deserve, Mr. Ainsworth.” Madyson leaned forward thoughtfully as she permitted the silence to grow. Was she absolutely bonkers coming here and chatting with him? Or did the true insanity lay with the decision she considered? “This is typically the part where I prescribe you medicine for the visions, but this goes far deeper than your mind, Sebastian. You think you have no one here that cares for you, well, I’m disagreeing. You have me. So,” She sighed. This was it. “If you consent, we need weekly sessions. No more of these...spontaneous talks in the dead of night. Real, one hundred percent sessions, dedicated in my office.”
Okay, now, this was not what he anticipated. Going in with the apology and coming out with an official therapist jarred Sebastian. Therapy was scoffed at in his family, if you were having strong emotions and needing a conversation to speak of them, you locked that shit away. “Wait, you would do that for me?” The relief splashing along Seb’s expression lit a spark of overwhelming hope long lost in St. Cascadia. That’s what the city did, took away any shred of wishful hoping until you no longer knew how it felt. “Yeah, I mean, I want to. I need to.” Ah, then came the awkward and extremely uncomfortable thought. “What about Detective Hardass? He hates the factions, he hates the leaders, but he’s really gunning for me nowadays. He won’t like you and me doing,” The male waved a hand between the two of them for indication. “This.”
“No, he won’t.” And that’s what she was always fretting about in the back of her mind even on her way to the tower. It hadn’t flown over well with Derek when she talked to Morrigan and she was sure he’d nearly blown a gasket after she told him about the first very violent talk with Sebastian. Madyson was a grown woman with a job she loved and she can’t do it properly if she wasn’t helping everyone. “You let me worry about Derek. Besides, I still have doctor-patient confidentiality. I can’t tell him who I’m treating unless given special permission.”
“Tell him.” Sebastian granted without hesitation, threading his fingers together. “I’m not going to be responsible for ruining a relationship based on keeping secrets.” He knew what concealing the truth could do to any relationship. Lying about the nightmares and hallucinations or even hiding how deeply satisfying watching a man tumble through a window from Ryan, from himself, pushed away his wife. What she thinks he did to her brother may have been the real cause, but letting the cat out of the bag on his dwindling mental state would mean losing her entirely. Forever.
This was a dangerous game potentially playing with her life. Sebastian wasn’t a apart of her faction, in fact, she knew the gossip whispered about her helping the same man everyone believed had attacked Newford could have been considered career-ending, but it was downright scandalous. Speaking with a faction leader wasn’t taboo, becoming the therapist to one surrounded by controversy and heartache to her home is. Drake Vincent still hadn’t awaken and where was she? Supporting the man responsible, not the family.
Mady rose from her seat and glided forward, “I need to make myself extremely clear here, Sebastian, and I’m only going to say this once. If I feel any backlash from these sessions endangers my well-being or that of anyone I care about greatly, I won’t hesitate putting an end to it. I know what I’m getting myself into, who you are, your reputation. I may be willing to help you and foolishly,” Madyson pressed her palms to the surface of the desk and leaned forward slightly. Almost...threateningly. “But I will not tolerate the physical violence. Shout and scream as you wish, I can handle it, but no more letter openers. No more fists.” She heard Sebastian‘s chair squeak as he leaned back, “It won’t be just Derek you’ll have to fret over, it’ll be me. Do you understand?”
“Where’s this Doctor Madyson Beckett been hiding?” Sebastian couldn’t mask the playful amusement lacing his tone. The behavior brought a familiarity to the forefront previously shrouded by depression and self-loathing. Hidden from view, concealed from the light of day with a crippling breaking point that had been so much a part of who Sebastian Ainsworth is. Yet, with the darkness crashing through, he’d rise again. “Yeah. Yes.” Correcting his proper grammar, Seb pushed himself from his seat, “I understand.”
“Good.” Madyson moved to grab her bag before hearing, “If you really want to make this official, it has to be the proper Ainsworth way.” The blonde turned to spot Sebastian’s hand jutted out palm open. Deals were a Davenport trademark, a contract binding the signer or hand shaker, in this case, to a promise. It seems Seb found an affinity towards them just as his brother and father. She had nothing to be nervous for, right? “How impolite of me, good sir.” Mady reached out and took his, the two shaking their connected hands firmly.
“It’s a pleasure doing business with you, Doctor Beckett.” Releasing his grip, the youngest Ainsworth smiled. “And thank you. For everything.” The first deal. The first of many, it would seem.
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warandpeacehq-blog · 6 years
Accepted! Welcome to New Orleans Camille Lebeau, Daniel Mercier, Dolly Sutton, Eponine Levesque, Ian Newman, Jeremy Caulfield, Kyle Lowell, Layla Hoffman, Lennon Rose, Perry Ainsworth, Quentin Stafford, Roisin Reed, Siobhan Abernathy, Sven Mikaelsson, Tristan Lowry, Vlad Dumitru,  Will Fairchild, Wren Rosenfeld, Xavier Reyes, Yelena Markova, and Zane Rahl. Stephanie Bennett, Timothee Chalamet, Ashley Greene, Natalie Dormer, Sam Claflin, Luke Mitchell, Chris Hemsworth, Jenna Dewan, Ezra Miller, Chris Evans, Henry Cavill, Brie Larson, Saoirse Ronan, Alexander Skarsgard, Will Tudor, Sebastian Stan, Brett Dalton, Nikki Reed, Rafael de la Fuente, Eliza Taylor, and Chris Wood are now taken.
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↳ Oh, wow, is that STEPHANIE BENNETT? Never mind, it’s just CAMILLE LEBEAU, the 28 year old WEREWOLF. I did hear that the BISEXUAL CISFEMALE is TRUSTING & ARTISTIC but also really VULNERABLE & SUBMISSIVE. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that TIMOTHEE CHALAMET? Never mind, it’s just DANIEL MERCIER, the 21 year old WEREWOLF. I did hear that the BISEXUAL CISMALE is KIND & GENEROUS but also really NAIVE & CONFUSED. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that ASHLEY GREENE? Never mind, it’s just DOLLY SUTTON, the 30 year old WITCH. I did hear that the BISEXUAL CISFEMALE is CAPTIVATING & ATHLETIC but also really INSECURE & SECRETIVE. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that NATALIE DORMER? Never mind, it’s just EPONINE LEVESQUE, the 35 year old WITCH. I did hear that the HOMOSEXUAL CISFEMALE is FREE-SPIRITED & CREATIVE but also really IMPULSIVE & PROTECTIVE. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that SAM CLAFLIN? Never mind, it’s just IAN NEWMAN, the 31 year old HUMAN. I did hear that the BISEXUAL CISMALE is CHARISMATIC & WITTY but also really IMMATURE & VACUOUS. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that LUKE MITCHELL? Never mind, it’s just JEREMY CAULFIELD, the 32/50 year old VAMPIRE-WITCH HYBRID. I did hear that the PANSEXUAL CISMALE is EMPATHETIC & KIND but also really WITHDRAWN & UNTRUSTING. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that CHRIS HEMSWORTH? Never mind, it’s just KYLE LOWELL, the 34 year old WEREWOLF. I did hear that the BISEXUAL CISMALE is CHARMING & FRIENDLY but also really BOISTEROUS & IMPATIENT. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that JENNA DEWAN? Never mind, it’s just LAYLA HOFFMAN, the 35 year old WITCH. I did hear that the PANSEXUAL CISFEMALE is CUNNING & WITTY but also really SELFISH & SELF-DESTRUCTIVE. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that EZRA MILLER? Never mind, it’s just LENNON ROSE, the 23 year old WITCH. I did hear that the PANSEXUAL NONBINARY is ADVENTUROUS & CONFIDENT but also really MESSY & CHILDISH. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that CHRIS EVANS? Never mind, it’s just PERRY AINSWORTH, the 35 year old HUMAN. I did hear that the BISEXUAL CISMALE is NOBLE & CARING but also really INSECURE & CYNICAL. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that HENRY CAVILL? Never mind, it’s just QUENTIN STAFFORD, the 32 year old WITCH. I did hear that the PANSEXUAL CISMALE is AGREEABLE & WELL-MEANING but also really CAUTIOUS & CONFUSED. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that BRIE LARSON? Never mind, it’s just ROISIN REED, the 28 year old WEREWOLF. I did hear that the PANSEXUAL CISFEMALE is STEADFAST & STRONG but also really BITTER & ANGRY. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that SAOIRSE RONAN? Never mind, it’s just SIOBHAN ABERNATHY, the 22/300 year old VAMPIRE. I did hear that the BISEXUAL CISFEMALE is CHEERFUL & CURIOUS but also really NAIVE & OVER-IMAGINATIVE. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that ALEXANDER SKARSGARD? Never mind, it’s just SVEN MIKAELSSON, the 40 year old HUMAN. I did hear that the BISEXUAL CISMALE is CULTURED & HONORABLE but also really GUARDED & FEARFUL. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that WILL TUDOR? Never mind, it’s just TRISTAN LOWRY, the 30/903 year old VAMPIRE. I did hear that the PANSEXUAL CISMALE is IMAGINATIVE & ORGANIZED but also really DEVIOUS & SADISTIC. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that SEBASTIAN STAN? Never mind, it’s just VLAD DUMITRU, the 33/750 year old VAMPIRE. I did hear that the PANSEXUAL CISMALE is PRINCIPLED & DEBONAIR but also really SHORTSIGHTED & UNRESTRAINED. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that BRETT DALTON? Never mind, it’s just WILLIAM ‘WILL’ FAIRCHILD, the 34/189 year old VAMPIRE-WEREWOLF HYBRID. I did hear that the PANSEXUAL CISMALE is ROMANTIC & COURTEOUS but also really TRAGIC & UNHAPPY. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that NIKKI REED? Never mind, it’s just WREN ROSENFELD, the 29 year old WEREWOLF. I did hear that the PANSEXUAL CISFEMALE is BRAVE & PRACTICAL but also really COLD & DISTANT. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that RAFAEL DE LA FUENTE? Never mind, it’s just XAVIER REYES, the 32 year old HUMAN. I did hear that the PANSEXUAL CISMALE is AMBITIOUS & COLORFUL but also really SINGLE-MINDED & OPPORTUNISTIC. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that ELIZA TAYLOR? Never mind, it’s just YELENA MARKOVA, the 28/275 year old VAMPIRE. I did hear that the BISEXUAL CISFEMALE is CULTURED & PASSIONATE but also really REGRETFUL & MOODY. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
↳ Oh, wow, is that CHRIS WOOD? Never mind, it’s just ZANE RAHL, the 28 year old WITCH. I did hear that the BISEXUAL CISMALE is COURAGEOUS & FUN-LOVING but also really WILD & TEMPERAMENTAL. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. [lauren]
0 notes
madysonxbeckett · 4 years
Cases and Confessions // self para
“Case number 636, Patient: Sebastian Michael Ainsworth.” Madyson’s fingers adjusted the digital recorder, slightly wincing as she hoped the movement would not contaminate the audio. His files of each meeting so far were laying on the coffee table in front of her, but speaking the notes out loud aided in processing clients efficiently. If there is one thing she wanted, and in fact attempted to avoid with every fiber of her being, it was bringing her work home where anyone could stumble on confidential patient forms.
Yet, here Madyson Beckett was, seated on her couch recording thoughts as her daughter slept in the room down the hall. “I’ve been seeing Sebastian for the last three weeks and the sessions with him have gone well. No violent outbursts or threatening actions so far, though, it is worth noting the patient is highly prone to them due to past experience.” She clicked and unclicked her pen distractedly before jotting down a few extra words. Sebastian made good on his promise lately, mostly keeping his hands as well as his temper to himself. The man could hardly sit still in his chair which wasn’t considered a real problem until the moving caused Mady’s own jittery nature. Neither could damper their bouncing energy. “He’s become incredibly antisocial during his working hours. Expresses missing his wife dearly, calls her constantly, leading me to believe he possesses a minor case of codependency stemming from love,” A small pause, “And the loss of every stable relationship in his life.”
Mady gently nibbled on the tip of the pen and ruffled a few papers, “Sebastian suffers from severe nightmares, leading to occasional bouts of psychosis. He has hallucinations of his older brother vivid enough to make him believe Theon is there providing input reminiscent to his character. I concur these visions relate to possible guilt surrounding the murder, but I will carefully note he’s projected none when it came to committing the act itself. How he felt in that moment seemed to elicit such, however.” Seb waited a couple of days after the therapy began before opening up about killing Theon. He told her in extensive detail his thoughts, what he did, what he experienced, how he burned the clothes he wore. And the blood...he was rather descriptive. “Sebastian was initially against my idea of taking medication for the hallucinations. I suggested he start a mixture of Zoloft, Buspar, and Clozapine, but when he finally relented, he made the decision to forgo my prescription and find the drugs himself in less than legal ways. He told me not to ask and I knew I couldn’t stop him.” That day clearly was not their best session. “He’s still adjusting to it, so report of a minor headache and sleepiness. Nightmares are there, just not as often happening.”
Madyson skimmed through the document quickly, harboring a nagging feeling there was something she missed and it was staring at her smack in the face. “Sebastian shared his childhood extensively. He suffered breakdowns on his own, repeated tongue lashings from a parental figure that terrified him to a varying degree, and served a second helping from his older brother. Having his entire life planned out for him placed Sebastian in a depression that was bound to spiral. He fell into a mindset where he believed he could do whatever he liked without consequences.” Oh, god, this reminded her of someone. “It didn’t matter who it hurt, whether himself or anyone he cared for, he did what he thought was right. Pushing people away with his actions, with his words. And the truth Sebastian has recently learned to face is, he is drowning in loneliness.”
Madyson Beckett. This was Madyson Beckett through and through. Since when did a recorded brainstorming sit-down become less about the patient and focusing more on the psychiatrist? Mady couldn’t resist drawing similarities between her and Sebastian, but she knew deep in her heart who would have downright detested it: Derek. She destroyed that, she destroyed him. 
The woman retrieved the recorder and tapped the ‘save’ button with the intention of starting a brand new file, “Derek,” Mady breathed his name softy, the speaker close to her lips, “I know I should be saying this in a letter or a text or hell, in person, but I’m aware how furious you are with me right now. You probably wouldn’t have picked up the phone or just chose to plug your ears if I tried talking to you. I’m sorry that you think I’m being stupid. I know I am. I know taking on Sebastian is a dangerous, stupid, reckless choice, but I need you to understand that you can’t protect me from everything. I live with the fact the world’s bad as much as it is good. My parents died because of it, I lost Theo because of it, I had to raise my daughter on my own because of it. Don’t you dare think I’m naive for the sole reason I clamor for the greatest joys this place can offer if one only searches hard enough.”
Mady gathered her thoughts with precision and anyone who would listen to this in the future will notice the silent blank pause. “Derek, I’m going to ask something of you. I believe we’re well far into this relationship that it is something I know I have the right to ask. Whether you are willing to face the hardship or not.” Another quiet moment ensued, this time, Madyson steadying the waver in her voice, “If anything were to happen to me, regardless if it involved Sebastian or I end up in a wrong place at the wrong time, I need you to take care of Stella for me. There isn’t a single person on this green earth that I trust her with more than you, Derek. You’re already an immaculate father to a little girl who needed someone that deeply loved her and I know you’ll give that same unconditional love to my daughter if that time ever came to pass. I’m not saying it will and I’m not saying it won’t.” Mady breathed in through her nose and released the air in a sigh, “I just ask that you help her remember me. Tell her stories, show her pictures, make sure she never forgets her father and I. And when she’s old enough, help her understand why we’re not around.”
“I know it’s a lot to ask from you, but I also know the probabilities surviving in St. Cascadia can go horribly wrong in an instant and I need to guarantee Stella’s taken care of with the right plan.” The recorder suddenly felt slippery in her hand. That moisture wasn’t from sweat, they were tears. When had she started crying? “I don’t expect you to stand by me making the decisions I have after everything you’ve lost. It’s the least I deserve walking into the unknown blindfolded. Just know I’ll stand by you with yours.” Her fingers absentmindedly traced the borders of the device, “I love you so much, Derek. In ten years or a thousand, I find comfort knowing that will never change. You’re my everything and you’ll always be my everything.”
Madyson experienced an overwhelming wave of relentless sorrow weighing down every muscle in her body. A kind of heartache that consumes everything you are and leaves nothing behind.
And then...she pressed stop.
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