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dwellerofthedark · 6 months ago
GARGOYLE HORROR: 'Wings of the Seraph' #Shorts #horror #gargoyles #newor...
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444names · 2 years ago
quenya and french names with diacritics removed
Acilis Adest Alace Alaiwe Alcane Aldil Alere Aliss Allernees Alles Amaiter Amari Amatalta Ambaux Amette Amile Andie Andilar Andow Anohecily Anolper Antiol Anyelis Aphaine Aphie Arcamerine Arights Arinedee Arisephind Arlesian Arsulemen Artaule Atantireme Atarmairan Atheckot Atherta Atoirel Attaronee Audil Auraiready Aureanorn Auructura Autte Avalait Avette Axendil Axime Aymonde Balaquen Belard Belipel Bennonde Berondaman Berrie Beruonwe Betarnick Betien Binweron Blanwiot Blarie Blauthele Blaux Blublecond Blumaradis Blumbar Brons Bruprion Calaymo Calazacil Callinting Canoroak Capper Cartalf Celtano Celth Cettar Chaber Chadominde Chaeld Charion Cheli Chere Chippore Chosil Cirierda Cland Claneleric Clast Clomed Closs Colle Collen Collerusto Copped Coraw Corintine Cormo Corosece Creadind Cuindil Cundome Curine Cyriters Dalleymo Dambs Damire Danore Dether Dielle Diver Dohippero Dometione Dondowe Doros Dostel Eanamarma Eannaxen Eannorger Earde Ecenier Echom Eighee Einde Elarchil Eldalinen Eldard Eldarier Eldore Elenvivion Eletted Elexar Elfstars Elienoron Elinquendi Ellari Elled Elomba Elospaux Elpied Elwerne Emmar Emmin Endand Endie Endien Eonelped Eopherie Erchelca Ermacard Ernanna Ernildilwe Ersil Estan Ettar Eturi Evenel Exanata Fabende Fabiende Farjo Feledge Felie Findu Fingolenie Firrondo Flana Flotte Foonna Forienild Frairin Gelinele Gilta Gilwerver Ginqua Ginumusil Ginyath Girant Glins Glosse Gotie Gracils Gualet Habice Handa Hanoiseck Haraned Header Heenden Heeng Helen Heleon Hellinde Henanondi Herse Hervalem Hetted Hiarme Hondrimo Hoppose Hosighta Hostel Hosto Hrafine Hratar Hrimight Hrondalemy Hurthentur Hyale Hyalweaut Hyani Hyaroned Hyavesse Ictodorod Ilielons Iline Inaur Incece Indelom Indure Inelia Insondil Isamine Iseckle Isette Iside Isignelk Ision Issarbea Istarase Jearro Jewens Jossarique Judendors Judild Julitarasa Justisto Kaelf Kildatar Kinwel Knewesce Lacil Lamaur Lansorne Lasare Lasseasse Lateste Laucilie Laurumen Lenstor Lexan Liaronto Lincalms Livie Lizepher Loityacon Lonne Lorie Lostom Lucard Lucarto Luciron Lumba Lumeller Lunce Lunduine Lurama Maings Makene Malaidene Malie Mance Mande Mandil Manoise Mariquele Marromee Marronds Mashalbar Matirin Matromens Meldow Meninever Mentandie Meopel Milimous Mirie Miright Mirinardis Mityeley Mondo Monorock Moothealou Moraux Morelpe Mourmened Murnare Namamousts Naret Narisimi Nartome Nattyare Ndessept Nellover Nernunto Netyamale Newore Nicerni Noldie Nolind Nollendo Nonsto Nordar Norineyma Norist Normotesse Notine Noweros Numbar Nurcie Ocephand Ohitelen Oinorwar Oisounet Oistome Ondavalas Ophilight Ordiends Oricklinwe Ormantar Oronnet Ortasce Osilizer Ostrusse Ounseptari Panumbs Parosse Pervaldene Prede Queni Quent Quentire Quenvisama Querionde Radree Ragolperds Ramiry Randorn Ranolisen Ratiang Rayend Rendis Retta Rieng Rineley Rinet Rinyanne Rionderse Romel Romin Ronday Roombarma Rosebabie Rothetth Ruarmarton Sahalle Sahapasar Saris Savaly Seavish Semnolm Serieu Shaell Shandil Shirya Sicen Sider Silil Silmarce Simeangste Sophne Sorene Spear Steldand Stimin Sumatando Talielle Talint Taloffin Tanand Tardendi Tarick Tedge Teline Telphasse Thibaline Thipea Thonnick Tider Tilding Tineht Tintalia Tislaurd Tivers Todon Tontioted Torondanu Trernademy Triedle Tright Trunil Tumbaphist Tumbare Tumna Turuphilie Twaian Unildortar Utirom Valesiris Valie Valing Valle Vando Vanore Vanwe Vauludgene Venieval Verma Viedred Vieva Viniers Vinyar Voryarien Warnume Wearme Werote Wifin Winester Winyanel Womaelped Womair Woutte Yahee Yales Yvong
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amaltheafan · 1 year ago
in general ‘you must do this’ is bad writing adviceespecially the stuff about a protagonist needing to be likeable holy shitbut also literally everything else hereone thing i appreciate about electives here in norway is you can kinda ‘major’ in something in high school while still having your standarddiploma - so when i’m about to say i ‘studied theater’ that’s what i mean in this context - but studying theater was great because you geta real sense of storytelling that varies not only through genre but through timedid you know for instance the notion of realism in theater is relatively newor that in south america in the 70s there was a whole movement of revolutionary theater not only incontent but actively involved the audience participating and trying to come up with solutions together as almost a form of group activismwith fiction just as the jumping off point?the audience becomes ‘spect-actors’ and work to directly transform the story as a means to encourage changing realityit’s called theater of the oppressed and it will challenge even what you think breaking the 4th wall meansanyway you can do whatever you want foreverI don’t think i’m like a great writer lol but i do think i’m better for learning about this pluralitynot su /writingmedia analysis
Every 21st century piece of writing advice: Make us CARE about the character from page 1! Make us empathize with them! Make them interesting and different but still relatable and likable!
Every piece of classic literature: Hi. It's me. The bland everyman whose only purpose is to tell you this story. I have no actual personality. Here's the story of the time I encountered the worst people I ever met in my life. But first, ten pages of description about the place in which I met them.
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jamescallahansr · 4 months ago
They'll know
And they’ll know we are Christiansby our rules, by our rules,all of them that once seemed necessarybecause we didn’t like something newor something old that was new to us,and instead of turning off our mediaafter we tried to redeem it and flood itwith complaints and demandsto be heard, to be seen, to be obeyed,we just made another and anotherrule because that’s all we could doand still no one…
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discordfreenitrogenerator · 2 years ago
[Discord Free Nitro Generator] wITHOUT HUman Verification
Discord Nitro code generator 2023,generates free nitro codes for the Discord nitro server. You can use these codes by logging into your Discord account. These codes give you many gifts on the server.
All you have to do is write the amount of code and click the generate code button.Discord Nitro can be used to support the servers that you are part of, get more features like the ability to upload bigger files, more emojis, HD video streaming, profile customization, etc. However, to get the Nitro, you need to buy it for $99.99 a year or $9.99 a month. But there are actually legit ways for you to get the Discord Nitro for completely free. Here are the ones that are currently working for you to take advantage of.
 Nitro Giveaways
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freethrowline · 5 years ago
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nbaoracle · 5 years ago
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libraryofsports · 5 years ago
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arcanecircle085 · 6 years ago
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#newOR #operatingroom #scrub #surgerylife #cutlife #sunrise https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLnA0WHLqk/?igshid=xa8w8kwh7ppk
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thenolachic · 6 years ago
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Kids still calling #cars “That’s my car” I remember it like yesterday and smiled when #niyahjean spotted this red convertible 🚘🥰 #mommyanddaughtertime @jazzfest #niyahjean #nolafun #livelikeatourist #jazzfest50 #jazzfestival #locals #letmeshowyoumynola #nolagirls #melaninpoppin #livelikeatourist #iamnola #itsyournola #nolalove #urbanliving #nolavibes #nolamua #nolablogger #nola #newor #neworleans #neworleansstyle #browngirls #cowgirlboots #style #influencer #nolalife #showmeyournola #igersnola #photo (at New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxbmF02B2QT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wq3qczsnd9t5
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sockmonstergotstyle · 6 years ago
I just found out Take That aren’t known in America what the f u c k
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hardinternetkid · 3 years ago
Newor Media Review 2022 - a Popular AdSense Alternative
Newor Media Review 2022 – a Popular AdSense Alternative
One of the most lucrative ways for bloggers to monetize their websites is through online advertising. Ads offer a passive way to earn a consistent income — with little effort required. However, scaling can be a challenge with the vast number of bloggers wanting a piece of the digital ad spend pie. Relying on AdSense alone can lock publishers out of premium rates and make revenue maximization…
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View On WordPress
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vinzceazar · 5 years ago
Netherite Ingot?!
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Haven’t really been active in this blog because it’s underrated.
Anyways.. I’ve just heard now that 1.16 will be released or is already released.I don’t really know yet but there is a new ore in Minecraft called Netherite and some people say that it’s more powerful that diamond, you could make a full armor kit with Netherite. This ore is surely a high-class tier.
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444names · 2 years ago
quenya names BUT short and including "o"
Abhomen Abhor Accon Alandor Alcolle Almo Amarbo Ambo Amoss Ando Angamo Angollë Angumno Arandor Aranory Archos Ardacot Argor Artamo Arto Asto Atanon Atto Attodō Auldo Avarto Axarmo Bico Blandon Blondë Blounto Blow Blows Bolda Boots Brindo Brion Bron Brontë Brostla Brow Caramo Chor Chron Cirion Cleposs Coamor Coasa Coldar Cole Colos Coma Combace Comp Comúrin Conding Condë Cong Cord Core Coreo Cori Corla Coros Corow Corta Cory Coted Coutya Crom Cronnar Devot Dontul Doomë Dorion Dousk Dowbo Dowen Durona Eafino Earon Ekkasto Eldor Eldoren Eldorin Elflon Elon Elro Elronel Elrot Elvano Elveno Elvindo Endorn Eord Eornë Eorwë Ercon Erflo Erulion Eruondë Eruone Eruonta Exanong Findo Flordi Foamírë Foldil Folms Ford Fords Foria Foril Formaró Forme Former Fornel Forno Fornë Foron Forting Forto Forë Forëa Fricton Frion Fírion Gaor Girdo Gloryar Gloster Gnoll Gode Gody Goll Gollië Gollon Gonder Greldo Greo Hado Hadold Hadont Hano Hasto Heco Hecola Hecom Helmero Helmon Herion Holendë Holin Holië Holle Hollië Hollë Homë Hormë Hoss Host Hosta Houle Houron Hraurto Hros Hrámor Hröano Hyamo Hánow Ilmo Inasto Ingol Irod Isildoc Isimo Jorinwë Kingold Knot Laldo Laldold Lanto Laukots Lemo Limo Lion Liondil Listo Llëon Loccur Lontar Look Loomëa Loon Lorme Lornitë Loros Loss Losts Louna Love Lovenwë Lowbo Lumasto Lámo Lómirmo Lórion Maingo Mandor Mano Manon Marado Marmo Marmor Mendo Menoli Micano Mico Mienho Mindo Mindohe Mino Mionna Miramo Miron Mison Moren Mori Morind Morinwë Morion Mormë Morya Mose Mosilpë Moublem Moundon Moundë Moungo Mour Mourwan Mámo Mámoros Márieno Mírindo Mírion Naldo Nando Nandon Nannor Nanto Naukong Nelon Newor Nohie Nold Noldar Noldë Noll Nollimo Nollinë Nollows Nolody Nomba Nomenda Normeht Norong Norons Nort Norwë Norya Noted Nísion Occil Occo Ohelmë Ohider Oiendo Oineldo Oion Oiona Oionda Olle Ollë Ondil Ondo Ondoro Onnon Onso Onórack Orda Orna Ornaxë Orody Orolows Oron Orond Orondil Orons Oros Orresto Orráto Orröar Orta Ostaitë Oste Ostned Ostuler Oxfoll Oxfolli Oärron Oärwhor Peoples Peopper Polasto Poldórë Poss Possa Possi Poun Prion Proser Rado Rimo Rinstro Rion Roam Roccil Rohís Rombar Rona Rondil Rong Roody Roon Ross Rowerië Royan Rusto Rómiroc Seattor Seco Serno Shanto Shirion Sicoree Sildor Sillo Sirro Sonal Sondo Sore Sorembe Sori Soright Sorring Sort Soublië Sounsus Sour Sourë Sousse Spiondo Stalmo Stanto Storth Swomen Swomend Swomëa Swor Sworge Sworn Sworto Swough Talon Tatto Tellon Telmo Telon Telover Tento Thado Thordar Tioll Tion Tollë Tollótë Tomer Topee Touble Touna Tous Towva Treo Trions Undo Undor Undowle Urukon Usecold Valasto Valikor Valimo Varráto Veron Vores Vorwë Vottel Wando Waronen Wavesto Westimo Wetion Whorn Whost Wion Wombark Wombarë Womp Wood Wordi Worme Worni Woronel Woruon Wost Wosto Yavelon Yeldo Yestron Yonitë Youble Your Áron Írion Ñgoldo Ñgor Ñoldo Ñolmo Ñornë Ósarion Úmantor
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xxtc-96xx · 4 years ago
I am curious, with Ash having Pokémon and such- He has Pokéballs, and surely has spares laying about. Has Huey ever had a close encounter with one of them? Or has Newor Delia to make sure there are no empty Pokéballs in the house to avoid such accidents?
if he did somehow accidentally catch himself, all they’d have to do is let him out and destroy the pokeball to release him so I doubt it would be a very serious issue at all since it’s Ash. He also probably doesn’t just leave them around anyways
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freethrowline · 5 years ago
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