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shayjaggermitchell · 2 years ago
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#planning #newyear #newday #newhabbits #astrology #diary https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm2PQtwhdVf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dratulanant · 4 years ago
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When have YOU done it last ? #newhabbits , #learning , #back2basics, #livinglife https://www.instagram.com/p/CLGDlrEh8EI/?igshid=1q2eyeocy1ysq
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arysetiawann · 5 years ago
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Aku Mau Nabung...!! . . Hallo Guys... Gimana kabar kalian? Koko mau ngajak kalian melakukan akitivitas sederhana yang sudah gak asing lagi untuk membangun habits kalian ni.. #30dayschallenge Aktivitas nya kita menabung sebesar 30 ribu rupiah perhari selama 30 hari. Motivasinya terserah kalian boleh apa aja. Yang dibutuhkan: 1. Toples / Celengan / Wadah untuk menyimpan uang tabungan kalian. 2. Komitmen. 3. Motivasi. 4. Komunitas / orang orang yang punya kemauan menabung sama-sama. 5. Enjoy proses menabung. Ikutan yuk... nanti kalian posting kalian ikutan #30dayschallange menggunakan template koko ya.... Setelah 30 hari nanti koko akan share pembelajaran kita yak... Yuk ikutan... #newhabbits #30daychallenge #akumaunabung (at DKI Jakarta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBcxVbZhYXy/?igshid=1sl6qjjj66h8z
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scrapzz · 5 years ago
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One month in and it's paying off... Eat them plates #NewHabbits #TheAwakingOfANewError #WreckingOnSite https://www.instagram.com/p/B1TBDDbl9mS/?igshid=9o3blt6kd617
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alibabsss · 5 years ago
things to take up
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sapasarah-blog · 7 years ago
Anak laki-laki itu berlari dengan cepat. Tersengal-sengal. Berbinar matanya, sebab hari ini dia merasa sangat bahagia. Ia menghampiri ayahnya yang sedang santai membaca koran di teras rumah.
Anak: Ayahh lihat! (huh huh huh-jantungnya berdegup kencang) yah lihat yah(sambil memperlihatkan koran yang di bawanya dari sekolah) teman Dimas dapat juara 1 lomba robot antar SMP seluruh Indonesia! Keren banget kan yah (sambil tersenyum bangga)
Ayah: hmmm
Anak: ko hm doang yah?
Ayah: Ayah akan sangat bangga jika kamu yang memenangkan kejuaraan itu, tidak perlu terlalu memperlihatkan bahwa kamu bangga atas pencapaian temanmu. Capailah dulu prestasimu, lalu banggakan juga lah teman-temanmu. Itu jauh lebih hebat. Buktikan bahwa kamu pun mampu, Dimas.
Anak: (diam) (termenung) (berpikir)
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mohamadlik · 4 years ago
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#HIJAU Memberikan kesejukan, kedamaian, ketentraman, dan kebahagiaan. #newhabbit #newactivity #newjourney #petanimillenial #entrepreneur #sociopreneur #budidayatalaspratama #talaspratama #explorekbb (at Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKtetkmLQl6/?igshid=1tm81i1mj0wyt
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mikanui · 7 years ago
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Sometimes it sucks thinking about it.😣 BUT, doing what has to be done on the daily gets you closer to your goals and dreams. 👍👍 Don't sacrifice your dreams to laziness or excuses. If you don't yet have the discipline, create it over the next 30 to 66 days.🙆‍♂️ Create a new habit and let it drive your daily grind so you can enjoy the benefits! . . . . . #getshitdonetoday #crushinitonthedaily #newhabbits #entrepreneurmindsets #millionnairelifestyle #grinditout💰↪ #worktilitsdone #businessmindset101 #focusandhustle (at Paradise, Nevada)
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msnickandsamm · 8 years ago
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May not be fancy. But everyone who says writing is cathartic may just be on to something. Read my blog at The Real Princess and The Pea – From Fairytale to Fighter https://therealprincessandthepea.wordpress.com/ I'm not some hot shot writer just trying to take every stereotype of disability away. I want to attempt "to find myself" and share thoughts frustrations and of course talk about the frustrations and pains of having a "rare" disease or unrecognized disease in medical community that leaves me no cure and little coverage. Also I'm going to try and keep it positive. Eventually I'll narrow my focus #goodvibetribe #crps #crpsawareness #crpswarrior #crpsstrong #spoonie #spoonielife #blogger #sickday #liferollson #worldsmostpainfulldisease #nicolefightscrps #vibetribe #goodvibes #newhabbits #pots #rsd #chronicpain
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djsameer85 · 4 years ago
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I’ve never been a fan of reading books right from my childhood. But for the 1st time I’ve started reading a book. And this big change came in my life just recently. My dad is an author and he came out with his second book, Rivers On Fire: Khalistan Struggle. Second book and that too related to the subject of my interest. And you’ve guessed it right, I haven’t read his 1st one yet🙈. Now that I have started my 1st book, his 1st book might be the 2nd book I read 😁 . . . . #djsameer #thecollectiveprojekt #happymonday😊 #dj #djlifestyles #djlife🎧🎤 #djproducers #djinglife #musicproducerlife #happymondayeveryone #newhabbits #readingbooks #readinghabbit #readingbook #1stbook #punjabpolitics #modernhistory #somethingnewchallenge #newhabbits #newthingsinlife #happyvibesonly #riversonfire #riversonfirekhalistanstruggle #goodvibesonly❤️ #homestudiosetup #genelec #iphonexphotography #photooftheday❤️ — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2T8WAwO
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die-rosse · 6 years ago
Thursday 14/02/2019
I tried something new with the baby this morning. We went to storytime at the library. It was great!
We we’re at the library for almost 2 hours and baby EJ loved it! He had so much fun! He saw children from different ages, sang songs, read stories and got to play with different toys. He was happy the entire time, he didn’t even need me. I enjoyed watching him and it felt good to be able to talk to some moms and other nannies. Our entire morning was filled thanks to storytime, it made the day go by a little bit faster. 
My host parents are very supportive and are thankful that I suggested to do this. From now on, this will be our new Thursday morning habit, great! This gives me new energy to start looking up other things to do with the baby. Until today, we are just staying at home every day, going for walks in the neighbourhood. Getting out of the house will be a fun change for the both of us. 
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baldlightning · 7 years ago
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What could possibly go wrong? #newhabbit #beatstrump
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lettysprints · 7 years ago
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Even tired, I try to draw every single day to create a new habit. All drawings won't be amazing but it doesn't matter. I aim to create this new habit! What is your challenge ? lettysprints.com #drawings #drawing #sketch #sketchbook #castle #house #watercolor #watercoloursketch #watercolour #blue #orange #motivation #challenge #habit #newhabbits — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2IJb4Ne
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mohamadlik · 4 years ago
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#SAYANGALAM Bermesraan dengan tanaman dan alam bisa menjadi matcomblang hubungan kita dengan Tuhan ^^ #newhabbit #newactivity #newjourney #petanimillenial #entrepreneur #sociopreneur #budidayatalaspratama #talaspratama #explorekbb (at Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKOIwJ1rQbh/?igshid=5pii3bahn69z
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chelsiebachara · 6 years ago
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of new goals for myself. Wake up earlier. Drink a whole cup of water, than get some coffee and make breakfast and enjoy some of the morning. Be on time to work. Day 2 and I'm feeling pretty good. #newhabbits #lifestyles #morning #breakfast #coffee #littlethingsinlife (at Palmdale, California)
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christina-tsiripidou · 7 years ago
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#tuesdaythoughts I have been reading and learning so much about nutrition lately. Articles on the impact of certain foods in our body and how they are prepared. And the more I read, the more I realise that I want to know more and more. What is it that you are learning about or is there anything you picked up in the last weeks that make you hungry for more? --------------------------------------------------------------- #nutritional #healthytips #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #newhabbits #newyearsresolution #learningnewthings #newskills #happyandhealthy #stayinghungry #mindbody #mindhealth #mentalhealth (at London, United Kingdom)
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