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digitallyonline · 7 months ago
🌞 Hello, Sunshine! 🌞
Good morning, lovely people! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it's a perfect day to chase your dreams. Let's start the day with gratitude and excitement for all the little adventures that await. Remember, today is a gift—unwrap it with a smile and a heart full of hope. 💛
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classicallychriste · 2 years ago
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Me, walking into each and every day bright-eyed and bushy tailed, ready to laugh my way through the obstacles of being a #smallbusinessowner, our funny apartment, and life in general. Ha! top • @altardstate @as_ricevillage skirt • @larablydesigns #larably #Bethlehempa #justhappy #fringeskirt #sunshine #beboldbeyou #whatiamwearing #newdaynewadventure #htx (at Houston Montrose District) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClEEyPpAxrl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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inkandalchemy · 3 years ago
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#newdaynewadventure #happinessproject #inkandalchemy (at Albuquerque, New Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CakKXPZOpxP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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daily-dose-of-memories · 3 years ago
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Końca świata dziś nie będzie, bo w Tokio jest już „jutro”🥀 . . . . . #cynicznyromantyzm #romanticquotes #whataboutomorrow #cracow #krakow #discoverkrakow #newdaynewadventure (w: Kraków, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXstbrtI6x0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kate842 · 3 years ago
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Sunday funday❣ It's been a lovely day, and we decided to go far a walk to the park, and pick some conckers. It's our annual tradition, and Ben and Eva couldn't wait for it. ☺ All that's left to do now is concker people.🥰 I just love autumn. 🍁🍂🍁 #mumsuk #mumslife #mumsofinsta #mumstheword #mumbloggeruk #muminfluencer #mumofthree #positiveparenting #positivethoughts #positiveenergy #positivemindpositivelife #parentinglife #parentingblogger #parentingskills #parentingblog #familyislove #familypic #happydayeveryday #newdaynewstart #newdaynewadventure #autumn #autumnleaves #conckers #familywalks #familydayout (at Doncaster) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUSh_RyNLsR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jaylifeshop · 4 years ago
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#girlpowerforlife #powerwoman #girlpower #girlpoweryouareenough #newdaynewadventure #mylifemyway #beyoubehappy #womenempowering #girlboss #powerfulwomen #ladyengineers #ladyengineersrock #ladyatwork #feminismo #bossbabe #businessbabe #girlsnight #girlswholift #girlswhohike #energy #girlmagic #girlsrock #girlswin #empower #clinton #potus https://www.instagram.com/p/CPBQWMZD3Sz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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romipcol · 4 years ago
Day 3 - Back to work course
After a couple of weeks of assessments and half term activities we returned to our webinar today.
A really interesting and pretty challenging one for me personally, as I do NOT like speaking in public! It was my turn to present the Weekly Challenge in front of the group, and boy! I couldn't feel my legs! I think eventually I managed to masquerade my nerves pretty well, and the presentation went smoothly. Phew...
The session continued on to the topic of social media and more specifically Linkedin. Even though I created a profile for myself a few months ago, I have not made an effort to connect or interact with anyone so far. I felt that between Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram my social media mental capacity has been reached. But, like with anything and anyone these days, I need a reboot, restart and update.
Linkedin, here I go! 
See you in Day 4. 
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vivaciousillumination · 5 years ago
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New Self With every new day, a better self is born who learned all the lessons of yesterday. @vivaciousillumination @vivaciousillumination . . Like ❤️ Comment💬 Share🔗 Save✔️ . . #newself #newdaynewstart #newdaynewme #newdaynewyou #newdayquotes #newdaynewadventure #newdaynewway #lessonsinlife #lessonslearnedinlife #learninganddevelopment #learningbydoing #learningthroughplaying #newstarts #newdaynewbeginning #vivacious #illumination #newbeginningsahead #beginnersmind #vivaciousillumination #tuesdayevening (at New Self) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEUAkAxlT-C/?igshid=19971v76whn8q
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destinywolf1980 · 5 years ago
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“🅼🅾🅽🅳🅰🆈🆂 🅰🆁🅴 🆃🅷🅴 🅿🅾🆃🅷🅾🅻🅴🆂 🅸🅽 🆃🅷🅴 🆁🅾🅰🅳 🅾🅵 🅻🅸🅵🅴.” ~ 🆃🅾🅼 🆆🅸🅻🆂🅾🅽 • • • Whew!! Bed time couldn’t come fast enough tonight! Joe worked on lectures for his classes up until I got ready to take Boone to speech at 2 this afternoon only to lose it all! Just BAM! Gone! I drove a little over an hour round trip to take Boone to said therapy only to have him want to sit and be cuddled and read to 🥴! He was so super clingy most of the day. Not sure what’s going on there. Then sadness hit when we found out the whole litter of kittens we were waiting to adopt a kitty from passed away! I know tomorrow is a new day but UGH to this Monday! On the plus side when we got home we were able to just play in the pool and that seemed to help the grumpy guy feel more like himself. Trying to look for the good. After all, It was just a bad day, it’s not a bad life. How was your Monday?! • • • #monday #mondayestmondayever #mondaysarehard #mondayssuck #tomorrowisanewday #newdaynewstart #newdaynewadventure #lookingforthegood #lookonthebrightside #itsabaddaynotabadlife #keepmoving #keepmovingforward #wegotthis #blessed #whenitrainsitpours #kentuckymom #sahm #sahmlife #mom #toddlermomlife (at Elizabethtown, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDuqPC1l_FK/?igshid=aq15hvz9hcy2
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miraclechalisar · 5 years ago
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Learn from the past. Prepare for the future. Live for today. #motivations #greatday #newdaynewadventure #thankful #grateful #feelingamazing #BeautyByChalisar 🌍🙏💎☀️♾🧲 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_8cLXRFMAd/?igshid=s7lhy8489n27
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erikdormer · 5 years ago
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Up at 1am and don't work till 7am, chest and back it is!!! Nothing like working out before work!! Fueled by my daily @redcon1 stack with the addition of Sour Apple Total War RTD (ready to drink). @redcon1 RTD Total War pre-workout is the best portable way to carry your pre-workout with you, always at the ready!!! #mylifemyway #beyoubehappy #girlswholift #girlsrock #energy #empower #powerfulwomen #girlpoweryouareenough #newdaynewadventure #redcon1tieroperator #killingit #transform #beastmode #powerlifter #deadlift #gainsfordays (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4O1CeaFVtN/?igshid=xqrxocf4uaxa
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lastminutemolnars-blog · 7 years ago
3. All the way through Austria
First let me set the scene. I am sitting in the passenger seat whilst Andre drives through Austria and it’s raining… like… a lot.
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Campervan update �� the earliest we can pick up the campervan is on the 7th (apparently you need to book at least 10 days in advance… whoops). Currently in a hire car until then.
We picked up the car from Munich and off we went. Our limited research on ‘the best drives through Europe’ took us to town called Wurzburg which was the start of the ‘Romantic Road’. A 350-odd km stretch of road which we thought was going to be beautiful. Turns out, it isn’t the road that is nice, rather the four or five medieval towns which you can see along the way. We went to one. It was enough.
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Wurzburg was cool, the wine capital of Germany. Ate some good food, drank some nice wine, and saw some nice stuff. Went to a wine bar where you order a glass and they leave the bottle for you to pour yourself. At the end, they somewhat use the trust system and somewhat try work it out from how empty the bottle is to see how many glasses you’ve had. Safe to say… we took advantage of the free pouring.  
Our drive then took us to another German town called Fussen, where we spent the night on a beautiful lake at the bottom of the Austrian alps. Had an arvo swim, got take away pizza and watched the somewhat disappointing sunset while we drank wine out of plastic cups. We so classy.  
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^ an attempt at being creative... unfortunately the glass tipped over before I got a sip..
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Next stop was to the Neuschwanstein castle which was the inspiration for the Disney logo. Luckily, we got in early because the hordes of tourists just kept on coming. 
Into Salzburg (Austria) we went where the weather dropped by 15 degrees and the rain began. Hopefully this isn’t the start of things to come…
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On route to Prague where we will spend 4 or 5 nights. Loving the breweries and cheap beers everywhere.
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Scariest moment so far: getting up to 182km/hr on the Autobahn. Thank gosh the campervan won’t go that fast!  
It’s amazing to think that we are only one week into a 26+ week adventure. Definitely has not yet hit us that we:
a)      will be away for so long
b)      won’t see the dogs!! :(  
b)      don’t have to work for six months and;
c)      we are not returning to our last jobs!
Kilometers traveled so far: 940
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads back in Australia!!! 
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missnevainc · 5 years ago
#goodmorningamerica #newdaynewadventure today what a beautiful bright 🌞 day it will be in @phxskyharbor right now take on every journey!! Also checkout #newepisode https://anchor.fm/JustGevaNeva/episodes/Future--Impeachment--2020--America-e9jopi/2020-One-Nation-Under-GOD-a193hn3 right now in #2020 this upcoming #2020election🇺🇸 you have to #vote2020 #femininerights #womensrightsarehumanrights #prisonreform #blackexcellence✊🏾👏🏾 #brownonbrownlove #equalitymatters #dacadreamers #civilliberties #getintune from @spotify @applepodcasts @anchorfmpodcast @castbox_fm many more .... 📻🔊 #clickmylink > https://anchor.fm/JustGevaNeva/episodes/Future--Impeachment--2020--America-e9jopi/2020-One-Nation-Under-GOD-a193hn3 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6-pTXUHu1M/?igshid=q5k7k90llbsw
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jaylifeshop · 4 years ago
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#girlpowerforlife #powerwoman #girlpower #girlpoweryouareenough #newdaynewadventure #mylifemyway #beyoubehappy #womenempowering #girlboss #powerfulwomen #ladyengineers #ladyengineersrock #ladyatwork #feminismo #bossbabe #businessbabe #girlsnight #girlswholift #girlswhohike #energy #girlmagic #girlsrock #girlswin #empower #margaretthatcher https://www.instagram.com/p/CPBQC_KjWQ4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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d2thac · 6 years ago
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Credit to @tarrant_twin : Be crazy enough to know you can do ANYTHING you want in life! 💫 #dobetterbebetter #motivatedmindset #nevergiveup #strivetobebetter #newdaynewadventure #samesamebutdifferent #believeinyourdreams #blackfriday (at St. Louis Lambert International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq_prdbBPJ1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9futxp3v7ok
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sabinemondestin · 7 years ago
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Today is a new day 😁🙌💕 #newday #morning #freedom #newdaynewstart #newdaynewway #newdays #newdaynewme #newdaynewyou #newdaynewgoals #newdaynewcity #newdaynewbeginning #newdaynewweek #newdayrocks #newdaynewchance #newdaynewhope #newdaynewadventure #newdaynewgame #goodmorning #motivation
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